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AASHTO LRFD Pedestrian Bridge Design Example

Half-Through Truss Bridge with Tubular Members


- Use the AASHTO LRFD Guide Specifications for Pedestrian Bridges (Draft - 2008)

- Article 3.1: Pedestrian bridges shall be designed for a uniform pedestrian loading of not less than
90 psf. Impact is not included in the pedestrian loading.
- Article 1.2.1: Minimum metal thickness of closed structural tubing members shall be 1/4 inch.

Evaluate the bridge for the following limit states per Article 3.7

Strength I
Strength III
Service I
Fatigue ???
AASHTO LRFD Guide Specification Pedestrian Bridge Design Example
Half-Through Truss Bridge with Tubular Members


Load and Resistance Factor Design

Specifications Used:
- AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 2008 (AASHTO LRFD)
- AASHTO Standard Specificationsfor Structural Supports for
Highway Signs, Luminaires and Traffic Signals, 2008 (AASHTO Signs)
- LRFD Guide Specifications for Pedestrian Bridges (Specification)

Span = 72 ft.
Deck width, wdeck = 10 ft.
CL-CL trusses = 10.5 ft.
A500, Gr. B, Fy = 46 ksi

TRUSS MEMBERS: All Structural Tubing

Top and Bottom Chords:

Section: 6 x 3 x 5/16" structural tubing

A= 4.98 in2
w= 16.96 plf
End Posts:

Section: 6 x 3 x 5/16" structural tubing

A= 4.98 in2
w= 16.96 plf

Vertical Posts:

Section: 5 x 3 x 5/16" structural tubing

A= 4.36 in2
w= 14.83 plf
Ix = I c = 13.2 in4


Section: 4 x 3 x 1/4" structural tubing

A= 3.09 in2
w= 10.51 plf


Section: W8x10
Ix = I b = 30.8 in4
Sx = 7.81 in3

Spacing = 6 ft. at each panel point


Weight of each truss = 60 plf per truss

Assumed deck loading = 25 psf

Weight of deck & floor system = 25 psf x 10.50 ft. / 2

= 132 plf per truss

Total dead load = 60 plf + 132 plf

= 192 plf Use 200 plf
PEDESTRIAN LIVE LOAD: (Specification, Article 3.1)


- The deck area may be used to compute design pedestrian live load for all main member components
(truss members). The deck area is the non-zero influence surface for all such components.

- Use 90 psf without impact.

Live load per truss = pedestrian loading x deck width / 2

= 90 psf x 10.0 ft. / 2
= 450 plf

SECONDARY MEMBERS: Deck, Stringers, Floorbeams

- Use 90 psf without impact.

VEHICLE LOAD: (Specification, Article 3.2)

- Vehicular access is not prevented by fixed physical methods, therefore, the pedestrian bridge should
be designed for an occassional single maintenance vehicle load.
- Use Table 3.2-1 for Minimum Axle Loads and Spacings.
- The vehicular load shall not be placed in combination with the pedestrian load. Consideration of
impact is not included with this vehicular loading.

Use the following vehicle for a clear deck width between 7 ft. and 10 ft.

Front axle = 2 k
Rear axle = 8 k

Axle spacing = 14 ft.

Wheel spacing = 6 ft.

Note: For this example, the pedestrian load controls for the truss design; however, the
vehicle load will control for the floor system design.

WIND LOAD: (Specification, Article 3.4)

- Assume 100 mph design wind.

- Use wind load as specified in the AASHTO Signs, Articles 3.8 and 3.9.

- Neglect wind load on the live load vehicle.

- The design life shall be taken as 50 years for the purpose of calculating the wind loading.
Horizontal Wind Loading
- Apply the design horizontal wind pressure on the truss components.

Pz = design wind pressure on superstructure using AASHTO Signs, Eq. 3-1 or Table 3-7, psf
= 0.00256KzGV IrCd
(AASHTO Signs, Eq. 3-1)

Kz = height and exposure factor from AASHTO Signs, Eq. C3-1 or Table 3-5
= 1.00 (conservatively taken from Table 3-5 for a height of 32.8 ft.)

G = gust effect factor

= 1.14 (minimum)

V = basic wind velocity

= 100 mph

Ir = wind importance factor from AASHTO Signs, Table 3-2

= 1.00

Cd = wind drag coefficient from AASHTO Signs, Table 3-6

= 2.00

Pz = 58.4 psf (Alternatively, AASHTO Signs, Table 3-7 may be used

with a Cd value of 2.0 applied)

Projected vertical area per linear foot:

Chords: 2 @ 3 in./ 12 x 6 ft. / 6 ft. 0.50 SF/ft.
Verticals: 3 in./ 12 x 4.75 ft. long / 6 ft. 0.20 SF/ft.
Diagonals: 3 in. x 7.81 ft. long / 6 ft. 0.33 SF/ft.
Total per Truss: 1.03 SF/ft.

Deck + Stringers: 10" / 12 0.83 SF/ft.

WSH = total horizontal wind on superstructure, plf

= (2 trusses x 1.03 SF/ft. + 0.83 SF/ft.) x 58.4 psf
= 169 plf

Note: The full lateral wind loads must be resisted by the entire superstructure.
Appropriate portions of the design wind loads must also be distributed to the
truss top chord for design lateral forces on the truss verticals.
Vertical Wind Loading
- Apply a vertical pressure of 0.020 ksf over the full deck width concurrently with the horizontal loading.
This loading shall be applied at the windward quarter point of the deck width.

WSV = vertical wind load on the full projected area of the superstructure applied at the
windward quarter point, plf
= Pv*wdeck

Pv = vertical wind loading on superstructure, ksf
= 0.020 ksf

wdeck = total deck width, ft.

= 10.0 ft.


WSV = 0.020 ksf x 1000 x 10.00 ft.

= 200 plf

Vertical load on leeward truss = 200 plf x (7.5 ft. + (0.5 in. + 2.5 in.) / 12) / 10.50 ft.
= 147.6 plf

Vertical load on windward truss = 200 plf x (2.5 ft. + (0.5 in. + 2.5 in.) / 12) / 10.50 ft.
= 52.4 plf (uplift)

TOTAL VERTICAL LOADS PER TRUSS: (Specification, Article 3.7)

DEAD LOAD (DC1+DC2): 200 plf

LIVE LOAD (Pedestrian, PL): 450 plf
WIND (Overturning, WS): 148 plf

Load Factors (AASHTO LRFD Table 3.4.1-1)

Str I 1.25 1.75 0
Str III 1.25 0 1.40
Ser I 1.00 1.00 0.30


= 1,038 plf


= 457 plf


= 694 plf

Panel point load from controlling load comb. = 1.038 klf x 6.0 ft. panel = 6.23 k/panel

Maximum Truss Member Axial Loads (from separate truss analysis):

Chord (U05-U06) 134.57 k (compression)
End Post (U00-L00) 34.27 k (compression)
Diagonal (U00-L01) 53.52 k (tension)
Vertical (U01-L01) 28.04 k (compression)

TRUSS TOP CHORD LATERAL SUPPORT: (Specification, Article 7.1)

- Assume the truss verticals are adequate to resist the lateral force per Specification, Article 7.1.1 (Must
verify assumption; see section titled "LATERAL FORCE TO BE RESISTED BY VERTICALS")
- Lateral support is provided by a transverse U-frame consisting of the floorbeam and truss verticals.

Determine the design effective length factor, K, for the individual top chord members supported between
the truss verticals using Specification, Table 7.1.2-1.

Compute CL/Pc for use in the Table.

C= P/
= 2.917 k/in. (from a separate 2D analysis)

L = unbraced length of the chord in compression (i.e. length between panel

points), in.
= 72 in.

Pc = desired critical buckling load (i.e. factored compressive force) multiplied by 1.33,
k (Specification, Article 7.1.2)
= 178.9781 k

CL/Pc = 1.17

n = number of panels
= 12

1/K = 0.688 (Specification, by interpolation of Table 7.1.2-1)
K= 1.45

Check the slenderness ratio against the limiting value.

For main members: KL/r 120

For bracing members: KL/r 140

Section: 6 x 3 x 5/16" Structural Tube

A= 4.98 in2

rx = radius of gyration about the x-axis, in.

= 2.06 in.

ry = radius of gyration about the y-axis, in.

= 1.18 in.

K= 1.45

L= 72 in.

KL/rx = (1.45 x 72 in.) / 2.06 in.

= 50.8 < 120 OK

KL/ry = (1.00 x 72 in.) / 1.18 in.

= 61.0 < 120 OK

Pr = factored resistance of components in compression, k


c = resistance factor for compressive per AASHTO LRFD, Article
= 0.9

Pn = nominal compressive resistance per AASHTO LRFD, Article 6.9.4, k

Determine the nominal compressive resistance, P n

If 2.25, then:

Pn = 0.66FyAs (AASHTO LRFD, Eq.

If > 2.25, then:

Pn = 0.88Fy A s

= KL
s E
= 0.60

As = gross cross-sectional area, in2
= 4.98 in2

Fy = specified minimum yield strength, ksi

= 46 ksi

E = modulus of elasticity, ksi

= 29,000 ksi

KL/rs = Maximum of KL/rx,KL/ry

= 61

Therefore, the top chord factored resistance is:

Pn = 0.660.60 x 46 ksi x 4.98 in2

= 178 k

cPn = 160 k > Pchord = 134.57 k OK


Hf = minimum lateral force, k

= 0.01/K*Pavg

K= 1.45

Pavg = average design compressive force in adjacent chord members, k

= 134.57 k

Verify limit 0.01 / 1.45 = 0.007 > 0.003 OK

Hf = 0.01 / 1.45 x 134.57 k
= 0.93 k

Apply Hf as the lateral force at the top of the Truss Verticals. Apply Hf concurrently with other primary
forces in the Verticals (combined compression plus bending analysis). Include lateral wind forces for
AASHTO LRFD Load Combination Strength III.

Length of vertical = 54.0 in.

Lateral Moment in Vertical due to C = 0.93 k x 54.0 in. = 50.00 k-in.

END POSTS: (Specification, Article 7.1.1)
- Apply the lateral force, C, at the top end of post and design as a cantilever combined with axial load.
The lateral force, C, is taken as 1.0% of the end post axial load.

Lateral Force: C = 0.01 x 34.27 k = 0.34 k

Note: All other truss members are analyzed using conventional methods per AASHTO LRFD.

DEFLECTION: (Specification, Article 5)

Maximum pedestrian LL Deflection = 1/500 of the span length = 72.00 ft. x 12 / 500 = 1.73 in
From Truss Analysis, LL Deflection (wLL = 0.450 k/ft) = 1.20 in < L/500 OK

VIBRATIONS: (Specification, Article 6)

Vertical Direction
- Estimate the fundamental frequency in the vertical direction, f, by approximating the truss as a simply
supported uniform beam:
- The fundamental frequency in a vertical mode without consideration of live load should be greater than
3.0 Hz to avoid the first harmonic.

f = 0.18*SQRT(g / DL)


g = acceleration due to gravity, ft/s2

= 32.2 ft/s2

DL = maximum vertical deflection of the truss due to the dead load, ft.
0.0444 ft. (from a separate analysis with w = 0.20 klf per truss)

f = 0.18*SQRT(32.2 / 0.0444) = 4.85 Hz > 3.0 Hz minimum desirable, OK

For illustration purposes, assume higher harmonics (second, third, etc.) are a concern. The bridge
should be proportioned such that the following criteria is satisfied:

f 2.86 ln (180 / W)


full weight of the supported structure including dead load and an allowance for
W = actual pedestrian live load, k

= 2 trusses x 0.20 klf x 72.00 ft.

= 28.8 k (Dead Load Only)

2.86 ln (180 / 28.80) = 5.24 Hz

f = 4.85 Hz is not greater than 5.24 Hz, include a portion of the pedestrian live load.
Assume some pedestrian live load contribution and re-evaluate the expression:

W = DL + 10%LL = 28.8 + 0.10 x 2 x (0.450 klf x 72.00 ft.) = 35.28 k

2.86 ln (180 / 35.28) = 4.66 Hz < f= 4.85 Hz OK

Lateral Direction
- Estimate the fundamental frequency in the lateral direction, f lat, by approximating the truss as a simply
supported uniform beam rotated 90 degrees:
- The fundamental frequency in a lateral mode without consideration of live load should be greater than
1.3 Hz to avoid the first harmonic.

Assume the lateral wind bracing is 3 x 3 x 1/4" structural tubing.

f = 0.18*SQRT(g / DL_Lat)

g = acceleration due to gravity, ft/s2
= 32.2 ft/s2

DL_Lat = maximum lateral deflection of the truss due to the dead load, ft.
0.0844 ft. (from a separate analysis)

f = 0.18*SQRT(32.2 / 0.0844) = 3.52 Hz > 1.3 Hz minimum desirable, OK

FATIGUE: (Specification, Article 3.5)

Use AASHTO Signs, Article 11.7.3
AASHTO Signs, Article 11.7.4 - Not used as it is assumed that the Pedestrian Bridge
is not over a highway

PNW = 5.2 Cd IF

Cd = wind drag coefficient per AASHTO Signs, Table 3-6

= 2.00

I = wind importance factor per AASHTO Signs, Table 3-2


= 1.00

PNW = 10.4 psf

WSH = total horizontal wind on superstructure, plf

= (2 trusses x 1.03 SF/ft. + 0.83 SF/ft.) x 10.4 psf
= 31 plf

Maximum Member Force:

Bottom Chord, Member L05-L06 = 5.6 kips (from a separate
f = Stress Range
= (5.6 kips / 4.98 in2)
= 1.12 in2

(f ) (F)n (AASHTO LRFD Eq.


= 1.0 (Specification, Article 3.7)

f = 1.12 ksi

(F)n = (F)TH (Specification, Article 4.1)


(F)n = 16 ksi (Category B -base metal)

(AASHTO Signs, Table 11-3)

(1.0)(1.12) 16

1.12 < 16 OK

Welded Member connections and Fracture Toughness Requirements are outside the limits
of this Pedestrian Bridge design example. They will be the responsibility of the designer.

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