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VOL. 356, APRIL 19, 2001 683

People vs. Salanguit

G.R. Nos. 13325455. April 19, 2001.


vs. ROBERTO SALANGUIT y KO, accusedappellant.

Searches and Seizures Search Warrants In issuing a search

warrant, judges must comply strictly with the requirements of the
Constitution and the Rules of Criminal Procedureno
presumption of regularity can be invoked in aid of the process
when an officer undertakes to justify its issuance.Rule 126, 4 of
the Revised Rules on Criminal Procedure provides





People vs. Salanguit

that a search warrant shall not issue except upon probable cause
in connection with one specific offense to be determined
personally by the judge after examination under oath or
affirmation of the complainant and the witnesses he may produce,
and particularly describing the place to be searched and the
things to be seized which may be anywhere in the Philippines. In
issuing a search warrant, judges must comply strictly with the
requirements of the Constitution and the Rules of Criminal
Procedure. No presumption of regularity can be invoked in aid of
the process when an officer undertakes to justify its issuance.
Nothing can justify the issuance of the search warrant unless all
the legal requisites are fulfilled. 1/23

Same Same The fact that there was no probable cause to

support the application for the seizure of drug paraphernalia does
not warrant the conclusion that the search warrant is voidthis
would be material only if drug paraphernalia was in fact seized by
the police.The fact that there was no probable cause to support
the application for the seizure of drug paraphernalia does not
warrant the conclusion that the search warrant is void. This fact
would be material only if drug paraphernalia was in fact seized by
the police. The fact is that none was taken by virtue of the search
warrant issued. If at all, therefore, the search warrant is void only
insofar as it authorized the seizure of drug paraphernalia, but it
is valid as to the seizure of methamphetamine hydrochloride as to
which evidence was presented showing probable cause as to its
Same Same It would be a drastic remedy indeed if a
warrant, which was issued on probable cause and particularly
describing the items to be seized on the basis thereof, is to be
invalidated in toto because the judge erred in authorizing a search
for other items not supported by the evidence.It would be a
drastic remedy indeed if a warrant, which was issued on probable
cause and particularly describing the items to be seized on the
basis thereof, is to be invalidated in toto because the judge erred
in authorizing a search for other items not supported by the
evidence. Accordingly, we hold that the first part of the search
warrant, authorizing the search of accusedappellants house for
an undetermined quantity of shabu, is valid, even though the
second part, with respect to the search for drug paraphernalia, is
Same Same Dangerous Drugs Act Since the Dangerous
Drugs Act of 1972 is a special law that deals specifically with
dangerous drugs which are subsumed into prohibited and
regulated drugs and defines and penalizes categories of offenses
which are closely related or which belong to the same class or
species, one (1) search warrant may thus be validly issued for the
said violations of the Act.Indeed, in People v. Dichoso the search


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People vs. Salanguit

warrant was also for Violation of R.A. 6425, without specifying

what provisions of the law were violated, and it authorized the
search and seizure of dried marijuana leaves and
methamphetamine hydrochloride (shabu) and sets of 2/23

paraphernalias (sic). This Court, however, upheld the validity of

the warrant: Appellants contention that the search warrant in
question was issued for more than (1) offense, hence, in violation
of Section 3, Rule 126 of the Rules of Court, is unpersuasive. He
engages in semantic juggling by suggesting that since illegal
possession of shabu, illegal possession of marijuana and illegal
possession of paraphernalia are covered by different articles and
sections of the Dangerous Drugs Act of 1972, the search warrant
is clearly for more than one (1) specific offense. In short, following
this theory, there should have been three (3) separate search
warrants, one for illegal possession of shabu, the second for illegal
possession of marijuana and the third for illegal possession of
paraphernalia. This argument is pedantic. The Dangerous Drugs
Act of 1972 is a special law that deals specifically with dangerous
drugs which are subsumed into prohibited and regulated
drugs and defines and penalizes categories of offenses which are
closely related or which belong to the same class or species.
Accordingly, one (1) search warrant may thus be validly issued for
the said violations of the Dangerous Drugs Act.
Same Same Where the location of the accuseds house was
made determinate by reference to the affidavit supporting the
warrant, and made part of the record, there can be no doubt that
the warrant described the place to be searched with sufficient
particularity.The rule is that a description of the place to be
searched is sufficient if the officer with the warrant can, with
reasonable effort, ascertain and identify the place intended to be
searched. For example, a search warrant authorized a search of
Apartment Number 3 of a building at 83 Pleasant Street,
Malborough, Massachusetts. As it turned out, there were five
apartments in the basement and six apartments on both the
ground and top floors and that there was an Apartment Number 3
on each floor. However, the description was made determinate by
a reference to the affidavit supporting the warrant that the
apartment was occupied by the accused Morris Ferrante of 83
Pleasant Street, Malboro, Mass. In this case, the location of
accusedappellants house being indicated by the evidence on
record, there can be no doubt that the warrant described the place
to be searched with sufficient particularity.
Same Same Plain View Doctrine Requisites Under the
plain view doctrine, unlawful objects within the plain view of
an officer who has the right to be in the position to have that view
are subject to seizure and may be presented in evidence.Under
the plain view doctrine, unlawful ob




People vs. Salanguit

jects within the plain view of an officer who has the right to be
in the position to have that view are subject to seizure and may be
presented in evidence. For this doctrine to apply, there must be:
(a) prior justification (b) inadvertent discovery of the evidence
and (c) immediate apparent illegality of the evidence before the
police. The question is whether these requisites were complied
with by the authorities in seizing the marijuana in this case.
Same Same Same Once the valid portion of the search
warrant has been executed, the plain view doctrine can no longer
provide any basis for admitting the other items subsequently found
the doctrine may not be used to extend a general exploratory
search from one object to another until something incriminating at
last emerges.Because the location of the shabu was indicated in
the warrant and thus known to the police operatives, it is
reasonable to assume that the police found the packets of the
shabu first. Once the valid portion of the search warrant has been
executed, the plain view doctrine can no longer provide any
basis for admitting the other items subsequently found. As has
been explained: What the plain view cases have in common is
that the police officer in each of them had a prior justification for
an intrusion in the course of which he came inadvertently across a
piece of evidence incriminating the accused. The doctrine serves
to supplement the prior justificationwhether it be a warrant for
another object, hot pursuit, search incident to lawful arrest, or
some other legitimate reason for being present unconnected with
a search directed against the accusedand permits the
warrantless seizure. Of course, the extension of the original
justification is legitimate only where it is immediately apparent to
the police that they have evidence before them the plain view
doctrine may not be used to extend a general exploratory search
from one object to another until something incriminating at last
Same Search Incident to Lawful Arrest A search incident to
a lawful arrest is limited to the person of the one arrested and the
premises within his immediate control.The only other possible
justification for an intrusion by the police is the conduct of a
search pursuant to accusedappellants lawful arrest for
possession of shabu. However, a search incident to a lawful arrest
is limited to the person of the one arrested and the premises
within his immediate control. The rationale for permitting such a
search is to prevent the person arrested from obtaining a weapon
to commit violence, or to reach for incriminatory evidence and
destroy it. 4/23


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People vs. Salanguit

Same Plain View Doctrine Where the marijuana bricks were

wrapped in newsprint, there is no apparent illegality to justify
their seizure.The marijuana bricks were wrapped in newsprint.
There was no apparent illegality to justify their seizure. This case
is similar to People v. Musa in which we declared inadmissible the
marijuana recovered by NARCOM agents because the said drugs
were contained in a plastic bag which gave no indication of its
Same No presumption of regularity may be invoked by an
officer in aid of the process when he undertakes to justify an
encroachment of rights secured by the Constitution.No
presumption of regularity may be invoked by an officer in aid of
the process when he undertakes to justify an encroachment of
rights secured by the Constitution. In this case, the marijuana
allegedly found in the possession of accusedappellant was in the
form of two bricks wrapped in newsprint. Not being in a
transparent container, the contents wrapped in newsprint could
not have been readily discernible as marijuana. Nor was there
mention of the time or manner these items were discovered.
Accordingly, for failure of the prosecution to prove that the
seizure of the marijuana without a warrant was conducted in
accordance with the plain view doctrine, we hold that the
marijuana is inadmissible in evidence against accusedappellant.
However, the confiscation of the drug must be upheld.
Same The circumstances that the occupants of the house
refused to open the door despite the fact that the searching party
knocked on the door several times fancy and the agents saw
suspicious movements of the people inside the house, justified the
searching partys forcible entry into the house, founded as it is on
the apprehension that the execution of their mission would be
frustrated unless they do so.In contrast, Aguilar and Duanos
claim that they had to use some force in order to gain entry
cannot be doubted. The occupants of the house, especially
accusedappellant, refused to open the door despite the fact that
the searching party knocked on the door several times.
Furthermore, the agents saw the suspicious movements of the
people inside the house. These circumstances justified the
searching partys forcible entry into the house, founded as it is on
the apprehension that the execution of their mission would be
frustrated unless they do so. 5/23

APPEAL from a decision of the Regional Trial Court of

Quezon City, Br. 96.

The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.

The Solicitor General for plaintiffappellee.



People vs. Salanguit

Public Attorneys Office for accusedappellant.

This is an appeal from the decision, dated January 27,
1998, of the Regional Trial Court, Branch 96, Quezon City,
finding accusedappellant Roberto Salanguit y Ko guilty of
violation of 16 of Republic Act No. 6425, as amended, and
sentencing him accordingly to suffer imprisonment ranging
from six (6) months of arresto mayor, as minimum, to four
(4) years and two (2) months of prision correccional, as
maximum, and of S8 of the same law and sentencing him
for such violation to suffer the penalty of reclusion perpetua
and to pay a fine of P700,000.00.
Charges against accusedappellant for violations of R.A.
No. 6425 were filed on December 28, 1995. In Criminal
Case No. Q9564357, the information alleged:

That on or about the 26th day of December 1995, in Quezon City,

Philippines, the said accused, did then and there willfully,
unlawfully and knowingly possess and/or use 11.14 grams of
Methamphetamine Hydrochloride (Shabu) a regulated drug,
without the necessary license and/or prescription therefor, in
violation of said law. 2

In Criminal Case No. Q9564358, the information charged:

That on or about the 26th day of December 1995, in Quezon City,

Philippines, the said accused not being authorized by law to
possess or use any prohibited drug, did, then and there willfully,
unlawfully and knowingly have in his possession and under his
custody and control 1,2543grams of Marijuana, a prohibited drug.

When arraigned 4on May 21, 1996, accusedappellant

pleaded not guilty, whereupon he was tried. 6/23


1 Per Judge Lucas P. Bersamin.

2 Rollo, p. 13.
3 Id., p. 14.
4 RTC Records (Criminal Case No. Q9564358), p. 50.


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People vs. Salanguit

Three witnesses were presented by the prosecution: P/Insp.

Sonia S. Ludovico, forensic chemist and chief of the
Physical Science Branch of the Philippine National Police
Crime Laboratory, Senior Inspector Rodolfo Aguilar of the
Narcotics Command, Camp Crame, Quezon City, and PO3
Rolando Duazo of Station 10, Kamuning, Quezon City, a
field operative. The prosecution evidence established the
On December
26, 1995, Sr. Insp. Aguilar applied for a
warrant in the Regional Trial Court, Branch 90,
Dasmarias, Cavite, to search the residence of accused
appellant Robert Salanguit y Ko on Binhagan St.,
Novaliches, Quezon City. He presented as his witness
SPO1 Edmund Badua, who testified that as a poseur
buyer, he was able to purchase 2.12 grams of shabu from
accusedappellant. The sale took place in accused
appellants room, and Badua saw that the shabu was taken
by accusedappellant from a cabinet inside his room. The
application was granted, and a search warrant was later
issued by Presiding Judge Dolores L. Espaol.
At about 10:30 p.m. of December 26, 1995, a group of
about 10 policemen, along with one civilian informer, went 6
to the residence of accusedappellant to serve the warrant.
The police operatives knocked on accusedappellants
door, but nobody opened it. They heard people inside the
house, apparently panicking. The police operatives
forced the door open and entered the house.
After showing the search warrant to the occupants of the
house,8 Lt. Cortes and his group started searching the
house. They found 12 small heatsealed transparent
plastic bags containing a white crystalline substance, a
paper clip box also containing a white crystalline
substance, and two bricks of dried leaves9 which appeared
to be marijuana wrapped in newsprint having a total
weight of ap 7/23


5 RTC Records for Search Warrant No. 160, A, p. 4.

6 TSN, p. 4, Oct. 29, 1996.
7 Id., pp. 56.
8 Id., p. 6.
9 TSN, p. 22, June 9, 1997.



People vs. Salanguit

proximately 1,255 grams. A receipt of the items seized 11
was prepared, but the accusedappellant refused to sign it.
After the search, the police operatives took accused
appellant with them to Station 10, EDSA, Kamuning, 12
Quezon City, along with the items they had seized.
PO3 Duazo requested13
a laboratory examination of the
confiscated evidence. The white crystalline substance with
a total weight of 2.77 grams and those contained in a small
box with a total weight of 8.37 grams were found to be
positive for methamphetamine hydrochloride. On the other
hand, the two bricks of dried leaves, one weighing 425
grams and14 the other 850 grams, were found to be
For the defense, accusedappellant testified in his own
behalf. His testimony was corroborated by his motherin
law, Soledad Arcano.
Accusedappellant testified that on the night of
December 26, 1995, as they were about to leave their
house, they heard a commotion at the gate and on the roof
of their house. Suddenly, about 20 men in civilian attire,
brandishing long firearms, climbed over 15
the gate and
descended through an opening in the roof.
When accusedappellant demanded to be shown a search
warrant, a piece of paper inside a folder was waved in front
of him. As accusedappellant fumbled for his glasses,
however, 16 the paper was withdrawn and he had no chance
to read it.
Accusedappellant claimed that he was ordered to stay
in one place of the house while the policemen conducted a
search, forcibly opening cabinets and taking his bag
containing money,17 a licensed .45 caliber firearm, jewelry,
and canned goods.

_______________ 8/23

10 Id., p. 7.
11 RTC Records (Crim. Case No. Q9564358), p. 10.
12 TSN, June 9, 1997, p. 8.
13 Id., p. 9.
14 Decision, p. 3 Rollo, p. 24.
15 TSN, pp. 14, Nov. 24, 1997.
16 Id., pp. 56.
17 Id., p. 9.


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People vs. Salanguit

The policemen left at around 12:30 a.m. of December 27,

1995, and, after putting handcuffs on accusedappellant,
took him with them to the NARCOM on EDSA, 18
City, where accusedappellant was detained.
Accusedappellants motherin law, Soledad Arcano,
corroborated his testimony. Arcano testified that the
policemen ransacked their house, ate their
food, and took
away canned goods and other valuables.
After hearing, the trial court rendered its decision, the
dispositive portion of which reads:

WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered:

1. In Criminal Case No. Q9564357, for violation of Sec. 16,

Republic Act No. 6425, as amended, finding the accused
ROBERTO SALANGUIT y KO guilty beyond reasonable
doubt of the crime charged and he is hereby accordingly
sentenced to suffer an indeterminate sentence with a
minimum of six (6) months of arresto mayor and a
maximum of four (4) years and two (2) months of prision
correccional and,
2. In Criminal Case No. Q9564358, for violation of Sec. 8,
Republic Act No. 6425, as amended, finding the accused
ROBERTO SALANGUIT y KO guilty beyond reasonable
doubt of the crime charged and he is hereby accordingly
sentenced to suffer reclusion perpetua and to pay a fine of

The accused shall further pay the costs of suit.

The 11.14 grams of methamphetamine hydrochloride and the
1,254 grams of marijuana bricks are hereby confiscated and
condemned for disposition according to law. The evidence
custodian of this Court is hereby directed to turn such substances
over to the National Bureau of Investigation pursuant to law.

Hence this appeal. Accusedappellant contends that




18 Id.
19 TSN, Oct. 6, 1997.
20 Rollo, pp. 4041.



People vs. Salanguit



Accusedappellant is contesting his conviction on three

grounds. First, the admissibility of the shabu allegedly
recovered from his residence as evidence against him on
the ground that the warrant used in obtaining it was
invalid. Second, the admissibility in evidence of the
marijuana allegedly seized from accusedappellant
pursuant to the plain view doctrine. Third, the
employment of unnecessary force by the police in the
execution of the warrant.
First. Rule
126, 4 of the Revised Rules on Criminal
Procedure provides that a search warrant shall not issue
except upon probable cause in connection with one specific
offense to be determined personally by the judge after
examination under oath or affirmation of the complainant
and the witnesses he may produce, and particularly
describing the place to be searched and the things to be
seized which may be anywhere in the Philippines.
In issuing a search warrant, judges must comply strictly
with the requirements of the Constitution and the Rules of
Criminal Procedure. No presumption of regularity can be 10/23

invoked in aid of the22

process when an officer undertakes to
justify its issuance. Nothing can justify the issuance of the
search warrant unless all the legal requisites are fulfilled.
In this case, the search warrant issued against accused
appellant reads:


21 Formerly Rule 126, 3 of the 1985 Rules on Criminal Procedure.

22 Nolasco v. Pao, 139 SCRA 152 (1985) citing Mata v. Bayona, 128
SCRA 388 (1984).


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People vs. Salanguit


For: Violation of RA 6425



It appearing to the satisfaction of the undersigned
after examining under oath SR. INSP. RODOLFO V.
AGUILAR, PNP and his witness SPO1 EDMUND M.
BADUA, PNP that there is probable cause to believe
that ROBERT SALANGUIT has in his possession and
control in his premises Binhagan St., San Jose, Quezon
City as shown in Annex A, the properties to wit:



which should be seized and brought to the

You are hereby commanded to make an immediate
search anytime of the day/night of the premises above
described and forthwith seize and take possession of
the abovestated properties and bring said properties
to the undersigned to be dealt with as the law directs.
GIVEN UNDER MY HAND this 26th day of
December 1995 at Imus, Cavite, Philippines.

Accusedappellant assails the validity of the warrant on

three grounds: (1) that there was no probable cause to 11/23

search for drug paraphernalia (2) that the search warrant

was issued for more than one specific offense and (3) that
the place to be searched was not described with sufficient

Existence of Probable Cause

The warrant authorized the seizure of undetermined

quantity of shabu and drug paraphernalia. Evidence was
presented showing probable cause of the existence of
methamphetamine hydrochloride or shabu. Accused
appellant contends, however, that the search warrant
issued is void because no evidence was presented



People vs. Salanguit

showing the existence of drug paraphernalia and the same

should23 not have been ordered to be seized by the trial
The contention has no merit. To be sure, SPO1 Edmund
Badua, the intelligence officer who acted as a poseurbuyer,
did not testify in the proceedings for the issuance of a
search warrant on anything about drug paraphernalia. He

Q Being a member of the Intelligence and Operation

Section, NMDU, NARCOM, do you remember if you
were assigned into a monitoring or surveillance work?
A Yes, sir.
Q Of what particular assignment or area were you
assigned for monitoring or surveillance?
A Its within the Quezon City area particularly a house
without a number located at Binhagan St., San Jose,
Quezon City, sir.
Q Do you know the person who occupies the specific place?
A Yes, sir, he is ROBERT SALANGUIT @ Robert.
Q Are you familiar with that place?
A Yes, sir, as part of my surveillance, I was able to
penetrate inside the area and established contract with
ROBERT SALANGUIT alias Robert through my friend
who introduced me to the former.
Q In what particular occasion did you meet ROBERT 12/23

SALANGUIT alias Robert?

A When I was introduced by my friend as a good buyer
and drug pusher of shabu, sir.
Q Were you able to buy at that time?

A Yes, sir.

Q How much if you can still remember the amount
A I was able to buy two point twelve (2.12) grams of shabu
in the amount of Two Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty
(P2,750.00) pesos, sir.
Q Having established contact with ROBERT SALANGUIT
@ Robert, do you know where the stuff (shabu) were
being kept?
A Yes, sir, inside a cabinet inside his room.


23 Rollo, p. 29.


VOL. 356, APRIL 19, 2001 695

People vs. Salanguit

Q How were you able to know the place where he kept the
A When I first bought the 2.12 grams of shabu from him,
it was done inside his room and I saw that the shabu
was taken by him inside his cabinet.
Q Do you know who is in control of the premises?
A Yes, sir, it was ROBERT SALANGUIT @ Robert.
Q How sure are you, that the shabu that you bought from
ROBERT SALANGUIT @ Robert is genuine shabu?
A After I left the house of ROBERT SALANGUIT @
Robert, I proceeded back to our office and reported the
progress of my mission to our Chief and presented to
him the 2.12 grams of shabu I bought from the subject.
Then afterwards, our Chief formally requested the Chief
PNP Central Crime Laboratory Services, NPDC, for
Technical Analysis which yielded positive result for
shabu, a regulated drug as shown in the attached 13/23

certification of PNP CLS result No. D41495 dated 19

Dec. 95.
Q Do you have anything more to add or retract from your
A Yes, sir, I was offered by him (ROBERT SALANGUIT @
Robert) that anything I wish to buy bigger quantity of
shabu, he is willing to transact to me on cash basis at
his price of One Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty
(P1,750.00) pesos per gram.
Q Are you willing to sign your statement freely and
A Yes, sir.

However, the fact that there was no probable cause to

support the application for the seizure of drug
paraphernalia does not warrant the conclusion that the
search warrant is void. This fact would be material only if
drug paraphernalia was in fact seized by the police. The
fact is that none was taken by virtue of the search warrant
issued. If at all, therefore, the search warrant is void only
insofar as it authorized the seizure of drug paraphernalia,
but it is valid as to the seizure of methamphetamine
hydrochloride as to which evidence was presented showing
probable cause25 as to its existence. Thus, in Aday v.
Superior Court the warrant properly


24 RTC Records for Proceedings of Search Warrant No. 160, p. 5.

25 55 Cal. 2d 789, 13 Cal. Rptr. 415, 362 P. 2d 47 (1961) cited in
FOURTH AMENDMENT 258 (2nd ed. 1987).



People vs. Salanguit

described two obscene books but improperly described

other articles. It was held:

Although the warrant was defective in the respects noted, it does

not follow that it was invalid as a whole. Such a conclusion would
mean that the seizure of certain articles, even though proper if
viewed separately, must be condemned merely because the
warrant was defective with respect to other articles. The invalid 14/23

portions of the warrant are severable from the authorization

relating to the named books, which formed the principal basis of
the charge of obscenity. The search for and seizure of these books,
if otherwise valid, were not rendered illegal by the defects
concerning other articles . . . . In so holding we do not mean to
suggest that invalid portions of a warrant will be treated as
severable under all circumstances. We recognize the danger that
warrants might be obtained which are essentially general in
character but as to minor items meet the requirement of
particularity, and that wholesale seizures might be made under
them, in the expectation that the seizure would in any event be
upheld as to the property specified. Such an abuse of the warrant
procedure, of course, could not be tolerated.

It would be a drastic remedy indeed if a warrant, which

was issued on probable cause and particularly describing
the items to be seized on the basis thereof, is to be
invalidated in toto because the judge erred in authorizing a
search for other items not supported by the evidence.
Accordingly, we hold that the first part of the search
warrant, authorizing the search of accusedappellants
house for an undetermined quantity of shabu, is valid, even
though the second part, with respect to the search for drug
paraphernalia, is not.

Specificity of the Offense Charged

Accusedappellant contends that the warrant was issued

for more than one specific offense because possession or use
of methamphetamine hydrochloride and possession of drug
paraphernalia are27
punished under two different provisions
of R.A. No. 6425. It


26 LA FAVE, supra at 28.

27 SEC. 8. Possession or Use of Prohibited Drugs.The penalty of
reclusion perpetua to death and a fine ranging from five hundred thousand
pesos to ten million pesos shall be imposed upon any person who, unless


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People vs. Salanguit

will suffice to quote what this Court said in a similar case

to dispose of this contention: 15/23

While it is true that the caption of the search warrant states that
it is in connection with Violation of R.A. 6425, otherwise known
as the Dangerous Drugs Act of 1972, it is clearly recited in the
text thereof that There is probable cause to believe that Adolfo
Olaes alias Debie and alias Baby of No. 628 Comia St.,
Filtration, Sta. Rita, Olongapo City, has in their possession and
control and custody of marijuana dried
stalks/leaves/seeds/cigarettes and other regulated/prohibited and
exempt narcotics preparations which is the subject of the offense
stated above. Although the specific section of the Dangerous
Drugs Act is not pinpointed, there is no question at all of the
specific offense alleged to have been committed as a basis for the
finding of probable cause. The search warrant also satisfies the
requirement in the Bill of Rights of the particularity of the
description to be made of the 28
place to be searched and the
persons or things to be seized.
Indeed, in People v. Dichoso the search warrant was also
for Violation of R.A. 6425, without specifying what
provisions of the law were violated, and it authorized the
search and seizure of dried marijuana leaves and
methamphetamine hydrochloride (shabu) and sets of
paraphernalias (sic). This Court, however, upheld the
validity of the warrant:

Appellants contention that the search warrant in question was

issued for more than (1) offense, hence, in violation of Section 3,
Rule 126 of the Rules of Court, is unpersuasive. He engages in
semantic juggling by suggesting that since illegal possession of
shabu, illegal possession of marijuana and illegal possession of
paraphernalia are covered by different articles and sections of the
Dangerous Drugs Act of 1972, the search war


authorized by law, shall possess or use any prohibited drug subject to the
provisions of Section 20 hereof.
SEC. 16. Possession or Use of Regulated Drugs.The penalty of reclusion perpetua
to death and fine ranging from five hundred thousand pesos to ten million pesos
shall be imposed upon any person who shall possess or use any regulated drug
without the corresponding license or prescription, subject to the provisions of
Section 20 hereof. (As amended by Sec. 16, RA No. 7659.)
28 Olaes v. People, 155 SCRA 486, 490491 (1987).
29 223 SCRA 174 (1993).



People vs. Salanguit 16/23

rant is clearly for more than one (1) specific offense. In short,
following this theory, there should have been three (3) separate
search warrants, one for illegal possession of shabu, the second for
illegal possession of marijuana and the third for illegal possession
of paraphernalia. This argument is pedantic. The Dangerous
Drugs Act of 1972 is a special law that deals specifically with
dangerous drugs which are subsumed into prohibited and
regulated drugs and defines and penalizes categories of offenses
which are closely related or which belong to the same class or
species. Accordingly, one (1) search warrant may thus be 30
issued for the said violations of the Dangerous Drugs Act.
Similarly, in another case, the search warrant was
captioned: For Violation of P.D. No. 1866 (Illegal
Possession of Firearms, etc.). The validity of the warrant
was questioned on the ground that it was issued without
reference to any particular provision in P.D. No. 1866,
which punished several offenses. We held, however, that
while illegal possession of firearms is penalized under 1 of
P.D. No. 1866 and illegal possession of explosives is
penalized under 3 thereof, the decree is a codification of
the various laws on illegal possession of firearms,
ammunitions, and explosives which offenses are so related
as to be subsumed within the category of illegal possession
of firearms, etc. under P.D. No. 1866. Thus, only one
warrant was necessary to cover the violations under the
various provisions of the said law.

Particularity of the Place

Accusedappellant contends that the search warrant failed

to indicate the place to be searched with sufficient
This contention is without merit. As the Solicitor
General states:

. . . While the address stated in the warrant is merely Binhagan

St., San Jose, Quezon City, the trial court took note of the fact
that the records of Search Warrant Case No. 160 contained
several documents which identified the premises to be searched,
to wit: 1) the application for search warrant which stated that the
premises to be searched was located in between No. 7 and 11 at
Binhagan Street, San Jose, Quezon City, 2) the


30 Id., pp. 184185.

31 Prudente v. Dayrit, 180 SCRA 69 (1989). 17/23


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People vs. Salanguit

deposition of witness which described the premises as a house

without a number located at Binhagan St., San Jose, Quezon City
and 3) the pencil sketch of the location of the premises to be
searched. In fact, the police officers who raided appellants house
under the leadership of Police Senior Inspector Rodolfo Aguilar
could not have been mistaken as Inspector Aguilar resides in the
same neighborhood in Binhagan where appellant lives and in fact
Aguilars place is at the end of appellants place in Binhagan.
Moreover, the house raided by Aguilars team is undeniably
appellants house and it was really appellant who was the target.
The raiding team even first ascertained through their informant
that appellant was inside
his residence before they actually
started their operation.

The rule is that a description of the place to be searched is

sufficient if the officer with the warrant can, with
reasonable effort,
ascertain and identify the place intended
to be searched. For example, a search warrant authorized
a search of Apartment Number 3 of a building at 83
Pleasant Street, Malborough, Massachusetts. As it turned
out, there were five apartments in the basement and six
apartments on both the ground and top floors and that
there was an Apartment Number 3 on each floor. However,
the description was made determinate by a reference to the
affidavit supporting the warrant that the apartment was
occupied by the accused 34Morris Ferrante of 83 Pleasant
Street, Malboro, Mass. In this case, the location of
accusedappellants house being indicated by the evidence
on record, there can be no doubt that the warrant described
the place to be searched with sufficient particularity.
In sum, we hold that with respect to the seizure of shabu
from accusedappellants residence, Search Warrant No.
160 was properly issued, such warrant being founded on
probable cause personally determined by the judge under
oath or affirmation of the deposing witness and
particularly describing the place to be searched and the
things to be seized.
Second. The search warrant authorized the seizure of
methamphetamine hydrochloride or shabu but not
marijuana. However, seizure of the latter drug is being
justified on the ground that the

_______________ 18/23

32 Appellees Brief, pp. 89 Rollo, pp. 140141.

33 Prudente v. Dayrit, supra.
34 Commonwealth v. Todisco, Mass., 294 N.E. 2d 860 (1973).



People vs. Salanguit

drug was seized within the plain view of the searching

party. This is contested by accusedappellant.
Under the plain view doctrine, unlawful objects within
the plain view of an officer who has the right to be in the
position to have that view 35
are subject to seizure and may
be presented in evidence. For this doctrine to apply, there
must be: (a) prior justification (b) inadvertent discovery of
the evidence and (c) immediate
apparent illegality of the
evidence before the police. The question is whether these
requisites were complied with by the authorities in seizing
the marijuana in this case.

Prior Justification and Discovery by Inadvertence

Because the location of the shabu was indicated in the

warrant and thus known to the police operatives, it is
reasonable to assume that the police found the packets of
the shabu first. Once the valid portion of the search
warrant has been executed, the plain view doctrine can
no longer provide any basis for admitting the other items
subsequently found. As has been explained:

What the plain view cases have in common is that the police
officer in each of them had a prior justification for an intrusion in
the course of which he came inadvertently across a piece of
evidence incriminating the accused. The doctrine serves to
supplement the prior justificationwhether it be a warrant for
another object, hot pursuit, search incident to lawful arrest, or
some other legitimate reason for being present unconnected with
a search directed against the accusedand permits the
warrantless seizure. Of course, the extension of the original
justification is legitimate only where it is immediately apparent to
the police that they have evidence before them the plain view
doctrine may not be used to extend a general exploratory search
from one37object to another until something incriminating at last

The only other possible justification for an intrusion by the

police is the conduct of a search pursuant to accused 19/23

appellants law


35 People v. Musa, 217 SCRA 597 (1993) citing Harris v. United States,
390 U.S. 234, 19 L. Ed. 2d 1067 (1968).
36 People v. Musa, supra citing Coolidge v. New Hampshire, 403 U.S.
433, 29 L. Ed. 2d 564 (1971).
37 Coolidge v. New Hampshire, supra.


VOL. 356, APRIL 19, 2001 701

People vs. Salanguit

ful arrest for possession of shabu. However, a search

incident to a lawful arrest is limited to the person of the
one arrested
and the premises within his immediate
control. The rationale for permitting such a search is to
prevent the person arrested from obtaining a weapon to
commit violence, or to reach for incriminatory evidence and
destroy it.
The police failed to allege in this case the time when the
marijuana was found, i.e., whether prior to, or
contemporaneous with, the shabu subject of the warrant, or
whether it was recovered on accusedappellants person or
in an area within his immediate control. Its recovery,
therefore, presumably during the search conducted after
the shabu had been recovered from the cabinet, as attested
to by SPO1 Badua in his deposition, was invalid.

Apparent Illegality of the Evidence

The marijuana bricks were wrapped in newsprint. There

was no apparent illegality to justify
their seizure. This case
is similar to People v. Musa in which we declared
inadmissible the marijuana recovered by NARCOM agents
because the said drugs were contained in a plastic bag
which gave no indication of its contents. We explained:

Moreover, when the NARCOM agents saw the plastic bag hanging
in one corner of the kitchen, they had no clue as to its contents.
They had to ask the appellant what the bag contained. When the
appellant refused to respond, they opened it and found the
marijuana. Unlike Ker v. California, where the marijuana was
visible to the police officers eyes, the NARCOM agents in this
case could not have discovered the inculpatory nature of the
contents of the bag had they not forcibly opened it. Even 20/23

assuming then, that the NARCOM agents inadvertently came

across the plastic bag because it was within their plain view,
what may be said to be the object in their plain view was just
the plastic bag and not the marijuana. The incriminating nature
of the contents of the plastic bag was not immediately apparent
from the plain view of said object. It cannot be claimed that the
plastic bag clearly betrayed its contents, whether by its distinc


38 People v. Musa, supra, citing Robbins v. California, 453 U.S. 420, 69 L. Ed. 2d
744 (1981).
39 Supra.



People vs. Salanguit

tive configuration, its transparency,

or otherwise, that its
contents are obvious to an observer.

No presumption of regularity may be invoked by an officer

in aid of the process when he undertakes to justify41 an
encroachment of rights secured by the Constitution. In
this case, the marijuana allegedly found in the possession
of accusedappellant was in the form of two bricks wrapped
in newsprint. Not being in a transparent container, the
contents wrapped in newsprint could not have been readily
discernible as marijuana. Nor was there mention of the
time or manner these items were discovered. Accordingly,
for failure of the prosecution to prove that the seizure of the
marijuana without a warrant was conducted in accordance
with the plain view doctrine, we hold that the marijuana
is inadmissible in evidence against accusedappellant.
However, the confiscation of the drug must be upheld.
Third. Accusedappellant claims that undue and
unnecessary force was employed by the searching party in
effecting the raid.
Rule 126,
7 of the Revised Rules on Criminal
Procedure provides:

Right to break door or window to effect search.The officer, if

refused admittance to the place of directed search after giving
notice of his purpose and authority, may break open any outer or
inner door or window of a house or any part of a house or
anything therein to execute the warrant or liberate himself or any
person lawfully aiding him when unlawfully detained therein. 21/23

Accusedappellants claim that the policemen had clambered

up the roof of his house to gain entry and had broken doors and
windows in the process is unsupported by reliable and competent
proof. No affidavit or sworn statement of disinterested persons,
like the barangay officials or neighbors, has been presented by
accusedappellant to attest to the truth of his claim.


40 Id., p. 612.
41 Nolasco v. Pao, supra.
42 Formerly Rule 126, 6 of the 1985 Rules on Criminal Procedure.


VOL. 356, APRIL 19, 2001 703

People vs. Salanguit

In contrast, Aguilar and Duanos claim that they had to use

some force in order to gain entry cannot be doubted. The
occupants of the house, especially accusedappellant,
refused to open the door despite the fact that the searching
party knocked on the door several times. Furthermore, the
agents saw the suspicious movements of the people inside
the house. These circumstances justified the searching
partys forcible entry into the house, founded as it is on the
apprehension that the execution of their mission would be
frustrated unless they do so.
WHEREFORE, in Criminal Case No. Q9564357, the
decision of the Regional Trial Court, Branch 96, Quezon
City, finding accusedappellant Roberto Salanguit y Ko
guilty of possession of illegal drugs under 16 of RA. No.
6425, otherwise known as the Dangerous Drugs Act, as
amended, and sentencing him to suffer a prison term
ranging from six (6) months of arresto mayor, as minimum,
and four (4) years and two (2) months of prision
correccional, as maximum, and ordering the confiscation of
11.14 grams of methamphetamine hydrochloride is
In Criminal Case No. Q9564358, the decision of the
same court finding accusedappellant Roberto Salanguit y
Ko guilty of possession of prohibited drugs under 8 of R.A.
No. 6425, as amended, and sentencing him to suffer the
penalty of reclusion perpetua and to pay a fine of
P700,000.00 is hereby REVERSED and SET ASIDE and
accusedappellant is ACQUITTED of the crime charged.
However, the confiscation of the 1,254 grams of marijuana,
as well as the 11.14 grams of methamphetamine 22/23

hydrochloride, and its disposition as ordered by the trial

court is AFFIRMED.

Bellosillo (Chairman), Quisumbing, Buena and De

Leon, Jr., JJ., concur.

Judgment in Criminal Case No. Q9564357 affirmed

but reversed and set aside in Criminal Case No. Q95
64358, accusedappellant acquitted therein.

Notes.Objects could not be considered to have been

seized in plain view where there was no valid intrusion and
the evidence



People vs. De la Cruz

was not inadvertently discovered. (People vs. Bolasa, 321

SCRA 459 [1999])
Jurisprudence allows the seizure of personalty despite
absence of warrant under the plain view doctrine, so long
as the area of search is within the immediate control of the
arrested person and that the object of the search was open
to the eye. (People vs. De Guzman, 351 SCRA 573 [2001)


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