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SSPC-Paint 41

February 1, 2008

SSPC: The Society for Protective Coatings


Moisture-Cured Polyurethane Primer or Intermediate Coat,
Micaceous Iron Oxide Reinforced, Performance-Based


This specification contains performance requirements for a Guide 13 Guide for the Identification and
moisture-cured aromatic polyurethane coating with a thermoset Use of Industrial Coating Materials
binder and micaceous iron oxide pigment reinforcement. in Computerized Product Data-
2. Description PA 2 Measurement of Dry Coating Thick-
ness with Magnetic Gages
2.1 This coating is a single-package moisture-cured Paint 40 Zinc-Rich Moisture Cure Poly-
polyurethane coating characterized by the presence of free urethane Primer, Performance
isocyanate groups capable of reacting with atmospheric mois- Based
ture in order to form a solid film. SP 1 Solvent Cleaning
SP 5/NACE No. 1 White Metal Blast Cleaning
2.2 Coatings meeting the requirements of this specifica-
tion are generally suitable for exposures in environmental 3.4 ASTM INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS:1
zones 1A (interior, normally dry), 1B (exterior, normally dry),
2A (frequently wet by fresh water excluding immersion), D 185 Standard Test Methods for Coarse Particles
2B (frequently wet by salt water, excluding immersion), 3B in Pigments
(chemical exposure, neutral) and 3C (chemical exposure, * D 562 Standard Test Method for Consistency of
alkaline). Primer/intermediate coat systems described in this Paints Measuring Krebs Unit (KU) Viscosity
standard meet the performance requirements of Section 7.4 Using a Stormer-Type Viscometer
of SSPC-Paint 40 (including Environmental Zone 2C-Fresh D 714 Standard Test Method for Evaluating Degree
Water Immersion). of Blistering of Paints
* D 1475 Standard Test Method for Density of Liquid
2.3 This coating is intended for spray application according Coatings, Inks, and Related Products
to manufacturers instructions, with allowance for small area D 1640 Standard Test Methods for Drying, Curing,
touch-up by brush (see Note 11.1) either directly to a steel or Film Formation of Organic Coatings at
substrate, or over itself or a compatible primer such as Room Temperature
SSPC-Paint 40 or other primers recommended by the coating D 1654 Standard Test Method for Evaluation of
manufacturer. Painted or Coated Specimens Subjected
to Corrosive Environments
3. Referenced Standards * D 2369 Standard Test Method for Volatile Content
of Coatings
3.1 The latest issue, revision, or amendment of the refer- * D 2371 Standard Test Method for Pigment Content
enced documents in effect on the date of invitation to bid shall of Solvent-Reducible Paints
govern unless otherwise specified. Those documents marked D 2794 Standard Test Method for Resistance of
with an asterisk (*) are referenced only in the Notes or the Organic Coatings to the Effects of Rapid
Appendix, which are not requirements of this specification. Deformation (Impact)
D 4417 StandardTest Methods for Field Measurement
3.2. If there is a conflict between the requirements of any of Surface Profile of Blast Cleaned Steel
of the cited reference documents and this specification, the D 4541 Standard Test Method for Pull-Off Strength of
requirements of this specification shall prevail. Coatings Using Portable Adhesion Testers
1 ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohock-
en, PA 19428-2959. Standards available online from

SSPC-Paint 41
February 1, 2008

D 5894 Standard Practice for Cyclic Salt Fog/UV 5.2 APPLICATION: The coating shall be spray applied
Exposure of Painted Metal, (Alternating as a single coat in accordance with recommendations on the
Exposures in a Fog/Dry Cabinet and a UV/ manufacturers product data sheet. The coating shall show no
Condensation Cabinet) streaking, running, sagging, or other defects during application
or while drying.
(ANSI) STANDARD:2 5.3 DRY FILM THICKNESS: The dry film thickness (DFT)
on the test panels shall meet the manufacturers written recom-
ANSI Z129.1 H a z a r d o u s I n d u s t r i a l C h e m i c a l s mended range. The DFT shall be measured in accordance
Precautionary Labeling with SSPC-PA 2, Appendix 5.

4. Composition Requirements 5.4 CURE: The primer shall be dried and cured in accor-
dance with manufacturers written recommendations. Before
4.1 The manufacturer is given wide latitude in the selection any testing, all coated panels shall be aged for a minimum of
of materials and manufacturing processes. 7 days in an environment with a minimum relative humidity
of 50%, and at a temperature of 23 2 C (73.5 3.5F), as
4.2 Pigment Requirement described in paragraph 5.1 of ASTM D 1640.

4.2.1 Micaceous iron oxide is a required pigment compo- 5.5 SCRIBING: Scribe two parallel lines on the face
nent in this coating (see Note 11.2 for typical formulation of the coated panels so as to expose the underlying metal
percentage ranges). The manufacturer shall provide informa- before testing. The lines shall be at least 2.5 cm (1 inch)
tion on the micaceous iron oxide content on the product data from the edge, the top, and the bottom of each panel and at
sheet, or as required by the purchaser. least 5 cm (2 inches) from each other. Each scribe shall be 6
cm (2.4 inches) long. The scribes may run vertically or at an
4.2.2 Optional pigment components include extenders, angle across the face of the panel. Follow the scribe-making
tinting colors and suspension control agents. procedure described in ASTM D 1654.

4.3 Resin Requirement: The resin used in the coating 5.6 BACKS AND EDGES: Coat and seal all edges and
shall be a polyisocyanate-based product that cures through the back side of each panel with a coating or tape that will
a chemical reaction with atmospheric moisture. Use of other provide the necessary protection to these surfaces.
resins or modifiers shall be limited to products necessary for
formula ingredient compatibility and to improve recoating 6. Requirements of Liquid Coating
properties. See Note 11.3 for information on VOC content,
and Note 11.4 for information on modifying resins. 6.1 MIXING: The coating shall be mixed and dispersed to
produce a product that is uniform, stable, free from grit, and in
4.4 Analytical Test Data: If mutually agreed upon by conformance with the requirements of this specification
purchaser and supplier, the coating manufacturer shall provide
certificates of analysis for coating batches qualified by inde- 6.1.1 The single-component coating shall be capable
pendent testing to meet this standard, including petrographic of being dispersed under mechanical agitation to a smooth,
analysis of the percentage of lamellar particles present in the uniform consistency and shall not show any objectionable
micaceous iron oxide pigment. properties in the mix.

5. Standard Testing Conditions 6.1.2 After mixing and filtering through a standard 60
mesh screen in accordance with ASTM D 185, the amount of
5.1 TEST PANELS: The hot rolled steel test panels shall coarse particles and skins retained shall not exceed 0.5% by
conform to ASTM A 572. Panel size shall be100 mm x 150 weight (see Note 11.5).
mm x 3.2 mm (4 inch x 6 inch x 1/8 inch). Test panels shall be
solvent cleaned in accordance with SSPC-SP 1 prior to blast 6.2 STORAGE LIFE: The coating shall exhibit no curdling,
cleaning. The test panels shall be blast cleaned in accordance gelling, gassing, or hard caking after being stored unmixed
with SSPC-SP 5. The blast profile shall be 44 to 57 micrometers for a minimum of six months from date of delivery in a tightly
(1.75 to 2.25 mils) as measured in accordance with ASTM D sealed, unopened container at a temperature of 10 to 32C
4417, Method C. (50 to 90 F).

6.3 WORKING PROPERTIES: The mixed coating shall

American National Standards Institute, 1819 L Street, NW, Suite
spray easily and show no signs of streaking, running, sagging,
600, Washington, DC 20036. Standards available online from or other objectionable features when applied according to

SSPC-Paint 41
February 1, 2008

the manufacturers product data sheets. Notes 11.6 and 11.7 7.3 DIRECT IMPACT RESISTANCE: The minimum impact
provide additional information on adhesion testing and quality resistance when measured in accordance with ASTM D 2794,
assurance tests. shall be 6.8 Nm (60 inch-lb).
Table 1 provides a summary of performance requirements
7. Laboratory Physical Tests of Applied Films for laboratory and accelerated testing.

7.1 PRIMER ADHESION TO SUBSTRATE: Apply the 8. Accelerated Laboratory Weathering Require-
primer to three panels in accordance with Sections 5.1 through ments
5.4. Test adhesion using an adhesion tester with a self-aligning
pulling mechanism as described in ASTM D 4541. Report the 8.1 CYCLIC SALT SPRAY/UV/CONDENSATION
type of adhesion tester employed. Perform three pulls per panel. CABINET: Triplicate panels prepared in accordance with
The minimum adhesion value of the primer to the substrate for Section 5 shall be exposed in a cyclic test cabinet in accordance
each pull shall be 4.1 MPa (600 psi). In the case of adhesive with ASTM D 5894 for 1500 hours.
failure below 4.1 MPa (600 psi), the pull test shall be repeated.
The instrument used to verify compliance to this standard shall 8.1.1 Rust Evaluation: After the specified exposure
be of the same type used to perform the initial testing. time, each replicate panel shall have no rusting of the coated
portion (a rust rating of 10 per SSPC-VIS 2). Moderate rusting
7.2 INTERMEDIATE COAT ADHESION TO PRIMER: If in the scribe mark is permissible and resulting staining shall
this coating is to be used as an intermediate coat over itself be ignored. Strips 6 mm (1/4 inch) wide along the edges of
or another primer, apply the intermediate coat to three primed the panel shall be ignored.
panels prepared in accordance with Sections 5.1 through 5.4.
Use only primers identified as compatible by the intermediate 8.1.2 Blister Evaluation: After the specified exposure
coat manufacturer. Test adhesion using an adhesion tester time, there shall be no blistering of the coated portion (a rating
with a self-aligning pulling mechanism as described in ASTM of 10 per ASTM D 714).
D 4541. Report the type of adhesion tester employed. Perform
three pulls per panel. The minimum adhesion value of the 8.1.3 Scribe Evaluation: After the specified exposure
intermediate coat to the primer for each pull shall be 4.1 MPa time, the undercutting from the center of the scribe, measured
(600 psi). In the case of adhesive failure below 4.1 MPa (600 at any point along the scribe, shall be a maximum of 4 mm
psi), the pull test shall be repeated. The instrument used to (3/16 inch), a rating of 5 per Table 1 of ASTM D 1654. Moderate
verify compliance to this standard shall be of the same type rusting in the scribe mark is permissible and resulting staining
used to perform the initial testing. should be ignored.


Number of Exposure Rust Rating, Scribe Undercutting, ASTM
Test Rating, ASTM
Specimens Time SSPC-VIS 2 D 1654
D 714
Corrosion after
Exposure in Cyclic Moderate rust in scribe,
Accelerated Test 3 1500 hours All 10 All 10 maximum undercutting 4 mm
Cabinet (ASTM D (ASTM rating of 5)
Minimum Acceptable Rating Test
3 panels,
4.1 MPa ASTM D 4541,
Primer adhesion 3 pulls per ---
(600 psi) for any pull Methods II, III, IV or V
Intermediate 3 panels
4.1 MPa (600 psi) ASTM D 4541,
Coat Adhesion to 3 pulls per ---
for any pull Methods II, III, IV or V
Primer panel

Direct Impact 68 Nm
3 --- ASTM D 2794
Resistance (60 inch-lb).

SSPC-Paint 41
February 1, 2008

9. Labeling Many state and local governments and/or air quality manage-
ment areas have more stringent VOC regulations than those
9.1 Labeling shall conform to ANSI Z129.1. in the federal rule. Information on the VOC content of each
container before mixing or thinning is found on the container
9.2 Technical data shall be provided for at least all data label and in the manufacturers safety data sheet. The coating
elements categorized as essential in SSPC-Guide 13. manufacturers product data sheet usually provides informa-
tion on the total VOC content of a coating after mixing and any
10. Disclaimer recommended thinning.

10.1 While every precaution is taken to ensure that all 11.4 MODIFYING RESINS: Other resins or modifiers are
information furnished in SSPC standards and specifications is typically less than 15% of total resin content.
as accurate, complete, and useful as possible, SSPC cannot
assume responsibility nor incur any obligation resulting from 11.5 SIEVE SIZES: While Section 6.1.2 requires use of
the use of any materials, coatings, or methods specified herein, standard 60-mesh screen, the contracting parties may agree
or of the specification or standard itself. upon alternate screen sizes for new technology coatings.

10.2 This specification does not attempt to address prob- 11.6 TOPCOAT ADHESION: If desired, an adhesion test
lems concerning safety associated with its use. The user of this may be performed to determine adhesion between this coating
specification, as well as the user of all products or practices and a compatible topcoat. To test for adhesion, prepare three
described herein, is responsible for instituting appropriate panels in accordance with Sections 5.1 through 5.3. Apply a
health and safety practices and for ensuring compliance with compatible topcoat and cure as recommended by the topcoat
all governmental regulations. manufacturer. The thickness of the topcoat shall conform to
the manufacturers recommendations. Test adhesion using
11. Notes an adhesion tester with a self-aligning pulling mechanism as
described in ASTM D 4541. Report the type of adhesion tester
Notes are not requirements of this specification. employed. Perform three pulls per panel. The minimum adhe-
sion value of each pull shall be 4.1 MPa (600 psi). In the case
11.1 APPLICATION: Moisture-cure polyurethane coatings of adhesive failure below 4.1 MPa (600 psi), repeat the pull
are preferably applied by spray directly to steel substrates, test. The instrument used to verify compliance to this standard
but may be brushed on small areas for touch-up or to fill in shall be of the same type used to perform the initial testing.
11.7 QUALITY ASSURANCE TESTS: If the user chooses,
11.2 PIGMENT: The typical micaceous iron oxide content tests may be used to determine the acceptability of a lot or
for these coatings ranges from 15 to 35% by weight of nonvola- batch of a qualified coating. The quality assurance tests are
tile components. used to determine whether the supplied products are of the
same type and quality as those originally tested and certified
11.2.1 Micaceous iron oxide pigment is incorporated into for acceptance. The selected tests should accurately and
coatings for the purposes of improved film hardness, decreased rapidly measure the physical and chemical characteristics of
film porosity and viscosity control. It may also provide improved the coating necessary to verify that the supplied material is
adhesion to steel substrates, and superior intercoat adhesion substantially the same as the previously accepted material.
properties. Micaceous iron oxide can impart a measure of film All of the quality assurance tests must be performed on the
reinforcement while relieving stresses that can be developed originally submitted qualification sample. The results of these
in the binder. Optimally, the pigment provides a better barrier tests are used to establish pass/fail criteria for quality assur-
to the effects of ultraviolet weathering exposure. ance testing of supplied products.

11.2.2 Blends of micaceous iron oxide and aluminum 11.7.1 Establishing Quality Assurance Acceptance
pigments are used in various coating formulations for reasons Criteria: Many ASTM test methods contain precision and bias
of improved ultraviolet light and water resistance where statements. Specification developers should be cognizant of
extended periods of exterior exposure are anticipated prior to the fact that these statements exist. Quality assurance test
application of topcoats. criteria should not be more stringent than the interlaboratory
precision of the test methods used.
11.3 VOC CONTENT: Federal limits for VOCs in industrial Where precision and bias data are not available for a given
maintenance coatings were published in 1998 and may be found test method, determine the standard deviation of a minimum
at of five measurements taken on the originally tested and certi-
These limits apply to the coating at the time of application after fied material. The pass/fail criterion is that the measurement
thinning according to the manufacturers recommendations. of the test sample shall fall within two standard deviations of

SSPC-Paint 41
February 1, 2008

the target value. The contracting parties should agree on a

target value.

11.7.2 Recommended Quality Assurance Tests:

Recommended quality assurance tests include but are not
limited to, infrared analysis (ASTM D 2621), viscosity (ASTM
D 562), weight per gallon (ASTM D 1475), total solids (ASTM
D 2369), dry time (ASTM D 1640), and percent pigment (ASTM
D 2371).

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