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2 Art Class

Lesson 1 Art Supplies

A Listen, point, and say. 21 15

1 2 3 4 5 6
6p x 7p

paint paper chalk yarn glue tape

B Listen and number. 22

12 Unit 2
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C Listen and say. Then practice. 23 16

This is paint.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

D Listen, ask, and answer. Then practice. 24 17

Whats this?
Whats = What is
This is paint.

2 3
4 6

Whats this?
E Look at B . Point, ask, and answer.

Whats this?
This is yarn.

Lesson 1 13
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Lesson 2 Colors
A Listen, point, and say. 25 18

1 2 3 4 5

red yellow blue white black

B Listen, ask, and answer. Then practice. 26 19

What color is it? Its = It is

Its red.

1 3 5
2 4

14 Unit 2
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C Sing. 27 20


Red. Yellow. Blue. White. Black.

What color is it?
Its . Its . Its .
What color is it?
Its . Its , , .

D Listen and circle. 28

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

a a a a a

b b b b b

Look at the pictures.

Say the colors.
E Look around your classroom.
Point, ask, and answer.

Whats this?
Its a backpack. Its blue.

Lesson 2 15
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Lesson 3 Story
A Talk about the pictures. Then listen and read. 29

The Blue Paint

This is my Hey! This is my
paint. paint, too!

This is my

Lets share.


Be nice.

16 Unit 2
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B Listen and circle or . 30

1 2 3 4

C Sing. 31 21

Lets Share
This is my paint. This is my paint.
Hey! Its my paint, too!
OK. Lets share. Lets share. Lets share.
OK. Lets share. Lets share. OK. Cool.

D Listen and say. Then act. 32 Find the book.

What color is it?
Lets share. OK.

1 3
Lesson 3 17
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Lesson 4 Colors
A Watch the video.

B Listen, point, and say. 33 22

1 2 3 4 5 6

green purple orange pink gray brown

C Listen and say. Then practice. 34 23

Blue and yellow make green.


5 6

18 Unit 2
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D Color. Then talk with your partner.

What color is it? Its green. Blue and

yellow make green.

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

E Look around your classroom.

Find and say the colors.

Look! Its red.

Look! Its purple. Watch the video.
What colors do
you see?
red purple
orange pink
yellow white
green black
blue gray

F Look at the poster. Talk about it.

Lesson 4 19
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Check Up 1
Units 1 and 2
A Listen and number. 35

B Match.
Is it a rectangle? C a. This is a notebook.


What color is it? b. This is tape.


Whats this? c. No, it isnt.

Is it a chair? d. Its blue.

Whats this? e. It isnt a notebook.

Its a book. f. Yes, it is.

20 Check Up 1
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C Write.


1. What is it? Its a pencil case.

2. Its orange. and make orange.

3. Its a . It an eraser.

4. a rectangle? Yes,

D Listen and write. Then act. 36

1. 2.
Lets share.
Im fine. Thank you.

E What can you do? Read and .

I can talk about...

school supplies art supplies

shapes colors
Value Value
I can be I can be
friendly. nice.
Units 1 and 2 21
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A Listen, point, and say. 37 24

bug pit

b pop

top dig

t d
tag dad

m n
mud nod

mat nap

B Look at A . Point and say with a partner.

C Listen and circle. 38

1. 2. 3.

dt mn bp
4. 5. 6.

nm pb td
22 Phonics 1
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Color Poster
A Make a color poster.

1. Write the colors. 2. Find the colors. 3. Glue the pictures

Then cut out pictures. t o your poster.

B Listen. Then talk about your poster. 39

What is it? Its a pen.

Its red.

Is it a
square? No, it isnt.
Its a rectangle.

Ask questions.
Home-School Link

Talk about colors with your family.

Project 1 23
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