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1.1 Rotavator
A rotavator is a mechanical gardening tool with power blades attached to a spinning
surface to plough soil and give optimum tillage. Different rotavator are designed to suit
different gardening needs. A gardening rotavator is a compact machine which can be used on
any land size but is more appropriate for gardening. Gardeners usually use a variation of this
appliance as sometimes, only small flower beds or miniature vegetable patches need to be
tilled. Gardening rotavator cannot really break up huge amounts of soil, but can efficiently
churn up the soil and remove unnecessary weeds on the flower beds and can also ensure
infusion of the fertilizer into the soil. Such a machine is usually powered by electricity, as it
is not heavy-duty, making it easier to handle. In addition to this they are usually inexpensive
and can be afforded by the avid gardener compared to the varieties that are run on gas or

Another type of this equipment is the frontline rotavator. It is a medium-sized

machine with churning blades attached to the front of its wheels. This allows the mixing of
residues and utmost churning of the soil. If one is rotavating the ground for the first time, this
is the best kind to use as it reduces the soil to a fine crumbling texture, the most appropriate
for seed planting. As it is medium-sized, one can also find machines in this variety that are
operated single-handedly, therefore reducing the amount of energy and strength that is used.

The rear line rotavator is one of the largest of such machines currently available in the
market. This is usually run on gas or petrol as it is used for more heavy-duty work. If one has
large plots of land, it is best to use this type, as it has more power and capability. Also, the
job gets done faster. However, it is important to conduct a careful analysis of one's land space
and needs before going and getting a rotavator as the rear line variety is usually very
expensive and is mostly available only on a commercial basis.

A rotavator is a very effective tool when used correctly and under the right conditions.
You should consider the type of soil you have and whether it is appropriate to use a rotavator
on it. If you do not use the rotavator under the right circumstances it can actually be
counterproductive for your garden. [7]

1.1.1 Types of Rotavator

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Rotary tiller type rotavator.

Ground Tiller / Petrol rotavator Light Duty
Medium duty rotavator
Heavy duty rotavator
Gasoline power form rotavator.

1.1.2 Advantages:

It can immediately prepare the soil, the soil moisture of previous crop does not go
Pudding in wet fields is done smoothly, quickly and efficiently
Suitable to use in dry as well as wet land cultivation.
Suitable for light and medium soil conditions.
Prepares seed bed quickly and economically.
Soil compaction reduces.
Reduce draft compared to the convention tilling implement.

1.1.3 Material used:

Sr. No. Component Name Size Quantity

1. Shaft
1. Steel 15.24 1.9 cm 1
2. M.S. 20.32 1.6 cm 1
2. Circular plate for rotor. 16 3 3

3. Rotor Blade 9 0.3 2.5 Cm 7

4. Nut & Bolt M8 10

Table 1 Material used in rotavator

1.2 Cultivators
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A cultivator is any of several types of farm implement used for secondary tillage. One
sense of the name refers to frames with the teeth (shanks) that pierce the soil as they are
dragged through it linearly. Another sense refers to machines that use rotary motion of disks
or teeth to accomplish a similar result. The rotary tiller is a principle example.
Cultivators stir and pulverize the soil, either before planting (to aerate the soil and
prepare a smooth, loose seedbed) or after the crop has begun growing (to kill weeds
controlled disturbance of the topsoil close to the crop plants kills the surrounding weeds by
uprooting them, burying their leaves to disrupt their photosynthesis, or a combination of
both). Unlike a harrow, which disturbs the entire surface of the soil, cultivators are designed
to disturb the soil in careful patterns, sparing the crop plants but disrupting the weeds.

Cultivators of the toothed type are often similar in form to chisel plows, but their
goals are different. Cultivator teeth work near the surface, usually for weed control, whereas
chisel plow shanks work deep beneath the surface, breaking up hardpan. Consequently,
cultivating also takes much less power per shank than does chisel plowing.

Small toothed cultivators pushed or pulled by a single person are used as garden tools
for small-scale gardening, such as for the household's own use or for small market gardens.
Similarly sized rotary tillers combine the functions of harrow and cultivator into one
multipurpose machine.

Cultivators are usually either self-propelled or drawn as an attachment behind either a

two-wheel tractor or four-wheel tractor. For two-wheel tractors they are usually rigidly fixed
and powered via couplings to the tractors' transmission. For four-wheel tractors they are
usually attached by means of a three-point hitch and driven by a power take-off (PTO).
Drawbar hookup is also still commonly used worldwide. Draft-animal power is sometimes
still used today, being somewhat common in developing nations although rare in more
industrialized economies. [8]

In the experiment the soil was cultivated using a Kongskilde Germinator Pro, which
utilizes a front leveling board consisting of a series of flat tines (Kongskilde, 2015). These
leveling tines are the first soil treatment (not counting the tines that loosen the soil in the
tractor tracks) and eliminate unevenness in the topsoil. The tips of the tines are flat with a
width of 4.5 cm and with a 6 cm gap between each tine. In the experiment we analyzed the
effect of the leveling tines at two cultivation depths using 3D scans of the soil surface. The
experiment was a split-plot design with the intensity of the leveling tines as the whole plot
factor and the depth as a sub plot factor. The cultivator leveling tines were adjusted to 5
different settings ranging from no interaction with the soil to maximum possible extension of
the tines. The cultivator had two working sections, which were used to process the soil at 2
different cultivation depths in one pull. The cultivator was pulled at 10 km/h and the working

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sections were set to a depth of 5 and 8 cm. The experiment had 4 blocks/replications, within
which the leveling tine settings were randomized. Each plot in the experiment was 3 by 20 m
and the plots were laid out in a grid 4 plots wide and 5 long. The experiment was done in an
area of the field with a homogeneous soil texture. Along the cultivation direction the plots
were separated by enough space to ensure that the tractor could accelerate to the required

Fig 1 Friable of soil by cultivator

1.2.1 Advantages over old:

It saves time.
It also saves labor cost.
Manually operated

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1.2.2 Material used:

Sr. No. Component Name Size

1. Wheel 61Cm

2. Height 121.8 Cm

3. Support length 50 0.3 Cm

Table 2 Material used in cultivator

1.3.1 Material used for power transmission:

Sr. No. Component Name Size Quantity

1. Sprocket 48 Teeth 1

2. Gear 16 Teeth 1

3. Chain 112 cm 2

Table 3 Material used for power transmission

1. To friable (tilting) of soil.
2. To reduces the effort of the farmer.

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3. Remove unwanted grass from soil

4. Used for secondary crop.
5. The rotavator is a tillage tool capable of creating the desired soil tilth quality with
significantly fewer tillage passes.
6. A rotavator power requirement optimization method was developed using a multi-
objective parameter design to optimize forward travel speed, power shaft rotation
velocity and soil pulverizing effect.
7. A method of soil vibration cutting resistance reduction was proposed for deep-
8. The most effective rotor design to provide the required 250 mm bite length was 4 L-
shaped blades bolted on one side of extended flanges giving a rotor radius of 038 m.
Blockage of soil in the rotor was prevented by fixing spring tines in the gap between
seats of blades.

3.1 Introduction
The basic question is how do we go about selecting a material for a given part? This
may seem like a very complicated process until we realize than we are often restrained by
choices we have already made. For example, if different parts have to interact then material
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choice becomes limited. When we talk about choosing materials for a component, we take
into account many
Different factors. These factors can be broken down into the following areas. Material
Properties. The expected level of performance from the material Cost and Availability
Material must be priced appropriately (not cheap but right) Material must be available (better
to have multiple sources) Processing Must consider how to make the part, for example:
Casting Machining Welding Environment The effect that the service environment has on the
The effect the part has on the environment. The effect that processing has on the
environment. Now clearly these issues are inter-linked in some fashion. For example, cost is
a direct result of how difficult a material is to obtain and to machine. And the effect of the
environment on the material is clearly related to the material properties. So if we really want
to use a novel or unusual material, the choice must be made early in the design process. Then
we can do the detailed design work using the correct material properties. [6]

Material Properties As mechanical engineers we are most concerned with

characteristics such as:


Ability of a material to break or shatter without significant deformation when

under stress; opposite of plasticity

Bulk modulus:

Ratio of pressure to volumetric compression (GPa)

Compressive strength:

Maximum stress a material can withstand before compressive failure (MPa)


The slow and gradual deformation of an object with respect to time


Ability of a material to deform under tensile load (% elongation)


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Ability to withstand wear, pressure, or damage; hard-wearing.


Ability of a body to resist a distorting influence or stress and to return to its

original size and shape when the stress is removed

Fatigue limit:

Maximum stress a material can withstand under repeated loading (MPa)


Ability of an object to bend or deform in response to an applied force;

pliability; complementary to stiffness

Fracture toughness:

Ability of a material containing a crack to resist fracture (J/m^2)


Ability to withstand surface indentation and scratching (e.g. Brinnell hardness



Ability of a material to undergo irreversible or permanent deformations

without breaking or rupturing; opposite of brittleness

Poisson's ratio:

Ratio of lateral strain to axial strain (no units)


Ability of a material to absorb energy when it is deformed elastically (MPa);

combination of strength and elasticity

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Shear modulus:

Ratio of shear stress to shear strain (MPa)

Shear strength:

Maximum shear stress a material can withstand

Specific modulus:

Modulus per unit volume (MPa/m^3)

Specific strength:

Strength per unit density (Nm/kg)

Specific weight:

Weight per unit volume (N/m^3)


Ability of an object to resist deformation in response to an applied force;

rigidity; complementary to flexibility

Tensile strength:

Maximum tensile stress of a material can withstand before failure (MPa)


Ability of a material to absorb energy (or withstand shock) and plastically

deform without fracturing (or rupturing); a material's resistance to fracture when
stressed; combination of strength and plasticity


A fluid's resistance to gradual deformation by tensile or shear stress; thickness

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Yield strength:

The stress at which a material starts to yield plastically (MPa)

Young's modulus:

Ratio of linear stress to linear strain (MPa)

3.2 Rotavator blades-

This chapter deals with detailed information on selection of rotavator blades,
determination of chemical composition of rotavator blade, coating material, coating method
and treatments used in this study. This chapter also deals with the different method sued for
determining dependent parameters i.e. wear loss and relevant techniques used for
characterization of the coating i.e. microstructure study, coating build up height, hardness and
phase analysis. The field conditions during the field test such as moisture content and bulk
density was also measured. The detailed information regarding material used and procedure
followed for evaluation of blade wear characteristics explained under following subheading.

3.2.1 Selection of Rotavator Blades

A preliminary survey was conducted in the region to know the popularity of rotavator
and types of blades being used by farmers. The review was also done to have the stock of
situation in reference to type of blades. It was found that L types of blades are more in
numbers in the region with the two make of rotavators (Italian and Shaktiman make). In
whole of the thesis, to avoid the name of make of rotavator blade, it is being presented as
Blade 1 (Italian) and Blade 2 (Shaktiman) respectively. Therefore, both the rotavators having
L blades were selected for the study.

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Fig. 4 Selected rotavator blades. Stainless steel (ss202)

Product form from chemical Carbon Hydrogen phosphorus

Thickness max. 8mm
Hardness (HB or Hv) 241
Proof strength 340Mpa
Tensile strength 800Mpa
Elongation 35%
Impact factor 60kv
Thermal conductivity 150C
Modulus of elasticity 200Gpa
Density 8kg/dm3 Aluminum

23.1 m/(mK)
Thermal expansion
(at 25 C)

237 W/(mK)

Electrical resistivity 28.2 nm (at 20 C)

Magnetic ordering paramagnetic[4]

+16.5106 cm3/mol
susceptibility (mol)

Young's modulus 70 GPa

Shear modulus 26 GPa

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Bulk modulus 76 GPa

Poisson ratio 0.35

Mohs hardness 2.75

Vickers hardness 160350 MPa

Brinell hardness 160550 MPa Tungsten

4.5 m/(mK)
Thermal expansion
(at 25 C)

Thermal So, we have used stainless steel

173 W/(mK) SS202, because it is chipper & good
physical properties. [2]
Electrical resistivity 52.8 nm (at 20 C)

Magnetic ordering paramagnetic[3]

Magnetic +59.0106 cm3/mol

susceptibility (mol) (298 K)[4]

Young's modulus 411 GPa

Shear modulus 161 GPa

Bulk modulus 310 GPa

Poisson ratio 0.28

Mohs hardness 7.5

Vickers hardness 34304600 MPa

Brinell hardness 20004000 MPa

CAS Number 7440-33-7

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Fig. 1 Solid Shaft

1. Equivalent torque (Te):

i) Shaft subjected to torque, bending movement & axel force.

Te = (((KbM) + (Fd/8))2+ (KtT)2)

ii) Shaft subjected to torque and bending moment only

Te = ((KbM)2 + (KtT)2)

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iii) Shaft subjected to torque only

Te = KtT

2. Maximum shear stress induced in shaft (max)

(max) = (16Te)/ (d3)

3. Allowance shear stress:

i) According to maximum shear stress theory.

(all) = (Ssy/N) = (0.5 Syt) / N

ii) According to ASME code.

(all) = (0.3Ssy or 0.18 Sut) without key way

4. Torsional Rigidity:

i) Torsional stiffness (KTS)

Kts = GJ/L

ii) Torsional deflection () in rad

= (TL) / (GL)

iii) Torsional deflection () in deg per meter length.

(degree) / L = (180T) / (GJ)

iv) Polar moment of inertia (J)

J = (d4) / (32)

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Design and

The shape of the chain

wheels is determined
by the chain size, number of
teeth and the torque to
be transmitted. Wheels
with hubs allow the
transmission of a higher
torque, whereas plate
wheels may be used only
for the
transmission of smaller
torques. The tooth form
is designed in accordance
with DIN 8196. The calculation of the required values is summarized below.

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Fig. 2 Chain Sprocket

p Chain pitch
d1 Roller diameter max.
d Pitch circle diameter
df Root circle diameter
da Top diameter
r1 Tooth radius
Tooth angle
Roller contact angle
r2 Tooth profile radius
k Tooth height above pitch polygon
z Number of teeth

Pitch circle diameter Root circle diameter

d = p / (sin (/2))
(/2) = (1800/z)

Root circle diameter

D 1 = d d1

Top diameter Tooth height

da max = d+1.25.p-d1
da min = d +(1-(16z))-d1

Tooth height
kmax = 0.625 p-0.5d1 + (0.8/z) p
kmin = 0.5 (p d1)

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Fig. 3 Max. & min. tooth Space

r1 max = 0.505 d1 + 0.063 3d1

r1 min = 0.505 d1
min = 1200 (900/z)
min = 1400 (900/z)
r2 max = 0.008 d1 (z2 + 180)
r2 min = 0.008 d1 (z + 2)
Tooth width

Tooth width B1 is narrower than the inner width b1 of the chain

Chain pitch B1 p < 12,7 p > 12,7

for Single chain wheels 0,93 . b1 0,95 . b1

for Double and Triple chain wheels 0,91 . b1 0,93 . b1
for Quadruple chain wheels and over 0,88 . b1 0 93 . b1
(b1 inner width of the chain)
Diameter of relief

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Below the root circle (maximum hub diameter)

ds = p cot ( /2)-1.04 g1 0.76
( /2) = (1800/z)

Selection of chain sprocket procedure: -

By using the required shaft speed ratio select the number of teeth in the large
sprocket. If the required shaft speed ratio cannot be obtained with a standard sprocket,
increase the number of teeth in the small sprocket by one or two, to obtain an acceptable
speed ratio with a slightly larger standard sprocket. The size of the large sprocket is affected
by allowable were elongation of the chain which may go up to 3%.
The use of sprockets with more than 48 teeth reduces the life of the chain expressed
in percentage elongation as: Permissible wear elongation = 200/N (%). The speed ration for
single drive should not exceed 10 :1 A greater ratio will make it necessary to provide for two
drives in series.


First all, determine the velocity ratio of the chain drive.

Select the minimum no. of teeth on smaller sprocket or pinion.
Find the no. Of teeth on larger sprocket.
Determine design power by using service factor, such that

Design Power= Rated power Service factor.

Chosen the Type of chain, number of strands for the design power & r.p.m. of the
smaller sprocket.
Note down the parameters of the chain, such as pitch roller diameter, minimum width
of roller etc.
Find pitch circle diameters & pitch line velocity of the smaller sprocket.

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Determine the load (W) on the chain by using the following relations, i.e.

W = Rated power / Pitch line velocity

Calculate the factor of safety by dividing the breaking load (WB) to the load on the
chain. This value of factor of safety should be greater than the value given bush roller
& silent chain.
Fix the center distance between the sprockets.
Determine the length of chain.

Compute the length of chain required using the formula given below. I possible,
adjust the center distance, so that the length of chin required is always in an
even number of pitches. For optimum life of the chain and sprockets the center
distance between the two sprockets should be 30 to 50 times the chain pitch.

2C / p +( { N + n }/2) + ({ N - n }2/2) (p/c)


L = Chain length in pitches

P = Chain Pitch

C = Contemplated center distance

N = Number of teeth on large sprocket

n = Number of teeth on small sprocket

5.1 Hardening
Hardening is a metallurgical metalworking process used to increase the hardness of a
metal. The hardness of a metal is directly proportional to the uniaxial yield stress at the
location of the imposed strain. A harder metal will have a higher resistance to plastic
deformation than a less hard metal.
The two major processes of hardening and tempering can be broken down into four
major steps. First, a piece of carbon steel is heated gradually until it reaches a temperature
above the alloy's critical temperature. The steel is then quenched, usually in water or oil
(although other quenches, such as brine or sodium hydroxide solutions, are sometimes used
to achieve a particular result). The steel will now be at that given alloy's maximum hardness,
but as discussed above, also brittle. At this point, tempering is usually performed to achieve a
more useful balance of hardness and toughness. The steel is gradually heated until the desired
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temper colors are drawn, generally at a temperature significantly lower than the alloy's
critical point. Different colors in the temper spectrum reflect different balances of hardness to
toughness, so different temper levels are appropriate for different applications. The steel is
then re-quenched to 'fix' the temper at the desired level. A talented smith or metalworker can
fine-tune the performance of a steel tool or item to precisely what is required based solely on
careful observation of temper colors. A visual representation of this process may make the
concept easier to understand. [9]

5.2 Gas welding

Gas metal arc welding (GMAW), sometimes referred to by its subtypes metal inert
gas (MIG) welding or metal active gas (MAG) welding, is a welding process in which an
electric arc forms between a consumable wire electrode and the work piece metal(s), which
heats the work piece metal(s), causing them to melt and join.
The basic technique for GMAW is quite simple, since the electrode is fed
automatically through the torch (head of tip). By contrast, in gas tungsten arc welding, the
welder must handle a welding torch in one hand and a separate filler wire in the other, and in
shielded metal arc welding, the operator must frequently chip off slag and change welding
electrodes. GMAW requires only that the operator guide the welding gun with proper
position and orientation along the area being welded. Keeping a consistent contact tip-to-
work distance (the stick out distance) is important, because a long stick out distance can
cause the electrode to overheat and also wastes shielding gas. Stick out distance varies for

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different GMAW weld processes and applications. The orientation of the gun is also
importantit should be held so as to bisect the angle between the work pieces; that is, at 45
degrees for a fillet weld and 90 degrees for welding a flat surface. The travel angle, or lead
angle, is the angle of the torch with respect to the direction of travel, and it should generally
remain approximately vertical. However, the desirable angle changes somewhat depending
on the type of shielding gas usedwith pure inert gases; the bottom of the torch is often
slightly in front of the upper section, while the opposite is true when the welding atmosphere
is carbon dioxide. [10]

5.3 Arc welding

Arc welding is a process that is used to join metal to metal by using electricity to
create enough heat to melt metal, and the melted metals when cool result in a binding of the
metals. It is a type of welding that uses a welding power supply to create an electric arc
between an electrode and the base material to melt the metals at the welding point. They can
use either direct (DC) or alternating (AC) current, and consumable or non-consumable
electrodes. The welding region is usually protected by some type of shielding gas, vapor, or
slag. Arc welding processes may be manual, semi-automatic, or fully automated. First
developed in the late part of the 19th century, arc welding became commercially important in
shipbuilding during the Second World War. Today it remains an important process for the
fabrication of steel structures and vehicles.
Gas metal arc welding (GMAW), commonly called MIG (for metal/inert-gas), is a
semi-automatic or automatic welding process with a continuously fed consumable wire

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acting as both electrode and filler metal, along with an inert or semi-inert shielding gas
flowed around the wire to protect the weld site from contamination. Constant voltage, direct
current power source is most commonly used with GMAW, but constant current alternating
current is used as well. With continuously fed filler electrodes, GMAW offers relatively high
welding speeds; however the more complicated equipment reduces convenience and
versatility in comparison to the SMAW process. Originally developed for welding aluminum
and other non-ferrous materials in the 1940s, GMAW was soon economically applied to
steels. Today, GMAW is commonly used in industries such as the automobile industry for its
quality, versatility and speed. Because of the need to maintain a stable shroud of shielding
gas around the weld site, it can be problematic to use the GMAW process in areas of high air
movement such as outdoors.

5.4 Bending
In applied mechanics, bending (also known as flexure) characterizes the behavior of a
slender structural element subjected to an external load applied perpendicularly to a
longitudinal axis of the element.

The structural element is assumed to be such that at least one of its dimensions is a
small fraction, typically 1/10 or less, of the other two. When the length is considerably longer
than the width and the thickness, the element is called a beam. For example, a closet rod
sagging under the weight of clothes on clothes hangers is an example of a beam experiencing
bending. On the other hand, a shell is a structure of any geometric form where the length and
the width are of the same order of magnitude but the thickness of the structure (known as the
'wall') is considerably smaller. A large diameter, but thin-walled, short tube supported at its
ends and loaded laterally is an example of a shell experiencing bending.

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In the absence of a qualifier, the term bending is ambiguous because bending can
occur locally in all objects. Therefore, to make the usage of the term more precise, engineers
refer to a specific object such as; the bending of rods, the bending of beams, the bending of
plates, the bending of shells and soon.

EulerBernoulli bending theory

In the EulerBernoulli theory of slender beams, a major assumption is that 'plane
sections remain plane'. In other words, any deformation due to shear across the section is not
accounted for (no shear deformation). Also, this linear distribution is only applicable if the
maximum stress is less than the yield stress of the material. For stresses that exceed yield,
refer to article plastic bending. At yield, the maximum stress experienced in the section (at
the furthest points from the neutral axis of the beam) is defined as the flexural strength.

5.5 Sharpening of rotavators blades

A grinding machine, often shortened to grinder, is any of various power tools or
machine tools used for grinding, which is a type of machining using an abrasive wheel as the
cutting tool. Each grain of abrasive on the wheel's surface cuts a small chip from the work
piece via shear deformation.

Grinding is used to finish work pieces that must show high surface quality (e.g., low
surface roughness) and high accuracy of shape and dimension. As the accuracy in dimensions
in grinding is of the order of 0.000025 mm, in most applications it tends to be a finishing
operation and removes comparatively little metal, about 0.25 to 0.50 mm depth. However,
there are some roughing applications in which grinding removes high volumes of metal quite
rapidly. Thus, grinding is a diverse field

Surface grinder, which has a head that is lowered to a work piece, which is moved
back and forth under the grinding wheel on a table that typically has a controllable permanent
magnet (magnetic chuck) for use with magnetic stock (especially ferrous stock) but can have
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a vacuum chuck or other fixturing means. The most common surface grinders have a
grinding wheel rotating on a horizontal axis cutting around the circumference of the grinding
wheel. Rotary surface grinders, commonly known as "underneath. This type of machine
removes large amounts of material and grinds flat surfaces with noted spiral grind marks. It
can also be used to make and sharpen metal stamping die sets, flat shear Blanchard" style
grinders, have a grinding head which rotates the grinding wheel on a vertical axis cutting on
the end face of the grinding wheel, while a table rotates the work piece in the opposite
direction blades, fixture bases or any flat and parallel surfaces. Surface grinders can be
manually operated or have CNC controls.


First frame of cultivator buy from store and also gear sprocket, chain and nuts buy
from hardware store. Then we come to designing the rotavator in that first for making
rotavator blades we buy ss210 from fabrication store. Then we buy circulates plates of mild
steel shaft and nut bolts. Then starting to assembly first chain sprocket attached to the wheel
by welding. For designing the rotavator blades first we cut SS210 and drilled the holes on the

After cutting and drilling then sharpening of rotavator blades and hardening of
rotavator blades to make it rotavator blades. Then the circular plates of mild steel are fitted
on steel pipe by gas welding (Metal Arc Welding by breezing rod). Then attach blades to the
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circular plates of mild steel and the outer side of circular plates small chain sprocket is also
attached to the steel pipe by gas welding. Joining of rotavator with the cultivator.

Our assembly is completed.


Rotavators can help your garden or allotment when it is in need of soil therapy. The
tilling effects of a cultivator are appreciated gardeners see their effort pay off in the form of
positive plant growth.

The right rotavator can be a great investment not only for yourself but your garden
where a thriving ecosystem has the potential to exist. Remember to follow all safety
precautions outlined in your rotavators user manual. All things considered, rotavators
continue to be helpful machines used to ensure soil quality.

Larger gardens, or small fields, where the soil is relatively free of weeds, are best
suited to a rotavator. However, since they can be expensive, it is always worth considering
hiring one or buying second hand. See the notes below on safe purchase of a second-hand
machine. For smaller areas or lighter digging, a cultivator may be better suited, as well as
being more suited to removing weeds. Both rotavators and cultivators will have difficulty
on soil that has never been managed before (virgin land). The soil will need to be broken
Jaihind Polytechnic, Kuran [Mechanical Engineering Department]
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up using a fork tool beforehand, as the blades of the machine will not be able to grip into
the soil properly and will just skip across the surface, which is both dangerous and
counterproductive. When using either a rotavator or cultivator, proper personal protective
equipment should be used. Both machines are noisy (a rotavator more so), so ear defenders
are recommended. Gloves, safety boots, or rather steel toe-capped boots if using a machine
with rear facing blades, should be worn when operating one or the other of these machines.
As mentioned above, smaller hand-held cultivators are ideal for breaking up a certain
number of weeds on a plot. Rotavators, particularly larger ones, are more powerful and
used for deeper digging.

They are not as appropriate for a smaller space in the garden, as due to the expense
and power, they can give the impression of using a hammer to crack a nut. Rotavator
blades will also simply shred weed roots and send them spraying outwards, which can only
increase the problem once these roots have taken into the ground. Cultivators are more
ideal for light digging around plants (particularly trees and shrubs) that are well
established, since the blades do not go so deeply into the ground and cannot damage the
root systems of existing plants. Due to this light blade work, cultivators are also better at
producing furrows in the ground for planting vegetables, such as onions or carrots. Some
gardeners use them as makeshift hedge trimmers, and due to their relative lightness, they
are excellent for those with bad backs who want to do some light gardening work but are
unable to use labor-intensive hand tools. And of course, there will always be occasions
when hand-held tools will need to be used for smaller jobs.

1. Manually operated without any electric or power output
2. Maximum friable of soil.
3. Remove unwanted grass from soil
4. Maximum used for secondary crop.
5. Used dry and wet area.
6. Minimum rupees(cost) maximum output taken.
7. Used in sergercane, paddy, wheat, caster, grass, vegetable, tomato.

Jaihind Polytechnic, Kuran [Mechanical Engineering Department]

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1. In this study, design of rotor will have investigated and design modification will be
done by introducing one more cutting edge in other side of the blade.
2. Soil restriction without structure failure and same time and blade life increases double
time, by interchangeability concept of bicycle rotor and we observed that reducing
farmer effort by analyzing.
3. It can be used effectively for intercultural operation in horticultural crops and for
paddy cultivation
4. Cost of operation is less as energy. Time requirement is less.
5. Soil pulverization with rotavator is better than traditional implements.

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1. In this study, design of rotor is investigated and design modification are done by
introducing one more cutting edge in other side of blade.
2. Soil resistance without structure failure and same time and blade life increases double
time, by interchangeability concept of bicycle rotor and we observed that reduces farmer
3. Rotavators can help your garden or allotment when it is in need of soil
therapy. The tilling effects of a cultivator are appreciated gardeners see their
effort pay off in the form of positive plant growth. The right rotavator can be a
great investment not only for yourself but your garden where a thriving
ecosystem has the potential to exist. Remember to follow all safety
precautions outlined in your rotavators user manual. All things considered,
rotavators continue to be helpful machines used to ensure soil quality.

Jaihind Polytechnic, Kuran [Mechanical Engineering Department]

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1. Impact of Rotavator As a Conservation Tillage Implement.
2. Specification for Blades for Rotavator for Power Tillers IS: 6690-1981.
3. The Cultivator.
4. Cultivator agricultural mechanism.
5. Design of machine element.
6. Material selection procedure.

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