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Robinson Crusoe

Activity Book

Exercises written by
Ian Transure
Contents Chapter I
Activities to chapter 1: Wanderlust.................................................... 3 A. Answer the following questions.

Activities to chapter 2: Captured by Pirates ...................................... 8 1. Where was Robinson Crusoe born?
2. How many elder brothers did Robinson have?
Activities to chapter 3: Shipwrecked ............................................... 13 3. What kind of career did Robinsons father want him to have?
4. What did Robinsons parents do when he told them about his wishes
Activities to chapter 4: Forces of Nature ......................................... 19 to travel?
5. What kind of life did Robinsons father think middle-class boys
Activities to chapter 5: Am I really alone?........................................ 24 should be happy with?
6. Who did Robinson meet by chance at the docks in Hull?
Activities to chapter 6: Friday.......................................................... 29 7. What did Robinson think about watching the sun set and rise over
the water?
Activities to chapter 7: Homeward bound ....................................... 34 8. Why did the sailors fire their guns during the storm?
9. Why did Robinson decide to travel to London instead of returning
Key: ................................................................................................. 40 home?
10. Where did the captain die?

B. Say whether the following statements are true of false.

True False
1. Robinsons father was originally from Germany.
Mediasat Poland Bis 2004
From an early age, Robinson thought of adventures
Mediasat Poland Bis sp. z o.o. in Africa.
ul. Mikoajska 26 Robinsons bad luck started two weeks after leaving
31-027 Krakw Hull.
Other sailors joked about the terror Robinson felt 4.
during the storm.
[email protected]
5. Robinson was forced to abandon ship.
ISBN 83 - 89652 - 11 - 0 Robinson arrived at Yarmouth, on the western coast
of England.
Wszelkie prawa do ksiki przysuguj Mediasat Poland Bis. Jakiekolwiek publiczne korzystanie w caoci, jak i w postaci fragmen-

tw, a w szczeglnoci jej zwielokrotnianie jakkolowiek technik, wprowadzanie do pamici komputera, publiczne odtwarzanie,

nadawanie za pomoc wizji oraz fonii przewodowej lub bezprzewodowej, wymaga wczeniejszej zgody Mediasat Poland Bis.

2 3
7. Again I prayed to God to allow me to .............. my mind and return
7. Robinson travelled to London by train.
8. The captain caught a tropical disease and died. a) trade b) replace c) change d) exchange
8. I had bought many things in London that I was able .............. to the
C. Complete each sentence with a suitable word from the box. people of Guinea.
a) to sell b) to give c) to buy d) to provide
seasickness poor business rough journey
northern panic on foot permission unsuccessful E. What prepositions are missing from these sentences?

1. York is a large city in .............. England. to at at of on in by with

2. Robinsons mother tried to persuade his father to allow him one
.............. . 1. I never knew what happened .............. the other.
3. If the journey was .............., Robinson would return home. 2. My father had wanted me to think about a career .............. law.
4. Travel was only for the very .............., who had nothing to lose. 3. Middle-class boys should be happy .............. a life of work.
5. Robinson went to London by sea without his parents .............. . 4. I was .............. the docks in Hull talking with sailors.
6. The sea was very .............. 5. I began enjoying this life .............. sea.
7. The storm caused .............. and destruction on the boat. 6. The sailors fired their guns as a signal .............. distress.
8. Robinson travelled to London .............. 7. I fainted .............. the deck and was kicked aside by my mates.
9. The voyage to Guinea went well, apart from the .............. 8. I made my decision to travel to London .............. land.
10. Robinson decided to take the captains ship and continue the
.............. in which he achieved success. F. Complete the words in these sentences.

D. Choose the best answer a, b, c, or d to complete each sentence. ashamed faded insignificant begged course
advice settling addiction rescued ship
1. I .............. a good upbringing from my parents.
a) receive b) received c) given d) collected 1. Robinsons father made his money in buying and selling before _ _ t
2. My father was .............. from Germany. _ _ _ _ _ down in York.
a) originally b) firstly c) coming d) born 2. No a _ _ _ _ _ could ever change Robinsons thoughts of adventure
3. My father had done his best .............. that travel was only for the at sea.
very poor or for the very rich. 3. Robinsons father _ _ _ g _ _ him to forget about his wishes for
a) to tell b) to explain c) to convince d) to teach adventure.
4. I up with a friend who was going to London by sea. 4. On September 1, 1651 Robinson left the harbour on a _ _ _ _ s _ for
a) talked b) saw c) spoke d) met London.
5. Together we .............. the ship on September 1, 1651. 5. The first storm was very small and _ _ _ i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ compared
a) climbed b) sailed c) entered d) boarded to others.
6. I could now understand what a .............. life my father had lived and 6. After the storm had stopped, Robinsons promises _ _ d _ _ away.
just how wrong I had been with my own thoughts. 7. Robinson was _ e _ _ _ _ _ by a passing boat after he was forced to
a) simple b) lazy c) comfortable d) hard abandon ship.
4 5
8. Robinson decided to travel to London because he would be too 7. A .............. is a place where a ship is kept. (7 letters)
_ _ _ _ m _ _ to go home. 8. Another word for extreme fear is .............. (6 letters)
9. The captain had a s _ _ _ bound for Guinea in Africa. 9. The opposite of happiness is .............. (7 letters)
10. The experience in Guinea caused within Robinson I. Group the words in the box according to the given categories.
an _ _ _ i _ _ _ _ _ to travel and doing business with the local people of
that part of the world. tropical English coast thoughts try trade
dreams joy several abandon comfortable
G. Match pairs of words that have OPPOSITE meanings.
Noun Verb Adjective
buying late
elder alone
sea land
together selling
early younger

H. Solve the crossword puzzle.

J. Choose the correct tense.
1 A
1. I ................ in the year 1632 in York, a large city in northern England.
2 D
a) have born b) was born c) am born d) did born
3 V 2. I ...................... two elder brothers; one who died I the English army.
4 E a) have had b) was having c) had d) had been having
5 N 3. When I told my parents about my wishes to travel, they ...................
to persuade me not to do so.
6 T a) try b) were tried c) will be trying d) tried
7 U 4. A year later I .............. it no longer.
8 R a) could stand b) have stood c) stand d) had stood
5. After several days of seasickness, the sea ..................... calm again.
9 E
a) became b) become c) will become d) have become
6. The storm had been very small and insignificant compared to others
1. One of Robinsons brothers died in the English .............. (4 letters) they ........................... .
2. The part of a ship you stand on is called the .............. (4 letters) a) was experienced b) are being experienced
3. Robinsons parents .............. in Hull. (5 letters) c) had experienced d) is experiencing
4. The Baltic is the name of a ............... (3 letters) 7. The wind ...................... blowing strongly once again.
5. When the storm came, Robinson wanted to change his .............. and a) begun b) begins
go home. (4 letters) c) began d) will have begun
6. After you make a lot of money, you have a .............. (7 letters)

6 7
8. When I awoke, I ..................... myself being forced to abandon ship B. Say whether the following statements are true of false.
with my comrades.
a) was being found b) found c) am finding d) has found True False
9. We arrived at Yarmouth and the authorities ............... us comfortable
accommodation. After a short battle with Turkish pirates, Robinson
a) gives b) gave was taken captive.
c) are giving d) had been giving Robinsons new master made him do fun and
10.We ................... to receive much more for our goods than we would 2.
exciting work.
back home.
a) were being able b) was able c) is able d) were able 3. Xury was thrown off the boat by Robinson.
Xury shot a rabbit-like creature which provided a
K. Choose the correct tense. very good meal.
5. Two leopards were shot on the island.
1. My fathers name was Kreutznaer, but this was difficult for English
people to pronounce so it was changed / was changing to Crusoe. 6. The sea captain was extremely rude.
2. The sea was very rough, and I began to wish I had never left / was
If Xury became Christian, the sea captain would let
never leaving home. 7.
him go in twelve years.
3. By the next day, the storm was stopped / had stopped completely.
4. It was the most beautiful sight I had ever seen / had ever saw. Wells was the name of Robinsons Portuguese
5. I loved it, and after I returned / have returned to London, I neighbour.
immediately wanted to head out again. 9. Robinson wished he had not sold Xury.
10. British goods were not very valuable in Brazil.
Chapter 2
C. Complete each sentence with a suitable word from the box.
A. Answer the following questions.
safe slave signs catch merchants disaster
1. Why did Robinson only take 100 pounds of his new-found wealth?
exchange farm cannibals honest
2. What happened on course towards the Canary Islands?
3. How long was Robinson a prisoner in Sallee? 1. Xury and I saw no .............. of human life.
4. Who accompanied Robinson on his voyages after he escaped? 2. I was terrified these naked black people might be .............. .
5. Why were Robinson and Xury forced to go on land? 3. We set off trying to .............. up.
6. Where was the Portuguese ship sailing? 4. As Xury did not seem to find this a problem,
7. What did the sea captain buy from Robinson? I allowed the .............. .
8. What did Robinson do after seeing how rich farm owners were 5. The captain told a friend of his, a good and .............. man, that I
becoming? might be useful to him.
9. As Robinson approached middle-class status, how did he feel? 6. Together, we slowly started to .............. more and more of what we
10. When did Robinson board the ship from Brazil to Africa? had farmed.
8 9
7. With the money I was able to buy a .............. and a servant. 7. He would also not ask for .............. money for a passage to Brazil.
8. What was the purpose of this .............. and comfortable life? 8. My increasing wealth was providing me with more that I could ever
9. Three .............. came to me and explained they wanted to buy need to have .............. comfortable life.
Negroes for their own plantations. 9. I had explained .............. opportunities that trade provided to obtain
10. I hesitated for a moment, only to think that it might mean financial gold at .............. incredibly cheap rate.
.............. .
F. Complete the following words.
D. Choose the best answer a, b, c, or d to complete each sentence.
communicating desperate scene spotted
1. I .............. to go on the same journey as I had been on with my previous determined ignoring wealthy
friend, the captain.
a) determined b) decided 1. I set sail once again, with a shipmate who had also been on the
c) settled d) concluded p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ voyage to Africa.
2. I secretly .............. some provisions and guns on the ship. 2. He should swim for shore because
a) stored b) supplied c) deposited d) kept I was _ _ _ _ _ m _ _ _ _ to be free.
3. When we were far enough out to sea I .............. him from behind and 3. I succeeded in _ _ _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ with them.
threw him off the boat. 4. At this very moment two leopards appeared on the _ c _ _ _.
a) drew near b) advanced 5. After eleven more days of travel along this coastline, Xury _ p _ _ _
c) came close to d) approached _ _ a ship
4. Each night that passed was .............. with awful noises. 6. I was becoming very _ _ _ _ t _ _, and yet I was still attracted to a life
a) piled up b) stuffed c) filled d) crammed of adventure.
5. Non-Westerners did not .............. gold in the same way Westerners 7. I found myself becoming very sad and _ _ _ _ _ r _ _ _ for
a) value b) collect c) keep d) spend excitement once more.
8. _ g _ _ _ _ _ _ the inner voice of my father, I willingly agreed to the
E. Which article (a / an / the / any / some) should go in the spaces trip.
G. Match pairs of words that have OPPOSITE meanings.
1. I took only 100 pounds of my new-found wealth, leaving 200 pounds
with .............. widow of the captain. friend awful
2. My master sent me to catch .............. fish. master decrease
3. Eventually we dropped anchor in a river near .............. strange many slave
looking area of coastline. increase few
4. I felt sure we were on .............. Canary or .............. Cape Verde wonderful enemy
5. We discovered .............. land was in fact inhabited by men and
6. Eventually I fired .............. gun to get their attention.

10 11
H. Solve the crossword puzzle. 2. After a short battle, where some lives were taken by gumfire, we
were taken captive.
S R T H J U O M C H L 3. For the next two years I wanted to escape and the opportunity
finally came when my master sent me to catch some fish.
4. I explained to the other boy, called Xury, that he must be faithful or
W D G A T H E R N O P he too would be thrown overbord.
A Z Z T Y E J K V I K 5. I immediately became worried about the strangness of the land, and
who or what might be living on it.
6. In the mourning we gathered our empty jars and together we went
Q W P W T I G P N Y M ashore.
C Z R U H T R P C M R 7. I was hopefull there might be an English trading vessel that would
B A O Y J A G R E E B allow us to get on board.
8. As we got closer to the shure I saw they had left food at the waters
O P M L K E M O E N F edge.
Z X S B J U N C G I C K. Choose the correct form
1. The land looked / was looking uninhabited.
S R V Z A J G F Y N D 2. We were forced / was forced to go on land several times in search of
fresh water.
I. Group the words in the box according to their similar meanings. 3. One day the captain returned and was suggesting / suggested I give
him a letter.
hostage terrifying frightening deserted 4. Three merchants asked if I should join / would join the business and
empty unpopulated captive help with the trading.
5. I boarded the ship on September 1, 1659, eight years after I had /
Uninhabited Prisoner Scary have first run away from home.

Chapter 3
A. Answer the following questions.

1. Why was the ship not going to make it to its destination?

J. Correct the spelling mistake in these sentences. One sentence 2. How many people were left on the ship?
contains no errors. 3. What happened to the ship?
4. Why did Robinson climb a tree?
1. I was now in command of the ship and this turned out to be one of 5. Why did Robinson feel fortunate?
the unhappyest voyages I would ever make. 6. How was Robinson able to remember how long he was on the island?

12 13
7. To make himself feel better, what kind of list did Robinson make? 8. To avoid total .............., Robinson reminded himself about the other
8. What did Robinson begin thinking he could do? ten sailors who had died.
9. Every seventh .............. marked a week.
B. Say whether the following statements are true of false.
D. Choose the best answer a, b, c, or d to complete each sentence.
True False
1. The ships crew decided .............. and make it to Africa, where they
1. At sea, the hot dry weather lasted for many months. could get help.
Robinson and his shipmates rowed towards land in a) to attempt b) to try c) to aim d) to go
2. 2. After a while, Robinson decided ................... around the island for a
a lifeboat.
good place to set up home.
3. A wave helped Robinson to shore. a) to watch b) to gaze c) to stare d) to look
There were many things on the beach to help 3. Robinson started .............. that he would end his days on the island.
4. a) to know b) to worry c) to understand d) to view
4. When Robinson thought that he had been the only one ...................
5. When Robinson awoke, the sea was rough. death, he felt fortunate.
6. Robinson was able to save a cat and two dogs. a) to avoid b) to stop c) to leave d) to prevent
5. Robinson cut notches into a large square post ............... himself from
After another storm, the ship disappeared under the forgetting important religious dates.
sea. a) to remember b) to protect c) to stop d) to help
8.. Robinson made a clock to tell the time. 6. The inability .............. himself against wild animals was one of the
evils on Robinsons list.
C. Complete each sentence with a suitable word from the box. a) to hide b) to support c) to fight d) to defend
7. Robinson began learning how .................... things that he previously
experience crew massive cannibals did not know how to make.
a) to build b) to invent c) to repair d) to assemble
deserted line faith misery supplies
8. Robinson had nothing else ................. with his time.
1. We continued sailing for 15 days, then another .............. storm hit. a) to do b) to spend c) to waste d) to use
2. The land might be inhabited by .............. .
3. Robinson thanked God for saving him from the frightening .............. E. What prepositions are missing from these sentences?
at sea.
4. The rest of the ships .............. was dead. without into for onto above
5. Robinson returned to the ship several times to gather other .............. with in of between into
like tools and clothes.
6. The island appeared to be .............. . 1. The hot dry weather lasted .............. a while.
7. Robinson started to doubt his .............. because he couldnt believe 2. A little boy fell over the side .............. the ship.
God would abandon him. 3. There was land .............. the distance.

14 15
4. The boat would be smashed .............. pieces. H. Solve the crossword puzzle using the clues given.
5. I fought .............. every muscle against the force of the sea.
6. I climbed .............. a tree and fell asleep. 1 S
7. .............. the raft I loaded food, drink and other useful items.
2 H
8. I made eleven voyages .............. the beach and the ship.
9. A tent served as a roof .............. my head. 3 I
10. The work on my home would be impossible .............. proper tools. 4 P
5 W
F. Adverbs
Complete the words below using the text from Chapter 3. 6 R
7 E
1. The savages would p r _ b _ b _ _ eat Robinson and his crew. (8 8 C
9 K
2. They would _ u r e _ y drowned in the violent sea. (6 letters)
3. Robinson was _ i _ a _ l y able to make it to land. (7 letters)
1. Another word for very big or huge. (7 letters)
4. He grieved _ a _ n f _ l _ _ for his friends. (9 letters)
2. The part of land that touched the sea. (5 letters)
5. Robinson couldnt believe God would abandon him so
3. Another word meaning to help. (5 letters)
h _ l p _ _ s _ _ _ in such a horrible place. (10 letters)
4. Robinson got many of these useful items from the ship. (8 letters)
6. A calendar helped Robinson from c o _ p _ _ t _ _ _ forgetting how
5. Animals that live in the jungle are .............. (4 letters)
long he was on the island. (10 letters)
6. Another word meaning extra or additional. (5 letters)
7. More _ m p o _ t _ _ _ _ _ Robinson decided he could be happy. (10
7. Very bad things or disadvantages (5 letters)
8. Robinson hoped to be .............. from the island. (7 letters)
8. He learned how to build things that he _ _ e v _ o _ s _ _ didnt
9. To not have enough of something. To be without. (4 letters)
know how to make. (10 letters)
I. Group the words in the box according to the given categories.
G. Match pairs of words that have OPPOSITE meanings.
upset worried terrible doubt useful thankful
calmly weak
asleep awake alive fortunate disappeared impossibility
dry moving
still wet Positive Negative
strong in panic

16 17
J. Choose the correct tense. 4. When I awoke it was a calm and .............. day.
1. We ................. disheartened. 5. More importantly, I decided I could be .............. because God had
a) is becoming b) was becoming c) becomes d) became saved my life and provided for me.
2. We .............. swallowed by the seas undercurrent and surely drown. HAPPINESS
a) are being b) had been c) would be d) should be
3. I .............. very weak and ill.
a) is feeling b) felt Chapter 4
c) feels d) was being felt
4. I .................. painfully for my friends. A. Answer the following questions.
a) grieved b) was grieved
c) has grieved d) could be grieved 1. What did Robinson start to build around his house?
5. I .................... out to the ship and took a few pieces of wood to build 2. How did Robinson describe the island in his diary?
a raft. 3. What happened to the wild cat Robinson killed on November 5th?
a) was swimming b) swam c) am swimming d) swim 4. How did storage shelves help in Robinsons home?
6. The storm started again and I ................... to remain on land. 5. What became Robinsons greatest annoyance?
a) am forced b) was forced c) have forced d) had 6. What happened to the ship during the hurricane?
forced 7. What kind of visions did Robinson have during his illness?
7. The following morning the ship ......................... . 8. What was Robinsons home-made medicine for illness made from?
a) had disappeared b) has disappeared
c) have disappeared d) was disappearing B. Say whether the following statements are true of false.
8. There .............. no people, only wild animals.
a) is b) has c) was d) were True False
9. In this way I .............. my calendar.
1. The caves ceiling was fixed on December 11th.
a) keeps b) was kept c) am kept d) kept
10. I ..................... to be inventive and improvise. 2. Robinson built a bridge to protect his living area.
a) was being able b) is able c) was able d) were able
While emptying bags from the ship, Robinson
found some pieces of fruit.
K. Complete the sentence using a form of the word in bold
A ladder was used to climb the wall into Robinsons
1. One man died of .............. . home.
SICK 5. There were many landslides during the earthquake.
2. I thanked God for having saved me in this .............. experience.
FRIGHT If another earthquake happened, the cave would be
3. I looked around the beach and saw nothing to help me in my .............. a safe place to stay.
situation. Robinson felt guilty for becoming too comfortable
on the island.

18 19
5. I found myself in the .............. of a violent earthquake.
8. There was tobacco growing on the island.
a) end b) beginning c) edge d) middle
When Robinson came home, he discovered some 6. My sickness was making me think about God again and so I prayed
grapes had been eaten. .............. to him.
Robinson decided to build another home on the sea a) directly b) honestly c) indirectly d) frankly
10. 7. When I awoke, I felt .............. better.
a) much b) very c) such d) full
C. Complete each sentence with a suitable word from the box. 8. I decided I would explore the .............. of the island.
a) all b) everything c) remaining d) rest
proper survivor warehouse elaborately grindstone
E. Which article (a / an / the / any / some) should go in the spaces
pigeons tent pieces routine recognition
1. After about a year and a half, Robinson would have a .............. house.
2. Robinson was the only .............. from the ships company. 1. I discovered .............. location of the shipwreck.
3. It rained heavily and the ship broke into .............. . 2. I spent .............. first night in the tent in a hammock.
4. Robinsons things were stored inside the .............. . 3. I fixed ..............caves ceiling.
5. The cave was widened and deepened to form a .............. area, a 4. While emptying bags from the ship, I shook out .............. pieces of
kitchen, a dining-room, and a cellar. corn.
6. Robinson began to furnish his house more .............. . 5. If .............. earthquake happened again I would be in a less
7. A .............. took shape for hunting and building. dangerous position.
8. .............. were discovered to be a good source of meat. 6. The next morning I began reading .............. New Testament.
9. Robinson made a .............. to help make the necessary tool for the 7. I discovered that .............. of my grapes had been stepped on.
construction job. 8. I finished the new place in time for .............. following rainy season.
10. There was no .............. that God had been responsible for
Robinsons survival. F. Adjectives
Complete the words below using the text from Chapter 4.
D. Choose the best answer a, b, c, or d to complete each sentence.
1. Robinson started writing about his _ n _ t i _ l unhappiness on the
1. I went .............. by making an entrance and an exit to my home. island. (7 letters)
a) additional b) extra c) further d) more 2. The island was a h _ r _ i b _ _ unfortunate place. (6 letters)
2. A large .............. of dirt fell in from the roof or the cave. 3. Robinson took _ r _ q u e _ _ walks. (8 letters)
a) total b) amount c) number d) figure 4. Candles were made from the _ a _ of the dead goats. (3 letters)
3. When there were problems, I .............. succeeded in fixing them. 5. The ceiling began to fall in because of a _ _ o _ e n t earthquake. (7
a) almost b) generally c) in general d) never letters)
4. After the rain fell, barley, .............. no tending of my own, began to 6. The dwelling was moved to a less _ a _ g _ r _ u _ position. (9
appear. letters)
a) after b) during c) under d) through 7. A grindstone was used to make the n e _ e _ s _ _ _ tools for the

20 21
construction job. (9 letters) I. Group the words in the box according to the given categories.
8. Robinson chewed on a h _ _ e m _ _ e medicine for his illness. (8
letters) wall grapes meat raisins chair corn
roof dressing table cellar shelves
G. Match pairs of words that have OPPOSITE meanings.
Food Parts of a building Furniture
wild exit
die hate
love tame
entrance survive
end beginning

H. Circle the 10 NOUNS hidden in the puzzle. J. Choose the correct answer a, b, c or d.

S X T B E H E T P M Y 1. I realised there was nothing I wanted that I ........................... .

a) shouldnt make b) will make
c) couldnt make d) can make
R E B E L L I O N D W 2. I started writing about my initial unhappiness, and all the tasks and
V P Z E Q W F T B H Y duties I ........................... in getting used to life on the island.
I V T B H N G U I L T a) complete b) has completed
c) had completed d) was completed
V P R A Y E R L S R W 3. I ........................ about the idea of breeding tame animals so I might
A F E Y K L P B O E B have another source of food.
L Z A Q N H I D L M P a) is thinking b) begin thinking
c)begins thinking d) began thinking
4. They .............................. to recognise my building as a home.
A A M B H J K L T D E a) is not able b) has not been able
C S E A S O N R I Y R c) are being able d) would not be able
X Z N O J Y F R O C T 5. I .................... the skins of every animal I killed and hung them as
Q U T F B E W H N N Y a) kept b) was kept c) am keeping d) was
6. I .......................... to make candles from the fat of the dead goats.
a) decide b) decided
c) was decided d) am deciding

22 23
7. This horrific experience .............................. by another when a B. Say whether the following statements are true of false.
terrible storm began.
a) has followed b) has been followed True False
c) was followed d) will be followed
8. The following evening, while eating my turtle supper, I ..................... Robinson had learned how to profit from the rainy
myself saying grace for the first time in my life. season and the dry season.
a) found b) was found 2. There was very little food on the island.
c) am found d) am finding
3. Scavenging birds were a problem for the crops.
K. Choose the correct form of the word in bold It took six months to make the tools needed to
make grain for bread.
Happy Day Annoy Reflect punish
5. A kiln was used to make clothes.
1. I, poor, ................. Robinson Crusoe, was shipwrecked during a 6. Robinsons parrot was named Polly.
terrible storm.
2. I began my ................. routine. 7. Money was very valuable on the island.
3. During this time the darkness became my greatest ................. . Robinsons clothes started falling apart during his
4. I began thinking about the lack of ................. about my own life I had 8.
fourth year on the island.
shown up to this point.
5. My unhappiness was a ................. for a life of rebellion. C. Complete each sentence with a suitable word from the box.

Chapter 5 outdoors luxuries sittings butter footprint

canal wind society complicated
A. Answer the following questions.
1. Many times Robinson slept .............. in trees to protect himself from
wild animals.
1. How did Robinson feel on his one year anniversary of arriving on the
2. On the second anniversary, Robinson thanked God for the ..............
and good fortune he had had.
2. What was Robinsons greatest wish?
3. Robinson was happier with a isolated existence than the life he had
3. What used to follow Robinson around when he was at home?
previously had in normal ................ .
4. Was it a simple operation for Robinson to make bread?
4. Robinson read the Bible in three separate .............. a day.
5. Why couldnt Robinson get the first boat he built to the waters
5. Robinson couldnt believe how ................. it was to make bread.
6. The only way to get the first boat to the waters edge was to build a
6. What material was used to make an umbrella?
.............. .
7. What was the sea like around the island? 7. Slowly the .............. changed, and Robinson was able to get back to
8. Who was calling Robinsons name? shore.
8. Goats provided milk to make .............. and cheese.
9. Robinson noticed a mans .............. near one of his boats.
24 25
D. Choose the best answer a, b, c, or d to complete each sentence. F. Change these verbs into the nouns that are used in Chapter 5.

1. This was the first word I heard since ................ on the island. 1. ARRIVE
a) land b) landing c) to land d) landed 2. INHABIT
2. I decided to try and repair the wrecked ships boat, but it kept 3. ABLE
................. . 4. EXIST
a) sinking b) sunk c) sinks d) sank 5. OPERATE
3. I spent much of my time .................... the significant dates in my life.
a) remembering b) remember G. Match pairs of words that have SIMILIAR meanings.
c) to remember d) remembered
4. At this point though my clothes started .............. apart. profit frequently
a) to falling b) fell c) falling d) fall protect defend
5. I became terribly frightened when I heard a voice .............. my name. curious earn
a) was called b) called c) calls d) calling constantly before
6. I was able to do more and more to .............. my building projects. previously interested
a) furthers b) farther c) further d) far
7. While .............. one of my boats, I noticed a mans footprints near it.
H. Solve the crossword puzzle.
a) visit b) visiting c) visited d) visits
8. My faith in God was being ..................... . 1
a) challenged b) challenging
c) a challenge d) challenges
2 3

E. Choose the correct preposition?

4 5
1. I prayed for / to God.
2. My greatest desire at / in this moment was for a smoking pipe.
3. One clear day, I was able to see a line in / from / of land. 6

4. At / In / On my walks around the island I discovered more animals. 7

5. The rest of the year passed within / without anything happening.
6. I improved upon / over / with the system by making a kiln.
7. I was now growing curious around / about the land on the other side 8

of the island.
8. The skins kept me dry on / with / in the rain. Across:
1. Ways of doing something. (7 letters)
4. A group of goats is caller a .............. (5 letters)
6. Something used for smoking tobacco. (4 letters)

26 27
7. A .............. is used to catch animals. (4 letters) 7. I began to worry that I would not be able returning / to return.
8. Not in the city, but in the .............. (7 letters) 8. Still I wished sailing / to sail around the island.

Down: K. Look at each of the words in bold and decide if it is a noun (n.) or
1. The opposite of an island. (8 letters) an adjective (adj.).
2. Another word for run away or get away. (6 letters).
3. You use this to carry things in. (6 letters). 1. Robinson kept himself busy with farming and making useful
5. A collection of useful things like food, water or gunpowder. (6 household items.
letters) .......................
2. Robinson used to walk around the island thinking of how lonely he
I. Group the words in the box according to the correct endings was.
(an example is given in each column). You may have to change the .......................
spelling for some words. 3. To make a loaf of bread, Robinson needed to prepare the grain and
sure rare comfort incredible actual .......................
prepare main isolate success respectful 4. Pots were used to make a stew.
-ful -able -tion -ly 5. On Robinsons fourth anniversary, he remained astonished that
there were no evils on the island.
useful reasonable operation quickly .......................

Chapter 6
A. Answer the following questions.

J. ing form or infinitive? Choose the correct form for each 1. At first, Robinson thought the footprint was made by who?
sentence. 2. What did Robinson find on the opposite shore?
3. What did Robinson promise to do if the cannibals returned?
1. I was constantly working / to work on my corn and barley. 4. How many survivors were on the wreck of the Spanish ship?
2. I also taught myself making / to make pots. 5. Why did Robinson call the young man Friday?
3. At this time my pet parrot Poll, who I had spent teaching / to teach 6. How did Robinson feel when Friday made signs that they should eat
how to speak its name, actually did so. the bodies of the two men?
4. This was the first word I heard since landing / to land on the island. 7. After teaching Friday a little English, where did Robinson find out
5. I then decided building / to build my own boat. they were close to?
6. I managed to use the skins of creatures I had killed keeping / to keep 8. When the weather was clear, what did Friday do?
me warm.

28 29
B. Say whether the following statements are true of false. 9. .............., he fell asleep.
10. Robinson and Friday made .............. for the two dead men.
True False
D. Choose the best answer a, b, c, or d to complete each sentence.
1. The footprint was much bigger than Robinsons.
2. Corn was planted in front of Robinsons home. 1. As I walked I was always ................ .
a) afrayed b) afeared c) afraid d) afrighted
3. Robinson learned how to make beer. 2. My fear of cannibals .............. on the island was confirmed.
Robinson was shocked to see a fire on his side of the a) are b) being c) to be d) were
4. 3. As time passed I became more comfortable with these .............. events.
a) recently b) recent c) currently d) near
5. A dog was found on the wreck of the Spanish ship. 4. I began a daily tour to look out for ......................... ships.
6. Friday was about fifteen years old. a) approach b) approachable
c) approached d) approaching
7. Robinson found Friday to be gentle and loving. 5. I continued my ..................... life and gave thanks to God.
8. Friday taught Robinson how to speak English. a) isolating b) isolationary c) isolate d) isolated
6. Friday became a ................... servant.
There were white men living in peace on Fridays a) loyal b) loyally c) loyalty d) loyalness
native land. 7. I made it my aim to turn Friday into a ................... human-being.
The adventure to Fridays homeland was planned a) civilised b) educated c) civilian d) civil
for September and October. 8. I had discovered a ................... reason for living.
a) wonder b) wonderful c) amazing d) greatest
C. Complete each sentence with a suitable word from the box.
E. Choose the correct article?
attacking goats bones prisoner souls abroad
graves lookout location exhausted 1. I decided to check a / the footprint against my own.
2. I wished to get revenge for a / the deaths of their victims.
1. People must have come from .............. in boats. 3. I took the dog, along with any / some alcohol, clothing and money
2. The goats were moved to a more distant .............. and divided into 4. He was a good-looking youth, but did not speak any / some English.
two groups. 5. I would make a / an tent for Friday between my two encampments.
3. Robinson found himself more preoccupied with caring for his 6. Friday became a / an loyal servant.
.............. . 7. Everybody should be given an / the chance to change themselves
4. Robinson thought about the best way of .............. the cannibals. and be forgiven.
5. Two canoes were seen from a .............. point. 8. Together we managed to build a / an big boat.
6. The .............. of human beings were found on the shore.
7. Two unfortunate .............. were pulled from the boat.
8. The .............. bowed down and rested his head on Robinsons feet.

30 31
F. Change these nouns into the adjectives that are used in Chapter 6. Down:
1. The cannibals had done no personal ................ to Robinson.
1. REVOLUTION (4 letters)
2. ISOLATION 2. A way of cooking something. (5 letters)
3. LOVE 4. Another word for duty, assignment or task. (7 letters)
4. LOYALTY 5. Another word for noises. (6 letters)
I. Group the words in the box according to the given categories.
G. Match pairs of words that have SIMILIAR meanings.
harmony peace habits apparently religious
reinforce split patiently gentle aim steady occasionally
divide strengthen
confirm argue Nouns Adjectives Adverbs
engage take on
debate verify

H. Solve the crossword puzzle.

3 4 J. There is a mistake with one of the verbs in each sentence.

Underline the mistake and write the correct form in the space
provided below each sentence.

6 1. This makes me feel better and I went out again to milk my goats.
2. I wanted to hiding myself even more.
3. I thanked God that I myself has not been eaten I was not as bad as
8 these horrible cannibals.
4. I set my mind on other tasks, such as how to learns to make beer.
Across: ................
3. Robinson and Friday lived together in ................ (7 letters) 5. I debates with myself repeatedly and decided that maybe it would be
6. To be careful. (8 letters) better to leave the cannibals in the hands of God.
7. Another word for friend. (9 letters) ................
8. Someone who is very angry is ................ (7 letters)

32 33
6. Later they leaved the island thus allowing me to investigate. 8. What did the captain hand Robinson after he won his boat back?
................ 9. Which items did Robinson choose to take with him when he left the
7. Apart from a barking dog, however, I was found no survivors. island?
................ 10. Which of Robinsons relations were still alive when he returned to
8. As one was beaten and cutted open for the feast, the other managed England?
to run away, in my direction.
................ B. Say whether the following statements are true of false.

K. Look at each of the words in bold and decide if it is a verb or an True False
Robinson and Friday were preparing to leave the
1. Robinson reinforced the walls and planted lines of trees in front of his island during the rainy season.
home. 2. Robinsons initial plan was to kill all the cannibals.
2. Robinson picked the best places from which he could take aim at the Robinson, Friday and Christianus didnt kill all the
disgusting cannibals. cannibals some of them escaped in a boat.
................ Christianus and Friday went back in a boat to gather
3. Robinson became frightened by strange sounds close to his home. men.
5. The mutineers wanted to kill their prisoners.
4. Time continued to pass and Robinson spent most of his time with his
parrot and other animals. Robinson decided to save the English prisoners on
................ two conditions.
5. Friday could not stand the idea of me sending him away. 7. The mutineers were taken back to England.
Upon arriving in England, Robinson found himself
to be a very wealthy man.
Chapter 7 9. Robinson got married and had two children.
A. Answer the following questions. The island on which Robinson spent most of his life
always remained empty.
1. What happened when Robinson and Friday were preparing to set
sail? C. Complete each sentence with a suitable word from the box.
2. Who was one of the cannibals victims?
3. What was the reunion between Friday and his father like? disaster caution bring battle blood invitation
4. What did Christianus think about Robinsons island? conditions plantation secrets mutineers
5. What happened after Christianus and Fridays father left the island?
6. Who were the three men left on the beach as prisoners? 1. The cannibals were hurt and covered in .............. .
7. On what conditions did Robinson agree to save the prisoners?
34 35
2. Christianus wanted to .............. the rest of his men to live on 8. He had been the captain of the ship but his men had .............. .
Robinsons island. a) mutinied b) mutineer c) mutant d) mutiny
3. Robinson approached the prisoners with .............. and asked what
they were doing there. E. Choose the correct pronoun.
4. The prisoners would be saved on two .............. .
5. The two evil men were killed when the .............. began. 1. Friday was the person who / what saw three canoes arriving on the
6. The .............. wouldnt be able to find their friends who were hidden island.
in Robinsons home. 2. Robinson gave Friday a knife and took and took a sword and gun for
7. It would have been a .............. if the men returned to the ship and myself / himself.
sailed away. 3. When Robinson untied the man, he discovered that he / it was
8. Robinson explained some of his .............. of survival to the men and Spanish.
left a letter for Christianus. 4. Friday and Robinson gave the prisoners some bread and water and
9. Robinson had become extremely wealthy through farming and so he made they / them some beds.
sold his .............. . 5. Robinson started talking to the Spaniard, who / whose name was
10. The Spaniards arrived on the island by the .............. of Fridays Christianus.
father and Christianus. 6. The captain said that there were only two men in the group who /
whom were truly evil.
D. Choose the best answer a, b, c, or d to complete each sentence. 7. It seemed like the men might sail away, that / which would have
been a disaster.
1. They were naked, unarmed and .............. . 8. Robinson was able to provide for his sisters, the education of their
a) inferior b) inferiors c) inferiority d) interfere children and that / those of his brothers children.
2. My plan was to .............. them away with the sound of gunfire.
a) scare b) scary c) scared d) scar F. Use the words in CAPITALS at the end of the sentence to form a
3. I was .............. to see they were eating the cooked flesh from one of new word that fits in the gap.
the prisoners.
a) discussed b) disgust Union Rule Prison Wealth excite
c) disgusted d) disgusting
4. He immediately jumped up and started trying to kill any cannibals 1. The .............. between Friday and his father was joyous.
who .............. . 2. Robinson considered himself the rightful .............. of his newly
a) remains b) remained c) remainder d) remain populated island.
5. I was very happy that my island could now be .............. as populated. 3. Three men from the English ship stayed on the
a) guarded b) regarding c) regulated d) regarded beach as .............. .
6. Christianus and Fridays father went back in a canoe .............. the 4. After going to Portugal, Robinson discovered that he had become
men. extremely .............. .
a) get b) got c) together d) to get 5. Many more ............... things have happened in Robinsons life.
7. At first the men believed I had been an angel sent by God and they
began .............. .
a) cries b) crying c) cried d) cryed
36 37
G. Match pairs of words that have OPPOSITE meanings.
Weapons Food & Drink People

naked uninhabited
alive devil
ecstatic depressed
populated dressed
angel dead
J. There is a mistake with one of the verbs in each sentence.
H. Complete the crossword puzzle using the clues given. Underline the mistake and write the correct form in the space
provided below each sentence.
1 S
2 U 1. He should not hide his panic so I gave him some rum.
3 R
2. We started to shooting down from our hiding spot at the cannibals.
4 V ...................
5 I 3. I was very touching by this human emotion.
6 V
4. I would have liked to join these Europeans, but I feared to become a
7 A prisoner myself.
8 L ...................
5. To prepare for this, we all worked hard increase the farming and
1. Another word for afraid. (6 letters) breeding.
2. The sound from a gun. (7 letters) ...................
3. To have no weapons. (7 letters) 6. Once the captain had to win his boat back, he told me that the boat
4. Someone who is killed (6 letters) and his men were now mine to command.
5. Robinson doesnt tell us of his other .............. (7 letters) ...................
6. The opposite of to leave. (6 letters) 7. It was then that I saw that my island was done very well.
7. Christianus lived in .............. with the cannibals. (5 letters) ...................
8. .............. means to discover or investigate. (7 letters) 8. I looks in on the inhabitants of the island from time to time.
I. Group the words in the box according to the given categories.
K. Passive voice
water gun knife friend Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the
mutineer sword rum bread first one. An example has been given.
The next victim was a white man
A white man was the next victim

38 39
1. We saw a long boat approaching the shore. H. 1. army 2. deck 3. lived 4. sea 5. mind 6. fortune 7. harbour 8. terror
A long boat ................... . 9. sadness
2. The following morning we pulled the boat up onto the beach.
I. Nouns: coast; dreams; joy; thoughts
The following morning the boat ................... .
Verbs: abandon; try; trade
3. The captain shot dead the main mutineer.
Adjectives: tropical; English; comfortable; several
The main mutineer ................... .
4. I left a letter for Christianus explaining what had happened. J. 1. b) 2. c) 3. d) 4. a) 5. a) 6. c) 7. c) 8. b) 9. b) 10. d)
A letter ................... .
5. I found the old Portuguese captain in London. K. 1. was changed 2. had never left 3. had stopped 4. had ever seen 5. returned
The old Portuguese captain ................... .
Chapter 2
Key A. 1. He left 200 pounds with the widow of the captain.
2. They were attacked by Turkish pirates.
Chapter 1 3. He was a prisoner for two years.
4. A boy called Xury accompanied Robinson.
A. 1. Robinson Crusoe was born in York, England. 5. They were forced to land to search for fresh water.
2. He had two elder brothers. 6. The ship was sailing to Brazil.
3. His father wanted him to have a career in law 7. The captain bought his boat, all his worldly goods, and even Xury.
4. They tried to persuade him not to do so. 8. He decided to become a farmer himself and started to buy land.
5. Middle-class boys should be happy with a life of work. 9. He felt confused and sad.
6. He met a friend who was going to London by sea. 10. He boarded the ship on September 1, 1659.
7. He thought it was the most beautiful sight he had ever seen.
8. The sailors fired their guns as a signal of distress. B. 1.T 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.F 6.F 7.F 8.T 9.T 10.F
9. He would be too ashamed to go home.
10. The captain died in Guinea, on the west coast of Africa. C. 1. signs 2. cannibals 3. catch 4. exchange 5. honest 6. farm 7. slave
8. safe 9. merchants 10. disaster
B. 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. T 6. F 7. F 7. T
D. 1. b) 2. a) 3. d) 4. c) 5. a)
C. 1. northern 2. journey 3. unsuccessful 4. poor 5. permission 6. rough
7. panic 8. on foot 9. seasickness 10. business E. 1. the 2. some 3. a 4. the / the 5. the 6. a 7. any 8. a 9. the / an

D. 1. b) 2. a) 3. b) 4. d) 5. d) 6. c) 7. c) 8. a) F. 1. previous 2. determined 3. communicating 4. scene 5. spotted

6. wealthy 7. desperate 8. ignoring
E. 1. to 2. in 3. with 4. at 5. at 6. of 7. on 8. by
G. friend enemy; master slave; many few; increase decrease; wonderful awful
F. 1. settling 2. advice 3. begged 4. course 5. insignificant 6. faded
7. rescued 8. ashamed 9. ship 10. addiction

G. buying selling; elder younger; sea land; early late; together alone

40 41
H. 7. faith 8. misery 9. line

C D. 1. b) 2. d) 3. b) 4. a) 5. c) 6. d) 7. a) 8. a)
G A T H E R N E. 1. for 2. of 3. in 4. into 5. with 6. into 7. onto 8. between 9. above
E V 10. without
P I P N F. 1. probably 2. surely 3. finally 4. painfully 5. helplessly 6. completely
R T P C M 7. importantly 8. previously
M E O N G. calmly in panic; asleep awake; dry wet; still moving; strong weak
H. 1. massive 2. shore 3. assist 4. supplies 5. wild 6. spare 7. evils
8. rescued 9. lack

I. Uninhabited: deserted; unpopulated; empty I. Positive: useful; alive; thankful; fortunate

Prisoner: hostage; captive Negative: upset; terrible; disappeared; worried; doubt; impossibility
Scary: terrifying; frighteningl
J. 1. d) 2. c) 3. b) 4. a) 5. b) 6. b) 7. a) 8. d) 9. d) 10. c)
J. 1. unhappiest 2. gunfire 3. (correct) 4. overboard 5. strangeness
6. morning 7. hopeful 8. shore K. 1. sickness 2. frightening 3. terrifying 4. sunny 5. happy

K. 1. looked 2. were forced 3. suggested 4. would join 5. had Chapter 4

Chapter 3 A. 1. Robinson started to build a wall around his house.
2. He described it as a horrible unfortunate island.
A. 1. It wouldnt make it to its destination because of massive leakage. 3. Robinson preserved its skin.
2. Eleven people were left on the ship. 4. They kept the place tidy inside.
3. The ship crashed into the seabed. 5. The darkness became Robinsons greatest annoyance.
4. He climbed a tree because he wanted to sleep safely. He was afraid of the animals 6. The hurricane caused the ship to come closer to shore.
or men that inhabited the island. 7. He had terrible visions of a huge man coming down from a rain cloud.
5. He felt fortunate because he had been the only one to avoid death and had been 8. It was made from rum, tobacco and water.
able to keep many of the ships provisions.
6. He could remember how long he was on the island by cutting lines into a large B. 1.T 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.T 6.F 7.T 8.T
square post.
7. He made a list of advantages and disadvantages to make himself feel better. C. 1. proper 2. survivor 3. pieces 4. tent 5. warehouse 6. elaborately
8. He began thinking he could learn to make or do anything if he needed to. 7. routine 8. pigeons 9. grindstone 10. recognition

B. 1.F 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.F 6.F 7.T 8.F D. 1. further 2. amount 3. generally 4. through 5. middle 6. directly
7. much 8. rest
C. 1. massive 2. cannibals 3. experience 4. crew 5. supplies 6. deserted

42 43
E. 1. the 2. the 3. the 4. some 5. an 6. the 7. some 8. the B. 1.T 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.F 6.F 7.F 8.T 9.T 10.T

F. 1. initial 2. horrible 3. frequent 4. fat 5. violent 6. dangerous 7. necessary C. 1. outdoors 2. luxuries 3. society 4. sittings 5. complicated 6. canal
8. home-made 7. wind 8. butter 9. footprint

G. wild tame; die survive; love hate; entrance exit; end beginning D. 1. c) 2. b) 3. a) 4. c) 5. d) 6. c) 7. b) 8. a)

H. E. 1. to 2. at 3. of 4. on 5. without 6.upon 7. about 8. in

S F. 1. arrival 2. inhabitant 3. ability 4. existence 5. operation

R E B E L L I O G. profit earn; protect defend; curious interested; constantly frequently;
V previously before
V P R A Y E R S R H.
I. Food: meat; grapes; raisins; corn
Parts of a building: wall; roof; cellar L
Furniture: chair; dressing table; shelves C O U N T R Y

J. 1. c) 2. c) 3. d) 4. d) 5. a) 6. b) 7. c) 8. a) I. -ful successful
-able comfortable;
K. 1. unhappy 2. daily 3. annoyance 4. reflection 5. punishment -tion preparation; isolation
-ly surely; actually; mainly; rarely; incredibly; respectfully
Chapter 5
J. 1. working 2. to make 3. teaching 4. landing 5. to build 6. to keep 7. to
A. 1. He felt unhappy. return 8. to sail
2. His greatest wish was for a smoking pipe.
3. A parrot and a young goat used to follow him around. K. 1. adjective. 2. adjective. 3. noun. 4. noun. 5. adjective.
4. No, it wasnt a simple operation to make bread.
5. He couldnt get it to the waters edge because of the weight. Chapter 6
6. The skins of animals were used to make an umbrella.
7. The sea was incredibly rough. A. 1. Robinson thought he made the footprint himself.
8. Poll, Robinsons parrot, was calling his name. 2. Robinson found human bones.
3. Robinson promised to kill them.

44 45
4. There were no survivors on the wreck of the Spanish ship. Chapter 7
5. He was called Friday after the day they first met.
6. Robinson became furious. A. 1. Friday saw three canoes arrive on the island.
7. Robinson found out they were close to the Caribbean. 2. One of the victims was Fridays father.
8. Friday rejoiced at being able to see his homeland in the distance. 3. The reunion was joyous.
4. Christianus was impressed with the island.
B. 1.T 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.T 6.F 7.T 8.F 9.T 10.F 5. Friday and Robinson spotted a long boat and a ship that appeared to be English.
6. They were the captain, first mate and a passenger from the English ship.
C. 1. abroad 2. location 3. goats 4. attacking 5. lookout 6. bones 7. souls 7. The conditions were that they swear loyalty to Robinson and take him and Friday
8. prisoner 9. exhausted 10. graves to England.
8. He handed Robinson brand new clothes.
D. 1. a) 2. c) 3. b) 4. d) 5. d) 6. a) 7. a) 8. b) 9. Robinson took his cap made of goatskin, the umbrella he had made, and his
parrot Poll.
E. 1. the 2. the 3. some 4. any 5. a 6. a 7. the 8. a 10. His only relations were his two sisters and the two children of one of his
F. 1. revolting 2. isolated 3. loving 4. loyal 5. civilised
B. 1.F 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.F 6.T 7.F 8.F 9.F 10.F
G. reinforce strengthen; divide split; confirm verify; engage take on; debate
argue C. 1. blood 2. bring 3. caution 4. conditions 5. battle 6. mutineers
7. disaster 8. secrets 9. plantation 10. invitation
D. 1. a) 2. a) 3. c) 4. b) 5. d) 6. d) 7. b) 8. a)
A R E. 1. who 2. himself 3. he 4. them 5. whose 6. who 7. which 8. that
M A I F. 1. reunion 2. ruler 3. prisoners 4. wealthy 5. exciting
G. naked dressed; alive dead; ecstatic depressed; populated uninhabited; angel
F U R I O U S H. 1. scared 2. gunfire 3. unarmed 4. victim 5. stories 6. arrive 7. peace
8. explore
I. Nouns: harmony; habits; peace; aim
Adjectives: religious; gentle; steady I. Weapons: knife; sword; gun
Adverbs: apparently; patiently; occasionally Food & Drink: water; rum; bread
People: friend; mutineer
J. 1. makes - made 2. hiding - hide 3. has - had 4. to learns - learning 5. debates
- debated 6. leaved - left 7. was found - found 8. cutted - cut J. 1. should could 2. shooting shoot 3. touching touched 4. to become
becoming 5. increase to increase 6. to win won 7. done doing 8.
K. 1. verb. 2. adjective. 3. adjective. 4. verb. 5. verb. looks look

46 47
K. 1. A long boat was seen approaching the shore.
2. The following morning the boat was pulled up onto the beach.
3. The main mutineer was shot dead by the captain.
4. A letter was left for Christianus explaining what had happened.
5. The old Portuguese captain was found in Lisbon.


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