Assessment Log

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Assessment Log

Type of Description of Lesson and Lesson Modifications Evaluation Criteria How

assessmen assessment Objective/Standard made to the will this planned
t assessment for assessment allow you to
(Informal Focus Learner (if determine if the lesson
or Formal) any) objective/standard was
Informal Baseline data Baseline, pre-teaching This pretest will This will show me Sarahs
formative collection; Orally assess Sarahs knowledge of the targeted
oral pre- define targeted Learning goal: Sarah will knowledge of mathematic vocabulary
assessmen vocabulary (decimal, demonstrate her understanding targeted before I begin teaching.
t of convert, reduced of math vocabulary needed to vocabulary by This will help show me
targeted fraction, greater than, convert decimals to fractions, using her beforehand what terms I
vocabulary less than, equal to, compare decimals, and add and strengths as a may need to re-teach
add, subtract) subtract decimals by applying linguistic learner, Sarah one on one and
specified vocabulary to concepts. but will be given what terms she may be
orally so Sarah able to model for the
IEP Goal: Sarah will understand can focus on class, making her learning
and use targeted vocabulary and defining the term more meaningful.
concepts needed to participate and not spelling or
within the classroom and to neatly writing her
function independently across definition.
school settings, when provided
with visual supports, 8 out of 10
Informal Baseline data Baseline, pre-teaching Sarah was given This pre-assessment will
formative collection; Convert the option to use show me Sarahs current
written pre- 1/10, 4/9, 87/1000, Standard, understand decimal notes and a ability of converting
assessmen and 99/100 to notation for fractions and calculator on this fractions to decimals using
t of decimals using place compare decimal fractions: Use pre-assessment in her knowledge of place
converting value notes and/or a decimal notation for fractions order to teach her value.
fractions to calculator with denominators 10 or 100. For how to use
decimals example, rewrite 0.62 as 62/100; reference
describe a length as 0.62 meters; materials as tools
locate 0.62 on a number line for solving
diagram. (4.NF.6) problems.

Informal Students will need to Lesson 1 Sarah will be This assessment will show
targeted create a written provided a word me if Sarah is able to
mathemati definition, a visual Lesson Objective: I can bank, a written correctly define decimal,
c definition, and an correctly define the math example of a convert, and reduced
vocabulary example for the terms language needed to convert written definition fraction before the
decimal, convert, and decimals to fractions: decimal, (some students in application of the terms.
reduced fraction. convert, reduced fraction the class will copy
this directly), It will show me if Sarah is
Students must match Lesson Objective: I can preferential able to maintain her
the terms divide, demonstrate my understanding seating to increase
knowledge or prior
tenths, hundredths, of previously learned math terms focus and work targeted mathematic
thousandths, decimal by correctly matching them to with a designatedvocabulary by correctly
point, and fraction to their definitions when given a partner. matching previous terms
their definition. word bank. to their definitions.
Informal Students will record Lesson 1 Sarah will be This assessment will show
structured the amount of money provided with me if Sarah is able to use
application that they started with Standard, understand decimal nickels, dimes, her knowledge of targeted
of targeted on their Bingo board notation for fractions and and quarters to mathematic vocabulary
math square that has the compare decimal fractions: Use manipulate. The and apply it to converting
vocabulary, converted fraction. decimal notation for fractions steps she needs to fractions and decimals.
bingo For example, write with denominators 10 or 100. For follow will be
recording $0.50 under . example, rewrite 0.62 as 62/100; written as a visual
game Students will follow describe a length as 0.62 meters; prompt and I will
sheet these steps presented locate 0.62 on a number line model the steps
as a written prompt: diagram. (4.NF.6) and assist as
students lead the
1) Manipulate change class through the
on desk two amount they have
quarters, 5 dimes, chosen. Sarah will
etc also receive
Challenge students to preferential
2) Write chosen seating to increase
amount focus and provide
mathematically her with a peer
$0.50, 50 cents model. Verbal
3) Convert to a redirections will be
fraction 50/100 provided as
Reduce necessary.
4) Check answer by
dividing on calculator
1 divided by 2 = 0.5
5) Write in answer on
board for credit

Informal Baseline data Baseline, pre-teaching Verbal redirections This pre-assessment will
written pre- collection; compare will be provided to show me Sarahs ability to
assessmen and , 0.5 and 0.05, Standard, understand decimal Sarah as compare fractions,
t of and $1.50 and $2.25 notation for fractions, and necessary to decimals, and amounts of
comparing using greater than, compare decimal fractions. complete this pre- money using greater than,
decimals less than, or equal to Compare two decimals to assessment. less than, and equal to.
hundredths by reasoning about
their size. Recognize that
comparisons are valid only when
the two decimals refer to the
same whole. Record the results
of comparisons with the symbols
>, =, or <, and justify the
conclusions, e.g., by using a
visual model. (4.NF.7)
Informal Students will need to Lesson 2 Sarah will be This assessment will show
Targeted create a written provided a word me if Sarah is able to
mathemati definition, a visual Lesson Objective: I can bank, a written correctly define greater
c definition, and an correctly define the math example of a than, less than, and equal
vocabulary example for the terms language needed to compare written definition to before the application of
greater than, less decimals: greater than, less than, (some students in the terms.
than, and equal to. and equal to. the class will copy
this directly), It will show me if Sarah is
Students must match Lesson Objective: I can preferential able to maintain her
the terms decimal, demonstrate my understanding seating to increase knowledge or prior
convert, reduced of previously learned math terms focus and work targeted mathematic
fraction, tenths, by correctly matching them to with a designated vocabulary by correctly
hundredths, and their definitions when given a partner. matching previous terms
divide to their word bank. to their definitions.
Informal Students will record Lesson 2 Sarah will be This assessment will show
structured their game of WAR provided with me if Sarah is able to use
application with a partner; Standard, understand decimal nickels, dimes, her knowledge of targeted
of students will write the notation for fractions, and and quarters to mathematic vocabulary
comparing decimals that they compare decimal fractions. manipulate. For and apply it to comparing
decimals draw and the sign that Compare two decimals to the decimals decimals and amounts of
game correctly compares hundredths by reasoning about portion, the cards money.
recording the two numbers. their size. Recognize that she chooses will
sheet Students will follow comparisons are valid only when serve as both
these steps as a the two decimals refer to the manipulatives for
written prompt: same whole. Record the results comparing and as
of comparisons with the symbols visual prompts for
1) Draw an amount >, =, or <, and justify the writing decimals.
2) Fill in amounts on conclusions, e.g., by using a The steps she
WAR Recording visual model. (4.NF.7) needs to follow will
Sheet be written as a
3) Write in >, <, or = visual prompt and I
4) Greater amount will model the
takes cards steps. Sarah will
5) Equal amount also receive
means WAR preferential
seating to increase
focus and provide
her with a peer
model. Verbal
redirections will be
provided as
Informal Baseline data Baseline, pre-teaching Verbal redirections This pre-assessment will
written pre- collection; Add will be provided to show me Sarahs ability to
assessmen 12.3+1.25+33 and Standard, perform operations Sarah as add and subtract
t of adding subtract 27.01-11.29 with multi-digit whole numbers necessary to decimals.
and by aligning place and with decimals to hundredths. complete this pre-
subtracting values and using Add, subtract, multiply, and assessment.
decimals borrowing rules divide decimals to hundredths,
using concrete models or
drawings and strategies based
on place value, properties of
operations, and/or the
relationship between addition
and subtraction; relate the
strategy to a written method and
explain the reasoning used.
(5.NBT.7) [Note from panel:
Applications involving financial
literacy should be used.]

Informal Students must create Lesson 3 Sarah will be This assessment will show
Targeted a written definition, a provided a word me if Sarah is able to
mathemati visual definition, and Lesson Objective: I can bank, a written correctly define decimal,
c an example for the correctly define the math example of a add and subtract before
vocabulary terms add and language needed to add and written definition the application of the
subtract and decimal. subtract decimals: add, subtract, (some students in terms.
and decimal the class will copy
Students must match this directly), It will show me if Sarah is
the terms greater Lesson Objective: I can preferential able to maintain her
than, less than, equal demonstrate my understanding seating to increase knowledge or prior
to, decimal, convert of previously learned math terms focus and work targeted mathematic
and tenths to their by correctly matching them to with a designated vocabulary by correctly
definition. their definitions when given a partner. matching previous terms
word bank. to their definitions.
Adding and Students will add and Lesson 3 The cards she This assessment will show
Subtracting subtract decimals and chooses will serve me if Sarah is able to use
Fractions amounts of money by Standard, perform operations as both her knowledge of targeted
Recording following these steps with multi-digit whole numbers manipulatives for mathematic vocabulary
Sheet as a written prompt: and with decimals to hundredths. comparing and as and apply it to adding and
Add, subtract, multiply, and visual prompts for subtracting decimals and
1) Draw two cards divide decimals to hundredths, writing decimals. amounts of money.
2) Compare the using concrete models or The steps she
decimals using >, <, = drawings and strategies based needs to follow will
3) Put Greater on place value, properties of be written as a
number on top of operations, and/or the visual prompt and I
lesser number relationship between addition will model the
4) Record the and subtraction; relate the steps. Sarah will
problem, line up the strategy to a written method and also receive
decimal points explain the reasoning used. preferential
5) Flip coin (5.NBT.7) [Note from panel: seating to increase
Heads: add Applications involving financial focus and provide
Tails: subtract literacy should be used.] her with a peer
6) Check answer on model. Verbal
calculator redirections will be
provided as
Informal Summative data Summative, post-teaching This post-test will This oral post-examination
Oral Post- collection; Orally assess Sarahs will show me if Sarah was
assessmen define targeted Learning Goal: Sarah will knowledge of able to maintain
t of vocabulary (decimal, demonstrate her understanding targeted knowledge of targeted
targeted convert, reduced of decimals by converting vocabulary by mathematic vocabulary in
math fraction, greater than, decimals to fractions, comparing using her order to orally define the
vocabulary less than, equal to, decimals according to place strengths as a terms.
add, subtract) value, and adding and linguistic learner,
subtracting decimals. but will be given
orally so Sarah
IEP Goal: Sarah will understand can focus on
and use targeted vocabulary and defining the term
concepts needed to participate and not spelling or
within the classroom and to neatly writing her
function independently across definition.
school settings, when provided
with visual supports, 8 out of 10

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