Prepared Speech - Cleanliness Is Very Important in Our Life

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Cleanliness is very important in our life from all the aspects.

We should take care of it all

through the life. Practice of cleanliness starts from the home and school from the very
little age. It affects us very badly when we do not maintain cleanliness. Following are some
short speech and long speech on cleanliness given by us. All the speech on cleanliness will
surely help students to take part in the speech recitation activity in the school or college
at any event celebration or debate competition programme. Following cleanliness speech
provided below are written using very easy words and small sentences for the students. So,
you can select any speech on cleanliness according to your need and requirement:

Speech on Cleanliness

Cleanliness is one of the most important practice for a clean and healthy environment. It
may be related to public hygiene or personal hygiene. It is essential for everyone to learn
about cleanliness, hygiene, sanitation and the various diseases that are caused due to poor
maintenance of hygienic conditions .

The habits which are learnt or followed at a young age, get embedded into one's
personality. One should start to follow certain habits like washing hands before meals,
regular brushing of teeth, and bathing from the young age.

It is essential to follow certain good practices like keeping our surroundings clean,
avoiding littering in public places, refraining from spitting on the road, and many more good
habits .

. Awareness of the Cleanliness and Personal Hygiene is the need of the hour in Our
country where the diseases like Dengu fever,swine flu , malaria, chicken fox and jaundice
are fast spreading . People should realise the importance of cleanliness and personal
hygiene to prevent themselves from these diseases.
Cleanliness Speech 1

Good morning to the sir, madam and my friends. My name is I study in class Today, I
will recite a speech on cleanliness. I have especially selected this topic because of much
importance of it in our daily lives. Actually, the means of cleanliness is the complete
absence of dirt, dust, stains, and bad smells at home, working places or surrounding areas.
The most important purpose of maintaining cleanliness is to get health, beauty, remove
offensive odor as well as avoid the spread of dirt and contaminants. We clean our teeth,
clothes, body, hair on daily basis in order to get freshness and achieving cleanliness.


We use variety of products and water to clean different things accordingly. What we see
with our eyes is that, cleaning helps us to remove dirt and bad odour. However, what we do
not see with our eyes is that, cleaning also removes harmful microorganisms (like bacteria,
virus, fungus, algae, etc) from the things. It keeps us healthy and away from variety of
diseases especially caused by the harmful microorganisms. According to the germ theory of
disease, cleaning means the total absence of germs. In some industrial processes, it
requires exceptional cleanliness which is achieved especially in the clean rooms. Presence of
dirt and bad odour may decrease the power of our immune system.

Commonly, there are two types of cleanliness, one is physical cleanliness and another is
internal cleanliness. Physical cleanliness keeps us clean from outside and gives us feeling of
wellbeing with confidence. However, internal cleanliness keeps us mentally peaceful and
away from anxiety. Internal cleanliness means a mind absence of dirty, bad and negative
thinking. Keeping the heart, body and mind clean and peaceful is the complete cleanliness.
However, we also need to keep clean our surrounding areas so that we can live in a healthy
and clean environment. It will keep us away from the epidemic diseases and give us the
feeling of social wellbeing.

There is a very old saying that cleanliness is next to godliness. It is well said by the John
Wesley. Cleanliness should be given a priority in all the homes from the childhood so that a
little one can practice it as a habit and can be benefitted all through the life. Cleanliness is
like a good habit which not only benefits a person, however; it benefits the family, society
and country and thus whole planet. It can be developed at any age however best to practice
it from the childhood. I, as a child requesting to all the parents that please help your kids
to practice this habit as it is you who can give this country a good citizen.

Thank You

Cleanliness Speech 2

Good morning to the respected Principal sir, sir, madam and dear colleagues. I studying in
class standard would like to speech on cleanliness at this event. Cleanliness is a good
habit; it keeps us happy physically, mentally, socially and intellectually. It is very true that
cleanliness begins at home. The sign of cleanliness is a well-managed place whether it is a
home, working place, school, college, government or private buildings, hotel, restaurant,
airport, railways station, etc. The level of cleanliness should be high which is possible if
everyone shows his/her effort. It is not the act of one person. It needs regular support
and proper understanding from the end of each person.

Cleanliness attracts positive energies towards it and it can impress anyone. Cleanliness level
becomes generally high in the developed countries because of the good citizens, strict
government rules, high education level and proper understanding of the people. A person
with good habits can change the environment of a home however a country with good
citizens can change its future as well as the environment of whole planet. In order to show
our real potential all through the world, we have to maintain cleanliness all across the
country. It is the only thing which can earn respect because a big land, power, and rich
natural resources does not matter in the lack of cleanliness.

The maintenance of cleanliness in any country depends on the education level, poverty, and
population of the country. The most important factor is education as good education can
reduce the poverty level and provide relief from the over population. If the citizens of the
country will be educated they can well maintain the cleanliness all through the country.
They can pass good habits to their next generation also. Number of cleanliness drives has
been run by the government of India however never get much success because of high level
illiteracy. The most recent cleanliness drive named as Swachh Bharat Abhiyan run the
Indian PM, Narendra Modi, is quite successful.

It is very serious topic and we have to maintain cleanliness in our country, which can be
better started from our homes, if we really want development in India. We have to
understand that our country is our home and then no problem will be there. As being the
citizen of the country, we all are responsible for cleaning any dirty place we see. We should
keep our roads, tourist places, historical places, schools, colleges, office buildings, etc very
neat and clean.

Thank You

Cleanliness Speech 3

Good morning to the Principal mam, sir, madam and my dear friends. I studying in class
standard, would like to speech on cleanliness. I am very grateful to my class teacher that
she has given me such a great opportunity to recite a speech on cleanliness at this event.
My dear friends, we all are good people, no one is bad. Then why we are making our future
bad and diseased by spreading dirty things and wastes everywhere. Our country is our
home; we should not make it dirty. We get respect as an Indian in the abroad so our
country is our identity on this planet. It is our responsibility to keep it clean and bright so
that it can earn more respect worldwide.

We keep our homes clean then why not our schools, colleges, roads, offices, tourist places,
stations, etc all through the country. We only remember that we have to clean a place
where we live, means a home only. But why we do not remember that our country is our main
home. Our home is our identity within the country however our country is our identity
outside the country means in abroad. We are responsible citizens of it then we have to
make it clean and no one else. In order to get respect from others, first we have to
respect our property and keep it clean.

We keep our homes and religious places clean and do not wear shoes or slippers inside, so
that they can be clean. But, on the other hand, we follow wrong practices and spit out on
the roads, corners of office buildings, etc. We throw wastes on the roads or corners of
the colony; what is this? I am asking what this is. I am not saying that I am only good or I
never involved in such activities. I am just saying that how long we will be unconscious and
involved in such type of unconscious activities. When the day will come, we will be much
conscious every moment so that such bad activities cannot be happened. If we are not
trying to keep our country clean then how we will protect tourists from other countries
from making it dirty.

I think, none of the day is better than today. Today is the day when we should promise
ourselves and our mother country that we will keep it clean forever and never make it dirty
in future. Just think that, how bright our homes and whole country look at Diwali, what will
happen if it look daily. If the cleanliness only at Diwali can give us confidence, power and
positive energy for the whole year, then again think that, can we not get power, confidence,
positive energy, a healthy life, a healthy environment, and positive attitude of other
countries worldwide forever.

Thank You.

Cleanliness Speech 4

Good morning to the Excellencies, Principal sir, sir, madam and my dear friends. At this
event, I would like to speech on cleanliness. I am very thankful to my class teacher that
she has selected me to speech on cleanliness at this event. It is the serious topic and
needs high level social awareness. People in the developed countries (Western Europe and
North America) never depend on the authorities sweeping as they never dirt their roads or
surrounding areas. They do themselves on daily basis. We too have to take such effective
steps to clean our country. We should not wait any authority sweeper that he/she will pick
up the broom and clean our surrounding areas and roads.

First we should not make public places dirty and if it happens, we have to clean it as only we
are responsible. This responsibility needs to be understood by every Indian citizen. There
is need to change our mentality as only this can keep India clean. Lots of cleaning resources
and measures cannot be effective enough to keep India clean until we change our mind that
whole country is like our home and we need to keep it clean. It is our property, not others.
We need to understand that, a country is like a home in which various family members live
in joint family.

As we suppose that, things inside the home are our own property and we never make them
dirty and spoil. In the same way, we need to suppose that, everything outside the home is
also our own property and we should never make them dirty and keep clean. We can change
the drastic situation of our country through collective ownership. Instead of
infrastructure improvements, effective plants for wastes treatment from industries,
agriculture, and other fields, laws and rules by government, etc; we need to think and
consider our own responsibility using our own mind and effort. It is not the responsibility
of government only; it is the collective responsibility of each and every Indian citizen.

It is true that we cannot clean the whole country in a day or year, however; it will be our
big hand if we stop making filthy the public places in India. It is our responsibility to stop
ourselves as well as others who are making Indias public property filthy. As we generally
see in our family that, every member has some particular responsibility (someone for
sweeping, someone for cleaning, someone for bringing vegetables, someone for outside
works, etc) and he/she has to do that timely in anyway. Just like that, if all the Indians
take responsibility (of cleanliness and prevent from getting dirty) for small space in the
surrounding areas, I think that, the day is not so far when we will see cleanliness
everywhere all through the country.

Before starting any cleanliness drive, we have to make sure that we have a clean mind first.
Cleanliness is not only necessary to get good impression from others; however it is very
important for the healthy mind, body, spirit, and environment. As we care for our body to
be clean, we must care for our country too.

Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (or Clean India Mission) is a clean India drive run by the
Government of India to cover around 4,041 statutory cities and towns of India to clean the
roads, streets, and making better infrastructure of the country. We should respect and
follow this national campaign and support it through our every possible effort.

Thank You.

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