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Bifurcations!Exercises for You.

Exercise 1.1 For the following system, sketch all the qualitatively different
vector fields that occur as r is varied. Show that a saddle-node bifurcation
occurs at a critical value of r, to be determined. Finally sketch the bifurcation
diagram of fixed points x versus r.

x = 1 + rx + x2

Exercise 2.1 For the following system, sketch all the qualitatively different
vector fields that occur as r is varied. Show that a transcritical bifurcation
occurs at a critical value of r, to be determined. Finally sketch the bifurcation
diagram of fixed points x versus r.

x = x rx(1 x)

Exercise 3.1 For the following system, sketch all the qualitatively different
vector fields that occur as r is varied. Show that a pitchfork bifurcation
occurs at a critical value of r, to be determined. Finally sketch the bifurcation
diagram of fixed points x versus r.
x = x +
1 + x2

Exercise 4.1 A fishery model. A model of a fishery assumes that in absence

of harvesting, fish grow logistically. The harvesting rate is designated by H
and the model for the fish population, N is:
dN N N
= rN 1 H
dt K A+N
where H > 0 and A > 0.

(a.) Give a biological interpretation of the parameter A; what does it mea-


(b.) Show that the system can be rewritten in dimensionless form as

dx x
= x(1 x) h ,
d a+x
for suitably defined dimensionless quantities, x, , a and h.
Strogatz, 1994

(c.) Show that the system can have one, two, or three fixed points, depending
on the values of a and h. Classify the stability of the fixed points in each

(d.) Analyze the dynamics near x = 0 and show that a bifurcation occurs
when h = a. What type of bifurcation is it?

(e.) Show that another bifurcation occurs when h = 14 (a + 1)2 , for a < ac ,
where ac is to be determined. Classify this bifurcation.

Exercise 5.1 Consider the system

x = y 2x; y = + x2 y.

(a.) Sketch the nullclines.

(b.) Find and classify the bifurcations that occur as varies.

(c.) Sketch the phase portrait as a function of .

Exercise 6.1 Consider the system,

x = y,
y = y + x x2 + xy.
(a.) Show that the origin is a sadlle point for all values of .

(b.) Find any other equilibria and determine their stability.

(c.) Numerically plot phase portraits for values of between 1 and 0.5.
What happens to the unstable manifold through the origin as is varied?

(d.) Numerically find the critical value of at which the stable and un-
stable manifolds through the origin intersect. (This is called a homoclinic
connection or homoclinic orbit.)

(e.) Plot a few phase portraits for -values above and below this critical value
and describe what happens to the unstable manifold through the origin.

This type of bifurcation is called a homoclinic bifurcation.


1. Strogatz, S. Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos. Perseus Books Publishing,

LLC., 1994.

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