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Skilled migrants are an essential source of accounting and finance leaders and professionals for Australia. They
are necessary to address current pockets of undersupply and, importantly, more widespread labour shortages
anticipated over the medium to longer term.
The origins of migrant accountants are aligned to projected sources of global economic growth, enriching the
cultural and linguistic diversity of our labour force and providing the knowledge and networks essential for
Australias competitiveness and success in the future world.
The prospect of migrating permanently to Australia is an important motivator for overseas persons to pursue further
studies here, supporting Australias international education sector, a leading export sector for the country.
CPA Australias submission calls for the retention of the accounting and finance occupational codes on the Skilled
Occupation List (SOL) in 2016-17 and beyond. Further we urge that a more predictable approach to independent
skilled migration be adopted.
CPA Australia represents its membership of over 155,000 professional accountants. Our members are
distinguished by their degree qualifications and additional education they undertake post-graduation. They work in
diverse roles across public practice, commerce, industry, government and academia, throughout Australia and
To inform our position, CPA Australia commissioned the highly regarded research firm Applied Economics to
update two pieces of advice previously provided, respectively on the labour market for accountants and skilled
migration policy. In addition, this year we have sought Applied Economics advice on the international education
skilled migration nexus. This updated and new advice has been integrated into a single report, which is
recommended as a key input into the review, and is shared at Attachment B.
The report confirms Applied Economics previous estimate that over the medium term openings for accounting jobs
will number around 11,000 per annum. This is in addition to unquantified demand for accountants working in
management or related financial and other services. In the context of declining numbers of domestic graduates of
accounting, migration will necessarily continue to play an important role in addressing the significant shortfalls

It is, therefore, of no small concern that Australias ability to attract the best and the brightest to our shores is
undermined by an approach to skilled migration that is blunt an occupation is either on or off a List and
where the outcome of its annual review is too often communicated late. This creates uncertainties for all and
contributes to avoidable red tape. The Applied Economics report supports an alternative approach where the flow
of migrants for each occupation is governed by adjusting a points threshold up or down based on labour market
and other relevant considerations. It encourages human capital considerations to feature more prominently in any
future approach to skilled migration policy.
Attachment A to this submission provides responses to the questions posed in the context of the SOL 2016-17
review. Where appropriate we have taken the approach of directing you to the relevant analysis and commentary
in the Applied Economics report.

CPA Australia recommends that:
1. The following accounting codes are retained on the SOL:
221111 Accountant (General)
221112 Management Accountant
221113 Taxation Accountant
221212 Corporate Treasurer
221213 External Auditor
132211 Finance Manager
2. In the immediate term, while the review of skilled and temporary migration progresses, the occupational ceiling
for Accountants is increased, the flag removed, and this outcome is shared early.
3. Within 2016-17, a new approach to independent skilled migration is ushered in whereby the flow of migrants for
each occupation is governed by adjusting a points threshold up or down based on labour market and other
relevant considerations.

Attachments: A Responses to Questions.

B Applied Economics (2015) The Labour Market for Accountants and the Skilled Occupation List,
prepared for CPA Australia, October.

This Attachment provides responses to the questions posed in the context of the SOL 2016-17 review. Where
appropriate we have taken the approach of directing you to the relevant analysis and commentary in the Applied
Economics report (at Attachment B).

Are there any occupations that you represent where there is evidence
of imbalances in the demand and supply of skills in the medium to long
The Applied Economics report analyses labour market conditions for accountants over the short, medium and long
term. It verifies previous advice that over the medium term new job openings each year will number around
11,000, and will result in significant shortages due to the lack of growth in domestic graduates of accounting. In
particular we refer you to:
Section 3 where the current trends in the demand and supply for accountants are described. There it is
observed that the downwards trajectory in domestic student completions in accounting, both at the Bachelors
and Masters levels, has continued. The discussion highlights that, contrary to popular myth, skilled migrant
accountants play an important role in addressing gaps in the market.
Section 4 where imbalances in the current accounting labour market are discussed, including the labour market
outcomes of new graduates. Too often, based on uninformed commentary regarding graduate outcomes, it is
concluded that this indicates that there is no shortage of accountants. A number of points are relevant.
Mentioned here are just two. The additional information section contains an expanded discussion on further
reasons and suggests the most appropriate policy responses, which is not removing accountants from the
The first point to make here that the current gaps in the labour market for accountants are not for graduates,
rather for mid to senior positions and specialist expertise. Applied Economics advises that new graduates are
a poor indicator of tightness. It references the Department of Employments surveys that identify insufficient
experience or lack of specific experience as key reasons for applicant unsuitability. Strong demand for
experienced and specialist accountants is further evidenced by the observations of recruiters. Hays observes
that Across Australia the shortage of highly skilled Accountants remains an issue for employers employers
in contrast want candidates with solid experience. Robert Walters predicted an increase in the demand for
accountants over the current year and salary increases for second movers, senior analysis and candidates with
specialist expertise. Robert Halfs employer survey results indicate the challenge of CFOs to source
appropriate talent highly talented individuals with niche expertise. The good news is that CPA Australias
migration assessment data suggests that three quarters of persons applying to migrate as accountants are 25
years or older. Applied Economics suggest that migrants are most likely to possess the skills and experience
sought in roles for which new graduates are not a good match. They do not take jobs which would otherwise
go to new graduates. Rather they allow firms to reach their full potential and thus create jobs.
The second point is that, in the context of SOL policy settings, the current labour market situation is relevant
only to the extent that it is a reliable indicator of the situation expected to emerge over the medium to longer
term and, if it is not, whether it creates a tension regarding the appropriateness of response.
Section 5 where the focus is on issues over the medium to long term. This section points to various forecasts
and scenarios of growth in labour demand based on the economys requirements for accountants. The
discussion here informs a finding that over the medium term openings for accounting jobs will number around
11,000 per annum, in addition to an unquantified demand for accountants working in management or related
financial and other services. Job openings equate to replacement demand: jobs made available through
growth in demand and from workers leaving accounting after providing for those re-entering accounting. Given

Hays (2014) media release, 11 November.
Robert Walters (2015) media release, 29 January.
Robert Half (2015) media release, 22 April.

the lack in growth of new domestic accounting graduates, the medium term outlook for the accounting labour
market is for significant shortages. Migration will continue to be vitally important in meeting demand in the
labour market for accountants.

Is there evidence of imbalances in the demand for and supply of skills in

the medium to long term in non-metropolitan areas?
The imbalance indicated above will be felt Australia-wide. However, as the current situation indicates, imbalances
are likely to be felt more acutely in regional Australia.
Drawing on 2011 Census data, the Applied Economics report evidences that over 80 per cent of employed
accountants live in the eight capital cities. The rest are divided equally between other metropolitan centres with
populations over 100,000, coastal towns and inland areas. Accountants servicing rural and remote areas typically
live in metropolitan areas, rather than in the communities they serve. Nevertheless, accountants provide valuable
services to rural and remote communities and the provision of these services is important for the survival of rural
and other businesses and families.
It is, therefore, unsurprising that analyses of the current labour market situation for accountants find conditions
more difficult in regional Australia. The Department of Employments labour market research for Australia and its
states and territories consistently finds a marked variation in the size of the candidate field for metropolitan and
regional vacancies, and a significantly lower proportion of roles being filled in the regions. The Departments
assessment of the situation for New South Wales is that regional employers are experiencing recruitment
difficulties, compared to Sydney-based counterparts. On average only 57 per cent of roles in the regions are
filled. The situation is most marked in smaller regional towns, particularly in western New South Wales.
Over the medium term the Applied Economics report concludes the shortages will be particularly acute in, but not
limited to, regional areas.
Differences in labour market conditions are not only evident between metropolitan, regional and remote areas
within the same state or territory, but between states and territories. The Applied Economics report identifies that
most accountants work on the eastern seaboard with 80 per cent located in New South Wales, Victoria and
Queensland. This is to be expected given the concentration of service sector activities in these states and their
capital cities. But it does create difficulties elsewhere. Hays report for the quarter to December 2015 comments on
the unique set of challenges Tasmania faces. Two reasons are posited for the current shortage of management
and financial accountants in the Apple Isle: the pay gap between industry and practice; and the lure of higher
paying roles in the mainland, notably Sydney, Melbourne or overseas. Darwin too is identified as facing a major
skills shortage in selective areas of accounting.

Are there any occupations which require formal licensing or registration

arrangements in order to practice/perform?
Initiatives are in place to assure the quality of migrant Accountants. Two are mentioned in turn below. In addition,
the Skilled Migration Internship Program: Accountants (SMIPA) is a professional year program available to
international graduates of accounting that is designed to develop their work readiness. This program and its
successes are highlighted in Box 1 the additional information section.

Migration assessment requirements

The professional accounting bodies conduct migration assessments on behalf of the Department of Immigration
and Border Protection (DIBP) for overseas persons interested in making an expression of interest to migrate as
Accountants. There are a number of eligibility requirements that must be met in order to receive a positive
assessment, namely that:

See, for example, Department of Employment (2015) Labour Market Research Accountants. Australia, May.
Department of Employment (2015) Labour Market Research Accountants. New South Wales, March.
Hays (2015) Accountancy and Finance Commerce & Industry, October December 2015.

English language proficiency be evidenced;

formal qualifications are held that are comparable to at least an Australian Bachelor degree; and
formal qualifications must cover at least seven out of a possible nine core competencies, including four
mandatory knowledge areas specific to the accounting-related occupation chosen.
Of note with regards to English language proficiency, the professional accounting bodies have retained the high
hurdle of an IELTS or equivalent score of at least seven on each of the components tested (speaking, reading,
listening and writing) when other occupations have capitalised on opportunities to lower the bar. While SMIPA
transcripts are an alternative means of evidencing proficiency, a threshold IELTS or equivalent score of six across
all four components has been retained as a requirement for entry to SMIPA.

The regulatory environment of the accounting profession

Migrant accountants who become members of CPA Australia are subject to the regulatory environment of the
profession. The accounting profession self-regulates and is co-regulated by government, depending on the service
provided and if the service is offered to the public.
CPA Australia imposes education and experience requirements on applicants and members. Conditions for
maintaining membership include abiding by professional and ethical requirements. These include minimum
professional development requirements and acquiring and maintaining the required competence for specific
engagements. Ethical requirements are set by an independent body, the Accounting Professional and Ethical
Standards Board. CPA Australia's Quality Assurance program provides for a continuous monitoring of public
practitioners to ensure they continue to provide professional services whilst complying with their professional,
ethical and regulatory obligations. Breaches of professional and ethical conditions can be subject to an
investigation and possible disciplinary action, often resulting in the forfeiture of membership.
In relation to the accounting services restricted by government regulation, for an accountant to offer such services,
they must meet education, experience and competence requirements that reflect the services provided. These
requirements are set out in legislation or by the regulator. More details can be found at

Is it expected that your employment sector will be impacted by any

medium to long-term trends which will impact upon demand and/or
Taxation, superannuation, financial planning, accounting standards and other regulatory changes are impacting the
demand for accountants by individuals and businesses.

Taxation and superannuation

The Government is about to embark on an ambitious tax reform process. Reforms to tax and superannuation
are expected to add to the demand for tax, financial planning and superannuation specialists by businesses of
all sizes and individuals. At this stage, the exact nature of the reforms has not been revealed. However, even
if the reforms seek to simplify current tax law, the transitional adjustments necessary as the business
community adapts to the new rules are expected to create a demand for tax specialists in the short to medium
term. For example, if there are significant reforms to, say, the taxation of trusts, capital gains tax, negative
gearing and/ or the goods and services tax, all businesses will be impacted and will need accounting advice.
At the larger, more complex end of the business spectrum, we are witnessing an increase in compliance
activity by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO), the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC),
the Australian Prudential Regulatory Authority (APRA) and other regulators, which is also adding to business
demand for such specialists as well as those specialising in superannuation.
Base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) is a concern to governments around the world. Irrespective of whether
BEPS action plan developed by the OECD is embraced by the government, transfer pricing and profit shifting
are increasing areas of compliance activity for the ATO, not just for large corporates but also for small and

medium-sized enterprises. These issues are complex. We are seeing a growing demand for professional
accountants with specialist transfer pricing experience.
The Stronger Super reforms have increased the duties and more specialist knowledge requirements for
accountants in both the prudential APRA regulated fund and the self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF)
sector. This is particularly relevant to auditors as SMSF auditor registration with ASIC means these
practitioners must have certain skills and experience to be registered.

Financial advice
The Future of Financial Advice reforms have added significant compliance changes to Australian Financial
Services Licence (AFSL) holders and their authorised representatives, many of whom are accountants. In
addition, from 2013 self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF) auditors have been subject to ASIC
registration requirements which impose much more stringent educational and competency requirements on
SMSF auditors. Accountants are also in the midst of implementing reforms around the provision of advice on
SMSF. As a result of both of these changes many accountants are undertaking further study. We are likely to
see the financial services industry increase their demand for accountants in order to meet the additional
compliance requirements and to serve the increasing demand for financial planning advice from an ageing

Other regulatory reform

The Corporations Legislation Amendment (Audit Enhancement) Act 2012 provides for mandatory audit partner
rotation every five years, followed by a minimum two year cooling off period (subject to certain conditions). In
addition, internationally the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (IESBA) propose to increase
the cooling off period from 2 to 5 years for auditors of Public Interest Entities. This will have a cyclical impact in
an area which is currently experiencing acute shortages.
Establishment of a new Commonwealth regulator for charities in 2013, the Australian Charities and Not-for-
profits Commission (ACNC) has resulted in a new regulatory regime for charities, including reporting and
governance obligations. Charities continue to seek accountants and auditors with suitable skills to assist them
with their obligations to the ACNC. The wider not-for-profit (NFP) sector in Australia continues to be regulated
by a diverse range of laws and regulations imposed at both Commonwealth and State/Territory levels. While
work is afoot to streamline NFP statutory obligations across the country, the demand for accountants with the
relevant skills remains high.
Improvements to corporate disclosures, including integrated reporting, are expanding the skill sets sought from
Recent major financial reporting changes issued by the Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB) include
new accounting requirements for financial instruments and consolidation. The AASB has also issued a major
new accounting standard on Revenue Recognition that is likely to affect financial report preparers and auditors
in a significant way. Further, a proposed new accounting standard on lease accounting is expected to also
have a significant impact on financial reporting. These new requirements have and will continue to propagate
the demand for accountants with the relevant skills.
Changes to auditor reporting will be introduced from 2016 which will create additional work in the conduct of
communications with clients particularly with listed companies. The demand for audit and assurance services
is increasing in non-traditional areas including sustainability and integrated reporting, which some companies
are taking up on a voluntary basis. These relatively new areas of assurance still draw on accountants as the
core service providers, but in addition those accountants require a broad range of skills beyond traditional
financial report audit. The National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Scheme, introduced in Australia in 2007
with the first audits of reports under the scheme commencing in 2009 and the Emission Reduction Scheme,
which commenced in 2015, replacing the Carbon Pricing Mechanism for which audits were first conducted in
2014, have created a demand for Greenhouse and Energy Auditors, who are drawn heavily from the
accounting firms.

There is an increasing demand by business for accountants with proficiency in specific software packages or
accounting systems. This trend is being supported by the roll-out standard business reporting by the ATO as

part of its online strategy to improve services provided to taxpayers and their intermediaries. Real time
accounting services, data analytics and cloud-based services are expected to be key areas of growth as will
the consequential demand for more accountants with these skill sets.

Please provide any additional information you consider relevant

evidence to support your submission
International graduate employability
As commented in the context of the first question, too often uninformed commentary regarding the labour market
outcomes for accounting graduates is used as the basis for concluding that there is no shortage. The key
messages covered in our answers are that graduate outcomes are a poor indicator of tightness; the current
demand is for experienced accountants able to fill mid to senior tier and specialist roles; and that it is the future not
current labour market situation that is relevant. Here we expand on further reasons why an apparent paradox
exists between reportedly poor international graduate outcomes and claimed shortages.

Graduate outcomes data

The first points to make are with regards to the graduate outcome data. Where international graduates of
Australian accounting programs are concerned, graduate outcome survey data is an unreliable indicator. The
number of international students captured in this survey is small. Further, given that the survey asks for
employment outcomes to be indicated within only four months of completing the requirements for their qualification,
this means that the outcomes for international students who do return home for a period may be misleadingly low.
When three quarters of accounting graduates are international graduates, these are significant shortcomings.
That said, even if reservations about the data are placed to one side, as is evident in Figure 1 the outcomes for
accounting graduates are consistently better than those for all graduates and remain high.
Further, if account is taken of all roles secured by graduates, as is done in Figure 2, then the decline in full time
roles witnessed since 2008 is in large part offset by growth in part time work. During the GFC this may well have
been a consequence of the cautionary behaviours of employers. In the current environment it is more likely to
reflect the increasing demands of employers for project specific engagement.

Figure 1 Bachelor degree graduates working full time Figure 2 Employment outcomes of graduates seeking full
As a proportion of graduates seeking employment time employment
As a proportion of all graduates seeking full time employment

Source: Graduate Careers Australia, 2015

Employability skills
Where there are instances of international graduates of accounting struggling to secure roles this may be explained
by either a misalignment between their competencies and the demands of employers, and/or the attitudes of
Australian employers. Recent research provides grounds for concluding that both forces are at play. Here the
former is discussed. Below considers the evidence on employer attitudes.

Recent survey-based research points to poor communication skills and inadequate work experience as the top
ranking reasons why employers of accountants may reject graduates. It further unbundles the communication
skills sought and identifies building and maintaining client relationships and report writing as priorities.
Two transformative trends in the field of accounting (and elsewhere) are increasing employer demands for skills
that include and go beyond knowledge and technical competency. The first is offshoring, where basic functions are
either being centralised in the offshore service centres of large multinationals, or outsourced to third parties.
Popular destinations are China, the Philippines and Malaysia. The second is automation, where highly repetitive
and routine accounting tasks, such as bookkeeping, are now performed by computers. Neither spell the demise of
employer demands for qualified accountants. To the contrary, as basic functions are being offshored, business
advisory roles are ramping up, requiring interpersonal and analytical skills. And while computers can perform
complex calculations with ease, they cannot handle abstract thinking, are unable to rely on intuition, do not
improvise spontaneously or act creatively, and rely on human interaction to facilitate personal connections. These
are the comparative advantages of being human. Indeed Hays recently predicted that accountancy will outlast
many professions doomed to disappear in the digital revolution, as long as accountants maintained their skills and
relevancy to changing demands.
While these provisos are important for all in the profession, it is international students and graduates of accounting
who are entering the profession where the adjustments required may be greatest. A recent study of Australian
international graduates and their transition to employment finds that many international graduates are poorly
prepared for the labour market and more is needed to enhance their employability.
The wrong policy response is to remove Accountants from the SOL. The right responses are designed to enhance
international graduate work readiness, particularly given projected shortages. Box 1 (over) outlines, the
professional year program available to international graduates of Australian accounting programs, SMIPA, and
evidences its successes in improving the employability and labour market outcomes of international graduates.
Universities are playing a role variously through course content and assessments that integrate employability skills,
their capstone courses, work integrated learning opportunities, and supplementary courses. CPA Australias
professional level studies and practical experience requirements necessary to earn a CPA designation are likewise
designed to enhance and employability of candidates.

Box 1 Research into the labour market outcomes of SMIPA

SMIPA is a professional year program available to international graduates who have obtained an Australian accounting
qualification (either a Bachelor or Master degree) as a result of study in Australia.
SMIPA is run over a minimum of 44 weeks and includes a 12-week internship placement with a relevant host company. Its
purpose is to familiarise participants with the norms and values in the Australian workplace as well as the Australian
employment market and workplace culture. A key focus is teaching participants how to communicate effectively and
professionally with colleagues, managers and clients.
SMIPA facilitates both positive labour market outcomes and human capital development.
Recent research by Victoria University evidences the positive employment outcomes of those who have completed SMIPA.
Based on survey responses of 340 SMIPA graduates from across Australia the research found that almost three quarters
(74%) of respondents are employed, with more than half (54%) in accounting roles. The fact that others found roles
elsewhere is not unexpected, as a foundation in accounting lends itself to a diversity of roles. Most roles were found within six
months of graduation from SMIPA, while many others were found prior to that.
A key objective of SMIPA is to develop the generic skills of its students, as a complement to the technical skills they learnt
while studying towards their Bachelor or Master degree in accounting. The curriculum provides broad-based professional
development with topics ranging from Australian workplace legislation through to interpersonal conflict management.
Although SMIPA participants are recent undergraduates or postgraduates, they often find it difficult to transfer their tertiary
knowledge into the practical skills required for the Australian workforce.
Of the 99 internship providers surveyed as part of the Victoria Universitys research, the majority (77%) were satisfied that
SMIPA graduates demonstrated the necessary generic skills required for employment in the accounting profession.

De Lange, P. and Wines, G. (2015) Employability of Graduate Accountants: What Skills Shortage and What Really Matters?,
Paper presented at Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand (AFAANZ) Annual Conference, 6 July,
Towers, K. (2015) Accountancy future-proofed against digital disruption, says Hays, The Australian, 12 October.
Balckmore, J., Gribble, C., Farrell, L., Rahimi, M., Arber, R. and Devlin, M. (2014) Australian International Graduates and the
Transition to Employment.
Jackling, B., Natoli, R. and Jones, A. (2014) Transition to Graduate Employment for International Accounting Graduates:
Assessing the Effectiveness of the Skilled Migration Internship Program in Accounting (SMIPA), Final Report.

Employer attitudes and behaviours

International graduate employability skills explain some but not all of the for the prima facie paradoxical situation
where skills shortages may coexist with labour market difficulties. There are grounds for pointing to employer
attitudes as a contributory factor. Weller et al evidence that complex process of cultural and social exclusion and
inclusion are at play.
Once again, the wrong policy response would be to remove Accountants from the SOL, particularly as this risks
reinforcing these behaviours. The key message in the discussion that follows is that employers would be wise to
value the unique cultural and linguistically diverse skills and networks of international graduates if they wish to be
competitive and successful in the global market.

Skills for success in the global market

The centre of economic gravity is shifting. As Figure 3 illustrates, economic growth in China and South Asian
countries has been and is projected to continue to outpace the world. China is the worlds fastest growing
economy. Projections are that by 2020 (in just 5 years time) China will have knocked the United States from its top
spot as the worlds economic powerhouse. PricewaterhouseCoopers has estimated that by 2030 Chinas economy
as measured by GDP will be half the size again of the United States. India is currently the second fastest
growing economy and in future years is projected to outpace growth in China. Growth in other South Asian
countries is also strong around twice that of the world average.
This shift in economic gravity creates huge opportunities given Australias geographic proximity to where this
growth is occurring. However, as the centre of economic gravity shifts, Australias success will be based on choice,
not chance.
Compare the source countries of future growth against the profile of international students commencing programs
of accounting, as is done in Figure 4: 80 per cent of new commencements are from China and South Asia.
If and when Australian employers cotton on that cultural and linguistic diversity in their workplaces, and networks
that reach into growth countries, are competitive advantages in this future world they should be tripping over each
other to engage international graduates of accounting.

Figure 3 GPD growth Figure 4 International accounting student

Percentage changed based on constant 2010 USD commencements
By country of origin, year to December 2014

Source: World Bank, Global Economic Prospects, Dec 2014. Source: AEI, 2015.
Note: In both Figures Other South Asia countries are defined as Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan
and Sri Lanka.

Weller, S., Van Hulten, A., Jackling, B., De Lange, P. and Wines, G. (2014) The Employment of Domestic and Migrant
Graduate Accountants in Australia: A Segmented Labour Market Analysis, unpublished paper, Melbourne.
PriceWaterhousCoopers (2015) The world in 2050. Will the shift in global economic power continue?

International education skilled migration nexus

Section 6 of the Applied Economics report provides commentary on the international education skilled migration
nexus. It evidences how in recent years there has been a strong relationship between skilled migration policies
and their settings and the choices made by a significant number of international students. The relationship is
starkly illustrated by the downturn in international students commencing programs of accounting post 2009 and the
subsequent upturn in more recent years as policy setting have respectively tightened and then loosened.
The annual threat that Accountants may be removed from the SOL creates uncertainties and has the potential to
undermine future growth in the international education sector. Given that accounting programs attract around a
quarter of international students enrolled with Australias higher education institutions this should be of significant
concern. Particularly given aspirations communicated in the Governments draft strategy for international
education to double the number of international students, and a vision that Australian international education is a
core element of Australias economic prosperity, social advancement and international standing.
CPA Australia does not agree with the sentiments of some that skilled migration decisions should be made
independent of international education considerations when the reality is that the two are closely linked. When
accounting students contribute over $1.7 billion to the Australian economy, as estimated in the Applied Economics
report, this is a link that would be wrong to ignore.
It would also be contrary to the intent of recently signed free trade agreements, notably the China Australia Free
Trade Agreement, where one of its intents is to strengthen and not diminish education ties.
A more granulated approach to independent skilled migration (discussed next) than the current black and white
approach facilitates greater certainty for all and responsiveness to labour market conditions.

An alternative approach
The annual risk that Accountants may be removed from the SOL creates uncertainties for students, education
institutions and employers alike. As Table 1 illustrates, changes in SOL settings for Accountants, machinery of
government changes and the increasingly late communication of outcomes, has exacerbated uncertain conditions.
At a minimum this frustrates planning. At worse it may incentivise some of the best and brightest students and
migrants to pursue opportunities in competitor markets, thereby undermining Australias human capital
development and future growth potential.

Table 1 SOL outcomes and experience for Accountants

2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17

Occupational ceiling 6% 3% 2.5% ?

Flag Flagged Flag Removed Flagged ?
Government agency AWPA DOI
responsibility DOI DET
Timing of announcement early June mid June end June ?

CPA Australia has provided submissions to the first two phases of the review of skilled and temporary migration,
and look forward to further engaging as this review enters its third phase.
In both submissions we have encouraged the movement away from the on versus off a List approach, towards a
reformed approach where the flow of skilled independent migrants for each occupation is governed by adjusting a
points threshold up or down based on labour market conditions and other relevant considerations. Our contention
was, and continues to be, that this alternative is simple, flexible, broad in its perspective, facilitates independence,
provides more certainty for all, and lessens the regulatory burden.
Section 7 of the Applied Economics report provides commentary on the policy implications of SOL determination. It
recommends the professional accounting bodies contributions to the current review as useful guides. The
Executive Summary stresses the importance of a smooth transition to a sliding points scale. Concluding Section 8
encourages migration settings that emphasise high value add skills, and accounting as a core contributor to
meeting this requirement.

Australian Government (2015) Draft National Strategy for International Education (for consultation), April.
Refer SOL 2015-16 submission from the Department of Employment.

The Labour Market for Accountants and the

Skilled Occupations List

Prepared for
CPA Australia

October 2015
Executive Summary 3

Part I. Labour Market Issues for Accounting

1 The Australian Labour Market 5
2 The Accounting Profession 7
3 Trends in Demand and Supply 13
4 Imbalances in the Accounting Labour Market 20
5 Medium to Long Term Issues 24

Part II. International and Policy Context

6. The Migration/Education Link 27
7. Policy Implications of SOL Determination 32

Part III
8. Conclusions 37

References 38

Report Authors

The principal author of this report is Professor Phil Lewis, Director of the Centre for Labour
Market Research, University of Canberra. Professors Glenn Withers (AO) and Peter Abelson
were contributory authors and editors. Professor Withers, Professor of Economics at the
Australian National University, was awarded the AO for the development of the Australian
immigration points system. Professor Abelson held a Chair in Economics at Macquarie
University and is Managing Director of Applied Economics.

Executive Summary

This report provides an independent analysis of labour market conditions for accountants and
the role played by skilled migrants in addressing current and emerging shortages and gaps and
also the medium to long term role of such migrants. It also provides an analysis of immigration
policy settings.

The report was commissioned by the CPA Australia for the purpose of providing guidance to
the current round of consultations on Skilled Occupations List being led by the Department of

The report updates and integrates separate but related pieces of advice provided last year on the
labour market for accountants and the review of skilled and temporary migration and
incorporates new material on the skilled migration education nexus.

The report is in two main parts: labour market issues for accounting and of accountants and the
international and policy context.

The main conclusions are as follows.

The labour market for accountants

In the short run there appear to be shortages of accountants in specific cases and for specific
skills especially for accountants with more experience. These shortages can be dealt with
through employer nominated temporary entry 457 visas.

In the medium term of 10 or so years, total openings for accountants in accountant jobs of
around 11,000 per annum appear likely.

In addition there is significant but unquantified demand for persons with accounting
qualifications and skills working in management or related financial and other services.

Turning to domestic supply, domestic completions of accounting Bachelor degrees are about
2,500 per annum and not increasing.

Domestic completions of accounting majors in all degrees are averaging about 4,700 per annum.
But many of these graduates choose careers other than accounting.

Traditionally immigrants with accounting skills have been running at about 8,000 per annum,
including some who do not seek work formally as accountants.

The large gap between the forecast openings for accountants as accountants and other demands
for accountants and domestic supply has to be filled by international students staying in
Australia and/or by new migrants. The issues are particularly acute in, though not at all limited
to, regional areas. Most of those with accounting qualifications find employment relatively
quickly in jobs commensurate with their skills.

Policy settings

This report also emphasises that economic growth and employment in Australia is itself a
function of the growth in human capital. Accountants are vital to the working of a modern and
fast changing service-based economy such as Australia. The skills possessed by accounting
graduates are not just valuable in accounting jobs but can be applied to a variety of occupations.
People with accounting skills create economic growth through use of these skills.

Migration increases demand for jobs as well as supply and it is crucial to consider the role of
skilled migrants in growing the macro economy (as shown in the report by Independent

Currently there are an estimated 39,200 international students enrolled in degrees with
accounting majors (Bachelor and Masters). They contribute over $1.7 billion to the Australian
economy of which over $967 million is Australian universities fee income. Additional benefits
include the positive contribution made directly to the economy by overseas-born but Australian-
trained accountants who choose to migrate to Australia. Global integration with source
countries of the skilled migrants can also be enhanced for Australia, a further important
consideration as the mining investment boom levels off for this country. If significant changes
were to be made to eligibility of foreign accountants for migration to Australia this would have
undesirable impacts on universities and the economy.

Currently, immigration policy is in a holding position. Accordingly, the present SOL is still a
key factor in influencing the nature of arrivals.

Detailed studies of future occupational requirements put professionals including accountants

well at the top of the list for national development benefit.

However, migration policy should aim to encourage skilled migration generally including
accountants. This enhances the participation and productivity needed for a stronger economic
future. To this end migration policy would focus on a skilled migration policy rather than on
trying to estimate the precise numbers of accountants or other specific occupations required at
any point in time.

It is important therefore to have a smooth transition to a sliding points scale approach so as to

move beyond the present "on-off", short-term SOL approach.


1. The Australian Labour Market

The structure and dynamics of the labour market for accountants can be understood only in the
context of changes that are occurring in the Australian labour market. In a modern economy like
Australia, technological change and globalisation lead to ongoing dynamic structural change in
which both formal accountant skills and flexible business skills are key requirements. Industries
have also embraced new technologies and have become increasingly involved in the global

Much of the changing composition of employment can be attributed to changing industry mix.
In 1975 the soft services (such as health, finance, retail, education, restaurants etc.) accounted
for just over 50 percent of all jobs. By 2015, the sector accounted for over 70 percent of all jobs
(ABS 2015). By contrast, the share of manufacturing in total employment almost halved over
the same period to less than 10 percent. There were similar reductions in the relative shares of
jobs in the industrial services (such as construction, communications, electricity, gas and
water). The change in distribution of jobs by occupation has also been remarkable. There has
been a relative decline in employment of those with manual skills, such as tradespersons and
labourers and considerable growth of occupations requiring high levels of education and
interactive skills such as professionals and associate professionals and community and
personal service workers including accountants (Lewis, 2015).

While part of this changing distribution of jobs is no doubt due to the industry changes noted
above, particularly the growth in demand for services, part of this is also due to technological
change (Kelly and Lewis, 2010). Changes in industry composition have combined with
technological change to systematically change the demand for skills and technological change
has been the dominant influence (Kelly and Lewis, 2010). It has allowed for, or even driven, a
restructuring of occupations within industries. A combination of structural and technological
change has significantly changed the demand for labour with respect to part-time employment,
gender and skills. Less skilled workers are more vulnerable, as are younger and older workers.
More generic and general skills rather than firm-specific skills are required. The overall
outcome is a more highly skilled workforce and a more efficient economy.

For most Australians the labour market along with the education and training system has
facilitated the adjustment of labour supply to meet those changes in demand. The increased
participation of women and students in the workforce has responded to the increased demand
for part-time workers and those with interactive skills (Lewis, 2006). In addition the education
system has significantly increased the average cognitive and education levels (Kelly and Lewis,
2010). Labour supply has, generally, adjusted well to labour demand due to structural and
technological change.

The New Economy demands different skill sets. Structural change and technological change
has reduced the demand for routine manual and clerical skills and increased demand for others,
most notably cognitive and interactive skills. An accounting degree is ideally suited to providing
graduates with the skills in demand in the New Economy. Accounting degrees, as well as
providing the requisite occupational training, generally include education in economics,

statistics, information technology and a range of other skills such as written and oral
communication skills required by business and government.

In the decade leading up to the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) in 2008, labour shortages were a
significant problem for the Australian economy. This was reflected in the lowest unemployment
rate in three decades and record net migration. Shortages were reported in both the private and
public sectors, including for skilled and unskilled labour. Occupations affected included
accountants, medical practitioners, nurses, schoolteachers, pilots, economists, tradespersons and
engineers through to agricultural workers and shop assistants (Lewis, 2008).

A major response used to alleviate skill shortage is to increase the intake of migrants and
temporary residents. In 2006 the net inflow of new migrants was 186,118, up 32 per cent from
2003. This rose further to reach a peak in 2008 to a net inflow of 298,648 (see Figure 1)
making up over 50 per cent of Australian population growth. After two years of decline, in 2011
net migration began to rise again. The Department of Immigration and Border Protection
(DIBP, 2015) estimates net migration of 193,100 for the year ending September 2015 and
forecasts this to increase to 246,500 for 2019.

Figure 1: Actual and Forecast Net Overseas Migration (000)




























Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Migration, Australia 2011-12 and 2012-13, Cat No
3412.0 and DIBP (2015).

In recent years, post-GFC, there has been more concern about unemployment as the national
rate of unemployment rose slightly compared to the boom years. However, unemployment has
not affected all industries and occupations equally. Most vulnerable are those with low levels of
education or who possess specific skills whose demand is in decline. However shortages of
skilled labour in some areas still existed. Indeed, these shortages tended to hinder economic
growth and make it harder to create jobs for the unemployed. A well-functioning labour market
for skilled labour, including accountants is necessary for a prosperous low-unemployment

2. The Accounting Profession

The accounting profession includes two related but different groups of people. These are people
qualified and working as accountants and people with accounting qualifications (e.g. majors in
accounting in mixed degrees) using their skills other than as an accountant. This paper focuses
on the former group for whom there is most data. But we also recognise the important
contribution of the latter group to the economy.

Those working as accountants are defined as those working in occupations defined within the
Australia and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO, 2006) three digit
groups, namely:

2210 Accountants, Auditors and Company Secretaries nfd

2211 Accountants
2212 Auditors, Company Secretaries and Corporate Treasurers
2220 Financial Brokers and Dealers, and Investment Advisers nfd
2221 Financial Brokers
2222 Financial Dealers
2223 Financial Investment Advisers and Managers

Individuals qualified as accountants are defined as those with a level of skill commensurate with
an Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) Level 7 or higher qualification (AQF 2009)
who nominate their highest qualification as being in the field of accounting.

The most comprehensive source of data is the Censuses of Population and Housing (Census).
This provides the best data for profiling the profession, although it is of limited use for analysis
of trends since it relates to five year intervals, and the latest is for 2011. However changes in the
overall distribution of the accounting population since 2011 have most likely been quite small.

According to the 2011 Census, 196,567 people were employed as accountants while 164,613
held a bachelor degree in accounting. Of those employed as accountants almost half (49
percent) are female but women are marginally less represented (43 percent) in the more senior
occupations such as Auditors, Company Secretaries and Corporate Treasurers. Clearly the
accounting profession is an important source of professional jobs for women. Migration has
been a major feature of the accountants labour market with 42 percent of the accounting
profession overseas-born compared with 27 percent for the whole population of Australia.

As shown in Figure 2, most accountants work on the eastern seaboard with 80 per cent located
in New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland. New South Wales has the largest share of
accountants, with more than 38 per cent. This is to be expected given the concentration of
service sector activities in New South Wales, particularly Sydney. The ACT has the highest
ratio of accountants to the population of any state or territory.

Figure 3 shows the regional distribution of employed accountants. Over 80 percent work in the
eight capital cities. The rest are divided equally between other metropolitan centres with
populations over 100,000, coastal towns within 80km of the coastline and inland (non-remote)

Figure 2: Employed Accountants by State/Territory of Residence

Source: 2011 Census of Population and Housing, unpublished.

Figure 3: Employed Accountants by Region, percent

Major Cities Inner Regional Outer Regional Remote Very Remote

Accountants Popn Professional

Source: 2011 Census of Population and Housing, unpublished.

The concentration of services, particularly financial services, and the head offices of major
companies in the major cities, means that most accountants live in the major cities. A
significantly higher percentage of accountants live in major cities than does the population
generally and even somewhat greater percentage than for all professional employees. Even in
the industries where production is concentrated in rural and remote Australia, such as

agriculture and mining, the accounting activities associated with these industries are mainly
located in the cities. Nevertheless, accountants provide valuable services to rural communities
and the provision of these services is important for the survival of rural businesses and families.

For persons qualified as accountants, the median age is 37 years (see Figure 4). From the age
group 35-39 years and older we see a continuous decline of those age groups represented in the
accountants workforce. This suggests a major influx of accountants, through expansion of
student places and/or migration in the mid to late 1990s.

Figure 4: Persons Holding an Accounting Qualification by Age, percent

Source: 2011 Census of Population and Housing, unpublished.

As shown in Figure 5, the age distribution for qualified accountants employed in more senior
positions is quite different. While the percentage employed in accounting jobs decreases with
age employment, in occupations such as Auditors, Company Secretaries, Corporate Treasurers
and Finance Managers the percentage increases with age. This demonstrates the importance of
experience for many sub-categories of occupations employing accounting graduates. Demand
for qualified accountants is not uniform and for many jobs experience is very important.

Figure 6 shows qualifications. Persons employed as accountants are generally highly qualified.
This is particularly so for those in the more narrowly defined accounting jobs. In the more
senior sub-groups there is a greater percentage of less (formally) qualified persons suggesting
some more experienced, older accountants entered the profession when a university degree was
not required. Although not picked up in the data, many go on to pursue a professional
designation CPA or CA involving a Masters equivalent program of study and practical

Figure 5: Employed Persons by Age, percent

Source: 2011 Census of Population and Housing, unpublished.

Figure 6: Employed Accountants by Highest Level of Qualification

Source: 2011 Census of Population and Housing, unpublished.

The major industries of employment of qualified accountants are professional services and
financial and insurance services (see Figure 7). Clearly, accounting and finance businesses will
heavily affect the demand for accountants. These would have been expected to have been
particularly hit in the wake of the GFC. However, qualified accountants can be found in all

industries and their demand is determined by the general state of the Australian economy and
changes to employment mix due to structural and technological change.

Figure 7: Persons Holding an Accountancy Qualification by Industry, percent

Source: 2011 Census of Population and Housing, unpublished.

Another way of looking at employment of accountants is to examine their share of total

employment in each industry (see Figure 8). The data are illuminating. While Professional,
Scientific and Technical Services and Financial and Insurance Services are the biggest
employers of qualified accountants, accountants make up only 4.0 percent and 5.6 percent
respectively of total employment in those industries. Every industry employs qualified
accountants and they make up above average shares of total employment in industries as varied
as manufacturing and mining.

In addition, as noted at the outset, most people holding an accounting qualification are
employed in professional or managerial occupations (see Figure 9). Evidently accounting
qualifications generally lead to responsible and skilled jobs. Accountants have skill resilience.
Their skills are widely useful in roles such as managers and administrators, not just accounting.

Figure 8: Accountants as a Percentage of Industry Employment

Source: 2011 Census of Population and Housing, unpublished.

Figure 9: Occupation of Accounting Degree holders, percent


Machinery Operators and Drivers

Sales Workers

Clerical and Administrative Workers

Community and Personal Service

Technicians and Trades Workers



0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Source: 2011 Census of Population and Housing, unpublished.

3. Trends in Demand and Supply

We begin this section by providing estimates of the stock of accountants defined by occupation
of employment broadly defined and estimates of changes in the size of this stock over time. We
will then examine employment flows and their sources.


The most accurate measure of the stock of accountants is from the Census. Although limited to
every 5 years, it provides a benchmark for other measures. As noted, the Census indicates that
196,567 people were employed as accountants in 2011. Given a rise of 11 percent over the
period to 2015 (as indicated by the Labour Force Survey), this would put the current stock at
about 218 thousand.

The Department of Employment (DoE 2014a) and the Australian Workforce Productivity
Agency (AWPA 2014) draw on quarterly estimates from the Labour Force Survey to analyse
the demand and supply of accountants and any shortages of accountants. Estimates based on the
Labour Force Survey estimates are unlikely to be very accurate. This Survey is a sample of 0.33
percent of households and is suitable for estimating employment of broadly defined groups such
as total employment of professionals but not for more detailed occupations such as accountants.
This is evident in the volatility of many of the estimates measures derived from it, such as

Estimated historical data on employment from DoE (2014a) are shown in Figure 10. The
estimate for 2011 is about 30,000 persons less than the Census.

Figure 10: Employment of Accountants,000s










2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Source: ABS Labour Force, Department of Employment (2015).

At any point in time employment is driven by demand and supply. In the short run, employment
may fall below full potential demand due to shortages in supply. The Labour Force Survey data
suggests high growth in employment during the pre-GFC boom, further but slower growth post-
GFC, and the level of employment falling then levelling off after 2011. The growth in
employment actually occurred when the number of domestic students completing bachelor
degrees in accounting was falling and there was little change in completions of degrees
specialising in accounting. The DoE estimate for 2014 and 2015 suggests unprecedented growth
in employment. This may be due to some measurement error but it could also be a reflection of
a lagged post-GFC pickup in employment and expectations of improving conditions.

Demand for people to work as accountants will depend largely on the state of the economy,
generally, and on the economic health of those industries employing accountants. In addition,
the demand for those qualified in accounting will depend on the state of the economy,
particularly the service sector.

Given this largely market-driven demand for accountants, most concern regarding the
accountants labour market has been related to how the supply side of the market can be made
to match the demand.

New graduates

New university graduates are the main source of new entrants into accounting. However
identifying the numbers of new graduates is not simple. The most straightforward measure is
those with a bachelor degree in accounting.

However, many degree courses can be described as degrees specialising in accounting. These
include degrees such as Bachelor of Commerce with a major in accounting. Although graduates
with these degrees have accounting skills, they may not intend to pursue a career in accounting
but have chosen a degree offering a broader range of options. Many commerce students chose
two majors, one of which is accounting, and it is not clear which they consider to be primary
career-oriented focus. However, although these commerce students may not intend to become
accountants they may do so if the salaries and job openings in accounting increase significantly
relative to alternative occupations.

An undergraduate degree is not the only route into the profession. People with an undergraduate
qualification in another discipline can become a qualified accountant through a postgraduate
degree such as the Master of Professional Accounting or by sitting CPA Australias Foundation
Exams. This route is popular with overseas students, particularly given the immigration policy
favouring those with Australian qualifications and other measures that were introduced (Rafi
and Lewis,2013). While international students taking a masters route would appear to be
motivated by the intention of becoming a qualified accountant, domestic students may be
accountants seeking to upgrade their qualifications to a postgraduate degree.

Evidently accurately projecting new entrants into accounting is not easy. Figures 11 (a) and (b)
below, provided by the Department of Education, show some interesting changing patterns in
domestic and overseas student enrolments and completions

Figure 11: Enrolments (a) and Completions (b) in Accounting Bachelor Degrees.

(a) Enrolments

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Domestic Overseas

(b) Completions

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Domestic Overseas

Source: Dept. of Education (2014), Higher Education Statistics, unpublished.

The number of domestic students enrolled in bachelor degrees in accounting has fallen by more
than 35 percent since the peak in 2002. This is a period over which enrolments in all
undergraduate degrees increased by over 40 percent. This suggests that narrowly defined
accounting degrees have become less attractive to Australian students. This is not the case for
international students whose numbers increased dramatically, overtaking domestic enrolments
in 2009.

Completions in accounting degrees reflect enrolments with a lag. The decline in domestic
graduates is accompanied by a large rise in overseas student completions. Now there are almost
twice as many international student completions as domestic completions. Overseas students
clearly are attracted to degrees specifically identified as being accounting.

In short, potential new entrants from Australia are constant or in decline and any new demand
for accountants will have to come from overseas.

As shown in Figure 12, the numbers completing the more broadly defined undergraduate
accounting degrees, rather than Bachelor of Accounting degrees are similar to those for the
narrowly defined Bachelor of Accounting degrees. This number has been in decline since 2009.
The number of overseas students completing degrees with accounting majors has far exceeded
the number of domestic students in recent years but has exhibited a noticeable decline since

Figure 12: Completions of Bachelor Degrees with an Accounting Major

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Domestic Overseas

Source: Dept. of Education (2015) Higher Education Statistics, unpublished.

The decline in clearly identifiable accounting graduates has implications for estimating potential
supply and shortages of accountants and makes workforce planning and occupationally targeted
migration more difficult. It is not clear for example whether a graduate with a Bachelor of
Commerce degree with majors in accounting and marketing may wish to pursue a career in
marketing, accounting or some other career in, say, administration.

In practice people choose jobs according to a range of job characteristics, including salaries. If
accounting jobs become more readily available and better paid people who might otherwise
choose jobs in, say, marketing will instead choose to enter accounting.

The labour market is characterised by considerable substitution between occupations and
mobility of people between jobs which makes trying to match people with qualifications to jobs
in demand difficult.

Figure 13: Completions in Masters of Professional Accounting Degrees










2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Domestic Overseas

Source: Department of Education (2015), Higher Education Statistics, unpublished.

Another source of accounting graduates is the Masters of Professional Accounting (MPA)

degree. From Figure 13 the MPA clearly attracts mostly overseas students and completions
increased rapidly until 2011. The effect of the changes to visa policy clearly had a major impact
on completions but there appears to have been a recovery recently.

The above suggests that the potential new entrants from Australian domestic students are
constant or in decline and any new demand for accountants will have to come from overseas.

A topical issue with respect to university education generally which may have implications for
accounting, are the proposals to deregulate fees for undergraduate degrees. These have not yet
been passed by Parliament but there has been much speculation in the media and among
academics of the likely impact. While fees for all degrees are likely to rise (by, as yet, unknown
amounts) this could reduce demand for university education. However, in commerce degrees,
including accounting, domestic students already pay a relatively large proportion of the total
cost of their degrees so their fee may rise by less and thus demand for these subjects could
increase. The return to an accounting degree has been found to be high (Corliss et al., 2013) but
further analysis needs to be conducted on the impact of any fee increase on enrolments in


Migration has long been a major feature of the Australian labour market both to seek to meet
short term needs and to enhance economic growth through increasing the quantity and quality of
human resources. These two issues require quite different consideration.

Figure 14 shows the number of accountants migrating to Australia over the five years to
2012/13 by visa category. The average number of accountants migrating to Australia was 9,380
per year of which, on average, 6,500 were skilled independent migrants to which the SOL
applies. However, these averages were boosted by the unusually high intake in 2010/11. This
appears to have been due to the expected introduction of a new migration policy on 1 July 2011
that changed migration rules.

Figure 14: Skilled Migration to Australia of Accountants

Source: reproduced from Australian Workforce Productivity Agency (2014).

Qualified accountants who migrate to Australia are generally well matched to jobs. This is
demonstrated by Census data which show the occupations of those with accounting
qualifications at intervals since they migrated to Australia. Figure 15 indicates that most
migrants with accounting qualifications find employment in highly skilled occupations and this
is particularly so for more recent migrants.

Only among more recent migrants is the percentage of those in unskilled labouring jobs greater
than 10 percent. This might be attributable to recently qualified overseas students finding it

difficult to get employment commensurate with their qualifications. However, most migrants
appear to have successful labour market outcomes.

Figure 15: Occupation of Qualified Accountants in 2011 by Year of Entry into


Source: 2011 Census of Population and Housing, unpublished

These conclusions are supported by recent work by Rafi (2015) for recent Indian migrants (a
large component of Australian- trained accountants from overseas). This shows that, contrary to
popular myth, most former Australia-trained students who migrate have occupations which
match their formal qualifications.

In recent years Australian skilled migration policy appears to have influenced the choices of
some international students, particularly from India (Rafi and Lewis, 2013). This issue is
discussed in Section 6.

Importantly, many migrant accountants are not fresh out of university and crowding out roles
that would otherwise be available to Australian graduates. Consultations with employers
indicate that employers often struggle to fill mid to senior roles, given the propensity of bright
young accountants to move on. Many employers look explicitly to skilled migrants in their
recruitment strategies.

Also, relevant here, although not so great in magnitude is the departure of accountants overseas,
either permanently or on long term temporary visits. Highly skilled professionals, such as
accountants, are in demand internationally and their movements would be expected to be
responsive to employment opportunities not just in Australia but throughout the World. The

most recent example of this was the flow of professionals to Australia following the fallout from
the GFC in the UK.


In addition, persons retiring represent an important flow out of the stock of accountants. While
most attention has focussed on new graduates and migration the retirement of accountants is
emerging as an issue with respect to meeting gaps in the market.

There has been much discussion in recent years regarding the implications of population ageing
(Treasury 2014) and this will affect the accounting profession. The 2011 Census provides the
distribution of accountants by age.

Given the current age distribution the number of retirees is estimated to be about 1,900 in 2015
and on conservative assumptions expected to rise each year to reach about 3,600 per year by
2025. This is further discussed below.

4. Imbalances in the Accounting Labour Market

Identifying a labour market shortage or surplus for a particular occupation is not

straightforward. While high unemployment suggests an oversupply, for skilled professionals
widespread unemployment is rare. With respect to accountants, particularly with respect to
migration policy, the concern is usually with shortages.

Richardson (2007) suggests four forms of labour-related shortages.

Skill shortages exist when employers are unable to fill or have considerable difficulty in filling
vacancies for an occupation, or specialised skill needs within that occupation, at current levels
of remuneration and conditions of employment, and reasonably accessible location.

Skill gaps occur where existing employees do not have the required qualifications, experience
and/or specialised skills to meet the firms skill needs for an occupation. Workers may not be
adequately trained or qualified to perform tasks, or may not have upskilled to emerging skill

Labour shortages occur when there are not enough appropriately qualified candidates
(employees) to fill needed jobs.

Recruitment difficulties may be due to characteristics of the industry, occupation or employer,

such as: relatively low remuneration, poor working conditions, poor image of the industry,
unsatisfactory working hours, location hard to commute to, inadequate recruitment or firm-
specific and highly specialised skill needs. They can also be due to a lack of appropriately
qualified people (i.e. labour shortages or skills gaps).

Employers are likely to be well aware when they are experiencing any of the above. And
meeting these shortages by temporary migration based on employer nomination might well be

the best way to adjust to these shortages. However these shortages cannot be readily estimated
from generally available data.

Firms can, and do use, other adjustment mechanisms to cope with skill shortages by rearranging
the work within the firm. For instance, work which might normally be done by a qualified
professional is done by less qualified persons under supervision. Larger firms might invest in
training to get inexperienced graduates up to scratch. These alternative adjustment mechanisms
are costly, involve delays and reduce efficiency in production of services.

In a paper prepared for AWPA, Mavromaras et al (2013), suggested using a range of indicators
to identify labour shortages. These involve analysis of data on a whole set of variables,
including employment, vacancies, salaries, unemployment and student outcomes. However, the
data on many of these variables are unreliable at the four-digit level required for this analysis.
Other variables are not reliable because they do not measure what they are supposed to. For
instance, the DoE vacancy series is based on internet vacancies whereas most graduate
accountants are directly recruited by employers. Vacancies advertised over the internet are at
best a secondary means of recruitment. In any case, the data only provides mainly a
retrospective view of the accountant labour market. We can make a judgement on whether there
was a surplus or shortage last year but not whether there will be in two years time, although the
data might alert us to trends which are developing.

Much media attention focuses on the labour market for new graduates and particularly on the
difficulties that new graduates face in getting their first job. While oversupply may manifest
itself in employment of recent graduates it provides a distorted view of supply and demand in
what is a segmented labour market. For many tasks new graduates are poor substitutes for those
with specialised skills and experience. Basing labour market policy on new graduate
employment/unemployment is fraught with problems. For instance, migrants are most likely to
be to be those with skills and experience and will fill jobs for which new graduates are not a
very good match. They do not take jobs which would go to new graduates but allow firms to
reach their full potential and thus create jobs.

Despite these concerns regarding the use of graduate outcomes, indicators on new graduates are
still used to identify general labour market imbalances. The major source of data on graduate
outcomes is the Graduate Destination Survey. The survey data are based on two reference dates:
31 October for graduates completing in the first half of the preceding year, and 30 April for
graduates completing in the second half of the preceding year.

The survey results have been subject to criticisms, the major ones being the short length of time
after graduation (about four months), the small sample size and limited coverage of students
who are overseas at the time of the survey. Higher education providers are required to conduct
this survey on behalf of the government and to meet certain response rates for domestic
students. However, there is no required response rate for international students. There is no
incentive for higher education providers to chase these students and, as a consequence, their
response rates are low (CPA Australia /ICAA, 2014). There is thus minimal data available on
the graduate outcomes of the international students who make up the majority of the cohort for
accounting students.

There are also concerns in relation to the survey methodology. The survey requires students to
self-select their profession. The difference between the number of students who are known to
have graduated as accountants from a given institution and the number who identify themselves
as accountants in the survey responses varies by up to 100% from year to year.

The limited evidence suggests that the proportion of accounting students obtaining full-time
employment within the first four months after graduation has been declining since 2007 but has
picked up somewhat since 2014 (see Table 1). It is not known whether graduates do get jobs but
after longer job search. Also, new graduates may take more time off between graduating and
entering an accounting career. The downwards trend for accounting graduates is no different to
that all graduates from all fields. Also, the outcomes for accounting graduates over time have
been consistently better than for all graduates. There does not appear to have been a decline in
salaries relative to all graduates.

Table 1: Selected Indicators for New Accounting Graduates

INDICATOR AND YEAR 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Per cent employed full-time 84.5 85.2 79.2 76.2 76.3 76.1 71.3 73.9

Per cent employed part-time or 10.5 9.6 13.4 15.1 14.9 15.3 18.1 13.6
Per cent not employed 5.0 5.2 7.4 8.6 8.7 8.6 10.6 12.5

All grads- mean F/T salary ($000s) 43 45 48 49 50 52 52.5 52.5

Accounting - mean F/T salary 40 44 45 45 47 49 50 50

Ratio accounting salary/all grads 0.93 0.98 0.94 0.92 0.94 0.94 0.95 0.95

Source: Graduate Careers Council,

The data above identify only where at a national and general level conditions are relatively soft
or whether there are general shortages or oversupply of new entrants, and not where particular
difficulties are being encountered.

A measure of imbalances in the labour market is employers experiences with filling vacancies.
When there is excess supply of labour employers will be easily able to fill vacancies and if there
is excess demand then we will observe employers finding it more difficult to fill vacancies with
suitable applicants. The Department of Employment surveys employers of accountants as to the
number of vacancies, applicants and suitability of applicants.

Figure 16 indicates that there have always been far more applicants than vacancies for
accounting jobs. The number of applicants per vacancy had risen up to 2012/13 but recently this
has declined. Currently the average number of applicants regarded by employers as suitable is
estimated to be 2.6 per vacancy (close to the pre-GFC average). This compares to 34 applicants
per vacancy. The proportion of vacancies filled is relatively high, 76 percent. There were, on
average, around 22 applicants per vacancy (this may include double counting) who had a

relevant qualifications (bachelor degree or higher), but just 2.6 per vacancy were assessed as
being suitable.

Figure 16: Vacancies for Accountants

Source: reproduced from Department of Employment (2015) Labour Market Research

Accountants, Australia

Somewhat strangely, the report of the survey (DoE, 2015a) concludes that there is no shortage
of accountants. However, these data suggest that, while the aggregate number of those with
accounting qualifications might exceed the number of jobs, there are considerable shortages of
people with the right mix of skills and experience that employers require.

The survey asked employers about the unsuitability of applicants. Key reasons applicants were
not considered by employers to be suitable were:
insufficient experience (employers reported that they often attracted large numbers of
graduates for positions which required significant years of experience)
lack of specific experience (such as in the provision of strategic taxation advice, commercial
or business or in a particular sector)
inadequate knowledge of Australian accounting (some were overseas qualified and had little
Australian experience)
inadequate written and oral communication skills
not being CA or CPA accredited
inability to liaise face-to-face with a diverse client base
lack of understanding of the employers business needs.
Department of Employment (2015a)

This view of the labour market for accountants is supported by a recent report by Hays (2015)
which found that:

Australias professional practice market remains incredibly candidate short, which has led to
greater flexibility from employers. The best example of this is the willingness of employers to
consider candidates with not only differing levels of experience, but also qualifications.

Hays (2015) also reported that good quality business services and intermediate accountants are
in greatest demand, particularly candidates who can engage and communicate confidently with
clients. There is high demand for senior accountants with strong technical skills and good
knowledge of technologies. Many practices are also looking for high quality intermediate
accountants with experience. Again the focus is on excellent communication skills so that they
can interact directly with clients. Firms are a shortage of suitable candidates.

While recently arrived migrants (from Figure 15) are highly successful in fitting into the
Australian labour market, many recently qualified former overseas students and domestic
students are not fully suitable immediately for jobs available. The employer responses point to
inadequacies in Australian new graduates for jobs requiring experience or specific skills. This
suggests that overseas trained experienced accountants with specific skills fill a very important
gap in the Australian labour market.

5 Medium to Long Term Issues

Turning to the medium to long term demand, most of the discussion on forecasting demand for
accountants is based on the growth of economy requirements for accountants. In other words,
analysts forecast the growth of the Australian economy by industry and the implications for
occupations including accountants. It is also possible to view causation in reverse, namely that
the growth of the economy is a function of the growth in qualified and educated labour.

Based mainly on the former approach, various forecasts and projections have been carried out
for accountants. For example the Department of Employment (DoE 2015b) forecast that
demand for accountants would increase by 13.7 percent between 2014 and 2019. IBISWorld
(2014) has projected growth in employment of 15,240 in the accounting services industry
between 2014/15 and 2019/20 (though this is not quite the same as the market for accountants).
Both estimates imply a significant role for migration in the accounting labour market.

The Australian economy has proved quite resilient during the upheaval in the World economy
following the GFC, the aftermath of which is still being felt among the economies of North
America and Europe. Nevertheless economic commentators are divided on the prospects for the
economy. Some point to the strength of the Chinese economy, the low level of government
debt, low inflation and relatively low unemployment. Others point to Australias reliance on
China as a major risk, the two-speed economy (a booming primary sector, a struggling export
and import competing sector due to the high Australian dollar) and a sluggish domestic
household consumption sector. Strong doubts also remain regarding the ability of the Eurozone
to solve its financial problems and the consequent international implications of failure.

Deloitte Access Economics (DAE, 2011) produced a major report for AWPA with projections
of demand for the major industry and occupation groupings. The projections are based on four
economic scenarios which reflect the range of uncertainty among economic commentators.

The long boom scenario is based on a steady growth view of the Australian economy. Under
this scenario Chinas growth rate falls somewhat over time, the terms of trade decline
moderately but are still high in historic terms and there are no shocks to the World economy
arising from another crisis in, say, Europe. Under this scenario Australias economic and
employment growth continues steadily over the forecast horizon to 2025.

In the smart recovery scenario, Australias low growth continues to 2015, but then the global
economy improves and Australias growth returns to its potential growth rate. New technology
adoption and productivity improvements occur after a period of relative contraction in growth.

The terms of trade shock scenario, assumes good growth in the World economy, as with the
long boom, but there is a substantial reduction in Australias terms of trade.

Under the ring of fire scenario, the rate of growth in the World economy is low and subject to
significant volatility. In Australia low trend growth rates are accompanied by cycles around this
trend. Terms of trade are lower due to increased protection which also lowers productivity.

Projections are made of employment by occupation, among other variables, and the highly
aggregate level, under each scenario. In addition, detailed projections of demand for those
employed as accountants have been calculated under each of the above scenarios. The patterns
of employment growth are quite different under the different scenarios. However, the DAE
estimates for total job openings by 2025 are very similar, ranging from 9,054 to 10,926. The
estimates of job openings by 2020 have greater variability ranging from 9,054 to 11,850.

Job openings equate to net replacement demand. This equals jobs made available through
growth in demand and from workers leaving an occupation (e.g. via retirement or accountants
emigrating) after accounting for those re-entering the occupation. Thus, net replacement
demand can be taken to be the number of new entrants (new graduates or new migrants) needed
to meet demand.

Whatever scenario is chosen, they all suggest significant potential shortages given the lack of
growth in new graduates. The projections also do not take account of the differences in demand
for new graduates and for those with experience. Given the importance experience to employers
of accountants, identified in this report, ageing and retirement of accountants is a major issue.

As part of this report we separately estimated the number of retirees given the current age
distribution of accountants (see Figure 17). As noted above, using conservative assumptions that
all those currently employed who are under the age of 65 will retire at age 65, we estimate the
number of retirees to be about 1,900 in 2015 rising each year to reach about 3,600 per year by
2025. This is consistent with the Deloitte estimates.

Figure 17: Projected, Retirements per year, 2012-2025








2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025

Source: Authors estimates based on Census of Population and Housing unpublished

Retirements are expected to rise because, although accounting is generally a young profession
there are increasing numbers of older accountants approaching retirement age. Importantly also,
these retirees are the most experienced accountants and, therefore, in high demand.

The above scenarios suggest that the medium to long term outlook for the accounting labour
market is for shortages. The identification of the particular need for senior and experienced
accountants with particular skills, suggests that migration will continue to be vitally important
in meeting demand in the labour market for accountants.

Moreover, skilled people wishing to migrate permanently to Australia, with recognised

qualifications and English language competency, usually have good career prospects in
Australia even if they do not achieve exactly the work that they wish for on arrival. There is not
a one-to-one matching between qualifications, skills and occupations, apart from certain
exceptions such as medicine. In most of the skilled occupations many do not pursue a lengthy
career in their field of qualification. The labour market is characterised by a great deal of
substitution between occupations and mobility of people between jobs which makes trying to
match people with qualifications to jobs in demand difficult even if the projections of demand
are right. This analysis suggests that policy with respect to permanent migration should move
away from concern with meeting short term cyclical labour market conditions.

It is also relevant to consider that supply creates its own demand for employment, both local and
immigrant. That is migrants who arrive and fill jobs create over time demand for more through
the spending they undertake or induce. Permanent skill entry allows for wider human capital
development of the workforce which raises productivity and medium and long-term

6. The Migration/Education Link
In recent years there has been a strong relationship between Australian skilled migration policy
and the choices made by a significant number of international students. The principal Key
Message found by the then Department of Immigration and Citizenship in research it
commissioned from the University of Queensland was that:

More than half of the surveyed Student visa holders planned to stay in Australia at the
conclusion of their studies and almost all Skilled-Graduate (Temporary) visa (Subclass 485)
holders planned to seek permanent residency (Institute for Social Science Research, 2010)

So the two are closely interconnected and this applies even more for some countries of origin
than others, as with the case of India (Rafi and Lewis, 2013).

At the same time there is also a preference for some education courses over others. In the case
of university students, there has long been a strong preference for commerce and computer
science courses, especially accounting and information technology (IT). This was no doubt
partly due to priority processing and preferential treatment of immigration applicants graduating
from Australian universities with qualifications in these fields.

Immigration policy pre-2008 awarded extra points to accounting and IT graduates and other
professions that were on the then Migration Occupation in Demand List (MODL). This made it
relatively easier to cross the threshold of 120 points required at that time for a permanent
residency visa. As advised then by Skills Australia, accounting skills were deemed critical to the
Australian economy and were in short supply (DIAC 2010a).

According to Birrell and Healy (2010), however, a new surge of international students occurred
in 2008 and this was principally due to immigration changes implemented between 1999 and
2001 by the Howard government. These especially reflected a broadening of the skills and
associated occupations considered important for migration. Revisions to skilled migration
policy were announced in 2008 and the repercussions from this continued to shape Australias
skilled migrant intake, for some time.

In particular there was realisation that there was a mismatch between the skills and
competencies of graduating international students and the skills and competencies being
demanded by Australian employers. To respond to this, changes included a refined points test
that emphasised strong English language skills and relevant work experience, rather than the
possession of a particular qualification (DIAC, 2010b). At the same time the more frequently
revised and narrower skilled occupation list (SOL) replaced the much wider and generic
MODL. These revisions together sought to ensure that no one factor alone would determine the
migration outcome but rather a combination of skills, qualifications and work experience would
be required to clear the new pass mark (DIAC, 2010a).

Figure 15: Overseas Student Visa Applications by Sector










2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14

572 VET 573 Higher Ed

Source: Department of Immigration and Border Protection (2015), Student visa and Temporary
Graduate visa programme trends 2006-07 to 2013-14,

In reaction to the sequence of revisions, the course preference of Indian students, for example,
had begun to exhibit a trend towards VET courses in lieu of higher education courses. Post
2007/08 the popularity of vocational courses such as hairdressing and cookery spiked
dramatically with many overseas students enrolling in a vocational course rather than commerce
or an IT degree) as this became the most cost effective and assured pathway to permanent
residency (Rafi and Lewis, 2015). This explains the dramatic surge in applications for subclass
572 VET study visas in Figure 15. The total number of subclass 572 VET visas granted
increased dramatically while subclass 573 higher education visas levelled or fell around the
same time. However, due to quality concerns regarding the provision of VET services in some
jurisdictions, and the realisation that the VET sector was being utilised as a migration loophole
to access unrelated occupations post-residency, the link between vocational training and
migration was promptly de-emphasised as well.

It is also evident from DIPB data that changes to the student visa and skilled migration program
had their largest impact for a time on offshore applicants (Table 2). This suggests that demand
from new international students was moderated given changes to skilled migration policy, again
illustrating the link and inter-dependency in this sphere.

Table 2. Student Visa Applications by Offshore/Onshore location and Visa Sub-class,

Source: DIBP 2014e

The appreciation of the Australian dollar was also important in reducing new overseas demand
as were safety issues that arose too at the time, especially for Indian students. The Indian
impact in particular is seen in Figure 16. The subsequent currency depreciation and action to
reaffirm community and campus security has evidently boosted demand again over time (Rafi
and Lewis, 2013).

Looking at the significance in these changes of the adjustments made to visa rules,
as an approximate estimate, changing eligibility cut applications for higher education visas by
15 percent (Access Economics, 2009). Since a large percentage of students are studying
accounting degrees most of this fall would have been among these potential students. For
accounting student numbers fell by between 15 and 30 percent at that time when more
restrictive visa conditions were imposed.

Figure 16. Student Visa Applications lodged by Citizenship Country, 2008-14

Source: DIBP 2014e.

Thus, it is evident that skilled migration policy changes are closely related to demand for
Australian education as illustrated by decreasing enrolment numbers and student visas granted
when adverse changes are made, and vice versa.. To counteract the recent experience of decline
after 2009, new settings were put in place based on the recommendations of the Knight Review
(2011). DIAC responded by reducing the financial requirements for student visa candidates,
and it accepted proposals from bodies such as Universities Australia for changes to work
restrictions to make them more flexible and introduced post study work visas from 2013
onwards that let international students work up to 4 years in Australia after graduation.

These steps by DIAC (now DIPB), have resulted in a rebound in overseas student numbers,
reinforced by exchange rate depreciation too. Applications for 573 higher education visas
increased significantly from 2011/12 while applicants for 572 VET visas have not yet returned
to earlier levels, no doubt due to recognition that vocational qualifications do not provide the
same access to permanent migration as higher education.

Overseas students trained in Australia will continue to be a major source of new accountants.
DIBP unpublished data on resident visa applications by accountants this year show that about
80 percent have a current address in Australia suggesting they have trained in Australia. About
half are male, and half female. Of the total, about 25 percent were born in China while the
largest other single countries of birth are India (12 percent), Pakistan (7 percent), Vietnam (5
percent) and Nepal (5 percent). Over 75 percent are under 30 years of age.

The availability of skilled migrants from the diverse cultural backgrounds provided by overseas
students also provides opportunities for employers seeking to do business with clients in

growing markets such as those in Asia. There is, to date, all too limited research on whether
Australian businesses are doing enough to harness these skills and potential opportunities,
though the work by Booth et al (2010) does indicate that many employers have yet to see the
full value of cultural diversity. Likewise the extensive research by Gribble and others (2015)
shows how much work-integrated learning initiatives for international students could do to
redress this.

At a time when China, for example, is courting other nations to integrate and co-operate through
policies such as the One Belt One Road Strategy, so as to build inter-action across cultures for
economic advance (backed by initiatives such as Asian Infrastructure Fund and the Silk Road
Fund), Australia may need its international assets not to fall back. Mining investment-based
advance is levelling off. Migration helps offset this as it gives participation and productivity
advantages (Migration Council of Australia 2014), and it also can super-charge these further in
the Asian Century/Knowledge Century. International student links to migration ensure that both
immediate export value and longer term national development can be enhanced. More care than
has sometimes been the case in the past must be exercised, so as not to compromise this by
insufficiently considered visa policy changes and management.

The export of higher education is a $12 billion industry and changes to visa regulations need to
consider the impact on education exports. International students have been a major source of
revenue which has allowed universities to remain of high standing despite reductions in
government funding per Australian student.

It is important to note that many of these policy measures are independent of, and outside the
control of, Australian universities themselves, despite the fact that they have such important
impacts on student demand and much needed international fee income. That said, they have
mutual responsibility to work with government sensitively and constructively to inform such
policies - and to ensure they do well what is in their domain and remit, ranging from quality of
education through to campus safety.

Value of overseas accounting students

A recent survey (HSBC 2014) found that on average international higher education students
contribute, adjusted here to 2015 prices, $42,934 per head to the Australian economy. Of this,
$24,562 was the average expenditure on universities fees. At the end of 2014 there were 14,480
students enrolled in Bachelor of Accounting degrees, 10,160 students enrolled in other
undergraduate degrees with accounting majors and 14,560 students enrolled in Masters of
Professional Accounting degrees. On this basis, there would be 39,200 students currently
enrolled in degrees with accounting majors (Bachelor and Masters) contributing over $1.7
billion to the Australian economy of which over $967 million is Australian universities fee

Clearly, international students in accounting degrees is a very important source of much needed
non-government income to Australian universities and to the economy more generally. These
benefits do not include the positive contribution made to the economy by overseas-born but
Australian-trained accountants who choose to migrate to Australia.

If significant changes were to be made to eligibility of foreign accountants for migration to
Australia this would have undesirable impacts on universities and the economy. On the basis of
the impacts of past changes in migration rules have had on student enrolments, the cost to the
economy could be between $165 and $330 million. Fee income would fall by between $91
million and $182 million.

7. Policy Implications of SOL Determination

The outcomes of the Department of Immigration and Border Protections Review of Skilled
Migration and Temporary Activity Visa Programs are awaited. These will no doubt be informed
by the Productivity Commissions separate inquiry into The Migrant Intake into Australia, with
the Commission due to release a draft report in November 2015 and final report in March 2016.

In the meantime the extant arrangements for the role to be played by the Skilled Occupations
List (and the related Consolidated Sponsored Occupation List) will remain in operation.

The SOL will therefore continue to constitute a key factor in influencing the nature of skill
outcomes for arrivals into Australia, through its significance in the visa categories to which it
applies (independent, family sponsored and 485).

For these visas it is necessary for an applicants occupation to be on the list and for a specified
assessment authority to affirm that the requirements for practice of that occupation can be met
by the applicant, before associated points for skill can awarded under the points test for such

Skilled migration generally has progressively increased its role in Australian immigration, so
the selection mechanisms used are central to success. Skill has come to occupy a growing share
of a growing intake. In addition onshore visa issuance has also grown, indicating that the skills
obtained may also be more Australian-linked. Table 3 shows the annual outcomes (and current
trends) in the recent several decades:

Contemporary labour market needs and conditions are the basic consideration in determination
of the SOL arrangements that contribute to the skill selection outcomes. This is in spite of much
uniform evidence in the global and Australian research literatures that migration in industrial
countries broadly creates as many jobs as it fills (Jocquier et al., 2010). It is not the simple
solution to job shortages that it often is assumed to be. A focus on the direct supply of more
labour through a substantial migration program ignores the indirect but also equally substantial
effects on the demand for more labour.

Indeed a recent natural experiment with allocation of a large influx of refugees across regions in
Denmark according to public housing provision and without reference to labour market matters,
found that even for this group the impact was neutral for unskilled wages and unemployment
rates in each area, and also that it did not have hidden offsetting effects through internal
migration, a question that had bedevilled earlier regional analyses (Foged and Peri, 2013). Like
results have been commonly been found for skilled workers too (e.g. for Australia see Islam and
Fausten, 2012).

Table 3. Migration Program and Skills, Australia 1997-2014.

Year Total Program Skilled (%) Onshore (%)

1996-97 73,587 47.1 22.5
1997-98 66,840 51.5 22.9
1998-99 67,821 51.5 22.2
1999-00 70,237 50.3 24.8
2000-01 80,597 55.5 28.1
2001-02 93,054 57.5 33.9
2002-03 108,072 61.1 29.0
2003-04 114,362 62.3 32.1
2004-05 120,064 64.9 33.0
2005-06 142,933 68.1 30.3
2006-07 148,200 66.1 33.6
2007-08 158,630 68.4 34.3
2008-09 171,318 67.0 37.0
2009-10 168,623 64.0 37.7
2010-11 168,685 67.4 48.1
2011-12 184,998 68.0 42.9
2012-13 190,000 67.9 49.9
2013-14 190,000 67.7 50.4

Source: DIBP, Outlook for Net Overseas Migration, September 2014.

Thus bringing in many accountants does not necessarily lead to any ongoing oversupply of
accountants, since the demand created by migrants includes a major component of demand for
accountant services. A mass skilled permanent migration program directed at short-term skill
shortages may be almost be an internal contradiction, despite public perceptions focused on the
more obvious supply side effects.

For this reason, it is to be hoped that where wider and longer-term considerations can also be
incorporated within SOL determination, as well as more widely in permanent migration
selection determination, this will be pursued. It is equally the case that short-term changes that
can damage long-term gains, will not be carelessly instituted.

CPA-CAANZ have drawn attention to such considerations in their submissions to the DIBP
Review of Skilled Migration and Temporary Activity Visa Programs eg CPA-CAANZ, 2015.
And they have emphasized how much the accounting profession contributes to medium and
long-term national development, both through professional accounting and through wider
contributions in other deployments of persons skilled through accounting.

Of course some persistent labour shortages may remain in some areas where domestic training
and mobility and temporary migrant entry is unresponsive or undesirable. It is here that labour
shortage as such can still play a role in SOL. But broader national development factors should
be the dominant concern in permanent entry. If this is not well understood because of supply
perceptions, then it is the job of the public service and political leadership to inform public
perceptions of the true objective realities.

At the broadest level, such national development benefits have been the subject of recent
analysis of the economic effects of Australian migration undertaken for the Migration Council
of Australia by Independent Economics (The Economic Impact of Migration, 2015). This is
significant because it uses what is now the most advanced model for analysing such effects
available for Australia.

The model improves significantly upon earlier more limited models. It does so by using the
same so-called computable general equilibrium strengths at the core of all such models used
for policy analysis in Australia. But it moves beyond purely linear and market settings, that
serve well for analysing matters such as tax and tariff changes, to in addition allow for such
factors as scale economies and knowledge spillover (endogenous) effects. These latter can be
of the essence for population, education and immigration matters.

If trend migration settings are compared with, say, a strongly contrasting contrasting
hypothetical zero net migration scenario to 2050, the study projects:

a GDP gain of 40.7% ;

a 9.7% gain for after tax real wages ;
a greater proportionate benefit to mid and low skilled workers.

Other scenarios can be examined. But the clear general conclusion is that migration is seen to
carry the potential to drive a huge change in the scale of the Australian economy and
significantly improve per capita income. In the process, the share of population in skilled work
increases but with enhanced wage benefit to mid and low skill workers. The economy improves
and so does the distribution of income.

So, overall, the projections indicate some compositional effects in these broad skill categories.
Of course more detailed occupational analysis is possible with this modelling and could be
commissioned. But it is also notable that the more skilled labour supply through migration also
increases labour demand across the economy as argued, and that this is captured so that the
balance of effects is reviewed

And, on balance, and as intended by the migration skill focus, the Australian migration program
is seen to deliver fully on high skill labour as its focus, so underpinning a major increase in per
capita GDP as well as total GDP. At the same time the skill focus has meant that the wage
position of lower skill workers in the country is actually relatively advantaged in the process.
By most judgements, in national development terms this is a win-win outcome for efficiency
and equity. The skilled migration program lifts all boats, but especially the less skilled along
the way while the economy overall moves to a higher skill profile.

However the Independent Economics work itself does not analyse the more detailed specific
occupation effects in the published work, though the model is capable of doing this, and such
work could well be used in future to help guide specific occupation matters in migration

To use only backward looking data to determine future skill supply is too narrow a focus, and
future-oriented information is needed - including information that can look at both labour

demand patterns (including as these arise from migration) and labour supply patterns (including
as these arise from migration).

More on occupational areas can be found instead in earlier work from the former Australian
Workplace Productivity Agency (Barnes and Spearritt, 2014). Since AWPA has been
abolished, such work needs a new auspice to help inform immigration specifications for
Australia. This work suitably looked both at past patterns and future possible circumstances.

At an AWPA convened meeting (with the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia), then
Treasury Deputy Secretary David Gruen provided a picture of the past trends as follows in
Table 4:

Table 4. Change in Employment Shares by Industry

1996 2011 change
1 Managers and administrators 708626 877325 23.8
2 Professionals 1306709 2091565 60.1
3 Associate professionals 860501 1237677 43.8
4 Tradespersons and related workers 995523 1174805 18.0
5 Advanced clerical and service workers 329673 272064 -17.5
6 Intermediate clerical, sales and service workers 1222762 1763988 44.3
7 Intermediate production and transport workers 660330 784406 18.8
8 Elementary clerical, sales and service workers 677190 912194 34.7
9 Labourers and related workers 666221 741896 11.4
Total 7427535 9855920.3 32.7
Source: Gruen, 2014.

AWPA itself provided future scenario projections as seen in the following chart from the
Introduction to the AWPA volume with the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia
(Figure 17):

It is evident from this trend analysis of longer term national development in broad occupational
terms that professional services, of which accounting is a very substantial component, has been
and will be a major source of employment growth ahead of most others.

Given such longer term drivers of change, a focus on current marginal labour market balance
issues may be quite misleading in terms of the ongoing national interest, especially for a flexible
profession that accommodates various related occupations and activities outside the formal
professional training, as again is the case for accounting.

Considerations of this kind make a strong case for conservatism and caution in application of
current SOL assessments, while awaiting the prospect of improved approaches as may emerge
from the DIBP Review of Skilled Migration. As indicated, CPA-CAANZ have made
suggestions as to how that should proceed (CPA Australia and CAANZ, 2015).

Source: Barnes and Spearritt, 2014.

The basic desired direction is to avoid a simple on or off specification in SOL which has a
range of adverse consequences for planning by all parties and for administration, where
occupations may be deleted or added to the list from time to time according to current labour
market circumstances.

Instead a smoother and more forward looking approach based on a sliding points scale approach
is to be preferred. This could allow for averaging across relevant past and present time periods
and also incorporate a rating for the likely future growth requirements for the occupations (as
determined , say, from the AWPA style longer-term analysis).

The politically convenient current vacancy element can at least be complemented in a new
approach by future employment and human capital development considerations, such as in the
manner indicated and in a more light-handed system.

Possible resolution of these issues awaits the outcome of the DIBP Review of Skilled Migration
and Temporary Activity Visa Programs. The Phase Two visa reform draft proposals that have
emerged in this Review process are very much in the right direction. But they can be taken
further for final specification. The CPA-CAANZ submissions for this Review process have
provided useful guides to what such further enhancement might look like.

But the danger evident in too many reviews and reports is that drafters are very reluctant to
change much after all the incredible mental effort that goes into producing a thorough and
coherent draft report.


8. Conclusions

This report has covered a wide range of issues including a profile of the profession, major
changes over time, domestic student numbers, immigration of experienced migrants, the link
between migration and international student demand and the wider context of setting migration

It establishes that in the short run there appear to be shortages of accountants in specific cases
and for specific skills especially for accountants with more experience and specialist skills.
These shortages can be dealt with through market adjustments and, where unduly persistent,
through employer nominated temporary entry visas.

However, this report has also emphasised the medium and long-term and how accountants are
central here too, reflecting the core workings of a modern service-based economy such as

The skills possessed by accounting graduates are not just valuable in accounting jobs but can be
applied to a variety of occupations. People with accounting skills create economic growth
through use of these skills.

Australian permanent migration settings should therefore continue to centrally emphasise high
value add skills, and accounting must continue to be a core contributor to meeting this

Failure to validate this imperative, and failure to manage it carefully in immigration selection,
will cost Australia dearly in the short term and broader national development. The contribution
of accountant education and migration is a central one for Australias future.

Access Economics (2009), The Australian Education Sector and the Economic Contribution of
International Students, Report to the Australian Council on Private Education and Training,

Australian Qualification Framework (AQF 2009), viewed, 13th October 2014 at

Australian Workforce Productivity Agency (2014), The Demand and Supply of Accountants,

Barnes, K. and Spearritt, P. 2014 (eds), Drivers of Change for the Australian Labour Market to
2030, Canberra, Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia

Birrell, B., and Healy, E. (2010). The February 2010 reforms and the international student
industry, People and Place, 18, 6580.

Booth, A., Leigh, A. and Varganova, E. (2012), Does Ethnic Composition Vary Across
Minority Groups? Evidence from a Field Experiment, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and
Statistics, 74(4), 547-561

CPA Australia and Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia (CPA/ICAA 2014), Submission
on the Skilled Occupation List for 2014,

CPA Australia and Chartered Accountants Australia New Zealand 2015, Submission on the
Simplication of the Skilled Migration and Temporary Activity Visa Programs, February

Corliss, M., Daly, A and Lewis, P. (2013), The Rate of Return to Higher Education Over the
Business Cycle, Australian Journal of Labour Economics, 16(2), 219-236.

Deloitte Access Economics (2012), Economic Modelling of Skills Demand and Supply,
report for the Australian Workforce Productivity Agency.

Department of Employment (2015a), Labour Market Research Accountants, Australia, May


Department of Employment (2015b), Employment Projections,

Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC 2010a) Introduction of New Points Test.

Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC 2010b) Frequently Asked Questions New
Points Test. Commonwealth of Australia.

Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC 2010c) New Points Test. Commonwealth of

Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP 2014a), The Outlook for
Overseas Migration, June 2014,

Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP 2014b), Discussion Paper-Reviewing
the Skilled Migration and 400 Series Visa Programs, Canberra, September

Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP 2014c), Outlook for Net Overseas
Migration, Canberra, September.

Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP 2014d), Proposal Paper-

Simplification of the Skilled Migration and Temporary Activity Visa Programs, Canberra,

Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP 2014e), Student Visa and Temporary
Graduate Visa Programme Trends 2013-14, Canberra.

Foged, M. and G. Peri, 2013, Immigrants and Native Workers: New Analysis Using
Longitudinal Employer-Employee Data, National Bureau of Economic Research, Working
Papers, Vol. 14, No. 93.

Gribble, C., Blackmore, J., and Rahimi, M. (2015), Challenges to Providing Work Integrated
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