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Andrej Lipej

Simon Muhi (Eds.)

Cavitation and
dynamic problems

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group, IAHRWG

2015 Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015


Cavitation and dynamic problems
6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group, IAHRWG 2015
Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Editors: Andrej Lipej

Simon Muhi

Faculty of Technologies and Systems

Na Loko 2, 8000 Novo mesto, Slovenia
E-mail: [email protected]

CIP Kataloni zapis o publikaciji

Narodna in univerzitetna knjinica, Ljubljana


INTERNATIONAL Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research.

Meeting of the Working Group (6 ; 2015 ; Ljubljana)
Cavitation and dynamic problems : proceedings / 6th IAHR Meeting of the Working
Group, IAHRWG 2015 Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015 ; Andrej Lipej, Simon
Muhi (eds.). - Novo mesto : Faculty of Technologies and Systems, 2015

ISBN 978-961-6770-31-6
1. Gl. stv. nasl. 2. Lipej, Andrej

Copyright 2015 by Faculty of Technologies and Systems

IAHRWG 2015 was organized by the Faculty of Technologies and Systems, Novo mesto,

Honorary sponsor:
Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts
Other sponsors:
Litostroj Power d.o.o.
Hidroelektrarne na Spodnji Savi, d.o.o.

Organizing committee
Andrej Lipej - president Faculty of Technologies and Systems
Simon Muhi Faculty of Technologies and Systems
Peter Novak Faculty of Technologies and Systems
Barbara Zupani Faculty of Technologies and Systems
Leopold kerget Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maribor
Matev Dular Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana
Anton Bergant Litostroj Power
Andrej Vizjak HESS
Sandi Ritlop HSE Invest
Marjan Pintar SENG

Anton Bergant
Matev Dular
Dragica Jot
Andrej Lipej
Simon Muhi
Alja kerlavaj


Tine Cenci, Marko Hoevar, Brane irok


Ji KOZK, Pavel RUDOLF, David TEFAN, Martin HUDEC, Milan


Jean Decaix, Andres Mller, Franois Avellan, Ccile Mnch


Matev Dular, Jian Wang, Martin Petkovek


S. Fialov, F. Pochyl


Dragica JOT, Mitja MORGUT, Alja KERLAVAJ, Enrico NOBILE


I. Kassanos, J. Anagnostopoulos, D Papantonis


Duko Mitruevski


G. Mousmoulis, I. Kassanos, J. Anagnostopoulos, D. Papantonis



Keita YAMAMOTO, Andres MLLER, Arthur FAVREL, Christian LANDRY,




Ardalan Javadi, Hkan Nilsson




Sebastian MUNTEAN, Alja KERLAVAJ, Ionel DRGHICI, Liviu Eugen








Romeo SUSAN-RESIGA, Sebastian MUNTEAN, Adrian STUPARU, Andreas





Anton BERGANT, Rok MAVRI, Arris TIJSSELING, Qingzhi HOU, Bjrnar


Denis CHIRKOV, Sergey CHERNY, Pavel SCHERBAKOV, Alexander


Arash Soltani Dehkharqani, Kaveh Amiri, Michel J. Cervantes


Damir DOLENC, Denis UDOVI, France KRMELJ




Mark Guggenberger, Florian Senn, Jrgen Schiffer, Helmut Jaberg, Manfred
Sallaberger, Christian Widmer




Zhenyue MA, Qianqian WU

Wilhelm WEBER, Ulrich SEIDEL


Constantin TNAS, Alin BOSIOC, Sebastian MUNTEAN, Romeo SUSAN-




Alexandre Presas, David Valentin, Eduard Egusquiza, Carme Valero, Ulrich


Nicolas RUCHONNET, Olivier BRAUN




Pavel KUIBIN, Andres MLLER, Arthur FAVREL and Franois AVELLAN


Christophe NICOLET, Jorge ARPE, Alida REJEC


Torbjrn K. Nielsen


Olivier Petit, Chao Wang , Michel Cervantes, James Yang , Hkan Nilsson


Viktor Iliev, Zoran Markov, Predrag Popovski*



David TEFAN, Pavel RUDOLF, Martin HUDEC, Vladimr HABN


Muris Torlak, Adis Bubalo, Ejub Daferovi


Muris Torlak, Adis Bubalo, Ejub Daferovi


Huiming WANG, Albert RUPRECHT*, Eberhard GDE, Stefan

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015



Tine Cenci
Soke elektrarne Nova Gorica, Slovenia
Marko Hoevar
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Slovenia
Brane irok
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Slovenia


An experimental investigation has been made to detect cavitation in pump storage hydro
power plant prototype suffering from cavitation in pump mode. Vibrations and acoustic
emission on the housing of turbine bearing and pressure fluctuations in the draft tube were
measured and the corresponding signals have been recorded and analyzed. The analysis was
based on the analysis of high-frequency content of measured variables. The pump storage
hydro power plant prototype has been operated at various input loads and Thoma numbers.
Several estimators of cavitation were evaluated according to coefficient of determination
between Thoma number and cavitation estimators. The best results were achieved with a
compound discharge coefficient cavitation estimator. Cavitation estimators were evaluated in
several intervals of frequencies.

cavitation, pump turbine, Thoma number, cavitation estimator

In the recent years energy production from renewable sources has increased. The increased
dependence on weather conditions on renewable energy production led to design of pump
storage hydro power plants with high installed power and operation away from best efficiency
point. In water turbines unwanted cavitation phenomena may occur at off-design operation
and lead to degradation of efficiency, excessive vibrations and cavitation erosion.

In the short review we will focus on experimental detection of cavitation. The traditional
approach of cavitation detection is based on measurements and analysis of vibrations or
acoustic emission on stationary parts of the machine. Several authors performed model tests,
fewer reports are from prototypes, while some authors also show comparisons between both.

* Corresponding author: Soke elektrarne d.o.o., Nova Gorica, Slovenia, phone: +386 41 933 985, email: [email protected]

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Models tests have advantage over tests on prototypes given that turbine is more easily
accessible and sensors can be mounted near sources of cavitation. On the model test Escaler
[1] made cavitation measurement on the Francis turbine. It was found out that acceleration
measured on the turbine bearing of a Francis turbine can be used to detect outlet and bubble
cavitation. Radial sensor orientation measures signals of higher amplitude than axial- a
frequency band from 10- 15 kHz was found suitable to analyze the highest frequency content.
Kern et al. [2] and Rus et al. [3] performed an investigation on the Kaplan model by
simultaneously measuring with the hydrophone, high frequency pressure sensor and acoustic
emission sensor. They also performed visualization [4] to connect these measurements with
visual appearance of cavitation, something that is very difficult to do on the prototype.
Avellan et al. [5] compared model tests and prototype tests, emphasizing the importance of
model testing. It was also observed that the cavity development in centrifugal pump is fully
controled by the discharge coefficient.
In prototype turbines inacessibility and long distances between source of cavitation and
measurement locations complicate measurement procedures and signal analysis. Pressure
sensors are frequently installed in or around inspection doors below the runner. Pressure and
acoustic sensors are mounted on guide vanes plugs, turbine bearing case, while draft tube wall
is rarely accesible. Escaler et al. [6] carried out an experimental investigation to evaluate the
detection of cavitation in hydraulic turbines both for models and prototypes. The methodoloy
was based on the analysis of structural vibrations, acoustic emission and hydrodynamic
pressure measurement in the machine. Baji et al. [7] performed vibroacoustic measurements
and multidimensional analysis on a prototype Francis turbine. In this case the
multidimensional analysis was employed a huge quantity of high- frequency data was
acquired and a high number of sensors distributed over a turbine were used. Escaler et al. [8]
performed a test in a prototype Francis turbine using a vibration sensor sensor fixed on the
rotation shaft. It was observed that a relatively low frequency range (from 3- 6 kHz) taken on
the shaft are analogous to the acoustic emmission measurements in a higher frequency range
taken on the turbine guide bearing. Shi [9] used a standard deviation to show the cavitation
intensity. If the properties of operation can not be change is for the owner of the powerplant
important to make a prediction of the cavitation erosion for choosing appropriate maintenance
and repair periods [10].
Substantial effort was invested to detect cavitation in prototype turbines. Until now no general
detection procedure exists. Further problem represent cavitation erosion, which is not easily
related to cavitation incidence. The reason lies in complexity of the cavitation phenomenon
and limitations of measurement or CFD procedures. In spite of this, the aim of this paper is to
find the cavitation estimators, which will sucessfully quantify cavitation intensity in the
prototype turbine based on vibration and acoustic emission measurements on the bearing
housing and pressure measurements in the draft tube. By filtering of the measured variables in
selected frequency intervals we were able to establish cavitation estimators and group them in
combined cavitation estimator.


The power house of pump turbine Ave (Fig. 1) is located on the terrace on the left bank of
Soa river, Slovenia. The pump turbine Ave started operation in 2009. Instaled power in
turbine mode is 185 MW, while in pump mode it is 180 MW. Net head in pump mode is Hep
521 m, while rated discharge is Q = 34 m/s. The available volume of water storage is Vk =
2,170,000 m.The turbine is submerged below lower accumulation basin while located at 49
m above the sea level.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Figure 1. The power house of pump- storage hydro power plant Ave

2.1. Pump turbine Ave model testing

In the model acceptance test the visual observation of cavitation on runner blades was
performed in pump and turbine mode of operation. Figure 2 shows areas of visual cavitation
bubbles appearance in the pump mode during the model acceptance test. These areas
correspond well to the areas of cavitation erosion, which was evaluated during inspection
after 3000 hours of operation on the prototype. When pump turbine operates in the pump
mode and at low discharges, the inception cavitation in pump mode starts at higher Thoma
numbers than when pump turbine operates at high discharges. This is occurring because the
discharge coefficient is changing the relative flow velocity incidence angle at the impeller,
which strongly affects the pressure distribution on the inlet [5].
The cavitation damage on the prototype was not observed in positions, which according to the
model acceptance test correspond to locations of visible cavitation in turbine mode of
operation. Because of this in this paper we will only study cavitation in the pump mode of
The cavitation damages on the prototype were in the expected range and did not exceed the
value according to standard IEC 60609-1.

Figure 2. Schematics of occurence of cavitation in pump mode (area A)

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015


The position of installation of sensors and their mounting method greatly influences
detection of cavitation. In general, we want to install sensors as close to the source of
cavitation as possible. This is largely possible in cavitation tunnels and model turbines, but
is difficult in prototype turbines. In prototype turbines, noise from various other sources
is imposed on cavitation signals from sensors. Noise can be either mechanical noise from
bearings, non-cavitation flow fluctuations, auxiliary pumps, electromagnetic noise due to
presence of strong electromagnetic fields and long cable runs, etc. According to some already
installed cavitation monitoring systems [6] [7] [8] [9] [11], cavitation sensors are usually
mounted at the turbine guide bearing, on the guide vane plug and on the draft tube wall.
Similar installation was followed in this paper, measurements were performed using
pressure, vibration and acoustic emission sensors. Locations, where individual sensors were
installed, are shown in Fig. 3.

Figure 3. Installation of sensors (detail 1 of the fig 1) showing: (left) view from side; (right) view from
top (AE - acoustic emission sensor, ACC1 and ACC2 acceleromets 1 and 2, PS - pressure sensor).

High frequency pressure sensor (PS) was installed in a metal service door opening,
approximately 1.5 m below the runner (Fig. 3). Mounting of the pressure sensors closer to the
runner was not possible, because above the door the pump turbine flow tract is sealed with
concrete and inaccessible as shown in Fig. 3. Above the runner, as measure on the model
reported by Rus et al. [2], a thick turbine cover prevents installation. Drilling of bores, large
enough for sensor installation, through the turbine cover was not possible due to strength
issues. The high frequency pressure sensor used was an ICP general purpose quartz PCB
Piezotronics type 111A26 sensor. A suitable cavitation sensor could also be a hydrophone as
used in [2] [3] but because of problems of sealing the use of this sensor was denied by the
power plant operator. The characteristics of the ICP sensor are pressure range 0-35 bar, 145
mV/bar sensitivity and resonant frequency 400 kHz.
The acoustic emission sensor (AE) was installed on the turbine cover. We used Kistler AE-
Piezotron Sensor type 8152B1. The sensitivity of the sensor was 57 dBref 1V/(m/s) and the
frequency range was from 50- 400kHz. Apart from high frequency pressure and acoustic
emission sensors, two accelerometers with medium frequency range were used. The first
accelerometer was installed on turbine cover near the turbine bearing (ACC1). It was oriented
in the radial direction perpendicular to the pump turbine shaft. The second accelerometer

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

(ACC2) was mounted on the pump turbine governor guide vane. It was mounted on the top of
the guide vane, oriented axially with the pump turbine axis. Similar positions of vibration
sensors have been also used in a Francis turbine by Escalier et al. [8]. Both accelerometers
were stud mounted.
For data acquisition, a National Instruments NI 6351 data acquisition board with 16 bit
resolution was used. High frequency sensors PS and AE were sampled with frequency 1 MHz
non simultaneously. Both medium frequency accelerometers were sampled simultaneously at
a frequency of acquisition 200 kHz per channel. Sampling interval was for all sensors 5 s.
Measurement data was stored to disk for later analysis. Analysis of measurement data was
performed using National Instruments Labview software. During operation, all operational
data from pump turbine was recorded using power plant own measurement and control


Different sensors have been used in the current experiment as shown in section 3
Measurement equipment. Measured variables were after the data acquisition software filtered
with Butterworth band pass filter of the first order. High pressure sensor measured data were
filtered in the frequency interval from 100 kHz to 300 kHz, AE sensor from 50- 150 kHz
while vibration sensors ACC1 and ACC2 were filtered in the frequency interval from 20 kHz
to 40 kHz.
In comparison to other works, that present the cavitation intensity in the frequency spectrum
in this paper we used also a cavitation estimator. Root mean square (RMS) of measured
variables was selected as the simple cavitation estimator. It was found that Shi [9] presented
cavitation intensity with the standard deviation estimator.

x 2
X rms = 1

In the above equation N is number of measurements and xn is measured variable, which was
in our case either pressure, vibrations or acoustic emission.
As already mentioned before, measurements of cavitation in pump storage prototype turbines
are loaded with several sources of noise, among them are most prominent mechanical noise
from bearings, hydraulic flow fluctuations and electromagnetic noise. We will here assume,
that cavitation is the sole source contributing to measurements of pressure fluctuations,
vibrations and acoustic emission. We will later justify the assumption with the agreement of
with known patterns of behavior regarding changes of Thoma number and discharge

4.1. Compound discharge coefficient cavitation estimator

The results of measurements are shown in Fig. 4. The frequency interval is for sensors ACC1
and ACC2 from 10 to 20 kHz, AE from 50- 150 kHz and PS from 100- 300 kHz. Results are
grouped in three intervals of discharge coefficients. Results suggest presence of cavitation,
when the pump turbine operates in low range of discharge coefficients. In this case the three
intervals of discharge coefficient were selected: more than 0.5, between 0.48 and 0.5 and
bellow 0.48. The measurement result also shows that cavitation is present when Thoma

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

number is low. From the results we can notice that the cavitation is increasing if the discharge
coefficient is reduced. In general a fair correlation between measured variables with both
vibration sensors, acoustic emission sensor, a high frequency pressure sensor and discharge
coefficient was present.
Several authors report that cavitation intensity depends on the incidence angle of the flow and
depending on the design of the impeller [5]. For a low discharge coefficient, the flow
incidence is increased and cavitation appears in the region of the leading edge of the turbine
impeller. Similar behavior was also observed in our experiment. In centrifugal pumps, leading
edge cavitation is most common type of cavitation and is also responsible for cavitation

Figure 4. Results of measurements of vibrations, acoustic emission and pressure fluctuations, showing
dependence of measured variables on three intervals of discharge coefficients.

Based on the results presented in Fig. 4 we wanted to set a compound estimator of cavitation
which will include dependance on discharge coefficient. The goal of the new compound
estimator is to estimate cavitation intensity at different Thoma naumbers and discharges.
Also, the compound estimator should possibly be more convenient to link cavitation intensity
cavitation with cavitation erosion. The new compound discharge coefficient cavitation
estimator DE is based on the discharge coefficient and the RMS estimator X RMS from Eq. 8 of
the measured varible as follows:

DE = X RMS Qnd (9)

Analysis of measured variables using discharge coefficient cavitation estimator DE is shown

in Figure 5. The frequency interval is for sensors ACC1 and ACC2 from 10 to 20 kHz, AE
from 50- 150 kHz and PS from 100- 300 kHz.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Figure 5. Discharge coefficient cavitation estimator (DE) for different cavitation sensors

For results presented in Fig. 5, discharge coefficient cavitation estimator was evaluated using
coefficient of determination.

The results in Figure 5 show that the most convenient sensor for the cavitation detection is the
accoustic emission sensor. Apart from the AE sensor the accelometer mounted on the housing
of the turbine guide bearing (ACC1) and the accelometer on the top of the guide vane (ACC2)
show moderate agreement. The high frequency pressure sensor (PS) shows poor results, we
assume that the reason for this is the distance to the cavitation source and method of


Measurements and analysis of vibrations, acoustic emission or dynamic pressure in the high
frequency range is a well- known technique for estimation of cavitation in pumps and
turbines. We have shown that a RMS estimator of measured variables may be used to evaluate
the cavitation intensity. Cavitation in pump storage hydro power plant prototype in pump
mode is dependent on the discharge coefficient and on the Thoma number. In the paper we
show that a discharge coefficient cavitation estimator (DE) can be used to estimate the
cavitation intensity in the pump storage hydro power plant prototype.
The most suitable cavitation sensor in the present study was the acoustic emission sensor. The
analysis in intervals of frequencies show high value of the coefficient of determination
through the entire frequency spectrum. Detailed measurements and analysis of the acoustic
emission must be carried out to investigate the cavitation erosion process on the runner
blades. In the future an estimation of cavitation erosion with the cavitation estimator may be

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

used to predict the cavitation damage and to estimate the appropriate cavitation damage repair


The results presented here are a part of the doctoral research which was co-funded by the
Slovenian Technology Agency TIA, P-MR-10/131. Operation part financed by the European
Union, European Social Fund.

[1] Mohamed Farhat Xavier Escaler, "Cavitation monitoring of hydroturbines: tests in a
Francis turbine model," Wagenigen, The Netherlands, 2006.
[2] Toma Rus, Marko Hoevar, Vesko Djelic, Brane irok Igor Kern, "Study of topological
structures of cavitation with dynamical analysis and computer aided visualisation," in
20th IAHR, Brno, Czech Republic, 1999.
[3] Matev Dular, Brane irok, Marko Hoevar, Igor Kern Toma Rus, "An investigation of
the relationship between acoustic emission, vibration, noise, and cavitation structures in a
Kaplan turbine," Journal of Fluids Engineering, vol. Vol.129, pp. 1112-1122, September
[4] Igor Kern, Marko Hoevar, Matej Novak Brane irok, "Monitoring of the cavitation in
the Kaplan turbine," in Industrial electronics. ISIE, 1999.
[5] Francois A, "Introduction to cavitation in hydraulic machinery," in The 6th international
conference on hydraulic machinery and hydrodynamics, Timisoara, Romania, 2004.
[6] Eduard Egusquiza, Mohamed Farhat, Francois Avellan, Miguel Cussirat Xavier Escaler,
"Detection of cavitation in hydraulic turbines," Mechanical Systems and Signal
Processing, vol. 20, pp. 983-1007, 2006.
[7] Bernard Baji, "Multidimensionla Diagnostics of Turbine Cavitation," Journal of Fluids
Engineering, vol. Vol. 124, December 2002.
[8] Mohamed Farhat, Eduaer Egusquiza, Francois Avellan Xavier Escaler, "Vibration
cavitation detection using onboard measurements," in fifth international Symposium on
Cavitation , Osaka, Japan, November 1-4, 2003, 2003.
[9] Zhaohui Li, Xuezheng Chu, Qingfu Sun Huixuan Shi, "Experimental Investigation on
Cavitation in Large Kaplan Turbines," in Third International Conference on Measuring
Technology and Mechatronics Automation, 2011, pp. 120-123.
[10] Kazuyoshi Miyagawa, Takanobu Komuro, Hidenobu Fukuda Masatake Maekawa,
"Study of cavitation erosion on hydraulic turbine runners," in Fifth international
Symposium on Cavitation , Osaka, Japan, 2003.
[11] Shi- Qing Wang Su- Yi Liu, "Cavitations monitoring and diagnosis of hydropower
turbine on line based on vibration and ultrasound acoustic," in Sixth international
conference on machine learning and cybernetics, Hong Kong, 2007.
[12] M., Farhat,M. Kaye, "Clasification of Cavitation in hydraulic Machines using vibration
Analysis," Proceedings of the Hydraulic Machinery and Systems 21st IAHR Symposium,

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015


Ad intersection of the draft tube outlet (m2)

D discharge diameter of runner (m)
DE discharge coefficient estimator
E specific hydraulic energy (J/kg)
ff fundamental frequency (Hz)
Ha atmospheric pressure at the tailwater level (m)
Hep net head in pump mode (m)
Hg gross head (m)
HLHP head loss in high pressure part of the waterway (between upper reservoair and
entry of spiral case) (m)
HLLP head loss in low pressure part of the waterway (between exit of draft tube and
the tailrace of the lower reservoir) (m)
KHP loss coefficient in high pressure part of the waterway
KLP loss coefficient in low pressure part of the waterway
N number of measurements
N rotational speed (rpm)
NPSH net positive suction head (m)
density of water (kg/m3)
Pv vapour pressure of water (m)
Q Flow rate in penstock (m3/s)
QnD Discharge coefficient (Pmode)
R 2
coefficient determination
v2' velocity at draft tube outlet (m/s)
xn measured value
Z2" pump inlet static head (m)
Zr height of the spiral casing centreline above the standard level (m)
Thoma number

6th IAHR International Meeting of the Workgroup on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in
Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, September 9-11, 2015, Ljubljana, Slovenia



Victor Kaplan Dept. of Fluid Engineering, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
Victor Kaplan Dept. of Fluid Engineering, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
Victor Kaplan Dept. of Fluid Engineering, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
Martin HUDEC
Victor Kaplan Dept. of Fluid Engineering, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
Victor Kaplan Dept. of Fluid Engineering, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic

Cavitating flow in converging-diverging nozzle (axisymmetric Venturi tube) is investigated.
Characterization of the cavitating flow was done with high speed camera and the basic flow patterns
were determined: incipient cavitation, partial cavitation, fully developed cavitation and supercavitation.
Pressure transducers of tenzometric and piezoelectric types were used to determine amplitude-frequency
characteristics of the pressure pulsations in particular regimes. Results were correlated with spectral
properties obtained from high-speed camera video sequences and image processing analysis. Finally,
attempt of unsteady cavitating flow CFD simulation is presented.

Cavitation, CFD, OpenFoam, Venturi tube, Vortex ring, FFT

Cavitation is a complex physical phenomenon which occurs in liquid continuum when the static
pressure drops below saturated vapour pressure. This pressure drop leads to creation of
discontinuity filled by water vapour and undissolved gasses in the liquid continuum. The whole
process of creation, existence and implosion of these cavities is accompanied with many
phenomena (i.e. pressure fluctuations, acoustic emissions, surface erosion), which usually have
undesirable impact on the operation of hydraulic machines. [1] On the other hand cavitation
can be used in many positive ways, e. g. mitigation of microorganisms. These reasons lead to
extensive research of this phenomenon in many branches of technical and medical engineering.
Corresponding author: Victor Kaplan Dept. of Fluid Engineering, Brno University of
technology, Technick 2, Brno, Czech Republic, email: [email protected]
IAHR WG Meeting on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems, Ljubljana 2015
This paper is focused on the research of cavitation dynamics in the axisymmetric converging-
diverging nozzle. The whole research was motivated by the effort to better understand this
particular problem for the purpose of the water disinfection. [2]
The investigations of the cavitating flow in converging-diverging nozzle were done by many
authors, on the other hand lots of published experiments were done using simplified geometry
of the nozzle (2D plane C-D nozzle) and therefore these experiments were not capable to
capture quite interesting phenomena of the vortex ring separation. [3]
It should be mentioned that the experimental research of the C-D nozzles integral characteristics
and methodology of the loss coefficient evaluation of this experimental measurement was
published by Rudolf et. al. [4]
Another investigation of the CFD analysis of cavitation flow downstream the axisymmetric
Venturi tube were published by Kozubkov et. al. [5]

2. Cavitation circuit
The experimental part of the work was carried out using the converging-diverging nozzle
(Fig. 1) made of the block of cast plexiglass. Surfaces of the acrylic glass were polished for the
purpose of the following high-speed video analysis. The edges of the C-D nozzle were made
sharp, thus the location of the cavitation inception (i.e. location of the flow separation) could
be located precisely.

Fig. 1: Dimensions of the converging diverging Fig. 2: Cavitation test rig


Cavitation rig (Fig. 2) allowed to modify the cavitation number by the change of the pump
discharge or by adjusting of the pressure in the vessel which was equipped by the 3-way valve.
Two different set-ups of the experiment were considered a) with the open pressure vessel
(i.e. open to atmospheric pressure) and variable flow rate and b) with closed vessel with stable
flow rate and variable static pressure level.
Discharge was measured using the induction flowmeter (Q). Static pressure were captured using
the strain gauge pressure transducers (p0, p1, p2, p3), while for the more accurate capturing of
the pressure fluctuations ultrafast piezoelectric pressure transducer (k1) was employed. The
temperature (resistance thermometer, T) as well as static pressure (p3, strain gauge pressure
transducers) were measured in the pressure vessel. Comprehensive characteristics of the
utilized transducers are listed in Table 1.

Positions Manufacturer Type Range
(% of range)
p0,p1,p2,p3 BD Sensors DMP 331 600 kPa, 250 kPa 0.25 %
k1 Kistler 701A 250 bar 0.5 %
T HIT HSO-502 1A2L 0 50 C 0.1 %
Q ELA Brno MQI99 SN 20 l/s 0.5 % *
Table 1: List of the transducers (* 0.5 % of the measured flow rate)
IAHR WG Meeting on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems, Ljubljana 2015
Development of the cavitation in the nozzle was captured using the DSLR camera Nikon D300s
and high-speed camcorder Baumer HXC 20 with the sampling frequency of 580 monochrome
pictures per second with 0.5 Mpx resolution. Proper level of the illumination was provided by
two halogen light sources with total output of 1000 W.
Unfortunately significant part of the measurements was done without the high speed
piezoelectric Kistler pressure transducer, thus FFT of this operating point was not so precise
compared with measurements utilizing the high speed pressure transducers.
Several pressure transducers were destroyed during the experiments due to the high amplitude
of pressure fluctuations, which led to relocation of the pressure transducer downstream the
nozzle and installation of the dampening rubber hose. Integration of this dampening element
resolved the problem of the dangerous high pressure amplitudes on the one hand, on the other
it had made impossible to compare pressure amplitudes.

3. Evaluation of the experimental measurements

State of the cavitating flow is usually described using the non-dimensional cavitation number
. Despite widespread utilization of the cavitation number, its definition can differ significantly
according to physical and geometrical properties of the investigated flow.
Cavitation number used throughout this paper is defined using the downstream pressure and
velocity in the throat of the C-D nozzle:
= (1)

Dissipation of the energy was studied using the non-dimensional loss coefficient expressed
by the equation (2).

2( )
= (2)

Dynamics of the pressure pulsations was investigated using Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT).
In case of high speed video analysis, the FFT input was value of pixel intensity, where the
chosen pixel was always situated downstream the nozzle. Exact position differed, depending
on the actual cavitation pattern. This method of the cavitating flow analysis using high-speed
video record is well established and its accuracy has been documented for example by Sedl
et. al. in investigation of cavitation cloud shedding around NACA hydrofoil investigation. [6]

4. Numerical analysis
The computational mesh consisting 936 390 hexahedral cells of has been made using meshing
software Gambit (Fig. 3). Thanks to the geometrical simplicity of the investigated case, the
quality of the cell was guaranteed. The mesh has been finer in the near-wall region and in the
diffuser part of the nozzle (e.g. in the assumed location of the cavitation, Fig. 4).

Fig. 3: Computational domain Fig. 4: Computational grid

The numerical analysis of the cavitating flow has been done using opensource CFD code
OpenFoam 2.2.2. InterPhaseChange solver was utilized due to its capabilities to simulate
cavitating flow considering mixture approach and Kunz model of cavitation has been chosen.[7]
IAHR WG Meeting on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems, Ljubljana 2015
Turbulent flow simulation relied on realizable k- model of turbulence, which proved to be
suitable for similar class of problems. [8]
Constant value of velocity was assigned at inlet, while constant value of the absolute pressure
was prescribed at the outlet of the domain.

5. Cavitation patterns
It should be mentioned that the transition between cavitation regimes was estimated only
roughly using the change of the acoustic emission character accompanies transition between
cavitation patterns.
First signs of the cavitation presence (i.e. cavitation inception) were detected when cavitation
number dropped below the value between 0.84 and 0.93. Partial cavitation accompanied with
severe pressure pulsations, vibrations and acoustic emissions has been observed until cavitation
number reached value between 0.34 and 0.49, when fully developed cavitation was established.
Finally, supercavitation with coherent water jet surrounded by the vapor volume appeared when
cavitation number dropped below the value between 0.17 and 0.28.

6. Experimental measurement with constant pressure in the vessel

During this part of experimental measurement, the 3-way valve of the pressure vessel was fully
opened, thus the variation of the cavitation number was caused only by the increase of the flow
rate. (Fig. 6)
This experimental set up was extended by the high-speed video analysis, where the video was
treated using script written in Matlab. Input data for the FFT were consisted of pixel intensity
value (the only property of the grayscale pixel). Therefore it is impossible to evaluate the
amplitude of the pressure fluctuations. On the other hand, it is obvious that the pixel intensity
is strongly tied with the presence and behavior of the cavitation cloud. Thus it could be assumed
that video analysis is capable to provide relevant data related to the cavitation dynamics.
Cavitation dynamics was evaluated in range of cavitation numbers from 0.28 (supercavitation)
to 0.8 (cavitation inception).
The evaluation in region of supercavitation was nearly impossible thanks to the fact that the
pressure transducer was located in the region of the cavitation void. The problem was nearly
the same in case of picture analysis, where it was not possible to find pixel with intensity
variation related to the pressure pulsations. Comparison of the pressure record analysis and the
analysis of the high-speed video is depicted in Fig. 5.

120 9
80 7.5
f (Hz)

Q (l/s)

Pressure 6.5
40 transducers 6
High speed 5.5
video 5
0 4.5
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
(1) (1)
Fig. 5 Analysis of the pressure fluctuations: open Fig. 6 Flow rate during the experiment: with
vessel open vessel

Results of both types of evaluation were in good agreement and the difference of the dominant
frequency did not exceed 4% in any of the investigated operating points. Therefore it could be
IAHR WG Meeting on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems, Ljubljana 2015
assumed that both of the methods are equivalent in the dominant frequency. The information
of the actual flow rate corresponding to the individual cavitation numbers is depicted in the Fig.

7. Experimental measurement considering constant flow rate

Experiments considering steady flow rate and variable pressures in the pressure vessel will be
discussed in this part of the paper. Discharge of the pump ranged from 4 l/s to 10 l/s, thus in
case of the lowest and highest flow rates the limit operational values of the pressure in the
pressure vessel were reached (limits are imposed by the minimum pressure achieved by vacuum
pump). Therefore flow-rate of 4 l/s was excluded from the discussion. This group of
measurements was not accompanied by the high-speed video recording, except the discharge
of 7 l/s, which will be described in detail in the following chapter. Results were obtained using
high-speed piezoelectric pressure transducer in case of the flowrates of 7, 9 and 10 l/s, in the
remaining flow rates, only the strain gauge pressure transducer was utilized. Strain gauge
pressure transducer provided relevant results in case of higher cavitation numbers. The values
of the pressure pulsations frequencies for varying cavitation number are depicted in the
following chart.
Most of the curves depicted in Fig. 7 cover cavitation regimes from partial to fully developed
cavitation. The only exceptions are flow rate of 6 l/s, which is extended to the cavitation
inception and flow rate of 10 l/s covering the region of fully developed cavitation.
It could be seen that the slope of the curves is higher, the higher is actual flow rate. In the other
words, in case of the same value of the cavitation number, higher value of the pressure
fluctuations frequency could be expected in case of higher flow rate.

200 1.2 open

10 l/s vessel
175 1.0 10 l/s
150 9 l/s
0.8 9 l/s
125 8 l/s
8 l/s
f (Hz)


7 l/s
75 0.4 7 l/s
50 6 l/s
0.2 6 l/s
25 5 l/s
0 0.0 5 l/s
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
(1) (1)
Fig. 7 Experimentally evaluated dominant Fig. 8 Experimentally evaluated dominant
frequencies in case of stable flowrate frequencies in case of stable flowrate

The comprehensive information about methodology of the nozzle hydraulic loss can be found
in [4] as it was mentioned earlier. However overall comparison of the loss coefficient for
different flow rates is depicted in the Fig. 8.

8. Comparison of experimental and numerical results

The results of experimental measurement considering steady flow rate of 7 l/s with numerical
analysis of the cavitating flow will be discussed in this chapter.
As well as in case of open vessel, the experimental measurement was extended by high-speed
video recording, thus it is possible to compare all three methods of the cavitation assessment.
Partial cavitation, fully developed as well as supercavitation were investigated, where it was
not possible to determine pressure pulsations during the supercavitation due to the reasons
which were mentioned in previous chapter.
IAHR WG Meeting on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems, Ljubljana 2015
Cavitation pattern had changed its character from partial cavitation to fully developed cavitation
when the cavitation number dropped below the value of 0.37. Further decrease of the pressure
pulsations and the related undesirable effects occurred at cavitation number of 0.27 when the
fully developed cavitation transformed to supercavitation.
The results of the cavitation dynamics analysis are depicted in the Fig. 9. It can be seen that the
results of the pressure records and high speed analysis is in good agreement in the whole range
of investigated operation regimes and the evaluated frequencies are nearly the same in case of
both methods
The slope of the curves is more stable than in case of the results considering open vessel. From
the point of multiphase numerical analysis view, the good agreement with experimental results
could be seen in case of higher cavitation numbers (e. g. in the region of the partial cavitation
f (Hz)

60 Pressure
High speed video
0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80
Fig. 9 Comparison of dominant frequencies for flow rate 7l/s

More significant difference could be found in the region of the transition from the partial to
fully developed cavitation and in the region of fully developed cavitation itself where the
numerically predicted frequency of the pressure pulsation is nearly twice lower compared to
the experiments.
On the other hand OpenFoam with applied numerical set-up was capable to predict decrease of
the frequency with the decreasing cavitation number and moreover it was capable to predict
change of the cavitation patterns. Results of the numerical simulations and high speed video
record are compared in the following sets of images (Fig. 10).

Start of the cavitation cycle Separation of the vortex ring Vortex ring decay
= 0.60
= 0.58
= 0.52
= 0.53
IAHR WG Meeting on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems, Ljubljana 2015
= 0.40
= 0.42

Fig. 10 Comparison of the numerical results with high speed video records.

Location of the vortex ring separation and its decay were well predicted in all of the presented
operating points and even in the last operating point ( = 0.42), where the frequency of the
pressure pulsation is significantly lower than in reality (Fig. 9).
Attempt at supercavitation simulation was carried out. It should be emphasized that the
downstream part of the computational grid was too short for this purpose. As a result of the
inadequate length of the domain, the volume of cavitation was periodically collapsing during
the simulation. On the contrary, the water jet behind the throat of the nozzle was stable during
the experiments and the volume of cavitation was collapsing in the pipeline elbow several
meters downstream the nozzle (Fig. 11).
= 0.02

Fig. 11 Supercavitation regime, experiment (left,) numerical simulation with contour corresponding to
99 % of liquid water (right)

9. Conclusions
The comprehensive investigation of the cavitation flow downstream the C-D nozzle was
presented. The dynamics of the cavitation flow was investigated using the experimental and
numerical methods. It should be mentioned that the values of the pressure amplitudes were not
compared due to necessity to change position of the pressure transducer and installation of the
damping hose during the experimental part of the work.
The dominant frequencies of the pressure fluctuation obtained by high-speed video analysis
were in correlation with the measured pressure fluctuations in case of the open vessel and in
case of closed vessel and stable flow rate of 7 l/s.
Analysis of the pressure fluctuations during the experiments considering stable flow rate is
depicting that the increase of the pressure fluctuations frequency with decreasing value of
cavitation number is the steeper, the higher is the flow rate.
The results of numerical computations were satisfying in case of higher values of cavitation
number where the frequencies of the pressure fluctuations were well-predicted In case of lower
cavitation numbers, significant difference between numerical and experimental results were
obtained. On the other hand the position of the cavitation ring separation and its decay was well
predicted even in case of the lower values of the cavitation number.
Attempt to numerical computation of the supercavitation was carried out too. Despite the fact,
that the computational domain was too short for the simulation of this cavitation regime, the
results seems to be promising.
IAHR WG Meeting on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems, Ljubljana 2015

Brennen, Christopher E.: Cavitation and bubble dynamics. New York: Oxford University
press. 1995.
Jancula D., Mikula P., Marsalek B., et al.:Selective method for cyanobacterial bloom
removal: hydraulic jet cavitation experience ,AQUACULTURE INTERNATIONAL
Volume: 22.2014
Decraix J., Goncalvs E.: Investigation of three-dimensional effect on a cavitating Venturi
flow. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 44. 2013.
Rudolf P., Hudec M., Grger M., tefan D.: Characterization of the cavitating flow in
converging-diverging nozzle based on experimental investigation. EPJ Web of
conferences 67. 2014
Kozubkov M., Rautov J.: Cavitation modelling of the flow in Laval nozzle. 3rd IAHR
International meeting of the Workgroup on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems on
Hydraulic Machinery and systems. Brno. 2009
Sedl M., Komrek M., Rudolf P., Kozk J., Huzlk R.: Numerical and experimental
research on unsteady cavitating flow around NACA 2412 hydrofoil. International
Symposium of Cavitation and Multiphase Flow. 2014.
Kunz, Robert F., Boger, David A., Stinebring, David R., Chyczewski, Thomas S.,
Gibeling, Howard J., Venkateswaran S., Govindan T.R.: A Predictioned Navier-Stokes
Method for Two-Phase Flows with Application to Cavitation Prediction. American
Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. 1999.
tefan D., Rudolf P.,Hudec M., Rudolf P.: Numerical and experimental investigation of
swirling flow in a conical diffuser. EPJ web of conferences. 2015.

11. Acknowledgement
The research has been supported by project of the Czech Science Foundation No P101/13-
23550S Experimental research and mathematical modelling of unsteady phenomena induced
by hydrodynamic cavitation. Research was also supported by project FSI-S-14-2480
(Innovative fluid machines) of Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical
6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015



Jean Decaix*
University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Western Switzerland, Switzerland.
Andres Mller
Laboratory for Hydraulic Machines, Ecole Polytechnique Fdrale de Lausanne, Switzerland.
Franois Avellan
Laboratory for Hydraulic Machines, Ecole Polytechnique Fdrale de Lausanne, Switzerland.
Ccile Mnch
University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Western Switzerland, Switzerland.

Due to the massive penetration of alternative renewable energies, hydraulic power plants are key
energy conversion technologies to stabilize the electrical power network using hydraulic machines at
off design operating conditions. At full load, the axisymmetric cavitation vortex rope, developing in
Francis turbine acts as an internal source of energy leading to instability called self-excited surge. 1D
hydro-acoustic models are developed to predict such a phenomenon and to define the range of safe
operating points for a hydropower plant. Such models involve several parameters that have to be
calibrated. One way to calibrate these models consists of performing 3D computations of the
cavitating vortex rope.
In the present work, a reduced scale model of Francis turbine has been investigated numerically in the
framework of the Hyperbole research project at full load conditions. The main objective is to check
the ability of the solver to compute a cavitating vortex rope in agreement with the experiment before
using the simulations to calibrate the 1D models.
Two operating points have been computed using the Ansys CFX software. The operating points differ
by their Thoma number whereas the other parameters remain the same. The flow is modelled using a
homogeneous RANS approach. The phase change is taken into account using a transport equation for
the gas volume fraction with a source term based on the simplified Rayleigh-Plesset equation.
Turbulence is modelled using the k- SST model.
The numerical simulations are compared with experimental data. The comparisons focus on the
pressure and velocity field in the draft tube. The results shows that the computations are able to
capture some features of the vortex rope such as the wall pressure and the circumferential velocity
field in the cone of the draft tube.

Cavitation, Francis turbine, Full load, Vortex rope, RANS.

* Corresponding author: University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Western Switzerland, Hydraulics Research
Group, phone: +41276068835, email: [email protected]

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Due to the strong development of new green energies during the last ten years, the electrical
network undergoes large fluctuations of the load since these energies are strongly dependent
on the meteorological conditions. In order to manage the fluctuations of the load, other
sources of energy are used to stabilize the grid. Among them, hydraulic power plants, which
are also green energy, can be used due to their ability to respond quickly to a variation of the
load. However, in order to inject the suitable power on the grid, the hydraulic turbines do not
run at their best efficient point. In the case of Francis turbines, running the turbine at off
design points provokes the development of flow instabilities such as the vortex rope in the
draft tube. For instance, at full load, an axisymmetric vortex rope develops in the draft tube
that promotes cavitation and large pressure surge. The pressure fluctuations can match the
eigen frequencies of the mechanical parts of the turbine and provoke strong damages [1]. In
order to increase the operating range of the Francis turbine, a better knowledge of the vortex
rope is required. RANS computations can be used to investigate in details the flow behaviour
in the draft tube. Furthermore, the computational results allow calibrating the 1D models used
to simulate the behaviour of an entire hydraulic power plant [2].
The present study deals with computations of a vortex rope in a Francis turbine at full load.
For a constant head and discharge, two Thoma numbers are investigated corresponding
respectively to a stable and an unstable operating point. The results are compared with
experimental data.

A Francis turbine at model scale is considered for the computations. The operating points are
defined by the following dimensionless coefficient:
The specific speed :
Q1 / 2
= 3 / 4 1/ 2 3 / 4 (1)
2 E

The discharge factor QED:

QED = (2)
D E1 / 2

The speed factor nED:

nED = (3)
E1 / 2
The Thoma number :
= (4)
With Q the discharge (m3 s-1), n the runner rotating frequency (Hz), the runner rotating
speed (rad s-1), E the specific hydraulic energy (J kg-1), D the runner diameter (m) and NPSE
the Net Positive Suction Energy (J kg-1). The values of the coefficients are gathered in Tab.1.

Operating points (-) QED (-) nED (-) (-)

OP1 0.380
0.310 0.260 0.288
OP2 0.110
Table 1: Characteristics of the operating points.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

The operating point OP1 is characterized by a stable vortex rope without cavitation. On the
contrary, the operating point OP2 shows an unstable cavitating vortex rope. Moreover, a
periodic shedding of cavitation bubbles from the trailing edge of the blades is observed.

The homogeneous RANS equations [3] with thermodynamic and mechanical equilibrium
assumptions are used to solve the flow in the machine. Therefore, the phases are assumed to
share the same pressure, velocity and temperature values. By neglecting the energy
conservation equation, the equations to be solved are the mass conservation equation (Eq.5)
and the momentum equation (Eq.6):

+ (C ) = 0 (5)

+ (C C ) = p + ( + t ) (6)
With the mixture density, the mixture velocity, p the mixture pressure, and are
respectively the viscous stresses and the turbulent stresses. The viscous stresses are computed
assuming that the mixture is a Newtonian fluid (Eq.7).

= C + t C (

) (7)
The turbulent stresses are computed using the Boussinesqs assumption (Eq.8) that introduces
a turbulent viscosity .
( ) ()
t C + t C k tr I
= (8)
The turbulent viscosity is assessed using the k- SST model [4] that requires solving two
additional conservation equations for the turbulent kinetic energy k and for the specific
dissipation rate .
Cavitation is taken into account by solving a transport equation for the gas volume fraction rg
(Eq.9) [5]:
rg 1
+ (C =
) rg (S v + S c ) (9)
t g
With Sv and Sc the terms respectively responsible for the vaporisation and the condensation
processes. They are derived (Eq.10 and Eq.11) from the simplified Rayleigh-Plesset equation
that describes the dynamic behaviour of a spherical bubble.
3rnuc (1 rg ) g 2 pv p
Sv = Fv sgn( pv p ) if p < pv (10)
Rnuc 3 f
3rg g 2 pv p
Sc = Fc sgn( pv p ) if p > pv (11)
Rnuc 3 f
Fv, Fc, rnuc and Rnuc are unknown parameters that have to be calibrated. The default values are
used in the present study [6].
Fv = 50 Fc = 0.01 rnuc = 5e 4 Rnuc = 106 m (12)
The saturated vapour pressure pv is set to 1800 Pa.

The complete domain including the spiral case, the stay vanes, the guide vanes, the runner and
the draft tube is considered for the simulations (Fig.1). A structured mesh (Fig.2) is built for

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

each part of the computational domain. The total number of nodes is slightly above 10 million
The flow rate is imposed at the inlet, whereas the pressure is set at the outlet. For each case,
the outlet pressure is adjusted to match the experimental Thoma number. A no slip condition
is set at the solid walls. To compute the turbulent stresses in the first cell layer close to a wall,
a wall law is used.
Steady computations are carried out with a stage condition set at the interfaces between the
stationary and the rotating domains. The stage interface consists of performing a
circumferential averaging of the fluxes through bands on the interface.

Fig 1: Computational domain.

Fig 2: Mesh in a meridional plane.

Part Number of nodes (in million)

Spiral Case 1.69
Stay Vanes and Guides Vanes 3.17
Runner 2.63
Draft Tube 3.10
Total 10.59
Table 2: Number of nodes for each part of the mesh.

The global performances of the turbine are given respectively in Tab.3 and Tab.4 for the two
operating points. The computations overestimate the efficiency , the speed factors nED and

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

the discharge factors QED compared to the experimental results. The differences for the speed
and discharge factors are mainly due to an underestimation of the specific energy. This
difference can be partially explained by the achievement of steady computations with a stage
averaging. For the efficiency, not all the losses are considered in the simulations.

Parameters Experiment CFD

(-) 0.876 0.907
nED (-) 0.288 0.297
QED (-) 0.259 0.269
Table 3: Global performances of the turbines at OP1.

Parameters Experiment CFD

(-) 0.871 0.896
nED (-) 0.288 0.301
QED (-) 0.264 0.272
Table 4: Global performances of the turbines at OP2.

For the tests, the wall pressure is measured in two cross sections located along the straight
part of the draft tube (Fig.3). To compare the experimental data with the computational
results, a cavitation number u is defined by:
p pv
u = (13)
0.5 U12
With the wall mean pressure in the section considered and the rotating velocity at the
outer diameter at the runner outlet. Tab.5 and Tab.6 gather the experimental and the numerical
values for respectively the operating points OP1 and OP2. Except for OP2 at the upper
section, the differences between the computational and the experimental data are lower than

Experiment Computation
u (upper section) 0.858 0.867
u (lower section) 0.903 0.916
Table 5: Value of the cavitation number u in the draft tube for OP1.

Experiment Computation
u (upper section) 0.184 0.192
u (lower section) 0.240 0.239
Table 6: Value of the cavitation number u in the draft tube for OP2.

Since no cavitation is observed at OP1, the vortex rope is visualized using a pressure iso-
surface (Fig.3). On the contrary, at OP2, the cavitating vortex rope is visualized using an iso-
surface of the gas volume fraction (Fig.4, left). Cavitation on the blade suction sides is
captured numerically, which can be related to the periodic shedding of cavitating bubbles
observed experimentally in the draft tube. Compared to the experiment (Fig.4, right), the
cavity volume is underestimated by the computation. Once again the achievement of a steady
computation as well as the mesh resolution can explain the low volume.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Upper Section

Lower Section

Fig 3: Pressure iso-surface (p = 60000 Pa). OP1.

Fig 4. Left: Iso-surface of the gas volume fraction (rg = 0.1).

Right: experimental picture of the vortex rope. OP2.

The tangential velocity component Cu in the upper and lower sections has been surveyed by
LDV for the operating point OP2. It is compared in Fig.5 and Fig.6 with the numerical data
using a dimensionless representation with: and . Close to the wall

( ), the computation profile is in agreement with the experimental results. In the

vortex core, the sharp decrease is also well captured. On the contrary, in the region between
and , the computation underestimates the tangential velocity. However,
at the lower section, the computation is able to capture the shape of the velocity profile with a
slight decrease follows by a peak of the circumferential velocity at the boundary between the
liquid and vapour regions.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Fig 5: Dimensionless circumferential velocity Cu* in the upper section.

Fig 6: Dimensionless circumferential velocity Cu* in the lower section.

An investigation of a vortex rope at full load has been carried out by using homogeneous
RANS numerical simulations. Two steady simulations are performed for both at stable
operating and unstable operating conditions. The global performance of the turbine shows an
underestimation of the specific energy provided by the computations compared to the
experimental results data. However, the wall pressure the draft tube is well captured.
Moreover, at the unstable operating point, a qualitative agreement regarding the
circumferential velocity field is observed. However, the circumferential velocity field is
underestimated at the boundary between the liquid and the vapours zones.
The differences between the experimental data and the computations can be explained by the
achievement of steady computations and the use of a too coarse mesh inside the vortex rope.
These two points will be investigated in a future work. In addition outlet forced pressure
fluctuations will be imposed to provide the relevant data used to calibrate the 1D models.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

The research leading to the results published in this paper is part of the HYPERBOLE
research project, granted by the European Commission (ERC/FP7-ENERGY-2013-1-Grant

[1] Koutnik, J., Nicolet, C., Schohl, G. and Avellan, F. Overload Surge Event in a
Pumped-Storage Power Plant, 23rd IAHR Symp. Hydraul. Mach. Syst. Oct. 17-21, vol.
1, no. October, pp. 115, 2006.
[2] Allign, S., Nicolet, C., Tsujimoto, Y., and Avellan,F., Cavitation Surge Modelling in
Francis Turbine Draft Tube, J. Hydraul. Res., vol. 52, no. 3, pp. 113, 2014.
[3] Brennen, C.E. Cavitation and bubble dynamics. Oxford University Press, New York,
[4] Menter, F.R. Two-equation Eddy-viscosity turbulence models for engineering
applications, AIAA Journal, 32 (8), 1994, pp. 269-289.
[5] Zwart, P., Gerber, A., and Belamri, T. A two-phase flow model for predicting
cavitation dynamics, Fifth Int. Conf. Multiph. Flow, Yokohama, Japan, May 30 - June
3, no. 152, 2004.
[6] Bakir, F., Rey, R., Gerber, A.G., Belamri, T., and Hutchinson, B. Numerical and
Experimental Investigations of the Cavitating Behavior of an Inducer, Int. J. Rotating
Mach., vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 1525, Jan. 2004.

Cu (m s-1) circumferential velocity
D (m) runner diameter
E (J kg-1) specific hydraulic energy
n (Hz) runner rotating frequency
nED (-) speed factor
NPSE (J kg-1) Net Positive Suction Energy
p (Pa) pressure
pv (Pa) saturated vapour pressure
Q (m3 s-1) discharge
QED (-) discharge factor
r (m) radius
rg (-) gas volume fraction
rnuc (-) volume fraction of the nucleation sites
Rnuc (m) nucleation site radius
(m s-1) rotating velocity at the outer diameter at the runner outlet
(kg m-1 s-1) molecular dynamic viscosity
t (kg m-1 s-1) turbulent dynamic viscosity
(-) specific speed
g (kg m-3) gas density
f (kg m-3) liquid density
(-) Thoma number
u (-) Cavitation number based on the runner peripheral velocity
(rad s-1) runner rotating speed

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015



Matev Dular*
Laboratory for Water and Turbine Machines, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Jian Wang
Research Center of Fluid Machinery Engineering and Technology, Jiangsu University, China
Martin Petkovek
Laboratory for Water and Turbine Machines, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

We are comparing results of numerical simulations against high speed simultaneous observations of
cavitation and cavitation erosion. We performed fully compressible, cavitating flow simulations to
resolve the formation of the shock waves at cloud collapse these are believed to be directly related to
the formation of the damage. Good agreements were noticed between calculations and tests. Two high
pressure peaks were found during one cavitation cycle. One relates to the cavitation collapse and the
other one corresponds to the cavitation shed off, both contributing to a distinctive stepwise erosion
damage growth pattern. Additional, more precise, simulations with much shorter time step were
performed to investigate the processes of cavitation collapse and shedding off in more detail. There the
importance of small cavitation structures which collapse independently of the main cloud was found.
The present work shows a great potential for future development of techniques for accurate predictions
of cavitation erosion by numerical means only.

Cavitation, Erosion, Computational Fluid Dynamics

Since Rayleigh reported on the cavitation erosion issue on ship propellers in 1917,
considerable progress has been made to discover its hydrodynamic mechanisms [1-4]. Two
main mechanisms are usually discussed: the micro-jet and pressure shock wave. For the case
of the micro-jet it is believed that the liquid jet penetrates the bubble as the surrounding
pressure is imbalanced. The jet velocity can reach a magnitude order of 100 m/s, and when it
impacts the solid wall enormous stresses that cause pit formation occur [5]. On the other hand
the pressure shock wave approach, considers the bubbles to remain spherical during the
collapse what, at the final stage causes a shock wave generation with a magnitude order of
several MPa [6]. Fortes-Patella et al. [7] studied the interaction between shock wave emitted
by the implosions of a spherical bubble and material deformation. They concluded that the
cavitation induced damage is directly related to the pressure shock wave and the
characteristics of material. Subsequently, they proposed a so-called energy cascade theory. It
* Corresponding author: Laboratory for Water and Turbine Machines, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
phone: +386 4771 314, email: [email protected]

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

postulated that potential energy contained in a macro cavitation cloud, considering the
conservation of energy, would transfer into the radiation of acoustic pressure wave, which
might be emitted either by spherical bubble or vortex collapse as well as micro jet.
The rapidly development of computational power and numerical simulation technology,
increase the potential and the accuracy of the methods for the prediction of cavitating flow
and cavitation erosion power. Dular & Coutier-Delgosha [8] presented a prediction method of
cavitation damage based on the micro-jet theory, by coupling a computational fluid dynamics
(CFD) and the proposed erosion model.
In the present paper we are comparing results of numerical simulations against experimental
data obtained by Petkovsek & Dular [9]. We performed fully compressible, cavitating flow
simulations to resolve the formation of the shock waves at cloud collapse these are believed
to be directly related to the formation of the damage. We have shown that two pressure peaks
occur during one cavitation cycle, what consequently explains why the damage observed
during the experiments occurs also at times other than at cavitation cloud collapse. Also the
importance of small cavitation structures which collapse independently of the main cloud was

The experiments were carried out in a cavitation loop test rig in the Laboratory for Water and
Turbine Machines, University of Ljubljana. These are only briefly described here for a more
thorough description the reader should refer to [9].
A Venturi section, which has a converging angle of 18 and diverging angle of 8 was used.
The size of the throat of the test section was 1010mm2. The geometry is shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1: The Venturi geometry.

The idea of the experiment was to simultaneously record images of cavitation structures and
cavitation erosion. The upper side of the foil is covered by vapour structures that obstruct the
view, hence one needs to look at the foil from the bottom side to see the damage.
Consequently the whole test section had to be made of transparent material and equally
important the foil had to be thin enough so that the cavitation damage which occurs on the
side exposed to cavitation was also visible on the other side. Furthermore the damage needs to
occur very rapidly so that one is able to record it by high speed cameras - we have chosen 10
m thick aluminum foil and attached it to a Venturi section by a transparent two sided
adhesive tape with thickness of 50 m. Using this approach a sufficient pitting can be
obtained in a few seconds.
The flow direction in Fig. 2 is from right to left. Cavitation cloud shedding begins with the
cloud separation from the attached cavity. It then travels with the flow and collapses in a
higher pressure region downstream. At the rear part of the attached cavity a back flow (re-
entrant jet) forms that eventually cuts the cavity in two and causes a new separation of the

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Fig. 2: Instantaneous image of the aluminum foil (top images), measured damage of the foil up to this
instant (middle images) and instantaneous image of cavitation (bottom images) [9]. The flow is from
the right to the left.

We can see that pits form immediately after the collapse of the cavitation cloud (in the present
sequence we have two clouds that collapse at t=0.10500 s and 0.10517 s, respectively). It can
also be seen that the region where most of the pitting occurs corresponds to the position of the
cloud collapse. It is interesting to see that not a single pit forms but rather a cluster of them.
We hypothesize that the shock wave from the cavitation cloud collapse interacted with several
bubbles which were present in the vicinity of the wall (aluminum foil).

3.1 The governing equations and homogenous flow model
The applied governing equations were based on the conservation form of the Reynolds
averaged Navier-Stokes equations, including mass continuity (1), momentum equation (2) and
energy equation (3):

+ ( m ui ) =
0 (1)
t xi

( m ui ) ( m ui u j ) p u u j 2 uk
+ =
+ ( m + t ) i + ij (2)
t xi xi x j x j
3 xk
( m E )
+ [u ( m E + p )] = (keff T ) (3)

where p is the pressure, is the density, u is the velocity, and t stand for the laminar
viscosity and turbulent viscosity, ij is the Kronecker delta function, E =h p m + u 2 2 , h is
the entropy, keff is the effective conductivity, is the volume fraction. The subscripts m,l,v
indicate the mixture, liquid and vapor, respectively.
The liquid phase and vapor phase are treated as a homogeneous mixture based on the volume
of fraction. The mixture density and viscosity are defined as a function of vapor volume

3.2 Turbulence model

As known, the turbulence model plays a significant role in the prediction of cavitating flow. A
modified Re-normalized group (RNG) k- model, proposed by Coutier-Delgosha et al. [10],

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

was employed in this work. It can successfully reduce the eddy viscosity by defining the
turbulent viscosity as:

t = f ( m )C (4)

( m v )

f ( m=
) v + (5)
( l v )
n 1

where the coefficient C=0.09, identical with k- model, and the exponent n=10.

3.3 Cavitation model

The vapor generation and disappearance are controlled by a mass transport equation model
based on the vapor volume fraction, expressed as:

v v u j )
m + + m
= (6)
t x j

The source term m + and m represent the mass rates of liquid evaporation and vapor
condensation. In this paper, the Zwart-Gerber-Belamri model [11], deduced from the
Rayleigh-Plesset equation, was applied, since it has, based on our previous experience, a
precise cavitating prediction performance and a good convergence behavior. It is defined as:

3r (1 v ) v 2 pv p
m + = Fvap nuc , if p<pv (7)
RB 3 l
m = Fcond v v 2
p p v

RB 3 l
,if p>pv (8)

where Fvap and Fcond are the empirical calibration coefficients of evaporation and
condensation, respectively, rnuc stands for the nucleation site volume fraction, RB is the
nucleation site radius. Vaporization is initiated at nucleation sites, which can be regarded as
the non-condensible gases. pv represents the water vaporization pressure. The recommended
values of these coefficients are: Fvap=50, Fcond=0.01, rnuc=510-4, RB=210-6 m and
pv=3574Pa. As compressible approach was adopted the vapour obeyed the ideal gas law and
the liquid density variation was described via Tait equation:

l = ref n (11)
pref + B

where ref and pref denote the reference liquid density and pressure 200mm upstream of the
Venturi section. As for constant B and n, they are 300MPa and 7 for water, respectively.

To get a better accuracy and convergence behaviour, the structured hexahedral grid was
generated to model the fluid computational domain. The refinement was made near the
Venturi surface. The grid independence test was conducted on the basis of three kinds of
mesh density. Considering the calculation time and accuracy, the medium grid size was

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

applied further on. The total number of the elements is about 0.5 million. The Y+ on the
Venturi surface along with the chord length was in the order of 20.

4.1 Simulation setup

The commercial CFD code "ANSYS-Fluent" was used to solve the URANS equations
summarized above. A mass flow rate and static pressure boundary conditions are imposed on
the inlet and outlet respectively, strictly following the experimental data. Meanwhile, the
turbulent intensity at the inlet is set as 3%. A no-slip wall is applied on the Venturi surface
with standard wall function. The convergence criteria are all set to 10-4. On the premise of
ensuring the temporal accuracy, all the simulations were initiated by running the calculation
under upwind scheme based on COUPLED algorithm for four shedding periods until a time-
periodic solution has been reached, with a time step of 1.610-4 s. Afterwards, the algorithm
was changed to the second-order scheme and the time step was reduced to 1.610-7 s to obtain
a more precise resolution concerning to the cavity shedding off and collapse.

The cavity cloud shedding at =1.48 is first analyzed. The comparisons between
computational results and experiments are made to validate the numerical simulations, as
shown in Fig. 3. For the computational results, an isosurface of 10% vapor volume fractions
are adopted. A good agreement can be noted between simulation and experiment results. We
can see that the attached cavity sheds off at around t=t0+20t both in simulation and in
experiment. Subsequently, the cloud cavity collapse occurs approximately at t=t0+45t. The
inception of cavitation at the leading edge of the Venturi surface occurs earlier in the
experiment - nevertheless we believe that the numerical simulation is still reliable for the
investigation of the potential energy during the cavitation collapse, since the collapse time
matches well between the experiment and the simulation.

Fig. 3: Simulated (left) and observed (right) cavitation structure evolution, the flow direction is from
right to left. =1.48 and v=24.7m/s.

For quantitative study of the relationship between the cavity evolution and the induced
damage, the absolute pressure obtained from four monitor points on the Venturi surface are
plotted together with the number of pits and integral damage area from the experiment [9], as
a function of time. Point A is located near the throat of the Venturi (5 mm downstream),
monitor D is located near the region where the bubble cloud collapse takes place (65 mm
downstream of the Ventuiri thorat). Monitors B and C are placed between A and D (22 mm
and 48 mm downstream of the Venturi throat, respectively).
The diagram in Fig. 4 shows the absolute pressure obtained at four monitor points and the
number of pits and integral damage area from the experiment [9]. The simulation data

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

adopted here are obtained with a time step of 1.610-4 s. The exact cavity collapse times from
the experiment are presented as vertical dash-dot lines in this diagram.

Fig. 4: Number of pits, integral damage extent and absolute pressure at the monitor points A, B, C,
and D as a function of time. At cavitation number =1.48 and velocity at the Venturi throat
v=24.7m/s, Reynolds number Re=247000.

It can be seen that with the time progressing, the number of the pits and the damaged area are
not increasing at a constant pace. A considerable damage occurs only during a period of cloud
collapse. More precisely, it can be noticed that some the damage is also generated just before
the main cavitation cloud disappears.
As for the simulation, we can observe that there are two high pressure peaks in one cycle,
especially at points C and D. The higher peak corresponds to the cloud collapse, while the
other one is related to the moment of cavity shedding off. It can be seen that the pressures
recorded at monitor D are the highest and reach up to 3.5105 Pa. Considerable pressure
increase from the cloud collapse is also seen by monitor C, while monitors A and B, which
are further away from the collapse region, notice only a small disturbance in the pressure.

More precise simulations with a smaller time step 1.610-7 s were conducted to investigate
the correlation between damage appearance, the cavitation cloud collapse and the shedding of
the cloud. There are several pressure fluctuations before it reaches the highest point, which
implies that the cavity collapse is not instantaneous. To understand the details of the collapse
evolution, six instants are chosen to present the absolute pressure on the Venturi surface
together with the cavitation, Fig. 5. The white dot in the graph represents the monitor D.

Fig. 5: Absolute pressure at the Venturi surface at times a to f during cavitation cloud collapse.
=1.48 and v=24.7m/s. The flow direction is from right to left.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

In the image a, there are two big bubbles clouds close to the side wall of the Venturi section
and the pressure is low at this moment. The instant of the image b is chosen just after one of
the bubble clouds below disappear. One can see that the shock wave has not arrived at the
Venturi surface yet - this is why the pressure on the surface is still low. Several micro seconds
later, the collapse shock wave impacts the surface (image c), where we can see a concentrated
region of a very high pressure. Image d, illustrates that during the collapse of the other bubble
cloud, some tiny bubbles around it also generate pressure shock waves as they collapse. In
images e and f, one can see how the shock wave propagated through the region and after it is
emitted at the origin of cloud collapse.

Similarly, Fig. 6 presents the evolutions of pressure and cavitation during the shedding
process. The grey dot in the images represents the monitor A.

Fig. 6: Absolute pressure on Venturi surface at times a to f during cavitation shedding process.
=1.48 and v=24.7m/s. The flow direction is from right to left.

In image a, we can see that the cavitation is beginning to shed, but no high pressure region
can be seen yet. A pressure peak first appears after the cavitation breaks off (image c) in a
very small region (noted by a dashed square). After breaking off, a small bubble remains at
the leading edge (image d). At time f, the cavitation begins to shed off on the other side of the
channel, but there is no break off, so only one high pressure peak appears at this moment.
This shows how and when the pressure peak is created during the shedding process, which
eventually leads to a, previously hard to explain, damage near the throat of the Venturi.

In this paper, a compressible approach to simulate cavitating flow in a Venturi section was
performed with two different time steps. The results were firstly validated against
visualization experiments, and then some new insights into the formation of damage were
drawn from the results. The conclusions can be given in several points:
From the erosion tests, we see that most of the damages occurs at the point of cavitation
cloud collapse. Yet it was also reported [9] that some damage occurs just before and after
the cavitation cloud collapse, and even during the shedding process. The simulation
results, obtained with a larger time step of 1.610-4 s, are in a good agreement with the
visualization experiments. Absolute pressure on the Venturi surface as a function of time
at four monitor points were compared with the erosion measurements. We observed two
pressure peaks in one cycle. The higher one relates to the cloud collapse and the other
corresponds to the shedding off the cloud from the attached part of the cavity, what
partially explained a not rigorously stepwise trend of the damage occurrence.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Instantaneous images of the absolute pressure on the Venturi surface, measured erosion
damage of the foil and the instantaneous image of cavitation were analyzed
simultaneously. It was found that the main damage occur at the cavitation cloud collapse,
as a clear result of a very high pressure wave which is emitted at that instant. Besides this
we were able to conclude that a somewhat less pronounced pressure peak occurs during
the cloud shedding process and that this also contributes to some cavitation erosion pits.
There are also some indications that an almost negligible number of pits is generated
during the growth of the attached cavitation.
Finally, based on a more time resolved simulation (time step length was only 1.610-7 s),
we observed instabilities during the collapse and the shedding of cavitation cloud. We
were able to show that the cavitation collapse is not instantaneous and coherent many
tiny bubbles collapse prior and after the main clouds collapse and these also considerably
contribute to the erosive energy potential of cavitating flow.

[1] Kato, H., Konno, A., Maeda, M., and Yamaguchi, H.: Possibility of Quantitative
Prediction of Cavitation Erosion without Model Test. ASME J. Fluids Eng., 118(3),
1996, pp. 582588.
[2] Berchiche, N., Franc, J. P., and Michel, J. M.: A Cavitation Erosion Model for
Ductile Materials. ASME J. Fluids Eng., 124(3), 2002, pp.601606.
[3] Franc, J. P., Karimi, A., Chahine, G. L., and Riondet, M.: Impact Load
Measurements in an Erosive Cavitating Flow. ASME J. Fluids Eng., 133(12), 2011,
[4] Franc, J. P: Incubation Time and Cavitation Erosion Rate of Work-Hardening
Materials. ASME J. Fluids Eng., 131(2), 2009, pp. 021303.
[5] Franc, J. P., Riondet, M., Karimi, A., and Chahine, G. L.: Material and Velocity
Effects on Cavitation Erosion Pitting. Wear, 274, 2012, pp.248-259.
[6] Wang, Y. C., and Brennen, C. E.: Shock Wave Development in the Collapse of A
Cloud of Bubbles. ASME. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 194, 1994
[7] Fortes-Patella, R., Archer, A., and Flageul C.: Numerical and Experimental
Investigations on Cavitation Erosion. IOP Conference Series: Earth and
Environmental Science, 15(2), 2012, pp. 022013.
[8] Dular, M., and Coutier-Delgosha, O.: Numerical Modelling of Cavitation Erosion,
Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids, 61(12), 2009, pp. 13881410.
[9] Petkovek, M., and Dular, M.: Simultaneous Observation of Cavitation Structures and
Cavitation Erosion. Wear, 300(1), 2013, pp.55-64.
[10] Coutier-Delgosha, O., Fortes-Patella, R., and Reboud, J. L.: Evaluation of the
Turbulence Model Influence on the Numerical Simulations of Unsteady Cavitation.
ASME J. Fluids Eng., 125(1), 2003, pp. 3845.
[11] Zwart, P., Gerber, A. G., and Belamri, T.: A Two-Phase Model for Predicting
Cavitation Dynamics. Proceedings of ICMF2004 International Conference on
Multiphase Flow, 2004 Yokohama, Japan.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015


S. Fialov1 , F. Pochyl2
The effect of cavitation intensity on the value of electromagnetic field is investigated within this work
using theoretical and experimental approaches.
This effect is examined in a cavitation tube made of organic glass.
The motivation is based on the Rayleigh-Plesset equation which describes the collapse of cavitation
bubbles over time. The degradation of cavitation bubbles is solved using the non-linear shape of the
Rayleigh-Plesset equation.
The effect of the electromagnetic field depends on the flow rate of electrical charge that is carried by the
conductive liquid.
The interaction of the conductive fluid and the electromagnetic field is expressed by the Lorentz force.
The effect of the Lorentz force creates an electromagnetic force (emf), which can be determined by
solving the Navier-Stokes equations in accordance with Maxwell's equations.
The definition of emf is introduced in the paper. Hence, the cavitation tube under the effect of the
magnetic field can be considered as an electricity microsource.
Given that the change in the emf is stepwise, it is possible to identify the onset of cavitation by measuring
the emf.
The intensity of the cavitation bubbles is studied by measuring the rate of the cavitation bubbles collapse.
For this evaluation, an indirect method is used of measuring the acceleration frequency of the oscillating
wall of the cavitation tube in the cavitation zone.
It turns out that the frequency depends strongly on the liquid flow through the cavitation tube. The
frequency of the collapse of cavitation bubbles is reaching up to the value of 24 kHz.
It was demonstrated on the basis of the performed experiments that the frequency of cavitation bubbles
collapse creates unfavorable conditions for the life of microorganisms, e.g. cyanobacteria.
From here it is possible to hypothesize that cavitation may be one of the methods of mechanical
destruction of unwanted microorganisms.

Keywords: electromagnetic field, cavitation, Navier-Stokes equation, Rayleigh-Plesset equation,

Maxwell's equations

1. Introduction
The motivation for addressing the interaction between an electromagnetic field and a cavitating fluid is the
nonlinear Rayleigh-Plesset equation and the Lorentz force.
From Maxwell's equations [4], it can be deduced that the intensity of the electromagnetic field depends on
the flow rate of the conductive fluid. This is consistent with the definition of the Lorentz force, which is
dependent on the flow rate of the electrical charge carried by the conductive liquid.
From these consequences it can be deduced that with an increased fluid velocity even higher value of
magnetic induction can be expected.
From the Rayleigh-Plesset equation [5], it is implied that the collapse of cavitation bubbles is
accompanied by high velocities, which are the source of the impulse for the motion of cavitation caverns.
Thus, due to cavitation the motion state of fluid changes fundamentally to higher velocities. The

1Assistent professor, Brno University of Technology, Technick 2896/2, Brno, 616 69, CZ
2Professor, Brno University of Technology, CZ
[email protected]

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

disadvantage of this state is the random direction of motion of individual cavitation caverns. An increase
in the intensity of magnetic induction is achieved only by those particles whose direction of movement is
not parallel to the direction of the magnetic induction. The particles with maximal effect are those whose
motion is perpendicular to the direction of the basic magnetic induction induced with a permanent magnet
or an electromagnet. Therefore, the intensity of magnetic induction and thus the emf depends on the shape
of the cavitation area, respectively the cavitation tube. Most preferred are tubes of a non-circular,
rectangular cross section.

2. The basic equation

The interrelation magnetic induction and velocity of a fluid is given by equations (1) and (2). Equation for
the Lorentz force:

= ( ) (1)

The equation of motion for a conductive incompressible liquid:

+ = (2)

Magnetic induction equation:

+ ( ) (3)

Continuity equation:

= 0 (4)

On the basis of known magnetic induction, a relationship for emf can be derived:

= = (5)

Fig. 1 Cavitation cavern

Collapse of a solitary cavitation bubble, as shown in Fig. 1, is described by Rayleigh-Plesset equation [5]
in the form:

3 2 2 1 2 03 1
+ + 0 (0) + 3 + 4 = [0 (0) ()] (6)
2 0

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Fig. 2 Cavitation cavern collapse

Equation (6) is derived assuming symmetry, using Navier-Stokes equations without the influence of
magnetic field, continuity equation and Laplace equation applicable to the boundary of a sphere and
showing the effect of surface tension. Fig. 2 shows the collapse of cavitation bubbles (caverns) by
changing their radius and pressure over time.
We note that in commercial software the nonlinear terms of the equations are neglected. From Fig. 2 it is
still apparent that there will be large and frequent changes in velocity during the collapse of the cavitation
bubbles. And these changes will affect the value of the magnetic induction B and hence the value of the
emf according to equation (5).

3. Electromotive force due to cavitation

First lets assume that the liquid flows through the tube without causing a cavitation. The tube is
connected to a permanent magnet or an electromagnet. The situation is shown in Fig. 3
The relationship for emf (5) can be adjusted to the form:

= + ( ) (7)

If the flow is steady, based on the mathematical model (2), (3), (4), the relation (7) can be written in a
simplified form:

= ( ) (8)

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Fig. 3 Fluid in a magnetic field

Considering now the half-section of the tube S, bounded by the curve k, the expression (8) can be written
in the form:

= ( ) = || (9)

The expression (9) applies only on condition that the liquid adheres to the surface S, namely in the event
of = 0 on S. Expressing the integral (9) in terms of the mean value of the integral calculus or provided
that = ., expression (9) can be simplified to:

= || = (10)

where is medium velocity defined by:

= || (11)

The condition (10) is valid only when assuming that the tube surface is hydrophilic so that the fluid
velocity at the surface is equal to zero. Another case occurs when we consider the tube surface to be
hydrophobic - when slip occurs at the surface of the liquid.
Under this assumption, expression (10) changes as follows:

= ( ) = + R | | (12)

where is velocity on the curve k

It is known that induction flow meters are based on principle (10). Emf can be recorded for example using
point electrodes at points A, B in the same way as it was configured in the case of our experiment. Now
consider a more complex case where only one cavitation cavern exists in the examined domain. The
situation is shown in Fig. 4
In such case, when considering the movement and collapse of the cavitation cavern, it is necessary to take
into account the general expression for emf calculation (7).

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

From there one can deduce:

= + + ( ) (13)


Fig. 4 Flowing liquid with a cavitation cavern Fig. 5 Flowing liquid with cavitation caverns

From (13) it is apparent that emf will be significantly affected by the cavitation cavern. The velocity v on
the boundary of the cavitation cavern is necessary to be determined from two components. From the actual
velocity and the velocity of the cavern , giving impulse to the surrounding liquid. Based on this impulse,
the value of velocity will also be influenced. In the case of N cavitation caverns being within the cross-
section S , see Fig. 5, the term for an emf will be written in form:

= + + ( ) (14)


4. Experiment
To verify the interaction of liquid and magnetic field, a simple experiment was proposed [2], [3]. The
experiment is based on the flow of a liquid through the cavitation tube, as shown in Fig. 6.
The tube is fitted with two point electrodes at points A and B, see Fig. 6, where the emf U changes. The
electrodes are positioned outside the cavitation zone (U1) and in the cavitation zone (U2).
The tube is narrowed at a specific place so that the pressure decreases below the saturated vapor and
cavitation occurs. The cavitation intensity was controlled by changing the flow rate Q in the cavitation
The original version of the cavitation tube was made of glass and after one hour of operation a rupture
occurred due to the effect of the impact pressure on the tube wall. The frequency of the collapse of
cavitation caverns near the wall of the tube could be up to 24 kHz, as we shall see further.
The structure of the cavitation caverns after the rupture of the tube is shown in Fig. 7. After this
experience, different material was chosen for the cavitation tube - organic glass (plexiglass).
Before the experiment, the electrical conductivity of water was measured. The measurement of emf was
obtained both out of the cavitation zone (U1) as well as in the cavitation zone (U2). The results are shown
in Fig. 8 for = 6,86 103 1 .

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Fig. 6 The cavitation tube with point electrodes Fig. 7 Structure of the cavitation
In Fig. 8, it is visible that a stepwise change in emf occurs in the cavitation zone caused by both the
movement of cavitation caverns, but also by the influence of their dynamics as is qualitatively assumed by
expression (14). U is time dependent and the mean value U is shown in Fig. 8 .
The frequency of cavitation caverns collapsing was scanned at the surface of the cavitation tube by an
acceleration sensor. The structure of these frequencies, depending on the flow rate can be observed in Fig.
9 - Fig. 13.

Fig. 8 Emf outside and inside the cavitation zone Fig. 9 The beginning of an audible cavitation =
1,9 1

Fig. 10 Cavitation along the entire length of the Fig. 11 Cavitation along the entire length of the
tube, = 2,35 1 tube, = 2,5 1

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Fig. 12 Reduction of vibrations, = 2,6 1 Fig. 13 Supercavitation along the whole cavitation
zone, = 3 1
From Fig. 9 - Fig. 13 it is apparent that the frequency of cavitation bubbles collapsing on the wall of the
cavitation tube strongly depends on the flow rate.
It was shown in the experiments that a specific flow rate exists at which high values of impact pressures
occur at ultrasonic frequencies, up to 24 kHz, see. Fig. 11. When increasing the flow rate, the cross section
of the cavitation tube is gradually filled with saturated steam at a rapid reduction in the frequencies of the
impact pressure, acting on the wall of the tube due to the collapse of the cavitation bubbles. When the flow
rate reaches = 3 1 it will cancel out frequencies above the value of 4 kHz and significantly reduce
the impact pressure on all frequencies.
The creation and collapse of the cavitation caverns were captured by high-speed camera scanning [1]. In
the article [1] the situation is shown, where the motion of the cavitation cavern is apparent as well as the
growth and collapse of its volume at a point just before enlargement of the cavitation tube.
U [ mV ]

0 1,851,952,052,152,252,352,452,552,652,752,852,953,05
Q [ l/s ]
Fig. 14 Emf on the electrodes in dependence on electrical conductivity

All these phenomena will naturally affect the value of emf, taking into account the expression (14).
Emf is however also dependent on the electrical conductivity of water, which is very small. So we decided
to increase it by adding a saline solution, see Fig. 14. From Fig. 14 it is clear that by increasing the
electrical conductivity of the liquid higher values of emf can be achieved as expected, even in the
cavitation zone, but the increase has limitations apparent from Fig. 14.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

5. Conclusion
From the above experiments it is possible to make the following conclusions:
Dependence of emf U1 outside the cavitation zone, in accordance with the expression (10) has a
linear dependence on the flow rate, see. Fig. 8. Mild nonlinearity is caused by the electrode 1
(U1), see Fig. 6, being placed near the cavitation zone.
From Fig. 8 and Fig. 15 it is apparent that the flow in the cavitation zone causes a stepwise
change in the emf. Taking into account Fig. 9 - Fig. 13 in correlation with Fig. 8 and Fig. 15 it is
evident that the value of emf at the point of its greatest changes corresponds to a frequency of
approximately 4 kHz. Higher collapse frequency of the cavitation caverns, ie. 24 kHz does not
significantly affect the value of the emf. The situation is evident from Fig. 15, where it is clear
that due to the effect of cavitation caverns collapsing at a frequency of 24 kHz no significant
increase in the emf has occured. Starting from the flow rate 2,45 1, the dependence of the
emf is already linear. These results are strongly influenced by the placing of the electrode (U2)
deep into the cavitation zone, as is apparent from Fig. 6. Here, 24Khz frequencies have been
significantly dampened, and therefore only the collapse of cavitation caverns at 4 kHz frequency
makes a significant impact. Much higher gradients would be achieved by placing the
electrodes into the tube constriction, or with an electrode of greater areal content (electrode
strips). In that sense, further experiments will be set out.
From Fig. 9- Fig. 13 is apparent a significant impact of the flow rate on cavitation bubbles
collapse. The maximum amplitude at the frequency of 24 kHz is obtained at a flow of 2,5 1,
but already at values of 2,35 1and 2,6 1 it is already unsubstantial. Thus, there is only a
small range of flow rates where the collapse of cavitation caverns at a frequency of 24 kHz can be
achieved. The frequency of approximately 4 kHz is high for the entire interval of the flows Q =
2,3; 3 1.
On the basis of the experiment, it is demonstrated that the onset of cavitation is characterized by a
stepwise change in emf. This fact can be practically used for the identification of the beginning of
the cavitation formation.

Grant Agency of Czech Republic within projects GA101/13-20031S and GA101/15-06621S is gratefully
acknowledged for support of this work.

[1] Pochyl F., Fialov S.: The cavitation effect on the electromagnetic field, Recent Advances in
Mechatronics, ISBN 978-3-642-05021-3, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-05022-0, 2009
[2] Kantor D.: Diploma thesis. BUT Brno, 2007
[3] Veverka A.: Diploma thesis. BUT Brno, 2007
[4] Bo Fid: Electromagnetic field theory, ISBN 978-0-486-4773-2, 2012
[5] Prosperetti A.: A generalization of the RayleighPlesset equation of bubble dynamics, AIP Phys.
Fluids 25, 409, 1982

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015



Dragica JOT
University of Trieste, Department of Engineering and Architecture, Italy; currently on leave from
Kolektor Turbointitut, Slovenia
Kolektor Turbointitut, Slovenia; currently on leave from University of Trieste, Italy
University of Trieste, Department of Engineering and Architecture, Italy; currently on leave from
Kolektor Turbointitut, Slovenia
University of Trieste, Department of Engineering and Architecture, Italy

The paper presents efficiency and cavitation prediction in a 6-blade Kaplan turbine. The study is a
result of a collaboration between the University of Trieste (Italy) and Kolektor Turbointitut
(Slovenia), which recently joined in the ACCUSIM EU project with the aim to develop reliable, high
fidelity methods for accurate predictions and optimization of the performances of hydro-machinery
and marine propellers.
Numerical simulations were done at one operating point for maximal runner blade angle and nominal
head. Steady state results obtained with the SST (Shear Stress Transport) turbulence model were
improved by transient simulations, where the SAS (Scale Adaptive Simulation) SST model was used.
Cavitating flow was simulated using the homogeneous model. Mass transfer rate due to cavitation was
regulated by the Zwart et al. model with default model constants used in ANSYS CFX commercial
code and also with the evaporation and condensation parameters previously calibrated considering the
sheet cavity flow around a hydrofoil. For a Kaplan turbine the numerical results were compared with
the observation of cavity size on the test rig and with the measured sigma break curve. Steady state
simulations predicted a significant too small efficiency level and too small extent of cavitation on the
runner blades. With transient simulations, the shape and size of the predicted sheet cavitation agreed
well with the cavitation observed on the test rig. In addition, also the predicted efficiency was more
accurate, although the value of (cavitation or Thoma number) where the efficiency dropped for 1%
was a bit too large. The difference between the results obtained with standard and calibrated model
parameters of the Zwart mass transfer model was small.

Kaplan turbine, two-phase flow, cavitation, sigma break curve, Zwart mass transfer model

* Dragica Jot, University of Trieste, currently on leave from Kolektor Turbointitut,Slovenia, [email protected]

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

In recent years an intensive research about numerical flow analysis in axial turbines was
performed in Turbointitut. The influence of modelling or neglecting hub and tip clearance
was tested. Steady state simulations were done by different turbulence models on grids with
different refinements near the walls. At some operating points also transient simulations were
done using SST and SSG RSM models. On the basis of the results, it was concluded that none
of the tested turbulence models, within steady state simulations, predicted the efficiency at all
operating regimes accurately [1]. With grid refinement, some improvements were achieved
but the results were still not satisfactory. Even the results of time dependent simulations with
RANS models were not accurate enough. This was the motivation for time dependent
simulations by more advanced turbulence models, the SAS SST and zonal LES. The
improvement of results for a Kaplan turbine was presented in [2]. Even greater improvement
was achieved in case of a bulb turbine [3]. Recently, in the frame of ACCUSIM project, the
results for a bulb turbine were additionally improved by zonal LES model on refined grids [4]
and a study of cavitation prediction with more advanced turbulence and mass transfer models
with standard and optimized parameters started. Preliminary results for a Kaplan turbine were
briefly outlined in [5], while a more complete selection of results is presented in this paper.

2.1. Flow equations for multiphase flow

In the homogeneous multiphase transport equation-based model, employed in this study, the
cavitating flow can be described by the following set of governing equations:
1 1
U = m

l v
( U)
+ ( UU) = P + S M (1)
+ (U) = m
t l

Cavitating flow is modelled as a mixture of two species i.e. vapour and liquid behaving as a
single one. The phases are considered incompressible and share the same instantaneous
velocity U and pressure fields P. The above equations are, in order, the continuity and the
momentum equation for the liquid-vapour mixture, and the volume fraction equation for the
liquid phase. is the stress tensor, SM stays for the additional sources of momentum, m is the
interphase mass transfer rate due to cavitation, v the vapour density and l the liquid density.
The liquid volume fraction and the vapour volume fraction are defined as follows:
volume liquid volume vapour
= = (2)
total volume total volume
and they are related to each other through the following relevant constitutive relationship:
+ =1 (3)
Finally, and are the density and the dynamic viscosity of the vapour-water mixture, scaled
by the water volume fraction, respectively.
= l + (1 ) v
= l + (1 ) v

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

The specific interphase mass transfer rate m can be modelled using an appropriate mass
transfer model, also called cavitation model.

2.2. Turbulence modelling

In order to model the turbulent flows the governing equations have to be time-averaged
leading to the well known RANS equations, widely applied to industrial flow problems. In
this work the most popular two-equation eddy viscosity based models, namely k- and SST
(Shear Stress Transport) were used for NACA hydrofoil and Kaplan turbine, respectively. An
alternative approach to standard URANS (Unsteady RANS), namely the SAS (Scale Adaptive
Simulation) model [6] was employed for more accurate time dependent predictions of flow in
a Kaplan turbine. Due to positive experience in previous studies [1] the curvature correction
(CC) and Kato-Launder limiter of production term were included in all turbine simulations.
For discretization of the advection term high resolution scheme (HRS) implemented in the
ANSYS CFX code was used. In [3] and [4] positive effect of bounded central differential
scheme (BCDS) (in comparison to the HRS) on accuracy of torque on the shaft and efficiency
prediction was clearly seen. Unfortunately BCDS in combination with cavitation modelling
was found less stable and some simulations with small values were stopped by overflow.
Therefore here only the results obtained with HRS are presented.

2.3. Mass transfer model

In this study the native mass transfer employed in CFX i.e. the Zwart et al. model was used. It
is based on the simplified Rayleigh-Plesset equation for bubble dynamics.

3rnuc (1 ) v 2 Pv P
- Fe if P < Pv
RB 3 Pl
m = (5)
F 3 v 2 P Pv if P > Pv
c RB 3 P

In the above equations, Pv is the vapour pressure, rnuc is the nucleation site volume fraction,
RB the radius of a nucleation site, Fe and Fc are two empirical calibration coefficients for the
evaporation and condensation processes, respectively. The above coefficients, according to
default CFX setting are equal to rnuc=510-4, RB=210-6 m, Fe=50, Fc=0.01. In the case of the
setup suggested in [7, 8] new values are Fe=300, Fc=0.03.


A calibration of empirical constants for three mass transfer models (the Zwart model, the
FCM model and the Kunz model) using an optimization strategy is presented in [7]. The
entire calibration process was driven by the modeFRONTIER 4.2 optimization system, which
is a general integration and multiobjective optimization platform commonly used for
functional and shape optimization of systems and devices. With the aim to reduce
computational costs the empirical coefficients were optimized on a two-dimensional sheet
cavity flow around the NACA66(MOD) hydrofoil. The evaporation and condensation
coefficients of the Zwart model were tuned within the following ranges: 30<= Fe<= 500 and
0.0005<=Fc<= 0.08. The best result was found with Fe = 300 and Fc= 0.03. Details about
optimization process can be found in [7].

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

In this section some selected results for NACA66(MOD) hydrofoil are briefly presented in
order to show the differences due to usage of calibrated vaporization and condensation
coefficients instead of the standard ones. In Fig. 1 (left) the suction sides pressure
distributions, obtained using the native and calibrated Zwart model, are shown. It is possible
to note that using the default setup the cavities corresponding to the three different cavitating
flow regimes (=1.0, 0.91, 0.84) were underestimated. In the case of the calibrated model the
results compared better with the experimental data.
In Fig. 1 (right) the cavity bubbles obtained for =0.91 are shown. In case of the default setup
of the Zwart mass transfer model the bubble had lower vapour content then that obtained with
the calibrated model. This explains the discrepancies with measurements observed for suction
side pressure distributions.

Fig 1 NACA66MOD at 4 of incidence. Suction side pressure distributions (left).

Cavitation bubbles for =0.91 (right).

The optimized empirical constants Fe and Fc were successfully used for prediction of
cavitating flow around two model scale propellers in uniform inflow [8]. Therefore we
expected that the same constants will be suitable also for cavitation prediction in a Kaplan


Cavitation prediction was done for the same Kaplan turbine as in case of efficiency prediction
presented in [2]. The turbine consists of semi-spiral casing with two vertical piers, 11 stay
vanes and a nose, 28 guide vanes, a 6-blade runner and elbow draft tube with two vertical
piers. All simulations were done at the operating point with blade angle 28, flow rate
coefficient /BEP = 1.33, and energy coefficient /BEP = 0.86. This operating point is close to
the local best efficiency point, but its guide vane opening and flow rate are a bit larger.
The tendency for a flow to cavitate is characterized by the cavitation coefficient (or Thoma
number), defined as
H Hs Hv
= a (1)
Ha and Hv correspond to atmospheric pressure and vaporization pressure, respectively. H is
turbine head. Suction head Hs is a difference between runner blade pivot and tail water levels.
The effect of cavitation on efficiency can be presented with sigma break curve which is
obtained with measurements on test rig or with numerical simulations for different values of
suction pressure. The aim of this paper is to numerically predict and experimentally validate a
sigma break curve.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

4.1. Computational domain and boundary conditions

The grid in the spiral casing with stay vanes was unstructured, while the grids in the other
turbine parts were structured. Near the walls the grids were refined to get recommended
values of y+. In [2], for the draft tube and the draft tube prolongation, two grids, a basic and a
refined one, were used, but it was found out that the effect of grid refinement on the results
obtained with SAS SST was negligible. Therefore simulations with cavitation modelling were
performed only on the basic grid with about 8.3 million nodes. The grid in the runner, which
is especially important for cavitation prediction, consisted of 1.85 million nodes. Maximal
value of y+ in the runner was less than 18 while averaged value was equal 4.3. Tip clearance
was modelled while hub clearance was neglected. Complete grid and a detail of grid in the
runner can be seen in Fig. 2.

Fig 2 Computational domain and grid for Kaplan turbine (left), detail of grid in the runner(right).

Numerical simulations were performed with constant flow rate prescribed at the turbine inlet.
Although the effect of gravity for the model size is small, gravity was included in
computation. Therefore, a value of static pressure prescribed at the outlet of computational
domain included also hydrostatic pressure. During steady-state simulations the position of
runner blades relative to the stationary parts was fixed (frozen rotor condition) while during
time dependent simulations the position of runner blades rotated (transient rotor stator).

4.2. Results for Kaplan turbine

To get sigma break curve several simulations with different reference pressure prescribed at
the outlet of the computational domain were performed. Numerical simulations were done
with prescribed flow rate, while head was a result of simulations. Contrary to the
measurements, where head was almost constant for all sigma values, numerically obtained
values strongly depended on accuracy of flow simulation in all turbine parts and varied due to
different outlet conditions (pressure values) and also due to numerical setup (steady-state or
time dependent simulation, standard or tuned mass transfer parameters).
In Fig. 3 extent of cavitation for four sigma values obtained by steady-state and time
dependent simulations with standard and tuned mass transfer model parameters is presented.
Sigma values obtained from the same reference pressure at the outlet of computational
domain but different numerical setup are not exactly the same because sigma depends also on
head which is a result of simulations. Results of simulations showed that cavitation started at
tip clearance. At even smaller sigma values vapour bubbles start to appear also near the hub
and finally on suction side of the blades. Comparing steady-state and time dependent results it
can be seen that in case of the former ones flow started to cavitate at smaller sigma values.
For all sigma values steady-state simulations predicted smaller regions with vapour bubbles.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

This can be explained with larger flow energy losses in the draft tube obtained with steady-
state simulations. Due to higher losses and the same reference pressure at the draft tube outlet
as for time dependent simulations, pressure in the runner is higher. Besides, steady-state
simulations did not predict the same extent of cavitation on all blades due to the frozen rotor
condition, which somehow preserved differences in circumferential direction. With transient
simulations the same amount of cavitation on all runner blades was obtained. Differences due
to standard and tuned evaporation and condensation coefficients are more significant in case
of steady-state simulations where with tuned parameters a bit smaller but at the same time
thicker regions with vapour bubbles were obtained. For transient simulations the effect of
different evaporation and condensation coefficients is less significant, with the higher
influence at intermediate values of the cavitation number, i.e. 0.55.

=0.602 =0.558 =0.5203 =0.4919

Steady state SST
evaporation and

=0.611 =0.556 =0.519 =0.492

Steady state SST
evaporation and

=0.613 =0.554 =0.534 =0.52

evaporation and

=0.61 =0.556 =0.5234 =0.52

evaporation and

Fig. 3 Regions of cavitation, numerical results obtained with steady state and time dependent
simulations for four sigma values.
In Fig. 4 cavity size at sigma value around 0.52 obtained with tuned evaporation and
condensation coefficients is compared with the cavity observed on the test rig. Steady state
simulations predicted too small amount of vapour bubbles while with the transient simulations
predicted shape and extent of sheet cavitation agreed well with the cavitation observed on the
test rig.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Fig.4 Comparison of shape and size of cavity, a) experiment, b) steady state simulation, tuned
coefficients, c) time dependent simulation, tuned coefficients.

Fig 5 (a) Sigma break curve, (b) runner efficiency, (c) torque on the shaft and (d) losses in the draft

In Fig. 5 besides sigma break curve also runner efficiency, torque on the shaft and flow
energy losses in the draft tube are presented. Steady state simulations predicted significantly
too small efficiency, but the value of sigma, where the efficiency dropped for 1%, agreed well
with experimental result. Transient simulations predicted the efficiency more accurately and
the whole sigma break curve moved to higher efficiency values and therefore closer to the
measured curve, but a slightly premature break down of the efficiency was predicted. Level of
runner efficiency for non-cavitating conditions is the same for all simulations. As already
mentioned, in case of steady-state simulations due to larger losses in the draft tube cavitation
started at smaller sigma values, and consequently runner efficiency and torque on the shaft
break down at smaller sigma values. It has to be emphasized that part of the discrepancy
between numerical and experimental results can be a consequence of different values of head
and flow rate. The measurements were done with approximately constant head and some
variations of flow rate, while numerical simulations were performed at constant flow rate. The
head was a numerical result and varied, especially at strong cavitation. At minimum sigma

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

value a difference between flow rate for numerical analysis and experimental value is more
than 1.6%.

Steady-state simulations predicted too small extent of cavitation in the Kaplan turbine. The
reason is too high pressure level in the runner due to overestimated losses in the draft tube.
With time dependent simulation the same amount of cavitation on all runner blades was
obtained and the shape and size of cavity agreed well with the cavitation observed on the test
rig. The effect of cavitation on the machine efficiency is well reproduced by steady-state and
time dependent simulations while the efficiency level is well captured only by time dependent
simulations. In case of time dependent simulations a slightly premature drop of the efficiency
was predicted.
Cavitation was modelled with standard and calibrated evaporation and condensation
parameter for Zwart mass transfer model. With both set of parameters similar agreement with
experimental results was obtained, with minimum differences of the results obtained with
either the standard or calibrated model parameters.

The research leading to these results has received funding from the People Programme (Marie
Curie Actions) of the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2007-2013/
under REA grant agreement n612279 and from the Slovenian Research Agency ARRS -
Contract No. 1000-15-0263.

[1] Jot, D., Drear, P.: Numerical Analysis of the flow in an axial turbine by different
turbulence models. (Ljubljana: Turbointitut) Internal report Nr. 3046 (in Slovene).
2011. pp. 49.
[2] Jot, D., kerlavaj, A. and Lipej, A.: Improvement of Efficiency Prediction for a Kaplan
Turbine with Advanced Turbulence Models. Journal of Mechanical Engineering. Vol.
60. No. 2, 2014. pp. 124-134.
[3] Jot, D., kerlavaj, A.: Efficiency prediction for a low head bulb turbine with SAS SST
and zonal LES turbulence models. IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. Vol. 22. No. 2.
2014. pp. 022007.
[4] Jot, D., kerlavaj, A., Morgut, M., Nobile, E.: Effects of turbulence model and grid
resolution on the performance prediction of a bulb turbine. NAFEMS World Congress
2015, San Diego, USA. 2015.
[5] Morgut, M., Jot, D., Nobile, E., kerlavaj, A.: Numerical investigation of the flow in
axial water turbines and marine propellers with scale-resolving simulations. 33rd UIT
Heat Transfer Conference. L'Aquila, Italy. 2015.
[6] Egorov, Y. and Menter, F.: Development and application of SST-SAS turbulence model
in the DESIDER project. Advances in Hybrid RANS-LES Modelling (eds. S-H Peng and
W Haase). Heidelberg: Springer. 2008. pp 261-270.
[7] Morgut, M., Nobile, E. and Bilu, I. Comparison of mass transfer models for the
numerical prediction of sheet cavitation around a hydrofoil. Int. Journal of Multiphase
Flow. Vol. 37. No. 6. 2010. pp. 620-626.
[8] M. Morgut, E. Nobile: Numerical Predictions of Cavitating Flow Around Model Scale
Propellers by CFD and Advanced Model Calibration. International Journal of Rotating
Machinery. Vol. 2012. 2012. Article ID 618180. 11 p.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015



I Kassanos*, J Anagnostopoulos, D Papantonis

Laboratory of Hydraulic Machines, School of Mechanical Engineering, National Technical University
of Athens

The formation of the suction cone vortex cavitation imposes constraints in the operating
envelope of Francis turbines. Splitter blades have been used in the past in low specific speed
turbines to increase efficiency and improve pressure pulsation characteristics at part load
conditions. In this paper, the draft tube cavitation performance of a low specific speed Francis
turbine with splitter blades was investigated. The steady and unsteady RANS equations were
solved using commercial CFD software to analyze the flow and obtain the performance and
draft tube cavitation characteristics of the original runner, while the predicted efficiencies
were compared against experimental data of a model Francis turbine installed in the
laboratory. The flow field and blade pressure distributions were compared using different
splitter blades with different blade area ratios. An analysis of the flow using both a single
phase calculation and a two phase model to capture the part load vortex core at the runner
outlet was also performed. Subsequently, the effect of splitter blades with various area ratios
and circumferential positions on the inception, form and evolution of the draft tube vortex
was compared. The results showed that by a careful selection of design variables, an
improved efficiency and cavitation behavior can be achieved.

Francis turbines, draft tube cavitation, splitter blades, numerical analysis, experimental comparison

Over the years the requirement for increased energy generation has driven the need for
improvements in the performance of Francis turbines over extended operating conditions.
However, operation in off design conditions is associated with poor performance and the
appearance of the draft tube cavitation in part load conditions. This has highlighted the
importance of improving the efficiency of new designs and the refurbishment of existing
plants through careful hydraulic design of components and, more importantly, runners. For
high head machines, such an improvement can be achieved by introducing splitter blades [1,
Recently, more interest has been shown in hydraulic machines with splitter blades. Several
studies have been published demonstrating the advantages of such an approach. The addition

* Corresponding author: Laboratory of Hydraulic Machines, School of Mechanical Engineering, National

Technical University of Athens, Heroon Polytechniou 9, Zografou, 15780 Athens, phone: +30 2107721072,
email: [email protected]

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

of splitter blades leads to a modification of the pressure distribution both in the suction and
pressure sides of the runner blades improving the cavitation characteristic of the turbine [3]
Furthermore, by reducing the large blade to blade area present in high head runners,
secondary flows within the flow channel can be significantly reduced, leading to an
improvement of the operational characteristics of the turbine [3]. A significant parameter that
affects the performance of the runner with splitter blades is the blade length ratio. In [4] a
study was performed to determine the best combination of length ratio and pitch position on
the overall performance of the runner. The authors conclude that a substantial improvement
can be achieved if the length ratio is carefully selected. On another work [5], the authors show
that from a careful selection of length ratio, the unsteady characteristics of the turbine call
also be reduced. They show that apart from performance improvement, the addition of the
splitter blades can also reduce the pressure pulsation amplitudes within the turbine. Similar
conclusions were drawn from the work presented in [6], where removal of the splitter blades
caused an increase in pressure pulsations in an experimental Francis turbine. All the above,
further support the beneficial effect of splitter blades, leading an overall improvement in the
performance characteristics of high head Francis turbines.
In this work, the effect of the introduction of splitter blades on the performance of a low
specific speed runner is investigated. The numerical results of the initial design without
splitter blades were compared to experimental data, showing good correlation. Subsequently,
the effect of cavitation modeling on the determination of the pressure distribution and flow
field at the outlet of the runner was compared for three operating conditions, in order to
determine the qualitative possible effect on the flow field. Finally, the effect of the splitter
blades on the efficiency and draft tube vortex was compared.


The numerical model consisted of both a blade to blade domain for the steady state
calculations, and the complete runner with the draft tube suction cone, for the unsteady
calculations. The outlet diameter of the runner is 210mm with 13 blades. In fig. 1 the
computational domains for both configurations and computational meshes used are shown,

Periodic faces

Figure 1 Computational domains and meshes used in current calculations

The numerical model corresponds to a ns= 122 model Francis turbine installed in the
laboratory with a reference diameter of 215mm, inlet width and diameter of 46.6mm and
261mm, respectively. For both steady and unsteady calculations, the realizable k-e turbulence

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

model was used and a second order discretization in time and space was employed. The
boundary conditions used in the present calculations were extracted from full turbine steady
state simulations by setting the inlet flow rate, while at the outlet a zero static pressure
boundary condition was set. For cavitation modeling the 2-phase mixture model was used,
while for the unsteady calculations a time step equal to 4o rotation was set. The steady state
simulation results were used as initial conditions. With this set up at time periodic solution
was obtained after about 8 runner rotations.
The flow conditions that were considered for the comparison of steady, unsteady and
cavitation simulations are shown in table 1

Point Net Head Flow rate

(OP) Parameter parameter
1 2.7 0.26
2 2.7 0.2
3 2.7 0.14

Tab. 1 Simulation parameters for unsteady and cavitation investigations


3.1 Comparison of stead, unsteady and experimental measurements

In fig.2 the numerical results of the present model are compared with experimental
measurements. Overall, we can see that a good agreement between experiment and
measurements is achieved as the numerical calculations closely capture the envelope curve of
the turbine. Therefore, the present model can be considered valid for further investigations.

Figure 2 Comparison of experimental and numerical data of a model francis turbine

In order to compare qualitatively the flow downstream of the runner, the vorticity magnitude
in three downstream locations is used. In [7], the pressure, vorticity and helicity distributions
were used to analyze the vortex flow in the draft tube of a Francis runner. As the vorticity
represents the amount of rotation of a fluid particle as it flows within the turbine, for
comparison purposes, the mass averaged vorticity magnitude will be used as a measure of
flow rotation. In fig. 3 the pressure distribution on the runner blade for OP1 and the flow

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

velocity evolution at various cross sections downstream of the runner, are shown. From this
figure it can be seen that substantial swirl is present at the runner outlet, which causes the
flow reversal near the axis of the runner.

Flow reversal

Figure 3 Pressure distribution on the blade of the initial runner and velocity field evolution
downstream of the runner

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Figure 4 Comparison of runner pressure distribution and draft tube flow for OP1 under steady,
cavitation and unsteady simulations

Table 1 shows the vorticity magnitude calculated at three downstream locations for OP1-3 of
the full turbine and suction cone simulations. From fig. 4 it can also be seen that areas where
the vortex core appears corresponds also to areas of large vorticity.

Vorticity magnitude magnitude at
Case magnitude at
at z==0.84Dref[1/s] z=1.49Dref
z=1.16Dref [1/s]
Steady OP1 65.85 53.86 49.345
Cavitation OP1 50.66 42.49 38.68
Unsteady OP1 64.72 52.68 48.23
Steady OP2 73.7387 72.28 80.55
Steady OP3 149.67 140.19 146.1

Tab. 2 Vorticity magnitude for three runner downstream locations for OP1-3

OP1 is near 0.92Qnom, which near the theoretical point where the vortex core phenomenon
appears [6]. The appearance of the vortex core in the steady state simulation well agrees with
the unsteady calculations. This can also be seen from table 1, where the vorticity magnitudes
for all monitoring positions are almost identical. On the contrary, when cavitation modeling
was included in the steady state analysis, the vortex core could not be captured. This was
caused due to the fact that the operating point chosen was near the nominal flow rate where
no residual swirl is present in the turbine and numerical the inclusion of cavitation modeling
has an impact on the flow evolution.
From figs. 4 and 5 the formation of the vortex core as the flow rate is reduced can be seen.
Although with steady state simulations it is not possible to quantify the impact of the unsteady
characteristics of the vortex core on the operation of the turbine, we can see that from a
qualitative point of view, important information can still be obtained without needing to
simulate the vortex core, which can be computationally costly. This can of great importance
in the early stages of the design of a new runner, as it can aid in reducing the lead time

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Figure 5 Formation of the draft tube vortex with reducing flow rate and pressure distribution on the
runner blades

3.2 Effect of splitter blades on turbine performance

In table 3 the splitter blades used in the current analysis are shown. Usually, the main
geometric parameter describing splitter blades is the length of the blades meridional
projection, compared to the respective length of the original blade, defined as the length ratio.
However, this parameter does not take under consideration the wrap angle of the blade, which
depending on the design, may be significant and may lead to misleading conclusion regarding
the design of the runner. For this reason, the total blade area ratio is chosen as a distinguishing
parameter. Apart from two different area ratios, an additional pitch-wise position of the
splitter blade was chosen.

Case # Area ratio (Ar) Pitch position (P)

1 0.64 0.5
2 0.67 0.5
3 0.67 0.4

Tab. 3 Splitter blades design variations studied

Case# Splitter design

initial - 0.26 2.6 0.943
1 Ar=0.64, P=0.5 0.26 2.59 0.961
2 Ar=0.67, P=0.5 0.261 2.58 0.922
3 Ar=0.67, P=0.4 0.259 2.59 0.895

Tab. 4 Effect of different splitter blade design on runner performance

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

From table 4 it can be seen that the addition of a splitter blade with smaller area ratio leads to
a significant increase in the hydraulic efficiency of the runner. Specifically, approximately a
2% increase was observed. On the other hand, using a longer splitter blade has the opposite
effect, and a 2% reduction in efficiency is observed compared to the initial runner. The
negative effect is further amplified by reducing the circumferential distance of the splitter
blade by 10%, as seen in the same table. This drop in efficiency is a result of the flow choking
that takes place, as the flow passage area is reduced. The effect of the splitter blade on the
blade pressure distribution can also be seen in fig.6. As the flow leaves the inter blade area, it
is accelerated, leading to a pressure drop on the pressure side near the exit of the larger blade.
The same effect occurs in the suction side of the blade in case 3, where the splitter blade is
placed closer to the main blade. In terms of the flow evolution, case 1 shows the least
vorticity downstream of the runner, compared to all other cases. However, from fig.6, it can
be seen that the inclusion of splitter blade reduces the flow rotation in all cases and reduces
the at low flow conditions.





Figure 6Effect of different splitter blade design on the blade pressure distribution and the flow
evolution downstream of the runner

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

4. Conclusions
In this paper, numerical simulations comparing the steady and unsteady simulation results for
three operating conditions of a model Francis turbine were presented. The effect of simulation
approach on the prediction of the main flow characteristics during part load operation, where
the helical vortex core appears was shown. From the results it was shown that with steady
state calculations, the main flow characteristics can be qualitatively obtained, which can be
useful in the early stages of the design of new runners. Subsequently, the benefit of
incorporating splitter blades on runner performance as well as part load performance was
shown. The careful selection of splitter blade design variables can lead to important
improvements in the efficiency and off-design operation of the runner.

[1] Brekke H State of the art in turbine design. Proc. Of the XXIX IAHR Congress 21st
Century: New Era for Hydraulic Research and its Application (Beijing, China). 2001
[2] Brekke H. Performance and safety of hydraulic turbines. Proc of the 25th IAHR
Symposium on Hydrulic machinery and systems. 2010
[3] S C Li. Cavitation of Hydraulic Machinery. Imperial College Press. 2000
[4] Hou Y. Research on the length ratio of splitter blades for Ultra High Head Francis runners
Procedia Engineering 31. 2012. pp 92-96
[5] L Meng, S P Zhang, L J Zhou, Z W Wang. Study on the Pressure Pulsation inside Runner
with Splitter Blades in Ultra-High Head Turbine. Proc. of the 27th IAHR Symposium on
Hydrulic machinery and system
[6] O. Antonsen, T. Nielsen, O. Dahlhaug, J T Billdal. Pressure Pulses in Francis Turbines vs.
Guide Vane Design. Proc of the 23th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic machinery and systems
[7] Xiaojing-Wu, Shuhong Liu, Yulin Wu. Helicity Application on Analyzing Vortex Rope in
Draft tube. Proc of the 23th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic machinery and systems

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015



Duko Mitruevski
SM Pumps,
Ljubljana, Slovenia


Design of heavy duty process pumps usually based on different design criteria depends of
pumps application. Cavitation due to the recirculation is not often mentioned as design criteria
although many problems in pump operation appear because of cavitation due to the
recirculation. In this article cavitaton due to the recirculation will be analyzed as design
This paper gives an analysis of operating condition of pumps in pumping systems cause
damage by cavitation due to the recirculation on impeller of split casing pump operate at
partial flow.
New hydraulic design for pump is developed to improve the operating range and avoid the
range of recirculation on partial flow.


Design of heavy duty process pumps usually bases on end user requirements. Operating
condition of pumps in the system dictate technical solution to reach high performance pump

Pumps for nuclear power plants and pumps for special application should reach very high
design criteria. API 610, ISO 13709 international standards specifies requirements for pumps
for petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industry.

* Corresponding author: Duko Mitruevski, SM Pumps, Ljubljana, Slovenia email: [email protected]

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Basic requirements

Optimum flow rate, optimum head

Efficiency level on the highest values between world competitors
NPSH very low at very high efficiency
Material requirements

Other requirements

Q H stability
Life time / operation cycles
Critical speed
Reliability characteristics - critical reliability probability of failure
Seismic requirements
Flow vibration limit
Noise criteria
Axial / radial forces

Thermal analysis
Structural analysis
Fatigue analysis

Thermal barrier
Control and protection system
Instrumentation / alarms

Recirculation range

Design criteria could be selected according to the application

Nuclear power plant

Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industry.
Other application

Requirements for pumps for nuclear power plants are very high and very specific. Design
criteria should provide high reliability and high performance pumps.

API 610, ISO 13709 international standards specifies requirements for pumps for petroleum,
petrochemical and natural gas industry.

Requirements for pumps for other application usually consider basic design requirements with
some additional other requirements.


Cavitation in a centrifugal pump has a significant effect on pump performance.

NPSH characteristic of the pump directly influence reliability of the pump and strong limits
the operating range.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Cavitation can occur under certain conditions and cause damages of impellers or other pump

NPSH available of the system is very important and this should be analyzed even for every
pump sales.

Cavitation appear when the energy of the system NPSHa is not enough higher than NPSH
characteristic of the pump in operating range. NPSHreq is basic requirement for any pumps
design. Recirculation range is not very often a design requirement or even more, many model
pumps tests do not contain testing of recirculation range.

Hydraulic design of pump should prevent many negative effects of cavitation in pumps.

Criteria for NPSHreq is suction specified speed SS

SS = nQ 0.5/ NPSH 0.75

SS is determinate for BEP and 3% NPSHreq.

Normal values of SS
SS = 160-220 for axial inlet impellers
SS = 220-280 for suction impeller with axial inlet.

Design criteria for SS usually is as much as higher for high level of efficiency.

Some important parameters for NPSHreq

Circumferential velocity at the impeller inlet

Impeller inlet diameter D1
Inlet angle of impeller blade
Number of blades

Some important parameters for Recirculation range

Impeller inlet diameter D1

Impeller hub diameter Do
Suction specific number SS

In general, parameters improving NPSHreq and higher SS cause to increase the recirculation
range and limit pump safety operating range.



Cavitation damage due to the recirculation happens very often in the pump operation. The
suction vortex is occurring at the inlet of the impeller between the vanes. Such vortex can
cavitate at its core and attack the metal surface of the pressure side of the impeller blades. One
example is water cooling pump with wide operation range and very often operating point
reach recirculation range.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Fig. 1 Suction recirculation at the inlet

Water cooling split casing pump nq = 40

Medium: Water 62 C
SS = 206 ( for half flow rate )

Fig.2 Dimensionless characteristic curve of existing pump and system characteristic

Fig.3 Dimensionless characteristic of NPSH req and NPSH a

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Pump operates in the range 0,7-1,0 of Q opt ( Fig.3) Although available NPSHa in the system
is enough higher than NPSHreq of the pump cavitation due recirculation damaged impeller

Fig.4 Cavitation damage due to the recirculation


New hydraulic was developed to provide wider operating range without recirculation and
reach operating range around BEP.

Fig.5 Dimensionless Q-H Characteristic of the new pump compare with existing one

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Fig.6 Dimensionless Q-NPSH Characteristic of the new pump

Hydraulic of hte new pump enable operating range between 0,82-1 Qopt which is good
improvement compare with existing pump.

NPSH characteristics in fig. 6 shows that expecting range of recirculation could be for partial
flow rate Q<0,6 Q opt.

In table 1 is shown comparison for important NPSH and recirculation criteria.

nq SS Do/D1
Existing pump 40 206 0,51
New pump 41 191 0,56

Tab.1. Comparison of NPSH and recirculation criteria

Better recirculation range is obtained with reduction the suction specific speed and increase
the ratio of impeller Hub diameter Do and Impeller eye diameter D1.

Numerical analysis (Fig. 7) is done for calculation the NPSH characteristics of the new pump.

CFD analysis still not reach satisfactory results for NPSH calculation as calculation the Q-H-
eta characteristics, but this calculation can show the expecting range of NPSH and range of

In many industrial applications [3], [4] a CFD analysis is important for determination of
velocity distribution on impeller inlet (Fig. 8) which enable to reach optimal design of
impeller and casing geometry.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Fig. 7 CFD calculation of bubble formation

Fig. 8 CFD calculation of inlet recirculation


Recirculation design criteria is important to reach reliable pump design for all types of
application. Testing of model pumps characteristics should contain high precision
measurement of NPSHo%, NPSH 1%, NPSH 3% and cavitation noise measurement.

[1] SM Pumps, Internal report 23/2012.
[2] Mohammad Taghi Shervani Tabar, Seyyed Hojjat Majidi, Zahra Poursharifi,
Investigation of Recirculation Effects on the Formation of Vapor Bubbles in Centrifugal
Pump Blades, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology Vol:5 2011-
[3] kerlavaj, A., kerget, L., Ravnik, J., Lipej, A.: Choice of a Turbulence Model for
Pump Intakes. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal
of Power and Energy. Vol. 225. 2011. pp. 764 778.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

[4] kerlavaj, Alja, Titzshkau, M., Pavlin, Rok, Vehar, Franci, Menar, Peter, Lipej,
Andrej. Cavitation improvement of double suction centrifugal pump HPP Fuhren. V:
Proceedings of the 26th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, 19-23
August 2012, Beijing, China, (IOP Conference Series, ISSN 1755-1315, vol. 15, part 2,
2012). London: Institute of Physics, 2012, vol. 15


SS [-] suction specify speed

n [rpm] revolution per minute
Q [m3/s] flow rate
Qopt [m3/s] optimum flow rate
NPSH [m] net positive suction head
NPSHa [m] available net positive suction head
NPSHreq [m] required net positive suction head
NPSH o% [m] net positive suction head at 0% head drop
NPSH 1% [m] net positive suction head at 1% head drop
NPSH 3% [m] net positive suction head at 3% head drop
Hopt [m] optimum head
H [m] head
Do [m] impeller hub diameter
D1 [m] impeller eye diameter

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015



G Mousmoulis*, I Kassanos, J Anagnostopoulos, D Papantonis

Laboratory of Hydraulic Machines, School of Mechanical Engineering, National Technical University
of Athens

The accumulated experience, their increased reliability as well as the possibility to cover a
large range of specific speeds have contributed in the wide use of Francis turbines for energy
generation. Recently, turbines are allowed to operate in a wider range of flow conditions, in
response to the increasing flexibility needs of electric grids. At part load and full load
conditions, however, there is a possibility of cavitating vortex core formation at the outlet of
the runner, which is associated with large pressure pulsations and flow instabilities that limit
the operating envelope of the turbine. In order to study the effects of draft tube vortex
cavitation, experimental and numerical work took place. The inception and development of
draft tube vortex cavitation was identified and tracked at various operating conditions, and the
results were compared to numerical predictions. For the numerical analysis of the turbine the
unsteady RANS equations were solved using commercial CFD software. Dynamic pressure
measurements as well as vibration measurements were obtained at the draft tube cone using
dynamic piezoelectric transducer and piezoelectric accelerometers, respectively. The pressure
and vibration results were analyzed both in time and frequency domain and good correlation
between the experimental and numerical values, was achieved. The numerical analysis of
draft tube cavitation can be utilized as a useful tool in the early stages of a Francis turbine
design procedure, in order to extend its operating range. In addition, the present approach and
obtained results can be used for the determination of an acceptable operating regime within
regions where the vortex core appears, coupled to condition monitoring of existing Francis

Francis turbines, draft tube vortex core, vibration

* Corresponding author: Laboratory of Hydraulic Machines, School of Mechanical Engineering, National

Technical University of Athens, Heroon Polytechniou 9, Zografou, 15780 Athens, phone: +30 2107721072,
email: [email protected]

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015


Significant work has been done in predicting the helical vortex in the draft tube of Francis
turbines. The helical vortex can cause low frequency pressure pulsations which can lead to
severe fluctuation and damage in the structural integrity of the turbine. It is therefore
important to be able to closely monitor under varying operating conditions physical quantities
of interest that are related to this phenomenon. Turbine operators, in order to maximize
energy productivity tend to operate turbines at off design conditions and at lower flows. This
fact results in working the turbine in regions where strong instabilities occur. One important
instability detected in Francis turbines is the formation of the vortex rope cavitation, which
extends from the hub of runner until the end of draft tube. The vortex rope is related with the
existence of the tangential component of the absolute velocity at the exit of runner, when the
machine operates either in part or over load conditions. As a consequence vortex instabilities
could not only cause flow induced power swings, but also its frequency could excite the
natural frequency of either the turbine or the powerhouse. Recent years, many researchers
have focused in the experimental and computational study of this phenomenon in order to
understand its physical behavior and to achieve its treatment.

In one of the earliest studies pressure fluctuations were measured in order to depict the
variation of pressure with power [1]. It was observed that the intensity of pressure decreases
only for 0.82~0.92 of maximum power. Pressure data in specific operating conditions
underwent further processing in order to identify the instability that drives the frequency.
Finally, air admission provided under the runner and significant reduction in pressure
intensity has been observed in a wide range of power generated. In addition to previous
measurements, Bajic [2] measured the noise that was emitted from each guide vane in a
Francis turbine and he used an efficient way to process the signals obtained. This study
proposed the subtraction of the environmental noise from the power spectrum and the
decomposition of the remaining spectrum in three different load mechanisms. By this way, it
is possible to diagnose successfully different types of cavitation in a turbine. For the purpose
of studying different types of cavitation in Francis turbines and for finding the most adequate
placement of the sensors, not only pressure fluctuations but also vibrations were measured in
[3]. Pressure transducers were placed in two places; on the draft tube and at the upstream of
the runner, and vibration was measured by two accelerometers that were mounted in turbines
guide bearing. According to the results, it was not possible to diagnose vortex rope by taking
measurements on the guide bearing as well as more accurate pressure results were acquired at
draft tube than upstream the runner. Meanwhile research was focused on pressure variation
due to vortex rope in draft tube when the turbine is operated at high part load conditions [4].
Pressure data were obtained in the direction of recognizing the mechanism that caused high
pressure values and in the end it became possible to relate strong pressure fluctuations with
the elliptical shape of the rope.

At the same time, in [5] the response of one turbine that was installed between two prototype
Francis turbines was investigated, by measuring vibrations with pressure transducers and
strain gauges. Furthermore, average and standard variation values of pressure and von Misses
stresses were calculated, measured in different operating conditions and in the end, the
operating point with the strongest vibrations was identified. In accordance to the results of
Zhukovskii [1] it was proved that air injection managed to decrease pressure and stresses
fluctuations. Analysis of vortex rope was focused at higher part load conditions implementing
pressure sensors and a high speed camera in [6]. The results proved the elliptical shape of
vortex rope as well as the strong relation of pressure fluctuation with cavitation number.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Meanwhile, mechanical vibration sources occurred to the shaft were added in the
experimental analysis in [7]. Proximity sensors were used for measuring mechanical
vibrations and accelerometers for measuring hydraulic vibrations. After the analysis of the
results it was verified that flow instability was reduced along the length of draft tube.

Apart from experimental work, numerous computational investigations have been presented,
studying the flow behavior in the draft tube and the appearance of the vortex core in part load
and full load conditions. The effect of turbulence modeling, domain configuration and mesh
density have been presented in [9]. By comparison to experimental data it was shown that the
frequency spectrum can be adequately captured even by using moderate grids, while at the
same time, a significant discrepancy in the amplitudes was observed. Similarly, in [10], it was
shown that an acceptable agreement between numerical and experimental results can be
achieved. In order to fully capture the physical phenomena taking place in a flow field with
the processing vortex rope, cavitation modelling has often been used [11,12]. However, it has
been shown that including a cavitation model in computations has little effect on the
prediction of the frequency domain, as opposed to again the predicted amplitudes [9, 11],
which are dependent on the cavitation number.

According to all the above work discussed the significance of pressure and vibration
measurements in order to study vortex rope instability in Francis draft tube is evident. Also it
is necessary to develop computational tools that are able to predict the physical characteristics
of vortex rope. As a consequence this paper deals with the experimental and numerical study
of vortex rope on the draft tube of a Francis turbine model that is installed in the laboratory of
Hydraulic Machines at National Technical University of Athens. Experimental measurements
were obtained by a piezoelectric pressure transducer and piezoelectric accelerometers and the
numerical simulations were performed by commercial Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)


The model of Francis that is used in this study is presented in fig. 1. It is a low specific speed
turbine that is capable to produce 7 kW power at 9m head with 0.08 m3/sec flow rate at its
best efficiency point. A centrifugal pump that is also installed at the laboratory with specific
speed nq=1410, provides the available head by pumping water from laboratorys water tank.

Figure 1 Francis turbine

The flow passes first from the spiral case with the 12 stay vanes, next from 24 guide vanes
and finally enters the runner that is made up from 11 vanes, where the energy is produced.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

The angle of guide vanes is changed by using an external mechanism in order to change the
volume flow rate. In this experiment it is critical to change the operating point of the machine
in order to study acceleration of vibration in partload conditions. The operating points that
were chosen are presented in Table 1:

A/A 900 rpm

1 0.67 * Qopt
2 0.87 * Qopt
3 1 * Qopt
Table 1 Operating points

The rotational speed that has been chosen is 900 rpm. According to Drfler [13] the frequency
of vortex in part loads is 0.2~0.4 of the rotational frequency, so the range of frequencies that
is expected lays between 3 and 6 Hz. As a consequence two piezoelectric accelerometers and
one pressure transducer which are able to measure the low frequencies that vortex rope
excites have been selected. The accelerometers have measurement and frequency ranges equal
to [50g] and [0.58~5000Hz], respectively. Also the pressure transducer has a measurement
range equal to [0~10bar] and natural frequency 12 kHz. All sensors were mounted in 180 on
draft tube as presented in fig. 2. The sampling rate is selected equal to 150 Hz which is equal
to ten times the rotational speed of the runner. Finally, sampling time is set equal to 6.5 sec in
order to efficiently record the low frequency phenomenon.

Figure 2 Sensors Positioning


For the numerical analysis of the precessing vortex rope, the computational model shown in
fig.3 was used. In order to minimize the computational resources needed for this study, the
computational domain consisted of the runner and the suction cone of the draft tube, while all
other turbine components were ignored. In previous work, it has been shown that such
simplifications will not have an effect on the prediction of the unsteady characteristics of the
flow [14]. Previous work, has stressed the dependency of the flow evolution in the draft tube

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

on the inlet boundary conditions [15]. In order to ensure that the correct boundary conditions
are imposed at the inlet of the suction cone, the calculations included the runner. The
numerical grid, shown in fig. 3, consisted of 8 million tetrahedral elements with refinement
close to the walls. The boundary conditions used corresponded to the guide vane opening
used in the experiments and for the outlet boundary condition, a zero static pressure was
imposed. The solution was initialized using a steady state calculation using the MRF model.
Upon convergence, the simulation was switched to an unsteady calculation and continued
until a time periodic steady state was achieved.

For the turbulence modeling the realizable k-e turbulence model was used while for the
velocity and pressure coupling, a fully coupled method was used. For all equations a second
order discretization scheme both in space and time were considered. Finally, a time step
corresponding to a 6o rotation per time step was considered. Calculations were performed for
various operating conditions ranging from 6mm to 12 mm guide vane opening and flow rates
from 180 m3/h to 280 m3/h. By setting the flow rate at the runner inlet and the rotational speed
of the runner a constant net head parameter could be achieved. Table 2 summarizes the
operating conditions considered.

Figure 3 Computational mesh of current study(left: full domain, right: runner section detail view


At this section, the experimental and computational results are presented and discussed. For
all the results presented, the horizontal axis refers to the non-dimensional relative frequency,
f. Firstly, in fig. 4 the frequency spectrum of acceleration of vibration of accelerometer 1 is
shown in three different flow rates. At the optimum flow rate (fig. 1a), the flow exits the
runner without the tangential component, so there is no frequency component for f<1.
However, the rotational frequency and mainly its second harmonic appear in the spectrum.
The main reason is that the accelerometer 1 is mounted at the casing of the turbine as it is
shown in fig.2, so it is able to detect mechanical vibrations. The increase of amplitude of

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

second harmonic compared to the synchronous speed is related to the detection of parallel
misalignment. As the flow rate decreases, the frequency of vortex rope appears at 0.28 times
the rotational speed and its frequency amplitude increases. In addition, when the flow rate
reaches 68% of optimum flow rate (Qopt) the rotational speed and its harmonics cannot be
observed in the frequency spectrum.




Figure 4 Frequency domain of vibration measurements in accelerometer 1, a) for Q=Qopt, b) for

Q=0.87Qopt, c) for Q=0.67Qopt

Figure 5 Frequency domain of vibration measurements in accelerometer 2 for Q=0.67Qopt

Secondly, the frequency domain of accelerometer 2 is given at the same operating condition
with accelerometer 1 in fig. 5. As in fig. 4c, the frequency of vortex rope appeared but with a
slight decrease in its amplitude. The main reason of this decrease is the different position of

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

accelerometer 2, which stands at the end of the conical draft tube. It is concluded that
vibration amplitude has its highest value in the exit of runner and decreases along the draft
tube. In addition, the frequency spectrum for the pressure measurements is shown in fig. 6, for
the same operating conditions. On this graph, the vortex rope frequency appears at the same
frequency with vibration measurements but the component of synchronous frequency and its
harmonics are not shown. The good agreement of pressure and acceleration results is
significant, because it confirms not only the existence of the vortex rope but also the
frequency that it excites.

Figure 6 Frequency domain of pressure measurements for Q=0.67Qopt

In fig. 7 the frequency spectrum of the pressure data from the computational modelling is
presented for the same operating point. The frequency of the vortex rope is shown up at 25%
of rotational speed but its amplitude is quite higher than in experimental results. The reason
for this amplitude disagreement is the non-ideal conditions of the experimental measurements,
although the agreement between numerical and experimental results is acceptable.

Figure 7 Frequency spectrum of the pressure data obtained from computational analysis for


Vibration measurements in combination with pressure measurements and CFD are able to
give reliable results on the field of cavitating draft tube vortex diagnosis. The vortex rope
frequency has been detected at 25% and 28% of runnerss rotational speed in computational
and experimental results, respectively. In addition, the positioning of the accelerometers in the
entrance and exit of draft tube showed that the intensity of the vortex rope decreases along
draft tube. Further study of the experimental results could be utilizied in the development of
condition monitoring systems appropriate to diagnose flow instabilities in hydroelectric
plants. Finally, the numerical model proved reliable to model vortex rope as there were no
significant differences between the numerical and experimental results. This indicates that
similar relatively simple analyses can be used in the early design stages of new turbines
aiming at the extension of the allowable operating range of the turbine.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015


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phase flows, Engineering withComputers, . 27, pp. 235-250, 2011.
[13] P. Drfler, M. Sick, A. Coutu, Flow-Induced Pulsation and Vibration in Hydroelectric
Machinery, 2013.
[14] M. Nishi, K. Yoshida, M. Yano, D. Nakshima, T. Tsukamoto, S. Liu, The effect of Exit
boundary conditions on the swirling flow in a conical diffuser, 23 iahr symposium
Yokoham, October 2006.
[15] P.Rudolf, Connection betrween inelt velocity field and diffuser flow instability,
Applied and Computational Mechanics, pp. 177-184, 2009.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015


Politehnica University Timioara, Research Centre for Complex Fluid Systems Engineering, Romania
Politehnica University Timioara, Research Centre for Complex Fluid Systems Engineering, Romania

The paper attempts to elucidate a rather unexpected feature of the unsteady pressure field resulting
from the self-induced instability of the decelerated swirling flow in a straight diffuser. We perform a
numerical experiment using an axisymmetric surrogate draft tube, with inlet swirl corresponding to the
flow exiting a Francis turbine runner when operating at 70% the best efficiency discharge. The
numerical results correctly capture the precessing helical vortex (vortex rope), but they also reveal a
complex dynamics of the vortex filament during the precession. We show that the vortex filament is
stretching, leading to an elongated rope, followed by a sudden break up and a bouncing back phase.
This cycle, with lower frequency that the precession one, appears to be responsible for the plunging
(synchronous) pressure fluctuations superimposed over the rotating (asynchronous) pressure field
associated with the precession of the vortex rope. As a result, we show that the plunging oscillations
are not necessary the result of the interaction between the vortex rope and the draft tube elbow, but
they are an intrinsic feature of the helical vortex filament dynamics.

Vortex rope, draft tube, pressure pulsation
The dynamics of the rotating vortex rope in the discharge cone of Francis turbines operated at
partial discharge has been extensively studied both experimentally and numerically [1]. Such
studies are primarily aimed at assessing the accuracy of three-dimensional unsteady turbulent
flow simulations to reproduce the measured unsteady velocity and pressure fields. Since the
numerical full three-dimensional flow simulations are very expensive, with respect to
computing time and resources, simplified two-dimensional axi-symmetrical flow simulations
[2] attempted to predict the occurrence of the precessing vortex rope without actually
computing it. Drfler et al. [3, Ch. 2] review the whole range of low-frequency phenomena in
swirling flows, with particular emphasis for hydraulic turbines. It is remarkable that the
plethoras of draft tube vortex phenomena are presented for various discharge values (with
respect to the best efficiency discharge). When analysing the wall pressure fluctuations [4] the
pressure signal can be represented as the superposition of synchronous (plunging),
asynchronous (rotating) and random components. In particular, the operating regime at 70%
the best efficiency discharge, similar to the one investigated by Ciocan et al. [1], displays

* Corresponding author: Bvd. Mihai Viteazu, No. 1, Timioara, Romania, phone: +40-256-403689, email: [email protected]

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

strong asynchronous pulsations associated with the precessing vortex rope, as well as a
smaller synchronous component.
In this paper we attempt an explanation for the main cause of plunging oscillations in
axisymmetric diffusers. According to Drfler et al. [3,] such plunging pulsations
should not be present since in conical draft tubes, without an elbow, there should be only
asynchronous pulsations. However, our three-dimensional unsteady turbulent flow simulation
in the axi-symmetrical domain defined in [2] clearly reveals synchronous (plunging) pressure
pulsations. In Section 2 we describe the numerical experiment, and then in Section 3 we
briefly present the procedure for extracting the vortex filament. Then, the vortex dynamics is
analyzed in Section 4, and we summarize the preliminary conclusions in Section 5.


A typical draft tube of modern hydraulic turbine, as shown in Fig. 1 left, has a conical
diffuser followed by an elbow and a final diffuser with rectangular cross-section. Obviously,
this three-dimensional geometry generates a complex flow, which heavily depends on the
ingested swirling flow as generated by the turbine runner at various operating regime. Resiga
et al. [2] considered a surrogate draft tube geometry by computing the equivalent hydraulic
radius for each cross-section, thus obtaining the axisymmetric geometry depicted in Fig. 1

Fig. 1 The elbow draft tube (left) and the hydraulically equivalent axisymmetric domain (right).
The upstream part of the axisymmetric domain corresponds to the actual discharge
cone, while the downstream part corresponds to the elbow region, up to the pier. The
simplified version of the draft tube, Fig. 1 right, was reconstructed using the GAMBIT
software and discretized with a block structured mesh of 1.5 million hexahedral cells.
The inlet section is chosen close to the runner blade trailing edge, and the inlet
velocity components (axial, radial and circumferential), Fig. 2, as well as the turbulence
quantities, were provided by Stein [5] who investigated this draft tube flow in his thesis [6].

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Fig.2 Velocity components distribution on inlet section of the draft tube.

A similar problem setup was considered by Foroutan and Yavuzkurt [7], who used the
simplified draft tube investigated by Resiga et al. [8], and investigated several turbulence
models: standard k , realizable k , shear stress transport (SST) k , and detached
eddy simulation (DES) based on the SST k Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS)
model. According to [7] no considerable improvement in predictions is seen when applying
different turbulence models. These studies showed that although they cannot capture the
vortex rope, steady, 2D axisymmetric simulations can predict the occurrence and
development of vortex breakdown with a central stagnant region in the draft tube. Moreover,
as proved in [2], the vortex rope is precisely wrapped around this stagnant region.
The same inlet section shape, as shown in Fig. 1 right, with the inlet velocity from Fig.
2, has been used in [9] for three-dimensional unsteady elbow draft tube computations. Figure
14 from [9] shows that the obtained vortex rope has not only a precession but also suffers
changes in shape as it rotates. Although this phenomenon can be attributed to the interaction
of the vortex rope with the draft tube elbow, as suggested in [3], we show in this paper that it
occurs in the simplified straight draft tube as well.
The present investigations employ the FLUENT 15 expert CFD software, using the
Scale-Adaptive Simulation Method (SAS) introduced by Menter and Egorov [10]. An
interesting and useful feature of the SAS approach is that for unstable flows the model
changes smoothly from a large eddy simulation (LES) model through various stages of eddy-
resolution back to a RANS model based on the specified time step. Menter and Egorov [10]
claim that SAS is an advances unsteady RANS (URANS) model which can produce spectral
content for unstable flows. A convincing set of complex examples of SAS applications is
presented in [11]. Davidson [12,13] further compares the SST-SAS model with the standard
SST-URANS model, confirming that the SAS term acts as expected: it reduces the turbulent
viscosity compared to the SST-URANS model. As a result, the resolved fluctuations are
much larger with the SST-SAS model than with the SST-URANS model.
The FLUENT 15 setup used in the present investigations uses SIMPLEC for pressure-
velocity coupling method. For the spatial discretization we use Least Squares Cell Based for
Gradient, Second Order for Pressure, Bounded Central Differencing for the Momentum,
Second Order Upwind for Turbulent Kinetic Energy and Specific Dissipation Rate. The
transient formulation was set to Bounded Second Order Implicit. The total flow time was
more than 10 seconds, with a time step of 0.000167 seconds.
On the outlet we have used a pressure condition, with average pressure specification
which allows the pressure on the outlet boundary to vary while maintaining an average

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

equivalent to the specified value in the Gauge Pressure input field. Within this boundary
pressure implementation, the pressure variation provides a certain level of non-reflectivity.


Vortices are readily identified by the rotating or swirling motion they create. Despite being
easy to recognize, there is actually no formal mathematical definition to describe a vortex, and
this lack of formalism has hindered the development of feature extraction techniques [14].
Vortices can be automatically detected using a technique developed by Sujudi and Haimes
[15], which works on a cell by cell basis. It requires no user intervention and creates an
effective visualization with a minimum of geometry. Let us summarize the vortex core
extraction technique employed in this paper, as described in [16].
The velocity field v i vx + j v y + k vz , which can be obtained for every node in the
discretized volume, is commonly used to generate streamlines of streaklines. However, the
velocity gradient tensor, v , which provides the information on how velocity is changing in
space, is rarely used for visualization purposes. This 3 3 tensor defined by
vx vx vx
x y z

v y v y v y
v , (1)
x y z
v vz vz
z x y z

is not usually a quantity that is output by a CFD solver. However, the visualization expert
software TECPLOT is computing it out of the FLUENT data. For v the eigenvalues
( 1 , 2 , 3 ) are the fundamental quantities which determine the qualitative flow pattern. In
particular, we look for the cells with one real eigenvalue r and a complex conjugate pair.
Vortices are automatically detected by using v throughout the mesh looking for
situations of swirling flow. All mesh elements, in our case hexahedra, are broken into
tetrahedron and the unique v is constructed and classified. If swirling, the direction
orthogonal to the spiral plane (the eigenvector associated with r ) is used as the axis of the
swirl. This direction is subtracted from the nodal velocities, and these reduced velocities are
used to see if any faces display a zero. If so, that location on the face is marked. With at least
two marked faces of the tetrahedron it is determined that the core center-line has pierced the
cell. This algorithm is implemented by the routine FX_VORTEXCORE from the Fluid
Feature Extraction Tool-kit 1 [17], which returns a set of vortex core segments with associated
vortex core strength (vorticity magnitude) values. However, this technique still has some
difficulties such as: i) not producing contiguous lines; ii) locating flow features that are not
vortices; iii) sensitive to other non-local vector features [16]. Further advancements in the
vortex core extraction techniques can be found in [18], [19].
Figure 3 shows the vortex core segments identified with the above algorithm
implemented in the TECPLOT software. In Fig. 3a) one can easily identify the helical vortex
line associated with the precessing vortex rope, as well as other spurious vortex segments
further downstream. The vortex segments are colored by the vorticity magnitude, chosen as
indicator of the vortex strength. One can remove the spurious vortex segments simply by
setting a threshold for the vortex strengths, thus visualizing only the vortex rope, as shown in
Fig. 3b). The correlation with an iso-pressure surface is shown in Fig. 3c). As expected, the

FX Fluid feature eXtraction tool-kit,

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

iso-pressure surface includes part of the vortex filament, but not all of it. Moreover, the extent
of the iso-pressure surface depends on the chosen pressure value, while the vortex filament
detection does not require any arbitrary parameter.

a) All vortex filaments b) Blanked vortex filament c) Iso-pressure surface

Fig. 3 Vortex filament extraction and correlation with iso-pressure surface.


We start our analysis by examining the wall pressure fluctuations recorded at the
pressure monitors shown in Fig. 1 right, as well as the average pressure on the wall circle
where these monitors are located. When looking at the individual unsteady pressure monitors,
the signal shown in Fig. 4a) shows in the Fourier spectrum, Fig. 4b), two distinct peaks: the
first one corresponds to the precessing frequency of the vortex rope, in agreement with
experimental and numerical data from [1, 9], and the second one, with lower frequency,
corresponds to the plunging oscillations. This conclusion is supported by the analysis of the
circle-averaged pressure, shown in Fig. 4c), which displays in the Fourier spectrum, Fig. 4d),
the unaltered peak at low frequency.

a) Unsteady pressure at monitor b) Fourier transform of monitor pressure

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

c) Circle-average unsteady pressure d) Fourier transform circle-average pressure

Fig. 4 Unsteady wall pressure and its Fourier transform.

As a result, we conclude that plunging (synchronous) pressure pulsations occur in the
straight axisymmetric geometry as well, and are not only the result of the interaction between
the precessing vortex rope and the draft tube elbow. To further elucidate the flow mechanism
that produces these plunging fluctuations we examine the evolution of the vortex rope
filament as shown in Fig. 5.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Fig. 5 Vortex rope filament

dynamics: stretching, breaking,
bouncing back sequence

Figure 5 shows significant changes in the vortex rope shape as it rotates with the
precession frequency. One can identify an elongation phase, where the pitch increases and the
vortex filament is stretched. Then, at the end of this stretching phase the vortex filament
breaks up and the segment attached to the runner crown bounces back reaching a small pitch.
The cycle is repeated with a smaller frequency than the precession frequency.
As a result, we conclude that it is this stretching breaking bouncing back sequence
that leads to the low frequency plunging pressure fluctuations revealed by the Fourier analysis
of the unsteady wall pressure signals.

The paper investigates the origin of the plunging (synchronous) pressure fluctuations is a
straight axisymmetric diffuser. Although the inlet flow is steady and axisymmetric, the
decelerated swirling flow develops a self-induced instability which evolves in the well known
precessing helical vortex (vortex rope) with associated asynchronous (rotating) pressure
fluctuations. By properly extracting the vortex core from the unsteady three-dimensional
velocity field, we reveal a periodic sequence of vortex stretching, breaking up and bouncing
back that appears to be responsible for the occurrence of the plunging fluctuations.

The authors gratefully acknowledge the support from a grant of the Romanian Ministry of
National Education and Research, CNCS-UEFISCDI, project number PN-II-ID-PCE-2012-4-

[1] Ciocan, G. D., Iliescu, M. S., Vu, T.-C., Nennemann, B. and Avellan, F.: Experimental
Study and Numerical Simulation of the FLINDT Draft Tube Rotating Vortex, Journal of
Fluids Engineering Transactions of the ASME, Vol. 129, 2007, pp. 146-158.
[2] Susan-Resiga, R., Muntean, S., Stein, P. and Avellan, F.: Axisymmetric Swirling Flow
Simulation of the Draft Tube Vortex in Francis Turbines at Partial Discharge,
International Journal of Fluid Machinery and Systems, 2(4), 2009, pp. 295-302.
[3] Drfler, P., Sick, M. and Coutou, A.: Flow-Induced Pulsation and Vibration in
Hydroelectric Machinery, Springer Verlag London, ISBN 978-1-4471-4251-5, Ch. 2
Low-Frequency Phenomena in Swirling Flow, 2013
[4] Drfler, P. K. ans Ruchonnet, N.: A statistical method for draft tube pressure pulsation
analysis, 26th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, IOP Conf.
Series: Earth and Environmental Science 15, paper 062002, 2012

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

[5] Stein, P., Sick, M., Drfler, P., White, P., Braune, A.: Numerical simulation of the
cavitating draft tube vortex in a Francis turbine, Proc. 23rd IAHR Symposium on
Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, 2006, Yokohama, Japan.
[6] Stein, P.: Numerical Simulation and Investigation of Draft Tube Vortex Flow, PhD
Thesis, 2007, Coventry University, U.K.
[7] Foroutan, H. and Yavuzkurt, S.: Flow in the Simplified Draf Tube of a Francis Turbine
Operating at Partial Load Part 1: Simulation of the Vortex Rope, Journal of Applied
Mechanics, Vol. 81, 2014, p. 06010.
[8] Susan-Resiga, R., Muntean, S. Hasmauchi, V., Anton, I. and Avellan, F.: Analysis and
Prevention of Vortex Breakdown in the Simplified Discharge Cone of a Francis
Turbine, Journal of Fluids Engineering Transactions of the ASME, 132(5), 2010, p.
[9] Foroutan H., Yavuzkurt, S.: A partially-averaged Navier-Stokes model for the
simulation of turbulent swirling flow with vortex breakdown, International Journal of
Heat and Fluid Flow, 2014, 50, pp. 402-416.
[10] Menter, F. R. and Egorov, Y.: The Scale-Adaptive Simulation Method for Unsteady
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and Combustion, 2010, 85, pp. 113-138.
[11] Egorov, Y., Menter, F. R., Lechner, R. and Cokljat, D.: The Scale-Adaptive Simulation
Method for Unsteady Turbulent Flow Predictions. Part 2: Application to Complex
Flows, Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 2010, 85, pp. 139-165.
[12] Davidson, L.: Evaluation of the SST-SAS model: channel flow, asymmetric diffuser
and axi-symmetric hill, European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics
[13] Davidson, L.: The SAS model: A turbulence model with controlled modeled
dissipation, 20th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics, 2007, Gteborg.
[14] Haimes Robert: Automated feature extraction from transient CFD simulations,
Proceeding of the 7th Annual Conference on CFD Society of Canada, 1999, Halifax,
[15] Sujudi, D. and Haimes, R.: Identification of swirling flow in 3-D vector fields, AIAA
Paper 95-1715, 1995, San Diego, CA, USA
[16] Haimes, R. and Kenwright D.: On the Velocity Gradient Tensor and Fluid Feature
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[17] Haimes, R. and Kenwright, D.: FX Programers Guide, 2000, Massachusetts Institute of
[18] Roth, M.: Automatic Extraction of Vortex Core Lines and Other Line-Type Features for
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[19] Sahner, J.: Extraction of Vortex Structures in 3D Flow Fields, PhD thesis, 2009,
v [m/s] velocity

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015



EPFL Laboratory for Hydraulic Machines, Switzerland
Andres MLLER
EPFL Laboratory for Hydraulic Machines, Switzerland
EPFL Laboratory for Hydraulic Machines, Switzerland
Christian LANDRY
EPFL Laboratory for Hydraulic Machines, Switzerland
EPFL Laboratory for Hydraulic Machines, Switzerland

In hydraulic power plants, it is well known that Francis turbines are subject to various cavitation
phenomena under off-design operating conditions, and visualizations have played a key role and
performed for understanding and revealing the dynamical behaviour of the cavitation. However,
visualizing the cavitation from the high pressure side of the runner has not been successfully carried
out yet, due to the complicated structure of a spiral case, stay vanes and guide vanes obstructing the
visual access. Therefore, the present study first introduces the visualization technique which enables
the optical access to the blade channel through a guide vane, featuring a specially instrumented guide
vane with a transparent window, a boroscope with a swivel prism, and a suitable power LED light
source. Then, the visualization technique is applied to the case-study of the cavitation vortex
developing inside blade to blade channel in the deep part operating condition of a Francis turbine,
called inter-blade cavitation vortices. Both the onset and the dynamics of the inter-blade vortices,
which have not been fully understood yet, are investigated for the first time using the presented

Francis turbine, deep part load, inter-blade cavitation vortex, visualization technique

* Corresponding author: Laboratory for Hydraulic Machines, EPFL, Av. de Cour 33bis, 1007 Lausanne,
Switzerland phone: +41 21 69 37382, email: [email protected]

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Hydraulic turbines are often subject to the cavitation flow, and various types of cavitation are
observed depending on the discharge and head conditions [1, 2]. In particular, the cavitation
vortex rope developing in the draft tube cone at the turbine outlet can occasionally generate
instabilities and can prevent to operate the generating unit [3]. Therefore, a large number of
researches including one-dimensional stability analyses, a hydro-acoustic resonance analysis,
and measurements of the velocity field surrounding the cavitation vortex rope have been
performed and reported [4, 5, 6, 7]. Recently, in order to compensate for the stochastic nature
of variable renewable energy sources, hydraulic turbines are more and more required to
enhance their flexibility by extending the operating range down to the deep part load
operating condition. However, the characteristics of cavitation phenomena observed in the
deep part load operating condition, especially inter-blade cavitation vortices, are not fully
understood yet.
For the purpose of understanding and revealing the characteristics and dynamical
behaviour of the cavitation, visualizations play a decisive role. Recently, as a first step of the
analysis for the inter-blade cavitation vortices, the adapted visualization techniques to
properly visualize the inter-blade cavitation vortices from the low pressure side of the turbine
through the transparent diffuser cone with an inclined window as shown in Fig. 1 are
introduced [8]. However, the visualization of the cavitation from the high pressure side of the
turbine has not been successfully conducted yet, due to the complicated structure obstructing
the visual access in the high pressure side. Therefore, the present study first introduces the
development of the sophisticated visualization technique which enables the optical access to
the blade channel through the guide vane, especially featuring the specially instrumented
guide vane, a boroscope with a swivel prism covering the variable visual range, and a suitable
power LED light source including a brief technical characteristics of the LED lights. Then,
this visualization technique is applied for the first time to the case-study of the inter-blade
cavitation vortices in the deep part load operating condition using a reduced scale model of a
Francis turbine, and both onset and dynamical characteristics of the inter-blade cavitation
vortices are investigated.

Fig. 1 Experimental setup for high speed visualization of inter-blade cavitation vortices

A special guide vane equipped with a transparent acrylic glass window and its dimensions are
shown in Fig. 2. The hollow guide vane is manufactured, and the transparent window which
has a 2 mm thickness and the same surface profile as an original guide vane is attached. The

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

window is perfectly sealed by an epoxy resin in order to isolate the embedded equipment
from the pressurised water in the spiral case. The dimension of the instrumented guide vane is
made completely same as the original one, and the surface of the guide vane and window is
sufficiently polished and made smooth in order not to influence the flow and efficiency of the
For the optical access to the blade channel through the instrumented guide vane, a
boroscope is adopted. Generally, a boroscope is used for enabling a visual access to an
inaccessible area by a deflecting prism as shown in Fig. 3. The selected boroscope for the
present application (8.10026.093, R. WOLF) features a swivel deflecting prism covering a
various direction of view including the visual range from the hub to shroud, which can be
especially used for investigating the onset of the inter-blade cavitation vortices. The
boroscope has a design ( 10 mm and 260 mm working length) fitting perfectly into the guide
vane hollow (see Fig. 4). The boroscope can be rotated as shown by the arrow in Fig. 4,
enabling to change the field of view to visualize different parts of the blade including the
pressure and suction sides.

Fig. 2 Sketch of the hollow guide vane equipped with a transparent acrylic glass window

Fig. 3 General structure of the boroscope

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Fig. 4 Selected boroscope featuring a swivel deflecting prism

As a light source, a compact power LED (XP-L V5, CREE) with a dimension 3.45 mm
3.45 mm as shown in Fig. 5 is installed. The type of the LED is carefully selected, particularly
considering the luminous flux, thermal efficiency, and wavelength of light [11] to improve the
penetration of light in water. About 6000 K of the Correlated Colour Temperature range,
CCT range, where the light has the most effective wavelength for the penetration of light in
water [11] is selected for the LED, taking into account the least loss of the light reaching the
blade channel. The used LED features a maximum power 10 W and a maximum luminous
flux 1058 lm at 3 A current, and its electric characteristics and luminous flux with respect to
the forward current provided by the manufacturer are shown in Fig. 6. The LED is driven at
the maximum current and luminous flux highlighted by the green mark in Fig. 6. The LED is
attached to an effective aluminium heat sink to improve the radiation performance and reduce
the risk of damage to the acrylic glass window, then, the 5 sets of the LEDs are installed on
the special probe which has the same diameter and working length as the boroscope for the
versatile use (see Fig. 7). The probe can be rotated in a same way of the boroscope, and the
inside of the blade channel is properly illuminated by optimizing the rotation angle of the
probe. Totally 10 LED lights with two probes are prepared, and each 5 sets of the LEDs with
a proper resistance of 1 are connected in series to the LED controller (RT-420-20,
GARDASOFT) generating a pulsed electric current. The pulse width of the current is set to
0.2 ms to adjust a sharpness of the image.
Finally, the image is acquired by a medium frame rate camera (DFK23G445,
IMAGINGSOURCE) connected to the boroscope. The connection system as well as the
electric schematic are shown in Fig. 8. Both frequencies of the pulsed current and the image
acquisition of the camera are synchronized with the rotational frequency of the turbine as
shown in Fig. 8, in order to acquire an image at the same timing of the LED light emission.
The entire installation of the instrumented guide vane, boroscope and the probe with the LED
lights is shown in Fig. 9.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Fig. 5 Compact power LED and its dimension

Fig. 6 Electrical characteristics and luminous flux with respect to a forward current of the LED

Fig. 7 LED light attached to an aluminium heat sink and the probe for LED lights

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Fig. 8 Sketch of the connection for the acquisition system and LED

Fig. 9 Entire installation of the instrumented guide vane, boroscope, and LED light source

The experiments are carried out with a 1:16 reduced scale model of a Francis turbine which
has a specific speed = 0.27. There are 8 piezo-resistive pressure sensors installed in the draft
tube cone at the runner outlet and 4 sensors in the guide vane in order to monitor the
characteristics of the cavitation phenomena. The torque acting on the shaft, mean discharge,
turbine rotational frequency, and turbine specific energy are also monitored and recorded
throughout all the measurements. The mean discharge is adjusted by the guide vane opening
angle, and the turbine specific energy is controlled by the rotational frequency of two axial
double-volute pumps. The pressure level in the draft tube is set by a vacuum pump in the
downstream reservoir.
In the present study, the experiments are carried out focusing on two different turbine
head conditions at a fixed guide vane opening angle ( = 5 degree), which are summarized in
the following table. In addition to the visualization through the instrumented guide vane, the
visualization from the low pressure side of the runner which is already described in [8] is also
carried out.

OP GV. Opening Rotating frequency n Specific energy E Q/QBEP

DPL1 5 13.33 Hz 263 J kg-1 26.3 % 0.11
DPL2 5 14.67 Hz 263 J kg-1 27.0 % 0.11

Tab.1 Operating conditions for the measurements

The comparison of the visualization results acquired by the different field of view by
optimizing the angle of the swivel prism and the boroscope rotation as mentioned above, as
well as the visualization from the low pressure side of the turbine for the two different
operating conditions is shown in Fig. 10. It can be observed that the inter-blade cavitation
vortices are not seen in DPL1, on the other hand, the cavitation is clearly developed with its
shape twisted inside the blade channel in the case of DPL2. The visualization through the
guide vane demonstrates that the inter-blade cavitation vortex is attached on the hub, and the
cavitation is formed toward the blade trailing edge. All the visualization results evidence that
the inter-blade cavitation vortex is successfully captured by using the presented visualization.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Fig. 10 Visualization results of two different operating conditions, DPL1 (a) and DPL2 (b)

This paper presents the visualization technique featuring the instrumented guide vane with the
transparent acrylic glass window, the boroscope with the swivel deflecting prism, and the
suitable power LED light source. It is shown that the inter-blade cavitation vortex is
successfully captured by the introduced visualization, and it is confirmed that the inter-blade
cavitation vortex is attached on the hub, and then formed toward the trailing edge. This
successful evaluation of the inter-blade cavitation vortex by the visualization enables further
investigations to accurately survey its mechanism and dynamical characteristics.

The research leading to the results published in this paper is part of the HYPERBOLE
research project, granted by the European Commission (ERC/FP7- ENERGY-2013-1-Grant
608532). The authors would also like to thank BC Hydro for making available the reduced
scale model, in particular Danny Burggraeve and Jacob Iosfin. Moreover, the authors would
like to acknowledge the commitment of the Laboratory for Hydraulic Machines' technical
staff, especially Georges Crittin, Maxime Raton, Alain Renaud, Philippe Faucherre and
Vincent Berruex.

[1] Avellan, F. (2004). Introduction to Cavitation in Hydraulic Machinery, Proc. of the 6th
International Conference on Hydraulic Machinery and Hydrodynamics, Timisoara,

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

[2] Escaler, X., Egusquiza E., Farhat, M., Avellan, F. and Coussirat, M. (2006). Detection
of cavitation in hydraulic turbines, Journal of Mechanical Systems and Signal
Processing, Vol.20, Issue4, pp.983-1007
[3] Rheingans, W. J. (1940). Power Swings in Hydroelectric Power Plants, Transaction of
ASME 62, pp.171-184
[4] Allign, S., Nicolet, C., Tsujimoto, Y, & Avellan, F. (2014). Cavitation surge modelling
in Francis turbine draft tube. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 52, 399411
[5] Mller, A., Bullani, A., Dreyer, M., Roth, S., Favrel, A., Landry, C. and Avellan, F.
(2012) Interaction of a pulsating vortex rope with the local velocity field in a Francis
turbine draft tube. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol 15,
[6] Mller, A., Dreyer, M., Andreini, N., Avellan, F. (2013). Draft tube discharge
fluctuation during self-sustained pressure surge: Fluorescent particle image velocimetry
in two-phase flow, Experiments in Fluids, Vol.54, Issue 4, pp.1-11
[7] Favrel A., Landry C., Mller A. and Avellan F. (2012). Experimental identification and
study of hydraulic resonance test rig with Francis turbine operating at partial load, Proc.
of the 26th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems Beijing, China
[8] Yamamoto K., Mller A., Favrel A., Landry C., Avellan F. (2014). Pressure
measurements and high speed visualizations of the cavitation phenomena at deep part
load condition in a Francis turbine, Proc. of the 27th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic
Machinery and Systems Montreal, Canada
[9] Marvin R. Querry, David M. Wieliczka, David J. Segelstein. (1997). Water (H2O).
Handbook of Optical Constants of Solids, pp.1059-1077.
E (J kg-1) specific energy
n (Hz) rotating frequency
Q (m3 s-1) discharge
(-) Cavitation number

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015



Laboratoire de Mchanique de Lille, France
Laboratoire de Mchanique de Lille, France

A new algorithm for DNS simulations of cavitating flows is being developed using a form of
Kim and Moin projection method. Cavitation is modeled with homogeneous mixture
approach and cavitation models source term can be based either on bubble dynamics or
empirical equations. Fast parallel computations are obtained using influence matrix and
matrix diagonalization technique.

Cavitation, homogeneous mixture approach, turbulence, DNS simulations, mixed boundary conditions

Cavitation as a phenomenon is still not completely understood. One of the areas raising many
questions is the area of cavitation-turbulence interactions. These are widely studied, mainly
experimentally, with numerical work following and adding to experimental results [1], [2].
As numerical simulations offer not just additional, but sometimes also better insight into the
flow, they seem to be an interesting tool for obtaining more detailed description of mentioned
interactions. There has been a lot of development in the field of numerical simulations of
cavitation, from the first models that were able to describe simple, stable cavitation, to the
models that are now able to describe not just unstable effects [1], [2], but also include some
compressibility effects as in [3]. The most often used models nowadays use homogeneous
mixture approach where the density and viscosity of the fluid depend on the volume fractions
of present phases which are treated as incompressible. Such models often introduce additional
transport equation for vapor volume fraction. Although widely used, they are still not
generally applicable to all flow conditions neither give same results if used in identical
conditions. Moreover, RANS turbulence models usually accompany them, which leads to
error increase, as the models, built on many simplifications, interact with each other.
Consequently, additional attention has to be given to the turbulence-cavitations interactions
in numerical simulations in order to obtain better knowledge and better models. A plausible
strategy is to perform DNS simulations of cavitating flows and compare the results with
experimental data. There were some DNS simulations already performed, but their objective
was not the mentioned issue [1], [2], [3]. Moreover, used algorithms could only accept certain
* Corresponding author: Laboratoire de Mchanique de Lille, Boulevard Paul Langevin, 59655 Villeneuve
dAscq, France, phone: +00330320622210 (office 2260), email: [email protected]

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

models [1], [2]. Therefore a new algorithm and a code are desired and under development in
our laboratory. With them, we intend to perform simulations with mentioned most often used
cavitation models that feature additional vapor volume fraction transport equation. As many
simulations are to be done, it is requested that the code performs fast DNS simulations.
The aim of this paper is to present the new algorithm and the code. For this reason, the paper
is composed as follows: at first, the MFLOPS-3D code, representing a basis for our work, is
described. Then, the algorithm is presented through the equations solved in it and the
procedure in which it runs. At the end, some verification results are given.

2. MFLOPS-3D code
As fast DNS simulations are needed, it was decided that the in-house code of our laboratory,
named MFLOPS-3D, is used as a basis. The code was specially created for fast DNS and LES
simulations of incompressible flows. More information about it can be found in [4]. Here,
only brief description of its features, important for later parts of the paper, is given.
The code solves the system of governing equations represented by the non dimensional
Navier-Stokes momentum and continuity equations, Eq.(1) and (2). The solution algorithm is
built on pressure non incremental form of Kim and Moin projection method [5]. This means

that firstly, Eq.(1) is put into Helmholtz equation, Eq.(3), to obtain predictor velocity u * . The

real velocity u is found through the projection equation, Eq.(4), which follows from the

difference between Eq.(1) and (3). This means that prior to u , variable has to be obtained,
which is done by applying divergence to Eq.(4), thus creating Poisson equation. The boundary

conditions for u * and are given in Eq.(5) and (6).

u 1
+ u u = p + u (1)
t Re

u = 0 (2)

3 Re * 4u n + u n 1 n ,n 1
u = + (u u ) (3)
2dt 2dt
3 *
(u u ) (4)

u n = u* n ; u * = u + n (5)

n = 0 (6)

If written, the superscripts in the presented equations define the time level of a certain

explicitly treated variable, with n being previous time level. In Eq.(5) and (6), n and depict
normal and tangential direction.
Eq.(3) and Poisson equation for form system of equations the code solves in parallel. In
each sub domain, a system is solved using matrix diagonalization technique [6].
Diagonalization is done only at the start of a simulation as the left hand side of equations is
constant. This is needed because the multidomain method is based on influence matrix
technique. Consequently, the most time consuming operations are done only once, at the start,
resulting in a code capable of fast DNS simulations.
The code uses structured and collocated grids. Spatial discretization is done with compact
finite differences (2nd, 4th, 6th and 8th order can be used), while the time derivative terms use
2nd order backward derivative scheme. The nonlinear term in Eq.(1) is defined with the skew-
symmetric form [7], where the 2nd order Adams-Bashford scheme is used for explicit time
extrapolation of velocities. This scheme is denoted by n,n-1 superscript.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015


3.1 Governing equations
The governing equations used for the chosen homogeneous mixture approach are the
dimensional compressible Navier-Stokes momentum and continuity equations, Eq.(7) and (8).
An additional transport equation for vapor volume fraction , Eq.(9), is added.


+ u u = p + (u ) + (u )T ( u )

+ (u ) = 0 (8)

+ (u ) =
t v

Term S in Eq.(9) is the source term, describing destruction or creation of vapor. Generally, it
is a function of pressure p and . Because the flow in homogeneous approach is treated as one
phase flow, represented by a mixture of liquid and vaporous phase, the relationship between
the density and viscosity of the mixture and both phases is given in Eq.(10). Subscripts v
and l stand for vapor and liquid phase.

= v + (1 ) l ; = v + (1 ) l (10)

3.2 The systems of equations composing new algorithm

The new algorithm runs in a similar manner as the one in the original code. But as new
governing equations and variables were implemented, the projection method was adapted.
The aim of this part of the paper is to present this.
It was found that either pressure incremental or non incremental form of adapted Kim and

Moin projection method can be used. This has an important effect on the equation for u * ,
Eq.(11). In it, the pressure term is only presented if the pressure incremental form is used.

3 l * 4u n + u n 1 n ,n 1 1

2dt l
u =
+ ((u )u )

( ) u n ( ) 1 ( ) (u )
n T

1 2 p n 3 3 l *
un + ) 3
u n + )
+ u e
3 2dt 2dt l

Eq.(11) is derived from Eq.(7) in same manner as in the original Kim and Moin method. The
obvious difference is increased number of explicitly treated terms, resulting from the viscous

stress term. and are also treated explicitly, like velocity u . In order to decrease the
amount of explicitly treated terms and preserve constant left hand side, the Concus and Golub
(C&G from here on) method is used [8]. This gives the last term in Eq.(11) and demands
performing iterative steps until u * and its explicit approximation u e converge (convergence
criteria is set to 10-4 absolute difference between iterations).

After u * is obtained, the projection equation has to be solved. The variable is used in it as
it was found impossible to solve directly for pressure p. The projection equation follows from
the difference of equations Eq.(7) and (11) and can be written in two forms, depending on the
fact if density is excluded from (Eq.(12)) or not (Eq.(13)).

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

3 *
u u ( ) (12)
3 *
(u u ) (13)

In order to solve for , divergence is applied to Eq.(12) or (13). Important here is the

replacement of the unknown divergence of u with source term S using the connection in
Eq.(14). This results in Poisson equations for , Eq.(15) and (16), obtained from Eq.(12) and
(13), respectively, and makes their solution possible [9].

1 1
u = S (14)
v l
3(u u * )

3 1 1
= S u * (15)
2dt 2dt v l

3 1 1
= S u * (16)
2dt v l

It should be noted however, that Eq.(15) and (16) are written as if current u or S are known,
the actual solution procedure for is given later. With known , one can easily obtain values

of u by using Eq.(12) or (13). Pressure needs to be determined as well. Connections of p with

and u depend on the use of pressure non incremental or incremental form and equations
for . If non incremental form is used, the connection was, similary as in [5], proved to be
given with Eq.(17) (in case of using Eq.(12)) or with Eq.(18) (when Eq.(13) is used).

1 1
p = + S u * (17)

v l
1 1
p = + S u * (18)

v l

The -p connection in case of pressure incremental form is obtained from Eq.(17) and (18)

by adding the pressure from previous time step and neglecting the viscous terms, as u and u *
are nearly the same [10]. Once p is known, source S can be updated with it.
The last equation that needs to be solved is transport equation for . This equation cannot be
reshaped into a Helmholtz equation and solved with the solver. As the most important
variables are known, we solve it for each point separately as given in Eq.(19).

S n +1,k 4 n n 1 n +1
( )
u n +1,k
n +1, k +1
= (19)
1 1 1
+ S n +1,k
2dt v l

The solution follows iterative procedure, where k denotes the iteration step. Source S is
updated also. After is obtained (considered converged when 10-8 absolute difference is
reached), density and viscosity are updated using Eq.(10) before going to the next time step.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

3.3 Boundary conditions

Special attention has to be given to boundary conditions. When u * is considered, conditions
follow the same logic as in the original code. Example is given in Eq.(20) for the case of
using Eq.(12). However, the conditions for the Poisson equation were changed. The reason is
that for to be successfully solved, von Neumann conditions demand fulfillment of
compatibility condition [11]. This effectively means that the mass flow in the domain has to
be known in advance or constant, which does not apply to our problem. Therefore mixed
boundary conditions were introduced for . Dirichlet conditions were imposed on the exit of
the domain in form of pressure and not values. Using the latter proved to actually result in
unstable simulations. Homogeneous von Neumann conditions were used elsewhere. This
relaxed the compatibility condition and greatly improved stability and speed of simulations.

u n = u* n ; u * = u + n (20)

Boundary conditions for in form of Dirichlet conditions had to be imposed as well.

3.4 Solution procedure for

Solution for proved to be the most difficult. The main issue is that the divergence of u or
the term S are not known in advance. Moreover, using explicit S results in low stability [9].
Known remedy is to linearize S, usually in regards to pressure, and use the resulting
derivative term on the left hand side of the system of equations [9]. In our code, such an
operation cannot be copied because of the demand for constant left hand side of equations and
because we solve for and not p. Therefore another procedure was developed. After trying
different settings, it was found that the best results are obtained if S is fully linearized, as
given in Eq.(21). The d term in it was then reshaped using Eq.(9) and material derivative
definition into form in Eq.(22), which includes term dp. Therefore linearized source term
includes two terms with dp, which are then connected to by the use of corresponding
equations for p- connection. With this, we introduce on this side of equation. If Poisson
equation form for is retained, the on the right hand side has to be explicitly treated.
Iterations are performed until converges, but as observed in [9], procedure offers low
stability. However, using C&G method by introducing a constant factor (where value
originates from the terms including ), as example in Eq.(23) depicts, proved to give stable
and also faster simulations. This procedure is therefore used as the solution procedure for .

S n +1 = S n + dp + d (21)
Sn + dp
p 1 1 1
d = ; K = n dt
1 S
v v l

( + ) k +1 = 3 S n + S dp + S d 1 1 u * + k (23)
2dt p v l

In Eq.(21)-(23), and S are explicit and only is updated during iterations. When it
converges (convergence criteria is set to 10-3 absolute difference between two iterations), the
velocity is updated using corresponding projection equation. Same applies to pressure and

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

source term. If is solved using Eq.(15), the velocity u is also updated during iterations
using Eq.(12).

3.5 Other implemented numerical methods

Additional numerical methods were also implemented in the code to improve stability and
performance. Upwind derivatives of first and second order were implemented to describe the
advection term in Eq.(19), as the use of compact finite differences resulted in oscillations.
Because of this and to ensure derivatives consistency, the corresponding upwind schemes
were also used for the density and viscosity derivatives. Explicit source term Sn replaced the
explicit velocity divergence term in Eq.(11) following the same reasons. Finally, the use of
compressible Navier-Stokes equations demanded the change of original non linear term skew-
symmetric form with the skew-symmetric form for compressible cases, obtained from [12].


The algorithm was up to now mainly tested with a verification process based on the use of
Method of Manufactured Solutions [13]. Analytical flow equations describing the flow with
variable density and corresponding source term S have been developed and used to see if the
algorithm solves the system of governing equations in a correct manner. Example of such
equations, used also in the tests presented below, is given in Eq.(24)-(27).

u = C cos( gt ) cos(ay ) (24)

(BC cos( gt ) sin( gt ) cos(ax) sin( ay ) + Bg cos( gt ) sin( ax) y )
v = 1 v (25)
1 1 v (K 1 + B(sin( gt ) sin( ax) + 1) )
(BCa cos( gt ) sin( gt ) cos(ax) cos(ay ) + Bg cos( gt ) sin(ax) ) (26)

(K1 + B(sin( gt ) sin(ax) + 1) ) 1 v (K1 + B(sin( gt ) sin(ax) + 1) ) 1

= B(sin(ax) sin( gt ) + 1) + K 1 ; S = p v (27)

The velocity w in z direction is 0 m/s, the constant K1 describes minimum . The values g and
a are used to govern time and spatial frequency, respectively, while C and B define the
amplitude of velocity and fluctuations. Examples of solutions, obtained with the new
algorithm for pressure incremental and non incremental forms with the use of Eq.(15) for ,
are given in Fig.1. The factors , used for the C&G method in incremental and non
incremental forms, are given in Eq.(28) and (29), respectively. They follow the
recommendation in [8] to be chosen as the middle value of possible values (the subscript
denotes that values are given for =0,5). The domain size in the shown case is {-0,2;0,2} m in
x and y direction, {-0,1;0,1} m in z. Domain is composed of four sub domains, each
containing 21 points in x,y directions and 11 points in z, forming non-uniform mesh. The time
step is dt=0,014 s, 1800 time steps were done, with C=1, B=0,5 , a=2 and g= . Phases are
chosen to have l=10 kg/m3, v=3 kg/m3, l=0,05 Pas and v=0,01 Pas.

= 0,5 0,5 1 v (28)
2dt l

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

3 0,5 0,5 v
= 1 (29)
2dt 1 1 l
1 + 0,5 v 0,5
v l

Fig.1 Example of analytical values and obtained results for a test case using MMS.

On Fig.1, plots of u, v velocity, pressure p and at z=0 m are shown from left to right. Top
line presents analytical values, following equations Eq.(24)-(27). Solutions obtained with
pressure incremental form are given in the middle and solutions for non incremental form on
the bottom. It can be seen that results with both forms are correct, with small deviations from
analytical values. The pressure incremental form proved to be faster for cca 10% than non

incremental, due to a bit less iterations for u * and . In both forms, typically 4 to 7 iterations

are done for u, 3 to 5 for v and 2 to 3 for w ( u * components), while takes from 3 to 8
iterations to converge, depending on current range.
The biggest error to be noted is in solution, near the boundaries. While this causes no issues
if Eq.(15) is used, it results in oscillations of pressure and lower stability when using Eq.(16).
The reason is that the pressure with it is obtained through multiplication, introducing
solution error directly into p. Using Eq.(16) is nevertheless retained in the code, as it might
not suffer from this effect in real flow simulations (=0 at the boundary, possibly removing
the error). And following [9], using it can give improvement of possible dispersion error.
To assess how well the algorithm actually performs, tests with pure Dirichlet boundary
conditions for (p values are taken from Eq.(26)) were performed also. These give ideal
performance of the algorithm regarding stability and speed. It was found that the algorithm
with such boundary conditions performs to 30 % faster, while the stability is practically no
better. The case presented on Fig.1 actually presents nearly the limiting case (regarding the
values of B, C, a and g) that our new algorithm and also the algorithm using Dirichlet
conditions can stably solve. For example, they both diverge once constant C exceeds value of
1,25. Therefore we can conclude that the presented algorithm and the code are ready to be
used in more demanding, real flow simulations. This was not done up to now because of the
computational intensity and time demands of such simulations.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

The paper presents a new algorithm suitable for fast DNS simulations of cavitating flows
with homogeneous mixture approach. The algorithm is based on the adapted Kim and Moin
projection method and offers multiple ways in which the governing equations can be solved.
The most stable are those using Eq.(12) for . The algorithm shows practically same
performance stability wise when compared to the ideal conditions in which equations can be
solved and is therefore considered to be suitable for performing real flow DNS simulations of
cavitation. Besides cavitating flows, the algorithm could also be used for simulations of other
multiphase flows, where homogeneous mixture approach is used and present phases are
considered incompressible.

The work is funded by the DGA-Direction gnrale de larmement - French government
defense procurement agency.

[1] Kubota, A.,Kato, H., Yamaguchi, H.: A new modelling of cavitating flows: a numerical
study of unsteady cavitation on a hydrofoil section. J. Fluid Mech. Vol. 240. pp.59-96.
[2] Xing, T., Li, Z., Frankel, S.: Numerical Simulation of Vortex Cavitation in a Three
Dimensional Submerged Transitional Jet. J. Fluids Engrg. Vol. 127. pp. 714-725
[3] Lu, T., Samulyak, R., Glimm, J.: Direct Numerical Simulation of Bubbly Flows and
Application to Cavitation Mitigation. J. Fluids Engin. Vol. 129. pp. 595-604
[4] Marquillie, M., Laval, J.P., Dolganov, R.: Direct numerical simulation of a separated
channel flow with a smooth profile. Journal of Turbulence, Vol. 9. pp. 1-23
[5] Guermond, J.L., Minev, P., Shen, J.: An overview of projection methods for
incompressible flows. Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. Vol. 195. pp. 6011-6045
[6] Haldenwang, P. et al.: Chebyshev 3-d spectral and 2-d pseudospectral solvers for the
helmholtz equation. Journal of Comp. Physics. Vol. 55. pp. 115-128
[7] Morinishi, Y. et al.: Fully conservative higher order finite difference schemes for
incompressible flow. Journal of Comp. Physics. Vol. 143. pp. 90-124
[8] Dimitropoulos, C.D., Beris, A.N.: An efficient and robust spectral solver for
nonseparable elliptic equations. Journal of Comp. Physics, Vol. 133. pp. 186-191
[9] Sauer, J.: Instationar kavitierende Stromungen-Ein neues Modell. PhD thesis, Fakultat
fur Mashinenbau der Universitat Karlsruhe. 2007.
[10] Brown, D.L.: Accurate Projection Methods for the Incompressible NavierStokes
Equations. Journal of Comp. Physics, Vol. 168. pp. 464-499
[11] Abide, S., Viazzo, S.: A 2D compact fourth-order projection decomposition method.
Journal of Comp. Physics, Vol. 206. pp. 252-276
[12] Morinishi, Y.: Skew-symmetric form of convective terms and fully conservative finite
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[13] Eca, L., Hoekstra, M.: Code verification of unsteady flow solvers with the method of
manufactured solutions. Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Offshore and
Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE, 2007

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015



Ardalan Javadi*
Department of Applied Mechanics, Chalmers University of Technology, SE-412 96,
Gteborg, Sweden
Hkan Nilsson
Department of Applied Mechanics, Chalmers University of Technology, SE-412 96,
Gteborg, Sweden

The vortex rope in a flow similar to 70% of Francis turbine part-load is controlled using the active jet
flows injected from the runner crown. The study is undertaken with numerical modeling using hybrid
RANS-LES method. The comprehensive study of Javadi and Nilsson (J. Flow, Turbulence and
combustion, 2015) is considered as the base case and the effectiveness of the flow control technique
used in this paper is compared with the validated numerical results presented in that study. The
continuous jets with different momentum fluxes are used. The investigation shows that the pressure
pulsation, turbulent structures and the size of the vortex rope decrease with the injected jet from the
runner crown. Although the volume flux of the jet is about 4% of whole flow rate of the swirl
generator, the momentum flux and the jet position are decisive factors in the effectiveness of the
Flow control, Vortex rope, Hybrid RANS-LES

A major source of loss in hydraulic machinery is the vortex rope in the draft tube of water
turbines. The flow in water turbines operating at off-design conditions often contains a strong
swirl which may cause vortex breakdown and pressure pulsation in the draft tube. The vortex
breakdown, occurring in the draft tube as a result of swirl residual in the flow as it leaves the
turbine runner and enters the draft tube throat and creates an on-axis recirculation region [1].
The control of the vortex rope and the pressure pulsation in the draft tube have been the
subject of some studies [2-3]. Recently the injection of a continuous jet from the runner crown
tip is studied by Tnas et al. [4] which led to significantly reduced frequency of the pressure
fluctuations. Based on available experiences, a successful approach should address the
momentum deficit near the axis but not close to the wall. In this study, the continuous jets
with different axial and circumferential momentum fluxes are injected from the runner crown
using advanced numerical simulations.
The hybrid RANS-LES approach is well suited for internal flows with large scale coherent
structures [5]. Javadi and Nilsson [1,6] comprehensively studied a wide range of turbulence
models including low- and high-Reynolds eddy-viscosity, hybrid RANS-LES and LES
*Corresponding author:Department of Applied Mechanics Chalmers University of Technology SE-412 96,
Gothenburg, Sweden, phone: +46 31 772 5295, email: [email protected]

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

models in a flow which is highly similar to the 70% part-load of the Francis turbine. They
concluded that the delayed detached eddy simulation (DDES) method coupled with Spalart-
Allmaras turbulence model plausibly predicts the highly swirling turbulent flow in the
hydraulic machinery.
In this paper, various continuous jets with different momentum fluxes are injected from the
runner crown to control the size of the vortex rope, on-axis recirculation region, pressure
pulsations and the turbulent structures in the draft tube. The study is performed with DDES
Spalart-Allmaras (DDES-SA) turbulence model and the results are compared with the results
of Javadi and Nilsson (Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 2015) [1] without flow control.

(a) (b)
Fig.1 (a) Schematic of swirl generator (b) mesh resolution used in simulations


Figure 1 schematically shows the studied swirl generator. The experimental test rig is
employed to generate a flow similar to the one encountered in a Francis turbine operating at
70% load [7]. At this regime, the vortex rope is well developed and generates large pressure
pulsations. The runner blades thus act like a turbine near the hub and a pump near the shroud.
A special acquisition system was designed and implemented to measure the runner speed of
920rpm, at a discharge of 30 l/s. The rotation direction is considered as positive direction. The
Reynolds number based on the throat diameter and bulk velocity is 3.81105. The jet slot is
embedded on the runner crown as it can be seen in Fig. 1. Five cases with different
momentum fluxes are studied
(Ur, U, Uz) = (0, 0, 5m/s) with Qjet/Q = 0.027 (hereafter c1)
(Ur, U, Uz) = (0, -5m/s, 5m/s) with Qjet/Q = 0.027 (hereafter c2)
(Ur, U, Uz) = (0, 0, 10m/s) with Qjet/Q = 0.037(hereafter c3)
(Ur, U, Uz) = (0, -10m/s, 10m/s) with Qjet/Q = 0.037 (hereafter c4)
(Ur, U, Uz) = (0, -15m/s, 15m/s) with Qjet/Q = 0.053 (hereafter c5).

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

This is an active flow control while in the turbines, a flow can be bypassed from the spiral
casing and injected through a needle-controlled through the slot. For this reason, a highly
narrow patch is considered as the jet slot.
The calculations reported herein are made using the finite-volume method in the
FOAM-extend-3.0 CFD code. The second-order central differencing scheme is used to
discretize the diffusion terms. The blended numerical scheme is used for convective terms.
The scheme is the combination of linear-upwind differencing in URANS region and a limited
linear total variation diminishing (TVD) scheme with a conformance coefficient in LES
region. The convection term in the LES region is interpolated by 15% linear-upwind
differencing and 85% central differencing. The mesh configuration is the same as the base
case except the jet slot as an extra patch and a finer resolution around it. Figure 1b shows the
resolution used in this study with 16106 cells. The maximum CFL number is 10 for the c1
and is 15 for the c5. The maximum CFL number occurs at the jet exit. The CFL number at the
throat is around one and the mean CFL number is 0.02.
The parallel processing is done through MPI and domain decomposition. To achieve a near-
optimal parallel load balancing, the computational meshes are subdivided into blocks of equal
size, which are submitted to individual cores of an AMD Opteron 6220 Linux cluster. The
mesh resolution is run on 16 nodes with 16 cores each. The time-step corresponds to 0.028
degrees of runner rotation.
The homogeneous Neumann, is applied at the outlet boundary for pressure and the
turbulence quantities. The inletOutlet condition, which is a homogeneous Neumann condition
with the limitation of no backflow, is applied at the outlet boundary for the velocity. A
constant velocity is applied at the jet slot. The General Grid Interface (GGI) is used at the
interfaces between the rotating and stationary regions.

3. Results and Discussion

The mean velocity field is determined by time averaging over five complete runner
revolutions to filter out all unsteadiness. The survey axes, S*, at sections W0-W2 (see Fig. 1),
are normalized by the throat radius, Rthroat=0.05m, and the velocity is normalized by the bulk
velocity at the throat, Uthroat. The axial axis is downward and the runner rotates in the positive
Figure 2 shows the tangential and axial mean velocity for different flow configurations
with and without flow control at W0-W2. There is not any major difference among velocity
profiles at W0 where is very close to the jet slot. At W1 which is at the throat, the jet
momentum flux plays an important role. There are two features that should be controlled to
alleviate the pressure pulsation and remove the on-axis recirculation region. First, the swirl
should be neutralized, i.e. the tangential velocity close to the hub and the runner crown should
be controlled. Javadi et al. [8] studied the swirl generator at different runner rotational speeds
and concluded that the size of the vortex rope, width of the on-axis recirculation region and
the pressure pulsation are directly related with the swirl close to the hub. Second, the wake of
the runner crown is also responsible for the on-axis stagnant region. A successful control
technique should address both issues and be practical as well. The c1 only addresses the
second issue but not sufficiently. It can be seen that c1 attempts to remove the wake of the
crown. The pure axial nature of the c1 fails to neutralized the swirl and even increases it. The
weakened wake of the crown and shortened on-axis recirculation region gives room to the
high pressure flow region to expand and the tangential component of the velocity to increase,
see Fig. 2b. This is the reason for increased swirl for the c1, c2 and c3 at W1. This increase
for c2 is even stronger. The tangential component of c2 is not strong enough to alleviate the
swirl, while it weakens the wake more than the c1 and c3.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

(a) W0

(b) W1

(c) W2
Fig. 2 Axial and tangential velocity. Solid: no jet. Solid with +: c1. Solid with : c2. Dash: c3. Dash
dot: c4. Dot: c5

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

(a) W0 (b) W1
Fig. 3 Pressure fluctuation. Solid: no jet. Solid with : c2. Dash: c3. Dash dot: c4. Dot: c5

The tangential velocity increases linearly with the radius at W1 for the case with no jet,
whereas the trend is nonlinear for the c1, c2 and c3. Since the swirl is not affected adequately
for these three configurations, the on-axis stagnant region still remains at W2, see Fig. 2c. It
can be seen that the c2 decreases the swirl more than the c1 and c3 due to its tangential
component. Thus, a yawed jet with opposite direction relative to the runner rotation should be
issued from the slot. The point about the first three jets is that all of them remain attached to
the crown. The c4 and c5 separate from the crown at the mid way due to their stronger
momentum fluxes compared with other first three jets, see Fig. 5. Although the separation
from the crown helps them to penetrate further off-axis to alleviate the swirl more, they affect
the wake of the crown less than other cases. Another issue is that if the jet detaches from the
crown, as a wall-mounted bluff body, it creates its own wake. Figure 2b shows that both
cases, the c4 and c5, affect the wake of the crown less than the c2, while they decrease the
swirl more than other cases. The c5 decreases the swirl much more than other cases.
However, the wake of the crown still forms an on-axis stagnant region, see Fig. 2c. Therefore,
in order to remove the on-axis recirculation and stagnant regions, a jet should be applied to
keep both benefits, remain attached to the crown and be strong enough to decrease the swirl,
i.e. a jet with a strong tangential component and an adequate axial component. The optimized
place of the injection slot is another way to avoid the separation.

(a) axial (b) tangential

Fig. 4 Velocity fluctuations at W1. Solid: no jet. Solid with : c2. Dash: c3. Dash dot: c4. Dot: c5

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Figure 3 shows the pressure fluctuation root mean square normalized by water density and
U2thraot. It can be seen that the pressure pulsation increases at W0 for c2 and c3 while for c4
and c5 are at the same level as that in the case without jet control. At W1, since the c2 and c3
do not decrease the swirl, the pressure pulsations are very similar to that in the case without
jet. The c4 and c5 are highly effective in decreasing the pressure pulsation at the throat.
Figure 4 shows the axial and tangential velocity fluctuation root mean square at W1 for all
cases. Since the c2 and c3 do not decrease the swirl which is the main source of the on-axis
recirculation region, they do not decrease the level of turbulence compared with the case
without jet. It is worth mentioning that the pure axial nature of the c3 even increase the axial
velocity fluctuation at W1 tremendously. As mentioned before, the c4 and c5 decrease the
swirl and the shear between the on-axis recirculation region and the marginal region with
strong axial velocity. Thus, they decrease the level of turbulence in the draft tube.
Figure 5 shows a snapshot of axial velocity in the draft tube for the c2 and c5. It can be seen
that the jet separates from the crown in the c5 and fails to remove the wake of the crown. In
contrast, the c2 removes the wake of the crown while the residual swirl creates an on-axis
stagnant region in the downstream. However, both cases decrease the size of the vortex rope.
Figure 6 shows the iso-surface of q-criterion in the draft tube representing the effect of
different jets on the vortex rope. The case without jet control presents the largest vortex rope
and all cases with a jet injection presents a smaller one. It can be seen that the size of the
vortex rope follows the same aforementioned pattern. The c4 and c5 remove the large scale
coherent structure in the draft tube and instead generate lots of smaller on-axis structures only
around the throat. In the other words, in the absence of strong pressure pulsation and
turbulence, the remained on-axis stagnation region at W2 can be completely removed by a
small modification.

(a) c5 (b) c2
Fig. 5 Instantaneous axial velocity

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

(a) no jet (b) c1

(c) c2 (d) c3

(e) c4 (f) c5
Fig. 6 q-criterion in draft tube for different flow configurations

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

The vortex rope similar to the one occurs in the Francis turbine part-load is controlled using a
jet injection from the runner crown. Five different cases with different momentum fluxes are
studied. The c1, c2, and c3 are not strong enough to decrease the swirl in the draft tube
although they remove the wake of the runner crown. The c4 and c5 are strong enough to
decrease the swirl in the draft tube, whereas they separates from the crown and fails to remove
the wake of the runner. The c4 only needs 4% of total volume flux of the swirl generator.
Although this method is practical and easy to install, the place of the injection and the
momentum flux are important factors in the applicability of the technique.

The research presented was carried out as a part of the "Swedish Hydropower Centre-
SVC". SVC is established by the Swedish Energy Agency, EnergiForsk and Svenska Kraftnt
together with Lule University of Technology, The Royal Institute of Technology, Chalmers
University of Technology and Uppsala University, The computational facilities
are provided by C3SE, the center for scientific and technical computing at Chalmers
University of Technology, and SNIC, the Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing.

[1] Javadi A. and Nilsson H.: Time-accurate numerical simulations of swirling ow with
rotor-stator interaction. J. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion.2015 (in press).
[2] Kjeldsen M., Olsen K.M., Nielsen T. and Dahlhaug O.G.: Water injection for the
mitigation of draft-tube pressure pulsations. IAHR International Meeting of W.G. on
Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems. Barcelona,
Spain. 2006.
[3] Susan-Resiga R., Muntean S., Hasmatuchi V., Anton I. and Avellan F.: Analysis and
prevention of vortex breakdown in the simplified discharge cone of a Francis turbine.
ASME J. Fluids Eng .Vol. 132. 2010. 051102-1.
[4] Tnas C., Bosioc A., Muntean S. and Susan-Resiga R.: Flow-feedback method for
mitigating the vortex rope in decelerated swirling flows. ASME J. Fluids Eng. Vol.
135(6). 2013. pp. 1-11.
[5] Javadi A. and Nilsson H.: LES and DES of strongly swirling turbulent ow through a
suddenly expanding circular pipe. Comput. Fluids. Vol.107. 2015. pp. 301-313.
[6] Javadi A. and Nilsson H.: LES and DES of swirling ow with rotor-stator interaction.
Progress in hybrid RANS-LES modelling. Vol.130. 2014. pp. 457-468.
[7] Resiga, R., Muntean S., Bosioc, A.I., Stuparu, A., Milos, T. and Baya, T.: Swirling flow
appratus and test rig for ow control in hydraulic turbines discharge cone. 2nd IAHR
International Meeting of the Workgroup on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in
Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Timisoara, Romania. 2007.
[8] Javadi, A., Bosioc, A., Nilsson, H., Muntean, S. and Resiga, R.: Velocity and pressure
fluctuations induced by the precessing helical vortex in a conical diffuser. IOP Conf.
Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. Vol. 22. 2014. 032009.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015



Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machinery, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machinery, University of Stuttgart, Germany

Due to their active principle, hydroelectric power plants are ideally suited to serve as regulation plants
in electrical grids with a high percentage of fluctuating renewable energy. As a consequence hydro
power plants are operated more and more in off design operation points where cavitation and transient
phenomena, like vortex ropes in the draft tube, can occur.
The key for a good performance of low head turbines is the draft tube. In the design process of
hydraulic machines simplification of the geometry, meaning the negligence of gaps as well as
numerical simplifications, like circumferential averaging between stationary and rotating machine
parts, can result in a falsification of the overall flow field. In particular the gap between runner and
shroud can lead to a stabilization of the draft tube flow.
To analyze the gap flow influence a 4-blade propeller turbine is numerically investigated in a full load
operation point. For the transient simulation two types of turbulence models are applied on a turbine
with and without the existence of the runner gap. One model used is a standard RANS (Reynolds-
Averaged-Navier-Stokes) turbulence model, namely the k--SST model the other model is the SAS
(Scale Adaptive Simulation)-SST model, a hybrid RANS-LES (Large Eddy Simulation) model. In the
analyzed operation point a full load vortex develops downstream of the runner hub in the draft tube of
the machine. Numerical results of integral quantities head and torque are evaluated against
experimental measurements, performed in the laboratory of the Institute of Fluid Mechanics and
Hydraulic Machinery at the University of Stuttgart following the IEC 60193 standard. The influence
of the turbulence model and the runner gap on the shape of the vortex rope is evaluated. Velocity
profiles in the draft tube cone are compared between the chosen different numerical approaches and
geometries to evaluate the effect of the runner gap on the flow field in the draft tube. A comparison of
the resolved turbulent structures in the draft tube is also presented.

Propeller turbine, runner gap, CFD, draft tube flow, RANS-LES

1. Introduction
In the year 2000 the European Union adopted the European Framework Directive, which
advises all member states to achieve an ecologically good status of all flowing water [1].
Unused dames and wires in the member states of the European Union are moving back into
the focus of energy providers. In the year 2014 about 26% of the total energy mix in Germany

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

is produced by renewable energy sources. About 15% of the renewable energy is produced by
hydro power, this equates to about 4% of the total energy mix [2]. The balancing of the
energy grid in Europe by strengthening of renewable energy has become a challenge. The
advantage of hydro power in contrary to other renewable energy like wind or photovoltaic
power is the good predictability of the energy output. The compensation of fluctuations
caused by wind and solar energy is furthermore another great benefit hydropower can
provide. As a result, water turbines are operated more and more in off design conditions to
balance the fluctuations of the electric grid. In these off design conditions various transient
phenomena can develop for example vortex ropes, cavitation and so forth.
The draft tube of low head turbines like Kaplan, bulb and propeller turbines has a huge impact
on the overall performance of the turbine. In the design process of turbines the accurate
prediction of the draft tube flow field, in particular in off design operation points, is still a
challenge. Simplifications made in the design process can lead to a falsification of the flow
field. Typical simplifications in the design process are geometry simplifications like the
negligence of gaps, and numerical simplifications like mixing plane approaches between
stationary and rotating machine domains. These simplifications are done to reduce the
computational costs of the design loops. In particular the gap flow between runner and shroud
can lead to a stabilization of the draft tube flow.
A 4-blade propeller turbine with a straight draft tube is investigated in this paper, focusing on
the influence of the runner gap on the draft tube flow field. Two types of transient simulations
are compared, one without runner gap and another one with runner gap as in the experiment.
No gaps exist at the trailing edges of the maximal opened guide vanes for the investigated
operating point. The normalized gap sizes analyzed are =0 and =2 defined as:
= cl (1)
Eq. 1 contains the runner diameter Dru, the runner gap size s and a constant ccl for the axial
model turbine installed in a test rig at the laboratory of the Institute of Fluid Mechanics and
Hydraulic Machinery. The experimental measurements are performed according to the
IEC 60 193 standard [3].
The operation point analyzed in this paper has the characteristic values n1 = n1opt and
Q1 = 1.13 Q1opt. In the draft tube a full load vortex develops downstream the runner hub due
to the velocity distribution at the runner outlet. The developing vortex shape for a full load
vortex can be symmetric or asymmetric and in some cases the vortex starts to pulsate [4].

2. Numerical Setup
The transient simulations of the propeller turbine are performed with the commercial CFD
code Ansys CFX version 16.0. For the computational model of the turbine no geometry
simplification are carried out. For the investigations of the influence of the runner gap on the
flow field in the draft tube, the gap between runner and hub is deliberately neglected in one
computational model. For all computations a mass flow boundary condition is set. At the
outlet of the expansion tank a static pressure boundary condition is set.
Besides analyzes of the gap of the runner, influences of the turbulence model on flow field,
vortex shape and integral quantities are also investigated. The compared turbulence models
are a k--SST model and a SAS-SST model. The computational model and the evaluation
position for the time averaged velocity profiles in the draft tube cone are illustrated in Fig. 1.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Fig.1 Hydraulic contour of the propeller turbine with marked evaluation line for the velocity profile
For the temporal discretization a second order backward Euler scheme is used. For the SAS
model a bounded central differencing scheme is applied for the spatial discretization [4]. The
spatial discretization of the turbulence quantities is carried out by using a first order scheme,
whereas for temporal discretization a second order scheme is used [5].
All simulations are carried out in model size with a grid density of about 30 million elements
in total for all components. The guide vane and the draft tube mesh, including an expansion
tank, are equal for all presented results. The runner mesh differs due to the gap between
runner and shroud. The number of elements as well as the averaged y+ values for each
component are listed in Tab 1.

Tab.1 Number of elements and averaged y+ for the tubine parts

mesh 1 (=0) mesh 2 (=2)
Turbine part elements y+mean elements y+ mean
Guide vanes 5.2M 1.2 5.2M 1.2
Runner 11.3M 2.2 11.9M 3.3
Draft tub with expansion tank 14.3M 1.0 14.3M 1.0
Total 30.8M 31.3M
3. Turbulence models
For the investigated gap widths of =0 and =2 the k--SST model as well as the SAS-SST
model are applied for turbulence modelling. The k--SST model represents the standard
model in the field of turbo machinery for turbulence modelling. The SAS-SST model is a
hybrid turbulence model which can switch between RANS and LES mode.
3.1. k--SST
The k--SST model is a two-equation eddy viscosity turbulence model using the Boussinesq
hypothesis to solve the turbulent quantities [7]. The Boussinesq hypothesis implies that the
Reynolds stress tensor ij is proportional to the mean strain rate tensor Sij, which can be
written as:
U U j 2 U k 2
ui' u 'j = t i + + ij k ij (2)
x x 3 x 3
j i k
Through the combination of the k- with the k- turbulence models no additional damping
function for the viscous sublayer is necessary. For the core flow the SST model switches from
the k- formulation which is used for the flow in the sublayer to a k- formulation to avoid

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

the common problems of the k- model of being too sensitive to inlet free stream turbulence
3.2. SAS-SST
The hybrid approach of the SAS-SST turbulence model allows the resolution of smaller
turbulence quantities in the flow field. Therefore the SAS-SST mode enables unsteady RANS
to operate in the SRS (Scale Resolving Simulation) mode [8]. Through the provided
information of the von Karman length scale LK a dynamically adjustment of resolved
turbulence structures for the SAS model is possible, resulting in a LES like behavior whereas
RANS capabilities are still provided [9]. The essential quantity for the turbulence model to
switch to SRS mode is the von Karman length scale, which is introduced by an additional
source term QSAS in the transport equation of the turbulence eddy frequency of the RANS
SST model described in Eq. (3) [10] [11] [12].

+ (U j ) = Pk 2 + QSAS +
t xi k

t 2 1
+ + + (1 + F1 ) (3)
x j
x j 2 x j x j
The source term QSAS is defined as:
1 1 k k
2 L 2
QSAS = max 2S C max 2 , , 0 (4)
x x k 2 x x
LK j j j j
with the von Karman length scale LK and the turbulent length scale L. The von Karman
length scale is defined as:
U' 2U i 2U i 1 U i U j
LK = , U ''= , U ' = S = 2 S S , S = + (5)
U '' xk2 x 2j 2 x j xi
ij ij ij

The reduction of the turbulence eddy viscosity enables the generation of smaller turbulent
structures which leads to a turbulence cascade down to grid limit. Similar to the Smagorinsky
LES model a limiter is introduced to the turbulence eddy viscosity. The grid limiter is
necessary due to the insufficient damping of the SAS-SST for small turbulent structures [10].
An advantage of the SAS-SST model over DES-type models is the ability to operate in RANS
mode if the grid density and the time step are not fine enough.
4. Results
For the evaluation of the results a comparison of different quantities is carried out. The
integral quantities torque and head are compared with measurements performed in the closed
loop in the laboratory of the Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machinery. The
vortex structure in the draft tube, velocity profiles in the draft tube cone, turbulence quantities
in the draft tube are analyzed for all numerical approaches. Moreover, the effect of the runner
gap on the listed evaluation quantities is investigated. The evaluation spot for the velocity
profiles is shown in Fig. 1. After achieving a periodic flow behavior, a time averaging of the
flow quantities is performed over 60 runner revolutions to evaluate the integral quantities and
the velocity profiles.
4.1. Integral quantities
The integral quantities head and torque are compared with the experimental measurement
since the discharge is the inlet boundary condition in all numerical setups. All quantities are
normalized using the experimental results and listed in Tab. 2. For all numerical approaches
head and torque are overpredicted. The head of the simulation using the hybrid SAS-SST

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

turbulence model is even more overestimated compared to the RANS turbulence model,
independent of the gap size. For the torque the differences between the two analyzed
turbulence models is almost identical, even though the torque is overpredicted by all
The influence of the gap can be seen on the torque as well as on the head. Due to the runner
gap the torque at the runner reduces independent of the used turbulence model, but is still
overestimating the results of the experiment. The head of the simulations with runner gap is
also reduced, even though there still is a rather big difference between the two investigated
turbulence models.
Tab.2 Normalized integral quantities, head and torque
=0 =2
Head (Hcfd-Hexp)/ Hexp [%] 3.2 5.8 2.4 4.4
Torque (Tcfd-Texp)/ Texp [%] 4.5 4.3 2.6 2.6
4.2. Velocity profiles
The evaluation of the velocity profiles is performed in the cone of the draft tube close behind
the runner trailing edge (see Fig. 1). The analyzed meridional, circumferential and radial
velocity components are time averaged and presented in Fig. 2.

Fig.2 Time averaged velocity profiles for the SST and the SAS model with and without runner gap
Differences between the SST and the SAS turbulence model are visible in all velocity
components. The size of the stagnation region where the full load vortex develops can be seen
in the meridional and circumferential velocity component. A significant difference of the size
of the stagnation region can be observed between the k--SST and the SAS-SST model. The

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

computation using the SAS-SST turbulence model show a larger stagnation region
downstream the runner hub compared to the k--SST model. The runner gap has a minor
effect on the velocity profiles at the measuring position in the draft tube cone. Explicit
influences of the gap flow can be seen close behind the runner in the downstream flow in all
velocity components and is extenuated more and more to the evaluation spot. In an additional
evaluation spot in the draft tube diffusor the effect of the gap flow on the velocity profile is
4.3. Vortex rope
The full load vortex for the analyzed operation point arises from a low pressure zone
downstream the runner hub and is visualized in Fig. 3 by a pressure isosurface. The shape of
the vortex rope differs between the two numerical approaches, whereas the influence of the
runner gap on the shape is negligible. The vortex rope of simulation using the k--SST model
looks like a classical full load vortex, which is positioned downstream the runner hub in the
middle of the draft tube in a symmetrical shape. Computations with the SAS-SST provide
differing results. The vortex rope is developing in a shape resembling a corkscrew, looking
like a part load vortex. The described difference of the results applying different turbulence
models is according to the velocity profiles presented in Fig. 2. The dimensions of the low
pressure zone are larger when using the SAS-SST model compared to the k--SST model.
The hub contour in the experiment is varied. Observations indicate that vortex rope is
developing in the shape as calculated with the SAS model. Further validation of the shape and
the velocity profiles are necessary.

(a) (b)
SST =0 SAS =0

(c) (d)
SST =2 SAS =2

Fig.3 Shape of the vortex rope in the draft tube for the SST and the SAS model with and without
runner gap with additional planes in the draft tube (c), (d)
colored by the viscosity ratio 0-2000
4.4. Turbulence evaluation
The ability of the SAS-SST model to resolve smaller flow structures than the k--SST model
can be seen in Fig. 4. The flow structures in the cone of the draft tube are generally smaller
than in the diffusor, this is irrespective of the turbulence model. To display the LES content of

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

the turbulence model there are several options. In this paper two are illustrated. On one hand
there is the velocity invariant Q and on the other hand the viscosity ratio, which is also
illustrated in Fig. 3 [13]. The k--SST model shows large flow structures with high values of
the viscosity ratio. The breakdown of the vortex rope in the diffusor, due to the change of the
geometry from round to rectangular, increases the scales of the resolved turbulent structures.
Influences of the gap size on resolved structures in the entire draft tube for the investigated
gap sizes cannot be observed. Further investigations with additional gap widths and grid
densities are planned for a detailed evaluation.

(a) (b)
SST =2 SAS =2

Fig.4 Isosurface of the velocity invariant Q=1 for the SST and the SAS model
5. Conclusion and Outlook
Simulations of a full load operation point of an axial propeller turbine with and without
runner gap are performed with grids of approximately 30 million elements applying two
different turbulence models. The computed integral quantities torque and head are
overestimated independent of the turbulence model and the runner gap. The hybrid RANS-
LES turbulence model overpredicts the head even more than the standard RANS model. With
negligence of the gap the torque and head are veering away from the results of the
experimental measurement. The shape of the vortex rope diversifies significantly between the
two investigated turbulence models. A straight vortex rope downstream the runner hub
develops using a k--SST turbulence model. When applying the SAS-SST turbulence model
a vortex rope in the shape of a corkscrew is reassembling downstream the runner hub in the
middle of the draft tube. The differences of the vortex rope can also be seen in the time
averaged velocity profiles, evaluated in the cone of the draft tube. The described differences
can be seen in all investigated velocity components. The runner gap has minor influences on
the analyzed velocity profiles, due to the position of the evaluation spot. The hybrid
turbulence model is capable to resolve smaller turbulent structures in the draft tube than the
RANS model. An effect of the gap on the turbulent structures in the draft tube cannot be
Additional gap sizes and grid densities are planned to investigate to get a better understanding
of the effects of the runner gap on the flow field in the draft tube.
6. References
[1] Commision of the European Communities: Towards sustainable water management in
the European Union first stage in the implementation of the Water Framework
Directive. 2000.
[2] Bundesverband der Energie- und Wasswerwirtschaft e.V.: BDEW akualisierte Angaben
zum Energiemix 2014: Erneuerbare Energie erzeugen immer mehr Strom. 2014.
Acress: 20 May 2015

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

[3] International standard IEC 60193 Second Edition 1999-11: Hydraulic turbines. storage
pumps and pump-turbines Model Acceptance Tests. International Electrical Commision
(editor), Genf. 1999.
[4] O Kirschner: Experimentelle Untersuchung des Wirbelzopfes im geraden Saugrohr
einer Modell-Pumpturbine. University of Stuttgart. 2011
[5] H Jasak, H G Weller, A D Gosman: High resolution NVD differencing scheme for
arbitrarily unstructured meshes. International Journal Numerical Methods in Fluids
Vol. 31. 1999 pp. 431-449.
[6] F R Menter: Best Practice: Scale-Resolving Simulations in ANSYS CFD Version 1.0,
ANSYS Germany. 2012.
[7] F R Menter: Two-equation eddy-viscosity turbulence models for engineering
applications. AIAA-Journal. Vol. 32 (8). 1994. pp. 269-289
[8] F R Menter, J Schtze, M Gritskevich: Gobal vs. Zonal Approaches in Hybrid RANS-
LES Turbulence Modelling. Progress in Hybrid RANS-LES Modelling, Notes on
Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design. Vol 117. 2012. pp 15-28.
[9] J C Rotta: Turbulente Strmungen, Teubner, Stuttgart. 1972.
[10] Y Egorov, F R Menter: Development and Application of SST-SAS Turbulence Model
the DESIDER Project. Advances in Hybrid RANS-LES Modelling, Notes on Numerical
Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design. Vol. 97. 2008. pp. 261-270. Springer.
[11] Y Egorov, F R Menter, R Lechner, D Cokljat: The Scale-Adaptive Simulation Method
for Unsteady Turbulent Flow Predictions. Part 2: Application to Complex Flows.
Journal Flow, Turbulence and Combustion. Vol. 85. 2010. pp. 139-165. Springer
[12] F R Menter, Y Egorov: The Scale-Adaptive Simulation Method for Unsteady Turbulent
Flow Predictions. Part 1: Theory and Model Description. Journal Flow, Turbulence and
Combustion. Vol. 85. 2010. pp. 113 -138. Springer
[13] J Joeng, F Hussain: On the identification of a vortex. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. Vol.
285. 1995. pp. 69-94.

6th IAHR International Meeting of the Workgroup on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic
Machinery and Systems, September 9-11, 2015, Ljubljana, Slovenia



Sebastian MUNTEAN*
Romanian Academy Timioara Branch, Hydrodynamics and Cavitation Laboratory, Romania
University of Trieste, Italy; currently on leave from Kolektor Turbointitut d.o.o., Slovenia
S.C. AQUATIM S.A., Timioara, Romania
Liviu Eugen ANTON
Politehnica University of Timioara, Hydraulic Machinery Department, Romania

The paper investigates numerically the flow non-uniformity generated by a symmetrical suction elbow
at the large pumps inlet. The geometry of suction elbows, numerical setup and boundary conditions
are presented. Two test cases available in storage power plants from Romania and Switzerland are
considered. The numerical results for the first case (a model-size pump) are validated against LDV
measurements. The flow field is investigated to provide deep understanding of the hydrodynamic
phenomena generated by suction elbow at pump inlet. The numerical results obtained for the second
case (a prototype-size pump) are analyzed in order to assess the flow non-uniformity ingested by
double flux impeller.

large pumps, symmetrical suction elbow, flow non-uniformity

Two cases are considered in this paper in order to explore the non-uniformity generated by
symmetrical suction elbows. The first one corresponds to the Jidoaia pumping station located in
Lotru hydropower system from Romania [1]. This pumping station is equipped with two units
of 10 MW operated with constant speed of 1000 rpm, Fig. 1. The nominal hydraulic
parameters of each double flux pump are the following: discharge Q=4 m3/s and pumping
head H=197 m, respectively. In situ experimental investigations were performed after 27
years. A worse cavitational behaviour was revealed in service [2]. Therefore, a half impeller
and a suction elbow models (1:5.7) of this double flux pump were manufactured and
experimentally investigated on test rig at Politehnica University of Timisoara [3]. As a result, a
Corresponding author: Bvd. Mihai Viteazu, No. 24, Timioara, Romania, phone/fax: +40-256-403692, email:
[email protected]
IAHR WG Meeting on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Ljubljana 2015

detailed investigation of the flow field generated by the suction elbow at the impeller inlet is
performed by Drghici et al. [4, 5].
The second case belongs to the Fuhren storage pump from the complex hydropower
system of KWO, Switzerland. A double flux pump with the nominal hydraulic parameters
(discharge Q=2 mc/s, pumping head H=184 m and power P=5 MW) and rotational speed
1500 rpm was commissioned in 1961, Fig. 1. Several cavitational damages were identified on
the impeller blades during pump operation [6].

Fig.1 Double flux pumps installed in the power plants: Jidoaia (left) and Fuhren (right).
In both cases, the non-uniform flow generated by the symmetrical suction elbow is
ingested by the impeller leading to the strong unwanted effects as impeller cavitation [7],
bearing wear, noise and vibration problems. The main goal of the paper is to quantify this
flow non-uniformity in order to explore solutions to increase lifetime.
Section 2 summarizes the three-dimensional computational domain of the suction
elbow, boundary conditions and numerical setup. The numerical results at impeller inlet for
one case are validated against LDV data in Section 3 while the numerical results on other case
are analysed in Section 4. The paper conclusions are drawn in Section 5.


In the first case, the three-dimensional computational domains correspond to the inlet piping
and the suction elbow and one interblade channel of the impeller pump model with five
blades [8-11]. In order to couple the steady absolute suction elbow flow field with the
impeller steady relative flow, a mixing technique is developed and employed on suction
elbow-impeller interface, Fig.2. In this particular case, the first step is the flow computation
on the suction-elbow domain with velocity as a inflow boundary condition. The resulting
velocity profile at the outlet of the stationary domain is imposed as inflow condition on the
inlet section of the interblade channel domain. The second step is the flow computation on the
interblade channel with velocity and turbulent profiles imposed on the inlet section. The
pressure field computed on the inlet section of the impeller interblade channel is selected as
outflow boundary condition for the suction elbow computation described in the first step. The
velocity and pressure profiles are obtained by circumferential average quantities on annular
sections common for steady absolute and steady relative domains. The iterative procedure is
performed using FLUENT 6.3 [12], until the solution is unchanged from iteration to the other.
A grid with 2M cells is used for the suction elbow domain while a grid with around 360k cells
is considered for the impeller channel. The discharge value of 40.2 l/s and the impeller speed
of 3000 rpm are imposed. The second order schemes and SIMPLE algorithm for coupling
velocity-pressure fields are selected. The global numerical results obtained using mixing
interface technique is validated with experimental data by Gnga et al. [11].
IAHR WG Meeting on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Ljubljana 2015

Fig.2 Mixing technique applied on the pump model.

For the second case, the computational domain (Fig. 3) consists of the inlet piping
with suction chambers, the double-sided impeller with seven-blades per impeller side, and the
volute. The computational mesh consists of 28 million nodes (67.5 million elements). The
case was simulated as a transient simulation with the time-step size corresponding to 0.4 of
the impeller revolution. The RMS Courant number was around 1.3. The effect of labyrinth
seals was modelled with outlet and inlet mass flow boundary conditions at rings (thin
surfaces) just before and after the impeller. Flow rate through labyrinth seals was assumed to
be equal to 3% of nominal flow rate (of 2 m3/s). The scale-adaptive-simulation shear-stress-
transport turbulence model [13, 14] with curvature correction (SAS-SST-CC) was used as a
turbulence model. The default cavitation model in ANSYS CFX 15.0 was used. The
cavitation model is based on Rayleigh-Plesset equation, with values of cavitation
condensation and vaporisation coefficients equal to 0.01 and 50, respectively. A bounded
central-difference scheme was used as an advection scheme, whereas the second-order
backward Euler transient scheme was used as a time-stepping scheme. The results of
statistical averaging over five impeller revolutions are presented.

Fig.3 Three-dimensional computational domain of the Fuhren storage pump (left).

Locations of side 1 and side 2 with position of ribs R1 and R2. (right)


Particularly, a cylindrical section is installed between symmetrical section elbow outlet and
impeller inlet in order to install the optical window for LDV measurements. The annular
section selected for LDV measurements is located at 50 mm with respect to the elbow section
IAHR WG Meeting on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Ljubljana 2015

outlet, Fig. 4. Let us examine now the flow field on this annular section on model with a
casing diameter of Dc=103 mm and a sleeve diameter of Ds=40.5 mm, respectively. In this
case, the ratio between sleeve and casing diameters is Ds/Dc=0.4. The flow angle is defined
in eq. (1) being the flow deviation with respect to the pump axis, Fig. 4.
= arctg u [] (1)

Fig.4 View of the annular cross section at the suction elbow outlet.
Fig. 5 presents the qualitative assessment of the flow angle map on the annular section
yielded based on numerical analysis against LDV data measured by Draghici et al. [4]. One
can observe that the detailed features of flow field are recovered in numerical simulation
providing a good qualitative comparison against experimental data.

Fig.5 Flow angle map validation against experimental data on annular section.
The most significant variation of the flow angle on the annular surface of the outlet suction
elbow is generated near the boundaries (in vicinity of sleeve and casing, respectively), see
Fig. 5. One can see that the largest flow non-uniformity of 39.62 is computed near to the
sleeve from 0 to 180. However, a significant flow non-uniformity of 33.15 is quantified
near to the casing corresponding to the region from -180 to 0. In this case, two regions are
identified with extreme values of the flow non-uniformity: (1) the region located near to the
casing from -180 to 0 and (2) the region located behind to the sleeve. Consequently, two
different sources of the flow non-uniformity can be assumed for this case: (1) the three-
dimensional geometry of the suction elbow which generates the flow non-uniformity near to
the casing; (2) the flow over the sleeve induces the non-uniformity behind it.
IAHR WG Meeting on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Ljubljana 2015

Figs. 6 validate the flow angle computed numerically against experimental data on five radii
displaced on annular section. These five radii are located as follow (Fig. 4): b=0.05 (near to
sleeve), 0.26, 0.48 (near to mid cross section), 0.73, 0.96 (near to casing). The numerical
results (lines) agree quite well with experimental data (points).
b=0.96 (LDV)
b=0.73 (LDV)
45 b=0.48 (LDV)
b=0.26 (LDV)
b=0.05 (LDV)
30 mesh1

gama [deg]



45 R2 R1

180 90 0 90 180
theta [deg]

Fig.6 Flow angle validation against experimental data on five radii displaced on annular section
(b=0 near to hub and b=1 near to casing).

Fig.7 Vorticity map (left) and streamlines on the annular section (right). A structure with four vortices
is identified on the pump inlet section.
The flow structure with four vortices is revealed plotting the vorticity in Fig. 7a. Two vortices are
located in the upper side (V1 and V2) with respect to symmetry plane, see Fig. 7b, and other two
vortices in the lower side (V1m and V2m), respectively. The vortices V1 and V2m spin in the same
direction with the pump impeller while other two vortices (V1 and V2m) in opposite direction,
respectively. The vorticity magnitude reaches the largest absolute value in the core of vortices V1 and
V1m in agreement with flow visualization on the test rig [5].


Let us examine now the flow fields on two annular sections on prototype case with a casing
diameter of Dc=0.464 m and a sleeve diameter of Ds=0.242 m, respectively. In this case, the
ratio between sleeve and casing diameters of Ds/Dc=0.522 is considered.
IAHR WG Meeting on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Ljubljana 2015

Fig.8 Flow angle map computed on annular sections of the prototype case:
side 1 (left) and side 2 (right).
The flow angle map is plotted on both sides in Figs. 8. The angle is defined with Eq. 1, so it
should be noted that velocity Vz has different sign on Side1 and Side2. One can observe that
the flow angle non-uniformity reaches the extreme values of -45.2/+45.0 near to the sleeve
corresponding to the region from 0 to 180 on side 1. The extreme values of -59.9/+57.7 are
determined for the flow angle on side 2 being located in the same region as on side 1.
side 1
30 b=0.26

gama [deg]

side 2 R2
30 b=0.96
45 b=0.26
180 90 0 90 180
theta [deg]

Fig.9 Flow angle distribution on five radii displaced on annular sections: side 1 with dashed lines and
side 2 with solid lines (b=0 near to hub and b=1 near to casing).
As a result, the most critical region is identified behind to the sleeve where the extreme values
are computed on both sides. The main cause for this non-uniformity is the flow over the
sleeve. The flow non-uniformity generated behind the sleeve is larger for the second case
presented (prototype size of the pump) than for the first case (model size of the pump). The
ratio of 0.522 between the sleeve and the casing diameters is considered on the prototype
while a ratio of 0.4 is selected on the model, respectively. As a result, the flow non-uniformity
behind the sleeve is directly correlated with ratio of sleeve and casing diameters. Figs. 10
present statistically averaged streamlines (over five impeller revolutions) on both annular
sections displaced at the double flux impeller. Two vortices are distinguished behind the
sleeve on each side. However, the positions of both vortices on side 1 are different than on
side 2. The non-uniform flow generated by the suction elbows is ingested by the pump
impeller leading to the problems found in service.
IAHR WG Meeting on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Ljubljana 2015

Fig.10 Statistically averaged streamlines on the annular sections. A structure with two vortices is
identified at pump inlet sections: side 1 (left) and side 2 (right)

The flow non-uniformity generated by two symmetrical suction elbows at the large pump
inlets is explored in this paper. The geometry of the suction elbow, numerical setup and
boundary conditions are presented for each case. First test case corresponds to a pumped
storage power plant available in Romania. The three-dimensional turbulent flow is computed
between the suction elbow and an interblade channel using a mixing interface algorithm. As a
result, the numerical results obtained on annular cross section displaced at the impeller model
inlet were validated against LDV measurements. A hydrodynamic structure with four vortices
is revealed by a detailed analysis of the flow field for this case. Two regions with the extreme
values of the flow angle are identified. One region is located near to the casing and the non-
uniformity source is assumed the three-dimensional geometry of the suction elbow. Other
region is situated behind to the sleeve being produced by it. The second case belongs to the
Fuhren power plant from Switzerland. The three-dimensional flow computation performed on
this case revealed a hydrodynamic structure with two vortices located behind the sleeve on
each annular cross section. The vortices locations are different from one side to another.
However, the extreme values of the flow angle computed behind the sleeve on the second
case are larger than the first case. The result is justified with the ratio between the sleeve and
the casing diameters, which is 0.522 for the second case (prototype size of the pump) and 0.4
for the first case (model size of pump). In the future, different solutions can be explored to
improve the hydrodynamic conditions at pump inlet in order to reduce the maintenance cost
and to extend the impeller lifetime.

The first author acknowledges the support from Romanian Academy programme. The second
author would like to acknowledge financial support by the People Programme (Marie Curie
Actions) of the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2007-2013/ under
REA grant agreement n612279 and from the Slovenian Research Agency ARRS - Contract
No. 1000-15-0263.

[1] Cojocar, M.: Hidrocontrucia: Hydropower constructions. Bucharest, 2nd ed. 2008.
[2] Anton, A.: In situ performance curves measurements of large pumps, IOP Conf. Ser.:
Earth Environ. Sci. Vol. 12. 2010. pp. 012090:1-10.
IAHR WG Meeting on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Ljubljana 2015

[3] Muntean, S., Drghici, I., Gnga, G., Anton, L.E., Baya, A.: Hydrodynamic design of a
storage pump impeller using inverse method and experimental investigation of the
global performances. Wasserwitschaft Extra, Vol. 1. 2015. pp. 55-59.
[4] Drghici, I., Bosioc, A.I., Muntean, S., Anton, L.E.: LDV measurements of the velocity
field on the inlet section of a pumped storage equipped with a symmetrical suction
elbow for variable discharge values. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environ. Sci. Vol. 22.
2014. pp. 032017:1 9.
[5] Drghici, I., Muntean, S., Bosioc, A.I., Gnga, G., Anton, L.E., Unsteady pressure field
analysis at pump inlet equipped with a symmetrical suction elbow. Proceedings of the
Romanian Academy Series A. 2015. (accepted)
[6] kerlavaj, A., Titzschkau, M., Pavlin, R., Vehar, F., Menar, P., Lipej, A.: Cavitation
improvement of double suction centrifugal pump HPP Fuhren. IOP Conf. Series: Earth
and Environ. Sci. Vol. 15. 2012. 022009:1 8.
[7] kerlavaj, A., Pavlin, R.: Effect of vortical structures on cavitation on impeller blades in
pumps with suction chambers. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environ. Sci. Vol. 22. 2014.
052002:1 9.
[8] Stuparu, A., Muntean, S., Balint, D., Anton, L.E., Baya, A.: Numerical investigation of
a storage pump at constant speed. Proceedings of the 3rd German-Romanian Workshop
on Turbomacinery Hydrodynamics. Timioara, Romania. 2007. pp. 73-84.
[9] Dunca, G., Muntean, S., Isboiu, E.: 3D numerical flow analysis into a double stage
and double flux storage pump. Proceedings of the Conference on Modelling Fluid Flow
(CMFF09). Budapest, Hungary. Vol. 2. 2009. pp. 881 887.
[10] Gnga, G., Stuparu, A., Bosioc, A.I., Anton, L.E., Muntean, S.: 3D numerical simulation
of the flow into the suction elbow and impeller of a storage pump. Proceedings of the
4th International Meeting on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery
and Systems. Belgrade, Serbia. 2011. pp. 155-122.
[11] Gnga, G., Stanciu, I.R., Muntean, S., Baya, A., Anton, L.E.: 3D Numerical Flow
Analysis and Experimental Validation into a Model Impeller of a Storage Pump.
Proceedings of the Conference on Modelling Fluid Flow (CMFF12). Budapest,
Hungary. Vol. 2. 2012. pp. 804 811.
[12] Fluent Inc.: FLUENT 6.3, Users Guide. Lebanon, 2006.
[13] Egorov, Y., Menter, F.: Development and application of SST-SAS turbulence model in
the DESIDER project. Advances in Hybrid RANS-LES Modelling. Eds. S-H Peng and W
Haase. Heidelberg, Springer. 2008. pp. 261-270.
[14] kerlavaj, A., kerget, L., Ravnik, J., Lipej, A.: Choice of a Turbulence Model for
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of Power and Energy. Vol. 225. 2011. pp. 764 778.

Vu (m.s-1) circumferential Vz (m.s-1) axial velocity
velocity component component
() flow angle D (m) diameter
b (-) dimensionless length
6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015


Andreas NEIPP*
Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machinery, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machinery, University of Stuttgart, Germany

This paper deals with the blade design of an axial expansion turbine for energy recovery from working
fluids using an automated optimisation process that applies full 3D CFD simulations. In order to
reduce the total calculation time not only the optimisation process, but also the geometry generation,
the mesh generation as well as the CFD processing operates in parallel. The different jobs are
administrated by a Perl-interface which coordinates the work flow and processes the data. An in-house
optimisation algorithm performs the optimisation procedure. A blade parameterisation is introduced
and described in detail. As quality criterion the average efficiency is combined with the standard
deviation of the efficiencies of three different operating points. Additionally different boundary values
are introduced to investigate their influence on the blade design and the flow behaviour. The
optimisation results show that the use of two combined boundary values improves the cavitation
behaviour of the turbine significantly. The average efficiency of the axial expansion turbine could be
increased without narrowing the operating range.

Axial expansion turbine, blade parameterisation, automated flow optimisation

Many industrial processes need working fluids on high pressure levels. At the end of
processes fluids are often released to ambient pressure via conventional throttles. The
pressure energy dissipates and remains unused. An axial expansion turbine (AXENT) is one
possibility to convert the pressure energy into electrical energy. The reuse of recovered
energy increases the overall efficiency of systems.
The key requirement on recovering systems is that the energy recovery has no negative effect
on the plant safety and the process stability. A significant advantage of the axial expansion
turbine is the almost constant flow rate even in the case of power failure, when the turbine
reaches its runaway speed. The constant flow rate prevents a hydraulic pressure surge, which
could result in damages on valves, sealings and other structures of the system. The AXENT
needs no additional safety device or auxiliary control equipment [1]. The future success of the
AXENT depends to a large extent on the efficiency and the durability.
The turbine efficiency shall be increased without narrowing the operating range by having a
negative influence on the cavitation behaviour. A previous manual optimisation proved to be
extremely time-consuming, because even slight changes in blade shape have strong influence
on the flow behaviour and operating point. The counteracting effect observed during the
manual optimisation was that an increase in efficiency comes along with worse cavitation
behaviour finally needing additional design time. In order to accelerate the design process an
* Corresponding author: Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machinery, Pfaffenwaldring 10, 70550 Stuttgart, Germany,
phone: +49(0)711/685-60231, email: [email protected]

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

optimiser based on a genetic algorithm is used [2]. The automated CFD flow optimisation is
performed on the basis of a manual optimised reference design. The

The whole optimisation process can be divided into three processing levels. The top level is
the optimiser calculating the parameters of each individual in a generation. The next level is a
Perl-interface coordinating the work flow. The third level consists of three successively
executed jobs, the geometry generation, the mesh generation and the CFD computation. The
work flow of one generation can be divided into three major steps. In the first step the design
is parametrized and the geometry generation is started. The second step consists of evaluating
output data and distributing work. Therefore the geometries and the meshes are categorised
into fit or failed designs. Depending on the categorisation the designs will be passed to the
next job or will be separated from the regular work flow, as shown in figure 1. The third step
is the solutions processing. One single quality criterion for each design is calculated and
passed to the optimiser. Hereafter all output data of one generation are cleared.

Fig.1 Optimisation procedure

Every individual of a generation has to be executed in the same way and follow the same
workflow. The serial execution of the geometry generation, the mesh generation and the
CFD-computation allows that the number of parallel executed individuals can differ between
those three jobs. Depending on the computing capacity and the amount of licences available
the number of individuals treated in parallel may be adapted. In case, for example, that the
number of individuals in one generation is higher than the number of available licences the
generation can be divided into groups being sequentially executed.
The parallel running processes are called child processes. By using the fork system call every
child process is writing a solution with its PID number into a container file. For a robust
optimisation procedure not every child process has to finish successfully. If one child process
is terminated due to any computational or network error it returns a predefined trivial solution
to the container file. The trivial solution is treated as a failed design. After all child processes
have finished the container file is processed by the parent process and passes the data to the
Perl-interface for evaluation or solution processing.

The optimisation algorithm

The used in-house optimisation algorithm is based on a genetic procedure, which uses a
predefined number of individuals per generation [3], [4]. Each individual represents one

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

design with a given parameter setup. After the computation of one generation the solution
process starts and calculates one single target value for each individual, e.g. the turbine
efficiency. The optimiser retrieves the data to sort out all bad designs and calculates a new set
of parameters for each individual of the next generation. This complies with the evolutionary
principle of surviving of the fittest. Individuals that are sorted out by the evaluation module
because of a failed geometry generation or a bad mesh quality are transferred directly to the
solution processing and will always be treated as failed designs.
The following section shortly outlines the work sequence of the optimiser. First the number of
parameters, the lower and upper value of each parameter, the number of individuals nind, the
number of surviving individuals nsur, the maximum number of generations and a convergence
criterion have to be defined. In the first step the optimiser randomly calculates a set of
parameters in the allowed range of values for nind individuals of the first generation. After
processing all individuals, the optimiser retrieves the solutions of each individuals and sorts
out the best nsur surviving individuals building the basis for the next generation with n = nind
nsur individuals. In the case that the defined convergence criteria is met the optimiser stops.
The optimiser is based on three different methods for setting up new parameters. The method
of reproduction, two combined simplex algorithm and a random function are used. Each
method provides one third of the new individuals. The method of reproduction and the
simplex algorithm generate the new designs on basis of surviving individuals whereas the
random function generates its designs totally stochastically and as a result reduces the risk of
finding a local maximum.

Blade parameterisation

Fig.2 Blade parameterisation

The parameterisation of the blade shape is based on a polygon constructed from ten points
(Fig. 2). The blade profile is modelled by a B-spline formulation of fourth order. The corners
of the polygon are treated as control points. The length, the thickness distribution as well as
the inlet and outlet angle of the blade is defined by the shape of the polygon.
The blade is described by splines in three radial cuts. The cuts are placed on the hub, in the
middle of the blade channel and on the shroud. The blade surface is built by putting a lofted
surface over the three splines. The blade is constructed out of 30 points and consequently the
parameterisation of the blade has 60 degrees of freedom. In order to simplify the optimisation
process, with regard to the geometry and the mesh generation, the degrees of freedom for one
blade were reduced to a maximum of 33. The following section explains how the points were
set into relationship to each other.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

The construction of the polygon is initially based on the point of origin P0 and two additional
points P1 and P2. The coordinates of those two points are defined by two angles in and out, a
length ratio xt0 and the combined length c = c1 + c2 of two straight lines connecting the three
points (Fig. 2: left):
x0 = 0 x1 = sin ( in ) xt 0 c x2 = sin ( out ) (1 xt 0 ) c
; ; (1)
y0 = 0 y1 = cos( in ) xt 0 c y2 = cos( out ) (1 xt 0 ) c
The width w of the polygon at P0 is defined by two points P01 and P02. The coordinates are
calculated with the length c, a length width ratio t and an angle 0.
x01 = sin ( 0 ) c x02 = sin ( 0 ) c
t t
2; 2 ; + out
0 = in (2)
y 01 = cos( 0 ) c y 02 = cos( 0 ) c
t t
2 2
The two straight lines connecting P1 and P2 with P0 form symmetry axes. The remaining six
points of the polygon are symmetrically arranged in pairs. Figure 2 shows the position of
those points being described by a distance ci and a width wi. The coordinates of each point are
calculated with the length c, the two angles in and out, two length ratios xt0 and xi and a
length width ratio ti.
xi1,i 2 = sin ( in ) xt 0 (1 xi ) cos( in ) i c
y i1,i 2 = cos( in ) xt 0 (1 xi ) sin ( in ) c
t out
xout1,out 2 = sin ( out ) (1 xt 0 ) xout cos( out ) c
y out1,out 2 = cos( out ) (1 xt 0 ) xout sin ( out ) out c
The blade tip is very important for the flow behaviour in the blade channel. The flow very
sensitively reacts on small changes in their shaping. For that reason the five points defining
the shape of the blade tip are put close together. The remaining points at the end of the blade
have a greater distance to generate a uniform outflow.
Due to the spline definition both angles in and out do not represent the inlet and outlet angle
of the blade. Except for P2 which is the starting and ending point of the spline all other
control points are not located on the spline. The blade shape is exactly defined by the 33
parameters defining the coordinates of the polygon corners. However, this current geometry
definition does not allow to directly predefine an actual value for the chord length as well as
the in- and outlet angle of the blade. Those geometry values are indirectly defined through the
final spline generation.
The parameterisation and the actual geometry generation are done with an in-house code [5].
For this purpose the equations for the parameterisation as well as the B-splines and the
corresponding surfaces have to be predefined in XML files and referred to a part of the
geometry e.g. the hub or the blade. At the end a name is assigned to each part and the
geometry information is exported as STEP (STP) file.

Mesh generation
The most important requirement for a mesh generated during an automated blade optimisation
is an insensitive reaction of the mesh quality to changes in blade geometry. A further
requirement is that the generated mesh has a sufficient quality and the smallest possible

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

number of nodes. For this reason the domain consists of one blade channel with a periodical
1:1 mesh coupling and a simple block structured mesh.
Generally two different methods can be distinguished for blocking one single blade channel.
The first method is the inline blocking, where the blade is surrounded by blocks. Periodic
interfaces that cover the whole length of the blade channel have to be defined. The second
method is the blade-to-blade blocking. The blocks are located between two blades in the
channel. The channel partition runs through the blades and hence the periodic surfaces for the
flow are much smaller. Previous investigations showed that smaller periodic interfaces lead to
a greater flexibility in placing the blocks. Therefore a blade-to-blade mesh is more insensitive
to geometry changes than an inline mesh. For that reason a blade-to-blade mesh is used.
The automated mesh generation is done with a replay script executed in ICEM CFD. In the
first step the geometry is imported from several STP files each containing the geometry
information of one part. In the next step the blocking is generated and all associations are set.
Afterwards the mesh is loaded from the blocking and a mesh report is written. This report
enables to evaluate the mesh quality. In the last step the mesh is exported.

Evaluation and work distribution

The evaluation of the geometry and the mesh generation is an essential requirement for a
robust optimisation process. At first the module checks if all STP files of a design were
generated. In case of a positive evaluation the design is rated fit and passed on to the mesh
generation. If the geometry generation failed for any reason, a trivial solution is passed on to
the solution processing and the individual is treated as failed design (Fig. 1).
After all fit designs have run through the mesh generation the second evaluation run starts.
First of all the existence of the mesh file and the mesh report file of all executed individuals is
checked. If both files exist the evaluation module reads out the mesh quality from the mesh
report file. The mesh quality has to be equal to or greater than the predefined minimum mesh
quality. The individuals fulfilling the defined requirement are passed to the CFD computing.
The others are treated as failed designs (Fig. 1).

CFD computation
The CFD computation can be divided into three basic operations the pre-processing, the
solver run and the post-processing. To guarantee the comparability of the simulation results
the actions performed during the CFX-Pre and the CFD-Post session were recorded with
ANSYS CFX and saved in session files. A bash script is used to successively start the three
operations in batch mode. Depending on the available licences and computing capacities a
predefined number of designs can be treated parallel.
The pre-processing including the definition of the solver input file is very simple because the
only thing that varies is the mesh. All relevant physics and material information are
predefined in a CFX command language (CCL) file. The command line starting the CFX-
Solver defines all settings concerning the solver run. During the post-processing three output
values are exported to a text (txt) file, the turbine efficiency , Eq.(5), the minimum static
pressure pst,min Eq.(6) and the volume vcav in which cavitation is likely to occur. The described
CFD computation is simultaneously executed for three different turbine operating points, such
as part load, best point and full load. The underlying idea is to optimise the flow behaviour of
the turbine over the whole operating range.

Solution processing
The solution processing is the last decisive interface before the quality criterion of each
individual in a generation is passed on to the optimiser. As mentioned before the trivial
solutions sent from the evaluation module are treated as failed designs. The same applies to

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

designs where the CFD computation has terminated and no result file could be generated. The
simulation results of all remaining individuals are processed. Based on predefined boundary
values, such as minimum static pressure pst,min Eq.(6) and cavitation volume vcav, the designs
are again categorized. Fit designs that comply with the predefined boundary values are rated
by an objective function ft. For that reason the efficiency of the turbine is calculated by using
Eq. (4) where M is the torque, the angular velocity, p the pressure difference between
turbine in- and outlet and Q the discharge.
= . (4)
p Q
The target function is a combination of the average turbine efficiency ave and the standard
deviation sdev of the efficiencies in the three operating points. The optimisation goal is to
increase the efficiency in all three operating points and to reduce the deviation leading to a
flat characteristic curve on a higher efficiency level. Because the optimiser searches for the
global minimum the objective function is defined as f t = ( ave s dev ) with
op1 + op 2 + op 3
ave =
s dev =
( op1 ave )2 + ( op 2 ave )2 + ( op3 ave )2 . )
1,010 1,010
objective function ratio ct [-]
objective function ratio ct [-]

1,005 1,005

1,000 1,000

0,995 0,995

0,990 0,990
fit designs fit designs
0,985 0,985
best design best design

0,980 0,980
0 1000 2000 3000 0 1000 2000 3000
design number design number
Fig.3: Objective function ratio over design number for run 1 (left graph) and run 2 (right graph)

In this paper two optimisation runs are presented. The only difference between the two runs is
the number of output values used for categorisation during solution processing. The two
optional boundary values are the volume vcav and the minimum static pressure pst,min. Figure 3
shows the objective function ratio ct = ft / ft,ref of the optimised design to the reference design
as function of the design number for both runs. The first optimisation run uses the volume vcav
as boundary value. The second run has the minimum static pressure pst,min as additional
second boundary value. Because of time restrictions both runs were terminated before
reaching the predefined convergence criterion. With the help of the graphs it can be assumed
that no further increase of ct will happen for either of the runs.
In run one (left graph) a total of 2658 individuals were generated. About 58 %, i.e.1545
individuals were categorized as failed designs with a value of ft = 0 either by the evaluation
module or during the solution process. Even a physically correct design can be marked as
failed design if the simulation results do not comply with the defined limits for the minimum
static pressure or the cavitation volume. For that reason boundary values have a great
influence on the number of surviving individuals and the convergence behaviour. By

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

comparing the two graphs it can be seen, that an optimisation run with more boundary values
has a smaller number of surviving individuals. As a result the optimiser has to generate more
individuals to find the best design.
In order to examine the possible cavitation behaviour the minimal static pressure pst,min in the
flow channel is evaluated. A minimum static pressure
p st ,min < p at p v (6)
where pat = 101300 bar is the atmospheric pressure and pv = 2340 Pa a chosen vapour
pressure, indicates that cavitation can occur in the specific operating point. The cavitation
volume vcav is defined as the volume where Eq. (6) is satisfied. For part load and at the best
point no cavitation is allowed at all. The maximum cavitation volume is set to vcav,max = 0
mm. For full load the cavitation is restricted to vcav,max = 50 mm, which corresponds to
approximately 0.8 of the rotor blade channel. In the first optimisation run the minimum
static pressure is not limited.
1,02 8,0
ref design

static pressure [MPa]

opti design 1
6,0 opti design 2
1,01 p_vapour
relative efficiency / ref,max [-]

0,99 1,0
0,98 -1,0
0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1
normalized chord length [-]
0,97 0,5
ref design
static pressure [MPa]

0,4 opti design 1

0,3 opti design 2
0,96 p_vapour
ref design 0,1
0,95 opti design 1 0
opti design 2
0,94 -0,2
0,10 0,11 0,12 0,13 0,14 0,15 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7
discharge [m3/s] normalized chord length [-]

Fig.4 Characteristic curves (left graph). Static pressure over normalized chord length (right graphs).

The left graph in figure 4 shows that in terms of efficiency increase both optimisation runs
were successful. The average efficiency could be increased by approximately 0.7 %. For both
optimised designs the size of the cavitation volume vcav stayed nearly the same compared to
the reference design (ref design). The two graphs on the right show the static pressure along
the three different blade designs. The first optimised design (opti design 1) cavitation occurs
in two different blade areas. Compared to the reference design a new cavitation area at the
front region of the blade appears. The intermediate pressure rise above the vapour pressure pv
between the two cavitation areas (between 0.34 and 0.54) significantly increases the risk of
cavitation erosion on the optimised blade.
As a reaction on the bad cavitation behaviour of the first optimised design, the minimum
static pressure is set to pst,lim = -11000 Pa and used as bounded output value in the second
optimisation run (opti design 2). The limitation of the minimum static pressure prevents the
pressure drop at the front area of the blade and leads to a pressure distribution along the blade

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

similar to the reference design (Fig. 4 right). It can be assumed that the cavitation behaviour
of the second optimised design and the reference design are nearly identical. The blade design
resulting from the second optimisation run increases the turbine efficiency without narrowing
the operating range.

The first conclusion drawn by comparing the two different optimisations runs is that the setup
of the boundary values has a significant influence on their respective progress. A higher
number of bounded output values leads to a slower convergence and as consequence to higher
affordable computing time. Due to usually limited computer capacities the number of
boundary values should be kept reasonable small.
On the other hand the CFD results show that the introduction of additional bounded output
values can have great impact on the optimised design. By adding the minimum static pressure
as a second boundary value, the cavitation behaviour of the turbine could be improved
significantly. The new optimised blade design leads to an expansion turbine with 0.7 % higher
average efficiency while maintaining the same wide operating range as the reference turbine.

ANSYS Germany GmbH is gratefully acknowledged for support of this research.

[1] Neipp, A. and Riedelbauch, S. (2014), Modular Axial Expansion Turbine for Energy
Recovery from Working Fluids, 18th International Seminar on Hydropower Plants,
[2] Goldberg, D. E.: Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization, and Machine Learning.
Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. 1989.

[3] Ruopp, A., Ruprecht, A. and Riedelbauch, S. (2011), Automatic Blade Optimisation of
Tidal Current Turbines Using OpenFoam, European Wave and Tidal Energy Congress
(EWTEC), Southhampton.

[4] Ruprecht, A., Ruopp, A. and Simader, J. (2012), CFD Based Mathematical
Optimization of Hydro Turbine Components Using Cloud Computing, Sym Hydro,
Hydraulic modelling and uncertainty, Sophia Antipolis.

[5] Tismer, A., Schlipf, M. and Riedelbauch, S. (2014), An Object-Oriented approach for a
Highly Customizable Framework to Design Hydraulic Machines, 18th International
Seminar on Hydropower Plants,Vienna.

c,c1,c2,cin,ctip,cout (mm) lengths sdev (-) standard deviation
ft (-) target function t, tin, ttip, tout (-) length width ratios
M (Nm) torque vcav, vcav,max (mm3) cavitation volumes
nind (-) number of individuals w,win,wtip,wout (mm) widths
nszr (-) number of survivors xt0,xin,xtip,xout (-) length ratios
pat (Pa) atmospheric pressure 0, in, out () angles
pst,min, pst,lim (Pa) static pressures p (Pa) pressure difference
pv (Pa) vapour pressure ,,ave (%) efficiencies
Q (m s ) flow rate
3 -s
(rad s-1) angular velocity

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015



Christa STADLER*

University of Stuttgart, Institute of Fluid Dynamics and Hydraulic Machinery, Stuttgart, Germany


University of Stuttgart, Institute of Fluid Dynamics and Hydraulic Machinery, Stuttgart, Germany

For numerically modelling the interaction between hydrokinetic river turbines and the
adjacent water surface of the river flow a preliminary study on the treatment of open channel
flow is meaningful. Special requirements on meshing and defining boundary and initial
conditions for this specific task are described. Appropriate methods and solvers in
OpenFOAM and Ansys CFX are tested and evaluated through comparison with different
experimental results from literature. An in-house solver based on the shallow water equations
is also able to solve complex open channel problems with some limitations. Deviations from
experimental results are observed for flows with high gradients in water surface and hence a
high component of vertical flow velocity, which is by definition neglected within this
approach. Comparing the simulations using two-phase models with experimental results some
deviations occur for decelerating flow and in regions close to walls. All in all good solutions
are archived for all 2-phase solvers which therefore may be used for modelling of kinetic
turbines close to the water surface.
Hydrokinetic River Turbine, Open Channel Hydraulics, Two-Phase Flow Models
Providing 16% of the global electric energy supply hydropower holds a substantial
contribution to the renewable energy sources. But, only about 35% of the estimated
worldwide economic potential on hydropower is currently used for power production [1]
most of it by conventional damming methods. But there is also a worldwide high potential for
the use of alternative facilities extracting energy from watercourses, e.g. axial hydrokinetic
river turbines.

During the last years several of these turbine types were developed at the Institute of Fluid
Mechanics and Hydraulic Machinery of Stuttgart University. In order to protect rotor and
generator but also to increase the power output the developed turbines types are shrouded and
feature a diffuser downstream of the runner. Due to the cubic relation between power output
and axial velocity installation sites providing high free flow velocities are required. Another
limiting factor regarding the site is the minimum flow depth. This value is presently
* Corresponding author: Institute of Fluid Dynamics and Hydraulic Machinery, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany,
phone: +49 71168560235, email: [email protected]

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

determined by the influence of the bottom boundary layer in river flows but also by a buffer
zone to the water surface in case of low water discharge or surface waves. Up to now complex
open channel phenomena like stationary waves are not taken into account concerning those
considerations. Fig.1 shows the results for a first test simulation approaching the problem of
interaction between water surface and kinetic turbines. Downstream of the turbine v-shaped
surface waves develop and the upstream water level is piled up by the resistance of the turbine
in the flow.

(a) (b)

Fig.1Interaction between river turbine and water surface in a channel: top view (a) and 3D view (b)

Similar behaviour was observed by [2] for an experimental setup investigating a 1:30 model
of an unshrouded tidal turbine in a test channel with free surface flow. For a detailed
numerical investigation of this phenomenon preliminary studies on appropriate modelling
procedures and methods are necessary being the objective of the current work.
For an expedient case setup in numerical modelling of open channel flow the knowledge on
relevant hydraulic theory as well as on the attributes of the different available solvers is
important, as boundary and initial conditions, but also physical and mathematical models have
to fit to the problem.
Theory on open channel hydraulics
The relative energy head in a channel is according to Bernoullis theorem a function of
flow depth h, discharge Q and channel width b and may be calculated with:
H =h+ (1)
2 gh 2 b 2
This formula is a first order approximation and only holds for the assumption of slightly
curved stream lines und water surface as discussed in detail in [3]. Rearranging Eq. (1) for h
three solutions are mathematically possible: one of them is physical invalid (e.g. negative),
the other two solutions are physically correct which is pointing out to two possible flow
regimes for one energy head in open channel flows. This may be described by taking a look at
the dimensionless Froude number, which is the most significant characteristic number for free
surface flows. It is defined by the ratio of speed of wave propagation and the flow velocity
and is calculated as:
Fr = (2)
with v being the mean velocity and h being the characteristic average flow depth in
corresponding cross sectional area. By means of the Froude number open channel flows may
be classified in 2 regimes: subcritical and supercritical flow.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

For Fr < 1 the observed flow is in subcritical (streaming) regime, where gravitational effects
are dominating the flow characteristics. In this regime the information on relevant flow
variables is transported both in and against the flow direction. When flow is dominated by the
flow velocity, conditions for a supercritical (shooting) regime with Fr > 1 are fulfilled [4].
Due to the relatively high flow velocity upstream flow variables are not influenced by the
downstream flow.
Within a transitional flow critical flow conditions are reached where Fr = 1 and the flow
depth is explicit. The change in flow regime may be triggered by a change in the channel
cross section (e.g. blockage by a kinetic turbine), bed slope or bed roughness. A rapid
transition from sub- to supercritical flow is called hydraulic drop and the reverse case is
called hydraulic jump and occurs for an instant change from super- to subcritical flow which
means that the water depth before the jump is always lower than behind [4]. Depending on the
upstream Froude number and the ratio of up- and downstream flow depth up to 85% of the
hydraulic energy may be dissipated in hydraulic jumps. Therefore it is important to exclude
the possibility of developments of hydraulic jumps caused by a hydrokinetic turbine in its
direct vicinity.
Theory on numerical treatment of open channel flow
The 2D depth averaged solver tidalFoam: The in-house solver tidalFoam developed by [5] is
an extension of shallowWaterFoam which is a basic solver within the open source code
OpenFOAM. The solver is based on the shallow water equations where the flow velocity is
depth averaged and its vertical component is neglected. Unlike the original solver variables
for the channel bathymetry and Manning roughness are implemented in tidalFoam.
Furthermore two turbulence models (Smagorinsky- and k--model), a model with a source
term for kinetic turbines and a wetting/drying-algorithm are available.
The Volume of Fluid (VoF) method: the VoF-method is a common approach for modelling
multiphase flow. Both the liquid fluid in the channel (water) and the ambient gaseous fluid
(air) are taken into account. The flow fields are shared by the two fluids. Due to the shared
velocity field no slip between the water and the air phases occurs. In order to determine the
region of the phase interface an additional flow field is introduced. This variable indicates
the volume fraction of the phase water in a cell using a step function which then is one for a
cell filled with water and zero for cells filled with air. For post processing the water surface is
commonly defined at a volume fraction = 0.5. The motion of the volume fraction is
determined by solving an additional transport equation. Ansys CFX uses an interface
capturing approach with a compressive discretization scheme in time and space to reduce
smearing at the phase interface [7]. InterFoam uses a similar interface compression algorithm
for sharpening the phase interface.
The inhomogeneous multiphase Model in CFX: In contrast the VoF-method only the pressure
field is shared by air and water for the inhomogeneous multiphase model. For the other flow
variables individual transport equations for each phase have to be solved which significantly
increases the computational time. At the interface the flow fields of the different fluids are
connected with interphase transfer terms which directly depend on the surface area of the
interface. Within this work the free surface model provided by CFX is used for the interphase
treatment [6]. Furthermore within the inhomogeneous model a homogenous turbulence field
is applied.
Caused by the implicit character of flow depth for a given energy head in open channels (see
chapter 2) but also by the complex interface between water and air numerical models

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

describing open channel flows have to be carefully defined. Regarding the mesh for two-
phase model setups the following problem occurs: as shown in Fig. 2 (a) using a nearly
orthogonal mesh may cause small artificial surface waves at the water-air-interface, whereas
for a mesh with the same number of cells but a refinement normal (see Fig. 2 (b)) to the water
surface those waves do not occur. This also increases the accuracy as, according to [7], the
smearing of the interface reaches over two to three cells in Ansys CFX. As it is using a
similar interface capturing approach this also applies to interFoam.
(a) (b)
Profile Profile
sidewall centerline Profile
sidewall Profile

Fig.2 Water surface profiles with mainly orthogonal (a) and manually adapted (b) mesh
A recommended procedure used for the realized simulations is to run a first simulation using
a mesh which is not specially structured and in a second step adapting and refining the mesh
normal to the water surface (cell height: 2mm; growth ratio: 1.1) gained from the result of the
initial simulation except in regions where unsteady free surface movement is present. For the
following validation cases the water surface is expected to be steady state. Hence, a manual
adaption provides a higher mesh quality and a shorter runtime.

two-phase models tidalFoam

BC variable subcritical supercritical subcritical supercritical

Inlet Velocity U Q /( hus(t i-1) b) U hU hU & h

Pressure p g (hds y) all zero all zero

Outlet h
or p_rgh g hds gradient gradient

Tab.1 Variables for different flow regimes at in- and outlet boundaries
Special requirements are set on the boundary and initial conditions for open channel flow,
mainly at the in- and outlet. The boundary conditions have to reproduce the physical flow
conditions as listed in Tab.1. For supercritical flow the upstream water level has to be fixed
whereas for subcritical flow it is part of the solution. Therefore, the inlet velocity has to be
recalculated every time step according to the continuity equation to ensure a constant
discharge Q. This approach is based on the 2D wave absorption described in [8]. Up to now
this is only implemented for outer iteration loops of both solvers. The disadvantage of this
method is that steps in the sequence of Q(t) and hence in the upstream water level hus(t) may
occur due to insufficient mesh resolution in the interphase area.
Regarding the downstream water level hds a hydrostatic pressure distribution must be defined
when subcritical regime is expected. For supercritical regime the pressure at the outlet is set to
zero gradient in streamwise direction. For all boundaries the volume fraction is set to zero
gradient. Defining the boundary and initial conditions different from the intended regime may
lead to a numerically converging but incorrect solution as exemplarily described in the
following: setting a fixed water level or hydrostatic pressure at the downstream boundary for
an intended supercritical flow a hydraulic jump will develop right before the outlet. This is a

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

numerically valid solution but does not reflect reality. For all two-phase solvers the SST-k-
turbulence model is used, whereas for simulations in tidalFoam turbulence is modelled with
the k--model. The basic versions of the refined meshes provide a dimensionless wall distance
of y+ < 120, which according to [9] is sufficient for the chosen turbulence model. For the
transient simulation an adaptive time step allowing a maximum Courant number of 0.2 is
In order to evaluate different solvers and models being potentially capable of solving open
channel flow problems, different experimental setups from literature are used as validation
cases. Suitable setups are quasi steady open channel flow cases were both flow regimes occur
and a change in flow depth is forced by a change in cross section, as it is the case for a
hydrokinetic turbine in a channel. Appropriate circumstances may be found e.g. in Venturi
channel flows usually used as discharge measurement devices or weir overflows. The main
criterion is the comparison of water surface profiles, but also velocity profiles are compared,
if available. The following test cases are simulated for validation:
Transitional flow through a modified Venturi channel (Case I)
The first test case is a flow through a modified Venturi channel experimentally and
analytically investigated by H. W. Hager in 1985 [3]. As illustrated in Figure 3 a vertical
cylinder is positioned in the centre of a test rig to locally reduce the cross section. A discharge
of Q = 0.02 m/s leads to subcritical flow in the upstream region. Downstream of the obstacle
the flow is not piled-up and hence supercritical flow is observed. In the area of the critical
cross section (minimum channel width) a hydraulic drop with highly curved streamlines and
large gradients in surface slope occurs due to the instant reduction of channel width.

Fig.3 Schematic illustration of the Setup for Case I with post processing cross sections (white)
Simulations are set up according to chapter 3. Resulting surface profiles for time averaged
solutions using different solvers are presented in Fig. 4 (a). The solution for the flow in the
region from inlet to critical cross section is steady over time. The upstream flow depth and the
water level in the critical cross section are nearly identical for all two-phase solvers, which are
collectively underestimating the experimental results by about 2.3%. Using a mesh with y+ <
5 for the simulations the upstream water level increases by about 0.6%.
Due to effects correlating to a von Krmn vortex street the wake flow of the cylinder shows
highly transient behaviour. Here the different methods and models are significantly
influencing the results. Fig. 4 (b) shows the surface profile in a downstream cross section for
different time steps using the interFoam solver. The water surface is greatly varying over
time, with a main maximum oscillating left and right and up and down in the cylinder wake.
The time averaged flow depth shows a good compliance with the experimental results which
are measured via point gauge and are therefore not high precise in this transient region. Using
the interFoam solver also simulations with the k- turbulence model are performed but no
major differences in flow are detected compared to the SST-k--model. Evaluating the
downstream water surface profile for the VoF-method and the inhomogeneous model in

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Ansys CFX it is noteworthy that both approaches overestimate the maximum height of the
wake flow.

Fig.4 Water surface profile at characteristic cross sections for Case I: time averaged results for
different solvers (a) and different times in interFoam (b)
The deviations of the tidalFoam solver in the critical cross section result from high gradients
in longitudinal flow velocity over flow depth which are observed for the two-phase
simulations and for the experiment and cannot be described by the depth averaged shallow
water equations. Especially in the direct vicinity of the cylindrical obstacle flow velocity is
overestimated by tidalFoam which triggers a major underestimation of flow depth there. This
error also propagates upstream and results in an increased head water level.
Transitional flow through a classical Venturi channel (Case II)
For this test case a classical Venturi channel with a mutual narrowing along the side walls and
a comparatively long section of constant constricted width is investigated. The side wall
contour is schematically shown in Fig 5 (b). In the expansion area at the rear end of the
Venturi channel a downward ramp is installed changing the level of bottom geometry. For a
discharge of Q = 0.1164 m/s a subcritical flow develops upstream of the constriction, piled-
up by the reduction of cross section.
The flow regimes in and behind the Venturi channel are similar to Case I, but the streamlines
and water surface are only slightly curved due to the moderate channel contour. During the
experiment Engelund and Munch [10] observed a stationary surface cross wave pattern within
this area which is directly depending on the Froude number of the flow.
In Fig. 5 results are presented by surface profiles in different cross sections (a) and in a
longitudinal cut along the centre of the channel and along the channel side wall (b).
Comparing the VoF solvers slight deviations are visible. It is observed that the intersection
points between surface profile at the centreline and sidewalls gained from the experiment and
from the two-phase solvers are identical. Consequently, this approach is capable of modelling
the correct wave length and hence imitates the experimentally observed pattern of surface
waves in the channel. Deviations between the two-phase simulations and the experiments are
observed mainly at the channel side wall where the position of the water surface is
underestimated by the numerical model. The solvers also show inaccuracy for modelling the
decelerated phase of flow as may be seen in the results for cross section x =1.2 m in Fig 6 (a).

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

A comparison of the homogenous (VoF) and the inhomogeneous approach in Ansys CFX
provides the exact same results in water surface position for both methods.

Fig.5 Water surface profiles results for different for classical Venturi channel: solvers at different
cross sections (a) and longitudinal surface profiles (b)
Regarding the solutions gained from the tidalFoam simulations in Fig. 6 (b) the water level
along the longitudinal cut is nearly constant where the channel width is constant. This test
case shows that for flow with high gradients in surface profile, the depth averaging of the
flow velocity is inappropriate as the flow is dominated by vertical velocity. This component is
missing by definition in the 2D depth averaged shallow water equation.
Supercritical flow downstream of a classical Venturi channel (Case III)
For the third test case a Venturi channel very similar to Case II is investigated, however the
flume is in supercritical regime all the way from inlet to outlet. Due to the expansion of
channel width at the rear end of the Venturi channel cross waves develop as qualitative
pictures from experimental and numerical test rig illustrate in Fig 6 (a) and (b). These surface
waves reside in a completely steady state.

(a) (b) (c)

Fig.6 Photography of water surface during experiment [10] (a), Isosurface for a corresponding VoF-
simulation (b) detailed surface profiles for different solvers (c)
Comparing the centre line of the water surface profile along flow direction the two-phase
simulations show a good agreement with the experimental results. The only exception is the

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

first interference in the centre of the channel where the experimental water level is remarkably
higher. For the water surface profile at the channel side wall higher deviations are observed
mainly for the peaks of surface waves which are determined too low by the two-phase solvers.
As already observed for Case II the homogenous and the inhomogeneous model provide
similar results also for the present Case III.
For this case tidalFoam provides fairly reasonable results considering the fact that flow fields
are depth averaged. The deviations to the two-phase solvers and the experimental results are
mainly observed within the shorter wavelength of the downstream surface waves. These result
from the negligence of the vertical velocity component as already observed in Case I and II:
the slope of the water surface is calculated too steep by the solver. The wavelength of the
downstream wave pattern is determined too short due to an indirect proportionality between
Froude number and wave length described in detail by [10].
Different solvers and methods are compared with regard to their capability of simulating open
channel flow phenomena. The special requirements on numerical modelling of open channel
flow problems regarding physically correct boundary and initial conditions are shown.
Within the validation of different methods good results are achieved for all two-phase solvers.
Deviations between the VoF-method and the inhomogeneous approach (requiring an
extremely large computational effort) are only observed for flow with breaking water surface.
Some deviations occur for decelerated flows and for the determination of water levels at wall
boundaries. The 2D shallow water solver tidalFoam is sufficient for a first approach to the
flow condition if gradients in flow velocity and water surface are moderate. For complex flow
transitioning between the two flow regimes inaccuracies may occur. Also for a detailed
determination of the flow field around kinetic turbines a 3D method is required. Several
further investigations are planned to improve the accuracy of these models.
[1] Horlacher, H.-B.: Globale Potenziale der Wasserkraft. Expertise for the WBGU Report
'World in Transition: Towards Sustainable Energy Systems'. Springer-Verlag. 2003
[2] Myers, L.; Bahaj, A. S.: Wake studies of a 1/30th scale horizontal axis marine current
turbine. Ocean Engineering. Vol 34. No. 5. 2007. pp. 758-762.
[3] Hager, W. H.: Modified Venturi channel. Journal of irrigation and drainage
engineering. Vol. 111. No. 1. 1985. pp. 19-35.
[4] te Chow, V.: Open channel hydraulics. McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York.
[5] Ruopp, A., Daus, P., Ruprecht A., Riedelbauch S.: A Two-Dimensional Finite Volume
Shallow Water Model for Tidal Current Simulations Using OpenFOAM - Numerical
Validation and High-Resolution Ocean Modelling Case. European Wave and Tidal
Energy Conference (EWTEC), Aalbourg, Denmark, 2013
[6] ANSYS Inc.,: ANSYS CFX Solver Theory Guide, Release 15, 2013
[7] Svihla, C. K.; Xu, H.: Simulation of free surface flows with surface tension with
ANSYS CFX. 2006 International ANSYS Conference. Pittsburgh. 2006.
[8] Higuera, P.; Lara, J. L.; Losada, Inigo J.: Realistic wave generation and active wave
absorption for NavierStokes models: Application to OpenFOAM. Coastal
Engineering. Vol 71. 2013. pp. 102-118
[9] Menter, F. R.; Kuntz, M.; Langtry, R. Ten years of industrial experience with the SST
turbulence model. Turbulence, heat and mass transfer. Vol. 4. No.1. 2003
[10] Engelund, F.; Munch-Petersen, J.: Steady flow in contracted and expanded rectangular
channels. La Houille Blanche. Vol. 4. 1953. pp. 464-481.

6th IAHR International Meeting of the Workgroup on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic
Machinery and Systems, September 9-11, 2015, Ljubljana, Slovenia



Politehnica University Timioara, Research Centre for Complex Fluid Systems Engineering, Romania

The paper introduces a mathematical model for computing the swirling flow exiting the Francis
turbine runner without actually computing the three-dimensional flow in the inter-blade channels.
Such models are useful for a-priori assessment of the draft tube hydrodynamics, as well as for runner
outlet optimization to achieve a best match with a given draft tube. Moreover, the model can be used
within a range of operating regimes, provided that no severe flow detachment from the runner blade
occurs. Since we assume an inviscid, steady and axisymmetric swirling flow, and the model is
restricted to an arbitrary hub-to-shroud line, we assess the impact of these assumptions on the model
accuracy and point out the direction for further refinements.

Hydraulic turbine, inviscid, steady, axisymmetric swirling flow, mathematical model

When designing a new runner or refurbishing an old one for modern hydraulic turbines one
should account for a range of operating regimes instead of focusing on a single operating
point. Moreover, particularly for refurbishment problems, the runner should be a best match
for the existing draft tube. As a result, a critical issue is to robustly compute the swirling flow
exiting the runner, and further ingested by the draft tube, prior actually designing the runner.
If properly parameterized, such flow configurations can be optimized for best draft tube
performance within a given operating range, then the runner blades can be designed
accordingly through an inverse design method.
A first model for computing the swirling flow at the draft tube inlet, i.e. on a plane
cross section, normal to the machine axis, located in the upstream region of the discharge
cone was developed and validated against experimental data in [1]. This model also
introduced the concept of the swirl-free velocity profile, which is a fictitious quantity with a
clear and intuitive physical interpretation and conveniently replaces the relative flow angle.
The model was used in [2] for assessing the draft tube losses within a range of operating
regimes without actually computing the runner. Moreover, it was shown that small
adjustments of the swirl-free velocity profile could diminish the weighted average draft tube
losses within a given range of discharge values. It was also recognized that instead of
computing the swirling flow on a plane cross-section normal to the machine axis, it would be
preferable to choose a conical section closer to the runner blades trailing edge. This prompted
a further development in [3], where the swirling flow exiting a Francis runner was computed
Corresponding author: Bvd. Mihai Viteazu, No. 1, Timioara, Romania , phone: +40-256-403698, email:
[email protected]
IAHR WG Meeting on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Ljubljana 2015

along a straight line connecting the hub and the shroud in the meridian half plane, and in [4]
where an arbitrary line from hub-to-shroud was considered, thus getting as close as possible
to the actual runner blades trailing edge. An important addition to such models is the
capability of modelling the vortex breakdown, i.e. the development of a stagnant region near
the axis particularly for operating points far from the design one. Based on a variational
formulation that actually minimizes the swirl number, the theory of swirling flows with
stagnant region is detailed in [5]. A full example of optimizing the runner outlet using such
models for swirling flows downstream the runner is presented in [6].
This paper attempts to review the current status of developing robust and accurate
swirling flow models to be used for runner outlet optimization with respect to the
minimization of weighted averaged draft tube losses within a range of operating points. In
Section 1 we revisit the two-dimensional through-flow model, together with the variational
formulation of the corresponding boundary value problem. Then, in Section 2, we restrict this
model to an arbitrary hub-to-shroud line, emphasizing the information that one should provide
for a correct swirling flow computation. Section 3 includes a model validation and assessment
against numerical results for three-dimensional flow computation in a Francis runner, an
discusses the cause of the discrepancies near the hub. Finally, Section 4 summarizes the
conclusions and outline the directions for further refine such models.


An early steady through-flow theory for inviscid fluid flow in turbomachines, with arbitrary
hub and shroud wall shapes, was developed by Wu [7]. This theory was intended for both
direct and inverse problems, within the assumption of an infinite number of blades, infinitely
thin. The continuity equation was automatically satisfied by introducing the streamfunction,
and the equation of motion was casted as the so-called principal equation. A synopsis of the
computational methods for turbomachinery flows until early 80s is presented by Hirsch [8].
Later, Denton and Dawes [9] confirm that the axisymmetric hub-to-shroud calculation, often
called throughflow calculation has become the backbone of turbomachinery design, and
coupled with blade-to-blade calculations on streamsurfaces of revolution form the quasi-
three-dimensional approach.

a) streamsurfaces in a radial-axial turbomachine b) meridian half-plane cross-section

Fig. 1 Streamsurfaces for axisymmetric swirling flows in turbomachineries and a typical meridian
cross-section for a Francis turbine.
IAHR WG Meeting on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Ljubljana 2015

We briefly revisit the inviscid, steady, axisymmetric swirling flow theory for
turbomachinery runners, as being the most general model from which one can derive the
equation for non-rotating blades or for blade-less regions.
Figure 1a) shows a typical flow passage for a radial-axial turbomachine, in particular a
Francis turbine, with two revolution surfaces for hub (crown) and shroud (band). The shroud
is continued downstream with a discharge cone. The flow is considered axial-symmetric, with
the velocity vector in cylindrical coordinates v (va ,vr ,vu ) . The velocity field can be
conveniently expressed using the streamfunction (z,r ) for the meridian vector projection
vm = va z + vrr and the circulation function r vu for the azimuthal (tangential) velocity,
v = vm + vu = + . (1)

Note that in cylindrical coordinates we have the unit vectors z,

r, ( ) and = r . The
axisymmetric streamsurfaces (S1) from Fig. 1 are simply surfaces with = constant . The
vorticity vector can also be expressed using the two scalar functions and ,

v = r 2 + . (2)
A hub-to-shroud streamsurface within the bladed region, (S2) in Fig. 1a) can be
geometrically described by the azimuthal coordinate for points on the surface, , as function
of the meridian coordinates (z,r ) . As a result, the equation for a streamsurface S2 is:

(z,r, ) = (z,r ) = constant . (3)

The velocity relative to a rotating frame of reference, w = wm + wu , has the same meridian
projection as the absolute velocity, i.e. w m = v m , while the circumferential component is
wu = vu r . One should keep in mind that the last relationship uses dimensionless velocities,
with the reference velocity Rref , with the runner angular speed and Rref the runner outlet
radius. As a result, the dimensionless transport velocity becomes (R ) (Rref ) = r , i.e. the
dimensionless radius. The flow tangency condition on the streamsurface (3) is simply the
orthogonality condition between the unit normal to S2 and the relative velocity,
w = 0 ( ) = w u
r. (4)

The Euler equation for steady axisymmetric flow of a perfect fluid (incompressible and
inviscid) in the rotating frame of reference is conveniently projected [10] along two
orthogonal directions in the tangent plane to S2. The projection along the relative velocity w
leads to the conclusion that the relative total pressure p + v 2 2 r vu is a function of the
streamfunction only, i.e. we have () . This is a Bernoulli-like theorem, leading in its
integral form to the turbomachinery fundamental equation. On the other hand, the projection
along the direction w , Fig. 1a), leads to the principal equation of the turbomachinery
throughflow theory,
IAHR WG Meeting on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Ljubljana 2015

2 + ( ) = . (5)
r d
Equations (4) and (5) involve three scalar functions (z,r) , (z,r) and (z,r) . For design
problems (the so-called inverse problem) the circulation schedule (z,r) is given, and the
streamfunction is computed, together with the blade shape (z,r) . For analysis purpose
(the so-called direct problem) (z,r) is given, and both (z,r) and (z,r) are computed.
Then the velocity field follows from Eq. (1), and the pressure follows from the known
function () . The partial differential equation (5) should be completed with boundary
conditions on the boundary of the meridian domain D occupied by the runner blades, Fig. 1b),
essential condition: = fe on (D) , (6a)

natural condition: v + = fn on (D) , (6b)

where is the tangential coordinate along the boundary in counter-clockwise direction. The
boundary with essential conditions (D) corresponds to the crown and band, Fig. 1b), where

the streamfunction is given. The boundary with natural conditions (D) corresponds to the
leading edge and trailing edge lines in the meridian half plane. The rather unusual natural
condition (6b) was derived by Lurie et al. [11] while examining the flow at the leading edge.
More precisely, when using the through-flow model for analysing the flow in a turbine
operated at various regimes, it is obvious that the circulation generated by the adjustable
guide vanes does not match the circulation resulting from the flow tangency condition Eq. (4)
within the runner blades. As a result, there will be a jump in circulation at the leading edge
. Correspondingly, there will be a jump in the meridian velocity along the leading edge,

+ + +
v and Eq. (6b) provides the relationship v + ( ) = 0 . On the other hand, at

the trailing edge the circulation jump vanishes thanks to the Kutta-Jukowski condition

and the streamlines do not have an angular point.
The variational formulation of the boundary value problem (5) (6) can be stated as:
given the blade shape (z,r) , the circulation schedule (z,r) and the relative total pressure
() function, find the streamfunction (z,r) that satisfies the essential conditions (6a) and
minimizes the functional

1 ()

F() = + ( ) + ()r dD + fn d . (7)
2 r 2


This variational formulation provides the mathematical foundation for the finite element
method which is quite robust and accurate for such elliptic boundary value problems.


The functional (7) can be adapted for a hub-to-shroud line as follows.
IAHR WG Meeting on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Ljubljana 2015

First, let us consider a computational domain in the meridian half-plane with a small
stream-wise width, enclosing a hub-to shroud line located in the neighbourhood of the blade
trailing edge. Figure 1b) shows two such lines (red, dashed lines) downstream the trailing
edge of a Francis runner. On the crown and band we have essential boundary conditions,
= 0 and = q 2 , respectively, where q Q Rref 2
( )
Rref is the dimensionless discharge
(discharge coefficient). Since the circulation function variation along the streamlines vanishes
at the trailing edge, i.e. further downstream in the bladeless region we have a function () ,
the natural conditions (6b) on the upstream/downstream hub-to-shroud boundaries exactly
cancel as the domain stream-wise width vanishes. As a result, the boundary term in (7)
vanishes as the domain collapses to a hub-to-shroud line.
Second, the geometry of the hub-to-shroud line can be described with two functions
z() and r() , where is the arc-length coordinate running from 0 at the crown up to at
the band. The intrinsic coordinates and the corresponding unit vectors are defined as
= z cos + r sin , tangent: =
normal: z sin + r cos ,
where cos = dr d and sin = dz d .
Third, on a streamline in the meridian half-plane we define the unit vectors
normal: n = z sin + r cos , tangent: m
= z cos + r sin ,
where cos = 1 1 + tan 2 and sin = tan 1 + tan 2 , tan = vr va .

Using the above geometrical considerations, we can express the meridian velocity magnitude,
1 1
vm = . (10)
cos ( ) r

One can see that solving for the swirling flow on a hub-to-shroud line requires the meridian
flow direction, vr va as input information.
The flow tangency condition, Eq. (4), can be written as wm (r m ) = wu , and
since the relative flow angle with respect to a meridian plane is, by definition
wu vu r
( ) (r) = v m
tan . (11)

In the end, the functional from Eq. (7) becomes on a hub-to-shroud line,
FTE () = r m + v tan + r() d , with v from Eq. (10).
2 m m (12)

In the above functional the function () is given, and r , tan , cos( ) , as well as ,
are considered known functions of .
The unknown function () is approximated with cubic Hermite polynomials on
subintervals i , i+1 , then a standard finite element method is employed to minimize FTE .

The circulation () is iteratively updated using the flow tangency condition
vu = r + vm tan . In order to achieve convergence, this iterative correction is under-relaxed.
IAHR WG Meeting on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Ljubljana 2015

A numerical example is considered for the GAMM Francis turbine model. The three-
dimensional turbulent flow computations are performed using one interblade channel for the
distributor (stay vanes and guide vanes) and runner, using a mixing interface technique [12].

Guide vane Discharge coefficient Energy coefficient

opening [-] [-]
24 0.275437 1.0655
25 0.283013 1.0655
26 0.291879 1.0655
28 0.306888 1.0655
Tab.1 Operating points for the GAMM Francis turbine model
The operating points considered for the present example are at constant head and variable
discharge, as shown in Tab. 1. The numerical results from the 3D runner computations are
circumferentially averaged on surfaces of revolutions generated by the hub-to-shroud lines
shown in Fig. 1b). The resulting axial, radial and circumferential velocity profiles, shown in
Figs. 25 with circles labelled NUM, as well as the pressure, are used to provide the
information required for minimizing the functional from Eq. (12). There are no additional
approximations involved, as we intended to check the axisymmetric swirling flow solver
against full 3D computations.

a) hub-to-shroud line 1 a) hub-to-shroud line 2

Fig. 2 Velocity profiles downstream de runner, for guide vane opening 24.
IAHR WG Meeting on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Ljubljana 2015

a) hub-to-shroud line 1 a) hub-to-shroud line 2

Fig. 3 Velocity profiles downstream de runner, for guide vane opening 25.

a) hub-to-shroud line 1 a) hub-to-shroud line 2

Fig. 4 Velocity profiles downstream de runner, for guide vane opening 26.

a) hub-to-shroud line 1 a) hub-to-shroud line 2

Fig. 5 Velocity profiles downstream de runner, for guide vane opening 28.
IAHR WG Meeting on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Ljubljana 2015

The numerical results obtained with the present methodology derived from the
turbomachinery throughflow theory (TTT) are shown in Figs. 25 with solid lines. One can
see a very good agreement between NUM data and TTT data, particularly towards the hub
(band). On the other hand, there are some discrepancies in the hub (crown) neighbourhood. A
closer look show that these discrepancies are larger on the hub-to-shroud line no.1, close to
the trailing edge, and smaller on the hub-to-shroud line no.2, see Fig. 1b).
We present a mathematical model for computing the inviscid, steady, axisymmetric swirling
flow exiting the Francis turbine runner on an arbitrary hub-to-shroud line in the meridian half
plane. The model uses a variational formulation that incorporates information regarding both
meridian and tangential flow direction.
Three-dimensional numerical flow simulation results, circumferentially averaged, are
used for validating the model and assessing its accuracy on two hub-to-shroud lines. We have
found a general good agreement, except in the neighbourhood of the crown. We conjecture
that these discrepancies are related to the meridian streamlines curvature, which is currently
neglected by the model. Further refinements should account for this streamline curvature,
which is larger near the crown than near the band.
The author acknowledges the support from a grant of the Romanian Ministry of National
Education and Research, CNCS-UEFISCDI, project number PN-II-ID-PCE-2012-4-0634.
The numerical data from 3D flow computations were provided by Dr. Sebastian Muntean.
[1] Susan-Resiga, R., Muntean, S., Avellan, F., and Anton, I.: Modelling of swirling flow in
hydraulic turbines for the full operating range, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2011,
35, pp. 4759-4773.
[2] Susan-Resiga, R., Muntean, S., Ciocan, T., Joubarne, E., Leroy, P. and Bornard, L.:
Influence of the velocity field at the inlet of a Francis turbine draf tube on performance
over an operating range, 26th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems,
2012, IOP Conf. Series.: Earth and Environmental Science 15, paper 032008.
[3] Susan-Resiga, R., Muntean, S., Ciocan, T., de Colombel, T., and Leroy, P.: Surrogate
runner model for draft tube losses computation within a range of operating points, 27th
IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, 2014, IOP Conf. Series.: Earth
and Environmental Science 22, paper 012022.
[4] Susan-Resiga, R., Ighian, C., and Muntean, S.: A Mathematical Model for the Swirling
Flow Ingested by the Draft Tube of Francis Turbines, WASSERWIRTSCHAFT, 2015,
105(1), pp. 23-27.
[5] Susan-Resiga, R., Muntean, S., Stuparu, A., Bosioc, A. I., Tnas, C., and Ighian C.: A
variational model for swirling flow states with stagnant region, European Journal of
Mechanics B/Fluids, 2015 (accepted).
[6] Ciocan, T., Susan-Resiga, R., and Muntean, S.: Modelling and Optimization of the
Velocity Profiles at the Draft Tube Inlet of a Francis Turbine within an Operating
Range, Journal of Hydraulic Research, 2015 (accepted).
IAHR WG Meeting on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Ljubljana 2015

[7] Wu, C.-H.: A General Through-flow Theory for Fluid Flow with Subsonic or
Supersonic Velocity in Turbomachines of Arbitrary Hub and Casing Shapes, Technical
Note 2302, National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, 1951.
[8] Hirsch, Ch.: Computational Models for Turbomachinery Flows, Technical Report NPS-
67-84-022, Naval Posgraduate School, Monterey, California, 1984.
[9] Denton, J. D. and Dawes, W. N.: Computational fluid dynamics for turbomachinery
design, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part C: Journal of
Mechanical Engineering Science, 213(2), 1998, pp. 107-124.
[10] Bosman, C.: The Occurrence and Removal of the Indeterminacy from Flow
Calculations in Turbomachines, RM 3746, Aeronautical Research Council, London,
[11] Lurie, K. A., Fedorov, A. V., and Klimovich, V. I.: Conditions along the boundaries of
bladed zones within the flow tracts of turbines, International Journal for Numerical
Methods in Fluids, 2(3), 1982, pp. 299-311.
[12] Muntean, S., Susan-Resiga, R., and Anton, I.: Mixing Interface Algorithm for 3D
turbulent flow analysis of the GAMM Francis turbine, Modelling Fluid Flow, J. Vad, T.
Lajos and R. Schilling, eds., Springer-Verlag, 2004, pp. 359-372.
6th IAHR International Meeting of the Workgroup on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic
Machinery and Systems, September 9-11, 2015, Ljubljana, Slovenia



Politehnica University Timioara, Research Centre for Complex Fluid Systems Engineering, Romania
Sebastian MUNTEAN
Romanian Academy Timioara Branch, Hydrodynamics and Cavitation Laboratory, Romania
Politehnica University Timioara, Research Centre for Complex Fluid Systems Engineering, Romania
Andreas NEIPP
Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machinery, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machinery, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machinery, University of Stuttgart, Germany

The paper presents an example of applying the theory for pipe swirling flow with stagnant region to
the axial expansion turbines. It is shown that, for most operating points examined, the hub radius
exceeds the stagnant region radius, thus the flow detachment from the hub is avoided. However, for
the full-load operating points (large discharge and head), the stagnant region radius is slightly larger
than the hub radius. The main strength of the theory assessed in this paper is that it allows reliable
computation of the hub radius in the early design stages, before actually designing the blades, without
resorting to empirical correlations.

Axial expansion turbine, swirling flow, stagnant region

In many industrial processes working fluids are needed at high pressure levels. At the end of
the processes the fluid is often released to ambient pressure, thus losing the excess of pressure
energy. An axial expansion turbine (AXENT) is one possibility to convert the pressure energy
(head) into electrical energy. The re-use of recovered energy obviously leads to an overall
increase in the system efficiency.
A key requirement for recovering systems is that the energy recovery does not hinder
the plant safety or the process stability. The main advantage of the axial expansion turbine is
Corresponding author: Bvd. Mihai Viteazu, No. 1, Timioara, Romania, phone: +40-256-403689, email:
[email protected]
IAHR WG Meeting on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Ljubljana 2015

the constant flow rate even in the case of power failure, when the turbine reaches its runaway
speed. The constant flow rate prevents a hydraulic pressure surge, which could result in
severe damage of valves, sealing, and other structures within the system. The AXENT needs
no additional safety device or auxiliary control equipment [1]. A particular feature of these
axial turbines is the large hub radius with respect to the shroud radius, resulting in short blade
span with respect to the blade chord, as it can be seen in Figure 1. The unsteady flow
associated with the stator-runner interaction in the AXENT turbine was investigated both
experimentally and numerically in [2], and the corresponding numerical methodology was
further developed and adapted for parallel computing in [3]. The unsteady forces generated by
the stator-rotor interaction are computed and validated in [4].

Fig.1 Single- and two-stage configurations of the AXENT turbine.

Although such detailed flow features are significant in the effort of refining the design, we
focus in this paper on a basic issue related to the choice of the hub radius, or more precisely
the hub-to-shroud radii ratio. The axisymmetric swirling flow computations for decelerated
swirling flow in the discharge cone of hydraulic turbines have revealed the necessity of a
stagnant region model in addition to the regular turbulent flow solver to improve the
agreement with experimental data [5]. As a result, we further developed a model for inviscid
swirling flows with stagnant region using a novel variational formulation [6] which evolved
in a complete theory for pipe swirling flows [7]. This is the theoretical framework used in this
paper to examine the hub radius for the AXENT turbine, in order to validate the theoretical
predictions as well as to assess its usefulness for designing the hydraulic turbines. While
empirical correlations are usually employed for a first guess of the hub radius for axial
turbomachines, eventually followed by a set of successive corrections after designing the
blades, the theory for swirling flows with stagnant region provide a rigorous and robust
alternative for computing the hub radius before actually designing the blades.
Section 2 summarizes the swirling flow model for application purposes, and Section 3
presents an application of the model for the AXENT turbine. The paper conclusions are
summarized in Section 4.


Susan-Resiga et al. [7] developed a general theory for swirling flow in pipes (the so-called
columnar swirling flows, with vanishing radial velocity component) by assuming that a
stagnant region could develop within the central region, near the axis. Within the stagnant
region all velocity components vanish and at the boundary of such stagnant region the
velocity components may have a jump (vortex sheet) while the static pressure remains
continuous. The pressure continuity across the vortex sheet that bounds the stagnant region is
a requirement for the equilibrium of a fluid interface. The variational formulation
IAHR WG Meeting on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Ljubljana 2015

corresponding to such swirling flows with stagnant region has a simple and intuitive physical
interpretation: the stagnant region radius corresponds to the minimum of the swirl number.
Let us revisit the simplest swirling flow that has a constant circulation RVu and a
constant total pressure Ptot = P + Va2 +Vu2 ) 2 . Note that the radial velocity component is
considered negligible. The Euler equations lead to the simple solution for this swirling flow,
namely Va = constant . The classical solution for such swirling flow with Vu 1 R says
that the circumferential velocity becomes infinite as we approach the axis, with a
corresponding infinite negative pressure, and it is the viscosity that takes care of this rather
unphysical singularity. However, if we allow a stagnant region to develop near the axis such
singularities are no longer occurring.
For the swirling flow in a pipe with radius Rp , let us consider the average discharge

velocity Va d Q Rp2 ) when the flow occupies the whole pipe cross-section. The
circumferential velocity at the pipe wall, Vu p (RVu ) Rp is fixed for a given constant
circulation. Note that both Va d and Vu p are independent of the stagnant region radius, thus
we can define the dimensionless swirl intensity parameter,
up . (1)
Va d
If the (unknown) stagnant region is Rs , then we denote the stagnation-to-pipe radii ratio
squared by,
x . (2)
For a swirl with constant circulation and constant total pressure in a pipe we have derived [7]
an algebraic (polynomial) equation that relates x and as,
2 2
=0. (3)
(1 x )
For non-vanishing the solution of Eq. (3) provides the stagnant region extent. When
= 0 there is no rotation and the flow occupies the whole pipe cross-section. Figure 2 shows
the variation of x versus , revealing a sharp increase in the stagnant region radius for
small swirl intensity followed by a slower increase as gets large.
Let us now suppose that the pipe has a central cylindrical body. We have proved in [7]
that if the radius of the central body is smaller than the value indicated in Fig. 2, for the
corresponding swirl intensity, then the radius of the stagnant region remains unchanged. On
the other hand, if the radius of the central body is larger than the stagnant region there will be
no stagnant region and the flow occupies the whole annular section from the central body to
the pipe wall. These results are useful when applying the above theory to the determination or
validation of the hub radius of an axial turbomachine.
IAHR WG Meeting on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Ljubljana 2015

Fig.2 The ratio between the stagnant region radius and the pipe radius versus the swirl intensity, for a
swirl with constant circulation and constant total pressure.
Let us examine now an axial expansion turbine (AXENT) with shroud (pipe) radius
Rshr = 110mm and a hub radius Rhub = 95mm . Numerical analysis of the flow in the bladed
regions provide the turbine head H versus the discharge Q and runner speed n as shown in
the first three columns of Tab. 1 for a single stage turbine, and Tab. 2 for a two-stage turbine,
In order to apply the theory from 2 we have to compute the swirl intensity parameter
defined in Eq. (1). The fundamental equation of turbo-machines (Euler equation) gives,
n 30 g H
gH =U Vu , or gH = RpVu p Vu p = . (4)
30 n Rp
The average discharge velocity is
Va d = . (5)
In both Eqs. (4) and (5) the pipe radius is practically the shroud radius for the turbine, i.e.
Rp = Rshr . As a result, the dimensionless swirl intensity parameter is:
Vu p g H Rshr
= 30 . (6)
Va d nQ
Table 1 shows in the fourth column the values computed for each operating point. For the
two-stage turbine, the values shown in Table 2 are computed by halving the overall head,
thus assuming that the head is evenly distributed for each turbine stage.
Solving the Eq. (3) we obtain the stagnant region radius,
Rs = xRshr , (7)
as shown in the last column of both Tab. 1 and Tab. 2
IAHR WG Meeting on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Ljubljana 2015

n rpm Q m 3 s H m Rs [mm]

1500 0.050 10.2 4.403 88.6
1500 0.060 16.8 6.043 92.1
1500 0.065 20.3 6.740 93.2
1500 0.070 24.0 7.400 94.0 Design point
1500 0.075 27.9 8.028 94.8
1500 0.080 32.0 8.633 95.4
1500 0.090 40.8 9.784 96.5
3000 0.100 40.4 4.359 88.5
3000 0.110 53.0 5.199 90.5
3000 0.120 66.3 5.962 91.9
3000 0.125 73.2 6.319 92.5
3000 0.130 80.3 6.665 93.0
3000 0.135 87.6 7.002 93.5 Design point
3000 0.140 95.0 7.322 93.9
3000 0.145 102.6 7.635 94.3
Tab. 1 Single stage axial expansion turbine data.

n rpm Q m 3 s H m Rs [mm]

1500 0.050 19.4 4.187 88.0
1500 0.060 33.2 5.971 91.9
1500 0.070 48.0 7.400 94.0 Design point
1500 0.075 55.9 8.043 94.8
1500 0.080 64.0 8.633 95.4
1500 0.085 72.4 9.191 95.9
1500 0.090 81.2 9.736 96.4
3000 0.100 76.5 4.127 87.8
3000 0.110 103.3 5.067 90.2
3000 0.120 131.2 5.899 91.8
3000 0.130 160.1 6.645 93.0
3000 0.135 174.9 6.990 93.5 Design point
3000 0.140 190.0 7.322 93.9
3000 0.145 205.4 7.643 94.3
Tab. 2 Two-stage axial expansion turbine data.
Figure 3 shows a synoptic comparison between the stagnant region radius (divided by
the shroud radius) and the dimensionless hub radius Rhub Rshr = 0.864 . One can see that for
most of the operating points the hub radius is larger than the stagnant region radius, thus the
stagnant region does not appear. However, there are several operating points for large
discharge and head values where the stagnant region radius is slightly larger than the hub
radius. This is quite acceptable since the theory considers an inviscid flow, and the above
difference might be very well of the same order as the boundary layer displacement thickness.
Remarkably, the stagnant region radius computed for the design operating points is
just marginally smaller than the actual hub radius, proving that the theory from 2 can be
reliably used for design purposes.
IAHR WG Meeting on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Ljubljana 2015

Fig.3 The ratio between the stagnant region radius and the pipe radius versus the swirl intensity, for
the axial expansion turbine AXENT, both single stage and two stages.
The paper presents an analysis of the swirling flow in an axial expansion turbine (AXENT)
from the perspective of the radial extent of the stagnant region with respect to the hub radius.
It is shown that the stagnant region radius predicted by the theory of swirling flow in pipes is
quite consistent with the hub radius of the AXENT turbine, and the stagnant region
development is actually avoided for most of the examined operating points. It is only at the
operating points with large discharge and head values (full load) where a stagnant region
could marginally develop near the hub.
However, the main strength of the theory for pipe swirling flows with stagnant region
is that one can correctly choose the hub radius in the early design stages, before actually
designing the blades. As a result, there is no need to use empirical formulae or trial and error
approaches, as one can accurately compute the required hub radius to avoid flow detachment
from the hub, and check the result within a wide range of operating points.

The first three authors gratefully acknowledge the support from a grant of the Romanian
Ministry of National Education and Research, CNCS-UEFISCDI, project number PN-II-ID-

[1] Neipp, A. and Riedelbauch, S. (2014), Modular Axial Expansion Turbine for Energy
Recovery from Working Fluids, 18th International Seminar on Hydropower Plants,
[2] Gentner, C. (2000) Experimental and numerical examination of the unsteady flow in an
axial turbine, PhD Thesis, University of Stuttgart, ISBN: 3-9804376-6-3.
[3] Ruprecht, A., Bauer, C., Gentner, C. and Lein, G. (1999), Parallel Computation of
Stator-Rotor Interaction in an Axial Turbine, ASME PVP Conference, CFD Symposium,
IAHR WG Meeting on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Ljubljana 2015

[4] Ruprecht, A., Bauer, C. and Heitele, M. (1999) Unsteady forces on the blading of an
axial turbine caused by stator-rotor interaction, IAHR WG The Behaviour of Hydraulic
Machinery under Steady Oscillatory Conditions, Brno.
[5] Susan-Resiga, R., Muntean, S., Stein, P. and Avellan, F. (2009), Axisymmetric Swirling
Flow Simulation of the Draft Tube Vortex in Francis Turbines at Partial Discharge,
International Journal of Fluid Machinery and Systems, 2(4), pp. 295-302.
[6] Susan-Resiga, R., Muntean, S. and Anton, A. (2013), Swirling flows with stagnant
region and vortex sheet. A novel variational approach, 5th International Workshop on
Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery, Lausanne, Switzerland.
[7] Susan-Resiga, R., Muntean, S., Stuparu, A., Bosioc, A.I., Tnas, C. and Ighian, C.
(2015), A variational model for swirling flow states with stagnant region, European
Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids,
(accepted manuscript).


R [m] radius Va d [m/s] average discharge velocity

Rp [m] pipe radius Vu p [m/s] tangential velocity at pipe wall
Rs [m] stagnant region radius [-] swirl intensity
Rhub [m] hub radius x [-] inner/outer radii ratio
Rshr [m] shroud radius n [rpm] runner speed
Va [m/s] axial velocity Q [m3/s] volumetric flowrate
Vu [m/s] tangential velocity H [m] turbine / stage head
P [Pa] static pressure g 2
[m/s ] gravity
6th IAHR International Meeting of the Workgroup on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic
Machinery and Systems, September 9-11, 2015, Ljubljana, Slovenia



University of Trieste, Department of Engineering and Architecture, Italy; currently on leave from
Kolektor Turbointitut d.o.o., Slovenia
Pumps Department, Kolektor Turbointitut d.o.o., Slovenia

The paper presents a comparison between experimental observation and numerical prediction of a free
surface vortex in a cylindrical test vessel. The Reynolds number for the outlet pipe was above 60,000,
according to the recommendations of the standard for pump sump testing. In particular, the length of
the free-surface gas core and the downward velocity inside the vortex were compared. The simulation
was performed as a single-phase simulation. The length of the gas core was estimated in the post-
processing phase, based on the local field variables at the vortex core near the water surface and on the
assumption of the Burgers vortex type. The numerically predicted velocity inside the vortex core was
compared to the travelling velocity of injected dye. Based on the obtained CFD results it is possible to
conclude that the presented technique is a promising one for estimation of gas core length of free-
surface vortices, even at Reynolds number 60,000.

free-surface vortex, CFD, pump intake, experimental vessel

Free-surface vortices appear in various engineering systems, where they can have detrimental
effects. In case of nuclear reactor vessels with liquid surface (e.g. sodium-cooled fast-breeder
reactors (SFBR)) they cause fluctuations in reactivity due to the void effect. In case of pump
intakes, free-surface vortices cause increased noise, vibrations, and possibly even failure of
the pump. The general tendency of design, including design of reactor vessels and pump
intakes, is to reduce size of the systems, which leads lo larger velocities and consecutively to
stronger vortices.
During research related to Japanese SFBR feasibility studies, several vortex test vessels were
created in order to develop design criteria for the prediction of gas entrainment from vortex
dimples. For a vortex test vessel, designed by Monji et al. [1], Reynolds number (based on the
outlet pipe diameter and corresponding average velocity) reached 13,000. In case of Moriya's
Corresponding author: Turbines Department, Kolektor Turbointitut d.d., Rovnikova 7, Ljubljana, Slovenia,
phone: +386 1 5820152, email: [email protected]
IAHR WG Meeting on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Ljubljana 2015

test vessel [2], Reynolds number reached approximately 42,000. The standard for pump
intake experimental testing [3] prescribes that tests should be performed at Reynolds number
higher or equal to 60,000 in order to reduce uncertainties due to the scale up to the prototype
Numerical simulations can be performed with various levels of accuracy. Although numerical
simulations can be performed by using two-phase modelling and large-eddy-simulation (LES)
(as a turbulence model), such simulations are not suitable for engineering purposes. It is more
convenient to use single-phase simulations with two-equation Reynolds-averaged Navier-
Stokes (RANS) turbulence models. The gas-core length of the free-surface vortex is then
obtained in a post-processing phase by assumption of the vortex-type model (e.g., Burgers
In the paper an experimental vessel of free-surface vortex is presented. The Reynolds number
of the vessel (based on the outlet pipe diameter and corresponding average velocity) is
approximately 60,000, which is in accordance with the recommendations in [3]. The gas-core
length of free surface vortex shows stable behaviour even for long gas cores. Single-phase
numerical simulations were performed. Numerically predicted gas-core length and downward
velocity of a vortex are compared to experimental results.


The vortex test vessel geometry (Fig.1) was designed to achieve the value 60,000 for the
Reynolds number R e d Q d A d , where Q is the volumetric flow rate, d the diameter of
the outlet pipe, Ad the cross-section surface of the outlet pipe and the kinematic viscosity of
water. Diameter of the vessel D is equal to 150 mm, the width of the inlet channel W is 40
mm, distances x and y are equal to 10 mm, and the diameter d of the outlet pipe is equal to 10
mm. In case of experimental model, the length l was equal to 1.5 m (until the nearest of the
three flow straighteners). In case of numerical model, the channel was simulated separately
(to obtain the inlet velocity profile), so the length l was equal to 150 mm and the length of the
channel was 3 m. The length of the outlet pipe in case of numerical model was equal to 200
mm. The height H of the numerical model corresponds to the level of water surface for a
corresponding experimental observation.

Fig.1 Test case geometry: (a) top view; (b) iso-view; (c) numerical mesh.

Water enters into the vessel through the channel, rotates in the cylindrical section and exits
the vessel through a narrow pipe. A combined effect of rotation in the vessel and high
IAHR WG Meeting on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Ljubljana 2015

velocity through the outlet pipe creates a free-surface vortex (Fig.2a) with the gas core length
The experimental vessel was designed in transparent plexiglass to enable the observations (of
Lgc and downward velocity in the vortex). The downward velocity was observed by using
injected dye (Fig. 2b) and a camera CANON EOS D60 with 50fps video mounted on a tripod.
The error of light refraction was minimised by using an immersed measuring tool at the place
of the vortex prior to conducting the observations. The relationship between Lgc, H and Q is
presented in Fig.2b.

Fig.2 Experimental observations: (a) free-surface vortex and injected dye; (b) Observed relationship
between gas core length of free-surface vortex(Lgc), flow rate Q and vessel height H.

Two operational points with Q=0.5373 l/s (Red=67,350) were simulated. The Case 1 was
determined by H=0.483 m and Lgc=7.2 mm. The Case 2 was determined by H=0.4066 m and
Lgc=40.9 mm. It should be mentioned that the Lgc of Case 2 is higher than presented in Fig.2b
because length of the gas core was slightly varying with time. The Lgc of Case 2 is based on
the moment the dye was injected into water to measure the downward velocity.
A block-structured mesh was used for numerical model. It consisted of 5 and 4.4 million
nodes for Case 1 and Case 2, respectively. The average y+ on the cylindrical walls was
approximately 2.5, whereas on other walls it was smaller (for Case 2). At surface, the height
of the first row of elements was 0.3 mm (with geometric increase ratio 1.3). At the vessel
bottom, the height of the first row of elements was 0.002 mm (with geometric increase ratio
1.3). In the vertical direction, 404 nodes were used (the largest element was 1 mm high). In
the radial direction on the vessel floor, 66 nodes were used (the largest element size was 3.9
mm). In circumferential direction, the size of the elements at the cylindrical wall was 5 mm.
Inside the outlet pipe, the largest side of a 2D element in a horizontal plane was 0.2 mm,
whereas the element height was the largest at the outlet surface, 2mm. For Case 1, the
numerically predicted vortex position at vessel surface matched the region of the highest
mesh density (as visible in Fig.1c on the vessel surface) well, which means that the vortex
core was represented with many (above 30) cells in each direction. For case 2, the numerically
predicted vortex position at vessel surface did not match the position of the highest mesh
density. In Case 2, the vortex core was represented by 11 to 12 elements in each direction,
whereas the diameter of the vortex core was approximately 9.5 mm.
IAHR WG Meeting on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Ljubljana 2015

Single-phase transient simulations were performed. As shown in [4], it is crucial to use the
curvature correction (CC) option [5] inside the RANS-based model. Therefore, the scale-
adaptive-simulation shear-stress-transport turbulence model [6] with curvature correction
(SAS-SST-CC) was used as a turbulence model. At the outlet, average pressure field was
prescribed. Symmetry boundary condition was used at the water surface. At the inlet, a
velocity profile was prescribed from the previously calculated channel-flow simulation. For
Case 2, three channel simulations were performed on a 22-million mesh channel to determine
the correct velocity profile: a laminar simulation, a gamma-theta transition model simulation
[7] and a simulation with the SST model [8]. As it was expected from the design phase, the
flow in the channel is laminar. In the simulations of the vessel, a bounded central-difference
scheme was used as an advection scheme, whereas the second-order backward Euler transient
scheme was used as a time-stepping scheme. In both cases, the residuals were of identical
magnitude: the RMS residuals were below 2.5.10-4, whereas the maximal residuals were
below 4.5.10-2. Statistical averaging for Case 1 was performed from 70 s until 127.5 s in 0.5 s
time-steps. Time averaging for Case 2 was performed from 100 s until 127.5 s in 0.5 s time-
steps. In both cases, the time-averaging started when downward velocity and length of the
free-surface gas core reached converged values.


In case of the single-phase numerical simulation, the length of the free-surface gas core (Lgc)
is determined in the post-processing phase, based on the field variables at the water surface.
Prediction of Lgc is based on a Burgers vortex model. The basic equation does not include the
surface tension and is determined by the method first described in [9]
ln 2

L gc , (1)
4 g 2

where is the downward-velocity gradient, the circulation of the vortex, kinematic

viscosity and g acceleration due to gravity. The circulation of a given curve c (e.g. with a
constant radius) around a pivot point can be assessed easily by using
z A z ,c , (2)
where z is component of vorticity in vertical (z axis) direction and Az,c is the area of water
surface, bounded by the given curve. In our case, the was determined as the maximal value
of the circulation in the range between the vortex radius r0 and twice the radius [4]. In order to
compute the downward velocity gradient inside the vortex core, it is necessary to define the
vortex core. The most convenient method is to represent the vortex cores by iso-surface of Q
invariant (Q=0 s-2). Then, the inside the vortex core can be determined from radial velocity
(as described in [4]), but it is even easier obtained from the relation
vz Q s id e
, (3)
z z A b o tto m , Q 0

where v z is the difference in the average downward velocity inside the vortex core at two
levels (e.g. at water surface and at distance z below the surface), Abottom,Q0 is the bottom of
the two surfaces, and Qside is the flow rate through the side surface of invariant Q=0 (with
height z). Since the flow is incompressible, the flow rate Qside could be replaced by flow rate
Qbottom through surface Abottom,Q0.
The experimental and numerical (CFD) results for downward velocity and for the length of
the free-surface gas core are presented in Fig.3 and Fig.4, respectively. In case of downward
velocity, CFD results are represented with time-averaged, minimal and maximal values.
Similarly, the error bars in Fig.4 represent minimal and maximal values of time averaging.
IAHR WG Meeting on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Ljubljana 2015

For Case 1 (Lgc,exp=7.2 mm), the agreement between numerical end experimental results in
Fig.3 and Fig.4 is very good. The Qside and Qbottom are almost equal, which means that
numerically predicted Lgc using both values are almost identical. For Case 2 (Lgc,exp=40.9
mm), the agreement between numerical end experimental results in Fig.3 and Fig.4 are
decent. It should be mentioned that for some reason the Qside and Qbottom were not equal,
which means that numerically predicted Lgc was considerably different for the two values.
Although it seems that Qbottom was a better choice, a further investigation is needed about the
reason for the difference between the Qside and Qbottom.

Fig.3 Experimental and numerical comparison of downward velocity; (top) Case 1; (bottom) Case 2.
IAHR WG Meeting on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Ljubljana 2015

Fig.4 Experimental and numerical comparison of length of free-surface vortex gas core. (left) Case 1;
(right) Case 2.

The study presents experimental results for free-surface vortex in a test vessel at Reynolds
number above 60,000, which is a demand of the standard for pump intake design [1]. A CFD
method for prediction of length of the free-surface gas core (Lgc) from a single-phase
simulation was presented. The following conclusions can be made:
for small Lgc, the agreement between experiment and CFD is very good;
for larger Lgc, the agreement between experiment and CFD is still good, but some
inconsistencies between flow rates Qside and Qbottom appeared, which will need further
In general, it can be concluded that the presented method is applicable at Reynolds number
larger than 60,000.

The research leading to these results has received funding from the People Programme (Marie
Curie Actions) of the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2007-2013/
under REA grant agreement n612279 and from the Slovenian Research Agency ARRS -
Contract No. 1000-15-0263.

[1] Monji, H., Shinozaki, T., Kamide, H. and Sakai T.: Effect of experimental conditions
on gas core length and downward velocity or free surface vortex in cylindrical vessel.
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbine and Power. Vol. 132. 2010. pp. 012901: 1-8.
[2] Moriya, S.: Estimation of hydraulic characteristics of free surface vortices on the basis
of extension vortex theory and fine model test measurements. CRIEPI Abiko Research
Laboratory Report, No. U97072. 1998. (in Japanese).
IAHR WG Meeting on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Ljubljana 2015

[3] ANSI/HI. American National Standard for Rotodynamic Pumps. Parsippany: Hydraulic
Institute. 2012.
[4] kerlavaj, A., kerget, L., Ravnik, J. and Lipej, A.: Predicting free-surface vortices with
single-phase simulations. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics.
Vol. 8(2). 2014. pp. 193210.
[5] Smirnov, P. E. and Menter, F.: Sensitization of the SST turbulence model to rotation
and curvature by applying the Spalart-Shur correction term. Journal of
Turbomachinery. Vol. 131(4). 2009. pp. 041010-8.
[6] Egorov, Y. and Menter, F.: Development and application of SST-SAS turbulence model
in the DESIDER project. Advances in Hybrid RANS-LES Modelling (eds. S-H Peng and
W Haase). Heidelberg: Springer. 2008. pp 261-270.
[7] Langtry, R. B. and Menter, F.R.: Transition Modeling for General CFD Applications in
Aeronautics. 43rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit. 2005. AIAA paper
[8] Menter, F. R., Kuntz, M. and Langtry, R: Ten years of industrial experience with the
SST turbulence model. Turbulence. Heat and Mass Transfer 4 (eds. K Hanjali, Y
Nagano and M Tummers). New York: Begell House. 2003. pp. 625-632.
[9] Sakai, T., Eguchi, Y., Monji, H., Ito, K. and Ohshima, H.: Proposal of design criteria for
gas entrainment from vortex dimples based on a computational fluid dynamics method.
Heat Transfer Engineering. Vol. 29(8). 2008. pp. 731-739.
6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015



cole polytechnique fdrale de Lausanne, Laboratory for Hydraulic Machines, Lausanne, Switzerland
cole polytechnique fdrale de Lausanne, Laboratory for Hydraulic Machines, Lausanne, Switzerland
HES SO Valais, Haute cole spcialise de Suisse occidentale, Sion, Switzerland
cole polytechnique fdrale de Lausanne, Laboratory for Hydraulic Machines, Lausanne, Switzerland

The most exploited renewable energy at a global scale is hydropower, which nowadays accounts for the
18 % of the worlds electricity supply. Its production is expected to increase approximately 3.1% each
year in the next 25 years maintaining its share in the mix of electricity sources. Concerning small scale
hydropower, some of the current research is focusing on the limitation of the environmental impact and
economical investments. The development of energy recovery systems on existing water utility
networks is a new challenge for increasing the sustainability of hydroelectricity generation. The concept
of the new counter rotating micro-turbine braces this goal by allowing the recovery of the energy which
is spoiled in pressure reducing valves in the water supply network. The performance of the micro-turbine
prototype has been evaluated through experimental campaigns involving pressure, torque, discharge
measurements and 2D Laser Doppler Velocimetry (LDV). A dedicated transparent casing equipped with
flat windows has been built in order to perform undistorted optical measurement and to limit the
refraction and reflection of the laser beam. The velocity profiles of the axial and tangential components
have been measured for several radial positions at the inlet, in the gap between the two runners and at
the outlet section of the micro-turbine prototype. Numerical simulations and a further study on the mass
equation applied to the investigated cross-sections of the machine have been carried out in order to
complete the velocity profile where the optical access to perform LDV measurements had been blocked.
These experimental methods grant a full study on the velocity profiles. The energy equation, applied to
the outlet sections of both runners, allows the investigation of the flow behavior and of the related
machine performance. The results back up further improvements of the runner blades shape.
Small hydropower, axial micro-turbine, counter rotating runners, LDV.

* Corresponding author: EPFL STI LMH, Avenue du Cour 33 bis, Lausanne, Switzerland, phone: +41 21 693 36 43,
[email protected]

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Small scale hydropower, defined as the hydropower production up to 10MW, has been drawing
increasing attention in the past years for the development of new competitive technologies in
the field of renewable energies. In Switzerland its production accounts for the 5.7 % of the
electricity mix and it is expected to increase by 50 % in 2050.
In order to achieve competitive performances in the market of renewable energy sources, small
scale hydropower is required to maintain low investments and a low environmental impact [1].
The counter rotating micro-turbine satisfies these requirements. Recovery systems in existing
infrastructures are a new concept of technology to recover the energy lost by pressure reducing
valve in water supply networks. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) studies have been
carried [2] to assess the hydraulic performance and the flow velocity fields of the turbine. A
physical model of the designed runners of the counter rotating micro-turbine has been built to
perform experimental investigations for having a complementary study on both the hydraulic
performance and the flow velocity fields. Pressure, torque and discharge measurements
combined with Laser Doppler Velocimetry (LDV) investigations have been carried out to
explore both the performance and the full velocity profiles in the counter rotating micro-turbine
[3] [4].
Non-intrusive optical measurements such as LDV are experimental techniques prominently
developed in the past few years. These techniques fit well turbomachinery applications as past
studies such Gagnon et al. [5] proved. On the other hand, as investigated by Zaidi et al. [6],
precise results by these laser and optical measurement techniques are often difficult to achieve
since parameters such refraction index of both the material interface and the flow, laser
alignment, seeding and machine geometry are fundamental to obtain successful results.
Cunning set-up have been developed in the past, Mller et al. [7] used water boxes to mitigate
the effects of optical distortion for laser measurements and flow visualizations. There exist
examples of complete optical access through the blades of a turbomachine. Uzol et al. [8]
constructed an index-matched facility, in which the refractive index of the fluid is matched with
that of transparent blades. Miorini et al [9] used the same approach to examine flow in the tip
region of a waterjet pump.
A resolved arrangement to achieve precise optical measurements in different positions in the
counter rotating micro-turbine although the harsh geometry and size of the machine has been
designed. Nevertheless the full flow velocity profiles couldnt be achieved close to the hub due
to the high reflection of the laser beam on the hub wall. Thus in order to fulfill the velocity
profiles in the region where LDV measurements were not achieved, a study on the mass balance
equation has been performed along with the prediction of the flow velocity fields obtained by
the numerical simulations. Moreover a method based on the resolution of the total specific
rothalpy balance equation has been employed to compute the transferred power of the micro-
turbine and to compute the efficiency.

The runner counter rotating micro-turbine is a single stage axial turbine with two counter
rotating runners. The first runner features 5 blades and the second runner 7 blades, respectively;
the relevant geometrical parameters are summarized in Tab.1. The micro-turbine has been
installed in an elbow pipe in the test facility illustrated in Fig.1.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Fig.1 Side view of the test facility.

The elbow has been designed for having an axial flow at the turbine inlet. A honeycomb is
located upstream the inlet section in order to minimize the non-uniformities and large scale
turbulence at the inlet of the first runner. An external pump feeds the facility taking water from
an atmospheric pressure water tank and is controlling the head for different machine operations.
The facility is equipped with two differential pressure transducers measuring the difference of
the static pressure between the headwater and the tailwater sections as shown in Fig.1. The 2
sections being of the same area, this measurement yields the specific energy E according to
pI pI p
=Eh = (1)

An electromagnetic flowmeter located upstream the machine measures the discharge and this
value is corrected by a loss coefficient due to the leakages through the seals. Each runner shaft
is equipped with a strain gauges torquemeter for measuring the runner torque.
The runners are installed in a transparent casing. As illustrated in Fig.1 the casing has been
equipped with three optical circular windows made of N-BK7 glass. The thickness of the glass
windows is 6 mm with a 32.5 nm flatness. This has been designed in order to obtain a casing
segment which avoids distortion of the laser beam and enlargement of the control volume
during LDV measurements.
The operating conditions and performance of the micro-turbine have been predicted by Mnch-
Allign et al. [2]. Steady numerical simulations have been performed by using the Unsteady
Reynolds Average Navier-Stokes (URANS) code with the commercial software ANSYS CFX
13.0. The operation conditions for the predicted design point are resumed in Tab.1.
Experimental investigations have been also performed and allowed to build the hillchart of the
machine as presented by Andolfatto et al. [3].

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015


Tab.1 Runners geometry and design point operation conditions.


The LDV system is a Dantec FlowExplorer compact LDA with 2 laser beams at 660 and
775 nm. It is composed of a 300 mW solid state laser source, a beam splitter and an optical
probes of 300 mm focal length. The seeding particles are 10 m diameter hollow glass spheres
with a density that is almost the same as the one of water. It is therefore assumed that the
particles perfectly behave as the liquid flow. A remotely controlled traversing system is used
for the radial displacement of the laser. LDV measurements have been performed to measure
the average meridional component (along the x direction) and the tangential component (along
the y direction) of the absolute flow velocity at different positions across the two runners. The
origin of the Cartesian coordinate system is located between the two runners on the axis of the
machine as shown in Fig.2. The point for which the location is controlled during the
measurement is the center of the measurement volume. The measurements have been performed
at 3 positions along the x axis, as indicated in Fig 2: at the inlet of the first runner (Inlet section),
between the two runners (Inter-runners section) and at the outlet of the machine (Outlet section).
For each axial position, 8 locations on the z axis have been investigated with 1 mm spatial
resolution. Further radial positions closer to the hub couldnt be investigated because of the
intense reflection of the laser beams on the hub wall. For each location at each reference point
20000 samples have been recorded and the maximum measurement duration has been set to
30 s. Fig.2 schematizes the chain of acquisition.

Fig.2 Top view of the micro-turbine runners with the LDV experimental set-up.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015


Measurements have been performed at several operation conditions which reach the highest
efficiency for selected discharges based on the results obtained by previous measurements [3].
All the investigated operation conditions keep a relative rotational speed coefficient
= = 1
2 1 . The operation parameters are resumed in Tab.2.


[m3s-1] [J kg-1] [min-1] [%] [%]
TEST A 6.3 10-3 100 1385 56.0 66.8
TEST B 6.8 10-3 106 1698 57.2 63.7
TEST C 7.3 10-3 122 1790 57.4 62.1
TEST D 7.8 10-3 135 1945 57.4 62.0
TEST E 8.3 10-3 149 2103 57.4 58.8
TEST F 8.8 10-3 168 2219 57.0 61.3
TEST G 9.3 10-3 202 2149 56.6 63.8
TEST H 9.8 10-3 231 2182 57.5 66.2
TEST I 10.3 10-3 244 2429 57.9 66.9
TEST J 10.8 10-3 254 2697 57.7 65.8
TEST K 11.3 10-3 266 2966 56.3 60.4
Tab.2 Test conditions summary and computed efficiencies

LDV measurements couldnt be achieved close to the hub of the micro-turbine due to the high
level of reflection of the laser beam. Thus a method to fulfill the velocity profiles has been
developed. A first hypothesis on the velocity profile shape has been done by taking the
numerical simulations performed by Mnch-Allign et al. [2] as a reference. An interpolation
by using third order Hermite polynomial has been done on the velocity profile of the meridional
component by considering the measured average values.
Cm ( r ) = bi Hei ( r ) (2)
The mass balance equation has been integrated on the profiles in order to compute the discharge
Q in each investigated section.

Q = C n dA = 2 Cm ( r ) r dr (3)
A Rh

The discrepancies between the discharges computed in the three sections and the measured one
has to be minimized. Thus an optimization problem has been solved whose objective function
is defined by Eq.(4).

g ( bi ) = 2 C ( r ) r dr Q
m (4)

{bi } = arg min ( g ( bi ) ) (5)

The velocity values have been bounded within the standard deviation ( r ) of the measured
values as expressed in Eq.(6).

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Cm ( r ) ( r ) Cm ( r ) Cm ( r ) + ( r ) (6)
A constrain on the first order derivatives has been imposed in order to respect the predicted
shape of the velocity profile by the numerical simulation where measurements couldnt be
reached. This optimization problem has been solved by using a genetic algorithm.
In order to compute the efficiency, the total specific rothalpy balance equation has been
integrated on the profile to compute the transferred power by obeying Eq.(7):
Rs Rs

Pt = C U C n dA =2 Cu1 ( r ) Cm1 ( r ) r 2 dr + Cu 2 ( r ) Cm 2 ( r ) r 2 dr (7)
A h Rh
The efficiency has been computed according to Eq.(8):
= t (8)
where the transferred specific energy Et = t has been computed by solving the global Euler
equation with the hypothesis of inviscid flow.
The measured flow velocity profiles at the investigated operational conditions of the counter
rotating micro-turbine are presented in Fig.3 (meridional component) and Fig.4 (tangential
component). The empty circles indicate the measured average values while the continuous lines
are the results of the interpolation performed by optimizing the mass balance equation. All the
values are normalized by the meridional absolute flow velocity with the hypothesis of having
an uniform flow distribution, computed as follows in Eq.(9).
C m = Q (9)
The maximum difference between the measured discharges and the computed ones by
integrating the mass balance equation is 3.1% of the measured discharge.
At the inlet section the measurements confirm a purely axial flow with a confident standard
deviation along the span for both the meridional and tangential components. The velocity
profiles of the meridional component cross the measured average values. This confirms the
uniformity of the flow at the inlet section achieved by the honeycomb grid located upstream.
At the inter-runners section the turbulence level increases due to the influence of the blade
passage of the two runners. The standard deviation reaches a maximum of 0.9 for the
normalized measured meridional velocity. The flow is strongly affected by the wall effect at
both the casing wall and the hub which is limiting the unrecovered energy. It is also strongly
accelerated and deviated in the span causing the increase of the non-uniformities. This is
confirmed by the results of the optimized interpolation of the velocity profile which is not
crossing the measured average velocity values.
At the outlet section the flow the values of the meridional component which satisfy the mass
balance equation are higher than the measured average velocity. It was impossible to reach
these operational points with a significant counter pressure at the outlet due to the limited power
provided by the pump on the test rig. Thus the counter-pressure has been decreased causing
cavitation patterns on the blade of the second runner. The bubbles conducted downstream
affected the measures of the velocity at the outlet causing an underestimation of the measured
values. Moreover the un-recovered energy is limited by the casing wall effect.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Fig.3 Meridional velocity profile at the inlet (left), inter-runners (center) and outlet (right).

Fig.4 Tangential velocity profile at the inlet (left), inter-runners (center) and outlet (right).

The efficiencies computed by the integration of the total specific rothalpy balance equation are
presented in Tab.2. Comparing with the efficiencies previously measured [3] the computed
values are higher. This is due to the mechanical losses accounted for in the measurements
presented by Andolfatto et al. [3] and which are not included in the efficiency computation by
solving the total specific rothalpy balance equation and the Euler equation.

The flow velocity field along the meridional and tangential component has been investigated
by performing LDV measurements in the counter rotating micro-turbine. A method to complete
the flow velocity profile where LDV measurements were obstructed has been developed to find
the optimal solution of the velocity values with respect to the mass balance equation in the three
investigated sections. A method based on the resolution of the total specific rothalpy balance
equation has been employed to compute the hydraulic power of the micro-turbine thus to
compute the efficiency. These results achieved allow a better understanding on the performance
of the counter rotating micro-turbine. They will address further improvements of the blade
geometry and a better control of the machine regulations.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

The research leading to the results published in this paper has received funding from SCCER
SoE, the Swiss Energy Center for Energy Research Supply of Electricity granted by the Swiss
Commission for Technology and Innovation (CTI); the Ark, the foundation for innovation of
Valais Canton, through the Project HydroVS and from the Swiss Commission for Technology
and Innovation as part of the DuoTurbo project number 17197.1 PFEN IW. The authors would
like to thank the energy hydraulic team of the HES SO Valais for their collaboration and
technical support.
[1] L. Andolfatto , C. Euzenat, E. Vagnoni, C. Munch-Allign and F. Avellan , "A mixed
standard/custom design strategy to minimize cost and maximize efficiency for Picohydro
power potential harvesting," in IYCE 2015, International Youth Conference on Energy
2015, Pisa, Italy, 2015.
[2] C. Mnch-Allign, S. Richard, B. Meier, V. Hasmatuchi and F. Avellan, "Numerical
simulations of a counter-rotating micro-turbine," SimHydro 2012, 12-14 September 2012,
Sophia Antipolis.
[3] L. Andolfatto, J. Delgado, E. Vagnoni, C. Mnch-Allign and F. Avellan, "Analytical
hillchart towards the maximization of energy recovery on water utility networks with
counter rotating micro-tubine," E-proceeding of the 36th IAHR World Congress 2015,
The Hague, The Netherlands.
[4] E. Vagnoni, L. Andolfatto, J. Delgado, C. Mnch-Allign and F. Avellan, "Application of
Laser Doppler Velocimetry to the development of a counter rotating micro-turbine," E-
proceeding of the 36th IAHR World Congress 2015, The Hague, The Netherlands.
[5] J. Gagnon, M. Iliescu, G. Ciocan and C. Deschnes, "Experimental Investigation of the
runner outlet flow in axial turbine with LDV and stereoscopic PIV," in IAHR 24th
Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Foz do Iguassu, Brazil, 2008.
[6] S. Zaidi, "Practical problems associated with laser anemometry in high speed
turbomachines," Optics and Laser in Engineering, vol. 26, pp. 473-486, 1997.
[7] A. Mller, M. Dreyer, N. Andreini and F. Avellan, "Draft tube fluctuations during self-
sustained pressure surge: fluorescent particle image velocimetry in two-phase flow,"
Experiments in Fluids, vol. 54, no. 4, pp. 1-11, 2013.
[8] O. Uzol, Y. Chow, J. Katz and C. Meneveau, "Unobstructed PIV measurements within an
axial turbo-pump using liquid and blades with matched refractive index," Experiments in
Fluids, vol. 33, pp. 909-919, 2002.
[9] R. Miorini, H. Wu and J. Katz, "The intrnal streucture of the tip leakage vortex within the
rotor of an axial waterjet pump," J. Turbomachines, vol. 134, no. 3, 2011.

p (Pa) pressure E (J kg-1) specific energy

C (m s-1) absolute velocity P (W) power

U (m s-1) rotating velocity (-) efficiency

Cm (m s-1) meridional velocity Cu (m s-1) tangential velocity
Q (m3s-1) discharge (rad s-1) rotational speed
A (m2) area (kg m-3) density

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015




Litostroj Power d.o.o., 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, [email protected],
[email protected]
Eindhoven University of Technology, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands, [email protected]
Qingzhi HOU
Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China [email protected]
Rainpower Norge AS, N-7465 Trondheim, Norway, [email protected]

A large-scale pipeline apparatus at Deltares, Delft, The Netherlands, has been used for acoustic
resonance tests. The apparatus consisted of a constant-head tank, a horizontal 200-mm-diameter 49-m-
long steel pipeline and an oscillating valve at its downstream end. In addition to standard
instrumentation, two distinctive instruments have been used: hot-film wall-shear-stress sensors and a
PIV set-up for measurement of velocity profiles. Pulsating flow tests have been performed with an
average flow at Reynolds number 22,000. The frequency of oscillation varied between 1.5 Hz and 100
Hz. When one of the excitation frequencies met the liquid systems natural frequency, the system went
into resonance. Moreover, when one of the frequencies coincided with a structural natural frequency
of the pipeline, the liquid-filled pipeline experienced fluid-structural resonance. Results of three
distinctive runs (including a hydraulic resonance case with oscillating frequency fex = 5 Hz, a non-
resonance case with fex = 10 Hz and a fluid-structural resonance case with fex = 12.5 (13) Hz) indicated
that the axial pipe-wall vibrations for the fluid-structural resonance case are one order of magnitude
higher than in the hydraulic resonance and non-resonance cases. In addition, excessive pipeline
vibrations were clearly visible in the PIV images.

Pulsating Pipe Flow, Flow-Induced Vibrations, Structural Vibrations, Resonance, Experiment.

The prediction of flow-induced vibrations in hydropower plants at the stages of planning and
refurbishment is an important task in view of safe operation and economic design [1]. Skin
friction and consequential damping in unsteady pipe flows can significantly reduce the
* Corresponding author: Research and Development Department, Litostroj Power d.o.o, Litostrojska 50, 1000
Ljubljana, Slovenia, phone: +386 1 5824284, email: [email protected]

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

harmful effects of resonance. This fact has been addressed in our previous IAHR WG
Meeting presentation in Lausanne (2013) [2]. From an engineering point of view it is
important to avoid resonance and its excessive vibrations [3]. When one of the excitation
frequencies meets the liquid systems natural frequency, it goes into the resonance. Moreover,
when one of the frequencies coincides with a structural natural frequency of the pipeline, the
liquid-filled pipeline experiences fluid-structural resonance. Experimental data for the
validation of theoretical models of flow-induced vibrations with consideration of unsteady
skin friction and associated phenomena are limited. A large-scale pipeline apparatus at
Deltares, Delft, The Netherlands, has been used for unsteady friction and acoustic resonance
tests [4], [5]. The apparatus consisted of a constant-head tank, a horizontal 200-mm-diameter
49-m-long steel pipeline and an oscillating valve at its downstream end. Pulsating flow tests
have been performed with an average flow at Reynolds number 22,000. The frequency of
oscillation varied between 1.5 Hz and 100 Hz. Results of three distinctive runs (including a
hydraulic resonance case with oscillating frequency fex = 5 Hz, a non-resonance case with fex =
10 Hz and a fluid-structural resonance case with fex = 12.5 (13) Hz) are presented and
discussed. In addition, the pipelines axial vibrations are examined from PIV images.


A large-scale pipeline apparatus, where large scale implies both large Reynolds numbers (up
to 400,000) and industrial-size pipeline dimensions (internal diameter of 206 mm, length 49
m), has been used for a range of unsteady skin-friction experiments [4], [5]. Three types of
transient turbulent flow have been investigated in the apparatus: (1) non-reversing
accelerating & decelerating flow, (2) reversing accelerating & decelerating flow and (3)
oscillatory (pulsating) flow (including resonance & water-hammer tests). In this paper the
pulsating flow tests are analysed with an emphasis on the fluid and fluid-structural resonance.
Results from our previous theoretical and experimental investigations are used in the
interpretation of the measurements [5], [6], [7], [8].

The layout of the test rig for pulsating flow experiments is depicted in Fig. 1. The test section
is a horizontal steel pipeline with a total length of 48.95 m, an inner diameter of 206 mm and
a wall thickness of 5.9 mm. The horizontal steel pipeline is restrained against axial and
transverse movements by 12 pipe saddle supports with strap (see Fig. 2). The test pipeline is
connected to a water tower via a supply steel pipeline of 27.35 m equivalent length and 903
mm equivalent diameter. It includes a 1.6-m-long and 489-mm-diameter section, a 500-mm-
diameter ball valve, a 1-m-long tapered section and a horizontal-vertical 24.75-m-long and
993-mm-diameter steel pipeline that leads to the elevated constant-head tank. A specially
designed rotating valve that generates harmonically oscillating flow rates and pressures is
attached to the downstream end of the pipeline.

It is a Svingen-type frequency-controlled rotating valve that has been used in the apparatus
[9]. The valve consists of an end-flange with a sluice gate and a Teflon disc driven by a
frequency-controlled electromotor (5 kW). The valves 8 mm 100 mm aperture is partially
covered by a solid latch to control the average flow rate. The rotating disc controls the
oscillatory flow component. The mean disc diameter is 526 mm; there are three sinusoidal
periods on the disc periphery with an amplitude of 10 mm. The frequency of oscillation can
be varied between 1.5 Hz and 100 Hz. With a constant-head upstream-end of 24.5 m, the flow
rate amplitude is determined by the maximum opening of the sluice gate (240 mm2 herein)
and the amplitude of the disc (10 mm herein).

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Svingen-type frequency-controlled
Supply steel pipeline: rotating valve
- equivalent diameter D = 906 mm PIV box
- length L = 27.35 m 0.0 m M

24.5 m Upstream-end x=L

constant head tank
Inlet valve Horizontal steel pipeline:
- diameter D = 206 mm
- length L = 48.95 m


Fig.1 Test rig for oscillatory (pulsating) flow

In addition, water-hammer tests have been performed in the apparatus to determine the
acoustic wave speed. For this purpose, a 25-mm-diameter ball valve was installed in the end-
flange. With the sluice gate closed, the water-hammer event was initiated by rapid manual
closure of the ball valve (N.B.: in the oscillating flow tests, the ball valve was fully closed).
An additional 50-mm-diameter ball-valve in the end flange was used for removing air from
the pipeline (by flushing) prior to the tests.

2.1 Instrumentation

The instruments used have been carefully selected (accuracy, frequency response, etc) and
calibrated prior to and after the dynamic measurements. The sampling frequency for each
continuously measured quantity (except PIV) was fs = 1,000 Hz. The high-speed PIV camera
was set to record at a lower frequency of fs = 125 Hz to accommodate measured data for a
time period of 10 seconds (resulting in large data files stored on hard-disc). The layout of the
instruments in the test section for pulsating flow is depicted in Fig. 2. Four dynamic pressure
transducers are positioned along the pipeline including the end points (pu, pov), at the
electromagnetic flow meter (pEM), and at the PIV box (pPIV). They are Kulite HKM-150-
375M-50bar-A high-frequency piezoelectric absolute-pressure transducers (pressure range:
from 0 to 5 MPa; resonant frequency: 50 kHz; uncertainty Ux = 0.7% of rate). The
uncertainty in a measured quantity (Ux) is expressed as a weighted sum of bias and precision
errors [10]. All four transducers were flush mounted in the inner pipe wall. A fast-response
DN200 ABB electromagnetic flowmeter (Ux = 2% of flow rate) is used for flow-rate
measurements (QEM) in steady and low-frequency pulsating flows. The flowmeter is located at
7/20 of the pipe length measured from the test-section inlet. The temperature (Tw) of the water
in the pipe is measured at the flowmeter location using a Rosemount resistance thermometer
(Ux = 0.5 oC). A laser-Doppler displacement transducer ILD1401-250-mm is attached to the
outer pipe-wall close to the PIV box. The transducer measures axial displacements (Yx; Ux =
0.02 mm).

Instantaneous velocity PIV measurements are carried out using a high-speed camera and a
powerful laser for lighting (vPIV in x (axial, horizontal) and y (radial, vertical) coordinate
directions at selected positions across the window; estimated Ux = 1%). The camera is
adjusted so that it covers nearly the entire pipe radius (from the top of the pipe to the centre).
The PIV box is located at 43/50 of the pipe length (measured from the inlet). The size of the

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

window used is 5121024 pixels. For high Reynolds-number flows, the laser is set to its
maximum power. For lower Reynolds-number flows, the power is decreased. Hydrogen
bubbles are used for seeding. They are produced by an electrified rod inserted in the flow at
the upstream side as close as possible to the Perspex PIV box. One PC is dedicated to the PIV
measurements using the special software DaVis 8.0. The wall shear-stress is measured at
three equidistant circumferential positions by Dantec Dynamics hot-film sensors at two
different axial locations. One location is at the PIV box (w,PIV) and the other is 1.15 m
upstream. The hot-film sensors were calibrated against shear-stress values calculated from
flow-rate and pressure-gradient measurements in steady flows [11].

Displacement Yx
Pressure pPIV
Shear stresses w,PIV Pressure pov
x/L = 0.61 Velocity profile vPIV
8 9 10 11 12 M

x/L = 0.86 x/L = 0.98 x/L = 1

Pressure pEM Pressure pu x/L = 0.15

Flow rate QEM 1 2 Horizontal steel pipeline:
Temperature Tw - diameter D = 206 mm
6 x/L = 0. 0.04 3 - length L = 48.95 m

5 4 Sensor
x/L = 0.51 x/L = 0.35 x/L = 0.20
Pipe saddle
supports i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
with strap x/L 0.03 0.14 0.19 0.34 0.47 0.52 0.59 0.68 0.80 0.87 0.90 0.97

Fig.2 Layout of dynamic instruments in test section for oscillatory (pulsating) flow

2.2 Pulsating Flow Test Programme

The following pulsating flow tests have been performed in the test rig shown in Fig. 1:
(1) Quasi-steady tests (slowly rotating the disc by hand): Reave = 22,000
(Reave = VaveD/; Vave = average flow velocity per cycle)
(2) Classical pulsating flow tests (valve rotating with frequencies between 1.5 Hz and 100 Hz;
estimation of resonance frequencies; measurement of pipe motion): Reave = 22,000,
which corresponds to Vave = 0.108 m/s.

In the quasi-steady and pulsating flow tests the opening of the sluice gate varied between
80 mm2 (minimum) and 240 mm2 (maximum).


Pulsating flow tests have been performed with an average flow at Reynolds number 22,000,
which corresponds to Vave = 0.108 m/s. The frequency of oscillation (fex) varied between 1.5
Hz and 100 Hz. Figure 3 shows pressure and axial displacement amplitudes measured at the
PIV box versus the excitation frequency fex = 1.5 Hz to 25 Hz. Results for higher frequencies
are not shown, because the PIV sampling frequency was fs = 125 Hz. Two distinct resonance
peaks are observed. The first resonance peak at fex = 5.0 Hz corresponds to the first natural
frequency of the water column and is close to the theoretical value of 5.2 Hz [5]. The second

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

distinctive peak at f = 13 Hz represents the first fluid-structural natural frequency. The first
fluid-structural natural frequency is somehow close to the second theoretical hydraulic natural
frequency f = 15.7 Hz and far below the theoretical first natural frequency fs = 132 Hz of axial
pipe motion of the downstream leg which has length Lx = 0.39 L = 19 m. The simple
formula fs = as / (2 Lx) with as = 5000 m/s for a free-free pipeline [3] has been applied thereby
ignoring the effect of the supports 7 to 12. Because fs >> f, the downstream leg acts as a rigid
pipe (similar to the rigid-column / water-hammer analogy), the motion of which is restrained
by the flexure of the leg between the support at x/L =0.52 and the bend at x/L = 0.61. This
gives a lower structural frequency. The restraining effects of the supports 7 to 12, the last
bend, the PIV box, and the blind flange and its attachments may all influence the first fluid-
structural resonance frequency. It is hard to estimate dynamic behaviour of these components
under fluid-structural resonance conditions.

Fig. 3 Measured pressure and displacement amplitudes (normalised) at the PIV box versus
frequency of oscillation of the rotating valve (pPIV,max = 0.9 bar; Yx,max = 0.7 mm)

Results of three distinctive runs including a hydraulic resonance case with fex = 5 Hz, a non-
resonance case with fex = 10 Hz and a hydraulic resonance case with fex = 12.5 Hz (very close
to the observed fluid-structural frequency f = 13 Hz) indicate that the wall shear-stresses at
resonance conditions are about two times higher than at non-resonance conditions (Fig. 4f).
The mode shapes of the first and the second hydraulic resonances can be estimated from the
four pressure measurements along the pipeline (including the end points) (Figs. 4a to 4d). It is
obvious that the maximum axial pipe displacement (Fig. 4e) occurs in the vicinity of the first
fluid-structural resonance frequency (12.5 to 13 Hz). At these frequencies the whole system
was shaking visually and audibly.

Large structural vibrations may affect the PIV measured flow velocities that have been
presented at the previous IAHR meeting [2]. It has been shown that the shape of the velocity
profile at non-resonance conditions is similar to the shape in steady-state flow. The shape of
the velocity profile at resonance conditions was a typical unsteady-state velocity profile
including pronounced decelerated flow and accelerated flow maxima near the pipe wall. In
our PIV investigations the high-speed camera was at a fixed position while the pipeline was
heavily vibrating at its first fluid-structural natural frequency f = 13 Hz. Therefore we have
extracted the axial and radial pipeline displacements from the PIV images by tracking a
selected mark fixed to the pipe wall itself and using it as a reference. Figure 5 shows axial and
radial displacements of the selected wall mark for fluid-structure resonance (fex = 13 Hz) and
non-resonance case (fex = 10 Hz). It is clear that the radial displacements are of the same order
and small compared to the axial displacements. This is not the case for the axial
displacements. While the axial displacement at non-resonance conditions is of the same order

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

as the radial displacements, the axial-displacements at the first fluid-structural frequency are
two to three times higher.

Fig. 4 Comparison of measured pressures along the horizontal test section (p, absolute), axial
displacement at PIV box (Yx) and wall shear stresses within the PIV box (w,PIV) for excitation
frequencies fex = 5, 10 and 12.5 Hz

Fig. 5 Comparison of PIV images-based axial and radial displacements (Y) within the PIV
box for excitation frequencies fex = 10 and 13 Hz

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

It has been found that the pipe wall velocity at the first fluid-structural natural frequency has
an amplitude of about 0.05 m/s compared to an absolute (DC value) fluid velocity of about
0.07 m/s relative to vave (Figs. 6a and 6c). Pipe wall motion may therefore not be neglected in
the treatment of the PIV measured flow velocity fields in the case of the first fluid-structural
resonance. For the non-resonance case the axial wall and nearby fluid velocities are small.
The amplitudes of the radial flow velocities (Figs. 6b and 6d) are much smaller than the axial
amplitudes. This means that the fluid practically does not move in the radial direction. It is
noted that the observed phase shift between the fluid flow velocities and displacements, and
the pressures and wall shear stresses, is / 2 [5; Figs. 11 to 13].

Fig. 6 Comparison of measured axial and radial velocities (v) of the pipe wall in the PIV box
and of the flow velocities at r/R = 0.97 for excitation frequencies fex = 10 and 13 Hz

Results of three distinctive runs (including a hydraulic resonance case with frequency of
oscillation fex = 5 Hz, a non-resonance case with fex = 10 Hz and a fluid-structural resonance
case with fex = 12.5 (13) Hz) indicate that the axial pipe-wall vibrations in the fluid-structural
resonance case are one order of magnitude higher than in the hydraulic resonance and non-
resonance cases. The pipeline vibrations have herein been extracted from PIV images. The
radial pipe-wall displacements at fluid-structural resonance are small and of the same order as
under non-resonance conditions.

The large-scale laboratory experiments carried out at Deltares, Delft, The Netherlands, were
partially funded through EC-HYDRALAB III Contract 022441 (R113) by the European
Union and their support is gratefully acknowledged. In addition, the first two authors
gratefully acknowledge the support of the Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS) conducted
through the project L2-5491 (ARRS).

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

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a (m/s) wave speed y (m) radial distance
D (m) pipe diameter (m2/s) kinematic viscosity
f (Hz) frequency w (Pa) wall shear stress
L (m) length Subscripts:
p (Pa) pressure ave average per cycle
Q (m3/s) discharge EM electromagnetic flowmeter
Re (-) Reynolds number ex excitation
R (m) inner pipe radius max maximum
r (m) radial distance ov oscillating valve
Tw (C) water temperature PIV particle image velocimetry
Ux (any) uncertainty s sampling, solid
V (m/s) average velocity u upstream
v (m/s) local flow velocity wall pipe wall
x (m) axial distance x axial direction
Y (m) pipe displacement y radial direction

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015



Institute of Computational Technologies SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Institute of Computational Technologies SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Alexander ZAKHAROV
OJSC "Power Machines" LMZ, St-Petersburg, Russia

Operation of Francis turbines at very high discharge is bounded by full load surge phenomenon,
caused by instability of two-phase swirling flow downstream the runner. Recently the authors
presented a hybrid 1D-3D model and numerical algorithm for simulation of this phenomenon. In
present work this numerical model is further enhanced and applied to prediction of limit of stable
operation of prototype hydro-power plant. First, the influence of full runner computations rather than
one runner channel is investigated. Then, the frequency of pressure pulsations compared with first
unstable frequency, obtained in frames of fully 1D model. It is shown that if cavitation compliance is
identified from unsteady 1D-3D computation, then first unstable frequency is very close to that,
obtained in 1D-3D simulation. This fact establishes the bridge between 3D CFD and fully 1D models
of full load surge. A series of unsteady computations for various operating points (guide vane
openings) and various Thoma numbers are carried out. Based on these results the zone of unstable
operation is evaluated for two runner modifications. The onset of strong power pulsations is in good
agreement with experimental data, measured at prototype, showing practical applicability of this

full load, instability, self-excited pulsations, CFD simulation

Wide range of stable operation is one of main targets in Francis turbine design. In partial load
this range is restricted by pressure pulsations, induced by helical vortex rope, formed in the
draft tube. At high load this range is restricted from cavitational considerations and risk of
strong self-exited oscillations [1, 2]. The reason of these oscillations is the hydraulic
instability of cavitating flow in the draft tube. The whole hydraulic system of the power plant
* Corresponding author: Institute of Computational Technologies SB RAS, acad. Lavrentiev avenue 6,
Novosibirsk, Russia, phone: +7(383)3307373, email: [email protected]

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

gives positive feedback to small perturbation of cavity volume, enforcing cavity pulsations.
The problem was reported for several prototype turbines [2 - 4]. Full load surge phenomenon
was also reproduced in scale model tests, see [4, 5].
Practice shows that the amplitude and frequency of self-oscillations strongly depend
on the velocity profile formed downstream the runner. Thus the onset and intensity of self-
oscillations is runner dependent. Therefore it is desirable to predict the upper limit of stable
operation of prototype turbine at the early stage of runner design.
Physical mechanism of full-load instability is well explained using simple 1D models,
using the concepts of cavitation compliance C = Vc / p and mass flow gain factor
(MFGF) = Vc / Q [3, 6, 7]. 1D models establish the fact of instability and determine the
frequency of unstable modes, however practical application of such models for the prediction
of amplitudes of pressure pulsations is problematic. In order to evaluate the amplitude of limit
cycle one have to perform time domain simulation using non-linear system with operating
point dependent compliance and MFGF [3]. Obtaining these dependencies requires series of
two-phase CFD computations for different operating points. Moreover, as it will be shown in
the present paper, steady-state CFD can be inadequate for determination of true values of C
and .
Recently the present authors proposed a hybrid 1D-3D two-phase model of the whole
hydraulic power plant, including penstock and turbine itself [8, 9]. The model combines 1D
hydro-acoustic equations for the penstock and 3D unsteady Reynolds-Averaged Navier-
Stokes (RANS) equations for the turbine. The model is able to capture and directly simulate
self-oscillations in full load. In [9] we studied the influence of computational grid and time
step size. Moreover, computed pressure pulsations were compared to experimental data,
measured for nq=48.3 turbine, operated at maximum head H = 220 m. The present work
continues investigations, started in [9]. First, computations of old-designed runner R1 are
refined by considering all runner channels rather than one (periodic) channel, used in [9].
Then the influence of operating point, namely the discharge and Thoma number, is
investigated. Based on the obtained results, the limit of stable operation at high discharge is
evaluated and compared to experimental data measured in prototype.


The 1D-3D model, developed in [8, 9], consist of 1D hydro-acoustic equations of penstock
and two-phase RANS equations of cavitating flow in turbine, see Fig. 1. Hydro-acoustic
equations of penstock of length Lp are
h a 2 Q
+ 0,
t gA x
x [0, L p ] . (1)
Q + gA h
t x
= h p /( L g ) z is the piezometric head (note, that Oz axis is directed downwards); Q is
the discharge; a is the wave speed; A is the cross section of penstock; t is time and x is the
coordinate along the length of the penstock.
Cavitating flow inside the turbine is described by unsteady 3D RANS equations for
isothermal compressible liquidvapor mixture with mixture density
L L + (1 L ) V .
Spatial distribution of liquid volume fraction L is governed by transport equation
L 1
+ div( L v ) = (m + + m ) (2)
t L

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

with source terms, responsible for evaporation and condensation. These are evaluated using
ZGB model [10]:
2 max[0, p pV ] , 2 max[0, pV p ]
m + C prod (1 L ) V
= m = Cdest L V ,
3 L 3 L
where C prod = 3 104 , Cdest
= 7.5 104 . Turbulence is modelled using Kim-Chen k- model.
Total specific energy E2 at draft tube outlet is obtained from a given Thoma number
and net head H according to IEC 60193 standard
E2 = H + zr , (3)
L g
where zr is the reference level, evaluated from the upper ring of wicket gate (z = 0). This
condition is accompanied by the hydrostatic equation p / z = L g in the draft tube outlet
section. Total specific energy is also fixed at the inlet of the penstock
E1 h + = E2 + H = const .
2 gA12
Eq. (1) for penstock domain and RANS equations for turbine domain are solved
simultaneously. Coupling of penstock and turbine flow parameters (discharge and pressure) is
done by inner iterations at each time step. Numerical method is described in [8, 9, 11].
The above 1D-3D model accounts for the main factors responsible for excitation and
evolution of full-load oscillations. These are flow inertia and compressibility of water in the
penstock, cavitation development in draft tube cone and between runner blades (essential for
low Thoma numbers). The main advantage of the model against fully 1D ones is a proper 3D
link of cavity volume Vc to discharge and pressure variations.

Fig.2 Mesh for periodic WG whole runner draft tube

Fig.1 The concept of 1D-3D model.
computations and monitoring points D1 (WG) and D2 (DT).


3D unsteady computations in the whole flow passage of Francis turbine are time consuming.
Fortunately, for the case of full load surge computational domain can be significantly
reduced. First, as it was suggested in [8], spiral casing and stay vanes can be excluded and
represented by their pressure drop. Next, wicket gate (WG) can be computed within periodic
approach, requiring computations in only one WG channel. In [9] the same approach was
used also for the runner with circumferential averaging of all flow parameters on mixing
plane between runner and draft tube (DT). This simplification is quite affordable for modern
turbines, where the flow behind the runner is nearly axially symmetric in full and over-load

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

operating points. However, this is not true for some runner designs. Old runner R1,
considered in [9] is the case. Due to the lack of axial velocity near the hub, swirling flow in
the upper part of the draft tube cone becomes asymmetric, pointing out that periodic mixing
plane approach may be not adequate for this case.
In the present paper, whole runner computations are carried out for R1 runner to
ensure proper interaction of runner and draft tube. Fig. 2 shows computational mesh for R1
runner, consisting of one WG channel, all runner channels and the whole draft tube. No
averaging is applied in runner-DT interface. Time step is 1/96 of runner rotation period,
which is 4 times smaller than in periodic runner computations, performed in [9]. Fig. 3
compares pressure pulsations monitored in WG entrance (point D1 in Fig. 2) for two
computations. Fig. 4 shows evolution of asymmetric vapor cavity within one pulsation period,
obtained in whole runner simulation. Though in whole runner approach pressure pulsations
seem to be more periodic, their frequency and average amplitude are approximately the same
as in simple periodic computation. This fact, established for old-fashion runner, confirms the
applicability of periodic runner approach for simulation of full load surge.

Fig. 3. Comparison of periodic and full runner computations for R1: pressure in WG.

1 2 3 4 5
Fig. 4. Vapor cavity in runner and draft tube for 5 moments of 1 period, see Fig.3.


Fig. 5 shows the influence of Thoma number on pressure pulsations in WG for R2 turbine,
operated at 110% of rated power. Periodic stage approach is used with time step t =Tn / 24 .
It can be seen that pulsations with highest amplitude, observed at = 0.06 and = 0.08 , are
the most periodic. Average frequencies (line 1) and amplitudes of pressure pulsations in
WG (point D1) and DT (point D2, see Fig. 2) as functions of Thoma number are shown in
Fig. 6. Almost linear increase of frequency with Thoma number, seen in Fig. 6, coincides with
experimental observations of A. Muller [5]. However, in contrary to [5], the change of
amplitude is not monotonic. Fig. 7, 8 show vapor cavity on runner blades and in DT in 7 time
moments within 1 period of pulsations, for = 0.06 and = 0.08 . The formation of helical
vortex rope behind the main cavity can be observed for = 0.08 .
One of the problems in investigation of full-load self-oscillations is the comparison of
fully 1D hydro-acoustic models to 3D CFD computations. Fig. 9 shows the dependency of

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

first unstable frequency on cavitation compliance C, found from eigenvalue analysis of 1D

model, described in [9]. Frequency, evaluated using simple formula
= f 1/ 2 C I 2 is also
shown. Here I 2 = L2 / gA2 is the inertia of draft tube flow; L2 and A2 are the length and
equivalent cross section area of the DT, respectively. Good agreement can be seen in practical
range ( C > 0.1 m2). The problem is now to find C. In [9] we considered the case = 0.08 and
identified C = 0.135 from 2 steady state two-phase computations with 2 different pressure
levels in the outlet section. The resulting 1D frequency f / f n = 0.59 fell far from 1D-3D
result f / f n = 0.356 [9].
Here we identified the value of C from the results of unsteady 1D-3D computations.
For that, following [12], we plotted cavity volume Vc against pressure in DT, monitored in
point D2. Fig. 10 shows the obtained Vc loops for several values of Thoma number. For
= 0.06 the volume of vapor phase in the runner was also included in Vc. In order to get a
single value of cavitation compliance C = Vc p[m.w.c] , linear approximation of
Vc ( p ) curve was constructed for each , see Fig. 10. The resulting frequencies, see Fig. 9, are
shown also in Fig. 6 (line 2). Good agreement with 1D-3D results can be seen now.

Fig. 5. Pressure pulsations in WG for various . Note, Fig. 6. Amplitude and frequency and of
pressure levels are shifted for the sake of visualization. pressure pulsations versus .

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Fig. 7. Evolution of vapor cavity in runner and draft tube, = 0.06 .

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Fig. 8. Evolution of vapor cavity in runner and draft tube, = 0.08 .

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Fig. 9. First unstable frequency as function of Fig. 10. Identification of cavitation compliance:
cavitation compliance. cavity volume Vc against pressure in DT.

The main interest is the dependence of pressure and power pulsation amplitudes on average
turbine power, since it determines the upper limit of stable operation. In order to evaluate
these dependencies 5 unsteady computations for various guide vane openings at constant net
head have been carried out, corresponding to 110%, 115%, 117.5%, 119% and 123% of rated
output power Prated. As in Sec. 4, turbine with new R2 runner is considered. Fig. 11 shows the
resulting pressure fluctuations in wicket gate. It can be seen, that at 110% of rated power the
pulsations are almost negligible. The increase of power leads to drastic growth of pressure
pulsation amplitudes, both in WG and DT (see also Fig. 12). At 117.5% of Prated peak-to-peak
amplitude of pressure pulsations in WG reaches 4.6% of the net head. Further increase of load
reduces the amplitude of pulsations. It can be seen that for all regimes with pronounced
oscillations, the amplitudes in WG are about 2 times higher than those in the draft tube.
Frequency monotonically decreases as discharge grows, from 0.6 to 0.2 of runner rotation
frequency. This behaviour is again in qualitative agreement with model experiments [5]. Line
2 in Fig. 12 shows the frequency, obtained in frames of fully 1D model with cavitation
compliance C, identified from unsteady 1D-3D simulations, as described in Sec. 4. Again, the
1D frequency is close to 1D-3D result.

Fig. 11. Pressure pulsations in WG for various output Fig. 12. Amplitude and frequency of
power. pressure pulsations versus output power.
Synchronous pressure pulsations result in severe power oscillations of the same
frequency. Fig. 13 compares peak-to-peak power oscillations, measured in prototype turbine
(with R1 runner) with those, obtained in present 1D-3D simulations for R1 and R2 runners.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Abrupt increase of power pulsations beyond about 107% of rated power is well predicted. It
can also be seen that the onset of instability for the new R2 runner is shifted to the right to
about 3% of Prated and the amplitude of power pulsations are 2 times smaller than for old R1

Fig. 13. Peak-to-peak amplitude of power pulsations as function of average turbine power.

Recently developed 1D-3D model of hydro-acoustic pulsations in power plant is further
investigated and applied to the prediction of limit of stable operation at high discharge. Series
of computations with various guide vane openings and Thoma numbers have been carried out
for prototype turbine. The obtained results indicate strong influence of these parameters on
frequency and amplitude of full load pulsations. Evaluated dependencies outline the zone of
operating points with high amplitude of pressure and power pulsations and thus provide the
upper limit of stable operation at high load. The computed amplitudes of power pulsations are
in good agreement with experimental data measured in prototype, showing applicability of the
model to predict full load pulsations.
The frequencies of computed pressure pulsations are compared with first unstable
frequencies, obtained in fully 1D model. It is shown that if cavitation compliance, used as the
input in 1D model, is taken from unsteady 1D-3D computations, then 1D and 1D-3D
frequencies are close to each other. This fact establishes the bridge between 3D CFD and fully
1D models of full load surge.
It is shown that onset and the amplitude of self-oscillations strongly depend on runner
geometry. This fact indicates the possibility to reduce or even eliminate high-load pulsations
with proper runner design.
The next challenge is to introduce third phase (non-condensable air) into the model in
order to investigate the effect of air admission behind the runner.

This work was supported by grant 14-01-00278 of Russian Foundation for Basic Research.

[1] Jacob T. and Prenat J.-E.: Francis Turbine Surge: Discussion and Data Base. IAHR
Symp. on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems (Valencia, Spain). 1996.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

[2] Drfler P., Sick M., Coutu A.: Flow-Induced Pulsation and Vibration in Hydroelectric
Machinery. Springer-Verlag, London. 2013. 242 p.
[3] Koutnik J., Nicolet C., Schohl G. A., and Avellan F.: Overload surge event in a pumped
storage power plant. IAHR Symp. on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems (Yokohama,
Japan). 2006.
[4] Alligne S., Maruzewski P., Dinh T., Wang B., Fedorov A., Iosfin J. and Avellan F.:
Prediction of a Francis turbine prototype full load instability from investigations on the
reduced scale model. IAHR Symp. on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems (Timisoara,
Romania). 2010.
[5] Muller A.: Physical Mechanisms governing self-excited pressure oscillations in Francis
turbines. Ph. D. Thesis EPFL No. 6206. 2014.
[6] Nicolet C.: Hydroacoustic modelling and numerical simulation of unsteady operation of
hydroelectric systems. Ph. D. Thesis EPFL No. 3751. 2007.
[7] Chen C., Nicolet C., Yonezawa K., Farhat M., Avellan F., Tsujimoto Y.: One-
dimensional analysis of full load draft tube surge. J. of Fluids Engineering. Vol. 130.
[8] Chirkov D., Avdyushenko A., Panov L., Bannikov D., Cherny S., Skorospelov V.,
Pylev I.: CFD simulation of pressure and discharge surge in Francis turbine at off-
design conditions. IAHR Symp. on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems (Beijing, China).
[9] Chirkov D., Panov L., Cherny S., Pylev I.: Numerical simulation of full load surge in
Francis turbines based on three-dimensional cavitating flow model // IAHR Symp. on
Hydraulic Machinery and Systems (Montreal, Canada). 2014.
[10] Zwart P. J., Gerber A. G., Belamri T. A.: Two-phase flow model for predicting
cavitation dynamics. International Conference on Multiphase Flow (Yokohama, Japan).
Paper No. 152. 2004.
[11] Panov L.V., Chirkov D. V., Cherny S. G., Pylev I. M. and Sotnikov A. A.: Numerical
modeling of steady-state cavitational flow of viscous fluid in Francis hydroturbine.
Thermophysics and Aeromechanics. 2012. Vol. 19, No. 3. pp. 415-427.
[12] Chen C., Nicolet C., Yonezawa K., Farhat M., Avellan F., Miyagawa K., Tsujimoto Y.
Experimental study and numerical simulation of cavity oscillation in a conical diffuser
Int. J. of Fluid Machinery and Systems. 2010 Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 91-101.

a (m/s) wave speed H (m) net head
A (m2) cross section area nq (-) specific speed
L (-) liquid volume fraction p (Pa) pressure
C (m2) cavity compliance pV (Pa) vapor pressure
(s) mass flow gain factor P (MW) power
E (m) total specific energy L (kg/m3) water density
f (Hz) frequency V (kg/m3) vapor density
fn (Hz) runner frequency (-) Thoma number
g (m/s2) gravity acceleration Vc (m3) cavity volume
h (m) piezometric head

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015



Arash Soltani Dehkharqani*, Kaveh Amiri, Michel J. Cervantes

Department of Engineering Science and Mathematics, Lulea University of Technology, Lule,

Department of Energy and Process Engineering, Water Power Laboratory, Norwegian University
of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway
The development of renewable energy sources has increased the need for power regulation. Power
system regulation is mainly performed by hydropower plants through load variations. Additional
forces are exerted on the runner blades during these load variations. This paper deals with pressure
measurement performed on the blades of a Kaplan turbine model under steady state and load variation
conditions. Flow behavior and frequency content of the pressure are investigated and compared to find
critical condition in terms of pressure fluctuation. The results show that at various operating points and
conditions, different regions of the blade are important. During load rejection, a considerable amount
of pressure fluctuations are exerted on the runner blades. These results will be used to define
experiments to be performed on the corresponding prototype. On the prototype, the loads acting on the
runner blades will be investigated at various operation points similar to the model. In addition, the
relation between the frequency content on the blades and loads on the main shaft will be investigated.
Comparing results from model and prototype eventually would be valuable to explore the flow
characteristics in prototype since CFD simulation of prototype is challenging.
Kaplan turbine model, load acceptance, load rejection, pressure fluctuation, frequency spectra

1 Introduction
Pressure fluctuations exerted on the runner blades at various operating conditions are essential
to determine turbine life expectancy [1]. Different forces and pressure fluctuations may be
exerted on the turbine blades and main shaft during load variations compared to steady
operation [1]. In recent years Kaplan, Francis and propeller turbines have received much
attention from the research community under load variation and steady state [2]. Different
operating points, load variations, start-up and shutdown have been studied on a Francis
turbine model at the Water power laboratory, NTNU, Norway [3-7]. It has been observed that
the pressure fluctuation amplitude during transient operating conditions is higher than during
steady state operations. Pressure measurements were performed on the blades of a propeller
turbine during steady state and transient operation and frequency analysis was done to find
various phenomenas impacting the turbine [1], [8]. Although numerous investigations have
been done on hydraulic turbine models, the behavior and nature of the flow in prototype has
received less attention in the scientific community.
A measurement campaign on a prototype Kaplan turbine is planned. Its scaled model has been
studied experimentally and numerically [9-12]. The procedure of pressure sensor mounting on
the prototype runner with possibility of replacing damaged sensors has been proposed [13].
The results of the planned measurement can be used to study scale up effects in water turbine
* Corresponding author: Department of Engineering Science and Mathematics, Lulea University of Technology,
Lulea, Sweden, phone: +46 (0)920 493404, email: [email protected]

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

systems. Moreover, the results will be used for CFD simulation of the prototype. Furthermore
these experiments may help determine the relation between loads on the blades and torque on
the main shaft. Consequently, measuring the strain on the main shaft may help determine the
loads on the runner.
In this paper, pressure fluctuations on Kaplan runner blades at three steady operating points
(part load (PL), best efficiency point (BEP) and high load (HL)) and six transient
measurements between three predefined operating points are analyzed. Regions subjected to
high pressure fluctuation during the mentioned conditions are examined.

2 Experimental setup
The full-scale Kaplan turbine Porjus U9 is situated on the Lule River in the northern part of
Sweden. The present study was performed on the 1:3.1 scaled model of the turbine. Fig. 1
presents a sketch of the model which is operated in a closed-loop unit at the hydraulic
machinery laboratory of Vattenfall Research and Development, lvkarleby, Sweden. The
runner is composed of 6 blades with a diameter of 0.5 m. The penstock presented in Fig. 1a
delivers water to the water supply system which is composed of a spiral casing, 18 unequally
distributed stay vanes and 20 equally spaced guide vanes. The turbine operated at a constant
rotational speed of 696.3 rpm and a net head of 7.5 m during the measurements.

Fig. 1a: Side view of the model; b: top view of the water supply system; spiral casing, stay vane and
guide vane (Section A-A). [9]

In this study, the runner characteristics at three different operating points have been
investigated. The measurements have been performed at a constant blade angle for each
operating point; i.e., during off-cam mode. Operational parameters for the operating points are
presented in Tab. 1.
Operating point PL BEP HL
Guide vane angle gv [] 20 26.5 32
Volume flow rate ( Q ) [m3s-1] 0.62 0.71 0.76
Discharge factor ( QED ) [-] 0.289 0.331 0.354
Speed factor ( n ED ) [-] 0.676 0.676 0.676
Relative efficiency to BEP ( BEP ) [%] -5.6 0.0 -1.6
Tab. 1 Operational condition parameters for the U9 model

The discharge and speed factors are dimensionless numbers defined by the following
QED = (1)
D 2 gH
nED = (2)

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

The sensors were mounted on two blades, a blade-to-blade channel, on the pressure side of
one blade and the suction side of another blade. Six piezoresistive pressure sensors
manufactured by Kulite (LL-080 series) were flush-mounted on the pressure side of blade
number 1 and six sensors were installed on the suction side of blade number 2. Sensors on the
pressure side of blade 1 are shown in Fig. 2. Additional information about the location of the
sensors can be found in [9]. The pressure range and natural frequency of the sensors are 0-7
bar and 380 kHz, respectively. Due to the high natural frequency of the sensors compared to
the frequencies of interest from the measurements, the investigated frequencies were not

Fig. 2 Schematic of the runner [9].

Two identical telemetry systems, one for each blade, from Summation Research Inc. (SRI-
500e) were used for the calibration and measurements. The system was able to transfer data
with a frequency up to 17 kHz. The transmitters installed on the rotating shaft, sent signals to
the stationary receiver. The analogue signals received by the receiver and pressure sensors on
the draft tube cone were directly fed to a data acquisition (DAQ) system with 24-bit
resolution; a PXI chassis with four Ni-4472 DAQ cards [9].
The uncertainties of the test rig parameters and sensors are presented in Tab. 2. For additional
information see [9].
Instrument Uncertainty Position
Hydraulic efficiency 0.13% Test rig
Volume flow rate (Q) 0.18% Test rig
Head (H) 0.04% Test rig
Guide vane angle setting (gv) 1.3% Test rig
Encoder 0.03 Test rig
Pressure sensors 0.18% Runner blades
Tab. 2 Calibration uncertainties of the test rig parameters and sensors.

3 Data processing
Pressure measurements on the runner blades of the Kaplan turbine model were performed at
steady state and load variation operating conditions. At steady state, the model was operated
and investigated at PL, BEP and HL. Six load variations between three identical operating
points were selected for the unsteady measurements.
The pressure fluctuations are defined as follow:
Pi (t ) = Pi (t ) - P (3)

Where Pi (t ) is the acquired pressure signal, P is the time-averaged pressure, t is time, i is the
sample index and Pi (t ) is the fluctuating part of the acquired pressure signal. The data analysis
was performed with an in-house developed code, using Welchs method to obtain the
frequency content at the various operating conditions. The sampling frequency during all
experiments was 4 kHz and the data was recorded for 300 seconds.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

4 Results

4.1 Steady measurements

Best efficiency point
Fig. 3 presents the pressure amplitude of the pressure sensors at the BEP for runner and guide
vane passing frequencies. The blade tip is affected by the guide vane passing frequency more
than other region at the BEP.

Fig. 3 Pressure amplitude of the pressure sensors at the BEP for runner and guide vane passing

Runner and guide vane passing frequencies were the dominant frequencies in most of the
measurements. Furthermore, 21 ( as the dimensionless runner frequency) was also
one of the dominant frequencies, visible in the frequency spectrum of the measured data. For
all the steady state cases, the amplitude of the mentioned frequencies increases from the
leading edge to the trailing edge on the pressure side. On the other hand, the amplitude of
runner frequency decreases chord-wise on the suction side. At the measured operating points,
impact of guide vane passing frequency on the suction side at the mid points (SS2, SS5) is
maximum compared with adjacent sensors. SS2 has the maximum amplitude for the
mentioned frequency.
Part load
Fig. 4 presents the amplitude spectra registered by pressure sensor SS2 at the PL operating
point. At PL, 21 has a significant role in the frequency content. This large frequency
amplitude can be seen on the suction side blade tip. Correspondingly, SS2 has the maximum
amplitude at this frequency (see Fig. 4 (b)). In addition, the changing pattern of amplitude of
the guide vane passing frequency is similar to the BEP. More information about this
frequency was explained by Amiri et al. [9].

(a) (b)
Fig. 4 a) Amplitude spectra of the pressure sensor SS2 b) pressure amplitude with respect to the 21
frequency, at the PL operating point

Two frequencies of 0.171 and 0.829 appeared in the amplitude spectra at the PL
for all the sensors synchronously, for instance Fig. 4 for SS2. These frequencies were found to

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

be related to the plunging and rotating modes of the rotating vortex rope (RVR), respectively
[9]. The amplitude of the plunging mode is as large as runner and guide vane passing
frequency amplitudes. The influence of the other dominant frequencies has been
overshadowed by the amplitude of the rotating mode. The amplitude of this frequency is
approximately 3 and 6 times larger than the runner and guide vane passing frequencies,
respectively. Small peaks found in the amplitude spectra near the dominant frequencies for all
of cases due to acquisition system. As the source of these frequencies is known, they were not
considered in the analysis.
High load
Fig. 5 illustrates that the trend of the frequency spectrum for HL operating point is similar to
the BEP; and the average magnitude of the guide vane passing frequency is smaller than that
of for BEP. It can be seen in Fig. 5 that sensor SS1 and SS2 have the maximum magnitude
among all the sensors at the runner and guide vane passing frequencies, respectively.

(a) (b)
Fig. 5 Pressure amplitudes with respect to the runner and guide vane frequencies at a) HL, b) BEP

4.2 Transient measurements

Transient measurements have been performed by load acceptance and load rejection tests
between three operating points in two different manners; PLtr to BEP, BEP to HLtr, PLtr to
HLtr, HLtr to BEP, BEP to PLtr and HLtr to PLtr. Tab. 3 presents the operational parameters of
the transient measurements.
Case No. gv1 gv2 Q1 Q2 H1 H2
1 PLtr to BEP 16.2 26.7 0.51 0.69 7.6 7.6
2 BEP to HLtr 26.7 37.5 0.69 0.77 7.5 7.5
3 PLtr to HLtr 16 37.5 0.51 0.77 7.6 7.5
4 HLtr to BEP 37.5 26.6 0.77 0.69 7.5 7.5
5 BEP to PLtr 26.5 16 0.69 0.51 7.6 7.5
6 HLtr to PLtr 37.6 16 0.77 0.51 7.5 7.6
Tab. 3 Operational condition parameters for the unsteady measurements

Guide vane angle during the transient measurement for PLtr and HLtr was not the same as the
one during steady operation. The amplitude spectra for some of these cases, which include
PLtr and HLtr as an operating point for load acceptance or load rejection, are not quantitatively
comparable with that of steady operation. Nevertheless, the magnitude of the dominant
frequencies of transient operation can be examined and qualitatively compared with each
Case 1
In the transient measurement case 1, the runner and guide vane passing frequencies are the
dominant frequencies (See Fig. 6 (a)). Fig. 6 (b) presents the pressure amplitudes at the runner

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

and guide vane passing frequencies during the load variation. Similar to the steady
measurements, on the pressure side of the blade, the amplitude of the runner frequency
increases along the chord. The amplitude of the runner frequency measured on the suction
side decreases chord-wise. This can be the result of the overlap between the runner blades
which decreases pressure pulsation at the trailing edge of the runner. Also, sensors at the
position SS2 and SS5 have the maximum magnitude for guide vane passing frequency among
the chord-wise arrangement; SS2 has larger amplitude in comparison with SS5 in the all

(a) (b)
Fig. 6 a) Amplitude spectra of the pressure sensor SS2, b) pressure amplitudes with respect to the
runner and guide vane passing frequencies, during load variation from PLtr to the BEP.

Case 2, 3 and 4
The transient results of the sensors for the runner and guide vane passing frequencies during
transient measurement from BEP to HLtr and HLtr to BEP are presented in Fig. 7. Similar
results to case 2 have been obtained for case 3. As it can be seen in Fig. 7, the runner and the
guide vane passing frequencies dominate the frequency spectrum in the load acceptance and
load rejection, respectively. Besides the changing pattern of the amplitude of the guide vane
passing frequency during load rejection from HLtr to BEP, it is almost similar to that of the
PLtr to BEP. In case 2 and 3, the average amplitude of the runner rotational frequency is
higher compare to the other load variations as a result of higher mass flow rate at HLtr
compared to the other points.

(a) (b)
Fig. 7 Pressure amplitudes with respect to the runner and guide vane passing frequencies; a) BEP to
HLtr , b) HLtr to BEP

Case 5 and 6
Two distinct frequencies, which are related to the RVR, were discussed in the results from
steady operation at PL. In these two cases, more than 90% of the samples are acquired while
the turbine operates at PLtr, unlike other cases. Fig. 8 illustrates pressure amplitude of RVR
frequencies (plunging and rotating modes) for case 5. As it can be seen, the dominant
frequency in these cases is found to be the rotating frequency of RVR. Furthermore, as
presented in Fig. 8, the suction side senses higher amplitude of RVR compared to the pressure

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

side since flow disturbance comes from the draft tube to the runner [14]. Spectral analysis of
these two cases gave quantitatively similar results. It can be realized that since the flow rate in
PLtr is less than steady one, the frequencies of plunging and rotating modes of RVR are
greater and smaller compared to steady measurements respectively.

Fig. 8 Pressure amplitudes with respect to the RVR frequencies during load variation from BEP to

Fig. 9 (a) presents amplitude spectra of the pressure sensors during load variation from HLtr to
PLtr. The RVR frequencies have significantly large amplitude than the runner and guide vane
passing frequencies in these cases. Fig. 9 (b) illustrates the pressure amplitude of the runner
and guide vane passing frequencies for case 6. For the PL steady measurement, the amplitude
of the RVR frequency was up to 3 times the average value of the runner frequency amplitude;
in the present two cases, this ratio is close to 7. Also, there are large differences between the
magnitudes of the runner frequency of the sensor SS5 and others during transient
measurement of case 5 and 6. The region close to the runner hub and trailing edge (SS5 and
SS6) has the maximum amplitudes among the sensors that are up to 9 and 3 times the average
of other sensors, respectively.

(a) (b)
Fig. 9 a) Amplitude spectra of the pressure sensors and b) pressure amplitudes with respect to the
runner and guide vane passing frequencies, during load variation from HLtr to PLtr

5 Conclusion
Pressure measurements on two runner blades of a Kaplan turbine model were performed
during steady and transient operations. Different critical points have been detected during the
measurements. In the steady part, pressure variation at the location SS2 was significant
compared to other regions on the runner blades. More importantly, results from transient
measurements shows that pressure fluctuations exerted on the runner blades are stronger than
steady operating condition. Particularly, load rejection from HLtr to PLtr and BEP to PLtr
impact on the pressure fluctuations magnitude. The mid blade region near the hub (SS5)
sensed a large pressure fluctuation due to RVR frequency during transient operations from
HLtr to PLtr and BEP to PLtr.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

6 Acknowledgements
The research presented was carried out as a part of "Swedish Hydropower Centre - SVC".
SVC has been established by the Swedish Energy Agency, Elforsk and Svenska Kraftnt
together with Lule University of Technology, The Royal Institute of Technology, Chalmers
University of Technology and Uppsala University (

[1] S Houde and R Fraser and G D Ciocan and,C.Desch (2012) Part 1 Experimental study of
the pressure fluctuations on propeller turbine runner blades during steady-state operation. IOP
Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 15: 022004
[2] Trivedi C, Gandhi B, Michel CJ (2013) Effect of transients on Francis turbine runner life:
a review. Journal of Hydraulic Research 51: 121-132
[3] Trivedi C, Cervantes MJ, Gandhi B, Dahlhaug OG (2013) Experimental and numerical
studies for a high head Francis turbine at several operating points. Journal of Fluids
Engineering 135: 111102
[4] Trivedi C, Cervantes MJ, Gandhi B, Dahlhaug GO (2014) Experimental investigations of
transient pressure variations in a high head model Francis turbine during start-up and
shutdown. Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser.B 26: 277-290
[5] Trivedi C, Cervantes MJ, Gandhi BK, Dahlhaug OG (2014) Transient Pressure
Measurements on a High Head Model Francis Turbine During Emergency Shutdown, Total
Load Rejection, and Runaway. Journal of Fluids Engineering 136: 121107-121107
[6] Trivedi C, Cervantes MJ, Dahlhaug OG, Gandhi B (2015) Experimental Investigation of a
High Head Francis Turbine During Spin-No-Load Operation. Journal of Fluids Engineering
137: 061106
[7] Trivedi C, Gandhi BK, Cervantes MJ, Dahlhaug OG (2015) Experimental investigations
of a model Francis turbine during shutdown at synchronous speed. Renewable Energy 83:
[8] S Houde and R Fraser and G Ciocan and,C.Desch (2012) Experimental study of the
pressure fluctuations on propeller turbine runner blades: part 2, transient conditions. IOP
Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 15: 062061
[9] Amiri K, Cervantes MJ, Mulu B (2015) Experimental investigation of the hydraulic loads
on the runner of a Kaplan turbine model and the corresponding prototype. Journal of
Hydraulic Research
[10] Mulu BG, Jonsson PP, Cervantes MJ (2012) Experimental investigation of a Kaplan
draft tube Part I: Best efficiency point. Appl Energy 93: 695-706
[11] Jonsson PP, Mulu BG, Cervantes MJ (2012) Experimental investigation of a Kaplan
draft tube Part II: Off-design conditions. Appl Energy 94: 71-83
[12] Mulu BG, Cervantes MJ, Devals C, Vu TC, Guibault F (2015) Simulation-based
investigation of unsteady flow in near-hub region of a Kaplan Turbine with experimental
comparison. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics : 1-18
[13] Jansson I, CERVANTES MJ (2007) A method to flush mount replaceable pressure
sensors on a 9.3 MW prototype of a Kaplan runner. Proceedings of the 2nd IAHR
International Meeting of the Workgroup on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic
Machinery and Systems, Timisoara, Romania, October 24-26, 2007
[14] Amiri K (2014) An experimental investigation of flow in a Kaplan runner: steady-state
and transient. Licentiate thesis

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015



mag. Damir DOLENC*

Litostroj Power d.o.o., Slovenia
Litostroj Power d.o.o., Slovenia
Litostroj Power associate, Slovenia

In course of commissioning of newly installed Francis unit excessive shaft relative vibrations in unit
load operation were detected. During first loading of the unit in 2010, measured shaft relative
vibrations showed to be above 200m Smax, which was well above acceptable limits. Several
attempts were conducted to reduce shaft relative vibrations including balancing and air admission, but
initially with no success.

Additional measurements and analyses showed that shaft vibration frequency did not match the
frequency of unit rotation and furthermore, shaft oscillations did not rotate in the direction of unit

During measurements taking place characteristic frequency previously determined on the shaft
oscillations were found to be present in most other measured signals like water pressures in spiral
case, draft tube, turbine cover and labyrinths as well as on bearing vibrations. At first, it made it
difficult to allocate the source of shaft oscillation phenomena.

It was discovered that the motor of the shaft radial oscillation was runner labyrinth construction which
acted as de-balancing effect on the shaft.

After detailed investigation a new set of lower labyrinths was installed on the runner and the result
was immediate. All shaft oscillation frequencies previously measured on several signals disappeared.

This paper presents the physical background of the phenomena, measurements and investigation
efforts that finally led to the successful solving of the problem.


Francis Turbine, Runner Labyrinths, Shaft Oscillation, Pressure Pulsations

* Corresponding author: Research Department, Litostroj Power d.o.o., Litostrojska 50, 1000 Ljubljana,
Slovenia, phone: +386 1 5824 299, email: [email protected]

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015


There has been a new hydro power plant with 3 units built in 2010. Two of the units are
vertical Francis units with the maximum power of 22 MW each. The third one is a horizontal
1 MW Francis unit. High levels of vibrations have been discovered during the commissioning
of the large vertical units in 2010.

Vertical Francis units Rated Maximal

Rated speed of rotation n [min-1] 187,5 360
Turbine power Pt [MW] 21,25 22,04
Turbine discharge Q [m3/s] 60 64
Net head Hn [m] 38,18 40
Runner diameter Dg [m] 2,933 /
Tab. 1 Turbine technical data

Soon after the first wet tests of the two vertical units started, exceeded vibrations and shaft
runout were discovered. Both units have shown the same behavior.


Units were started and put into mechanical run for the first time in August 2010. The
generator has been balanced in mechanical and excited mechanical run, so the units were
ready for testing under load. Partial (controlled) runaway speed was tested at the speed of
145% for more than one minute without higher unexpected vibrations and runout. During the
partial runaway the dominant frequency of runout and vibrations was equal to the frequency
of rotation.

When 5 MW, which represents about 25% load, was reached, exceeded vibrations were
discovered. Power was increased up to 7 MW but as there was no change in unit behavior the
unit was stopped (see Fig. 1). The same problem emerged also on the second unit. Shaft
runout and vibration values were significantly higher than it was expected. At that time it was
not known what the source of the problem was.
HPP. Unit A, - TGB, Pgen = 7MW HPP. Unit B, - TGB, Pgen = 5,6MW

Fig. 1: Shaft runout at turbine guide bearing measured at 7 MW for unit A and at 5,6 MW for unit B

Measurements have shown exceeded shaft runout and increased vibrations on both turbine
and generator guide bearings. Both units had the same phenomenon as shown on the Fig. 2.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

HPP. Unit A, - TGB, Pgen = 6MW HPP. Unit B, - TGB, Pgen = 6MW

Fig. 2: Radial vibrations measured at the turbine guide bearing (unit A and unit B)

The vibration velocity RMS value measured on the turbine guide bearing was between 2 and
4 mm/s which could not be interpreted as excessive. This was due to the low vibration
frequency at approximately 4 Hz. On the other side the displacement of the housing has been
high, reaching between 0,20 and 0,30 mm of radial displacement which is way too high as
according to standard ISO 10816/5 the limit for group C is 0,08 mm of peak- to-peak

Further testing under load was stopped. Both generator and turbine guide bearing gap
adjustment showed to be according to the design documentation. Turbine guide bearing was
readjusted to the lower admissible limit at 0,16 mm to each bearing pad. After restarting, the
same phenomenon was discovered, but now with slightly lower vibration and runout values.
As units were already double-checked for correct mechanical erection, it was decided to
continue tests at higher loads. During the emergency shut down and load rejections the
vibration phenomenon strangely disappeared.

Exceeded vibrations have been discovered from the power of 5 MW till the maximum load
equally on both units.
Shaft runout on unit A Turbine guide bearing housing vibrations
Smax 4,5
V_RMS 0/WD [mm/s]
4 V_RMS 90/WD [mm/s]
200 3,5

v_RMS [mm/s]

Smax [um]


50 1
Smax - turbine guide bearing [um]
Smax - generator guide bearing [um] 0,5
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
Pgen [MW] Pgen [MW]

Fig. 3: Shaft runout and vibrations on the turbine and generator guide bearing


In mechanical and excited mechanical run the phenomenon of exceeded vibrations was not
present. The frequency analysis of the shaft runout has shown the dominant frequency equal
to the frequency of rotation (187,5 rpm = 3,125 Hz).

Fig. 4: Frequency analysis of the shaft runout signal in unit mechanical run

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Further it was discovered that the dominant frequency of vibrations and shaft runout of
approximately 4 Hz was present in all signals for loads above 5 MW and it slightly changed
with the load between 3,9 Hz up to 4,4 Hz. It was not a constant multiple of the frequency of
rotation. Fig. 5 presents frequency analysis of the measured signals at the load of 15 MW on
unit A. Except from the signal of the pressure in the draft tube, all show the dominant
frequency of 4,2 Hz.

Turbine guide bearing vibrations: Penstock pressure:

Turbine guide bearing shaft runout at 0/ water Turbine cover pressure:


Generator guide bearing shaft runout at 0/ water Pressure in the draft tube:

Fig. 5: Frequency specter in measured signals

Few attempts were conduct to see the effect on the vibrations:

First influence of the water pressure below turbine cover was tested. By manually closing the
drain adjustment valve, the pressure in the runner-turbine cover chamber was slowly
increased toward the upper allowed limit of 2 bar and oscillatory phenomenon showed to be
decreasing. The improvement achieved was connected with the increase of downward axial
force on the runner. Nevertheless, frequency at about 4 Hz could still be seen in all the signals
and the vibration as well as runout values were still too high.

Units were than tested with different air admission valve adjustment. Vibration values slightly
changed with different air admission adjustments but it did not affect the dominant oscillatory
frequency and vibration and runout values remained too high.

Fig. 7 presents the raw data measured at the shaft runout sensors. Shaft runout was measured
on both bearings in water direction and on 90 to water direction see Fig. 6. It can be seen
from the signals that the phase between sensors at turbine and generator guide bearings
measured in the same vertical plane was approximately 130.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

sTGB 90/WD
sGGB 90/WD


Fig. 6: Coordinate system of the shaft runout

sTGB 0/WD ~130
sTGB 90/WD
1900 sGGB 0/WD
sGGB 90/WD

Shaft runout [um]



0,20 0,25 0,30 0,35 0,40 0,45 0,50 0,55 0,60 0,65 0,70
Time [s]

Fig. 7: Shaft runout raw signal data measured at 17MW (75% load)

Another interesting fact was that the shaft runout on both bearing was rotating in the opposite
direction to the direction of rotation. Fig. 8 presents measured shaft runout during the time of
one shaft revolution (t=0,32 seconds).
1800 generator guide bearing shaft runout
1750 1900 direction
sGGB 90/WD [um]
sTGB 90/WD [um]

1650 shaft runout
1600 shaft runout
turbine guide bearign shaft runout
1500 1600
1450 1500 1550 1600 1650 1700 1750 1500 1550 1600 1650 1700 1750 1800 1850
sTGB 0/WD [um] sGGB 0/WD [um]

Fig. 8: Shaft runout orbit measured on the turbine and generator guide bearing

This phenomenon was caused by the increase of friction in the radial bearings. The schematic
diagram of acting forces is presented on Fig. 9. The radial force presses the shaft against the
bearing thus increasing friction forces between the shaft and the bearing. Due to the resultant
force the shaft starts to roll like a wheel in the bearing.

Fig. 9: Schematic diagram of forces in the bearing

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

The source of the phenomenon was discovered after the measurement of pressure pulsations
in the runner labyrinths (see Fig. 10).

pressure tap
located at 180/WD

turbine cover

pressure tap
located at 0/WD runner

Fig. 10: Location of pressure measurements in the runner labyrinths

It was discovered that pressure pulsations have the same dominant frequency and are in phase
with the shaft displacement when measured in the same direction (see Fig. 11.). That proved
that when the shaft moves from the center, the force that is generated tries to increase the
displacement. Shaft displacement in this setting is limited by the bearing wall, and the
resultant acting force makes the shaft start rotating in the opposite direction to the direction of

pressure in the lower labyrinth at 0

sTGB 0/WD pressure in the upper labyrinth (at 180/ WD)

Fig. 11: Pressure measurement in the runner labyrinths

Fig. 12 shows that if the runner moves toward direction B the clearance in labyrinth copies
the movement and increases the clearance on the side A. Consequently the pressure on side A
will increase while the pressure on the side B will decrease. The resultant force from the
pressure acting in the labyrinths has decentering effect by pushing the runner away from the
ideal center of rotation. As seen from Fig. 13 the runner crown area is high and already small
pressure pulsations cause large force pulsations.

Fig. 12: Runner labyrinths view from the above Fig. 13: Detail of the runner crown

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015


According to the measured pressures in the runner labyrinths a radial force of water acting on
the runner can be calculated. Measured pressure pulsation was approximately 0,45 bar in all
operating steady state conditions.

Lower labyrinth dimensions:

Height h=~0,7 m
Diameter D= ~3 m

Fig. 14: Schematic of forces in the lower runner labyrinth

The differential of the radial force acting on the runner crown can be calculated as:

dF ( ) = p ( ) h r d = p 0 cos h r d (1)

The above calculated force has the direcion towards the center of the runner. The differential
force acting on the runner crown in the direction of the smallest labyrinth gap equals:

dFmin . gap = dF ( ) cos = p0 cos 2 h r d (2)

With the integration of this force it is obtained the total force of the water acting in the
direction of the smallest gap:

sin 2 2
2 2
Fmin . gap = dF min . gap = p0 h r cos 2 d = p0 h r +



2 (3)
Fmin . gap = p0 h r = 45000 2
0,7 m 1,5m = 74220 N
2 m 2

From the above calculation it can be seen that a force of 74kN tons was acting in the runner
labyrinth in the radial direction.

To solve the problem a new labyrinth was added to the bottom part of the runner crown (see
Fig. 15). It is important that the lower labyrinth has a smaller gap than the upper one. In
addition water was supplied directly from the penstock. Tests have shown that the lower
labyrinth with the smaller gap than the upper one efficiently solved the problem even if the
water admission from the penstock was closed.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

To evaluate operation with new labyrinth added,

figure to Fig. 12 can be drawn. Because the
lower labyrinth has a smaller gap, majority of
pressure drop across the labyrinth setup is
achieved on the lower labyrinth. Local pressure
above the lower labyrinth remains constant even
when the shaft radial displacement is present.
Now, with the pressure being constant, the
whole runner crown acts like a bearing.

If the runner moves eccentric to the wicked gate

support (like shown on Fig. 12) the pressure on
side A will be lower and the pressure on side B
Admission of water pressure
higher. In this improved situation water pressure from the penstock
in the labyrinth is trying to move the runner to
the center. The added labyrinth
with a smaller gap

After the modification implemented, the

frequency of approximately 4 Hz totally

Fig. 15: The added lower labyrinth

The source of the exceeded vibrations was the absence of lower runner labyrinth. Due to the
high surface of the runner crown, the pressure pulsations that were present locally caused high
forces with de-balancing effect. This was modified by the addition of the second labyrinth on
the bottom of the runner crown, and most importantly, installed was a labyrinth with smaller
gap as the upper one.

After the implemented modification on lower labyrinth, vibrations and shaft runout stabilized
within the limits of group A/B according to ISO 7919 and ISO 10816. It was concluded that
the unit could operate safely and it was ready for long term operation.

RMS Root-mean-square
TGB Turbine Guide Bearing
GGB Generator Guide Bearing
Smax evaluated shaft displacement (runout) according to ISO 7919:5
WD direction of water flow
F [N] force
h [mm] height
r [mm] radius
f [Hz] frequency
[] angle
po [Pa] pressure
v [mm/s] vibration velocity

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015



Martin GAGNON*
Institut de recherche dHydro-Qubec (IREQ), Canada
Institut de recherche dHydro-Qubec (IREQ), Canada

There is a close link between the dynamic behaviour a turbine runner blade and its expected reliability.
The stresses sustained by the structure during steady state operation and transient conditions dictate
both the expected fatigue reliability and the rate at which it decreases. Using the data from the
measurement campaign conducted by Hydro-Qubec, we observe that two distinct types of dynamic
behavior and that each type of dynamic behaviour can generate three possible reliability scenarios. In
general, we should expect different combination of dynamic behaviour and reliability scenario for
different location on the runner blade given that each location has a different level of inspection,
response spectrum or set of materials properties. Using these distinctions in terms of dynamic behavior
and reliability, our goal is to help maximize the life expectancy of turbine runner while minimizing the
risk to both the operator and manufacturer. This paper will present an overview of our methodology,
results and recommendation regarding fatigue reliability assessment of turbine runner.

Reliability, Dynamic behaviour, High Cycle Fatigue (HCF), Hydroelectric turbine, Response spectra

The expected fatigue reliability of runner blades in hydroelectric turbines is highly sensitive
to its dynamic behaviour during steady state operation and transient conditions. We have
observed that no turbine runner has exactly the same dynamic behaviour. Nonetheless, current
measured data show that some distinct types of behaviour can be observed. These types of
behaviour dictate the response spectrum which in turn is used as an input to obtain the
expected reliability and sensitivity to material properties [1]. Because we need a simplified
representation of the reality which is a trade-off between model complexity and sufficient
detailed result [2], our objective is to show that the previously defined LCF/HCF response
spectrum model [3] might be too simple for fatigue reliability assessment. Distinction
between types of behaviour must be made in order to issue relevant recommendation to
maximize life expectancy and reliability.

* Corresponding author: Institut de recherche dHydro-Qubec (IREQ), 1800 Boulevard Lionel Boulet,
Varennes, Qubec, J3X 1S1, Canada, phone: +1 450 962 8359, email: [email protected]

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

First, we need to define failure. For hydroelectric turbine runner blades, we defined failure as
the onset of High Cycle Fatigue (HCF). In this case the onset of HCF is the contribution to
crack propagation of small amplitude stress cycles which are different from the high
amplitude cycles irrespective of their frequency as defined by Nicholas, 2006 [4]. The high
amplitude cycles are thus considered the low cycle fatigue (LCF) component of the response
spectra. This means that every steady operating condition should have a dynamic range below
the HCF onset threshold at any given time [3]. Such definition has far reaching implications
regarding the influence of turbine dynamic behaviour on fatigue reliability. A good
knowledge of these implications should help both operator and manufacturer optimize their
practice regarding the equipment reliability.

The paper is structured as follows. First, the typical HCF/LCF response spectra and the
reliability model are presented. Next, we propose different types of dynamic behaviour based
on the observed data from in situ measurements followed by a discussion on the expected
fatigue reliability. Finally, specific guidelines and recommendations are suggested.


In previous work [3, 5, 6], we defined that, at any given point in time, the criteria for
hydroelectric turbine runner fatigue reliability was that every allowed steady state operation
should have a response spectrum below the HCF onset threshold. This means that, as the
defect grows, the stress cycles range should stay below the limit formed by the Kitagawa
diagram. The fatigue reliability limit state is illustrated in Fig. 1a. The simplest spectrum
considered is composed of at least a high amplitude LCF component which contributes to
crack propagation and some HCF components which should not contribute to propagation as
shown in Fig. 1b. Notice the arrow in Fig. 1a which represents the movement toward the limit
state of the joint distribution formed by the HCF stress range and defect size as the LCF
component contributes to the crack propagation. This growth is a function of the number of
LCF cycles happening with time.

(a) (b)

Fig. 1 (a) Fatigue reliability limit state; (b) Structure response spectrum.

The Kitagawa diagram [7] combines two limits ( 0 and K onset ) that are joined together
using the El Haddad correction [8]. The limit state is expressed as follows:

(, ) = (1)
(+0 ) (+0 )

0 = (2)
0 (0 )

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Often, K th is used in place of K onset because it is easier to measure hence more readily
available. For the following discussion, we will only use K th. From Eq. 1, we obtain the
probability of failure Pf by solving the following:

= ()0 () (3)

in which, x is an n-dimensional vector of random variables with a joint density function fX (x).
This value can easily be approximated using First Order Reliability Methods (FORM) as
describe in [3]. The results can either be expressed in terms of the reliability index ,
probability of failure Pf or runner reliability R as follows:

= () (4)

= (1 ) (5)

where n is the number of blades of the runner and () is the standard normal cumulative
distribution function. Notice that from this definition HCF will occur when the largest defect
in a given volume propagates due to the largest stress cycle of a given return period. Hence,
the uncertainty around the defect size and stress range should be modelled using an extreme
value distribution. In our case, we have chosen to use the Gumbel distribution for simplicity
purpose. Furthermore, unless mentioned otherwise the parameters in Table 1 are used to
illustrate the limit state in this paper. Those parameters represent the limit below which we
believe we are completely safe and above which we are certain that the onset of HCF has
occurred in CA6NM stainless steel [6].

Parameters Uncertainty interval Units

K th [2.0, 4.0] MPam
0 [55, 550] MPa

Tab. 1. Limit state parameters uncertainty interval


Dynamic behaviour type 1, while similar to the response spectrum presented in Fig. 1b,
includes the transient due to the startup, shutdown and major load changes. This type of
behaviour was first presented in [5] and is shown in Fig. 2. Such behaviour is suitable for a
wide range of runner ranging from Francis to propeller type. Notice that the transients
amplitudes can be optimized and are not fixed [9]. The characteristics needed to generate a
suitable simplified response spectrum are the following:
The maximum stress range of the startup transient.
The maximum stress range of the shutdown transient.
The frequency of startup/shutdown.
The maximum stress ranges generated by each major load change.
The frequency of each major load change.
The maximum stress range of the critical steady state regime.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Fig. 2. Type 1 simplified response spectrum.

Two distinct possibilities can be observed. We can either observe 1 2 or

1 > 2. These two possibilities generate 3 different cases in term of reliability:
Case 1: HCF 1 HCF 2
Case 2: HCF 1 > HCF 2 and both stress ranges within the allowed limits
Case 3: HCF 1 > HCF 2 and HCF 1 outside the allowed limit

Fig. 3 shows two examples of measured data which belong to type 1 case 1 response. In
case 1 since HCF 2 will always be the first stress range to reach the threshold defined by our
limit state. Hence, we can neglect HCF 1 which simplify the reliability analysis as shown in
Fig. 4.

(a) (b)

Fig. 3 Two measured examples of type 1 case 1 response.

Fig. 4 Example of type case 1 reliability problem.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

However this is not always true as shown in Fig. 5. Sometime, we cannot neglect HCF 1 . In
such situation, we are either in case 2 or case 3 as shown in Fig. 6. In case 2, when HCF 1
reach the limit state, rather than failure we move to case 3 where we need to account for the
number of HCF 1 cycles N HCF 1 contributing to crack propagation within every start to stop

Fig. 5 A measured example of type 1 case 2 response.

(a) (b)

Fig. 6 (a) Case 2 with all operating condition safe; (b) Case 3 with some operating condition unsafe.


Type 1 is not the only behaviour observed; at the critical location on some turbine runners, the
behaviour presented in Fig. 7 is observed. Such behaviour is characterized by maximum stress
at the SNL condition rather than maximum opening. The consequence is more LCF cycles
because we need to go twice thru the SNL condition: once during the startup and once during
the shutdown of the unit. Hence with the type 2 response spectrum even if we can neglect the
startup and shutdown transients, we still have twice the amount of LCF cycles. This means
less time in the safe region for any of the 3 cases presented.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

(a) (b)

Fig. 7 (a) Measured example of Type 2 response; (b) Type 2 simplified response spectrum.

The main difficulty is that we cannot limit our analysis of reliability to only one location. In
general, we should expect that not all locations have the same level of inspection, response
spectrum or materials properties. Furthermore, when we have a combination of parameters
that generate case 3, the reliability will not only be sensitive to the number of start-stop cycles
and stress amplitudes but also become highly sensitive to the time of operation in a given
operating condition. To illustrate this difficulty, we used the parameters in Tab. 2 to generate
thee results presented in Fig. 8a. Here, the rate at which reliability decreases is highly
sensitive to the number of HCF cycles N HCF 1 which is a function of the time of operation in
this operating condition. This sensitivity is only one aspect, notice that as more and more
stress cycles of lower amplitude from this operating condition reach the limit state, we might
need at some point to account for the complete dynamic content rather than only its extreme
values. The use of a complete stochastic simulation for the desired length of time would
provide more accurate results but increases significantly the model complexity [10].

Parameters Location Scale Distribution type Units

a 1.5 0.5 Gumbel mm
HCF 1 80.0 1.0 Gumbel MPa
HCF 2 15.0 [0.5, 1.0*, 2.0] Gumbel MPa
SNL 200.0 - - MPa
N Startup 1 - - Day1
N HCF 1 [0, 10*, 100] - - Startup1
* value used unless specified otherwise
Tab. 2 Parameter values for case 3 sensitivity analysis.

Another aspect often overlooked is the uncertainty around the stress range for steady state
operation. In Fig.8b, we varied the uncertainty around the value of HCF 2 for N HCF 1 = 10 .
Here, the scale of the distribution is the parameter related to the dispersion or uncertainty. We
observe that if we lower the uncertainty below a certain level, the initial reliability will
increase but given the decreasing rate for N HCF 1 = 10 it will have a limited impact as time
goes by. On the other hand, if the uncertainty is large, the impact will be significant across the
whole range of values. This shows that a reduction of stress level uncertainty can have as
much influence in terms of reliability as reducing the expected value itself. However, below a

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

certain level a reduction of uncertainty provides limited gains. This is one of the main
justifications behind in situ measurement campaign on runner prototype.

(a) (b)

Fig. 8 Case 3 sensitivity analysis; (a) Number of cycle N HCF 1 ; (b) HCF 2 uncertainty (i.e.: scale).

In this paper, we have identified 2 types of response spectrum to represent the dynamic
behaviour observed in hydroelectric turbine runners from our measurement campaigns. The
first type of response spectrum tends to warrant higher reliability since the second type of
dynamic behaviour generates more LCF cycles. Compared to the first type of behaviour, the
second type would have a higher expected reliability decreasing rate for similar parameter
values. For each of these response spectrums, 3 scenarios have been identified:
Case 1: HCF 1 HCF 2
Case 2: HCF 1 > HCF 2 and both stress range in the safe region
Case 3: HCF 1 > HCF 2 and HCF 1 not in the safe region

Our recommendation are that regardless of the type of spectrum if the decreasing rate is low
and high reliability can be expected, one should still do periodic visual inspection to ensure
that no error or unexpected events occurred. The reliability decreasing rate is controlled by the
LCF cycles and number of start to stop cycles. When it becomes significant, we will reach a
point where the inspection is the only way to ensure that there is no cracking. For such runner,
rigorous inspection schedule should be respected to maintain a given reliability level.
However, one should remember that the inspection of the runner is not the only way to
improve reliability. A better knowledge of material properties or stress level could achieve the
same goal. Hence, stress measurements campaigns and a better knowledge of the specific
material properties of a given runner are tools we can use to minimize the risk of runner blade

[1] Thibault, D., Gagnon, M. & Godin, S.: Bridging the gap between metallurgy and
fatigue reliability of hydraulic turbine runners. IAHR 27th Symposium on Hydraulic
Machinery and Systems. Montreal. 2014.
[2] Aven, T.: Foundations of Risk Analysis, 2nd Edition. John Wiley & Sons. 2012.
[3] Gagnon, M., Tahan, A., Bocher, P. & Thibault, D.: A probabilistic model for the onset
of High Cycle Fatigue (HCF) crack propagation: Application to hydroelectric turbine
runner. Int. J. Fatigue. 47 (2013) 300-7.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

[4] Nicholas, T.: High Cycle Fatigue: A Mechanics of Materials Perspective. Elsevier.
[5] Gagnon, Tahan, M. A., Bocher, P. & Thibault, D.: Influence of load spectrum
assumptions on the expected reliability of hydroelectric turbines: A case study.
Structural Safety. 50 (2014) 1-8.
[6] Gagnon, M., Tahan, A., Bocher, P. & Thibault, D.: On the Fatigue Reliability of
Hydroelectric Francis Runners. Procedia Engineering. 66 (2013) 565-574.
[7] Kitagawa, H. & Takahashi, S.: Applicability of fracture mechanics to very small cracks
or the cracks in the early stage. Second International Conference on Mechanical
Behavior of Materials. ASM. Metals Park. Ohio. 1976. 627-31.
[8] El Haddad, M.H., Topper, T. & Smith, K.: Prediction of non propagating cracks. Eng.
Fract. Mech. 11 (1979) 57384.
[9] Gagnon, M., Jobidon, N., Lawrence M. & Larouche, D.: Optimization of turbine
startup: Some experimental results from a propeller runner. IAHR 27th Symposium on
Hydraulic Machinery and Systems. Montreal. 2014.
[10] Poirier, M.: Modlisation et simulation du comportement dynamique des aubes de
turbines hydrolectriques, cole de technologie suprieure, Universit du Qubec,
Master's thesis, 2013.

stress intensity factor of the LEFM
a defect size K th
defect size at which the fatigue
stress intensity factor of the HCF
a0 limit and the LEFM threshold K onset
f X (x) joint density function stress cycle range
g (x) limit state 0 fatigue limit
stress cycle range of the LCF loading
n number of blades LCF
stress cycle range of the HCF loading
t time HCF
an n-dimensional vector of stress cycle range of the shutdown
x Shutdown
random variables transient
stress cycle range of the regime
stress intensity correction factor
Y (a) SNL change from maximum opening to
for a given geometry
Startup stress cycle range of the startup
K stress intensity factor

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015



Mark Guggenberger*
Institute of Hydraulic Fluidmachinery, University of Technology Graz
Florian Senn
Institute of Hydraulic Fluidmachinery, University of Technology Graz
Jrgen Schiffer
Institute of Hydraulic Fluidmachinery, University of Technology Graz
Helmut Jaberg
Institute of Hydraulic Fluidmachinery, University of Technology Graz
Manfred Sallaberger
Andritz Hydro, Switzerland
Christian Widmer
Andritz Hydro, Switzerland

Pump-storage power plants provide the only valuable contribution to efficient storage of primary
energies at large scale. Equipping power plants with reversible pump turbines additionally provides
high flexibility to the electricity market. The possibility to operate pump turbines even at off-design
conditions as well as the option to change the operation mode fast and frequently are the major
advantages of reversible pump turbines. However, the operation of reversible pump turbines in such a
dynamic way is also connected to the occurrence of unstable flow phenomena between guide vanes
and runner, resulting in a change of sign of the slope of the head curve in turbine brake mode.
Consequently, the so called S-shaped characteristics appear, which can seriously impede the start-up
process of a power plant. These unstable operation conditions can cause hydraulic system oscillations
resulting in large forces on the hydraulic equipment. Numerical simulations of these unstable off-
design conditions are challenging due to the complexity flow patterns in this operation mode.
However they indicated as the occurrence of turbine instabilities is connected to the appearance of
rotor-stator interactions and backflow regions. The present study aims at an improved understanding
of the origin of the fluid mechanical mechanisms responsible for the occurrence of unstable behaviour.
Therefore, a reduced scale model of a radial pump turbine was integrated into a 4-quadrant test rig
based on the IEC60193 standard featuring the possibility of adjusting stable operation even in unstable
regions of the characteristics. The guide vane apparatus, the spiral casing outlet, the draft tube inlet
and the surroundings of the pump turbine model were equipped with dynamic wall pressure sensors.
Thus it was possible to perform measurements of rotor-stator interactions as well as to investigate the
development and the spread of flow instabilities. In order to verify the dynamic aspects of the flow
instability, detailed analyses in the frequency domain have been carried out for several operation

* Corresponding author: Institute of Hydraulic Fluidmachinery, University of Technology Graz,

Graz, Austria, phone: +43 316 8072, email: [email protected]

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

points spread over the entire turbine quadrant. The results of the dynamic pressure analysis offered a
global overview of the characteristics and additionally indicated interesting operation points which
were analysed with laser optical measurements. Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) allowed to measure
a 3D velocity field in the vaneless space between runner and guide vanes. To get the time-resolved
information of the unstable behaviour of the flow instability a complete blade channel was
investigated by measuring 21 rotor-stator positions and combining the results with globally averaged
velocity fields. The spectral distribution of characteristic frequencies determined by the dynamic
pressure measurements was confirmed by the results of the PIV measurements. A comparison of both
measurement methods improved the physical explanation of the fluid mechanical mechanisms leading
to the S-shaped characteristics of pump turbines.

Pump turbine, Off-design operation, Instability, S-shape, Experimental investigation

A subsidized production of renewable energies such as wind and solar energy usually happens
decoupled from the actual demand. Thus, it becomes necessary to store electrical energy
produced by volatile sources. Pump storage power plants as multifunctional power plants
should provide high flexibility, stabilization of the grid and enhancement of the electricity
supply. They provide the only valuable contribution to the efficient storage of primary
energies at large scale. Reversible pump turbines offer fast start-up times and fast switching
between pumping and generating mode and therefore have substantial advantages in the case
of react on the demands of the electrical grid within a short period of time. An improvement
of modern pump turbines is the shift of the limitations in the operating range [1]. During the
last decade only few research projects described the S-shaped characteristics. Numerical flow
simulations of the S-shaped region of the characteristics predicted the emergence of a vortex
formation [4]. This vortex formation spreads against the usual flow direction in turbine mode
and against the pressure gradient. Besides the normal discharge through the pump turbine
model, a secondary flow can be interpreted as local blockage region in the rotational system
of the rotor. The secondary flow has a centrifugal acceleration which can cause backflow [3],
[5]. Good correlation was found by comparing the flow survey for operation points in the
vicinity of the no-load curve with CFD and PIV, which supports the explanation of the
mechanisms that lead to potentially unstable turbine characteristics [2]. Widmer et al. [6]
attempt to detect rotating stall established at larger GVO where the vaneless space becomes
small and the negative pressure gradient through the guide vanes lacks. The present study
presents parts of the experimental investigation of the turbine instability of a reduced scale
model of a radial pump turbine. After describing the experimental setup, the measured Kcm-
Ku-characteristics as well as the operation points investigated in the course of the pressure and
PIV-measurements are presented. Detailed analysis of the dynamic pressure measurements in
combination with the PIV-measurements performed describes the development and the spread
of flow instabilities as well as their flow character.

A model of a low specific speed radial pump-turbine was installed in the closed-circuit 4-
quadrant test rig at the Graz University of Technology. The speed-regulated machine consists
of a runner with 9 blades and a guide vane apparatus with 20 guide vanes. A 500 kW
centrifugal pump provides a maximum head of 90 m and a maximum discharge of 0.75 ms-1
(Fig. 1 (a)). The test rig and the measurement instruments were based on the IEC60193

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

standard [9] providing measurement accuracy of 0.2% even at off-design operation points
with low discharge. The full range of the characteristics was investigated from overload to
deep part load, runaway and finally to zero discharge at different guide vane openings
(GVOs). Decreasing the discharge at fixed GVOs (6 to 15), the operation of the pump
turbine model became unstable in the region of the runaway curve. It suddenly switched to
reverse pumping mode by passing the turbine brake mode in a completely autonomous way.
In the reverse pumping quadrant the operation stabilised itself without any change in control.
By shutting a plunger valve located in the upstream to an almost closed position stable
machine operation was achieved even in the S-shape region of the Kcm-Ku-characteristics. In
this way the stability of the pump-turbine operation was improved significantly and the
operation points within the S-shape could be investigated. As already mentioned, the turbine
instabilities which are connected with the appearance of rotor-stator interactions and a
backflow region at the inlet area of the runner were predicted by numerical simulations. To
analyse the unstable area of the characteristics for typical amplitudes in the frequency spectra,
miniature pressure transducers were flush-mounted in the region of the guide vanes at
different circumferential angles and radii (Fig. 1 (b)). Additionally, piezo-resistive pressure
transmitters were positioned in the draft tube cone and the piping system surrounding of the
model in order to register the influence of the test rig and of the feeding pump separately.
Signal recording was done at a sample rate of 10 kHz with an A/D resolution of 24 bits and a
measurement time of 25 seconds. The miniature pressure transducers are suitable for
measurements of hydrodynamic pressure values from low frequencies (0.1 Hz) up to high
frequencies (>10 kHz), thus enabling the investigation of the pressure measurements in
frequency spectra for dominant frequencies which correspond to the S-shape phenomena.

Fig. 1 (a) Reduced pump turbine model; (b) sensor arrangement in the guide vane channels

In order to explain the origin of the fluid mechanical mechanisms responsible for the
appearance of the unstable behaviour two-dimensional ensemble-averaged Particle Image
Velocimetry (PIV) was applied to visualize the velocity field in the vaneless space between
impeller and guide vanes. An appropriate design of the parts enclosing the pump turbine
runner was necessary to integrate this optical measurement method. The modifications of the
pump turbine model were realised without changing the geometry according to the IEC60193
standard [9]. The reduced model finally provided access for the measurement of velocity
fields in one radial and three axial normal planes (Fig. 2 (a)). The radial optical access for
allows the observation of the velocity field in a plane tangential to the outer diameter of the
rotor (D=0.35 m).

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Fig. 2 (a) Measurement planes; (b) experimental setup for pressure measurements and PIV

Fig. 2 (b) shows the location of the PIV-laser, the light guide arm and the cylinder lens
creating a thin laser light section (thickness around 1 mm) for the illumination of tracer
particles carried with the fluid flow. At the top of the spiral casing a traversing unit and the
camera are located. For each operation point investigated with PIV-measurements 190 single
velocity fields were created for one rotor-/ stator-position. Combined with 21 different rotor-
/stator-positions for the investigation of one full blade channel, the PIV-measurements at one
single operation point result in 190 x 21 = 3990 velocity fields. This way up to five operating
points at different guide vane positions were investigated.
An overview of the pump turbine operation behaviour including the S-shape-region of the
characteristics is shown in Fig. 3. The speed and discharge factors are defined by Eq. (1).
Every characteristic curve was measured with a constant specific hydraulic machine energy of
100 J kg-1. Similar to the measurement campaign of the PIV-measurements, the pressure
fluctuations were recorded at three different GVOs (6, 8 and 15).


Fig. 3 Operation points investigated in the course of the pressure and PIV-measurements

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

The runaway curve separates the characteristics in turbine mode and turbine brake mode. The
region, where the operation of the pump turbine model became unstable, is depicted with
dotted lines. With the help of an automatic pressure control a constant level of absolute
pressure has been set. This way cavitation-free operation was ensured. Starting with a GVO of
5, the Kcm-Ku-characteristics exhibit a positive slope below the runaway curve. A
stabilisation procedure was necessary to obtain steady-state conditions even in the unstable
branch of the characteristics [7].

a. Pressure measurement results

In order to get a global view of the unstable area, the Kcm-Ku-characteristics are superposed
with the standard deviation of the pre-filtered pressure fluctuations of the sensors GVO
2/GVO 3 and PS 3/SS 2 according to Fig. 1. The entire characteristics of three GVO were
analysed by means of dynamic pressure sensors. The diameter of the superposed circles
shown in the following figures is proportional to the standard deviation of the pressure scaled
by E. The centre of the circle is given by the adjusted operation point on the characteristic
curve. The sensors positioned in the area of the guide vane channels measure much higher
pressure pulsations than the sensor positioned on the pressure side of the spiral casing. The
sensor positioned between the guide vanes and the runner (GVO 2) detects the most important
pressure pulsations up to 5 times higher than the measurement results of the sensor between
guide vanes and stay vanes (see Fig. 4 (a)).

Fig. 4 Pressure fluctuations standard deviation within the guide vane apparatus (a) and in the
surrounding of the pump turbine model (b)

By comparing the pressure fluctuations in the local best efficiency points with those in the
region of the runaway it can be easily observed that the pressure pulsations massively increase
at part load. The highest standard deviation of the pressure fluctuations at 6 and 8 can be
found in the area of the S-shaped characteristic. In turbine brake mode the value of the
standard deviation at a GVO of 6 is about 7 times higher than in the local optimum, at a
GVO of 15 even 20 times when refering to the local best efficiency point. The pressure
pulsation at a GVO of 15 amounts to 13% of the specific energy. Reaching the zero-
discharge the pulsations decrease again. It can be observed that the characteristics are similar
for every GVO although the values of the measured standard deviation increase with the
GVO. The pressure fluctuations of the sensors installed in the surrounding piping are hardly
measurable and therefore presented in a different scale of the drawn circles (Fig. 4 (b)). Only

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

in the range of the runaway curve pressure fluctuations become noticeable. Especially sensor
PS 3, located on the pressure side of the model, detects a higher standard deviation. The
pulsations measured with sensor SS 2 positioned in the suction tube cone, are neglectable.
Again, the standard deviation increases with the GVO. An increase in pressure pulsations
goes along with enhanced vibrations and amplified noise. The pressure fluctuations in the
guide vane channels are far more distinctive than in the surrounding piping of the pump
turbine model. Therefore, it can be suggested that the source of the instability can be found in
the runner or in the vaneless space between the runner and the guide vanes. This area was
chosen for further laser-optical analysis. By closing the plunger valve the usually unstable
branch of the characteristic curve could be investigated. Unlike the behaviour with an opened
plunger valve, no distinctive interaction with the hydraulic system appeared and the pump
turbine model behaved in a stable way. Despite stable operation, high values of the standard
deviation occurred. This suggests that the mechanism which is responsible for the instability
also occurs in the stiffer system. Further analyses are carried out for GVO 6 and 15 to get
information on the frequency components occurring in the pump turbine model. The
measured signal amplitudes were scaled by calculating the pressure fluctuation factor pE(t).
The non-dimensional factor is calculated by means of Eq. (2).

A FFT analysis of the presented pressure measurement operation points was performed. The
pressure fluctuation factor is plotted as a function of the normalized frequency and the
number of the measurement points. Fig. 5 (a) shows a global view of the occurring frequency
components for an internal sensor (GVO 2) and the GVO of 6. The number of the
measurement points is defined in Fig. 4 (a). At every measurement point the pressure
fluctuation in the guide vane channels is dominated by the blade passing frequency (f = 9fn).

Fig. 5 Pressure fluctuations amplitude spectra of pressure sensor GVO 2 installed between runner
and guide vanes at 6 (a) and 15 GVO (b)

The amplitudes decrease in the area of the local optimum and increase again to a higher level
when operating in turbine brake mode. The amplitudes of the pulsations recorded in the range
of f = 0fn -1fn in the region of the instability reach less than 0.5% of the amplitude of the
pressure fluctuation factor. However, it is not possible to identify a single and clear peak in
frequency at this GVO. At a GVO of 15 the amplitudes of the blade passing frequency reach
up to 2% of the amplitude of the pressure fluctuation factor. The high standard deviations in
turbine brake mode at a GVO of 15 (see Fig. 4 (a)) correspond to a single frequency peak in
the waterfall diagram (see Fig. 5 (b)). These findings correspond to the measurement results
of Hasmatuchi [8].

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

The amplitudes at the operation points 16, 17 and 18 raise up to 6% of the amplitude of the
pressure fluctuation factor at a frequency of f = 0.65fn. Compared to the highest amplitudes
of the blade passing frequency they are about 3.5 times higher. The spectral analysis of the
pressure pulsations shows a low frequency component at a GVO of 15. At the small GVOs
(6 and 8), as reported by Gentner et. al. [2], this kind of component could not be detected.
Fig. 6 (a) presents the time history (see denotation TH6 in Fig. 4 (a)) of the pressure
fluctuations at a GVO of 6. A stochastic behaviour of the recorded pressure fluctuations can
be detected without any dominant frequency below the local blade passing frequency. Fig. 6
(b) presents the pressure fluctuations at a GVO of 15 (see denotation TH15 in Fig. 4 (a))
with a clear phase shift between pressure sensor GVO 1 and GVO 2. The rotor-stator
interaction is carried by the low frequency component (~65% of the impeller rotational
frequency) at a GVO of 15. This frequency component is within the range in which rotating
stall is expected [6]. Analysing the phase shift of the pressure-time behaviour of the sensors
mounted circumferentially at the guide vane apparatus, it can be concluded that one rotating
stall cell is detected.

Fig. 6 Guide vane region pressure fluctuation at GVO of 6 OP17 (a) and 15 OP16 (b)

b. PIV-measurement results
The velocity components captured in the course of the PIV-measurements are basically
related to the absolute system valid for the pump-turbine model. Fig. 6 shows how the
measured velocity components were connected to the velocity triangles. It shows a sketch of
the pump-turbine model including the laser light section for the radial view direction.
Additionally, a velocity triangle is shown for point P marked in the sketch. Referring to the
velocity triangle it is obvious that cu(r) is the velocity component recorded in the course of the
PIV-measurement for the radial direction of view.

Fig. 7 Pump turbine model with velocity triangle and measured velocity components

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

In order to enable a comparison of PIV-results for different operation points, a normalization

was carried out by referring the measured velocity to the circumferential velocity u1 at the
inlet of the runner. The illustrated velocity is the normalized velocity , see Eq. (3).


The velocity contours presented in Fig. 8 present the globally averaged PIV-results for eight
different operation points marked in Fig. 3. The recorded velocity fields were averaged in
order to obtain more valuable results and to separate the stochastical component from the
mean value of the flow [5]. The measurement results for the three different guide vane
positions 6 and 15 are represented by the two lines. The columns refer to the operation
range. While the results in the left column represent the local best efficiency points, the right
column contains the results for the turbine brake mode. As expected, the velocity contour
plots referring to the local best efficiency points seem widely homogenous especially as far
as it concerns the velocity distribution with respect to the height of the blade channel.

Fig. 8 Globally averaged PIV-results at different guide positions and operation points

A completely different distribution of velocities is shown in the approach to the runaway

points represented by the pictures in the second column from the left. The ratio between the
measured projection of absolute velocity and circumferential velocity becomes smaller and
the velocity distribution appears more inhomogeneous with maximum values that are in a first
approximation located in the middle of the pictures. Furthermore, strongly pronounced
inhomogeneities are visible in the pictures at the right side of the table which refer to the
turbine brake mode of the pump-turbine-model. Compared to the runaway points the mean
value of the normalized velocity measured shown in the contour plots increased although the
total flow rate significantly decreased. The evaluation of globally averaged velocity contours
allow to conclude, that for all investigated guide vane positions an inhomogeneous velocity
distribution develops in the blade channel when the runner is operated in strong part load.
Additionally, it has to be pointed out that the flow patterns detected at GVO 6 and 15 look
slightly different. While the inhomogeneous flow regions extend along the whole blade
channel for a GVO of 6, they are located in the middle of the blade channel for GVO 15.
This finding correlates quite well with the differences between almost closed and widely
opened guide vanes detected in the course of the dynamic pressure measurements. Stochastic
amplitudes in a frequency range below the local blade passing frequency are detected in part
load at GVO 6. On the contrary to this, a clear peak rising at a frequency component of
0.65fn can be found for a GVO of 15.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

The aim of the present study was to improve the understanding of fluid mechanical
mechanisms responsible for the occurence of unstable behaviour by investigating a reduced
scale model of a radial pump turbine. Dynamic wall pressure sensors installed in the pump
turbine model provided the possibility to perform measurements of rotor-stator interactions as
well as to investigate the development and the spread of flow instabilities. The main
conclusions of the results of the dynamic pressure analysis and the laser optical measurements
can be summarized as follows:

It can be observed, that for every single measurement position the pressure
fluctuations increase in the detected unstable area. According to the difference of the
pressure fluctuations at small GVOs measured inside the pump turbine model and in
the environment it can be supposed that the source of the instability is located in the
runner or in the vaneless gap between the runner and the guide vanes.
Starting at the best efficiency point, the spectral analysis of the pressure pulsations
shows a dominant low frequency component at a GVO of 15, while it is not possible
to identify a single and clear peak in frequency at a GVO of 6 or 8. A stochastic
behaviour of the recorded pressure fluctuations can be detected.
In turbine brake mode of a GVO of 15 a low frequency component (~65% of the
impeller rotational frequency) dominates the pressure fluctuations amplitude spectra.
It is within the frequency-range in which rotating stall is expected, and by analysing
the phase shift of the pressure-time behaviour it can be concluded that one rotating
stall cell is detected.
The results of the PIV experimentally confirm a complex non-uniform flow field in
turbine brake mode between the rotor and the guide vanes with high velocities in the
centre of the channel between two single blades.
For the investigated GVO an inhomogeneous velocity distribution develops in the
blade channel when the runner is operated in strong part load. The flow patterns
detected at GVO 6 extend along the whole blade channel while the inhomogeneous
flow regions for GVO 15 are located in the middle of the blade channel.

The present study was carried out within the frame of the EcoVar project (FFG N 829081),
in a partnership with ANDRITZ Hydro. The authors would like to thank ANDRITZ Hydro
for their involvement and support as well as Prof. Woisetschlger and the Institute for
Thermal Turbomachinery and Machine Dynamics for their support with the laser optical


[1] C. Gentner, M. Sallaberger, C. Widmer: Progress in pump turbine stability, HYDRO

2013, 2013.

[2] C. Gentner, M. Sallaberger, C. Widmer: Comprehensive experimental and numerical

analysis of instability phenomena in pump turbines. 27th IAHR Symposium Hydraulic
Machinery and Systems, Montral, 032046, 2014.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

[3] F. Senn, M. Guggenberger, H. Jaberg: PIV als experimentelle Methode fr die

Erklrung der S-Schlag Instabilitt von Pumpturbinen. GALA e.V., Mnchen, 2013.

[4] T. Staubli, F. Senn, M. Sallaberger: Instability of Pump-Turbines during Start-up in

Turbine Mode, Proceedings of the Hydro 2008, Oct. 6 8, 2010, Ljubljana, pp. 68,

[5] M. Guggenberger, F. Senn, J. Schiffer, H. Jaberg, C. Gentner, M. Sallaberger, C.

Widmer: Experimental investigation of the turbine instability of a pump-turbine during
synchronization, 27th IAHR Symposium Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, 032015,
Montral, 2014.

[6] C. Widmer, T. Staubli, N. Ledergerber: Unstable Characteristics and Rotating Stall in

Turbine Brake Operation of Pump-Turbines, J. Fluids Eng., vol. 133, no. 4, p. 041101,

[7] P. Drfler, R. N. Pendse, P. Huvet, M. V. Brahme: Stable Operation Achieved on a

Single-Stage Reversible Pump-Turbine Showing Instability at No-Load, Proceedings
of the 19th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Cavitation, Singapore, pp.
431440, 1998.

[8] V. Hasmatuchi, S. Roth, F. Botero, F. Avellan, M. Farhat: High-speed flow

visualization in a pump-turbine under off-design operating conditions, IOP Conf. Ser.
Earth Environ. Sci., vol. 12, p. 012059, 2010.

[9] IEC 60193: Hydraulic turbines, storage pumps and pump-turbines - Model acceptance
tests, 1999.

Kcm (-) discharge factor p(t) (Pa) time-based pressure
Ku (-) rotational speed factor (Pa) average time-based pressure
n (rpm) runner speed (-) pressure fluctuation factor
D (m) runner outlet diameter (m.s-1) mean velocity
2 -2
E (m .s ) specific energy (-) normalized mean velocity
(kg.m-3) Water density c (m.s-1) absolute velocity
f (s-1) frequency (m.s-1) circumferential component
fn (s ) runner speed (m.s-1) meridional component
GVO () guide vane opening u (m.s-1) circumferential velocity
u1 (m.s ) circumferential velocity w (m.s-1) relative velocity

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015



Alstom Hydro France, Grenoble, France

Alexandre DUPARCHY

Alstom Hydro France, Grenoble, France


Alstom Hydro France, Grenoble, France

The spatial harmonic decomposition (SHD) is a new analysis method that allows a broader perspective
into the instabilities occurring in Francis turbines at off-design points. From a set of pressure signals
distributed in space, this method offers an expansion of the pressure fluctuations into relevant patterns.
It is a more robust and complete method than existing processes, that already distinguish between
synchronous and asynchronous fluctuations.
Such methods and physical analyses allow a better understanding of Francis turbines behavior at part
load and deep part load. Indeed Francis turbines are increasingly required to operate at off-design
points to integrate intermittent renewable energy source into the electrical grid. In such conditions, the
flow may be unstable and lead to strong fluctuations. A way to assess associated risks has long been to
measure wall pressure fluctuations at different locations of the reduced scale turbine. However rough
peak-to-peak levels of these pulsations do not tell much about the actual solicitations for the runner
and which part of the fluctuation may be transposable to full scale machine.
After a short mathematical description of SHD, this paper will discuss its application to model Francis
Pressure Pulsations, Part Load, Deep Part Load, Francis Turbine, Stability, Vortex Rope, Hydro-
acoustic Resonance

Today, the stability of a turbine is mainly judged on reduced scale model by analyzing peak-
to-peak value of pressure pulsations measurements. The sensors are commonly located at the
spiral case inlet, in the vaneless area and in the draft tube. For a given net head, these peak-to-
peak values are then expressed as a percentage of the net head against the power output and
supposed to transpose as such to the full scale machine. Such a rough peak-to-peak analysis
illustrated on Fig. 1 suffers at least two major drawbacks.

* Corresponding author: Alstom Hydro France, 82 Av. Lon Blum - BP 75,38041 Grenoble Cedex 9, France,
phone: +33 4 76 39 28 46, email: [email protected]

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Fig. 1 Traditionnal specifications in terms of peak-to-peak

Firstly, it does not tell whether the pulsations will actually decrease the lifetime of
components or induce power fluctuations. For the same peak-to-peak value of pressure
pulsations, a synchronous instability (as defined in [3]) and a rotating pattern may have very
different impacts. The left chart of Fig. 2 shows that synchronous resonances are often not
visible in the runner strain fluctuations contrary to the rotating vortex rope. On the other side,
synchronous instabilities usually generate more power fluctuations than rotating patterns as
illustrated on the right chart of Fig. 2.

Fig. 2 Left, strain fluctuations in a reduced scale runner and cone pressure pulsations. Right, power
and pressure pulsations on a full scale turbine before enabling mitigation device from [6].

Secondly, peak-to-peak analysis does not make any difference between phenomena that
transpose more or less easily to the full scale turbine. For example, hydro-acoustic resonances
may depend on the distance between the upstream and downstream tanks, which is not always
in homology from the reduced scale to the full scale turbine. Furthermore, resonances are very
sensitive to the cavitation volume and hence to both Thoma and Froude similitude.
Unfortunately, Froude similitude is not always compatible at reduced scale with range of
Reynolds numbers required for the transposition of losses to full scale turbine.
The SHD solves these problems by making visible the space shape of pressure pulsations on
any cross section. Indeed, thanks to this method, synchronous pulsations and various rotating
pattern are separated. Once each cross section is analyzed, SHD patterns may be combined to
exhibit spatial shape in the third dimension: from the inlet to the outlet of the turbine.
After a short review of the mathematical properties of the SHD first developed in [1], this
paper will discuss its application to common pressure pulsation measurements on Francis

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015


The details of the mathematical development for the SHD may be found in [1]. This
paragraph gives the main properties of this method.
The pressure is considered on a circle perpendicular to and centered on the runner axis.
Such a circle may be defined on a draft tube cross section or on a ring above or below the
vaneless area. On this circle, the pressure is only function of time and of the azimuth .
The periodicity of (, ) in variable allows an expansion into a Fourier series. Then, on
top of this first expansion for the spatial variable, a more common Fourier transform is
applied for the time . This double Fourier expansion leads to following final decomposition:
(, ) = 0, cos( + 0, ) + , cos( + , )
=0 =+1 =0
+ , cos( + , ) (1)
= =0
Each of these terms has the following physical interpretation:
, () = , ( + , ) is a synchronous pattern. If sensors are equally
distributed, it is the space average of all the sensors.
, () = , cos( + , ) with > 0 is a rotating pattern with k nodal
diameter(-s). The pattern rotates in the direction of > 0 with angular velocity =
, () = , cos( + , ) with < 0 is a pattern with k nodal diameter(s)
rotating in the opposite direction.
Some of these patterns are pictured on Fig. 3 together with corresponding time series on four
equally distributed sensors.

Fig. 3 Illustration of the two most common patterns to be found in a Francis

turbine.Corresponding time series from 4 sensors on the right of each pattern.

In practice, the time is acquired at a limited sampling frequency . Likewise, regarding the
space variable , a limited number of sensors are installed. According to Nyquist-
Shannon theorem, a sampling frequency gives only access to phenomena up to a frequency
max = /2. Higher frequency will experience aliasing, that is, they will be mistaken for
lower frequency.
Similarly, gives only access to patterns up to = /2. In the next paragraph, every
time SHD is applied, 3 or 5 sensors have been used, giving access to patterns having up to 1
or 2 nodal diameter. Pattern with a number of nodal diameters || higher than /2 will be
seen as a pattern with the parameter:

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

= modulo (2)
For example, if only =5 sensors are available, the passage of 15 blades in the vaneless
area expected to be mainly seen on 15, will be captured by 0, , because 15 =
3 5 + 0. It should be noted that not only SHD but all methods exploring the spatial shape
of fluctuations will experience aliasing but SHD provides the mathematical framework to
explain it.
To quantify the relative contribution of each pattern to the overall signal, Parsevals theorem
may be invoked on signal powers. Total signal power of the fluctuations on a section may be
defined as:
1 1 2
1 2
() = (, ) = , (3)
2 =0
=0 2
= Contribution
Total Signal Power
of one single

After spatial discretization with sensors and introduction of Root-Mean-Square (RMS)

over time or frequency:
() = 2 ( ) =
2 ( )

=1 = Contribution
of one single
Total Signal Power

It allows one to answer the question: what is the contribution of each pattern to the overall

The investigated case is a reduced scale model of a medium head Francis turbine. The runner
has = 15 blades. Two load variations at a constant net head and constant runner speed
0 have been performed from speed-no-load to very high load for two different Thoma
numbers and . One sensor is located at the spiral case inlet. Three sensors are
equally distributed on a circle at the top of the vaneless area between the wicket gate and the
runner inlet. Five sensors are located in the cone below the runner outlet. is a high
Thoma number which gives little cavitation and which is not representative of a full scale
machine. However, operating points at may be compared with single-phase flow
numerical calculation. Load variation with is more representative of a real plant
downstream level and exhibits resonances and instabilities that are strongly dependent on the
cavitation volume in the draft tube.
On Fig. 4, the total signal power is plotted for both the vaneless area and the cone against the
discharge nondimensionalized by the optimum discharge . Some time series and
spectra are also given for a selection of four operating points on Fig. 5.
In-phase patterns 0 are pictured on Fig. 6. They highlight:
1. Small resonances at partial load (e.g. OP3): two resonant frequencies can be seen at
1 = 0.40 (very close to the vortex rope second harmonic) and 2 = 1.20 . They are
present everywhere in the turbine. Such resonances were investigated recently in [4].
They are natural hydro-acoustic modes whose frequency and spatial shape depend
mainly on the turbine length and on the cavitation volume. Some of these modes are
probably excited by the vortex rope interacting with the draft tube elbow.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

2. Small high load instabilities (OP4): One of them is here visible at frequency =
0.60 . This kind of self-excited oscillation is due to the interaction between the runner
and the cavitation volume in the draft tube. It is described for example in [5]. Like the
resonances, it oscillates in phase everywhere in the turbine (see Fig. 5).
3. A small 0 contribution by the helical vortex at partial load due to the elbow as
identified in [2].

Fig. 4 Total signal power for draft tube and vaneless area sections. Unfiltered data for the spiral case
inlet is also pictured. Four interesting operating points are labeled for discussion.

Fig. 5 Time series and corresponding FFT spectrum for interesting operating points labeled on Fig. 4.
Amplitude scales are conserved from one OP to the other.

At deep partial load (below 0.6Qopt and before speed-no-load), part of the power of 0 may
be due to the aliasing of rotating patterns with a number of nodal diameter multiple of 5. Such
patterns are probable, for example in the draft tube where five vortices may appear. More
sensors on the same section would have allowed a better identification.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Fig. 6 Signal power of synchronous patterns from SHD for draft tube and vaneless area sections.
Unfiltered data for the spiral case inlet is also pictured.

Rotating patterns are plotted on Fig. 7. They are due to vortices rotating in the draft tube or
to oscillating flow located in the vaneless area. They are related to a convective peripheral
velocity at radius that drives their angular velocity /.

Fig. 7 Signal power of rotating patterns from SHD for draft tube and vaneless area sections.
Unfiltered data for the spiral case inlet is also pictured.

Between 0.6Qopt and 0.9Qopt, the well-known helical vortex rope present on every Francis
draft tube is captured mainly by a 1 pattern plotted in red line. Its main frequency is =
0.250 . When the vortex gets closer to the cone wall for lower discharge, a second harmonic
2 appears that is captured by a small 2 pattern.
At deep partial load, the situation is less obvious but some interpretations can be made. Below
0.55Qopt, inter-blade vortices (IBV) are the main cavitating phenomenon visible inside the
runner. In the stationary frame, their expected frequency signature might range from
0.2Zb f0 = 30 (15 vortices convected like the partial load vortex rope) to Zb f0 (15 vortices
precessing at runner speed). Fluctuations above 5f0 are actually recorded mainly by pressure
sensors in the vaneless area below 0.4Qopt (see Fig. 5). In this particular turbine, they may be
good candidates to be signatures of IBV. In the cone, mainly frequencies below 30 can be
observed. These frequencies may be interpreted in the continuity of the range 0.6-0.9Qopt as
1 to 5 rotating vortices similar to the helical vortex rope. Nevertheless these vortices are not

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

stable and the number of them may change over time at the same operating point. Time-
frequency or time-SHD analysis should support this affirmation. Contrary to the helical
vortex rope, draft tube vortices at deep part load seem to only have a local impact confined to
the draft tube itself.
Finally, pressure sensors in the cone are of little use to investigate what happens in the runner
at deep part load. Vaneless area measurements seem to be a bit more meaningful to assess
risks due to IBV. Nevertheless, fluctuations may have been harmful for the runner before their
detection in the vaneless area. Therefore, only on-board measurements may decide about the
actual risk for the runner.

Fig. 8 Impact of Thoma number on SHD patterns for two Thoma numbers

Another aspect that supports the separation of synchronous from rotating patterns is their
respective sensitivity to the Thoma number. This property is illustrated on Fig. 8 with dotted
curves for the lower Thoma number. Rotating patterns related mainly to flow convection are
little impacted by a change in the counter-pressure (red and orange curves) on a broad
operating range. On the contrary, partial load resonances and high load instabilities which
strongly depend on the cavitation volume, change much more with the Thoma number (blue

Spatial Harmonic Decomposition was applied to pressure pulsations on a Francis turbine.

Thanks to this space-time decomposition, unstable hydraulic phenomena are easily identified
and their contribution to the overall fluctuations is well quantified. It is a powerful alternative
to peak-to-peak analysis and project specifications would be more suitably express in terms of
SHD patterns power. Once phenomena have been identified on a reduced or an existing full
scale machine, they can be addressed with the appropriate mitigation measure.
The next step would consist in applying the SHD to a network of pressure sensors inside the
runner to have a better insight of the phenomena at deep part load. Indeed, common pressure
sensors in the vaneless area and in the draft tube fail to deliver a clear view of what happens at
such operating points.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

[1] Duparchy A, Guillozet J, de Colombel T and Bornard L: Spatial Harmonic
Decomposition as a tool for unsteady flow phenomena analysis 27th IAHR Symposium
on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems (IAHR). 2014.
[2] Nishi M, Matsunaga S, Kubota S and Senoo Y: Surging Characteristics of conical and
elbow-type draft tubes. IAHR Section Hydraulic Machinery, Equipment and Cavitation,
12th Symp. (Stirling, UK). 1984.
[3] Doerfler P K: System dynamics of the Francis turbine half-load surge. IAHR Section
Hydraulic Machinery, Equipment and Cavitation, 11th Symp. (Amsterdam,
Netherlands). 1982.
[4] Favrel A, Landry C, Mueller A, Yamamoto K and Avellan F. Hydro-acoustic resonance
behavior in presence of a precessing vortex rope: observation of a lock-in phenomenon
at part load Francis turbine operation. 27th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery
and Systems (Montreal, Canada). 2014.
[5] Mueller A, Favrel A, Landry C, Yamamoto K and Avellan F: On the physical
mechanisms governing self-excited pressure surge in Francis turbines. 27th IAHR
Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems (Montreal, Canada). 2014.
[6] Flores E, Bornard L, Tomas L, et al. : Design of large Francis turbine using optimal
methods. 26th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems (Beijing, China).
(Pa) Pressure (-) Number of diametric
(rad) Spatial azimuth , (Pa) Single SHD pattern
, (Pa) Pressure signal amplitude of a , (rad) Phase of a SHD pattern
SHD pattern
(rad/s) Time pulsation 0 or f0 (rad/s or Hz) Runner rotation speed
(-) Number of sensors on a (-) Runner blade number
(l/s) Flow Rate (-) Thoma number
(rad/s) Angular rotation speed (m/s) Peripheral velocity
(m) Radius

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015




Zhenyue MA*
School of Civil and Hydraulic Eng., Dalian University of Technology, Dalian City, P. R. China

Qianqian WU
School of Civil and Hydraulic Eng., Dalian University of Technology, Dalian City, P. R. China

Abstract: A simplified FEM kinetic model of unit shaft system including the rotor, turbine runner
and three guide bearings is established. According to the Lyapunov first approximation theory,
under the unbalanced magnetic pull of rotor and nonlinear sealing force of turbine, the change of the
critical instable speed of different shaft system (with or without considering of the dynamic
characteristics of guide bearings) was compared. The dynamic characteristics of guide bearings are
taken into account to study the first critical speed calculation of shaft system with flexible support,
on this basis, the effect of the clearance of the bearings on the first critical speed was discussed. The
results presented that there is no stable operating point for vertical shaft system when the dynamic
characteristics of guide bearing was considered. The relationship between the bearing clearance and
the critical speed showed nonlinear characteristics.
Keyword: Unit shaft system, critical instable speed, bearing clearance, critical speed

The operation stability of hydraulic generating unit is an important problem, and it is
concerned extensively and significantly by researchers. The critical instable speed is defined
as the highest speed for the rotor could operate at a stable point which can be calculated by
Lyapunov first approximation theory. The resonance may happen when the operating speed
is closed to the basic natural frequency of shaft system, and this speed is called first critical
speed. The bearing flexibility plays a predominant role in locating the both speed as
mentioned before. The speed will increases with the bearing to be more rigid, but there is a
limit to the increasing[1]. It is significantly to accurately predict the value of the critical
instable speed and first critical speed.
The rotor speed is an important parameter for dynamic properties of bearing. In the range
of high speed the value of parameters will increase with the speed increasing[2]. Recent
studies have given results that the first critical speed can be reduced under the unbalanced
magnetic pull and fluid sealing force [3]. The influence to basic frequency and first critical
speed of shaft by the dynamic characteristics of flexible support was discussed[4]. A
nonlinear rotor-bearing system was established to study the whirling and whip instabilities

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

of system[5].Two kinds of stiffness are distinguished between shaft and bearings, the
researchers considered that there are two forms of instabilities for rotor-bearing system with
the stiffness value of bearing on different level [6].
In the past, most research works on the critical instable speed were emphasized on the
horizontal unit, but the large scale hydraulic generating set almost all are vertical unit. The
bearing system has a very small lateral initial stiffness because of less eccentricity which
without load from gravity for vertical unit. So, the critical instable speed is a minimum
value and the operation of shaft is unstable[7]. In the conventional studies of the first critical
speed, the stiffness of the support is a fixed value in normal. In actually, the stiffness and
damping of bearing are dynamic parameters with the rotor speed, furthermore, the first
critical speed of the shaft system is changed with the base frequency.
A short journal bearing model is employed in this paper. The shaft-bearing model with
shaft (include rotor and turbine) and three bearing support on the upper, middle and lower
location of shaft is established. The dynamic behaviors of bearing are considered as an
effective stiffness and damping coefficient. These characteristics are combined in the
models stiffness, mass and damping matrix in the numerical model. And numerical method
is used here to certificate that the dynamic behaviors of bearing support have significant
influence on critical instable speed of vertical unit and the calculation of first critical speed
of system. On this basis, the gradual change of first critical speed of system was analyzed
with switching clearances of three bearings by numerical calculation.
The model is simplified as five nodes, and each node has two single degrees of
freedom(SDOF) in horizontal x and y directions. As illustrated in Fig.1,the shaft is divided
into four beam elements which is annular cross section, only the lateral degrees of unit is
considered, while the vertical and angle degrees are ignored. The element displacement
vector is expressed as x={x1, x2, x3,x4}T, which the x1, x2 are the displacements of x and y on
node i, and x3, x4 are displacements on node j.

Fig.1 Shaft System Outline Drawing

The stiffness matrix of beam element can be expressed as
kx 0 kx 0

0 ky 0 ky
K =
k 0 kx 0
ky 0 k y

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

(r14 r24 )
where, kx=12EIx/l3, ky=12EIy/l3, Ix=Iy= , so, kx =ky.
The lumped mass matrix, namely:
Me=diag{mi, mi, mj, mj} (2)
Where, mi=0.5S(li+ li-1), mj=0.5S(lj+ lj+1). S is the area of element cross section.
The global stiffness matrix and lumped mass matrix is respectively assembled by element
matrix, as:

k1 0 k1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 k1 0 k1 0 0 0 0 0 0
k 0 k1 + k 2 0 k2 0 0 0 0 0
0 k1 0 k1 + k 2 0 k2 0 0 0 0
0 0 k2 0 k 2 + k3 0 k3 0 0 0
KG= (3)
0 0 0 k2 0 k 2 + k3 0 k3 0 0

0 0 0 0 k3 0 k3 + k 4 0 k4 0
0 0 0 0 0 k3 0 k3 + k 4 0 k4

0 0 0 0 0 0 k4 0 k4 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 k4 0 k 4

MG=diag{m1, m1, m2+mr, m2+mr, m3, m3, m4, m4, m5+mt, m5+mt} (4)
Where mr is the rotor lumped mass, mt is the turbine lumped mass.
The spring elements are used to model the dynamic stiffness of bearings in two directions,
which express as ku, kd, kw.
The short journal bearing model is employed to simulate the flexible support of
shaft[8],which is obtained by solving the Reynold equation. The support force is defined as
Eq.(6), and its coordinate reference system is shown in Fig.2.
P and P are the oil film pressure in radial direction and tangential direction, given as,

S 0 Lb
S 0 Lb

P = P = [( 2 )G1 ( ) + 2b G2 ( )]
2 Rb 2 Rb
2 2
S 0 Lb S 0 Lb
P = P = [( 2 )G3 ( ) + 2b G4 ( )]
R b 2 Rb
Where is the rotor angular speed, the bearing parameter are bearing length Lb, bearing
radius Rb, bearing clearance cb and oil viscosity .The bearing axis eccentricity is eb,

the axis displacement in lateral direction xb and yb, eb = xb2 + yb2 , the relative eccentricity

is b= eb/cb, b = ( xb xb + yb y b ) eb cb .The bearing axis deviation angle is =arctan(yb/xb)as

shown in Fig.2, so, = ( xb y b xb yb ) eb2 .S0=Rb3Lb/cb.

The oil film force in x and y directions are generated by the P and P,as shown in Eq.(6),

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Fig.2 Oil Film Force for Bearing

f x S 0 Lb P P xb P P xb
= = A01 (6)
f 2e R P
P yb P P yb
y b b
The four stiffness coefficients (kxx, kyy , kxy, kyx) of short bearing can be defined as the
coefficients in front of the bearing axis displacement vector in Eq.(6).
The unbalanced magnetic pull is acted on rotor[9],[10], given as Eq.(7),
Rr Lr 0 F2 er 1 5 2 x r 1 5 2
f umpx = + r = A + r xr = A02 xr
02 0 2 8 er 2 8
f Rr Lr 0 F2 er 1 5 2 yr 1 5 2
= + r = A + r y r = A02 y r
02 0 2 8 er 2 8
The rotor parameters are rotor length Lr, rotor radius Rr. xr and yr are displacements of rotor
center, 0 is the mean air-gap length when the rotor is centered, er is the eccentricity of rotor

center, er = xr2 + y r2 ,the relative eccentricity r = er 0 .F is the amplitude of fundamental

magnetic force, 0 is the air gap permanence.

The sealing force is generated by Muszynska nonlinear model, which is expressed as
f sx K m f 2f 2 f D x s
2 2
f D
sy f K m f f y s
D 2 f m f x s m f 0 xs

2 m D y 0 m y
f f s f s
Where is turbine angular speed. xs and ys are the center displacement of sealing structure,

the eccentricity es = xs2 + y s2 ,cs is the clearance of sealing.And more details about the

above expressions can be seen in reference[11].

The displacement vector of global model is x={x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10}T, where
the displacement of upper bearing are x1, x2, the displacement of lower bearing are x5, x6, the
displacement of water bearing are x7, x8,the displacement of rotor center are x3, x4,the
displacement of turbine center are x9, x10,the kinetic equation of system is shown as Eq.(10),

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

M G x + CG x + K G x = F (10)

F={fubx, fuby, ferx +fumpx, fery+fumpy, fdbx, fdby, fwbx+fsx, fwby+fsy, fetx, fety}T (11)
Where, fubfdb and fwb are force which is generated from the dynamic properties of three
bearings, respectively, fs is the sealing force. fer, fet stands respectively the quality eccentric
force of rotor and turbine. There is no gravity on the horizontal direction because the
hydraulic generating set is arranged in vertical.
The Eq.(12) can be obtained after moving load vector to the left of Eq.(10):
M G x + CG x + K G x F = 0 (12)

Substituting Eq.(6), (8), (9) into (12), yield:

M G 0 x + CG 0 x + K G 0 x = 0 (13)

The state equation of Eq.(13) can be generated:

x M G10 CG 0 M G10 K G 0 x
f (x, x , ) = =
x (14)
x E 0
When the nonlinear system which is presented by Eq.(14) is balanced, the acceleration and
rotating speed equal zero. The solution vector x0 of the Eq.(15) is the balance point of the
KG0x=0 (15)
The Jacobian equation can be derived from the linearization of nonlinear system using
Taylor expansion on the equilibrium position, as shown in Eq.(16).

f1 f1 f1 f1
... ...
x1 x10 x1 x10

f10 f10 f10 f10
... ...
J = x x10 x1 x10 (16)

E1010 01010

( 0, x 0 )

Taking use of numerical algorithms, such as iterative method, the equilibrium Eq.(15)
could be solved. After getting the numerical solutions, substituting them into Jacobian
matrix, then the stability of system could be determined according to the eigenvalues
of Jacobian matrix. According to the Lyapunov first approximation theory, the critical
instable speed can be obtained[8].
As in Eq.(15), it is known that the vector x=0 is the only solution for equilibrium equations
when substituting the vector into Jacobian matrix (16).

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

(a) The stiffness coefficients of bearing is a constant

(b) The stiffness coefficients of bearing is a variable

Fig.3 Critical Instable Speed Changed in Different Models
As a conventional method, the stiffness coefficients of three bearing are 5e8 N/m. Keep
other parameters unchanged, as shown in Fig.3(a). With the increase of cs, the system
critical instable speed decreases firstly and then keep unchanged, as seen on the left of
Fig.3(a). While the critical instable speed increased with the increasing of 0 continuously, as
depicted on the right of Fig.3(a).In this paper, From the results depicted in Fig.3(b), the
value of critical instable speed is approximately equal to zero, the increasing of cs and 0 did
not appeared to have any influence on the critical instable speed.
In actually, the initial pressure of bearing oil film is very small when the rotor has a very
small initial eccentricity for the vertical shaft because there is no gravity acted on the rotor
in horizontal direction. When the rotor speed is increased from a very low level, the
unbalanced force such as sealing force and unbalanced magnetic pull began to form, but
there is on support force to counteract, the rotor will leave the static stable position as soon
as possible as the speed increasing.
When the rotor speed is considered as a variable, the Compell method is used to calculate
the first critical speed of the shaft model. On this basis, bearing clearance cb is selected to
discuss its effect on the first critical speed, and the result is shown in Fig.4. As a comparison,
a normal analysis in the past is illustrated. The rotor speed is considered as a constant in the
calculation of the first critical speed, mostly is the rated speed (in this paper, it is 150r/min),
and the results of the cb-switched was shown in Fig.5.
Depending on the analysis of the effect of bearing parameters on critical instable speed and
first critical speed, the main conclusions are as follows.
When the bearing is given an initial stiffness coefficient the critical instable speed is

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

influenced by unbalanced magnetic pull and sealing clearance obviously. But when the
dynamic properties of journal bearing was considered, the initial stiffness of bearing is very
small, so the critical instable speed approximate to zero, and the two factors as mentioned
above have almost no influence on the speed value.

Fig. 4 First Critical Speed with Dynamic Stiffness Coefficients of Bearing

Fig.5 First Critical Speed with Invariable Stiffness Coefficients of Bearing

The nature frequency of bearing-shaft system would change with the rotor angular speed
when the bearing dynamic characteristics are considered. So, if the bearing stiffness is a
constant with a speed (such as rated rotor speed), the calculation of first critical speed is not


[1] Bai Yannian. Design and Calculation of Hydro-electric Generating Set [M]. Beijing:

China Machine Press, 1982.

[2] Lin Shengqiang.The effect of Oil film thickness of Sliding bearing on the Rotor stability

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

and Vibration [D]. Jilin: Northeast Dianli University, 2013.

[3] Song Zhiqiang. Research on Coupling Vibration Characteristics of Generator Set and

Hydropower House [D]. Dalian: Dalian University of Technology, 2009.

[4] Ma Hongda. Stability Analysis of Rotor System in Hydro-generate Unit [D]. Tangshan:

Hebei United University, 2012.

[5] Helio Fiori de Castroa, Katia Lucchesi Cavalca, et al. Whirl and whip instabilities in

rotor-bearing system considering a nonlinear force model [J]. Journal of Sound and Vibration,

Vol.317 (2008) ,Issues1-2, 273-294.

[6] A. Muszynska, D.E. Bently. Fluid-generated instabilities of rotors [J], Bently Nevada

Corporation ORBIT, Vol.10 (1989), Issues 1, 614.

[7] Zhang Zhengsong, Mu Huaping. Limit cycle characteristics analysis of oil film instability

whirl with Hopf bifurcation method [J]. Journal of Tsinghua University, Vol.36 (1996) No.7,


[8] Wen Bangchun. Senior Rotor Dynamics [M]. Beijing: China Machine Press, 1999.

[9] Xu Yong. Dynamic Modeling and Simulation Analysis of the Shaft System for Large

Hydro-turbine Generator Units [M]. Wuhan: Huazhong University of Science & Technology,


[10] Guo D, Chu F, Chen D. The unbalanced magnetic pull and its effects on vibration in a

three-phase generator with eccentric rotor [J]. Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol.254

(2002), Issues2, 297-213.

[11] A. Muszynska, D.E. Bently. Frequency-swept rotating input perturbation techniques

and identification of the fluid force models in rotor/bearing/seal systems and fluid handling

machines [J]. Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol.143 (1990), Issues1, 103-124.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015



Wilhelm WEBER*
Corporate Technology, Voith Hydro Holding GmbH & Co. KG, Germany

The dynamic behavior of disc like structures in water environment by means of two-way fluid-
structure-coupled simulation is presented. It is well known that the natural frequencies of structures
change by transfer from air to water environment due to the added mass effect. Recent experimental
investigation [1] has confirmed an analytical study [2] that an additional shift in natural frequencies is
caused by rotary motion of the disc. This shift in natural frequency becomes important for resonance
check of hydraulic turbine runners. For pump turbines or high head Francis turbines e.g. crown and
band are similar to discs. Those runners are characterized by crown or band dominated mode shapes
with natural frequencies that might be close to excitation frequencies of rotor stator interaction. For
this purpose, accurate knowledge of natural frequencies is essential.
In this talk results of two-way fluid-structure-coupled simulation of a rotating disc in contact with
water using the commercial software ANSYS mechanical combined with ANSYS CFX are given
for different rotating speeds. The shift in natural frequencies is compared to analytical as well as
experimental results.

Fluid-structure-interaction, coupled simulation, natural frequencies, mode shapes

Rotating components in turbomachinery are subjected to excitation from the interaction of
rotating parts with stationary components. For reliable operation of rotating machines the
natural frequencies should be sufficiently separated from excitation frequencies. Due to the
properties of water this criterion is crucial in hydraulic turbomachinery. Therefore, accurate
knowledge of the natural frequencies is essential. Especially the natural frequencies of
diametrical modes are of interest because of the shape of the excitation source.
For the calculation of natural frequencies of hydraulic components the surrounding water as
well as the casing has to be considered. At first, the water causes a decrease of the natural
frequencies because of the added mass effect. Here, the geometry of the casing has an impact
on this effect. Second, the natural frequencies are influenced by fluid flow induced by rotation
of the turbine runner. This effect is under special investigation within this proceeding.
* Corresponding author: R & D Basic Development, Alexanderstr. 11, 89522 Heidenheim, Germany,
phone: +49 7321 379576, email: [email protected]

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

For a more general investigation of the basic principle of the effect, a simplified model of a
hydraulic turbine is considered namely a disc. This simplification is adequate since crown
and band of high head Francis turbine runners and pump turbine runners are similar to discs,
cf. Fig. 1.

Fig. 1: Picture of a pump turbine runner

In the following, an analytical approach of the influence of runner rotation on the natural
frequencies will be given. Next, the principle of the coupled fluid-structure-interaction
simulation is shown. In section 4 a comparison of numerical results of natural frequencies
with analytical and experimental ones is performed on two examples. Finally, this topic is

An analytical model has been developed by Kubota et al. [2] for a uniform annular plate
(inner radius r1 , outer radius r2 , thickness h , density D ) with a small ring width ( r1 r2 ),
see Fig. 2. Here, the disc is placed on a fluid-filled cylindrical container.

Fig. 2: Sketch of the FSI system

The fluid (density F ) is assumed to be inviscid and is rotating uniformly at rotation speed
F , which is in detail the relative rotation between the fluid and the disc. Therefore, the
absolute rotation of the disc is contrary to F . Further, it is assumed within this model that
no motion of the fluid in radial direction is present and no leakage flow through the gap
between disc and container appears.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Under these assumptions the Laplace equation for the velocity potential holds:
1 2 2
+ = 0. (1)
r0 2 z 2
Herein, r0 = r1 r2 denotes the geometric mean of the discs radius. Further, and z are the
circumferential and vertical coordinates, respectively.
By introducing the relative added mass
r nH
M 0 = F 0 coth (2)
n D h r0
Kubota et al. [2] end up with the natural frequencies of the disc in water n, fl in implicit
(1 + M 0 ) n2, fl + 2n F M 0 n, fl + n 2 2F M 0 n2,air = 0 (3)
for each diametrical mode n, n = , 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3, .
Herein, n,air denotes the natural frequency of mode n in air. If n is negative the mode shape
rotates in rotational direction of the fluid (against rotational direction of disc). Otherwise, the
rotation of the mode shape is in the same direction as the rotation of the disc.
Based on analytical solution of Kubota et al. [2] Presas et al. [1] extended this solution to a
disc that is located between two fluid domains, cf. Fig. 3.

Fig. 3: Sketch of FSI-system with fluid on both sides of the disc

By consideration of the relative added mass of the upper fluid domain

r nH u
M 0,u = F 0 coth (4)
n D h r0
as well as the lower fluid domain
r nH l
M 0,l = F 0 coth (5)
n D h r0
the natural frequencies of the disc in water environment are obtained by solution of
( )
(1 + M 0,u + M 0,l )n2, fl + 2n( F ,u M 0,u + F ,l M 0,l )n, fl + n 2 2F ,u M 0,u + 2F ,l M 0,l n2,air = 0 .
Herein, F ,u denotes the relative rotational velocity of the upper fluid and F ,l is the
rotational velocity of the lower fluid.
For both equations (3) and (6) the added mass effect on the natural frequencies for resting
fluid ( F = 0 ) is given by (e.g. for Eq. (3)):
n2, fl = n2,air / (1 + M 0 ) . (7)

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

For the relevant mode shapes of hydraulic runners n 2 2F M 0 << n2,air (cf. Eqs. (3) and (6))
holds. Therewith, the relative rotation of the fluid to the disc causes a term which is linear
with respect to n, fl . As a consequence two different frequencies are obtained for modes n
in rotating fluid environment.

For the simulation of the rotating disc in water environment the commercial software
ANSYS Mechanical [4] combined with ANSYS CFX [4] are used. On both, a mechanical
model for the disc as well as a computational fluid dynamics model for the fluid domain has
to be set up. In both models the coupling interfaces for exchange of displacements and forces
have to be defined. Of course, for the remaining surfaces loads and boundary conditions have
to be specified.
For the coupled FSI-simulation an incremental iterative procedure is applied. The total
simulation time is divided into a certain number of time steps. Within each time step the
coupling between fluid and solid domain is performed iteratively. In Fig. 4 the required
simulation steps are illustrated.

Figure 4: Scheme of coupled fluid-structure interaction simulation

The iterative determination of the fluid structure interaction is started with solution of the
structural behavior or with the solution of the fluid flow. In the present context the second
option has been chosen. After the determination of pressure distribution and velocity field in
the fluid domain, the forces at the interface are sent to the structural domain. In case of
convergence of displacements and forces at the interface it is continued with the next time
step. Otherwise, the iteration loop is continued. In this case the forces are mapped on the
structure and the structural equations of motion are solved. The resulting displacements are

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

sent back to the fluid domain, where the discretization at the interface is modified and the
mesh inside the fluid domain is adjusted for the update of the fluid field.
The simulation ends as soon as the total simulation time is reached.
During the simulation the behavior of the fluid field as well as the deformation can be

Two examples are chosen to compare the numerical obtained results with analytical as well as
experimental ones. Within the first example a disc on top of a fluid domain is analyzed. For
this example analytical results are available. Secondly, the behavior of a test rig is simulated.
Here, experimental data is available for verification of numerical results.


A disc on top of a fluid container is analyzed, cf. Fig. 2. For the surfaces of the fluid domain
FSI-interfaces and no-slip walls are prescribed. The disc is fixed at the inner radius. The
remaining surfaces are free or in contact with the fluid, respectively.
The natural frequencies of the disc in air as well as in contact with resting fluid 1 are given in
table 1.

n fair fFSI
1 167.4 Hz 86.6 Hz
2 271.1 Hz 181.7 Hz
3 600.8 Hz 446.8 Hz
4 1050.1 Hz 825.4 Hz

Table 1: Natural frequencies of resting disc for example 1

For the two-way fluid-structure-coupled simulation the disc is loaded with four forces for 0.01
seconds in order to obtain a n=2 mode shape, cf. Fig. 5. Then, the forces are withdrawn and
free vibration of the disc in contact with water is simulated. The simulation is carried out in
the rotating frame of reference. Several calculations with different rotating speeds of the disc
are performed.

Fig. 5: n=2 mode shape

The natural frequencies are calculated with the Finite Element Method using acoustic Finite Elements for
discretization of the fluid domain.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Beside the oscillation of the n=2 mode shape a rotation against the rotating direction of the
disc is observed. This motion results from the superposition of the two modes n=2, which
have different frequencies due to the rotation of the fluid.
For evaluation of the simulation the function
u ( , t ) = A(t )sin (n + 0 (t )) (8)
is fitted for each time step at the center line of the outer circumferential surface of the disc.
Therewith, the amplitude versus time A(t ) as well as phase angle versus time 0 (t ) curves
are obtained. From amplitude behavior the frequency of the oscillation n , 0 can be derived
and from the phase angle the rotational frequency n is determined. Therewith, the natural
frequencies of forward and backward waves are calculated by
n, fl = n,0 n . (9)
Table 2 summarizes the results of the performed simulations.

fdisc F / 2 n ,0 / 2 n / 2 n ,ana / 2 n ,0 / 2 + n ,0 / 2
0 Hz 0 Hz 181.6 Hz 0 Hz 0 Hz 181.6 Hz 181.6 Hz
5 Hz 3.03 Hz 181.5 Hz 3.7 Hz 3.4 Hz 185.2 Hz 177.8 Hz
10 Hz 5.96 Hz 181.4 Hz 7.2 Hz 6.7 Hz 188.6 Hz 174.2 Hz

Table 2: Summary of results for disc on fluid domain

Within table 2 fdisc denotes the rotational frequency of the disc. F is the relative rotation of
the fluid to the disc, which results from CFD part of FSI simulation. The absolute rotational
velocity of the fluid is given by fdisc- F . A good agreement of the natural frequency n , 0
with the results using acoustic finite elements in table 1 is observed. The results of the shift in
the natural frequencies due to rotation n show slightly higher values than the analytical
obtained shift n,ana using Eq. (3). Finally, the natural frequencies for the backward n , 0 as
well as the forward wave + n , 0 are shown in table 2.
By comparing the natural frequencies in water environment, a very good agreement in natural
frequencies for mode n= 2 between FE approach and FSI simulation is observed, cf. table 1
and table 2. Furthermore, the shift in the natural frequency is slightly higher calculated with
the FSI simulation than using the analytical equations.


Within the second analysis a real test rig is simulated, which is described in detail in [3]. The
model for the FSI simulation is shown in Fig. 6. The disc is fixed at a shaft and is completely
surrounded by fluid. The shaft is considered up to the top of the fluid container. At the cutting
plane its displacements are fixed. For the fluid domain no-slip walls are prescribed at the
surfaces in contact with the container. The surfaces in contact with the disc and the shaft are
considered as Fluid-Structure-Interaction surfaces.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Fig. 6: Sketch of numerical model of test rig

In table 3 the natural frequencies in air and water environment without rotation of the disc are
noted. Beside the numerically obtained ones the experimentally determined natural
frequencies are noted.

n fair fFSI fair,exp [3] fFSI,exp [3]

1 164.7 Hz 81.9 Hz - -
2 267.0 Hz 159.5 Hz 257.8 Hz 150.5 Hz
3 589.7 Hz 394.0 Hz 588.3 Hz 383.3 Hz
4 1030.4 Hz 739.1 Hz 1031.5 Hz 733.3 Hz

Table 3: Natural frequencies of the resting disc in test rig

Two simulations are performed for the coupled FSI problem. Within the first simulation a n=2
mode is excited in the same way as in the former section. Secondly, a n=3 mode is excited by
distributing 6 forces along the circumference. For the n=2 mode a constant time step of 5.e-5
seconds is chosen and for the n=3 mode the time step is specified as 2.5e-5 seconds due to the
higher oscillating frequency of this mode. For both simulations a rotational speed of the disc
of fdisc=8 Hz is considered.
In table 4 the numerically obtained natural frequencies in water environment are compared to
the experimental ones.

n n ,0 / 2 + n ,0 / 2 n ,0,exp / 2 [3] +n ,0,exp / 2 [3]

2 164.0 Hz 152.8 Hz 156.0 Hz 143.4 Hz
3 400.7 Hz 386.1 Hz 390 Hz 374 Hz

Table 4: Natural frequencies of a disc in test rig with rotation

A very good agreement is observed with respect to the spread of the natural frequencies
between numerical and experimental results. For the n= 2 mode a spread of approximately
12 Hz and for the n=3 mode 15 Hz are obtained. Therefore, the effect of the rotating fluid is
captured well by the numerical simulation. The absolute values of the natural frequencies are
slightly higher. This behavior is already recognized within the natural frequencies of the
resting disc as can be seen from table 3. Thus, this difference in absolute values is related
more to the model itself than to the effect of flowing water.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

The influence of flowing water on natural frequencies of a disc-like structure has been
investigated within this proceeding. It has been shown that the non-resting fluid results in a
split up of diametrical modes in a forward and a backward moving mode with different
frequencies. The coupled FSI-simulation is able to capture this effect. Moreover, a very good
agreement between numerical results and analytical as well as experimental ones is observed.
For a better understanding of this effect and application to hydraulic runners further
investigation based on the analytical solution is required since coupled FSI-simulation is very
time consuming.

[1] Presas, Valentin, Egusquiza, Valero, Seidel: Influence of the rotation on the natural
frequencies of a submerged-confined disc in water. Journal of Sound and Vibration.
Vol. 337. 2015. pp. 161-180.
[2] Kubota, Ohashi: A study on the natural frequencies of hydraulic pumps. 1st ASME
Joint International Conference on Nuclear Engineering. 1991. pp. 589-593.
[3] Presas, Egusquiza, Valero, Valentin, Seidel: Feasibility to use PZT actuators to study
the dynamic behavior of a rotating disk due to Rotor-Stator Interaction. Sensors. Vol.
14(7). 2014. pp. 11919-11942.
[4] ANSYS, Release 14.5.7, ANSYS, Inc., Canonsburg, USA.

H (m) height of fluid container
F (kg/m) density of fluid
F (1/s) relative rotation of fluid
r1 , r2 (m) inner, outer radius of fluid container/disc
r0 (m) average radius of fluid container/disc
h (m) thickness of disc
D (kg/m) density of disc
(m/s) velocity potential
, z (rad, m) circumferential, vertical coordinate
M0 () relative added mass
n () number of diametrical mode
n,air , n, fl (1/s) nth natural frequency in air/fluid environment
n,o (1/s) nth natural frequency in resting fluid environment
n (1/s) frequency shift of diametrical mode n
f disc (Hz) rotational frequency of disc
f air , f FSI (Hz) natural frequency of disc in air/fluid environment
u (m) displacement field of disc
A (m) amplitude of displacement of disc

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015



Constantin TNAS*
Politehnica University of Timisoara, Department of Hydraulic Machinery
Politehnica University of Timisoara, Department of Hydraulic Machinery
Sebastian MUNTEAN
Romanian Academy Timisoara Branch, Center for Fundamental and Advanced Technical Research
Politehnica University of Timisoara, Department of Hydraulic Machinery

The hydraulic turbines operated at partial discharge (especially hydraulic turbines with fixed blades,
i.e. Francis turbine), developing a central stagnant region in the conical diffuser of draft tube. As a
result, the helical vortex breakdown, also known in the literature like precessing vortex rope is
developed. This paper introduces a novel approach for mitigating the swirling flow instabilities using a
diaphragm into the cone. Consequently, the severe flow deceleration and corresponding central
stagnant region are diminished, with an efficient mitigation of the precessing helical vortex. Four cases
(one without and three with diaphragm) are numerically and experimentally investigated. The velocity
profiles measurements will show that the diaphragm can mitigate the stagnant region associated to the
vortex rope.

conical diffuser, swirling flow, velocity profiles, passive method, stagnant region

The conical diffuser (discharge cone) is an essential component of the hydraulic turbines,
which converts the excess of the kinetic energy at runner outlet into static one. When the
turbine operates far from the best efficiency point, the swirling flow in the discharge cone
becomes unstable leading to large pressure fluctuations and significant hydraulic losses. The
flow downstream the runner of a Francis turbine evolves at partial discharge values in a
precessing helical vortex (or vortex rope) producing a high level of the pressure pulsation.
Consequently, several hydraulic, mechanical and even electrical problems are identified in
service. Nishi et al. [1] put forward a qualitative model for the precessing vortex rope, based
on their experimental investigations. They suggest that the circumferentially averaged
velocity profiles in the cone could be represented satisfactorily by a model comprising a dead
(stagnant) water region surrounded by the swirling main flow. This model is also supported
* Corresponding author: Department of Hydraulic Machinery, Politehnica University of Timisoara, e-mail:
[email protected]

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

by the measured averaged pressure, which remains practically constant within the stagnant
region. All these considerations led to the conclusion that the spiral vortex core observed in
the draft tube of a Francis turbine at part load is a rolled-up vortex sheet which originates
between the central stalled region and the swirling main flow. A successful numerical analysis
of unsteady swirling flow in draft tube cone was made by Ruprecht et al. [2]. The numerical
results are compared and validated with the experimental ones. An important step in order to
elucidate the flow phenomena developed at partial operation in draft tube cone was performed
within the project FLINDT, Ciocan et al. [3].
Different techniques have been proposed in order to eliminate or to mitigate the
instabilities developed in the draft tube cone at partial load operation. Given by the energy
injected in the draft tube cone these methods can be divided into active [4] or passive [5].
These methods lead to some improvements in reducing the pressure pulsations for a narrow
regime but they are not effective or even increase the unwanted effects. Resiga et al. [6] have
proposed a novel and robust method to mitigate the vortex rope: a water jet is injected along
the discharge cone axis. This technique was investigated on a test rig developed at the
Politehnica University of Timisoara. Also, Susan-Resiga et al. [7] demonstrated that a 2D
axisymmetric simulation is able to capture the formation and development of swirling flow
phenomena at levels similar to a 3D numerical simulation. The only observation is that for a
2D axisymmetric simulation the pressure pulsations cannot be investigated, consequently the
maximum amplitude peaks cannot be identified.
A passive method to mitigate stagnant region associated to the vortex rope in the draft
tube cone of hydraulic turbine is presented in this paper. The method involves the
development of a progressive and controlled throttling (shutter), of the flow cross section at
the bottom of the conical diffuser (Fig. 1-down). The adjustable cross section is made on the
basis of the shutter-opening of circular diaphragms (Fig. 1), while maintaining in all positions
the circular cross-sectional shape, centered on the axis of the turbine. The vortex rope occurs
when the turbine is operated at part load. The stagnant region and the pressure pulsations
associated to the vortex rope are mitigated when it is controled the diaphragm [8, 9]. The
opening of the diaphragm can be automatically correlated with the turbine operating regime.
The present paper focuses on 2D axisymmetric turbulent swirling flow simulation in
order to evaluate the new control method. A stagnant region model (SRM) [10] is used
essentially enforcing a unidirectional circumferentially averaged meridian flow as suggested
by the experimental data. Numerical results obtained with both models (with and without
SRM), are compared against measured meridian and circumferential velocity profiles, as well
as for the vortex rope location. The second and the third sections of the paper present the
experimental and numerical setup. Section four presents the numerical results and validation
against experimental data. The conclusions are summarized in last section.
In order to investigate experimentally the diaphragm passive method, we are using the test
rig with a closed loop hydraulic circuit (Fig. 3a) described in [11]. Instead of testing the
diaphragm on a model hydraulic turbine, we have designed and built a special swirl apparatus,
Fig. 3b. The swirling flow apparatus, included in the main hydraulic circuit, contains two
main parts: the swirl generator and the convergent-divergent test section. The swirl generator
has an upstream annular section with stationary and rotating blades for generating a swirling
flow. It has three components: the ogive, the guide vanes and the free runner, see the detail in
Fig 3b. The ogive with four leaned struts sustains the swirl generator and supplies the jet
nozzle. The guide vanes and the free runner are installed in a cylindrical section
with Ds = 150 mm . The nozzle outlet with Dn = 30 mm is located close to the throat section
with Dt = 100 mm .

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Fig.1. Representation of shutter-opening diaphragm (up) and Fig. 2 Representation of the passive
the position of the diaphragm at the oulet of the conical method with diaphragm implemented
diffuser (down). on the swirl apparatus.
This swirl generator provides a swirling flow configuration at the inlet of the conical
diffuser quite similar to the corresponding flow downstream a Francis runner operated at
partial discharge. As a result, the decelerated swirling flow in the cone develops a precessing
vortex rope with the same Strouhal number as the one corresponding to the Francis turbine
model investigated in [3]. The cone half-angle is 8.6 degrees, similar to the compact discharge
cones used in the modern draft tubes for hydraulic turbines. However, in our case the ratio
between the cone length ( L = 200 mm ) and the throat diameter ( Dt = 100 mm ) is quite large
( L Dt = 2 ) in order to capture the entire vortex rope in the conical diffuser. The results have
been obtained for a test rig discharge of Q=0.03 m3/sec. Also, all experimental investigations
have been done under overpressure conditions. Moreover, the hydraulic circuit is fully filled
with water. As a result, only non-cavitating vortex ropes were considered in our
investigations, meaning no air volume trapped inside.
Diaphragm interior Diaphragm interior Test section outlet Shutter area Areas ratio
diameter d [m] area Ad [m2] area Ao [m2] Ar [m2] Aa [%]
0.113 0.01 0.02 0.01 50
0.1 0.0078 0.02 0.012 60
0.088 0.006 0.02 0.014 70
Tab.1 The parameters corresponding to three cases with different interior diameters.
The diaphragm control method implemented on our swirl apparatus is sketched in Fig.
2. The main component of this new method for mitigating the vortex rope is the diaphragm
(Fig. 1 - up). Three values of the diaphragm interior diameter of d = 0.113, 0.1, 0.88 m are
considered in the experimental and numerical investigations. The diaphragm is located at
the cone outlet (Fig. 2). Table 1, shows the ratio between diaphragm interior area and the
outlet test section area with D = 0.16 m. The experimental data were measured using a
Dantec Dynamics 2D LDV system with two components (meridian and circumferential
velocity). The main characteristics of the optical system are: focal length of the probe
159.6 mm, beam diameter 2.2 mm and the beam spacing 39.2 mm. Two pairs of beams
with wavelength of 488 nm and 514.5 nm are generated. A 3D traversing system is
installed for probe positioning within 0.01 mm accuracy on each axis. The measurements
were performed considering a step of 1 mm and 15000 samples or 20 seconds acquisition

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

time, respectively. On the test section, three optical windows were installed in order to
measure the velocity profiles with LDV, Fig. 3b. The first window W0 is located in the
convergent part of the test section. The second window W1 is displaced on the divergent
part near to the throat whiles the third one W2 near to the cone outlet, respectively.
a) b)

Fig. 3. (a) Experimental closed loop test rig. Sketch of the test rig with the main elements. (b) Cross-
section through the swirling flow apparatus and detail of the test section for LDV measurements.
The time averaged velocity was calculated with equation:
N -1
N vi (1)
i =0
where N is number of samples, and vi the velocity for each sample. The data are presented in
dimensionless form, using the following reference values: the minimum diameter of the test
section Dthroat = 0.1 m and the mean velocity at the throat corresponding to the discharge Q:
vthroat =
where Q is the main flow discharge and Dthroat is the throat diameter of the test section. The
plotted velocity profiles for meridian and circumferential velocity have points obtained from
experimental investigation with and without diaphragm, at overall discharge values Q=0.03
m3/sec in dimensionless values and the variation of Random Mean Square Velocity (vRMS) for
each point also in dimensionless values. The variation of RMS was calculated with formula:
N 1
N ( vi v )
1 2
vRMS (3)
i =0

The above experimental investigations offer only a limited amount of data. As a result, in
order to understand the complex physics of the decelerated swirling flow we perform
numerical simulations as well. As mentioned before, in the present paper we focus on the
time-averaged flow field. Therefore, a simplified flow model corresponding to the axial-
symmetric turbulent swirling flow downstream the free runner of the swirl generator is
considered. The 2D axial-symmetric domains for numerical simulation are presented in Fig. 4
(without diaphragm upper half-plane and with diaphragm lower half-plane). The annular
inlet section is considered just downstream the runner blades. Then we have a convergent
section up to the throat, and a conical diffuser ending with a discharge cylindrical pipe. In the
numerical domain we have the survey axis where meridian and circumferential velocity

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

profiles are validated against LDV measured ones. First, the swirl generator was analyzed
numerically using a three-dimensional turbulent flow computation.

Fig. 4 2D computational domain in a meridian half-plane without diaphragm (upper) and with
diaphragm (lower), respectively.
The following boundary conditions are imposed in order to perform the numerical
simulation: 1) the velocity profiles and turbulent quantities like inflow conditions. These values
are obtained from 3D turbulent computation performed for free runner; 2) the no-slip condition
on the walls; 3) the negligible evolution of all variables in the radial direction is considered like
condition along to the axis; 4) the outlet section corresponds to the cylindrical downstream pipe
and the radial equilibrium condition is considered on it,
p v2
= (4)
r r
Once the numerical solution for the axial-symmetric turbulent swirling flow is obtained,
we first check the accuracy of the velocity profiles. In doing so, we compare the computed
meridian and circumferential velocity profiles with the LDV measurements on the survey axis
located in the three windows of the test section. The results of the velocity profiles with and
without SRM for all cases (with and without diaphragm), are presented in the dimensionless
form with respect the throat diameter and the velocity from the throat test section (see eq. 2).
Fig. 5 presents the velocity profiles for window W0 (for the case without and with diaphragm
d= 0.088 m), where a very good agreement between computations and measurements is

Fig.5 Velocity profiles measured along to survey axis W0.

The RMS for W0 is 20% for each measured point. Fig. 6 window W1, shows that the
stagnant region for the cases without and with diaphragm d=0.113 m are quite similarly, and
the model without SRM has a better correlation with experimental data. For the other cases of
diaphragm d=0.1 m and d=0.088 m, the stagnant region is decreasing below zero, this means
recirculation region occurs when the flow is throttled increasingly. Also, for these cases the

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

SRM model has a better capture on experiment. For window W2 (Fig. 7), in the case without
diaphragm the stagnant region is larger than others from W1. The meridian velocity profile
evolves from a weak profile to an axial jet profile while the diaphragm diameter becomes
smaller. As a result, the stagnant region associated to vortex rope is mitigated, even
eliminated. For all cases is a good agreement between experiment and 2D axisymmetrical
numerical simulation (with and without SRM).

Fig.6 Velocity profiles measured along to survey axis W1.

Fig.7 Velocity profiles measured along to survey axis W2.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

The 2D axi-symmetric turbulent swirling flow with SRM model produces a central
stagnant region and the main flow occupying an annular section up to the wall. The stagnant
region is identified on axial velocity component map for all investigated cases, Fig. 8.
According to Nishi et al. [1] the vortex rope is wrapped on a quasi-stagnant region developed
in the axis neighbourhood. As a result, the vortex sheet generated between the stagnant region
and the main stream is an indicator about self-induced instability. Therefore, the vorticity
magnitude map is plotted in Fig. 9 selecting the maximum values in the computational
domain in order to be visualized the vortex sheet. Clearly, the vortex sheet angle is constant
for all cases (Fig. 9). However, the self-induced instability type cannot be indentified based
on 2D axi-symmetric numerical analysis.

Fig.8 Stagnant region identified on the meridian Fig.9 Vortex sheet computed using 2D
velocity component map using 2D axisymmetric axisymmetric turbulent swirling flow
swirling flow with SRM model. with SRM model for all cases.
A passive method to mitigate the stagnant region associated to the vortex rope in the
draft tube cone of hydraulic turbine is presented in this paper. The method involves the
development of a progressive and controlled throttling (shutter), of the flow cross section at
the bottom of the conical diffuser. The adjustable cross section is made on the basis of the
shutter-opening of circular diaphragms, while maintaining in all positions the circular cross-
sectional shape, centered on the axis of the turbine. When the turbine is operated at part load
the vortex rope occur, by closing the diaphragm, the quasi-stagnant region is mitigated and
also the vortex rope. In order to evaluate the new method, the present paper was focused on
2D axisymmetric turbulent swirling flow simulation, by introducing a stagnant region model
(SRM). Numerical results obtained with both models (with and without SRM), are compared
against measured meridian and circumferential velocity profiles, as well as for the vortex rope
location. Numerical and experimental results for four cases (without and with diaphragm) are
analyzed for a particular swirling flow configuration. The evolution of the quasi-stagnant
region is quantified plotting the velocity map. The vortex sheet angle is constant for all cases.
Consequently, the results reported in this paper, it clearly shows that the stagnant region
associated to vortex rope is mitigated when the new method with diaphragm is implemented
downstream the conical diffuser.
This paper was partially supported by the strategic grant POSDRU/159/1.5/S/137070 (2014)
of the Ministry of National Education, Romania, co-financed by the European Social Fund
Investing in People, within the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources
Development 2007-2013.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

[1] Nishi, M., Matsunaga, S., Okamoto, M., Uno, M., Nishitani, K.: Measurement of
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Rohatgi, U. S., et al., (eds.) Flows in Non-Rotating Turbomachinery Components,
FED, Vol. 69, 1998, pp. 81-88.
[2] Ruprecht, A., Helmrich, T., Aschenbrenner, T. and Scherer, T.: Simulation of pressure
surge in a hydro power plant caused by an elbow draft tube, Proceedings of the 10th
International Meeting of the Workgroup on the Behaviour of Hydraulic Machinery
under Steady Oscilatory Conditions, Trondheim, Norway, 2001.
[3] Ciocan, G.D., Iliescu, M., Vu, T.C., Nennemann, B. and Avellan, F.: Experimental
study and numerical simulation of the FLINDT draft tube rotating vortex, J. of Fluids
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[4] Thike, R.H.: Practical solutions for draft tube insatbility, Water Power and Dam
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[5] Nishi, M., Wang, X. M., Yoshida, K., Takahashi, T., and Tsukamoto, T.: An
Experimental Study on Fins, Their Role in Control of the Draft Tube Surging,
Hydraulic Machinery and Cavitation, in Cabrera, E., et al., eds., Kluwer Academic
Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 1996, pp. 905-914.
[6] Susan-Resiga R., Vu T.C., Muntean S., Ciocan G.D., Nennemann B.: Jet control of the
draft tube vortex rope in Francis turbines at partial discharge, Proceedings of the 23rd
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[7] Susan-Resiga, R., Muntean, S., Tanasa, C. and Bosioc, A.: Three-dimensional versus two-
dimensional axisymmetric analysis for decelerated swirling flows, Proceedings of the 14th
International Conference on Fluid Flow Technologies, Budapest, Hungary, 2009.
[8] Tnas, C., Susan-Resiga, R., Muntean, S., Stuparu, A., Bosioc, A and Ciocan, T.:
Numerical Assessment of a Novel Concept for Mitigating the Unsteady Pressure
Pulsations Associated to Decelerating Swirling Flow with Precessing Helical Vortex,
11th International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering
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[9] Susan-Resiga, R., Tnas, C., Bosioc, A., Ciocan, T., Stuparu, A., and Muntean, S.:
Mhetod and equipament for swirling flow control in the conical diffuser of hydraulic
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[10] Susan-Resiga, R., Muntean S., Stein, P., and Avellan, F.: Axisymmetric Swirling Flow
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Fluid Machinery and Systems, Vol. 2(4), 2009, pp. 295-302.
[11] Bosioc, A.I., Susan-Resiga, R., Muntean, S., and Tnas, C.: Unsteady Pressure
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Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Czech Republic, 2009, pp. 551-561.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015



Center for Industrial Diagnostics and Fluid Dynamics, Universitat Politcnica Catalunya (UPC),
Barcelona, Spain.
Center for Industrial Diagnostics and Fluid Dynamics, Universitat Politcnica Catalunya (UPC),
Barcelona, Spain.
Center for Industrial Diagnostics and Fluid Dynamics, Universitat Politcnica Catalunya (UPC),
Barcelona, Spain.
Center for Industrial Diagnostics and Fluid Dynamics, Universitat Politcnica Catalunya (UPC),
Barcelona, Spain.

Determining the dynamic response of submerged and confined disk-like structures is of interest in
the hydraulic turbines field. Disks present similar dynamic characteristics than hydraulic turbine
runners, especially in the mode-shapes associated with each natural frequency. The dynamic response
of submerged structures is heavily affected by the added mass and damping as well as the proximity of
solid boundaries. In all studies the solid boundaries are commonly considered completely rigid,
however in real cases this is not always true. This fact occurs in some hydraulic turbines where the
casing is not completely stiff and it may have some dynamic response in the frequency range of the
runner, which may affect its dynamic behavior.
To determine the influence of the casing stiffness on a vibrating disk submerged in water an
experimental investigation has been carried out. A test rig consisting of a disk attached to a shaft
inside a cylindrical tank closed with two different covers with different stiffness has been built up. The
disk was impacted using a hammer and both disk and covers responses were measured with different
accelerometers. Pressure sensors mounted on the covers have also been used. Natural frequencies of
the disk have been obtained, compared and discussed for different disk to cover distances.

Added mass, natural frequency, non-rigid surface, dynamic response.

* Corresponding author: Center for Industrial Diagnostics and Fluid Dynamics, Universitat Politcnica
Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona, Spain., phone: +34 934011738, email: [email protected]

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Disks have been used in previous investigations to study the dynamic behavior of
submerged structures. When a structure is submerged in a heavy fluid, such as water, its
dynamic behavior drastically change in comparison with that in vacuum or in air. This
dynamic behavior is commonly studied by analyzing the natural frequencies and damping
ratio of each associated mode of vibration. Current analytical studies of natural frequencies
and damping ratio of submerged structures are based on the added mass [1-3] and damping
effect [4, 5]. The effect on natural frequencies of a submerged structure is the same as
considering and additional mass. Therefore, the natural frequencies of submerged structures
are lower than the natural frequencies of the same structure in air or in vacuum. The added
mass theory also explains that the natural frequencies of submerged structures close to a rigid
surface tend to decrease when the distance to this rigid surface also decreases [5-8].
Moreover, it is demonstrated that an added damping appears when the structure is submerged
in water and this is even more important when nearby rigid surfaces are considered [4, 9, 10].
However, the case of a submerged structure that is close to another vibrating structure is
not studied. Actually, only some studies with two identical disks coupled by a fluid are found
[11-13], but in these papers the authors assume that both disks vibrate at the same natural
frequency with the same mode-shape. This is not completely realistic in the case of hydraulic
turbines, where the runner is a disk-like structure submerged in water and confined with other
nearby structures, such as the head cover or the lower cover (see Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Runner nearby structures in a pump-turbine.

Head covers of hydraulic turbines are structures that can vibrate at the same time than the
runner if they are not very stiff. This fact could alter the expected dynamic behaviour of the
whole machine and especially of the runner. In these machines, the axial and radial gaps of
the runner and the covers are rather small, less than 3 or 4 millimetres in most of the cases.
These boundaries are usually modelled as rigid surfaces in the numerical models used for the
natural frequencies estimation as Jacquet-Richardet and Dal-Ferro [14], Lais, Liang,
Henggeler, Weiss, Escaler and Egusquiza [15] and Hbner, Seidel and Roth [16] confirmed in
their studies, hence the vibration of nearby structures is usually neglected.
To evaluate the influence of non-completely nearby rigid surfaces on a submerged
structure, a test rig has been built up. This test rig consists of a stainless steel disk attached to
a shaft and confined inside an aluminium tank closed with two different covers. These covers
have different thickness and so different mass and stiffness, resulting in different natural
frequencies. Disk natural frequencies and damping ratios have been estimated experimentally

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

for different distances to both covers. Accelerometers and pressure sensors installed on the
disk and casings have been used. Moreover, structural-acoustical numerical simulations are
performed and compared with experimental results.

2.1 Test rig description

The test rig used in the present work comprises a stainless steel disk coupled to a shaft and
confined with water in an aluminum tank (see Fig. 2). This aluminum tank is closed using two
different covers, one thin with natural frequencies in the same range than the disk, and the
other cover used is thick with natural frequencies separated with those ones of the disk. Both
covers are made of the same aluminum than the tank. The tank has a large thickness and mass
to simulate rigid surfaces around the disk. The disk can be moved up and down along the
shaft in order to evaluate the influence of the nearby rigid bottom surface (H2) and the
influence of the distance between disk and cover (H1). Between the disk and the tank there is
a small radial gap (G) (0.350.05 mm). The radial gap is selected as 0.35 in order to represent
the same order of magnitude that there is in a hydraulic turbine runner against its radius

103 . The influence of this radial gap was evaluated in previous works [4, 5].

Fig. 2. Test rig cross section.

2.2 Instrumentation

The natural frequencies and mode-shapes of the disk and cover were determined making
use of experimental modal analysis (EMA). The force over the structure was applied using an
instrumented hammer (Kistler 9722, 2.25 mV/N). For the natural frequencies estimation of
the cover, impacts were applied directly over the cover surface, however, to calculate the
natural frequencies of the disk, this was impacted using an impact device based on a bar
coupled to a spring (see Fig. 2). The response of both structures due to the impact excitation
was measured using submersible accelerometers (Dytran 3006A, 100 mV/g). Two of these
accelerometers were installed on the disk separated 90 degrees and another two in the same
position but in the cover. Moreover, two pressure sensors (Kistler RAG50A20BC) were
installed on the cover to measure the pressure variations due to the disk vibration. Signals of
hammer, accelerometers and pressure sensors were computed and monitored using an
acquisition system (Brel & Kjaer Type 3036-B-120).

2.3 Procedure

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

As a first stage, natural frequencies of the disk and cover were estimated in the air. The
frequency response function (FRF), which is the ratio between the vibration and the force that
produces that vibration, was computed to perform EMA. The average of 5 different impacts
was selected to perform the FRF of each accelerometer. FRFs were computed using the
commercial software PULSE Reflex [17] from Brel & Kjaer. A frequency range of 0-3200
Hz and a frequency resolution of 0.25 Hz was selected to calculate FRFs.
The procedure when the disk was in water was practically the same than in air. In this case,
two pressure sensors separated 90 degress were also available also during these impacts. This
procedure was repeated for different positions of the disk along the shaft and for the two
different covers. Moreover, both covers were impacted also for each configuration tested to
evaluate their dynamic response.

3.1 Mode-shapes

The mode-shapes of a disk are defined with its number of number of nodal diameters (n)
and nodal circles (m) [18]. Fig. 3 shows the natural frequencies and mode-shapes found
within the frequency band studied in air and in water for the configuration where the added
mass effect has less influence (H1=47 mm and H2=60 mm). This is the configuration where
natural frequencies are more similar for both covers. It is appreciated that natural frequencies
decrease in water in comparison with those in the vacuum, while damping is higher in the
case of water.

Fig. 3. Disk mode-shapes.

The mode-shapes of the cover are rather similar to those of the disk, having the difference
that the cover is a circular plate clamped in its exterior diameter, therefore mode-shapes are
more focused on the center of the structure [18]. As the cover had many instruments installed
over its surface (accelerometers, pressure sensors, impact device, water inlet and waterproof
gland connectors for the wires), its mode-shapes were not completely symmetric because the
mass of the cover was not symmetrically distributed. This fact implied the response of the
cover to be complicated as is shown in Fig. 4. The more important thing in the cover mode-
shapes estimation is that, as seen in Fig. 4, the thick cover did not have a high response in the
same frequency band than the disk but the thin cover has some natural frequencies in this

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Fig. 4. Cover mode-shapes.

3.2 Natural frequencies

Natural frequencies associated with the mode-shapes commented above were estimated
experimentally for different configurations of H1 and H2 and for the thick and thin covers.
Fig. 5 shows the experimental results obtained for both covers. Distances have been
normalized using the disk thickness (hD). It is observed that the trend of natural frequencies
when the disk is close to the thick cover is the same than when it is close to the bottom rigid
surface for modes n=2-5: the closer to the rigid surface, the lower natural frequencies values
presented the disk (Fig. 5a). This behavior is the same as expected and studied by many
authors [4, 7, 8, 19]. However, the mode n= 6, did not experimentally present the same
behavior when the disk was near the thick cover. The natural frequency of this mode was in
the region of 1200-1600 Hz, close to a natural frequency of the thick cover. In this case, the
thick cover was vibrating near a natural frequency with a high amplitude and therefore it
could not be considered as a rigid surface.
For the thin cover case (Fig. 5), which had a high response and natural frequencies in the
same range than the disk (Fig. 4), results are completely different in comparison with those
obtained with the thick cover . When the disk was near the thin cover, the trend of disk natural
frequencies was not to decrease as in the case of the rigid surface, in this case, natural
frequencies seemed to increase. When the disk was far from the cover and near the bottom
rigid surface, the natural frequencies were as expected for a rigid surface.

Fig. 5. Natural frequency in water (fw) over the natural frequency in air (fa) for different distances to
the cover. a) Thick cover. b) Thin cover.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

3.3 Pressure sensors

For all the tests performed two pressure sensors were intalled in both covers in order to
measure the dynamic pressure produced by the impact. With these pressure sensors, disk
natural frequencies could also be found. Analyzing the amplitude of each natural frequency, a
clear trend was found for all mode-shapes and different distances to the cover. According the
the theory [7], higher values of dynamic pressure lead to lower natural frequencies values,
therefore for a rigid configuration it is known that pressure increase when the distance to the
rigid distance decrease. This can be seen in Fig. 6a. However, for a non-rigid configuration
(Fig. 6b), as in the case of the thin cover, it is appreciated that for closer distances to the
cover, pressure decreases instead of increasing, following the behaviour of natural
frequencies. In Fig. 6 pressure is normalized against the maximum value in all distances
configurations of each cover.

Fig. 6. Normalized pressure amplitude for a n=2 and different distances to the covers. a) Thick cover.
b) Thin cover.

The influence of non-totally rigid surfaces on the dynamic response of a submerged and
confined disk has been studied. This study is especially of interest when the distance between
the disk and the casing is small like in some hydraulic machinery runners.
An experimental investigation in a test rig with a disk confined using two different covers
with different stiffness has been carried out. Accelerometers mounted on the disk and on the
cover as well as pressure sensors have been used. Natural frequencies have been calculated
using EMA.
Experimental results show that disk natural frequencies are affected by the cover stiffness.
When the natural frequencies of the casing are much higher than the ones of the disk, the
behavior is like a completely rigid boundary. However, when the natural frequencies of
casing and disk are in the same frequency range, they are affected especially when the
distance between disk and cover is small. For the rigid case, natural frequencies decrease
when the disk is near the cover, whereas for the non-rigid case the behavior is the opposite.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

The authors acknowledge the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity for the
economic support received from Grant No. DPI2012-36264 and Voith Hydro Holding GmbH
& Co. KG for the technical and economic support received for developing this work.

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6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

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6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015



Alexandre Presas*
Center for Industrial Diagnostics and Fluid Dynamics, Universitat Politcnica Catalunya (UPC)
David Valentin
Center for Industrial Diagnostics and Fluid Dynamics, Universitat Politcnica Catalunya (UPC)
Eduard Egusquiza
Center for Industrial Diagnostics and Fluid Dynamics, Universitat Politcnica Catalunya (UPC)
Carme Valero
Center for Industrial Diagnostics and Fluid Dynamics, Universitat Politcnica Catalunya (UPC)
Ulrich Seidel
Voith Hydro Holding GmbH & Co. KG
Heidenheim, Germany

Pump turbine runners are disk-like structures submerged and rotating that are excited with the well-
known RSI excitation. To understand the dynamic behavior of the runner, it is necessary to study its
structural response and the excitation characteristic. Simplified disk models have been widely used in
the past to analyze this topic.
In this paper, the dynamic behavior of a rotating disk submerged and confined due to an RSI
excitation pattern is analyzed experimentally. The structural response of the rotating disk is
determined with an accelerometer screwed on the disk. For the excitation, several piezoelectric
patches (PZT actuators) have been used. These are attached directly on the disk. Excitation and
measurement signals are transmitted to the stationary frame with a slip ring system. Several excitation
patterns that simulate the RSI excitation have been created with a properly calibration and set-up of
the PZTs. In this way, the dynamic behavior of the rotating and submerged disk due to an RSI
excitation pattern is determined experimentally.

Natural frequency, dynamic behavior, RSI excitation, Piezoelectric Patches

* Corresponding author: Center for Industrial Diagnostics and Fluid Dynamics, Universitat Politcnica de
Catalunya(UPC), Barcelona, Spain., phone: +34 934016715, email: [email protected]

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

In order to avoid resonance problems in pump-turbine units it is important to study the dynamic
behavior of the runner. This implies to determine the natural frequencies and mode shapes of the
structure in their real operating conditions (submerged in water, confined and rotating) and also the
excitation characteristic. Nevertheless the complexity of the structure (bladed-disk like structure with
curved blades), the boundary conditions and associated effects (water rotating with respect to the
runner) and the excitation characteristic (superposition of rotating excitation patterns) makes the study
of the real case very complex. For this reason, simplified models are needed.
To study the dynamic response, i.e. natural frequencies and mode shapes, of pump-turbine runners
and the influence of the boundary conditions, simple disk-like structures have been used in the past [1-
3], since these kind of runners behave as simple disk-like structures in their first vibration modes.
Furthermore, the characterization of the mode shapes that is used for disks is also widely used to
describe the mode shapes of pump-turbine runners [1, 4-6]. Especially the first modes of PT runners
are similar to the diametrical modes of a disk, i.e. modes with no nodal circles and N nodal diameters.
Most of the mentioned studies, deal with disks (or PT runners) submerged in standing water.
Therefore this studies determine mainly the effect of the confinement, i.e. distance of the submerged
structure to the rigid walls. Only in some of these studies [2, 3, 7], the influence of the rotation on the
natural frequencies of the submerged and confined structure is analyzed.
The main excitation in this kind of runners is the well-known RSI excitation which has been also
analyzed in the past [8, 9]. As the rotating blades pass very close from the standing guide vanes, the
runner is excited with a complex pressure pulsation that can be discomposed as a sum of harmonic
excitation patterns with different excitation shapes. According to these studies, a resonance of the
runner can theoretically occur if the excited frequency coincides with a natural frequency of the runner
and the excitation shape number coincides with the structural mode.
In this study, a rotating disk-like structure confined and submerged has been excited with different
excitation patterns that simulate the RSI. The excitation patterns have been created with several
Piezoelectric Patches attached on the disk. The response has been also measured on the rotating disk.
In this way, the dynamic behavior of the rotating disk due to a RSI excitation pattern is determined.


The natural frequencies and mode shapes of circular plates have been studied in detail in the past
[10]. For thin disks with high outer to inner radius, the several first mode shapes are characterized with
the number of nodal diameters. Higher mode shapes in frequency corresponds to modes with higher
number of nodal diameters.
The first mode shapes of pump-turbine runners behave as a simple disk-like structure and therefore
they are also characterized with the number of nodal diameters [1, 4-6].
When a disk-like structure is in contact or totally submerged in water, the natural frequencies are
generally reduced due to the added mass effect [1] (Eq. 1).

= (1)

is the added mass factor of the mode n, which is the ratio between the corresponding natural
frequency of the disk-like structure in air and the same natural frequency when the structure is in
contact or submerged in water. The influence of the boundaries (especially the axial gap) on these
factors has been analyzed in the mentioned studies.
In some of these studies [1-3], the effect of rotation for a simple disk has been also analyzed. In [1,
3] the disk is supposed to be standing and the surrounding water rotating with respect to it, while in [2]
the disk is rotating, which induces also the rotation of the surrounding water. The diametrical mode
shapes of a standing disk are standing waves, which are the superposition of a forward and a backward
wave. For this reason, there is a different added mass effect of the rotating water, with respect to the

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

forward and to the backward wave and therefore each natural frequency in the standing case is split
into two natural frequencies in the rotating case (Eq.2).

, ( ) = , ( = 0) (2)

is a parameter that depends basically on the diametrical mode n, the radius of the disk and the
density of the surrounding fluid [11]. The lower natural frequency obtained with Eq.(2) is a travelling
wave that rotates in the same direction than the disk, while the higher natural frequency is a travelling
wave that rotates in the opposite direction.


The passing of the rotating blades of the runner in front of the static guide vanes with a short gap,
causes the well-known RSI (Rotor-Stator Interaction) excitation. The combination of guide vanes,
rotating blades and rotating speed of the machine define this excitation pattern [4, 8, 9].
The excited frequency on the rotating structure can be obtained as a function of the rotating speed of
the runner and the number of harmonic i:

= (3)

is the number of guide vanes and the rotating speed of the runner in Hz. i is an entire positive
The excitation shape or number k (which is a rotating excitation pattern with respect to the runner)
can be calculated as:

= (4)

is the number of rotating blades and j an entire positive number. It has to be mentioned, that the
combinations of lower harmonics i, j producing lower values of ||, give generally higher amplitudes
of the pressure pulsation.
The magnitude of k gives the number of entire pressure pulsations in the outer part of the structure.
Therefore a ressonance can occur if the excited frequency coincides with the natural frequency of the
structure and this number k coincides with the structural mode n. The sign determines the spinning
direction of the excitation.

To study the resonances of the rotating submerged structure due to a RSI excitation type a rotating-
disk test rig has been used. It consists of a stainless steel disk inside a rigid casing. The casing is
totally filled with water.
The speed of the disk is adjusted to 6Hz. When the disk is rotating in stationary conditions, it is
excited with several excitation patterns that simulate the RSI created with PZTs (Piezoelectric patches)
attached on it. Patches are previously calibrated as explained in [6]. The response of the disk is
measured with a miniature accelerometer attached to it. The excitation and measured signals are
transmitted to the stationary frame through a slip ring system. Fig.1a shows the test rig and Fig.1b the
position of the patches and of the accelerometer.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Fig.1 a) Test rig. b) Disk with attached patches and accelerometer

Due to the limited number of slip ring channels only four patches are used simultaneously. With
these patches and adjusting properly the phase shift between them, the excitation shapes k= +2, -2, +3,
-3 can be created on the disk.

Sweep excitations with excitation number k=+2, -2, +3, -3 are applied on the rotating disk around the
structural resonances n= 2 and n= 3. The disk is also excited with only one patch, which is the
reference situation Fig.2 shows the excitation around the resonances n=2.

Fig.2: Excitation of the disk around the resonances n=2

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

As shown in this figure, with one patch both resonances are excited, which confirm the results
obtained in [7]. Nevertheless, when the excitation has a spinning direction, only the structural mode
that has the same direction than the direction of the excitation is excited. Other excitation shapes
(different number of excitation) do not excite the disk. For the mode n=3 the conclusions are

In this paper a rotating disk confined and submerged in water has been excited with several
excitation patterns that simulate the RSI.
Firstly, it has been shown that, viewed from the rotating frame, the disk has two natural frequencies
for each mode shape in the standing case. The first one is a travelling wave rotating in the same
direction than the disk and the second one in the opposite direction.
Secondly, a rotating excitation k excites only the natural frequency corresponding to the structural
mode shape with same number and spinning direction. Other excitation numbers or spinning direction
do not excite the disk.
As a consequence of these two conclusions, if an excitation shape rotates in the same direction than
the rotating direction of the disk-like structure the resonance will occur at a lower frequency than the
natural frequency of the standing structure (if the excitation shape coincides with the structural mode
shape). If the excitation rotates in the opposite direction the resonance will occur at a higher

The authors acknowledge Voith Hydro Holding GmbH & Co. KG for the technical and economic
support received for developing this work.

[1] Y. Kubota, H. Ohashi, A study on the natural frequencies of hydraulic pumps, 1st ASME Joint
International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, (1991) 589-593.
[2] A. Presas, Analysis of the dynamic behaviour of rotating disk-like structures submerged and
confined, in: C. Universidad Politcnica de (Ed.), Universitat Politcnica de Catalunya, 2014.
[3] J.A.N. Hengstler, Influence of the Fluid-Structure Interaction on the Vibrations of Structures, ETH
Zurich, Zurich, 2013.
[4] E. Egusquiza, C. Valero, X. Huang, E. Jou, A. Guardo, C. Rodriguez, Failure investigation of a
large pump-turbine runner, Engineering Failure Analysis, 23 (2012) 27-34.
[5] X. Huang, Contribution to the Dynamic Response of Hydraulic Turbomachinery Components,
CDIF, UPC, Barcelona, 2011.
[6] A. Presas, C. Valero, X. Huang, E. Egusquiza, M. Farhat, F. Avellan, Analysis of the dynamic
response of pump-turbine runners-Part I: Experiment, IOP Conference Series: Earth and
Environmental Science, 2012.
[7] A. Presas, D. Valentn, E. Egusquiza, C. Valero, U. Seidel, Experimental analysis of the dynamic
behavior of a rotating disk submerged in water, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental
Science, 2014.
[8] H. Tanaka, Vibration Behavior and Dynamic Stress of Runners of Very High Head Reversible
Pump-turbines, International Journal of Fluid Machinery and Systems, 4 (2011) 289-306.
[9] C. Nicolet, N. Ruchonnet, F. Avellan, One-Dimensional Modeling of Rotor Stator Interaction in
Francis Pump-Turbine, 23rd IAHR Symposium - Yokohama, (2006).
[10] R. Belvins, Formulas for natural frequency and mode shape, Krieger Publishing Company, 1984.
[11] A. Presas, D. Valentin, E. Egusquiza, C. Valero, U. Seidel, Influence of the rotation on the natural
frequencies of a submerged-confined disk in water, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 337 (2015) 161-

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015



Turbine Physics, Andritz Hydro SA, Switzerland
Olivier BRAUN
Turbine Physics, Andritz Hydro SA, Switzerland

Variable speed motor-generators based on full converter solutions offer new options for operation of
reversible pump-turbines, including fast transition from pump to turbine mode. In the context of
including such operation for providing ancillary services, the loads on rotating and stationary part as
well as pressure pulsations have to be considered to define feasible manoeuvers and for the estimation
of the lifetime of the components.
A pump-turbine reduced scale model test including transition is performed at the ANDRITZ HYDRO
laboratory in Linz. In addition to the standard model test instrumentation, dynamic pressure sensors
and strain gauges have been installed to monitor the dynamic loading of the different components
during the transition.
An innovative test rig configuration is used in order to reproduce prototype flow conditions during the
entire transition. The test program consists of transition from pump to turbine and vice-versa at
various speeds and guide vanes opening angles.

Pump-Turbine, Measurement, Transition

Variable speed motor-generators based on full converter solutions offer new options for
operation of reversible pump-turbines (PT) [1], including fast transition from pump to turbine
mode, where the pump is operating in pump-brake mode for a while. In the context of
including such operation for providing ancillary services, the loads on rotating and stationary
components as well as the pressure fluctuations have to be assessed [2].
In Francis turbine, off design flow conditions can be critical for the runner. High dynamic
stress on runner blades have been measured during start up and part load operation [3]. In PT,
the dynamic torque on the guide vanes is known to increase considerably in pump-brake
mode [4]. Other operating conditions have been studied thoroughly using experimental
methods and CFD simulation, see [5] for runaway, [6] for pump instability. But no data is
available to evaluate the effect of pump-turbine transition. The purpose of the present study is
to fill this lack of experimental knowledge. The collected data will be exploited in the

* Corresponding author: Nicolas Ruchonnet, Turbine Physics, Andritz Hydro SA, Rue des deux gares
6, 1800 Vevey, Switzerland, phone: +41 21 925 78 34, email: [email protected]

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

framework of the project HYPERBOLE to validate CFD simulation [7] and to optimize
transition of prototype pump turbine equipped with variable speed motor-generator.
Transition from pump to turbine and vice versa are performed with various guide vanes
opening and transition time on a pump-turbine model. Dynamic pressure sensors have been
installed to capture transient flow phenomena and various mechanical components have been
instrumented with strain gauges in order to evaluate the mechanical loading.

The measurements have been carried out on the universal test rig at ANDRITZ Hydro GmbH
in May 2015. A PT model of specific speed NQE=0.17 (nSQ=207) with Zs=24 guide vanes and
Zr=7 runner blades was selected for the test.
A specific test rig configuration is used in order to perform the full transition with realistic
flow conditions. At prototype scale, the machine head is determined by the level difference
between upstream and downstream reservoir and is only marginally influenced by the losses
in the hydraulic circuit and the fluid acceleration. In the standard procedure at model scale, a
variable speed pump is used to deliver the desired head in turbine mode. In pump mode, a
valve is used to adjust the head. It is therefore impossible to perform a full transition from
pump to turbine using standard procedure, an alternative test rig configuration is necessary.
The selected configuration is presented in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1 Test rig configuration for pump-turbine transition

The PT is mounted in parallel with a pump and a diaphragm. The head, H, is proportional
with the discharge, Q, through the diaphragm according to the well-known relation.
H KQ 2 (1)
The loss coefficient, K, of the diaphragm is selected in order to operate the pump in the stable
operating range and within the limits of the electric motor.
In pump mode, the discharge of both pump and PT flows through the diaphragm; the pump
speed is decreased in order to maintain the discharge through the diaphragm. In turbine mode,
part of pump discharge flows through the PT, the other part through the diaphragm; the pump
speed is increased in order to keep constant the discharge in the diaphragm.
The pump speed variation is triggered automatically with the turbine speed variation using
same transition time. Linear speed ramps are imposed to both PT and pump using variable
speed electric motor, see Fig. 2. Using this alternative test rig configuration, the transition as
seen from the PT is very close to the transition at prototype scale. The head variation is driven
by the fluid acceleration within the turbine.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Fig. 2 Pump-turbine and pump speed transition

Measurements have been performed at constant guide vane opening on a large range of
transition time, guide vane opening, cavitation level and head. The present paper focus on test
performed with 20m head at prototype cavitation level (=0.25) for guide vanes
openings=5, 15, 25 deg. The PT is switched from pump to turbine mode in 8s, maintained
in turbine mode during 4s and then back to pump mode in 8s. In pump mode, the PT rotating
speed is n=-1195 rpm, in turbine mode n=1025 rpm. Transitions are repeated 6 times in order
to identify the stochastic effects. The measured transitions are summarized in Tab. 1and
presented in a nED-QED diagram in Fig. 3.

Guide vane pump mode turbine mode Transition Model Cavitation series
position time head level number
deg - - - - s mWC - -
5 -0.35 -0.11 0.3 0.07 8 20 0.25 1401-1406
15 -0.35 -0.24 0.3 0.20 8 20 0.25 1407-1412
25 -0.35 -0.26 0.3 0.29 8 20 0.25 1413-1418

Tab. 1Overview of measured transitions

Fig. 3 Overview of measured transitions in a nED QED diagram

In addition to the stationary standard model test measurements, the instrumentation includes
dynamic pressure transducers at the unit inlet section (Pm01, Pm11), at the outlet section

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

(Pm12, Pm13), in one draft tube cross section with a 90 deg distribution (Pm02, Pm03, Pm04,
Pm05), near the rotor stator interface (Pm06, Pm07, Pm08) , in the chamber between the head
cover and the runner (Pm10) and in one runner channel (Pm16 near the inlet in turbine mode
at the channel center, Pm17 and Pm18 near the leading edge on pressure and suction side
respectively, Pm19 and Pm20 near the trailing edge on pressure and suction side
respectively). The definition of positions (inlet, leading edge ) corresponds to the turbine
definition. The positions of the pressure sensors are presented in Fig. 4 for the runner channel
and in Fig. 5 for the entire unit.
Guide vanes 3, 9, 15 and 21 are instrumented with strain gauges on the stem to measure the
dynamic torque, see positions in Fig. 5. The turbine shaft is instrumented with strain gauges to
record dynamic torque and axial thrust. Strain gauges are applied on the transition radius
between the blades and the crown; four strain gauges are distributed from the leading to the
trailing edge, see Fig. 4.
MID flow meter is used to record the transient discharge. Such instrument is capable of
capturing the flow variation in the frequency range of the tested transitions.
A camera with stroboscopic light (triggered with the turbine shaft rotating speed) is used to
observe the cavitation on the runner during the transitions.
The sampling frequency for the standard model test measurements including MID flowmeter
is 1000 Hz; the other signals are sampled at 5000 Hz. The blade passing frequency (BPF) is
120 / 139 Hz in turbine and pump mode respectively; the guide vanes passing frequency
(GVPF) is 410 / 478Hz in turbine and pump mode respectively.

Fig. 4 Pressure sensors (blue) and strain gauges (green) positions in the runner

Fig. 5 Pressure sensors (blue) and instrumented guide vanes torque (green) position in the unit

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015


The time evolution of discharge, torque and head is presented in Fig. 6 for =15 (series
1407). The time signals have been smoothed using a low pass filter. The different operating
modes are identified with background colors, from 0 to 4.7s the machine operates in pump
mode, from 4.7 to 7.2s in pump-break mode, from 7.2 to 18.7s in turbine mode, from 18.7 to
22.1s in pump-break mode and from 22.1s in pump mode. The vertical black lines indicate the
transition of PT rotating speed. The maximum torque is reached during the transition from
turbine to pump at 22.4s and corresponds to 1.5 times the torque in pump mode. The time
evolution of head is similar to typical prototype transition.

Fig. 6 Time evolution of the normalized discharge (Qref=0.202m3/s), torque (Tref=65.2Nm) and head

The time evolution of head with =15 is presented in Fig. 7 for 6 series of measurement
(series 1407-1412). The initial times have been synchronized to compare the series. The
repeatability of the measurement is good; the pressure peaks (at 3s and 19s) have constant
amplitude for all measurements and the time evolution is also very similar. The deviation
from the average is small and is observed in steady state condition as well. Similar
repeatability is obtained for =5 and =15.

Fig. 7 Time evolution of pump-turbine head after synchronization, 6 measurements

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

In Fig. 8, the time evolution of pressure on the runner blade suction side near the leading edge
is presented for the series 1407 (=15). In Fig. 9 and Fig. 10 the pressure at the rotor-stator
interface in the stationary part and the guide vane torque are presented for the same series.
During the transitions, large amplitude of pressure and torque fluctuation is observed.
Maximum amplitude is reached in pump-break mode and the transition from turbine to pump
leads to higher amplitudes than the transition from pump to turbine. This effect is particularly
visible in the stationary part. From pump to turbine, low fluctuation is maintained until the
machine reaches the pump-brake mode (4.7s). In the transition from turbine to pump, the
large fluctuation generated in pump-brake mode (from18.7 to 22.1s) is maintained in pump
mode even after the PT reached its normal speed (23s).

Fig. 8 Time evolution of pressure on the runner blade suction side near the leading edge

Fig. 9 Time evolution of pressure at the rotor-stator interface from the stationary part

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Fig. 10 Time evolution of guide vane torque

The spectrogram of pressure in the rotating part is presented for the same series (1407) in Fig.
11. In steady state conditions and during the first part of the transitions, the GVPF is clearly
visible (478 Hz in pump mode, 410 Hz in turbine mode). During the transition broad band
fluctuation is observed especially in pump-brake mode. In the stationary part near the rotor
stator interface, similar effects are observed; see Fig. 12 for pressure and Fig. 13 for guide
vane torque. The BPF (139Hz in pump mode, 120 Hz in turbine mode) and its harmonics are
clearly visible in steady state conditions and broad band fluctuation is observed during
transitions. In all spectrogram, a hysteresis effect during the transitions is visible. The
transition from pump to turbine is not symmetric with the transition from turbine to pump.
This effect is also observed on the global variables, flow inversion is faster from pump to
turbine than from turbine to pump, see Fig. 6. Similarly in term of fluctuation amplitude,
larger amplitudes are observed in the transition from turbine to pump than in the opposite
way, see Fig. 9.

Fig. 11 Spectrogram of pressure on the runner blade suction side near the leading edge

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Fig. 12 Spectrogram of pressure at the rotor-stator interface from the stationary part

Fig. 13 Spectrogram of guide vane torque

Measurements of PT transition at model scale have been presented. The selected alternative
test rig configuration with PT, pump and a diaphragm mounted in parallel offer the possibility
to measure full transition from pump to turbine and vice versa with conditions similar to
prototype conditions. The preliminary analysis of the collected data offer promising
perspectives. The hysteresis effect observed during the transitions highlights the importance
of transient measurement with respect to data collected in steady state conditions. Further
effort is necessary to finalize the post-processing of the results and perform the validation of
the CFD simulations.

The authors would like to thank their colleagues in Linz for performing the test rig
measurement. The research leading to the results published in this paper is part of the
HYPERBOLE research project, granted by the European Commission (ERC/FP7-
ENERGY2013-1-Grant 608532).

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

[1] Hell J., Egretzberger M., Lechner A., Schrhuber R., Vaillant Y. Full size converter
solutions for pumpedstorage plants a promising new technology. Hydro2012, Bilbao.
[2] Sick M, Oram O, Braun O, Nennemann B, Coutu A. Hydro projects delivering
regulating power: Technical challenges and cost of operation. Hydro2012, Innsbruck.
[3] Coutu A, Lauzon J, Monette C, Nennemann B, Huang X, Francis runner: cost of
operation. 5th IAHR International Workshop on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in
Hydraulic Machinery. Lausanne. 2013.
[4] DRFLER, Peter, SICK, Mirjam, et COUTU, Andr. Flow-Induced Pulsation and
Vibration in Hydroelectric Machinery: Engineers Guidebook for Planning, Design and
Troubleshooting. Springer Science & Business Media, 2012.
[5] HASMATUCHI, Vlad, FARHAT, Mohamed, ROTH, Steven, et al. Experimental
evidence of rotating stall in a pump-turbine at off-design conditions in generating mode.
Journal of Fluids Engineering, vol. 133, no 5, 2011
[6] BRAUN, Olivier. Part load flow in radial centrifugal pumps. Thse de doctorat. cole
Polytechnique Fdrale de Lausanne. 2009.
[7] STENS, Christine, RIEDELBAUCH Stefan. CFD simulation of the flow through a
pump turbine during a fast transition from pump to generating mode. 6th IAHR
International Meeting of the Workgroup on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in
Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Ljubljana. 2015.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015




University of Montenegro, 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro, [email protected],
[email protected]
Litostroj Power d.o.o., 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, [email protected],
[email protected]
University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, M5S 1A4, [email protected]

A flexible, unsteady friction dominated, experimental apparatus for investigating water hammer events
has been developed and designed at the University of Montenegro. The apparatus has recently been
modified for investigating pipeline filling and emptying events. The apparatus consists of an upstream
end high-pressurized tank, horizontal steel pipeline (length 55.37 m, inner diameter 18 mm, pipe wall
thickness 2 mm), four valve units positioned along the pipeline including the end points, and a
downstream end tank. This paper presents preliminary experimental results obtained during filling and
emptying of the pipeline. The filling of an initially empty pipeline is performed by a sudden opening
of the valve unit positioned at the high-pressurized tank filled with water. The pipeline emptying
process is accomplished by high-pressurized air supplied from the air reservoir installed at the high-
pressurized tank filled with water. The high-pressurized tank is closed and the downstream end valve
is opened, thereby starting the emptying process. Experimental runs have been performed at a number
of different initial values of pressure in the pressurized tank from zero (gravitational filling and
emptying) up to 5 bar. Experimental results indicate that pressure fluctuations are larger for pipeline
filling compared to pipeline emptying, which makes for a more dangerous transient regime, at least for
the cases investigated. From comparisons of measured data obtained by a piezoelectric transducer and
a strain-gauge transducer it follows that the piezoelectric transducer with a fixed relatively low
discharge time constant is not quite appropriate for accurate low frequency pressure measurements.
The paper is intended to serve as reference for further investigations on pipeline filling and emptying.

Pipeline Apparatus; Pipeline Filling and Emptying; Experimental Results.

* Corresponding author: University of Montenegro, Dzordza Vasingtona nn, 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro,
phone: +382 20 268 682, email: [email protected]

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

The filling with liquid of an initially empty pipeline and the emptying of an initially liquid-
filled pipeline are of great interest due to the many practical applications. Rapid pipe filling
and emptying occur in various hydraulic applications, such as water-distribution networks,
storm-water and sewage systems, fire-fighting systems, oil transport pipelines and pipeline
cleaning. During rapid filling of an empty pipeline, while the water column is driven by a
high head, air is expelled by the advancing water column. For emptying of a pipeline initially
filled with water, water is expelled out of the system while the air is blown into the pipeline
[1]. Rapid filling and emptying of the pipeline may be considered as a specific case of water
hammer with column separation in which both vaporous and gaseous cavities may be present
[2]. The filling and the emptying of the large-scale pipelines has been experimentally studied
[1], [3], [4], [5]. Developers and users of computational codes (in-house, commercial) need
measured data with which to compare their theoretical models. Unfortunately such data are
limited and fragmented elsewhere. There is a strong need for enhanced well-controlled
measurements of the water hammer, column separation, fluid-structure interaction, and
pipeline filling and emptying. To address these needs, a flexible experimental apparatus has
been developed and installed at the University of Montenegro [6]. The small-scale apparatus
consists of an upstream end high-pressurized tank, horizontal steel pipeline (length 55.37 m,
inner diameter 18 mm), four valve units positioned along the pipeline including the end
points, and a downstream end tank (outflow tank). The first preliminary tests of filling and
emptying have been performed in an early June, 2015. Key results of the measurements are
presented and discussed in this paper.

A small-scale unsteady friction dominated pipeline apparatus has been designed and
constructed at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Montenegro [6] for
investigating rapid water hammer events including column separation and fluid-structure
interaction (pressure changes last for few seconds only) [6]. Recently the apparatus has been
modified for performing pipeline filling and emptying events that are characterized both by
rapid and gradual pressure changes [4], [5]. The apparatus is comprised of a horizontal
pipeline that connects the upstream end high-pressurized tank to the outflow tank (steel pipe
of total length L = 55.37 m; internal diameter D = 18 mm; pipe wall thickness e = 2 mm;
maximum allowable pressure in the pipeline pmax, all = 25 MPa) see Fig. 1.

Four valve units are positioned along the pipeline including the end points. Valve units at the
upstream end tank (position 0/3) and at the two equidistant positions along the pipeline
(positions 1/3 and 2/3) are comprised of two hand-operated ball valves (valves Vi/3U and
Vi/3D; i = 0, 1, 2) that are connected to the intermediate pressure transducer block. A T-
section with an on/off air inlet valve (V0/3A) and a compressed-air supply valve (V0/3AS) is
installed between upstream end valve unit (position 0/3) and the high-pressurized tank to
facilitate pipeline emptying tests. At the T-section there is also an air vent valve (V0/3AV)
and a vertical pipe upstream end service valve (V0/3SV). Horizontal pipe upstream end
service valve (V0/3SH) is installed between the T-section and the high-pressurized tank in
order to isolate upstream end tank during emptying tests. There are four 90o bends along the
pipeline with radius R = 3D. The pipeline is anchored against the axial movement at 37 points
(as close as possible to the valve units and bends). The anchors are loosed for fluid-structure
interaction tests. The air pressure in the upstream end tank (total volume HPT = 2 m3;
maximum allowable pressure in the tank pHPTmax, all = 2.2 MPa) can be adjusted up to 800 kPa.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Pressure in the tank is kept constant during each experimental run by using a high precision
air pressure regulator in the compressed air supply line [6]. The upstream end tank is used for
the pipeline filling experiment where the valve V0/3A is closed thus enabling isolation of the
compressed air supply into the horizontal steel pipeline.

Upstream end
Pressure transducer
P V0/3SV tank
Electro-pneumatically-operated ball valve
V0/3AV V0/3AS
Hand-operated ball valve V0/3U: 1.67 m
V0/3D: 1.85 m V0/3A 0.0 m
Control needle valve
1.46 m
6.65 m p0/3: 1.76 m V0/3SH: x = 0.0 m
Bend (R = 3D) 1.26 m
50.33 m p3/3: 53.34 m p3/3-sg: 53.76 m x = L = 55.37 m
V1/3U: 18.02 m P C
V1/3D: 18.20 m

V3/3P: 53.47 m
V3/3H: 53.60 m
p1/3: 18.11 m V3/3C: 53.91 m
Outflow tank
V3/3E: 54.00 m

Bend (R = 3D) Bend (R = 3D)

29.92 m p2/3: 36.09 m 36.97 m
Horizontal steel pipeline
- internal diameter D = 18 mm
V2/3U: 36.00 m - full-length L = 55.37 m
V2/3D: 36.20 m

Fig. 1 Layout of small-scale pipeline apparatus

2.1 Instrumentation

Four dynamic high-frequency pressure transducers are positioned within the valve units along
the pipeline including the end points (see Fig. 1). Pressures p0/3, p1/3, p2/3 and p3/3 are measured
by Dytran 2300V4 high frequency piezoelectric absolute pressure transducers (pressure range:
from 0 to 6.9 MPa; resonant frequency: 500 kHz; acceleration compensated; discharge time
constant: 10 seconds (fixed)). All four piezoelectric transducers were flush mounted to the
inner pipe wall. These transducers perform accurately for rapid water hammer events
including column separation and fluid structure interaction [6]. In these events the water
hammer pressure pulse in the apparatus (Fig. 1) lasts about or less than the wave reflection
time 2L/a = 0.08 seconds, which is less than 10/100 of a second event during which the sensor
will discharge 1% of the voltage. Because of the relatively short discharge time constant of
these transducers which cannot be adjusted, a question is posed on their applicability for
measurements of rapid filling and emptying events. Therefore, Endress+Hauser PMP131
strain-gauge pressure transducer has been installed at the control valve V3/3C (pressure p3/3-sg;
pressure range: from 0 to 1 MPa). This transducer does not discharge the voltage (analogue
output); consequently, it can be used for measurement of slow events (low frequency). The
datum level for all pressures measured in the pipeline and at the tank is at the top of the
horizontal steel pipe (elevation 0.0 m in Fig. 1). For initial flow velocities larger than 0.3 m/s

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

an electromagnetic flow meter Khrone OPTIFLUX 4000F IFC 300C is used. The water
temperature is continuously monitored by the thermometer installed in the outflow tank. The
water hammer wave speed was determined as a = 1340 m/s.

2.2 Test procedure for pipeline filling

Test procedure for the pipeline filling is as follows. The pressure in the upstream end high-
pressurized tank is adjusted to a desired value using a high precision air pressure regulator.
The control needle valve (V3/3C) is opened to appropriate position. The upstream end valve
(V0/3U) at the pressurized tank (position 0/3 in Fig. 1) is closed. All other valves of the four
valve units are fully opened. The air inlet valve (V0/3A) is closed (isolation of the
compressed air supply into the pipeline), and the horizontal pipe upstream end service valve
(V0/3SH) and the downstream end emptying valve (V3/3E) are opened. The filling of the
initially empty pipeline is initiated by quickly opening valve V0/3U. When a steady state is
achieved, the final flow velocity (Vf) is measured using an electromagnetic flowmeter.

2.3 Test procedure for pipeline emptying

The pipeline is emptied using compressed air supplied from the air reservoir connected with a
high precision air pressure regulator. The air pressure for the pipeline emptying is firstly
adjusted to a desired value as well as the opening of the control needle valve. All valves of the
four valve units and the horizontal pipe upstream end service valve (V0/3SH) are fully
opened. The air inlet valve (V0/3A) (isolation of T-section) and the downstream end
emptying valve (V3/3E) are closed. Then the high-pressurized tank is isolated from the
system by shutting the horizontal pipe upstream end service valve (V0/3SH) and after that the
compressed-air supply valve (V0/3AS) and the air inlet valve (V0/3A) are opened. The
process of emptying is started by quickly opening the downstream end emptying valve

This paper presents measured results from pipeline filling and emptying runs in a small scale
experimental apparatus. All experimental runs have been carried out for the same initial
conditions at least three times in order to achieve repeatability of experiments. The following
case studies are investigated in this work: the filling and the emptying runs with different initial
values of the pressure (p = {3, 4} bar) in the high-pressurized upstream tank (filling procedure)
and air supply line (emptying procedure).

3.1 Pipeline filling

Figure 2 shows comparison of heads at the two end valve sections and along the pipeline for
the case of pipeline filling with the same initial conditions (tests DP4FILL_1 and
DP4FILL_2). The pressure in the upstream end tank is p = 4 bar, the control needle valve is
fully opened and the final flow velocity in the pipe after the filling process is completed is Vf
= 2.21 m/s. From the Fig. 2 it may be seen that general patterns of pressure history during
filling events are similar for both tests. As explained in Section 2.1 Dytran 2300V4 dynamic
pressure transducers accurately measure high-frequency pressure changes. Therefore, when a
new steady state is attained, these transducers do not show the final value of the pressure
because the signal discharges to its initial state (63% discharge drop in 10 seconds). Figure 3
shows comparison of heads at the downstream end of the pipeline (position 3/3 in Fig. 1)

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

measured both by the Dytran 2300V4 piezoelectric pressure transducer and by the E+H
PMP131 strain-gauge pressure transducer for the test DP4FILL_1. It may be seen that E+H
transducer, after filling process is completed, shows steady state (actual) value of the pressure
which is not the case with the Dytran transducer (step like pressure pulse).

Fig. 2 Comparison of heads at the end valves (H3/3 and H0/3) and along the pipeline
(H2/3 and H1/3) for the same initial conditions: pipeline filling

Fig. 3 Comparison of heads at the position 3/3 measured by Dytran and E+H pressure
transducers: pipeline filling

Figure 4 shows comparison of heads at the two end valve sections and along the pipeline for
the case of pipeline filling with the two different values of pressure in the upstream end high-
pressurized tank (tests DP3FILL and DP4FILL with pressure p = {3, 4} bar, respectively).
The control needle valve is fully opened and the final flow velocity in the pipe is Vf = {1.93;
2.21} m/s for p = {3, 4} bar, respectively. As expected the head rise at the position 0/3 is
higher for the tank pressure p = 4 bar and it is H = 17.1 m. The corresponding value of the
head rise for p = 3 bar is H = 12.6 m. The head rise at the end of the system at position 3/3 is
H = {12.5; 21.8} m for p = {3; 4} bar, respectively. During pipeline filling the head rise
along the pipeline is practically of the same order. The measured maximum heads along the
pipeline are to be considered with caution because of the Dytran transducer behaviour. Our
objective is to add miniature strain-gauge pressure transducers at all four transducer blocks
fitted with existing piezoelectric transducers. However, the timing of the propagation of
pressure wave fronts and the values of first sharp pressure shocks are correct. The timing of
pressure pulses in later times is correct too but not the magnitude of the instantaneous
pressure (head) due to discharge leakage.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Fig. 4 Comparison of heads at the end valves (H3/3 and H0/3) and along the pipeline
(H2/3 and H1/3) for the different pressure values: pipeline filling

3.2 Pipeline emptying

Figure 5 shows comparison of heads at the end valve sections and along the pipeline for the
case of pipeline emptying using the same initial conditions (tests DP4EMPT_1 and
DP4EMPT_2). The pressure in the air supply line is p = 4 bar and the control needle valve is
fully opened. The process of emptying is started by quickly opening the downstream end
emptying valve (V3/3E in Fig. 1). From the Fig. 5 it may be concluded that head change for
the same initial conditions during pipeline emptying is similar. The time for the complete
emptying of the pipeline is about 17 s. The initial head drop along the pipeline is about 40

Fig. 5 Comparison of heads at the end valves (H3/3 and H0/3) and along the pipeline
(H2/3 and H1/3) for the same initial conditions: pipeline emptying

Figure 6 shows comparison of heads at the position 3/3 measured by the Dytran 2300V4
piezoelectric pressure transducer and the E+H PMP131 strain-gauge pressure transducer for
the test DP4EMPT_1. Due to the nature of pressure pulses the Dytran transducers exhibit
better behavior for the case of the pipeline emptying in contrast to the case of pipeline filling

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

(Fig. 3). However, the conclusions regarding the transducers are the same as those in Section
3.1. In future experiments, the authors are planning to develop a numerical code for
simulation of filling and emptying of pipelines which will be validated against measured data
using appropriate pressure transducers that cover low and high-frequency pressure pulses

Fig. 6 Comparison of heads at the position 3/3 measured by Dytran and E+H pressure
transducers: pipeline emptying

Figure 7 depicts comparison of heads at the end valve sections and along the pipeline for the
case of pipeline emptying with two different values of pressure in the air supply line (tests
DP3EMPT, DP4EMPT with pressures p = 3 and 4 bar, respectively). Again, the control
needle valve is fully opened. The compressed air/water interface (front) at p = {3; 4} bar
needs t0/3 = {0.9; 1.4} s to pass position 0/3, t1/3 = {6.9; 6.2} s, to pass position 1/3, t2/3 =
{13.1; 11.7} s to pass position 2/3 and finally, it needs t3/3 = {19.0; 17.4} s to expel water
from the pipeline.

Fig. 7 Comparison of heads at the end valves (H3/3 and H0/3) and along the pipeline
(H2/3 and H1/3) for the different pressure values: pipeline emptying

A flexible experimental apparatus for investigating rapid water hammer events including
column separation and fluid-structure interaction has been designed and constructed at the
University of Montenegro. The apparatus has been recently modified for performing pipeline
filling and emptying runs that are characterized both by rapid and gradual pressure changes in
the pipeline. The first tests of pipeline filling and emptying have been performed in an early
June, 2015. The main objective of the paper was to investigate effects of pipeline filling and
emptying on head changes along the pipeline for different initial values of the pressure in

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

high-pressurized upstream end tank (filling) and air supply line (emptying). Higher initial
pressure in the upstream end tank produces higher head rise during filling process. The
minimum head along pipeline is practically the same regardless the magnitude of the initial
pressure in the air supply line during the emptying process. From comparisons of measured
data obtained by a piezoelectric transducer and by a strain-gauge transducer it follows that the
piezoelectric transducer with a fixed relatively low discharge time constant is not fully
suitable for low frequency pressure measurements. New miniature strain-gauge pressure
transducers are going to be employed for the next set of the pipeline filling and emptying tests
in order to get more accurate data that are needed as a reference for validation of numerical

The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS)
and of the Ministry of Science of Montenegro (MSM) conducted through the projects BI-
ME/14-15-016 (ARRS, MSM) and L2-5491 (ARRS).

[1] Hou, Q. et al.: Experimental study of filling and emptying of a large-scale pipeline,
CASA Report 12-15, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands, 2012.
[2] Malekpour, A., Karney, B.W.: Profile-induced column separation and rejoining
during pipeline filling, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 140(11), 2014, pp.
[3] Vasconcelos, J. G., Wright, S. J. and Guizani, M.: Experimental investigations on
rapid filling of empty pipelines, Report UMCEE-05-01, University of Michigan, Ann
Arbor, USA, 2005.
[4] Laanearu, J. et al.: Emptying of large-scale pipeline by pressurized air, Journal of
Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 138(12), 2012, pp. 1090-1100.
[5] Hou, Q. et al.: Experimental investigation on rapid filling of a large-scale pipeline,
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 140(11), 2014, pp. 040140531-14.
[6] Karadi, U., Bulatovi, V., Bergant, A.: Valve-induced water hammer and column
separation in a pipeline apparatus, Strojniki vestnik Journal of Mechanical
Engineering, 60(11), 2014, pp. 742-754.

a (m/s) wave speed V (m/s) flow velocity
D (m) diameter x (m) axial distance
e (m) pipe wall thickness (m3) volume
H (m) head Subscripts:
L (m) length f final
p (Pa) pressure HPT pressurized tank
R (m) pipe bend radius max maximum value
t (s) time

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015



Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics SB RAS, Russia
Andres MLLER, Arthur FAVREL and Franois AVELLAN
EPFL Laboratory for Hydraulic Machines, Switzerland

Among the peculiarities of the hydro power stations one can highlight oscillations of the water
reservoir level depending on the seasons and amount of rains from one side and non-uniform electrical
load required by the recipients from the other side. Thus, the hydraulic machines should operate under
wide range of parameters, that is one of the reason leading to the cavitation developments inducing
undesirable unsteady phenomena on the hydropower plant. The hydrodynamic and hydroacoustic
instabilities of various types are strongly influenced by the geometrical parameters of the cavities
arising behind the hydroturbine runner. For the instabilities analysis one needs also in the cavitation
compliance and the flow gain factor. The cavitation compliance represents the cavitation volume
variation with the respect to a variation of pressure and defines implicitly the local wave speed in the
draft tube. And the flow gain factor reflects the rate of the cavitation volume changing with the flow
rate variation. Thus, it would be attractive to develop some analytical or semi-empirical models
describing the form and volume of cavities in dependence on the pressure and flow rate for various
operation points.

In the present study, the cavity model constructing is based on the conservation laws for fluxes of
mass, momentum and moment of momentum in the draft tube cone. In real flows the conservation
laws are not fulfilled completely. Here, first, we checked out fulfillment of the conservation laws with
use of the previous experimental data on the velocity field. We found the real variations of the fluxes
along the cone in the cases of cavitation free conditions. These dependencies are taken as a base to
solve the problem on the cavitation area geometry for the specified operation points.

Cavitation, vortex rope, swirl, conservation laws

The hydro power stations serve not only as the source of electricity. They are found to be
most proper regulating instrument in electric grids. In the same time the water levels in the
upper and lower biefs undergo considerable variations due to seasons changings or
meteorological conditions. These factors are the reasons why the hydraulic machines need to
operate under wide range of technological parameters. Most of the operating points lying
* Corresponding author: Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics SB RAS, Lavrentyev ave. 1, Novosibirsk,
Russia, phone: +7 383 3306044, email: [email protected]

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

away from the best efficiency point are subjected to instability or cavitation developments
inducing undesirable unsteady phenomena on the hydropower plant. In a most extent this
refers to the turbines of Francis type with the runner having hardly mounted blades. The
cavitation phenomenon arises when the local pressure decreases lower then the pressure of
saturated water vapor. The hydrodynamic and hydroacoustic instabilities of various types are
strongly influenced by the geometrical parameters of the cavities arising behind the
hydroturbine runner. The review on researches of instabilities coused by the cavitation can be
found in recent works [1], [2]. Usually researches apply the experimental [3] or CFD [4]
modeling of the vortex rope with cavitation. For the instabilities analysis one needs in the
cavitation compliance and flow gain factor. The cavitation compliance represents the
cavitation volume variation with the respect to a variation of pressure and defines implicitly
the local wave speed in the draft tube. And the flow gain factor reflects the rate of the
cavitation volume changing with the flow rate variation.

The experimental or numerical approaches for determination of the cavitation compliance and
flow gain factor require high enough resources and do not obey necessary accuracy. Thus, it
would be attractive to develop some analytical or semi-empirical models describing the form
and volume of cavities in dependence on the operation point. In the present study, the cavity
model constructing is based on the conservation laws for fluxes of mass, vorticity, momentum
and moment of momentum in the draft tube cone. The approach with use of the conservation
laws was sucessfully used during development of the model of precessing helical vortex in
conical part of the hydroturbine draft tube [5]. In the real flows the conservation laws are not
fulfilled completely. Here, first, we checked out their fulfillment with use of previous data on
the velocity field obtained on the reduced scale model of a Francis turbine [2], [6], [7]. The
velocity measurements were done in few cone cross-sections with LDA and/or PIV systems.
We found the real variations of the fluxes along the cone in the cases of cavitation free
conditions and in some special operation points with steady axisymmetric cavity. These
dependencies allowed us to solve the problem on the cavitation area geometry for the
specified operation points.


The experimental data for the analysis of the fluxes conservation were obtained by Mller [2]
at the test setup representing a 1:16 reduced scale physical model of a Francis turbine with a
specific speed of = 0.27 installed on the EPFL test rig PF3 of the Laboratory for Hydraulic
Machines (Fig.1).

Fig.1. View of the reduced scale model. Section 1 and Section 2 for LDV measurements are located
0.39 D1 and 1.0 D1 below the runner exit

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

The axial (meridional) and tangential velocity components Cm and Cu were measured using
Laser Doppler Velocimeter (LDV) of Dantec FlowExplorer type in two cross-sections in the
draft tube cone Section 1 and Section 2 as shown in Fig.1. Here we consider operation points
corresponding to the axisymmetrical flow in the draft tube cone: the Best Efficiency Point
(BEP) with parameters nED = 0.288, QED = 0.200, = 0.11, N = 800 min1 and the overload
operation point with parameters nED = 0.288, QED = 0.253, = 0.11, N = 650 min1.

Figure 2 shows the mean axial velocity profiles measured by LDV in two cross-sections at the
BEP in cavitation free conditions [2]. The velocity is made non-dimensional with the mean
discharge speed in the given measurement section. The vertical bars in plots correspond to the
standard deviation values. As seen the highest measurement errors lie in the near-wall zone
due to problems of optical access. From comparison of the mirror-reflected profile with itself
(see Fig.3) one can conclude that the profiles are not centered. For example, profile of the
axial velocity presented in Fig.2a should be shifted to left by 0.011. To perform the further
analysis it will be proper to symmetrize and smooth profiles. Moreover, due to the turbulent
character of the flow (Reynolds number is of order 106) we can approximate the velocities in
the near-wall zone by the function
k(R |x|)1/7.. (1)
The coefficient k has being chosen to fit the experimental data. The results of the data
treatment are presented in Fig.4 by solid lines, now, as radial profiles of the axial and
tangential velocity components for Section 1 and Section 2.


Fig.2. Profiles of the axial velocity component Cm at the BEP [2] at Section 1 (a) and Section 2 (b)

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

The above actions are undertaken to prepare the checking for validness of the laws of
conservation of the hydrodynamic fluxes. Among the quantities which should be the same
from one cross-section to another we consider, first of all, the flow rate

Cm/CQ (-)

x/R (-)

Fig.3. Checking for symmetry of the axial velocity distribution from Fig.2a

Cm/CQ (-) Cm/CQ (-)

r/R (-) r/R (-)

Cu/U (-) Cu/U (-)

Fig.4. Symmetrized and smoothed profiles of the axial (a, b) and tangential (b, c) velocities in Section 1
(a, c) and Section 2 (b, d) of the draft tube. Symbols correspond to the measurements data from [2].

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

R( z )
rCm ( r , z )dr =
const . (2)
Next quantity, the flux of momentum,
R( z )
Fm = 2 rCm2 ( r , z )dr . (3)
can be conserved in laminar channel flows. The third quantity is the flux of moment of
momentum in full statement should also contain the impact of turbulent pulsations:
R( z )
Fmm = 2
r 2CmCu dr =
const . (4)
More rigorous formulation of the conservation law for flux of momentum takes into account
distribution of the pressure and turbulent pulsations both for Fm and Fmm [8]. These three laws
can be accompanied by the condition of energy balance, the Bernoulli equation
p 1
+ gz + Cm2 = const . (5)
In a swirl flow, like in hydroturbine draft tube, the pressure distribution is strongly non-
uniform and pressure should be replaced by the averaged quantity
R( z )
pav ( z ) = 2
R( z) 0

rp ( r , z )dr . (6)

The pressure profile can be found by integration

1 2
( r, z ) p0 ( z ) +
p= r
Cu ( r, z )dr , (7)
where p0(z) is the pressure at the cone axis. The velocity in Eq.(6) also has the averaged
character, it is discharge mean speed. Thus, the Bernoulli equation can be written finally as
pav ( z ) 1 Q
+ gz + =
const . (8)
2 R ( z )2

One more quantity that should conserve its value in a channel swirl flow is the flux of
vorticity, but in the case of axi-symmetrical flow this flux is identically equals zero.

Calculation of the flow rates in Section 1 and Section 2 with the data presented in Fig.4 gave
good result with the relative difference (Q2 Q1)/Q2 = 0.0049. During evaluation of the fluxes
of momentum by Eq.(2) the difference is more essential, 14 %. The reason, obviously, lies in
neglecting the turbulence impact. For the fluxes of moment of momentum the result is much
better, 0.9 %. For the second operation point corresponding to the overload condition we have
not found fulfillment of the flow rate conservation. This fact requires a special analysis and
further we will limit our consideration by the Best Efficiency Point.


When the pressure behind the hydroturbine runner becomes less than the water vapour
pressure pwvp, a cavitational bubble arises in the draft tube. To construct a model of
cavitational bubble we take known velocity field (say, at BEP) and consider a situation when

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

the pressure in the draft tube decreases. In a real hydro power station this corresponds to
growth of the suction height. At the current stage we know the velocity field and integral
parameters at two cross-sections. The flow rate Q and the flux of moment of momentum are
practically the same in these sections. Suppose that the flux of momentum (without turbulent
member) changes linearly inside the conical part of draft tube. When the cavitational bubble
arises the fluxes laws remain unchanged due to three order difference in density of water and
vapor. Thus, together with the Bernoulli equation we will have four equations for the cavity
bubble description. Next, to derive these equations consider parameterization of the velocity
profiles. Any profile presented in Fig.4 obeys two maxima and one minimum. Such form
allows us to apply piecewise parabolic functions matched with functions of Eq.(1) type in
near-wall zone:
a0r 2 + b0r + c0 , 0 r < r01
a1 ( r r1 ) + b1, r01 r < r12
C ( r ) = a2 ( r r2 ) + b2 , r12 r < r23 (10)
a r r 2 + b , r r < r
3( 3) 3 23 34
a4 ( R r ) , r34 r < R
Here ri, i = 1, 2, 3 are the coordinates of extrema, rij are the points of matching of individual
pieses. In these points we require matching of the derivatives too. For the axial velocity
profiles coefficient b0 = 0, for the tangential velocity a0 = 0, c0 = 0. Thus, for parametrization
of an axial velocity profile one needs in eight parameters: r1m , r2m , r3m , r01 , r34 , a0 , c0 , a4 . All
m m m m m

other parameters have being determined trough these eight due to matching conditions. For a
tangential velocity it is enough seven parameters: r1u , r2u , r3u , r01 , r34 , b0u , a4u . The values of
u u

parameters corresponding to the profiles shown in Fig.4 are presented in Tab.1.

a0 b0 c0 r1 r2 r3 r01 r34 a4
Cm, Section 1 9.1 10 0.29 0.321 0.888 0.926 0.192 0.931 0.875
Cm, Section 2 4.7 104 0.085 0.403 0.840 0.888 0.195 0.908 0.848
Cu, Section 1 0.0080 0.225 0.717 0.918 0.192 0.948 0.0717
Cu, Section 2 0.0049 0.262 0.741 0.908 0.151 0.918 0.0623

Tab.1 The values of parameters of the piecewise parabolic function approximating the velocities
profiles in Section 1 and Section 2 at BEP

Since we are trying to derive system of four equation, it is reasonable to have four unknowns.
At every cross-section of the cone we suppose that velocities profiles have forms which can
be parameterized by the function in Eq.(10). Here we suggest that all the coordinate points ri
and rij are linear functions of z, i.e. from the Tab.1 we will find positions these points for any
cross-section. The same linear dependence is proposed for the coefficient a4 responsible for
the near-wall function. As for coefficients a0, b0, c0 and the cavity radius rc, they will serve as
the unknowns.

Finally, in view of Eqs.(2, 3, 5, 8) we write the system of equations for the cavity bubble
R( z )

GQ z, rc , a0 , c0 ) 2
R ( z) r
rCmp r, a0 , c0 , a4mz , r01 )
, r34 , r1 , r2 , r3 dr 1
mz mz mz mz mz

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

R( z )
GM z, rc , a0 , c0 ) 2
R ( z )
4 (
r Cmp r, a0 , c0 , a4mz , r01
mz mz mz mz mz
, r34 , r1 , r2 , r3
dr Fm ( z ) (12)
R( z )

GMM z, rc , a0 , b0 , c0 ) 2
R ( z)
2 m ( 0 0 4 01 34 1 2 )
r 2C p r, a , c , a mz , r mz , r mz , r mz , r mz , r mz

(r, b0 , a4uz , r01uz , r34uz , r1uz , r2uz , r3uz ) dr Fmm


G=P ( z , rc , b0 ) FP ( z , rc , b0 ) FP ( z1, rc1, b01 ) , (14)

rc , b0 )
FP ( z,= pav ( z, rc , b0 ) + 2 z +
1 p gD1
U 22U 2 R ( z )
Here the superscripts with z denote that these parameters are known functions of axial
coordinate z. The superscript 'p' means the use of piecewise parabolic function.

The derived system of equations Eqs.(11 13) consists of complex non-linear equations. The
most proper way to solve it lies in composing a quadratic form
2 2 2
G z, r , a , c G )
MM z , rc , a0 , b0 , c0 (
G z, r , b ) ( )
( )
2 c 0 0 c 0
GQ z, rc , a0 , c0 + M
+ + P (15)

Fm ( z1 )

Fmm F z ,r ,b
p 1 c1 01 ( )
and minimizing it by the Gradient Descent Method. The value of cavity radius rc1 is taken as
an initial value. And first we find coefficients a0, b0, c0 at Section 1. Then we use found
quantities as an initial approach in the closest cross-sections z1 + z and z1 + z, and so on.

The examples of calculated forms of the cavitational bubble in the draft tube are shown in
Fig.5. They look very similar to the forms observed in experiments or calculated with CFD
[2], [5], [6].

The next step is done on the way for development of theoretical and semi-empirical
approaches for modelling the cavitational structure arising in swirl flow behind the
hydroturbine runner. The present approach is based on the idea for using the conservation
laws for the model constructing. The analysis of experimental data confirmed fulfilment of
conservation of the flux of mass (flow rate) and flux of moment of momentum. As for flux of
momentum, we used linear approximation for changing of this quantity through the draft tube
cone. Further parameterization of the velocity field allowed for derivation of the system of
equations describing the form of cavitational bubble. The forms obtained during solution of
the problem with the method of gradient descent look very similar to cavities observed in

Fig.5. Forms of calculated cavitational bubbles in the draft tube

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Prof. P. Kuibin (in part related to the model development and calculations) was supported by
RSF (project No. 14-29-00093).

[1] Drfler, P., Sick M., Coutu A.: Flow-Induced Pulsation and Vibration in Hydroelectric
Machinery. Springer-Verlag, London. 2013.
[2] Mller A.: Physical mechanisms governing self-excited pressure oscillations in Francis
turbines. PhD thesis, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2014.
[3] Mller A., Allign S., Paraz F., Landry C., and Avellan F.: Determination of
hydroacoustic draft tube parameters by high speed visualization during model testing of
a Francis turbine. Proceedings of the 4-th Int. Meeting on Cavitation and Dynamic
Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, October, 26-28, 2011, Belgrade, Serbia.
[4] Kuibin P.A., Susan-Resiga R.F. and Muntean S.: A model for precessing helical vortex
in the turbine discharge cone. Proceedings of the 27th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic
Machinery and Systems, September 22-26. Montreal, Canada.
[5] Allign S., Maruzewski P., Dinh T., Wang B., Fedorov A., Iosfin J. and Avellan F.:
Prediction of a Francis turbine prototype full load instability from investigations on the
reduced scale model. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 12.
2010. Art No. 012025.
[6] Braun O., Taruffi A., Ruchonnet N., Mller A., Avellan F.: Numerical investigations of
the dynamics of the full load vortex rope in a Francis turbine. Proceedings of the 5th
International Workshop on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery
and Systems. Lausanne, Switzerland, 2013.
[7] Mller A., Dreyer M., Andreini N., Avellan F.: Draft tube discharge fluctuation during
self-sustained pressure surge: fluorescent particle image velocimetry in two-phase flow.
Experiments in Fluids. Vol. 54, No. 4. 2013. pp. 1-11.
[8] Gupta A.K., Lilley D.G., Syred N.: Swirl flows. Abacus Press, London, 1984.

Cm (m.s-1) axial (meridional) velocity component Q (m3.s-1) flow rate
Cu (m.s-1) tangential velocity component R (m) radius
D1 (m) diameter of runner outlet r (m) radial coordinate
Fm (m4.s-2) flux of momentum x (m) coordinate 'UB LB'
Fmm (m5.s-2) flux of moment of momentum y (m) coordinate 'RBr LBr'
g (m.s-2) acceleration due to gravity z (m) axial coordinate
p (Pa) pressure (kg.m-3) density

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015



Christophe NICOLET*
Power Vision Engineering Srl, CH-1024 Ecublens, Switzerland
Jorge ARPE
AF-Consult Switzerland Ltd, CH-5405 Baden, Switzerland
SENG, SI-5000 Nova Gorica, Slovenia


This paper presents the case study observed during commissioning tests of the 185MW Ave pumped
storage power plant located on the Soa River, in Slovenia, equipped with one (1) reversible Francis
pump-turbine. Due to Emergency Shutdowns (ESD) in pump mode, low pressure levels appeared at
the top of the penstock which could induce the unexpected opening of the air-vacuum valves of the
safety gate valve and consequently air admission in the waterway. To investigate the causes of such
low pressure levels, advanced transient modelling of the entire hydraulic system, including pump-
turbine and air valves are performed. The validation of the model with on-site measurements are
presented and these comparisons confirm the major role played by the surge tank water inertia during
such cases. The positive influence of the air vacuum-valves during ESD is also demonstrated by
means of numerical simulations performed with and without air-valves. Conclusions for these
cases are finally presented and the counter measures taken on-site to solve the low pressure issues are

Francis Pump-turbine, water hammer calculation, surge tank, air-valves.
Pumped storage power plant featuring a layout with headrace tunnel, surge tank and penstock
may be subjected to low pressure risk at the top of the penstock resulting from transients in
pump mode operation. Indeed, water hammer caused by quick closing of the wicket gates due
to a pump power failure induces negative pressure wave propagating in the penstock and
consequently low pressure phase along the penstock. Besides, the risk of cavitation and water
column separation, the low pressure phase may also cause the unexpected opening of air-
vacuum valves located downstream the safety gate valve at the top of the penstock, producing
a risk of entrapped air in the hydraulic circuit.

Such events were observed during the commissioning tests of the 185MW Ave pumped
storage power plant located on the Soa River, in Slovenia, equipped with one (1) reversible
Francis pump-turbine. Emergency Shutdowns (ESD) occurred during the pump start-up phase

* Corresponding author: Power Vision Engineering Srl, Ch. des Champs-Courbes 1, CH-1024 Ecublens,
Switzerland, phone: +41 21 691 45 13, email: [email protected]

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

leading to low pressure levels at the top of the penstock, inducing the unexpected opening of
the air-vacuum valves of the safety gate valve and consequently air admission in the
waterway. One of these cases is presented in Fig 1, which shows the pump start-up failure
followed by ESD shutdown sequence (Fig 1 Left). One can observe in the pressure
measurement records at the top of penstock and penstock gate valve (Fig 1 Right), pressures
dropping below atmospheric pressure. As the pressure transducers were not able to measure
sub-atmospheric pressure, they featured saturation. The first simulations performed to
reproduce this event, were not able to predict the negative pressure at the top of the penstock.
Therefore, extensive transient analysis were carried out to understand the phenomenon roots.

Fig 1: Left, Sequence of pump start-up failure followed by ESD (wicket gates and rotating speed) and
the corresponding pressure measurements at the top of the penstock (black line) and valve gate (green


Fig 2 presents the general layout of the 185 MW Ave pumped storage power plant
comprising a headrace tunnel of 697 m long, a surge tank with upper and lower expansion
chambers (Fig 3), a penstock of 1567 m long, a reversible Francis pump-turbine with a
tailrace tunnel of 120 meters long. The power house consists in a vertical shaft of 18 m of
diameter and 80 m deep, where the Francis pump-turbine is connected to a variable speed
motor-generator of doubly fed induction machine type with speed range of -4% to +4% for
pump power input adjustment. The water is pumped from the Soa River with a maximum
water level of 106 masl, to the artificial upper reservoir of 2.2 Mm3 with a maximum water
level of 625 masl. Tab. 1 shows the key characteristics of the equipment installed in the power

Description Value
Maximum gross head 521 mWC
Rated discharge in turbine mode 40 m3/s
Rated discharge in pump mode 34 m3/s
Rated power in turbine mode 185 MW
Rated power in pump mode 180 MW
Nominal rotational speed 600 rpm
Speed range of variable speed generator -4% to +4%
Motor-generator apparent power 200 MVA
Tab. 1 Ave pumped storage power plant electromechanical characteristics.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Fig 2: Ave pumped storage power plant hydraulic layout

Fig 3: Surge tank layout and safety gate valve


The Ave pumped storage power plant was modelled using the simulation software SIMSEN
developed by EPFL [1]. The model considered the upper and lower reservoirs with constant
water levels, the headrace tunnel, the surge tank with expansion chambers, the penstock, the
reversible Francis pump-turbine modelled by its actual 4-quadrants characteristics as well as
its total rotating inertia, and the tailrace tunnel. The simulation model enables to take into
account the water hammer, mass oscillations, and pump-turbine 4 quadrants operation with
the resulting instabilities due to the well-known S-shape characteristic.

The lower expansion chamber of the surge tank consists in one horizontal pipe of 3.9 meters
of diameter and 107 meters long and it is always filled with water at standstill and normal
operation of the unit. During transients caused by pump emergency shutdown, this chamber
acts as a pipe. Indeed, the water in the surge tank has to be accelerated from standstill to a
flow rate corresponding approximately to the pump discharge of 34 m3/s. The flow
accelerating time is increased by the rather long length and small diameter of the lower surge
chamber inducing high water inertia. Therefore, for the modelling of the surge tank, the
inertia of the water inside the surge tank flowing through the pipe cross section has to be

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

considered by including a hydraulic inductance. It must be pointed out that model of typical
surge tanks considers the storage effect of the surge tank and the inlet/outlet head losses only
which are modelled in SIMSEN software through electrical analogy respectively by
capacitance and resistance. Fig 4 presents the modelling of surge tank with additional
inductance to account for surge tank water inertia. The head in the tunnel Hss is then given by
the set of two differential equations:
H SS = hc + Rd Qc + LSS dt
C dhc = Qc
SS dt
Kd dx lequ
Rd =
2 g Aref 2
Qc = LSS =
g A ( x ) g A mean
CSS = A( z ) (2)

With x the curvilinear abscissa along the surge tank between inlet and free surface, and lequ
and Amean the total length respectively the mean cross section area of an equivalent pipe
modeling the surge tank water inertia.

Fig 4: Modelling of surge tank based on electrical analogy with additional hydraulic inductance to
account for water inertia.

The SIMSEN simulation model of the Ave pumped storage power plant was validated by
comparison between on-site measurements and simulation results in case of turbine
emergency shutdown and pump emergency shutdown as presented in Fig 5 and Fig 6
respectively. The good agreement obtained between measurements and simulation results
confirms the adequate modelling of hydraulic system and pump-turbine transient in both
turbine and pumping mode.


Fig 7 presents the simulation results of the sequence of pump start-up failure followed by
emergency shutdown (see also Fig 1) which occurred at a low upper reservoir level. The
comparison of simulation results of the pressure at the top of the penstock (location T1A)
obtained with and without inertia effects (Fig 7 right) shows significant difference in the
prediction of the minimum pressure induced by the pump power failure. In particular, one can
observe that the pressure drops very fast when considering the surge tank inertia which causes
a delayed reaction of the surge tank to a very fast penstock discharge change induced by the
pump tripping. By comparing the on-site measurements at the location T1A (top of penstock)
and the simulation results (Fig 8) one can observe a good agreement in terms of pressure and

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

mass oscillation in the surge tank, therefore confirming the appropriate modelling of the surge
tank when water inertia is considered.

It must be highlighted that the first results obtained by using a model of equivalent pipe (to
represent the surge tank inertia) with a length equal to the total length of the surge tank, did
not match very well with the experimental results. A calibration was necessary and it was
found that with an increase of about 30% of the pipe length, the best matching with
measurements was obtained. The origin of this increase may result from additional inertia of
flow at low Reynolds as the water in the surge tank is initially at stand still, see Wylie and
Streeter, [2].

Additional comparison between measurements and simulation results in case of pump ESD
from steady state conditions at higher upstream water level as shown in Fig 9 confirms also
the good agreement when surge tank water inertia is considered.

20 Kd 7/4



SIMSEN_N [rpm]
12 SIMSEN_Hspirale_case [bar]
Amplitude [-]


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

Time [s]

Fig 5: Comparison of simulation results and on-site measurements in case of turbine ESD.
20 Kd 7 / 4



SIMSEN_N [rpm]
12 SIMSEN_Hspirale_case [bar]
Amplitude [-]


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

Time [s]

Fig 6: Comparison of simulation results and on-site measurements in case of pump ESD.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Fig 7 Simulation results of pump-turbine transient in case of pump start-up failure followed by
emergency shutdown, (left) and corresponding simulated pressure at the top of penstock (location
T1A) obtained with and without surge tank inertia effect (right).

Fig 8: Comparison between simulation results with surge tank water inertia (red line) and on-site
measurements resulting from pump-turbine transient of pump start-up and emergency shutdown
recorded on November 5, 2009, for time evolution of the pressure at the top of the penstock (left) and
surge tank water level (right).

Fig 9: Comparison between simulation results with and without surge tank water inertia and on-
site measurements resulting from pump ESD at high water level.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015


The low pressure resulting from transients due to pump ESD may lead to unexpected opening
of the air-valves located downstream of the safety gate valve at the top of the penstock (see
Fig 3), and this may induce air admission in the hydraulic circuit. The case to study was
caused by an incorrect functioning of servomotor during normal stop which led to a pump
ESD (Fig 10 left). In order to reproduce the event by simulation, the modelling of air-valves
according to Wylie and Streeter [2] were included. The model is based on the following
hypothesis: perfect gas, isentropic flow, isothermal transformation, instantaneous
opening/closing of air-valves, small volume of air compared to the pipe volume, and air
remaining in the vicinity of the air valve from where it can be expelled.

Fig 10 shows the comparison between simulation results with and without air-valve
modeling and on-site measurements for the pressure at the top of the penstock (T1A). One can
observe that the air-valve model enables to reproduce the overpressure resulting from the
compression of the air admitted by the air-valves. Fig 11 presents comparison between
simulation results with and without air-valve model leading to the following conclusions i) as
expected the air-valve enables to restricts minimum value of the low pressure at penstock top,
see Fig 11 left, which would prevent from cavitation and water column separation, ii) when
the air is expelled, due to lower exit cross section than intake cross section, the air is
compressed, and induces local pressure increase adequately reproduced with perfect gas
assumption. This air compression is transmitted all along the penstock and it is also visible on
the spiral case pressure, see Fig 11 right, which was confirmed by on-site measurements.

Pressure in T1A With Air Valve

(HWL=613.5 masl, failure of governor) Without



Pressure [bar]






0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Time [s]

Fig 10: Comparison between simulation results with and without air-valve modelling and on-site
measurements resulting from pump ESD at intermediate water level.

Fig 11: Comparison between simulation results with and without air valve modelling for the time
evolution at the top of the penstock (left) and pump-turbine spiral case pressure (right).

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

This paper presents the transient issues caused by emergency shutdowns in pump mode
during commissioning tests at Ave PSPP leading to low pressure levels at the top of the
penstock, which may additionally cause the opening of the air-vacuum valves usually placed
at elevated positions above the safety gate valves. The good agreement obtained between
simulation results and on-site measurements have shown the decisive importance of taking
into account the surge tank water inertia to adequately predict the minimum pressure obtained
at the top of the penstock and thus identifying possible sub-atmospheric pressure.

Simulation results obtained with air-valves also shown the ability of such devices to restrict
pressure drops at the top of penstock by air-admission limiting the pressure to few meters
below atmospheric pressure if the air-valves are appropriately sized. Overpressure due to air
compression when it is expelled was also shown.

We shall mention that the low pressure issues encountered during pump emergency
shutdowns at Ave PSPP have been solved with several counter measures: (i) guide vane
closing law modification, (ii) air-valves elevation reduction and (iii) addition of a venting pipe
in the surge tank in order to break the inertia effect in the horizontal low chamber, see Rodic
et al. [3].

The authors would like to thank SENG for the supply of on-site measurements and for the
authorization to publish these results.

[1] Nicolet, C., Hydroacoustic modelling and numerical simulation of unsteady operation of
hydroelectric systems, Thesis EPFL n 3751, 2007.
[2] Wylie, E. B. & Streeter, V.L., Fluid transients in systems. Prentice Hall, Englewood
Cliffs, N.J, 1993, see pages pp.: 130-132.
[3] Rodic, P., Mlacnik, J. Ivetic, M., Rejec, A., Komel, M., The hydraulic model study of
the improvement of the surge tank, at Avce pumped storage power plant with aeration
pipe, Proc. of Hydro2013 Conference, Innsbruck 7-9 October 2013, paper 08.07.
Hss (m) head at surge tank connection
hc (m) surge tank water level
Rd (s/m2) hydraulic resistance Qc (m3/s) discharge in surge tank
Lss (s2/m2) hydraulic inductance Css (m2) capacitance
Kd (-) throttle loss coeff. Aref (m2) throttle ref. cross section
Hd (m) head at the throttle HL (m) head due to water inertia

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015



Torbjrn K. Nielsen
Dep. of Energy and Process Engineering, Water Power Laboratory, NTNU, Norway

To gain stable operation of a hydro power plant, it is mostly a matter of having the right ratio between
the time constant of the rotating masses, Ta, and the time constant for the water masses, Tw. If
Ta/Tw> 6 (or at least >4), the stability is normally not a problem. However, for power plants with long
penstocks, this criterion is not enough. The elastic property of the penstock becomes an issue. The
solution of the wave equation includes a term, which mathematically is defined as tanh (tangents
hyperbolicus). This function is notorious unstable. It has a similarity to the tan-function, which goes
from to as it approaches 90 o. The cross frequency defines the frequency up to which the
governor will function. Above the cross frequency, any disturbance will go without any interference
from the governor. Therefore, the issue is to make sure that the elastic frequency is well above the
cross frequency.

Water power, stability, penstock,elasticity

Simulations with the purpose of controlling system stability is preferably done in the frequency
domain, because then all the eigen frequencies of the system are identified. If there is a stability
problem, the cause can easily be detected. This is not the case if one do the simulations in time

The differential equations for the system must be linearized around the point of operation, i.e. at a
given flow Q0, head, Ho and speed of rotation n0, and then Laplace transformed to frequency domain.
The system is hereby defined by its transfer functions presented in a block diagram. This is a well
documented method. There are numerous methods to analyse the result by graphical representation,
like Bode, Nyquist, Nichols, Root-locus to mention a few. They all ends up finding the stability
margins, i.e. the Phase margin and the Gain margin.

The transfer function of a hydro power plant assumed rigid penstock is shown in Fig. 1. The most
important time constants are Tw and Ta. Tw is the time constant for the inertia of the water masses,
which is defined as the time it takes to accelerate the water masses from zero to nominal flow. The
water masses participating in the governing process is from the nearest surface up-stream the turbine
to the nearest water surface down-stream the turbine. Ta is the time constant for the rotating masses,
which is defined as the time it takes to accelerate the rotating masses, i.e. mainly the generator, from
zero to nominal speed of rotation with full torque.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

y ph =
ref 1 (1 + Td s)(1 + TN s) 1 Tw s p 1 n0
bt Td s 1 + 0.5Tw s Ta s

Figure 1: Block diagram for hydro power plant

Tw can be derived using Newtons 2. Law:

Q0 L
Tw = (1)
H 0 gA

Tw is highly dependent on the hydraulic design of the power plant, while Ta is more or less given by
the generator manufacturer.

The transfer function between the guide vane position, y, and the hydraulic power, ph, is in more detail
shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 Block diagram between guide vane position y and power, p, rigid penstock

If one include the elastic property in the penstock, the solution of the Allievi equation [3] will include
a tanh-function; hence, the block diagram will be as shown in Fig. 3. The constant, hw, is the Allievi
constant, which is defined as:

Qo a
hw = (2)
2 AgH o

The normal criterion is that if hw>1, preferable a good deal bigger than 1, the elasticity can be

Figure 3 Block diagram between guide vane position, y, and hydraulic power, ph. Elastic penstock.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

The Allievi constant is in fact the ratio Tw/Tr, where Tr is the reflection time of the elastic wave:

Tr = (3)

Where L is the length of the penstock an a is the pressure propagation speed or the speed of sound.
The criterion hw>1 can then be interpreted as:

Tw 1 1
> 1 or > (4)
Tr Tr Tw

The cross frequency is very near 1/Tw, so hw>1 means that the frequency for the elastic waves must be
higher, or even far higher than the cross frequency. In that case, the governor will not react on the
elastic waves, and the elasticity will not be a stability issue.


The two block diagrams shown in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3, gives the two following transfer functions
between guide vane position and power:

p 1 Tw s
= (5)
y 1 + 0.5Tw s


1 2hw tanh( s )
p a
= (6)
y 1 + h tanh( L s )

Where s is the complex variable: s = j .

According to methods described in control theory [1, 2] the amplitude and the phase angle can be
solved and gives an illustration of the difference between rigid and elastic representation. In general,
for a transfer function:

(1 + T1s )(1 + T2 s )
= ( j )
A( s ) A= (7)
(1 + T3 s )(1 + T4 s )

The amplitude is:

(1 + (T1 ) 2 )(1 + (T2 ) 2 )

A( j ) = (8)
(1 + (T3 ) 2 )(1 + (T4 ) 2 )

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

The phase angle is:

A( j=
) atan(T1 ) + atan(T2 ) atan(T3 ) atan(T4 ) (9)

For the rigid transfer function, the calculation is rather straight forward. For the elastic transfer
function, the complex variable s in the expression tanh(s ) makes a problem. The complex j has to
e j cos + j sin , illustrated in Fig. 4, makes it
be outside the parenthesis. Using Euler equation=
possible to rearrange the equation.

Figure 4 Illustration of the Euler equation

The Euler equation for this particular case:

j L L
e a cos( ) + j sin( ) (10)
a a

Inserted in the equation for the tanh term, mathematically defined as:

s s
L (e a e a )
tanh( s ) = L L
where s=j (11)
a s s
(e a + e a )

cos( ) + j sin( ) cos( ) j sin( )
L a a a a
tanh( j ) = (12)
a L L L L
cos( ) + j sin( ) + cos( ) + j sin( )
a a a a

tanh( s ) = j tan( ) (13)
a a

The tanh(L/as) term has transformed to j tan(L/a) and the amplitude and angle can be calculated.

For the rigid transfer function:

(1 + (Tw ) 2 )
Amplitude: A( j ) = (14)
(1 + (0.5Tw ) 2

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Phase angle: A( j ) =
atan(Tw ) atan(0.5Tw ) (15)

For the elastic transfer function:

(1 + (2hw tan( )) 2
Amplitude: A( j ) = A (16)
(1 + (hw tan( )) 2

Phase angle: A( j ) =
atan(2h w tan( )) atan(h w tan( )) (17)
Solving the equations for increasing , the result is shown in Figure 5 and Figure 6, left Figure rigid
and right Figure elastic property.

Figure 5 Rigid (left) and elastic transfer function plotted in a Re-Im plane.

The difference is that the rigid function goes from 1 and stops at -2 on the Re-axes, while the elastic
function takes the whole turn all the way back to 1 again. The intuitive explanation of this is that the
rigid just stops, while the elastic one bounces back due to the elasticity.

Figure 6 shows the same performance in a Bode plot (Amplitude and Phase vs frequency)

Figure 6 Bode plot for rigid and elastic penstock

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015


To establish if a power plant is stable or not, is a question of checking the stability margins, i.e. the
amplifying margin and the Phase margin. The complete transfer function of the power plant must be
established and the amplitude and phase angle calculated as a function of the frequency. There are
many ways of plotting the result in order to find a conclusion on whether the stability margin is
satisfactory. The author prefers the Bode plot, however to plot the result in a Re-Im plan, Nyquist
diagram, might give additional information.

The complete transfer functions for rigid and elastic model is:

1 (1 + Td s)(1 + TN s) (1 Tw s)
Rigid: A( j) = (18)
b t Td Ta s2 (1 + 0.5Tw s)

(1 2h w tanh( s))
1 (1 + Td s)(1 + TN s) a
Elastic: A( j) = (19)
b t Td Ta s2 L
(1 + h w tanh( s))
For the rigid function the Amplitude is:

1 1 + (Td ) 2 )(1 + (TN ) 2 1 + (Tw ) 2 )

A( j) = (20)
b t Td Ta 4 1 + (0.5Tw ) 2 )

And the Phase angle is:

A( j) = atan(Td ) + atan(TN ) atan(Tw ) atan(0.5Tw ) (21)

Because of the negative sign in the expression (1 Tw s) in the numerator of eq.18, the phase shift is
negative. This is the key issue regarding stability and Tw. It makes the phase go towards -1800. The -
term in eq. 21 comes in because of the two poles at s=0.
For the elastic function the Amplitude is:

1 + (2h w tan( )) 2
1 1 + (Td ) 2 )(1 + (TN ) 2 a
A( j) = (22)
b t Td Ta 4 L
1 + (h w tan( )) 2

And the phase angle is:

A( j=
) atan(Td ) + atan(TN ) atan(2h w tan( )) atan(h w tan( )) (23)
a a

Figure 8 shows Bode plots for both rigid an elastic model. Ignoring the elasticity of the penstock, the
hydro power plant seems to be stable as both Phase margin and Gain margin is sufficient. Including
the elasticity, the system is on the border of instability, as shown in Fig. 8, right.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Gain margin

Phase margin

Figure 8: Bode plots. Left side shows the rigid simulation and right side the elastic simulation,
Tw = 0,71sec, Ta=6sec, hw=0.45. In the upper Figures, A is open loop, M is closed loop and N
is the sensitivity. The two figures at the bottom shows the same, plotted in Re-Im plane
(Nyquist diagram)

The PID parameters used for the simulations shown in Figure 8 are bt=0.1, Td=6sec, TN=0.0. It is of
course possible to stabilize the system by tuning the PID parameters, however, the cross frequency
will easily be at too low frequency, which means that the governing will be to slow and standing
oscillations will occur. Increasing the inertia of the generator, i.e. increasing Ta will have the same

High head power plants have often long penstocks, which makes the reflection time, Tr, too big
compared to Tw. It is quite possible to achieve a Tw<1, which is often the design criterion used, and
still get instability because of the elastic property of the penstock. In order to design a stable system
with sufficient stability margins, Allievis constant must be checked by calculating the ratio Tw/Tr .
This ratio, Allievis constant, should be at least bigger than 1.

Tw 1 1
> 1 i.e. > (24)
Tr Tr Tw

Which means that the frequency of the elastic wave must be bigger than the cross frequency, which is
very near 1/Tw.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

If this criterion is not fulfilled, it might still be possible to make the system stable by optimizing the
governor settings; however, the quality of the governing system will be lousy.

[1] Norman S. Nise: Control Systems Engineering,The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company,
Inc., ISBN 0-8053-5420-4
[2] Balchen, Fjeld, Solheim: Reguleringsteknikk, TAPIR, ISBN 82-519-0626-1
[3] Brekke, H: A Stability Study on Hydro Power Plant Governing Including the Influence from a
Quasi Nonlinear Damping of Oscillatory Flow and from the Turbine Characteristics, PhD
dissertation NTNU, 1984

Tw (s) Penstock time constant a (m.s-1) Pressure propagation speed
Ta (s) Time constant for rot. masses L (m) Length of penstock
Td (s) Dash-pot time constant hw (-) Allievies constant
TN (s) Derivative time constant s (-) Complex variable
Tr (s) Reflection time q (-) Dimensionless flow
bt (-) Transient speed droop h (-) Dimensionless head
y (-) Guide vane position p (-) Dimensionless power
(-) Dimensionless speed of rotation

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015


Olivier Petit*
Chalmers University of Technology, Division of Fluid Dynamics, Gothenburg
Chao Wang
Wuhan University, State Key Laboratory of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering Science,
Michel Cervantes
Lule University of Technology, Division of Fluid and Experimental Mechanics, Lule
James Yang
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Division of Hydraulic Engineering, Stockholm
Hkan Nilsson
Chalmers University of Technology, Division of Fluid Dynamics, Gothenburg
The role of hydropower to provide regulated power is important to the Swedish power
system. This becomes even more accentuated with the expansion of intermittent renewable
electricity sources, such as wind power. The variation of hydropower operation ranges over a
large spectrum of time scales, from seconds to years. For scales larger than a minute, the flow
may be considered as quasi-steady from a hydrodynamic point of view. The present work
addresses the shorter time scales. Such scales are manifested mainly as pressure transients,
which is an issue of concern in design and operation of hydropower plants.
The objective of the study is to address rapid pressure transients with a special focus on
detailed 3D processes interacting with transients travelling in an essentially 1D geometry. The
test case is a gate closing in a long rectangular pipe, where a high-Reynolds number flow is
driven by a pressure difference between upper and lower water levels. Experimental time-
resolved static pressure and PIV data are gathered for validation of the numerical results.
In a first stage the computational domain is modelled in 3D with an incompressible volume of
fluid method that includes the prediction of the free surfaces. The domain includes the upper
and lower water tanks with free water surfaces, a pipe in-between and a closing and opening
gate. The gate movement is modelled with a dynamic mesh that removes the cells as the gate
closes. The block-structured mesh is generated in ICEM CFD, and parallel simulations are
performed using the OpenFOAM open source software. The numerical results are compared
with the experimental data, and it is shown that the experimentally observed pressure
fluctuations after gate closure are not an effect of the free surfaces.
In a second stage, the upper tank and the pipe are modelled using a compressible 1D code
based on the method of characteristics (MOC). A comparison with the experimental data
shows that the correct unsteady behavior of the system is captured by the 1D approach if the
losses and the gate characteristics are correctly accounted for, at the same time as the
compressibility is adapted to the air contents of the water and flexibility of the structure.

Transient flow, multiphase, hydraulic system, CFD, MOC, PIV.
* Corresponding author: Chalmers University of Technology, Fluid Dynamics Division, 41296 Gothenbourg,
Sweden, phone: +46317725034, email: [email protected]

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

1. Introduction
During the peak period of hydropower development in Sweden, limitations of operations due
to transients were usually determined by physical models or in less complex cases by
handmade calculations. The basic theory and methods to predict pressure surges have been
well documented in textbooks since long [1-4]. However, since several decades computer
models dominate the analysis of more complex pressure surges. One-dimensionality is a fairly
accurate representation of most waterway systems and is often used to model such systems.
More complex components like bends, valves, gates, etc. may be represented by losses of a
semi-empirical origin [5, 6]. Such 1D computations of transient flow phenomena have been
used to address complex phenomena in sometimes complex systems [7-10]. If the complexity
of the involved system components increases, full 3D modelling may be used.
In the present work the pressure surge following a rapidly gate closure is investigated. A test
rig is designed and built to perform experimental analysis of the phenomena. The
experimental data show pressure fluctuations when the gate is closed. To further understand
those fluctuations, numerical simulations are performed and compared with the experimental
data. In a first stage, the OpenFOAM open source CFD tool is used to study a 3D
incompressible flow in the system. A minor loss is estimated and implemented in the 3D
model to get the same pressure loss in the system as the one observed in the experiments. The
free surfaces of the upstream and downstream tanks are included in the simulation to
investigate their influences on the pressure fluctuations. In a second stage a 1D approach that
takes into account a finite sound propagation speed is used to model the system. The minor
pressure loss previously determined is implemented in the 1D model as well. The results
show that the compressibility of the water and its mixture with air, as well as the flexibility of
the structure, are likely to be the cause of the pressure fluctuations observed in the

2. Test rig and experimental investigations

The test rig shown in Figure 1 was built at Vattenfall R&D Laboratory. The flow is driven by
the difference in elevation between the water surfaces in the upstream and downstream water

2.1. Design of test rig

The rig is mainly composed of an upstream and a downstream water tank, a 90 bend, a 10 m
rectangular pipe and two knife valves, see Figure 1. The knife valve below the upstream tank
limits the discharge when the second one (hereafter referred to as gate) is fully open. The
upstream valve opening is fixed during the experiment and creates a minor loss that is
proportional to the square of the velocity. The gate is closed linearly during 5 s, kept closed
during 8 s and opened linearly during 5 s, to generate the transient process in the system. The
upstream tank is continuously fed by water and the outlet of the downstream tank has constant
properties throughout the measurement.
The rectangular pipe inner dimensions measure 200 mm (width) by 250 mm (height). It is
constructed in plexi glass which is placed in an aluminum frame to guarantee its structural
integrity. The gate is made of a sheet steel and is placed 8 m downstream the bend and 2 m
upstream the downstream tank. The upper tank has a 1.27 m2 water area while the
downstream tank water area is 6 m2. The water flows into the upstream tank at a rate of 50 l.s-
, at which the system stabilizes to the fixed surface levels when the gate is fully open.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Figure 1: Layout of test rig

2.2. Experimental setup

During the experiments, the flow rate was maintained at a constant value of 50 l.s-1, yielding a
Reynolds number Re=1.93105 based on the hydraulic diameter Dh= 222 mm and a water
temperature of 15C. Differential pressure sensors from Druck, PDCR 810, with two different
measuring ranges (0-0.7 and 0-1 bar) were used. They have an accuracy of 0.1%. The
pressure taps were placed at cross-section 1 (hereafter referred to as S1, 1.245 m upstream
the gate) and at cross-section 2 (hereafter referred to as S2, 3.245 m upstream the gate).
Velocity measurements were performed with a particle image velocimetry system (PIV) from
LaVision GmbH.
The PIV system, the data acquisition system recording the pressure signal, and the gate
position were coupled enabling simultaneous measurements of the pressure, gate position and
velocity as a function of time.

2.3. Experimental results

The pressure variation for the two sensors is presented in Figure 2. The main pressure
variations occur as the gate closes from 5 s to 10 s, and opens from 18 s to 23 s. Oscillations
in the pressure are present after complete closure, with a period of about 0.48 s. The damping
of the oscillations is significant. The pressure oscillates about a mean level that increases
linearly in time, corresponding to the constant flow into the upstream tank and the increase of
the upstream surface elevation. These oscillations may be attributed to a water hammer effect,
but the period of the oscillations is very large in relation to the length of the pipe and the
sound propagation speed of pure water. The pressure oscillations may be as well attributed to
standing waves formed in the upper tank. To further understand the pressure oscillations, the
test case is numerically investigated in sections 3 and 4.
Figure 3 shows the gate opening as a function of time and the variation of the axial velocity
50 mm upstream the gate at the center of the pipe. The gate is fully opened at position 0 mm
and fully closed at position 250 mm. The axial velocity is extracted from the PIV data shown
in Figure 4. The curve is noisy since it is the instantaneous velocity. The flow being highly
turbulent, the velocity curve is a combination of the mean value and the fluctuation at each
time instant. As the gate starts to close, the velocity slightly increases from the steady-state 1
m.s-1and does not decrease significantly until 2/3 of the gate is close. Figure 4 presents the
variation of the axial velocity along a vertical line 50 mm upstream the gate, similarly to

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Figure 3, but at a range of vertical locations measured from the upper wall. The gate starts to
close at 5 s and is fully closed at 10 s.

Figure 2: Pressure variation recorded at the two sensor positions upstream the gate.

Figure 3: The gate closure function and the Figure 4: Variation of the axial velocity as a
variation of the axial velocity in the center of the function of time along a vertical line 50 mm
pipe, 50 mm upstream the gate. upstream the gate.

2.4. Minor loss determination

Both the entrance to the pipe and the knife valve below the upstream tank contribute to a
minor-loss at this location. The minor-loss coefficient is here estimated from the experimental
data. The energy equation between the water surface in the upstream tank (subscript 1),
assuming 1 0 and 1 = , and a position in the pipe after the valve located below the
upstream tank (subscript 2) yields
2 2
+ 1 = 2 + 22 + 2 + 22 ,
where is the minor-loss coefficient. The minor-loss is here assumed to appear in a region
with the same cross-section area as the pipe, thus subscript 2 for the velocity in the last term.
Here, is used instead of , since the experimental data is not reported in absolute
values. With a closed gate (22 = 0), the total pressure in the pipe is given by 0,2 = +
(1 2 ). This pressure can be estimated from the experimental results, as the mean value
when the gate is closed (see Figure 2). Here it is estimated to 0,2 = 30 . With a fully
open gate the flow rate (50 . 1 ) and the pipe cross-section area (200 250 ) yields
2 1 . 1, and the pressure in the pipe can be estimated from the experimental data as
2 = 5 . Under these conditions the energy equation yields, assuming = 1000 . 3,
a minor loss coefficient of = 49.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

2.5. Estimation of sound speed

The finite speed of sound in water creates a phase shift between the signals recorded by the
two pressure probes, see Figure 2. The attenuation of the wave is clear while the phase shift is
very small. A cross-correlation of the signals allows a determination of the time delay and
thus the wave speed. However, the sampling frequency for the measurements was too low to
accurately resolve the speed of sound in the present work.
The speed of sound in pure water at 25C is about 1500 m.s-1. However, the observed
oscillations, in combination with the length of the pipe, suggest that the current speed of
sound is approximately 80 m.s-1. Wylie and Streeter [4] show that the speed of sound can be
reduced to the order of 80 m.s-1 at a water temperature of 20C and a 0.1% volume fraction of
air. In the test rig, the air entrainment due to the pumping caused problems when the particle
image velocimetry method (PIV) was used. There were too many, and too large, air bubbles
in the water. The test rig was modified in order to reduce air entrainment to a minimum, but
the problem was not eliminated. The air bubbles were present during the pressure
measurements, but reduced before the PIV measurements. It is thus likely that the air content
was high enough during the pressure measurements to give a speed of sound in the order of
80 m.s-1. The structure of the pipe is as well not perfectly rigid, which also significantly
reduces the sound propagation speed. The flexibility of the structure is unknown, but certainly
contributes to the low speed of sound in the system.

3. 3D numerical investigations
The experimental results raise the question of the pressure fluctuations during the period
when the gate is closed. To understand if the free surfaces have an influence on the pressure
fluctuations, the test case is numerically investigated using CFD. The OpenFOAM solver
used to compute the flow implements the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, and
includes the free surface in the upper and lower tanks through the Volume Of Fluid (VOF)
method. The assumption of incompressibility isolates the effects of the free surfaces by
removing the pressure wave propagation. No turbulence model is presently included, but the
slight diffusivity of the convection scheme contributes to the modeling of turbulence in the
spirit of ILES. The closing gate is modelled using a dynamic mesh library. It features sliding
interfaces with mesh topology changes at the mesh surfaces along both sides of the gate, and
removal/addition of mesh layers as the gate is moving downwards/upwards. The
implementation requires that at least one cell is kept between the gate and the lower boundary.

3.1. Computational domain, mesh and gate motion

Figure 5 shows the computational domain, as well as some feature of the mesh. The mesh is
generated in ICEM CFD and consists on 2 million hexahedral cells. The upper and lower tank
free surfaces are included in the domain. Two baffles in the bend are resolved. The knife
valve below the upstream tank is modeled as a thin baffle that obstructs about 90% of the
cross-sectional area of the pipe, generating a pressure loss that corresponds to that estimated
from the experimental data in section 2.4. Figure 6 shows the dynamic mesh motion of the

3.2. Case set-up and solution procedure

The experimental flow rate, 50 l.s-1, was used to set both the inlet and outlet velocity of the
water to/from the upper/lower tanks. The total amount of water in the system is thus kept
constant, but the head at the gate is allowed to change due to the varying free surfaces. To
start with, the gate was kept open so that the flow would develop in the system, and the upper
and lower free surfaces would reach a stable level. The transient is achieved by closing the

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

gate with a constant speed during 4.9 s (preserving a cell between the gate and the bottom
boundary), keeping the gate closed 8 s, and opening the gate with a constant speed during 4.9
s. The time step was set to t = 0.0002 s, yielding a maximum Courant number of Co = 0.2.

Figure 5: Computational domain and some features of the mesh.

Figure 6: Zoom-up of the mesh at the gate as the gate is closing.

3.3. Results of the 3D numerical simulation

Figure 7 shows the pressure and velocity responses computed by the 3D unsteady
incompressible solver. The transient starts at 5 s, after a stabilization period, followed by 4.9 s
closing, 8 s closed and 4.9 s opening gate. As the gate closes the pressure increases, supported
by a reduction of the minor-loss below the upstream tank as the flow velocity decreases. The
pressure increase is about 3.5 104 Pa in both the experimental and numerical cases, showing
that the main behavior of the flow is well captured. When the gate approaches the fully closed
position the overshoot of pressure is similar as in the measurement. For the experimental case
this is the origin of the pressure wave. For the 3D computation the incompressibility
assumption forces the pressure to immediately drop to the hydrostatic pressure. During the
period when the gate is closed the pressure increases linearly due to the water level increase in
the upstream tank, similar to what is observed experimentally. There are no fluctuations in
pressure when the gate is closed, suggesting that the free surfaces are not the cause of the
pressure fluctuations observed in the experimental results. When the gate is closed it can be

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

observed that the velocity at the gate is not totally zero, due to a leakage flow below the gate.
The numerically predicted axial velocity variation along a vertical line 50 mm upstream the
gate compares very well with the experimental data, see Figure 8.

Figure 7: 3D computed pressure (left) and velocity (right) upstream the gate.

Figure 8: Measured (left) and computed (right) variation of the axial velocity along a vertical line 50
mm upstream the gate in the middle of the pipe as a function of time.

4. 1D numerical investigations
To understand if the sound propagation speed has an influence on the pressure fluctuations,
the test case is numerically investigated using Methods of Characteristics (MOC), a
mathematical technique for solving hyperbolic partial differential equations. In the present
work the MOC is applied to the water hammer equations. The equations are a simplified form
of the Navier-Stokes equations, and the sound speed is introduced to consider the flow
compressibility. The MOC is the most popular method 1D method for water-hammer in
pipeline systems [11], and it is also possible to include tanks with free surfaces [12].

4.1. Computational domain

A reservoir-pipeline-gate system is used to compute the 1D behavior of the flow, see Figure
9. The system is divided into two parts. The first part of the computational domain includes
the reservoir, its free-surface, and the vertical pipe. The second part of the domain models the
horizontal pipe. The experimentally estimated minor-loss is implemented between the two
parts of the domain to take into account the losses induced by the knife valve and the 90
bend. The dynamic losses are however not implemented in the present work. The grid size is
0.08 m, based on the sound speed and the time step to keep the Courant number at one. Thus
the vertical pipe is divided into 25 nodes, while the horizontal one is divided into 75 nodes.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Figure 9: Computational domain for the 1D MOC computations.

4.2. Case set-up

The time step for the 1D computation is set to t = 0.001 s. At the inlet an initial head of H=3
m is specified, as well as the discharge of Q=0.05 m3.s-1. At the outlet, the time-evolution of
the discharge is specified in different ways to mimic the characteristics of the gate valve. For
the 1D MOC computations, the speed of sound was chosen to be a = 80 m.s-1, see section 2.5.
The speed of sound was chosen to obtain the same frequency of the pressure fluctuations as
the measurements during the period when the gate is closed.

4.3. Results of the 1D numerical simulations

When the gate closes the behavior of the pressure is dictated by the characteristics of the gate.
Figure 10 illustrates this using three different discharge evolutions at the outlet boundary in
the MOC computation. The pressure response at the gate is compared with the experimental
signal. The elliptic discharge characteristic is the implementation that best fits the
experimental pressure signal, but it still over-predicts the overshoot of pressure when the gate
is closed. The gate discharge characteristic is instead determined from the pressure
measurements during the gate closure. Figure 11 shows the calculated discharge at the gate
when setting the extracted pressure as the outlet boundary during the gate closure. Figure 12
shows the computed pressure development using the calculated discharge from Figure 11
during the gate closure as outlet boundary condition, and assuming a no-flow condition when
the gate is closed. The 1D MOC computation captures well the behavior of the flow, but the
pressure waves are not damped as much as in the experiment. This is probably due to a lack
of a dynamic pressure loss term in the 1D MOC model.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Figure 10: Approximate gate closing characteristic (left) and computed pressure response compared
with the measurements (right).

Figure 11: Measured pressure and corresponding Figure 12: Pressure variations using the
approximated discharge, as the gate closes. experimentally determined gate characteristics.

An experimental rig was designed and manufactured with the purpose of studying the
pressure variations and velocity field associated with the closure of a gate in a tunnel at a high
Reynolds number. Time-resolved static pressure measurements quantify the increment of the
pressure during gate closure and the following pressure fluctuations. PIV measurements show
the evolution of the velocity as the gate closes.
The case is studied numerically with two approaches. The result from a 3D incompressible
approach with free surfaces captures the main behavior of the flow well except for the
pressure fluctuations that correspond to a finite sound propagation speed. It shows that the
pressure fluctuations are not due to the free surfaces, and suggests that they are solely due to
compressible effects.
It is found that the outlet boundary condition that represents the characteristics of the closing
gate in a 1D approach is important to accurately predict both the pressure rise and pressure
fluctuations. The hypothesis of a low speed of sound in this work due to a large amount of air
in the water and due to the pipe flexibility is investigated. The good agreement between the
experimental and numerical results confirms that a speed of sound that corresponds to water
with a volume fraction of air of 0.1% is appropriate in the current case.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

The research presented was carried out as a part of the Swedish Hydropower Centre -SVC.
SVC is established by the Swedish Energy Agency, Energiforsk and Svenska Kraftnt
together with Lule University of Technology, The Royal Institute of Technology, Chalmers
University of Technology and Uppsala University, The computational facilities
are provided by C3SE, the center for scientific and technical computing at Chalmers
University of Technology, and SNIC, the Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing.

[1] Fox, J. A, "Transient flow in pipes, open channels and sewers", Textbook, Ellis
Horwood Ltd., Chischester, UK, 1989.
[2] Jaeger, C., "Fluid transients", Textbook, Blackie & Sons Ltd., Glasgow, UK, 1977
[3] Tullis, J. P., "Hydraulics of pipelines - pumps, valves, cavitation, transients", Textbook,
John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York, NY, USA, 1989.
[4] Wylie, E. B., and V. L. Streeter, "Fluid transients", Textbook, Feb Press, Ann Arbor,
MI, USA, 1982.
[5] Miller, D. S., Internal Flow Systems, BHRA Information Services, Bedford, UK,
[6] Idelchik, I.E., Handbook of Hydraulic Resistance, 3rd ed., Begell House Inc., New
York, NY, USA, 1996.
[7] Adamkowski, A., Case study: Powerplant penstock failure, J. Hydraulic Eng., Vol.
27, 2001, pp. 547-555.
[8] Jimnez, O. F., and M. H. Chaudhry, Stability of hydroelectric power plants, J.
Energy Eng., Vol. 113, 1987, pp. 50-60.
[9] Ramos, H., and A. B. Almedia, Dynamic orifice model on waterhammer analysis of
high or medium heads of small hydropower schemes, J. Hydraulic Res., V. 39, 2002,
No. 2, pp. 429-436.
[10] Yu, X., J. Zhang, and A. Hazrati, Critical superposition instant of surge waves in
surge tank with long headrace tunnel, Can. J. Civ. Eng., Vol. 38, 2011, pp. 331-337.
[11] Zhao, M., and Ghidaoui, M. S. (2004). Godunov-type solutions for water hammer
flows. J. Hydraul. Eng., 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9429(2004),130:4(341), 341348.
[12] Wang, C. and Yang, J.D, Water Hammer Simulation using Explicit-Implicit Coupling
Methods, J. Hydraul. Eng., 141(4), 04014086. 10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-
79000000979, 2014.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015



Viktor Iliev, Zoran Markov, Predrag Popovski*

University Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Skopje,

1000 Skopje, Republic of Macedonia

The calculated and measured values of the main working parameters of low head HPP during the
transient operational regimes is analyzed in this presentation. The influence of the draft tube in the
modeling of the system and corresponding draft tube pressure fluctuation are described.
Using the software simulation several operational regimes are analyzed during the shut down and
load rejection of single low head Francis unit. For turbine characteristic modelling the actual turbine
model test diagram is used. The calculated results include the values of main turbine parameters,
pressure fluctuation in the penstock and the draft tube during the transient regimes.
The measurements of all parameters during the transient regimes are performed at site. An analysis
of measured and calculated parameters is performed. The comparison of the calculated values with
and without drat tube modelling shows the corresponding differences in the results, against the
measured values. A special attention is dedicated to the pressure fluctuation in the turbine draft tube.
Possibilities for cavitation and water column separation are indicated during the transient regimes. The
experimental results confirm the calculated values.

Transient regimes, Francis turbine, runaway, water hummer, modelling

Hydropower plants have relatively steady power output in the electric power system and
therefore, units (turbine-generator) are more often working at maximum power, load changes
and a large number of starts and shut-down of the units. The accurate definition of the
dynamic behaviour of the power plant and its units, taking into account various aspects of
operation is an essential requirement for the design, performances and control of hydropower
plants (HPPs). During switching from one operation regime of the HPP to another, unsteady
processes in intake and tail water structures are initiated changing the dynamics of the unit.
The calculated and measured values of the main working parameters of low head HPP
during the transient operational regimes is analyzed in this presentation. The influence of the
draft tube in the modelling of the system and corresponding draft tube pressure fluctuation are

* Corresponding author: Prof. Predrag Popovski, University Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Faculty of Mechanical
Engineering Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, phone: +389 23099232, email: [email protected]

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015


The mathematical (numerical) model of basic hydraulic components of the power plant
is presented here in more detail.

2.1 Pipe model

Mathematical model for unsteady flow in pipe is obtained using a one-dimensional
approach of modelling with conservation laws for mass flow (continuity equation (eq.1)) and
momentum (motion equation (eq.2)). These two equations set for elementary particle in
hydraulic pipes are as follows [1]:
+ =0 (1)

1 ||
+ + =0 (2)

The hyperbolic set of equations (1) and (2) are quasi-linear hyperbolic functions and cant
be solved with a general analytical solution, but given initial and boundary conditions, can be
calculated numerically, often using a finite differences method (characteristics method) [2].

2.2 Valve model

The discharge of a valve at steady state conditions is [3]:
0 = 0 20 (3)

where cQ is valve discharge coefficient.

The valve discharge coefficient depending on valve characteristics i.e. valve
opening/closing law (t) [3]:
() = () 0 (4)

The discharge of a valve at unsteady state conditions is given with following equation [3]:
= () () 2 (5)

2.3 Francis turbine model

Transient regimes in the electric power system initiate unbalanced torque between turbine
and generator, thereby increasing the rotating speed, changes according to the angular
momentum equation for the rotating mass according to the following equation [4]:

= (6)

After a full load rejection conditions the electromagnetic resistance torque Ms, can be set
equal to zero. According to equation (8), the mechanical inertia of unit J (turbine-generator)
has a significant influence on the speed variation of the rotating mass of the unit.
The influence of the turbines water passage (Fig.1) on the hydraulic system can be defined
by one-dimensional approach for modelling through the continuity and motion equation. The
head (pressure) pulsations in hydraulic installation from the turbine are represented as [5]:

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

1 1
= 2 2 4 2 |1 | 2 4 1 |1 | (7)

Fig.1 Francis turbine model

where: H is the head fluctuations between two point of computation, kQ is discharge turbine
coefficient computed from turbine characteristics (Fig. 2) and expressed as function of guide
vane opening and discharge value, Q1 and Q2 are the discharge values in the previous step
from the computation and current discharge, D is the turbine runner diameter.

Fig.2 Francis turbine hill chart of HPP Sv. Petka

The characteristic (hill chart) of the turbine (Fig. 2) can be defined as function of guide
vane opening position A0 and the discharge coefficient and head coefficient [4]:

= = ; (8)
2 2
2 3 2 2
4 4

2.4 Turbine draft tube modelling

One of the major difficulties in the turbine modelling is the existence of a vortex rope
(gaseous volume) in the draft tube at off-design operating conditions. The vortex rope
produces undesirable, periodic pressure pulsations (pressure surges) within the draft tube.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

These pressure pulsations produce existing forces that can affect components of the all
systems of a hydroelectric power plant.
Using one-dimensional approach the turbine draft tube modelling can be defined as
pressure source excitation in series with two pipes that requires the length and cross section
obtained from the draft tube geometry and the wave speed, as input parameters. Modelling of
the vortex rope gaseous volume is based on the assumption that the gaseous volume V
depends of the state variables H (the net head) and Q (the discharge). The rate of change of
the gaseous volume is given by the variation of discharge between the 2 fluid sections
limiting the rope (Fig.3), [5,6,7]:

2 2
= 1 2 = + ; (9)

where: C= -V/H is cavity compliance and = -V/Q2 is mass flow gain factor. Inertia and
friction loss effects of the gas volume are negligible, i.e. H2=H1.

Fig.3 Turbine draft tube model and vortex rope gaseous volume [7]


The case study of the HPP operation presented here investigates units with vertical Francis
turbines and rated capacity of 18.9 MW and flow rate of 50 m3/s. A complete model of the
hydropower plant with all corresponding elements is shown in Fig.4. The HPP consists of the
following hydraulic components: upstream reservoir (accumulation), penstock (pipeline),
Francis turbine and downstream reservoir (tailrace). Technical characteristics of the
hydropower plant are given in Tab.1.

Fig.4 Layout of the hydropower plant

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Tab.1 Characteristics of HPP (rated values)

Upstream reservoir Penstock Turbine Generator
Hmax=43 [m] L =30 [m] H0=40 [m] JG=710 [tm2]
D= 3.3 [m] n0=214 [min-1] JT = 30 [tm2]
Q0=50 [m3/s]
P0=18.9 [MW]

Numerical simulation of the transient regimes is performed using the WHAMO (model 1)
and SIMSENHydro (model 2) software packages [5] [9]. The time step (t=0.005 [s]) is
determined from the Lewy-Courant criteria [1], that is Cr<1:

< ; = < ()

where n represents the number of segments that penstock is divided in, while x is the length
of one segment.
Numerical model of HPP defined in the software packages presented in Fig.5 and Fig.6.

Fig. 5 Numerical model of HPP (Whamo model)

Fig.6 Numerical model of HPP (SIMSENHydro model)

The transient phenomena of the power plant were simulated for scenario with load
rejection of the unit from maximum power. The guide vanes closing law (y) after load
rejection is shown in Fig.7. The results of the numerical simulation and experimental data [8]
for pressure change at the inlet of turbine are presented in Fig.8.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Fig.7 Guide vanes closing law

Fig.8 Results for head at the inlet of turbine

In order to investigate the influence with and without turbine modelling a valve simulation
with the same closing characteristic was performed. The difference in the results can be seen
very clear in Fig. 8 and Fig. 10.
The results of the numerical simulation and experimental data for rotational speed
(runaway) of turbine are presented in Fig.9. The large differences of calculated and measured
data after 15 sec closing time are due to the friction losses.

Fig.9 Results for rotational speed of turbine

The results of the numerical simulation and experimental data for pressure change in the
turbine draft tube are presented in Fig.10 and Fig.11. The negative pressure at the inlet of the
draft tube is higher in partial load of the turbine (case study 2 in Fig 10).

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Fig.10 Results for pressure at the inlet of the turbine draft tube

Fig.11. Results for pressure at the inlet of the turbine draft tube (case 2)

The differences between the measured and calculated data of the characteristic values
during the transient regimes are presented in table below. The differences of 3,1 to 4,6 percent
can be assume as acceptable for engineering practice. Also, the shape of the measured and
calculated diagrams match very good each to other. This means that the turbine modelling is
very accurate using turbine geometry and model hill chart. In opposite, larger differences
occur in case when turbine closing is simulated with valve, even the same closing diagram as
actual turbine closing (change of discharge) shown in Fig. 12 is used.
Model 1 (whamo) Model 2 (simsen)
simulation difference [%] simulation difference [%]
Hmax [m] 51.0 49.0 -3.9 49.4 -3.1
Hmin [m] 43.0 41.5 -3.5 41.0 -4.6
Hd min [m] 2.03 -0.3 / -0.32 /

Fig.12 Results for turbine discharge

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Based on the investigation presented in this paper several conclusions can be obtained:
1. The numerical simulation models and software packages are useful and reliable tools
for calculation of transient regimes in HPP facilities.
2. Accurate modelling of HPP hydraulic components including turbine geometry is very
important for accurate simulation results.
3. Turbine characteristic (hill chart) is essential for good modelling of the transient
regimes process.
4. Draft tube modelling and simulation results can be very useful as a boundary
conditions for CFD calculations of 3D unsteady flow calculation.

[1] E. Benjamin Wylie, Victor L.Streeter, Fluid Transients, University of Michigan,
[2] M.Hanif Chaudry, Applied Hydraulic Transients, British Columbia Hydro and Power
Authority Vancouver, Canada, 1979.
[3] J. Paul Tullis, Hydraulic of pipelines: pumps, valves, cavitation, transients Utah State
University, USA, 1989.
[4] D.S. Shevelev et al.,Hydrolectric power plants (Russian), Leningrad State
University, 1981.
[5] Robert F., et al, Water Hammer and Mass Oscillation 3.0 Users Manual, US Army
Corps of Engineers, Research Laboratories, 1998.
[6] Christophe N., Hydroacoustic modelling and numerical simulation of unsteady
operation of hydroelectric systems A La Faculte Sciences Et Techniques De
Lingenieur, Labaratoire de machines hydrauliques, Thesis No 3751, Lausanne 2007.
[7] J. Kotnik et al., Overload Surge Event in a Pumped-Storage Power Plant 23rd
IAHR Symposium-Yokohoma, October 2006.
[8] ..., Hydro power plant - Sveta Petka, Commissioning tests: Technical report of Unit 1,
AD ELEM Skopje, Macedonia 2012.
[9] Nicolet, C., et al., "A new tool for the simulation of dynamic behaviour of hydroelectric
power plants". 10th International meeting of the work group on the behaviour of
hydraulic machinery under steady oscillatory conditions, Trondheim, Norway, June 26-
28 2001.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015


Christine STENS*
Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machinery, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machinery, University of Stuttgart, Germany

Pumped storage power plants are an efficient way to store energy at a large scale. In the last years, the
changes between pump and turbine mode have become more and more frequent and the necessity of
fast changes has increased.
This paper analyses the flow in a complete model scale pump turbine during a fast transition from
pump mode to generating mode by means of CFD. A linear variation of rotational speed over time is
chosen. A time-dependent flow rate through the machine is prescribed at the inlet. Due to the varying
conditions, a fully transient analysis is carried out using the open-source code OpenFOAM 2.2.
Discussed results include the flow in guide vanes, runner and draft tube as well as an analysis of the
pressure on the runner blades.
The presentation of the results starts with the examination of the inlet and outlet boundary conditions.
Geometry extensions of the pipe at the spiral case as well as the draft tube are compared to each other.
As flow rate decreases in pump mode, stall in the guide vanes leads to large pressure fluctuations
especially on the leading edge of the runner blades. In the guide vane region, flow concentrates on
single channels while other channels experience conditions near blocking.
In the runner, pressure fluctuations due to stall are clearly visible on the pressure side of the blades
near the guide vanes at high head pump operation. In pump break mode, the pressure distribution is
found to be inhomogeneous on each blade as well as between the blades. Finally, the pressure near the
runner outlet is influenced by the draft tube flow, especially at the beginning of generating mode.
In the draft tube, flow detaches from the outer walls starting from below the runner at low flowrates in
pump mode. With decreasing flowrate, the detached zone propagates towards the elbow and a strong
swirl forms at the walls of the draft tube. Shortly before the runner reverses its direction, four vortex
ropes appear starting from the hub side of the runner, that collapse to two and finally one vortex rope
in turbine mode.

Pump-Turbine, CFD, transient, mode change

Pumped storage power plants offer an efficient way to store electric energy on a large scale.
Due to a growing share of renewables in the electric grid, the number of changes between
pump mode and generating mode has increased over the last years. While it is common
practice to investigate the behaviour of hydraulic machines at stationary operating points by
means of CFD, little work has been published regarding the simulation of transients of
* Corresponding author: Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machinery, University of Stuttgart,
Pfaffenwaldring 10, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany, phone: +49 711 685 63262, email: [email protected]

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

turbines and pump turbines, such as start up, shut down, runaway or changes between pump
and generating mode. This is partly due to the computational resources required for these
simulations that became available only recently.
An overview of possible flow phenomena in reversible pump turbines is given in [1]. First
numerical studies were carried out for the case of shutdown on the relatively simple geometry
of an axial turbine [2], already featuring mesh adaption as the blades are adjusted. Li et al. [3]
investigated the flow through a Francis turbine during load rejection and runaway. Cherny et
al. [4] focused on runaway, but combined their CFD model with a 1D hydroacoustic one to
include the effect of waterhammer. More recently, Fortin et al. [5] presented results of a
numerical analysis of a Francis machine during runaway. Casartelli et al. concentrate on
speed-no load conditions [6], which are especially critical for reversible pump turbines, as
these often have an S-shaped characteristic in turbine mode. They start the calculation from
speed-no load conditions and increase the guide vane opening to reach the S-shaped part of
the characteristic.
This paper presents a numerical investigation of the flow phenomena in a model scale
reversible pump turbine during a fast transient operation change from pump to turbine mode.
It leads from a pump operating point near the instability through pump break mode to a
turbine operating point.

Simulations are carried out for a full model from spiral case to draft tube with the open source
code OpenFOAM. The pump turbine has 24 stay and guide vanes and seven runner blades.
The block structured mesh contains 2.8m cells and is intended to capture the predominant
flow phenomena at reasonable computational cost. Time step size varies from 2e-4 s to 1e-4 s
depending on the stability of the solution. For turbulence, the k-omega-SST model is chosen
to combine the advantages of the k-epsilon- and k-omega-models. The convection term is
discretized using OpenFOAMs linearUpwind scheme, while a first order upwind scheme is
used for the turbulent quantities.
Flow rate is determined by the test rig conditions. As the rotational speed of the pump turbine
slows down in pump mode, the flow rate quickly reverses and reaches a high level in turbine
direction. During the rest of the transient, the increase in flow rate is rather moderate. The
evolution of the input parameters flow rate and rotational speed over time is calculated by a
1D transient analysis of the test rig. No coupling was implemented between 1D and 3D
The variable data for rotational speed and flow rate is passed to CFD via look-up tables.
Special attention has to be paid on the choice of boundary conditions. Prescribing velocity at
either the draft tube or the spiral case may lead to instability of the solution when the flow is
leaving the computational domain. However, stopping the solution and restarting with altered
boundary conditions may cause disturbances in the flow that travel through the machine. In
this work, it was chosen to stop the simulation near the point of no inflow and adapt the
boundary conditions accordingly. Thus, the flow rate is always prescribed at the respective
inlet while static pressure is set for the outlet. The prescribed static pressure at the spiral case
outlet corresponds to envisaged head at the beginning of the transient. To enforce consistency
between the results before and after the change in boundary conditions, pressure is averaged
over the draft tube inlet/outlet and the resulting mean value is prescribed as the new static
pressure. An extensive comparison of boundary conditions for reduced models is found in [7].
Pressure is evaluated at specified locations throughout the machine. This includes four points
in the spiral, two points between the guide vanes, one in the vaneless space between guide
vanes and runner, two on pressure and suction side of the runner blades, respectively, and four
in the draft tube.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015


To estimate the influence of the boundary conditions on the flow through the machine, the
pipe before the spiral case is modelled with a length of 1500 mm. Approaching the high
pressure side of the pipe, cells are significantly enlarged to provide numerical damping for
any disturbance caused by the new boundary condition after the switch to turbine inflow
conditions. Results are compared to the original model.
Especially on the suction side of the blade close to the guide vanes, large fluctuations in
pressure occur a certain time after the change of boundary conditions in the original model.
The model with the extended pipe reduces these fluctuations. As this indicates an influence of
the boundary conditions on the results, the longer version of the pipe is chosen for subsequent
simulations to keep the boundary as far away as possible from the flow phenomena of
An extension of the draft tube, however, shows no significant change in the results in pump
mode. After the reversal of the BCs, potential disturbances are carried out of the
computational domain rather than into it.


Fig.1 shows the simulated transient in a 4-quadrant characteristic and results for simulated
head and torque normalized to their initial values. Both variables show a similar overall
behaviour during the transient. Their values drop towards the transition from pump to pump-
break mode and rise again afterwards to reach almost stable values during the first part in
turbine mode. Large fluctuations occur in pump mode at low flow rates as well as in pump-
break mode. Additionally, head shows low frequency oscillations after some time in turbine
mode. The reason for this behaviour will be investigated in more detail in the following

a) 4-quadrant representation of the b) Simulated head and torque over time

simulated transient
Fig. 1 Simulated transient and results for global quantities


As volume flow rate decreases to small values in pump mode, large fluctuations occur in
torque and pressure on the runner blades, which continue in the first half of the pump break
quadrant. This is a result of stall in the guide vanes as observed e.g. in [1, 8-10]. While flow is
evenly distributed between the guide vane channels in pump mode, it concentrates on single
channels during the pump instability while other passages are nearly blocked. As an example,
Fig. 2 shows the flow through three adjacent channels before and during the instability.
Before the start of the instability, fluctuations are small and their frequency corresponds to the

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

blade passing frequency of the runner. Thus, the fluctuations in flow rate are slightly shifted
in time between the channels.
The instability adds an additional low frequency oscillation. The region of high or low flow
rate in a channel can be seen to pass through the channels in the same direction as the runner
rotation, with single channels reaching zero flow or even backflow while the global flow rate
is still at 40% of its initial value. At the beginning, stall occurs near the bottom ring and in the
middle of the channels, while flow near the head cover side remains stable. At lower flow
rates, outward flow concentrates near the head cover and bottom ring meridionals, with
almost no flow or slight backflow in the middle of the guide vane channels (see Fig. 2b).

a) Flow rate through adjacent guide vane channels b) Flow visualization through the guide
vanes at t = 2.45 s
Fig 2 Flow through the guide vanes during the pump instability

In pump break mode, flow through the guide vanes is dominated by the passing of the runner
blades leading to strong rotor-stator interaction.In the immediate vicinity of the runner blades,
flow is forced outward (pump direction), while between the runner blades flow direction in
the guide vane channels locally changes to turbine direction. This leads to large fluctuations
in pressure and torque on the guide vanes. As an example, Fig. 3 presents torque on a
representative guide vane over time and gives the corresponding FFT results for selected time
intervals. Due to the changing rotational speed, only short intervals are considered, leading to
a rather poor resolution of frequency. However, the dominant frequency at all times can
clearly be identified to be approximately seven times the average runner frequency in the time
interval, i.e. the blade passing frequency. Amplitudes in pump break mode are seven times
higher than during the pump instability.

Fig 3 Torque on a guide vane: Signal over time and FFT for selected times

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015


Fig. 4 presents the pressure signal at four evaluation points in the runner. The pressure side
near the guide vanes (GV) is most affected by the pump instability and shows large
fluctuations around the transition from pump to pump break mode, accompanied by a rise in
mean pressure. However, an anaysis using streamlines does not detect stall in the runner
before 2.2 s near the hub and 2.5 s in the middle of the channel, appoximately 0.5 s after the
start of the pressure fluctuations. From the hub to the middle of the channel, stall occurs on
the pressure side, while closer to the shroud, it first appears on the suction side of the blades.

a) Pressure side b) Suction side

Fig. 4 Pressure over time at evaluation points in the runner (see Fig. 5), normalized by head in
steady state pump conditions at the beginning of the transition

In pump break mode, flow from the guide vanes hits the runner blades at approximately one
third of the chord length. It splits into a part that continues towards the draft tube along the
pressure side of the blade, and a second part going in the opposite direction around the blade
tip. This flow leads to a vortex on the suction side of the runner blades, which propagates
diagonally downward and inward towards the draft tube (DT). Flow is strongly three-
dimensional and causes high amplitude fluctuations at all pressure sensors in the runner. On
the suction side, the difference between the two sensors disappears with decreasing rotational
speed. Fig. 5 shows an example of the pressure distribution on the runner blades in pump
break mode. While a steep gradient exists on the pressure side in flow direction, pressure on
the suction side varies with the height of the blade, while points on the same meridional
height have similar pressure.

a) Pressure side b) Suction side

Fig.5 Pressure distribution at t = 5s in pump break mode. Pressure difference between contour lines
corresponds to 10 % of envisaged head over the machine. Pressure evaluation points are marked
with dots.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

In turbine mode, the pressure sensors near the draft tube are especially affected by the flow in
the draft tube (see next section). High oscillations occur at the beginning of turbine mode, and
a clear change in the frequency can be detected in the suction side signal.

During pump break mode and the first part of generating mode, the contributions to overall
torque vary strongly between the blades. Fig. 6 compares the contributions from each blade
for selected times. While at the beginning and the end of the transition, deviation from the
average torque is around 2 %, it reaches nearly 15 % under transient operation conditions.

Fig. 6 Contribution to overall torque per blade


Before the start of the instability in pump mode, flow in the draft tube under the runner is
straight towards the runner without significant swirl. Fig. 7 shows the axial and
circumferential velocity components in the draft tube over time on a line through the draft
tube aligned with the x-axis at a quarter of the runner diameter below the runner outlet. With
the beginning of the pump instability, flow detaches from the outer walls and starts rotating in
runner direction. While flow continues towards the runner in the center of the draft tube, a
swirling downward flow develops at the walls.

Fig. 7 Axial and circumferenial velocities in the draft tube, normalized by the circumferential velocity
of the runner at its outlet at the start of the transition, i.e. at n = n0. Positive circumferential velocity
indicates a rotation in turbine direction. No plot markers: pump mode, with plot markers: pump break
or tubine mode

This flow behaviour also affects pressure in the draft tube. Pressure near the walls is evaluated
at four points located below the runner outlet at the same height at 90 from each other. The
output of the first evaluation point is shown in Fig. 8. It drops in pump mode, but stays stable

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

in pump break mode. Shortly before the runner reverses its direction of rotation, four low
pressure zones appear in the runner and draft tube starting from the runner hub behind the
trailing edge. With increasing rotational speed, they collapse to two and finally to a single
vortex rope, as shown in Fig. 9. In consequence, the frequency of the pressure fluctuations
near the wall of the draft tube changes over time. The vortices rotate in the same direction as
flow in the draft tube (see Fig. 7), i.e. against the runners direction of rotation. This is the
result of a very low rotational speed combined with a relatively high volume flow rate. As the
runner speeds up, the rotation slows down and reverses its direction.

Fig.8 Pressure on the draft tube wall under the runner

a) t = 6.3 s b) t = 7.2 s c) t = 8.2 s

Fig. 9 Pressure isosurface under the runner at different times. Vortices move with the
rotation of the fluid in the draft tube, i.e. against the runner direction.


The fast transition from pump mode to generating mode exposes a reversible pump turbine to
serious off-design conditions. Misaligned flow leads to stall in the guide vanes and vortices in
runner and draft tube, thus causing an unconventioal loading of the components. Pressure is
distributed unevenly on each blade and the contributions to overall torque vary between the
blades, especially in pump break mode. Additionally, high amplitude fluctuations occur on
the pressure side near the guide vanes at the reversal of flow direction and near the draft tube
at the beginning of turbine mode.
The pressure results from CFD will be used as an input to a mechanical analysis of the runner
to determine stresses and strains. Furthermore, an experimental campaign with different
parameters will provide results for comparison with both CFD and mechanical analysis.
Preliminary results from that campaign are presented in [11].

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

The authors would like to thank Nicolas Ruchonnet (Andritz Hydro SA) for providing the 1D
input data. The research leading to the results published in this paper is part of the
HYPERBOLE research project, granted by the European Commission (ERC/FP7-ENERGY-
2013-1-Grant 608532). Part of this work was performed on the computational resource
ForHLR Phase I funded by the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-
Wrttemberg and DFG ("Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft").


[1] Kerschberger, P. and Gehrer, A.: Hydraulic development of high specific-speed pump-
turbines by means of an inverse design method, numerical flow-simulation (CFD) and
model testing. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 12.
2010. 012039.
[2] Kolek, T., J. Duhovnik, J. and Bergant, A.: Simulation of unsteady flow and runner
rotation during shut-down of an axial water turbine. Journal of Hydraulic Research,
Vol. 44/1. 2006. pp. 129-137.
[3] Li, J., Yu, J. and Wu, Y.: 3D unsteady turbulent simulations of transients of the
Francis turbine. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 12/1.
2010. 012001.
[4] Cherny, S., Chirkov D., Bannikov, D., Lapin, V., Skorospelov, V., Eshkunova, I. and
Avdushenko, A.: 3D numerical simulation of transient processes in hydraulic turbines.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 12/1. 2010. 012071.
[5] Fortin, M., Houde, S. and Deschnes, C.: Validation of simulation strategies for the
flow in a model propeller turbine during a runaway event. Proceedings of 27th
symposium of hydraulic machinery and systems. Montreal. 2014.
[6] Casartelli, E., Mangani, L., Romanelli G. and Staubli, T.: Transient Simulation of
Speed-No Load Conditions With An Open-Source Based C++ Code. Proceedings of
27th symposium of hydraulic machinery and systems. Montreal. 2014.
[7] Ct, P., Dumas, G., Moisan, . and Boutet-Blais, G.: Numerical investigation of the
flow behavior into a Francis runner during load rejection. Proceedings of 27th
symposium of hydraulic machinery and systems. Montreal. 2014
[8] Braun, O.: Part load flow in radial centrifugal pumps. Dissertation. Lausanne. 2009.
[9] Hasmatuchi, V.: Hydrodynamics of a Pump-Turbine Operating at Off-Design
Conditions in Generating Mode. Dissertation. Lausanne. 2012.
[10] Xia, L. S., Cheng, Y. G., Zhang, X. X. and Yang, J. D.: Numerical analysis of rotating
stall instabilities of a pump-turbine in pump mode. IOP Conference Series: Earth and
Environmental Science. Vol. 22/ 3. 2014. 032020.
[11] Ruchonnet, N., Braun, O.: Reduced scale model test of pump-turbine transition. IAHR
WG Meeting on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems. Ljubljana. 2015.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015



David TEFAN*
V. Kaplan Department of Fluid Engineering, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
V. Kaplan Department of Fluid Engineering, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
Martin HUDEC
V. Kaplan Department of Fluid Engineering, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
Vladimr HABN
V. Kaplan Department of Fluid Engineering, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic

The decelerated swirling flow often breaks down into helical structure which is unstable and causes
unsteady velocity and pressure fields. The numerical and experimental investigation of this flow
pattern is carried out on the experimental apparatus consisting of the swirl generator (source of strong
swirling flow) and the conical diffuser (equipped with the series of pressure transducers). The
experimental measurements are focused on complex pressure measurements in order to distinguish
between synchronous and asynchronous pulsations induced by the vortex structure and examine their
changes in relation to the flow rate. The numerical simulations are carried out to visualize vortex
shape and compare computed pressure fields with the experimental ones. The open source CFD
software OpenFOAM employing realizable k- turbulence model is used for the numerical
simulations. Agreements between numerical end experimental results are discussed.

swirling flow, pressure pulsations, diffuser, spiral vortex, OpenFOAM

In many cases of industrial fluid flows the flow instability called vortex breakdown occurs as
a consequence of instability mechanisms in decelerated swirling flow. The vortex breakdown
can be found in several forms related to the character of particular flow. Nevertheless, many
forms of the vortex breakdown are not relevant to the industrial applications, e.g. bubble form

* Corresponding author: V. Kaplan Department of Fluid Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno
University of Technology, Technick 2896/2, 616 69 Brno, Czech Republic, phone: +420 54114 2341, email:
[email protected]

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

of vortex breakdown in low-Re flows [1]. In case of hydraulic turbines with constant pitch of
the runner (e.g. Francis turbine), the high Reynolds number spiral form of the vortex
breakdown (called vortex rope) appears, when the turbine is operated at part load, see Fig.1.

Fig.1 Vortex rope in the drfat tube of hydrailic turbine

The mechanism of the spiral breakdown is described as a rapid axial deceleration towards
what appears to be a stagnation point. Then the straight swirl expands outwards into helix and
after one or two windings of the spiral, the filament breaks up into large scale unsteadiness
and turbulence [1]. The spiral is the basic form of the breakdown [3].
Despite the large database [4], covering investigations of the vortex breakdown during the
last forty five years and extensive theoretical, experimental and computational research, we
still lack deeper understanding of all influences on origin of this phenomena and their
relations to the vortex rope properties (frequency of the precessing motion, helix shape,
pressure amplitudes, etc.) [5]. Some important features of the vortex breakdown related to the
flow in the draft tube can be mentioned - the vortex breakdown is asymmetric and time
dependent, precessing vortex core is developed and laid in the mixing layer of vortex sheet
form in between the main flow and recirculation region [4]. The spiral form of the vortex
breakdown can be interpreted as a nonlinear global mode originating at the
convective/absolute instability transition point of the axisymmetrical vortex breakdown
bubble [6], [7]. Susan-Resiga et al. [8] concluded that the most significant case of the vortex
breakdown in conical diffusers is a high Re spiral shape with central quasi stagnant region.
In present study the simplified apparatus of swirl generator consisting of ten stationary
blades designed so that the fully axial flow is converted into flow with significant tangential
component was used in order to obtain the spiral form of the vortex breakdown. The blades
are situated on the inner spike which acts as a hub. The trailing edge deflection from the axial
direction is 30 degrees at spike side and linearly changes to 50 degrees on outer wall (shroud).
The blade length is 40 mm and blade thickness is 1 mm. Consequently the swirling flow is
decelerated in the conical diffuser where the spiral vortex breakdown appears in a form of
vortex structure. The main swirl generator dimensions are presented in Fig.2.

Fig.2 Dimensions of swirl generator apparatus

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

The experimental measurements were performed employing the hydraulic circuit with the
gravity driven flow, where the constant head was maintained. The main geometrical features
of test rig and location of the swirl generator apparatus are shown in Fig.3.

Fig.3 Scheme of experimental test rig

The unsteady pressure pulsations are measured in seven locations p0 p6. The first pressure
sensor p0 is situated 591 mm in front of the cone inlet, the five pressure sensors are situated in
the diffuser part (sensor p1 is situated 20 mm in front of the cone and p2 p5 are situated in
the cone) and sensor p6 is situated 291 mm downstream at the outlet of the diffuser. In order
to distinguish between synchronous and asynchronous pulsations the oppositely oriented
pressure sensors p1* - p5* are included, see Fig.4.

Fig.4 The pressure sensors arrangement (left) of experimental measurements (right)

The dimensionless sensor locations are calculated and measuring cross-sections s1 s5 are
defined with respect to inlet diameter D = 0.0536 m, see Tab.1.

Sensor Location
pairs L/D (1)
p0 -11.026
s1 - p1/p1* -0.3731
s2 - p2/p2* 0.6269
s3 - p3/p3* 1.5485
s4 - p4/p4* 2.4720
s5 - p5/p5* 3.3955
p6 5.4291
Tab.1 Pressure sensor locations

2.1 Time evolution of the spiral vortex

The transparent diffuser is utilized in order to visually capture the cavitating vortex using the
high speed camera recording. The precessing vortex rolls up and decays periodically

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

generating the synchronous pressure pulsations. One period of the vortex decay is captured in
series of images presented in Fig.5.

Fig.5 The experimental observation of the spiral vortex time evolution

2.2 Decomposition of pressure signal to the asynchronous and synchronous

The measured static pressure signal is decomposed to the synchronous (longitudinal)
= (1)
and to the asynchronous (transverse) pulsations

= 2 (2)
where the index number i = 1 5 refers sensors order in the flow direction. The dominant
amplitude of asynchronous pressure pulsations was found for the first four measuring cross-
sections s1 s4. One can see in Fig.6 (right) that for the particular flow rates the magnitude of
asynchronous pulsations frequency decreases downstream of the diffuser.
The synchronous pressure pulsations are realized in a longitudinal direction. According to
section 2.1 the longitudinal instability of the vortex structure related to the spiral decay is a
source of strong synchronous pulsations realized alongside of the first three cross-sections,
see Fig.6 (right). The frequencies should remain unchanged through the investigated cross-
sections at particular flow rate. One can see that this assumption is proved with slight
discrepancies due to the complex vortex behavior. For flow rates lower than Q < 4 l/s it was
already not possible to clearly distinguish dominant amplitude of synchronous frequency.

Fig.6 Asynchronous (left) and synchronous (right) pressure pulsations

2.3 Asynchronous frequency decrease alongside of the diffuser

In section 2.1 is shown that the spiral vortex decays and rolls up periodically. From closer
visual observation of image ensemble it was found that the upstream part of the vortex rotates
faster than the downstream part. Consequently the vortex spiral turns into the loop and
collapses upstream in form of straight short vortex (see t = 0.013 0.034 sec in Fig.5.). While

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

the frequency magnitudes of asynchronous pulsations are equal in the first and second cross-
sections, the frequency magnitudes decrease in the third and fourth cross-section. Two
reasons of asynchronous frequency decrease downstream of the diffuser are assumed 1.)
diameter differences respectively differences in the circumference of particular investigated
cross-sections and 2.) vortex collapse upstream to the diffuser.
According to the first assumption the frequencies in the third and fourth cross-sections are
treated from the increasing diameter ratio of the diffuser opening. Considering the diameter of
the second cross-section 2 = 0.05973 as an initial one and diameter related to the k-th

cross-section the ratio of the diameter growth defined as can be computed, see Tab. 2.

Cross section Diameter (m) (1)
s2 0.05973 1
s3 0.07 1.17194
s4 0.08 1.33936
Tab.2 Diameter growth ratio.

This ratio is then used to increase (i.e. correct) frequency magnitudes in the third and fourth
cross-sections, thus the new value of frequency in the third cross-section is defined as 3 =

3 2 .
The evolution of these treated frequencies against the flow rate is plotted in Fig.7 (left). One
can see that while for the third cross-section the agreement with upstream cross-sections s1
and s2 is achieved, for the fourth cross-section the values of frequencies are still lower.
The collapsing spiral form of the vortex is consequence of significant synchronous
pulsations. As was shown in section 2.2 the synchronous pressure pulsations are realized
mainly in the first three cross-sections. Consequently the synchronous frequency portion is
added to the fourth cross-sections deprived from the synchronous pulsations when the spiral
vortex collapses upstream to the diffuser. One can see in Fig.7 (right) that the frequencies for
full range of flow rates in the fourth cross-section now fits very well with ones in the
upstream cross-sections.

Fig.7 The frequency values of asynchronous pressure pulsations in the third and the fourth cross-
sections treated by diameter growth ratio (left) and in the fourth cross-sections treated by influence of
synchronous pulsations (right)

The numerical simulation is carried out using open-source code OpenFOAM (OF) in version
2.2.2. The unsteady calculations employing the large time-step solver PIMPLE (merged
PISO and SIMPLE algorithm) together with realizable k- turbulence model are carried out

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

with prescribed boundary conditions of the constant velocity at the inlet patch and constant

pressure = 0 at the outlet patch. The turbulent kinetic energy k and turbulent dissipation
rate were computed considering 5% of turbulence intensity at the inlet boundary.
The computational grid was built in the software Gambit and then converted into OpenFOAM
format. The computational domain is shown in Fig.8. Two kinds of elements are used. While
the major part of the domain contains hexahedral elements the tetrahedral elements are used
in order to treat regions of sharp spikes. Whole mesh consists of 3 967 877 elements. The
numerically computed velocity fields were previously compared with LDA measurements
with acceptable agreement.

Fig.8 Computational domain

3.1 Temporal evolution of computed vortex shape

The time-evolution of numerically computed vortex structure (represented as the iso-contour
of low static pressure) is shown in Fig.9. It has to be noted that while the experimental
observation is presented for flow rate Q = 13.5 l/s (due to the strongest cavitation well
visualizing the vortex core) the numerical results presented below are for flow rate Q = 7 l/s
and no cavitation. Nevertheless comparing the Fig.9 with Fig.5 it is clear that the numerically
computed collapse of the spiral vortex is well correlated with the experimental one.

Fig.9 Numerical calculated time evolution of the vortex structure


() (1)
In Fig.10 the comparison of pressure recovery = 1 is carried out between
2 1
numerical and experimental results. The best agreement is obtained for flow rate Q = 7 l/s. On
the other hand largest discrepancy is for the flow rate Q = 5 l/s where the computed pressure
recovery underestimates experimental values in all sensor locations. For both higher
investigated flow rates Q = 11 and 13 l/s the numerical pressure recovery overestimates the
numerical one especially in sensor location situated at L/D = 0.6269 where the largest
amplitudes appear.
The numerically computed and experimentally measured frequencies of asynchronous
pressure pulsations are compared in Fig.11 for the first four sensor locations. Similarly to the

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

pressure recovery the best agreement is obtained for flow rate Q = 7 l/s. Both the magnitude
of asynchronous pressure pulsations and decreasing tendency downstream of the diffuser are
well predicted. On the other hand the largest discrepancy can be found at flow rate Q = 11 l/s.

Fig.10 Pressure recovery factor experiment (EXP) vs. calculation (CFD)

While the frequency magnitudes are overestimated for the first two locations of pressure
sensors the large underestimation is obtained for the third and fourth sensor location. Well
predicted results are also for flow rates Q = 5 l/s and 13 l/s. Nevertheless underestimation of
experimentally obtained asynchronous frequency can be found for the third and fourth sensor
location at flow rate Q = 5 l/s.

Fig.11 Frequency of asynchronous pressure pulsations (EXP) vs. calculation (CFD)


6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

The steady and unsteady pressure fields were compared. It was shown that really good
agreement between numerical and experimental results can be found. The experimentally
observed strong unsteady vortex behaviour is well captured by the numerical calculation. The
single phase calculation (i.e. omitting the effect of cavitation) is considered as the main source
of result discrepancy.
It was shown that the periodically decaying vortex structure decreases the magnitude of
asynchronous pressure pulsations downstream of the diffuser. This phenomenon was
observed both experimentally and in numerical simulation.

Research was supported by project FSI-S-14-2480 (Innovative fluid machines) of Brno
University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.

[1] Rudolf, P.: Simulation of vortex breakdown in an enclosed cylinder as a preliminary
study of the draft tube vortex rope creation, FMA'08: Proc. 6th IASME/WSEAS Int.
Conf. on Fluid Mech. and Aerodyn.: Book Series: WSEAS Mech. Eng. Series, pp.147-
151, 2008
[2] Novak, F.G.: An Experimental Investigation of Vortex Breakdown in Tubes at High
Reynolds Numbers. Dissertation thesis. (Naval Postgraduate School. Monterey,
California 1998).
[3] Brcker, C.: Study of Vortex Breakdown by Particle Tracking Velocimetry (PTV) Part 2:
Spiral-Type Vortex Breakdown. Exp. in Fluid. Vol. 14. 1993. pp. 133-139.
[4] Lucca-Negro, O., ODoherty, T.: Vortex breakdown: a review, in: Annual Review of Fluid
Mechanics. Vol. 10. 2001. pp. 221-246.
[5] Rudolf, P.: Connection between inlet velocity field and diffuser flow instability, in: Applied
and Computational Mechanics. Vol. 3, No. 1. 2009. pp. 177 184.
[6] Gallaire, F., Ruith, M., Meiburg, E., Chomaz, J.-M., and Huerre, P.: Spiral Vortex
Breakdown as a Global Mode. J. Fluid Mech. Vol. 549. 2006. pp. 7180.
[7] Zhang, R.-K., Cai, Q.-D., Wu, J.-Z., Wu, Y.-L., Liu, S.-H., and Zhang, L.: The Physical
Origin of Severe Low-Frequency Pressure Fluctuations in Giant Francis Turbines, Mod.
Phys. Lett. B, Vol. 19. 2005. pp. 99102.
[8] Susan-Resiga, R.F., Muntean, S., Hasmatuchi, H., Anton, I., Avellan, F.: Analysis and
Prevention of Vortex Breakdown in the Simplified Discharge Cone of a Francis Turbine.
Journal of Fluids Engineering. 2010. Vol. 132.
[9] tefan, D., Zubk, P., Hudec, M., Habn, L. Numerical and experimental investigation
of swirling flow in a conical diffuser. 2015. EPJ Web of Conferences. Vol. 92.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015



Muris Torlak1,*, Adis Bubalo2, Ejub Daferovi1

University of Sarajevo - Mechanical Engineering Faculty
Vilsonovo etalite 9, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina
Elektroprivreda BiH - Hidroelektrane na Neretvi
Jaroslava ernija br.1, 88420 Jablanica, Bosnia-Herzegovina
* corresponding author, corresponding e-mail address: [email protected]

Water elevation in a surge tank during closure of the turbine wicket gates in a hydropower plant is calculated
using a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method with a free-surface model based on volume-of-fluid
approach. Stagnation condition is applied at the inlet boundary after a proper initialization. The results are
compared with the experimental data from the real-scale test and with a simple analytical solution. CFD
prediction of the water level agrees considerably well with the meassured values, while the analytical solution
exhibits strong over-prediction of the oscillation amplitudes. Thus, present CFD calculations provide a reliable
approach to assess surge tank perfromance which should ensure water surface motion within acceptable limits
and proper pressure damping. In the further work, the CFD results will be used to improve the surge-tank model
equations, so that faster and acceptable solutions can be obtained.

1. Introduction

Sudden change of the flow rate through a hydraulic turbine may trigger considerable change
in pressure in the penstock and the headrace tunnel of a hydropower plant, which is typically
damped using facilities like surge tanks. Appropriate shapes and dimensions of surge tanks
are decisive for their proper functioning, so that reasonable attention is paid to this during the
design and construction of hydropower plants. Modernization or refurbishment of existing
hydropower plants may however lead to mismatch of optimum conditions for the existing
surge tank structure and the operating conditions of the newly installed machinery, requiring
thus certain structural modifications in order to allow maximum exploitation and efficiency of
the power plant.
A method for analysis of water behavior in surge tanks is studied. Water elevation is
adopted as decisive criterion for assessment of functioning of an existing surge tank exposed
to increased flow rates, as expected in the full-load conditions after the modernisation.
Numerical calculations of the water flow and the free-surface motion based on the
computational fluid dynamics (CFD) approach are conducted. Attention is paid to treatment
of the inlet boundary condition. The numerical results are compared both with analytical
solution and with the experimental data obtained in the real-scale testing on an existing
hydropower plant.

2. Problem description

After the modernization of the Hydropower Plant Jablanica, Bosnia-Herzegovina, the

installed power of the 6 Francis turbines is increased from 150 MW to 180 MW, which
assumes increase in flow rate at full load from 30 m3/s to 34.5 m3/s per turbine, or from 90
m3/s to 103.5 m3/s per headrace tunnel (there are two headrace tunnels and penstocks,
supplying the water to three turbines each). However, in the case of sudden flow rate changes,
such a high flow rate might trigger disturbances in functioning or even damage of the surge

* Corresponding author: University of Sarajevo - Mechanical Engineering Faculty

Vilsonovo etalite 9, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina; [email protected]

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

tank and the equipment. Specifically, the closure process leads to free-surface elevation which
might cause serious damage of the equipment when it exceeds the tolerated level upper side
of the water chamber on the left-hand side, see Fig. 1 where the surge tank of HPP Jablanica
is shown. Hence, correct prediction of the free-surface behavior at load rejection is essential
and allows proper assessment of the surge tank operation.
initial free-surface level inspection tunnel


diaphragm water flow


from the
reservoir water flow
toward direction

Fig. 1 Cross-section of the surge tank of HPP Jablanica (left)

and its geometric model as used in simulation (right).

The length of the headrace tunnel between the water intake and the surge tank is 1950 m,
the total decline ammounts to about 5 m. Its inner diameter is 6.3 m. The axis of the headrace
tunnel beneath the surge tank is positioned 217 m a. s. l. The junction between the tunnel and
the tank has diameter of 5 m, with a diaphragm for additional damping whose inner size is 3.6
m. The inner diameter of the surge tank is 13 m, and its maximum height is 66.5 m measured
from the axis of the headrace tunnel. The water chamber is 80 m long, and its diameter
reduces from 7.70 m to 7.30 m. It is positioned 55 m above the headrace tunnel centerline.

3. Analytical solution

There is a variety of analytical formulations to describe the behaviour of the water surface in a
surge tank. They are usually obtained from differential equations governing the conservation
of mass and linear momentum.
Here, the simple expressions from literature, obtained assuming cylindrical shape of the
surge tank mounted above the horizontal pipeline and neglecting wall friction and other
damping effects such as shape-triggered pressure drops, are shown respectively for water
elevation in time, maximum water elevation (amplitude) and the period of water oscillations
in the tank:

g At Q L Ast L Ast
z (t ) = zmax sin t , zmax = t , T = 2 . (1)
L Ast Ast g At g At

z is the vertical displacement of the free-surface in the tank, L is the length of the headrace
tunnel, At is the cross-section area of the tunnel, Ast is the cross-section area of the tank, t is
the time, g is the gravity acceleration, Qt is the flow rate through the tunnel, T is the period of

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

the water oscillations in the surge tank.

In the case of the surge tank with a chamber, a simple correction of eq. (1) is employed by
modifying the cross-section area Ast so that the volume of the assumed cylindrical tank is
equal to the total volume of the surge tank with the chamber.
Emanating from the geometric data of the example surge tank considered, the oscillation
period for the simple cylindrical tank would be about 182.7 s, and the corrected value
accounting for the side chamber is about 225 s. The amplitude of the free-surface elevation
for the current design flow rate of 90 m3/s is about 15 m, which is unrealistically high.

4. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)

Two-phase flow of water and air in the surge tank is regarded as flow of immiscible phases
with sufficiently sharp interface free surface of the liquid. It is calculated using a volume-of-
fluid approach with interface capturing [1, 2].
Flow of an effective fluid mixture is observed in a control volume under consideration,
assuming that the both phases share the velocity and the pressure. The properties of the
effective fluid mixture, density and viscosity, are the volume-averaged properties of the
individual phases. While the effective fluid motion is described by the Navier-Stokes
equations given here in integral form:

dV + v dS = 0 , (2)
t V S

( )

v dV + v v dS = p dS + v + T v dS + f b dV , (3)
t V S S S V

the behavior of the transported phase (typically, the liquid phase) is described by the scalar transport
equation for the phase volume fraction c:

c dV + c v dS = 0 . (4)
t V S

In eqs. (2-4), the flow properties represent local, instantaneous values, where v is the velocity

vector, p is the pressure, is the density, is the dynamic viscosity, S is the control surface,

V is the volume within the control surface, t is the time, and fV is the vector of body forces
accounting for gravity effects.
The sources or sinks of the phases in eqs. (2) and (4) are neglected, since they are not
relevant for the problem considered here. Both water and air are regarded as incompressible,
hence density is assumed to be constant across the control volume and in time, and may be
omitted from eq. (2).
Turbulence effects which may arise particularly in the region occupied by the air are
described by two additional transport equations for the turbulent kinetic energy and the
specific dissipation rate according to the k- turbulence model [3].
The solution domain is represented by an unstructured set of contiguous, non-overlapping
boundary-fitted cells bounded by an arbitrary number of flat faces. Eqs. (2-4) and turbulent
transport equations are applied to each cell and discretized using a finite-volume method [3,
4]. The collocated arrangement with all solution variables referring to the cell centroids is

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

employed. The surface and volume integrals are approximated using the midpoint rule. A
linear-upwind scheme, which is formally second-order accurate, is used for discretization of
the convective terms, while high-resolution interface capturing scheme (HRIC) [1, 2] is used
in eq. (4). The face contributions from the viscous/diffusion term are obtained by differencing
the variable values from the neighbor cell centroids, and include a correction term in order to
suppress possible oscillations caused by grid non-orthogonality [4]. The gradients are
calculated by blending the Gauss method and the weighted least-square method, with the
blending factor depending on the grid quality and appropriate limiting taking into account the
variable values from the neighbor cells.
The considered time interval is subdivided into a finite number of the time steps of the same
size, and an implicit time integration scheme is applied to promote stability [3]. The resulting
systems of equations assembled for each solution variable are processed sequentially in turn.
They are solved employing an algebraic multigrid method.
All calculations are performed using the CFD software STAR-CCM+ [5].

5. Computational model

The geometric model includes the headrace tunnel, the surge tank with the diaphragm,
chamber and the inspection tunnel, as well as the penstock, see Fig. 2. The length of the
headrace tunnel in the model has significant effects on the static pressure and water elevation
variation, hence the complete tunnel is taken into account. Due to symmetric shape of the
geometric model, symmetric flow behavior is expected. Hence, only a half of the model is
considered in the calculation, applying the appropriate symmetry condition as the boundary
condition in the midplane.

Fig. 2 Computational grid in a part of the solution domain. Local grid refinement in the
diaphragm region and in the region of expected free surface motion is seen.

The computational grid contains about 80.000 cells, which are trimmed at the boundaries,
while the rest of them is of cubical shape yielding the optimum grid quality at the shared
interior cell faces. The grid is locally refined in the diaphragm region as well as in the free-
surface region, where strong flow variations are expected. The time step size used is of order
of magnitude of 0.1 s, to keep the Courant-number values in the vicinity of the free-surface
sufficiently low. These time steps sizes are sufficiently fine with respect to the expected
oscillation periods (~200 s) so that even 1st-order implicit Euler scheme provides acceptable
results. The total simulated time is between 300 s and 600 s, which depends on the operating
conditions simulated.
The boundary condition at the turbine side of the penstock (wicket-gate closure) is specified
as linear variation of the flow rate, from the operating level Qt, n to zero, within the prescribed
closure time between the instant of the closure start t1 and the instant of the closure end t2:

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Qt, n , t < t1
t2 t
Qt (t ) = Qt, n , t1 t t2 . (5)
t2 t1
0, t2 < t

At the opening of the inspection tunnel (upper-right boundary), static, atmospheric pressure
condition is specified.
Numerical tests have shown that simulation results strongly depend on the inlet boundary
condition while commonly used types of are employed all the time of simulation. Constant
incoming flow rate is not applicable, since this would lead to the constant filling of the surge
tank after the turbine closure which is not the case in reality. On the other hand, if
initialization of the flow field is inadequate, pressure specification at the inlet exhibits rather
unstable behaviour prior to the turbine closure, enforcing unrealistically large amounts of
water to flow from the surge tank into the penstock. Hence, in order to provide proper initial
flow in the tunnel and the penstock, the constant flow rate is specificed at the inlet boundary
for a relatively short interval of time before the turbine closing starts (typically 1-2 s). After
this, the stagnation condition the total pressure far upstream, where the fluid is assumed to
be at rest: ptot = water g (zref z ) with zref being the elevation of the free surface in the
reservoir, and z the vertical position of the boundary point is employed relating the static
pressure and the velocity magnitude at the inlet via Bernoulli's equation.

6. Results

In Fig. 3, CFD prediction of the water phase distribution at a number of typical time steps,
with non-equal time difference between the individual steps, is shown. The arrows depict
main flow direction. A comparison of the CFD results with the photographs from the real-
scale test for the same operating conditions, shown in Fig. 4, reveals certain agreement
indicating that the most typical motion patterns are captured by the simulation: water rising in
the tank, water entrance into the side chamber, reflection from the side chamber wall with
back flow from the side chamber, and simultaneous back flow from the chamber and water
sinking in the tank.
More detailed comparison is given in Fig. 5 where the time histories of the maxmimum
water elevation in the tank for two different cases, for which the real-scale testing data exist,
are shown. Analytical solutions from eq. (1) are shown as well. The blue dotted line indicates
approximately the position of the lowest point, while the red dashed line indicates the position
of the highest point of the water side chamber (the latter represents approximately the limit of
the free surface position tolerance).

IAHR WG Meeting on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Ljubljana 2015

Fig. 3 A sequence of the water phase distribution (blue) at a number of different time steps,
illustrating free surface motion in the surge tank.

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 4 Observations from the real-scale testing: water rising in the tank (a), water flow into
the side chamber (b), back flow from the side chamber (c), simultaneous back flow from the
chamber and water sinking in the tank (d).

Fig. 5 Time history of the maximum water elevation in the surge tank for two different
operating conditions: Qt =72 m3/s and initial water level 261.4 m a.s.l. (left), and Qt = 84.8
m3/s and initial water level 267.9 m a.s.l. (right).

For assessment of the surge tank functioning the first oscillation period is relevant, since
that is when the highest amplitude arises.
In the case with the lower flow rate and the lower initial water level (Qt =72 m3/s, z0=261.4
m, Fig. 5 left), the free surface rises until it reaches the side chamber, and subsequently enters
it, keeping roughly the same surface level for about 90 s (reflection and back flow from the
side chamber), which is still below the tolerance limit (red dashed line). CFD results agree
well with the measurement findings, and reproduce the reflection and back-flow effect. The

IAHR WG Meeting on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Ljubljana 2015

analytical solution of the water oscillation period agrees realtively well in the first oscillation,
however the amplitude of the water surface motion reaches the tolerance limit, which means
that the functioning of the surge tank at these operating conditions would be questionable.
Fig. 5 right shows the case with the higher flow rate Qt = 84.8 m3/s (slightly lower than the
current design flow rate) and the higher initial water level z0= 267.94 m (corresponds to the
design head of the plant), where the tolerance level of the free surface position is almost
reached. The oscillation period is noticeably longer. CFD simulation reproduces these effects
as well. Analytical solution, since no damping included, exhibits the same oscillation period
as in the previous case, while the oscillation amplitudes are much higher and considerably
beyond the tolerance limit.

7. Conclusions

CFD analysis of the water flow in a surge tank provides detailed information on the flow
phenomena in the surge tank enabling their thorough understanding. Agreement between the
simulation results and the experiment is acceptable, enhancing reliability of the surge-tank
operation assessment. The computational costs are much higher as compared to analytical
solution or numerical solution of the simplified surge-tank models based on mass and linear-
momentum conservation equations.
Further investigation will be focused on the analysis of friction losses and the pressure
losses in the tank and the diaphragm, attempting to improve the analytical solution or
simplified surge-tank model equations which should allow faster calculation with acceptable


[1] Muzaferija S., Peri M.: Computation of free surface flows using interface-tracking and
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[3] Ferziger J.H., Peri M.: Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics. Springer, 2013.
[4] Demirdi I., Muzaferija S.: Numerical Method for Coupled Fluid Flow, Heat Transfer
and Stress Analysis Using Unstructured Moving Meshes with Cells of Arbitrary
Topology. Comput. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engrg., 125, pp. 235-255, 1995.
[5] CD-adapco: User Guide, STAR-CCM+ Version 9.04., 2014.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Analysis and control of the part load vortex rope in the draft tube
of a pumpturbine

Huiming WANG
Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machinery, University of Stuttgart
Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machinery, University of Stuttgart
Eberhard GDE
Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machinery, University of Stuttgart
Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machinery, University of Stuttgart

Because of the strong increase of fluctuating renewable energies for the electricity generation there is
an enormous demand of regulating power. This is an increasing task of pump storage power plants. As
a consequence, pump turbines often have to run under extreme off-design conditions. This can result
in extremely complicate flow situations and in unstable vortex behavior causing severe oscillations.
Especially in part load a vortex rope is forming in the draft tube. This vortex rope rotates and
generates a rotating oscillatory pressure field. These pressure oscillations can lead to severe vibrations
and can lead to restrictions of the operating range of the machines. By injecting an axial water jet in
the center of draft tube through the hub of the runner this vortex rope can be positively influenced or
even prevented. This was experimentally shown e.g. by Kirschner et al. [1] and [2] and will be here
investigated numerically.

Analysing and predicting this vortex rope by computational fluid dynamics (CFD) methods is still a
challenging task. Since the vortex rope phenomenon contains flow instabilities its prediction requires a
sophisticated turbulence model, otherwise the dynamic vortex behavior can not be treated accurately.
As a consequence, the classical pure RANS models do not lead to an accurate prediction [3] and [4].
Therefore, in this paper a Very Large Eddy Simulation (VLES) approach [4], [5] and [6], which is a
hybrid RANS/LES Model, is used. Similar to the LES approach a filtering procedure in space and time
of the turbulence is adopted. Only very large eddies are solved directly in the simulation and smaller
eddies which still can show anisotropic behavior are treated by an adequate turbulence model.

In this paper the unsteady flows in two different draft tubes of a pump turbine in part load are
simulated by both VLES and SST RANS models. In one draft tube, the flow is computed with and
without jet injection in order to show the damping of the oscillation by the water jet. The simulations
are carried out using the CFD code OpenFOAM. The results show that the vortex rope as well as the
vortex control can be predicted sufficiently accurately by the VLES approach and it allows carrying
out parametric studies by simulation.

VLES, vortex rope, water injection
* Corresponding author: Institut fr Strmungsmechanik und Hydraulische Strmungsmaschinen, Universitt
Stuttgart, Germany. phone: +49 (0)711 6856 3256, email: [email protected]

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

There is a complex flow instability phenomenon named vortex rope in the draft tube of a
hydraulic machine operating at part load which means lower flow rate than the designed one.
Working at part load of hydraulic machines can not be avoided because nowadays hydro
power plants are increasingly operating at off-design conditions in order to take the task of
power-frequency control in the electrical grid. Although currently hydraulic machine can be
designed, which can works very well at the optimum working condition the hydraulic
machines may suffer from heavy vibration or severe noises resulting from the vortex rope
when it runs at part load. It is possible that these heavy vibrations result in the damage of
hydraulic machine components due to resonance. In this context, the ability of hydropower
plants to handle the operation in a wide range of off-design conditions has become more
important. And the research for the flow instabilities phenomenon and the mitigation of
vortex rope in draft tube is very meaningful.

Many experimental investigations were done to mitigate or prevent the vortex rope
phenomenon. However the most measures lead to a loss of efficiency or unfavorable behavior
in other operating points. In 2006 Susan-Resiga et al. [7] presented a new approach in
mitigation of the vortex rope phenomenon by injecting water axially in the center of the draft
tube. The injected water can change the profile of the axial velocity at the inlet of the draft
tube in such a way that the development of the vortex rope can be avoided. One big advantage
of this method is that the injection can be switched on in operating points with appearance of
a vortex rope and switched off otherwise. That means the operating points without the vortex
rope are not affected by this method. Experimental investigation of this mitigation strategy in
simplified test rig was presented by Ruprecht et al. [2]. In their test rig measurements in a
simplified straight draft tube downstream of a swirl generator were done. Recently by
experiment, in which a pump-turbine model with an elbow draft tube are adopted, Kirschner
et al. [1] has already verified that by means of water jet injection through turbine hub the
amplitude of the pressure fluctuation in the draft tube can be significantly reduced if the
pressure fluctuation is caused by the rotation of vortex rope. At this situation, it is shown that
injection of water even can reduce the amplitudes of the pressure fluctuations a little more
than the injection of air or both water and air. They also show the diameter of the used nozzle
has an influence in the quantity of the reduction of the amplitude.

In parallel to the experimental and analytical studies, a considerable number of numerical

investigations were attempted and results were compared to experimental data. In general,
having available the computational resources, development costs can be decreased by means
of more CFD analysis and less experiment in lab. Therefore, the prediction of vortex rope in
draft tube by CFD method is a significant research field. Because both large and small
turbulent scales are important and synchronously exist in the flow in the draft tube and
conventional turbulent models can not solve the small turbulent scales, CFD analysis with
traditional turbulent model, e.g., SST model, can not predict the vortex rope properly.
Therefore, in order to predict the vortex rope correctly, high sophisticated numerical
simulation, such as hybrid RANS/LES simulation, is necessary. Ruprecht et al. [4] developed
a very large eddy simulation (VLES) approach which is a hybrid RANS/LES approach based
on an extended k- model and applied it to the unsteady simulation of flow in a draft tube.
They showed that unsteady features of the flow, e.g., pressure amplitudes and vortex rope
size, are better predicted by this model than the standard k- model by which the flow
becomes stationary due to too much damping. The frequency of pressure fluctuations is well
predicted in their simulations but amplitudes are underestimated. Krappel et al. [10] used a
IDDES model for the whole machine and got better results of both velocity and pressure

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

fluctuation in draft tube than SST model. In present paper the performance improvement of
VLES comparing with pure SST model for the flow in draft tube is furtherly investigated.

As mentioned above, mitigating or preventing the vortex rope phenomenon by a water jet
injection through runner hub was confirmed by experimental investigations. But there is still a
limit of current knowledge. At the moment no mature knowledge database of the various
parameters, e.g., jet velocity and discharge, is available to support the design of a hydraulic
turbine with water jet injection component. Hence, how to design vortex rope control
components for water jet injection with acceptable design cost is a challenging subject.
Apparently, VLES is a possible good methodology. But before widely applying VLES for this
new flow regime resulting from new technology of mitigating or preventing the vortex rope
phenomenon, the performance of VLES for this new flow regime must be investigated and
confirmed. Therefore, another aim of the present paper is developing a mature and reliable
methodology, i.e., VLES, to predict the influence of the water jet injection components on the
vortex rope in the turbine draft tube. The reason adopting VLES is that, on the one hand, the
capability of VLES for complex flow phenomenon is preliminarily verified by some flows, on
the other hand, not so huge computer resources are needed compared with the computer
resources for LES and DNS which are nearly impossible today because of extremely high
Reynolds number (~107) in the turbine draft tube.

In the present paper the unsteady flows in two different draft tubes of a pump turbine in part
load are simulated. One draft tube is a straight draft tube, the other one is an elbow draft tube.
For the elbow draft tube the flows with and without water jet injection are investigated. The
flow in the straight draft tube and the flow without water jet injection in elbow draft tube are
simulated by both VLES and SST models in order to confirm that VLES is better than the
SST model. The flow with water jet injection in elbow draft tube is simulated only by VLES
because the purpose is to investigate the difference of flows with and without water injection.
The predicted pressure fluctuations at two points on the wall of draft tubes are compared with
the measured results.

The adopted software is OpenFOAM, version 1.6-ext. Preliminary investigation showed that
the simulation can be carried out at least on 1024-2048 cores with a rather good performance.

In order to predict the flow instabilities in draft tube currently both RANS turbulence models
and LES are not acceptable due to wrong results or large computational resource. Then the
method of VLES is brought forward for the prediction of flow instabilities in draft tube. By
means of VLES the less fine meshes can be used compared to LES, which do not require
enormous computational resource. Ruprecht [4] developed one version of VLES and applied
VLES model firstly for simulation of flow instabilities in draft tube. In this paper, the VLES
methology developed by Ruprecht [4] and [5] is adopted and is applied for Menters 2003
SST model [8]. The whole SST-VLES turbulence model is defined as follows.
k k ~ k
+U j = Pk *k + ( + k t ) (1)
t x j x j x j
1 k
+U j = S 2 2 + 2(1 F1 ) 2 + ( + t ) (2)
t x j x j x j x j x j

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

t = min 1, f * (3)
Lt max(a1 , SF2 )
f = * max U t , 1 3 ) (4)
Lt = (5)


( )
Pk = min 2 t Sij Sij ,10 *k (6)
S = 2 Sij Sij (7)
=3 (8)

The in Eq.(4) is the volume of local cell of mesh. The blending functions F1 and F2 are the
same as those of SST model. Except , the other constant coefficients are the same as those of
SST model. Therefore, the difference between SST-VLES turbulence model and SST
turbulence model is at the Eq.(3).

3.1 Results of straight draft tube
The boundary conditions used for the computation are as following Tab.1.

Flow rate (m3/s) Rotational speed of runner (RPM)

0.0861 1404.3
Tab.1 Boundary conditions for the case with straight draft tube

Fig.1 Geometry and velocity results of the straight draft tube. The right contour is predicted by VLES
and the other one is predicted by SST model.

The geometrical model of the straight draft tube and the velocity results at the cutting plane
which is through the axis of draft tube are shown in Fig.1. The runner is also modeled for the
computation in order to avoid assigning the inlet boundary condition of draft tube directly
because Gde et al. [9] have shown the influence of inlet boundary condition of draft tube on
the shape of vortex rope in the draft tube, frequency and amplitude of pressure fluctuation

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

which results from vortex rope is remarkable. The mesh used for computation is made up of
approximately 31 mio cells. The solver transientSimpleDyMFoam of software OpenFOAM is
adopted for the computation. Time step is 0.00024s with which the runner rotates about 2.02
degree per time step. It was found that this time step is fine enough to activate the VLES
model. It was also found that the results from this time step are almost the same as those from
very fine time step, e.g., 0.000008s. Therefore, adopting 0.00024s as the computational time
step is suitable.

The predicted pressure results varying with time at 2 locations which are on the wall of the
straight draft tube are written out in order to compare them with the measured results. The
measurement points P2 and P1 are located at 99.02mm and 148.3mm under the draft tube
inlet respectively. After the fast Fourier transform (FFT), the pressure amplitudes in
frequency domain of pressure fluctuation at points P2 and P1 are shown in Fig.2.

Fig.2 Pressure amplitudes in frequency domain for points P2(left) and P1(right)

The first 2 dominating frequencies of the pressure fluctuation at points P2 and P1 are listed in
Tab.2 and Tab. 3 respectively. According to the FFT results in these tables, VLES predicts
good the frequencies of the pressure fluctuations at point P2. At point P1 VLES also predicts
good 2nd order frequency but predicts a little high (4.17%) 1st order frequency. However, for
all the frequencies at both points P2 and P1, VLES predicts better results than k- SST
model. Therefore, VLES is superior to SST model according to this case.

Unit (columns 2, 3 and 4): Hz

Order Measurement SST VLES SST relative error VLES relative error
1st 6.96 7.44 7.06 6.91% 1.43%
2nd 13.79 14.88 14.11 7.85% 2.32%
Tab.2 Measured and predicted frequencies of pressure fluctuation at point P2.

Unit (columns 2, 3 and 4): Hz

Order Measurement SST VLES SST relative error VLES relative error
1st 6.958 7.375 7.248 5.99% 4.17%
2nd 13.794 14.814 14.051 7.39% 1.86%
Tab.3 Measured and predicted frequencies of pressure fluctuation at point P1.

3.2 Results of elbow draft tube with flow without water injection
The total number of cells in the mesh, the boundary conditions and time step used for this
case are similar to those of the previous case for straight draft tube. The predicted pressure
results varying with time at one location are compared with the measured results. For this
case, both VLES and SST model predict very high and almost same frequency of pressure
fluctuation. However, VLES predicts better amplitude than SST. The difference between
measured amplitude and that predicted by VLES is less than 10%. Therefore, in this case

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

VLES still has advantage over SST model according to the FFT results. The predicted vortex
ropes at a time are compared with the vortex rope observed in lab as shown in Fig. 3. It shows
that the vortex rope predicted by VLES is longer than that predicted by SST model and meets
the phenomenon observed in lab better than that predicted by SST model.

Fig.3 Pressure iso-surface predicted by SST model(top left ) and VLES(top right and bottom left) at a
time and the vortex rope observed in lab (bottom right)

3.3 Results of elbow draft tube with flow with water jet injection
In this case, water jet is injected into the draft tube through the runner hub. Only VLES is
executed. The total number of cells in the mesh, the boundary conditions and time step used
for this case are similar to those of the previous cases. The pressures variation with and
without water jet injection at one location on the wall of draft tube are shown in Fig. 4 and
Fig. 5. The predicted pressure iso-surfaces at a time are shown in Fig. 6. These figures show
that the vortex rope is completely suppressed by the water jet injection.

Fig.4 The pressures of flow with and without water jet injection with time

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

Fig.5 The pressures of flow with and without water jet injection at frequency domain

Fig.6 Pressure iso-surfaces of flow without(left) and with(right) water jet injection at a time

According to the results of straight draft tube and elbow draft tube, it is found that in general
VLES predicts better the amplitudes and the frequencies of pressure fluctuations in draft tube
than SST model or at least VLES predicts the same results as those predicted by SST model.
In addition, VLES predicts a better shape of vortex rope than SST model according to the
vortex rope observed in lab. Because the vortex rope can completely be suppressed by the
water jet injection and the influence of water jet injection on the turbine performance, i.e., the
water head and the runner torque, is very small and can be ignored, the water jet injection
through the runner hub is a good method to suppress or at least to mitigate the pressure
fluctuations resulted from the vortex rope in the draft tube.

All the computations in this paper were executed in the Cray XE6 in High Performance
Computing Centre of Stuttgart(HLRS). HLRS is gratefully acknowledged for their support for
this research.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

[1] Kirschner O., Schmidt H., Ruprecht A., Mader R. and Meusburger P.: Experimental
investigation of vortex control with an axial jet in the draft tube of a model pump-
turbine. Proceedings of 25th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems.
Sep 20-24, 2010.
[2] Ruprecht A., Grupp J., Al-Salaymeh A. and Kirschner O.: Experimental and Numerical
Investigation of Vortex Control in a Simplified Straight Draft Tube Model. Proceedings
of 24th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems. Foz do Iguassu, Brasil.
Oct 27-31, 2008
[3] Foroutan H.: Simulation, analysis and mitigation of vortex rope formation in the draft
tube of hydraulic turbines. PhD dissertation. The Pennsylvania State University. 2015
[4] Ruprecht A., Helmrich T., Aschenbrenner T. and Scherer T.: Simulation of vortex rope
in a turbine draft tube. Proceedings of 21st IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery
and Systems. Lausanne, Switzerland. Sep 9-12, 2002
[5] Ruprecht A., Helmrich T. and Bunti Ogor I.: Very large eddy simulation for the
prediction of unsteady vortex motion. Modelling Fluid Flow. Springer-Berlin-
Heidelberg. 2004. pp. 229-246.
[6] Bunti Ogor I., Gyllenram W., Ohlberg E., Nilsson H. and Ruprecht A.: An Adaptive
Turbulence Model for Swirling Flow. Conference on Turbulence and Interactions
TI2006. Porquerolles, France. May 29 Jun 2, 2006.
[7] Susan-Resiga R., Vu T.C., Muntean S., Ciocan G. D., Nennemann B.: Jet Control of the
Draft Tube Vortex Rope in Francis Turbines at Partial Discharge. Proceeding of 23rd
IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems. Yokohama, Japan. Oct 17-21,
[8] Menter F. R., Kuntz M. and Langtry R.: Ten Years of Industrial Experience with the
SST Turbulence Model. Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer 4. ed: Hanjalic K.,
Nagano Y. and Tummers M.. Begell House, Inc.. pp.625632, 2003
[9] Gde E., Ruprecht A. and Lippold F.: On the influence of runner design on the draft
tube vortex. 13th internationales seminar wasserkraftanlagen. Wien, sterreich.
November, 2004
[10] Krappel T., Kuhlmann H., Kirschner O., Ruprecht A. and Riedelbauch S.: Validation of
an IDDES-Type Turbulence Model and Application to a Francis Pump Turbine Flow
Simulation. 10th International ERCOFTAC Symposium on Engineering Turbulence
Modelling and Measurements. Marbella, Spain. Sep 17-19, 2014.

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015


AMIRI, Kaveh 185 KOZK, Ji 10

ANDOLFATTO, Loc 161 KUIBIN, Pavel 281
ANTON, Liviu Eugen 115 LANDRY, Christian 83
ARPE, Jorge 289 MA, Zhenyue 227
AVELLAN, Franois 19, 83, 161, 281 MARKOV, Zoran 315
BERGANT, Anton 169, 273 MAVRI, Rok 169, 273
BOSIOC, Alin 243 MITRUEVSKI, Duko 59
BRAUN, Olivier 264 MORGUT, Mitja 43
BUCKSTEIN, Samuel 273 MLLER, Andres 19, 83, 281
CENCI, Tine 1 MNCH-A., Ccile 19, 161
CERVANTES, Michel J. 185, 305 MUNTEAN, Sebastian 115, 147, 243
CHERNY, Sergey 177 NEIPP, Andreas 123, 147
CHIRKOV, Denis 177 NICOLET, Christophe 289
COUTIER-D., Olivier 91 NIELSEN, Torbjrn K. 297
DE COLOMBEL, Thomas 219 NILSSON, Hkan 99, 305
DECAIX, Jean 19 NOBILE, Enrico 43
Soltani 185 PAPANTONIS, D. 51, 67
DOLENC, Damir 193 PETIT, Olivier 305
DRGHICI, Ionel 115 PETKOVEK, Martin 27
DULAR, Matev 27 POCHYL, F. 35
DUPARCHY, Alexandre 219 POPOVSKI, Predrag 315
DEFEROVI, Ejub 339 PRESAS, Alex 251, 259
EGUSQUIZA, Eduard 251, 259 REJEC, Alida 289
ERMENC, Darko 154 RIEDELBAUCH, Stefan 107, 123, 131, 147, 323, 346
FAVREL, Arthur 83, 281 RUCHONNET, Nicolas 264
FIALOV, S. 35 RUDOLF, Pavel 10, 331
GAGNON, Martin 201 RUPRECHT, Albert 147, 346
GDE Eberhard 346 Manfred 209
GRGER, Milan 10 SCHERBAKOV, Pavel 177
GUILLOZET, Josselin 219 SEIDEL, Ulrich 235, 259
HABN, Vladimr 331 SENN, Florian 209
HOEVAR, Marko 1 STADLER, Christa 131
HOU, Qingzhi 169 STENS, Christine 323
HUDEC, Martin 10, 331 STRUNJA, Filip 273
ILIEV, Viktor 315 STUPARU, Adrian 75, 147
JABERG, Helmut 209 SUSAN-RESIGA, Romeo 75, 139, 147, 243
JAVADI, Ardalan 99 SVINGEN, Bjrnar 169
JOT, Dragica 43 IROK, Brane 1

6th IAHR meeting of the Working Group "Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and
Systems", Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

JUNGINGER, Bernd 107 KERLAVAJ, Alja 43, 115, 154

KARADI, Uro 273 TEFAN, David 10, 331
KASSANOS, I. 51, 67 TNAS, Constantin 243
THIBAULT, Denis 201 WANG Huiming 346
TIJSSELING, Arris 169 WANG, Jian 27
TORLAK, Muris 339 WEBER,Wilhelm 235
UDOVI, Denis 193 WIDMER, Christian 209
VAGNONI, Elena 161 WU, Qianqian 227
VALENTIN, David 251, 259 YAMAMOTO, Keita 83
VALERO, Carme 251, 259 YANG, James 305
WANG, Chao 305 ZAKHAROV, Alexander 177
NIDARI, Anton 91

Higher Professional Study Programme - 1st Cycle/Degree
Technologies and Systems

Graduates degree:
diplomirani inenir tehnolog, abbreviated to dipl. in. tehn. (VS)
Bachelor of Technology

Study programme duration:

three years
number of ECTS: 180

Masters Study Programme - 2nd Cycle/Degree

Technologies and Systems in Mechanical Engineering

Masters degree:
magister inenir strojnitva, abbreviated to mag. in. stroj.
Master of Mechanical Engineering

Study programme duration:

two years
number of ECTS: 120
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Hidroelektrarne na spodnji Savi, HESS, Ltd.

Hydroelectric power company HESS, Ltd. was established in 2008. Main purpose of company is to
rational build up new hydro power plants and other renewable facilities that provides sustainable,
reliable, competitive and environmental friendly electricity production. Company policy is
determined under the national legislation within Concession contract and Act of Concession
conditions for energy potential exploitation on Lower Sava river.

Company HESS Ltd. is recently one of the biggest investors of renewable facilities in Slovenia as
well as cross-border due to multipurpose project of Hydro Power Plants on the Lower Sava river.
Project reflects Slovenian knowledge and it merges interests and aims of government, local
community and company stakeholders. Therefore importance of project is reflected on flood
protection, concession contributions, local economy and to fulfilling Slovenian commitments to EU
regarding share of electricity production from renewable sources of energy.

Beside of investment activities in company there has been operating and maintaining system
established for existing hydropower plants (HPP Bostanj, HPP Arto-Blanca, HPP Krsko). System
provides operating optimization of hydropower plants within maximum safety and reliability. At the
moment HPP Brezice construction is going on intensely. Trial operation is expected for the end of
2017. HPP Mokrice is the last one in HPP chain on Lower Sava river and is now in phase of gaining
environmental agreement.

Hydropower plants caracteristics:

HPP BOSTANJ technical caracteristics:

Installed flow: 500 m3/s

Gross drop at Qinst: 7,47 m
Nominal turbine power: 32,5 MW
Annual production: 109 GWh
Useful reservoir volume: 1.170.000 m3
Average annual flow rate: 193 m3/s
Construction period: 2002 2006
HPP ARTO-BLANCA technical caracteristics:
Installed flow: 500 m3/s
Gross drop at Qinst: 9,29 m
Nominal turbine power: 39,12 MW
Annual production: 140 GWh
Useful reservoir volume: 1.300.000 m3
Average annual flow rate: 201 m3/s
Construction period: 2005 2009

HPP KRSKO technical caracteristics:

Installed flow: 500 m3/s
Gross drop at Qinst: 9,14 m
Nominal turbine power: 39,12 MW
Annual production: 154 GWh
Useful reservoir volume: 1.180.000 m3
Average annual flow rate: 205 m3/s
Construction period: 2007 2013

HPP BREZICE technical caracteristics:

Installed flow: 500 m3/s
Gross drop at Qinst: 11,00 m
Nominal turbine power: 45,3 MW
Annual production: 161 GWh
Useful reservoir volume: 3.400.000 m3
Average annual flow rate: 207 m3/s
Construction period: 2014 2017

HPP MOKRICE - projection - technical caracteristic:

Installed flow: 500 m3/s
Gross drop at Qinst: 7,47 m
Nominal turbine power: 28,35 MW
Annual production: 128 GWh
Useful reservoir volume: 2.640.000 m3
Average annual flow rate: 261 m3/s
Construction period: 2017 2020
Cavitation and dynamic problems
6 IAHR meeting of the Working Group, IAHRWG 2015
Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2015

ISBN 978-961-6770-31-6

Andrej Lipej
Simon Muhi

Published by:
Faculty of Technologies and Systems
Na Loko 2, 8000 Novo mesto, Slovenia

100 copies which are not for sale

Number of pages:

Printed by:
CICERO, Begunje, d.o.o.

Copyright 2015 by Faculty of Technologies and Systems

Novo mesto, 2015

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