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Tutorial for


Mohammad Rahman
CIS 4400
Prof. Abu Kamruzzaman

Tableau is an easy to use business intelligence software. It makes data visualization, data analytics,
and reporting as easy as dragging and dropping. Anyone can learn to use Tableau without having
a prior programming experience. Tableau can combine data from various data sources such as
spreadsheets, databases, cloud data, and even big data- all into one program to perform dynamic


Whether its small or large, profitable or non-profit, every organization needs to analyze their
data for optimal decision making. Analyzing data has never been easier with traditional business
intelligence tools.

Here are some of the advantages of using Tableau over the traditional BI tools:

Traditional Method Tableau

Requires specific programming skills No programming skills required

Focused on only one type of database Combines different types of database

spreadsheets, databases, cloud data, and even
big data such as Hadoop

Time consuming Time saving

Decision makers have to ask the IT people to Decision makers can directly use the
retrieve any information from the database dashboard to retrieve any information from
the database

Largely depends on Query languages Query is done behind the scene

Combining different types of database is Different types of databases can be

difficult combined easily

Not every business intelligence tool offers Interactive dashboard is easy to build and it
interactive dashboard makes data visualization quick and efficient

Comparatively expensive Comparatively affordable

Mostly designed for large businesses Perfect BI solution for small, medium, and
large businesses, and even for non-profits

Tableau is the next generations business intelligence software that brings traditional complex
analytics to the end user in a desktop environment with dynamic and faster performance.


There are several ways to get Tableau for Desktop. Anyone can try the software for 14 days for
free before buying it. Students can download the software and use it for free for one year.
However, individuals, who mostly work with excel spreadsheet and would like to add advanced
analytics to their work, can download a limited version for free from
Following are the general steps:
With an activation key: (your professor may give you an activation key for the semester)
Step 1: go to and click GET STARTED

Step 2: Fill out additional information and click DOWNLOAD NOW

Your download should start and you should see the following screen.

Step 3: Open the file you just downloaded and click Run to install.

Step 4: Read the license agreement and click Install

Your installation will start and you will see the following screen:

Step 5: Enter the activation key to activate Tableau Desktop

Step 6: Type your email address in the following window to register

Installation and registration are complete and you are ready to use Tableau Desktop!

Installing without activation key:

If you dont have activation key, you can download and install Tableau from the following link:
This is a one year trial for students. Installation process is the same. Just follow the instructions
on the screen.

After successful installation, Tableau Desktop 9.0 will look like this:

Congratulations! You have successfully installed Tableau!


The first thing to do in Tableau is to connect to your data. There are mainly two types of
connections- Connecting to local files or to a server.


Tableau can connect to any local file or database such as-

Text File
Statistical File, or
Other Database file

Local connection gives the maximum speed of data processing.


Tableau can connect to your data server too. It can connect to almost any type of data server.
Below are some of the most popular databases that Tableau can connect:

Tableau Server
Google Analytics
Google BigQuery
Hortonworks Hadoop Hive
MapR Hadoop Hive
IBM BigInsights
IBM Netezza
Microsoft SQL Server
Microsoft Analysis Services
Oracle Essbase

While working on Tableau, data can have Live Connection where any change in the source data
will be automatically updated in Tableau. On the other hand, data can be Extracted to Tableau
repository so that any change made here will not affect the original source data.


To connect to an excel file, click Excel on the left hand side. Navigate to the file
on your computer and double click to open it. For this tutorial, I will use a sample
file that comes with the installation called superstore. You should open the
appropriate file that you will be working with.

Now you are in the data connection window. It looks like the following-
Notice that I have three sheets in this file-
Orders, People, and Returns. I can simply drag
the table I want. If I drag more than one table,
Tableau automatically creates the join between
the tables.


Creating charts based on the data we connected is easy. At the bottom of the page, Click on a
sheet (sheet 1) and we will see the following screen:
Tableau automatically
separates the data into
Dimensions and Measures.
Dimensions are the
categorical fields. These
fields will create labels in the
chart. Measures are the
quantitative fields. These are
the numbers we want to
analyze. They create axis in
the chart.

After adding Order Date, Category, and Sales, the chart looks like this:

Here I have months in the x-axis, and category and sales are in y-axis. Different color represents
different years.

How do I know what type of chart to use?

Sometimes, it might be confusing what type of chart should be used for a

specific data. Tableau has an interesting feature called Show me. Show
me is the list of the possible charts that can be created using different
combination of data.

Note: Holding down the Ctrl key and clicking any two or more
combinations of dimension and measure will highlight the possible chart
in Show Me box.

Below are two more charts created from the same source of data:

This chart shows global sales and profit filtered by categoties:

This chart shows sales by category:

Adding Filters to the charts:

Adding filters to the charts enable the end user to easily drill
down to obtain desired information. To add a filter, simply
right click on the dimension that will be used for filter and
choose Show quick filter.


Tableau Dashboard contains all the related features intuitively interconnected to provide
interactive and real-time dashboard experience for non-technical users.
To create a dashboard, click New Dashboard icon at the bottom the page.

On the top left corner, dashboard pane will display the available sheets. In my case, I have sales,
crosstab, global sales and profit, and sales by category. To add those sheets on the dashboard,
simply drag and drop them on the empty space to the right.

Applying filter on a worksheet:

Sometimes, on a dashboard, a user may want one filter to update multiple sheets. For example,
category filter can be used to filter all the sheets on the dashboard. To do that, click the drop
down menu of the filter you want to apply. Then choose Apply to Worksheets and All using
this data source as shown in the figure bellow.

This is how the final dashboard looks like after adding three sheets and applying filters:

Sources and Highly Recommended Tutorials:


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