Soundarya Lahari Yantras

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Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.



"Shivah Shakthyaa Yuktho Yadi Bhavathi Shakthaha Prabhavithum

Na Chedevam Devo Na Khalu Kushalaha Sphandithumapi
Athasthvaamaaraadhyaam Hariharavirinchaadibhirapi
Prananthum Sthothum Vaa Kathamakruthapunyaha Prabhavathi!"

Literal Meaning :-"Shiva becomes capable of creating the Universe, only when united with
Shakthi (Thee), but otherwise (when not so joined with Thee), He is incapable of even a stir, How
then could one, who has not acquired merit (punya)- in this and previous births worship Thee or
atleast praise Thee, who is adored even by Vishnu, Shiva, Brahma and others?"
Mode of worship: Yantra for sloka No.1 to be made on a gold plate. Sit facing East. Chant the
above verse 1001 (1000) times daily, for 12 days.
Archana: Chant Lalitha Sahasranamam offering red hibiscus or any other red flowers.
Offerings: Cooked rice, scrapings of coconut kernel mixed with powdered jaggery and ghee.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:-All prosperity, granting of cherished purposes and solution to intricate
Literal results:The yin and yang factor (feminine and masculine factor) is balanced. Treats
hormonal imbalance. Female devotees facing severe marital problems will be able to bring issues
under their control/ curb abusive tendencies in husband.If living in a joint family, there will be
harmony between female devotee and in laws.This sloka could help females even in work
atmosphere, in gatherings etc.Atleast 11 times chanting is a must everyday.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.2


"Thaneeyaamsam Paamsum Thava Charanapankeruhabhavam
Virinchisanchinvan Virachayathi Lokaanavikalam!
Vahathyenam Showrihi Kathamapi Sahasrena Shirasaam
Haraha Sankshudyainam Bhajathi Bhasithodhoolanavidhim!"

Literal Meaning:-"Collecting minute particles of the dust falling from Thy lotus-feet, Brahma
creates this limitless and mysterious Universe without any imperfection, Vishnu in the form of
Adisesha though with thousand heads, bears it with great effort and Shiva reducing the particles
into ashes besmears His body with them at the time for dissolution!"
Mode of worship: Yantra to be made on a gold plate. Sit facing North. Chant the sloka 1000 times
daily for 45 (or 55/ 0r 12) days.
Archana:Chant Lalitha Trishathi offering vermillion.
Offerings: Sweet milk gruel, coconuts and fruits.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS: Gaining vast influence over others and fascination of those around.
Literal Results: To meditate on the feet of the Goddess. Mitigates evil influence of Rahu ( evil
placement of Rahu in the horoscope and during Rahu Maha dasa), useful for devotees whose moon
is in the constellation of Ardra, Swathi and Satabhisham. Atleast 11 times chanting everyday is
recommended to attain prescribed results.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.3


Jadaanaam Chaithanyasthabakamakarandashruthijhari!
Daridraanaam Chinthaamanigunanikaa Janmajaladhau
Nimagnaanaam Damshtraa Muraripu Varaahasya Bhavathi!"

Literal Meaning: "The dust of Thy lotus-feet is the Island City, wherefrom takes place the
luminous sun-rise of spiritual illumination driving away the over-casting darkness of ignorance in
the hearts of the devotees. It forms the cluster of flower buds from which gushes forth the nectar of
intelligence. enlivening the dull-witted. It is a veritable necklace of wish-yielding gems for the
poverty-stricken. And for those immersed in the ocean of wordly affairs, it becomes their uplifter
like the Tusk of Vishnu, which raised the earth from submergence in pralayaa waters when He
incarnated as the Cosmic Boar."

Moda of worship: Yantra to be made on a gold plate.Sit facing North-East. Chant the sloka 2000
times (1008) daily, for 45 (54,15) days.
Archana: Chant Lalitha Trishathi offering white flowers such as jasmine, etc.
Offerings: Cooked rice, cakes of black gram, honey and betels with slices of areca nut.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Attainment of versatile knowledge, particularly of Vedas.

Literal Results: This sloka is a remedy for people who are weak in grasping and memory power.
Extremely helpful in enhancing performance levels in academics. Atleast a recitation of 11 times a
day will bring remarkable changes in a dull student. It is also important to note that the key objects
mentioned in all slokas would bear fruit. In this particular sloka, the mention of gems and necklace
would yield results as sloka attains power through chanting.This is also a prayer to one of the
Dasavatharas of Lord Vishnu,the Varaha Avathaara!

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.4


"Thvadanyaha Paanibhyaamabhayavarado Daivathaganaha
Thvamekaa Naivaasi Prakatithavaraabheethyabhinayaa!
Bhayaatthraathum Daathum Phalamapi Cha Vaanchaasamadhikam
Sharanye Lokaanaam Thava Hi Charanaaveva Nipunau!"

Literal Meaning: "All deities except Thee,vouchsafe protection to devotees and grant their
desires by gestures of their hands. Thou alone art not given to any such external demonstration of
giving boons and shelter. It is so because Thy feet are by themselves powerful to protect those in
the grip of fear and grant more than what is desired by devotees."
Mode of worship: Yantra to be made on gold or silver plate.Sit facing North-East (or East). Chant
this sloka 3000 (1000) times daily for 36, (40,16) days.
Offerings:Rice cooked with green-gram pulse, cooked rice mixed with lemon juice, bits of
sugarcane and milk.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Cures diseases, grants freedom from fear and poverty; enables
possessions of vast estates.
Literal Results: To meditate on the feet of the Goddess while reciting sloka. Suited for dancers
and instrumentalists, as the focus is on hands and feet.More benefits are derived apart from
attaining desired benefit. Atleast 11 times a day.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.5


"Haristhvaamaaraadhya Pranathajanasowbhaagyajanani
Pura Naaree Bhoothvaa Puraripumapi Kshobanayath
Smaropi Thvaam Nathvaa Rathinayanalehyena Vapushaa
Muneenaamapyanthaha Prabhavathi Hi Mohaaya Mahathaam!'

Literal Meaning: "Adoring Thee who art the Bestower of all prosperity on all Thy votaries, Hari
(Vishnu) was once able to become a charming female and stir waves of passion in the mind of the
most impassioned Shiva, the destroyer of the three cities and the enemy of Kaamaa. Has not
Smaraa (Kaamaa, the God of love) because of having bowed before Thee, obtained a personality,
pleasingly attractive to the eye of his beloved Rathi and become capable of generating passion
even in the minds of great sages!"
Mode of worship: Yantra to be made on a copper plate or on fine turmeric powder.Sit facing East
(some suggest having Yantra on the head). Chant this sloka 2000 (1001) times daily for 8 (12)
Archana: Chant Durga Ashtotharam and Lalitha Ashtotharam offering red flowers and vermillion.
Offerings: Rice cooked with green gram pulse, gruel made of green gram pulse and jaggery,
honey and coconuts.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS: Power to fascinate men and women, entice people.
Literal Results: " Sowbhagyam" (contentment in all areas of life -a quality applicable to men and
women) is the result, apart from the ability to develop a magnetic personality at work, social
gatherings or at home. The devotee has the capacity to charm anybody he/she meets or contacts.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.6



"Dhanuh Paushpam Maurvi Madhukaramayi Panchavishikaah
Vasanthah Saamantho Malayamarudaayodhanarathaha!
Thathaapyekaha Sarvam Himagirisuthe Kaamapi Krupaam
Apaangaaththe Labdhvaa Jagadidamanango Vijayathe!"

Literal Meaning: Oh daughter of the snow-clad Himalaya mountain!Kaamadeva, the God of love,
has only a bow made of arrows, with its string comprised of a cluster of honeybees, and arrows
barely five. The spring season (periodical and undependable) is his assistant and the southern
breeze, his war-chariot. Yet, with such frail equipment, bodiless and alone though he be, Manmatha
conquers the entire Universe, having obtained some favour through Thy benign side-glance.
Mode of worship: Yantra to be made on a gold plate or milk placed in a siver utensil.Sit facing
East.Chant thsi sloka 500 times daily for 21 (24) days.
Archana: Chanting of Lalitha Trishathi offering jasmine or any white flowers.
Offerings: Bits of sugarcane, milk gruel, betels and slices of areca nut with spices like clove,
cardamom, etc.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS: Cures impotency, bestows children.
Literal Results: For people who require a favour from superiors at work. For anybody with limited
resources who intend to start any enterprise/who have to work against odds etc. The
"jagadidmanango vijayathe" is a powerful implication in this sloka , bestowing all round success
and patronage from higher-ups. This also bestows ability to emerge victorious in competitions.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.7


"Kvanathakancheedhaamaa Karikalabhakumbhasthananathaa
Pariksheenaa Madhye Parinathashcharaschandravadanaa!
Dhanurbaanaan Paasham Srunimapi Dadhaanaa Karathalaihi
Purasthaadaasthaam Nah Puramadhithuraahopurushikaa!"

Literal Meaning:"May the divine Mother with Her slender waist girdled with jingling mini-bells,
body slightly bent in the middle by the weight of Her breast resembling the frontal globes of the
forehead of a young elephant, Her face blooming like the autumnal moon and Her four hands
holding bow, arrow, noose and goad and Who is the pride of Shiva, manifest Her presence before
Mode of worship: Yantra to be made on gold plate or holy ashes (bhasma) levelled on a copper
plate. Sit facing North-East.Chant this sloka 1000 times daily for 45 (12) days.
Archana: Chanting of Durga Shasranamam offering vermillion.
Offerings: Cooked rice, curd, fruit-juice and sweet milk gruel.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS: Fascinating even royal personages and over-coming enemies.
Literal Results: This sloka will directly link the devotee to the Supreme Goddess of Kanchipuram,
Kamakshi. She is the dominant One "Purushika" and She literally takes over the devotee and gives
her/ him a delicious taste of Her "saannidhyam". Messages, events related to Kanchi Kamakshi will
fill the life of the devotee and she/ he is constantly in a state of bliss just thinking about Her. People
with Rahu-related problems can overcome difficulties by chanting this sloka.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.8


"Sudhaasindhormadhye Suravitapivaateeparivruthe
Manidweepe Neepopavanavathee Chinthamanigruhe!
Shivaakaare Manche Paramashivaparyankanilayaam
Bhajanthi Thvaam Dhanyaaha Kathichana Chidaanandalahareem!"

Literal Meaning: "Fortunate are those few, who worship Thee, the inundation of Bliss-
Consciousness, as reclining on a mattress that is Paramashiva ( the Supreme Shiva or Sadashiva)
spread on a couch which too is an aspect of Shiva, inside the mansion constructed of precious
chintamani gems, surrounded by the pleasure garden of Neepa trees, in the island of gems of all
kinds, encircled by rows of celestial trees, the island itself being situated in the midst of the ocean
of nectar."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on thick sandal paste mixed with saffron powder, placed in a
silver plate. Sit facing North-East. Chant this verse 1008 (1000, 1200) times daily for 16 (12) days.
Archana: Chanting of Durga Ashtotharam with red flowers. Gingely oil lamp to be lit before the
Offerings: Cooked rice mixed with powdered pepper, jaggery gruel, and coconuts.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS: Release from all kinds of bondages, imprisonment and debt, fulfillment of
all desires.
Literal Results: Luxuries, viewing everything and everybody with a sense of happiness/ or change
of residence to a better place/ or a long stay in a beautiful spiritual or holiday retreat.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/yaYantras No.9


"Maheem Mooladhaare Kamapi Manipoore Huthavaham
Sthitham Swaadhishtaane Hrudi Maruthamaakaashamupari!
Manopi Bhroomadhye Sakalamapi Bhithvaa Kulapatham
Sahasraare Padme Saha Rahasi Pathyaa Viharase!'

Literal Meaning: Breaking through the mooladhaara, the manipoora, the swaadhishtaana, the
anaahatha, the vishuddhi and aagnaa chakras (plexuses) and having crossed pruthvi (earth),
apaasa (water), thejasa (fire), vaayu (air), aakashaa (ether) and manasa (mind)- tattvas of the
respective chakra, Thou ascending through the Sushumna sporteth with Thy Consort in the solitude
of Sahasrara- the thousand-petalled lotus above in the head.
Mode of worship: Yantra to be made on gold plate, smeared with paste of musk. Sit facing North-
East. Chant this verse 1008 (1000) times, daily for 45 times.
Archana: Chanting of Lalith Trishathi offering white flowers.
Offerings: Cooked rice, sweet milk-gruel, coconuts and honey.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS: Return of persons long absent, mastery over elements.
Literal Results: Balancing and activation of chakras. Balancing of the elements in the body and
treament of ailments related to elements. Good understanding with spouse.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.10


Prapancham Sinchanthi Punarapi Rasaamnaayamahasaha!
Avaapya Svaam Bhoomim Bhujaganibhamadhyushtavalayam
Svamaathmaanam Kruthvaa Swapishi Kulakunde Kuharini!"

Literal Meaning:" Drenching the (seventy two thousand) nerves in the body with the flood of
nectar gushing from Thy feet, Thou (the kundalini representing Thripurasundari) descendest from
the Sahasrara into the hollow of Thy own ground at the lower end of the Sushumna converting
Thyself into a serpent with three coils and a half, and sleepest in the crevice in the centre of the
moolaadhaara lotus."
Mode of worship: Yantra to be made on gold plate. Sit facing East. Chant this sloka 1000- times
daily for 6 (9) days.
Archana: Chanting of Durga Shasranamam offering vermillion.
Offerings: Cooked rice, plantains and juicy fruits.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS: Purification of body frame. Cures watery diseases. In case of women,
develops breasts and enables proper menstruation.
Literal Results: This sloka invokes Reiki energy. The Supreme Mother Goddess, who is the life-
energy force enters the body through the moolaadhaara chakra to raise up,activating chakras and
purifying the entire body frame. For people who are suffering from depression, lack of energy and
anaemia, this sloka induces divine energy to rejuvenate the devotee as though he/she has taken a
new life. Offering and consuming of a quarter glass of milk with 20 raisins and 10 sugar-candies are
mandatory to avoid feverish feeling with body aches.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.11


"Chathurbhih Srikanthaihi Shivayuvathibhihi Panchabhirapi
Prabhinnaabhihi Shambhornavabhirapi Moolaprakruthibhihi!
Thrirekhaabhihi Saardham Thava Sharanakonaaha Parinathaaha!"

Literal Meaning: " The angles of Thy abode (the Srichakra) which is made up of the nine
moolaprakrithis or basic triangles ( the nine primary causative forces of the Universe) consisting of
the four distinct Shiva triangles (with apex upwards) kept apart from the former by the bindu, with
the eight-petalled lotus, the lotus of sixteen petals with the three circles around and the three lines,
are counted as forty-four triangles."
Mode of worship: Yantra to be made on gold plate or butter.Sit facing North.Chant this sloka
1000 times daily for 18 (8 or 81 or 6 ) days.
Archana: Chant Lalitha Sahasranamam offering vermillion.
Offerings: Cooked rice, cooked rice mixed with turmeric powder and ghee, green gram pulse
sweetened with jaggery, fruits.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS: Barren women become pregnant, getting issues. The butter used for
drawing Yantra to be consumed daily.
Literal Results: Intricate problems being solved.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.12


"Thvadeeyam Soundaryam Thuhinagirikanye Thulayithum
Kaveendraaha Kalpanthe Kathamapi Virinchiprabhruthayaha!
Yadaalokouthsukyaadamaralalanaa Yaanthi Manasaa
Thapobhirdushpraapaamapi Girishasaayujyapadaveem!"

Literal Meaning: "Oh, Daughter of the snow-clad Mountain! The best of thinkers-Brahma and
others- are at great pains to find a suitable comparison to Thy beauty. Even the celestial damsels,
out of great eagerness to get a glimpse of Thy splendour, mentally attain a condition of absorption
into Shiva, which is unobtainable even by penance."
Mode of Worship: Yantra to be made on water or honey placed in a silver vessel.Sit facing North-
East. Chant this sloka 1000 times daily for 45 (48) days. With any liquid, Yantra can be made by
squeezing the same from a cloth soaked with that liquid.
Archana: Chant Saraswathi Ashtotharam with white flowers and Lalitha Ashtotharam with jasmine
Offerings: Cooked rice, pomegranates and honey.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS: Cures dumbness, provides power of eloquent speech, gift of poesy.
Literal Results: Improves intellect and analytical capacity. Poetic and scholarly pursuits are
enhanced. Concentration and capacity to focus increases.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.13


"Naram Varsheeyaamsam Nayanavirasam Narmasu Jadam
Thavaapaangaalokey Pathithamanudhaavanthi Shathasha!
Galaddveneebandhaaha Kuchalakalashavisrasthasichayaa
Hathaath Thrutyaathkaanchyo Vigalithadukoolaa Yuvathayaha!"
Literal Meaning: "If Thy gracious side-glance falls on a very decrepit old man who is ugly to look
at and whose erotic sensibilities are dead, he will be followed in all haste, by love-lorn young
women in their hundreds, having their locks scattered, their rounded breasts exposed by the
loosening of their upper robes, and their girdles suddenly broken in excitement, thus letting their
silken robes slip down."
Mode of worship: Yantra to be made on gold or lead plate. Sit facing East. Chant this sloka 1008
(1000) times daily, for 6 (16) days.
Archana: Chant Lalitha Thrishati offering vermillion.
Offerings: Cooked rice and scrapings of coconut kernel mixed with powdered jaggery and milk.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Power to attract women and cures impotency.
Literal Results: Ability to magnetise women. Increase of virility in men.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.14


"Kshithau Shatpanchaashadvisamadhikapanchaashadudake
Huthaashe Dwaashashtishchathuradhikapanchaashadanile !
Divi Dwihshat-thrimshanmanasi Cha Chathuhshashtirithi Ye
Mayookhaastheshaamapyupari Thava Paadaambujayugam!"

Litera Meaning: "In the bindu in the centre of the sahasraara is Thy transcendent abode, far
above the chakra to which Thy Rays (or luminous manifestation of Shakthis) reach in the following
combinations: Fifty-six in the moolaadhaara comprised of the element of Earth (pruthvi tattwa),
fifty-two in the manipoora of the essence of Water (apa tattwa), sixty-two in the Swadhishtaana of
the element of Fire (agni tattwa), fifty-two in the anaahatha of the character of Air (vaayu tattwa),
seventy-two rays in the vishuddhi of the form of Ether (akaasha tattwa) and sixty-four in the agna
which partakes of the character of mind (manasa tattwa)."
Mode of worship: Yantra to be made on gold plate.Sit facing North. Chant this verse 1008 (1000)
times daily, for 44 (45) days.
Archana:Chanting of Lalitha Sahasranamam offering red flowers or vermillion.
Offerings:Cooked rice, black gram cakes, milk gruel and betels with slices of nut.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS: Removes poverty in the case of individuals; freedom from famine,
drought, etc. in the case of nations.
Literal Results: In case of deprivation in any area of life/ health/ career of the devotee, that
particular issue gains strength , getting rid of bad and untoward factors.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.15


"Sharathjyothsnaashubhraam Shashiyuthajataajootamakutaam
Sakrunna Thvaa Nathvaa Kathamiva Sathaam Sannidadhathe
Madhuksheeradraakshaamadhurimadhureenaaha Phanithayaha!"

Literal Meaning:"How can torrents of words, excelling even honey, milk and grapes, help flowing
from the mouth of good men who once make prostration to Thee who art endowed with the lustre
of the autumnal moon, who art holding Thy hands in the pose of granting boons and offering
protection, and sporting in the other two a rosary of crystal beads and a book, and who wearest the
crescent moon in Thy crown of plaited locks!"
Mode of worship: Yantra to be made on gold plate or in water placed in a siver vessel. With any
liquid, Yantra can be made by squeezing the same from a cloth soaked with that liquid. Sit facing
East. Chant this sloka 1000 times daily for 45 (48) days.
Archana: Chanting of Saraswathi Ashtotharam offering white flowers and Lalitha Ashtotharam
offering red flowers.
Offerings: Cooked rice, honey, sugar and fruits.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS: Getting poetic imagination and enlightenment.
Literal Results: Attaining wisdom over disturbing issues. Enjoying sweet foods. Creative intellect
gets enhanced, elevation in academics.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.16


"Kaveendraanaam Chethahkamalavanabaalaathaparuchim
Bhajanthe Ye Santhaha Kathichidarunaameva Bhavatheem!
Gabheeraabhirvaagbhirvidadhathi Sathaam Ranjanamamee!"

Literal Meaning:"O Mother, Thou Aruna, the crimson-coloured Goddess, art like the light of
morning's rising sun to the lotus flowers constituted of the minds of gifted poets (helping as Thou
dost, their poesy to blossom forth). Therefore, those devoted men who adore Thee become capable
of delighting the minds of assemblies of literary connoisseurs with the majestic flow of their words
surging like waves of erotic sentiments emanating from youthful Saraswathi; the Goddess of
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on gold or copper plate. Sit facing North-East. Chant this
sloka 1008 (1000) times daily for 44 (45,41) days.
Archana: Chanting of Saraswathi Ashtotharam and Lalitha Thrishati offering jasmine or white
Offerings:Cooked rice, curd, milk, honey and fruits.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS: Erudition, knowledge of Vedas and Shastras, knowledge of various
languages and immunity from evil effects of spirits.
Literal Results:Winning in debates, enticing public through dynamic oratory, capable of emerging
victorious in extremely difficult subjects or higher studies and attaining top grades. Highly suited
for people in the field of politics and law.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.17


"Savithribhirvaachaam Shashimanishilaabhangaruchibhihi
Vashinyaadyaabhisthvaam Saha Janani Sanchinthayanthi Yaha!
Sa Karthaa Kaavyaanaam Bhavathi Mahathaam Bhangiruchibhihi

Literal Meaning: O Mother! Those who meditate on Thee in association with Vashini and allied
deities- who are all the sources of speech and whose radiance resembles the lustre of freshly cut
moonstone-can become the authors of poetical works as delightful as those of great ones, and
sweet with the fragrance of the mouth of Saraswathi, Goddess of poesy and learning."
Mode of worship: Yantra to be made on gold or copper plate. Sit facing North-East. Chant this
sloka 1008 (1000) times daily for 44 (45, 41) days.
Archana:Chanting of Laitha Thrishati and Saraswathi Ashtotharam offering white or jasmine
Offerings:Cooked rice mixed with curd, milk, fruits and honey.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS: Gives erudition, knowledge of Vedas, Shastras and different languages.
Immunity from effects of evil spirits.
Literal Results:Magnetic personality and speech. Radiance adding lustre to complexion.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.18


"Thanuchchaayaabhisthe Tharunatharanishreesaranibhihi
Divam Sarvaamurveemarunimanimagnaam Smarathi Yaha!
Bhavanthyasya Thrasyadvanaharinashaaleenanayanaaha
Sahorvashyaa Vashyaaha Kathi Kathi Na Geervaanaganikaahaa!"

Literal Meaning:"How can numerous celestial courtesans including Urvashi, with eyes bashful like
those of a frightened deer of the forest, do not become fascinated by a person who meditates on
the beauty of Thy form which bathes the heaven and the earth in its crimson radiance resembling
the rising sun!"
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on gold or copper plate. Sit facing North-East. Chant this
verse 1000 times daily for 45 days.
Archana: Chanting of Laitha Ashtotharam and Saraswathi Ashtotharam offering champaka or
jasmine flowers.
Offerings:Milk, honey, bits of sugar and cooked rice.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS: Deep knowledge in sciences, getting good bridegrooms in the case of
marriageable women and blessings of great men.
Literal Results:Adds lustre and magnetism to body and face. The double "vashya" in the sloka
creates magnetic aura around the devotee, 'the rising sun' in the sloka implies new beginnings.
This sloka is also a prayer to the planet, Sun (if misplaced in horoscope or debilitated or during
Surya Mahadasa).

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.19


"Mukham Bindum Krithvaa Kuchayugamadhasthasya Thadadho
Haraardha Dhyaayedhyo Haramahishi They Manmathakalaam!
Sa Sadyaha Sankshobham Nayathi Vanitha Ithyathilaghu
Thrilokeemapyaashu Bhramayathi Raveendusthanayugaam!'

Literal Meaning: "Oh Consort of Hara! The one who thinks of a woman's face in the bindu ( the
dot in the triangle), her twin breasts below it and the half of the letter "H" still below, and
contemplates Thy manmathakala on those spots ( and thus gets identified with her in meditation)
will quickly stir the mind of any woman. This indeed is a trifle for him. For, in no time he can
fascinate even the Thriloki ( the three worlds conceived as a woman) with the sun and moon as
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on a gold plate or on thick sandal paste, holy ahses or
vermillion (placed in a siver or copper plate). Sit facing North. Chant this sloka 1000 (1200) times
daily for 25 (27) days.
Archana: Chanting of Durga Ashtotharam and Lalitha Thrishati offering vermillion or washed rice
grains mixed with vermillion.
Offerings:Cooked rice mixed with boiled milk, fruits and honey.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Attracting young women, gaining influence in royal courts as well as in
government. Control over wild animals.
Literal Results:Meditation powers enhanced. Enticing women, appeasing the planets sun and
moon in the horoscope.

oundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.20


"Kirantheemanygebhyaha Kirananikurumbaamrutharasam
Hrudi Thvaamaadhatthe Himakarashilaamoorthimiva Yaha!
Sa Sarpaanaam Darpam Shamayathi Shakunthaadhipa Iva
Jvarapplushtaan Dhrushtya Sukhayathi Sudhaadhaarasirayaa!"

Literal Meaning:"He who meditates on Thee who sends forth luminous waves of bliss from Thy
body, as an idol made of moonstone, will be capable of humbling the pride and ferocity of serpents
by his mere look, like Garuda Himself. Nay, like the nectar- showering Nadi (nerve), his look can
cure any ailment, including the afflictions of fever."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on holy ashes or water in a copper plate. Sit facing North.
Chant this sloka 1000 (1001, 2000) times daily for 25 (45) days. With any liquid, Yantra can be
made by squeezing the same from a cloth soaked with that liquid.
Archana:Chanting of Durga Ashtotharam with offering leaves or leaves of vibhithi plant.
Offerings:Cooked rice mixed with powder of gingely seeds, milk-gruel, coconuts and fruits.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Cure of poisonous fevers, antidote against poison, cures effects of evil
eyes, confers power to charm snakes and other poisonous reptiles.
Literal Results:Cures fever, effects of evil eyes ,mitigates evil results of debilitated or misplaced
moon in one's chart and adds lustre to one's body.
Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No. 21


"Thatillekhaathanvee Thapanashashivaishvaanaramayeem
Nishannaam Shannaamapyupari Kamalaanaam Thava Kalaam!
Mahaapadmaatavyaam Mrudithamalamaayena Manasaa
Mahaanthah Pashyantho Dadhathi Paramaahlaadalahareem!"

Literal Meaning:"The noble spiritual aspirants, whose minds are free from impurities like lust and
greed and from the hold of 'Maya" consisting of ignorance, egotism and the like, are filled with
thrills of spiritual bliss by experiencing Thy lightning-like Kala (shakthi in union with Shiva known as
sadhakyaa) in the core of the thousand-petalled lotus, which transcends the six lotuses beginning
with the mulaadhaara inclusive of Thy manifestations as fire, sun and moon in them."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on gold/silver/copper plate. Sit facing West. Chant this sloka
1001 (1000) times daily for 11 (45) days.
Archana:Chanting of Lalitha Ashtotharam offering vermillion.
Offerings: Cooked rice, fruits, honey and sugar.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Subduing enemies, freedom from unpopularity, gaining physical and
military strength.
Literal Results: Peace of mind, tranqulity and detachment from emotions. For people who
meditate, elevation and sublime bliss.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.22


"Bhavani Thvam Daase Mayi Vithara Drushti Sakarunaam
Ithi Sthothum Vaanchan Kathayathi Bhavaani Thvamithiyaha!
Thadaiva Thvam Thasmai Dishasi Nijasaayujyapadaveem

Literal Meaning:"When one, desirous of praying to Thee using terms like-' Oh,Bhavani, bestow
Thy gracious glance on me, Thy servant', even before he utters "Bhavani Thvam", Thou bestow on
him the status of oneness with Thy feet at which divinities like Vishnu, Brahma and Indra are
performing the lustration ceremony with the brilliance of their diadems( as they bow down their
heads in prostration)."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on gold plate.. Sitting in a temple or by a river or water tank,
facing East, chant this sloka 1008 (1000) times for 44 (45) days.
Archana:Chanting of Lalitha Sahasranamam offering red flowers or vermillion.
Offerings:Cooked rice mixed with curd, cooked rice mixed with turmeric powder, scrapings of
coconut kernel mixed with sugar and a little ghee, boiled milk, fruits and honey.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Fulfillment of all earthly desires and pleasures, freedom from wants and
freedom from dependence on others.
Literal Results:In an aggressive relationship, befriending the opponent. Patronage from high
sources, establishing independence.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.22


"Bhavani Thvam Daase Mayi Vithara Drushti Sakarunaam
Ithi Sthothum Vaanchan Kathayathi Bhavaani Thvamithiyaha!
Thadaiva Thvam Thasmai Dishasi Nijasaayujyapadaveem

Literal Meaning:"When one, desirous of praying to Thee using terms like-' Oh,Bhavani, bestow
Thy gracious glance on me, Thy servant', even before he utters "Bhavani Thvam", Thou bestow on
him the status of oneness with Thy feet at which divinities like Vishnu, Brahma and Indra are
performing the lustration ceremony with the brilliance of their diadems( as they bow down their
heads in prostration)."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on gold plate.. Sitting in a temple or by a river or water tank,
facing East, chant this sloka 1008 (1000) times for 44 (45) days.
Archana:Chanting of Lalitha Sahasranamam offering red flowers or vermillion.
Offerings:Cooked rice mixed with curd, cooked rice mixed with turmeric powder, scrapings of
coconut kernel mixed with sugar and a little ghee, boiled milk, fruits and honey.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Fulfillment of all earthly desires and pleasures, freedom from wants and
freedom from dependence on others.
Literal Results:In an aggressive relationship, befriending the opponent. Patronage from high
sources, establishing independence.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.23


"Thvayaa Hruthvaa Vaamam Vapuraparithrupthena Manasaa
Shareeraardham Shambhoraparamapi Shanke Hruthamabhooth!
Yadethathvadroopam Sakalamarunaabham Thrinayanam
Kuchaabhyaamaanamram Kutilashashichoodaalamakutam!"

Literal Meaning:"I have feeling that, unsatisfied even after having appropriated the left half of
Shambhu as Ardhanaareeswaraa,( a form of half-man and half-woman), Thou hast also invaded His
right half; for Thy form that shines in my heart is totally crimson in complexion and slightly bent by
the weight of the two breasts, besides having three eyes and the crescent moon in the diadem."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on a gold plate. Chant this sloka 1000( 3000,1001) times
daily for 45(30) days, sitting inside the house, preferably in a place fit for worship, facing North.
Archana:Chanting of Lalitha Sahasranamam offering red lotus petals.
Offerings:Sweet milk-gruel, black gram cakes, cooked rice, fruits and betels with slices of areca
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Attainment of vast wealth, relief from burden of debts, getting a number of
cows, freedom from dangers.
Literal Results:Enhancement of 'yin'(feminine), any ailment on the left side of the body getting
cured, activation of agna chakra, appeasement of sun and moon related problems in the

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.24


"Jagathsoothe Dhaathaa Hariravathi Rudraha Kshapayathe
Thiraskurvannethathsavamapi Vapureeshasthirayathi!
Sadaapoorvaha Sarvam Thadidamanugruhnaathi Cha Shivaha
Thavaagnaamaalambya Kshanachalithayobhoorlathikayoho!"

Literal Meaning:"Brahma brings forth the Universe, Hari(Vishnu) sustains and protects it, Rudra
destroys it, and Esha (Maheshwara) absorbs all these Deities (including the Universe in involution)
into Himself and disappears into Sadashiva (the Ultimate Category). Then (when it is time for a new
cycle of creation to begin) Adaashiva, on receiving the mandate from Thee by a movement of Thy
creeper-like brows, blesses (i.e. manifests and restores) them into activity (as before in the
previous cycle)."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on gold plate. Sit facing North-East. Chant this sloka 1008
(1000) times daily for 32 (30,20) days.
Archana:Chanting of Rudra Thrishathi offering washed rice grains mixed with sesame and
chanting of Durga Ashtotharam offering 'bilva' leaves.
Offerings:Cooked rice mixed with pepper powder and ghee, black gram cakes, powder of sesame
mixed with sugar and coconut scrapings.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Immunity from evil spirits, demons and curses of deceased ancestors and
incurable diseases.
Literal Results:Activation of aagnaa chakra. Prayer to Lord Shiva.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.25


"Thrayaanaam Devaanaam Thrigunajanithaanaam Thava Shive
Bhavethpoojaa Poojaa Thava Charanayoryaa Virachithaa!
Thatthahi Thvathpaadodvahanamanipeetasya Nikate
Stthitha Hyethe Shashvanmukulithakaroththamsamakutaa!"

Literal Meaning:"The worship done at Thy feet, O Consort of Shiva, is also the worship of all the
three Deities Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, who have their origin in Thy three gunas (rajasa, sattva,
thamasa). They require no special worship, because they are ever waiting with their joined palms
held above their crowned heads in salutation to Thee by the side of the diamond foot-stool that
bear Thy feet."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on gold or copper plate. Sit facing East. Chant this sloka
1008 (1000) times daily for 44 (45) days.
Archana: Chanting of Lalitha Thrishathi offering vermillion.
Offerings:Cooked rice, honey mixed with milk, sugar and fruits.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Increase in income, commanding power, honour and influence.
Literal Results: Commanding power, the practioner's word carried out as law, tremendous
influence in all fields.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.26


"Virnchih Panchathvam Vrajathi Hariraapnothi Virathim
Vinaasham Keenaasho Bhajathi Dhanado Yaathi Nidhanam!
Vithandree Maahendree Vithathirapi Sammeelithadrishaa
Mahaasamhaaresmin Viharathi Sathi Thvathpathirasau!"

Literal Meaning:"Virinchi (Brahma) is reduced into elements: Hari (Vishnu) retires into
passivity:Keenaasha (Yama, the God of death) Himself dies;Kubera, the god of wealth meets with
his end; and Indra with all His followers closes His eyes in destruction. When such is the state of all
beings at the time of the total dissolution (Mahasamhaara) of the Universe, O Sathi, chaste Consort
of Shiva, Thy husband Sadashiva is alone sporting."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on gold or lead sheet. Sit facing North. Chant this sloka 1000
times on 6 new-moon days, or on 6 days from new-moon day.
Archana:Chanting of Lalitha Thrishati offering vermillion.
Offerings:Cooked rice with green-gram pulse and jaggery, coconut and plantain fruits.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Destruction of enemies and all round success.
Literal Results:Practitioner will witness destruction of enemies as described in the sloka, all
trouble shooters will be silenced.He alone will taste success against fierce odds.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.27


"Japo Jalpaha Shilpam Sakalamapi Mudraavirachanaa
Gathih Praadakshinyakramanamashanaadyaahuthividhihi!
Saparyaaparyaayasthava Bhavathu Yanme Vilasitham!"

Literal Meaning:"May everything that I do with the sense of self-dedication be items in Thy
service- my prattle, the utterance of Thy mantra, the movements of my hand, the gestures and
poses of Thy worship; my walking, Thy circumambulation; my eating, fire-sacrifice to Thee;the
stretching of the body in sleep and rest, prostration to Thee, and all my enjoyments, offerings
made to Thee."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be on gold or copper plate. Sit facing North-East. Chant this sloka
1000 (1008) times daily, for 45 (44) days.
Archana:Chant Lalithathrishati offering champaka flowers or washed rice grains mixed with
Offerings:Sweet-gruel, cooked rice and milk.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Attainment of knowledge of self (aathmagnaana) and mastery over spells.
Literal Results:Beneficial for instrumentalists, dancers and yoga practitioners. Enhances mind
and body fitness.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.28


"Sudhaamapyaasvaadya Prathibhayajaraamruthyuharini
Vipadyanthe Vishve Vidhishathamakhaadyaa Divishadaha!
Karaalam Yathkshvelam Kabalithavathaha Kaalakalanaa
Na Shambhosthanmoolam Thava Janani Thaatankamahima!"

Literal Meaning:"Even after consuming nectar, which confers immunity from frightful grey hairs
(old age) and death, Deities like Brahma and Indra perish finally at the time of cosmic dissolution. If
the longevity of Thy Consort Shiva, despite His having swallowed the terrific poison, is not limited
by time, it is because of the greatness of Thy ear-ornaments."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on gold plate or plate made of alloy of five metals. Sit facing
South-East. Chant this sloka 1000 (1008) times daily for 44 (45) days.
Archana:Chant Durga Ashtotharam offering red flowers.
Offerings:Cooked food, sesame powder mixed with jaggery, black-gram cakes, milk-gruel, betels
and slices of areca nut.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Immunity from accidents, unnatural and untimely death and attainment of
all desires.
Literal Results:Youthful look,averts accidents and untimely death.
Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.29


"Kireetam Vairincham Parihara Puraha Kaitabhabhidaha
Kathorey Koteerey Skhalasi Jahi Jambhaarimakutam!
Pranamreshvetheshu Prasabhamupayaathasya Bhavanam
Bhavasyaabhyutthaaney Thava Parijanokthirvijayathe!"

Literal Meaning:"At the unannounced arrival of Shiva at Thy abode, Thou springest up in such
hurry to receive Him, that Thy attendants, in their concern for Thy safety, caution Thee, crying out,
'take care of the crown of Brahma, avoid tumbling over the heavy diadem of Vishnu, beware of the
crest of Indra!'"
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on gold or copper plate. Sit facing East. Chant this sloka
1001 (1000) times daily for 48(42) days.
Archana: Chant Durga Ashtotharam offering vermillion.
Offerings:Cooked rice mixed with curd and pieces of ginger;black gram cakes; rice cooked with
jaggery and ghee; honey and milk.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Taming of wild animals, bringing bad characters to righteous path, quick
and easy delivery in the case of pregnant women.
Literal Results: A surprise and unexpected visit from somebody close to the heart. Controlling
people who are wicked, quarrelsome and hostile.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.30


Nishevye Nithye Thvamahamithi Sadaa Bhaavayathi Yaha!
Kimaascharyam Thasya Thrinayanasammruddhim Thrunayathaha
Mahaasamvarthaagnirvirachayathi Neeraajanavidhim!"

Literal Meaning:"O Mother Eternal!By ever meditating with a feeling of identification with Thee,
who are surrounded by divine powers like 'animaa' which are only rays emanating from Thy feet, a
devotee attains glories far above even those of Shiva. No wonder that the flames of the Cosmic
Dissolution prove only to be the adoration by (the rite of) waving lights."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on gold plate. Sit facing East. Chant this sloka 1001
(2500,1000) times daily for 96 (45,88)days.
Archana:Chant Rudra Thrishati and Lalitha Thrishati offering white flowers or bilva leaves.
Offerings:Honey, scrapes of coconut kernel mixed with ghee and sugar; boiled milk; fruits and
cooked rice mixed with curd; soices and fruits.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Attainment of physical power, control of senses, power of tansmigration
into other bodies.(Yantra is to be borne on the head during the recital).
Literal Results:Bodily ailments getting cured.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.31


"Chathushshashtyaa Thanthraihi Sakalamathisandhaaya Bhuvanam
Sththithisthaththathsiddhiprasavaparathanthraihi Pashupathihi!
Swathanthram They Thanthram Kshithithalamavaatheetharadidam!"

Literal Meaning:"Shiva at first remained satisfied after giving to the world, the sixty-four tantras
which expound practices conferring only one or another of the various psychic powers and worldly
fulfillments. Afterwards, on Thy special insistence, He revealed this Thy own tantra to the world,
independent of all the others and capable of conferring all the four aspirations of men-dharma,
artha, kaama and moksha."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on gold plate or alloy of five metals. Sit facing East. Chant
this sloka 1008 (1000) times daily for 44 (45) days.
Archana:Chant Lalitha Saharanamam offering vermillion.
Offerings:Cooked rice, sweet milk-gruel, black gram cakes, coconuts, grapes and plantains.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Royal and governmental favours, winning popularity, fulfillment of desires.
(Yantra to be held on a piece of red silk spread on right palm).
Literal Results:Freedom and independence from usual surroundings and people, through new
approach towards life.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.32


"Shivashakthihi Kaamaha Kshithiraththa Ravishsheethakiranaha
Smaro Hamsasshakrasthadanu Cha Paraamaaraharayaha!
Amee Hrullekhaabhisthisrubhiravasaaneshu Ghatithaaha
Bhajanthe Varnaasthe Thava Janani Naamaavayavathaam!"

Literal Meaning:"Oh Mother! The parts that combine to form Thy name (mantra) are three groups
of syllables-first, the group Ka, e, i and la indicated by the words Shiva, Shakthi, Kaama, Kshithi,
second group ha, sa, ka and la denoted by Ravi, sheethakirana, smara, hamsa and shakra and
third, the group Sa, Ka and la denoted by paraa, maara and Hari, conjoined with the syllable Hrim
at the end of each of the three groups of syllables."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on gold or copper sheet. Sit facing North. Chant this sloka
1000 times daily for 45 days.
Archana: Chant Lalitha Thrishati offering vermillion.
Offerings:Cooked rice mixed with curd, black-gram cakes and fruits.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Powers of alchemy, power to attract and success in business.
Literal results:Magnetic personality, healthy balance of the yin and yang in mind and body.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.33


"Smaram Yonim Lakshmeem Thrithayamidamaadau Thava Manoho
Nidhaayaike Nithye Niravadhimahaabhogarasikaaha!
Bhajanthi Thvaam Chinthaamanigunanibaddhaakshavalayaaha
Shivaagnau Juhvanthaha Surabhighruthadhaaraahuthishathaihi!"
Literal Meaning:"Some connoisseurs of the highest enjoyment, adding before the beginning of
Thy mantra (verse) the Bija-syllables of Kaamaraaja (Klim), Bhuvaneswari (Hrim) andSri (Srim) and
adorned with a necklace of Chinthamani, worship Thee with oblations consisting of countless
streams of Kaamadhenu's ghee in the purified fire of Shiva (i.e. Shakthi established as the thrikona
in the anaahatha chakra.)
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on gold plate. Sit facing North. Chant this sloka 1000 times
for 45 days.
Archana:Chant Lakshmi Sahasranamam offering lotus petals.
Offerings:Cooked rice with green-gram pulse, jaggery mixed with ghee, coconuts, plantains,
betels and areca nuts slices.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Amassing of much wealth.
Literal results:Enjoying rich and luxurious life. Attaining a priceless jewel, unlimited supply of rich
and nutritious food.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.34


"Shareeram Thvam Shambhoho Shashimihiravakshoruhayugam
Thavaathmaanam Manye Bhagavathi Navaathmaanamanagham!
Stthithassambandho Vaam Samarasaparaanandaparayoha!"

Literal Meaning:-"Oh Bhagavathi! Thou art indeed the body of Shambhu with the sun and the
moon as the two breasts. I consider Thy pure frame to be Shambhu. Hence the relationship of the
principle and the accessory exists in common among you both who as transcendent bliss and
consciousness are on equal footing."
Mode of worship:"Yantra to be made on gold or copper plate. Sit facing East. Chant this sloka
1008 (1000) times daily for 44 (45) days.
Archana:Chant Lalitha Thrishati offering vermillion.
Offerings:Cooked rice mixed with powdered pepper and ghee; honey and coconuts.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Clearance of doubts; getting power of genius; cure of itches, diabetes,
pleurisy and rheumatism.
Literal Results:Bodily ailments getting cured. Gaining energy, perfect for hormonal imbalance,
attaining compatibility with spouse.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.35


"Manasthvam Vyoma Thvam Marudasi Maruthsaarathirasi
Thvamaapasthvam Bhoomisthvamayi Parinathaayaam Na Hi Param!
Thvameva Svaathmaanam Parinamayithum Vishvavapushaa
Chidaanandaakaaram Shivayuvathi Bhaavena Bibhrushe!"

Literal Meaning:"Oh Shiva's Consort! Thou art mind, Thou art Ether, Thou art Air, Thou art fire,
Water and Earth too. When Thou has transformed Thyself in this way into the Universe, there is
nothing beyond not included in Thee. It is to transform Thyself into the Universe that Thou
assumed this form of Consciousness and Bliss as Shiva's Consort."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on gold plate. Sit facing North-East. Chant this sloka 1000
times daily, for 45 days.
Archana:Chant Rudra Thrishati offering washed sesame on left of Yantra and Lalitha Thrishati
offering vermillion on right of Yantra.
Offerings:Cooked rice, sweet milk-gruel, gingely powder mixed with sugar and plantains.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Cure of asthma, tuberculosis and other lung troubles; vision of Shiva and
Devi in dreams.
Literal results:Single women finding mates, all elemental problems in the body getting cured.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.36


"Thavaagnaachakrastham Thapanashashikotidyuthidharam
Param Shambhum Vande Parimilithapaarshvam Parachithaa!
Yamaaraadhyan Bhakthyaa Ravishashishucheenaamavishaye
Niraalokeylokey Nivasathi Hi Bhaalokabhuvaney!"

Literal Meaning:"I salute the Supreme Shambhu residing in Thy aagnaa chakra, who is
resplendent as millions of suns and moons put together, and whose (left) side is integrated with the
Supreme Consciousness embodied as the Devi. He who adores Him with devotion lives in the
Saghasrara, the effulgent world which needs no light and is beyond the grasp of all."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on gold plate or saffron mixed water kept in silver plate. Sit
facing East. Chant this sloka 1000 times daily, for 45 days.
Archana:Chant Lalitha Sahasranamam offering vermillion.
Offerings:Cooked rice mixed with pepper powder and ghee; black-gram cakes; milk, honey and
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Cure of chronic diseases, restoration of lost eyesight. (Water in which
Yantra maybe inscribed to be consumed by devotee).
Literal results:Activation of agna chakram. Strengthens aura and enhances radiance.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.37


"Vishuddhau They Shuddhasphatikavishadam Vyomajanakam
Shivam Sevey Deveemapi Shivasamaanavyavasitham!
Yayoho Kaanthyaa Yaanthyaasshashikiranasaarupyasaranim
Vidhoothaanthardhvaanthaa Vilasathi Chakoreeva Jagathee!"

Literal Meaning:"In Thy vishuddhi chakra I meditate on Shiva,the creator of Ether, shining like
pure crystal, along with the Devi who is equal to Shiva in all respects. By the radiance resembling
moonlight emanating from them, the whole world enveloped in the darkness of ignorance rejoices,
like the chakori bird bathing in the rays of the moon."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on Water in silver or copper cup (to be removed daily). Sit
facing South-East. Chant this verse 1000 (5000) times daily for 45 (5) days. With any liquid, Yantra
can be made by squeezing the same from a cloth soaked with that liquid.
Archana:Chant Durga Sahasranamam offering vermillion.
Offerings:Cooked rice mixed with curd, black-gram cakes, boiled milk, jaggery-gruel, coconuts,
betels and areca nut slices.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Immunity from devils and spirits, cure of diseases caused by heat.
Literal Results:Activation of vishuddhi chakram, ideally suited for vocal enhancement and vocal
practitioners. Voice culture and creativity enhanced. Crystal-clear clarity in verbal expression,
effectiveness of vocal appeal.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.38


SLOKA NO. 38:-

Bhajey Hamsadvandvam Kimapi Mahathaam Maanasacharam!
Yadaadaththey Doshaagunamakhilamadbhayaha Paya Iva!"

Literal Meaning:"Oh Mother! I adore the pair of Swans (Shiva-Shakthi) who take delight in
imbibing the honey of the full-blown lotus of knowledge of the anaahatha-chakra, and who swim in
the minds of the great. Their mutual conversation is what have become the eighteen arts, and they
separate good from evil, the way the swans separate the milk from the water."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made with water in a silver dish (renew everyday). Chant this sloka
5000 (4000,1000) times daily for 44 (4, 45) days. Sit facing East. (Lamp lit with gingely oil to be
placed in the front).With any liquid, Yantra can be made by squeezing the same from a cloth
soaked with that liquid.
Archana:Chant Lalitha Thrishati offering red flowers and chant Durga Ashtotharam offering
Offerings:Cooked rice, black-gram cakes, coconuts and fruits.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Cures infant polio. Protects children from danger, disease and disaster.
Literal Results:Power of discrimination, equipoise of mind, ability to grasp art forms.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.39


"Thava Swadhishtaaney Huthavahamadhishtaaya Niratham
Thameedey Samvartham Janani Mahathee Thaam Cha Samayaam!
Yadaalokey Lokaan Dahathi Mahathi Krodhakalithey
Dayaardraa Yaa Drushtihi Shishiramupachaaram Rachayathi!"
Literal Meaning:"Oh Mother! Invoking Samvartha, the Lord of the fire of Dissolution in the Fire
Element of Thy Swadhistana Chakram, I adore Him along with Thee, Samaya, the great Potency of
Rudra. When the angry looks fo Rudra burn up the Universe, it is Thy glance drenched with pity
that renders a cooling treatment."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on gold or copper plate on holy ashes on a silver plate. Sit
facing East. Chant this sloka 108 times daily for 12 days.
Archana:Chant Lalitha Sahasranama offering vermillion at centre of the Yantra.
Offerings:Rice cooked with green-gram pulse and pepper; milk-gruel and fruits.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Frees person from bad and fearful dreams. Relief from doubts and
suspecting nature.
Literal Results:Activates Swadhishtana chakram. Enhances creativity/ sexual urge and cures acid

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.40


"Thatiththvantham Shakthyaa Thimiraparipantthisphuranayaa
Thavaha Shyaamam Megham Kamapi Manipooraikasharanam
Nisheyvey Varshantham Haramihirathaptham Thribhuvanam!"

Literal Meaning:" I worship that unique dark-blue rain cloud which abides ever in the manipura
with lightning in the form of Shakthi, dispelling darkness, with the rainbow formed by the dazzling
variegated gem-decked ornaments (of Devi), sending showers on the Universe that has been burnt
by the sun of Rudra."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on gold sheet or on powdered salt levelled on a silver plate.
Sit facing North-East. Chant this sloka 4000 times daily for 45 days.
Archana:Chant Lalitha Sahasranama offering vermillion.
Offerings:Cooked rice mixed with curd, milk-gruel, fruits, betels and areca nut slices.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Fore-sight into future events and freedom from ignorance.
Literal Results:Accumulation of gems and jewellery, activation of manipura chakram, cooling of
body and mind.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.41



"Thavaadhaarey Mooley Saha samyayaa Laasya Parayaa
Navaathmaanam Manye Navarasamahaathaandavanatam!
Ubhaabhyaamethaabhyaamudayavidhimuddishya Dayayaa
Sanaathaabhyaam Jangney Janakajananeemajjagadidam!"

Literal Meaning:" In Thy muladhara-chakra, I meditae on the navaathmaanam, who expressing

nine sentiments, is engaged in the mahaathaandavanatam dance in the company of samayaa who
is dancing the lassya type of dance. The Universe has come to have a father and a mother in ye
both, who have come together graciously for its regeneration."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on gold sheet or on powdered salt levelled on a silver plate.
Sit facing East. Chant this sloka 4000 times daily for 30 days.
Archana:Chant Shiva Ashtotharam offering bilva leaves and chant Lalitha Thrishati offering
Offerings:Rice cooked with green-gram pulse, pepper and ghee; honey and plantains.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Cures ulcers and intestinal disorders.
Literal Results:Activation of muladhara chakra, rejuvenation of entire system, inducing high
spirits and great optimism.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.42


"Gathairmaanikyathvam Gaganamanibhih Saandraghatitham
Kireetam They Haimam Himagirisuthey Keerthayathi Yaha!
Sa Needeyachchaayaachchuranashabalam Chandrashakalam
Dhanuhu Shaunaasheeram Kimithi Na Nabadhnaathi Dhishanaam!"

Literal Meaning:"Oh Daughter of the snow-clad mountain! The golden crown on Thy head is
bedecked densely with precious gems constituted of the twelve suns. Hence a poet who describes
it, is likely to have the impression that the crescent moon on Thy head is a rainbow because of the
multi-colour sheen of the inlaid gems."
Mode of worship": Yantra to be made on gold plate or on rice flour mixed with sesame powder (to
be removed daily). Sit facing North. Chant this sloka 1000 times daily for 44 (45) days.
Archana: Chant Lalitha Sahasranamam offering red flowers.
Offerings:Cooked rice, milk, fruits and raw sugar.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Cures oedema, urinal diseases, gives power to attract others. (Rice flour
used for drawing the yantra may be taken as medicine).
Literal Results: Remedy for sun and moon related problems in the natal chart. Attaining high
position and accumulation of gems.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.43


"Dhunothu Dwaantham Nasthulithadalithendeeravanam
Ghanasnigdhasslakshnam Chikuranikurumbam Thava Shivey!
Yadeeyam Saurabhyam Sahajamupalabdhum Sumanamo
Vasanthasminmanye Valamathanavaateevitapinaam!"

Literal Meaning: "Oh Consort of Shiva!May Thy dense, soft and oily braid of locks resembling a
forest of full-blown blue lotus flowers, remove the darkness of ignorance in our hearts. I presume
that the heavenly flowers of Indra's garden have taken a place in Thy locks (and not to add
fragrance to the locks like flowers ordinarily worn by women)."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on a gold sheet.Sit facing East. Chant this sloka 1001 (1000,
3000) times daily for 48 (45,40) days.
Archana:Chant Lalitha Thrishathi offering red lotus petals.
Offerings:Cooked rice, boiled dhal, milk-gruel and honey.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Cure of ordinary diseases, success in all endeavours.
Literal Results:Enhances hair growth. Gains influence in society.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.44


"Thanothu Kshemam Nasthava Vadanasoundaryalaharee
Pareevaaahasrothahsaraniriva Seemanthasaranihi! Vahanthee Sindooram
Dvishaam Brindairbandeekruthamiva Naveenaarkakiranam!"

Literal Meaning:"May we be blessed by the parting middle line of Thy hair, which appears to be a
canal for carrying the overflowing flood of beauty of Thy face. The streak of vermillion adorning
that line looks like the rays of the rising sun, imprisoned as it were, by the darkness of the thick
locks of hair."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on finely ground turmeric powder or powder of saffron,
placed in a silver plate. Sit facing South-East. Chant this sloka 1008 (1000) times daily for 12 days.
Archana:Chant Lalitha Sahasranama offering red flowers or vermillion.
Offerings:Milk boiled with a little saffron, honey, coconut and fruits.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Cures hysteria as well as other diseases and sufferings, enables person to
gain mastery over others.
Literal Results:Prosperity (sowbhagyam) for women. New oppurtunities and a sense of well-being
even during crisis. Magnetic looks.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.45


"Araalaihi Svaabhaavyaadalikalabhasashreebhiralakaihi
Pareetham They Vakthram Parihasathi Pankeyruharuchim!
Darasmerey Yasmin Dashanaruchikinjalkaruchirey
Sugandhau Maadyanthi Smaradahanachakshurmadhulihaha!"

Literal Meaning:"Thy face surrounded by curly forelocks beautiful like a swarm of honeybees
scoffs at the beauty of lotus flowers. Thy smiling and fragrant face, rendered charming by the
brilliance of filmament-like rows of teeth, gives great enjoyment to the honey-beetles that are the
eyes of Shiva, the destroyer of Kama-Deva, the God of love."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on gold plate. Sit facing East.Chant this sloka 1000 times
daily for 45 days.
Archana:Chant Lalitha Thrishathi offering vermillion.
Offerings:Cooked rice, scrapings of coconut kernel mixed with ghee and raw sugar; sugarcane,
honey and fruits.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Eloquence, foretelling the future, blessings of the eight Goddesses of
Literal Results: Enjoyment of perfumes and good food.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.46


"Lalaatam Laavanyadyuthivimalamaabhaathi Thava Yath
Dvitheeyam Thanmanye Makutaghatitham Chandrashakalam!
Viparyaasanyaasaadubhayamapi Sambhooya Cha Mithaha
Sudhaalepasyoothihi Parinamathi Raakaahimakaraha!"

Literal Meaning:"Thy forehead, shining with the pure brilliance of its divine beauty, is another
crescent moon inverted ( in addition to the crescent moon already there on Thy crown). These two,
if inverted and joined together would form the autumnal full moon with nectar dripping from it."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on gold plate or levelled paddy grains.Sit facing East. Chant
this sloka 1000 (621) times daily for 45 (44) days.
Archana:Chant Lalitha Sahasranama offering vermillion.
Offerings:Cooked rice, sweet milk-gruel and honey.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Begetting of male progeny, return of husband or wife after long absence,
attaining desired objectives.
Literal Results:Detachment (vairaagyam), activation of agna chakram and upwards.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.47



"Bhruvau Bhugney Kinchid Bhuvanabhayabhangavyasanini

Thvadeeye Nethraabhyaam Madhukararuchibhyaam Dhruthagunam!

Dhanurmanye Savyetharakaragruheetham Rathipathehe

Prakoshtey Mushtau Cha Sthagayathi Nigootaantharamumey!"

Literal Meaning:"O Uma! You are bent on dispelling the fears of the world! I take Thy two slightly
bent eye-brows to be the bow of the Kama-Deva provided with Thy beetle-like pair of eyes as the
bow-string while its middle portion is hidden by the nasal ridge, as if it were, the clenched fist and
forearm of Kama-Deva holding it."

Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on gold plate or holy ashes.Sit facing East. Chant this sloka
1000 times daily for 25 days.

Archana:Chant Lalitha Thrishathi offering red flowers.

Offerings:Cooked rice, coconut, honey and fruits.

BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Obtaining grace of God and all round success.

Literal Results:Deep insight, intellect and control over situations and people.

SoundaryaLahari Slokas/Yantras No.48


"Ahaha Soothe Savyam Thava Nayanamarkaathmakathayaa
Thriyaamaam Vaamam They Srujathi Rajaneenaayakathayaa!
Thrutheeyaa They Drushtirdaradalithahemaambujaruchihi
Samaadhatthey Sandhyaam Divasanishayorantharachareem!"

Literal Meaning:"Thy right eye being of the nature of the Sun gives birth to the day; Thy left of
the Moon causes night, and Thy third eye, resembling a golden lotus slightly in bloom, causes the
twilight in between day and night."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on gold or copper plate. Sit facing East. Chant this sloka
1000 (1008) times daily for 45 days. In this yantra the nine small squares with the respective
letters represent the nine planets.
Archana:Chant the respective ashtotharam of the planets offering respective flowers. After that
chant Lalitha Ashtotharam offering vermillion on the left of the yantra.
Offerings:Cooked rice, sweet-gruel, coconuts, plantains and betels with slices of areca nuts.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Averting evil effects of planets, success in efforts, attaining all desires.
Literal Results:Unexpected joy and turn of events for the better in life.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.49


"Vishaalaa Kalyaanee Sphutaruchirayodhyaa Kuvalayaihi
Kripaadhaaraadhaaraa Kimapi Madhurabhogavathikaa!
Avanthee Drushtisthey Bahunagaravisthaaravijayaa
Dhruvam Thaththannaamavyavaharanayogyaa Vijayathe!"

Literal Meaning:-"All glories to Thy eyes which are wide (vishaalaa); auspicious (kalyaani)
because of being brilliantly clear; undefeated (ayodhyaa) even by blue lillies; shedding a
continuous flow of grace (kripaadhaaraa-dhaaraa); subtly sweet (madhura); long (abhogavathi);
and offering protection to the world (avanthee). Surpassing all these great cities in their
uniqueness, Thy glance is fit to be reffered to by the respective appellations."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on nice turmeric powder (or charred turmeric). Sit facing
North. Chant this sloka 1000 times daily for 10 days.
Archana:Chant Lalitha Ashtotharam offering vermillion at centre of Yantra and Lakshmi
Ashtotharam with petals of red lotus at top triangle.
Offerings:Cooked rice,cooked rice mixed with milk, honey, beetles and slices of areca nuts.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Discovery of hidden treasures, gaining of lost property, cure of eye
diseases.(Some texts prescribe using the turmeric in which the yantra was drawn after charring it
as a collyrium and mixing it with gingelly oil, after recital everyday.)
Literal Results:Visiting number of big towns and metropolitan cities, extensive travel and heights
of luxury. Ability to clear misunderstanding of situations and people.Great wisdom.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.50


"Kaveenaam Sandarbhasthabakamakarandaikarasikam
Kataakshavyaakshepabhramarakalabhau Karnayugalam!
Amunchyanthau Drushtvaa Thava Navarasaasvaadatharalau
Asooyaasamsargaadalikanayanam Kinchidarunam!'

Literal Meaning:"The two honey-bees of Thy long eyes are constantly hovering about Thy ear, to
imbibe the honey dripping from the flower bunch of the nine poetic sentiments poured into them
by poet-devotees (singing hymns on Thee). Seeing this good fortune of the two eyes, the third eye
in the forehead looks slightly red out of jealousy."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on gold plate or water or butter (renewed daily). Sit facing
East. Chant this sloka 1000 times daily for 7 (4,5) days. With any liquid, Yantra can be made by
squeezing the same from a cloth soaked with that liquid.
Archana:Chant Lalitha Thrishathi offering red rose or any other flowers.
Offerings:Sweet milk-gruel or sugarcane bits, raw sugar, coconut and fruits.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Prevetion and quick cure of small pox and dissentry (consuming of water or
butter, on which yantra is drawn is prescribed).
Literal Results:Poetic instincts enhanced. Creative skills.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.51


"Shivey Shrungaaraardhraa Thaditharajaney Kuthsanaparaa
Saroshaa Gangaayaam Girishacharithey Vismayavathi!
Haraahibhyo Bheethaa Sarasiruhasowbhaagyajananee
Sakheeshusmeraa They Mayi Jananee Drushtihi Sakarunaa!"

Literal Meaning:"O Mother!The expression of Thy look at Shiva is characterised by the sentiment
of love; at others with that of dislike, at the co-wife Ganga with that of anger; at the hearing of
heroic exploits of Shiva, with that of wonder; at the great serpents forming the ornament of Shiva,
with that of dread; at the sight of Thy comrades, with that of light-hearted sympathy characterised
by a patronising smile; and at me, a devotee, with that of a compassionate expression. And,
besides Thy look that has the red-tinged loveliness of a lotus flower, indicating heroism."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on thick sandal paste kept in silver plate or on gold sheet. Sit
facing East. Chant this sloka 1008 (1000) times daily for 32 (45) days.
Archana:Chant Lalitha Thrishathi offering vermillion.
Offerings:Cooked rice, black-gram cakes, boiled milk and honey.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Enticing people, obtaining Devi's grace and achieving high influence.
Literal Results:The rasas involved in this sloka (fear, disgust, dislike, anger, love, heroism,
compassion and wonder) are one less than the navarasas; full of potency to rejuvenate the life of
the devotee. A dull, listless life is changed by remarkably eventful life style and high energy levels.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.52


"Gathey Karnaabhyarnam Garutha Iva Pakshmaani Dadhathi
Puraam Bhethushchitthaprashamarasavidraavanaphaley!
Imey Nethrey Gothraadharapathikulotthamsakalikey
Thavaakarnaakrushtasmarasharavilaasam Kalayathaha!'

Literal Meaning:"O Mother! Thou art the bud placed on the Mountain King's dynasty!These long
eyes of Thine, which extend upto the ears, with eye lashes resembling the feathery wings attached
to the arrows and which are engaged in disturbing the tranquility of the mind of Shiva, looks like
the arrows of Kama-Deva aimed and drawn upto the ear."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on gold plate or holy ashes. Sit facing North-East. Chant this
sloka 1001 (1000) times daily for 45 days.
Archana:Chant Rudra Thrishathi offering bilva leaves on right side of Yantra and Lalitha thrishathi
offering red flower on left side.
Offerings:Cooked rice mixed with sesame powder, milk-gruel, coconut and plantains.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:All eye and ear diseases are cured.
Literal Results:Strengthens eye-sight and hearing.
Posted by E.Gayathri at 5:57 AM

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.53


SLOKA NO. 53:-

"Vibhakthathraivarnyam Vyathikarithaleelaanjanathayaa
Bibhaathi Thvannethrathrithayamidameeshaanadayithey!
Punaha Srashtum Devaan Druhinaharirudraanuparathaan
Rajaha Sathvam Vibhratthama Ithi Gunaan Thrayamiva!"

Literal Meaning:"O Consort of Ishvaraa! Thy three eyes look tri-coloured when the black of the
beauty-collyrium shines by the side of their natural white and reddish tinges, each keeping its
distinctiveness. It looks as if these three colours represent the three gunaas of Rajasa, Sattva and
Thamasa, which Thy assumest with a view to revive Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra after their
dissolution in the pralayaa and start them once again on the creative activity."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on gold plate or rice flour spread on a plantain leaf. Chant
this sloka 1000 times daily for 45 days.Sit facing East, seated near a ghee-lit lamp, placed to right
of Yantra.
Archana:Chant Lalitha Sahasranamam offering vermillion.
Offerings:Cooked rice, sweet-cakes, milk-gruel.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Vision of Devi and power to foresee future (lamp burning bright is
considered as good omen).
Literal Results:Very good for renewing or restarting career ventures/personal relationships.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.54


"Pavithreekarthum Naha Pashupathiparaadheenahrudaye
Nadaha Shono Gangaa Thapanathanayethi Dhruvamamum
Thrayaanaaam Theerthaanaamupanayasi Sambhedamanagham!"

Literal Meaning:"O Goddess who has surrendered Her heart to the Lord of creatures (Shiva)! It
seems certain that with Thy compassionate eyes having the three colours of red, white and black.
Thou presentest to us the confluence of the holy rivers of Sona, Ganga and Yamuna to sanctify
ourselves by getting immersed in them."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on gold plate or pure water mixed with musk, and saffron,
placed in a silver dish. Sit facing North. Chant this sloka 1000 times daily for 45 days. With any
liquid, Yantra can be made by squeezing the same from a cloth soaked with that liquid.
Archana:Chant Durga Ashtotharam offering red flowers at the opening of the outer ring of the
Yantra, and Lalitha Ashtotharam offering vermillion at the centre of the Yantra.
Offerings:Cooked rice mixed with curd, jaggery gruel.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Cures venereal and kidney diseases, gives scientific knowledge.
Literal results:Relieves people of guilt, cleanses and rids of worst sins, elevation and purification.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.55


"Nimeshonmeshaabhyaam PralayamudayamYaathiJagathee
Thavethyaahuhu Santho Dharanidhararaajanyathanaye!
Thvadunmeshaajjaatham Jagadidamasesham Pralayathaha
Parithraathum Shankhey Parihruthanimeshaasthava Drushaha!"
Literal Meaning:"O daughter of the king of mountains! The sages have said that the world gets
dissolved and created with the closing and opening of Thy eyes. Therefore it must be to prevent
this Universe that has sprung at the opening of Thy eyes, from going into dissolution that Thou
dost not wink but keepest Thy eyes always open."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on gold plate. Sit facing South-East. Chant this sloka 2500
(1000) times daily for 45 days.
Archana:Chant Lalitha Sahasranamam offering sesame and rice grains mixed with vermillion.
Offerings:Cooked rice mixed with boiled milk, milk-gruel, raw sugar, coconuts and betels with
areca nut slices.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Cures hydrocele and elephantiasis; causes subduing or death of enemies.
Literal Results:Clear vision, unravelling secrets and discovering hidden treasures and secrets.

Saturday 5 September 2009

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.56



"Thavaaparney Karneyjapanayanapaishunyachakithaa

Nileeyanthey Thoye Niyathamanimeshaaha Shapharikaaha!

Iyam Cha Shreerbaddhachchadaputakavaatam Kuvalayam

Jahathi Prathyooshey Nishi Cha Vighatayya Pravishathi!"

Literal Meaning:"O Eternal One!The female fish without a blink, hide themselves in water, being
afraid of the tell-tale activities of Thy eyes against them-their rivals; and Sri, the Goddess of beauty
abandons the closed petals of blue lily during the day (in order to reside in Thy lotus-like eyes) and
returns again at night to the blooming blue lily."

Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on gold plate or ivory piece (bone of big fish). Sit facing
North-East. Chant this sloka 2000 times daily for 48 (45) days.

Archana:Chant Lalitha Thrishathi offering red flowers.

Offerings:Cooked rice, honey and fruits.

BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Freedom from imprisonment; cures physical or mental problems and

provides relief from effects of evil eyes. Causes rain.

Literal results:Victory over inimical people, controlling secret activities.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.57


"Drishaa Dhraagheeyasyaa Daradalithaneelothpalaruchaa
Daveeyaamsam Deenam Snapaya Krupayaa Maamapi Shivey!
Aneynaayam Dhanyo Bhavathi Na Cha They Haaniriyathaa
Vaney Vaa Harmye Vaa Samakaranipaatho Himakaraha!"

Literal Meaning:"O Auspicious One! Grace my miserable self too, inspite of my being far removed
from Thee, with the far reaching and compassionate look of Thy eyes, beautiful like the slightly
blooming blue water-lily. By this, my humble self shall feel blessed, while to Thee it involves no
loss. The rays of the moon do fall alike on a palace and on the wilderness."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on gold plate. Sit facing East. Chant this verse 1000 times
daily for 45 days.
Archana:Chant Lalitha Thrishathi offering red flowers at upper centre of Yantra and Lakshmi
Ashtotharam offering red lotus petals at bottom centre of Yantra.
Offerings:Milk-gruel, honey, cooked rice mixed with curd and betel with areca nut slices.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Wealth, fame, progeny and prosperity.
Literal Results:All round success and general prosperity and well-being.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.58


"Araalam They Paaleeyugalamagaraajanyathanaye
Na Keshaamaadhatthey Kusumasharakodhandakuthukam!
Thiraascheeno Yathra Shravanapathamullanghya Vilasan
Apaangavyaasango Dishathi Sharasandhaanadhishanam!"

Literal Meaning:"O Daughter of the Mountain King!To whom will not Thy 'Paalis'(curved into
space between the eyes and the ears) create the curiosity of (whether it is not) the bow of Kaamaa,
the flower-arrowed God of love? For the long side-glances cast across through them, reaching and
shining in the region of the ears, create the impression of an arrow mounted on a bow-string."
Mode of Worship:Yantra to be made on gold plate or vermillion. Chant this sloka 1000 times daily
for 45 days.
Archana:Chant Lalitha Sahasranamam offering vermillion.
Offerings:Cooked rice mixed with lemon juice, honey placed in gold or silver vessel and fruits.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Command over others, cure of diseases.
Literal results:Dominance and vast influence in society.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.59


"Sphurathgandaabhoga Prathiphalithathaatankayugalam
Chathushchakram Manye Thava Mukhamidam Manmatharatham!
Yamaaruhya Druhyathyavanirathamarkenducharanam
Mahaaveero Maaraha Pramathapathaye Sajjithavathey!"
Literal Meaning:"I fancy that Thy face, having two ear-ornaments and their reflection in Thy
glistening cheeks, is verily the four-wheeled chariot of manmathaa, the God of love who can stir
the mind of people to its depth. It is seated in this chariot of Thy face that he became valorous
enough to inflict pangs on the Lord of Pramathaa's(Shiva's) poised for fight against the Thripuraas
mounting the earth-chariot having the sun and the moon for its two wheels."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on gold plate or fine turmeric powder. Sit facing East. Chant
this sloka 1000 times for 45 days.
Archana:Chant Lalitha Thrishathi offering red flowers where the letter 'aim' is written and Durga
Ashtotharam offering white flowers where the letter 'sau' is written on the Yantra.
Offerings:Rice cooked with green-gram pulse and jaggery; honey and milk.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Gaining mastery over all and fascination of women.
Literal results:Extremely magnetic to the opposite sex.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.60


"Saraswathyaaha Sooktheermruthalaharee Kaushalahareehi
Pibanthyaaha Sharvaani Shravanachulukaabhyaamaviralam!
Chamathkaarashlaaghaachalithasirasaha Kundalagano
Jhanathkaaraisthaaraihi Prathivachanamaachashta Iva They!"

Literal Meaning:"O Consort of Shiva! Saraswathi, the Goddess of Learning, imbibing continuously
through the cup of Her ears Thy sweet speech that humbles the sweetness of the nectar (the
immortal drink) replies congratulating Thee, as it were, by the loud clang of Her ear-ornaments, as
She shakes Her head in appreciation of Thy delightful speech."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on gold plate. Chant this sloka 1008 (1000) times daily for 48
(45) days.
Archana:Chant Lalitha Sahasranamam offering white flowers.
Offerings:Cooked rice mixed with milk, sweet-gruel, coconuts and honey.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Great knowledge, skill in fine arts, eloquence, removes dumbness, provides
power of foretelling future events.
Literal Results:Magnetic speech.Great intellect, useful for debates, lawyers, politicians and

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.61


"Asau Naasaavamshasthuhinagiravamshadhwajapati
Thvadeeyo Nedeeyaha Phalathu Phalamasmaakamuchitham!
Samruddhyaa Yatthaasaam Bahirapi Cha Mukthaamanidharaha!"

Literal Meaning:"O flag of the race of the Snowy Mountain! May Thy bamboo-like nose ridge
bestow on us the desired fruit. The hollow of that staff-like nose is full of pearls, for it is out of their
abundance that one pearl pushed out by the moon-cooled breath of the left nostril, has come to be
Thy nasal pendant."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on a gold plate. Sit facing East. Chant this verse 12000 times
in eight days.
Archana:Chant Lalitha Sahasranamam offering vermillion.
Offerings:Cooked rice with green-gram pulse; pepper and ghee; coconuts; fruits; honey and milk.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Success in all endeavours of trade, speculation etc., power to fascinate
man and conquer the mind.
Literal Results:Eradicates the tendencies of previous births and activates kundalini.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.62


"Prakruthyaa Rakthaayaasthava Sudathi Danthachchadaruchey
Pravakshye Saadrushyam Janayathu Phalam Vidrumalathaa!
Na Bimbam Thathbimbaprathiphalanaraagaadarunitham
Thulaamadhyaarodhum Kathamiva Vilajjetha Kalayaa!"
Literal Meaning:"O, Goddess with beautiful teeth! I shall mention a likeness to the splendour of
Thy naturally red lips. But I am afraid I shall have to wait for this until the coral creeper (red all
over) produces a fruit (which is certain to be redder than the creeper itself). But is there not the
'bimba' fruit as a fitting object for comparison? No, because how will bimba fruit not feel ashamed
to stand before those lips, a mere reflection of which has made that fruit so red!"
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on a gold plate. Sit facing North-East. Chant this sloka 1000
times daily for 8 days.
Archana:Chant Lalitha Thrishathi offering jasmine flowers.
Offerings:Cooked rice mixed with black-gram powder, honey and pure water.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Sound sleep for the sleepless, robust constitution and power of enticing
Literal Results:Healthy constitution, contentment and tranquility.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.63



"Smithajyothsnaajaalam Thava Vadanchandrasya Pibathaam

Chakoraanaamaaseedathirasathaya Chanchujadhimaa!

Athasthey Sheethaamshoramruthalahareemaamlatharuchayaha

Pibanthi Svachchandam Nishinishi Bhrusham Kaanjhikadiyaa!"

Literal Meaning:"The Chakora bird has got its tongue insensitised because of the extreme satiety
generated by drinking the luminous light of Thy smiling face.It is for this reason that every night it
drinks the waves of nectar from the Moon under the impression that it is some sour gruel that will
relieve the insensitivity of its tongue."

Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on gold plate, the entire sloka to be inscribed in 4 lines inside
Yantra. Sit facing East. Chant this sloka 3000 times daily for 32 (30) days.

Archana:Chant Lalitha Ashtotharam offering durva grass.

Offerings:Cooked rice mixed with curd; coconut;fruits; honey and milk.

BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Commanding power, gives moksha.

Literal Results:Bestows magnetic and attractive face and personality.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.64


"Avishraantham Pathyurgunaganakadhaamredanajapaa
Japaapushpachchaayaa Thava Janani Jihvaa Jayathi Saa!
Yadagraaseenaayaaha Sphatikadrushadachchachchavimayee
Saraswathyaa Moorthihi Parinamathi Maanikyavapushaa!"

Literal Meaning:"O Mother!Glory to Thy tongue that defies the lustrous redness of the hibiscus
flower. It is constantly engaged in mutterings that give expression to the glories of Thy consort. The
redness of that tongue is so intense that Saraswathi, the Goddess of speech who dwells on the tip
of that tongue, gets Her crystal like white complexion changed into the colour of a ruby (noted for
its reddish tinge)."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on gold plate set with rubies at four corners on vermillion. Sit
facing North -East. Chant this sloka 1000 times daily for 18 days.
Archana:Chant Lalitha Sahasranamam offering vermillion.
Offerings:Cooked rice, jaggery gruel, fruit and betels with nuts and spices.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:In case of women, following are the beneficial results: diseases are cured,
attainment of power to entice men, ability to pacify angry husband.
Literal Results:Irresisitible speech for women folk, capacity to attract men.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.65


"Raney Jithvaa Daithyaanapahruthashirasthraihi Kavachibhihi
Vishaakhendropendraihi Shashivishadakapoorashakalaaha
Vileeyanthey Maathasthava Vadanathaamboolakabalaaha!"
Literal Meaning:"Rejecting the remains of the offerings made to Shiva, as they are the share of
the devotee Chanda, celestials like Kumaara, Indraa and Vishnu after their victory over the
demons, come to and Thee, with their head dress removed and clad in armour, to receive as Thy
gracious gift, the betel rolls used by Thee, and chew them until the betel leaves and the white
pieces of refined camphor contained in them dissolve."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on gold plate. Sit facing East. Chant this sloka 1000 times for
45 days.
Archana:Sri Chakra to be worshipped with chanting of Lalitha Sahasranamam offering vermillion.
Offerings:Cooked rice mixed with turmeric powder and ghee, fruits, honey and boiled milk.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Success in life, promotes intelligence.
Literal Results:Influence in high circles and among prominent people.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.66


SLOKA N.66:-
"Vipanchyaa Gaayanthee Vividhamapadaanam Pashupatheyhe
Thvayaarabdhey Vakthum Chalithashirasaa Saadhuvachaney!
Nijaam Veenaam Vaanee Nichulayathi Choleyna Nibhrutham!"

Literal Meaning:"While Saraswathi, the Goddess of learning and fine arts, is singing with the
veena about the various glorious deeds of Shiva, Thou beginneth to express words of appreciation,
nodding Thy head. The sweetness of Thy voice seems to cast ridicule on the soft melody of that
musical instrument, and hence Saraswathi secretly puts the veena in its case."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on gold plate or holy ashes. Sit facing East. Chant this sloka
1000 times daily for 45 days.
Archana:Chant Lalitha Thrishathi offering bilva leaves.
Offerings:Rice cooked with jaggery and ghee, milk and honey.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Cure of minor ailments, gets skill in vocal and instrumental music.
Literal Results:The last two verses "Thadeeyairmaadhuryai................Nibhrutham" are not
suitable for veena aspirants.Excellent sloka for vocalists.Also induces sweet speech.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.67


"Karaagrena Sprushtam Thuhinagirinaa Vathsalathayaa
Gireeshonodastham Muhuradharapaanaakulathyaa!
Karagraahyam Shambhormukhakuravruntham Girisuthey
Kathamkaaram Broomasthava Chubukamaupamyarahitham!"

Literal Meaning:"O Daughter of the Mountain! How can we poets describe the unmatched beauty
of Thy chin, which is touched with all affection by Thy father the Mounatain King, and which is
again and again lifted up by Thy Consort Shambhu in the intensity of His desire to kiss Thee
repeatedly, and which forms the handle, as it were, of the mirror of Thy face, for Shambhu to hold
and view."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on gold plate. Sit facing East (with spouse as per some
texts).Chant this sloka 1000 times daily for 45 days.
Archana:Chant Lalitha Sahasranamam offering red flowers.
Offerings:Sweet rice gruel with milk, honey and betel leaves with areca nut slices.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Royal and governmental favours, power to visualise Devi, suuccess of

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.68


"Bhujaasleshaannithyam Puradamayithuhu Kantakavathi
Thava Greevaa Datthey Mukhakamalanaalashriyamiyam!
Svathaha Shwethaa Kaalaagarubahulajambaalamalinaa
Mrunaaleelaalithyam Vahathi Yadadho Haaralathikaa!"

Literal Meaning:"Thy neck always thrilled by the embrace of the destroyer of cities
(Shiva)displays the gracefulness of the stalk of the lotus. Thy face, with the naturally white garland
of pearls below, darkened by the application of black, and muddy 'agaru' paste (applied to the
neck) presents the charm of the fibrous root of the lotus-stalk."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on vermillion levelled in silver plate. Sit facing East. Chant
this sloka 1000 times daily for 45 days.
Archana:Chant Lalitha Sahasranamam offering scent giving flowers.
Offerings:Cooked rice, honey and betel leaves with nut slices.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Favours of kings and government, influence on others.
Literal Results:Charm and magnetic attraction, followed by masses.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.69


"Galey Rekhaasthisro Gathigamakageethaikanipuney
Viraajanthey Naanaavidhamadhuraraagaakarabhuvaam
Thrayaanaam Graamaanaam Sthithiniyamaseemaana Iva They!"

Literal Meaning:"O Mistress of the musical modes, modulations and songs! The three lines on
Thy neck indicating the number of strings in the auspicious cord fastened at the time of Thy
wedding, shine like boundaries demarcating the three musical scales (or gramas consisting of
Shadjaa, Madhyamaa and Gandhaaraa) which form the source of the various melodies of musical
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on gold plate. Sit facing South-East (with spouse by the
side). Chant this sloka 1000 times daily for 45 days.
Archana:Chant Lalitha Thrishathi offering vermillion.
Offerings:Cooked rice, honey, coconuts, betels with slices of areca nut.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Success in all endeavours, in case of women longevity of husbands, skill in
Literal Results:Excellent sloka for instrumenatal as well as vocal musicians. Command over the
three octaves in music, gains expertise in "gamakas" and musical technique. Gains vast musical
repertoire. Ideal for performing artisites, capacity to produce magnetic, melodious and celestial
music. Accumulation of neck ornaments.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.70


"Mrunaaleemrudvinaam Thava Bhujalathaanaam Chathasrunaam
Chathurbhihi Soundaryam Sarasijabhavaha Stauthi Vadanaihi!
Nakhebhyaha Santhrasyan Prathamamathanaadanthakaripoho
Chathurnaam Sheershaanaam Samamabhayahasthaarpanadhiyaa!"

Literal Meaning:"The lotus-born Brahma, being afraid of the finger-nails of Sadaashiva, with
which the latter once nipped off Brahmaa's fifth head, is now praising, simultaneously with the
remaining four faces, the loveliness of Thy creeper-like four arms resembling the lotus-stalk in
beauty, so that Thou might give protection to His surviving four heads."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on gold plate. Sit facing East. Chant this sloka 1008 (1000)
times daily for 48 (45) days.
Archana:Chant Lalitha Sahasranamam offering vermillion.
Offerings:Cooked rice mixed with turmeric powder, coconut, honey, betels with areca nut slices.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Success in particular endeavour for which meditation is intended, freedom
from Shiva-apachaaraa, relief from fear.
Literal Results:Great beauty, clarity and wisdom, ideal for instrumentalists, sculptors and

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.71


"Nakhaanaamudyothairnavanalinaraagam Vihasathaam
Karaanaam They Kaanthim Kathaya Kathayaamah Kathamumey!
Kayaachidvaa Saamyam Bhajathu Kalayaa Hanthaha Kamalam
Yadi Kreedallakshmeecharanathalalaakshaarasachanam!"

Literal Meaning:"O Uma! Pray, tell us how we can describe the splendour of Thy hands, which,
being lit up with the radiance of Thy nails, surpasses the brightness of the mornings' lotus blooms.
Lotus can perhaps attain some similarity with Thy hands if its redness is enhanced by contact with
the lac-dye of the feet of Goddess Lakshmi who sports in it."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on gold plate. Sit facing South-East under a banyan tree.
Chant this verse 2000 (1000) times daily for 45 days.
Archana:Chant Lalitha Thrishathi offering red flowers.
Offerings:Cooked rice and honey.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Relief from all fears, purity of life and control over yakshinis.
Literal Results:Beneficial for instrumentalists, sculptors, dancers, designers etc. Purification.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.72


"Samam Devi Skandadvipavadanapeetham Sthanayugam
Thavedam Naha Khedam Sathatham Prasnuthamukham!
Yadaalokyaashankaakulithahrudayo Haasajanakaha
Svakumbhau Heyrambaha Parimrushathi Hastheyna Jhatithi!"

Literal Meaning:"O Mother! May Thy pair of breasts, from which milk is flowing always and which
are being simultaneously sucked by both Skanda and Ganesha, Thy sons, expel our sorrows. All of
a sudden, Ganesha looking at Thy breasts, feels with His hands whether the pair of frontal globes
of His elephant face are their in their proper places (or whether they have disappeared to become
Thy breasts present before His eyes), thus causing great amusement to His Parents."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on gold plate or mango plank. Sit facing North-East. Chant
this sloka 1000 times daily for 45 days.
Archana:Chant Durga Ashtotharam offering bilva leaves.
Offerings:Cooked rice mixed with milk, black-gram cakes and fruits.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Freedom from all fears, safe travel and gets strength of mind.
Literal Results: Good for nursing mothers, increase in breast milk. Prosperity and peace of mind.

Soundarya lahari Slokas/Yantras No.73


"Amoo They Vakshojaavamrutharasamaanikyakuthupau
Na Sandehaspando Nagapathipathaakey Manasi Naha!
Pibanthau Thau Yasmaadavidithavadhoosangarasikau
Kumaaraavadyaapi Dviradavadanakraunchadalanau!"

Literal Meaning:"O the Mountain-King flags of victory!Thy two breasts, for sure, are the jars
made of ruby and filled with nectar, tha immortal drink. For, it is by drinking their contents that Thy
two sons, the mountain-piercing Kumara and the elephant-headed Vinayaka have remained young
boys, to this day, not having known the pleasure of the company of women."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on gold plte or water. Sit facing East. Chant this sloka 1000
times daily for 8 (7) days. With any liquid, yantra can be made by squeezing the same from a cloth
soaked with that liquid.
Archana:Chant Lakshmi Ashtotharam offering lotus petals.
Offerings:Cooked rice mixed with milk, fruit and honey.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Increased flow of milk in females and in cows, power to realise Brahman.
Literal Results:Peace and contentment.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.74


"Vahathyamba Sthambeyramadanuja Kumbhaprakruthibhihi
Samaarabdhaam Mukthaamanibhiramalaam Haaralathikaam!
Kuchaabhogo Bimbaadhararuchibhiranthaha Shabalithaam
Prathaapavyaamishraam Puradamayithuhu Keerthimiva They!"

Literal Meaning:O Mother! The expanse of Thy breasts bears a creeper-like necklace made of
pearls got from the frontal globe of Gajaasura (the elephant-demon). It rests there with its white
brilliance variegated from within by the reflection of the ruddy tinge of Thy bimba-like lips, as if it
were the confluence of the (white) fame and the (red) valour of Thy Consort, the Destroyer of the
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on gold plate. Sit facing North, in front of a Devi shrine, or a
ghee-lit lamp. Chant this sloka 1008 (108) times daily for 3 (45) days.
Archana:Chant Shiva's 108 names offering bilva leaves at the top of yantra and Lalitha's names at
centre on the seed letter "kleem".
Offerings:Cooked rice mixed with pepper powder, milk-gruel and honey.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Attainment of fame, erudition and honour.
Literal Results: Attainment of fame, neck-ornaments, support and protection.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.75


"Thava Sthanyam Manye Dharanidharakanye Hrudayathaha
Payahapaaraavaaraha Parivahathi Saaraswathamiva!
Dayaavathyaa Dattham Dravidashishuraasvaadya Thava Yath
Kaveenaam Praudhaanaamajani Kamaneeyaha Kavayithaa!"

Literal Meaning:"O Daughter of the Mountain-King! I fancy that Thy breast-milk is the milk-ocean
emerging as poetic inspiration from Thy heart. For, it was by drinking it, so graciously given by
Thee, that the Dravida child became a noted poet among great composers."
Mode of worship"Yantra to be made on gold plate. Sit facing North-East. Chant this sloka 12000
times in 3 days.
Archana:Chant Lalitha Thrishathi offering vermillion.
Offerings:Rice cooked with green-gram pulse and pepper, fruits and honey.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Good memory and attention, fame and gift of poesy.
Literal Results:Beneficial for composers,poets and for creative work. Great fame and recognition.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.76


"Harakrodhajwaalaavalibhiravaleedhena Vapushaa
Gabheerey They Naabheesarasi Kruthasango Manasijaha!
Samutthasthau Thasmaadachalathanaye Dhoomalathikaa
Janasthaam Jaaneethey Jananithava Romaavalirithi!"

Literal Meaning:"O Mother born of the mountain!When the flames of Shiva's anger began to
envelop Kama Deva, he took refuge in the deep lake of Thy navel. The fire that thus got
extinguished created a thin creeper-like column of smoke, which people describe as the line of hair
that goes up from Thy navel."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on gold plate. Sit facing North-East. Chant this sloka 1000
times daily for 10 (12) days.
Archana:Chant lalitha Thrishathi offering vermillion.
Offerings:Cooked rice mixed with curd, sweet gruel, coconuts and fruits.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Success in financial and legal affairs and knowledge of Self, if so intended.
Literal Results:Activation of manipoorka chakram and anaahatha chakram, benefits due to the

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.77


"Yadeythathkaalindeethanutharatharangaakruthi Shivey
Krushey Madhye Kinchijjanani Thava Yadbhaathi Sudhiyaam!
Vimardaadanyonyam Kuchakalashayorantharagatham
Thanoobhootham Vyoma Pravishadiva Naabhim Kuharineem!"
Literal Meaning:"O spouse of Shiva! The thing that appears on Thy slender middle region in the
shape of subtle ripples in the river Kaalindi, seems to the devotees, as the ether inbetween Thy
bulging breasts, compressed by their pressure, and forced into the cavity of the navel."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on paste of burnt red lotus petals mixed with cow's ghee.
The whole of this sloka is to be inscribed inside the Yantra; first and second line at the top and thrid
and fourth along the sides. Sit facing East. Chant this sloka 2000 times daily for 15 days.
Archana:Chant 108 names of Lalitha offering red flowers.
Offerings:Cooked rice, sweet gruel, honey and fruits.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Dominance over others, deep insight.
Literal Results:Activation of manipooraka chakram. Ability to gain access to the most impossible
situation or entity. Power, authority and influence.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.78


"Sthiro Gangaavarthaha Sthanamukularomaavalilathaa-
kalaavaalam Kundam Kusumasharathejohuthabhujaha!
Ratheyleelaagaaram Kimapi Thava Naabhirgirisuthey
Biladwaaram Siddhergirishanayanaanaam Vijayathey!"

Literal Meaning:"O Daughter of the Mountain! Indescribably unique is the glory of Thy navel,
which may be described as a steady whirl pool on the surface of river Ganga; the wet soil-bed for
the creeper of Thy navel-hair bearing two flower buds in the shape of Thy breasts; the sacrificial pit
wherein burns the fire of the prowess of Kama Deva, the flower-arrowed God of love; the pleasure
house of his wife Rathi; and forms the opening of the cave wherein the eyes of Shiva found the
yogic success of the great austerities he had performed."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made of thick sandal paste mixed with musk and saffron in a silver
plate. Sit facing East. Chant this sloka 108 times daily for 45 days.
Archana:Chant Lakshmi Ashtotharam offering lotus petals.
Offerings:Rice cooked with green-gram pulse, black-gram cakes.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Favours from government, all round success.
Literal Results: Great prosperity and promising future in the present occupation/job. Influence in

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.79


"Nisargaksheenasya Sthanathatabhareyna Klamajusho
Namanmoortheyrnaareethilaka Shanakaisthrutayatha Iva!
Chiram They Madhyasya Thrutithathatineetheeratharunaa
Samaavasthaastheymno Bhavathu Kushalam Shailathanaye!"

Literal Meaning:O Daughter of the mountain! O ornament of womankind! May safety be assured
for Thy naturally slender waist, which is labouring under the weight of Thy breasts and therefore
slightly bent, threatening to break under that weight, and whose precarious stability is like that of a
tree on a cracking river bank."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on gold or copper plate. Sit facing North-East. Chant this
sloka 1000 times daily for 45 days.
Archana:Chant Lalitha Sahasranamam offering vermillion.
Offerings:Cooked rice, milk-gruel coconut, honey and fruits.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Power to entice, matery in jugglery and mesmerism.
Literal Results:Ideal for women. Enhances feminine qualities. Ability to revive closed

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.80


"Kuchau Sadyaha Svidyatthataghatithakoorpaasabhidurau
Kashanthau Dormooley Kalakakalashaabhau Kalayathaa!
Thava Thraathum Bhangaadalamithi Valagnam Thanubhuvaa
Thridhaa Naddham Devi Thrivalilavaleevallibhiriva!"

Literal Meaning:"O Mother Divine! The three folds in Thy middle region look like three strands of
'lavali' creeper wound by Kama Deva, the God of love, as a support to prevent Thy middle region
from breaking under the weight of Thy quickly perspiring breasts, which (under the excitement of
love for Shambhu) have swollen to the size of two golden pots, touching Thy armpits and almost
brushing the brassiere covering them."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on gold plate or on new piece of red silk with stripes made of
turmeric paste. Chant this sloka 1000 times daily for 45 days.
Archana:Chant Lalitha Thrishathi offering red flowers.
Offerings:Cooked rice mixed with curd, honey and fruits.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Attainment of magical powers, success in betting, handsome personality.
Literal Results:Rejuvenation, great health.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.81


"Guruthvam Visthaaram Kshithidharapathihi Paarvathinijaath
Nithambaadaachchidya Thvayi Haranarupeyna Nidadhey!
Athasthey Vistheerno Gururayamaseshaam Vasumatheem Nithambapraagbhaaraha
Sthagayathi Laghuthvam Nayathi Cha!"

Literal Meaning:"O Parvathi! Thy father, the Mountain-King has presented to Thee as dowry at
the time of Thy marriage the heaviness and expanse cut out of his flanks. It is for this reason that
Thy stupendous hips, extensive and massive, cover this entire earth and render it comparitively
lighter in weight."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on gold plate. Sit facing East. Chant this sloka 1008(1000)
times daily for 45 days.
Archana:Chant Lalitha Thrishathi offering vermillion.
Offerings:Cooked rice, jaggery gruel, black-gram cakes, honey and betels with sliced areca nuts.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Power to float on fire, freedom from fire accidents.
Literal Results:Suitable for propitiating the planet Jupiter. Domination and authority.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.82


"Kareendraanaam Shundaan Kanakakadaleekaandapataleem
Ubhaabhyaamoorubhyaamubhayampi Nirjithya Bhavathi!
Suvrutthaabhyaam Pathyuhu Pranathikathinaabhyaam Girisuthey
Vidhignyey Jaanubhyaam Vibudhakarikumbhadvayamapi!"

Literal Meaning:"O Daughter of the Mountain! The beauty of Thy thighs surpass the trunk of
lordly elephants as also the stem of golden coloured banana trees, while, O Observer of all
ordained duties, Thy knees, hardened and perfectly rounded by repeated prostrations to Thy
Consort; rival the frontal lobes of the heavenly elephant Airavatha."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on 'asvikarna' or sandal plank. Sit facing East. Chant this
sloka 1000 times daily for 45 days.
Archana:Chant Lalitha Thrishathi offering vermillion.
Offerings:Cooked rice with curd, coconut, grapes and honey.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Skills to float on or remain and water, ownership of mines and vast wealth.
Literal Results:Abundant wealth, great prosperity.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.83


"Paraajeythum Rudram Dwigunasharagarbhau Girisuthey
Nishangau Jangey They Vishamavishikho Baadhamakrutha!
Yadagrey Drushyanthey Dashasharaphalaahaa Paadayugalee
Nakhaadgracchaadmaanaha Suramakutashaanaikanishithaa!"
Literal Meaning:"O Daugter of the Mounatain! Surely the five-arrowed Kama-Deva has, in order
to conquer Rudra, converted Thy two shanks as quivers to store therein double the number of
arrows he is credited with. For, at the end of Thy feet are seen, under the guise of Thy toe-nails, ten
crescent-shaped arrow heads sharpened on the whetstone of the crowns of prostrating divinities."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on gold plate. Sit facing East. Chant this sloka 1000 times
daily for 12 days.
Archana:Chant Lalitha Sahasranamam offering red flowers.
Offerings:Sweet-gruel, coconut, fruit and honey.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:In case of a nation, power to route enemy's army. In case of an individual,
power to subdue enemies and obtain high positions.
Literal Results: Obtaining power to single-handedly fight against large groups of enemies and to
emerge victorious. Best sloka for effectively subduing enemies, especially in the form of abusive
male spouse/lover.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.84


"Shrutheenaam Moordhaano Dadhathi Thava Yau Shekharathayaa
Mamaapyethau Maathaha Shirasi Dayayaa Dhehi Charanau!
Yayoho Paadyam Paathaha Pashupathijataajootathatinee

Literal Meaning:"O Mother! Be pleased to place Thy two feet, which the upanishads (the crowns
of vedas) wear as crest gem, on my head too. River Ganga who resides in the matted locks of
Shiva, waters them in worship; and the bright red dye on them gives a crimson brilliance to the
jewels on the diadem of Vishnu."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on gold sheet. Sit facing East. Chant this sloka 1000 times
daily for one full year.
Archana:Chant Lalitha Sahasranamam offering vermillion.
Offerings:Cooked rice, milk-gruel, honey and betels with areca nut slices.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Power of mesmerism and transmigration into other bodies, ability to cure
illness of others.
Literal Results:Activation of muladhara and swadhishtana chakra. Purification and elevation.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.85


"Namovaakam Broomo Nayanaramaneeyaaya Padayoho
Thavaasmai Dwandwaaya Sphutaruchirasaalakthakavathey!
Asooyathyathyantham Yadabhihananaaya Spruhayathey
Pashoonaameeshaanaha Pramadavanakankeylitharavey!"

Literal Results:"Our respectful salutations to Thy feet, a delight to our eyes because of their
brilliance arising from t he liquid lac dye applied to them! Thy Consort, Pashupathi, desiring to be
kicked with those feet, is extremely jealous of the Kankeli tree of Thy pleasure garden, as that tree
too is a rival aspirant for such kicks."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on gold plate or holy ashes. Sit facing South-East. Chant this
sloka 1000 times daily for 12 days.
Archana:Chant Durga Sahasranamam offering eight varieties of flowers.
Offerings:Cooked rica mixed with soup of vegetables, honey, milk and sweet gruel.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Deiverance from hold of evil spirits, attainment of devotion to Devi.
Literal Results: Relief from binding situations and people.Ability to bring about quick changes.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.86


"Mrushaa Kruthvaa Gothraskhalanamatha Vailakshyanamitham
Lalaatey Bharthaaram Charanakamaley Thaadayathi They!
Chiraadanthahshalyam Dahanakruthamunmoolithavathaa
Thulaakotikvaanaihi Kilikilithameeshaanaripunaa!"

Literal Meaning:"O Devi!Thou didst deliver a kick (in love quarrel) at the forehead of Thy Consort
when He bent His head in shame for calling Thee inadvertently by the name of another woman, his
enemy Kama got an oppurtunity to get rid of his long-standing rancour towards Him, for consuming
him in fire, and he gave out his joyous acclamations, as it were, in the form of the tinkling of Thy
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on gold plate or water. Sit facing East. Chant this sloka 1001
times daily for 21 days. With any liquid, Yantra can be made by squeezing the same from a cloth
soaked with that liquid.
Archana:Chant Durga Ashtotharam and Lalitha Ashtotharam offering vermillion.
Offerings:Milk-gruel, honey, coconuts, mangoes and pomegranates.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Subduing enemies, warding off evil spirits, obtaining power and strength.
Literal Results:Gaining strength and infrastructure to attack and subdue enemies.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.87


"Himaaneehanthavyam Himagirinivaasaikachathurau
Nishaayaam Nidraanaam Nishi Charamabhaagey Cha Vishadau!
Varam Lakshmeepaathram Shriyamathisrujanthau Samayinaam
Sarojam Thvathpaadau Janani Jayathashchithramiha Kim!"

Literal Meaning:"O Mother of the Universe! The lotus of Thy feet, which always remain on the
snow Mountain (Himalayas), blooming day and night bestowing their grace on devotees, is
undoubtedly far superior to the common lotus flower which perishes in snow, closes at night and in
dependent, for its grace, upon Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth whose blessings on devotees are
quite temporary."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on gold plate, sandal paste or holy ashes. Sit facing East.
Chant this sloka 1000 times daily for 12 (10) days.
Archana:Chant Lalitha Thrishathi offering lotus petals.
Offerings:Milk-gruel, honey, coconut and fruits.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Power to plan, to foresee things and get vast wealth.
Literal Results:Accumulation of riches and jewellery.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.88


"Padam They Keertheenaam Prapadamapadam Devi Vipadaam
Katham Neetham Sadbhihi Kathinakamatheekarparathulaam!
Katham Vaa Baahubhyaamupayamanakaaley Purabhidaa
Yadaadaaya Nyastham Drushadi Dayamaaneyna Manasaa!"

Literal Meaning:" O Devi! How do great poets equate Thy fore-foot, a seat of fame and beyond
the reach of mishaps, to the hardened back (shell) of the tortoise? And how did Thy Consort, the
Destroyer of the Cities, inspite of all His tenderness towards Thee, have the heart to place Thy foot
on a hard granite grinding stone at Thy marriage rite?"
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on gold or silver plate. Sit facing South-East. Chant this sloka
1008 times daily for 182 (100) days.
Archana:Chant Lalitha Sahasranamam offering fried paddy grains.
Offerings:Cooked rice, jaggery gruel, raw sugar and plantains.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Controlling wild animals, freedom from troubles and prosperity.
Literal Results:Great fame, enhances creativity controls brutal force.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.89


"Nakhairnaakasreenaam Karakamalasankochashashibhihi
Tharoonaam Divyaanaam Hasatha Iva They Chandi Charanau!
Phalaani Swahstheybhyaha Kisalayakaraagrena Dadathaam
Daridreybhyo Bhadraam Shriyamanishamahnaaya Dadathau!"

Literal Meaning:"Thy feet, with the moon-like nails, which cause the lotus-bud like palms of
adoring heavenly damsels to close, do shower abundant wealth quickly on humble and poor
devotees, and thus mock at the wish-yielding Kalpaka trees of Heaven, whose tender branches
bestow desired gifts only to Gods who live in heavenly affluence."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on gold plate or holy ashes. Sit facing East. Chant this sloka
1008 times daily for 30 days.
Archana:Chant Lalitha Ashtotharam offering red flowers.
Offerings:Cooked rice mixed with curd, sweet-gruel, honey and water.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Cure of all diseases, physical strength.
Literal Results:Prayer to Chandi.Great physical strength, materialisation of wishes.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.90


"Dadaaney Deeneybhyaha Shriyamanishamaashaanusadrusheem
Amandam Soundaryaprakaramakarandam Vikirathi!
Thavaasminmanmandaarasthabakasubhagey Yaathu Charanau
Nimajjanmajjeevaha Karanacharanaha Shatcharanathaam!"

Literal Meaning:"Thy feet form a veritable bunch of flowers dripping the honey of beauty and are
a liberal supplier of wealth to Thy poor devotees. May my life with its six sensory organs (including
the mind) become a six-footed honey-sucking bee at those feet forever."
Mode of worship:Yntra to be made on copper plate or holy ashes. Sit facing South-East. Chant
this sloka 1000 times daily for 30 days.
Archana:Chant Durga Ashtotharam offering red flowers.
Offerings:Cooked rice mixed with tamarind soup, sweet-gruel, honey and fruits.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Removal of charms and enchantments by enemies, dispel poverty.
Literal Results:Patronage of high society, gains influence, control of senses.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.91


Skhalanthasthey Kheylam Bhavanakalahamsa Na Jahathi!
Athastheyshaam Shikshaam Subhagamanimanjeerarnitha-
chchalaadaachakshaanam Charanakamalam Chaarucharithey!"

Literal Meaning:"O Goddess of graceful gait!The royal swans in Thy household are never
abandoning their pursuit of Thee, in their effort to observe Thy gait for correcting their own
defective ways. And Thy lotus feet are, it seems, giving instructions to them in the guise of tinkling
sounds of the anklets on them, studded with precious stones."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on gold plate. Sit facing South-East. Chant this sloka 2000
(1000) times daily for 45 (25) days.
Archana:Chant Lalitha Sahasranamam offering vermillion before recitation and Lakshmi
Sahasranamam offering red lotus petals at the end.
Offerings:Cooked rice mixed with boiled milk, milk-gruel, coconut, fruits and betels with nut slices.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Buying of lands, obtaining riches, contact with great men and scholars.
Literal Results:Ideal for dancers.Patronage and mass support.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.92


"Gathaasthey Manchathvam Druhinaharirudreyshwarabhruthaha
Shivaha Svachchachchaayaaghatithakapataprachchadapataha!
Thvadeeyaanaam Bhaasaam Prathiphalanaraagaarunathayaa
Shareeree Shrungaaro Rasa Iva Drushaam Dogdhi Kuthukam!"
Literal Meaning:"Thy functionaries Brahma, Vishnu,Rudra and Ishvara have taken the shape of
the four legs of Thy cot in order to serve Thee very closely. And Sadashiva has formed Himself into
Thy bedspread, reflecting Thy crimson glory in His lustrous whiteness, thereby causing amazement
to Thee by presenting Himself as the very embodiment of erotic sentiment."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on goldplate or plate made of alloy of five metals. Sit facing
East. Chant this sloka 4000 (2000) times daily for 15 (45) days.
Archana:Chant Lalitha Thrishathi offering vermillion.
Offerings:Cooked rice mixed with milk, pulses, curd and pepper powder (4 different kinds), milk-
gruel and betel with nut slices.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Recovery of lost property, getting large estates and vast knowledge.
Literal Results:Support and patronage in high circles. Easy and lucky life.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.93


"Araalaa Keysheyshu Prakruthisaralaa Mandahasithey
Shireeshaabhaa Chitthey Drushadupalashobhaa Kuchathatey!
Bhrushaam Thanvee Madhye Pruthururasijaarohavishaye
Jagatthraathum Shambhorjayathi Karunaa Kaachidarunaa!"

Literal Meaning:"Curly in hair and inherently artless in smile, heart soft as the 'sireesha' flower,
breasts as tight and hard like a grinding stone, waist extremely slender, hips and breasts generous
in size, the indescribable 'aruna shakthi', the grace of Shiva, shines gloriously for the protection of
the Universe."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on fine turmeric powder. Sit facing North-East. Chant this
sloka 2000 (1000) times daily for 30 (45) days.
Archana:Chant Lalitha Ashtotharam and Lakshmi Ashtotharam offering lotus petals.
Offerings:Cooked rice, milk, honey and fruits.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:All desires fulfilled, obtaining wealth and prosperity.
Literal Results:Happiness, contentment, sound health and prosperity.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.94


"Kalankaha Kasthooree Rajanikarabimbam Jalamayam
Kalaabhihi Karpoorairmarakathakarandam Nibiditham!
Athasthvadbhogeyna Prathidinamidam Rikthakuharam
Vidhirbhooyo Bhooyo Nibidayathi Noonam Thava Kruthey!"

Literal Meaning:The dark mark on the moon is musk. The moon's watery disc is an emerald cup
fully filled with pieces of camphor in the form of the digits of moon. As and when the contents of
that receptacle are exhausted by Thy using them, Brahma, fills it up day by day for Thee with the
digits of the waxing moon."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on gold plate or sandal paste. Sit facing East. Chant this
sloka 108 (501) times for 45 days in a Devi temple before yantra and a lamp lit with ghee.
Archana:Chant Lalitha Sahasranamam offering red flowers.
Offerings:Rice cooked with green-gram pulse, milk-gruel, mangoes and honey.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Getting great renown, moksha (liberation), bright face.
Literal Results:Ideal sloka for people born during waning moon period. Clears misunderstandings,
blames, public scandals etc. Also suitable for reviving closed chapters (business/personal).Face
becomes radiant.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.95


"Puraaraatheyranthaha Puramasi Thathasthvachcharanayoho
Saparyaamaryaadaa Tharalakaranaanaamasulabhaam!
Thattha Hyethey Neethaaha Shathamakhamukhaaha Siddhimathulaam
Thava Dvaaropaanthastthithibhiranimaadyaabhiramaraaha!"

Literal Meaning:"Thou rt the Consort of the Destroyer of the Cities, residing in His inner
partment. Hence, the privilege of worshipping Thy feet is not easy for the fickle-minded. It is,
therefore, that all the Deities headed by Indra have by their unparelleled austerities been able to
attain only 'anima' and other nine psychic powers which are all but Thy gate keepers peripheral to
Thee and far removed from Thy innermost attributes."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on gold plate. Sit facing North-East. Chant this sloka 1000
times daily for 45 days.
Archana:Chant 108 names of Shiva at top triangle with bilva leaves and Lalitha Ashtotharam
offering vermillion at bottom triangle of Yantra.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Cure of nervous debility, relief from debts and sins, gift of poesy.
Literal Results: Security and nervous strength.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.96


"Kalathram Vaidhaathram Kathikathi Bhajanthey Na Kavayaha
Shriyo Devyaaha Kovaanabhavathipathihi Kairapi Dhanaihi!
Mahaadevam Hithvaa Thava Sathi Satheenaamacharamey
Kuchaabhyaasangaha Kuravakatharorapyasulabhaha!"

Literal Meaning:"O Chastity Embodied! How numerous are the poets who have courted and
attained Saraswathi, the wife of Brahma and the deity of learning and fine arts! So also who with
some wealth fails to become the Lord of Lakshmi, the wife of Vishnu and the Goddess of wealth!
But O the foremost of Chaste Ones!None besides Shiva, the great God, not even the tree called
Kuravaka, has ever had the embrace of Thy breasts."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on gold plate or gingely oil. Sit facing East. Chant this sloka
1000 (1008) times daily for 45 (3) days.
Archana:Chant Lalitha Sahasranamam offering vermillion.
Offerings:Cooked ric mixed with curds sesame, jaggery, coconut, honey and plantain.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Healing of long-standing wounds, peace of mind, influence over others.
Literal Results:Women can attain loving spouse, strengthening marital relationships.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.97


"Giraamaahurdevee Druhinagruhineemaagamavido
Hareyhe Pathneem Padmaam Harasahachareemadrithanayaam!
Thureeyaa Kaapi Thvam Duradhigamanihseemamahimaa
Mahaamaayaa Vishvam Bhramayathi Parabrahmamahishee!"

Literal Meaning:"O Consort of the Supreme God! The scholars who know the real meaning of the
scriptures describe Thee as Saraswathi, the Goddess of learning and the wife of Brahma. Besides,
they speak of Thee as the lotus-born Lakshmi, the wife of Vishnu, as also as the daughter of
Mountain and the Consort of Shiva. But Thou art, however, the unique fourth Power (that is the
source of the three Deities mentioned) having inconceivable and limitless majesties- the
indeterminable Mahamaya who revolves the wheel of this world."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on stout white 'arka' (a type of wood) stem or white sandal
plank. Sit facing East. Chant this sloka 1000 times daily for 8 (10) days.
Archana:Chant the 108 names of Saraswathi offering white flowers.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Erudition, youthful energy and appearance, robust body.
Literal Results:Leadership,great physical strength.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.98


"Kadaa Kaaley Mathaha Kathaya Kalithaalakthakarasam
Pibeyam Vidyaarthee Thava Charananirneyjanajalam!
Prakruthyaa Mookaanaamapi Cha Kavithaakaaranathayaa
Kadaa Dhatthey Vaaneemukhakamalathaamboolarasathaam!"
Literal Meaning:"O Mother! Tell me when I, a seeker of knowledge, shall have the privilege of
imbibing the red-tinged water with which Thy lac-painted feet have been washed,- water that can
generate poetic genius even in a naturally dumb person. When shall I expect it to flow out of my
mouth as great poetry, which resembles the chewed betel leaf juice of Saraswathi, the Goddess of
learning and poesy!"
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on gold or copper plate. Sit facing North-East. Chant this
sloka 1000 times daily for 30 (16, 8) days.
Archana:Chant Lalitha Sahasranamam offering red flowers.
Offerings:Cooked rice, fruits and honey.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Virility and divine knowledge for men, pregnancy for women desirous of
Literal Results: Eloquence, magnetic speech, creative prowess and great knowledge.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.99


"Saraswathyaa Lakshmyaa Vidhiharisapathno Viharathey
Rathey Paathivrathyam Shitthilayathi Ramyena Vapushaa!
Chiram Jeevanneyva Kshapithapashupaashavyathikaraha
Paraanandaabhikhyam Rasayathi Rasam Thvadbhajanavaan!"

Literal Meaning:"O Mother! A devotee of Thine sports with Saraswathi (learning) and Lakshmi
(wealth), and courts the jealousy of their consorts, Brahma and Vishnu. By the charm of his body,
he attracts the attention of Rathi, the wife of Kaama Deva (the God of love) and thus violates her
chastity. And freed from the bondage of birth and ignorance, he lives long and enjoys the essence
of Supreme Bliss."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on gold plate. Sit facing East. Chant this sloka 1000 times
daily for 16 days.
Archana:Chant Lalitha Thrishathi offering vermillion.
Offerings:Cooked rice, raw sugar, honey and plantain.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:Getting valour, happiness and God's grace.
Literal Results:All kinds of enjoyments , attractive looks and the grace of God.

Soundarya Lahari Slokas/Yantras No.100

SLOKA NO.100:-
Svakeeyairambhobhihi Salilanidhisouhithyakaranam
Thvadeeyaabhirvaagbhisthava Janani Vaachaam Sthuthiriyam!"
Literal Meaning:" Just as doing 'niraanjana'( the flame waving ritual)to the sun is only the offering
of his own light to him; just as making an offering of arghya to the moon with water that oozes out
of the moon-stone is only to give back what belongs to the moon, and just making 'tharpana'
(water-offering) to the ocean is to return what belongs to it, -so is, O source of all Learning, this
hymn is addressed to Thee composed of words that are already Thine."
Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on gold plate. Sit facing East. Chant this sloka 1000 times
daily for 16 (45) days.
Archana:Chant Lalitha Sahasranamam offering different kinds of flowers.
Offerings:Cooked rice, sweet gruel, fruits, betels and nut slices.
BENEFICIAL RESULTS:All round success, freedom from diseases and accomplishment of all
Literal Results:Retrieving lost property, gaining control of belongings and contentment.

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