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Thinking Through

Thinking Through
Guiding Deeper Inquiry


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Preface vii
Acknowledgments xv
About the Authors xvii


Chapter 1: The Whys and Hows of PBL 3
Chapter 2: The Inquiring Human Animal 13
Chapter 3: Making the World Safe for Thinking 25
Chapter 4: The Thinking-Out-Loud-and-in-View Classroom 37
Chapter 5: Designing Rich Learning Experiences 53


Chapter 6: Thinking Across Disciplines 67
Chapter 7: Language Arts 73
Chapter 8: Social Studies 87
Chapter 9: Science 101
Chapter 10: Math 119
Chapter 11: The Project Spiral 145

Appendix A: Project Library 151

Appendix B: Discussion Guide 173
Appendix C: Professional Development Guide 179
Appendix D: Project-Based Learning Resources 183
References 187
Index 193

W hen Jane was a high school student, her history class took a field
trip to a historical Western town located about 50 miles from her
school. At the local museum, she and her classmates followed a docent
from exhibit to exhibit. They wandered among Native American artifacts,
a display about Chinese miners and gold prospecting, and collections of
19th-century housewares, toys, and farming implements. After the tour,
students were free to stroll the citys wooden boardwalks, visit tourist
shops, and buy treats at an old-time soda fountain. The day stands out as
a fond high school memory when Jane looks back, but not because of any
academic content she learned. The field trip was disconnected from what
was happening back in the classroom.
As an adult and veteran teacher, Jane happened to revisit the same
town. This time, she and her friends wandered off the beaten path and
found themselves at the local pioneer cemetery. Many aspects of that
place piqued their curiosity. They noticed how graves were organized
into separate sections depending on religious affiliation, with one particu-
lar section sporting the largest and most ornate headstones. They won-
dered why so many gravestones were inscribed with 1918 as the year of
death. Even though Chinese laborers made up a large part of the popula-
tion in the towns early years, there was a dearth of Chinese graves. Why
was this so?
Wearing her project-based learning hat, Jane couldnt help but
imagine what a different experience she and her classmates might have
had if they had started their tour at that cemetery. They would have
been full of questions by the time they arrived at the museum. Chances
are they would have ended their visit with a deeper understanding of
pioneer history and a desire to learn more. They would have been
primed for an engaging and academically meaningful project-based
learning experience.


At the start of workshops we lead on PBLproject-based learningwe
often ask teachers to recall a significant memory from their school days.
As you launch into this book with us, take a moment to conjure up your


own recollections. Think back to your school days and quickly (without
filtering!) focus on an especially vivid, sticky memory.
How would you classify your memorywas it academic, social, extra-
curricular, or interpersonal in nature? Perhaps it involved a field trip,
guest speaker, performance, or other novel event? Maybe it was purely
social. In hindsight, can you tell whether this experience contributed to
any enduring understanding? What did you take away from it?
Take another moment to imagine your current students, years from
now, looking back on their K12 education. Which of todays experi-
ences do you expect will have staying power for them? Will they
remember events that were fun because they were a break from the
regular school day or experiences that whetted their curiosity and
engaged them as thinkers and learners? Can you imagine any of their
experiences becoming a springboard for lifetime of curiosity about the
world around them?


We know from experience that project-based learning has the potential to
create powerfuland memorablelearning experiences for students.
We also recognize that it can be hard to extract the full benefits of PBL.
In our previous book, Reinventing Project-Based Learning, we focused on
helping teachers prepare for projects that connect to real-world issues and
integrate technology to maximize learning. Since that publication in
2007, our interactions with many educatorsin the United States and
internationallyhave convinced us that theres a need to go deeper with
advice about doing projects.
This book is designed to support teachers, school leaders, and
professional learning communities that are looking for strategies to
guide the implementation of projects. We know this is a fast-growing
audience, including both PBL veterans and newcomers to the project
A number of factors are helping PBL to gain traction as a key teaching
and learning strategy, including:

New standards that set more challenging learning goals than those
of the inch-deep, mile-wide traditional curriculum. In the United
States, Common Core State Standards present learning objectives
that address big ideas in a more holistic and interdisciplinary way.
This new approach to standards aligns with the philosophy and best
practices of project-based learning.
Continuing call for students to develop 21st-century skills that will
prepare them for college, careers, and future life challenges. The
Framework for 21st Century Skills calls for students to develop mas-
tery in the 4 Cs: communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical
thinking. We cant expect students to master these essential skills for
Preface ix
the future if they dont start gaining experience with them during
their K12 years. PBL offers arguably the best way to develop these
21st-century skills.
Growing networks of schools that are adopting PBL as a wall-to-
wall strategy for teaching and learning. These schools have been
serving as laboratories for developing best practices in PBL. Many
are eager to share field-tested resources and classroom success sto-
ries, paving the way for others to get a faster start with project-based
New networks of educators driving their own professional learning.
Connecting via Twitter, Skype, and a host of other tech tools, teach-
ers are coming together around shared interests, including project-
based learning. Many meet weekly on Twitter for a #PBLChat, while
others focus on subject-area innovation. Across these contexts,
teachers are stepping into new leadership roles as influencers and
experts. Many are natural collaborators who bring good thinking to
project design teams.


A central feature of this book is our focus on developing students inquiry
skills during projects so that they can make deep investigations into big
and enduring ideas. The double entendre of our titleThinking Through
Project-Based Learningis deliberate. We want to help you think through
all the aspects of planning and implementing projects so that you can guide
your students to the deeper thinking that PBL affords.
Inquiry is the engine that drives learning in PBL. By understanding
more about how inquiry works, teachers can engage and sustain students
curiosity across the arc of a project. We will offer suggestions to help edu-
cators retool how they teach so that they can harness the full power of
inquiry with their students. Well also suggest ways to redesign classroom
environments (without extensive resources) and create new traditions so
that students learn more deeply.
We also recognize the challenge of getting at and shaping covert acts
of thinking. Thats why we take readers into an exploration of new
research in cognitive science and brain-based learning. By applying
insights from these fields, educators can improve questioning strategies
and make students thinking less mysteriousand more effective.
One of the appealing promises of PBL is the opportunity to engage
students in authentic, real-life projects (hence, the subtitle of our previous
book: Your Field Guide to Real-World Projects in the Digital Age).
Unless teachers are career changers from fields outside education, however,
they are unlikely to have had much exposure to other professions. How
are they expected to guide real-world inquiry into fields that they have
never explored? To help readers think outside the classroom, we offer
insights from experts in a variety of professions for whom inquiry is

central to their work. By knowing more about the thinking strategies of

scientists, authors, artists, and mathematicians, teachers will be in a better
position to help students tackle projects from diverse perspectives.
A development we have followed with interest is the potential for proj-
ects to take off, having an impact that spirals far beyond the classroom
in which they started. For instance, when compelling student work is
shared publicly or published online, it can engage much larger audiences
than students (or teachers) ever expected to reach. Dont be surprised if
other teachers or schools ask to join your efforts, turning a single-class
project into a connected learning experience.

The book is organized in two sections.
Section One, Inquiry: The Engine of Deep Learning, builds a founda-
tion to help readers see how theory and concepts translate to better think-
ing in PBL. It includes five chapters:

Chapter 1, The Whys and Hows of PBL, offers an overview of project-

based learning, distinguishes the project approach from other instruc-
tional strategies and explains the critical role of inquiry in PBL.
Chapter 2, The Inquiring Human Animal, turns to human develop-
ment, cognitive science, and brain-based education to draw lessons
about learning, particularly the deep kind that has students inquiring
to construct their own meaning.
Chapter 3, Making the World Safe for Thinking, explores critical fac-
tors that influence inquiry, including features of the learning environ-
ment, design of learning experiences, and interactions that maximize
childrens development toward mature inquiry.
Chapter 4, The Thinking-Out-Loud-and-in-View Classroom, focuses
on PBL teaching methods, including discussion and questioning tech-
niques and thinking routines that can be applied across grades and
subject matter.
Chapter 5, Designing Rich Learning Experiences, summarizes our
approach to effective project planning with a step-by-step guide for
developing inquiry-rich projects.

Each chapter in Section One is illustrated with project examples and

advice from teachers.
Section Two, Taking a Page from the Experts, makes connections
between core content areas and the ways in which experts in affiliated
professions approach problem solving. In each chapter, we contrast how
subject matter is typically approached in school with real-world appli-
cations of knowledge by historians, scientists, journalists, community
Preface xi
activists, and other capable people. We consider the language, tools, and
methods professionals use in their investigations and draw lessons for
classroom practice.
Chapter 6, Thinking Across Disciplines, sets the stage for this section
by comparing disciplinary and interdisciplinary thinking.

The next four chapters focus on PBL in core content areas:

Chapter 7, Language Arts

Chapter 8, Social Studies
Chapter 9, Science
Chapter 10, Math

Because chapters are organized by traditional content areas, a reader

might be inclined to focus on the subject matter he or she teaches. We
encourage readers to read beyond their subjects to become familiar with the
big ideas and real-life applications of other disciplines. With this familiarity,
they will be better able to plan interdisciplinary projects that more closely
mirror authentic work. Each subject-area chapter includes an assortment of
interdisciplinary project examples. Readers might be inspired to collaborate
with teachers from other disciplines, a practice we repeatedly recommend.
The main text concludes with Chapter 11, The Project Spiral. Here we
describe how projects can expand in scope, complexity, and impact as
teachers and students gain familiarity with PBL. We close with sugges-
tions for building traditions for PBL that can lead to stronger connections
between school and local community and, perhaps, connect students with
the wider world.
At the back of the book, we include a Discussion Guide to help teacher
teams, school leaders, instructional coaches, and others use the text to
guide teacher learning. The guide summarizes key concepts from each
chapter and advises on facilitating group and individual activities. It also
helps facilitators know what to look for and respond to during class visits
to encourage high-quality PBL.
The Appendices include a Project Library, with more than 80 short
descriptions of all projects featured in the book, plus a few more projects
we admire, too. There is also a companion Professional Development
Guide, with suggestions for using the Project Library as a resource for
professional learning or discussions by professional learning communi-
ties. Finally, we include a Resources Guide with suggestions of books,
videos, and websites to round out your learning of PBL.

Whether you are reading alone or reading along with colleagues,
whether you are new to project-based learning or a PBL veteran, we
hope the book inspires you to reflect deeply on your own practice.

These special features are included throughout the book to encourage

deeper engagement and reader interaction:

Project Signposts: These just-in-time tips alert readers to try out tools
and strategies that are useful at key points during the PBL process.
Exercises: These do-it-yourself suggestions in Section One are
intended to help readers connect what they are learning to their own
practice. Mini-exercises are building blocks for the ultimate exercise,
which is planning a standards-based, inquiry-rich project that causes
students to operate as experts would when tackling a challenge or
Tech Spotlights: Technology spotlights are presented in the subject-
specific chapters of Section Two, highlighting useful technologies
teachers and students can adopt to maximize learning opportunities
in PBL.
Project Library: Appendix A features a library of project sketches,
including projects featured throughout the book. You can scan them
quickly to find ones that match your grade level or subject area and
then borrow or adapt them to meet your context and learning goals.
Project sketches can also be useful in professional development to
give teachers a wide range of project ideas to discuss and consider
for their own classrooms.
Discussion Guide: Appendix B supports shared reading, summariz-
ing key concepts, and advising on group and individual activities.
Professional Development Guide: Appendix C is a resource for facili-
tated professional development or professional learning community
(PLC) work, this guide outlines five discussion starters for teachers
or instructional leaders.
Resources Guide: Appendix D supports further exploration. As
noted before, this book is not a PBL primer but instead delves
deep into project implementation. For those new to PBL, we
include a resource guide with a wealth of books, readings, web-
sites, and experts to help you understand and get started with


This book is intended to appeal to a wide range of readers.
If you are new to project-based learning, you will find examples and
teaching strategies to give you a strong foundation. The many project
illustrations will help you envision PBL so that you can plan and man-
age projects more effectively. Guided exercises will help you apply new
ideas to your own practice and develop a more critical eye for quality
If you are already somewhat familiar with PBL, we hope the book will
challenge you to reflect on your previous project experiences and imagine
Preface xiii
how you might guide your students into deeper inquiry. After all, revision
and reflection are important aspects of the project experience. Thats equally
true for students and for educators.
Wherever you are starting, we hope you will be inspired to take
project-based learning in new directions. That might mean planning your
first interdisciplinary project, connecting your students with community
experts, or planning for projects that spiral out of your classroom and into
the local neighborhoodor into the wider world.
For school leaders, instructional coaches, and other decision makers
who are interested in project-based learning as a route to school improve-
ment, we hope you will come away with a clear understanding of how to
support teachersand studentsas they make the shift to PBL. Developing
your critical eye for quality projects will help you know what to look for
when you visit PBL classrooms or offer feedback on projects. Understanding
the right environment for inquiry projects will help you plan for changes
that will allow PBL to flourish in your learning community so that teachers
and students alike can do their best thinking.

I n the main, this book is built on the stories and experiences of teachers
and school leaders who fulfill the promise of project-based learning
every day. We are grateful to these exemplary educators for their contri-
butions to students and to our book: John Burk, Cherisse Campbell,
Kathy Cassidy, Teresa Cheung, Richard Coote, Diana Cornejo-Sanchez,
Vicki Davis, Jenna Gampel, Andrew Gloa, Mike Gwaltney, Heather
Hanson, Amy and Randy Hollinger, Laura Humphreys, Maggie
Johnston, Diana Laufenberg, Julie Lindsay, George Mayo, Lisa Moody,
Frank Noschese, Jeff Robin, Julie Robison, Terry Smith, and Neil
We appreciate these educators who, as they reflect on their practice
in blogs and other publications, teach us so much: Jackie Ballarini,
Sue Boudreau, Jenna Gampel, Dan Meyer, Margaret Noble, John Pearson,
Lacey Segal, Sarah Brown Wessling, Shelly Wright, and many others who
regularly share their thinking.
Many schools, districts, and educational organizations have informed
our thinking. We wish to acknowledge: Birkdale Intermediate School,
Buck Institute for Education, Conservatory Lab Charter School, Edutopia,
High Tech High, High Tech High Media Arts, Manor New Technology
High School, National Writing Project, New Tech Network, Science
Leadership Academy, Teach 21-West Virginia Department of Education,
Technology High School, and TESLA, the Technology Engineering Science
Leadership Academy.
A chief intent of this book was to relate the mindsets and practices of
accomplished people for whom inquiry is central to their work. We are
grateful to these experts for the personal stories and advice they shared
that inform authentic practices in school: historian H. W. Bill Brands,
chemist Catherine Katie Hunt, author Rebecca Skloot, and computer
scientist Jeannette Wing.
It all starts and ends with kids. Thank you to Grace, Zoe, Eli, and
especially Michael Greenberg for your exemplary project work. A+.


Corwin wishes to acknowledge the following peer reviewers for their
editorial insight and guidance.

Patricia Allanson, Math Teacher/Department Chair

River Springs Middle School
Orange City, FL

Tania E. Dymkowski, Instructional Support K8

Kyle, TX

Jeanne R. Gren, Principal

Anna Jarvis Elementary School
Grafton, WV

Susan Harmon, Teacher

Neodesha Jr./Sr. High School
Neodesha, KS

Telannia Norfar, Technology Coach/Math Teacher

US Grant High School
Oklahoma City, OK

Lisa Parisi, Teacher

Denton Avenue Elementary School
New Hyde Park, NY
About the Authors

Jane Krauss is coauthor with Suzie Boss of the

bestselling book Reinventing Project-Based Learning.
A long-time teacher and technology enthusiast, Jane
is currently a curriculum and program development
consultant to organizations interested in project-
based approaches to teaching and learning. Among
others, she works with NCWIT, the National Center
for Women & Information Technology, paving the
way for inclusive practices that encourage the meaningful participation
of girls and women in computing. In addition, Jane teaches online
courses in project-based learning, speaks at conferences, and presents
professional development workshops in the United States and interna-
tionally. In her free time, Jane enjoys dabbling in glasswork and mosaics
and keeps fit running and hiking on woodland trails just outside her
door in Eugene, Oregon.

Suzie Boss is a writer and educational consultant

who focuses on the power of teaching and learning
to improve lives and transform communities. She is
the author of Bringing Innovation to School: Empowering
Students to Thrive in a Changing World and co-author
with Jane Krauss of Reinventing Project-Based Learning.
She contributes regularly to and the
Stanford Social Innovation Review and has written for
a wide range of other publications, including The
New York Times, Educational Leadership, and Principal
Leadership. She is a member of the National Faculty of the Buck Institute for
Education and has worked with educators internationally to bring project-
based learning and innovation strategies to both traditional classrooms
and informal learning settings. An avid tennis player, she enjoys exploring
the great outdoors near her hometown of Portland, Oregon, and spending
time with her husband and two sons.

The Engine of Deep Learning
The Whys and
Hows of PBL

The educators part in the enterprise of education is to furnish the

environment which stimulates responses and directs the learners
John Dewey

I n Diana Laufenbergs 12th-grade social studies class, students learn

about government functions managed by the executive branch. How
would you go about teaching this topic? Where one teacher might have
students read and discuss Article II of the U.S. Constitution and move on,
Laufenberg sees an opportunity for deeper learning. Laufenbergs stu-
dents interact with federal functions as anyone might who navigates a
bureaucratic process. They apply for federal student aid or a green card.
They make a request permitted by the Freedom of Information Act. Along
the way, they analyze each process, present it in a diagram or infographic,
and recommend ways the process might be improved. As students share
their investigations, the class comes to understand the myriad ways in
which citizens interact with government.
Laufenbergs project exemplifies many of the features of high-quality
project-based learning:

It deals with real-world concerns and gets at essential understandings.

It is personalized; students choose the bureaucratic process they
study, often based on issues they are dealing with in their own


Figure 1.1 Green Card Application Flowchart

Family member of a START: Green Card Application Process

green card holder or Which best by Taylor Valentine and Ozzie Dembowski
citizen of the US describes you?

I do not fall
A current or future
into one of these
employee of a
US employer
Family member completes
form I-130 Petition for Refugee or
Alien Relative aslyee living Employer must complete
in the US form 1-140, immigrant
Petition for Alien Worker


Applicant must complete form 1-485, Application to Yes

Immigrant must complete Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status
form DS-230, Application No Practicing
for Alien Registration $1070 polygamy? No

$355 Committed a
killed, raped,
crime, been pardoned Yes
Committed severely injured a
or exercised diplomatic
crime against person?
Haitians, associated Withholding
with Colombian custody of a US
Yes and/or drug
terrorists, forced women to citizen child from a No Yes
addiction? No
undergo abortion against person granted
their will or involved custody?
with child No
No soldiers? Received Participated
public assistance in weapon-carrying
or will need it in Former unit, received weapon
Involved in the future? exchange Yes
Yes training, or used
trafficking No Yes visitor who has not
Yes weapons against
or religious freedom fulfilled residency
violations? someone?
No made frivolous No
Been No
application or plan to be
for asylum? a prositute,
Plan to be Yes involved in illegal vice, Served
involved trafficking or illegal in prison or labor Yes
US draft?
in espionage, sabotage, immigration? Yes camp?
illegal exportation or No
Yes activities? No No
exchange Immigrant
Have information or
No visitor who has not undergoes
or plan to documents to
fulfilled residency interview
sabotage, kidnap, enter US?
requirement? with USCIS
Yes assassinate, hijack, or official and if
Participated commit other accepted:
Yes in genocide? acts of Yes No
No terror?

No Been
No Practicing Yes
Yes deported
polygamy? from US?
Likey Plan to Congratulations!
to become spy, overthrow US You have been
Yes No
a public government or export No approved as a
charge? Yes illegal goods, technology permanent resident
Convicted or sensitive of the USA and can
No of Yes information? now receive your
a felony? green card!
with Nazis or
Avoided No persecuted based on
deportation No race, religion, political
Yes hearing or opinion or national You may not qualify
committed origin? for a green card at
visa fraud? Are you Communist
ineligible for US this time.
or other form Yes
citizenship or have Yes of totalitarian?
you avoided No
a draft?

Source: Reprinted courtesy of Diana Laufenberg.

The Whys and Hows of PBL 5
It causes them to inquire, and their investigations require that stu-
dents grapple with complexity.
They learn together and from one another, and their learning is
meaningful to people beyond school.
Students are personally affected by what they learn and are likely to
remember it.

A student named Grace, for instance, examined the process of getting

a green card for permanent residency in the United States. She and her
project partner found the process to be so convoluted that they created a
flow chart to be able to visualize the many steps (and opportunities for
confusion) between application and approval (see Figure 1.1). Lets listen
to Grace reflect on what she learned:

This bureaucratic function has become so complicated because

over the years, United States immigration standards have become
more exacting. Many believe that if a person cannot complete the
process, they do not deserve to be in the U.S.
The most upsetting realization I had was that immigrants go
through this process. If my partner and I, both English-speaking
seniors, had this much confusion during the process, it must be
nearly impossible for a person just learning English to do.


Beginning with this chapter, you will examine many projects that exem-
plify the qualities of project-based learning. Before digging into teach-
ing with projects, it helps to establish an understanding of what
project-based learning (PBL) isand isnt. Having a clear definition in
mind will help you navigate the PBL process (without the need for a
Project-based learning has been a subject of professional interest for
more than 40 years. Youre likely familiar with the project approach. Lets
begin with your understanding. How would you describe PBL to some-
one? What opinions would you share about its value as an approach to
teaching and learning? Jot down some notes before reading on.
Now, read the description we have crafted (through a process of mul-
tiple revisions, informed by our observations) to capture the essential
ingredients of PBL:

In project-based learning, students gain important knowledge, skills, and disposi-

tions by investigating open-ended questions to make meaning that they trans-
mit in purposeful ways.

Does your characterization of PBL share common elements with ours?

Lets unpack the ideas that define PBL.

Meaning So
In project-based learning, The emphasis is on the student The teacher does less direct
experiencelearning instruction. He or she designs,
prepares, and guides projects and
learns alongside students.
students gain important Projects are the curriculumnot an The teacher designs toward and
knowledge, skills, and add-onand through them, students assesses growth in all three
dispositions develop important capabilities areas.
by investigating open- Questions activate, arousing The right question at the start
ended questions curiosity and driving students to leads to more questionsones
inquire that students can investigate.
to make meaning The learning is important, unique, Projects elicit higher-order
and holds value for the student and thinking: theorizing,
others investigating, analyzing,
creating, and drawing unique
that they transmit in The form the project takes matches A loose project structure
purposeful ways. the function its meant to serve allows for creative expression,
(inventing, entertaining, persuading, and transmission of knowledge
motivating, or inspiring) makes the learning stick.

Teachers like Laufenberg use the project approach deliberately and

skillfully, with the intention of helping their students develop into
knowledgeable, autonomous, and life-long learners. In the brief descrip-
tion of her project, you can see how she helps students investigate
questions that matter in their lives. Their research helped them develop
a better understanding of how government works. In fact, as students
like Grace demonstrate, they are able to think deeply about how
bureaucratic processes could be improved. Through PBL, these students
are not just studying civics but are developing the skills, knowledge,
and dispositions of good citizens.

Project Signpost 1: Sum It Up

Take a moment to sum up what you think projects accomplish. Capture your
thinking Twitter-stylethat is, in 140 characters or less. (Example: Kids learn by
doing in content-rich PBL.)
Sharing a headline or tweet that succinctly captures your thinking is an
assessment of your own thinking. In classroom practice, you will want to check
in on student understanding frequently during projects, using a variety of forma-
tive assessment tools. Mix it up by using exit slips at the end of class, on which
students answer a specific question. Or ask them to share a headline or tweet
that succinctly captures their thinking (and will quickly reveal any misunder-
The Whys and Hows of PBL 7
What Distinguishes PBL
As you delve into PBL, it helps to be alert to differences between PBL
and other forms of activity-based or experiential learning. Two variations
worth distinguishing from PBL are thematic teaching and problem-based

PBL and Thematic Teaching

Thematic teaching is a practice that organizes learning activities within a
theme. Dinosaurs, seasons, survival, Roman times, probability, famous
authors, China, and other topics might organize assignments across subjects.
PBL and thematic teaching share common features. A central idea
organizes each. Both are meant to be of high interest. Both involve longer-
term studya unit of connected learning activities. Thematic teaching
and PBL often span multiple subjects.
Occasionally, we have encountered a hybrid approach in which teach-
ers plan successive projects that relate to an overarching theme, such as
power or identity. This approach of unifying a course of study under a
theme or master question has value. In an Advanced Placement govern-
ment course design that integrated PBL, for example, several projects
related to a single master question: What is the proper role of government in
a democracy? Yet each project retained the features of high-quality PBL with
inquiry at the core (Boss et al., 2012).
The biggest differences between thematic instruction and project-
based learning come down to control, relevance, rigor, and enduring

Control. As the term suggests, thematic teaching is teacher centered. The

teacher selects the topic or theme, presents activities for students to do,
and makes decisions about the course of study. Students follow their
teachers lead.
In contrast, PBL is student centered. Students have a degree of control
over what they learn, how they learn, and how they express their learning.
Does student control sound like out-of-control to you? Fear not; with good
project design, students achieve the learning aims their teachers intend
and, likely, even more.

Project Signpost 2: Watch Your Step(s)

Be wary of project plans that call for too many scripted steps. Overplanning is a
symptom of teacher-directed instruction thats likely to lead to predictableand
possibly mediocreresults. Step-by-step projects leave little room for students to
wrestle with uncertainty, raise new questions, or solve problems in novel ways.
They are unlikely to challenge students to reach their full potential as capable,
creative learners. (In Chapter 5, you will learn more about where to focus your
attention for the most effective results in project planning.)

Relevance. When a project is relevant, it touches a student deeply and

personally. PBL causes students to look at the worldand their place in
itdifferently. Thematic projects are interesting, sometimes entertaining,
but not necessarily life changing in the way that PBL can be.
Two examples illustrate distinctions of control and relevance when com-
paring PBL and thematic projects.

Thematic Project: Insects!

A second-grade class studies insects. Students draw, read, and write about
insects. They watch insect movies and do insect math. They learn that insects
have defining characteristics and visit insect websites. Each child researches a
particular insect, then writes, creates a digital slide show, or dictates a report
about it. Students present their reports to the class and celebrate by constructing
marshmallow and pretzel insects. Theyre busy with many hands-on activities,
most of which are orchestrated by the teacher. Its thematic teaching with a sci-
ence focus. Everyone learns a bit of science, but the activities do not add up to
truly essential learning outcomes.

Project-Based Learning: The Square of Life

Now lets look at the same topic but with a project-based approach. Imagine
a teacher presenting students with a world map and specimens of monarch
butterflies and Australian stick insects. He poses a challenging question: Why
here and not there? Why there and not here? How can we find out? He has
registered his class in the Square of Life, an Internet-based collaborative proj-
ect in which students investigate their local environment and share informa-
tion with students from around the world. Students select a square meter of
local ground to examine. They organize what they find into categories, which
they define, such as living and nonliving, plants and animals. Through close
examination (facilitated by their teacher but driven by student interest), they
organize small creatures into groups by shared characteristics, and learn to
discriminate between classes of creatures including insects, isopods, and anne-
lids (segmented worms!). Students theorize about and investigate the role of
habitat and niche in species distribution, eventually reaching defensible con-
clusions that feel like theirs. They share their findings through Skype with
Australian students and report their conclusions about, Why here and not
there? Why there and not here?

Rigor. These two examples also demonstrate a difference in rigor. In the-

matic projects, rigor can be wanting. Students often research factual infor-
mation and report it back as a summary. Activities are connected by the
theme but, as we saw in the first case, do not necessarily add up to funda-
mental understanding greater than the sum of the parts. In contrast,
through Why Here?, students learn interconnected concepts about classifi-
cation and habitat that they will return to and build upon as they study
science in years to come.
The Whys and Hows of PBL 9
At times, a lack of rigor in thematic projects is masked by digital wiz-
ardry. Students may create appealing brochures, slideshows, podcasts, and
other media to transmit information, but the content is often the same as
can be found in a reference book, on the Internet, or in a traditional report.
In quality PBL, students use technology to investigate and construct
new meaning. Technology helps them reach beyond the classroom to a
community of learners. Projects like the Square of Life are Google-
proof. Students could not have searched for the right answer online; they
had to actively investigate to figure out their own answer to the intriguing
question, Why here and not there?
Two more examples help illustrate the difference in rigor.

Shopping on a Budget
Middle-school students research the question, How does someone get the great-
est bang for the buck when grocery shopping? With a partner, students devise a
healthy 1-week meal plan for four based on USDA guidelines. Next, each partner
selects a store, and they comparison shop to find the best price per unit for each
ingredient or menu item. Based on their per-item and per-grocery basket com-
parison, teams reach a conclusion about the most affordable place to shop. They
get bonus points if they figure out how to put coupons to work to lower their
grocery bill.
This is a good projectrelevant to students lives and connected to core
content. But it could be better if it challenged students to think more critically
about broader issues. The next project, similar in its intention of having kids use
math, understand nutrition, and explore personal economics, is more rigorous
and builds civic understanding to boot.

Deserts in Rainy Seattle?

In a project called Deserts in Rainy Seattle?, students ponder the fundamental ques-
tion, Is healthy food a right or a privilege? After examining USDA nutrition guide-
lines, students discuss how easy or hard it is to meet them. Their teacher helps them
arrive at this open-ended driving question: What are the barriers to good nutrition?
Students discuss, defend their reasoning, and settle on three major barriers: knowl-
edge about nutrition, interest in healthy eating, and access to nutritious foods. For
this project, their teacher encourages them to tackle the latter. Pairs identify local
food deserts, neighborhoods where fresh and affordable food is lacking (USDA,
n.d.), in which to shop for a weeks menu using the price-indexed USDA thrifty
food budget (USDA, 2012). Using Google Maps, spreadsheets, phone calls, grocery
advertisements, and actual visits to desert neighborhoods, students analyze food
availability and affordability, interview residents, draw conclusions about issues of
food access, and recommend ways to solve them.

Compared to Shopping on a Budget, the food deserts project challenges

students to think more critically about underlying problems affecting healthy
food choices, develop possible solutions, use technology for research, and

explain their reasoning with evidence. The first project may sound interesting,
but the second involves rigorous thinking and deeper learning.

When you DO something, not only do you learn it better, but it just
affects you in a way that I think is a lot more influential in the long term.
High school student reflecting at the end of a project

Enduring Understanding. Both grocery projects teach useful, real-world

skills. In the food deserts project, however, students are more likely to
develop awareness and lasting curiosity about issues of equity and social
justice. Not all projects will have this impact, but designing a project with an
eye toward enduring understanding is a good aspiration. Imagine your stu-
dents learning through projects that have staying power because you have
used their curiosity as a catalyst for deep investigations. Throughout the
book, we will look at ways that social, interpersonal, and extracurricular ele-
ments can boost the academic experience and enduring nature of projects.

Project-Based and Problem-Based Learning

Project-based learning overlaps with problem-based learning, too.
Problem-based learning emerged in medical schools during the 1950s.
Finding that medical students struggled to make the leap from academic
work to effective clinical practice, teaching physicians at McMaster
University in Canada developed the problem-based approach (Barrows &
Tamblyn, 1980). Instead of memorizing medical textbooks, future doctors
were now learning through clinical scenarios set up to mirror the problems
physicians might encounter in daily practice. This shift from knowledge
acquisition to problem solving proved effective, and the approach has
since become standard not only for medical schools but also in economics,
engineering, and many other fields.
There are more similarities than differences between the two PBLs. For
starters, similar pedagogic concerns influenced the development of both.
Education and social reformer John Dewey advised that treating students
as receptacles of knowledge left true intellectual engagement to chance. In
1916, in Democracy and Education, he declared, Education is not an affair
of telling and being told, but an active and constructive process (Dewey,
1997). Both problem- and project-based learning press students beyond
knowledge acquisition, causing them to engage in critical thinking in
order to construct their own meaning by applying what they have learned.
Both project- and problem-based experiences launch from an open-
ended question, scenario, or challenge. Neither states the steps to a solu-
tion; instead, they cause learners to interpret and plan an approach they
may repeatedly revisit and revise. In the best sense, both PBLs require
problem refinement on the way to problem solving.
Both methods ask students to operate in the manner of professionals.
In problem-based learning, this has students approaching problems in the
way that scientists, mathematicians, economists, computer scientists, and
other pros do.
The Whys and Hows of PBL 11
In project-based learning, students adopt the mantle of the expert,
too, but even more broadly. Depending on the project, they might function
as scientists or mathematicians, travel agents or museum curators, citizen
advocates or manufacturing consultants, documentary filmmakers or
social scientists. In projects, students are likely to read, research, work in
teams, consult experts, use a variety of technologies, write, create media,
and speak publicly in the process of the learning cycle.

Distinguishing Problems From Projects

For the purposes of this book, the biggest differences between the
two PBL approaches have to do with the focus, duration, and outcomes
of each.
A problem-based inquiry frequently focuses on a mathematics or sci-
ence problem, and study is completed in one or several class periods.
Project-based learning is often intentionally interdisciplinary, and the
duration of a unit of study may range from several days to multiple weeks.
In problem-based learning, the path to answers might vary, but there
is a desired right answer (or answers) at the end. In project-based learning,
the processes, and thereby the outcomes, are more diffuse. In a project, the
learning path and work products can be as unique as the students or teams
that engage in it. Many teachers who advocate for project-based learning
will tell you they set a standard for minimally acceptable outcomes and are
often surprised and pleased to find students work exceeding their expec-
tations in both creativity and quality.
To illustrate the subtle differences between the two PBLs, here is a con-
trasting example of each. Ask yourself, which is problem based and which
is project based?

The Floor Covering Scenario I

You have been asked by your mother to suggest a covering for the floor
of your room. The room is rectangular and measures 4.3 m by 3 m. There
are three ways to cover the floor. You can use a carpet, a mat, or tiles, but
each is of different dimensions and price. The entire project, including
additional materials and labor, has to stay within a budget of $600. Explain
clearly and mathematically your best choice and how you arrive at your
decision. Drawing diagrams may make your explanation clearer.

The Floor Covering Scenario II

One day, Mr. Abert brought a carpet remnant to class. Hed found the
scrap among a large pile of used carpeting being removed from the floors
and hallways of a local office building. All the discarded flooring was in a
dumpster, headed for the landfill. The project begins with students esti-
mating how much carpet, by volume, is destined for the landfill. They go
on to look at issues ofand solutions todumping carpet and other
bulky, composite waste. Their research turns up examples of how different

communities around the globe are diverting bulky waste from landfills.
After reading about a project in the United Kingdom that recycles carpet-
ing and food waste and programs in the United States that deconstruct
used mattresses and construction debris, students look for opportunities
in their own community. The project continues with students working
with a reuse and recycle center to find ways to source, clean, donate, place,
and even advertise and resell used carpeting.
The first example falls in the range of problems while the second is
very much a project. With good design, the second example addresses the
learning objectives of the first (imagine students working with clients to
measure and place quantities of carpet), while taking it furtherinto the
world of math, and into the world.

Inquiry in Project-Based Learning

A good project sets up conditions in which students are compelled to
inquire. Inquiry is the personal path of questioning, investigating, and
reasoning that takes one from not knowing to knowing. Given the right
opportunities, students doing projects become accustomed to inquiring
looking for patterns, analyzing systems, scrutinizing processes, exploring
relationships, and solving problems. In the next chapter, well explore in
more detail the conditions that give rise to inquiry.

Exercise: What do you wonder about?

In this chapter, you have heard descriptions of four projects: Navigating Bureau-
cracy, Square of Life, Deserts in Rainy Seattle, and Floor Covering Problem II.
Select one of these projects for closer consideration. (Suggestion: Pick the project
that you wish you had been able to do as a student.)
We have provided you with only a summary description of each. Jot down
your thoughts as you consider these questions:

What do you like about this project?

What do you wonder about? What might be challenging about doing this
project with your students?
What would you expect your students to know or be able to do by the
If you could interview the teacher who designed the project, what else
would you want to know?

Now that you have a good working definition of PBL, along with a few
project examples in mind, youre ready to dive deeper into your exploration
of inquiry. In the next chapter, youll consider why humans are such curious
creatures, how traditional schooling can extinguish the spirit of inquiry, and
what you can do to rekindle your students questioning nature.
The Inquiring
Human Animal

H eres a provocative project idea: Ask young people to illuminate

something thats invisible in their communities. This assignment taps
issues of fairness and power that carry strong youth interest while setting
the stage for critical thinking and creative expression.
For their Invisibility Project, which addressed content in both English
and multimedia, teachers Margaret Noble and Lacey Segal from High Tech
High Media Arts (HTHMA) in San Diego, California, gave students free
rein to propose which topics they would investigate and bring to light
with multimedia documentaries. Heres how the teachers described their
project in Unboxed, an online journal published by the High Tech High
Graduate School of Education (Segal & Noble, 2008):

Seniors from High Tech High Media Arts brought the invisible to
light during a multimedia exhibition exposing hidden paradigms,
underground cultures, and unresolved issues. Through documen-
taries, photo/sound essays, and video installations, students criti-
cally explored topics such as graffiti, rave culture, youth activism,
self-mutilation, and the media. Students developed their projects
in HTHMAs sound lab, using technology to showcase information
they gathered from expert interviews and in-depth investigations
of local professional, cultural, and institutional communities.

By informing the public about a hidden topic of their choosing, stu-

dents understood that they would be providing a community service. This
open-ended approach yielded impressive results. Students exhibited final
products at a contemporary art museum, drawing an authentic audience


and well-deserved praise for their professional-quality work. Behind each

successful documentary, however, was an equally compelling back story.
Students traveled their own paths to arrive at the often difficult subjects
they explored, such as self-harm, media bias, and teen homelessness. One
student offers a telling example. At first, he struggled to find a topic that
he cared about enough to investigate. It wasnt until one of the teachers
suggested he explore the subject of graffiti that his curiosity kicked in. Is
graffiti art or vandalism? was the question that finally drove his inquiry
forward. He interviewed police officers and taggers, thought critically
about gang culture, and produced several pieces of original artwork that
became part of his documentary.
In project-based learning, curiosity is the engine for learning. Its what
drives students to ask questions, conduct research, design investigations,
and reach out to experts. Of course, more than curiosity is required for
students to reach the finish line. But if a project doesnt get students caring
and wondering from the outset, its almost certain to fall flat.
Fortunately, humans are born curious. Our natural inquisitiveness
helps us make sense of the world. Curiosity is as integral to our survival
as the fight-or-flight response. Young children dont have to be encouraged
to ask questions. Its their go-to method of discovery.
Yet by the time students reach the middle grades, their teachers may
be noticing a decline in curiosity about school topics. By high school, the
most-often-asked question is apt to be a version of, Will this be on the
test? Thats a fair question if students have grown accustomed to lecture-
and test-based instruction. Its also a warning that curiosity can get con-
strained by classroom practices that call for passive learning.
In contrast, students who are accustomed to project-based learning
arent afraid to ask questionsand keep asking until they arrive at
answers that make sense to them. They dont give up when they run into
challenges. They dont crumble in the face of criticism. Instead, they know
how to use feedback and iterative cycles of revision to improve their work.
What helps students develop these productive habits of mind? How
can we plan project experiences to encourage not only curiosity but also
persistence and confidence in learners?
In this chapter, well take a closer look at inquiry within the broader
context of cognitive development. Insights from brain researchers, educa-
tional psychologists, and learning scientists have important implications
for how we design and manage projects to maximize learning.


The relatively young field of mind, brain, and education science is provid-
ing us with important insights into the learning enterprise. As the name
implies, this is an interdisciplinary field working at the intersections of
neuroscience, cognition, psychology, and social and emotional aspects of
The Inquiring Human Animal 15
New technology toolssuch as noninvasive imaging devices that
allow scientists to study the brain at workare helping neuroscientists
gain a better understanding of the developing brain and how it changes
in response to experience. Meanwhile, psychologists and cognitive scien-
tists are paying close attention to related topics such as motivation, atten-
tion, the relationship between exercise and thinking, and how students
develop the capacity to manage their own learning. By applying their
findings to the classroom, we can guide students so that they develop the
confidence and competence they need to be more successful in projects
and in life.
In Mind, Brain, and Education Science (2010), Tracey Tokuhama-Espinosa
synthesizes more than 4,500 studies from this emerging field to offer five key
concepts, shown in the left column of Table 2.1. These concepts are worth
considering as we plan projects that will get minds engaged. The column on
the right suggests implications for classroom practice.

Table 2.1 Applying Mind-Brain-Education Science Insights to Projects

What research tells us* What this means for PBL

Human brains are as The uniqueness of each learner underscores the importance of
unique as faces. student voice and choice in the selection and design of projects.
All brains are not equal In projects, students of mixed ability levels need to find room to
because context and ability be challenged yet also have support to be successful. Well-
influence learning. designed projects allow for differentiation and provide scaffolding.
The brain is changed by Exposure to varied project experiences and fluency with
experience. thinking routines that projects call into play help students
become more capable learners. Doing projects together gives
students common experiences they can build on while allowing
for differentiation.
The brain is highly plastic. The brain changes in response to cognition; neural pathways are
strengthened in response to repetition while underutilized
pathways are pruned away. PBL presents opportunities for
students to practice and hard wire executive function, the
cognitive processes that help us regulate our actions.
The brain connects new Sense and meaning are two filters the brain uses to decide whether
information to old. an idea will take hold. To make sense, new information has to fit
with the brains existing scheme for how the world works. If
theres no connection with prior understanding, then the
information is discarded. Meaning refers to perceived significance.
For an idea to stick, it has to have personal relevance. Otherwise,
the brain casts it off. PBL happens within an authentic context
where it makes sense. By focusing on topics students care about,
the teacher imbues the project with meaning.

*Tokuhama-Espinosa, 2010

Expanding on this framework, we can incorporate more insights

from research to enhance students ability to inquire, grapple with new
ideas, and manage their own learningall of which come into play in


You might not notice a person walking past your classroom or office door,
but if a tiger strolled by, you would.
Our very survival depends on attentiveness. Being alert to changes in
the environment allowed early humans to capitalize on opportunity (Ill
hunt that bird for dinner) and avoid harm (Ill hide from that rhino).
Stimuli have changed with the times, but we modern humans continue to
be attracted to novelty. Its easy to imagine tomorrows anthropologists
studying YouTube to figure out which sights and sounds grabbed our
fleeting attention in the early 21st century.
When novelty is present in the learning environment, students brains
become alert and receptive. A part of the brain called the reticular activat-
ing system filters incoming stimuli, deciding which information to trust to
autopilot and what deserves our full attention.
Without novelty, we tend to let our brains rest and conserve energy
for a while. Then we start looking for fresh stimulation. Psychiatrist and
child trauma expert Bruce Perry explains why repetitive classroom activi-
ties, such as lecture or worksheets, inhibit the brains craving for novelty
and can interfere with learning. Only four to eight minutes of pure factual
lecture can be tolerated before the brain seeks other stimuli, either internal
(e.g., daydreaming) or external (Who is that walking down the hall?). If
the teacher is not providing that novelty, the brain will go elsewhere
(Perry, n.d.).
Projects build in opportunities to introduce novelty. Projects often start
with a grabber or entry event of some kind. Thats when teachers delib-
erately facilitate an introduction to capture attention and interest, getting
students attention and curiosity engaged. Across the arc of the project,
new challenges and opportunities for discovery continue to present them-
selves, supplying students with ample reasons to stay interested once the
project is underway.


We are born with more than 100 billion brain cells, or neurons. During our
lives, we never add more. What we do add is neural circuitry, synaptic
fibers that connect neurons and conduct signals between them. The right
kinds of learning experiences during these years help children activate the
neural circuits needed to become proficient problem solvers and creative
thinkers (Willis, 2011).
The Inquiring Human Animal 17
By age 10, children have more neural connections, or synapses, than at
any other time of their lives. This is when the brain takes a use-it-or-lose-it
approach and starts pruning away connections that are underutilized. The
pruning away of weaker branches strengthens those that remain, and
the brain further stabilizes these circuits with a sheath of insulation called
myelin. Effective learning experiences help students strengthen the con-
nections that will lead to deeper understanding and, eventually, to more
complex and mature thinking.
From age 8 to 16, the prefrontal cortex of the brainthe part right
behind the foreheadis undergoing rapid development. Sometimes called
the CEO of the brain, the prefrontal cortex is responsible for executive
function. This term refers to a set of cognitive processes that help us regu-
late our actions.
Executive function takes time to take hold. Any parent of an adolescent
who ever asked, What were you thinking? knows the regulatory brain
functions that help us avoid risk and make reasoned decisions are rela-
tively slow to mature. Brain development is not complete until about age 25.
Thats when conscious control of executive function becomes more
Being able to set goals, manage time, check our impulses, and monitor
our own actions are traits we often associate with high-functioning adults.
But we dont develop them automatically. These processes are encouraged
by childhood experiences that allow for exploration and decision making
(and inhibited if these experiences are lacking). Free playplay that is not
bound by predetermined rulesis an ideal context for developing execu-
tive function. So, too, are project experiences that allow for self-directed
learning. Every time executive function is drawn upon and practiced, pat-
terns of behavior become more established, and neural pathways in the
brain actually become hard wired.
Project-based learning gives students opportunities to practice capabili-
ties that will serve them throughout life. Traditional learning experiences, in
comparison, reinforce a more narrow set of capabilities.
We can help students develop their executive function by planning
project activities that call on and reinforce certain skills and capabilities.

Exercise: Encourage Executive Skills

PBL naturally promotes the attitudes and skills that will serve students wellnot
just in school but also in life. The table below lists several skills that are indica-
tors of executive function (Dawson & Guare, 2004). All come into play during
projects. How might you help students grow into these good habits? Complete
the right-hand column by adding your ideas. We have included a prompt (Ask
yourself...) for each box to jumpstart your thinking.


Skill or Disposition Means students can... You can encourage in PBL by...
Flexibility Adapt, improvise, shift Example: Designing projects to be
approaches on open ended with no single right
demand answer
Ask yourself: How do I show students
that I welcome divergent ideas?
Organization Use a systematic Example: Providing students with
approach for reaching tools (such as shared calendars or
goals team logs) for managing project tasks
Ask yourself: How do I encourage
students to set goals for themselves?
Self-control Control their impulses Example: Modeling and having
students practice respectful methods,
or protocols, of engaging in
Ask yourself: How can we build a
classroom culture that helps students
develop emotional maturity?
Task initiation Get started on a task Example: Asking students to blog or
without keep journals about their daily goals
procrastinating and accomplishments
Ask yourself: How can I encourage
team members to set short-term goals?
Time management Plan ahead, manage Example: Making interim (milestone)
multiple demands on assignments that help students make
time progress toward final product
Ask yourself: What tools (such as
shared calendars, online workspaces,
project logs) could I introduce to help
students improve their time-
management skills?
Metacognition Reflect on their own Example: Asking students to reflect
thinking and the frequently on their progress as
quality of their work learners
Ask yourself: How am I varying
reflection prompts or activities so they
feel fresh to students?


As their brains develop from childhood to adolescence, students are able
to shift from concrete, representational thinking to grappling with greater
complexity and abstraction. The prefrontal cortex, along with being the
The Inquiring Human Animal 19
seat of executive function, is also the part of the brain in which higher-order
thinking happens. Like executive function, higher-order thinking skills get
better with practice.
Unlike instruction that rewards memorization and rote learning,
project-based learning asks students to arrive at their own meaning. In a
typical project cycle, students learn important content and apply their
understanding to create something new. This process causes students to
meld their creativity with higher-order thinking skills of analysis, synthe-
sis, and evaluation. With practice, critical thinking becomes a habit.
This is not to say that students are working at peak performance at
every moment during a project. Attention waxes and wanes during a
learning period.
During projects, when teams are engaged in research, investigations,
and product development, students are likely to be working with some
degree of independence. This is an opportunity to help students manage
their learning by teaching them to take advantage of periods of peak
Students can also learn to recognize when they need to take a break
from hard thinking. They can figure out when they need to move to get
the blood circulating and the wheels turning more efficiently. In effect,
they can learn to reset the learning cycle and get back to peak attention.
A project-based classroom should be organized to allow for these resets to
happen naturally.
Good teachers assess and connect to students prior experience as they
introduce new ideas. Meaning refers to the personal relevance of an idea.
We assign meaning to the things that we value, find interesting, or respond
to emotionally.
Imagine these two introductions to a project. Which do you think
would have more meaning for eighth-graders?

In the years 1860 and 1861, the Pony Express ran mail by horse and
rider between St. Louis and San Francisco. At its peak, the Pony
Express employed 80 young riders who were paid $25 a week.

In the years 1860 and 1861, the Pony Express ran mail by horse and
rider between St. Louis and San Francisco. Ads in newspapers at
either end of the line read: Wanted. Young, Skinny, Wiry fellows
above 13 but not over 18. Must be expert riders willing to risk
death daily. Orphans preferred. Wages $25 per week.

The second introduction has meaning because it is relatable. The ad

asks for applicants not too different in age from eighth graders. It is
meaningful, too, because the riskiness of the job and preference for
riders who have no parents to worry about them elicits an emotional
Project-based learning helps students not only make meaning but also
make meaning that lasts. Applying what they know causes students to
consolidate their understanding, making learning more memorable.

Reflection and feedback, both of which are built into the project cycle, also
help to make learning stick in long-term memory.
Learning doesnt end when the school day is over. During sleep, the
brain consolidates what it has learned, strengthening the connections
between neurons that form when we absorb new knowledge. Telling stu-
dents to sleep on it after a day of deep learning improves their ability to
grasp and retain new ideas.


In some classrooms, rigor is measured in pages read or problems assigned.
Rigor in projects has to do with putting kids right at the edge of what they
know so they have to reach to grasp new ideas. Well-crafted projects cause
students to struggle just enough to be challenging without triggering the
stress that can get in the way of learning.
When the brain senses danger or threat, it triggers the body to release
the stress hormone cortisol. In the short term, cortisol revs up the bodys
metabolism, preparing us for fight or flight. Long-term exposure to corti-
sol, however, can hamper memory and impair learning.
Brain scans show that under stressful conditions, information is
blocked from entering the brains areas of higher cognitive memory con-
solidation and storage. The learning process grinds to a halt, explains
Judy Willis, who is both neurologist and educator (Willis, 2007). If a
student feels threatened in class (I might fail! And look stupid!), literal
fight or flight is not possible. Instead, flight can be achieved by shutting
down, disrupting, or shifting attention to other things.
Compare what happens in a stressful learning environment to one in
which students find learning pleasurable and related to their interests. In
response to pleasurable associations, the brain releases dopamine. This
neurotransmitter stimulates the memory centers and increases attention
(Willis, 2007).
When stressors are minimized, students feel safe enough to tackle chal-
lenges that will stretch their thinking. Children need to feel safe enough in
school to push the limits of what they know, to venture into the unknown,
to take the risk of making a mistake or being wrong. Albert Einstein said,
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new
(Diamond, 2010).


How can teachers strike a balance between struggle and stress? Well-
designed projects are designed for optimal ambiguity. They require learn-
ers to strugglea bitas they consider what they already know and plan
the tasks ahead. Teachers can seek the right balance by attending to what
experts call liberating constraints (Davis, Sumara, & Luce-Kapler, 2007).
The Inquiring Human Animal 21
Liberating constraints are structures of a learning experience that

provide enough organization to orient students toward the work,

and at the same time
permit enough openness to accommodate a variety of abilities,
interests, and creative approaches.

The authors of Engaging Minds, who conceptualized the notion of lib-

erating constraints, provide an example that helps us understand. A soccer
game is structured within a narrow set of rules. However, within those
rules, or constraints, great nuance and creativity are possible. Without
rules, soccer would become a free-for-all, and it would be difficult to
appreciate any brilliance that might be on display. When rules are relaxed,
even a little bit (by poor officiating, for instance), it becomes evident how
necessary and liberating those constraints are.


Where is the sweet spot for learning thats both playful and focused on
serious goals? One teacher found it in the virtual environment of Sim City,
the popular simulation game about urban planning.
When Julie Robison introduced her seventh-grade science students to
the Sim City Project, she was deliberate about giving them class time to
just play around with the game. For the first few days of the project, stu-
dents could freely explore the virtual environment, figuring out game rules
and shortcuts on their own. While they were fooling around, I looked for
problem solving, Robison explains. When Id see a student figuring out
something, Id say, what were you looking for? How did you do it? Then
Id have them tell me about it, and then tell the class. About every five
minutes during the 50-minute class period, Id break in and say, lets listen
to so-and-so tell us what he or she learned. That also meant they were
learning from each other.
Only after students had time to learn in that informal way did Robison
introduce the project expectations. Their assignment: build a virtual city
and be able to explain growth patterns supported by data. Students had to
provide evidence by taking screenshots of their city at key dates in the
simulation. Graphs that the game generates provided useful formative
assessment tools, as students learned to use them for feedback about their
planning decisions. They also had to write a narrative explaining what
they had learned about urban design principles.
This project got them into systems thinking, Robison explains, and
also got students more curious about the world around them. As they
learned about urban design in the game world, they began asking ques-
tions that showed they were more closely observing the built environ-
ment of their own city. Why were bridges built where they were? Why
are high-rises considered luxury housing in some cities but low-income

housing in others? Experts in city planning helped students understand

why land use decisions had been made in the past.
Robison knew the project had led to memorable learning when she
was on an unrelated field trip with the same students. Looking out the bus
window, one boy noticed a farm he had probably seen dozens of times
before. Now he saw it with fresh eyes. Look! he said, an agricultural
zone, and its located right next to a major transportation corridor.

Project Signpost 3: Ignite Curiosity

You may already make a habit of launching projects with a grabber or entry
event that captures student attention and ignites curiosity. Thats goodbut be
careful not to fall into an entry event rut. Vary the style of your entry events from
one project to the next to keep things interesting. Good entry events tend to be
brief but memorable. In their novelty, these events act as a catalyst for action.
They can be entertaining, but theyre only worth doing if they directly relate to
the project content. Consider how you might start with an event thats dramatic
(role plays or scenarios), mysterious (not-easily-explained events or demonstra-
tions), or experiential (students go on a field trip, or an important person
comes to call on them for help in a project scenario). Successful events will get
kids asking questions, setting the inquiry process into motion. Well spend more
time in Chapter 4 on how to plan effective entry events.


You dont have to be in a research setting to bring insights from mind,
brain, and education science into PBL. Look for opportunities to incor
porate these suggestions into everyday classroom activitiesand pay
attention to how students respond. Build your toolkit with techniques that
make a noticeable difference when it comes to grabbing students atten-
tion, nurturing creativity, and making learning memorable throughout
a project.
Cultivate Curiosity. Use novelty deliberately. Give the project an
attention-getting title and plan a creative grabber or entry event to
launch the project. Capture students questions, post them in a visible spot,
and refer to this need-to-know list throughout the project. Once the project
is underway, vary daily routines. Mix up team assignments from one proj-
ect to the next, too, so that students work with new partners.
Shift From Wait Time to Think Time. Our brains process information
at different speeds. On average, teachers ask questions and wait less than
2 seconds before calling for an answer (Stahl, 1994). Stretching out wait
time by just few seconds allows more students to be ready to reply, and
the quality of responses also improves. Wait time is usually associated
with the teacher-centered act of instructing and typically focuses on
whole-class discussions. A variation, think time, is more broadly applicable
The Inquiring Human Animal 23
in student-centered projects. Think time gives students opportunities to
gather their thoughts, perhaps by jotting down notes or making sketches
to capture their ideas, before discussing them. Encourage think time dur-
ing mini-lessons and when peers are working collaboratively. During
your informal observations of project teams at work, ask questions to find
out whether students are giving themselves sufficient time to think.
Encourage Better Brainstorming. Getting people to think individually
about a topic before combining their ideas is more productive than starting
out thinking as a group (Kohn & Smith, 2010). When students do problem
identification that leads to research questions, allow time for noodling
around and exploring ideas from many different perspectives. Create class
norms for brainstorming that elicit everyones ideas and encourage stu-
dents to riff off each others good thinking. Be careful not to make value
statements about one students ideas over anothers, as that can shut down
the generative processes you want to cultivate. Instead of saying, Thats
the best idea Ive heard, say, Your thinkings gone in a new direction.
What do others think about Andres idea? In this way you foster listening
and encourage more good thinking.
Sleep on It. As you head into a project, introduce it, maybe do a grab-
ber or entry event, but dont start the work the moment after. Encourage
kids to talk about the project at home and literally sleep on it for overnight
processing that makes them more ready to start.

Exercise: Take an Interest Inventory

As weve heard throughout this chapter, new learning sticks best when it makes
sense and has meaning. To make sense, a concept has to connect to ones cur-
rent understanding. To have meaning, a concept or investigation needs to mat-
ter on a personal and emotional level.
To make projects really go, take time to find out what matters most to
your students. Conduct an interest inventory, such as EDCs Fun Works
(, to find out about their out-of-school interests
and hobbies. For example, ask students to select their top three choices from
a list of options such as these:

Visit a pet store

Paint a mural
Help plan a sports tournament
Survey your classmates to see what they do after school
Run for student council
Try out for the school musical
Dissect a frog and identify different organs
Play baseball, soccer, football, or just about any sport
Make up new words to one of your favorite songs
Bake a cake and decorate it for your best friends birthday
Simulate an imaginary flight through space on your computer

Take the results into account as you consider project ideas. Compile stu-
dents individual responses to develop a class profile that reflects which activi-
ties students would most enjoy. Refer to your interest inventory when making
team assignments too to make sure each team has a good mix of interests rep-
As a next step, have your students craft their own interest inventory. Their
individual contributions to the survey might tell you as much as the results!

Now that youve explored some of the internal factors that drive curiosity,
lets turn your focus to the external environment for learning. How can
you customize the learning environment to encourage inquiry? Lets find
out in the next chapter.
Making the World
Safe for Thinking

I magine heralding the start of a new project by flying a special flag

outside your school. Thats what happens at Birkdale Intermediate
School in Auckland, New Zealand, where learning happens through
immersive projects called Quests.
A new flag goes up at the start of each Quest and stays up through the
project, Principal Richard Coote explained to us in a Skype interview. It
announces the project and prompts parents to get involved. Instead of just
asking, How was your day? they can say to their child, Tell me about
Lest We Forget. (Lest We Forget is a social studies project in which chil-
dren study history and causal relationships through the topic of war.)
With gestures large and small, this school conveys the message that
projects matter. Even before the flags start flying, coming soon posters
appear in the school hallways to create an air of mystery and build antici-
pation about upcoming projects. Project titles are carefully selected to be
both engaging and simple, Coote adds. You dont need to know many
details to be intrigued by a project titled The Hunt.
These tactics are part of a grand plan to get students to buy in quickly.
The key is engagement early on, Coote adds. We know that if a project
is flat at the outset, its going to be six weeks of dragging them along.
Coote speaks from experience. Birkdale Intermediate, a public school
serving about 450 students in Grades 7 and 8, has invested a decade in
fine-tuning its PBL strategies. The overarching goalindeed, the reason
Birkdale shifted to project-based learning in the first placeis to develop
independent learners who can think deeply. To achieve this ambitious
goal, the school pays close attention to the many factors that support
student success across the arc of a project.


In PBL, we ask students to think and operate in new and perhaps

unfamiliar ways. Sometimes thinkers get stuck, and that has to be OK; a
breakdown often leads to a breakthrough. Sometimes arguments arise,
but this isnt necessarily a bad thing. Arguments can shape new under-
standing and build tolerance for different points of view. Ill-formed ideas
and do-overs are a necessary part of projects, if students are going to take
intellectual risks, revise their work, and eventually arrive at well-formed
ideas and high-quality representations of their learning. The messiness
of projects is often where the rich thinking happens.
At schools like Birkdale that embrace PBL, the school culture supports
students (and teachers) as they dive into the hard work of learning through
projects. The right climate and supporting mechanisms allow students to
feel the burn of hard thinking without burning out their enthusiasm for
In this chapter, well consider how to fine-tune the conditions around
learning so that students can do their best thinking. Paying attention to
physical spaces, being deliberate about teaching thinking skills, and set-
ting high expectations all contribute to a productive environment for
learning through projects.


Take a moment and imagine a creative work environment. Dont worry
about the kind of work going on. Just focus on the space. Close your eyes
for a moment and picture it. What is that space like? What does it sound
like? How are people interacting? Is there movement? Is there evidence of
work in progress? Is it tidy, or busy-messy? Can you imagine working
there? What would that be like? If you are moved to do so, draw a quick
sketch of your ideal creative work environment. Include every amenity
that would contribute to your best thinking.
Was your mental picture anything like either of the workspaces
shown in Figures 3.1 and 3.2? People in both environments appear to be
engaged and productive, using flexible, light-filled workspaces that
invite collaboration. Its likely that they are accomplishing significant
work, too. The image at the left is of the Googleplex in Mountain View,
California. The one at the right was taken at High Tech High, part of a
network of 11 public charter schools in San Diego, California. Like many
schools emphasizing project-based learning, High Tech High has
designed workspaces specifically to foster creativity and innovation,
allow for productive collaboration, and showcase student work in
curated exhibits.
Think back to your mental image of a creative workplace. Was the
place you imagined a school? If the answer was no, why not? School is
a work place for 55 million people in the United States where 51.5 million
student workers and 3.5 million teachers are charged with shaping the
future (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2012a). Thats a big job. Thats work!
Companies like Google and schools like High Tech High value creativity
and innovation and intentionally establish the conditionsboth work spaces
Making the World Safe for Thinking 27
Figures 3.1 and 3.2 Two 21st-Century Work Environments

Source: Photo by Jurvetson on Flickr. Source: Reprinted Courtesy of High Tech High.

and opportunitiesthat foster the kind of thinking they are after. We

might not be able to magically transform our schools and classrooms, but
we can improve the setting so that it is more supportive of creative thought
and inquiry. What might that look like? The emerging school design move-
ment offers some insight.
The last time the United States experienced a school-building boom
was from 1950 to 1969, when schools went up fast to accommodate the
Baby Boom generation in look-alike classrooms housed in factory-style
buildings. Nearly half the nations schools were constructed during this
era, and many are now overdue for remodeling or replacement. For school
designers and communities alike, this offers an enormous opportunity to
reconsider the form and function of schools.
Architects who are leading the new school design movement are giv-
ing careful consideration to how learning spaces encourage the deep
thinking, creativity, and collaboration that we hope to develop in 21st-
century learners. Their ideas may seem out of reach if youre not in a com-
munity thats investing in cutting-edge school facilities. But look closely at
how architects are thinking about learning spaces and you may find ideas
you can borrow for your own classroom or school community.
Trung Le, principal education designer at Cannon Design, spent
2 years leading an interdisciplinary team that looked at school design
in several countries, including the United States. Their research, summa-
rized in an idea book called The Third Teacher: 79 Ways You Can Use Design
to Transform Teaching & Learning, includes such practical suggestion as these
gems (OWP/P Cannon Design, VS Furniture, Bruce Mau Design, 2010):

Display learning. Posting student work, both current and past, on

the wall tracks progress in a visible way.
Emulate museums. An environment rich in evocative objects
whether its a classroom or a museumtriggers active learning by
letting students pick what to engage with.

Make peace with fidgeting. Think of it as brain development,

which it is. Then think of how to make room for movement and
physical activity in the classroom.
Make classrooms agile. A learning space that can be reconfigured
on a dime will accommodate different kinds of learners and teachers
and allow for different learning activities.

Award-winning school architecture firm Fielding Nair has identified

18 modalities through which students learn and 25 space designs that
support them. Every new school they plan has a mix of indoor and out-
door spaces, including quiet, reflective areas; messy, lab-like spaces; and
social watering holes that invite informal conversation. They take into
account the human need for movement, relaxation, visual stimulation, dif-
ferent kinds of lighting, and even colors and patterns that are conducive to
good thinking.
Steven Turckes, who leads architecture firm Perkins+Wills global K12
practice, suggests that schools would be wise to emulate successful com-
panies, such as Google or the global design firm IDEO, by deliberately
setting the stage for playfulness, creativity, and interdisciplinary thinking.
Turckes also mentions High Tech High, which we discussed earlier, as an
example of a school configured to get students out of subject-area silos.
Imagine what could happen, he asks, if the advanced physics student and
the photography student had meaningful collisions in the average
American high school. What if they did by designif their classwork
wove together diverse content and skills intentionally and elegantly? ...
Schools could be the breeding ground for a new millennium of Renaissance
young men and women where creating something trumps memorizing it
(Turckes, 2011).

We heard earlier about Birkdale Intermediate School and its long tradition of
teaching through projects. The school has intentionally developed a climate
and curriculum to encourage deep thinking, which is reflected by the physi-
cal environment. Because the school values collaboration, it has built nests
where small teams can work. Like glass-walled study rooms in a university
library, nests are soundproofed spaces tucked between classrooms with
windows that allow teachers to keep track of whats happening. Coote
describes these as semi-supervised spaces, where up to a dozen students
at a time can enjoy a degree of independence. Working in the nest, students
might brainstorm solutions to a problem, rehearse for a public presentation,
construct a model, or have a script meeting to plan what they will say. They
can engage fully in teamwork without disrupting their classmates.
Similarly, the Birkdale library is specially outfitted to reinforce project
work. Displayed here are museum-quality exhibits that relate to each
project. In a Quest called The Real Pocahontas?, students compare mod-
ern representations of Pocahontas with historical accounts to arrive at
Making the World Safe for Thinking 29
some truths about her life. A library exhibit of blue Venetian glass trade
beads circa 1700, a silver shilling from 1601, a bone powder horn, and
other authentic artifactsalong with Disney snow globes and figurines
spark imagination and link project studies to the past. Developing the
exhibits has involved searching eBay and antiques stores for artifacts, but
its been well worth the effort because of the increased student engage-
ment, according to Coote.
Many teachers show similar creativity in how they expand the func-
tionality of the classroom box. For example, English teacher Susan Lucille
Davis has a space outside her office thats dubbed the Teaching and
Learning Leadership Center. As she explains in a blog post, the right space
offers an invitation to collaborate (Davis, 2012):

In it we have collected books, games, a tired white board, a coffee

pot and refrigerator, and a long conference table surrounded by a
hodgepodge of mismatched chairs. Sometimes the students who
come early like to gather there (exactly what we hoped when some
of my colleagues and I put this space together).

Working with limited budgets that dont allow for wholesale remodel-
ing, many schools are investing in no-frills makeovers that better accom-
modate the needs of project-based learning and teaching. For example,
weve seen schools that have painted interior walls with whiteboard paint,
creating giant canvases for capturing and sharing ideas. To encourage stu-
dents to make their thinking visible, teachers might encourage students to
write on their desks or the floor with dry-erase markers or provide them
with mini-whiteboards cut from melamine shower board to use while
tackling problems that may require multiple attempts to solve.


If a project has been successful, students should be able to discuss or dem-
onstrate the important content they have learned. Culminating events are
hallmarks of project-based schools. These are the important, often celebra-
tory occasions when students share what they know or can do as a result
of their active learning experience. After all, deep understanding of aca-
demic content is one of the key benefits of PBL.
Equally importantbut not always so overtly displayedare the
thinking skills that are engaged and strengthened by effective projects.
At Birkdale Intermediate, the PBL school weve highlighted through-
out this chapter, thinking skills are a significant part of every Quest. Thats
no accident. Early in its transformation to a project-based school, Birkdale
staff began to focus deliberately on how to teach thinking skills. Their
publication, Developing a Thinking Curriculum, explains why: Simply plac-
ing our students in problem-solving situations is not enough for these
[thinking skills] to develop. Skillful critical thinking has to be explicitly
taught (Coote, n.d., p. 6).

To inform its approach, Birkdale has drawn on the research of experts

who focus on thinking skills, including researchers Arthur Costa, Howard
Gardner, and David Perkins from Harvards Project Zero, and Adam
Lefstein and Yoram Harpaz from Israel, who have developed the concept
of fertile questions.
The work of Robert Swartz, director of the National Center for
Teaching Thinking in Massachusetts, has been especially influential at the
New Zealand school. Each Quest highlights at least one of the thinking
strategies that Swartz recommends, such as being able to compare and
contrast, make a well-founded judgment, or explain the relationship
between cause and effect. Teachers use graphic organizers and thinking
maps to explicitly teach and reinforce these skills.
The Birkdale staff came to embrace thinking skills through their own
action research. We recognized, early on, that our curriculum lacked rig-
orous thinking, Coote recounts. Students might suggest questions, but
they tended to be lower-level questions that lacked intellectual rigor. It
was as if we were trying to lead them to thinking by osmosisif only we
could get them inquiring, we expected their thinking to get better. Coote
says Swartz challenged them to consider, What could you do with stu-
dents that wouldnt produce the same old thinking?
Ever since, they have embedded thinking skills into Quests, in tandem
with students deep dive into content. Working as content curators, teach-
ers provide multimedia collections of primary source materials to inform
students inquiry. The immersion into rich content and deep thinking hap-
pens simultaneously. As Coote points out, You cant underestimate the
content. Knowledge is what we use to think with. The (thinking) process
is what students will take into the world. So you have to do both at once
content and process.


Being able to generate new ideas is an increasingly valued skill in todays
knowledge-based, innovation-driven economy. One of the key challenges
facing societies around the globe is figuring out how to develop citizens
who not only possess up-to-date knowledge but also are able to participate
in the creation of new ideas as a normal part of their lives (Scardamalia &
Bereiter, 2003).
By looking closely at how people build knowledge, educators Carl
Bereiter and Marlene Scardamalia (2003) have concluded that curious chil-
dren and expert adults go through much the same process:

The process of knowledge building is essentially the same across the

trajectory running from early childhood to the most advanced levels
of theorizing, invention, and design, and across the spectrum of
knowledge-creating organizations, within and beyond school. If
learners are engaged in processes only suitable for school, then they
are not engaged in knowledge building. (Bereiter & Scardamalia,
2003, p. 1371)
Making the World Safe for Thinking 31
Knowledge building involves learners in actively gathering informa-
tion, making observations, formulating questions, and then creating new
ideas or solutions to answer their own inquiries. Critical thinking is
embedded throughout the process.
For example, an engineering class began a recent project by taking a
walking tour of a neighborhood that had been hit hard by a tornado (an
example of an engaging, relevant, and novel entry event). Students
observed the damage through the lens of engineering, raising need-to-
know questions about why some buildings survived while others were
devastated by the force of nature (a real-world use of comparing and
contrasting). They also interviewed survivors of the storm, establishing
an emotional connection to the project. Then they worked in teams to
develop new designs that would answer their own inquiries about every-
thing from building codes to the social aspects of how people interact
with their community (Ebbetts, 2012). In constructing new ideas, student
teams were going through the same thinking processes that experts
would bring to a similar challenge.


School architects work with their clientsadministrators, educators, stu-
dents, parents, and community membersto design spaces that support
new ideas of schooling. The assumption that teachers will deliver instruc-
tion from the front of the room and all students will engage in the same
tasks at the same time is no longer accurate, which means traditional cells
and bells (classrooms and schedules) must give way to more flexible
During project-based learning, independent study, small-group work,
seminars, and hands-on learning might be going on all at once. Coming up
with ways to accommodate the many activities of PBL may require inven-
tive thinking.
One example: At Science Leadership Academy in Philadelphia, stu-
dents need to regroup frequently for project work, and that means moving
chairs that were designed to stay put. Chairs with wheels are out of the
budget, so teachers put split tennis balls on the feet of chairs. Students can
rearrange seating quickly and quietly.
Think about the ways you want your PBL class to function to encour-
age the kinds of thinking we have explored in this chapter. Small adjust-
ments in the learning environment will better accommodate the various
tools and patterns of interaction that come into play during projects. Lets
look more closely at a few patterns you can expect during projects, along
with affordable solutions to accommodate them.
Independent work. A PBL classroom is busy. Sometimes students
need cave space, a place quiet and free from distraction.

Create three-panel cardboard carrels to separate desk or tabletop

spaces for quiet work.

Partner and small-group work. Collaboration is the norm in the PBL


Furnish with tables or arrange desks into groupings, or pods.

Make room dividers from standing chalkboards or whiteboards.
Some teachers hang melamine shower panels that not only divide
the space but serve as inexpensive whiteboards, too.
Open the door for learning. Arrange with other teachers to allow
self-directed teams to work in unoccupied spaces in their class-
rooms. See the library, hallways, entryways, courtyards, and even
the office as learning spaces. One principal we know lets students
work in his office. (Hes a rover who is often in classrooms and
hallways.) Set expectations with everyone involved for what
happens in these out-of-classroom settings, including how you
will monitor student conduct. Gradually release the reins as stu-
dents demonstrate good self-management in more independent
If you have the means, redesign otherwise public spaces into learn-
ing studios. Birkdale Intermediate School has built two, and staff and
students like them so much they are adding two more. Named for
native birds, the Kiwi and Tui nests are 4 meters by 6 meters,
accommodate up to 12 students, and have glass walls from the waist
up for easy supervision.

Check-ins and seminars-for-some. During projects, teachers check

in with teams and offer seminar-style lessons on tightly focused topics
(for example: how to cite sources for a research project, prepare for an
interview with an expert, or make a podcast). One school calls these
mini-lessons coffee talks. Optional for all but mandatory for some
(based on the teachers formative assessment), coffee talks are informal
and friendly. If your classroom can accommodate soft benches or
couches, this arrangement is perfect for mini-lessons and small-group
Reimagine who the stuff belongs to. We have seen classrooms in which
resources are only used by the teacher or under the teachers direction.
Smart boards and document cameras are great for making thinking visible.
Are your students using these tools for brainstorming, diagramming, and
other kinds of group thinking?
Conversational classroom. Being front and center lends authority
but can hamper interaction. When you stand at the front of the class, stu-
dent interaction will tend to flow through you. Change things up. Put
chairs in a circle, join the group, let a student lead, and encourage classmates
to converse with each another, not just with you.
Student presentations. Funny how we recommend that teachers lec-
ture less, yet students expressions of learning in projects are frequently
one-way presentationsbasically, lectures. Encourage your students to
move out of the front of the classroom, too, and engage their audience in
participatory activities like team challenges, game-style events, gallery
walks, or hands-on engagement with materials.
Making the World Safe for Thinking 33
Tinker station. Encourage hands-on, minds-on creative thinking by
providing tools for tinkering. Stock a maker station with everything
from Legos to kits with wires, switches, and batteries, to a sewing machine.
Add a library of Maker, Craft, and Popular Mechanics magazines to get cre-
ative juices flowing.
Skype on. Whenever his class works on a collaborative project with
another school, a veteran PBL elementary teacher named Terry Smith
keeps a Skype chat line open on a dedicated computer. Even when they are
not conversing, students working at a distance stay tethered through the
chat function and can hop on calls as needed with a ping.
Video booth. Turn an empty refrigerator box into a three-sided video
booth to capture student reflections. In one class, students created posters
on the interior walls that evoke the themes of each project. You might set
up lighting and a video camera on a tripod, or just arrange for video
capture through a webcam.
Color. If you have the option of changing colors in your classroom and
school, investigate the role of color on minds and bodies. Colors on the
warm side of the scale (reds, oranges, and yellows) tend to be stimulating,
while cool hues (blues, violets, greens) are soothing and can even slow the
heart rate.
Furniture. As with color, furniture affects body and mind. Kids have a
natural inclination to move, and ergonomic furniture designs accommo-
date rather than suppress movement. Hokki-brand ergonomic stools have
a rounded bottom so kids can move a bit while seated. Bilibos are shell-
shaped seats that students can curl into, rock in, or turn over and sit on.
Beanbag chairs invite students to settle in for reading or quiet work.
Students at TESLA (the Technology Engineering Science Leadership
Academy) in Florida carry Bilibos and beanbag chairs to favorite learning
spaces. Finding a student working under the reception desk is not uncom-
mon at TESLA.
BYOD. Bring your own device is a growing technology trend in
schools. Set expectations for use and brainstorm with students the myriad
ways their personal devices can aid learning. One example: The teacher sets
up an SMS poll using PollEverywhere (
to assess teams readiness to move from one stage to the next on a project.
Students take the poll using the texting function on their mobile phones.

Exercise: Your PBL Wish List

PBL teachers model creative thinking when they find workarounds or inexpensive
fixes to make their classrooms more conducive to project work. (They also model
collaboration if they enlist parent volunteers and other community members to
help!) Now its your turn to put your creativity to work. Weve started the following
list with a few examples of how you might improve on your classroom environment
to invite good thinking. What else belongs on your PBL wish list? How might you
make it happen? Follow the prompts to complete the right-hand column.



PBL Activity Make it happen by...

Storytelling Creating a corner of your classroom that

invites campfire-style gatherings
What inexpensive materials could you use to
designate this space?

Field research Recruiting parent volunteers to help with

transportation, supervision of project teams;
using tools like Skype to connect students
with remote experts
What processes (such as having permission
slips on file or ongoing connections with
local experts) would help you eliminate
barriers to field research?

Sharing work with authentic Having a guest book for visitors to sign,
audiences curating exhibits with artist statements,
having students act as docents to greet and
guide visitors
How do you use digital publishing to reach
a larger audience for student work?

Down time (allowing students to Giving students more flexibility over how
recharge their thinking batteries they use class time
after periods of focused work) How might you incorporate short periods of
physical activity during class time?

Mash-ups among students that Mixing up team assignments from one

allow for informal exchange of project to the next
ideas How transparent is your process for making
team assignments?

Scenario-based projects or Incorporating gaming and other immersive

simulations that put students into environments (both online and nondigital)
immersive environments into projects
Who could teach you more about immersive

Building prototypes and models Providing students with raw materials to

make models and prototypes, making their
thinking visible
Where could you create a shared maker
space or tinkering studio within your school

More PBL activities? How might you make it happen?

Making the World Safe for Thinking 35


Schools that emphasize project-based learning as a core instructional
strategy tend to frame their approach around specific values and practices.
Consider just a few examples:

New Tech Network includes more than 100 schools across the United
States that emphasize project-based learning, smart use of technology,
and school culture that promotes trust, respect, and responsibility.
High Tech High, the public charter school network in California
described earlier, embraces four key design principles to prepare
students for the challenges of adulthood: personalization, adult world
connection, common intellectual mission, and teacher as designer.
Science Leadership Academy, a public high school in Philadelphia,
has built its successful PBL program on five core values that are
emphasized in every class: inquiry, research, collaboration, presen-
tation, and reflection.

It takes time and deliberate effort for these values and practices to be
woven into school culture.
You may be teaching in a school in which everyone learns through
projects or one in which your classroom is an island of PBL in a sea of tra-
ditional teaching. Regardless, its worth investing time to set high expecta-
tions and establish norms with your students. Together, you can build a
positive climate for learning through projects.

Project Signpost 4: Build Norms for PBL

Building a positive culture for teaching and learning is an ongoing process.

Engage students in discussing how they will work together during projects. Make
their suggestions visible with posters or other displays. Refer to these artifacts
often. Continuously reinforce norms for

Collaboration: Define in student language how team members should

treat one another. Use team contracts or agreements, project logs, and
other project management tools to ensure that students own their
responsibility to the team. Model and encourage productive peer feedback.
Work ethic: Encourage students to set goals for projects. Define what
quality looks like in student-friendly language. Help students learn time-
management skills by introducing timelines, setting project milestones,
and providing other scaffolds to help them become more responsible for
their own learning.
Parent and community support: Invite parents and other community
members to support project work by sharing expertise, donating resources
for classroom makeovers, and providing authentic audiences for student

George Mayo, a middle-school teacher whom we will hear more from

in Chapter 7, says setting the right conditions for PBL early in the school
year enables him and his students to accomplish more ambitious projects
as the year unfolds. He deliberately establishes class norms by having stu-
dents make a poster that defines how they will work together. The sign
stays up all year as an ongoing reminder that, he says, When were in this
space, were all here to support and encourage one another. That sup-
portive, respectful culture is essential for students to feel comfortable shar-
ing the personal reflections that are often the jumping-off point for
language arts projects. You cant do project-based learning, he adds,
without the right environment.
Mayos classroom is a busy place, with students producing podcasts,
documentary films, and high-quality writing projects. It gets crazy some
days, he admits. But even on the busiest days, he tries to stick with estab-
lished routines. Each day begins with a learning objective that focuses the
class period and ends with at least a few minutes of quiet reflection. Those
clear routines provide organization and structure, so kids know what to
expect when they come in. When we start to do large projects, he adds,
that structure helps kids feel secure. He also makes a point of leading by
example. As the teacher, you set the tone with your disposition each day.
I try to act positive and excited about the project. If you can do that, Ive
found that students will follow your lead.

Now that you have considered the physical environment and norms for
PBL, youre ready to look more closely at how questions themselves help
set the stage for deep inquiry. The next chapter focuses on questioning
techniques and thinking routines that are applicable across grade levels
and subject areas.
The Thinking-Out-

I am not a teacher, but an awakener.

Robert Frost

I n a culturally diverse urban school in Northern California, fourth-

graders interviewed family members for a podcasting project called
Stories from the Heart. It took practice and preparation for students to
gently prod their elders with just the right questions that would unlock
memories: How did you play before you had television or video games?
Where did Grandmothers nickname come from? What was it like to come
to America as a child?
To model good interviewing and listening techniques, teacher Teresa
Cheung drew on her own experiences. In a recording for the national
StoryCorps project, she prompted her father, then 82, to talk about the les-
sons he learned while attending a Confucian school in China. In a touching
moment near the end of the interview, she thanks him for passing along
his strong values to his seven children (Conley, 2008).
Teachers are in an excellent position to be role models for inquiry. By
making the classroom a place that invites good questions from adults and
students alike, you help students understand that curiosity is not only
welcome, its expected.


To model and encourage curiosity, ask lots of questions and encourage

students to do the samewhen they are engaged in projects as well as at
other times. For example, in informal conversations with students:

Ask low-risk questions, ones that have no right answer but

instead invite opinion and creative answers. Would you rather be
invisible or be able to read minds?
Make a space for riddles, conundrums, and enigmas. Why is milk
sold in rectangular containers while soda is sold in cylindrical
Post unanswered or unanswerable questions. Invite kids to ponder
the grand challenges identified in engineering, global health,
environmental science, computing, and human rights. How could
the worlds fresh water supply be shared equitably? What is dark
matter? Encourage students to volunteer their own challenges.
Discuss daily news. Ask: How did this event come to happen?
What might happen next? Is there more to this story? Is it part of a
pattern? Many stories develop over time. Follow updates to learn
what happens and whether projections hold, and whether media
sources are reliable.
Read opinion pieces and letters to the editor; invite debate. Are
security cameras an invasion of privacy?
Get mouths and minds moving with buzz talks. Set pairs buzz-
ing, or talking, on a topic for 2 or 3 minutes. Buzzing prior to
whole-class discussion will lead to greater participation.
Encourage students to imagine ways to test hypotheses. Would a
penny dropped from the Empire State Building injure a person on the
sidewalk below? How could we find out without hurting anybody?

Mike Gwaltney, a history teacher in Portland, Oregon, anchors class

projects in his students interests. He refers to his method of planning as
teaching backwards. He shows interest in his students thinking by
asking, What concerns you today? What interests you? Then he
guides discussion toward, How does that show up in history? By
delving into students interests as he plans, Gwaltney is assured of their
curiosity about utopias, battles, economic issues, slavery, and other
potential project topics.
As his class began a study of Native American history, Gwaltney asked
students to reflect. I wanted to know about their experiences and under-
standing of Native Americans in Portland and in the Pacific Northwest,
Gwaltney says. After some conversation, I gave them a preliminary
assignment to do just 30 minutes of research. I threw out a bunch of open-
ended questions and encouraged them to get online, talk to their parents,
just generally think on the topic. I really want to build some interest on
their part. Theyre going to have to do inquiry and theyre going to design
their own driving question, so I ask, What do you think you want to
know? and work from there.
The Thinking-Out-Loud-and-in-View Classroom 39
Gwaltney poses an overarching question to help students shape their
research questions. In this instance, he asked, How does the story of (your
individual interest) help us understand the larger experience of Native
Americans in American history as a whole?
Gwaltney helps students frame their work using disciplinary
approaches of historians: What happened? Why did it happen? What is
the significance of what happenedat the time, later, and now? He
encourages small groups to come up with lists of driving questions and
meets with students to help them shape a researchable question and their
plan for investigating it. I rely on my own training as a historian,
Gwaltney says. Its coaching intensive. Im constantly sitting with kids,
working with them on focusing, writing new questions, focusing in a
new way.


In planning for PBL, teachers often design projects around a driving ques-
tion that captures students imagination and compels them to investigate.
Driving questions act as a framework within which students craft more
questions and conduct investigations. Answering these subordinate ques-
tions naturally leads students to learn important content, think critically
about what they are finding out, and master new skills. By the time they
answer that original driving question, students should have met the impor-
tant learning goals that the teacher has built into the project from the start.
Remember the Quests at Birkdale Intermediate in New Zealand? Each
launches from a question that has passed a fertility test (Harpaz &
Lefstein, 2000). Consider how these characteristics of fertile questions
can serve as filters for designing and refining questions that drive rich
learning activity:

Open: Have several different or competing answers.

{{For example: Has the importance of the individual changed over time?
{{Or: Are we more a part of nature or apart from nature?
Undermining: Make learners question their basic assumption.
{{For example: Just because we can, should we?
{{Or: Does something we throw away ever really go away?
Rich: Cannot be answered without careful and in-depth research;
usually, questions can be broken into (or followed up with) subsid-
iary questions.
{{For example: How does the debate over genetic engineering affect our
{{Or: In what ways are stories a reflection of the time in which they were


Connected: Relevant to the learners.

{{For example: How would your view of water change if our taps failed?
{{Or: How can I turn a hobby (or talent) into a business?
Practical: Can be researched given the available resources.
{{For example: What does our in-depth study of the pond by our school
teach us about oceans?
{{Or: How does the availability of local food shape our diet and culture?

Along the same lines, the Buck Institute for Education (BIE) encour-
ages teachers to craft driving questions that are provocative or challeng-
ing, open ended, and/or complex and linked to the core of what they want
students to learn (Larmer, 2009).
To increase student engagement, BIE suggests looking for opportunities
to relate the driving question to students own lives or communities. For
example, you might revise the broad question What is a hero? to ask, Who
were the unsung heroes of the Civil Rights Movement in our community?
Building in a charge for student action is another strategy to boost engage-
ment. Revise the previous question again, for instance, to ask, How can we
honor our communitys unsung heroes from the Civil Rights Movement?

Exercise: Make Good Questions Even Better

Driving questions get better with practice. Improve on the following questions
by revising them to emphasize one or more of the characteristics described in
the previous section. How might you revise them to be more open? Undermin-
ing? Rich? Connected? Practical?

Can betrayal be forgiven?

Can anyone beat the odds?
Is the spark of revolution always the same?
What should we wear?
How can we balance personal freedoms and the public good?
Which is preferable, to be a house pet or a wild animal?
How do classic archetypes appear in todays art and media?
What is love?
What is the connection between mythologies and modern-day evil?

Project Signpost 5: Invite Feedback

Before you launch into a project with your driving question, take time to test-
drive the question with colleagues or students. Do they find the question com-
pelling enough to sustain their interest? How might they revise it to make it
more relevant, authentic, localized, or actionable? Can they see how answering
this question would lead them to learn important content or master 21st-century
skills? Pick one of the driving questions you revised in the previous exercise and
test-drive it with colleagues or students. What does their reaction tell you?
The Thinking-Out-Loud-and-in-View Classroom 41
Along with a good driving question, an effective entry event sets the
stage for a project launch. The entry event (which we discussed briefly in
Chapter 2) will be the first exposure your students have to a project. It
might unfold with a mysterious letter, jarring news, provocative video, or
other unusual event. It should be novel (to make students alert) and have
emotional resonance (to make them care).
Consider the following examples and imagine how your students
might respond:

A process server slaps student witnesses with subpoenas, compel-

ling them to testify in an upcoming trial.
Short documentary videos from Kiva (a microfinance site that
focuses on helping developing world entrepreneurs) or Not in Our
Town (an online community speaking out against discrimination)
spur kids to action in their community.
A friendly dog on loan from the humane society comes to school
and delivers a letter asking students to launch a pet adoption
A 10-minute documentary about child slavery on cocoa plantations
kicks off an investigation into global commerce and fair trade.
A teacher Skypes in her brother-in-law, who is serving in Afghanistan,
at the start of a comparative study of conflict.
A box of rosy apples is delivered to class. As they munch, students
consider the question Why these apples?, which starts an investiga-
tion into agriculture, economics, supply chains, and transportation.

Crafting the driving question and entry event is part art and part sci-
ence. Proponents of PBL can debate what makes the best questions and
entry events, but all agree that they must be generative, sparking inquisi-
tiveness and a need to know. The driving question and entry event should
hang together, as these do:
Entry event: An engineering class is visited by a group of marauding
Vikings who demand that the engineers design a trebuchet for an upcom-
ing siege on Paris.
Driving question: How does the design of a trebuchet influence its
By planning a good driving question and entry event, youve set the
stage for inquirybut dont stop there. Follow up on the project launch
with a whole-class discussion that elicits the questions students are now
wondering about. Facilitate the conversation so that you spend little time
on procedural questions (i.e., When is this due?) and get into the meatier
questions that relate to content or strategies for research. Be sure to capture
everyones questions and keep a visible record of what students need to
know right now. This list of questions will guide the next steps as students
dig into research and problem solving.
Dont overlook the thinking strategies weve explored in previous
chapters. For instance, before debriefing the entry event with students,
you might ask students to sleep on it before getting them to unpack their
need-to-know questions. After the Viking scenario described above, imagine

students going home and talking with their families about this event. Its
likely the whole family will want updates as the project unfolds. A strong
entry event can generate new directions for inquiry and strengthen the
homeschool connection.


Presenting an entry event and posing a compelling driving question leads
students right to the brink of investigation. At this stage, students will be
raring to go with lots of ideas about what to do next. But there is another
step to consider before handing off the project to eager investigators. Help
students shape a good research questionone that will lead to meaningful
investigation, and, when answered, will go a way toward answering the
overarching question.
Picture eighth-grade life science students responding to this driving
question: Does competition make us better?
Their teacher sets them off in small groups to brainstorm the many
ways they might approach the question.
Which of these avenues of inquiry would be reasonable?

Students with an interest in sports want to examine the question

from the perspective of psychology, health, and physiology.
Budding biologists want to consider the same question from the
standpoint of evolution and ecology.
Commerce and advertising interest another group.
Others are interested in studying competition for scarce natural
Some students view war as competition and want to study that.

You might say any or all of these are significant lines of inquiry, right?
And there are doubtless still more ways to interpret the question. But the
class is eighth-grade life science, and while their teacher expects students
to study the question using several different lenses, not all of these ave-
nues of inquiry fit the curriculum of life science. (Two lines of inquiry in
particular might better fit projects in other classes.)
At this point, the teacher could guide the project toward learning goals
by helping students craft investigative questions related to the three big-
gest and most appropriate topics that emerged from their discussions.
Heres what might happen next.
Students with an interest in sports want to examine the question from
the perspective of psychology, health, and physiology, asking

Is blood doping cheating?

Does becoming a premier athlete mean youll be a busted wreck the rest of
your life?
Who is the all-around most perfect athlete?
The Thinking-Out-Loud-and-in-View Classroom 43
Budding biologists want to consider the same question from the stand-
point of evolution and ecology:

Could a giraffe have become a giraffe anywhere but in Africa?

Why do animals like starlings do well practically everywhere, while other
animals, like pandas, need very specialized environments?
Why do canary grass, blackberry, and kudzu crowd out native plants? Why
are barred owls out-competing northern spotted owls?
Are genetically modified crops doing us any favors?

Others are interested in studying competition for scarce natural


What can we do to prevent global water wars?

How can we reduce our schools carbon footprint?
How can we help a local business create new jobs by going green?

The teacher now has a rationale for making team assignments based on
student interests in these three topics, each of which connects to important
content in life science. Students are ready to dive deeply into their team
investigations. The inquiry project is fully launched.

The shrewd guess, the fertile hypothesis, the courageous leap to a

tentative conclusionthese are the most valuable coins of the thinker
at work.
Jerome Bruner


Experienced teachers draw from a toolkit of practices that help their
classes run smoothly and productively. Smooth operations ensure that
maximum class time is focused on learning. Structure and predictability
help students feel secure and ready to learn. Routine practices might
include homework procedures, norms around behavior, rules for bath-
room breaks, and the ways students operate in groups.
Another set of tools is called for in PBLtools that help students
become confident, productive thinkers and project doers. As they take
charge of their own learning, students need help to become more
autonomous in their thinking and learning. Even traditionally high-
achieving learners arent necessarily good at PBL on their first try. Why

They are used to being told what to do, so having to decide what a
task requires is unfamiliar.
They are used to assignments that have a clear (and likely short-term)
start and finish, so time management during extended projects is a
new challenge.

They are used to right answers, so open-ended questions and false

starts can feel like failure.
They are used to working for adult approval, so developing personal
standards for quality is new.

In setting students to work in projects, you need to rely on more

than good luck. Be deliberate in teaching students to think their way
through PBL.
Veteran primary teacher Kathy Cassidy, for example, recognized that
her young learners have a little trouble distinguishing research questions
from their own stories. I cant tell you how many times a child has
wanted to ask a question but has told me about something that happened
at home the night before instead, she wrote in a thoughtful blog post,
PBL in Primary: Who Asks the Questions? (Cassidy, 2012). To prepare
students for a class visit from a police officer, she guided them through a
process of drafting questions that would advance their investigation.
She explained:

Because of the predisposition of a six-year-old to want to tell the

constable every incident from their familys history that might
touch on law enforcement, we prepared the questions on cards
ahead of time. We talked about what made a good question,
the words that questions started with, and so forth. Then, as the
students verbalized their wonderings, I gave them a card to write
their question on. Those who are still having difficulty with
letter/sound association drew a picture and I wrote their question
out for them.
For some students, thinking of something they wanted to ask was
difficult. Sometimes the questions were really stories and needed
to be rethought. Sometimes I knew that the student already knew
the answer to their question, so I helped them to reframe it to ask
something else that they might be interested in knowing.

When the officer came to visit her class, Cassidy prepared him by asking
him to focus on students questions rather than using a prepared script.
Heres how the visitorConstable Mohleresponded:

Constable Mohle answered every question patiently and with seri-

ous intent. It was a validation for all of the students that the things
they wanted to know were important. For me, this was a far more
satisfying way to have a guest in the classroom. First, the students
were more involved and not just passive listeners. Second, they
learned that what they wonder matters to those from outside our
classroom as well as those within it. And third, they practiced ask-
ing questionsan important skill.
If I ask the questions, I am in charge of the learning. If the police offi-
cer asks them, he is. If the students ask the questions they are in
charge of their own learning. They did and they were. (Cassidy, 2012)
The Thinking-Out-Loud-and-in-View Classroom 45
At any age, the trick to doing your best thinking is to have lots of ways
to think, and knowing how to think in the ways that best suit the situation.
Think about a time when you had trouble making a choice. Perhaps you
wrote down the pros and cons of each option and then gave each a hard
look. This sort of analytical (compare-and-contrast) thinking aids decision
When you use a variety of thinking strategies regularly and flexibly,
they become second nature. Whether your students are trying to make
connections, bring a fuzzy thought into clear view, or build explanations,
they will be more successful if they have a variety of strategies to draw
from to tackle each challenge.
Here is an assortment of thinking routines, study strategies, and con-
ceptual organizers students will find helpful when faced with common
challenges during projects. Plan on modeling how and when to use them.

Developing a Research-Worthy Question

Brainstorm a list of at least 10 (more is better!) questions about the
challenge. Teach students to use these sentence-starters:

How would things be different if...?
What are the reasons...?
Suppose that...?
What if we knew...?
What is the purpose of...?
What would change if...?

Distinguishing What You Know

From What You Dont Know
Create a circle of knowledge. Make a circle on a large piece of paper
and put everything you know about the topic, issue, or problem in the
middle and everything you dont know outside the circle. Of the known
ideas, put those you are most certain of in the center and the ones you are
less certain of further toward the edge. It is OK for ideas to straddle the
line between known and unknown. This might be the sweet spot for an

Understanding a Key Idea

Write a newspaper headline that captures the essence of the topic. Draft
several of these until you are satisfied that one summarizes what you know.
Example: A student is investigating the health management options of
people with Type 2 diabetes. Her headline reads: Medication Without
Lifestyle Changes Has Limited Impact on Health of Diabetics.

Understanding How Something

Happened or Came To Be
Create a causal map to illustrate how factors influence an outcome
(illustrating cause-and-effect thinking in systems). Put the central concern
(car accidents, poverty, war) at the center of the map. Investigate influenc-
ing, or causal, factors and represent them as nodes on the map that connect
with arrows to the center. Primary factors that have a direct impact connect
directly to the center. Show secondary factors (those that influence other
factors), too.
Example: Car accidents is the topic at the center, with distracted drivers,
bad road conditions, speeding, car malfunction, and other factors showing
as contributing to car accidents. Most factors are influenced by secondary
factors. Factors contributing to distracted driving might include cell
phone use, crying babies as passengers, eating while driving, or seeing
another accident!

When Stuck
Try a variety of ways to get unstuck.

Write a letter to a friend explaining that you are stuck. Describe in

detail what it is you are trying to accomplish.
Take a break. Walk around and get blood circulating. Recharge your
thinking batteries.
Get a change of scenery; move to a new spot to work.

Instead of Waiting for Help

Sometimes students ask for adult help right away. Help them build
stamina for thinking through a challenge on their own. Establish an expec-
tation that they try several tactics before seeking help. One approach is Do
ThreeAsk Me.
Try to think through your challenge before asking for adult help. Do
Three means you: (1) review the task, (2) try something, and (3) talk to a
classmate before you ask me. When you ask me, be ready to explain
what you have already tried.

When Feeling Overwhelmed

Break the task into smaller parts. Start working on the part that is most

Getting Thoughts Flowing

Buzz your way into the work. Get a classmate to listen as you talk
for 2 or 3 minutes about your project. Imagine you are describing the
The Thinking-Out-Loud-and-in-View Classroom 47
project to someone for the first timestart at the beginning and bring
your listener up to the point at which you are working now.

Solving a Problem Creatively

Almost every new solution is an adaptation of another. The letters in
SCAMPER represent different ways to shift from an existing idea or solu-
tion to develop something new.

S = Substitute
C = Combine
A = Adapt
M = Modify
P = Put to other uses
E = Eliminate or minimize
R = Rearrange or Reverse

Giving Feedback
Give classmates constructive feedback with a CLAM Sandwich. Listen
to the speaker, then ask C = Clarifying questions; describe what you L = Like;
offer A = Advice; and M = Meet in the middle (discuss).

Project Signpost 6: Think More Strategically

If a visitor were to walk into your classroom, could he or she tell what kind of
thinking your students are engaged in? Would your students be able to explain
their own thinking strategies? Help students think more strategically by intro-
ducing them to thinking tools that fit specific project needs. Develop their
vocabulary for talking about thinking. If youre not sure which tools to use
when, browse the collection of guides and graphic organizers available from
the National Center for Teaching Thinking (, including tools to
help thinkers:

Compare and contrast.

Make a well-founded judgment or informed decision.
Understand causal relationships (cause and effect).
Determine how parts relate to the whole (systems).
Identify patterns or trends.
Examine perspectives and alternate points of view.
Extrapolate to create something new.
Evaluate reliability of sources.


Chances are, youre already using many of the strategies we just dis-
cussed to help students become better thinkers. Becoming a PBL teacher
doesnt mean starting from scratch or ignoring the insights you have
gained over the years. However, some traditional classroom patterns
and practices wont suit the project context. Lets compare and contrast
a few:

Traditional Classroom PBL Setting

Teacher presents lessons in digestible Teacher helps students navigate
chunks through the various stages of the
project cycle
Teacher does most of the talking Teacher does more listening
If students struggle with content, If students struggle with content or
teacher responds by reteaching project management, teacher
encourages, asks questions, and
models persistence, troubleshooting,
and creative problem solving
Teacher gives grades that emphasize Teacher uses formative assessment to
final product or end-of-unit exam intervene in the processes that lead to
high-quality final products

This means you will need to be ready to think and operate in new
ways during projects, just as your students will do. As New Zealand
Principal Richard Coote suggests, a teacher becomes the meddler in the
middle during PBL.
Try these methods for effective meddling in order to expose and
support good thinking. Many are PBL adaptations of the thinking routines
developed by Project Zero at Harvard.

Ask: What is going on here? What are you trying to accomplish? What
is important to understand?

Say: Yes, and what else?
Ask: How does this help us understand the bigger picture? Have you
considered...? What would happen if...?
The Thinking-Out-Loud-and-in-View Classroom 49
Ask: How can you be certain that...? What evidence backs up your
statement that...?

Ask: Why do you think so? Why does that matter? What would ___ say?

Set an expectation that activity doesnt stop because you appeared on
the scene.
Say: Go aheadIm just interested in watching and listening.

Ask: Show me what youre doing. Where are you in the process? What
happened right before I arrived? What do you plan to do next?

Say: Show me how you arrived at that conclusion.
Ask: Why do you think so?


If your students are new to PBL, its wise to introduce them to this way of
teaching and learning with a meaningful starter project. Even a low-
stakes project can explicitly teach the expectations, language, and pro-
cesses of PBL. Continue to build on students shared experiences to create
a positive classroom culture for ongoing learning through PBL.
Diana Cornejo-Sanchez, a ninth-grade humanities teacher at High Tech
High Media Arts (HTH), gets acquainted with her incoming freshmen
and gets them acquainted with PBLin a fall-semester project called A
Hero in My Eyes. Students explore issues of identity and literary themes
by answering the driving question, What is a hero in todays society?
For their culminating exhibition, they produce black-and-white portraits
that capture a heroic moment and write accompanying narratives that tell
the stories of the heroes who have influenced their young lives.
Getting to that final exhibit requires artful facilitation by the teacher,
learning a new set of skills by the students, and, as Cornejo-Sanchez says,
a lot of scaffolding.
Students come to HTH from across the San Diego area. They might
have spent middle school in a private school, charter school, or traditional
public school. I act as if nobody knows anything about PBL when they first
come here, the teacher explains.

Its important for her students to build a strong foundation of the proj-
ect skills they will use throughout their 4 years at HTH. By the time they
are seniors, they will be designing their own inquiry projects. But as fresh-
men, they start with the basics. For their first project, the teacher makes
most of the decisions about project design.
Cornejo-Sanchez explains: When I introduce the project, I give students
a detailed description sheet. It explains why were doing it, what it will
involve, the community resources they may want to take advantage of, the
skills they will need. And theres a very detailed timeline that helps them
with time management. I include everything were going to do so they can
see the steps: interviewing, drafting, giving feedback, working on photogra-
phy, learning from expert visitors. In later projects, students will need less
direction as they gradually take on more responsibility for their own learn-
ing. But for their first PBL experience, she says, Its all there, day by day.
Because Cornejo-Sanchez wants to learn about the strengths and inter-
ests of each student at the start of the year, she has them produce indi-
vidual products. Students also team up on aspects of the project, however,
which gives them opportunities to build collaboration skills.
Students learn to work collaboratively through a series of planned
activities, such as interviewing a partner and providing critical feedback to
inform revision. Here, too, the teacher is deliberate about teaching collabo-
ration skills.
We might spend two or three days talking about why you critique
each others work, why its scary, the kind of feedback you would like to
receive. She models the process by sharing with students feedback she
received on her writing from a college professor.
Field trips and guest speakers are routinely incorporated into projects
at HTH. Once again, Cornejo-Sanchez deliberately guides students to take
advantage of these resources. A Hero in My Eyes, for instance, involves
producing a photo portrait that captures a heroic moment. Theres no pho-
tography teacher on campus, so Cornejo-Sanchez takes students to a local
museum of photography and invites a local photographer to come work
with students. Through her facilitation, they are learning how to access
resources. Thats a skill they will continue to draw on throughout high
school. She adds, Our students learn how to ask experts for specific help.
Thats part of our school culture.
For their culminating event, students present their work in a gallery
setting. Standing next to their exhibits, students talk with parents and
other community members about what defines a hero to them (using pre-
sentation skills they have practiced in class with their peers). Once again,
this is a right-sized event that gets them ready for the larger audiences
they will share their work with later in the year.
By the end of the year, these ninth-graders have developed the confi-
dence and competence to perform before an audience of 200 as part of a
spoken-word project. Its no accident that the ambitious final project is also
about identity. It brings the year to a full closure, Cornejo-Sanchez says,
and it takes us all year to build up to it.
The Thinking-Out-Loud-and-in-View Classroom 51

Exercise: Evaluate Starter Projects

A good starter project accomplishes several important goals:

It breaks the ice, getting students and teacher better acquainted.

It teaches the language and process of doing projects, with scaffolds
built in to introduce students to timelines, peer review, and other deliber-
ate strategies to support success.
It emphasizes and deliberately teaches collaboration skills.
It may set low-stakes content-learning goals, allowing students to learn
from mistakes and get comfortable with new ways of working.
It sets the stage for reflection and builds positive classroom culture for
doing PBL.
It generates success that you can continue to build on.

If you have used starter projects with your students in the past, think
about how well the projects have met these goals. How might you improve
your starter ideas?
If you are new to PBL, investigate examples of short-term projects that
you might want to borrow or adapt to introduce students to the project

A Hero in My Eyes is a good example for the high school level (read
more and see student work samples at
Middle-school science teacher Sue Boudreau blogs about introduc-
ing students to PBL at the Take Action Science Projects Blog (http://
Elementary teachers might want to consider joining the Monster
Project (, a well-
structured project that emphasizes collaborative problem solving
with a fun challenge.

Before moving into subject-specific project discussions in Part II, we con-
clude the first half of the book with an overview of project design princi-
ples. If you are brand new to PBL, you may want to explore additional
resources for more detailed planning advice. If you are a PBL veteran,
Chapter 5 offers a reminder of the key considerations to keep in mind for
effective project design.
Designing Rich

W hen students engage in quality projects, they develop knowledge,

skills, and dispositions that serve them in the moment and in the
long term. Unfortunately, not all projects live up to their potential.
Sometimes the problem lies in the design process. Its easy to jump directly
into planning the activities students will engage in without addressing
important elements that will affect the overall quality of the project. With
more intentional planning, we can design projects that get at universal
themes that have explicit value to our students and to others. We can
design projects to be rigorous, so students actions mirror the efforts of
accomplished adults. They will feel the burn as they learn and build up
their fitness for learning challenges to come.
Since the backward design approach was outlined by Grant Wiggins
and Jay McTighe in Understanding by Design (2005; first published in 1998),
a lot of good thinking has gone into the processes for project planning.
Because comprehensive planning advice can be found elsewhere (includ-
ing our previous book, Reinventing Project-Based Learning, and resources
from the Buck Institute for Education), our treatment here is intentionally
brief, focusing on details that warrant particular attention to improve the
inquiry experience.
See the Appendixes for more project planning resources. We also
encourage you to tap networks of PBL enthusiasts for advice as you plan
see networking suggestions in Chapter 11.


There are several ways to start designing projects. One is to select

among learning objectives described in the curriculum and textbooks that
guide your teaching and to plan learning experiences based on these.
Another is to back in to the standards, starting with a compelling idea
and then mapping it to objectives to ensure there is a fit with what stu-
dents are expected to learn. The second method can be more generative, as
any overarching and enduring concept is likely to support underlying
objectives in the core subject matter and in associated disciplines, too.
Either way you begin, the first step is to identify a project-worthy idea.


We have condensed the project design process into six steps. After outlin-
ing the steps briefly below, we offer examples that show how one might
use these steps to develop a germ of an idea into a project plan that empha-
sizes inquiry. Read the steps and examples all the way through before dig-
ging in to your own plan.

Step 1Identify Project-Worthy Concepts

Ask yourself: What important and enduring concepts are fundamen-
tal to the subjects I teach? Identify four or five BIG concepts for each

Step 2Explore Their Significance and Relevance

Now, think: Why do these topics or concepts matter? What should stu-
dents remember about this topic in 5 years? For a lifetime? Think beyond
school and ask: In what ways are they important and enduring? What is
their relevance in different peoples lives? In different parts of the world?
Explore each concept, rejecting and adding ideas until you arrive at a short
list of meaningful topics.

Step 3Find Real-Life Contexts

Look back to three or four concepts you explored and think about real-
life contexts. Who engages in these topics? Who are the people for whom
these topics are central to their work? See if you can list five to seven pro-
fessions for each concept.
With that done, now think: What are the interdisciplinary connections?
In what ways might the topic extend beyond my subject matter? For
example, if your subject specialty was math and you imagined an entre-
preneur taking a product to market, the central work might involve invest-
ment, expense, and profit analyses. The project might also involve supply
chains and transportation (geography), writing a prospectus for a venture
capitalist (language arts), and designing a marketing campaign (language
arts, graphic design, technology).
Designing Rich Learning Experiences 55
Step 4Engage Critical Thinking
As you begin to imagine these topics in the context of a project, ask
yourself, what might you ask of students? How might you push past rote
learning into investigation, analysis, and synthesis? Consider how you can
engage critical thinking in a project by asking students to

Compare and contrast

Make a well-founded judgment or informed decision
Understand causal relationships (cause and effect)
Determine how parts relate to the whole (systems)
Identify patterns or trends
Examine perspectives and alternate points of view
Extrapolate to create something new
Evaluate reliability of sources

Step 5Write a Project Sketch

Now, step back and write a project sketchor two or three. For each,
give an overview of the project. Describe the scenario and the activities
students are likely to engage in. Anyone reading it should be able to tell
what students will learn by doing the project. The process of writing will
help you refine your ideas. There are dozens of project sketches in this
book (and all are included in the Project Library in Appendix A). Use them
as a guide.

Step 6Plan the Setup

Three small but useful elements are left, and together with the project
sketch, they provide a framework for the project. Write a title, entry event,
and driving question for your project.
Project title. A good title goes a long way toward anchoring the
project in the minds of your school community. A short and memorable
title is best.
Teachers at Birkdale School in New Zealand take their projects seri-
ously. They not only provide them with proper names but also fly a special
flag in the schools entry when a new project begins. You might not need
to go this far, but a good title conveys a sense of importance and helps
make a project memorable. Let these project titles inspire you.

Lest We ForgetA project involving war memorials in New Zealand

Mingling at the Renaissance BallA social studies investigation that
culminates in a celebration of human achievement
Lessons from the GulfA collection of collaborative projects by
schools concerned about U.S. Gulf Coast devastation
AD 1095 and All ThatTime-traveling students intervene to stop
religious wars in medieval Europe.

Risk and RewardStudents acting as financial counselors present

stock information to clients and advise on investments.
Stay or Leave?Students examine economic factors that influence
peoples decisions about where they live.
YouVilleStudents explore past civilizations to design their own

Entry event. Plan to start off the project with a grabber, a mysterious
letter, jarring news, a provocative video, or other attention-getting
event. As we discussed in Chapter 4, make sure it is novel (to make stu-
dents alert) and has emotional significance (to make them care). Read these
examples and imagine how your students might respond. Then plan an
entry event for your project.

A newspaper article describes hazards associated with a clinics use

of poorly refurbished X-ray machines.
Distraught warrior king Gilgamesh appears in class and appeals to
his subjects to help him learn why an enemys technological
prowess in battle outstrips his own.
A process server slaps student witnesses with subpoenas, compel-
ling them to testify in an upcoming trial.
A letter from an elder describes her desire to capture stories before
she and other storytellers are no more.
A television news story on designer babies kicks off an investiga-
tion about the ethical implications of genetic manipulation.
A forest owlet from a wildlife rescue center visits school bringing
Owl Mail and asks students to investigate hazards to its survival.

Driving question. Kick off your project with a research question stu-
dents will feel compelled to investigate. Imagine a driving question that
leads to more questions, which, in their answering, contribute to greater
understanding. Good questions grab student interest (they are provoca-
tive, intriguing, or urgent), are open ended (you cant Google your way to
an answer), and connect to key learning goals.
Consider how to write a good question based on these remodeled
examples (Larmer, 2009):

What are archetypes in literature? To increase relevance, you might

ask How do archetypes inform our culture today?
What causes tornadoes? To add context, you might ask How can
we prepare for a natural disaster in our region?
What are the requirements to sustain life? To add interest, you might
ask How can we design a biome that is self-sustaining?
How can we purify water? To increase challenge, you might ask
How can we advise a village in the developing world to choose an inexpensive
water purification system?
Designing Rich Learning Experiences 57


Workshop your project idea, especially at steps 5 and 6. Colleagues, stu-
dents, parents, and subject matter experts will ask questions that will
clarify your thinking and contribute ideas you might not have considered.


Table 5.1 below illustrates the thinking that went into designing several
projects. Reading from left to right, you can see the progression: from
subject and big ideas to real-world connections and, finally, to a project
sketch. The sketch is well formed enough to share with colleagues for
critical feedback but not so tightly planned that you hesitate to change it.
Once you are satisfied with your sketch, you are ready to proceed with a
more detailed plan (including a project calendar, deliverables, and assess-
ment plan) that will help you consider all the essential ingredients for a
successful project.
For additional resources to help you with in-depth project planning, see
Appendix D (p. 183).

This chapter concludes Part I. In Part II, we will dive deeper into subject
areas for inquiry projects. If you teach a specific content area, we encour-
age you to also read the chapters that focus on other disciplines and look
for interdisciplinary project opportunities. Chapter 6 sets the stage with an
exploration of interdisciplinary thinking.
Table 5.1 Thinking That Went Into Designing Several Projects

Significance and Out of school, who engages in

Relevance: Why are these topics? How might
Great Project Title
these subjects students engage in these topics
important to teach? in an interdisciplinary and Engage Critical Entry Event
Subject Key Concepts Who do they affect? real-life way? Thinking Project Sketch Driving Question
Language Point of view, Persuasion Among others, politicians, Choosing a Student advisors help Title: Make Me Care
Arts literary devices, influences the advertisers, and charities use charity to fund philanthropists select Entry Event:
reporting, minds and actions persuasion to influence requires critical local charities to Students learn
opinion, of others. Being people. Students can debate thinking to support. They how much money
archetypes, persuasive is a life the validity of a scientific make an identify problems in goes to charitable
argument and skill and so is argument, sway voters in a informed their community and causes in their
persuasion, knowing when one mock election, stage a judgment. do a gap analysis to community each
creative is being subjected historical debate, publish a Crafting a determine the nature year. They draw
expression, to persuasion. political cartoon, write an persuasive and severity of the pie charts showing
vocabulary editorial, promote a cause, argument is problems in relation how they imagine
take an IPO public, appeal for necessary to to efforts to resolve the money is
charitable donations, persuade convince others them. They plan a apportioned to
a jury, launch an advertising to give. Students night of persuasive local causes, then
campaign, or put a apply supported lightning talks to compare this to
candidate up for office. reasoning to garner support for the actual
Interdisciplinary ties: Many draft operational charitable causes. distribution.
scenarios in which definitions of They advertise the
Driving Question:
persuasion is applied are both need and event using Twitter
How can we
civic in nature. Social studies doing good to and Facebook, set up
spend money to
is a natural interdisciplinary select among FirstGiving accounts
do the most good?
tie. causes and (www.firstgiving.
charities that com) to collect
address those donations, and on
causes. They show night watch as
evaluate donations roll in.
persuasive talks In this project,
and identify students turn to social
important media to learn how to
Significance and Out of school, who engages in
Relevance: Why are these topics? How might
Great Project Title
these subjects students engage in these topics
important to teach? in an interdisciplinary and Engage Critical Entry Event
Subject Key Concepts Who do they affect? real-life way? Thinking Project Sketch Driving Question
features they can be persuasive, get help
apply in their from experts, and
own promote a cause.
Social Change, causal Life on earth is a Among others, historians, Understanding 1. A second-grade 1. Title: Come Fly
Studies relationships, complex web of economists, legislators, city complex class designs its with Us
cultural interconnected planners, and manufacturers interactions is own airport. Their Entry Event: A
understanding, natural and human- deal with systems. fundamental to challenge is to get pilot visits school,
systems, made systems. Any Understanding power problem solving all the parts gives every
production of assortment of dynamics in war, patterns of and innovation. working together junior pilot
goods, movement things that have human migration, how to Any systems- so passengers wings, and invites
of people, power, some influence on prepare for natural disasters, oriented project make their way them to design
government, laws one another can be bringing a product to would benefit through ticketing, their own airport.
and other social thought of as a market, and designing a from diverse security and
Driving Question:
contracts system. waste-management plan or a perspectives. boarding and get
How do airports
Understanding how transportation system all Technology can to their seats in
elements in a require systems thinking. be instrumental time for a
system interact in representing scheduled flight. 2. Title: The Danes
Interdisciplinary ties: Project
helps us grapple and making Destiny
work could involve visual 2. Ninth-grade
with complexity. representations of systems. sense of English students Entry Event: Kids
dynamic examine how draw diagrams
systems. events unfold to that show how plot


Table 5.1(Continued)

Significance and Out of school, who engages in

Relevance: Why are these topics? How might
Great Project Title
these subjects students engage in these topics
important to teach? in an interdisciplinary and Engage Critical Entry Event
Subject Key Concepts Who do they affect? real-life way? Thinking Project Sketch Driving Question
In systems determine whether points interact in
projects, Hamlets fate story arcs of
students might would have favorite movies or
use modeling changed if his books.
software to actions, such as his Driving Question:
make sense of a timing for killing Was Hamlets fate
system and data Claudius, were inevitable?
visualization different.
3. Title: Life in the
tools to 3. An ecology class
represent their considers factors
understanding. of regulation and Entry Event:
equilibrium by Students plot data
modeling and look for
population relationships
dynamics in a between coyote
desert ecosystem. and desert hare
populations over
4. History students
examine events
and conditions Driving Question:
that contributed to How does an
the U.S. Civil War ecosystem hang
and compare these together or fall
to factors apart?
Significance and Out of school, who engages in
Relevance: Why are these topics? How might
Great Project Title
these subjects students engage in these topics
important to teach? in an interdisciplinary and Engage Critical Entry Event
Subject Key Concepts Who do they affect? real-life way? Thinking Project Sketch Driving Question
influencing 4. Title: Conflict
contemporary civil Then and Now
wars. Entry Event:
Students watch a
news report about
the conflict that
led to the
formation of South
Sudan. They meet
a newly minted
citizen of South
Sudan over Skype.
Driving Question:
Is war inevitable?
Science Compounds, Electromagnetic Physicists discoveries Students In physical science, Title: Los Rayos X
forces, waves transfer influence developments working in teams students are expected Entry Event: A
electromagnetic energy, which ranging from space flight to as consumer to understand the news article about
waves, speciation, governs natural house paints that hold up to advocates nature of health damages to
interdependence, processes and can solar radiation. As they develop product electromagnetic children and
interactions of be harnessed by bring products to market, guides for waves and technicians in
matter and humans. engineers and manufactured differences and Central America
energy, manufacturers create goods that similarities between that happen
atmosphere and schematics (involving involve the kinds of waves as a during X-ray
climate, geologic computer-assisted design) electromagnetic means of scans from badly
processes and product manuals spectrum. transmitting refurbished


Table 5.1(Continued)

Significance and Out of school, who engages in

Relevance: Why are these topics? How might
Great Project Title
these subjects students engage in these topics
important to teach? in an interdisciplinary and Engage Critical Entry Event
Subject Key Concepts Who do they affect? real-life way? Thinking Project Sketch Driving Question
(technical writing). Retailers They draw on energy. Students second-hand
work with advertisers to the expertise of study this by equipment.
create marketing campaigns physicists, examining consumer Driving Question:
(persuasive imagery and engineers, and products that put How can we put
language) to sell products. consumer- electromagnetic energy from the
Watchdog groups attend to protection waves to work.* electromagnetic
safety and help consumers advocates to Their task is to write spectrum to work?
select quality products make judgments consumer manuals
(awareness campaigns and about tradeoffs that explain how
publications). Government between product products function
policy makers and waste- functions and and to advise on their
management experts set associated risk. safe use and disposal.
(and communicate) policies *Products or devices
for the use and disposal of involving
consumer goods that make electromagnetic
use of electromagnetic waves include but are
waves. not limited to: X-rays,
MRIs, and other
imaging technologies;
compact fluorescent,
incandescent, and
LED bulbs; ultraviolet
products like house
paints and sunscreen;
laser beams; digital,
Significance and Out of school, who engages in
Relevance: Why are these topics? How might
Great Project Title
these subjects students engage in these topics
important to teach? in an interdisciplinary and Engage Critical Entry Event
Subject Key Concepts Who do they affect? real-life way? Thinking Project Sketch Driving Question
plasma, and LCD
televisions; wifi,
radios, microwaves,
satellite dishes,
repeaters, and
antennas for
surgical gamma ray
knives; infrared and
remote controllers
such as automobile
key fobs, garage door
openers, TV remotes,
and Bluetooth
devices; bombs that
create an
Math Pattern, quantity, Linear equations Among others, architects, An investments Student consultants Title: Energy Diet
trends, size/ help us solve for engineers, pharmacists, and project asks advise a city council, Entry Event:
shape/position/ the unknown and economists use algebra and students to solve the director of a Students turn the


Table 5.1(Continued)

Significance and Out of school, who engages in

Relevance: Why are these topics? How might
Great Project Title
these subjects students engage in these topics
important to teach? in an interdisciplinary and Engage Critical Entry Event
Subject Key Concepts Who do they affect? real-life way? Thinking Project Sketch Driving Question
scale, inequality, find patterns, linear equations. Linear problems using retirement home, a schools energy
ratios, linear trends, slope, equations are useful in well-founded business owner, or bill into fun
equations, change over time, designing roller coasters, judgment. other ratepayers on equivalencies,
probability, logic, and proportional calculating drug dosages, Realistic ways to invest in such as number of:
statistics relationships. structuring bank loans, scenarios would improvements miles of car travel,
investing in energy-saving require research, (i.e., solar panels, laptops powered,
measures, determining how data collection, insulation, regulation gallons of soft ice
much oxygen a space- calculations, and sensors) that will cream dispensed.
walking astronaut or deep- analysis. A save them energy Driving Question:
sea diver needs, anticipating lifelike situation and money. On the Can we spend
demographic changes, and that involves a way to proposing a money to save
planning railway timetables. client would plan of action, each money?
have students team conducts an
writing energy audit,
expository text evaluates options for
with technical saving energy, and
vocabulary, calculates investment
producing costs, loans, and
graphical payback based on the
representations, clients budget. They
and speaking seek advice from a
authoritatively. nonprofit that helps
utility customers save
energy and run their
proposals by experts
here before sharing
them with clients.

Taking a Page
From the Experts
Thinking Across

I n 2000, Charles Best was a 25-year-old social studies teacher at a public

alternative school in the Bronx. Like many of his colleagues, he was frus-
trated by the lack of funds to buy basic classroom supplies. Materials for
special projects? Forget about it. But Best had a hunch. If ordinary citizens
knew that teachers needed additional books or art supplies, wouldnt they
be willing to pitch in? To test his idea for citizen philanthropy, he built a
website on which teachers could post modest requests for materials. That
was the birth of Donors Choose. By 2012, the award-winning nonprofit
had raised more than $100 million for schools across the United States.
The basic idea of Donors Choose remains elegantly simple, but it takes
a well-oiled team to make this social enterprise so effective. Behind the
scenes, there are Web programmers and social media experts who use
various tools and platforms to connect donors and teachers. Data analysts
crunch the numbers to show impact, while accountants track the dollars so
that donors have confidence about where their moneys going. Marketing
experts turn celebrity endorsements (such as repeat shout-outs from come-
dian Stephen Colbert) into opportunities to expand this successful brand.
Look closely at almost any real-world activitydeveloping a new con-
sumer product, running a political campaign, investigating a crime, man-
aging a small businessand youll find an interdisciplinary team
contributing discrete sets of skills and knowledge to the effort. In todays
complex world, this is how important work gets accomplished.
As weve discussed in previous chapters, project-based learning pre-
pares students for the world that awaits them by giving them opportuni-
ties to work with peers on authentic problems. Good solutions often


result from people with different kinds of expertise contributing their best
thinkingand building on each others ideas. Learning to collaborate
with team members is one important outcome of projects. Just as important
is the chance to walk in the shoes of expert problem solvers.
This chapter sets the stage for the second half of the book, in which we
will explore project-based learning in four core academic disciplines. It
might be tempting to think of these fieldslanguage arts, mathematics,
science, and social studiesas separate areas of a library, each containing
its own collection of content that students need to master. But that would
be short sighted. Along with important content, each discipline also offers
a distinct set of lenses for viewing the world, investigating questions, and
evaluating evidence. As students become more deeply steeped in the dis-
ciplines, they learn both rich content and expert ways of thinking.
When students are confronted with real-world problems, they may
need more than one set of disciplinary lenses to see a complex issue or
design a solution. Constructing an answer may require them to integrate
ideas or approaches from diverse perspectives.
Before we dive deeply into discussing inquiry strategies for projects in
language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies, lets take time to
consider the nature of interdisciplinary thinking and the role it plays in
expert problem solving.


Most intellectual life outside of school makes connections across disci-
plines. Indeed, its hard to think of a career field or profession that operates
in isolation. Filmmakers need financial backers. Doctors must stay current
with pharmaceutical research. Anthropologists help technologists under-
stand how people interact with computers. Professional athletes often
have teams of trainers, nutritionists, and psychologists to help them stay
at the top of their games. Even solitary artists and writers must eventually
collaborate with gallery owners, publicists, and publishers if they want to
get their creative work to an audience.
People who are experts in their fields have developed a familiarity
and fluency with a particular set of tools, methodologies, and types of
evidence and argument used in solving problems, accomplishing tasks,
and sharing results. Theyre part of a culture that has its own history,
accomplishments, vocabulary, and perhaps special notations. The most
skilled are able to work across disciplines, connecting and integrating
what they know about in depth with understanding that comes from
other fields. A patent lawyer, for instance, has to be able to speak both
law and engineering. Someone who coordinates public health campaigns
may need to draw on expertise in medicine, behavioral psychology,
marketing, and social media.
Its primarily in school that we wall off the disciplines into content-
specific silos and shift students attention from one subject to the next with
Thinking Across Disciplines 69
the ring of a bell. John Dewey (Dewey, 2011, p. 62) cautioned against this
practice nearly a century ago when he observed, We do not have a series
of stratified earths, one of which is mathematical, another physical,
another historical, and so on...All studies grow out of relations in the one
great common world. Learning driven by the traditional bell schedule is
distinctly unlike real life, something that critics continue to point out. We
simply do not function in a world where problems are discipline specific
in regimented time blocks, noted Heidi Hayes Jacobs in her 1989 publica-
tion Interdisciplinary Curriculum: Design and Implementation (Jacobs, 1989).
The complexity of todays challenges and the connectedness that tech-
nology affords are making interdisciplinary thinking increasingly impor-
tant. Veronica Boix Mansilla, principal investigator of the Interdisciplinary
Studies Project at Harvards Project Zero, describes interdisciplinarity as
the hallmark of contemporary knowledge production and professional life
(Boix Mansilla, 2006; Boix Mansilla & Dawes Duraising, 2007). Cross-
cutting issues facing todays youth range from the ethics of stem cell
research to the human role in climate change to the politics of financial
reforms. Preparing young people to engage in the major issues of our
times requires that we nurture their ability to produce quality interdisci-
plinary work (Boix Mansilla & Dawes Duraising, 2007).


When projects mirror real life, they take learning out of the content silos
and challenge students to make connections across disciplines. But this
doesnt mean discounting or discarding subject-area content or ways of
thinking that come with the disciplines. Nor does it mean tossing in a dash
of math or a smidge of science to make a writing assignment interdisci-
plinary. Rather, students demonstrate true interdisciplinary understand-
ing when they integrate knowledge, methods, and languages from two or
more disciplines to solve problems, create products, produce explanations,
or ask novel questions in ways that would not be feasible through a single
disciplinary lens (Boix Mansilla & Jackson, 2011).
Informed by both research and classroom practice, Boix Mansilla and
colleagues at Project Zero have identified four key features of quality inter-
disciplinary understanding (Boix Mansilla & Jackson, 2011, p. 13):

Interdisciplinary understanding is purposeful: Students examine a topic

in order to explain it or tell a story about it in ways that would not be
possible through a single discipline.
Understanding is grounded in disciplines: It employs concepts, big ideas,
methods, and languages from two or more disciplines in accurate and
flexible ways.
Interdisciplinary understanding is integrative: Disciplinary perspectives
are integrated to deepen or complement understanding.

Interdisciplinary understanding is thoughtful: Students reflect about

the nature of interdisciplinary work and the limits of their own

These qualities are worth considering at the project design stage, when
teachers are determining the key learning goals they aim to achieve
through a project. Is a project idea grounded in a specific content area, or
does it allow for meaningful connections across disciplines?
Collaborating with colleagues from other content areas can help
teachers recognize natural connections in their content standards. In
Meeting Standards Through Integrated Curriculum, authors Susan Drake and
Rebecca Burns suggest, Teachers can chunk the standards together into
meaningful clusters both within and across disciplines. Once teachers
understand how standards are connected, their perception of interdisci-
plinary curriculum shifts dramatically. Indeed, they emphasize that
some teachers see it as the only way to teach and to cover the standards
(Drake & Burns, 2004).
The Common Core State Standards take a similarly holistic view of
learning, with a call for integrating the English language arts and incor-
porating critical thinking and nonfiction reading across the curriculum.
Allowing students latitude in deciding how they will approach a proj-
ect may also open the door for more interdisciplinary work, as students
will naturally draw on the knowledge, skills, and interests they have
developed in other studies and through life experiences.


The project planning stage is the time to look for genuine connections
between disciplines. Avoid the PBL pitfall of tacking on a little bit of
content from another subject area once you already have a project well
For an example of real interdisciplinary work, consider a project
designed by art teacher Jeff Robin and physics teacher Andrew Gloag.
Their 12th-graders at High Tech High published a book called Phys Newtons,
an illustrated guide to the California State Physics Standards (Robin, 2011).
As preparation, each student researched one of Newtons laws (motion,
gravity, energy, circular motion, or projectiles). Students then painted
images to visually demonstrate the law (while also meeting standards for
visual arts). Each student designed a page of the book using a combination
of images and text. A page explaining Newtons Second Law, for instance,
features a series of images showing a baseball player going through the
motions of pitching. Accompanying text explains the relationship between
force and acceleration. In an authentic performance assessment, students
used their bookrelying on both science and artto teach their peers
about Newtons laws.
Thinking Across Disciplines 71

Exercise: Picture Career Connections

Many of todays students are likely to enter career fields that overlap one or
more disciplines. Take a close look at the Venn diagram in Figure 6.1. It shows
overlaps between various careers and the four core content areas. Youll notice
that the English language arts are represented in this model as common ground.
Being able to communicate and explain your thinking is essential in every field.
Think about the current interests of your students. Which career opportuni-
ties mesh with their passions? How could a project give them a chance to
explore these career fields now?
Think, too, about the careers you dont see represented here. New specialties
are emerging all the time. What kinds of thinkers will be needed for future
careers in computational biology, food politics, cybersecurity, or space travel?
How could projects prepare students for these opportunities?

Figure 6.1 V
 enn diagram shows overlap between core content areas and careers. Language arts
(LA) is represented as the common ground for each of the other three: social studies
(SS), mathematics (M), and science (S).

musician talent teacher novelist
business financial poet
accountant analyst
graphic owner
artist venture writer
entrepreneur banker
costume capitalist database editor
concert insurance
designer adjusters administrator
promoter blogger
costumer geographer
songwriter real estate agent surveyor reporter
travel consumer statistician
dancer agent advocate engineer chemist
forester author
marketing city research
director planner librarian zookeeper
art historian flight engineers
screenwriter philanthropist mgmt. director anthropologist illustrator
computer agriculture
lobbyist economist architect programmer scientist
biographer museum
curator teacher transportation forensic veterinarian writer
lawyer planner
tour epidemiologist scientist
guide teacher
dietician environmentalist visual
op-ed columnist effects
social worker
news genealogist patent attorney artist
linguist meteorologist
judge meteorologist
detective draftsperson science
docent executive park ranger writer
web/social teacher
media producer


In the next four chapters, we take a close look at inquiry in each of these
core content areas: language arts, social studies, science, and math. You
will hear from experts working in each discipline about what inspired
them to pursue their professions and how they have honed their speciali
zed thinking skills. If you are a content-area specialist, we encourage you
to read outside your discipline and look for interdisciplinary project
opportunities. In Chapter 7, we start with language artsan area that
touches all disciplines.
Language Arts

L ife isnt always what you want it to be. Sometimes, your parents get
divorced. Sometimes, you have to start over in a new city, state, or
even country. Sometimes, you have to seek professional help for emotional
These insights come from an eighth-grader named Zoe (Nerdy Book
Club, 2012). She took part in a publishing project in which student writers
shared their wisdom to help other children learn from lifes challenges.
Transitions, their beautifully illustrated book of stories, is available for sale
on Whats the authors strategy to help children develop
better coping skills? You have to speak their language, Zoe explains.
The Transitions project offers a powerful example of students using
language for authentic purposes. Reading, writing, speaking, and listening
skills all belong in the toolkit of a literate person in todays world. Students
applied these skills, along with visual literacy, creativity, empathy, and
an understanding of media arts, during this ambitious interdisciplinary
As the Common Core State Standards for Language Arts and other
21st-century frameworks make clear, literacy involves a complex set of
competencies. Students who meet the standards know how to read care-
fully for understanding. They can critically assess the quality of informa-
tion. They are able to engage with a variety of texts and make well-reasoned
arguments. They can harness their own creativity and use digital tools to
produce original work that engages audiences.
Project-based learning offers an excellent vehicle to help students reach
these important goalsand not only in the English classroom. Perhaps
more so than any other core content area, the foundational skills of the
language arts reach across the curriculum. The deep and authentic connec-
tions between literacy and other subjects set the stage for interdisciplinary


projects that emphasize thinking critically about information and using

creativity when it comes to expressing ideas.
Whats more, projects afford students opportunities to use language in
the same ways that expert writers and thinkers do. Students like Zoe dont
have to wait to become adult authors who can inform, influence, or help
others through the power of words. Publishing tools, online platforms,
and invitations to speak publicly are available to students now. If they
hope to take advantage of these opportunities, however, students need to
produce high-quality work that is audience ready. As any author will tell
you, that takes deliberate practice.
Lets start this chapter with a closer look at Transitions to see how PBL
practices support language arts goals. Next, well examine what inquiry
means for writers and for readers across disciplines. Finally, well explore
strategies to ensure that students expand their literacy skills across the arc
of projects.


When teacher George Mayo launched the Transitions project, he wasnt
sure exactly what the final product would look like or which stories stu-
dents would contribute. He did start with some key learning goals.
Specifically, he wanted to make sure students understood the basic ele-
ments of plot and the concept of theme. He also had a process in mind to
help students produce high-quality work that would incorporate visual
literacy along with written storytelling skills.
To get students engaged, Mayo asked them to freewrite about difficult
challenges they have experienced. This entry event ensured that students
were invested in the project from day one. After all, they were drawing on
their own life experiences as raw material. That meant student voice was
a given.
Once students started sharing their freewrites, they noticed common
themes in their classmates stories. Students formed teams around shared
challenges, such as dealing with a family illness, making new friends, or
immigrating to the United States. Right from the start, teams had a mutual
reason to work together and to listen to each others ideas.
It takes a safe, respectful classroom for students to feel comfortable
sharing their writing with peers, especially when topics get personal.
Before you can get students to open up in their writing, you have to make
sure they feel comfortable, that they respect one another, and that they will
not be put down if they honestly share ideas. If you cant create that envi-
ronment, Mayo cautions in a phone interview with the authors, youll
have a hard time getting authentic ideas from them.
Mayo started building this collaborative culture well in advance of
the Transitions project. A poster at the front of his classroom captures
in students wordswhat it means to share Our Home Turf. Mayo had
students make the poster at the start of the school year, setting the stage
Language Arts 75
for an environment that supports projects. (He teaches many students for
three consecutive years, so they already own this space.) As the teacher
explains during our interview, When were in this room together, were
all here to support and encourage one another. Its a no-put-down zone. I
want even the quietest, shyest kids to be able to speak up and feel part of
the group. We start setting that tone early.
After the freewrites and formation of project teams, Mayo quickly
shifted gearsand genresso that students were focusing on broader
themes. Each teams challenge was to turn their shared experiences into
a metaphorical story. That meant students needed to understand the
qualities of a good story. Childrens literature offered them familiar and
accessible examples for close reading.
Mayo provided a selection of childrens books for students to examine
and also invited them to bring in their favorites from home. When stu-
dents began sharing dog-eared copies of the books they had loved as
younger readers, they were primed for rich conversations about why cer-
tain titles have lasting appeal. Each day, they read aloud another book
from the growing collection.
For more deliberate instruction in literary devices, Mayo used a book
called Two Bad Ants for a whole-class discussion. We picked it apartthe
story structure, rising action, character traits of the ants. We analyzed it for
metaphors and examined the theme, Mayo said during the interview.
After this close read of a text, Mayo invited local childrens book authors
(a husband-and-wife team) to describe the process they go through to cre-
ate a book. We did a lot of modeling, the teacher adds.
With that foundation, teams were ready to start collaboratively writ-
ing their own stories. To engage creativity, Mayo introduced a variety of
visual thinking tools to help students generate original plots. In his lan-
guage arts class (which in eighth grade is called Lights, Camera, Media
Literacy!), he makes regular use of storyboarding, plot diagramming,
and other methods of capturing ideas in quick sketches. Once students
had done enough visual brainstorming to get them ready to write, they
shifted to Google Docs. This platform enabled teams to collaborate in real
time, providing one another with just-in-time peer feedback to improve
their compositions.
Students understood that illustrations would be important for appeal-
ing to younger audiences. Many of Mayos students, however, lacked
confidence in their artistic abilities. That changed when Mayo invited a
professional artist, Arturo Ho, to share his expertise. As Mayo watched the
artist guide students through the stages of creating illustrations, the vet-
eran teacher had a revelation of his own. Mayo shared his reflections on
Digital Is, an online journal of the National Writing Project (Mayo, 2012):

The art process is very similar to the writing process...Students

first had to create their rough sketches, just like writers must first
create their rough drafts. Then students slowly developed more
refined illustrations based on their rough sketches. By the time the

master storyboards were done, each group had a clear sense of

what they wanted their illustrations to look like. They also had the
confidence they needed to complete the project.

Before they moved on to their final drafts, the eighth graders took time
to invite critique from a class of third graders. Just as Hollywood directors
invite focus-group feedback before films are released, these authors
enjoyed the benefit of honest review from younger readers. The authors
relied on comments to polish their writing, improve clarity, and fine-tune
their illustrations. Their attention to detail shows in the final product,
which is sold on They understood that their work is going
for the whole world to see, the teacher said during the interview, and
that makes a difference.
In this project, both students and teacher made an important discovery:
The process of writing and revising based on feedback is similar to the way
visual artists work. Whats more, students had to make their words and
pictures work in tandem. Neither was a stand-alone product. Art wasnt
added at the end but integrated as part of the creative process. Teams had
to evaluate multiple suggestions and come to consensus about the best way
to convey their ideas, drawing on their expertise in two disciplines.
When you are planning interdisciplinary projects that include lan-
guage arts, look for opportunities to integrate disciplines in similarly
meaningful ways. The Common Core State Standards emphasize integrat-
ing English language arts into history, science, social studies, and technical
subjects. When we look more closely at how the language arts and critical
thinking are used in the world beyond the classroom, its easy to see the
wisdom of this approach.


In the prologue to her nonfiction bestseller, The Immortal Life of Henrietta
Lacks, author Rebecca Skloot (n.d.) tells a story about the day that
launched her writing career. Skloot recalls being a 16-year-old, sitting in a
biology classroom, and learning about an African American woman
whose cells have been used for decades of scientific research. Millions of
HeLa cellsused to develop the polio vaccine, for cloning, and in gene
mappingwere grown from cancerous tissue taken from Henrietta Lacks
in 1951, shortly before she died.
When that biology class ended, Skloot followed her teacher, Donald
Defler, into his office to ask a string of questions: Where was Henrietta Lacks
from? Did she ever know how important her cells were? Did she have any children?
He had no idea, but Skloot knew there must be more to the story. Then he
made a suggestion that stuck with her: If youre curious, why dont you see
if you can find out anything more about her? He even offered extra credit.
Over the years, as she went on to pursue college and graduate studies, Skloot
kept returning to the mystery of Henrietta Lacks. Who was this woman?
Language Arts 77
I couldnt shake the questions Henriettas cells raised in my mind,
and nearly a decade later when I took my first writing class, my curious
obsession with Henrietta was the first thing I wrote about, Skloot
explained in an interview after her book was published (Skloot, n.d.).
In hindsight, Skloot can see how her own family circumstances fed her
youthful curiosity. When she was a teenager, her father fell ill with a mys-
terious virus that affected his brain, sapping his concentration along with
his physical strength. She regularly drove him to the hospital for experi-
mental treatments. Reflecting on that experience years later, she said, I
was experiencing the hopes that can come from science, but also the frus-
tration and fear...I asked the questions I did because I was a kid wres-
tling with watching my own father being used as a research subject
(Skloot, n.d.).
That personal connection helps to explain Skloots initial inquiry in
high school. But it also took extreme persistenceovercoming one hurdle
after anotherto keep her going on the topic for a decade. She credits her
staying power to the same personality traits that had caused her to struggle
in school when she was younger. She failed her first year in a traditional
high school, only to thrive in an alternative setting. The difference was the
invitation to direct her own learning. Her parents, she said in a public pre-
sentation about her work, allowed me to follow my curiosity because they
realized it was the best way to make sure I actually did something.
As an adult, when Skloot hit roadblocks in her HeLa research or when
publishers rejected her early book proposals, the teenager in me refused
to listen. Thats the side of me that doesnt give up. What had been a liabil-
ity when I was younger became a big asset later (Boss, 2012).
Her dogged pursuit of answers took her from university science labs
to dirt-poor tobacco farms. Skloot interviewed everyone from faith healers
to family members of the late Henrietta, delving into hard questions about
race, medical ethics, and social justice. As a writer intent on making sci-
ence accessible to a wide audience, she set a high bar for satisfactory
answers. I really wanted to tell all sides of the story in a balanced way, so
I spent extensive time researching the science and the scientists, and the
evolution of bioethics, as well as Henrietta, her cells, and her family, she
explained (Skloot, n.d.). She stuck with it like a detective on a case until,
finally, she was ready to share the amazing story of Henrietta with the
world. Skloots story shows just how far a good question can take us.
For another example of the power of inquiry, consider a young journal-
ist named Eli Boardman. At age 6, he started publishing a weekly newspa-
per about his community of Boulder, Colorado. By age 11, he had published
his 200th issue. He got the idea to start his own newspaper during family
walks around the neighborhood. He said, We see them [neighbors] all
the time, and we dont know who they are, and I want to know them bet-
ter, Elis mom, Karen Boardman, explained in an interview with
Boulders other newspaper, the Daily Camera. Eli summed up what he
has learned through his writerly investigations with this bit of wisdom:
Every person has a story and you just have to ask (Snider, 2012).

Sometimes, students leverage the power of inquiry to make a differ-

ence in their world. That was the case for a class of eighth graders at
Amana Academy, a public charter school in Alpharetta, Georgia, that
emphasizes STEM along with service learning and environmental stew-
ardship. Students focused a recent investigation on the issue of homeless-
ness. Specifically, they wanted to find out if they could use their
understanding of science to improve temporary housing for homeless
people in their community.
Teacher Cherisse Campbell partnered for the project with an Atlanta non-
profit called Mad Housers that provides temporary huts for people who are
homeless. Before her students could suggest and test design improvements
for the huts, they first had to understand what its like to be homeless. The
entry event for the project was a visit to a homeless camp, where students
used their communication skills to interview residents. What they learned
firsthandand from follow-up research about homelessnesscaused them
to confront their own biases and to challenge media portrayals of homeless
people. One student observed: The media portrays that the people who are
homeless are out there for a reason. That was stuck in my head until I was
out there and met the people. They were normal like me and they wanted a
way to come back. I think that the huts are the first step (Felton, 2012).
Based on their interviews and observations, students gained new under-
standing of the shortcomings of the huts, such as trouble with heating, cool-
ing, lighting, safety, sanitation, and so forth. Back in the classroom, students
dug into research and problem solving. They used the scientific method to
experiment with heat-transfer options, for instance, comparing the results
for conduction, radiation, and convection. They made prototypes of sug-
gested design improvements that incorporated sustainable resources. One
team suggested making insulation out of lunch trays. Another designed a
solar oven to heat bricks, which would keep a hut occupant warm at night.
Finally, students shared their proposals in a public exhibition. It was
attended not only by parents but also by the director of the Mad Housers.
Nick Hess said later, What pleased me is that these students really were
doing it right (Felton, 2012). Students were able to thoroughly explain
and advocate for their proposals, backing up their suggestions with scien-
tifically reliable data.
By emphasizing inquiry in interdisciplinary projects that draw on the
language arts, we set the stage for students to pose and pursue the ques-
tions that most interest them. Whether they wonder about neighborhood
news or improving housing for marginalized citizens, they can hone and
apply their language skills through research, interviews, observations,
and writing and speaking in a variety of genres and formats. When stu-
dents share the results of their inquiries with audiencesin podcasts,
broadcasts, public or online forums, or print or digital publicationsthey
gain even more opportunities to use language in authentic ways.
Here are a few examples of driving questions for projects that inte-
grated the language arts and the real-world results of the investigations
that followed:
Language Arts 79
Driving Question: How can we all cross the finish line together?
Result: Students took part in 26 Seconds, a national advertising cam-
paign in which they challenged one another not to become statistics
(every 26 seconds, a student in the U.S. drops out of high school).
Students produced a video intended to appeal to a specific audience
their peers.

Driving Question: Can we help the blue fender butterfly?

Result: Students learned that a butterfly species relies on a prairie
habitat that is rapidly diminishing. Their letter-writing and leafleting
campaign got the communitys attention, and a local park was returned
to prairie.

Driving Question: How is a story like a pebble dropped in water?

Result: Elementary students interviewed family members for a pod-
casting project called Stories from the Heart (Cheung, 2010). By mak-
ing their interviews public, the class helped listeners learn from each
others stories and recognize the importance of drawing out stories
from their own families.

Driving Question: What can we do to address modern-day slavery

around the world?
Result: After reading a novel about a girl who was trafficked, students
launched a social media campaign to speak out against modern-day
slavery. They incorporated research on human rights to add authority
to what could have been a strictly emotional appeal.

Driving Question: How should we honor the heroes in our community?

Result: Students interviewed civil rights activists who were Freedom
Riders during the 1960s and created a traveling museum exhibit
about their contributions and sacrifices. By gathering oral histories
and photographs, students created historically valuable primary
source materials. They interpreted their findings with the dual goals
of educating others and also honoring the contributions of important

Driving Question: How can ethics keep up with science?

Result: After reading Mary Shelleys Frankenstein, students investi-
gated contemporary ethical issues of cloning, stem cell research, and
bioengineering. For an online publication, they weighed pros and cons
of controversial issues and supported their positions with scientific
evidence and expert testimony.

In each of these examples, students are using language to help them

figure outand sharethe answers to their open-ended questions.

They are writing to understand, just as experts do. As author Joan Didion
(1976) reminds us: I write entirely to find out what Im thinking, what
Im looking at, what I see and what it means.


Published workwhich may involve learning about different formats,
genres, and publishing toolsis often the culminating product of PBL in
the language arts. En route to publication, however, students are engaged
in a range of activities that deepen their literacy skills. Along with reading
and writing, projects engage students in the equally important activities of
talking and listening, thinking and rethinking. When students are in the
midst of active project investigations, encourage robust discussions
between peers, among groups, and as a whole class.
If students are grappling with challenging texts as part of their
research, help them deepen their understanding by encouraging what
reading experts describe as literate conversations. As Allington and
Cunningham (2011) explain:

Literate conversation is different from literacy interrogation, yet

interrogation is most commonly used in classrooms. Interrogation
involves asking students questions you know the answer
to...Questions that facilitate literate conversation have no single
correct answer. Ask the first question to ten different readers, and
you will get ten differentand equally correctanswers. Each
student response provides the opportunity for a follow-up ques-
tion or comment, and the follow-up question wont typically have
one correct answer either. (p. 141)

A teacher who is engaging in literacy interrogation might ask students

a general question (for example: What is the main idea the author is trying
to convey?). Or an interrogation might get more specific (for example:
Why does Martin Luther King, Jr., say he came to Birmingham?). Questions
that generate literate conversations, in comparison, sound more like this:
Does this story remind you of anything else you have read? What were
you thinking about as you finished reading? (Allington & Cunningham,
2011, p. 142). Instead of glossing over the surface details of a book (asking
for recall of who-what-where-when details), literate questions encourage
students to think more deeply about what they have read and why it mat-
ters. Such conversations feel more like a lively book club discussion than a
question-and-answer session led by a teacher.
By facilitating more literate conversations, a teacher also models the
kind of conversation he or she hopes students will have with one another.
With less emphasis on direct instruction and more small-group discus-
sions, projects should naturally lead to robust classroom conversation. In
one study, an elementary school that combined inquiry-based science with
language arts saw gains in student achievement. The longer students
Language Arts 81
spent in the inquiry setting, the more they improved in core content areas.
Researchers found that hands-on inquiry activities not only provided a
context for learning but also allowed learners to engage in more authentic
conversation (Amaral, Garrison, & Klentschy, 2002). Similarly, a study of
middle school and high school language arts students found that discus-
sion-based inquiry approaches improved students literacy skills. Students
showed gains across the board, including high-achieving and struggling
students (Applebee, Langer, Nystrand, & Gamoran, 2003).

A language arts teacher we met recently was eager to give her students
opportunities for more authentic literacy experiences. She signed up for a
PBL workshop we conducted for her district. By the end of our 2 days
together, she seemed like an enthusiastic convert to project-based instruc-
tion. During a follow-up call a few weeks later, however, she was voicing
doubts. Why? She worried about letting go of classroom strategies that
had always served her students well. For instance, she encouraged a love
of literature by asking students to read at least one book each term for pure
enjoyment. When we asked why she was jettisoning this fine tradition,
she said, It just isnt part of the project.
Time for a course correction! We asked her to picture an accomplished
person who works with languageperhaps a journalist, songwriter, or
documentary filmmaker. Wouldnt this person keep a stack of books or
magazines on the nightstand (or perhaps downloaded on an e-reader) and
read for pleasure? Isnt this someone who would choose words with care,
drawing on a vocabulary that continues to expand through personal
engagement with literature, film, and other media? Reassured, the teacher
reinstituted her reading-for-pleasure assignment, which she now saw as
part of the larger context for helping her students become proficient readers,
writers, and critical thinkers.
A good project environment doesnt eliminate proven strategies for
increasing literacy. Instead, projects offer students motivating reasons to
expand their language arts skills.
At Manor New Technology High School in Texas, for example, stu-
dents were drawn into reading classic literature by a project that inte-
grated science and engineering. Their challenge: improve on the weaponry
used by the losing side in The Epic of Gilgamesh so that the vanquished
might emerge as victors. To succeed, students had to understand the epic
poem in detail.
In a few carefully phrased sentences, the Common Core State Standards for
English Language Arts describe the skills and dispositions of a literate person:

[They] readily undertake the close, attentive reading that is at the

heart of understanding and enjoying complex works of literature.
They habitually perform the critical reading necessary to pick
carefully through the staggering amount of information available

today in print and digitally. They actively seek the wide, deep, and
thoughtful engagement with high-quality literary and informa-
tional texts that builds knowledge, enlarges experience, and
broadens worldviews. They reflexively demonstrate the cogent
reasoning and use of evidence that is essential to both private
deliberation and responsible citizenship in a democratic republic.
(National Governors Association Center for Best Practices, Council
of Chief State School Officers, 2010, p. 3)

Whats more, the standards call for increasing rigor and critical think-
ing as students progress from grade to grade. By their senior year in high
school, students are expected to spend 70% of their reading and writing
time on nonfiction. Meeting these goals is unlikely without an emphasis
on increasingly challenging yet engaging literacy experiences throughout
a students K12 years.
The National Council of Teachers of English, in a publication that
addresses the CCSS, emphasizes that it remains up to teachers to deter-
mine how to meet these learning goals:

Teachers who immerse their students in rich textual environments,

require increasing amounts of reading, and help students choose
ever more challenging texts will address rigor as it is defined by the
CCSS. This means keeping students at the center, motivating them
to continually develop as writers and readers, and engaging them
in literacy projects that are relevant to their lives. When students
feel personal connections, they are much more willing to wrestle
with complex topics/texts/questions. (Wessling, 2011, p. 11)

Across the arc of a project, students are likely to encounter a variety of

situations in which they will need specific, deliberate help to build their
literacy skills. Some will be opportunities for whole-class instruction,
while other situations will lend themselves to just-in-time work with small
groups or individuals.
Here are a few scenarios that are likely to arise during projects that
integrate the language arts.

Early in her teaching career, Sarah Brown Wessling, 2010 National Teacher
of the Year, started designing reading experiences in such a way that texts
would talk to each other. This approach helps students understand that
reading doesnt happen in isolation; understanding comes from making
connections. As she explains:

The Stranger wasnt as powerful without excerpts of Sophies World,

Charlie Chaplin, or punk rock music to amplify it. Our investigation
of it wasnt complete without juxtaposing Camus to Jean-Paul
Language Arts 83
Sartres No Exit to offer contrast, to spark questions, to prompt curi-
ous distinctions. Before long, we were hearkening back to Salinger,
Peter Kupers graphic novel of The Metamorphosis, and One Flew Over
the Cuckoos Nest....I had not only learned to teach thematically, but
I had also learned how to design a recursiveness in text selection that
mirrored and honored the kind of recursiveness we practiced as
writers, thinkers, viewers, and readers. (Wessling, 2011, p. 23)

Through her careful and deliberate selections of texts, Wessling acts as

content curator for her students learning experience. Her choicesinclud-
ing graphic novels and music along with more traditional readingsset
the stage for students to make connections across genres, leading to deeper
Remember Birkdale Intermediate, the New Zealand school that teaches
through inquiry-based projects called Quests? The Birkdale staff is simi-
larly deliberate about curating content for each Quest so that students
have ready access to high-quality, multimedia resources during their
investigations. These might include texts, maps, photos, videos, and per-
haps interviews with expert sources. Students can still go find more
resources on their own, notes Birkdale Principal Richard Coote during a
personal interview, but teachers are assured that students will be starting
their investigations with a storehouse of rich and meaningful content.
The schools long-term goal, of course, is to produce independent
learners who can find and assess information on their own and then make
their own meaning. They will become their own curators who know how
to search for, assess, and give credit for content; provide context; and remix
material in original ways to create something new. Getting students to that
level of information fluency takes time. In the meantime, Coote says, con-
tent curation by teachers provides students with necessary scaffolding to
make sure they set off in the right direction.
Teachers who are accustomed to more traditional instruction may need
to rethink when and how they introduce specific readings or offer back-
ground explanations during PBL. In an ongoing research project led by
researchers from the University of Washington, teachers have redesigned
Advanced Placement courses to integrate project-based learning methods.
Goals are to encourage deeper mastery of content and to make AP courses
more accessible to diverse student populations. The PBL design empha-
sizes putting engagement first before introducing lectures, texts, or more
traditional explanations of content (Boss et al., 2012).
What does this look like in practice? Heres how researchers described
a project called Congress 111 in a redesigned AP government class. Notice
that students are demonstrating a high level of competency when it comes
to reading, writing, listening, and speaking:

One day of Congress 111 might feature legislative committee work,

the next day a lecture or preparation for a floor debate, and the next
day a mid-unit assessment of student learning. Homework consisted

of reading, planning, and reviewing as well as working collabora-

tively at the projects website at A few students
in each classroom were designated videographers and would use
Flipcams to interview classmates and film committee meetings
and other legislative events. Eventually, a culminating perfor-
mance activitya floor debate with an elected speaker presiding
completed the project. An adult expert (e.g., a lawyer or legislator)
was invited to play a role in the culminating performance. This
elevated the authenticity of the project while affording students
feedback on which aspects of their performance rang true or not
to the experts knowledge and experience. (Parker, Mosborg,
Bransford, Vye, Wilkerson, & Abbott, 2011, p. 541)

Tech Spotlight

A number of technology tools help with content curation, enabling teachers or

students to pull digital information from a variety of sources, comment on it, and
make it shareable. For example:

Storify ( enables users to turn content published

on social media (such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Flickr) into anno-
tated stories. For example, after each weekly #PBLChat on Twitter, a
curator from New Tech Network produces a Storify that serves as an
archive of that weeks event. See examples here:
newtechnetwork. ( is a curation tool that allows anyone to create
an online magazine on any topic. Users pull content from the Web
using RSS feeds or keyword searches. Heres an example of a
focusing on PBL:
Pinterest ( is a virtual bulletin board tool.
Users pin images or other content to their interest boards. Heres an
example that focuses on reading:


Todays students live in a world awash in information. Information liter-
acy means being able to gather, evaluate, and make use of that ever-
expanding store of data. ISTEs National Educational Standards for
Technology-Students, the NETS-S, offer a vision of a competent learner
who can plan strategies to guide inquiry and locate, organize, analyze,
evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of
sources of media. These learning goals align with inquiry projects that
make good use of digital tools.
Language Arts 85
During the investigation phase of a project, help students focus on
how to find and evaluate information. This is an opportunity to deepen
students critical thinking by encouraging them to ask and discuss such
questions as

What do I know about the source of this information?

How reliable or trustworthy is this source? (How can I find out?)
Does the author or publisher have a bias or specific point of view?
(How can I tell?)
(Schloss, Franz, Thakur, & Wojcicki, 2012)

As students proceed with creating and perhaps publishing original

content, teach them to be mindful of proper attribution of content. Library
media specialists can be excellent resources and collaborators to help
students address these goals.

Tech Spotlight

A variety of technology tools can help students navigate online research.

For example

Diigo ( is a social bookmarking tool and then some. At

its simplest, Diigo enables users to track links online and share
resources with an online community (such as a project team or class-
room group). In addition, users can add comments to text with virtual
sticky notes. This enables readers to engage directly with the text,
practicing critical-thinking skills and close reading.
Instagrok ( is a search engine specifically for educa-
tion. Special features include visual representations that show connec-
tions among topics. Users who create accounts can track their research
in online journals.


Guiding students toward high-quality project work involves supporting
them throughout their learning journeys. When students are provided
with appropriate scaffolding to tackle challenging reading and to develop
as writers and speakers, they are able to perform at levels they couldnt
reach otherwise (National Research Council, 2000).
During the research phase of a project, for instance, students may
encounter unfamiliar vocabulary and challenging texts beyond their read-
ing levels. Guide students to break complex reading into manageable
chunks and deliberately teach strategies to analyze texts for reliability,
bias, or faulty logic (Marzano & Heflebower, 2012). Use techniques such as

paired reading or reciprocal teaching to help students support each others

understanding. Introduce Socratic seminars to help students think critically
(and audibly) about what they are reading.

Project Signpost 7: Ensure Individual Growth in Team Efforts

Students collaborating on a project team are likely to bring to it a wide range

of literacy skills. Make sure all students on the teamnot just the strongest
readersare thinking critically about important content and developing their
skills as writers and speakers. To ensure that all learners are developing their
language arts skills, your assessment plan might include individual writing
assignments in addition to team products. For example, students might be
expected to submit individual research papers about a particular aspect of their
team project. If public speaking skills are going to be assessed, your rubric or
scoring guide should set expectations for all team members to contribute to the

The writers workshop modelwith built-in cycles of peer feedback

and revisionis an ideal fit for the writing that happens during projects in
any subject. Remind students that engaging in writers workshops is not
just for English class; doing so will help improve results in every discipline.
Teachers will likely use a variety of formative assessment tools during
projects to monitor students progress and adjust their instruction. Mini-
lessons for a project that integrates language arts might focus on an aspect
of grammar or essay organization thats proving to be difficult for student
writers, guided reading of difficult texts, or technology tips for editing a
digital story or podcast. Some teachers encourage students to request
mini-lessons when they feel the need for specific help. One corner of a
classroom whiteboard, for example, might be reserved for posting such
requests relating specifically to the language arts.
The interdisciplinary nature of projects may prove an advantage to
students who struggle in a particular discipline. Framing a scientific con-
cept in the context of history or art, for example, may draw in students
who do not express a strong interest in science (Moje, Young, Readence,
& Moore, 2000). Incorporating student voice and choice in projects is a
motivator for all students, but perhaps especially so for youth at risk of
disengaging from academics.

Chapter 8 focuses on inquiry in the social studies. A professional historian
reflects on the thinking skills and dispositions that are essential in his field.
We hope you will journey with us into this exploration of the social studies
even if its not the subject you teach. Much like language arts, social studies
offers authentic opportunities for interdisciplinary projects.
Social Studies

C anadian history teacher Neil Stephenson sees the world as one big
learning opportunity. When he came across the museum exhibit
Canada in a Box: Cigar Containers that Store Our Past, he knew hed
struck it rich. Collected and curated by Dr. Sheldon Posen of the Canadian
Museum of Civilization, the cigar box exhibit covers a large swath of
Canadian history, with each box telling a bit of what Canadians are about,
who and what they value, what they think is funny, and what it means to
be Canadian. Thus, Stephensons Cigar Box Project was born.
Stephensons 12- and 13-year old students set to work, operating as
historians do to understand Canadas colorful history. They examined the
commercial art on cigar boxes, researched the people and events they por-
trayed, and sought to interpret the stories the panels illustrated. They met
with museum curator and historian Posen to share their interpretations,
ask questions, and go deeper.
Students started to wonder, as historians do, about the stories the
boxes didnt tell. Intent on revealing a more comprehensive account of the
past, students pulled on gloves and wielded magnifying glasses to study
other artifacts of history. Through iterative cycles of questioning, research,
and interpretation, a more nuanced story of Canada emerged, one that
included human events that often escape the history books.
Now Stephensons students were ready to present their interpretations
of the past in cigar boxes of their own. They studied graphic design and
learned to use a digital editing program to create illustrated panels that
were historically accurate and beautiful to behold.
At first glance it would appear the theme of cigar boxes was the glue that
held the project together, but at a deeper level it was the disciplinary prac-
tices of historians that shaped the investigation. With Stephensons guidance
and mentoring from their colleague Dr. Posen, students donned the


mantle of the expert, inquiring, investigating, using the tools and methods
of the discipline, holding up their conclusions for the scrutiny of others, and
presenting their interpretations in meaningful ways.
Even those of us who are not history teachers can appreciate the power
of the Cigar Box Project. Stephensons students learned deeply because
they inquired as experts do. They honed new skills, many of the 21st-
century variety. They worked in earnest to produce high-quality and
memorable work.
Many social studies teachers, like Stephenson, are retooling their learn-
ing environments and creating opportunities for students to work as
economists, lawyers, city planners, folklorists, activists, philosophers,
anthropologists, and philanthropists.
Subjects of the social studies lend themselves to the project approach.
Because they are based in the human experience, real-world connections
abound. In this chapter we examine three principles for designing quality
projects. They include

Aligning student work to the values embodied in the social studies

Designing for personal meaning
Working in the manner of professionals and active citizens

Given stringent testing mandates for other subjects, social studies sub-
jects risk being put in the back seat of the school curriculum. With
lengthened periods or even double doses of reading and math, students
spend less time studying the arts, science, physical education, and social
A 2007 report by the Center on Education Policy describes the shift in
time in instruction among subjects as school districts responded to the No
Child Left Behind mandate.
Grades K5. Among districts that reported increasing time for English/
language arts and math (i.e., most of them), 72% indicated that their ele-
mentary schools reduced time by a total of at least 75 minutes per week for
one or more other subjects. Of these, more than half (53%) cut instructional
time in social studies from 239 to 164 minutes, or exactly 75 minutes.
Grades 612. Middle and high school programs have increased credit
requirements for math and science and, in low-performing schools,
increased the number of reading/language arts credits students must take.
Reporting for these grade bands isnt as tidy as for K5, but any way you
look at it, for most of their school career, todays students are spending less
time learning social studies.
Why is this a problem? Competence in these subjects has a benefit that
goes beyond the individual. The ideals embodied in the study of culture,
history, economics, government, geography, and global issues are central
to a functioning society. Quality learning experiences help students learn
Social Studies 89
more than a body of knowledge based on facts and dates; they help them
develop character, a sense of connectedness, and civic responsibility.


Project design methods are described in Chapter 5, but before you launch
into planning, lets examine fundamental qualities of the social studies and
let three planning principles guide your work.

Planning Principle 1: Make Certain Projects

Reflect Values of the Social Studies
The values and intentions underpinning the social studies can serve
as organizers for planning projects. If the purpose of learning social stud-
ies isnt reflected in work we ask students to do, then their toil has no
return for the individual, nor for society in which each can have an
impact. Lets return to the rationale for having students learn the subjects
of the social studies.

The National Council for the Social Studies (1994)

describes the intentions of teaching the subject
this way. Social studies is the
integrated study of the social sciences and humanities to promote
civic competence. The primary purpose of social studies is to help
young people make informed and reasoned decisions for the pub-
lic good as citizens of a culturally diverse, democratic society in an
interdependent world. (p. 3)

Think back to Neil Stephensons Cigar Box Project. As his students

learn history, they also are learning whose stories are most prominent in
Canadas historic narrative. Their civic competence continues to grow
beyond the project as they encounter more building blocks of culture. They
might continue to ask whether there is validity to the old maxim, History
is told by the victors.

Planning Principle 2: Align Projects

With Students Personal Concerns
If, as weve said, social studies are based in the human experience, then
why do many students turn off and tune out during social studies?

Factoid 1. There are nine Facebook fan pages called, I Hate Social
Factoid 2. On Twitter, teachers discuss ways to make social studies
pertinent to students lives so they will care and learn. Follow their
conversations by filtering tweets using the hashtag #sschat.

Making social studies meaningful is imperative, both as a starting

point and as a through line for projects. If a course of study is inert, if it
isnt made relevant to their personal interests and concerns, students
cant learn, remember, use, appreciate, or build on what theyve been
Think of one social studies lesson, unit, or project you teach that
always goes over well with students. Why does it resonate and stick? Is
it because it taps into your students interests or concerns?
A position paper of the National Council for the Social Studies (1991)
recommends aligning curriculum and instruction with what kids care
aboutunifying motifs that represent developments in childrens social
and emotional intelligence. The motifs include

Concern with self: development of self-esteem and a sense of identity

Concern for right and wrong: development of ethics
Concern for others: development of group- and other-centeredness
Concern for the world: development of a global perspective

Each of the 10 themes of the social studies (summarized on pp. 9495)

can be associated with one or more of these developing intelligences.
Attend to these as you design projects to make sure students experiences
really count.

The most upsetting realization I had...

In Chapter 1, Diana Laufenbergs government class mimicked the
actions of average people navigating bureaucratic processes. Remember
Grace, the student who applied for a green card? Her reflection makes it
clear that the work drew on and developed her concern for right and
wrong and her concern for others, especially immigrants whose English
language skills put them at a disadvantage.

Planning Principle 3: Have Students Adopt the

Mantle of the Expert
Learning experiences are most powerful when they mirror authentic
experiences that occur outside of school. Authenticity is important
because, without it, students have limited access to the perceptions and
skills capable people meaningfully and purposefully employ. Neither
can they appreciate the relevance of their learning to them or their future.
As we discussed in principle 2, subject matter becomes inert if it lacks
The positive effect of authenticity on achievement was recently docu-
mented in an experimental study of differential instruction in Advanced
Placement economics courses. In the control group, classes of students
learned through conventional lecture-and-textbook study. In the experi-
mental group, students learned the skills of economists as they solved
close approximations of real-world problems.
Social Studies 91
One project example? Teams of economic leaders from two island
nations pursue the possibility of trade by analyzing data on the hours it
takes to produce goods, identifying economic benefits that occur with spe-
cialization of production and trade, and calculating comparative advantage.
Students from high-performing schools did well on the AP test regard-
less of method. Students in low-performing schools fared better if they had
taken the PBL course. Additionally, on a separate test of problem solving,
all students in the PBL course outscored their peers in the traditional
course (Finkelstein, Hanson, Huang, Hirschman, & Huang, 2010).
An added bonus? Teachers scored higher in satisfaction with PBL
teaching materials and methods than those in the control group!

Learn From Capable Adults

Both professional people and engaged citizens work in the realm of the
social studies, and students can learn from the practices of those who con-
tribute to the human narrative or have an impact on how society functions.
Lets hear from one who has made history his professional focus.

Expert Thinker: H. W. Brands,

Historian, personal interview
How does the world work? That big, open-ended question seized the interest of
H. W. Bill Brands long before he became a historian. Reading news accounts
of the Vietnam War as a teenager, he found himself pondering, How did this
happen? Why did we do this? How can we make sure we dont do something like
this again? He came up with a plan: After I figure out how the world works,
I will explain to other people how the world works, and maybe then we will
figure out how to improve the working of the world.
In hindsight, he admits, thats a remarkably nave question. The world
works in complicated ways, and everybody has a different explanation.
A prolific author, and twice a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize, Brands often
tackles questions that get at human nature. Or, as he puts it, What is it that
makes people do what they do? His biographies have explored the lives and
times of Teddy Roosevelt (T.R.: The Last Romantic), FDR (Traitor to His Class: The
Privileged Life and Radical Presidency of Franklin Delano Roosevelt), and
Benjamin Franklin (The First American: The Life and Times of Benjamin Franklin),
to name a few.
Not by accident, writing biographies has enabled Brands to connect with a
larger audience. Earlier in my career, when I would tell people I was writing a
history book, I could see their eyes glaze over. They remembered a really boring
history class in high school. But if Id say, Im writing a biography of Andrew
Jackson, people would say, oh, biography! I really like people. That told me
something, he adds. We all want to know about other peoples lives.
A high school teacher for a decade before shifting to higher education,
Brands considers his readers to be an extension of my classroom. At the
University of Texas at Austin, where he is the Dickson Allen Anderson Centennial

Professor of History, he teaches both undergraduates and graduate students.
Teaching and writing are quite closely connected. I think of my readers as
students I just havent met yet.
Engaging young people in the study of history can be a challenge. For a
teenager to be thinking about history is relatively unnatural, he admits.
Theyre thinking about the future, not the past. The older we get, the more
history of our own we have, the more naturally history comes to us. When
Brands lectures to public audiences, its not unusual for the average age
to be 70.
How might we help history come alive for the current generation of stu-
dents? What helps young people learn to think about problems in the way that
historians do? Brands offers some pointers.
Start with the present. I have a better chance of engaging students inter-
est if I talk about something thats happening today. I often teach from todays
headlines. Its relatively easy to go from the events of the day to ask: So how did
this situation come about? How did we get here?
Make it personal. If I can get students to read old diaries or old letters, if
they can see that people in history were people like them, then they may find
that engaging. A student might read the letters of young Abraham Lincoln and
realize, here was somebody who was also dealing with issues of, Who am I?
What career should I follow?
Evaluate information. With so much information available on the Internet,
we can access materials today that werent available 10 years ago except to
people with specialized credentials and research budgets. This also means that
evaluating of evidence is more important than it used to be. Theres so much
stuff online, and much of it is noisy and can be self-interested. Theres almost no
expense to publish it. I encourage students to ask: How reliable is this? Is the
source somebody with an ax to grind? Even with an authoritative-looking pub-
lished book, you still just have the authors word to go on. Do you require cor-
roborating evidence? Is there a reason to believe it?
Talk it out. Sometimes students get stuck. They dont know what topic to
research. But theres got to be something that interests them. So well talk. Ill
ask, What brought you into this class? Maybe they have an interest in a par-
ticular president. If I can get them talking about their interests, theyll realize
that there was more in their head than they knew was there. That helps if theyre
having a hard time getting ideas down on paper, too. Almost no one has a
speaking block.
Be inspiring. Information is the death of interest in history if information
comes first. I tell my students, if I fill you with information but bore you, youll
start to forget your information as soon as you walk out of the final exam. On
other hand, if I inspire you with interest in history, then you will continue to
teach yourself history for the rest of your life. History is a very accessible subject.
Its not like chemistry or physics. If youre interested in history and you can read,
the world is open to you.
Brands doesnt expect all his students to go into what he calls the history
business. What they gain from studying the discipline are reasoning and com-
munication skills that will serve them well in life, regardless of their career
choices. If you can think and communicate, then youll have a leg up.
Social Studies 93

What else belongs in a historians toolkit? Here are four tools Brands consid-
ers essential:

1. Curiosity: History is for the curious. If you want to know why the U.S. is the
way it is, if you want to know why the position of women in Africa is the
way it is, if you want to know why this world exists, then history is for you.
2. Empathy: If youre going to understand the past, you have to be able
to put yourself in the position of people who lived in the pastthe people
youre studying. If you simply go to the past seeking confirmation for
your current prejudices, you might find the confirmation but youre cer-
tainly not going to understand the past.
3. Facility with reading: If reading is a chore, then youre probably not
going to make a very good historian. You have to read through lots of
stuff. And if you take this on as a job, you cant read every book from
start to finish. There will be parts that have information you need and
parts that do not. In fact, youll find yourself putting down books that
you find interesting because you have to work to do!
4. Love of writing: I have some colleagues who dont particularly like to
write. The fun part for them is tracking down the information. Then its
like pulling teeth getting them to write. But the rest of the world cant
evaluate the kind of research you did until you write it down. Im often
asked, how is it you do so much writing? The simple answer is, I like
doing it. Every morning, I get to get up and do this thing I like to do.


The National Council for the Social Studies organizes the topics of the
social studies into 10 thematic strands. Looking at the big questions that
relate to each should lead you to driving questions for projects that will be
rigorous, meaningful, and engaging. In Table 8.1, weve offered a project
snapshot that relates to each theme. What additional project ideas come to
mind for you? (See Appendix A for more project examples and resources.)

Table 8.1 NCSS Thematic Strands With Project Snapshots

Thematic Strand Big Questions Project Snapshot

Culture What role does culture play in human and societal Through oral histories,
development? What are the common characteristics students tell the stories of
across cultures? What is the role of diversity and their communitys newest
how is it maintained within a culture? How do immigrants.
belief systems, religious faith, or political ideals
influence other parts of a culture such as its
institutions or literature, music, and art?


Table 8.1(Continued)

Thematic Strand Big Questions Project Snapshot

Time, How do we learn about the past? How can we Students contrast present and
Continuity, and evaluate the usefulness and degree of reliability of past with the help of digital
Change different historical sources? What are the roots of photography. (See Project
our social, political, and economic systems? Spotlight, page 95.)
People, Why do people decide to live where they do or After examining and
Places, and move to other places? How do people interact with comparing globes and maps
Environments the environment and what are consequences of from different eras, students
those interactions? How do maps, globes, debate whether political
geographic tools, and geospatial technologies boundaries will ever stop
contribute to the understanding of people, places, changing.
and environments?
Individual How do individuals grow and change physically, Students investigate the
Development emotionally, and intellectually? Why do significance of youth voice in
and Identity individuals behave as they do? What influences political uprisings (including
how people learn, perceive, and grow? How do Arab Spring, U.S. Civil
social, political, and cultural interactions support Rights Movement, and
the development of identity? How are others).
development and identity defined at other times
and in other places?
Individuals, What is the role of institutions in this and other Students evaluate local
Groups, and societies? How am I influenced by institutions? nonprofits and determine
Institutions How do institutions change? What is my role in which one to support with a
institutional change? social media awareness-
raising campaign.
Power, What are the purposes and functions of After an incident of
Authority, and government? What are the proper scope and limits cyberbullying in their school,
Governance of authority? How are individual rights protected students develop their own
and challenged within the context of majority code of conduct for life
rule? What are the rights and responsibilities of online.
citizens in a constitutional democracy?
Production, What factors influence decision making on issues After investigating the
Distribution, of the production, distribution, and consumption carbon footprint of out-of-
and of goods? What are the best ways to deal with season produce, students
Consumption market failures? How does interdependence develop prototypes for an
brought on by globalization impact local app that helps shoppers
economies and social systems? make informed choices at the
grocery store.
Science, What can we learn from the past about how new After studying instances of
Technology, technologies result in broader and sometimes citizen revolt around the
and Society unanticipated social change? Is new technology world, students become
always better than what it replaces? How can we experts on smart mobbing
manage technology so that the greatest numbers using cell phones and advise
of people benefit? heads of state on ways to
harness smart mobbing for
the good of the people and
quell its use for doing harm.
Social Studies 95

Thematic Strand Big Questions Project Snapshot

Global What are the different types of global connections? Students connect with classes
Connections How have these changed over time? What are the in two other countries to
benefits from and problems associated with global produce an online news
interdependence? How should people and societies magazine with a global
balance global connectedness with local needs? perspective on youth issues.
What is needed for life to thrive on an ever-
changing and increasingly interdependent planet?
Civic Ideals and What is the balance between rights and Using the Civic Action Project
Practices responsibilities? What is civic participation? How framework from the
do citizens become involved? What is the role of Constitutional Rights
the citizen in the community and the nation and as Foundation (,
a member of the world community? students address an issue that
concerns them and take civic

Project Spotlight: Look Into the Past With Repeat Photography

A bloody battlefield becomes a tranquil pasture. A muddy toll road yields to an

eight-lane freeway. A citys centennial celebration is revisited as its sesquicen-
tennial nears. Imagine students interpreting how then became now as they
compare historic photos alongside contemporary views of places in which
important events took place.
NCSS Standard Two, Time, Continuity and Change, calls for students to
conduct just such analysis. To see how the big questions of the social studies
lead naturally to projects, read the following project sketch and then consider
how you might put it into action.

Figure 8.1 Repeat Photography

Source: Photo by Jason E. Powell,



Subject(s): History, geography, language arts, photography

Driving Question: How can we document change?

Photograph by Jason Powell

Original taken 1920

Courtesy Library of Congress

Project Sketch: As students prepare for a history tour of Washington,
D.C., their teacher presents them with a challenge: Each team is to find an
illustration or photograph of a pivotal period or event in D.C. history, visit
the site where the event took place, shoot a picture (or even a picture-in-a-
picture as shown here), and write an essay describing the significance of
the event in its time and its relevance today. When complete, students
compile photo essays into a book published for inclusion in the school
library (to inform future tour groups) and submitted to the D.C. Historical
Imagine students studying city or state history in this way. What
resources and skills might they need as they begin? Consider how you
might take advantage of:

Access to photography archives. See local or state historical socie
ties and museums, the Library of Congress (
pictures), and the National Archives (
Experts: historians, archivists, photographers
Maps, reference books, online materials
Collaborative projects such as HistoryPin (
GPS devices
Digital cameras

Database and other Internet research
Photography, photo editing
Navigation using maps and GPS devices
Visual storytelling

Docents, tour guides
Social Studies 97
Do you see opportunities for interdisciplinary connections? Which
subjects might you want to include in such a project?

Tech Spotlight: Making Meaning With Wolfram Alpha,

the Computational Knowledge Engine

We talk a lot about helping kids do investigations where they make new mean-
ing, but its challenging to design learning experiences in which they actually
do this. The computational knowledge engine Wolfram Alpha (www.wolframal is a great resource for students who are investigating social studies
topics that involve data. Students hone their critical thinking skills as they learn
to craft good questions and evaluate and synthesize information they get from
Wolfram Alpha.

Caf Coffee Day

Lets explore how to conduct a social studies investigation using Wolfram

Alpha. Imagine: An eighth-grade teacher in India wants her students to learn
about countries in South Asia. She has students pretend they are business
owners in India who want to expand their companies to nearby countries. At
heart, this project asks students to compare and contrast to make an informed
judgment as they learn about South Asia. To add more student choice to the
project, the teacher might give students options to act as philanthropists want-
ing to support charitable causes or as professional sports executives wanting
to expand cricket to more cities. One team selects Caf Coffee Day, a popular
Indian coffee chain, as its expanding business. The team members make que-
ries in Wolfram Alpha that help them decide on a new country in which to
What would they need to know to make such a decision? They think: If you
want to sell a lot of coffee, you should have a lot of people to sell it to, so
they start by comparing populations. In Wolfram Alpha they enter, compare the
populations of Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. Wolfram Alpha
returns this table.

Bhutan 708,000
Sri Lanka 20.4 million
Pakistan 185 million
Bangladesh 164 million

They notice that Bhutan has as many people as a mid-sized Indian city, Sri
Lanka is comparatively small, and Pakistan and Bangladeshare big.
Next, they wonder about the economic health of the countries. With help from
their teacher, they identify per capita income, gross domestic product, and other
comparative data that are indicators of economic health. A search of per capita
income shows


Bhutan $1,930 per person per year

Sri Lanka $2,020 per person per year
Pakistan $930 per person per year
Bangladesh $497 per person per year

Interestingly, Sri Lanka and Bhutan have greater per capita income but they
are much smaller than Pakistan and Bangladesh in sheer numbers of people.
The team wonders how this compares to their country. India comes in the middle
at $1,077 per capita income per year, and it has a lot of successful Caf Coffee
Day franchise stores. They note this, and then move ahead.
They make this query in Wolfram Alpha: Compare GDP of Bhutan, Sri Lanka,
Pakistan, and Bangladesh. It returns this information:

Bhutan $1.327 billion per year

Sri Lanka $40.56 billion per year
Pakistan $164.5 billion per year
Bangladesh $79.55 billion per year

So far, Pakistan seems to be a good choice. Its the most populous country,
and its GDP and per-capita income are high compared to Bangladesh, the sec-
ond-most-populated country.
A question occurs to the team: Do people in these countries drink coffee?
They type: Compare coffee consumption of Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, and
Bangladesh. The search returns this result:

Bhutan (data not available)

Sri Lanka 6,873 sh tn/yr (short tons per year)
Pakistan 899.5 sh tn/yr
Bangladesh 1,141 sh tn/yr

They wonder what these numbers mean. Does any one person drink a lot of
coffee or only a little? They wonder if they can use these numbers to calculate
per capita coffee consumption. Wolfram Alpha is a step ahead. Scrolling down
the same search page, students find:

Percapita coffee consumption

Bhutan (data not available)

Pakistan 0.1764 oz/person/yr (ounces per person per year)

Social Studies 99

Sri Lanka 11.08 oz/person/yr

Bangladesh 0.2469 oz/person/yr

Sri Lanka might deserve a second look! Or maybe Caf Coffee Day should
expand its tea offerings. What should the team do next? What else have they to
consider in making an informed decision? (Think: supply chainstransportation,
roads, fuel costs; business climatepolicies around foreign business, civil strife,
government, and economic stability.)
Not all of aspects of business climate can be understood using Wolfram
Alpha, but you can see how it gives students a start in constructing an argument
for selecting a new business location.
Imagine their next step is to present a case for their choice. They can down-
load the data from Wolfram Alpha in the form of a spreadsheet and use a visual
display tool like Many Eyes (
eyes/) or Tableau Public ( to represent these
data graphically so they tell a story.
After they make their case for locating the business in another country, their
next task might be to investigate cultural issues to understand what kind of
marketing campaign would work best in that country.

Database and Computing Engine

Wolfram Alpha has two major functions. One is responding to queries with
information from its vast databases, as in the Caf Coffee Day example. If you
want to know the properties of a specific star cluster, the cost of a gallon of
gasoline in Minnesota, or what languages are spoken in Sierra Leone, you can
find out. As you saw in Caf Coffee Day, Wolfram Alpha can make comparisons
of like data. It can also draw from disparate data sets to derive an answer.
For instance, if you want to find out whether there is a correlation between
gas prices and the number of cars on the road in Minnesota, you might write:
Minnesota passenger cars in use vs. price of a gallon of gasoline, to which
Wolfram Alpha responds with a graph showing the relationship of those data
over time.
Wolfram Alpha is also a powerful computing tool. It can simplify an algebraic
expression, plot a reciprocal polynomial, or compare a set of ions. It has a type
pad for scientific notation and returns graphical representations when those are
Getting queries right is a bit of a challenge at first, but Wolfram Alpha pro-
vides a helping hand. After you submit a query, the engine shows how it inter-
preted your input. In its way, it lets you know how it thinks, which makes writing
interpretable queries easier with practice. Explore Wolfram Alpha at www.wolfra- and try out its functions. Visit the Examples page and learn how it
handles calculus, weather, people and history, engineering, socioeconomic data,
words and linguistics, chemistry, sports and games, colors, money and finance,
and assorted other topicsmany of which connect to the big and interesting
universe of the social studies.

Chapter 9 focuses on inquiry in science, a rich domain for project investiga-
tions. Well hear from a prominent scientist whose curiosity about how the
world works began at a young age. Once again, we encourage you to come
along for the journey even if you dont teach science. Your own curiosity
may be sparked by the interdisciplinary project examples ahead.

To a person uninstructed in natural history, his country or sea-side

stroll is a walk through a gallery filled with wonderful works of art,
nine-tenths of which have their faces turned to the wall. Teach him
something of natural history, and you place in his hands a catalogue of
those which are worth turning around.
Thomas Henry Huxley 18251895

P rojectile motion is one of the fundamental physics concepts that

teacher Frank Noschese wants his students to learn at John Jay High
School in Cross River, New York. Physics and math teacher John Burk has
similar goals for his students in Delaware.
Projectile motion really is a wonderful topic to study, Burk explains
on his Quantum Progress blog. The motion of footballs, golf balls, and
astronauts all, on a fundamental level, are controlled by the same single
force, and [the fact that] their motion evolves in the same predictable way
is very powerful (Burk, 2011).
Interested in connecting physics with students interests, these creative
teachers set up an investigation of projectile motion around a favorite
medium. Can you think what it was? Unless youve been under a bushel
for a while, the digital game Angry Birds probably comes to mind.
Instead of starting with units of measurement, kinematics, and vectors,
Noschese asks students, What laws of physics hold in Angry Birds
World? From here, students design investigations to answer questions
like these (Noschese, 2011):

Does the white bird conserve momentum when it drops its bomb?
Why would the game designer want the white bird to drop its bomb
the way that it does?

The yellow bird changes velocity with the tap of a finger. Analyze
more than one flight path to answer this: What are the details of its
change in velocity?
Based on a reasonable estimate for the size of an angry bird, deter-
mine the value of g in Angry Bird World. Why would the game
designer want to have g be different than 9.8 m/s?
Shoot an angry bird so that it bounces off one of the blocks. What is
the coefficient of restitution and the mass of the angry bird?

To investigate these questions, students first make screencasts of game

play using Jing, Screencast-O-Matic, or Camtasia Studio. Then they do
analysis. To support their scientific thinking, students use tools for data
analysis and modeling, such as Logger Pro and Tracker Video. As Noschese
explains in an interview about Angry Bird Physics with CUNY-TVs
Science and U! show, My goal is to show kids that physics is all around us.
They dont have to be rocket scientists to do physics (Demillo, 2011).
Given the enthusiasm students show for this approach, it wont be
surprising if some do become rocket scientists!


Do you consider yourself a scientist? If not, you should. From the time you
became aware of your surroundings, you have been investigating
observing, making conjectures, thinking through what might happen in
different scenarios, testing hypotheses, weighing evidence, and drawing
conclusions. If science lessons always drew on and fueled our inquisitive
nature, more of us might think, yes, in my way, I AM a scientist.
Science invites us to discover and appreciate how the world works.
Meaningful science projects engage students curiosity and immerse them
in investigations that lead to discovery. As importantly, good projects get
at the nature of science. That is, they help students understand that science
is a particular way of making sense of the world. Projects also give stu-
dents a forum for communicating their understanding, building their
confidence as people who can talk knowledgeably about science.
Recognizing how science works helps us appreciate how we know
what we know and how we can learn what is still to be known.
Understanding the nature of science helps us grapple with controversial
topics such as climate change, food irradiation, or cloning. It helps us dis-
tinguish science from nonscience, too, and detect junk science if its offered
to support an argument. These habits of mind help us think more critically
and communicate more precisely about a wide range of topics. Science is
exacting. Methods are codified so we can arrive at objective results that
hold up under rigorous testing. At the same time, science calls for great
creativity. This tension between method and imagination makes teaching
science a challengeand an opportunity. It is easy to stay on the safe side,
teaching the scientific method and constraining student discoveries to
Science 103
predictable labs, but this approach makes it less likely that students will
appreciate how science works as a creative human endeavoran endeavor
they can participate in.
By bringing project-based learning into the science classroom, we
increase opportunities for students to do the real work of scientists.
Projects invite students to think as scientists do from a young age.
Second graders from Conservatory Lab Charter School in Brighton,
Massachusetts, applied their scientific know-how to improve the image of
reptiles that often get a bad rap. Their interdisciplinary project was aptly
titled Dont Be S-s-scared: The Truth About Snakes. One of their products
was a music video that students wrote and starred in, set to the tune of
Lady Gagas hit, Born This Way. Its delightful, to be sure, but the clever
lyrics include scientific facts that students discovered during their in-
depth investigation of snakes. Students also produced a richly illustrated
book, What Snake Am I? A Clue Book of Snakes From Around the World, and
donated copies to the Harvard Museum of Natural History and a local
wildlife sanctuary for use in educational programs.
Heres how teacher Jenna Gampel explains the purpose behind this
project that turned her students into young herpetologists: The focus on
snakes was designed to challenge students to think beyond their initial
conceptions and misconceptions and to use scientific inquiry to dispel the
myths behind peoples aversion to this universally feared creature. As stu-
dents deepened their knowledge, they felt the need to become snake
ambassadors and to share the truth about these reptiles with the world
(Gampel, n.d., p. 1).
Opportunities for deep learning expand when we encourage students
to investigate scientific questions in the wider world and across disci-
plines. This doesnt mean that science labs go out the window or that
teachers no longer have a hand in guiding investigations. For the snake
project, Gampel had students perform a number of specific activities,
including observing, questioning, conducting and analyzing surveys,
researching, inferring, taking notes, and drawing scientific sketches. With
the right approach, we can design projects to balance student-driven and
teacher-directed inquiry.


Do you ever wonder how we came to teach what we teach? Why hands-
on learning is something we have to make a case for, and why physics is
in the typical curriculum but engineering, the practical application of
physics, is not? In the United States, anyway, we are living with decisions
made a long time ago about what it means to be an educated person.
In 1893, the National Education Association (yes, the NEA was around
back then!) convened a group of academics known as the Committee of
Ten and charged it with identifying the definitive U.S. secondary school
curriculum. At the time, there were 43 states in the union, the majority of

the population was spread out among small, rural communities, and edu-
cation was local in every sense. The movement toward compulsory educa-
tion was still 30 years away.
The Committee of Ten sought to bring coherence and rigor to educa-
tion across the nation. Chaired by Harvard University President Charles
Eliot, the Committee drew a line separating education into two domains:
the studies of school that prepared students for a classical university edu-
cation, and the practical learning that occurred in home occupations and
the tradesthat is, hands-on learning.
Their report urged high schools to adopt Latin, Greek, English, modern
languages, mathematics, physics, astronomy, chemistry, biology, zoology,
physiology, history, civil government, political economy, and geography as
the core curriculum. These were the subjects of scholars who worked with
ideas, not things.
The distinction the Committee of Ten made 120 years ago has had a
lasting influence. Engineering back then was viewed as a concern of farm-
ers, manufacturers, and machinists, not gentlemen.
Today, proponents of engineering and its modern ally computer sci-
ence fight to squeeze these subjects into the K12 curriculum. Why should
it matter whether these subjects are taught? Both are central to modern
life. We need the power of engineering and computer science to solve
long-prevailing problems and confront
new ones. As importantly, both subjects
Worth noting: Students whose teachers conduct offer the hands-on, minds-on experi-
hands-on learning activities on a weekly basis ences that develop our intellects.
outperform their peers by more than 70% of a One bright spot is the maker move-
grade level in math and 40% of a grade level in ment, a rapidly growing subculture of
science (Wenglinsky, 2000). Hands-on learning tinkerers, inventors, hackers, crafters,
experiences develop handeye coordination, spa-
and hobbyists who take the do-it-your-
tial reasoning, and problem-solving abilities. Such
self credo to heart. Schools would do well
experiences, once part of everyday life outside of
school, are less common now. As inexpensive and to adopt the maker ethos by giving time
disposable goods become the norm, activities like to making and outfitting a maker space
tinkering in basement workshops and sewing with design software, 3-D printers, sew-
from patterns have become practically extinct. ing machines, shop tools, and good old
twine and wire.


Ioannis Mioulis, president and director of the Museum of Science, Boston,
and former dean of the School of Engineering at Tufts University, asks us
to think about engineerings role in education and in life.

Beginning in preschool, students learn about rocks, bugs, the

water cycle, dinosaurs, rain forests, the human body, animals,
stars and planets, chemical reactions, and physics principles.
These are all important topics, but they only address a minute part
of our everyday experience.
Science 105
Take a moment to look around. Imagine how your environment
would look without any human-made things. Almost nothing you
see or experience would be presentno electricity, no chair, no
walls, no book, and maybe no YOU. Without human-made phar-
maceuticals and sanitation processesall engineeredyour life
expectancy would be 27 years.

How have we reached the ridiculous point where one may be con-
sidered illiterate if she does not know how many legs a grasshop-
per has, yet is considered perfectly ne in not understanding how
the water comes out of a faucet? Students in middle school can
spend weeks learning how a volcano works, and no time under-
standing how a car works. How often will they nd themselves in
a volcano? (Grasso & Brown Burkins, 2010)

Just as engineering is essential to modern life, so too is computer sci-

ence. Think of one aspect of your daily life that is not influenced by com-
puting. We have a colleague in computing education who speaks about the
integral role of computing and why more (and more kinds of) people
should get involved. She challenges her audiences to come up with any
aspect of modern life that does NOT involve computing in some way. One
audience member thought she had her stumped when she shouted out,
Nail salon! The presenter, in rapid-fire delivery, came back with: Point-
of-sale systems in cash registers to manage purchasing and inventory,
instrumentation used in the formulation of nail polish, graphic design for
advertising, business systems for payroll and appointment calendaring,
computer chips in the massage chair controllers, shall I go on?
While computing is ubiquitous, it is also, in many of its manifesta-
tions, fairly invisible. Getting kids involved in computing (as more than
consumers) has societal benefit and is a 21st-century means of building
good brains.

When we think of hands-on learning, we usually focus on the manipulation
of physical stuff. Seymour Papert, deemed by many to be the father of
educational computing, thinks of computers as stuff you think with. Just
as a pendulum is a wonderful tool to think with as you explore properties
of time and motion, a computer allows you to apply precise logic. Robotics,
phone apps, diagnostic tools, networks, and computer-generated imagery
are just a few of the expressions of computer logic. Papert considers com-
puters as tools to develop the intellect and invented the LOGO computer
language so children could get started with a dead-simple user interface to
learn formal logic as it is applied in computing to make things happen.
Paperts constructionist philosophy, situated solidly in constructivism,
holds that learning to program a computer is learning not just by doing

but by making. Being able to pose a problem in such a way that a computer
can help you solve it is the cornerstone of computational thinking.
You might not think of participation in fields like engineering and
computer science as a social issue, but it is. Jobs in these professions are
growing, but few of our students are being prepared for them.
Looking just at computer science, consider this: the U.S. Department of
Labor projects that between 2008 and 2018, 1.4 million computing jobs will
have opened in the United States. For those jobs that require a bachelors
degree in computing, only 29% can be filled by U.S. computing-degree
earners (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2012b). Too few students study com-
puter science and computer engineering at the college level, and rigorous
computing that gets kids ready for these majors is seldom taught in K12
schools. And, among those who do study computing and go on to techni-
cal careers, very few are women and minorities.
Why does this matter? For one, everyone benefits when the pool of
people innovating is as diverse as the people using the products of those
innovations. Point in fact: the first digitized voicemail system was cali-
brated to the male voice. Women trying to leave messages were hung up
on because their speaking voices were of higher register than the technol-
ogy was designed to capture. Had women been part of the design team,
this issue might not have been overlooked.
Second, computing jobs are plentiful and lucrative, and it is unfair that
few of our children are either exposed to computing or encouraged to par-
ticipate. (The median starting salary for a computer science major in 2012
was $56,000, just below that for the highest-paying job, engineering, at
Fortunately, from the presidents Educate to Innovate initiative to the
National Science Foundations effort to train 10,000 new computer science
teachers by 2015, change is afoot. Look for opportunities to expose your
students to computing through projects that incorporate Scratch visual
programming, Arduino electronics prototyping, or LEGO robotics (to
name a few). These are low-bar approaches that teachers with no back-
ground in computing can introduce.

A confluence of factors supports doing project-based learning in the sci-
ences as well as interdisciplinary projects that deal with scientific issues.
A call for reconsidering how students learn science comes from the
Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). NGSS represent the continu-
ation of efforts to improve science education that started with the 2061
Science for All Americans initiative in 1985. The intent of reform, then and
now, is to promote a constructivist approach that has students investigat-
ing as scientists do. This is how they will build a foundation of core con-
cepts and at the same time come to understand the nature of science.
Science 107
NGSS are organized around core ideas and crosscutting conceptsthe
basic principles and theoretical constructs of science. Development of the
NGSS by the National Research Council has coincided with the debut of
the Common Core State Standards. The two sets of standards are mutu-
ally reinforcing. CCSS describe what it means to be scientifically literate;
NGSS describe the science experiences students should have and the core
concepts they should know.
The rationale for focusing on a few core concepts instead of a multitude
of discrete pieces of information has to do with how experts and novices
differ in their science understanding. Experts understand core principles
and the theoretical underpinnings of their subject and rely on these to make
sense when faced with new information or a novel challenge. Novices, on
the other hand, tend to hold on to many bits of isolated and sometimes
contradictory knowledge. Without a firm foundation of core concepts or a
sense of how they connect, novices have difficulty grappling with new or
complicated ideas.
NGSS recommend that students build their foundation of core con-
cepts by spending less time studying science content and more time
operating as scientists doobserving patterns, proposing explanations,
developing models based on hypotheses, designing investigations to test
their models, gathering and analyzing data, and constructing explanations
using evidence-based arguments. Such engagement helps them become
less like novices and more like experts. Open inquiry can lead science stu-
dents to better retention, improved problem solving, and a greater appre-
ciation for what science allows us to accomplish (National Research
Council, 2000). Of course, open-ended questions are also what drive learn-
ing in PBL. With teacher support and facilitation, students can engage in
projects that allow them to adopt the mantle of the scientist.

Expert Insights: Chemist Katie Hunt (personal

How do expert scientists develop their thinking skills? Lets hear from Catherine
Hunt, PhD, in a personal interview with the authors. She is the director of inno-
vation sourcing and sustainable technology for Dow Chemical and former
president of the American Chemical Society.
Growing up with six siblings, Catherine Katie Hunt had a surefire strategy
for earning the undivided attention of her father, a chemist. I asked questions,
she recalls, challenging questions that didnt have simple answers.
She remembers inquiring, at about age 7, Why do they put salt on the roads
in the winter? Her father would respond to such questions with full, complete,
deep answers. That meant he sometimes used terms she didnt understandyet.
If she looked perplexed when he used a phrase like freezing point depression,
they would walk to his bookshelf, pull down his copy of Langes Handbook of
Chemistry, and together compare freezing points for various solutions. Without

talking down to her, he would break down concepts to make them understand-
able. She reflects, He had a way of thinking that made you ask: Why does that
happen? How does that work? And where else could you use that in something
youre trying to do? Its all about connecting.
Not surprisingly, Hunt has followed in her fathers footsteps by becoming an
accomplished chemist herself. She has also followed the family tradition of
encouraging good thinking in budding scientists. As soon as her son started
preschool, she began paying classroom visits to help students understand what
scientists do and how they think. She engages students by relating new concepts
to something familiar, often something they can see or touch. She encourages
good questions that get to the heart of how things work.
Baby diapers, for instance, offer a good example of super-absorbent poly-
mers. During one classroom visit to middle school students, Hunt challenged
them to think about the properties of super-absorbent polymers. A discussion
about what causes the material in disposable diapers to soak up liquids led to
a conversation about pH. And that sparked a good question: How can you
change the pH? One seventh grader suggested, You let the baby pee in the
diaper. Hunt replied, Exactly! Next, she got them thinking about using super-
absorbent polymers to release water instead of holding it. Where might that be
useful? And they were off and running, thinking in the way thatscientists do.
At any age, good science comes from asking good questions.
You have to constantly put yourself into situations where you dont know
whats going on, Hunt recommends. Thats the only time youre going to
learn. She follows her own advice. When she goes to professional society meet-
ings, Hunt forces herself to get out of her comfort zone and attend sessions that
deal with unfamiliar topics.
She encourages students to study broadly, because you dont know all the
things youll need to know. She can hold her own in discussions about biotech-
nology, for example, because years ago, as a postdoc, she audited courses in
biochemistry. I was laying a foundation, even though it didnt have a direct
application to what I was doing back then.
Along with curiosity, what else belongs in a scientists toolkit? Being able to
use technology is important, but specific tools are ever changing. More stable
are the habits of mind that serve scientists well throughout their careers. Here
are a few that Hunt considers essential.
Finding your focus. When Hunt arrives for a school visit, she makes a point
of wearing street clothes. I ask the students, do I look like a scientist? No! She
morphs into a chemist by donning her lab coat, gloves, safety goggles. Like a
baseball pitcher going through pregame rituals, shes also getting her mental
muscles ready for the work ahead. Its about moving yourself, getting yourself
ready so you can focus and learn and do whatever it is you have to do. Part of
focusing is clearing your mind of day-to-day clutter so that youre ready to think.
You have to free up your brain, whether its through yoga or writing down the
things you need to remember, or whatever you do. You need to free your mind
so you have room to process new things.
Risk taking. You have to be able to take chances. You have to be willing to
be wrong, Hunt says. Everything in life doesnt come with directions. She was
reminded of this when her sons Montessori teacher advised her, You cant help
Science 109

your son do everything right the first time. Hunt says she promptly replied,
Why not? I know how to do it right. The teacher wisely said, Good point!
Remember, your sons in third grade. Is there ever a better time to fail, and then
learn from your mistakes? Theres no down side. (When Hunts son entered col-
lege, he followed the family tradition by pursuing a degree in chemistry.)
Critical thinking. The work of science often involves gathering data, but
it takes critical thinking to recognize which results are garbage data and
which are reliable. Hunt asks herself, How do you know that it was good
data? How do you know that you asked the right question? She describes one
of her favorite strategies as zooming in, and then panning out. Shell zero in
on a question she wants to research by applying the scientific method. Then
she pans out for a broader perspective, testing her hypothesis in a variety of
ways. Panning out might be by peer review, or seeing if someone else can
repeat your experiment, or reading things others have written, or challenging
what others have done.
Mystery loving. Unsolved mysteries suggest new frontiers for science. When
she talks with lay audiences, they sometimes mistakenly assume that we have
it all figured out, Hunt says. Its important to talk about all the things we
havent solved yet. Tomorrows scientists can anticipate no shortage of good
questions to investigate.

While learning though inquiry holds a lot of promise, in practice, student-
driven investigations can have uneven results. Teachers, understandably,
want to maximize learning in their classrooms and worry that student
investigations might be ineffectual and waste time. A brand of instruction
called coupled inquiry strikes the balance between teacher-directed
and student-driven inquiry, providing the right amount of structure and
guidance to assure success.
Coupled inquiry is a sequence of teaching and learning activities that
leads to solid student-driven science investigations. The approach con-
strains student activity (in a good way) so it stays focused on the learning
objective the teacher has in mind and, at the same time, encourages critical
thinking and creativity (Dunkhase, 2003).
Coupled inquiry and PBL go well together. Both begin with the invita-
tion to inquire. The project approach couches the science in a realistic con-
text, and the coupled inquiry method ensures students engage in effective
processes of inquiry.
In the example that follows, students study wind power and the func-
tion of turbines through the coupled inquiry method. Its easy to imagine
expanding from the six steps of this structured inquiry experience into a
full-blown project by involving experts and introducing real-life applica-
tions and issues around wind power.
Laura Humphreys (2011), fourth-grade teacher in Las Cruces,
New Mexico, designed this investigation. The six steps described here

show the typical phases of coupled inquiry. We have annotated her plans
(in parentheses) to show how such an inquiry exercise could expand to
become a project.

1. Invitation to inquiry: The teacher presents a wind turbine she has

constructed. Students make predictions about how it will function.
They watch the turbine in operation and discuss the attributes they
think a wind turbine must have to collect wind energy. (In PBL, this
step would come after an entry event, a grabber that focuses stu-
dent attention and situates the learning in a realistic context.)
2. Guided inquiry: Teams recreate the teachers wind turbine design
and test it. In the process, they learn to calculate rotational velocity,
record results using a table, and derive average rotational velocity
by recording multiple trials. (In PBL, this would be a planned activ-
ity to build background knowledge about key concepts before stu-
dents launch into their own investigations.)
3. Open inquiry: The class reconvenes to discuss the results of the
guided inquiry. Students discuss new design possibilities and
decide which are testable within classroom constraints. Before pro-
ceeding with their open investigations, they decide on an opera-
tional definition for effectiveness. They define this as the design that
rotates the fastest while maintaining its stability. Teams then choose
a question to investigate, focusing on a variable such as surface
area, blade length, materials, or number of blades. They present a
research plan and then proceed with their investigations. (This is
heading in the direction of PBL, as students identify what they need
to know to be successful. At this stage, they might also be consider-
ing a potential audience. Who would benefit from their investiga-
tion? What are the real-world applications for what they are
4. Inquiry resolution: Teams share their claims and findings from the
open-inquiry investigations. Additional material is provided in the
form of a grade-level reading or websites about harnessing wind
energy using wind turbines. This may lead to a second cycle of
inquiry (revisiting step 3) in which teams construct and test new or
improved turbines. (In PBL, this leads into the in-depth inquiry
phase, when students are engaging in iterative cycles of modeling,
testing, and refining their solutions. They might consult with
experts at this stage to gain authentic feedback on their models.)
5. Assessment: At this stage, the teacher can assess students learning
based on observation, research logs, presentations, and other
means. Or she can give a test in which students examine a variety
of wind turbine diagrams or photos and explain which designs
would be most effective. Alternatively, she can present a perfor-
mance task, asking students to choose new variables to test. (In PBL,
formative assessment is happening throughout the project, giving
Science 111
the teacher information to adjust instruction and address misunder-
standings. Students final productsincluding their public presen-
tationsare formally assessed at the conclusion of the project.)
6. More inquiry: Students might proceed with additional investiga-
tions of wind turbines or shift to studying other mechanical devices
that operate when a force moves a blade or a shaft. Turbines pow-
ered by water (waterwheels, hydroelectric dams) might be one path,
and propellers, which operate with power to the shaft, might be
another. (In PBL, student interest in related topics might provide the
direction for a future project.)

As a coupled inquiry activity, the wind turbine example focuses

squarely on physical science. If it were expanded into a project, you can
imagine the scope expanding to address environmental science or eco-
nomic issues. Students might find themselves in the role of experts who
are advising a community on whether to consider a wind farm develop-
ment or where best to site such a project to mitigate danger to wildlife. In
such projects, students would need to deeply understand and be able to
communicate the science behind their arguments.

Project Signpost 8: Beware Recipe-Like Labs

Lab exercises are a useful adjunct to inquiry-based science. Conducting a just-

in-time lab can be just what students need to move to a new stage of an inves-
tigation. Alan Colburn, professor of science education at California State
University at Long Beach, recommends making labs less recipe-like so that they
draw on and develop students critical thinking skills. A first step? Get rid of the
data table that accompanies most labs. Have students think about what they
are quantifying, the units of measurement they will record, and the way they will
structure their data tables. From here, Colburn advises a continued, gradual
dismantling of the scaffolds that structure labs, taking students closer to designing
their investigations (Colburn, 1997).


The following sketches demonstrate the wide range of projects that can
result from bringing PBL strategies to the science classroom. As you read
these five sketches, consider how each example incorporates characteris-
tics of high-quality science projects:

Realistic task that gets at fresh understanding

Connects to the science community or those affected by that which
is under investigation
Blends structure and openness as students design investigations
Develops understanding of the nature of science and contributes to
students development as critical consumers of science information

If a particular project example appeals to you, think about how

you might modify it for your grade level or connect it with other


Sue Boudreau teaches science to eighth graders in Orinda, California. She
links class projects, one to the next, so that students see the connections in
science content. In a project called The Problem with Oil, students investi-
gated how we extract, transport, and fuel the world with oil. A next logical
project focused on greenhouse gases, an issue related to the combustion of
oil. In The Great Carbon Race, students were challenged with the question
Who can save the most carbon from entering the atmosphere? and defend
their results using clear, credible evidence for the class courtroom? Students
were graded by the quality of their evidence, and the biggest footprint reduc-
ers were crowned Carbon King and Carbon Queen. Learn about Boudreaus
Take Action Projects at


In a physics and engineering project, seniors at Technology High School in
Sonoma, California, use engineering methods to study technical failures
that lead to real-world disasters. Before diving into a final performance
taskan investigation of the 2003 Space Shuttle Columbia accident
students learn to pick apart a problem using root cause analysis. They
probe issues of workplace culture that interfere with the discovery of engi-
neering problems using Harvard Universitys corrective and preventive
action method. These are the real checks and balances that govern the
practices of engineering. You might think this is awfully complex for high
school students, but these seniors have been preparing for the challenge
since they built working Rube Goldberg machines their freshman year.
Technology High takes a systematic approach to its project-based curricu-
lum, providing experiences that increase in complexity and authenticity as
students go through school. Learn more about project-based learning at
Technology High at


Students in Grades 4 and 5 in the United States and Japan observe the role
of trees in their communities. They do tree surveys to identify the numbers
and kinds of native and cultivated trees. They meet with city arborists to
learn about the growing conditions necessary for healthy trees in their
location and compare those criteria. Students exchange photos, artistic
renderings, haiku poetry, and descriptions that help them compare trees,
geography, and climate in the two countries. They each find a tree that can
Science 113
be grown in the other schools environment and send these to the partner
school as part of Planting Day ceremonies.


A second-grade teacher presents students with a world map and monarch
butterfly and Australian stick insect specimens. He poses a challenging
question: Why here and not there? Why there and not here? How can we
find out? He has registered his class in the Square of Life, an Internet-
based collaborative project ( that
has students investigate their local environment and share information
with students from around the world. Students examine a square yard of
local ground and organize what they find into categories they define them-
selves: living and nonliving, plants and animals. Through close examina-
tion, they organize small creatures into groups by shared characteristics
and learn to discriminate between classes of animals, including insects and
isopods. They theorize about the role of habitat and niche in insect distri-
bution. They pose questions to their Australian counterparts, share their
findings, and report their conclusions about: Why here and not there?
Why there and not here?


A nearby fitness center wants to conserve energy. The director appeals to
students to analyze the centers energy usage and propose recommenda-
tions. Students study alternative energy sources, complete cost/benefit
analyses, examine government weatherization incentive plans, and create
and explain graphs to substantiate their findings.


As you read the previous project sketches, you may have found yourself
thinking, I wish Id had a chance to learn science this way! One of the
benefits of bringing the project approach to science is the heightened stu-
dent engagement that PBL delivers. Students who develop an early inter-
est in science are more likely to choose advanced science courses that can
lead to career opportunities.
Like Dr. Katie Hunt, the expert chemist introduced on page 107, many
people who grow up to be scientists can recall being relentlessly curious as
children. They often recall being encouraged in their interests by parents
and other adults. Four factors are known to predict students education
and career choices (Dick & Rallis, 1991). Think about these factors as you
plan project experiences. Your influence may increase the likelihood that
your students will pursue further studies in the sciences, preparing them
to become tomorrows experts.

Access to quality experiences. Use constructivist methods, take stu-

dents on field trips, involve them in real-world science, and introduce
them to camps, clubs, competitions, and classes outside of school.
Exposure to role models. Connect students with people who do sci-
ence. Students are especially responsive to near peers, those not too dif-
ferent from them in age or life experience. Get role models to tell their
Encouragement. Acknowledge achievement and compliment hard
work. Sometimes a breakdown precedes a breakthrough, so compliment
students who take risks and persist. Help students see where their inter-
ests today might lead in the future.
Recognition. Shine a light on students achievements and science
projects. Brag about a student in front of other teachers or to the stu-
dents parents. Hold science celebrations, invite the media to highlight
their science achievements, nominate students for scholarships and
One way to encourage young scientists is to steer them toward science
competitions. Such events hold students to expert-level standards when it
comes to doing research and presenting their findings. At the same time,
students receive feedback on their investigations and, often, gain access to
positive role models (both adults and near peers).
Recent award-winning projects in the Intel International Science and
Engineering Fair offer a window into how young scientists think about
problems. In many cases, student researchers are motivated by circum-
stances from their own lives. Science inquiry offers them a way to satisfy
their curiosity and also take action on issues that matter to them. For

A girl whose grandparents are visually impaired develops a traffic

control system that improves safety for blind pedestrians.
Students from Thailand develop recyclable packaging material from
fish scales, putting to use a material they have in abundance and, at
the same time, potentially reducing their countrys reliance on
petroleum-based plastics.
News that tin shields meant to protect workers at a local nuclear
power plant actually cause a scattering of radiation led two students
to develop a possible treatment for cancer.

How else might you build on (and spark) students interests to plan
meaningful, engaging projects? Consider these strategies:

Play off the news. Encourage students to share stories of technical

innovation, natural disaster, global issues, science conflicts and con-
troversiesany news around which to have science conversations.
Whenever a science innovation is in the news, discuss how it came
about. A little research often reveals that it is part of a long chain of
accumulating innovations. Encourage students to predict which
subsequent developments are likely to come out of the innovation
at hand.
Science 115
Connect to students lives. A teacher introduces thermodynamics
by having students investigate the cooling and heating systems in
cars. Another starts an investigation into memory by showing a clip
of characters in the movie Men in Black using a mind-erasing gadget.
Both approaches connect the study with students lives and inter-
ests, making the subject more inviting while showing that you care
about students interests.
Encourage speculation. Flexibility leads to better thinking. Ask
thought-provoking questions and encourage imaginative conjecture
about what might be going on. Whether it leads to an investigation
or not, always ask: How could we find out?
Foster aspirations. Celebrate the characteristics your students share
with great thinkers, such as curiosity, persistence, and outside-the-
box thinking. Plan projects in which students explore the lives of
scientists and discover that all kinds of people do science.
Present the grand challenges. Make a poster of the big problems or
grand challenges our world needs scientists to solve, such as pro-
viding universal access to clean water, preventing pandemics, or
addressing climate change. (Better yet, have students research grand
challenges and make their own posters.) Discuss the ways classroom
experiences connect to and might even be precursor experiences that
lead to the solution of these grand challenges.

Project Signpost 9: Connect Students With Scientists

Projects that address cutting-edge issues in science may cause students to go in

search of expert help. Anticipate the expertise that students may need and help
them make connections with knowledgeable people. Make sure students do the
prep work so that they know what they want to ask and can make the best use
of busy experts time.
To make connections with experts, think about the scientists who work in
your local community (dont overlook parents). To extend your search, tap net-
works such as:

National Lab Network (, an online match-

ing service that connects teachers and/or students with scientists for
research experiences and discussions.
On Twitter, scientists and students use the hashtag #scistuchat to orga-
nize their conversations. Discussion often revolves around science issues
in the news, such as genetically modified food, cloning, stem cell
research, space exploration funding, evolution, and other hot topics.
Connect with scientists who dont call themselves scientists. Science is in
action every day in your community. Someone at the wastewater treat-
ment plant can teach students a great deal about aquifers, pollutants,
and purification. Amateur astronomers would love to share what they
know about astronomy and optics. Fish and wildlife professionals, hunters,
and fishermen understand species distribution, animal life cycles, and
ecology. Master gardeners know about botany and soil chemistry.

As we have discussed in previous chapters, students are more motivated
when they see their projects as relevant and having a purpose. By setting
the stage for students to be citizen scientists, you will help students learn
science, learn how scientists conduct research, and appreciate how public
efforts contribute to scientific discovery.
Several clearinghouses connect scientists with the public so that they
conduct research together. In many such projects, scientists need access to
real-time data that widely dispersed citizens can help to gather.
Consider this sampling to get a sense of the kinds of projects your stu-
dents might take part in as citizen scientists.

Ancient Lives
Suitable for high school students, this archaeology project has
citizen scientists measuring and transcribing 500,000 digitized fragments
of one-thousand-year-old texts from Greco-Roman Egypt.

Benefit to science: The data will help scholars understand the literature,
culture, and lives of Greco-Romans in ancient Egypt.

Benefit to students: They learn history and methods of archaeology. They

get to correspond with researchers at Oxford University and other interna-
tional groups. See:

Target Asteroids!
Citizens use their own telescopes (or view from remote telescopes on
loan to them) to track asteroids, cataloging the position, motion, rotation,
and changes in the light they reflect.

Benefit to science: Astronomers learn about the characteristics of asteroids

similar to one they will collect a sample from during a space mission in
2019. The theoretical models needed to accomplish the space mission
improve with direct-observation data contributed by citizens.

Benefit to students: Students learn astronomy and observation and data-

collection skills. They learn about the long-range planning that goes into
space missions and participate in one that will be in the news for years
ahead. See:

Researchers need help tracking noise pollution. A free mobile app on
a smart phone is all participants need to measure the level of noise in
their areas.
Science 117
Benefits to science: These data help researchers understand the effects of
noise on humans and animals.

Benefits to students: They learn how noise contributes to changes in predator

prey relationships, migration patterns, and human health. They can map
local data and take action with an appeal to civic officials and the public to
reduce noise. See:

Consider, too, the many projects from Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Since
1960, Cornell Lab has relied on contributions from citizen scientists to study
problems from global climate change to avian health. Your students can
join what is possibly the worlds largest scientific research community.
Current projects involve citizens in collecting distribution and abundance
data for five endangered migratory bird species (see the project: Priority
Migrant eBird); identifying breeding behaviors by tagging photos captured
by nestcams (Cam Clickr); counting birds at feeders to help ornitholo-
gists understand population and distribution trends (Project FeederWatch);
and many others. See:

Tech Spotlight

Remember Frank Noschese and Angry Birds physics? He incorporated technology

tools to help students analyze data and make sense of their observations. Follow
his lead and look for technologies that will support the scientific thinking and
problem solving that you want students to be doing in a project.
For example:

Data gathering, a fundamental skill in science investigations, is enabled by

a variety of digital devices. Smart phones can be used for taking photos
embedded with GPS information to pinpoint the location and time data were
gathered. Add an app like Leafsnap ( for plant identifi-
cation, and students now have an electronic field guide at their fingertips.
Models and simulations are important ways that scientists make their think-
ing visible. Familiar models help us understand the solar system or visualize
the double helix of DNA. Using tools of digital gaming, scientists might
draw on large data sets to simulate the spread of pandemics. Students can
learn to represent their thinking using 3-D modeling software such as
Trimble SketchUp ( STELLA software (http:// has an easy-to-use graphical interface for building
models of complex systems.
Scientists need to keep orderly research notes and lab records. Help
students organize their work (and share it with team members) using
tools like LiveBinders (, the online equivalent of a
three-ring binder.
When students are presenting their research findings, an online tool like
Glogster ( enables them to turn the old-school
trifold poster into a publishable, multimedia presentation.

In Chapter 10, we examine the role of inquiry in the study of mathematics.
A computer scientist explains how her career direction was influenced
by an early love of puzzles and math games. Once again, we encourage
nonmath teachers to read along and look for project opportunities to
connect math to your subjects in authentic ways.

Mathematics is a study of patterns and relationships; a science and a

way of thinking; an art, characterized by order and internal consistency;
a language, using carefully defined terms and symbols; and a tool.
North Central Regional Educational Laboratory

T hink back to your years as a math student. Does this definition resonate
with you? If not, it may be because you spent a lot of time on the proce-
dural rather than the conceptual aspects of math. Math projects flip this
around, making math concepts important to the resolution of a problem or
challenge. The procedures of math develop in the context of projects and are
undergirded by a developing conceptual understanding and need to know.
Picture an eighth-grade class that is deciding how to spend fundrais-
ing money to help stock a local food pantry. The pantry is committed to
distributing food boxes to low-income families every week. As they plan,
it becomes clear to students that that certain questions must be explored
mathematically. Students ask:

Should we contribute food over the long term or buy it all at once? What
are the merits of each strategy?
Where should we shop, and how often?
A can of beans is less expensive than a can of tuna, but is it as nutritious?
How do we balance food cost and nutritional value?
Large packages can be cheaper per pound, but buying large packages means
we must buy fewer, so what sizes of packaged foods should we buy?

As these questions arise, students begin predicting, estimating, model-

ing, and calculating, using whatever prior experiences and mathematical
means they have. After a time, an approach takes shape and formal math

proceduressuch as algebra to address the packaging questionbecome

necessary, and now students are ready to learn them in context.
Contrast this example with mathematics education described in the
Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (Mullis, Martin, &
Foy, 2008). TIMSS shows that more than 90% of mathematics class time in
United States eighth-grade classrooms is spent practicing routine proce-
dures, with the remainder of the time generally spent applying procedures
in new situations. Little time is spent in conceptual messing about, con-
jecturing when a problem presents itself and then determining which
mathematical approach and procedures are called for to solve it.


Lets examine another project in which students conceptual work pre-
cedes and propels their procedural understanding.
Imagine Grade 8 students attempting to answer this ill-structured ques-
tion: Which places on Earth are most prone to bad earthquakes? They form small
groups and share what they know and wonder about earthquakes and the
instruments and methods of earth science. One student knows that the devas-
tating earthquake in Haiti in 2010 was shallower than others. Several know
that seismographs are used to measure earthquakes. All wonder how seismo-
graphs work. Another student says there seem to be a lot of earthquakes in
California. Another asks, Could an earthquake happen here? As each student con-
tributes, the teams conceptual understanding grows. They begin to establish
common footing for the investigation ahead. They are particularly captivated
by the question, Could an earthquake happen here? They are eager to dive in.
Before the project work gets underway, the team has to decide what
bad means in earthquake terms. Is it the greatest magnitude? The most
destructive? A combination? They make conjectures and settle on several
lines of inquiry. One has them investigating which kinds of earthquake
data yield information about frequency and magnitude. They learn that
magnitude is a measure of seismic wave energy that is recorded as hori-
zontal amplitude on the Richter scale. They learn that earthquakes are
measured on a curious scale, and their teacher presents a just-in-time
introduction to exponents and logarithms.
As they refine their interpretation of the driving question, one team
decides to collect data from real-time seismic monitors over a period of
time. Students grapple with ways to collect, organize, and analyze the
data. They examine how geophysicists operate (and maybe seek their
advice). As they plot recent earthquakes on a map, they begin to see pat-
terns to the distribution of earthquakes.
At times, students find that their procedures let them down or they hit a
conceptual snag, such as how to represent logarithmic data in a graph. Their
teacher asks questions that help them clarify what they are trying to accom-
plish, such as: What are you trying to display? Why isnt this representation good
enough? How could you learn more about representing logarithmic data? She shows
them how to create a logarithmic graph by formatting the axes using the
scale tab in their digital spreadsheet. With new information, technical skill,
Math 121
and encouragement, they return to their work. The interplay of the conceptual
and procedural strengthens both kinds of knowledge.
Remember the TIMSS that showed more than 90% of time in eighth-
grade math classrooms is spent practicing routine procedures? (Its possi-
ble that the emphasis on procedures is less extreme at other grades, but its
likely not far off.) Whats wrong with teaching math procedures in a
straightforward way? It turns out that learning procedures outside of rich
contexts in which their use is necessary makes the learning less sticky.
Research suggests that students who develop conceptual understand-
ing early perform best on procedural knowledge tasks later (Grouws &
Cebulla, 2000). The project is one more opportunity for the students to
develop lasting skillsand autonomyas mathematical thinkers.
Students without conceptual understanding are able to acquire proce-
dural knowledge when the skill is directly taught, but they need more
massed practice (Grouws & Cebulla, 2000). To put it another way, its hard
to learn to drive when you cant see over the steering wheel!

Teachers Speak: Dan Meyer on Concepts First

Dan Meyer, aka blogger dy/dan, uses math exercises in the textbook as an
adjunct to students real-life experiences.
In an algebra lesson, students roll a tapered glass on the floor. (Try this yourself
or imagine the action. What does it do?) Kids roll more tapered cups of different
dimensions and observe their action. Meyer describes his approach (Meyer, 2009):

There is math here, certainly, but I have made it a goal this year to stall
the math for as long as possible, focusing on a students intuition before
her calculation, applying her internal framework for processing the world
before applying the textbooks framework for processing mathematics.

Next, he encourages students to ask questions. Jason is first and he asks,

Why does it roll in a circle? (Meyer, 2009). From here, conversation proceeds
along interesting lines. Students speculate about how the dimensions of the cup
affect the circumference of the circle it traces. Students start to imagine ways to
test their conjectures. They draw the kind of cup they think would roll the largest
circle using a fixed amount of plastic. They make their ideal cup from a page of
card stock and draw a diagram of their cup and its path. Meyer challenges his
students to find the invisible center of the circle the cup traces and describe their
method for deriving it.
Meyer (2009) says, We do all of this before we start separating triangles,
before we write up a proof, before we generalize a formula. We ask for all this
risk-free student investment before we lower the mathematical framework down
onto the problem.
Follow dy/dans lead. List several major topics you will introduce in math
class. For each, how might you (Meyer, 2009)

Focus on students intuition before their calculation?

Apply their internal frameworks for processing the world before you
lower the mathematical framework onto the problem?

Mathematicians Work This Way,

but Most Math Students Dont
Mathematicians use their intuitions, explore, and try a variety of
approaches as they work, too. In the 1950s, Gyorgy Plya studied the meth-
ods of mathematicians to learn how they approach and solve difficult prob-
lems. He learned that they generally follow these phases of problem solving:

Understanding the problem

Devising a plan
Carrying out the plan
Looking back

Notice how conceptual understanding in phases 1 and 2 precedes the

procedural work of phase 3. Notice, too, how these phases parallel the
inquiry cycle of PBL.
In How to Solve It (1957), Plya argued that, within the phases of under-
standing, planning, implementing, and reflecting, mathematicians use
deliberate strategies, or heuristics, to solve problems. These include

Breaking a problem into parts

Relating a problem to one solved before
Constructing a simpler version
Working backward
Making a drawing, diagram, or table
Looking at use cases
Changing the representation

Plyas investigations led to a long progression of research activity and

new pedagogical thinking relating to the teaching of math (Perkins, 2008).
It turns out the approach and problem-solving methods of mathematicians
could be codified and taught to young people.
Over the years, math teachers attempted to teach their students to use
the problem-solving phases and strategies Plya described, but they had
limited success. Why didnt learning the ways of mathematicians make
students better at math problem solving? Was there a missing ingredient?

Projects Supply the Missing Ingredient

In the 1980s, Alan Schoenfeld puzzled over this problem and con-
ducted a series of investigations to arrive at a profound conclusion. It turns
out students understanding of the methods tended to be inert. Students
could learn the methods and use them successfully when presented with
straightforward word problems, but when presented with any unfamiliar-
ity, ambiguity, or complexity, they lacked the self-regulation that experts
use when they choose one strategy over another, or, depending on the
result, decide when to reexamine a problem, make a new conjecture, or
choose another path (Schoenfeld, 1992).
Math 123
Schoenfeld found that, regardless of the level of difficulty, students
tended to choose one approach and stick with it.
Examine Figures 10.1 and 10.2 below. When given the same unfamiliar
problem and twenty minutes to work, a college student and a mathemati-
cian operate quite differently.
In the first graph, its clear the student interacts with the problem in a
limited way, by only reading and then exploring:

Figure 10.1 Timeline Graph of a Typical Student Attempt to Solve a

Nonstandard Problem






5 10 15 20
Elapsed Time (Minutes)

Source: Schoenfeld, 1992. Used with permission.

Looking at the mathematicians process in the second graph, it

appears that about 7 minutes in, he foundered, then took another tack and
kept workinganalyzing, planning, exploring, and solving in iterative
ways. The example doesnt make it clear what methods the mathemati-
cian used (i.e., whether he broke the problem into parts, related it to a

Figure 10.2 Timeline Graph of a Mathematician Working a Difficult Problem






5 10 15 20
Elapsed Time (Minutes)

Source: Schoenfeld, 1992. Used with permission.


problem hed solved before, or worked backward, or a combination of

these), but its apparent that he had developed methods he could use flex-
ibly to ultimately solve the problem and check his solution.
Problem solving in traditional math classrooms frequently calls for a
straightforward procedure that yields one right answer. Would the student
have interacted with this problem differently had he tackled a variety of
messy, ill-structured problems before? Table 10.1 shows two sets of prob-
lems. Which would be more engaging and ultimately more satisfying to
solve? Which would more likely result in learning that sticks?

Table 10.1 Problem Sets

a. If the 1:20 model boat is 15 cm Toy time! Bring in Barbies, GI Joes, and
wide, how wide is the actual similar dolls and action figures and
boat? compare them to real people.
b. If the boat has a mast of height a. If each were the height of an
4m, how high is the mast on the average woman or man, what
model? would their body proportions be?
b. Design a doll or action figure
with the proportions of an
actual human (interdisciplinary
extension: advise how to market
it so it will outsell Barbie and Joe).


All kinds of people make meaning with math. The smallest are young
children who express their innate mathematical tendencies as they explore
and manipulate their world. The biggest come up with new kinds of math
such as nonEuclidian geometry, which was instrumental to the formula-
tion of the theory of relativity, and in turn made the development of
nuclear energy possible. Somewhere in the middleand its where most
math happensare those who use math every day.
Early in life, children take part in play that builds a critical foundation
for math learning.
Child development and mathematics scholar Constance Kamii (2000)
sees math in all kinds of play. A child playing with wet sand and buckets,
for instance, is also exploring patterns. When children are putting objects in
and out of containers, they are learning to classify and understand spatial
relationships. When they build with blocks, they develop number sense.
Self-directed play nourishes the math mind all through lifeif we
encourage it. Think about your classroom. How might you enrich the envi-
ronment with toys, games, puzzles, and brainteasers? How might play
serve as an entry event, downtime activity, or even a mode of problem
solving during projects?
Math 125
As adults, many of us continue to employ math in our daily lives.
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (Torpey, 2012), people use
mathematical theory, computational techniques, algorithms, and the latest
computer technologies to solve economic, scientific, engineering, and
business problems. Consider just a few examples:

Creating the Designed World

Ergonomics engineers adjust workplace conditions and job demands
to suit the physical capabilities of workers.
City planners advise on housing densities and urban growth boundaries.

Inventing New Technologies

Nanotechnologists create gecko tape that grips a load in one direc-
tion and releases its grip when the direction is reversed.
Aeronautic engineers design collision-avoidance systems in airplanes.

Representing Data
Public utility analysts graph customers monthly power and water
Pollsters collect and report voter preference prior to an upcoming

Modeling and Making

Actuaries use probability, statistics, and economic theory to determine
the likelihood of future events, such as flooding.
Traffic engineers model interactions between vehicles, drivers, and
infrastructure to develop optimal road networks.
Art directors use models, scale, and measurement for set design.
Chefs convert temperatures and imperial/metric units and calculate to
scale recipes up or down.

Calculating and Decision Making

Nurses use dimensional analysis, a type of proportional reasoning, to
determine medicine dosages.
Mechanics solve multivariant equations when repairing hydraulic
Meteorologists interpret synoptic scales to calculate movement of
large-scale fronts and weather systems.

Along with the many fields of applied mathematics listed above, we

can also find theoretical mathematicians who are interested in expanding
and clarifying mathematical theories and laws. These mathematicians may
not be concerned with the practical uses of their findings, but their work
is essential to many developments in applied math, science, and engineer-
ing. For example, research into the properties of random events made it
possible to improve the design of experiments in the social and natural
sciences. Conversely, in trying to solve the practical problem of billing
long-distance telephone users fairly, mathematicians made fundamental
discoveries about the more theoretical mathematics of complex networks.
Thinking about ways math is studied and used outside of the class-
room will open your eyes to possibilities for authentic projects. Any real-
world projects that mirror professional work in these domains will cause
students to call on math in ways that experts do. An economist relies on
statistics and modeling to do her work, and so should students engaged in
an economics project.
In project design, think of how you might frame scenarios and plan
projects that mirror professional work. Learn how math is used and let
that knowledge inform your planning.

Expert Insights: Jeannette Wing, Computational

Thinker (personal interview)
Lets hear from an expert thinker who has been fascinated by problem solving
since childhood.
When Jeannette Wing was a child, her favorite pastime was to tackle puzzles
and brainteasers. She remembers being delighted when her father gave her a
math workbook as a gift. I worked those puzzles over and over and asked for
more. I just had a love of mathematics from early on, Wing recalls.
Her early fascination with problem solving set the stage for an illustrious
career in computer science. Currently a professor of computer science at
Carnegie Mellon University, Wing was formerly assistant director of the National
Science Foundations Computer and Information Science and Engineering
Division. A consultant for some of the nations leading technology companies,
she focuses her current research on cybersecurity.
Wing is also a passionate champion of emphasizing computational thinking
in K12 education, especially at the high school level. Whether todays students
follow her career path into technical fields or head in other directions, she
argues that they will be well served by learning to think logically and analyti-
cally. When you think about the difficult policy decisions people have to make
in any number of fields, you want people in those roles who can look at the
evidence and draw rational conclusions. When you have two arguments side by
side, you need to be able to figure out which one is sound. That kind of reason-
ing involves logic, analysis, sometimes math, and it can carry you far beyond
computer science, she says.
In hindsight, Wing can see how her parents helped her develop the habits
of mind that continue to serve her well. Her father, an electrical engineering
professor, encouraged her to pursue her love of math. He provided a positive
Math 127

counterpoint to a high school counselor who tried to steer her away from male-
dominated career fields. Meanwhile, her mother instilled confidence, encourag-
ing Wing to take risks and explore new interests.
As an undergraduate at MIT, Wing initially studied electrical engineering
but soon found herself attracted to the then-relatively-young field of computer
science. My father assured me that computer science wasnt a fad. I could count
on it being around for a while, she says with a laugh, and I never looked back.
Key traits and thinking habits are part of Wings toolkit as a computational
thinker. These traits also need to be encouraged in todays students if we hope
to prepare them to meet tomorrows challenges:

Forward thinker: When Im deciding which problems to research, I try

to think far out in the future. What is a problem thats going to manifest
itself in 10 years thats going to need a solution? Then I can start work-
ing on that problem now. One of the reasons Im interested in cybersecu-
rity is because we need to anticipate the threats of the future. The kinds
of attacks we can expect may be much more extreme and sophisticated
and complex than we can imagine. If we can imagine potential vulner-
abilities many years out, then we can start to think about solutions.
Collaborator: Ive always collaborated with colleagues and students
across computing. Now, with my research interests in the science of pri-
vacy, Im starting to look beyond computer science to understand how the
social sciences think about this issue. What are the legal and ethical
issues? When I was at the National Science Foundation, I was a great
advocate for interdisciplinary research. The grand challenges that society
facesenergy, education, health carewill require interdisciplinary think-
ing and collaboration. It takes time and effort to collaborate across fields,
but were seeing this happen more and more. The next generation of
Ph.D.s are coming out with degrees like computational biology. Its not
that one is a computer scientist doing biology or a biologist doing CS. Its
an honest-to-goodness merger of the two fields. Thats happening across
many disciplines. Well see many more computational Xs in the future.
Risk-taker: In research, its always about taking risks. In my own
research career, Ive been willing to start on one trajectory, learn what I
need in that area, and then move into other areas. Ill work on a problem
thats perhaps not popular or doesnt get published easily. But Ill stick
with it if I believe in it. I have sufficient confidence in knowing that its
a hard problem, that the approach Im taking is a reasonable one, and
that the community may not be ready for it but thats OK; I still believe
in it and in myself for working on it.
Good communicator: I guess being a communicator is part of who I am.
In computer science and in many other science and engineering disciplines,
the people doing the research in these areas are often not the best com-
municators of the importance of what they do. When I was at the NSF, I had
to explain and argue to congressional staffers why funding research trans-
lates into economic impact, innovation, and societal good. Your typical sci-
entist or engineer may not be good at translating what some technical
research is good for in the eyes of the public. The science and engineering
community needs to have people who are able to do that. So I guess Im
known for being logical and analytical, and also quite passionate.

Project Signpost 10: Find Math Experts for Projects

Seek expertise from the pros as you plan. Mathematicians, actuaries, statisti-
cians, and math-y people of all sorts belong to scholastic or professional societ-
ies that invest time and resources in education. These organizations and their
members are your allies. They, too, want to strengthen the pool from which the
next generations of economists, astrophysicists, biologists, and engineers come.
To find them, refer to Weddles Association Directory (
.com/associations). The Directory categorizes nearly 100 professions and, for
each, lists several member organizations, some with regional affiliates near you.
(Economists alone have seven societies and associations.) Once you identify a
professional society, look to their education or outreach committees for the
expertise you seek. Dont overlook chapters on college campuses to connect your
students with near peers.
Consider, too, where you are most likely to find corollaries between math
professions and the K12 curricula.

Accountantscalculus, business statistics

Actuariesstatistics, finance, and business accounting
Computer scientists, software engineers and programmerscalculus,
algebra, trigonometry
Economistsstatistics, modeling, accounting, calculus
Engineersalgebra, geometry, modeling, trigonometry, and calculus
Financial analystsfinance and business statistics
Market and survey researchersstatistics, sampling theory, modeling
Physicists and astronomerscalculus, differential equations, probability
theory and statistics, linear algebra
Statisticianscalculus, algebra, probability, and statistics


There are four functions to master in order to teach with projects involving
math: strengthening mathematical understanding, making the world safe
for math, designing quality projects, and facilitating learning in artful ways.

1. Strengthen Mathematical Understanding

Its always good to deepen understanding and hone your craft, and
especially as you begin teaching math through projects. Consider these
opportunities for professional growth:
Join or create a Math Teachers Circle. This is different from the Math
Circles you may know about, in which mathematicians meet with students
to explore engaging, open-ended math problems. A Math Teachers Circle
brings math teachers together with mathematicians in order to strengthen
their own problem-solving skills, share ideas about pedagogy, and develop a
professional support network. The American Institute of Mathematics spon-
sors Math Teachers Circles (learn more at
Math 129
Start reading and interacting with reflective, blogging PBL math teachers.
Here are three to begin with:

Jackie Ballarini, Continuities (

Ballarini teaches high school math and blogs about her effort to
improve her practice.
John Pearson, Learn Me Good (
Anecdotes, observations, and the occasional rant from a former
design engineer turned third-grade math teacher.
Dan Meyer, dy/dan ( Meyer taught high
school math before starting doctoral studies. He reflects on math
teaching and describes how he applies his interests in graphic
design, filmmaking, motion graphics, and infographics in teaching.
(Follow him on Twitter @ddmeyer.)

Join Math Chat discussions on Twitter. Follow hashtag #mathchat to

follow the stream of comments of math teachers and join real-time chats
each Monday and Thursday.

2. Make the World Safe for Math

Learning math fills some studentsand adultswith selfconsciousness
and dread.
Factoid: Two-thirds of American adults fear and loathe math (Burns, 1998).
After years of failure or frustration, too many students take the first
exit ramp off the math highway. Good projects revive interest in math and
increase purposeful engagement. Meaningful projects help students see
that their efforts add up to something significant. Projects help students
recognize that they can interact with the world mathematically.
Because attitudes influence achievement, it makes sense to attend not
only to math curriculum and pedagogy but to the social and affective
aspects of math as well.
Many students (and parents) believe mathematicians are born, not
made. Imagine: Parents of an eighth grader attend conference night early
in the school year. The algebra teacher explains that their daughter is
struggling in math. The parents say, Oh, that runs in the family. None of
us is good at math. What does this tell us about the context in which
their child is learning math? Lets recast the scenario. Same parents, same
child, but the language arts teacher is explaining that their child is strug-
gling to read. The parents show great concern. They dont say, Oh, that
runs in our family. None of us can read! Culturally, it is permissible to be
poor at math, but who admits to not being able to read? Low expectations
lead to low achievement in math (Flores, 2007). It takes expert teaching,
encouragement, and sometimes a serious marketing campaign to turn
that thinking around.
Turn around parents thinking. Help parents understand your inten-
tions for teaching math through projects. Explain that, through projects,
their children will develop the capacity to define and solve problems with

reason, insight, inventiveness, and technical proficiency. Tell them stu-

dents learning will mirror authentic work in which math is important and
that makes math relevant now and useful in the long term. Math profi-
ciency is a gateway to rewarding professions such as medicine, computer
science, engineering, and finance. Let parents know that through projects,
students will build on and make connections among mathematical con-
cepts and find the connections between math and other subjects.
Present examples of projects the class will do. Deconstruct one to show
its rigor and the concepts and skills students will learn through doing it.
Present a rubric so parents can see how your expectations for learning map
to the school curriculum. Help parents become as excited about your proj-
ects as their children will be.
Invite parents into projects. Ask them to participate as experts, class-
room helpers, and field trip chaperones. Send updates and encourage
parents to talk with their children about projects at home. Post announce-
ments, student testimonials, and pictures to a project blog.
Reshape students thinking, too. Some students believe only certain
people have an aptitude for math and that a natural affinity or love for
math is necessary for moving ahead in the subject. Let students know they
dont have to be math whizzes to do well in it. Hard work, rather than
some inborn talent, is the true discriminating factor that leads to success in
math (and all the doors that math ability opens).
The very act of adopting the project approach upsets the old paradigm
in which math is a strictly structured activity that yields single right
answers and is done on ones own. For many students, math projects rep-
resent a new chance at math. Any math anxiety or defeatist attitudes they
come in with are erased when students are presented with an engaging
project and encouraged to proceed in inventive and collaborative ways.
High-achieving students benefit from projects too. Because projects have
no upper limit, it is less likely that accomplished students will go unchal-
lenged and become bored or disinterested in math.
Many small acts can make your classroom safe for math. Consider these:

Bring current events with math connections into the classroom. (Did
you hear? An iceberg the size of Connecticut calved off a glacier in
Greenland.) Encourage students to do the same and marvel with them.
Tell math jokes, show math comics, and present math puzzles.
Make math visual (see information about infographics later in this
Tell life stories of mathematicians. (Eratosthenes, Gauss, and
Fibonacci are a good start.)
Muse aloud about the nature of things mathematical, especially
those that can be investigated, such as: I wonder if all green lights in
town stay green for the same amount of time. Encourage students to
wonder, too. Post these wonderings in a visible place so students
can ponder them over time.
Dont rush students when they are explaining their thinking.
Acknowledge effort, not smarts.
Math 131
Encourage inventive approaches.
Discourage speed. Encourage deliberate, iterative effort instead.
Encourage students to ask for help and praise them when they do.
Model thinking aloud. Show dead ends and redirections in your
thought processes, too.
Allow students to teach one another.
Present students work so others can appreciate and acknowledge it.

3. Design Quality Math Projects

As you start planning, you may go online looking for projects to emu-
late. Your search of PBL + math will return both problem-based learning
and project-based learning. As discussed in Chapter 1, these are similar but
distinct approaches.
You may have good reasons to include problem-based lessons that last
for one or a few class periods, but also plan for project-based learning that
connects a number of math concepts in a comprehensive and realistic or
real-life experience. Math projects may last several days or even weeks.
From textbook problems to math projects. Lets get a flavor for math
projects that are a definite contrast with textbook math. Listed in Table 10.2
are pairs of textbook problems contrasted with projects and students
refinement of each prompt in the parentheses that are more authentic,
engaging, and challenging. Note that these projects likely differ in dura-
tion, from one or two periods to some time each day over several weeks.
Math textbooks often include good seed ideas for projects. Look in the
extensions section at the end of each chapter and imagine how these
seeds might grow into a project that drives key learning.

Table 10.2 Textbook Math and Project Math

Textbook Math Project Math

Birthday math! Make a picture graph Birthday math! Two of us were born on September
showing our class birthdays. 7! (How could we find out whether other kids in
our school were born on September 7? Could we
find all the birthday buddies in the school?)
Forty-three of us are traveling to the Forty-three of us are traveling to the museum. We
museum. We will rent 10-passenger vans need to rent vans. How should we go about this to
at $84 apiece. How many vans will we arrive at the most affordable and safe rental? (How
need and how much will they cost? do we compare rental agreements and policies
around driving and accidents?)
High and low temperatures over 5 days Our garden needs a steady soil temperature of at
are 77/54, 72/54, 73/50, 68/48, and least 55 for 3 days before we plant peas. What do
65/44. What was the average high and we do? (When should we start recording daily soil
low temperature? temperatures? What will we need?)


Table 10.2(Continued)

Textbook Math Project Math

Examine this familys diet against the Here are Time magazine pictures of families from
USDA Food Pyramid. Where does their around the world with the food they eat in a week
diet fall short? and how much they spend. (What proportion of
their income do these families spend on food? What
is the caloric and nutritional value of each familys
food? Whos healthiest?)
Measure the dimensions of two juice How strange. These juice boxes have different
boxes. If filled to the top, how many cubic dimensions but hold the same amount of juice. What
centimeters will each hold? is going on? (We could measure different brands of
juice box boxes to find out which has the greatest
amount of juice while using the least amount of
packaging material. We could compare prices to
figure out whos making more money, too!)
Examine this architectural drawing and Where do geometric solids show up in architecture?
identify these geometric solids: (Examine famous architecture from around the
rectangular-based pyramid, square-based world and identify as many different geometric
pyramid, triangular-based pyramid, cone, solids as we can. Design our own significant
cylinder, cube, rectangular prism, and buildings in SketchUp using geometric solids and
triangular prism. tell their stories.)
a. If the 1:20 model boat is 15 cm wide, Some dolls and action figures seem to have extreme
how wide is the actual boat? body proportions. Could toys with human
b. If the boat has a mast of height 4m, proportions capture the market? (Toy time! Bring in
how high is the mast on the model? Barbies, GI Joes, and similar dolls and action figures
and determine:
a. If each were the height of an average woman or
man, what would their body proportions be?
b. Design a doll or action figure with the
proportions of an actual human, and figure out
how to market it so it outsells Barbie and Joe.
Examine this map showing bicycle thefts The newspaper says bike thefts are on the rise.
in Appleville during one year. In which Should everyone worry? (Examine local police
square mile do the most thefts occur? The records for monthly bicycle theft data and create a
fewest? public service announcement and posters to inform
the community about the best and most risky places
to keep a bike.)
Using this table of fees from several cell Phone plans are complicated and families are trying
phone companies, create an algebraic to cut corners. (Help each of our families choose the
expression that reflects the billing of best cell phone plan for its needs from among three
services. local providers. Write a letter to Mom and Dad
justifying our recommendations.)
Determine how the graph of a parabola Do ball skills come down to technique or talent?
changes as a, b, and c vary in the equation (Examine the projectile motion of a ball used in a
y = a(x b)2 + c. favorite sport. Explain mathematically and
practically how to adjust its parabola for best scoring
Math 133

Textbook Math Project Math

How much interest will you pay on a College freshmen carry an average of $1,585 in
loan of $350 at 12% APR if you pay it off credit card debt, the cost of three iPads! (Create a
the loan in 6 months? scenario that shows we understand what it takes to
manage our own credit cards.)
Find a, b, and c included in the definition Lets pick the perfect evening for an outdoor
the sine function f given by f(x) = a wedding! (In pairs, we collect temperature and
sin(bx + c) such that the maximum value sunset data for a major U.S. city and model the
of f(x) is 6, f(0) = 6, and the period of the averages using sinusoidal functions. We present the
graph of function f is equal to . a, b, and data in a way the couple understands so they can
c are positive and c is less than 2. make an informed choice.)

Two Approaches to Project Planning

As you begin planning, consider two approaches to designing math
projects. Either start with math and seek life connections or start with life
connections and map back to math.
Math first. Identify several high-level math standards that naturally fit
together and plan a project that encompasses them. Here is an example of
several West Virginia standards that fit together. In Grade 5, students will

collect, record, estimate, and calculate elapsed times from real-world

situations (with and without technology);
determine the actual measurements of a figure from a scale drawing
using multiple strategies; and
solve real-world problems involving whole numbers, decimals, and
fractions using multiple strategies and justify the reasonableness by

What project might address these standards? West Virginia Teacher Lisa
Moody designed California, Here We Come! in which fifth-grade travel
agents plan a customers air travel, taking into account time zones, dis-
tance, in-air and layover times, amenities, fares, taxes, baggage fees, and
more. They present their customer with a proposal that includes a scale
map and cost comparison table she needs to make an informed decision.
As you design, consider how standards can be batched so learners
get the most out of each project. West Virginia teachers design projects
using Power Standards, which get at the big ideas of each subject.
Life connections first. In the travel agent example, the teacher might
have arrived at the same project starting from a geography angle or with
inspiration from the Travel Channel. Many subject-matter and life connec-
tions are ripe for the math projects treatment. Take the project called An
Eye-Opening Experience, in which students across the United States and
around the world joined Connecticut fifth-grade students to count the
number of metal eyelets on their shoes. Shoes and eyelets? What kind of
math project could this be? In it, students engaged in prediction and estima-
tion; data collection, representation, and analysis; review of variables; and

calculating mean, median, and mode. In addition, they met new friends
around the world and learned about geography, culture, and differences and
similarities (for instance, no matter where laced shoes come from, the eyelets
are set in multiples of four!).

Make Sure Students Operate as Mathematicians
Whichever route you take into project planning, make sure your plan
prompts students to operate as skillful mathematicians. The Common Core
State Standards initiative combined NCTM Process Standards with the
National Research Councils Strands of Mathematical Proficiency to arrive
at one set of Mathematical Practices. Mathematical Practices describe pro-
cesses and proficiencies students should develop as they learn math. These
practices have longstanding importance in mathematics education and have
parallels in the capabilities of mathematicians that Plya described.
Your project should cause students to

1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them

2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively
3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others
4. Model with mathematics
5. Use appropriate tools strategically
6. Attend to precision
7. Look for and make use of structure
8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning

Facilitate Learning in Artful Ways

Diving into math projects. Imagine how students will respond to the
project, and consider the different ways the project may play out. Multiple
lines of inquiry may emerge, and thats a good thing!
Plan a hook. Think back to the fifth-grade travel agents. How would
you introduce that project with an entry event? Imagine arranging chairs into
four long rows with an aisle down the middle. When students are seated,
speak into your microphone and thank your passengers for their patience
with the boarding delay. Thank them again for being patient with the lack of
air conditioningthat will get better after takeoff, which should only be
delayed another 30 minutes due to thunderstorms in the area. Ham it up,
encourage a little disgruntled behavior, and then break scene. Ask kids what
they know about air travel horror stories and then introduce the idea: Even if
some things are outside our control, many aspects of travel can be managed
with good planning. As travel agents, they get to plan a trip for a customer.
Remember, the entry event is not a rundown of tasks and timelines.
Introduce those later, after students are engaged and excited to get to work.
Math 135
Once the project is underway, be aware that math facilitation is a bit different from
other project facilitation. There are more landmines to avoid (crushing confidence,
getting bogged down in procedures), and specific questioning techniques ala Plya
that can prompt good thinking at different stages.
Encouragement. What kinds of encouragement will help math students
persist when problems get tough or in the face of confusion or miscalcula-
tion? Remember to encourage effort (not smarts), and use encouragement as
a gateway into asking clarifying questions that help students learn.
Questioning. In How to Solve It (1945), Plya organized the problem-
solving cycle into four parts and provided questions teachers or mathe-
matics students themselves could ask while solving challenging problems.
Plyas terminology is a bit antiquated and less than kid friendly. As
you read his language in the box below, consider rewriting his ques-
tions in language you would use and your students can understand.
One caution: Retain significant math terms. For instance, if you teach
students to approach every problem by identifying the unknown, the
data, and the condition, the consistent use of those terms will strengthen
their approach to math problem solving.

How to Solve It
Four Phases of Problem Solving and Questions to Drive Each

1. Understanding the problem

What is the unknown? What are the data? What is the condition?
Is it possible to satisfy the condition? Is the condition sufficient to deter-
mine the unknown? Or is it insufficient? Or redundant? Or contradictory?
Draw a figure. Introduce suitable notation. Can you use pictures or math
notation to represent the problem?
Separate the various parts of the condition. Can you write them down?
2. Devising a plan

Find the connection between the data and the unknown. You may be obliged
to consider auxiliary problems if an immediate connection cannot be found. You
should obtain eventually a plan of the solution.
Have you seen it before? Or have you seen the same problem in a slightly
different form?
Do you know a related problem? Do you know a theorem that could be
Look at the unknown! And try to think of a familiar problem having the
same or a similar unknown.
Here is a problem related to yours and solved before. Could you use it?
Could you use its result? Could you use its method? Should you introduce
some auxiliary element in order to make its use possible?
Could you restate the problem? Could you restate it still differently? Go
back to definitions.

If you cannot solve the proposed problem, try to solve first some related problem.
Could you imagine a more accessible related problem? A more general
problem? A more special problem? An analogous problem?
Could you solve a part of the problem? Keep only a part of the condition,
drop the other part; how far is the unknown then determined, how can it vary?
Could you derive something useful from the data? Could you think of
other data appropriate to determine the unknown?
Could you change the unknown or data, or both if necessary, so that the
new unknown and the new data are nearer to each other?
Did you use all the data? Did you use the whole condition? Have you
taken into account all essential notions involved in the problem?
3. Carrying out the plan
As you are carrying out your plan of the solution, check each step. Can
you see clearly that the step is correct? Can you prove that it is correct?
4. Looking back, examine the solution obtained
Can you check the result? Can you check the argument?
Can you derive the solution differently? Can you see it at a glance?
Can you use the result, or the method, for some other problem?

Ideas Presented in Writing and in Pictures

I can no longer imagine teaching math without making writing an
integral aspect of students learning.
Marilyn Burns (2004), math educator

Writing in mathematics gives me a window into my students thoughts

that I dont normally get when they just compute problems. It shows
me their roadblocks, and it also gives me, as a teacher, a road map.
Maggie Johnston, ninth-grade
math teacher (Urquhart, 2009)

During math projects, get ideas out in the open through discussion,
writing, and graphical representations. The acts of speaking, writing, and
representing ideas shape the ideas themselves. Model the expression of
ideas that you want students to emulate.
Writing shapes students thinking and helps you interact with that
thinking. Do your math students write every dayabout mathematics?
NCTM Principles and Standards for School Mathematics (2000) state that
written communication should be nurtured and that math instruction
should include writing so students learn to:

Organize and consolidate their mathematical thinking through

Communicate their mathematical thinking coherently and clearly to
peers, teachers, and others
Math 137
Analyze and evaluate the mathematical thinking and strategies of
Use the language of mathematics to express mathematical ideas

Researchers have examined strategies for introducing writing in

math (Woodard & Baxter, 1999). Lets look at them in a school-year
sequence, but imagine how they fit into the beginning, middle, and end
of a project, too.
Make math journal writing a part of everyday practice. Introduce writ-
ing in math at the beginning of the school year (and at the beginning of a
project) and start with affective, open-ended questions that prompt stu-
dents to write about their feelings and opinions. Ease students into writing
with failsafe questions. Ask for their opinions about using calculators in
math class or about their favorite experiences in math. As a project begins,
ask them what they are excited to find out or what theyve been mulling
over. As you read and respond to their writing, encourage students to use
the language of mathematics.
Next, ask students questions about concepts with which they should
be familiar and are on firm footing. These prompts fit in well during the
fall and at the start of a project when you are assessing prior knowledge.
As the year and projects proceed, ask students to write about more
complex math topics. Writing prompts at this stage reinforce and extend
students understanding of the mathematical concepts they are learning.
Their written expression, now that they have gained writing fluency, is a
rich source for formative assessment.

Finally, use students written explanations of their strategies and math understand-
ing at the end of a project as one aspect of your final assessment. Ask them, too, to
reflect on what they learned and how they felt about the project. This final, more
affective writing can cement positive feelings and make students ready for chal-
lenges ahead.

Tech Spotlight: Infographics

Many projects, especially those that ask students to quantify and make sense of
the real world, involve data collection, analysis, and visual representation.
NCTM Focal Points state that instructional programs from prekindergarten
through Grade 12 should enable all students to:
create and use representations to organize, record, and communicate
mathematical ideas
select, apply, and translate among mathematical representations to solve
use representations to model and interpret physical, social, and mathe-
matical phenomena

Most math teachers are familiar with common representations in math,
such as charts, tables, and graphs. One form of visual representation that is
growing in use outside of school is the infographic. Lets look at infographics and
imagine how students might work with these interesting visual displays of quan-
titative data.

Imagine Utah students charged with designing a promotional poster

that will convince visitors that Utahs slogan, The Greatest Snow on
Earth, is true. They must create an infographic that both quantifies and
illustrates the ski scene in Utah in an accurate and appealing way. The Ski
Utah infographic in Figure 10.3 was created by Michael Greenberg when
he was a high school junior.

Figure 10.3 Ski Utah Infographic



Br nce



















Beginner Runs Medium Runs Expert Runs

Height of Mountain-Elevation Change

Width of Mountain-Area of Mountain

Source: Reprinted courtesy of Michael Greenberg.

Math 139
An infographicor information graphicis a visual representation of
data. The representation can be pictorial, showing the very thing under
considerationas in the Ski Utah infographic that shows mountains
where one can skiand it can also show dynamic processes. An early
example of the latter is the famous 1869 Minard Map, which shows
Napoleons troops as a river of 442,000 men that diminishes as it marches
onand then retreats fromMoscow.
Here is a partial translation that helps with interpreting this map: The
numbers of men present are represented by the widths of the colored zones at a rate
of one millimeter for every ten-thousand men; they are further written across the
zones. The lighter color designates the men who enter into Russia, the black those
who leave it.
Infographics can be more compelling than tables, charts, or words.
They tell stories and raise questions. In the Minard map, 6,000 troops split
off and later rejoined the retreating army. It leads us to wonder, What cir-
cumstances and decisions led to this development? The lower portion of the
graph, reading from right to left, shows the temperatures on different
dates on the armys retreat from Russia in degrees below freezing on the
Raumur scale. Is 30 Re cold? How cold? Might weather conditions have
anything to do with the diminishment of the army?
Learning to read infographics. Consider using infographics as a teach-
ing tool. Visual representations of data foster all kinds of mathematical
thinking. As students examine them, they engage in analysis and interpre-
tation to derive meaning. They might ponder dynamic systems, relational
data, or change over time.
Imagine examining Greenbergs Ski Utah infographic together. You
might ask students what they know about skiing in Utah based on
Greenbergs pictorial representation. You might ask what they can infer
about the mountains that get the most or least business. Ask, too, how they
could represent other data of interest to someone contemplating a Utah ski
vacation, for example, showing distance from the airport. Ask them to
make conjectures about how many data sets are represented and how they
were derived.
Present good and bad charts, graphs, and infographics (aka chartjunk)
for students to examine. Help them determine when statistics reflect value
judgments, are presented in a distorted scale, or otherwise lie. As future
consumers and citizens who are presented with statistical data all the time,
learning to understand graphical representations of data is an important
form of math and information literacy.
Sources for infographics abound. The New York Times website publishes
many, as do the sites listed below. Present infographics regularly for data
analysis, and consider decorating and enriching your classroom with
them, too. Many infographics are available for download. Select ones that
follow the rules below(Figure 10.5; Yau, 2010), and make your own inex-
pensive posters on Zazzle ( Imagine students pondering
a visualization of time travel plots in films and TV programs or making
sense of the largest bankruptcies in history in an infographic showing
bankrupt companies as sinking ships of relative size.



0 0
Figure 10.4 F
 igurative Map of the Successive Losses in Men of the French Army in the Russian Campaign
R. 18121813. Drawn up by M. Minard,

0 0
Inspector General of Bridges and Roads in Retirement. Paris, November 20, 1869




Polotzk Tarantino







Dorogobouge Wizma



Be 30.000 Orscha


Lieues communes de France (carte de Farensae)








Studienska 0 5 10 15 20 25 50.


TABLEAU GRAPHIQUE de la temperature en degres du thermometre de Reaumur au dessous de zero.

Zero le 18 8.bre
Pluie 24 8.bre 5
alop 10
11. 9.le 9 9.bre 15
20.le 28 9. bre
24.le 1re. x.bre 21.le 14 9. 25
le 7 x.bre 30 degres
30.le 6 x.bre
Math 141
Some infographics sites to inspire you:

Cool Infographics:

Floating Sheep:
Flowing Data:
Information Aesthetics:
Information Is Beautiful:

Learning to make infographics. The National Council of Teachers of

Mathematics advises that students at every grade undertake investiga-
tions in which they collect and represent data graphically. They are also to
make sense of statistical data by representing the important features of a
data set and the relationships between data sets. In their pictorial narra-
tives, the data have to be valid and the representation true. By making
infographics themselves, students learn that the ways they represent data
are as important as the data themselves.
Imagine how students might express their project learning in info-
graphics in this example: A middle school class is studying livability in
their town. One project has them responding to the driving question Can
everyone get where they need to go? Students notice many sidewalks are
broken, making them impassable for people using strollers, wheelchairs,
walkers, and canes. They survey their neighborhoods, recording their
neighbors mobility challenges and identifying sidewalks that present the
worst impediments. Imagine the data they collect. Imagine how they
might present their information pictorially to tell a story and make the case
for fixing the worst sidewalks. What might their infographic look like?
Envision your classroom walls, school halls, or even the city council
chambers adorned with infographics your students make. Several sets of
guidelines are available to help your students represent data accurately
and convincingly in infographics. High schooler Greenberg came up with
his own: Get an idea, sketch it out, collect the data sets, start doing proof-
of-concept, then do layout work (fun).
Nathan Yau, blogging for Flowing Data, offers seven rules for making
infographics (Yau, 2010).


To put it simply: tell your story clearly and communicate the data accurately.

1. Consider your audience and purpose. Take into account who and
what your graphs and charts are for, and design accordingly.
Imagine how the viewers will take it in. Design a graphic to be
super-detailed for a poster that people can stare at for hours. But
limit complexity if its for a presentation.

2. Check the data. If your data sets are weak, your infographics are
weak, so make sure the data are accurate and make sense. Verify or
correct any data that do not make sense.
3. Keep geometry in check. If geometry or scale is wrong, the graphics
wont tell a true story.

To eliminate the need for any guesswork from the reader

1. Explain encodings. Maybe you use a color scale to indicate magni-

tude or the size of a square to represent values. Maybe its a combi-
nation of both. Explain what these encodings are supposed to
indicate. The most common ways of explaining encoding are to
provide a legend, directly label shapes, or describe the graphic in a
lead-in paragraph.
2. Label axes. Label your axes so that readers know what scale points
are plotted on. Is it logarithmic, incremental, exponential, or per 100
flushing toilets? Also, in most cases, youll want your value axis to
start at zero.
3. Include units. Indicate what numbers reference. Is it percentage,
volume, miles, or the number of chickens that crossed the road?
4. Include sources. Always include where the data come from. Put it
directly in a graphic, or if its part of an article or report, the source
can be specified in the copy.

In the end, all of these rules can be broken for specific cases. Youll
learn where you can bend with practice.
Infographic design tools. A variety of technologies are useful for mak-
ing infographics. In his blog about creating Ski Utah, student Michael
Greenberg describes how he used graph paper, spreadsheets, and InDesign,
a desktop design software program, to create his infographic.
Greenberg uses Photoshop and Illustrator for infographics, too. These,
along with InDesign, are graphic design programs commercial artists use
that may not be in of the suite of tools used in most classrooms.
Luckily, free, Web-based tools are available. Consider using Google
Spreadsheets for data collect and manipulation. Because their spreadsheet
lives in the cloud (on Google servers), students in a team can use it at the
same time and get to it from any computer. For design software, give
Science Pipes, Tableau Public, and Inscapes a try. Finally, if your students
want to represent multiple data sets as individual elements in an info-
graphic, they may want to use Glogster, interactive poster software with
lively text, graphic, and background options.

Google Spreadsheets:
Math 143
IBM Many Eyes:
Science Pipes (for biodiversity data):
Tableau Public:

Finally, remember that math reaches beyond the math classroom, and proj-
ects in other subject areas will use math in significant ways. See the Project
Library in Appendix A for more ideas for projects, including ones that
incorporate math in interdisciplinary studies.

Now that we have explored inquiry in the four core content areas, lets see
what happens when a project takes off in unexpected directions. Chapter 11
helps you anticipate the project spiral. Thats what happens when proj-
ects expand beyond the classroom, engaging the community and perhaps
even the larger world. Are you ready for your project idea to go big?
The Project Spiral

H eather Hanson is always looking for material that will engage her
students at Todd County High School in South Dakota. Thats why she
took the risk of screening a network television documentary that she knew
would draw a strong emotional reaction from her students, nearly all of
whom live on the Rosebud Indian Reservation. Children of the Plains, nar-
rated by Diane Sawyer of 20/20, focused on the hardships of growing up on
the reservation, including alcoholism, poverty, and family dysfunction.
How did students respond? Some cried. Some were outraged at what
they saw as stereotypes of their Lakota Sioux culture. Others shrugged off
the one-sided portrayal as the way they always talk about us. Hanson,
who teaches speech and communication, challenged students to do some-
thing productive in response. That challenge was the entry event for a
project that took students places they couldnt have imagined, including
two trips to Washington, D.C., to use their newfound voice to speak up for
their communityand for themselves.
Project-based learning enables students to become active participants
in their world. Through projects, students may discover that they have the
ability to influence others, make meaningful contributions, or even right
wrongs. Such opportunities may not happen with every project, but savvy
teachers are ready to let a worthy project spiral out in new directions.
What do we mean by the project spiral? Its what happens when stu-
dents projects go big, creating a buzz in their community or a greater
impact than anyone expected. Its what happens when their project video
goes viral on YouTube (as happened for the students from South Dakota).
The project spiral takes learning beyond the classroom and inspires the
larger community to ask questions, reflect, consider alternatives, or take


The project spiral is also a way to describe the infectious energy that
good projects generate. An engaging project experience in one classroom
has the potential to spread interest in PBL across grade levels or across
content areas, potentially influencing the culture of a school. The project
spiral fosters professional growth, too, as PBL veterans share what they
know with peersin person or through ever-expanding online networks.


Several years back, when we were conducting research for Reinventing
Project-Based Learning, we happened to hear of two teachers who were
connecting their classrooms across great distances for something called
the Flat Classroom Project. That was the first year of global collaboration
by the creative teaching team of Vicki Davis from rural Georgia in the
United States and Julie Lindsay, an international teacher then based in
Bangladesh. Their students used Web 2.0 tools to overcome distances and
explore real-world topics raised by author Thomas Friedman (2005) in The
World Is Flat.
That first collaboration has since spiraled in many directions, includ-
ing the development of several more global education projects, profes-
sional learning events, and a book, Flattening Classrooms, Engaging Minds
(Lindsay & Davis, 2012), that captures the insights gained from 5 years of
collaborative project work. They even offer teacher certification for educa-
tors who demonstrate proficiency in designing and managing global edu-
cation projects using social media. (Learn more about Flat Classroom
projects, events, and resources at
The success of the Flat Classroom brand may be unusual, but there
is plenty we can learn about the project spiral from Davis and Lindsays
example. From the start, they have emphasized high-quality, technology-
rich projects. Learning is personalized and relevant, focusing on issues
that matter to students and giving them opportunities to be media cre-
ators. Students connect with other students and leave the silos of tradi-
tional classrooms. As more educators take part in these projects, they
connect via social media to exchange insights with their growing profes-
sional network. Thats how a good idea shared by two teachers has grown
to become a global phenomenon.

Lets look at three ways you can be ready for the project spiral:

Go bigger: Extend projects in directions you didnt anticipate.

Go public: Broadcast your students project results.
Connect with your network: Share insights with your professional
network to grow the culture of PBL.
The Project Spiral 147
Go Bigger
When Heather Hanson challenged her students to respond to that tele-
vision documentary, she knew she wanted them to apply what they were
learning in speech class and think critically about media messages. She
didnt tell students what to produce; that was left up to them.
Before students decided on the medium and message for their project,
Hanson led them through a critical analysis of the documentary. As if they
were doing a close reading of a text, they analyzed the piece for point of
view, bias, and audience manipulation through words and images. For
instance, students timed the number of minutes in the documentary that
showed Native American children crying. The data helped them think
about deliberate decisions by videographers to get an emotional reaction
from viewers.
Students decided to produce their own video in response, counter-
ing with more positive images about growing up Native American.
After writing a script in speech class, they teamed up with a media arts
class to produce a YouTube video titled More Than That (Falcon Daily,
2011). In the tightly edited black-and-white video, filmed on their cam-
pus, students have written words on their own bodies. While students
enact short vignettes, close-ups show words such as family, determina-
tion, pride, honor, peace, bravery, creativity, resilience. These are terms that
more accurately describe who students say they are and convey what
they care about.
They uploaded their video to YouTube, hoping to inspire dozens or,
with luck, hundreds of people. Instead, the video quickly went viral, with
hits topping 80,000 as a national audience responded to their positive,
creative message.
Then Hanson got a call from a nonprofit organization, the National
Association of Federally Impacted Schools, inviting her to bring students
to speak to their national conference in Washington, D.C. During their trip
to the nations capital, National Public Radio interviewed students about
their project and why it mattered. Students put their speaking skills to
authentic use when they addressed the conference and, later, lobbied
Congress to fund programs in their community.
Of course, the original project plan included none of these activities. As
the project spiraled in new directions, Hanson welcomed each opportunity
for her students to engage with the wider world. They have discovered
the power of words. They know how to use their own voice to get their
message across, Hanson said in an interview with the authors, and now
they know how it feels to be motivated.
Keep your eyes open for unexpected opportunities to take your stu-
dents projects in new directions. At the end of a project, when students
reflect on what they have learned, you might ask them to imagine next
steps. A final reflection prompt might ask: If you have the chance to keep
going with this project, what will you do next? Their answers might point
you in unexpected directions.

Go Public
In the previous example, the press arranged to interview South Dakota
students during their trip to Washington, D.C. Some teachers make a point
of inviting the media into the classroom to learn more about students
Remember George Mayo, the middle-school teacher whose Transitions
project was described in the chapter on language arts? He lets the media
know when his students are doing newsworthy work. When I listen to
them answer a reporters questions about what inspires them to write their
stories, their answers blow me away. This is a real-world way to encourage
reflection, he said in an interview with the authors.
On the day that his young authors received their Transitions books
from the printer, for instance, a camera crew from the school district was
on hand to record the occasion. The resulting video allowed students to
share their learning experience with their families and gave other teachers
in the district a window into a project-based classroom.
Mayo also plans an event each spring when his young filmmakers
share their best work in a documentary showcase. They hold the event at
an historic movie theater and even roll out a red carpet for student film-
makers. Such grand gestures inspire students to do their best work. That
doesnt mean that the weeks leading up to the premiere are free of chal-
lenges. It gets crazy, Mayo admits, as students work furiously to edit
material they have been gathering for months. But the extra effort is worth
it when students see their final cuts presented in a professional space.
To go public with projects, look for allies at your district public infor-
mation office. Invite reporters from local media to consider writing about
noteworthy student projects. Encourage students to issue press releases
about their culminating events (developing their real-world marketing
and public relations skills), or find other ways to let the public know what
they have accomplishedand why its worth knowing about.

Connect With Your Network

Throughout this book, we have encouraged you to connect with col-
leagues who share your interest in project-based learning. Connecting
with your network will help good ideas spiral and build the culture of PBL
in the larger education community.
Look for these opportunities to grow your network and exchange
ideas about PBL:

In your own building: Find a colleague (or several) who shares your
interest in PBL. Rely on each other as sounding boards when you
are designing projects. Offer critical feedback to improve on each
others ideas. Examine student work together. Are students meeting
the quality standards you hope to achieve, or does student work
reveal places where you need to focus improvements? Ideally, your
school culture will support these professional conversations with
The Project Spiral 149
dedicated time for teacher collaboration. Make sure school leaders
see the results of student projects and enlist them as your PBL allies.
In your online network: Thanks to social media, there are more net-
works than ever for making connections with colleagues. Here are a
few with a PBL flavor: On Twitter, follow the hashtag #pblchat and
take part in anytime discussions as well as weekly conversations
about a specific aspect of PBL. On Edmodo, join the PBL community
and tap online colleagues for ideas or inspiration. On Edutopia, take
part in the PBL discussion group. On Classroom 2.0, join the group
PBL: Better with Practice. Join the group Project Based Learning on
Diigo, an online bookmarking site, and learn what others are tagging
as useful on the web.
At special events: PBL advocates tend to be active participants in the
unconference movement. These loosely structured gatherings,
sometimes called Edcamps, give educators opportunities to meet
face-to-face for peer-led conversations.
In publications: Look for opportunities to reflect on what has worked
well or whats been challenging in projects. For example, the Digital
IS site of the National Writing Project is a storehouse of rich teacher
reflections. High Tech High produces an online, peer-reviewed jour-
nal called Unboxed, where teachers reflect on their project experi-
ences. The Buck Institute for Education invites teachers to contribute
project plans to its ever-expanding online project library.

In our own experiences as PBL advocates, we have enjoyed the spiraling
effects of working withand learning fromteachers from around the
globe who are interested in improving learning through engaging, mean-
ingful projects. Weve seen projects grow more ambitious as teachers gain
confidence and get better connected through professional networks. Weve
seen the real-world connections grow, too, as experts and other commu-
nity members become willing partners in the project-based learning enter-
prise. The biggest beneficiaries, of course, are the students who are taking
a more active role in learning experiences that will stick with them for
years to come.
We look forward to staying connected and hearing about the exciting,
memorable learning opportunities that projects create for you, your
community, and your students.
Appendix A

Appendix A
Project Library

Many projects are described in Thinking Through Project-Based Learning.
Here they are again in an easy-to-scan digest, interspersed with additional
project sketches that will get your imagination flowing.
Projects are loosely organized by grade band under the subject matter
headings of Social Studies, Science, Math, and Language Arts. Because
good projects extend into the real world, and because real life seldom
happens in content-specific silos, most sketches describe interdisciplinary
We encourage you to read with an open mind. If you see a project that strikes
your fancy but is a grade band below or above what you teach, ask yourself, How
could I scale this up? Down? If a project has an emphasis in a subject you do not
teach, consider doing it anyway. Ask yourself, How could I adjust this project so
its sure to address significant instructional aims for my subject? Who from other
disciplines might want to collaborate?
If you are reading this book as a staff activity, gather in groups of five or six
and divide up the projects for close reading. In your groups, have each person
share two or three projects that he or she thinks deserve the groups attention.
Discuss. Together, ask yourselves, which projects resonate the most? Why? How
might we adopt or adapt these projects for our classes?

1. Come Fly With Us: p. 59 (Grades K2)
Driving Question: How do people work together to get a big job done?
After a commercial pilot visits school, a second-grade class designs its
own airport. Their challenge is to get all the parts working together so

Note: To read more about projects that are described in more detail elsewhere in the book, see
corresponding page numbers.


passengers make their way through ticketing, security, and boarding

and get to their seats in time for a scheduled flight. Along the way, they
come to understand how different jobs and different functions of an airport
all work together to create a system that puts people on the move.

2. Lets Be Fair (Grades K2)

Appendix A

Driving Question: How can we share and be fair?

When faced with an issue of scarcity, first graders learn firsthand how
rules and laws help people get along. Their teacher sets up a situation in
which students are faced with a problem of scarcitysix handheld game
consoles are distributed randomly among 25 eager students. After a period
of chaos, students feel compelled to construct rules that govern individu-
als actions for the good of the group. Their teacher draws on this experi-
ence later as students study how communities function. Credit: Kathy
Cassidy, Moose Jaw, Alberta, Canada.

3. Whats in a Name? (Grades K5)

Driving Question: Does our schools name say who we are?
In this schoolwide and cross-school project, students plan a celebration
of the source of their schools names. (Note: They could investigate their
citys namesake or the name given to a significant natural feature as well.)
In the process, they answer: How does our name reflect who we once were
and who we are today? How does our identity compare to that of other
schools? Each grade takes on different aspects of the celebration, from
doing research and producing multimedia at Grade 5 to writing songs and
painting murals in Grade 1. Each schools celebration is filmed and shared
with participating schools and their larger communities.

4. A Week in the Life: p. 168 (Grades 35)

Driving Question: How do our lives compare?
What can we learn from one another that we couldnt learn alone? A
Week in the Life is a project for third through fifth grades. Over 6 weeks,
kids from around the world build cultural understanding and awareness
as they study how people in different places live and communicate. Credit:
Flat Classroom Project. Join A Week in the Life at the Flat Classroom

5. California, Here We Come! p. 133 (Grades 35)

Driving Question: How can we provide service that meets others needs?
Fifth-grade travel agents plan a customers air travel, taking into
account time zones, distance, in-air and layover times, amenities, fares, taxes,
baggage fees, and more. They present their customer with a proposal that
includes a scale map and cost comparison table the client can use to make an
informed decision. Credit: Lisa Moody, Point Pleasant, West Virginia.
6. Families Around the World: p. 132 (Grades 35)
Driving Question: How do the lives of families compare?
Students study a Time magazine photographic essay that shows fami-
lies from around the world surrounded by the food they eat in a week and
come up with these questions to investigate: What proportion of their
income do these families spend on food? What is the caloric and nutritional

Appendix A
value of each familys food? Whos healthiest? How can we help those with
the most meager diet? See the What the World Eats photogallery here:,29307,1626519,00.html.

7. Plotting History (Grades 35)

Driving Question: How does the past share its stories?
Although they never leave the school grounds, students field trips
kick off significant history investigations. Before students study a pivotal
historic period or event, teachers superimpose scale maps of the region of
study over the school grounds, stash artifacts in locations relative to real
historical sites, and retag each cache. For example, for the study of Lewis
and Clark Corps of Discovery, Fort Mandan, the headwaters of the Great
Falls in the Rockies, and Fort Clatsop are geotagged with a bit of history
hidden in each place. An arrowhead, bullet casing, or a candle mold finds
its way into caches, as well as raw materials such as deer hide and antler.
Equipped with historical maps, geographic coordinates, and GPS devices,
students set to work, puzzling out each items significance to the era or
events they are studying. History experts are on call to discuss students
theories and guide their investigations. As their studies conclude, students
plan historical reenactments to share during a community celebration. In
short dramas, each student stars as a historical figure and relates a true tale
from the past. In preparing their dramas, with the help of experts, students
transform cache materials into their own props, and in the process learn
about tanning hides, flint napping, taxidermy, and dugout canoes.

8. Arkansas: Shape of Things to Come? (Grades 35)

Driving Question: Is our presence here inevitable?
Students learn about their states geography, people, and pivotal turns
in history up to statehood through two related projects. The first has them
working from a landforms map and examining political maps from differ-
ent periods prior to statehood to document the role of geography on
human settlement and to show change over time. They tag major devel-
opments in cultural geography and history on a timeline and make judg-
ments about which developments have had the greatest influence on
society as we know it today. They look at factors that led to key events
along with the impact of those events and write scripts for historic reenact-
ments that are vetted by historians and history enthusiasts. Their reen-
actments demonstrate understanding of the causal nature and dynamism
of history.

9. Lets Remember (Grades 35)

Driving Question: It was important then; is it important still?
A teacher brings a neglected local monument to students attention
and gets them thinking How has our community commemorated what it cares
about over time? A search of newspaper and historical society archives
reveals a trove of documentary evidence of ribbon cuttings, statue unveil-
Appendix A

ings, and more. Some memorials no longer exist and others are in poor
repair. Some students create a virtual tour using Google maps for a kiosk
at the local visitors center. Others research the stories that have gone
untold and recommend ways to commemorate people and events deserv-
ing recognition. Still others campaign for a day of recognition for unsung
heroes who walk among us.

10. Bike Theft: p. 133 (Grades 35, 68)

Driving Question: How can we make our community safe?
The local newspaper reports that bike thefts are on the rise. Should
everyone worry? Students address this question by examining local police
records for monthly bicycle thefts, plotting the data on maps, and creating
public service announcements and posters to inform the community about
the best and most risky places to keep a bike.

11. Make Me Care: p. 58 (Grades 68)

Driving Question: Where should we focus our efforts to do the most good?
Student advisors help community members select local charities to
support. They identify problems in their community and do a gap analysis
to determine the nature and severity of the problems in relation to efforts
to resolve them. They plan a night of persuasive lightning talks to garner
support for charitable causes. They advertise the event using Twitter and
Facebook, set up FirstGiving accounts ( to collect
donations, and, on show night, watch as donations roll in.

12. State of the City (Grades 68)

Driving Question: How does a town operate?
After initial local government studies, student teams create an orga-
nizational chart of their town, showing how the city functions and how
decisions are made. Teams analyze each others charts and ultimately
settle on one collective chart. Next, they identify people holding key
roles in different sectors of civic life. They ask the city manager to exam-
ine the chart and recommend adjustments. Now pairs of students select
a job role, research it thoroughly, write a short paper, and prepare to
interview the person who fills that role. Student interviews lead them to
understand general civics and challenges unique to their city, as well as
problems facing cities nationwide (such as an aging workforce and lack
of career pipeline leading to city hall). They investigate ways to improve
their city and decide which executive, legislative, or community actions
are in order. Students present their mayor with critical issues and viable
solutions to include in an upcoming State of the City speech.

13. Caf Coffee Day: p. 97 (Grades 68)

Driving Question: How do our neighboring countries compare?
A middle-school teacher in India wants her students to learn about

Appendix A
neighboring countries in South Asia. She has students pretend they are
business owners who want to expand their companies to nearby countries.
(Shes setting up a task in which students compare and contrast to make
an informed judgment as they learn about South Asia. She also could have
asked them to act as philanthropists wanting to support charitable causes,
or as professional sports executives wanting to expand cricket to more cit-
ies.) They use Wolfram Alpha and other sources to study socioeconomic
data and draw conclusions about life and economy in other countries.

14. Sim City: p. 21 (Grades 68)

Driving Question: How do we make a place livable?
Using the simulation game Sim City, students build a virtual city in
order to investigate urban design principles and growth patterns. Game-
generated graphs and moment-in-time screenshots at various decision
points serve as the basis for assessing their decisions around urban plan-
ning. This foray into systems thinking helps students as they go on to
examine the built environment around them. As they consider their own
city, they ask, Why were bridges built where they were? Why are high-
rises luxury housing in some cities but low-income housing in others?
Experts in land use and city planning help them understand how deci-
sions were made in the past and how present thinking shapes decisions
around livability. Credit: Julie Robison, Portland, Oregon.

15. Cigar Box Project: p. 87 (Grades 68)

Driving Question: How does the imagery we choose reflect who we are?
Students operate as historians do to understand Canadas colorful his-
tory by studying the commercial art on cigar boxes. They research the
people and events portrayed and seek to interpret the stories the panels
illustrate. They meet with a museum curator and historian to share their
interpretations and ask questions and then go deeper, designing cigar
boxes of their own drawn from the memories and perspectives of those
whose stories are infrequently told. Credit: Neil Stephenson, Calgary,
Alberta, Canada.

16. Granny Em on the Move (Grades 68)

Driving Question: How can we all get where we need to go?
Recently, a students grandmother fell on a broken sidewalk and frac-
tured her hip. Kids expressed concern about mobility and safety in the
community. Groups craft need-to-know questions and investigate the

needs of different citizen constituencies (elderly, disabled, bike commut-

ers, parents with strollers, joggers, young pedestrians, etc.). They develop
reasoned solutions to mobility concerns for those groups, develop an
action plan, and campaign for change.

17. Look Into the Past: p. 96 (Grades 68, 912)

Appendix A

Driving Question: To what degree can we see the past in the present?
As students prepare for a history tour of Washington, D.C., their
teacher presents them with a challenge: Each team is to find an illustration
or photograph of a pivotal period or event in D.C. history, visit the site
where the event took place, shoot a picture (or even a picture-in-a-picture),
and write a photo essay describing the significance of the event in its time
and its relevance today. When complete, students compile photo essays
into a book published for inclusion in the school library (to inform future
tour groups) and for submission to the D.C. Historical Society.

18. Mingling at the Renaissance Ball (Grades 68, 912)

Driving Question: Does greatness endure?
After a brief study of the Renaissance Period, students form affinity
groups based on their interest in different fields that advanced during the
period (medicine, architecture, science, arts, literature, etc.). Each group
determines who the greats were in their area and then each student in the
group studies one. Next, they pool their understanding and the team
writes an operational definition of greatness. They write a justification
for their definition and present it to an expert for vetting or improvement.
Once the definition is solid, each student makes a case for why his or her
notable figure best exemplifies the definition. Ultimately they rank the
figures, design an award that signifies the qualities of the field, and pres-
ent it in character at their Renaissance Ball.

19. Civil War Then and Now: p. 60 (Grades 68, 912)

Driving Questions: Is war inevitable? Do civil wars share common roots?
History students examine events and conditions that contributed to
the Civil War in the United States and compare these to factors influencing
contemporary civil wars. Along the way they meet a newly minted citizen
of South Sudan over Skype.

20. Deserts in Rainy Seattle? p. 9 (Grades 68, 912)

Driving Question: Is healthy food a right or a privilege?
In this project, students ponder issues of access to healthy food. After
examining USDA nutrition guidelines, they discuss how easy or hard it is
to meet them. They decide to investigate one barrier to good nutrition:
access to healthy foods. Using government data (
.gov/data/fooddesert), teams identify local food deserts (defined as
neighborhoods in which fresh and affordable food is lacking) and attempt
to shop for a weeks menu using the USDA thrifty food budget (http:// Using Google maps,
spreadsheets, phone calls, grocery store advertisements, and actual visits
to desert neighborhoods, students analyze food availability and afford-
ability, interview residents, draw conclusions about issues of food access,
and recommend ways to solve them.

Appendix A
21. Digiteens: p. 179 (Grades 69)
Driving Question: What does citizenship mean in the digital age?
In the Digiteens project, eighth- and ninth-grade students explore their
rights and responsibilities as digital citizens. Teams from across the globe
partner to study and then teach others about topics as wide ranging as
cyberbullying, Internet fair use, and balancing security and personal free-
dom. Credit: Flat Classroom Project. Join this years project on the Flat
Classroom website:

22. Eracism: p. 179 (Grades 69)

Driving Question: How can our diversity be our strength?
Eracism is a global student debate that joins diverse cultures with the
intention of building global competence and international-mindedness.
Schools selected for the project enter a four-person team to debate other
teams, and the remaining students in each class act as researchers around
the topics of debate. The topic statement debated in 2012 was Government
regulation requiring immigrants to adopt the beliefs, habits, and language
of the dominant culture does more harm than good. Credit: Flat
Classroom Project. Join this years project on the Flat Classroom website:

23. Slavery in the Third Millennium: p. 79

(Grades 68, 912)
Driving Question: What can we do to address modern-day slavery around
the world?
After reading a novel about a girl who was trafficked, students launch
a social media campaign to speak out against modern-day slavery. They
incorporate research on human rights to add authority to what could oth-
erwise have been a strictly emotional appeal. Credit: Shelley Wright,
Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Canada.

24. Its All About the Benjamins (Grades 912)

Driving Question: Does money really make the world go round?
Starting with the story of Argentinas currency collapse in 2002, stu-
dents explore the role of money, currencies, commodities, and trade. After
news of the collapse of the U.S. dollar, students invent alternative methods

of trade (these may include bartering, gift economics, time banks) and test
them through commerce for feasibility and fairness. Next, students study
the history of money, work in groups to design their own national curren-
cies, and then establish an exchange rate with other countries currencies
by calibrating against the value of a common basic good such as a loaf of
bread. Tariffs, embargoes, and other mitigating factors are introduced dur-
ing a final trade simulation designed by students.
Appendix A

25. Government for and of the People? p. 3

(Grades 912)
Driving Questions: How do everyday people engage with the govern-
ment? Could government serve its people better?
High school students interact with federal functions as anyone might
who navigates a bureaucratic process. Students explore government func-
tions by applying for federal student aid or a green card, making a
request permitted by the Freedom of Information Act, or submitting a
complaint to the Better Business Bureau. Along the way, they analyze each
process, present it in a diagram, and recommend ways the process might
be improved. As students share their investigations, the class comes to
understand the myriad ways in which citizens interact with government.
Credit: Diana Laufenberg, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

26. Work the System, Change the World (Grades 912)

Driving Question: In what ways can citizens make a difference?
Using the Civic Action Project framework from the Constitutional
Rights Foundation (, teams address an issue that
concerns them and take civic action. In the process, they explore the rela-
tionships between the issue, their proposed actions, and the public policy
they need to work within or attempt to change to make civic action pos-
sible. Students develop a cogent argument for their position, study oppos-
ing views, defend their solution, and rally others to their cause. Civic
concerns students addressed in the past include: high school start times,
coyotes in the park, euthanasia, increased funding for cancer research, sin
tax on junk food, elder abuse, advocacy for real size models in fashion,
crime against immigrants, and texting while driving.

27. Roll the Presses (Grades 912)

Driving Question: In what ways is information power?
Students investigate all aspects of the written word that affect the
exchange of ideas, from innovations such as Johannes Gutenbergs 15th-
century invention of the printing press to societal rules governing that
exchange, such as legal protections and censorship. Students also exam-
ine the American constitutional guarantee of freedom of speech and con-
sider ways it has been protected or compromised over time. Credit: Intel

28. Blue Fender Defender: p. 79 (Grades K5, 68)
Driving Question: Can we make a difference?
Students learn that a butterfly species relies on a prairie habitat that is
rapidly diminishing. Their research leads to a letter-writing and leafleting

Appendix A
campaign that gets the communitys attention, and part of a local park is
returned to prairie.

29. The Square of Life: p. 8 (Grades K2)

Driving Question: Why do some creatures live in one place but not
Primary classrooms studying life science team up over Skype to
explore diversity, habitat, and niche. They are registered in the Square of
Life, an Internet-based collaborative project in which students investigate
their local environment and share information with students from around
the world ( Student teams
select a square meter of local ground to examine. They organize what they
find into categories based on shared characteristics and learn to discrimi-
nate between living and nonliving, plants and animals, insects and iso-
pods, and more. They theorize about and investigate the role of habitat
and niche in the distribution of organisms. They share their findings
through Skype with Australian students and report their conclusions
about Why here and not there? Why there and not here?

30. Dont Be S-s-scared: The Truth About Snakes! p. 103

(Grades K2)
Driving Question: Where would we be without snakes?
In this project, second-grade students root out truths about snakes
place in the world and speak up for these often-maligned reptiles. One of
their products is a music video they write and star in, set to the tune of
Lady Gagas hit, Born This Way. The clever lyrics include scientific facts
students discovered during their in-depth investigation. Students also
produce a richly illustrated book, What Snake Am I? A Clue Book of Snakes
From Around the World, and donate copies to the Harvard Museum of
Natural History and a local wildlife sanctuary for use in educational pro-
grams. Credit: Jenna Gampel, Brighton, Massachusetts.

31. Be Prepared (Grades 35)

Driving Question: How can we prepare for a natural disaster in our area?
Student groups study the instances of natural disaster in their region
over time and identify the best ways to avoid, prepare for, and react to
different disasters. They seek advice from first responders, city manage-
ment personnel, and others as they create brochures and public service

announcements for the community. This scenario could be expanded to

imagine living in other places in the world where a different assortment
of natural disasters occur.

32. World Tree Watch: p. 112 (Grades 35)

Driving Question: What conditions influence where and how trees grow?
Appendix A

Students in Grades 4 and 5 in the United States and Japan observe the
role of trees in their communities. They do tree surveys to identify the
numbers and kinds of native and cultivated trees. They meet with city
arborists to learn about the growing conditions necessary for healthy trees
in their location and compare these criteria. Students exchange photos,
artistic renderings, haiku poetry, and descriptions that help them compare
trees, geography, and climate in the two countries. They each find a tree
that can be grown in the other schools environment and send these to the
partner school as part of Planting Day ceremonies.

33. The Landmark Game (Grades 35, 68)

Driving Question: How do landmarks tell the story of who we are?
In this global game, classes choose landmarks anywhere in the world
and become experts on them. They compile nine interesting clues and dole
out three at a time as other classes try to guess the landmark by asking
questions for which a simple yes or no must suffice. Along the way,
students refine their writing, problem solving, critical thinking, map read-
ing, and organizational skills. At the end of 3 weeks, the team guessing the
most landmarks is declared the winner. The Landmark Game project runs
each year in February. Join at
Credit: Terry Smith, Macomb, Illinois.

34. The Garden Project: p. 132 (Grades 35, 68)

Driving Question: How does a garden grow?
Students break into research groups to study different considerations
for growing a garden. One subset of questions students investigate relates
to determining when to plant: If tender plants require a steady ground tem-
perature of 55, when should we start recording daily soil temperatures? What
instruments or materials will we need? What patterns might historical tempera-
ture records reveal? Is there a way to speed up the process? Other research teams
look at selecting crops suited for the local climate, calculating the expense
of gardening relative to yields, and lining up experts such as the county
extension agent, farmers, and gardening grandparents.

35. The Great Carbon Race: p. 112 (Grades 68)

Driving Question: How can I change my carbon footprint and tread more
lightly on the world?
After completing a project called The Problem with Oil, eighth-grade
students focus on greenhouse gases, an issue related to the combustion of
oil but related to other emissions, too. In The Great Carbon Race, students
are challenged with the question: Who can save the most carbon from
entering the atmosphere? They have to defend their results using clear,
credible evidence for the class courtroom. Students are graded by the qual-
ity of their evidence, and the biggest footprint reducers are crowned
Carbon King and Carbon Queen. Credit: Sue Boudreau, Orinda, California.
See more Take Action Projects at

Appendix A
36. Water, Water, Everywhere? (Grades 68)
Driving Question: What problems does the world face with its water supply?
In this collaborative project, students research the worlds water prob-
lems, particularly relating to fresh water, and focus on how their personal
water use affects aquatic ecosystems in their communities. Students par-
ticipate in email exchanges as they explore the global importance of water.
See ePals
view. Credit: ePals.

37. Energy Diet: p. 63 (Grades 68)

Driving Question: Can we spend money to save money?
Student consultants advise their city council, director of a retirement
home, business owner, and other ratepayers on ways to invest in
improvements (i.e., solar panels, insulation, regulation sensors) that will
save them energy and money. On the way to proposing a plan of action,
each team conducts an energy audit, evaluates options for saving energy,
and calculates investment costs, loans, and payback based on their cli-
ents budget. They seek advice from a nonprofit that helps utility cus-
tomers save energy and run their proposals by experts here before
sharing them with clients.

38. Low Energy at the Fitness Center: p. 113

(Grades 68)
Driving Question: How can we conserve energy?
A nearby fitness center wants to conserve energy so it can keep club
prices low. The director appeals to students to analyze the centers
energy usage and propose recommendations. Students study the cen-
ters energy bill, investigate alternative energy sources, complete cost/
benefit analyses for competing innovative ideas, examine government
weatherization incentives plans, and create graphs to substantiate their

39. Life in the Balance (Grades 68, 912)

Driving Question: What causes an ecosystem to hang together or fall
An ecology class considers factors of regulation and equilibrium by
modeling population dynamics in a desert ecosystem. Students plot data

and look for relationships among populations (example: coyote and desert
hare) over time as they investigate the question What causes an ecosys-
tem to hang together or fall apart?

40. Los Rayos X: p. 61 (Grades 912)

Driving Question: How can we put energy from the electromagnetic spec-
Appendix A

trum to work safely?

Physical science students investigate electromagnetic waves and dif-
ferences and similarities between kinds of waves as a means of transmit-
ting energy by examining consumer products that put electromagnetic
waves to work. They write consumer manuals that explain how products
function and advise on their safe use and disposal. Some of the products
and devices include X-rays, MRIs and other imaging technologies; com-
pact fluorescent, incandescent, and LED bulbs; ultraviolet light-protecting
products like house paints and sunscreen; laser beams; digital, plasma,
and LCD televisions; wifi, radios, microwaves, satellites dishes, repeaters,
and antennas for telecommunications; surgical gamma ray knives and
Geiger counters; infrared and radio-frequency remote controllers such as
automobile key fobs, garage door openers, TV remotes, and Bluetooth
devices; and bombs that create an electromagnetic pulse.

41. Checks and Balances: p. 112 (Grades 912)

Driving Question: What systems do pros use to ensure quality work?
In a physics and engineering project, high school seniors use engineer-
ing methods to study technical failures that lead to real-world disasters.
Before diving into a final performance task, an investigation of the 2003
Space Shuttle Columbia accident students apply real checks and balances
that govern practices of engineering. They learn to pick apart a problem
using root cause analysis and probe issues of workplace culture that inter-
fere with the discovery of engineering problems using Harvard Universitys
corrective and preventive action method. Credit: Technology High School,
Sonoma, California.

42. Phys Newtons: p. 70 (Grades 912)

Driving Question: How can we best represent Newtonian physics?
An art and physics project has students researching one of Newtons
Laws (motion, gravity, energy, circular motion, or projectiles) and then
painting images to illustrate the law. They design a page for a book called
Phys Newton, using a combination of images and text. A page explaining
Newtons Second Law, for instance, features a series of images showing a
baseball player going through the motions of pitching. Accompanying text
explains the relationship between force and acceleration. In an authentic
performance assessment, students use their book to teach their peers about
Newtons laws. Credit: Andrew Gloag and Jeff Robin, San Diego,
43. Microbes Ate My Driveway (Grades 912)
Driving Question: How does bioremediation work to keep the environment
Equipped with a basic understanding of the hazards of motor oil to the
environment, ecology students study microbes, bioswales, and other bio-
remediation methods and plan investigations that ultimately lead to rec-

Appendix A
ommendations for ridding the pavement of the school parking lot of motor
oil before it runs off into the water system.

44. Kinetic Conundrum (Grades 912)

Driving Question: How does art move us?
After investigating and documenting public art in their community,
students set out to create their own kinetic sculptures. Working in teams,
they design and build prototypes for sculptures that move or change in
response to the environment. Developing their plans involves researching
art and engineering, making mathematical calculations, learning about the
history of public art projects, and using language arts to write artists state-
ments explaining their intent. They share their prototypes at a community
art showcase where attendees vote on a best in show that will be pro-
duced for a park in the community. Credit: King Middle School, Portland
Maine. Watch a video about the project at Edutopia:

45. Birthday Math: p. 132 (Grades K5)
Driving Question: How can we know who we are as a group?
It turns out that two students in class were born on the same day, which
causes students to speculate, How could we find out whether other kids in our
school were born on September 7? Could we find and connect all the birthday bud-
dies in the school? Small groups propose research methods such as examin-
ing school records and surveying classes and then discuss the merits of
each before settling on a plan. Once all birthday buddies are identified,
students plan a social event through which all buddies become acquainted.

46. Eye-Opening Experience: p. 133 (Grades 35)

Driving Question: How do we compare?
Students across the United States and around the world join Connecticut
fifth graders to count the number of metal eyelets on their shoes. Shoes and
eyelets? What kind of math project could this be? In it, students engage in
prediction and estimation; data collection, representation, and analysis;
review of variables; and calculating mean, median, and mode. In addition,
they meet new friends around the world and learn about geography, cul-
ture, and differences and similarities in life (and shoes) around the world.

47. Which Wheels to the Museum? p. 132 (Grades 68)

Driving Question: How do we balance safety, speed, and expense to get
where we need to go?
A group of 43 of us are traveling to the museum next month. What
forms of transportation should we consider to get where we need to go
quickly, inexpensively, and safely? Students study the public transit sys-
Appendix A

tem, van rentals, use of parent cars, bicycles, and other means of travel
and examine expense, safety, and liability issues associated with each to
arrive at a recommended best mode of transportation.

48. Whats the Plan? p. 132 (Grades 68, 910)

Driving Question: How can we help consumers weigh their options?
Mobile phone plans are complicated, and families are trying to live
within tight budgets. Students help families choose the best cell phone
plan for their needs from among local providers. They use algebra as
they analyze plans, create comparative graphs and charts, and write a
letter justifying their recommendations. Credit: Telannia Norfar,
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Learn about Telannia Norfars treatment of
this topic at:

49. Juice Boxes: p. 132 (Grades 68)

Driving Question: What are the best ways to package goods?
How strange. These juice boxes can have different dimensions but hold
the same amount of juice. What is going on? Students decide to measure
different brands of juice box boxes to find out which has the greatest
amount of juice while using the least packaging material. They compare
prices to figure out whos making more money, too! One group investi-
gates the quality of the contents, determining which product is the health-
iest. Ultimately, students select (or redesign) one product that meets the
highest criteria for quality, container, and price.

50. Home Improvement (Grades 68)

Driving Question: How can we maximize the effort of volunteers?
In this math and service-learning project, students get on board with a
Habitat for Humanity project, helping to build a home for a local family.
The project manager asks them to recommend how to make interior paint-
ing more efficient. The problem? This stage of the process is popular with
new volunteers but often results in wasted paint. Students calculate the
interior surface areas that need to be painted in the new house and esti-
mate how much paint should be needed to finish the job. Then they
develop a quick training program to teach volunteers how to paint more
efficiently. They recruit volunteers from their school community and lead
them through the training. Newly trained volunteers work in shifts to
complete the painting job in a timely and efficient way. Credit: Jill
Sumerlin, Tillamook, Oregon. Read about the project in an archived issue
of NW Teacher magazine, downloadable as PDF at

Appendix A
51. A Penny Saved (Grades 68)
Driving Question: How can we use money wisely?
A local man wins a large amount of money in the lottery and asks for
advice on how to invest his winnings wisely. Students contact local tax
advisors, investment advisers, and financial institutions to understand
how the financial industry works and learn from the stories and decisions
of past lottery winners. Along the way, they learn investment terms, use
algebra to explore compound interest, and create graphs showing how dif-
ferent investment schemes play out over time.

52. Human vs. Doll: p. 132 (Grades 68, 910)

Driving Questions: How do our idealized selves compare with reality?
Who decides what form our play takes?
Some dolls and action figures have extreme body proportions. Could
toys with more realistic human proportions capture the market? Students
bring in Barbies, GI Joes, and other dolls and action figures. They deter-
mine what the dolls relative body proportions would be if each were the
height of an average woman or man. Next, they design a doll or an action
figure with the proportions of an actual human and figure out how to
market it so it outsells Barbie and Joe.

53. Ball Skills and Parabolas: p. 133 (Grades 912)

Driving Question: Do ball skills come down to technique or talent?
Student teams examine the projectile motion of a ball used in a favorite
sport and explain mathematically and practically how to adjust its parabola
for best scoring results.

54. Math Is Beautiful (Grades 912)

Driving Question: In what ways can we represent math through art?
Students create an all-math art exhibit for the local museum. They
present beautiful nature photos to illustrate Fibonaccis golden mean;
create harmonograms, spirographs, and Lissajous figures using the
online Encyclogram (
clogram.html); and create fractal art. Their projects involve Fibonacci
series, sine curves in trigonometry, and algebra and complex numbers for
fractals. Credit: Wendy Petti, Washington, D.C. See: Math Cats at http://

55. Knit Me Some Math Pants (Grades 912)

Driving Question: How can we represent polyhedral patterns in tactile
In this advanced geometry project, students explore polyhedral mod-
els as they knit hyperbolic octagon pants and three-dimensional Mobius
strips called Klein bottles. Credit: Sarah-Marie Belcastro, Amherst,
Appendix A

Massachusetts. See: The Home of Mathematical Knitting:

56. Angry Birds Physics: p. 101 (Grades 912)

Driving Questions: What laws of physics hold in Angry Birds World? How
do software engineers make decisions?
A best-selling video game becomes the basis for an investigation of
projectile motion as physics students investigate the question: What laws
of physics hold in Angry Birds World? Students seek answers questions
like these: Does the white bird conserve momentum when it drops its bomb? Why
would the game designer want the white bird to drop its bomb the way that it
does? The yellow bird changes velocity with the tap of a finger. Analyze more than
one flight path to answer this: What are the details of its change in velocity? To
investigate these questions, students make screencasts of game play using
Jing, Screencast-O-Matic, or Camtasia Studio, then do analysis. To support
their scientific thinking, they use tools for data analysis and modeling,
such as Logger Pro and Tracker Video. Credit: Frank Noschese, Cross
River, New York, and John Burk, Delaware.

57. The Floor Covering Scenario 2: Waste Not, Want

Not: p. 11 (Grades 68)
Driving Question: How can we divert usable material from the waste
A hotel renovation nearby is the spark for a project on waste and
reuse. Upon seeing piles of discarded carpet on the street, students
estimate how much carpet, by volume, is destined for the landfill. They
go on to look at issues ofand solutions todumping carpet and other
bulky, composite waste. The project continues with students working
with a reuse and recycling center to find ways to clean, donate, place, and
even advertise and resell used carpeting. Learn more about diverting
bulky waste from landfills at ReMade:

58. Geometric Forms in the Built World: p. 132

(Grades 68)
Driving Question: How is geometry expressed in the built world?
Students investigate the driving question by examining famous archi-
tecture from around the world and identifying as many different geometric
solids as they can. Next, they design their own buildings in SketchUp and
tell stories of their historical or architectural significance.

59. Perfect Wedding: p. 133 (Grades 68)

Driving Question: How can we use longitudinal data to make a decision?
Lets pick the perfect evening for an outdoor wedding! In pairs, stu-

Appendix A
dents collect temperature and sunset data for a major U.S. city and model
the averages using sinusoidal functions. They present the data in a way the
bridal couple understands so they can make an informed choice for a
wedding date.

60. Buy Low, Sell High (Grades 68)

Driving Question: How does money grow?
In a stock exchange project, teams of students research and then
select two stocks they want to follow, such as McDonalds, Toys R Us, or
Great Adventure. They make a brochure for prospective investors that
includes a graph of stock prices over short- and long-term periods;
figure out the amount of stock they can buy with a given amount of
money; and learn what decision rules investors use to decide when to
buy and sell. Ultimately, they advise the purchase of one companys
stock over the other.

61. 20 Years Old and in Debt! p. 133 (Grades 912)

Driving Question: How can we prosper and not go into debt?
College freshmen carry an average of $1,585 in credit card debt, the
cost of three iPads! Students create a scenario that shows they understand
what it takes to manage their own credit cards and also consider alterna-
tives to credit cards.

62. Lets Design a Shopping Mall (Grades 912)

Driving Questions: How do we engineer the designed world? What con-
siderations go into designing complex and multipurpose megastructures?
Students take on the role of architects to design a shopping mall. In
teams, they research the design of malls by looking at blueprints made avail-
able by an architecture firm. They study land use considerations and research
the cost of designing and building the mall. Next, teams pick features of the
mall on which to concentrate. For example, one team works on parking:
where to put it and how many employee, service, and customer parking
spots to create. (This feature of the project focuses on linear programming
and maximization: How much money does a customer space bring in at a
mall? How many employee and service spaces should there be relative to
the number of customer spaces?) Design teams need to work together to
reconcile their contributions into a single plan, which they render in
SketchUp (

The end product is a presentation to a panel of architects and city planners,

who will weigh in on the quality of their proposals.

63. Lockers, Schmockers (Grades 912)

Driving Question: How do we make our environment work for us?
Appendix A

As a school becomes increasingly digital and paperless, students

needs for storage space change. When its time to install new lockers, the
principal asks students to investigate all options and propose a solution.
As they proceed, students study students storage needs, geometric con-
cepts of volume and surface area, costs, aesthetics, and alternative storage
approaches on their way to making a proposal to the principal, superinten-
dent, and school board.

64. Building Bridges to Tomorrow (Grades K2)
Driving Question: Whats life like for other children?
In a project of cultural understanding, young children from around the
world use digital media to collaborate around topics such as: How We
Play, Celebrating Together, Part of a Family, Making a Meal, Sharing
Stories, and Our View From the Window. Credit: Flat Classroom Project.
Join A Week in the Life at the Flat Classroom website:

65. Global Book Club (Grades K2, 35)

Driving Question: Is taste in literature universal?
Students partner with kids in other places to form book groups and
read on topics of shared interest. In the process, they learn to set up and
moderate group discussions, create a shared blog for each book, and nego-
tiate time differences for real-time conversations. Conversations, not sur-
prisingly, expand beyond the book and lead to several projects, including
fundraising to put books into the hands of kids who cant afford them and
collaborations on advertising of favorite books.

66. Story Like a Pebble: p. 79 (Grades K2, 35)

Driving Question: How do our stories shape who we are?
Students learn about oral traditions of storytelling as they interview
family members for a podcasting project called Stories from the Heart
( By making their interviews public,
the class helps listeners learn from each others stories and recognize the
importance of drawing out stories from their own families. Credit: Theresa
Cheung, Sacramento, California.
67. The Monster Exchange (Grades 35)
Driving Questions: Does communication always work? Do we all see the
same thing?
Almost one-quarter of a million kids have participated in the Monster
Exchange since 1995. Classes sign up for the online Monster Exchange and
each is assigned a body part. Each draws and then describes its part as

Appendix A
accurately as possible so other classes can recreate it perfectly. Their
descriptions go into a shared table in a wiki so everyone can see all the
parts. Each class constructs the entire monster as well as it can based on
the descriptions. It turns out that writing precisely and interpreting what
others describe is hard! And making a head that matches a neck that
matches a body requires collaboration! Once the monsters are created, they
are photographed and the photos are uploaded to a gallery for all to enjoy.
Along the way, kids learn to read and write for a purpose, learn to work
cooperatively and collaboratively, and make new friends. Teachers acquire
new professional partners in the monster community. Credit: founders
Brian Maguire, Suzie Calvert, and Terry Smith.

68. Lets Remember (Grades 35, 68)

Driving Question: If it was important then, is it important still?
A teacher brings a neglected local monument to students attention
and gets them thinking How has our community documented what it cares
about over time? Along with interviews with elders, a search of newspaper
and historical society archives reveals a trove of documentary evidence of
ribbon cuttings, statue unveilings, and more. Some memorials no longer
exist and others are in poor repair. Some students create a virtual tour
using Google maps for a kiosk at the local visitors center. Others research
the stories that have gone untold and recommend ways to commemorate
people and events deserving recognition. Still others campaign for a day
of recognition for unsung heroes who walk among us.

69. Global Peace Movie Project (Grades 35, 68, 912)

Driving Question: How can I make the world a more peaceful place?
The Global Peace Movie Project brings together schools in more than 20
countries for filmmaking around the message of peace. Each year, in conjunc-
tion with the International Day of Peace, fourth graders at Lafayette Regional
School curate the 30-second to 1-minute film submissions into a longer film.
Credit: Garret Ferguson, Franconia, New Hampshire. Join the growing com-
munity of peacemakers here:

70. Transitions: p. 73 (Grades 68)

Driving Question: How can our experiences help pave the way for others?
In the Transitions project, students draw from their personal experi-
ences and apply reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills along with

visual literacy, creativity, empathy, and an understanding of media arts as

they share their wisdom to help other children learn from lifes challenges.
The result? A book called Transitions, available on Amazon. Credit: George
Mayo, Silver Spring, Maryland. This is one of many projects featured on
the Nerdy Book Club. See:
Appendix A

71. Language Comes Alive! (Grades 68)

Driving Question: How can we illustrate the essence of literary terms?
In this language arts and multimedia project, Wikistix, modeling clay,
Legos, and action figures are all put to work as students create stop-motion
animation to illustrate literary concepts, terms, and devices such as char-
acterization, denouement, hyperbole, metaphor, literary conflict, personi-
fication, and plot. Credit: George Mayo, Silver Spring, Maryland. Learn
more at The Longfellow Ten:

72. Coming of Age in Literature (Grades 68)

Driving Question: What can literature set in the past teach us about how
to live in the present?
Through reading Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry, Sounder, To Kill a
Mockingbird, A Member of the Wedding, The Watsons Go to Birmingham, and
The Legend of Buddy Bush, students analyze, explain, and support with
details from the novels seven key themes: growing up, family relation-
ships, understanding and empathy, justice and law, racial prejudice, cour-
age and sacrifice, and life in a place. Students create a Glogster poster that
illustrates the details of each theme and contrasts them with life today.

73. The Danes Destiny (Grades 912)

Driving Question: What causes a plot to go one way rather than another?
English students examine how events unfold in Hamlet and determine
whether Hamlets fate would have changed if his actions, such as his tim-
ing for killing Claudius, were different. In doing this project, students
focus on the causal elements of plot as well as character profiles to describe
alternate scenarios.

74. A Hero in My Eyes: p. 49 (Grades 912)

Driving Question: Who are the heroes among us?
A Hero in My Eyes is a beginning-of-the-year project in which students
produce a photo portrait that captures a heroic moment. Students learn
photography through trips to a local museum of photography and by
working with a local photographer. For their culminating event, students
present their work in a gallery setting. Standing next to their exhibits, stu-
dents talk with parents and other community members about what about
what defines a hero to them. This right-sized: event gets them ready for
the larger audiences they will share their work with later in the year.
Credit: Diana Cornejo-Sanchez, San Diego, California.
75. Invisibility Project: p. 13 (Grades 912)
Driving Question: What does it take to open peoples eyes?
Students provide a public service by bringing the invisible to light
through a multimedia exhibition that exposes hidden paradigms, under-
ground cultures, and unresolved issues. Some of their topics include graffiti,
rave culture, youth activism, self-mutilation, and the media. Student docu-

Appendix A
mentaries, photo/sound essays, and video installations showcase informa-
tion gathered from on-the-street videography, expert interviews, and in-depth
investigations of local professional, cultural, and institutional communities.
Credit: Margaret Noble and Lacey Segal, San Diego, California.

76. Hollywood Nights (Grades 912)

Driving Question: How do our stories reflect what matters to us?
Through writing, storyboarding, and multiple cycles of critique, stu-
dents create digital stories about a defining moment, message, or lesson
learned from their own lives or the life of someone they know. In the process
of creating their stories, students collect images, record voice-overs, and use
digital movie-making software to produce short films. They share their pre-
sentations on the big screen for peers and parents at a Digital Storytelling
Exhibition Night. Credit: High Tech High, San Diego, California.

77. Every 26 Seconds: p. 79 (Grades 912)

Driving Question: How can we all cross the finish line together?
Every 26 seconds, a student drops out of high school. High school stu-
dents respond to this statistic by participating in 26 Seconds, a national
advertising campaign in which they challenge one another not to become
statistics. Student-produced videos of inspirational stories, scary statistics,
and even flashmobs are designed to motivate a specific audiencetheir
peers. See 26 Seconds at:
Appendix B

Discussion Guide

T hinking Through Project-Based Learning introduces strategies and exer-

cises to take inquiry deeper in PBL. The authors recommend discuss-

Appendix B
ing these ideas with colleagues to foster professional learning and personal
reflection. This discussion guide is intended as a starting point for collegial


1. Chapter 1 provides a succinct definition of project-based learning.
How closely does this 25-word description match your current
understanding of PBL? What would you add or change?
2. In Project Signpost 1, the authors ask you to sum up what projects
accomplish in a Twitter-sized phrase (140 characters). How did the
constraint influence your thinking? Now imagine having students
share their understanding in a short phrase or headline. Whats the
value of writing extreme summaries?
3. In the end-of-chapter exercise, the authors ask you to choose from
four projects. Which one do you wish you had tackled as a student?
Discuss your reasoning. Now, think about what might be challeng-
ing about implementing the same project with your students. As a
teacher, how will you decide if a project is worth the effort to over-
come potential challenges? What else would you like to know about
this project idea before attempting it yourself?


1. Table: Applying Mind-Brain-Education Science Insights to Projects
summarizes five key concepts that have emerged from the relatively
young field of mind, brain, and education science. How do these


concepts influence how you think about teaching and learning?

Discuss the implications of mind, brain, and education science for
shaping your approach to project-based learning.
2. The exercise Encourage Executive Skills asks you to consider the
skills and dispositions (habits of mind) that students can develop
through PBL. Think about your own skills and dispositions. In the
areas where you are strongest, what has helped you to develop par-
ticular skills or dispositions? How do you accommodate skills in
which you are weaker?
3. What do you notice about your students attention cycles? What are
some ways you can maximize phases of peak learning?
4. Do you use predicable classroom routines that help to minimize
stress for students? What do you notice about students responses
to these routines?
5. Which of the brain-based project strategies have you tried with your
students? What did you notice as a result?
Appendix B


1. Principal Richard Coote from Birkdale Intermediate School makes a
strong case for building student buy-in to projects: We know that
if a project is flat at the outset, its going to be six weeks of dragging
students along. What have you done to get students engaged in
projects at the outset?
2. Consider the suggestions about school design offered in The Third
Space (such as: display learning; emulate museums; make class-
rooms agile). How is your classroom like a museum? How do you
display evidence of learning? How easy or hard is it to reconfigure
your classroom for different kinds of activities?
3. How have you reinvented learning spaces on a budget? Which of
the ideas for Putting the Pieces Together might you try in the
future? Which seem impractical for your context?
4. Whats at the top of your PBL wish list? Discuss your additions to
the table at the end of this chapter.


1. Teacher Mike Gwaltney uses the phrase teaching backwards to
describe how he connects students current interests to history proj-
ects. What might you ask your students to find out about their con-
cerns or interests?
2. Discuss the characteristics of fertile questions developed by
Harpaz and Lefstein. What might you ask your students if you
wanted to stir their thinking with an undermining question?
3. Compare how you modified the driving questions in the exercise
Make Good Questions Even Better. Explain how your versions are
improvements over those offered here. Which one would you
expect to generate the most student interest?
4. Discuss the suggestions offered in the section Help Students Build
a Thinking Toolkit. Which ones are you most likely to try? Why?


1. This chapter suggests two routes to project design: (1) Start with
standards and plan learning experiences based on these objec-
tives. (2) Back in to the standards, starting with a compelling

Appendix B
idea and then mapping it to objectives to ensure there is a fit with
what students are expected to learn. Which approach describes
how you have planned projects in the past? Do you agree with
the authors assertion that the second approach may be more
2. Which professions relate to your subject area(s)? How might you
expand on real-life connections for projects?
3. Think about your strategies for scaffolding students critical think-
ing (such as use of thinking maps or Socratic seminars). Discuss
how you might incorporate these strategies into projects.
4. Share your project sketches with colleagues. How might you revise
your project sketch based on critical feedback?


1. The authors suggest that most work that gets accomplished takes
interdisciplinary efforts. They write, Its hard to think of a career
field or profession that operates in isolation. Do you emphasize
interdisciplinary thinking with your students? How?
2. If you have specific content-area expertise, how would you describe
the lenses of your discipline?
3. Discuss the four features of interdisciplinary work described by
Veronica Boix Mansilla and colleagues at Project Zero. How do you
talk about the importance of thoughtful or purposeful learning
with your students?

4. As a group, examine the Venn diagram at the end of this chapter.

Suggest careers that are not represented here. Where would they
belong? What kind of thinkers would be well-suited for these roles?


1. George Mayo describes the kind of classroom environment neces-
sary for students to be successful writers. He says, Before you can
get students to open up in their writing, you have to make sure they
feel comfortable, that they respect one another, and that they will
not be put down if they honestly share ideas. What are your strat-
egies for creating a respectful climate for learning?
2. Nonfiction writer Rebecca Skloot offers a vivid example of how
curiosity can take hold and keep us motivated to keep learning.
What do you do to nurture your students curiosity in the language
arts classroom? Discuss and compare strategies.
Appendix B

3. The authors encourage robust discussionsbetween peers, among

groups, and as a whole classduring the investigation stage of
projects. How do you encourage good talk in your classroom?
4. Tech Spotlights in this chapter suggest tools for curating content
and building information literacy. Which tools do you think would
be most useful with your students? How do you accomplish those
tasks now?
5. Common Core State Standards call for increased emphasis on non-
fiction reading. How do you help readers engage with challenging
text? If your content area is not language arts, how might you team
up with the literacy experts in your school to support your students?


1. The authors point out the shrinking time allotted to the social stud-
ies in U.S. schools. What is your experience with finding time in the
curriculum for teaching social studies? How do you ensure that
students are developing the skills and attitudes to become compe-
tent, contributing citizens?
2. What do you think of the observation by historian H. W. Brands that
young people tend to focus on the future, not the past? How might
you borrow his strategy of using todays events to connect the study
of history with students current interests?
3. Discuss the 10 thematic strands of the social studies. Where do you
see the strongest connections to your standards? To interdisciplinary
4. The Tech Spotlight in this chapter introduces Wolfram Alpha, a
computational search engine. Have you used this as a classroom
tool before? What ideas for your own projects might you borrow
from the Caf Coffee Day example?

1. How do you respond to the authors question, Do you consider
yourself a scientist? Compare your response with colleagues.
2. Dont be S-s-scared: The Truth About Snakes offers a good example
of a project that goes beyond superficial understanding of science.
Reread the project description and discuss what sets this project
apart from more elementary science assignments (such as retelling
facts about a favorite animal).
3. Chemist Katie Hunt shares some of the early life experiences that
whetted her interest in science. When she learned something new,

Appendix B
for instance, her father prompted her to ask, Where else could you
use that in something youre trying to do? How do you help stu-
dents see the connection between what they are learning today in
science and what they might want to accomplish or understand in
the future?
4. In their discussion of coupled inquiry, the authors suggest how this
approach can be extended into PBL. Discuss a science activity that
you have done in the past and imagine how you might remodel it
into a project using this approach.
5. Have you ever engaged in citizen science projectsas part of
school activities or on your own? What did you gain from the
experience? With colleagues, discuss which of the examples could
be incorporated into school projects. How might your students
attitudes change if they knew they were making real contributions
to science?


1. This chapter begins with a comparison of routine math proce-
dures versus math concepts. Where do you spend more of your
time with students? Discuss the challenges of exploring concepts
before teaching procedures. How might students respond if you
put concepts first?
2. Think about the finding from Alan Schoenfeld that students under-
standing of math methods tends to be inert. Have you seen stu-
dents struggle to apply problem-solving strategies to new or
ambiguous situations? How do you help them work through this?

3. Computer scientist Jeannette Wing traces her enduring interest

math to the puzzles and games she enjoyed as a child. She also cred-
its her parents for providing encouragement for her chosen career
field. Compare her experiences as a budding computational thinker
to those of your students. Who supports their interest in mathemat-
ics? Who are their math role models?
4. Discuss the idea of starting a Math Teachers Circle. What purpose
might this serve in your context? Who might be interested in joining
you? How do you extend your math teachers network with the use
of digital tools?
5. What do you think of the authors suggestion that its culturally
permissible to be poor at math? Have you seen evidence of this?


1. Has a project of yours ever spiraled in directions you didnt
Appendix B

anticipate or reach audiences you didnt expect? Share your stories.

How do you think your students would react to having a project
go big?
2. Talking about project experiences with colleaguesin person or
onlinecan help recharge your batteries for the hard work of PBL.
Where do you connect with colleagues who share your interest in
PBL? Discuss the value of your personal learning networks. How
has your teaching improved as a result of connecting?
3. At the end of a project, what evidence of learning do you keep for
your classroom archives? How do you use these artifacts (for exam-
ple, as curated exhibits of learning or as exemplars of student work
for future classes to analyze)?
4. Talk about your identity as a PBL teacher or instructional leader.
How does the project experience shape how you see yourself as a
learner and teacher? Where do you want to go next with your pro-
fessional learning?
Appendix C

Professional Development Guide

P roject-based learning offers fertile ground for professional development.

The project examples, exercises, and signposts included in Thinking
Through Projects can be used as the starting point for collegial conversa-
tions about PBL, action research, project design (or remodeling), profes-
sional learning community (PLC) discussions, and more.
Here are six suggested exercises for use in facilitated professional
development, PLC groups, online communities, or other groups that share
an interest in taking inquiry deeper through PBL.

Using the examples in the Project Library, randomly assign two or three

Appendix C
projects to each participant.
After reading silently, participants discuss sketches (in pairs or small
groups): How would you remodel these projects to suit your context? For
example, how would you want to change a project to meet grade-level or
subject-area standards? What would you keep from the sample project?
What else would you like to know about a sample project?

The following projects, all included in the Project Library, offer the poten-
tial to connect students with a larger, often global community:

3. Whats in a Name?, p. 152

4. A Week in the Life, p. 152
21. Digiteens, p. 157
22. Eracism, p. 157


29. The Square of Life, p. 159

32. World Tree Watch, p. 160
33. The Landmark Game, p. 160
36. Water, Water, Everywhere?, p. 161
46. Eye-Opening Experience, p. 163
64. Building Bridges to Tomorrow, p. 168
65. Global Book Club, p. 168
67. The Monster Exchange, p. 169
69. Global Peace Movie Project, p. 169

Participants discuss (in pairs or small groups): What would you need
to connect your students globally? For example: Access to technology tools
like Skype or webcam? Fluency in a second language or translation tools?
Membership in a global education organization like iEARN? Permission
from parents or school administrators? Do you anticipate any barriers that
could be difficult to overcome before you are ready to tackle a global proj-
ect? Where might you find help?
Select another project from the Library, or think of a project you have
done previously. How would you globalize it? What benefits would you
expect students to gain from adding global learning goals to the project?

Invite at least four students to serve as a focus group to review project ideas.
Appendix C

Participants select their favorite examples from the Project Library and
share them with students in a way thats age appropriate. (For example,
older students could read summaries from Project Library; younger stu-
dents might benefit from having teachers describe the projects to them.)
Students provide feedback about:

Which projects appeal to them? Why?

Have students describe what makes them most curious about the
projects they like. What would they look forward to learning from
the project experience?
Are there any projects that students say they would not want to do?
Do students have suggestions to change or expand on the project

After receiving the students focus group feedback, participants

examine the same projects again. How has their thinking changed about
which projects are worth implementing? Or how they might alter selected
projects based on students feedback? How might the experience of work-
ing with student focus groups inform from scratch project design?
Extension: Do the same activity with parents, other community mem-
bers, or mixed groups of students and adults.

Several projects described in Thinking Through Project-Based Learning
emphasize local problem solving. For example, in the project Deserts in
Rainy Seattle? (Chapter 1: The Whys and Hows of PBL, p. 3), students
addressed the issue of poor access to nutritious food in local neighbor-
hoods. In an example mentioned in Chapter 7: Language Arts (p. 73),
students created an exhibit to honor the nearly forgotten civil rights heroes
in their community.
In both examples, students had to thoroughly understand the issue
they were solving before they could design a solution. As part of their
project, they developed the skill of problem finding.
Participants discuss (in small groups or as a whole group): How can
we find the issues in our community that could form the basis for good
projects? Who might have an ear to the ground? Who can help us learn
more about local issues?
After their discussion, participants develop an action plan for problem
finding that might include

Using community surveys, focus groups, data analysis, or inter-

views with local experts to identify potential issues
Engaging students in the problem-finding process
Inviting local advisers (through parent groups, business or civic
organizations, professional groups, and so forth) to help with local

Appendix C
problem identification

In this book, we have emphasized the value of disciplinary thinking, that
is, getting students to operate in the manner of professionals for whom
certain subject matter is central to their work. See how far you can go with
identifying professions aligned to specific subjects. Start with a warm-up
and ask the group to think of professional people whose work causes them
to engage in the language arts (reading, writing, listening, and speaking).
They will easily name many occupations, from editors to politicians to mar-
keting executives to journalists. Now give the group a challenge. At table
groups, make a list of professions for which math is central to the work.
A little healthy competition adds to the fun. Stop the teams after 2 or 3 minutes
and ask them to count and report on the number of occupations on their
lists. Set a goal. Ask: Can anyone beat this table with 13? Encourage them
to keep going and stop after 5 minutes. Ask the group with the most to read

their list. Encourage others to challenge items and ask for justification. End
the exercise with a reminder that this was all in fun but to remember that
a generative exercise such as this is useful when they start planning proj-
ects, how their students will operate within the project, and as they seek
expertise, too.

Several examples in Thinking Through Project-Based Learning exemplify
what the authors describe as the project spiral. These are projects that
extend well beyond a single classroom, perhaps connecting with a wide
audience, engaging with experts or learners in other communities, or
extending across disciplines.
Participants discuss

a. Readiness: How prepared are our students for a project that lasts for
an extended time or involves more than one content area?
b. Preparation: How can we prepare our students to tackle more ambi-
tious projects? What precursor activities or mini-projects would get
them ready to tackle larger efforts?
c. Spinoffs: Examining projects that participants have done before (or
using examples from the Project Library), they discuss: Where
might these projects lead? What are the possible extensions or proj-
ect spirals? What would be the benefits to learners or the school
community if these projects were to spiral in new directions?
Appendix C
Appendix D

Learning Resources

Build a PBL bookshelf for your own professional reading and share titles
with colleagues to promote deeper discussions about the opportunities and
challenges of project-based learning. Here are several titles we recommend.

Berger, R. (2003). An ethic of excellence: Building a culture of craftsmanship with stu-

dents. Portsmouth, NH: Heineman.
Ron Berger shares insights gained as chief program officer for
Expeditionary Learning, a national network of PBL schools. Berger
emphasizes the value of students producing beautiful work and
shares three simple but powerful rules for providing critical feedback:
Be kind. Be specific. Be helpful.
Boss, S., & Krauss, J. (2007). Reinventing project-based learning: Your field guide to
real-world projects for the digital age. Eugene, OR: International Society for
Technology in Education.
Designed to follow the arc of a project, this book offers an accessible
introduction to PBL with digital tools. Project examples from around
the world show how PBL works in diverse contexts.
Boss, S. (2012). Bringing innovation to school: Empowering students to thrive in a
changing world. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree.
The author showcases breakthrough projects in which students
Appendix D

become effective community problem solvers, describes a process for

emphasizing innovation in PBL, and shares strategies for encouraging
more creative thinking in classroom and community alike.
Katz, L., & Chard, S. (2000). Engaging childrens minds: The project approach (2nd
ed.). Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger.
The authors combine academic insights with classroom vignettes of
in-depth, student-driven investigations involving young learners.


They make PBL accessible by demonstrating that good questions for

student investigationsHow do we build a house? How does our school
bus take us places safely?are right at hand.
Hallerman, H., & Larmer, J. (2011). PBL in the elementary grades: Step-by-step guid-
ance, tools, and tips for standards-focused K5 projects. Novato, CA: Buck Institute
for Education.
With a specific focus on PBL in the elementary grades, this book com-
bines practical tools with classroom tips for scaffolding critical thinking,
fostering collaboration, and building a foundation for other 21st-century
skills. Seven project spotlights illustrate PBL from grades K5.
Larmer, J. (2009). PBL starter kit: To-the-point advice, tools, and tips for your first
project. Novato, CA: Buck Institute for Education.
Along with practical tools for project design, management, and assess-
ment, this guidebook includes detailed descriptions of six spotlight
projects in middle school and high school.

Buck Institute for Education (
Buck Institute for Education (BIE) promotes project-based learning to
improve 21st-century teaching and learning. In addition to delivering
professional development and coaching to districts nationwide, the non-
profit organization maintains an online library of project plans and videos;
provides downloadable tools for project planning, management, and
assessment; and tracks research on the effectiveness of PBL.

Edutopia (
Edutopia, produced by the George Lucas Educational Foundation, pro-
motes project-based learning as a key strategy to improve teaching and
learning. The website includes an extensive library of videos, articles,
blogs, research summaries, and classroom guides, along with online com-
munities where educators can connect with colleagues.

Envision Education (

Envision Education includes four all-PBL, college-prep high schools in
California, along with Envision Learning Partners, which provides profes-
sional development and coaching. Envision Schools Project Exchange
( includes detailed project examples, including
videotaped reflections from teachers and students.
Appendix D

ePals (
The ePals Global Community is a collaborative space for sharing project
ideas and connecting with classrooms from around the world.

Expeditionary Learning (

A national network of PBL schools, Expeditionary Learning publishes
detailed project examples in its online project showcase.
High Tech High (
A network of K12 charter schools in Southern California, High Tech
High publishes a peer-reviewed journal called Unboxed and shares project
examples and other PBL resources online.

iEARN, the International Education and Resource Network, is a
nonprofit global network that enables teachers and youth to use the
Internet and other technologies to collaborate on projects that enhance
learning and make a difference in the world.

New Tech Network (

A national network of PBL-based high schools, New Tech Network
shares project success stories and other resources on its blog ( New Tech Network also facilitates a
weekly Twitter chat about PBL. Follow #pblchat on Twitter.

Reinventing Project-Based Learning Blog (
Co-authors Jane Krauss and Suzie Boss maintain this blog to track
trends, opportunities, and reflections related to project-based learning as
an international trend in education.

Appendix D

Allington, R., & Cunningham, P. (2011). Developing effective reading curricula for
struggling readers. In Ravinski, T. (Ed.), Rebuilding the foundation: Effective
reading instruction for 21st century literacy. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree.
Amaral, O., Garrison, L., & Klentschy, M., (2002). Helping English learners
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Research Journal, 26(2), 213239.
Applebee, A., Langer, J., Nystrand, M., & Gamoran, A. (2003). Discussion-based
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performance in middle and high school English. American Educational Research
Journal, 40(3), 685730.
Barrows, H., & Tamblyn, R. (1980). Problem-based learning. New York: Springer.
Boix Mansilla, V. (2006). Interdisciplinary work at the frontier: An empirical
examination of expert interdisciplinary epistemologies. Issues in Integrative
Studies, 22, 131.
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Abbott, R., 84 Calvert, S., 169

Agile classrooms, 28 Campbell, C., 78
Allington, R., 80 Cannon Design, 27
Amana Academy, 78 Careers, 71
Amaral, O., 81 science, 113115
American Institute of Mathematics, 128 Cassidy, K., 44
Angry Birds Physics project, 101102, 166 Causal maps, 46
Applebee, A., 81 Cebulla, K., 121
Archaeology, 116 Center on Education Policy, 88
Arkansas: Shape of Things to Come? project, 153 Check-ins, 32
Arnold, S., 7, 83 Checks and Balances project, 112, 162
Asteroids, 116 Cheung, T., 168
Attentiveness, 16, 19 Children of the Plains, 145
Authentic connections, 7071 Cigar Box project, 8788, 89, 155
Circle of knowledge, 45
Ballarini, J., 129 Citizen science, 116117
Ball Skills and Parabolas project, 165 Civil War Then and Now project, 156
Barrows, H., 10 CLAM Sandwich, 47
Baxter, J., 137 Colbert, S., 67
Beanbag chairs, 33 Colburn, A., 111
Belcastro, S.-M., 166 Collaboration, 29, 35, 70
Be Prepared project, 159160 Color, 33
Bereiter, C., 30 Columbia (Space Shuttle), 112, 162
Best, C., 67 Come Fly With Us project, 151152
Bike Theft project, 154 Coming of Age in Literature project, 170
Bilibos, 33 Common Core State Standards, 70, 73, 76, 8182, 134
Birkdale Intermediate School, 2526, 28, 2930, 39, 55, 83 Computer science, 105106
Birthday Math project, 163 Conley, P., 37
Blue Fender Defender project, 159 Connections, 6970
Boardman, E., 77 authentic, 7071
Boardman, K., 77 between content and careers, 71
Boix Mansilla, V., 69 between science and students lives, 115
Boss, S., 7, 77, 83 Conservatory Lab Charter School, 103
Boudreau, S., 161 Constraints, liberating, 2021
Brain-based project strategies, 2224 Context, project design in, 57, 5864 (box)
Brainstorming, 23 Continuities, 129
Brands, H. W., 9193 (box) Control in project-based learning, 7
Bransford, J., 7, 83, 84 Conversational classrooms, 32
Bring your own device (BYOD), 33 Coote, R., 25, 30, 48
Brown Burkins, M., 105 Cornejo-Sanchez, D., 4950, 170
Bruner, J., 43 Cornell Lab of Ornithology, 117
Buck Institute for Education (BIE), 40 Cortisol, 20
Building Bridges to Tomorrow project, 168 Costa, A., 30
Bureau of Labor Statistics, 26, 106 Council of Chief State School Officers, 82
Burk, J., 101 Coupled inquiry, 109111
Burns, M., 129, 136 Critical thinking, 55
Burns, R., 70 Cunningham, P., 80
Buy Low, Sell High project, 167 Curating content, 8284
Curiosity and inquiry, ixx, 22
Caf Coffee Day project, 9799, 155 compelling questions and entry events setting stage for,
California, Here We Come! project, 152 3942


coupled inquiry, 109111 Flowing Data, 141

helping students build thinking toolkits for, 4347 Focus groups, 180181
modeling and encouraging, 3739 Focusing, 48
in science, 102103 Foy, P., 120
from teachers driving question to student-driven Franz, P., 85
investigations, 4243 Friedman, T., 146
Frost, R., 37
Daily Camera, 77 Furniture, 33
Danes Destiny project, 170
Davis, B., 20 Gamoran, A., 81
Davis, S. L., 29 Gampel, J., 103, 159
Davis, V., 146 Garden Project, The, 160
Dawes Duraising, E., 69 Gardner, H., 30
Dawson, P., 17 Garrison, L., 81
Demillo, E., 102 Geometric Forms in the Built World project, 166167
Democracy and Education, 10 Gloag, A., 70, 162
Deserts in Rainy Seattle? project, 9, 156157 Global Book Club project, 168
Design, project, 5354, 133134 Global community, 179180
in context, 57, 5864 (box) Global Peace Movie project, 169
six steps, 5456 Glogster, 117 (box), 142, 170
Developing a Thinking Curriculum, 29 Google, 26, 27 (figure), 28
Dewey, J., 3, 10, 69 Docs, 75
Diamond, A., 20 Spreadsheets, 142
Dick, T., 113 Government for and of the People? project, 158
Digital Is, 75 Granny Em on the Move project, 155156
Digiteens project, 157 Grasso, D., 105
Diigo, 85 (box) Great Carbon Race project, 112, 160161
Discussion guide, PBL, 173178 Grouws, D., 121
Distinguishing characteristics of project-based learning, 712 Guare, R., 17
Donors Choose, 67 Gwaltney, M., 3839
Dont Be S-s-scared: The Truth About Snakes! project,
103, 159 Hanson, H., 145, 147
Drake, S., 70 Hanson, T., 91
Dunkhase, J., 109 Harpaz, Y., 30, 39
Dy/dan, 121 (box), 129 Heflebower, T., 85
Hero in My Eyes project, 4950, 170
Ebbetts, J., 31 Hess, N., 78
Educate to Innovate, 106 High expectations, 3536
Einstein, A., 20 High Tech High, 13, 26, 27 (figure), 28, 35,
Eliot, C., 104 4950, 70, 149, 171
Emotional responses, 19 Hirschman, B., 91
Enduring understanding, 10 Ho, A., 75
Energy Diet project, 161 Hokki, 33
Engaging Minds, 21 Hollywood Nights project, 171
Engineering, 104105 Home Improvement project, 164165
Entry events, 3942, 56 How to Solve It, 122, 135
Epic of Gilgamesh, The, 81 Huang, C.-W., 91
Eracism project, 157 Huang, M., 91
Evaluating, 49 Human vs. Doll project, 165
Every 26 Seconds project, 171 Humphreys, L., 109110
Executive function, 1618 Hunt, K., 107109 (box), 113
Expectations, high, 3536 Huxley, T. H., 101
Expertise exercise, 181182
Extending, 48 IDEO, 28
Eye-Opening Experience project, 163 Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, The, 7677
Independent work, 31
Families Around the World project, 153 Infographics, 137143
Feedback, 40, 47 Information literacy, 8485
peer, 86 Inkscape, 143
Felton, T., 78 Inquiry. See Curiosity and inquiry
Fertile questions, 30 Insects! thematic project, 8
Fidgeting, 28 Instagrok, 85 (box)
Fielding Nair, 28 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, 114
Finkelstein, N., 91 Interdisciplinary Curriculum: Design and Implementation, 69
Flattening Classrooms, Engaging Minds, 146 Interdisciplinary thinking, 6872
Floor Covering Scenario 2: Waste Not, Want Not project, 166 Interest inventories, 2324
Flores, A., 129 Inventories, interest, 2324
Index 195
Investigation Mad Housers, 78
compelling question and entry events setting stage for, Maguire, B., 169
3942 Make Me Care project, 154
from teachers driving question to student-driven, 4243 Manor New Technology High School, 81
Invisibility Project, 1314, 171 Many Eyes, 99, 143
Its All About the Benjamins project, 157158 Maps, causal, 46
Martin, M., 120
Jackson, A., 69 Marzano, R. J., 85
Jacobs, H. H., 69 Mathematics, 119120
Johanson, C., 7, 83 applied, 125126
John Jay High School, 101 approaches to problem solving in, 122
Johnston, M., 136 computational thinkers and, 126127 (box)
Juice Boxes project, 164 ideas presented in writing and in pictures, 136141
Justifying, 49 infographics used in, 137143
and learning from mathematicians, 124128
Kamii, C., 124 learning in artful ways, 134136
Key ideas, understanding, 45 making the world safer for, 129131
Kinetic Conundrum project, 163 practices, 134141
Klentschy, M., 81 project design, 6364 (box), 131134
Knit Me Some Math Pants project, 166 project library, 163168
Knowledge projects putting concepts first, 120124
creating a circle of, 45 projects supplying the missing ingredient, 122124
thinking that builds, 3031 strengthening teacher understanding of, 128129
Kohn, N., 23 students operating as mathematicians, 134
teaching with projects in, 128134
Landmark Game project, 160 Math Is Beautiful project, 165
Langer, J., 81 Math Teachers Circle, 128
Language arts, 7374 Mayo, G., 36, 7476, 148, 170
curating content in, 8284 McTighe, J., 53
encouraging good talk during projects in, 8081 Meaning, memorable, 1820
information literacy and, 8485 Meeting Standards Through Integrated Curriculum, 70
learning scaffolds for, 8586 Memorable meaning, 1820
literacy-building environment for, 8182 Meyer, D., 121 (box), 129
power of good questions in, 7680 Microbes Ate My Driveway project, 163
process for project success, 7476 Minard, M., 139, 140 (figure)
project design, 5859 (box) Mind, Brain, and Education Science, 15
project library, 168171 Mind-brain-education science, 15
Language Comes Alive! project, 170 Mingling at the Renaissance Ball project, 156
Larmer, J., 40, 56 Mioulis, I., 104
Laufenberg, D., 3, 6 Moje, E., 86
Le, T., 27 Monitoring, 49
Leafsnap, 117 (box) Monster Exchange project, 169
Learning Moody, L., 133, 152
developing executive function and, 1618 Moore, D., 86
importance of novelty in, 16 More Than That, 147
Invisibility Project on, 1314 Mosborg, S., 7, 83, 84
liberating constraints and, 2021 Mullis, I., 120
making meaning memorable and, 1820 Museums, 27
mind-brain-education science and, 15
playful, 2122 National Association of Federally Impacted Schools, 147
in project-based learning, 12 National Center for Teaching Thinking, 30
from research, 1416 National Council for the Social Studies, 89, 90, 93
stress vs. struggle in, 20 National Council of Teachers of English, 82
Learn Me Good, 129 National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 136, 141
Lefstein, A., 30, 39 National Education Association, 103
Lets Be Fair project, 152 National Lab Network, 115 (box)
Lets Design a Shopping Mall project, 167168 National Public Radio, 147
Lets Remember project, 154, 169 National Research Council, 85, 107, 134
Liberating constraints, 2021 National Science Foundation, 106
Life in the Balance project, 161162 National Writing Project, 149
Lindsay, J., 146 Nerdy Book Club, 73
Literacy-building environments, 8182 Neurons, 16
Lockers, Schmokers project, 168 New Tech Network, 35
Look into the Past project, 9697, 156 New York Times, 139
Los Rayos X project, 162 Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), 106107
Low Energy at the Fitness Center project, 113, 161 Nguyen, D., 7, 83
Luce-Kapler, 20 Noble, M., 13, 171

No Child Left Behind, 88 social media and, 145149

Noise pollution, 116117 spaces for thinking in, 3134
Nolen, S., 7, 83 thematic teaching and, 710
Noodling around, 23 thinking toolkits for, 4347
Norfar, T., 164 what distinguishes, 712
North Central Regional Educational Laboratory, 119 wishlists for classrooms, 3334
Noschese, F., 101102, 166 See also Curiosity and inquiry; Language arts;
Novelty, 16 Mathematics; Science; Social studies
Nystrand, M., 81 Project library
language arts, 168171
Observing, 49 mathematics, 163168
Overwhelmed students, 46 science, 159163
social studies, 151158
Papert, S., 105106 Project sketches, 55
Parent and community support, 35, 129130 science, 111112
Parker, W., 7, 83, 84 social studies, 151158
Partner and small-group work, 32 Project spiral, 145149, 182
Pearson, J., 129 Project Zero, 30, 48, 69
Peer feedback, 86 Provoking, 49
A Penny Saved project, 165
Perfect Wedding project, 167 Quantum Progress, 101
Perkins, D., 30 Questions
Perkins+Will, 28 developing research-worthy, 45
Perry, B., 16 entry events and compelling, 3942
Petti, W., 165 in mathematics, 135136
Physical spaces for thinkers, 2628 power of good, 7680
in project-based classrooms, 3134 project design and, 56
Phys Newtons project, 70, 162 from teachers driving question to student-driven
Pinterest, 84 (box) investigations, 4243
Playful learning, 2122 Quests, 25, 2830, 39, 83
Plotting History project, 153
PollEverywhere, 33 Rallis, S., 113
Plya, G., 122, 135 Random remodel, 179
Posen, S., 87 Readence, J., 86
Powell, J., 96 Real-life contexts, 54
Prefrontal cortex, 17 Reinventing Project-Based Learning, viii, 53, 146
Presentations, student, 32 Relevance in project-based learning, 8, 54
Principles and Standards for School Mathematics, 136 Repeat photography project, 9395 (table), 95 (figure)
Problem-based learning, 1012, 181 Research-worthy questions, 45
Problem solving using SCAMPER, 47 Rigor in project-based learning, 810, 20
Professional development guide, 179182 Robin, J., 70, 162
Project-based learning (PBL) Robison, J., 2122
bookshelf, 183184 Roll the Presses project, 158
brain-based strategies for, 2224 Rosebud Indian Reservation, 145
control in, 7 Rube Goldberg machines, 112
coupled inquiry in, 109111
discussion guide, 173178 Sawyer, D., 145
encourage good talk during, 8081 Scaffolding, 8586
enduring understanding with, 10 SCAMPER problem solving, 47
examples of high-quality, 35 Scardamalia, M., 30
expertise exercise, 181182 Schloss, A., 85
finding and filling the gaps, viiiix Schoenfeld, A., 122123
focus groups, 180181 Science
gaining familiarity with, 512 Angry Birds and, 101102
global commmunity and, 179180 Checks and Balances project, 112
inquiry in, ixx, 12 chemistry, 107109 (box)
introducing students to, 4951 citizen, 116117
as learning that sticks, viiviii computers and, 105106
local problem solving and, 181 coupled inquiry, 109111
online resources, 184185 as a discipline for the curious, 102103
problem-based learning and, 1012 and the educated person, 103104
professional development guide, 179182 and engineering in everyday life, 104105
project design and, 5357 Great Carbon Race project, 112
project library, 151171 interests and projects leading to career opportunities,
project spiral, 145149, 182 113115
relevance in, 8, 54 Low Energy at the Fitness Center project, 113
resources, 183185 moving toward expert understanding in education on,
rigor in, 810, 20 106109
Index 197
project design, 6163 (box) building a toolkit for, 4347
project library, 159163 computational, 126127 (box)
project sketching, 111112 creative solutions for, 2829
Square of Life project, 8, 9, 159 critical, 55
Why Here and Not There? project, 113 deliberate focus on, 2930
World Tree Watch project, 112113 interdisciplinary, 6872
Science Leadership Academy, 31, 35 physical spaces for, 2628
Science Pipes, 143 preparing to tackle complex problems, 6869, 84 (box) project-based activities and, 3134
Segal, L., 13, 171 setting high expectations for, 3536
Seminars, 32 strategic, 47
Shifting from wait time to think time, 2223 teaching for, 4849
Shopping on a Budget thematic unit, 9 that builds knowledge, 3031
Sim City Project, 2122, 155 Think time, 2223
Sketches, project, 55 Third Teacher: 79 Ways You Can Use Design to Transform
science, 111112 Teaching & Learning, The, 27
social studies, 151158 Tinker stations, 33
SketchUp, 117 (box), 167168 Titles, project, 5556
Skloot, R., 7677 Todd County High School, 145
Skype, 33 Tokuhama-Espinosa, T., 15
Slavery in the Third Millennium project, 157 Toolkits, thinking, 4347
Sleep on it, 23 Torpey, E., 125
Smith, S., 23 Transitions, 73, 7476, 148, 169170
Smith, T., 33, 160, 169 Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study
Snider, L., 77 (TIMSS), 120, 121
Social media, 145149 Turckes, S., 28
Social studies 20 Years Old and in Debt! project, 167
Caf Coffee Day project, 9799, 155 Twitter, 89, 115 (box), 129
Cigar Box project, 8788, 89, 155 Two Bad Ants, 75
databases and computing engines in, 99
focus on big ideas, 9395 (table) Unboxed, 13
learning capable adults in, 9193 (box) Understanding, enduring, 10
Look into the Past project, 9697 Understanding by Design, 53
project design, 5961 (box) Urquhart, V., 136
project library, 151158
project planning principles for, 8993 Valencia, S., 7, 83
projects aligned with students personal concerns, 8990 Video booths, 33
projects that reflect values of, 89 Vye, N., 7, 83, 84
students adopting the mantle of the expert, 9091
as a subject at risk, 8889 Waiting for help, 46
Spiral, project, 145149, 182 Wait time, 2223
Square of Life project, 8, 9, 159 Water, Water, Everywhere? project, 161
Stahl, R., 22 A Week in the Life project, 152
Starter project, 4951 Wenglinsky, H., 104 (box)
State of the City project, 154155 Wessling, S., 8283
Stephenson, N., 8788, 89, 155 Whats in a Name project, 152
Storify, 84 (box) What Snake Am I?, 103
Story Like a Pebble project, 168 Whats the Plan? project, 164
Strategic thinking, 47 Which Wheels to the Museum? project, 164
Stress vs. struggle, 20 Why Here and Not There? project, 113
Struggle vs. stress, 20 Wiggins, G., 53
Stuck moments, 46 Wilkerson, J., 84
Student presentations, 32 Willis, J., 16, 20
Sumara, D., 20 Wing, J., 126127 (box)
Sumerlin, J., 165 Wojcicki, E., 85
Swartz, R., 30 Wolfram Alpha, 9799, 97 (box)
Synapses, 17 database and computing engine, 99
Woodard, J., 137
Tableau Public, 99, 142, 143 Work ethic, 35
Talking about the work, 4647, 8081 Work the System, Change the World project, 158
Tamblyn, R., 10 World is Flat, The, 146
Teaching for thinking, 4849 World Tree Watch project, 112113, 160
Technology High School (Sonoma, CA), 112
Technology tools, 15, 84 (box), 117 Yau, N., 141
TESLA school, 33 Young, J., 86
Thakur, A., 85 YouTube, 145, 147
Thematic teaching and project-based learning, 710
Thinking Zazzle, 139
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