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* Necrobiosis Lipoidica Diabeticorum (NLD) *

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09-27-2007, 04:03 #1 (permalink) Complications
* Necrobiosis Lipoidica Diabetes Diet
Terrie Children
Senior Member Diabeticorum (NLD) *
Necrobiosis Lipoidica
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1 of 7 5/30/2010 5:49 PM
* Necrobiosis Lipoidica Diabeticorum (NLD) *

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Necrobiosis lipoidica
diabeticorum ("NLD") is a
rash that occurs on the
lower legs. It is more
common in women, and
there are usually several
spots. They are slightly
Join Date: Sep 2007 raised shiny red-brown
Location: Ontario Canada patches. The centers are
Posts: 1,086 often yellowish and may
develop open sores that
are slow to heal. Often a
biopsy is needed to
diagnose NLD.

NLD usually occurs more

often in people with
diabetes, in people with a
family history of diabetes
or a tendency to get
diabetes. Still, the exact
cause of NLD in not
known. A similar condition
that is often confused
with NLD is granuloma
annulare. Similar to the
association of NLD and
diabetes, it appears that
a high percentage of
persons with
disseminated granuloma
annulare have diabetes
mellitus. The individual
spots typically consist of a
circular array of reddish to
brown and slightly
translucent bumps.

Treatment of NLD is
difficult. Sometimes it
responds to topical
cortisone creams,
especially if covered
("occluded") with an
airtight dressing.
Cortisone injections can
also be used to treat NLD.
These are more effective
than cortisone creams.
NLD usually goes through
stages of activity and

2 of 7 5/30/2010 5:49 PM
* Necrobiosis Lipoidica Diabeticorum (NLD) *

inactivity. One is not able

to predict when the
condition will flare.
Ultraviolet light treatment
has been found to control
this condition when it is
flaring. A baby aspirin
each day, and other
medications that thin the
blood, such as Trental,
may help NLD. Other
medications, including
prednisone pills (steroids)
are used in difficult or
severe cases.

(I am posting this skin

condition since it is the
one I have).

I noticed a dime-size red

spot on my left ankle
when I was 19.
It slowly grew bigger. My
Endocrinologist knew
exactly what it
was and gave me some
Hydrocortisone cream.

At age 25, my 2 yr. old

Son accidently drove his
big ride-on truck
into my ankle. (That hurt
like H*LL! ) Soon after,
I had 2-3 ulcers on it. I
got some Sulpha cream at
the Drs., wrapped my
ankle in gauze and the
ulcers were gone in about
2 weeks. The spot is now
as big as a baseball
although it is
skin-coloured and not
active. It
doesn't bother me since I
can't see it unless I look
at it in a mirror,
which I don't. These spots
do not hurt or itch(unless
of course, someone drives
a truck into it ).

If you have what sounds

3 of 7 5/30/2010 5:49 PM
* Necrobiosis Lipoidica Diabeticorum (NLD) *

like this condition(It is

now known as NL,
since it happens to many
non-diabetics also), see
your Dr. so they
can prescribe a treatment
for you. Protect the
spot(s) so nothing
hits it accidently.

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Last edited by Terrie;

09-27-2007 at 04:08.

09-03-2008, 12:30 #2 (permalink)

Junior Member
I have what you have
Join Date: Sep 2008 Terri, I got a kick in my
Location: Ireland left shin when i was 16
Posts: 1 and it started out like
what looked like a bruise
and it has kept getting
bigger and bigger. I have
ulcers every year on it
due to just knocking my
leg etc. im 24 and it has
affected my confidence so
much, its big and red and
very unsightly. My fiance
is great about it THANK
GOD i know that there
are no treatments out
there that can get rid of it
but i am going to try
Laser Surgery maybe that
might help.

How is ur leg now, has it


4 of 7 5/30/2010 5:49 PM
* Necrobiosis Lipoidica Diabeticorum (NLD) *

09-03-2008, 16:53 #3 (permalink)

Senior Member
Hello There and Welcome:
Good to see You from

You probably would have

gotten NLD(NL) even
without the trauma to
your knee. I got the spot
on my left ankle when I
was 19 and I didn't get it
from an injury to my
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Ontario Canada
ankle. As I mentioned,
Posts: 1,086 my Son(when he was
little) accidently hit the
NLD on my ankle years
later when I was 25,
which caused the ulcers
on it.

My NLD is still on my
ankle but like I
mentioned it has been
inactive for many years. I
only had the ulcers on it
that one time. I was
going to have the light
therapy for it but just
never got around to it. I
have been on
Prednisone(I don't
recommend that drug)
and a blood thinner for
my RA plus baby Aspirin
for years. Perhaps that is
what has been keeping
the NLD inactive.

Nice to hear that your

Fiance isn't bothered by
it. Mine didn't think
nothing of it either. That
made me feel better and
I haven't thought much
about it. There are a lot
worst things out there
and more important
things to be concerned
with. But do try to protect
the area so that the NLD
doesn't get injured.

5 of 7 5/30/2010 5:49 PM
* Necrobiosis Lipoidica Diabeticorum (NLD) *

Years ago someone had

mentioned skin graphs
which doesn't make any
sense to me and doesn't
seem like that would be a
Good treatment for it. It
could become active again
and then the graphing
would be a waste.
Although the "experts"
don't know what causes
it, I'm sure that it is
caused by something
internal since
non-Diabetics get it also.
Just another condition.
Good Luck with whatever
treatment that you and
your Dr. decide to use.
Try not to worry too much
about it. Sometime it
does disappear on its
***Life Is A

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