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Continuing Education

Course Number: 159

Managing the Buccal Gap

and Plate of Bone:
Immediate Dental Implant Placement
Authored by Gary Greenstein, DDS, MS, and
John S. Cavallaro Jr, DDS

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Continuing Education

Managing the Buccal Gap

and Plate of Bone:
Immediate Dental Implant Placement
Effective Date: 03/1/2013 Expiration Date: 3/1/2016

Figure 1. Implant placed into extraction socket at site No. 12. Buccal gap
width is 3.5 mm and vertical depth is 7 mm. Smaller and shallower gap
LEARNING OBJECTIVES on the palatal side of the implant.
After participating in this CE activity, the individual will learn:
Available information in the literature regarding clinical
management of the buccal gap.
Practical guidelines for managing the buccal gap.


Dr. Greenstein is a clinical professor of
the department of periodontology at the
College of Dental Medicine, Columbia
University, NY. He maintains a private
practice in surgical implantology and Figure 2. Implant inserted into extraction socket (site No. 6) with a thin
periodontics in Freehold, NJ. He can be labial bony plate. Placement was too labial. As the area healed, bone was
lost in a vertical direction and resulted in soft-tissue recession.
reached at [email protected].
aspect of an immediately placed implant: buccal, lingual,
Disclosure: Dr. Greenstein reports no disclosures. or proximally.
The main objective of immediate implant placement is
Dr. Cavallaro is the director of the implant to provide an osseointegrated fixture suitable for an
Fellowship program and associate clinical aesthetic and functional restoration. Bone fill in the gap
professor of prosthodontics at the College between the implant and the peripheral bone is important.
of Dental Medicine, Columbia University, The buccal aspect of an implant is of great concern,
NY. He maintains a private practice in especially in the aesthetic zone, because the buccal bony
surgical implantology and prosthodontics plate is usually thin2,3 and its resorption can result in soft-
in Brooklyn, NY. He can be reached at [email protected]. tissue recession (Figure 2).4 Surgical management of the
buccal gap to obtain an optimal result is controversial and
Disclosure: Dr. Cavallaro reports no disclosures confusing with respect to the best techniques to achieve
the following: optimal bone fill in the gap, most coronal
INTRODUCTION level of bone-to-implant contact (BIC), and the least
When a dental implant is placed into a fresh extraction amount of buccal bone loss and soft-tissue recession.
socket, the space between the implant periphery and This article is a literature review which was undertaken
surrounding bone is called the gap or jumping distance.1 to evaluate available information regarding clinical
The gap consists of 2 dimensions: horizontal defect width management of the buccal gap. Background information is
and vertical defect height (Figure 1). The term jumping presented, and data pertaining to gap management and
distance refers to the ability of bone to bridge the limitations of our knowledge are discussed to develop
horizontal gap and fill the void. A gap can occur on any practical guidelines for handling the buccal gap.

Continuing Education

Managing the Buccal Gap and Plate of Bone: Immediate Dental Implant Placement
BACKGROUND INFORMATION placed implants in fresh extraction sites integrated with the
Extrapolating Data from Animal Models to HumansTo attain bone.22-26 Akimoto et al27 created defects 0.5 to 1.4 mm
histological evidence concerning the best methods to manage around machined implants and noted that all defects healed,
the buccal gap and adjacent bone, experimental studies were regardless of size. However, the distance between the bone
conducted in animal models. In this regard, Pearce et al5 margin and where the BIC started was directly related to gap
concluded that dogs have the most similar bone structure to size. The larger the gap, the farther the first BIC was from the
humans with respect to microstructure, macrostructure, bone bone margin. Botticelli et al1 assessed the healing response
composition, and bone remodeling. Nevertheless, there are around implants when created defects (sizes one to 1.25 mm)
differences in the size and shape of bones in canines and were treated with and without barriers and the implants were
humans. Furthermore, a dogs bone has a higher mineral submerged. The defects healed with bone and the BIC against
density and remodels faster than humans. It was concluded sandblasted, large-grit, acid-etched surfaced implants was
that dog models may be used in experimental investigations to similar to the control sites where an implant was placed into a
assess aspects of wound healing; however, it is only an ap- healed ridge. They concluded that a defect > one mm may heal
proximation of what occurs in humans. with a high degree of osseointegration. It was noted that
Immediate Implant Survival RatesThe survival rates of previous assessments employed machined surfaced implants,
immediately placed implants into fresh extraction sockets and whereas the latter study used rough surfaced implants.
healed ridges are similar (97.3% to 99%).6,7 This finding is In another dog study, Botticelli et al28 demonstrated that
also true with respect to immediate placement of implants into created defects ranging from 1.25 to 2.25 mm around an
infected sites8,9 or locations with periapical lesions.10 immediately placed implant spontaneously filled with new
Typical Healing of an Extraction SocketSockets normally bone. They29 noted artificially created defects healed
fill in with bone, but they are associated with a mean 1.24 mm differently than natural gaps that occur after implant
vertical bone loss (range: 0.9 to 3.6 mm) and an average 3.79 placement. It was concluded that created defects healed
mm horizontal bone reduction (range 2.46 to 4.56 mm) after 6 completely, whereas natural gaps partly repaired. Therefore,
months.11 However, these means for bone loss represent data extrapolation of data with respect to healing at sites where
when teeth were extracted and flaps were usually elevated. defects were created versus natural gaps must be
Resolution of a socket is caused by a combination of bone fill interpreted cautiously, because they may not represent the
and resorption of the bony crest adjacent to the socket. same healing response temporally or physically.
Socket Healing After Immediate Implant Placement Arajo et al12,20 published a series of papers consistently
Numerous investigations confirmed that immediate implant demonstrating that in dogs, after immediate implants were
placement is associated with bone loss. This has been inserted and the flaps were replaced, the gap (size was < 2
documented in experimental studies in dogs12-15 and human mm) between the implant and the bone filled in; however, the
clinical trials.16-19 The amount of bone loss varies and is horizontal width and level of the vertical height of the buccal
dependent on many factors (to be discussed). In general there plate of bone were reduced. Of particular interest was a paper
is a decrease of vertical bone height and an even greater that assessed the impact of deproteinated bovine bone
horizontal bone loss. The amount of alveolar bone resorption material (DBBM) collagen on the gap (one to 2 mm wide and
is larger on the buccal than the lingual aspect of an implant, 3 mm deep) around immediately placed implants.30 They
because the buccal plate is typically thinner.20,21 noted bony plates of grafted sites were thicker and bone levels
were more coronal than sites that were not grafted.
DATA PERTAINING TO GAP FILL AND BUCCAL PLATE Recently, Caneva et al15,31-33 conducted a series of
BONE LOSS: ANIMAL STUDIES AND HUMAN experimental studies in dogs to investigate techniques with
CLINICAL TRIALS respect to limiting the amount of buccal plate resorption that
Experimental Animal Studies (Usually Dogs) occurs when implants are installed immediately after an
Studies conducted in animals confirmed that immediately extraction. Their investigations provided the following results:

Continuing Education

Managing the Buccal Gap and Plate of Bone: Immediate Dental Implant Placement
DBBM particles in conjunction with Table. Possible Therapies Available to Treat the Buccal Gap After Immediate Implant
collagen barriers helped preserve the Placement: With and Without Flap Elevation
alveolar process, but mostly in a A. WITH FLAP ELEVATION ADVANTAGE DISADVANTAGE

horizontal dimension, not vertically;31 1. No additional treatment (no bone graft or barrier used)

a resorbable material without a (a) Flap placed over the defect Covers defect This may require flap advancement
increased morbidity (edema and
membrane was not capable of ecchymosis)
Soft tissue may invade gap
completely maintaining the buccal
(b) Flap positioned at bone crest, Easier Plaque and food may get trapped
crest of bone;32 implants should be leaving the gap exposed in void if coagulum is not retained
placed lingually to the center of the 2. Bone graft placed into the defect with or without growth factors
socket and one mm deeper than the (a) Flap placed over the defect Covers defect This may require flap advancement
increased morbidity (edema and
alveolar crest to limit exposure of ecchymosis)
buccal threads;15 wider implants, Soft tissue may invade bone graft
(b) Flap positioned at bone crest, Easier Plaque and food may get trapped
which were close to the buccal plate, leaving the gap exposed in void if coagulum is not retained
caused greater bone loss buccally 3. Barrier placed over defect
than narrower implants.33 (a) Flap advancement is usually Covers barrier Increased morbidity (edema and
Favero et al34, in a dog model, re- necessary to attain primary closure ecchymosis)

ported the following results: lingual (b) No flap advancement and use of Easier Nonresorbable barrier
nonresorbable or resorbable barrier exposure/infection
placement of the implant reduced or connective tissue graft Resorbable barrierfragments in
buccal bone resorption and recession,
4. Barrier placed over bone graft
and use of collagen barriers with
(a) Flap advancement is usually Covers barrier Increased morbidity (edema and
DBBM did not improve results when necessary to attain primary closure ecchymosis)
Nonresorbable barrier
compared to no additional treatment. It exposure/infection
was suggested the thickness of the (b) No flap advancement and use of Easier Nonresorbableexposure/infection
nonresorbable or resorbable barrier Resorbable barrierfragments in
buccal plate, which was approximately or connective tissue graft mouth
one mm, contributed to the finding that 5. Temporization of implant and abutment
bone grafts and barriers provide no Supports soft tissue Additional work at time of surgery
additional benefit with respect to B. NO FLAP ELEVATION ADVANTAGE DISADVANTAGE
inhibiting bone resorption. (FLAPLESS IMPLANT INSERTION)
1. The gap is left open with no additional therapy
Easier Plaque and food may get trapped
Human Investigations in void if coagulum is not retained
In 1998, Wilson et al35 supplied the 2. Bone is placed within the gap
first human histological documenta- Bone particles may be displaced
tion that osseointegration occurred 3. Temporization of implant and abutment with either of the above
between the newly formed bone in Supports soft tissue Additional work at time of surgery
the gap and an immediately placed
implant. Subsequently, Wilson et al36 assessed rough No bone grafts or barriers were used before implants were
surface implants (N = 10) where the gap was covered with submerged under the soft tissue. Biopsies revealed bone fill
a connective tissue graft and the area was covered with a in the gap, and there was no difference between test and
flap. Osseointegration, BIC, and bone fill were similar when control sites.
gaps were < 1.5 mm and > 4 mm. Subsequently, Botticelli et al16 assessed 21 sites in 18
Paolantonio et al37 evaluated the healing response humans with respect to gap healing around rough surfaced
when implants were placed in healed bone and when they dental implants that were not submerged. The flaps were
were placed in extraction sockets and the gap was 2 mm. placed next to the abutment portion of the implant exposed

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Managing the Buccal Gap and Plate of Bone: Immediate Dental Implant Placement
to the mouth. No bone or barriers were employed. Eight of protocols after immediate implant placement, the data indicate
9, defects initially 3 mm in width, were completely filled that both techniques can be used successfully, depending
with bone. The vertical bone crest resorption amounted to on the situation and preference of the clinician.43,44 A
0.3 (buccal), 0.6 (lingual/palatal), 0.2 (mesial), and 0.5 submerged protocol usually requires flap advancement to
(distal), and 56% of the horizontal width. No biopsies were attain primary closure over an immediate implant. If a
done. There are 2 criticisms of the clinical study by Botticelli nonsubmerged procedure is utilized, the flap is typically
et al.16 It is possible that the BIC was more apical than replaced adjacent to the healing abutment or temporary
other sites where implants were placed into healed ridges, crown, or the gap can be left uncovered. If a permanent
and the clinical examination did not confirm that abutment is used, it will not have to be removed (avoids
osseointegration occurred. However, as previously in- disrupting the junctional epithelium), and thereby may help
dicated in a histological assessment in dogs, Botticelli reduce recession.45,46
et al38 found that defects lateral to rough surface implants
regenerate with proper osseointegration, whereas smooth Flapless
surfaced implants repaired with connective tissue between If a flap is not elevated to place a dental implant, several
the bone and implants. It has been suggested that the therapeutic choices are available to deal with the gap (Table).
rough surfaces provided a better surface for clot stability However, despite a flapless approach, remodeling of the
and maturation.39 osseous crest occurs. Teeth derive their blood supply from
In a prospective study, Chen et al4,40 also reported that the 3 sources: periodontal ligament, periosteum, and the endo-
small defects with respect to height and width around steal marrow spaces.47 Tooth extraction eliminates the blood
nontextured implants could be eliminated without the use of a supply to the bone from the periodontal ligament and results
membrane and/or a bone graft. Similarly, Covani et al41 in horizontal and vertical bone loss.20,48
confirmed that defects could be resolved in humans without In general, elevation of a flap without tooth extraction re-
barriers or bone graft materials if the defect was < 2 mm wide. sults in a mean bone loss of 0.5 mm.49,50 The amount of
Recently, Tarnow and Chu42 provided histological osseous resorption is usually greater over the buccal aspect
evidence of defect fill and osseointegration in a gap of roots than interproximally, where the bone is thicker.
adjacent to an immediate implant that was 4 mm wide. In Disturbance of the periosteum inhibits the blood supply to
this single case report, no flap was elevated, and the defect the bone and it takes several days before normal bone
was allowed to heal by secondary intention without vascularization is resumed. Pertinently, several authors
placement of a bone graft or a barrier. It was suggested that suggested that avoidance of flap elevation reduced bone
if the gap is allowed to heal by secondary intention (no loss and recession after tooth removal and immediate
coverage of the gap with a flap) then the gap size may not implant placement in humans51 and animal experimental
interfere with bone fill and osseointegration. studies.52-54 In contrast, other human55-57 and experimental
studies58-60 determined that even with a flapless approach,
TREATMENT OPTIONS WITH AND WITHOUT FLAP the amount of bone loss was similar with and without flap
ELEVATION elevation (Figures 3a to 3d). Recently, Grunder61 reported
Flap Elevation that with a flap approach, the amount of buccal soft-tissue
In conjunction with immediate implant placement, there is a recession was 1.06 mm. Despite these conflicting data, it is
diversity of available techniques to manage the buccal gap the authors opinion that if the tissues are left undisturbed
when a flap is elevated to place an implant. (no flap elevation), there is a better chance to have less soft-
Remarks in the Table pertain to situations where the tissue recession. This concept is also supported by the
bony plate is intact and does not require a regenerative finding that even if there is bone loss, it does not necessarily
procedure to treat a dehiscence or bone fenestration. result in alterations of the gingival contour as seen in
With respect to submerged versus nonsubmerged implant periodontal patients.

Continuing Education

Managing the Buccal Gap and Plate of Bone: Immediate Dental Implant Placement
Size of Horizontal Bone GapThe gap size
is an important determinant with respect
to predictability of spontaneous bone fill.
The critical gap size that allows unaided
healing has not been determined, because
there are variables that can affect the Figure 3a. Occlusal view of immediate Figure 3b. Periapical radiograph of
result. However, in humans, gaps < 2 mm implants placed at site Nos. 3 and 5 using a inserted implants in Figure 3a.
nonsubmerged protocol with no flap reflection.
usually heal without allografts, xenografts,
and barriers when implants are sub- c d
merged37,40,41,62,63 or nonsubmerged
(Figures 4a to 4f).4,38
In dogs, investigators noted that bigger
gaps have a greater potential for in-
complete fill; therefore, they suggested bio-
material filler would be beneficial in large
gaps.18,27,64,65 However, when evaluating
the data in humans, different techniques
Figure 3c. Definitive fixed prosthesis in place; Figure 3d. Periapical radiograph of
resulted in bone fill without bone grafts in implants are stable, soft tissue is healed, and final fixed prosthesis, demonstrating
defects 3 mm.16,35,36,42 Tarnow and there is a good aesthetic result. However, visual excellent bone levels in relation to
observation comparing Figure 3c to Figure 3a healed implants.
Chu42 reported bone fill in a gap that was reveals that the buccal width appears to be
4 mm wide. The gap was not grafted and reduced, reflecting bone loss during extraction
socket healing even without flap reflection.
the defect was allowed to heal by second-
ary intention (no flap elevation or coverage of gap). In acceptable defect resolution, and it was noted that
contrast, Botticelli et al16 did not graft, but replaced the augmentation procedures reduced horizontal bone resorption,
flaps against healing abutments and 8 of 9 defects that but not crestal bone loss.
were initially 3 mm filled with bone. Others noted bone fill Recent studies in dogs focused on the use of DBBM.
in 4 mm gaps that were covered with a connective tissue Arajo et al30 demonstrated that use of DBBM versus no
graft and the flap.35,36 Thus, there appears to be a biofiller resulted in the BIC being more coronal and the
discrepancy with respect to how large a gap will heal buccal plate thicker. After employing DBBM, Caneva et al31
spontaneously and under what conditions. also reported a more coronal level of BIC, and Chen et al4
BiomaterialsChen and Buser reviewed the literature noted a 25% reduction of horizontal bone loss. It appears that
regarding the effectiveness of placing biofillers in the gap. They different materials can be used, but the one currently
concluded that most investigations employed combinations of receiving the most attention is DBBM. A possible explanation
a bone graft material and/or barrier membrane (expanded for this is that in Europe, human allograft material is not
polytetrafluorethhylene-PTFE or collagen barrier) to enhance allowed to be used in humans. Currently, there is no
regeneration. The most commonly used biofiller was DBBM, preponderance of data indicating that one type of graft
which was employed alone and in conjunction with resorbable material is superior to others.
and nonresorbable barriers. Other graft materials used Thickness of the Buccal Plate of BoneBuccal plate
included autogenous bone, demineralized freeze-dried bone, thickness affects the degree of buccal plate resorption after
and hydroxyapatite. All the techniques provided clinically immediate implant placement. In a dog model, it was

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Managing the Buccal Gap and Plate of Bone: Immediate Dental Implant Placement

a b c

Figure 4a. Occlusal view of immediate implant Figure 4b. Periapical Figure 4c. Occlusal view of definitive restoration
placed at site No. 13 with a flapless approach. The radiograph of the implant demonstrating minimal loss of facial soft tissue.
labial gap is 2 mm wide and the palatal gap is one depicted in Figure 4a. No
mm. The implant was placed slightly palatally and biomaterial was placed into
one mm apical to the intact buccal osseous crest. the gap during surgery.

d e f

Figure 4d. Facial view demonstrates no Figure 4f. Patients smile-line on crown insertion day.
apparent loss of vertical height of midlabial soft Note slight blanching of soft tissue.

Figure 4e. Periapical radio-

graph of completed restoration
depicting preservation of
interproximal bone levels.

determined that if the buccal plate was > one mm, there was
less bone resorption compared to sites with a one mm thick
bony plate.18 In addition, Ferrus et al18 suggested that the
wider the buccal bony plate, the greater the fill of the
horizontal gap. In humans, Spray et al67 noted after tooth
Figure 5. Occlusal view
extraction that buccal plates > 2 mm thick did not usually depicting a dental
resorb vertically, whereas socket walls < 2 mm wide implant placed into a
fresh extraction socket
demonstrated bone loss (Figure 5). It was advised by several which had a thick labial
authors that if the buccal bone thickness is not one to 2 mm, plate of bone.

hard-tissue augmentation was recommended63,67,68 to is to the buccal plate, the greater the amount of bone
maintain the level of the osseous crest. resorption that occurs.15,34,69 Furthermore, use of large
Buccolingual Position of ImplantsThere are a few implants to fill the alveolus, which encroaches on the buccal
ways the spatial relationship between the implant and the plate, results in additional bone loss as opposed to
buccal plate can be affected: positioning of the implant and retaining bone. Ultimately, room must be left to allow for the
selection of its diameter. Pertinently, the closer the implant horizontal influence of the implant.70

Continuing Education

Managing the Buccal Gap and Plate of Bone: Immediate Dental Implant Placement
Concerning soft-tissue levels, implants placed buccally coronal to the osseous crest to help support the gingival
manifested 3 times more recession than lingually placed contour. A clinical trial substantiating these findings was just
implants (1.8 versus 0.6 mm).71 However, lingual completed and the technique is referred to as dual-zone
positioning of an implant needs to be taken into socket management (personal communication with Dr.
consideration with respect to prosthetic concerns.34 Tarnow, January 2013).
Number of Bony WallsWith respect to defect
morphology, the most favorable healing is in 3-walled DISCUSSION
defects,72 which is similar to the gap between the bone and Management of the buccal gap and reducing buccal plate
the implant surface. If left undisturbed, the gap will fill in with resorption are important considerations when contemplating
a clot, and 3 walls provide better clot containment than immediate implant placement. Procedures to handle the gap
defects with fewer walls. when the buccal plate is intact have varied depending on
Implant SurfacesThe stability of the clot will be whether the implant was placed with or without flap elevation.
impacted by the implant surface.39 Textured implant The 8 possibilities of therapy are listed in the Table. In
surfaces provide greater surface area and improved levels addition to these methodologies, soft-tissue augmentation
of osseointegration compared to machined surfaces. When (eg, connective tissue graft) can be provided on the buccal
placing immediate implants, healing is better with textured aspect depending on the aesthetic demands of the case.61 In
surfaces (eg, increased bone to implant contact) as general, in the aesthetic zone it is preferable not to elevate a
opposed to smooth surfaces.38,62 flap if the buccal plate is intact. Some techniques can be
Role of Adjacent TeethIn a dog model, Favero et al73 done alone (ie, adding a biomaterial) or in combination with
reported immediate implants placed in several adjacent other procedures (biomaterial filler plus a barrier). Studies
sockets manifested more bone loss than implants which have clarified that if the gap is < 2 mm, no additional
were inserted into a single socket adjacent to teeth. therapy is needed to enhance gap fill; however, concomitant
Apparently, the presence of adjacent teeth retarded bone resorption of bone occurs and the magnitude of this
loss with respect to the interproximal bone, and this finding alteration is related to buccal plate thickness, implant
is in agreement with other authors.29,59 positioning, and whether a flap is elevated. Some authors
BiotypeIf buccal bone does not resorb, soft tissue will suggest adding a biomaterial to inhibit horizontal bone
not recede. In contrast, the crestal labial bone can resorb resorption. It appears that a certain amount of crestal bone
and the soft tissue may not recede. In this regard, loss occurs after an extraction due to loss of blood supply
numerous investigations assessed the effect of the biotype when the periodontal ligament is eliminated. Differences in
on recession, and the results have been conflicting. When findings between studies with respect to gap fill can be
a thick versus a thin biotype were compared after attributed to different gap sizes, dissimilar thicknesses of
immediate implant placement, several authors reported in- the buccal plate and implant positioning, and various
creased recession when there was a thin biotype.66 Others surgical modalities. Therefore, it is difficult to compare
noted there was no difference in the amount of studies. This is further complicated by the fact that
recession.4,71 Lee et al74 reviewed the data on this subject extrapolating data from dog models to humans can only be
and concluded that a thin biotype predisposes an individual done conceptually without specificity regarding the
to recession and loss of papillae. magnitude of measurements.
Temporization With and Without Bone Grafting Based upon the collective information in the literature, the
Immediate insertion of implants with provisionalization may next section provides conclusions and guidelines for
enhance soft-tissue contours.75,76 Tarnow77 and Chu et al78 immediate implant placement with respect to managing a
also favored temporization in conjunction with a bone graft buccal gap after immediate implant insertion when the buccal
to fill the gap. In addition, it was suggested to add bone plate is present. If a buccal plate is dehisced, it is necessary to

Continuing Education

Managing the Buccal Gap and Plate of Bone: Immediate Dental Implant Placement
address this issue with a bone regeneration
procedure at the time of implant placement or a b
subsequently in a delayed procedure.79,80


1. Do not elevate a flap when placing an
implant in the aesthetic zone, thereby
reducing the risk of recession. If increased Figure 6a. Clinical view of a dental implant
placed into a socket with a gap of ~ 2 mm;
access for visualization is desired, raise only a biomaterial (xenograft) was placed.
Figure 6b. A piece of CollaPlug (Zimmer
a lingual flap. Dental) was placed over the implant and
2. Gaps < 2 mm wide will usually heal c biomaterial; 2 sutures were used to secure
66 the collagen plug.
spontaneously without placing a biomaterial.
If the gap is > 2 mm, spontaneous bone
regeneration is less predictable. If the gap is
< 2 mm, the gap can be left open and it will fill
with a clot, or a biomaterial can be added to
occlude the gap (Figures 6a to 6d). If a
biomaterial is placed, some collagen material
(eg, CollaCote [Zimmer Dental]) can be placed
on top of the material to inhibit exfoliation of the
material before a fibrin clot forms. If a flap is
raised for implant placement and the gap is Figure 6c. Periapical radiograph Figure 6d. Final abutment removed after being in
< 2 mm, the flap can be replaced either over taken at the completion of the place for 3 months (6 months post insertion of the
extraction and implant insertion implant and biomaterial) to demonstrate excellent
the gap28,30,37 or at the buccal crest of procedure. soft-tissue contour.
bone. If the flap covers the graft material, it
will not exfoliate. Placement of a provisional crown on an aspect (approximately one mm) after immediate implant
interim or definitive abutment also can provide protection for placement.4,71 If the buccal wall is thick (> one mm), there
the graft material. It has been suggested that it is better to may be limited resorption. One mm recession was also
leave the gap uncovered, thereby retarding the connective noted when a connective tissue graft was placed.61
tissue and epithelium from interfering with initial population 6. If a biomaterial is inserted in a gap which is < 2 mm,
of the site with bone progenitor cells.77 the data indicate that there will be crestal bone loss, but the
3. Bone fill can occur in defects > 3 mm without horizontal width (contour) will be maintained better.4,12,31
placement of bone grafts or use of barriers.16,42 However, it 7. Numerous materials were investigated as fillers for
appears that the greater the gap size the greater the the gap. However, deproteinized bovine bone has been
potential for incomplete fill of the defect. used in the most studies.66
4. Gaps adjacent to nonsubmerged and submerged 8. The exact relationship between bone modeling and
implants heal similarly.43 recession is unclear; however, with increased bone
5. Thin buccal bony plates resorb and result in loss of resorption, there is usually increased recession.4,66
crestal bone height (approximately one mm) and horizontal 9. The implant should be placed 2 mm from the buccal
bone width. Studies have shown that approximately 33% plate to avoid encroaching on the buccal plate and thereby
of the patients manifested gingival recession on the buccal contributing to resorption.4

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Managing the Buccal Gap and Plate of Bone: Immediate Dental Implant Placement
10. Oversized implants should be avoided, because 5. Pearce AI, Richards RG, Milz S, et al. Animal models
they may encroach on the buccal plate.4,21 for implant biomaterial research in bone: a review. Eur
Cell Mater. 2007;13:1-10.
11. Place implants one mm subcrestally to account for
6. Lang NP, Pun L, Lau KY, et al. A systematic review on
crestal bone resorption.4,20 Crestal bone resorption can be survival and success rates of implants placed
decreased with platform switching.81,82 immediately into fresh extraction sockets after at least
12. Biomaterials can be placed without a barrier, thereby 1 year. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2012;23(suppl 5):39-66.
avoiding flap elevation. However, if a defect is very large or if 7. Ortega-Martnez J, Prez-Pascual T, Mareque-Bueno
there is a bone dehiscence, it may be beneficial to use a S, et al. Immediate implants following tooth extraction.
A systematic review. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal.
barrier, and this would necessitate elevating a flap in order to
achieve wound closure. 8. Waasdorp JA, Evian CI, Mandracchia M. Immediate
13. With a flapless approach, it was suggested that placement of implants into infected sites: a systematic
overfill of the gap with deproteinated bone helps support review of the literature. J Periodontol. 2010;81:801-808.
the soft tissue and reduces recession and bone loss when 9. Crespi R, Cappar P, Gherlone E. Immediate loading
it is done in conjunction with an abutment and temporary of dental implants placed in periodontally infected and
non-infected sites: a 4-year follow-up clinical study. J
crown.77 This statement is based upon an investigation that
Periodontol. 2010;81:1140-1146.
was just completed. 10. Crespi R, Cappar P, Gherlone E. Fresh-socket
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Continuing Education

Managing the Buccal Gap and Plate of Bone: Immediate Dental Implant Placement
POST EXAMINATION INFORMATION 2. Which plate of bone is usually the thinnest around
an immediate implant?
To receive continuing education credit for participation in
a. Buccal.
this educational activity you must complete the program
b. Lingual.
post examination and receive a score of 70% or better.
c. Proximal.
Traditional Completion Option: d. Both a and b.
You may fax or mail your answers with payment to Dentistry
Today (see Traditional Completion Information on following 3. After an extraction how much bone loss (mean)
page). All information requested must be provided in order occurs on the buccal and lingual aspects of the
to process the program for credit. Be sure to complete your extracted tooth after 6 months?
Payment, Personal Certification Information, Answers, a. 3.79 mm vertically and 1.24 mm horizontally.
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d. 1.24 mm vertically and 3.79 mm horizontally.
to the address provided.

Online Completion Option: 4. What is the major benefit of not elevating a buccal
Use this page to review the questions and mark your flap when placing an immediate implant?
answers. Return to and sign in. If you a. Helps preserve aesthetics.
have not previously purchased the program, select it from b. Does not reduce vascularity over the buccal plate.
the Online Courses listing and complete the online c. Probably reduces the amount of recession.
purchase process. Once purchased the program will be
d. All of the above.
added to your User History page where a Take Exam link
will be provided directly across from the program title. 5. After immediate implant placement, what size gaps
Select the Take Exam link, complete all the program will usually heal spontaneously if left untreated?
questions and Submit your answers. An immediate grade a. 2 mm.
report will be provided. Upon receiving a passing grade,
b. 3 mm.
complete the online evaluation form. Upon submitting
the form, your Letter Of Completion will be provided c. 4 mm.
immediately for printing. d. 5 mm.

General Program Information: 6. What does buccal plate thickness influence?

Online users may log in to any time in a. Amount of keratinized tissue.
the future to access previously purchased programs and
b. Amount of recession.
view or print letters of completion and results.
c. Amount of bone resorption.
d. Both b and c.
7. How does implant position of an immediate implant
1. What is the jumping distance?
in the maxilla affect the results?
a. Space located only on the buccal surfaces between
a. If too far lingual, it is prosthetically unacceptable.
the implant and the tooth.
b. If too close to the buccal plate, it will induce bone
b. Space between the implant periphery and
surrounding bone.
c. If it is angled, it will fail.
c. Space located only on the lingual surfaces between
the implant and the tooth. d. Both a and b.
d. Space located only on the proximal surfaces between
the implant and the tooth.

Continuing Education

Managing the Buccal Gap and Plate of Bone: Immediate Dental Implant Placement
8. What type of defect is a buccal gap if the socket 13. Some authors suggest overfilling the buccal gap with
walls are intact? deproteinated bone in conjunction with an abutment
a. One wall. and a temporary crown to achieve which outcome?

b. Two walls. a. Help support soft tissue.

c. Three walls. b. Reduce recession.
d. Moat defect. c. Both a and b.
d. Increased keratinized tissue.
9. Is there a benefit to placing a bone graft in the gap if
it is large? 14. When extrapolating data from a dog model to humans,
a. Usually no. which statement is true?

b. Usually yes. a. It is only an approximation of what occurs in humans.

c. Never. b. It is exactly what happens in humans.
d. Only if it is < 2 mm. c. Dogs remodel overall healing is slower that humans.
d. Dogs bones are the same size as humans.
10. Since there is usually some vertical bone loss
associated with immediate implant placement, it is a 15. According to Botticelli et al, which statement is true
good idea to place the implant platform where? about how artificially created defects (1.25 to 2.25
a. At the crest of bone. mm) heal in a dog model?

b. One mm supracrestally. a. The buccal aspect of created defects partially heal.

c. One mm subcrestally. b. The lingual asect of created defects partially heal.
d. It doesnt matter if the buccal plate is thin. c. Created defects heal partially.
d. Created defects heal completely.
11. When comparing healing in the gap around
submerged and nonsubmerged implants, which 16. When can a clinician be sure complete
statement is true about submerged implants? osseointegration occurred along the entire implant
a. They heal better than nonsubmerged implants. surface?

b. They heal worse than nonsubmerged implants. a. When the buccal gap fills with bone.
c. They heal the same as nonsubmerged implants. b. Only histological assessment can confirm this finding.
d. There is delayed healing. c. When there is a lack of mobility.
d. When bone fills the buccal gap and there is a lack of
12. Textured surfaced implants provide which mobility.
advantages compared to smooth surfaced implants?
a. Decreased surface area for more osseointegration.
b. Increased bone to implant contact.
c. Decreased clot retention.
d. Decreased probing depths.

Continuing Education

Managing the Buccal Gap and Plate of Bone: Immediate Dental Implant Placement


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