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Here we have fabricated the punching machine with a new innovative concept. This machine
has been mainly developed for sheet metal fabricating industries. Here we are using the rack
and pinion mechanism for the punching operation.

The press is a metal forming machine tool, designed to shape or cut metal by applying
mechanical force or pressure with help of press tool. The metal is formed to desired shape
without removal of chips.
Press tools are exclusively intended for mass production work. Sheet metal operation plays an

important role in engineering works. Press tool are made to produce a particular component

in very large numbers, mainly out of sheet metal. The principle press tool operations are

punching and forming operations of sheet metal. Sheet metal punching comes

under the category of Metal working. Metalworking is craft and practice of

working with metals to create individual parts, assemblies, or large scale

structures. The term covers a wide range of work from large ships, bridges and

oil refineries to delicate jewelry. It therefore includes a correspondingly wide

range of skills and the use of many different types of metalworking processes

and their related tools.

Metalworking is an art, hobby, industry, and trade. It relates to metallurgy,

a science, jewelry making, an art-and-craft, and as a trade and industry with

ancient roots spanning all cultures and civilizations. Metalworking had its

beginnings millennia in the past. At some imprecise point in the distant past

humankind discovered that certain rocks now called ores could be smelted,
producing metal. Further, they discovered that the metal product was malleable

and ductile and thus able to be formed into various tools, adornments and put to

other practical uses. Humans over the millennia learned to work raw metals into

objects of art, adornment, practicality, trade, and engineering.

Sheet metal components such as automobile parts, parts of house hold appliances and
electronic equipments are produced by press tools.Nowadays lot of sheet metals parts are
being utilised in lot of sectors irrespective of particular fields like mechanical, electrical,
electronics, computers.
Sheet metal components are mainly used for the followings,
Lesser in weight
Less Expensive
Replaceable and better aesthetics
Sheet metal is simply metal formed into thin and flat pieces. It is one of the fundamental
forms used in metalworking, and can be cut and bent into a variety of different shapes.
Countless everyday objects are constructed of the material.Thicknesses can vary significantly,
although extremely thin thicknesses are considered foil or leaf, and pieces thicker than 6 mm
(0.25 in) are considered plate.
The raw material for sheet metal manufacturing processes is the output of the rolling process.
Typically, sheets of metal are sold as flat, rectangular sheets of standard size. If the sheets are
thin and very long, they may be in the form of rolls. Therefore the first step in any sheet
metal process is to cut the correct shape and sized blank from larger sheet.
Sheet metal processes can be broken down into two major classifications and one minor
Shearing processes: Processes which apply shearing forces to cut, fracture, or separate the
Forming processes: Processes which cause the metal to undergo desired shape changes
without failure, excessive thinning, or cracking. This includes bending and stretching.
Finishing processes: Processes which are used to improve the final surface characteristics.

2.3.1 Shearing Processes

1. Punching: Shearing process using a die and punch where the interior portion of the sheared
sheet is to be discarded.
2. Punching: Shearing process using a die and punch where the exterior portion of the
shearing operation is to be discarded.
3. Perforating: Punching a number of holes in a sheet
4. Parting: Shearing the sheet into two or more pieces
5. Notching: Removing pieces from the edges
6. Lancing: Leaving a tab without removing any material
2.3.2 Forming Processes
1. Bending: Forming process causes the sheet metal to undergo the desired shape change by
bending without failure.
2. Stretching: Forming process causes the sheet metal to undergo the desired shape change by
stretching without failure.
3. Drawing: Forming process causes the sheet metal to undergo the desired shape change by
drawing without failure.
4. Roll forming: Roll forming is a process by which a metal strip is progressively bent as it
passes through a series of forming rolls.
Shearing is a method of punching sheets without forming chips. The force for shearing is
applied by the shearing blades.

2.4.1 Plastic Deformation

Figure 2.1 Plastic Deformation
The force applied by the punch on the stock material deforms it into the die opening. When
the plastic limit of the stock material is exceeded by further application of force, the material
is forced in to the die opening in the form of an embossed pad. A corresponding depression is
formed on the upper face. This stage imparts a radius on the upper edge of the opening in the
strip and on the lower edge of the punched out material.
2.4.2 Penetration

Figure 2.2 Penetration

As the load is further increased, the punch will penetrate into the material to a certain depth.
An equally thick portion of the material is forced into the die. This imparts a bright polished
finish (cut band) on both the strip and the blank.

2.4.3 Fracture
Figure 2.3 Fracture
In this stage, fracture starts from both upper and lower punching edges. As the punch travels
further, these fractures will extend towards each other and meet to cause complete separation.
2.5.1 Mechanical Press
The ram is actuated using a flywheel. Stroke motion is not uniform.
1. High forces at bottom of stroke
2. Suited to punching and punching
2.5.2 Hydraulic Press
Longer strokes than mechanical presses, and develop full force throughout the stroke.Stroke
motion is of uniform speed, especially adapted to deep drawing operations.
1. Longer ram stroke than mechanical types
2. Suited to deep drawing
3. Slower than mechanical drives

Sheet metal is simply metal formed into thin and flat pieces. It is one of the

fundamental forms used in metalworking, and can be cut and bent into a variety of different

shapes. Countless everyday objects are constructed of the material. There are many different

metals that can be made into sheet metal, such as: Aluminum, brass, copper, steel, tin, nickel

and titanium. Sheet metal has applications in car bodies, airplane wings, medical tables, roofs

for building and many other things.

Sheet metal is essentially metal pressed into sheets. These sheets are

used at various places. These sheets can be bending, cut and molded into any

shape for use anywhere. There is no count of places where these sheets are

used. A sheet thin in terms of millimeters can be called foil where as 6mm (or)

(0.25) onwards can be called a plate. Metal in the form of sheets is generally

created by pressing a block of metal with great force. This process is called


The higher the gauge, the thinner the metal is. There are many different

metals that can be made into sheet metal. Aluminum, brass, copper, cold rolled

steel, mild steel, tin, nickel and titanium are just a few examples of metal that

can be made into sheets. The metals in this form have applications in car bodies,

airplane wings, medical tables, roofs for building and many other things.

A main feature of sheet metal is its ability to be formed and shaped by a

variety of processes. Each process does something different to the metal giving it

a different shape or size.


Stretching is a process where sheet metal is clamped around its edges and

stretched over a die or form block. This process is mainly used for the

manufacture of aircraft wings, automotive door and window panels. Stretching

tools are very useful such as a kindilan.


Drawing forms sheet metal into cylindrical or box shaped parts by using a

punch which presses the blank into a die cavity. Drawing process can also be

utilized to create arbitrary shapes with the help of soft punch.


Deep Drawing is a type of drawing process where the depth of the

part is more than half its diameter. Deep drawing is used for making automotive

fuel tanks, kitchen sinks, 2 piece aluminum cans, etc. Deep drawing is generally

done in multiple steps called draw reductions. The greater the depth, the

increased number of reductions required. Deep drawing may also be

accomplished with fewer reductions by heating the work piece.


Cutting sheet metal can be done in various ways from hand tools called tin

snips up to very large powered shears. The metal is heated and then burnt by

the laser beam, cutting the metal sheet. The quality of the edge can be mirror

smooth, and a precision of around 0.1mm can be obtained.


Bending and flanging imparts stiffness to a sheet metal part or to form

various shapes, such as 3 piece aluminum cans. Bending (metalworking) just

form something in a form of a pipe.


During punching or shearing, the sheet metal is cut by using a punch and

die. This process can allow many different shapes and patterns, punch machine.


Spinning is used to make axis-symmetric parts by applying a work piece to

a rotating mandrel with the help of rollers or rigid tools. Spinning is used to make

rocket motor casings and missile nose cones and satellite dishes for example.


This is a form of bending, used for long and thin sheet metal parts. The

machine that bends the metal is called a press brake. The lower part of the press

contains a V shaped groove. This is called the die. The upper part of the press

contains a punch that will press the sheet metal down into the v shaped die,

causing it to bend.
There are several techniques used here, but the most common modern

method is "air bending". The radius of the upper tool, but by the lower die width.

Typically, the inner radius is equal to 1/6th of the V width used in the forming

process. The press usually has some sort of back gauge to position depth of the

bend along the work piece. The back gauge can be computer controlled to allow

the operator to make a series of bends in a component to a high degree of

accuracy. Simple machines control only the backstop, more advanced machines

control the position and angle of the stop, its height and the position of the two

reference pegs used to locate the material. The machine can also record the

exact position and pressure required for each bending operation to allow the

operator to achieve a perfect 90 degree bend across a variety of operations on

the part.


A continuous bending operation for producing open profiles or welded

tubes with long lengths or in large quantities, Roll forming


A gear or cogwheel is a rotating machine part having cut teeth, or cogs, which mesh with
another toothed part to transmit torque. Geared devices can change the speed, torque, and
direction of a power source. Gears almost always produce a change in torque, creating
a mechanical advantage, through their gear ratio, and thus may be considered a simple
machine. The teeth on the two meshing gears all have the same shape. [1] Two or more
meshing gears, working in a sequence, are called a gear train or a transmission. A gear can
mesh with a linear toothed part, called a rack, thereby producing translation instead of

The gears in a transmission are analogous to the wheels in a crossed, belt pulley system. An
advantage of gears is that the teeth of a gear prevent slippage.

When two gears mesh, if one gear is bigger than the other, a mechanical advantage is
produced, with the rotational speeds, and the torques, of the two gears differing in proportion
to their diameters.

In transmissions with multiple gear ratiossuch as bicycles, motorcycles, and carsthe term
"gear" as in "first gear" refers to a gear ratio rather than an actual physical gear. The term
describes similar devices, even when the gear ratio is continuous rather than discrete, or when
the device does not actually contain gears.

Spur gears or straight-cut gears are the simplest type of gear. They consist of a cylinder or
disk with teeth projecting radially. Though the teeth are not straight-sided (but usually of
special form to achieve a constant drive ratio, mainly involute but less commonly cycloidal),
the edge of each tooth is straight and aligned parallel to the axis of rotation. These gears mesh
together correctly only if fitted to parallel shafts.[8] No axial thrust is created by the tooth
loads. Spur gears are excellent at moderate speeds but tend to be noisy at high speeds

In some machines (e.g., automobiles) it is necessary to alter the gear ratio to suit the task, a
process known as gear shifting or changing gear. There are several ways of shifting gears, for

Manual transmission

Automatic transmission

Derailleur gears, which are actually sprockets in combination with a roller chain

Hub gears (also called epicyclic gearing or sun-and-planet gears)

There are several outcomes of gear shifting in motor vehicles. In the case of vehicle noise
emissions, there are higher sound levels emitted when the vehicle is engaged in lower gears.
The design life of the lower ratio gears is shorter, so cheaper gears may be used, which tend
to generate more noise due to smaller overlap ratio and a lower mesh stiffness etc. than the
helical gears used for the high ratios. This fact has been used to analyze vehicle-generated
sound since the late 1960s, and has been incorporated into the simulation of urban roadway
noise and corresponding design of urban noise barriers along roadways.

The punching tool consists of following major parts and their functions are
stated below.
4.1.1 Top Plate
The punch assembly consisting of punch, punch holder and thrust plate is mounted on the top
plate with screws and dowels. Shank also screwed to top plate.
4.1.2 Bottom Plate
Bottom plate is the base of the tool. The die and guide pillars are fitted to this plate. It
provides cushioning effect to the die. It employs an opening at bottom to collect the output
blanked part.
4.1.3 Punching Die Plate
Die is one of important punching tool in the punching tool. The size or contour of the die
opening will be same as the dimension of the desired output component.
4.1.4 Punching Punch
Punch is the other important punching tool in the punching tool. A force is exerted on the
punch by the press to punch the strip placed on the die. The size of the punch will be smaller
than the dimension of the desired component. It will penetrate into die for minimum of 3 to
4.1.5 Stripper Plate
After punching operation when punch is withdrawn back, the blanked part
adhere (Stick on) to punch surface. To facilitate removal of part from punch, stripper
used. Also it used for guiding punch and to hold the strip flat during punching
4.1.6 Thrust Plate
While punching the strip, the punch exerts an upward thrust. To prevent that
thrust being transmitted to top plate, a thrust or back plate is provided behind the
punch. Otherwise it will damage the top plate.
4.1.7 Punch Holder
It is a plate used to hold the punch in position without any transition. Punch
holder provides a rigid support to the punch during punching.
4.1.8 Guide Bush and Pillar
Guide pillar and bushes are used to align the top and bottom plate. They keep
the complete alignment of tool during entire operation.
4.1.9 Shank
Shank is a connector between tool and the press ram. It is screwed to the top
plate firmly.
The fabrication of each part of the punching tool was almost carried out in
conventional machines such as lathe, vertical milling machine, surface grinder, etc.
The process planning for individual parts have been discussed below.
5.1.1 General Process Flow
1. Choosing Raw material
2. Sizing the edges to desired dimension in surface grinder
3. Marking and punching the coordinates points
4. Drilling and Counter Drilling in vertical milling machine
5. Slot opening in EDM wire cut or vertical milling machine
6. Filing slot surface and edges
7. Tapping using tap wrench
8. Top and bottom surface grinding
9. Chamfering the edges
5.1.2 Top Plate
The raw material dimension of (Mild Steel) plate 170 x 100 mm is taken
Edges were grinded in a surface grinder
Marking and punching done to get coordinates for hole centers as per the
Holes of 22x2 Nos., 19 and 6.6x6 Nos were drilled in vertical milling
Counter boring done for 11x4 Nos
Top and bottom surfaces were grinded
Chamfering of 2x45 done at all corners
5.1.3 Bottom Plate
The raw material dimension of (Mild Steel) plate 170 x 100 mm is taken
Edges were grinded in a surface grinder
Marking and punching done to get coordinates for hole centers as per the
Holes of 16x2 Nos and 6.6x6 Nos were drilled in vertical milling machine
Counter boring done for 11x4 Nos
Slot were cut in vertical milling machine
Filing done on the slot surfaces and edges
Top and bottom surfaces were grinded
Chamfering of 2x45 done at all corners
5.1.4 Punching Die Plate
The raw material dimension of (HCHCR) plate 100 x 100 mm is taken
Edges were grinded in a surface grinder
Marking and punching done to get coordinates for hole centers as per the
Holes of 6.6x4 Nos and 6x2 Nos were drilled in vertical milling machine
Slot were cut in EDM wire cut process
Top and bottom surfaces were grinded
Chamfering of 2x45 done at all corners
5.1.5 Punching Punch
The raw material dimension of (HCHCR) plate 75 x 75 x 30 mm is taken
Slot profile were cut in EDM wire cut process
Marking and punching done to get coordinates for hole centers as per the
Holes of 4.7x2 Nos were drilled in vertical milling machine
Tapping done for M5x2 Nos
Top and bottom surfaces were grinded
5.1.6 Stripper Plate
The raw material dimension of (Mild Steel) plate 100 x 100 mm is taken
Edges were grinded in a surface grinder
Marking and punching done to get coordinates for hole centers as per the
Holes of 5.5x4 Nos and 6x2 Nos were drilled in vertical milling machine
Tapping done for M6x4 Nos
Slot were cut in vertical milling machine
Filing done on the slot surfaces and edges
Strip feed channel cut in vertical milling machine
Top and bottom surfaces were grinded
Chamfering of 2x45 done at all corners
5.1.7 Thrust Plate
The raw material dimension of (Mild Steel) plate 100 x 100 mm is taken
Edges were grinded in a surface grinder
Marking and punching done to get coordinates for hole centers as per the
Holes of 6.6x6, 5.5x2 Nos were drilled in vertical milling machine
Counter sinking done for M5x2 Nos
Top and bottom surfaces were grinded
Chamfering of 1x45 done at all corners
5.1.8 Punch Holder
The raw material dimension of (Mild Steel) plate 100 x 100 mm is taken
Edges were grinded in a surface grinder
Marking and punching done to get coordinates for hole centers as per the
Holes of 5.5x4 Nos and 6x2 Nos were drilled in vertical milling machine
Tapping done for M6x4 Nos
Slot were cut in vertical milling machine
Filing done on the slot surfaces and edges
Top and bottom surfaces were grinded
Chamfering of 2x45 done at all corners
5.1.9 Guide Bush
The raw material dimension of (Mild Steel) bar 32 x 30 mm is taken
Facing and step turning done to reduce 16 x 10 mm and 22 x 14.5 mm
Drilling and boring done for 16
Chamfering of 1x45 done at both ends
5.1.10 Guide Pillar
The raw material dimension of (Mild Steel) bar 24 x 125 mm is taken
Facing and turning done to reduce to 16 x 120 mm
Chamfering of 1x45 done at both ends
Assembling the fabricated parts plays vital role in order to accomplish the
punching tool. In Punching tool we can split into sub-assembly. One is top assembly
and other is bottom assembly.
5.2.1 Top Assembly
Top assembly comprises of top plate, thrust plate, punch holder, punch, guide
bush and shank. Punch screwed to the punch holder, subsequently punch holder and
thrust plate screwed to top plate. Guide bush is inserted into top plate in tight fit.
5.2.2 Bottom Assembly
Bottom assembly comprises of bottom plate, die plate, stripper plate and guide
pillar. Die plate and stripper plate screwed to bottom plate, while guide pillar inserted
into bottom plate in tight fit.
5.2.3 Final Assembly
Finally, both top and bottom assemblies are aligned together to accomplish the
punching tool assembly.



The various factors which determine the choice of material are discussed

1. Properties:

The material selected must posses the necessary properties for the

proposed application. The various requirements to be satisfied Can be weight,

surface finish, rigidity, ability to withstand environmental attack from

chemicals, service life, reliability etc.

The following four types of principle properties of materials decisively

affect their selection

a. Physical

b. Mechanical

c. From manufacturing point of view

d. Chemical

The various physical properties concerned are melting point, thermal

Conductivity, specific heat, coefficient of thermal expansion, specific gravity,

electrical conductivity, magnetic purposes etc.

The various Mechanical properties Concerned are strength in

tensile,Compressive shear, bending, torsional and buckling load, fatigue

resistance, impact resistance, eleastic limit, endurance limit, and modulus of

elasticity, hardness, wear resistance and sliding properties.

The various properties concerned from the manufacturing point of view


Cast ability

Weld ability
Forge ability

Surface properties


Deep drawing etc.

2. Manufacturing case:

Sometimes the demand for lowest possible manufacturing cost or surface

qualities obtainable by the application of suitable coating substances may

demand the use of special materials.

3. Quality Required:

This generally affects the manufacturing process and ultimately the

material. For example, it would never be desirable to go casting of a less number

of components which can be fabricated much more economically by welding or

hand forging the steel.

4. Availability of Material:

Some materials may be scarce or in short supply. It then becomes

obligatory for the designer to use some other material which though may not be

a perfect substitute for the material designed. the delivery of materials and the

delivery date of product should also be kept in mind.

5. Space consideration:

Sometimes high strength materials have to be selected because the forces

involved are high and space limitations are there.

6. Cost:
As in any other problem, in selection of material the cost of material plays

an important part and should not be ignored.

Some times factors like scrap utilization, appearance, and non-

maintenance of the designed part are involved in the selection of proper



1 Double acting pneumatic 1 aluminum
2 Solenoid Valve 1 aluminum
3 Flow control valve 1 aluminum
4 Moving & fixed cutter 1+1 M.S

5 Control unit 1 Electronic

6 PU tubes 5meter polyurethane
7 Base 1 M.S
8 Base up plate 1 M.S
9 Center plate 1 M.S




1 Spur Gear 1 aluminum 1500

2 Frame 1 Aluminum 550

3 Die 1 Aluminum 475

4 Moving jaw & fixed jaw 1+1 M.S 665

5 Control unit 1 Electronic 650

6 Rod 5 meter Polyurethane 400

7 Base 1 M.S 655

8 Base up plate 1 M.S 355

9 Center plate 1 M.S 215

Total 5465

Lathe, drilling, welding, drinding, power hacksaw, gas cutting cost


The overhead charges are arrived bymanufacturing cost

Manufaturing Cost = Material Cost +Labour Cost

= 5465 + 1200

= 6665

Overhead Charges = 20%of the manufacturing cost

= 1333


Total cost = Material Cost +Labour Cost +Overhead Charges

=5465 + 1200 + 1333


Total cost for this project = 8000


Here we fabricated the punching machine. It consist of rack, pinion, handle, bearing,
punching tool and main frame. The punching tool is fixed at the bottom of rack. Then the
pinion is mate with the rack and it is fixed by using the bearings. The handle is coupled with
the pinion when the press the handle the tool moves up and down motions. Due to up and
down motion the punching operation is held.


More efficient
Time consumption is less
Quick process
Avoid wastage of electricity.


Manually operated



It can be used in all sheet fabricating industries.

Thus a prototype punching tool is fabricated and its functions have been
demonstrated and explained.
The tool could be utilised in mass production to produce identical parts with
good geometrical tolerances. By choosing appropriate tool steels for die, punch and
other parts, the tool life could increased for maximum range. It has the capacity to
blank the sheet up to the thickness of 0.5mm of mild steel, aluminium and zinc, etc.
1. Tool & Die Maker 2nd Year: Press Tools, Jigs & Fixtures CIMI (Central
Instructional Media Institute), Guindy.
2. Tool & Die Maker 3rd Year: Press Tools, Jigs & Fixtures CIMI (Central
Instructional Media Institute), Guindy.
3. S.K. Hajra Choudhury, A.K. Hajra Choudhury and Nirjhar Roy, (2005)
Elements of Workshop Technology Machine Tools Vol.2, 11th Edition.

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