Kumpulan Pidato Bahasa Inggris

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Assalamualaikum Wr.

The teacher whom I respect.
Ladies and gentleman whom I respect.
Firstly lets thank to Allah SWT, who has giver blessing and mercy for us
This time i would like to speech which the tittle discipline.

Discipline is an important gesture that should be owned by everyone. Because

discipline is the key to success in our lives.
Discipline has many kinds, first: the discipline to manage time. second: discipline
financial management, and thrid: discipline in dress and much more.
Like the saying time is money can we interpret that time is precious to us.
Therefore let us begin to get discipline life early on that in the future life we are so
much easier.

Okay ladies and gentleman I thing my speech enough, thank very much for you
attention, forgive me for many mistake.
Wassalamualaikum wr.wb.
By : Risti kristini

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb
The teacher whom i respect
Ladies and gentleman whom i respect
Firstly lets thank to Allah SWT, who has given blessing and mercy for us.
This time i would like to speach with the tittle is cleanliness classroom

Cleanliness is one thing we should care for. Especially the cleanliness of

our classroom, the place where we study everyday. When our classroom is clean,
the atmosphire of teaching and learnign will be pleasant and comfortable.
Therefore, the cleanliness of our classroom should always be kept. The students
should not throw trashes away so that the floor will be always clean. We should
also take care of our walls and bench, we should not scrawl it. Let us begin right
now, to always keep our classroom clean in order we will always be fresh and
comfortable when we are learning and studying

Okay ladies and gentleman i thing my speech enough, thank very much for you
attention, forgive me for many mistake.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb


Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb
The teacher whom I respect.
Ladies and gentleman whom I respect.
Firstly lets thank to Allah SWT, who has giver blessing and mercy for us
This time i would like to speech which the tittle The meaning definition of the

Ladies and gantelman mom, is the woman that always surrounds our days, with
love, prayer, sacrifiece and tears. He was also a hero for life.
Ladies and gantelman imagine, if none of the affection of mother we have in ths
Only with mother love is willing to sacrifiece, their lives to bore us.
We must strive to reply to all of the servieces that they have done for us.

Okay ladies and gentleman I thing my speech enough, thank very much for you
attention, forgive me for many mistake.
Wassalamualaikum wr.wb.
By : dede sumiati
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb
The teacher whom I respect.
Ladies and gentleman whom I respect.
Firstly lets thank to Allah SWT, who has giver blessing and mercy for us
This time i would like to speech which the tittle separation.

No time has passed until today we were heading gate separation and will step on
the way new life ahead. Everything we got during this school is very meaningful
and we will continue to cherish. We thank the teachers who have been patienly
guided us gain knowledge. We pray that what we have been given a provision to
be a useful human.
Where there is an ecounter, there must be a separation. May also farewell this time
is not the end of everything.

Okay ladies and gentleman I thing my speech enough, thank very much for you
attention, forgive me for many mistake.
Wassalamualaikum wr.wb.
By : Siti nurjanah

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb
The teacher whom I respect.
Ladies and gentleman whom I respect.
Firstly lets thank to Allah SWT, who has giver blessing and mercy for us
This time i would like to speech which the tittle mother.

Mother is a symbol of love.

The ultimate sacrifice, and his personal divine messengerr on earth.
But behind his noble mother, where a mother no longer glorified for some people.
Do not we ever hear the story of Malin kundang? Many lessons we can from it,
then respect a mother who became noble figure who has conducted three word,
letters containing, childbirth, an breastfeeding even more than that.

Okay ladies and gentleman I thing my speech enough, thank very much for you
attention, forgive me for many mistake.
Wassalamualaikum wr.wb.
By : Lena susanti

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb
The teacher whom I respect.
Ladies and gentleman whom I respect.
Firstly lets thank to Allah SWT, who has giver blessing and mercy for us
This time i would like to speech which the tittle close the genetalia.

Closse the genetalia is an honor for ourselves. Keep out sight of people or men
who are not mahram us. Close the genetalia not only use shirt and trousers, but
sould cover the hair on the head, because the hair is a womans genetalia are not
allowed in snapping everywhere.
All my friend we all had maturity, certainly we understand the restrictions that
have been specified by Allahs word.

Okay ladies and gentleman I thing my speech enough, thank very much for you
attention, forgive me for many mistake.
Wassalamualaikum wr.wb.
By : Seli rasela

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb

The teacher whom i respect

Ladies and gentleman whom i respect
Firstly lets thank to Allah SWT, who has given blessing and mercy for us.
This time i would like to speach which the tittle The Moral Education.
Ladies and gentleman,
Have you ever seen the students smoke? Have you ever seen the students truant?
Have you ever seen the students brawl? And have you ever heard of the students
that involved in free sex?

I think all will be say yes. This means that moral atitude of Indonesian teenager
have trund away from the values and the norm of the real Indonesia. Everyone
involved in those bad things are students. The young people who should have the
best ethics, because they have educated through educational instittution.

Ladies and gentleman,

Of course we all very disapointed to see the moral of Indonesian students, who are
increasingly low and are at the destruction. This should not be allowed to continue
and must be addressed proferly. It riqueres to coopration of all human parents,
aducators, and government in order to create that moral inteligence decreasses.
Let us create a learning system that is accompained by moral exhortation, good
behavior, and a discipline that make students not only have a high score, but also a
good morality.
So do not give up, keep fighting, and be the noble of education.

Okay ladies and gentleman i think my speech enough, thank very much for you
attention, forgive me for many mistake.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb

Kiki Kusmayanti

Assalamualaikum wr.wb
The teacher whom I respect.
Ladies and gentleman whom I respect.
Firstly lets thank to Allah SWT, who has given blessing and mercy for us.
This time I would like to speech which the tittle is Health and Cleanliness.

Ladies and gentleman,

Health is part of our life that is very important. So we have to maintain our life by
having good food beverage and doing balance life style. Like eating food three
time a day and do not smoke.
Health is really connected wit cleanliness. If we aware with cleanliness, so healthy
life will come to our life. As muslim, we should to already know that cleanliness
is part of faith. This is in accordance with the hadist Rasulullah SAW.
Therefore us, when we live in clean area we will trust and believe. Here, I hope all
of us should do a good thing to make healthy our life.

Okay ladies and gentleman, I think my speech enough. Thank very much for you
attention, forgive me for many mistake.
Wassalamualaikum wr.wb.

By: neng sinta

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

The teacher whom i respect
Ladies and gantelman whom i respect
Firstly lets thank to Allah SWT, who has given blessing and mercy for us.
This time i would like to speach with the tittle is Primacy Study.
Has a very manjor in life sciences, the science of happiness the
world and hereafter we will feel. We certainly have a lot of desire in this
world, but if we do not have the science, it seems impossible that our
desires can be achieved. Therefore seek knowledge so highly preferred.
Especially for friends who are till in school, there is no reason to lazing in
the study. Because seeking knowledge is an obligation for everyone.
However, the future of our nation rests with us. So we do not say bored in
their studies.
Okay, ladies and gantelman, i think speach enough. Thank very much for
you ettention, forgive me for many mistake.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

By : Sri Mulya

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Tristly lets thanks to Allah SWT who has given blessing and mercy
to us, shalawat and salam always he given to our prophet
muhammad SAW.
The teacher whom I respect
Ladies and gentlemen whom I respect
This time I would like to speech which the little

Islam put parents at a respectable and noble. Because thay were

born into this world. So, we always pray to thery will A tabiah
said Who has pray will his parents at 5 times a day last night, he
has pay the against the parents for it, we have to diligent
prayed for them every finished prayer fardhu. And one of them
was prayed from childern soleh solehah. Let us not as a son
wicked. Naudzubillahimindzalik.

I say Alhamdulillah may be this is the lost of me speech. I am

sorry if have many mistake, thankyou very much for you

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Tristly lets thanks to Allah SWT who has given blessing and mercy
to us, shalawat and salam always he given to our prophet
muhammad SAW.
The teacher whom I respect
Ladies and gentlemen whom I respect
This time I would like to speech which the little

Good like to speech about life pillar. Live principle is a living with
piece, not to quarrel or to fight between friens. I will discuss
about living in harmony in the school environment. As we can not
quarrel with remand or between school, because we car hurt our
selves. Fighting or in slang chilldren today called tauran. Tauran
was very urcopumentary. Tauran it s does not make you a cool
child or a cool mix. Cool it is that young children who love the
peace if we have an enemy line a thousand of the enemy, so we
should be able to live in harmony with fellow human beings.

I say Alhamdulillah may be this is the lost of me speech. I am

sorry if have many mistake, thankyou very much for you

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Fristly lets thanks to Allah SWT who has given blessing and
mercy to us, shalawat and salam always he given to our prophet
muhammad SAW.
The teacher whom I respect
Ladies and gentlemen whom I respect
This time I would like to speech which the little mother day.

In this fine moment of mothers day, lets make it as a day to remiad everything
she has done to us her sons. Lets make this day as the starting point to give loves
like she has given. To give happiness like she has given.
Because she is everthing she deserves all good thing is this word lets repay all her
kindness with always be good sons, be a pride of her and be her hero in her old

I say Alhamdulillah may be this is the lost of me speech. I am

sorry if have many mistake, thankyou very much for you

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb

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