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A Report on

Integrated Marketing Communication of

Walton Bangladesh


Brand Management (MKT-4311)

Report on

Integrated Marketing Communication of Walton Bangladesh

Submitted To:
Dr. Md. Shariful Alam, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
School of Business and Economics

Submitted By:

Name ID Class Serial

Md. Shahaid Jurain Alam 111 121 645 32
Proma Rahman 111 121 069 14
Tanvir Hossain Rana 111 121 333 24
Sumaiya Sharmin 111 121 017 13
Tasnim Harun Upama 111 121 217 18
Farhana Ahmed 111 121 484 30
Tania Akther 111 113 179 11
Section: B

Date of submission: 28th December, 2015

Letter of Transmittal

28th December, 2015

Dr. Md. Shariful Alam, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
School of Business & Economics
United International University

Subject: Letter of transmittal for term paper.


With due honor, We wish to inform you that it was a matter of great pleasure as well as
learning to prepare report on Integrated Marketing Communication of Walton Bangladesh
. under the course of Brand Management. To prepare the paper, we collected and studied
materials in due time and analyzed these and eventually finalize the term paper.

Actually we have enjoyed more in preparing this term paper and develop new business. We
have worked hard to prepare this report. So we would highly oblige if the content of the
report have been acceptable to you.

Though we have put our best efforts yet it is very likely that the report may have some
mistakes and omissions that are unintentional. So, we hope that the report will worthy of
your consideration.

Yours obediently,

Md. Shahaid Jurain Alam

On behalf of the group



At the very beginning we would like to express our deepest gratitude to Almighty Allah for
giving us the strength and the composure to finish the task within the schedule time. Our
sincere gratitude goes to our honorable teacher Dr. Md. Shariful Alam, Ph.D., instructor of
Brand Management in United international University.
The opportunity that Professor Dr. Md. Shariful Alam, Ph.D. sir has given us was really help
full to get much informative. Therefore, we consider us as very lucky individuals as we were
provided with an opportunity to be a part of it. We are also grateful for having a chance to
explore so many knowledge for making this report. Without his support and encouragement
this assignment would not possible such an endeavor to enhance our practical knowledge
about the real situation.

Thanks all from core of our hearts.

Executive summary

Throughout the report we are mainly concern on the Integrated Marketing Communication
(IMC) of Walton. Here we focus on some benefit of why an organization should use IMC. At
the first we describe the effectiveness of IMC. We choose Walton brand and their IMC
activities. Walton Hi-Tech Industries Limited, commonly referred to as Walton, is a private
limited company of Bangladesh. It is a sister concern of R.B. Group. Walton is one of the
largest electrical, electronics and automobiles manufacturing companies in South Asia. Its
headquarters is situated at Dhaka, Bangladesh. Here we focus on market analysis and
consumer analysis of Walton and we find various important information that we discuses. In
competitor analysis we find Walton has many competitors. Walton use demographic,
psychographic and user related segmentation. They use various promotional mix such as
telephone, broadcast and print media, place advertisement, point of purchase. Walton also
gets various awarded for their different outstanding activities. They also focus on interactive
media and they use various interactive media which are described in the report. Walton also
do various publicity and public relation activity.

Table of Contents
1.0 Intedrated Marketing Communication ................................................................................................7-9

2.0 Walton Company details....................................................................................................................9-10

3.0 Market Analysis....................................................................................................................................11

4.0 Consumer Analysis ............................................................................................................................11

5.0 Competitor Analysis ..............................................................................................................................12

6.0 Segmentation, Targeting, Position.......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

7.0 Direct Response Advertising ............................................................................................................14-15

8.0 Place Advertising...................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

9.0 Point of Purchase Advertising.................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

10.0 Trade Promotion............................................................................................................................16-18

11.0 Consumer Promotion...................................................................................................................... 19

12.0 Channel of Marketing and Promotion .......................................................................................19-24
13.0 Event Marketing and Sponsorship.............................................................................................24-31
14.0 Mobile32

15.0 Publicity and Public Relation..32-33


BIBLIOGRAPHY/ WEBLIOGRAPHY ...............................................................................................................35

1.0 Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC)

Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC)is the application of

consistent brand messaging across both traditional and non-traditional marketing channels
and using different promotional methods to reinforce each other. Another, IMC is the
coordination and integration of all marketing communication tools, avenues, and sources
within a company into a seamless program that maximizes the impact on consumers and
other end users at a minimal cost. (Flow and back, 2007, p.8)

First defined by the American Association of Advertising Agencies in 1989, IMC was
developed mainly to address the need for businesses to offer clients more than just standard
advertising. The 4As originally coined the term the "new advertising, " however this title did
not appropriately incorporate many other aspects included in the term "IMC" - most notably,
those beyond traditional advertising process aside from simply advertising.

Overall, an influx of new marketplace trends in the late 20th century spurred organizations to
shift from the standard advertising approach to the IMC approach:

Decreasing message impact and credibility: The growing number of commercial

messaging made it increasingly more difficult for a single message to have a noteworthy

Decreasing costs of databases: The cost of storing and retrieving names, addresses and
information from databases significantly declined. This decline allowed marketers to
reach consumers more effectively.

Increasing client expertise: Clients of marketing and public relations firms became
more educated regarding advertising policies, procedures and tactics. Clients began to
realize that television advertising was not the only way to reach consumers.

Increasing mergers and acquisitions of agencies: Many top public relations firms and
advertising agencies became partners or partnered with other communication firms.

These mergers allowed for more creativity, and the expansion of communication from
only advertising, to other disciplines such as event planning and promotion.

Increasing global marketing: There was a rapid influx in advertising competition from
foreign countries. Companies quickly realized that even if they did not conduct business
outside their own country, they were now competing in global marketing.

Increasing media and audience fragmentation: With the exception of the decline of
newspapers, media outlets, such as magazines and television stations, increased from
1980 to 1990. Additionally, companies could use new technologies and computers to
target specialized audiences based on factors such as ethnic background or place of

Increasing number of overall products: Manufacturers flooded retailers with a plethora

of new products, many of which were identical to products that already existed.
Therefore, a unique marketing and branding approach was crucial to attract customer
attention and increase sales.

Models and Stages

Similar to the definition of IMC, models of the IMC approach vary according to the source
cited. Frequently, models stress the importance of blending various marketing tools to
maximize the customer experience and value. IMC models also often emphasize the lack of a
specific hierarchy of importance in the IMC stages: all components of the model play an
equally important role and a company may or may not choose to immediately implement any
or all of the integration strategies.

Level 1: Tactical Coordination and Marketing Communications Initial IMC focus is on

the tactical coordination of diverse marketing such as advertising, promotion, direct response,
public relations, and special events. This level focuses on delivering one sight, one sound
via marketing communication.

Level 2: Redefining the Scope of Marketing Communication The organization begins to

examine communications from the customers point of view. Marketing communication
begins to give consideration to all sources of brand and company contact a customer has with
the product or service. Management broadens the scope of communication activities to

encompass and coordinate internal marketing employees, suppliers, and other business
partners and align with the existing external communication programs.

Level 3: Application of Information Technology An organizations application of

empirical data using information technology to provide a basis identity, value, and monitor
the impact of integrated internal and external communication programs to key customer
segments over time.

Level 4: Financial and Strategic Integration The emphasis shifts to using the skills and
data generated in the earlier stages to drive corporate strategic planning using customer
information and insights. Organizations re-evaluate their financial information infrastructure.

2.0 Company Details

Walton Hi-Tech Industries Limited, commonly referred to as Walton, is a private limited

company of Bangladesh. It is a sister concern of R.B. Group. Walton is one of the largest
electrical, electronics and automobiles manufacturing companies in South Asia. Its
headquarters is situated at Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Walton manufactures very high quality and durable refrigerators, freezers, air-conditioners
and motorcycles at its state-of-the-art plant at Chandra in Kaliakoir of Gazipur district, some
40 km (25 miles) north of the capital Dhaka. It started its commercial production and
marketing since 2008 with the slogan Walton at Every Home. Walton consistently applies
leading global technologies in manufacturing of its products.
Besides, Walton brand of televisions and their components are manufactured in Walton`s
plant in Gazipur under Walton Micro-Tech Corporation, another sister concern of R.B.

Waltons products have already won the hearts of the millions of people in Bangladesh for
their outstanding designs, uncompromising quality and affordable prices. It has now become
a trusted brand name in every household of Bangladesh.
Walton is an ISO 9001:2008 QMS and ISO 14100:2004 EMS certified company. It is
endeavoring to translate its dream of becoming one of the leaders by manufacturing superior
quality electrical and electronics products using the best technologies.
Walton product line also includes mobile phones, generators, washing machines, iron etc.
Walton has also planned to manufacture automobiles where a large number of local people
are likely to get employment opportunities. Walton has the largest marketing network across
Bangladesh and it sells its products through more than 5,000 outlets, including 140 plazas or
company owned showrooms, and exclusive distributors and dealers showrooms.
Walton has directly and indirectly employed more than 30,000 people in Bangladesh. They
include engineers, technicians, officers, employees and workers. It takes pride being one of
the largest and preferred employers in Bangladesh. On an average, five people are dependent
on each of these employees. So, Walton has been contributing to the livelihoods of an
estimated 150,000 people in the country.
Walton provides committed, reliable and excellent after-sale services to its customers through
its service centers all-over Bangladesh.
Walton is constantly striving to improve lifestyles of people providing best quality products
with extraordinary performances. It always pays utmost attention to the customers need,
choice and satisfaction. Demand of Walton products is now growing in different countries of
the world apart
From Bangladesh, for their outstanding quality, reliability and durability. Waltonexports its
products to 20 different countries of the world. With this success, Waltonlooks to extend its
marketing coverage towards other international market. This wouldbring it into direct
competition with other globally established brands. In the context ofunprecedented growth in
demand both at home and abroad, Walton has planned tobuild an exclusively new refrigerator
manufacturing plant.Walton has a plan to export its products to 50 countries of the world by
2015.Walton has a plan to manufacture 3 million compressors of refrigerators and air-
conditioners every year in future. The company will manufacture high-quality compressors at
a separate plant and export them after meeting the domestic demand. Moreover, Walton has
also planned to manufacture Desktop, Laptop, Tablet PC and Notebook computers under
Walton Electro Comp Limited, another sister concern of R.B. Group. The company is now
actively working on the issue. Walton has already launched an initiative of market survey to
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know about the demand, supply and size of the market of Laptop, Tablet PC and Notebook
computers in Bangladesh.

Integrated Marketing Communication Tools of WALTON

3.0 Market Analysis

Bangladesh with its growing population and economic growth has huge demand for
household products. The fact that only about 60% of the country has electricity available
proves that when electricity will be available throughout the country, demand will increase
further. As the people of this country are mainly price sensitive, Walton, being the sole
manufacturer of refrigerator, freezer and motorcycle, is very keen to meet the demand of this
large market by providing competitive prices. Waltons primary goal is to capture the local
market, as they are still behind market leader LG-Butterfly. But they are also exporting their
products. Already they have customers in Myanmar, Bhutan and to expand their market to
Africa. As to grab the maximum market share within the quickest time frame, Walton
concentrate more in their integrated marketing communications tools. There are many
competitors are in existing market, so Walton faces a huge challenges to switch the customers
from competitors and make them loyal.

4.0 Consumer Analysis

Demographics: Age- The expected age of the targeted customers lies between 14- 54 years,
amongwhich the main target segment is 18- 35 years.

Occupation: The expected occupation of our customer will consist of Business, service, Graduates
&Post Graduates, Athletes, High School going students, teachers, farmers, private and public job
Buying Behavior:

1. Problem Recognition: There can be several reasons for purchasing products, but the
major ones covers lower prices, convenience and health and fitness issues.

2. Information search: There are three media of information search, online (search engines,
company websites, review websites, social media), Offline (newspaper, magazines, outlets)
and word of mouth (family and friends).

3. Evaluation of alternatives: There are different evaluation criteria for selecting a product

i. Brand
ii. Price
iii. Features
iv. Specifications

4. Purchase Decision: The purchase decision of the customer refers to the purchase medium,

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payment option he/ she chose and the mode of payment used by him/ her.

5.0 Competitors Analysis

In the field of home appliances such as television, refrigerator, freezer, air-condition etc.
Some of Waltons competitors are:


Television Refrigerator Air-conditioner



Smartphone Motor Cycle Home Appliance (Iron,

washing machine etc.)



Most of these brands have been in this market for a long time. But none of them were able to
match the market growth of Walton in the last 3 years. Although LG-Butterfly is the no.1
home appliances brand in the country, Walton is catching up fast. Walton has started
manufacturing major parts for the assembly of motorcycle. Right now they hold nearly 8% of
the market share.
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Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning

Segmentation of a market for product placement focuses on dividing total customers on the bases of
different aspects, which includes demographics, psychographics and other user related factors.

The Demographics covers age, Gender, occupation, income and education. This is the primary factor
of segmentation of the customer base and is used most widely. The other segmentation criteria which
covers the aspiration of the customer base and their purchasing ability to fulfill their aspirations, is
psychographic segmentation.

The third type of segmentation is simply user related. Here the segmentation is done on the bases of
previous customers, who have already used one or more products from the company.
The tabular description of the three criteria of segmentation is given below

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The target segment is defined as:

Age 14-54 years

Gender Male and Female
Education All
Occupation Any
Income class Lower middle, Middle, Upper middle and Upper Class
Social Class All
Lifestyle Reformer, Explorer, Succeeded , Mainstreamer and Aspirer
Product user All

Walton position itself as a native product. Product positioned as The Same for Less.
Its Our Product (in Bangla: AmaderPonno)a major slogan of the brand, leaves a
strong impression about Waltons commitment to deliver the best with Bangladesh

Communication Objectives
Main Objective
To create awareness about the brand, to increase usability by changing the perception of
customers towards the product and to show how it can be seamlessly integrate with life.

7.0 Direct Response Advertising


Walton doesnt use mail marketing as direct response advertising. Walton thinks that, this is
outdated because of new era of technology.


Hardly Walton uses telephone as direct response advertising. Sometimes for corporate sales,
they place their messages through telephone. Another, Walton customer care call center
might work as direct response advertising.

Broadcast and Print Media

Broadcast and print media rapidly uses for direct response advertising. It designed as to make
relationship with mainstream media and a well connectivity with its consumers.

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Computer related Media

Walton understands that the future direct response advertising occur through computer
related. Walton concentrates in here to capture the most attraction from the customers.

8.0 Place Advertising

Billboards and Posters

Billboard is the most important marketing tools to attract the potential consumers. People
become aware about the brand. But unfortunately, Walton give a little concentration in
billboard placement. Very few numbers of billboards Walton uses for advertising throughout
the country.

Product Placement

The management of Walton isnt aware about the product placement or they think its not so
important sector to place the advertisements.

Point of Purchase

Consumers can purchase products in different outlet of Walton. Walton has a strong chain
outlet all over the country. Potential consumers go there and purchase whatever they like.
The price is bearable, so its easy for the consumers to take purchase decisions.

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9.0 Point of Purchase Advertising
Shelf talker:

Printed card or other sign attached to a store shelf to call buyers' attention to a
particular product displayed in that shelf it also called shelf screamer. As Walton as an
electronic devises industry so it use a printed card where product features, price are given
in their showrooms. So it is very easy to take any information about the Waltons product by
seeing the printed card.

Aisle markers:

Walton doesnt make any aisle for its product. But its have a separate section for each
product like TV, AC, Mobile, Motor Cycle, Refrigerators etc. in their showrooms.

Shopping Cart ad:

Walton is an electronic device organization so ithas not any physical shopping cart system in
their showrooms. But now they open a website called Walton at Every Home and it has
shopping cart advertising. And online purchasing price of all products (except Mobile) is
lower than the Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price.

10.0 Trade Promotions

The main concept of Trade Promotion refers to marketing activities that are executed in retail
between these two partners. Trade Promotion is a marketing technique aimed at increasing
demand for products in retail stores based on special pricing, display fixtures,
demonstrations, value-added bonuses, no-obligation gifts, and more. Walton is a Bangladeshi
brand who is actively take part in trade promotion. They not only sell their product in their
outlets but also sell their product to various dealers. To cover the whole targeted segment is
difficult in that situation by dealer Walton can reach the uncover segment. For motivate and
gain the competitive advantages in the market they perform the trade promotion. They use
push money, Display allowance, local award, point of purchase strategies for the dealer.
How those strategies work giving it here:

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Price off:

Wanton provides some benefit on the basis of the product category and the sales
performance. Walton has their own showroom in spite of they use dealer for sale their
product. They share some benefit with the dealer. They reduce the price for middleman or
dealers that after selling they make some benefit. That encourages them to sale the product
more and more. Thats way dealers are willingly taking the dealership of Walton product.
This way Walton makes the good relationship with them and attempts to gain their target.

Advertising and display allowances

Nowadays display allowances being very necessary that helps to increase the promotional
activity. Walton provide designable shelf, sign board etc to the dealer. Walton highlights their
brand name and logo in the sign board or shelf that customer easily notice. When customers
visit in the showroom they see the brand name in the shelf. Dealer get the designable shelf
and sign board that they can store the product nicely and in the sign board the retailer name
and shop name will be written along with the brand name.

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Local Award

For motivating and improve the performance they provide the awarded on the basis of sales
performance to their employee and dealers. They set the sales target for their each outlet and
after the sales period they provide the awarded to the employee. They set the target for the
dealer as well if they fulfill their sales target then they will also get the awarded. Walton
rewarded its 64 distributors across the country for their outstanding performances. Among the
reward recipients 10 distributors have been selected as the best of the best.
The Walton authority gave crests and certificates to the rewarded distributors at its
distributors conference at Walton Hi-tech Industries at Kaliakoir in Gazipur

Training program

Walton provides training facilities to their employee and the dealer also. Dealer get the idea
about, how to use the product, what are the facilities of that product, how to communicate
with the customer. Walton arrange training program for improve the sales persons
performance that they can effectively communicate with the customer and share the detail
information about the product.

Bangladesh with its growing population and economic growth has huge demand for
household products. Walton ensures the strong distribution channels and customer service by

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trade promotion. They focus on mainly sales promotion rather than the trade promotion.
What they as a trade promotion that helps to make to strong brand value. Here lots of
opportunity to improve in their trade promotional activity.

11.0 Consumer Promotion

Samples and Coupons

In Walton showroom, consumers can check the product physically; take a look the products
probable performance. But, there are no samples or coupon Walton offer to its consumers.

Refunds and Rebate

Walton provided product warranty and guaranty when applicable. Walton changes the faulty
parts and sometimes the whole products but there are no refundsor rebate the consumers can

12.0 Channels of Marketing and Promotion

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Media Advertising

TV Advertisement:

WALTON uses B.T.V.; Channel I; A.T.N Bangla; NTV and other Bangladeshi channels for their
advertising purpose. Also maintaining a special program in Bangla Vision named Walton
Mobile Music Club. WALTON Hi-tech Industries Ltd. does their advertising activities
through the Nishu advertising agency for specially T.V. media.


Walton also uses FM and AM radio for their advertisements. Radio Foorti, ABC Radio, Radio
Today, and Bangladesh Betar are the dominant radio stations where they place

Three Major NewspaperIttefaq, Bangladesh Pratidin and prothom-Alo are used for their
advertising purpose. In English version, they used The Daily Starand New Age for placing
advertisements. Also, they used other newspapers if required. If any new product or any
new model of product launch or any new offer gives to their customer then they mention
this to the newspaper.


Sometimes, Walton uses magazine as to place their advertisements. AnondoAlo, Binodon,

Sanonda, Computer Jagat are the mainstream magazine where they put advertisements.
Normally Walton use only the front page and the last page to place advertisement.

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WALTON has a very supreme E-Commerce website ( The design of that
website is very user friendly and it is very easy to operate. Walton gives all update about
their product and different offer. This website is eye-catching website where customer feels
interest to sustain on this website. From this website customer can see the entire product
that Walton have. Customer can get huge information about their Walton product. The
entire product has sufficient photo, specification and the stock information. This website
also have Shopping Cart option from this customer can purchase their product directly from
this website. Here customer needs to register to this website just follow some very easy
steps that increase the active engagement of the customer. There also has a Wish list option
where registered customer can send their desired or wish to the Walton.


Walton dont use Email marketing (Different communication message is sent via Email). For
Bangladesh scenario this is not very much effective because majority of the people does not
check their email regularly.

Banner and Rich media ads

Walton also doesnt use banner adds, rich media adds because in Bangladesh perspective
this is perceive as an interruption marketing where buyer feel disturbed by seeing those
adds because this adds are coming suddenly in a webpage which has no relation with this


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In Bangladesh Walton is king of making short film video advertising. Most of the
advertisement of Walton expresses some story that make customer interest to see that
advertisement and which is relevant with the product. In some case there is a problem with
story video that customer only see the video not see the brand but Walton show their
product with that video which is very effective.

Message boards and forums

Walton has a forum ( where customers of Walton who already

purchase Walton and who want to purchase Walton can share their feelings and opinion
about the Walton products. They can also post if they want any solution of the Walton
product. Here people need to sign in to be a forum member. I think the customers who are
in the forum are actively engage with Walton brand and never switch to another brand.

Social sites

Walton also has an existence in Facebook (Like 1219457) and Twitter (Follower 1030) from
that page they try to build a relationship with the customer. They give their product
information in those pages and try to reply the entire question within time that the
customer asked. From their Facebook and twitter page they try to move customer to their
original website so that customer can get sufficient information about their desired brand.
Walton also uses YouTube to promote their brand. They upload most of their TVC at
YouTube because now YouTube become the most popular place for advertisement where
customer willingly searches to see a particular advertisement to get information.

13.0 Event Marketing and Sponsorship

Sports, Arts, Entertainment

Walton, the countrys leading electronics, electrical, automobile and telecommunication

products manufacturing and marketing company, had become the title sponsor of National
Cricket League (NCL)-2013-14. Walton also sponsored the last two events of NCL, the most
popular domestic tournament. Eight teams are competing in this years tournament. The
teams are- Dhaka Metro and seven divisional teams (Dhaka, Chittagong, Barisal, Rangpur,
Khulna, Rajshahi and Sylhet). The matches held at ShaheedChandu Stadium in Bogra,

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Cricket Garden in Rangpur, Sheikh Abu Naser Stadium in Khulna and Fatullah outer
stadium. Each match was 4-day game.

Countrys leading electrical and electronics manufacturing organization Walton has become
the power sponsor of Bangladesh-New Zealand Cricket Series.Though the title of the series
retained as Sahara Cup, local brand Waltons logo has been incorporated in the
international cricket series icon. In this regard, a memorandum of understanding (MoU) has
been signed between sports agent Ad Touch and Walton. Uday Hakim, Operative Director
of Waltons Media and Publication department and NawajShohag, Chief Executive of Ad
Touch signed the documents for their respective organisations.SM ZahidHasan, Executive
Director of Walton (HRM), HumayunKabir, Executive Director (PR & Media), Iqbal Bin
Anwar Dawn, Addition Director (Game and Sports), FirojAlam, Deputy Director (PR &
Media) were among others present during the signing ceremony. Bangladesh will play 2
Tests, 3 ODI (one day international) and only T20I against the touring Kiwis during the
series. The first Test held at Chittagong on October 9.

Walton UK and Africa jointly became the official sponsor of Zimbabwe team for the
Bangladesh-Zimbabwe Cricket Series. Aiming at branding Walton products in the potential
African market, the African wing of Walton international marketing department and Walton
Electronics and Automobiles Ltd. UK have jointly taken such initiative. To get popularity in
the African markets, Walton has involved itself with the cricket team of Zimbabwe; he said
and thanked Walton Headquarters for becoming the official team sponsor of Zimbabwe. As
there are huge demands for Walton products, Walton for the first time involved itself with the
cricket team of Africa through getting the official team sponsorship of Zimbabwe for the
upcoming Bangladesh-Zimbabwe cricket series he added. At now, branding Bangladesh in
the abroad is very essential, he said adding, it is high time spreading the goodwill of both
Bangladesh and its high standard products in the global market. Uday Hakim, operative
director of Walton Group, said Walton is always with the cricket team of Bangladesh during
its national and international events as it has taken massive branding strategies through
sponsoring the popular games like cricket and football. Walton is working relentlessly to
bring its products in every countries of the World by the year 2020, thus like Bangladesh,
Walton is also interested in engaging itself with the cricket teams of South Africa, Sri Lanka,
Australia, England, India, Nepal, America and other Middle East countries to branding
Walton made world-class products in the international markets. Walton is exporting its
world-class products in the African market directly from Bangladesh and also through the
distributor of Walton UK.

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Walton, the country's leading electronics, electrical, automobile and telecommunication
products manufacturing and marketing company, has again become the title sponsor of
'National Cricket League (NCL).The announcement came from a press conference held at the
media conference center of Sher-e-Bangla National Cricket Stadium at Mirpur.

Walton also sponsored the last four events of NCL, the most popular domestic tournament.
The 17th NCL tournament is scheduled to be started on September 18, 2015 and eight teams
will be contested in this year's tournament in four venues. The teams are- Dhaka Metro and
seven divisional teams (Dhaka, Chittagong, Barisal, Rangpur, Khulna, Rajshahi and Sylhet.

The Bangladesh Cricket Board (BCB) is organizing a Twenty20 cricket tournament with the
participation of ten public and two private universities. Walton, a brand of RB Group,
sponsors the event. The competition titled University T20 Challenge Cup 2014 will run from
19 to 23 May at the Bangladesh KriraShikkhaProtisthan (BKSP). The tournament will follow
a league system with the 12 team being divided into four groups. The group champions will
qualify for the final.

Guinness World Records fame Bangladeshi table tennis Queen ZoberaRahmanLinu has been
appointed as Sports Ambassador of Walton. From now on, she will participate in all sports
events of the renowned Bangladeshi brand. As an Ambassador, she will also take part in the
promotional activities of Walton.

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A signing ceremony was arranged in this regard at the athletics conference room of
Bangabandhu National Stadium today. FM Iqbal bin Anwar, additional director of Walton
Sports Section and Linu signed the agreement papers. According to the agreement, she will
continue on this role for the next 2 years. ZoberaRahmanLinu has won the national table
tennis championships in the individual category 16 times, which is the most by any
sportsperson in any country of the world. She is the only Bangladeshi sportswoman to have
her name listed in the Guinness Book of World Records.
Linu expressed her gratitude to Walton for selecting her as their sports ambassador. She
praised the activities of Walton for promoting various sports of the country.

The countrys consumer based electronics giant Walton has sponsored the 10th Tripura
Mega Quiz-2015. The Mega Quiz, organised by Triuprainfo, was ended with splendid
programme at RabindraSatabarshikiBhavan in Agartala recently. Tripura State Minister Sri
ManikSarkar inaugurated the program. More than thousand quiz enthusiasts appeared at the
auditorium of RabindraSatabarshikiBhavan along with 439 pair of registered contenders.
Throughout tremendous rounds of quiz competitions, several audience rounds were held. In
the final encircling, SyanBhowmik and SauptikChakraborty won the first prize of cash one
lakh rupee; Rajesh Banik and Dilip Kumar Roy recived 50,000 rupee as the second prize
while Dipankar Das and IndranilChakraborty won the third prize of cash 25,000 rupee.
Tripura PWD and Health Minister BadalChoudhury, importer of Walton Group Manish
Biswas and Country Manager of Walton Group ASM Shahriar handed over the first prize of
one lakh rupee to the winners while Deputy Speaker of Assembly PabitraKar given the
second prize. Senior Assistant Director (International Marketing) of Walton Rakibul Islam
Rakib said Walton products are gaining popularity in the Indian market. By patronizing this
event, the brand value of Walton will be more strengthen, he added. Like Bangladeshi

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market, Walton products would be the customers first choice in the Indian market too, Rakib

Walton, the countrys leading electronics, electrical and automobile manufacturing and
marketing company, has rewarded its 64 distributors across the country for their outstanding
performances. Among the reward recipients, 10 distributors have been selected as the best of
the best. The Walton authority gave crests and certificates to the rewarded distributors at its
distributors conference at Walton Hi-tech Industries at Kaliakoir in Gazipur. Executive
Director of Walton Md. EmdadulHaqueSarkar (Marketing) said: We need cooperation from
all in a bid to popularize and reach the native brand products to the doorsteps of countrymen.
In 2013, we fulfilled the target, and it became possible due to cooperation from all. Walton
always takes the demands and choices of customers into account, and from that view Walton
brand products are being updated with the latest technologies. Specially, considering the
choices of customers it has brought new models of refrigerators with various colours, he
said.Meeting the domestic demands, Walton products are now being exported to different
countries of the world, and Walton authority has taken initiatives to expand its foreign
market, he mentioned.AbulKashem Khokon, proprietor of Sarna Electronics of Dhaka,
said: I am very glad to see the factory. Without seeing it is very difficult to believe that such
kind of mega and modern factory has been set up in the country.

Walton, the countrys leading brand of electrical, electronics, automobile and home appliance
products, has been honoured with the Award for Brand Excellence in Consumer Durables
Sector by World Brand Congress for gaining customers confidence.
Executive Director of Walton Md. EmdadulHaqueSarkar (Marketing) said: We need
cooperation from all in a bid to popularize and reach the native brand products to the
doorsteps of countrymen. In 2013, we fulfilled the target, and it became possible due to
cooperation from all. Walton always takes the demands and choices of customers into
account, and from that view Walton brand products are being updated with the latest
technologies. Specially, considering the choices of customers it has brought new models of
refrigerators with various colors, he said. Meeting the domestic demands, Walton products
are now being exported to different countries of the world, and Walton authority has taken
initiatives to expand its foreign market, he mentioned.

Two representatives of Walton received the award at a gala event held at Pan Pacific in
Singapore on July 31. HumayunKabir, executive director of Public Relations and Media
Department of Walton, and FirojAlam, deputy director, received the award from Virginia
Sharma, marketing director for Asia Pacific region of LinkedIn, and Ned Mody, country head
of Berkadia. The World Brand Congress conducts a research on leading brands worldwide
every year and honors the worlds elites. This year research has found that due to highly
improved quality, affordable price, after-sales-service and some other features, Walton brand
products have gained huge popularity in Bangladesh. The World Brand Congress has
honored Walton considering some factors such as ISO standard service management system,
rapid market expansion, occupying the lion share of local market, export to foreign countries
and overall customers satisfaction.

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The Walton 29th Bangladesh ITF Junior Tennis Championship, organized by Bangladesh
Tennis Federation (BTTF) and approved by International Tennis Federation (ITF), begins on
November 2 at Ramna National Tennis Complex. But, the two-day qualifying round matches
of the tournament will begin on Saturday at the same venue. Some 104 players, including 36
girls, from 16 countries are expected to compete in four events-boys singles, boys doubles,
girls singles and girls doubles.

A total of 500 world renowned brands participated in the 23rd edition of the World Brand
Congress under the theme Role of Sustainability in Innovative Branding held in Singapore.
Walton of Bangladesh secured the top position in the category of brand excellence in
consumer durables sector. HumayunKabir said, This award has proved that Walton brand is
the top and most popular brand not only in Bangladesh but also in the world. It is also proved
that Walton has been able to secure its position in global arena.
It is our aim to expand our market to worldwide and continue gaining customers
confidence. According to sources, Walton has already occupied 70 percent local market of
electronics and electrical products. Walton brand refrigerator, television, mobile, motorcycle
and home appliances have gained huge popularity among the local customers due to high
improved quality, ISO standard service centers and affordable prices. Due to its world
standard quality, Walton brand products are now being exported to different countries of the

The countrys leading electronics giant Walton was awarded with Best
Employer Award 2014 as recognition of its contribution to human resources development
Under the category of electronics and consumer products, the countrys popular job search
engine awarded Walton with the Best Employer Award 2014 considering its
significant role in five pre-defined areas - working environment, management culture and
practices, career prospects for its employees, competitive salary and other benefits, and brand
image of the organization.

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Walton has achieved many international & national awards and recognitions like some recent
prestigious and best business awards are: The Golden Globe Tiger Award 2015 in the
category of Excellence & Leadership Brand, DHL-Daily Start Bangladesh 15th Business
Award 2014 for Best Enterprise in Bangladesh, Asia Best Employer Brand Awards in 2015,
Six times 1st Prize for Highest VAT Payer at DITF-2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011 & 2010
respectively, Second Prize for Premier Pavilion Category at DITF-2015, Best Refrigerator
Brand Award-2014, Best Television Brand Award-2014, Best Local Brand Award-2014, 1st
Prize for Premier Pavilion Category at DITF-2014, The Global Brand excellence Award in
2014 for brand excellence in consumer electronics, 1st Prize for Premier Pavilion Category at
DITF-2013, Best Sponsor Award-2012, Creative Media Ltd. BABISAS Award-2012, Best
Brand (Refrigerator) Award-2011, 2nd Prize for Premier Pavilion Category at DITF-2011,
2nd Prize for Premier Pavilion Category at DITF-2010, 1st Prize for Premier Pavilion
Category at DITF-2009, 1st Prize for Premier Pavilion Category at CITF-2005.

A general knowledge competition in association with Walton, the country`s leading

electrical, electronic and automobile manufacturing company, has been held in Tangail on
21.08.2015.The completion was held at BinduBasini Government Boys` High School in the
city while Boson, a science based local organization organized the program.Scores of
students of separate schools in the district have taken part with enthusiasm in the competition
on the day.

Fair and Festivals, Cause related

A BoishakhiMela sponsored by Mokbul Trading LLC, a Walton distributor, was held in

Dubai rab Emirates. The two-day long festival held at Knowledge Village, known as
university town of the city, connected all Bangladeshi people living in different parts of that
country.A large number of stalls showed different Bangladeshi products and food items
including Sari, Churi, Jhalmuri, Pitha, etc. There were some book stalls at the fair.There were
musical and cultural events performed by professional Arabian dancers and people from the
Bangla community. At the fair there were traditional Bengali cuisine meals, and cooked by
chefs from Bangladesh. Zafar Ahmed, consul general of the embassy of United Arab
Emirates, was present at the closing ceremony and prize distribution ceremony of the fair. Dr.
Md. Reza Ali, senior official of Dubai Zoo, Udoy Hakim, senior deputy director of Walton,
LokmanHossainAkash, chief of international marketing department of Walton, and Mahmud
Mamun, chief distributor of Walton products in Dubai, were present as special guests.

Walton, a brand of RB Group of Companies Ltd, countrys leading electrical, electronics and
automobile manufacturing and marketing company, organized a two-month long mega sales
festival that began Sunday. The Walton Household Festival 2012 will continue till February
29. It was announced at a press conference at a city hotel on Sunday, says a press release.
EmdadulHaqueSarkar, marketing director of RB Group, HumayonKabir, director (public
relations and media), SM ZahidHasan, management adviser, Udoy Hakim, senior deputy
director (creative and publication), and EnayetFerdous, media adviser, were present at the
press conference. During the festival, the company will give special gift items worth about

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BDT one crore on every purchase of Walton brand product. Udoy Hakim read out a written
statement at the conference. Customers will get a scratch card or gift card in every purchase
of Walton brand product and rubbing the cards they will win certain gifts including
motorcycle, LCD and LED television, color television, refrigerators, air-conditioner, DVD
player, mobile set, STM net and LED lamp. Customers who will purchase Walton brand
motorcycle will get two gift cards in one purchase and those who will buy LCD, LED
television, color television, refrigerators and microwave oven will get one card in every


SMS & MMS Messages Ads

Mobile advertising is a method of advertising that appears on mobile devices such as smart
phones, tablets or PDAs that have wireless connections. Advertising can take place as text
ads via SMS, or banner advertisements that appear embedded in mobile web site, in
downloaded apps or in mobile games.

MMS mobile marketing can contain a timed slideshow of images, text, audio and video. This
mobile content is delivered via MMS (Multimedia Message Service).

Walton has not provided any sms& mms Mobile advertisement to their customer. But they
are text to their few customers who buy Walton Refrigerator & Freezer by Installment. They
text them for remember every Installment pay timing and schedule.

But if Walton provides any sms& mms Mobile advertisement in their future, than they get
some benefit of mobile advertisement-

Deliver ability: As 94% of all text messages are read, your marketing message will be
seen by virtually all of the subscribers in your campaign

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Qualified Recipients: Since your subscribers have opted-in to receiving your offers
and promotional messages, you know they have an active interest in your business,
and your products
Flexibility: With text messages sent and received within minutes of starting your
campaign, you can use mobile marketing for ad-hoc purposes, such as..
Range of Use: Mobile marketing can be used for a wide range of purposes:
announcing new product, one-day specials, new store openings, special eventsetc.
Subscribers can be treated as an exclusive group for offers and information that only
they have access to, increasing loyalty, purchases, and speed of communications

For most mobile phone marketing, the advantages far outweigh any disadvantages compared
to standard web based advertising. Mobile phone marketing is cheaper, faster, portable,
advertising is personalized, it has a good customer relationship model and even has its own
built in payment networks. Mobile devices have everything that a business could wish for to
make customers and products come together strategically.
The disadvantages of mobile phone marketing are simple, but still have reasonable
limitations that are yet to be overcome. There are four main areas that cause problems with
the public for businesses and are due to these disadvantages in mobile phone marketing. Each
is something that most users have expressed in a majority and globally to degrees.

Location based service

Walton segments the whole country in eleven zones for marketing purpose. They are

-West Zone

But the Walton has not provided any location based service.

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15.0 Publicity and Public Relations
Public relation is so much important to communicate the consumers. Walton concerns about
that and they take many initiatives to improve public relationship. This relationship may help
the company to retain the customers in the long term. Walton has a public relation
department and with the help of HR and R&D, they try to make a strong bond with the
existing and potential customers for a better future.

Word-of-mouth and Personal selling

Word-of-mouth is applicable only in consumers perspectives. Word-of-mouth is perform or
not depend on the products durability, performance, trustworthiness, brand image and
conformance. Walton doesnt use personal selling as they think its not worthy as the brand


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In market analysis Walton find that in existing market they have many competitor and
Walton face difficulty to switch customer to them but we think Walton become the giant
company and they have a strong financial position so they may try to create some unique and
stylish design which may increase production cost but it will increase the sales of Walton.
Walton should not compete in the market based on price rather its quality and unique design.
If Walton can do that customer of competitor will also switch to Walton.

We also find a problem with their slogan for positioning which its our product (in
Bangla: AmaderPonno) Most of the people in our country have a feelings that
Bangladeshi manufacture products are not that much quality product and they feel very
satisfy when they purchase a foreign product. So Walton may make a different slogan for
their brand so that customer who is less savvy cannot perceive the manufacturing country so
Walton can increase their target customer and increase sales also.

Walton dont use mail marketing but now a days its become very effective almost most of
the multinational company does it so Walton should be focus on mail marketing by which
they send their various offer via mail. There are some recommendations that Walton may

Use Blue Ocean marketing

Specify the position

More Billboards usage

Product Placement

More concentrate in Social sites

Use Word-of-mouth

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