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The Importance of Your State

By Anna Von Reitz

We talk about being in the right state of mind or being in a state of confusion.
We talk about the Maine State Capitol and the state of Maine and the State of
Maine and the STATE OF MAINE.
The fact is that there are states and there are states.
If you look up the legal definition of state you will be overwhelmed by the reek of
deliberate confusion and the alternative to Shinola. W
This past week we have discussed the fact that the original union of states created
by The Articles of Confederation (1781) was destroyed by operation of law in 1860.
There is no union of sovereign states and hasnt been since 1860, except for the
undefeated union formed by the Confederate States of America.
There is no federation of sovereign states operating as The United States of America.
No such federal government.
I can hear the breath being sucked in and people saying, WHAAAT?
Whaddarutalkinabout? And right after that a stunned silence and the same folks
asking, Where does that leave us?
For us, living people at home in our home states of Louisiana and Massachusetts and
Minnesota and Idaho, choosing our birthright political status as non-citizens state
nationals, it leaves us where we have always been, snug and cozy.
Why? Because The Constitution for the united States of America is a tri-lateral
international treaty.
It bound the original subscribing states as a group to support the federal
government, it bound the states individually to each other, and it bound the federal
government to each state.
The Founders were Master Builders. They used glue, wooden dowels, and steel bolts
to put the original equity contract together. If one fastener failed, the others
would kick in and bear the load.
So when one fastener failed as a result of the Civil War, aka, War of Secession, and
the original federal union of sovereign states ceased to exist, each state was still
bound to each of the others and the federal government apparatus was still attached
to each one of them.
Thus we have limped along all these decades afterward without an actual federation
of sovereign states in operation at all. Instead, weve been operating as a multi-
national commercial corporation made up of fifty states franchises.
There is nothing so bad about this, so long as we are all on the same page and
maintain our sovereign states intact, and no very great danger, since everyone
involved is obligated to protect and defend everyone elseuntil and unless some
self-interested foreign shysters get their paws into the mix and the people forget
their history and get confused about what is what and who is who.
Then in the words of US Supreme Justice Harlan, in his dissenting opinion in Hooven
and Allison v. Evatt, no end of mischief can occur, including identity theft of entire
states and our entire nation.
The problem for our detractors is and has always been that there is not just one
nation to be dismantled and dismembered, but fifty.
And the fifty are all honor bound to protect and defend all the others.
And however it is constructed, so is the federal government ---whether it is
operating as an association of sovereign states or operating as a multi-national
corporation with fifty separate and independent state stockholders, it is still obligated
to protect and defend both the parts and the whole.
Ah, but what happens when even at the state level the land jurisdiction state is
usurped by a look-alike, sound-alike state of state, a foreign, international
imposter, which is merely representing the actual sovereign state and its State
Then we eventually get to the mess we are in right now.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt contrived a constructive fraud scheme to bankrupt the
states and their lawful governments and while they were in receivership and under
the control of foreign bankruptcy trustees known as US Trustees to substitute
states of states----- literally foreign entities running the state governments as well
as the federal government.
The essence of the fraud was based on semantic deceit.
The Wisconsin state (small s) is the actual sovereign state, as clearly stated in
Texas v. White, 74 US 227, (1862). The sovereign state government owed the land
jurisdiction and the undelegated portion of the international jurisdiction of the sea is
known as the Wisconsin State.
Not the State of Wisconsin, which is a federal corporation franchise operated under
federal territorial jurisdiction.
Not the STATE OF WISCONSIN, which is a federal municipal corporation operated
under federal municipal (city state) jurisdiction.
During the long reorganization and final bankruptcy settlement (1999) of the private,
mostly foreign-owned governmental services corporation doing business as the
United States of America--- Incorporated, we and our actual states and our actual
state governments, were held as sureties for the debts of deceitful private interests
acting as our employees and self-proclaimed representatives.
Since 1999, we and our actual State governments have been released from the
presumptions of bankruptcy, but because we were never informed about any of this
fraud and chicanery in the first place, we have been unable to take appropriate
action in our own behalf, leading to still more filthy fraud and legal chicanery by
those infesting Washington, DC against the people and the sovereign states and their
lawful governments.
The Queen has arrogantly referred to us and our lawful sovereign states and State
governments as disregarded entities. Disregarded by who, Queenie? Guess you
ungrateful sacks of lime-flavored feces want another piece of the people you have
run to for help and then cheated and defrauded and lied to for the better part of two
Its time for those responsible for these crimes to pay for them---- literally.
And time for all the rest of us to stop being confused by all the false claims and
identity games and other con artist crappola.
For example:
The words The United States of America are not protected by copyright or
Any group can pretend to be or to represent The United States of America because
the lawful confederation of sovereign states once called The United States of
America was silently destroyed by operation of Law in 1860.
In the same way, any group of people can obtain the patent on a scrap of land and
declare themselves to be a nation and call themselves The United States of
America, and then they can issue a national currency, too----for all the good it will
do them, or us.
Thus we have a group of people who are trying to recreate The United States of
America and proclaiming themselves a nation---howbeit, one located offshore----
and issuing a new national currency based on false claims that they are the heirs
and inheritors of our assets.
Bull, bull, bull as far as the eye can see. Not a scrap of Shinola.
We have Le Neu Republique on one side and The United States of America on the
other and The Republic for the united States of America in the middle; no doubt we
shall soon have a dozen others all pretending to be us or to represent us and they
will all be claiming to be the real McCoy versus all the others----all in an attempt to
mislead gullible people who think that they can self-govern without lifting a finger.
Get a clue. George Washington has been dead for over 200 years. He isnt coming
back from the grave to do it for you.
Here is the pecking order of our actual, factual government: people, township/parish,
county, state, federal---with the people having all the power and the federal
government being dead last in the pecking order, and the least amount of delegated
What needs to happen is for the State of________ franchises and STATE
OF_________ municipal franchises to release and relinquish voluntarily and
peacefully all property and assets which they have been administering for us as
self-proclaimed representatives---- back to the actual state and actual State
governments run by the people for the people of each sovereign state.

As long as we stand up on our own feet and organize our own lawful local
unincorporated county jural assemblies there isnt anyone on this planet with any
right to interfere with or stop us from reclaiming all that is ours and sending the
Queen a copy of our Disregarded Lime Jello Frozen Souffle recipe.
See this article and over 400 others on Anna's website

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