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Katz v. United States 389 U.S. 347, 88 S. Ct. 507, 19 L. Ed.

2d 576 (1967)

Brief Fact Summary. The petitioner, Katz (the petitioner), was convicted
of transmitting wagering information over telephone lines in violation of
federal law. The government had entered into evidence the petitioners
end of telephone conversations that the government had obtained by
placing a listening device to the phone booth that the petitioner used. The
Court of Appeals rejected the petitioners contention that the evidence
should be suppressed.

Synopsis of Rule of Law. The protection of the Fourth Amendment of the

United States Constitution (Constitution), against unreasonable searches
and seizures, follows the person and not the place.

Facts. The petitioner used a public telephone booth to transmit wagering

information from Los Angeles to Boston and Miami in violation of federal
law. After extensive surveillance, the FBI placed a listening device to the
top of the telephone booth and recorded the petitioners end of the
telephone conversations which was then used as evidence against him at
his trial. The petitioner moved to have the evidence suppressed under the
Fourth Amendment of the Constitution, and that motion was denied. The
Court of Appeals rejected the contention that the evidence is inadmissible.
Certiorari was granted.

Issue. Whether the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution protects

telephone conversations conducted in a phone booth and secretly
recorded from introduction as evidence against a person?

Held. Justice Potter Stewart filed the majority opinion. The petitioner
strenuously asserted that the phone booth was a constitutionally protected
area. However, the Fourth Amendment protects persons and not places
from unreasonable intrusion. Even in a public place, a person may have a
reasonable expectation of privacy in his person. Although the petitioner
did not seek to hide his self from public view when he entered the
telephone booth, he did seek to keep out the uninvited ear. He did not
relinquish his right to do so simply because he went to a place where he
could be seen. A person who enters into a telephone booth may expect
the protection of the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution as he
assumes that the words he utters into the telephone will not be broadcast
to the world. Once this is acknowledged, it is clear that the Fourth
Amendment of the Constitution protects persons and not areas from
unreasonable searches and seizures. The Governments activities in
ically listening to and recording the petitioners telephone conversations
constituted a search and seizure under the Fourth Amendment and absent
a search warrant predicated upon sufficient probable cause, all evidence
obtained is inadmissible.

Dissent. Justice Hugo Black (J. Black) filed a dissenting opinion. J. Black
observed that eavesdropping was an ancient practice that the Framers
were certainly aware of when they drafted the United States Constitution
(Constitution). Had they wished to prohibit this activity under the Fourth
Amendment of the Constitution they would have added such language
that would have effectively done so. By clever wording, the Supreme
Court finds it plausible to argue that language aimed specifically at
searches and seizures of things that can be searched and seized may, to
protect privacy, be applied to eavesdropped evidence of conversations.
Concurrence. Justice John Harlan (J. Harlan) filed a dissenting opinion.
The Fourth Amendment of the Constitution protects persons, not places.
There is a twofold requirement for what protection is afforded to those
people. First, that a person has exhibited an actual expectation of privacy
and, second, that the expectation be one that society is prepared to
recognize as reasonable. The critical fact in this case is that a person who
enters a telephone booth shuts the door behind him, pays the toll, and is
surely entitled to assume that his conversation is not being intercepted.
On the other hand, conversations out in the open public would not be
protected against being overheard as the expectation of privacy would not
be reasonable.

Discussion. The Fourth Amendment of the Constitution provides

constitutional protection to individuals and not to particular places. The
two-part test for this protection is introduced by J. Harlan. First, the person
must have exhibited an actual expectation of privacy and, second, that
expectation must be reasonable.

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