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1. A mass of 50 kg is suspended by a spring of stiffness 12 KN/m and acted

a harmonic force of 40 N on it.The viscous damping coefficient is 100 N-

(i) resonant amlitude (ii) resonant phase angle

(iii) peak frequency (iv) peak amlitude
(v) peak phase angle.

2. A motor car moving with a speed of 100 Km/hr has a gross mass of 1500
Kg. It passes over a rough road which has a sinusoidal surface with an
amplitude of 75 mm and a wavelength of 5m.The suspension system has a
spring constant of 500 N/mm and damping ratio of 0.5 .determine the
displacement amplitude of the car and time lag.

3. A machine part weighing 20N vibrates in a various medium .Determine the

damping coefficient when a harmonic exciting force of 25N result in a
resonant amplitude of 0.01m with a period of 0.2 sec .If the same system is
excited by a harmonic force of frequency 4 Hz.What will be the percentage
increase in the amplitude of forced vibration when the dash pot is removed.

4. A mass is suspended from a spring of stiffness 5000 N/m and is subjected

to a harmonic force of amplitude 100 N and frequency of 10 Hz .The
amplitude of the forced motion of the mass is found to be 20mm.Find the
value of the mass.

5. The weight of an electric motor is 125 N and it runs on 1500 rpm. The
armature weighs 35 N and its centre of gravity lies 0.05 cm from the axis of
rotation .The motor is mounted on five springs of negligible damping so that
the force transmitted is one-eleventh of the impressed force. Assume that
the weight of the motor is equally distributed among the five springs .

(a) Stiffness of each spring.

(b) Dynamic force transmitted to the base at operating speed.

(c) Natural frequency of the system.

6. What is minimum static deflection of an undamped isolator to provide 75%
isolation to pump that operates at speed between 1500 rpm and 2000 rpm.

7. A machine of mass 1000 kg is acted upon by an external force of 3000 N

at 1800 rpm.To reduce the effect of vibration ,isolators having static
deflection of 2 mm under machine weight and damping factor of 0.2 are
used. Determine:

(i)Amplitude of vibration of machine.

(ii)Force transmitted to the foundation.

(iii)Phase lag.

(iv)Phase angle between transmitted force and exciting force.

8. A vibrating system is supported on four springs.It has a mass of 10Kg.The

mass of reciprocating parts 2Kg.Which moves through a vertical stoke of 100
mm with 5 HM .Neglecting damping.Find out the combined stiffness of the
spring .so that the force transmitted to the foundation is 1/20th of the
impressed force .athe system crank shaft rotates at 1000 rpm.If under actual
working condition the damping reduces the amplitude of successive vibration
by 30%. Find:

(i) the force transmitted to the foundation at 1000 rpm.

(ii) the force transmitted to the foundation at resonance and

(iii) the amplitude of vibration at resonance.

9. A machine 90 kg mass has a 20kg rotor with 0.5 mm eccentricity.The

mounting srings have stiffness 85000N/m and damping ratio 0.02.The
operating speed of machine is 600rpm and the unit is constrained to move

(1)the dynamic amplitude of machine.

(2)the force transmitted to the support.

10. An instrument with mass 13 kg is to be isolated from aircraft engine

vibrations ranging from 1,800 to 2,300 cycles per minute.What should be
the stiffness of an isolator for at least 65% isolation?Assume that the
damping ratio is 0.045.
11. A vertical steel shaft 15mm diameter is held in long bearings 1 meter
apart and carries a disc of mass 15 Kg at a centre.The eccentricity of disc
mass is 0.30 mm.The modulus of elasticity for the shaft material is 200 GPa
and permissible stress is 70 MPa . Neglect the maass of the shaft and find.

(i)critical speed of the shaft .

(ii) unsafe range of speed of shaft .

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