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ERHARD is a company of

butterfly valve

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Butterfly valves for the
requirements of tomorrow

The function of butterfly valves is to start and stop the flow of media in pipelines
and plants in a safe way at any time. In particular the construction type of the
double-eccentric butterfly valve, where the shaft axis is offset in both dimen-
sions compared with the pipeline axis, features a lot of advantages over other
types of valves:
Double-eccentric butterfly valves require only little space within pipeline
Due to the double-eccentric valve bearing, the strain of elastomers is reduced
at the sealing area thereby cutting maintenance efforts.
Compared with closure devices positioned vertically to the pipeline, they fea-
ture a more favourable inflow to the clap disc over the entire pivoting range.
And last but not least, they have lower actuating moments, especially with
larger nominal diameters.

ERHARD is setting the standard

ERHARD Butterfly Valves have been a classic under valves for decades. In the
1950s and 1960s already, they were recognised as a standard and used world-
wide. This also applies to the constant product developments up to the ERHARD
EAK Butterfly Valve and the ERHARD ROCO Premium, the latter of which was
launched to the market in 2007. They ensured that ERHARD has been the trend-
setter for more than half a century in the area of butterfly valves.

For all generations of butterfly valves, however, the same high requirements
have been applicable: a solid and reliable construction complying with a multi-
tude of tasks with outstanding safety and economic efficiency. So with ERHARD,
More than 140 years ago, Johannes Erhard innovative and customer-oriented products come into being where state-of-the-
founded his valve factory which already in art technologies used in engineering, during production and installation as well
the 1950s produced butterfly valves in large
as continuous quality assurance ensure highest quality made in Germany.
nominal widths.

Perfect solutions for a wide spectrum of applications

Among other things, ERHARD Butterfly Valves are suitable for drinking water,

2 ERHARD double-eccentric butterfly valve

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Double-eccentric butterfly valves are successfully used in a multitude of installations worldwide
whether in water treatment, in pipelines or in power plants.

industrial water, gas and air as well as for waste water and suspensions. This
results in fields of applications in drinking water production and distribution, in
water transport, sewage technology and gas supply as well as in the industrial

For various applications, ERHARD has a comprehensive assortment of dou-

ble-eccentric butterfly valves:
With the new ERHARD ROCO wave [1], the further development of the ERHARD
ROCO Premium, ERHARD is completely redefining the standard for nominal
diameters from DN 150 to DN 1600 and nominal pressures from PN 10 to PN
40 [Page 4].
Based on the ERHARD ROCO Premium, a wide spectrum of special solu-
tions is available for particular application areas, such as a dismantling type
valve[2] or for the BLS system [3] [Page 21].
And for nominal widths beyond DN 1600, the proven ERHARD EAK Butterfly
Valve [4] is the suitable product [Page 24].

1 2 3 4

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redefined the standard

With our new ERHARD ROCO wave Butterfly Valve, we are establishing a new
standard. As a further development of the ERHARD ROCO Premium butterfly
valve, it ensures top values in terms of safety, economic efficiency and durabil-
ity, using innovative detailed solutions.

Top in all dimensions

Six large topics define the quality of butterfly valves. By means of the new
ERHARD ROCO wave Butterfly Valve, all tasks are performed to the highest

Dimension Advantages of the ERHARD ROCE wave Page

1 Dynamics Flow-optimised cla discs and internal housing contours ensure stability 6
in any size and highest economic efficiency at the same time.

2 Precision The gearbox with slider-crank mechanism ideally matches the torque 8
curve of the disc and reliably reduces pressure surges due to slowed

3 Power The polygon plug connection reliably transmits the drive forces without 10
any play or fluttering.

4 Protection High-quality coatings in EKB and Enamel as well as a wide range of spe- 12
cial coatings ensure long-term protection for any application.

5 Safety Reliable and maintenance-friendly sealing elements take care of high 14

operational safety an low maintenance effort.

6 Size Nominal diameters from DN 150 to DN 1600 and pressure ratings from 16
PN 10 to PN 40 offer solutions for every task.

Solutions which are elaborated in every detail, such as the optimised shape of the disc, the sealing
section applied using the PTA process, and easy to replace seal rings ensure economical operation
of the ERHARD ROCO for many years.

4 ERHARD double-eccentric butterfly valve

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4 5 6

2 1 3

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innovative design for optimised flow
and highest economic efficiency

High dynamic forces are acting in pipelines and plants. These forces
have to be coped with by a butterfly valve in a safe way. There are
two perspectives at the heart of this: For one, a stable disc is
required that especially resists the arising forces during
opening and closing in a safe way. For another, the
discs shape and housings internal contour must be
designed in such a way, however, that the pressure
loss of the opened valve being in media flow is minimal
in order to enable economic operation.

During development of the ERHARD ROCO wave Butter-
fly Valve, we therefore used state-of-the-art computer-aided
design techniques. Thus the characteristic waveform came into
being giving the butterfly valve its name. The waveform design ensures high-
est stability on the one hand, with its flow characteristics being optimised in
such a way on the other hand that the least possible pressure loss compared
with other butterfly valves available on the market could be realized. At the
same time, this design ensures optimal protection against cavitation.

In this context, flow optimisation means that the flow is only minimally affected
when the valve is open. This ensures that the whole plant can be operated using
the least possible pump capacity, for instance. This takes care of permanently
low operating costs. Using the formula and the diagram, the pressure loss to be
compensated for can be calculated easily. The basis of the table values is the
averaged inflow for the enamelled version. On request, we will be happy to pro-
vide you with resistance coefficients for other nominal diameters and nominal

Safety with extreme requirements

The challenge is even greater with large nominal widths or pressure ratings.

During development of the ERHARD ROCO

wave Butterfly Valve, we use the modern
CFD process (computational fluid dynam-
ics). Computational fluid dynamics make it
possible for complex, non-linear fluid me-
chanics problems, which often cannot be
solved exactly, to be solved approximately
using numeric methods.

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Calculation of pressure loss:
Widerstandsbeiwert [-]
1000,0 p = /2 v2
p Pressure loss [Pa]-105 Pa ^= 1 bar
Resistance coefficient of the valve
[from diagram]
v Flow rate[m/s]

Dense water [kg/m3]

1,0 DN 100

DN 1000
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
ffnungsgrad [%]

Resistance coefficients Resistance coefficients at completely

DN PN 10 PN 16 DN PN 10 PN 16 DN PN 10 PN 16 opened butterfly valve. The results were
80 1.39 500 0.23 0.29 1500 0.12 0.16 obtained by carrying out comprehensive
100 0.89 600 0.20 0.26 1600 0.12 0.15 test series in the ERHARD Test Centre and
125 0.57 700 0.18 0.23 1800 0.12 0.15
correspond to the actual behaviour of the
150 0.78 800 0.16 0.21 2000 0.11 0.15
200 0.71 900 0.15 0.19 2200 0.11 0.15 valve.
250 0.42 1000 0.13 0.18 2400 0.11 0.15
300 0.34 0.40 1100 0.13 0.17 2500 0.11 0.14
350 0.30 0.37 1200 0.12 0.16 2600 0.11 0.14
400 0.27 0.34 1300 0.12 0.16 2900 0.11 0.14
450 0.25 0.31 1400 0.12 0.16 3000 0.10 0.13

With the ERHARD ROCO wave, a disc in the Skeleton design is used here which
is based on the findings of a strength-oriented topology study and represents
an optimised further development of the previously existing double-deck disc.

Due to the innovative arrangement of the material, it ensures optimal rigidity at

high pressure ratings and large nominal widths (at PN 25 from DN 1000 and at
PN 40 from DN 600) on the one hand, with the free pipeline cross section simul- The Skeleton design was developed using
taneously being maximised on the other hand, whereby lowest zeta values can complex topology studies.
also be realized with this type of construction.

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Gearbox with slider-crank
mechanism for opening and
closing without problems
The actuation gear has the task of opening and closing the butterfly valve with-
out any problems at any time. The gearbox with slider-crank mechanism devel-
oped and manufactured at ERHARD is the ideal solution, because its movement
kinematics is perfectly adjusted to the torque curve of the ERHARD ROCO wave
Butterfly Valve.

The torque curve for operating the disc is not equal, but it increases dispropor-
tionately near closing point (see graphic) in order to push the main sealing of
All nominal widths and pressure ratings of the tilting disc reliably into its seat. A defined preload of the sealing element
the ERHARD ROCO wave Butterfly Valve are guarantees sufficient sealing pressure and thus the valves reliability of service.
equipped with the ERHARD gearbox with
slider-crank mechanism as standard.
Slowed closing speeds of the discs near the CLOSED position ensure extremely
soft closing. This minimises the danger of pressure surges (see info box on the
right) and thus increases the safety and service life of the plant components.
Furthermore, the actuating moments of the ERHARD gearbox with slider-crank
mechanism are constantly low so that electrical actuators - if used - can be
4 given small dimensions which is a clear cost advantage. Furthermore,
the gearboxes are characterized by a self-locking effect in any posi-
tion as well as adjustability in stop positions.
Further advantages of the ERHARD gearbox with slider-crank
The robust, adjustable end stop on the spindle [1]


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The torque curve of the gearbox with slid-
er-crank mechanism is optimally adjusted
to the torque of the disc.

Drehmoment an der Klappenscheibe

Drehmoment des Schneckengetriebes
Drehmoment des Schubkurbelgetriebes

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
ZU Stellung der Klappenscheibe [Grad] AUF

ensures that no forces are being exerted on the housing parts during operation.
Thanks to the robust, closed housing [2] according to protection class IP68
and the maintenance-free construction, the ERHARD SKG gearbox with slid-
er-crank mechanism is extremely durable and particularly suitable for under-
ground installation, but also for flooded areas.
The mechanical position indicator [3], which is directly connected to the shaft,
and the sight glass made of impact resistant polycarbonate make it possible
to check the degree of openness at any time so that the SKG can also be used
without any problems when installed underground.
With a slip-on gear according to DIN ISO 5211, a flange bearing for plant engi-
neering or underground installation or a hand wheel or flange according to
DIN 5210 for a rotary drive, flexible drive options [4] arise thanks to a variable
modular kit and the fact that the gearbox arrangement can be changed at any
time without problems. A subsequent switch from manual operation to elec-
tric operation can also be carried out easily.
The use of bronze [5] and stainless steel ensures very long durability and high
security of investment.

Flow Minimisation of pressure surge danger

Worm Gear The gearbox with slider-crank mechanism initially closes from full
Slider-crank mechanism opening towards half-open position. In the further course, in the
hydraulically effective throttle range between 30 and 0 % [from A], it is
closed in a heavily slowed down way due to the toggle lever effect. The
A B danger of pressure surges is thereby clearly minimised. By contrast,
the worm gear closes in a linear way and thus relatively slow. In the
30 % further course [from B], the hydraulically effective throttle range is run
through with the same actuation speed until closed position. During the
process, the danger of pressure surges is increased several times.

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safe movement without any play
thanks to the polygon
plug connection

A strong connection is required in order to transmit drive forces to the butterfly

disc in a safe way at any time. The polygon plug connection, which was already
introduced and patented with the ERHARD ROCO Premium and which is also
used with the ERHARD ROCO wave, ensures torque and zero backlash.

Thanks to highest precision during manufacturing, it enables an absolutely

clearance-free connection due to the notch-free polygon profile with the same
shaft diameter and thus 20 % higher torque reserves in comparison with the key
The polygon plug connection is absolutely joint connection.
free of play which is also the result of
decades of development and production
At the same time, the construction with completely closed butterfly eye and
know-how at ERHARD in Heidenheim.
the use of O-ring cages allows complete encapsulation of the bearing from the

The polygon plug connection is ideally

adjusted to the reserves of the ERHARD
SKG gearbox with slider-crank mecha-
nism enabling precise and safe power

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However, the polygon plug connection also provides even more advantages:
Additional connection elements are not required; therefore there are also no
separation joints.
State-of-the-art precision manufacturing technologies make it possible that
the connection is absolutely free of play and together with the flow-optimised
shape of the butterfly disc prevents any fluttering.
Sealing takes place consistently on the coated component areas.
In addition, the construction is perfectly adjusted to the reserves of the ERHARD
gearbox with slider-crank mechanism used as standard with the ERHARD
ROCO wave.

Double eccentric design for simple opening and long service life

Three basic types of butterfly valves are possible during construction. With
centric butterfly valves, the shaft axis is centred with the axis of the butterfly
valve and the pipeline axis [1]. It thus simultaneously runs through main
seal or the housing seat, with the main seal being interrupted by the shaft. 1 2 3
With eccentric valves, the main seal or the housing seat is offset to the shaft
axis by contrast [2] so that an endless seal ring can be used.

If the shaft axis is additionally offset above or under the pipeline axis, the
valves are referred to as double-eccentric valves [3]. The tilting disc of 5

the ERHARD ROCO wave Butterfly Valve is also mounted in the housing in
a double-eccentric way. That way, when the swivel motion is started for 6
opening, a rotary motion occurs [4] which is superimposed by a translatory
motion [5] in addition. The butterfly valve rotates, but it moves away from
the seat ring [6] at the same time. Thereby it lifts off from the seat after
a few degrees of opening, whereby the sealing ring is relieved. All these 6
effects minimise wear and tear.

Together with the complete releasing of sealing ring tension at maximum
opening, this results in a clearly longer service life. At the same time, the
translatory motion ensures that the sealing ring can be easily loosened
from the seat, even with valves which have been closed for years.

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perfect surfaces for
every field of application

Optimal protection of the medium and construction is the precondition for a

permanent function of all valves. By means of the modern surface technologies
from ERHARD, your valves will always be provided with the solution adjusted to
the relevant application.

The epoxy resin coating provided in the powder coating process is one of the
most often used corrosion protection processes. During this process, the coat-
ing is applied in a precisely defined thickness and melted on at exactly 210 C.
The standard thickness is at least 250 m, layer thicknesses up to 500 m are
possible. The plant works using the latest technologies and complies with the
test conditions of the Quality Association for Heavy Duty Corrosion Protection
of Powder Coated Valves and Fittings (GSK) with quality assurance according
to RAL-GZ 662. With large valves, EKB is applied in a wet process in a two-layer
structure: A cathodic basic protection is followed by an electrostatic wet coat-
ing using a low-solvent 2-component epoxy resin. In the heat channel, the final
2 bonding takes place to the heavy corrosion protection according to DIN 30677-2.

EKB is physiologically harmless for drinking water and has confirmed test cer-
tificates, among others, from the DVGW Research Centre TZW Karlsruhe, from
the Hygiene Institute of Gelsenkrichen and the WRAS (WRc) in Great Britain.
The castings are first sandblasted using
a special granulate so that the metal is Special coatings
blank. Depending on the size, the epoxy
Special coating technologies protect ERHARD ROCO wave Butterfly Valvesin a
plastic is applied in the powder coating or
reliable way, also with critical fields of application, such as acids or lye solutions,
wet process.
with sediment-containing water, in cooling systems, in hydraulic steel struc-
tures, with sea water or brackish water as well as with industrial wastewater.

EPC (Epoxy Polymer Ceramic) is a An ERHARD hard or soft rubber Individual colour coatings using To avoid giving rise to an effective
polymer ceramic composite mate- coating on the inside is resistant PU lacquers, for example ac- ignition source, the external areas
rial with an excellent mechanical against chemical, thermal and cording to the RAL colour scale, are provided with a conductive
stability. It is pore-free, resistant mechanical exposure. It is also ensure increased operational special coating. With an earth
to chemicals and abrasion-resis- suitable for abrasive media and security, e.g. in the gas or resistance from 104 to 105 Ohm
tant and thus especially suitable sea water extinguishing water area. At the according to DIN EN 1081, the
for abrasive media or sea water same time, they offer optimal UV ATEX requirements are complied
protection in outdoor areas. with.

12 ERHARD double-eccentric butterfly valve

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Permanently protected
by means of ERHARD Pro-Enamel
ERHARD ROCO wave Butterfly Valves are also available in a fully enamelled
version for perfect corrosion protection. After firing at about 720 C, enamel
becomes a vitreous, high-tensile material forming an inseparable bond with the
metallic substrate. As a special feature, ERHARD valves provided with ERHARD
Pro-Enamel have a special fibre enamel. With ERHARD Pro-Enamel, short
fibres in the material stop the enamel from cracking in case of any damage.

In accordance with DIN 51178, ERHARD Pro-Enamel offers numerous

advantages: 3
Safely protected against infiltration
Absolutely tight for water vapour and oxygen
Stable connection, also in case of bend of the material and other strains
Resistant against acids, lye solutions and neutral organic media 2
Extremely temperature-resistant. Can also be used when it comes to rapid
changes in temperature 1
Good resistance also with abrasive media due to high hardness of 600 HV
There are no further protective measures required, even with soil class III While small cracks can propagate in

Extremely smooth surface (Ra 0.05) for excellent hygienic conditions ordinary enamel, the fibres in ERHARD
Pro-Enamel immediately stop cracking.
No mineral and organic components get stuck, therefore no build-up of a min-
The vitreous enamel forms a keyed connec-
eral crust with cross-section reduction tion with the cast iron and forms a bonding
Ideal mating face for elastomer seals or adhesion zone (2) between the enamel
Extremely durable and long lasting, no embrittlement and chalk formation layer (1) and the cast iron as substrate
High environmental compatibility material (3), in which the iron and enamel
chemically and physically bond.

ERHARD has a wide range of experience with many years of know-how in

the complex technology of enamelling. A state-of-the-art enamelling facility
enables us to carry out a high-quality production in which we can seamlessly
monitor all steps.

Except for fully enamelled versions (up to DN 600), ERHARD ROCO wave But-
terfly Valves are also available in combinations of EKB and Enamel, for example
with interior surface enamelling and/or an enamelled tilting disc.

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permanently tight and
easy to maintain

Decisive for operational safety over years are reliable bearing and sealing con-
structions which are easy to maintain in addition. ERHAD ROCO wave Butterfly
Valves set a new standard in this area, too.

Seat ring for lasting safety

A welded-on seat ring is used with the ERHARD ROCO wave Butterfly Valve
for all models with inside EKB coating. During the process, a special alloy is
metallurgically bonded to the base material by means of the PTA welding pro-
cess (Plasma Transferred Arc or also Plasma Powder Build-Up Welding) . The
resultant layer offers high wear protection and an exceptionally high resistance
against pitting and crevice corrosion. This particularly applies also to mineral
During the PRA process, the plasma arc
serves as a source of heat and metallur-
acids, alkaline media, sea and brackish water as well as with high-tempera-
gically bonds the surfacing material to the ture media. That way, the new construction ensures a permanently tight contact
base material. between the rubberized sealing ring and the seat applied to the housing.

With all versions coated inside with enamel, sealing takes place directly on the
enamel. That way, no additional seat ring is required. This further increases
durability. This direct seat is possible by the fact that enamel represents a glassy
and high-strength material which has an inseparable bond with the substrate.
Enamel features a high hardness of 600 HV. It has an extremely smooth surface
(Ra 0.05) and is thus an ideal mating face for elastomer seals.

Shaft bearing - reliable and ease of maintenance

The shaft bearing, too, complies with highest standards in terms of safety and
ease of maintenance: On the drive side [5] , the construction features the follow-
ing details which together ensure a sealing concept without any dead spaces:

1 2 3 4


Variants with EKB coating [1/2] use a seat ring [A] which is welded-on by means of the PTA process
and serves as a counter seal for the rubberized profile seal ring [B]. With enamelled valves [3/4],
the seal ring closes directly on the enamelled seat [C] which represents an ideal mating face due to
the hardness and smooth surface area of the enamel.

14 ERHARD double-eccentric butterfly valve

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5 6



High-quality components are used both on the drive side [5] and the blind side [6] of the shaft bear-
ing. [C] Bush with PTFE coating, [D] O-ring cage made of POM, [E] Retaining ring, [F] Replaceable
brass cage, [G] Levelling washer, [H] bearing cover

PTFE-coated P1 bushes [C] according to DIN ISO 3547 ensure safe guidance
of the shaft at simultaneously reduced friction.
As the bearing main seal, an O-ring cage [D] made of POM is used in the inte-
rior which is combined with and EPDM or NBR seal depending on the relevant
field of application. Thanks to this construction, it is impossible for it to slip
An easy-to-replace retaining ring [E] serves as a blow-off protection and
ensures safety during dismounting. The replaceable brass cage [F] provides
additional sealing and bearing.

On the blind side [6] , the journals are supported using P1 bushes. As on the
drive side, sealing here also takes place directly on the coating surface area
using O-ring cages [D] made of POM. A levelling washer [G] ensures that no
axial motion is possible for the shaft. The bearing cover [H] consists of stainless

Easy-to-maintain main seal 8

ERHARD ROCO wave Butterfly valves are equipped with a soft sealing main seal.
For nominal widths to DN 600, a rubberized steel ring is used which can be
easily fixed using screws [7]. For larger nominal widths, a rubber ring is fixed
by means of a stable steel ring on the valve disc [8]. Both variants can be read-
justed without problems and can be replaced easily at any time. The setting is
secured using counter pins. On request, the main seal is also available in Viton,
PU or other special materials. Depending on the nominal width, various
main seals are used: a rubberized steel
ring for versions up to DN 600, a rubber
ring fastened by means of a metal ring for
versions beyond DN 600.

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one product design for all
nominal widths and pressure ratings

As one of the most often used valves, butterfly valves have to cover a wide spec-
trum of applications. The ERHARD ROCO wave is the right solution: from small
to large ones, for use in plants and pipe networks, for water and gas applica-
tions. Because by means of this, all nominal diameters from DN 150 to DN 1600
and all nominal pressures from PN 10 to PN 40 are covered by only one product

As the only butterfly valve in the market, the ERHARD ROCO wave Butterfly Valve
has a DIN-DVGW Type Examination Certificate* for versions up to a nominal
width of DN 1600 (PN 10 and PN 16) which externally and independently certifies
that these valves fulfil the high requirements in the drinking water sector.

1 1
With all versions, handling is facilitated by means of two new useful details:
Additional flange holes make it possible to hang up the valve and thus facili-
tate transport [1].
Integrated stands support the valve and guarantee a safe stand on the contact
surface [2].

As supplement to the assortment with larger and smaller nominal widths, there
are two proven types of butterfly valves available: the ERHARD ROCO Butterfly
2 2 Valve for DN 80 to DN 125 (PN 16 and PN 25) as well as the ERHARD EAK But-
terfly Valve for all nominal diameters beyond DN 1600 [Page 20].

The standard product range of the ERHARD ROCO wave by nominal widths and pressure ratings
DN 80 100 125 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 800 900 <=1600
PN 10
PN 16
PN 25
PN 40

* Approval applied for

16 ERHARD double-eccentric butterfly valve

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Profile of materials and equipment

Housing: Cast iron with spherical graphite EN-JS 1030
Housing seat: EKB version : high-alloyed, welded seat:
Enamel version: enamelled seat
Disc: soft-sealed and double-eccentric mounted, made of cast iron with
spherical graphite EN-JS 1030
Shaft drive: ferritic Cr steel
Shaft bearing: P1 bushes, maintenance-free
Shaft sealing: elastomer
Profile seal ring: rubberized (EPDM- or NBR-rubberized), steel-reinforced
up to DN 600
Bolts: wetted A4 (beyond DN 600 A2), external A2
Gearbox with slider-crank mechanism (SKG): protection class IP68
Gear housing: cast iron with spheroidal graphite EN-JL 1040 / Epoxy
Geared crank: steel / bronzed
Spindle nut: bronze
Spindle: ferritic Cr steel
Hand wheel: steel / Epoxy
Gearbox arrangement: For standard see Page 28 ff.
Corrosion protection of housing parts: heavy-duty corrosion protection
according to quality assurance RAL-GZ 662 (GSK), at least 250m, epoxy-plas-
tic-coating; optionally inside (housing or housing and tilting disc) with
ERHARD enamelling (colour shade: blue) or pre-enamelled using ERHARD
Pro-Enamel. Further coating variants are possible. We would be pleased to
advise you on that.
Media: for drinking water, water, sewage and gas
Suitable for vacuum: due to enclosed seals

Application areas
PN 10 16 25 40
DN 150-1600 150-1600 150-1600 150-1600
Water up to max. 60 C
Test pressure in bar acc. to DIN EN 12266-1
Housing test 17.0 25.0 37.5 60.0
Ending test 11.0 17.6 27.5 44.0
Maximum allowable working pressure in bar 10.0 16.0 25.0 40.0

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dimension table

d1 d2

h1 h1

h2 h2 h2

b b b
e1 e2 e1 e2 e1 e2
e3 e3 e3


e4 e4 e5 e4
e6 e6 e6

Used dimensions
L [mm] overall length
D [mm] flange
G [kg] weight
u hand wheel rotations (open/close)
RZ with round pivot
HR with hand wheel
EA with electric rotary drive
(dimensions can vary depending on the relevant drive manufacturer)
Further drive variants on request

DN PN L D h1 h1 h1 h2 b e1 e2 e3 e3 e3 e4 e5 e6 e6 e6 d1 d2 G G G u
80 16 180 200 199 222 438 117 / 100 167 229 267 404 85 180 185 148 334 18 200 22 22 44 18
100 16 190 220 199 222 438 117 / 110 182 244 282 419 85 180 185 148 334 18 200 26 26 48 18
125 16 200 250 199 222 438 117 / 125 195 257 295 432 85 180 185 148 334 18 200 30 30 52 18

18 ERHARD double-eccentric butterfly valve

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DN PN L D h1 h1 h1 h2 b e1 e2 e3 e3 e3 e4 e5 e6 e6 e6 d1 d2 G G G u
150 16 210 285 200 222 452 145 150 146 201 264 301 439 179 85 148 185 334 18 200 37 25 55 18
150 25 210 300 200 222 452 167 150 160 221 283 321 458 179 85 148 185 334 18 200 37 33 55 18
150 40 210 300 200 222 452 167 150 160 221 283 321 453 179 85 148 185 334 18 200 37 37 55 18
200 10 230 340 200 222 452 172 180 186 246 309 346 484 179 85 148 185 334 18 200 48 37 67 18
200 16 230 340 200 222 452 172 180 186 246 309 346 484 179 85 148 185 334 18 200 48 37 67 18
200 25 230 360 221 244 473 197 180 180 253 316 353 491 159 105 168 205 354 18 200 53 54 72 25
200 40 230 375 221 244 473 210 180 188 253 316 353 491 159 105 168 205 354 18 200 53 68 72 25
250 10 250 400 200 222 452 202 200 210 271 333 371 508 179 85 148 185 334 18 200 61 50 81 18
250 16 250 400 221 244 473 202 200 204 278 341 378 516 159 105 168 205 354 18 200 70 56 90 25
250 25 250 425 293 321 540 234 200 223 312 392 437 550 159 105 185 230 354 22 250 108 83 128 29
250 40 250 450 293 321 540 247 210 225 312 392 437 540 159 105 185 230 354 22 250 108 109 128 29
300 10 270 455 221 244 473 230 260 229 303 366 403 541 159 105 168 205 354 18 200 88 73 108 25
300 16 270 455 221 244 473 230 260 229 303 366 403 541 159 105 1678 205 354 18 200 88 73 108 25
300 25 270 485 293 321 540 254 260 246 335 415 460 572 159 105 185 230 354 22 250 135 110 155 29
300 40 270 515 318 348 565 260 300 261 372 453 497 610 139 125 205 250 374 22 250 191 158 211 36
350 10 290 505 221 244 473 255 280 253 325 387 425 562 159 105 168 205 354 18 200 102 87 122 25
350 16 290 520 293 321 540 262 280 272 361 441 486 599 159 105 185 230 354 22 250 132 107 152 29
350 25 290 555 318 348 565 297 280 286 390 471 515 628 139 125 205 250 374 22 250 196 162 216 36
400 10 310 565 293 321 540 285 310 301 390 470 515 628 159 105 185 230 354 22 250 148 123 168 29
400 16 310 580 293 321 540 292 320 301 390 470 515 628 159 105 185 230 354 22 250 162 137 182 29
400 25 310 620 318 348 565 327 320 310 411 491 536 648 139 125 205 250 374 22 250 241 207 261 36
400 40 310 660 396 428 778 332 350 330 480 582 655 718 40 155 255 330 473 22 350 384 298 404 37
450 10 330 640 318 348 565 310 320 335 439 520 564 677 139 125 205 250 374 22 250 193 158 213 36
450 16 330 640 318 348 565 322 320 335 439 520 564 677 139 125 205 250 374 22 250 212 177 232 36
500 10 350 670 318 348 565 337 360 360 464 545 589 702 139 125 205 250 374 22 250 215 181 235 36
500 16 350 715 318 348 565 360 360 360 464 545 589 702 139 125 205 250 374 22 250 262 229 282 36
500 25 350 730 396 428 778 382 360 370 515 617 690 753 40 155 255 330 473 22 350 366 332 386 37
500 40 350 755 419 459 799 380 360 386 583 721 833 831 28 185 329 435 508 30 500 485 451 475 46
600 10 390 780 318 348 565 392 400 408 513 593 638 750 139 125 205 250 374 22 250 295 261 315 36
600 16 390 840 396 428 778 422 440 423 548 650 723 785 40 155 255 330 473 25 350 462 377 482 37
600 25 390 845 419 459 799 437 440 440 614 752 864 862 28 185 329 435 508 30 500 630 491 650 46
600 40 390 890 419 459 799 447 440 477 638 776 888 886 28 185 329 435 508 30 500 815 675 835 46
700 10 430 895 396 428 778 450 440 468 593 695 768 831 40 155 255 330 473 25 350 482 397 502 37
700 16 430 910 419 459 799 457 500 492 653 790 903 900 28 185 329 435 508 30 500 653 515 673 148
700 25 430 960 419 459 799 482 500 518 680 818 930 928 28 185 329 435 508 30 500 841 703 861 46
800 10 470 1015 396 428 778 510 520 528 653 755 828 891 40 155 255 330 473 25 350 631 546 651 37
800 16 470 1025 419 459 799 515 580 553 718 856 968 966 28 185 329 435 508 30 500 839 700 859 46
800 25 470 1085 601 637 854 545 560 568 771 933 946 1019 27 240 402 484 563 22 350 1142 962 1162 242
900 10 510 1115 419 459 799 560 580 587 748 885 998 995 28 185 329 435 508 30 500 840 702 860 46
900 16 510 1125 419 459 799 565 580 631 788 926 1038 1036 28 185 329 435 508 30 500 1041 903 1061 46
900 25 510 1185 601 637 854 595 580 635 820 982 995 1067 27 240 402 484 563 22 350 1450 1270 1475 242
1000 10 550 1230 419 459 799 617 600 653 818 956 1068 1066 28 185 329 435 508 30 500 1026 888 1046 46
1000 16 550 1255 601 637 854 630 640 672 855 1017 1030 1103 27 240 402 484 563 22 350 1415 1197 1435 242
1000 25 550 1320 666 702 919 662 680 705 937 1147 1147 1184 92 305 515 549 628 22 350 2052 1644 2077 266
1100 10 590 1340 419 459 799 672 640 709 869 1007 1119 1117 28 185 329 435 508 30 500 1274 1136 1294 46
1200 10 630 1455 419 459 799 730 690 771 934 1071 1184 1181 28 185 329 435 508 30 500 1573 1435 1593 46
1200 16 630 1485 601 637 854 745 740 800 990 1152 1165 1238 27 240 402 484 563 22 350 2110 1891 2135 242
1200 25 630 1530 666 702 919 767 740 845 1067 1277 1277 1315 92 305 515 549 628 22 350 2847 2439 2872 266
1400 10 710 1675 601 637 854 840 720 892 1077 1239 1252 1324 27 240 402 484 563 22 350 2414 2196 2440 242
1400 16 710 1685 666 702 919 845 820 929 1144 1354 1354 1392 92 305 515 549 628 22 350 3260 2853 3285 266
1600 10 790 1915 666 702 919 960 940 1016 1242 1452 1452 1490 92 305 515 549 628 22 350 3473 3065 3498 266
1600 16 790 1930 666 707 919 967 960 1055 1277 1487 1487 1525 92 305 515 549 628 22 350 4442 4034 4467 266
1600 25 790 1975 882 917 1138 990 960 1111 1354 1626 1626 1639 312 395 668 945 1019 30 500 5415 4622 5465 428

ERHARD double-eccentric butterfly valve 19

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For a perfect connection
Dismantling type and BLS connection

ERHARD ROCO Premium Butterfly valve - dismantling type

An ideal butterfly valve for replacement in plants and pipe networks is the
ERHARD ROCO Premium Butterfly Valve - dismantling type. It combines all
advantages of the ERHARD ROCO Premium Butterfly Valve with a tightly con-
nected dismantling type and is thus perfectly suited for all plant and pipeline
network operators.

Butterfly valves of dismantling type have two large fields of application. For
one, they are used in the course of new construction measures, whereby it can
be done without a time-consuming and expensive installation of fittings and
extension pieces. On the one hand, depending on the relevant material selec-
tion which is otherwise required for fittings and extension pieces, this results in
1 savings of approximately 20 % with regard to new investments, and installation
times and thus personnel expenses decrease to about one third on the other

For another, dismantling type butterfly valves are ideally suited as replacement
valves for refurbishing plants and supply networks. Because due to compressing
the flange seal, the previous valve must often be handled using brute force or
2 special tools. Installation of a valve identical in construction and overall length
will therefore be almost impossible. This is not the case with the ERHARD ROCO
Premium Butterfly Valve in dismantling type. It in fact falls below the overall
length by 3 mm, with the flange seal already being integrated into the disman-
tling type concept. This results in a variable overall length which makes it possi-
ble to install the valve in the existing gap also without fitting or extension piece.

The ERHARD ROCO Premium Butterfly valve of dismantling type can also be
used as a shut-off valve in plants or as an underground pipe network valve. By
mounting and fixing the valve on the fixed-flange side, it is installed safe against

20 ERHARD double-eccentric butterfly valve

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3 4 5 6

Within the bounds of refurbishment works, the Landeswasserversorgung (Water Supply Agency)
of the federal state of Baden-Wuerttemberg replaced a gate valve with an ERHARD ROCO Premium
Butterfly valve of dismantling type [3/4]. The replacement of the valves is facilitated by using the
loose flange it can be done without widening the valve flange and pipeline flange for installing a
Installation without problems is also possible with vertical pipelines [5]. Elaborate support of the
valve is not required, because it is fastened to the fixed flange during installation. The perfect seat
of the valve guarantees ease of handling in all mounting situations [6]. With it, it is also possible to
subsequently turn the valve after it has been installed.

The loose flanges are movable within a certain application range (-1 mm to +5
mm). Furthermore, they are tightly connected to the valve housing. The overall
length of the loose-flange valve is manufactured with a minus tolerance, and by
leaving out the flange seal on the loose flange side, additional play is created.
The seal in integrated into the loose flange.

Prior to installation [1], the loose flange with integrated flange seal is put into
end position. The housing is manufactured with a minus tolerance so that a gap
results between butterfly valve and pipeline, enabling easy installation into the
existing construction gap. After installation [2], the loose flange with integrated
flange seal is pulled up to the pipeline flange and the flange connection is
screwed together. While doing so, the gap between valve and pipeline is bridged
by the loose flange. The integrated flange seal caulks towards the pipeline and
the valves housing in a safe way. Due to the holding elements, the bond between
loos flange and valve is tightly connected.

ERHARD ROCO Premium Butterfly valve BLS

The longitudinal positive-lockingBLSsocket connection (BLS = Buderus Lock
System) is a further development of proven restraint systems. It is form-fitting
and extremely durable, i.e. it can also be used for extreme applications, and it
can be easily mounted or dismounted. So in a rocky terrain, for example, it has
proved itself since many years.

On the basis of numerous technical and economic advantages of this flangeless

connection, ERHARD - apart from other valves and a lot of fittings - has also
developed for this future-oriented system ERHARD ROCO Premium Butterfly
Valves in nominal widths DN 200, 250 and 300 (PN 16).

ERHARD double-eccentric butterfly valve 21

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Special variants for a
wide spectrum of applications

Apart from the different versions with flange, loose-flange, or BLS connection,
ERHARD also offers a lot of special versions for a wide spectrum of applica-
tions. Here are some examples:

ERHARD ROCO Premium Butterfly Valves with butt-welding ends

ERHARD ROCO Premium butterfly valves with butt-welding endsare manufac-
tured especially for the use in gas supply networks for pressure ratings up to PN
16. In this special case, the outer corrosion protection consists of a high-quality
two-component polyurethane coating for underground valves. This coating is
excellently suitable for the safe corrosion protection connection after welding
ERHARD ROCO Premium Butterfly Valves took place in the pipe trench. The valves housing consists of ST 52-3. For gas
with butt-welding ends are available in applications, pressure tests are carried according to DIN 3230, Part 5 in PG1 or
nominal widths from DN 200 to DN 600.

ERHARD ROCO Butterfly Valves of the long series

Apart from the standard version in overall lengths according to DIN EN 558-1,
basic series 14, ERHARD ROCO Butterfly Valves are also available in a long ver-
sion according to basic series 15. The product range comprises nominal widths
from DN 400 to DN 1200 in the pressure ratings PN 10 and PN 16. Further ver-
sions are possible on request. As a basic variant, there is one version each avail-
able - one with and one without bypass. The main application field of this valve
is filling and discharging of pipelines free of pressure surges via the integrated
bypass using an ERHARD Gate Valve. Therefore it can be done without the com-
plex installation of a bypass line in the pipe trench. The whole system looks as
if from one and the same cast, providing optimal corrosion protection.
The bypass with ERHARD ROCO Butterfly
Valves of the long series is equipped with Further accessories
an ERHARD Gate Valve.
The wide product range of ERHARD Butterfly Valves also includes further acces-
sory items, such as:
Limit switch on the gearbox
Lockable hand wheels
Hang-up devices
Further information can be obtained from your ERHARD consultant.

22 ERHARD double-eccentric butterfly valve

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ERHARD ROCO Premium Butterfly Valves
dimension table

ERHARD ROCO Premium Butterfly Valve - dismantling type

DN PN L* D h1 h1 h1 h2 b e1 e2 e3 e3 e3 e4 e5 e6 e6 e6 d1 d2 G G G u
150 16 210 285 199 222 438 117 150 155 222 285 322 459 85 180 185 148 334 18 200 39 39 61 18
200 10 230 340 200 222 438 118 160 180 246 309 346 483 85 180 148 185 334 18 200 51 51 73 18
200 16 230 340 199 222 438 117 160 180 246 309 346 483 85 180 185 148 334 18 200 51 51 73 18
250 10 250 400 200 222 438 118 180 203 270 333 370 507 85 180 148 185 334 18 200 66 66 89 25
250 16 250 400 221 244 460 146 180 228 303 366 403 540 105 160 205 168 355 18 200 76 76 99 25
300 10 270 455 221 244 460 146 200 253 328 391 428 565 105 160 168 205 354 18 200 95 95 118 25
300 16 270 455 221 244 460 146 200 252 328 391 428 565 105 160 205 168 354 18 200 95 95 118 25
350 10 290 520 287 321 528 150 225 295 392 457 517 629 105 160 230 185 354 22 250 175 175 197 29
400 10 310 565 293 319 528 150 250 321 418 498 543 655 105 160 185 230 354 22 250 169 169 192 29
400 16 310 580 293 321 528 150 250 320 418 498 543 655 105 160 230 185 354 22 250 182 182 205 29
500 10 350 670 318 348 553 183 300 373 480 560 655 717 125 140 205 300 374 22 300 244 244 267 36

ERHARD ROCO Premium Butterfly Valve BLS

Gear- approx.
DN D1 D2 B E1 E2 E4 E5 E6 E7 H2 H3 H4 L d3 box SKG kg
200 296 222 6 246 160 309 85 148 20.5 118 179 20 490 18 05 58
250 356 274 6 303 228 366 105 168 20.5 146 201 20 550 18 1 80
300 414 326 6 328 253 391 105 168 20.5 146 201 20 582 18 1 101

Face-to-face ERHARD ROCO Premium

Dismantling type
Butterfly Valves BLS

Movement of the
-1mm bis +5mm



Butterfly Valve with loose flange
L* [mm] overall length
variable in the range from -1 to +5

ERHARD double-eccentric butterfly valve 23

46291EN_ROCO_wave.indd 23 28.04.2014 08:10:53

ERHARD EAK Butterfly Valve
proven technology

Since more than 70 years, ERHARD EAK Butterfly Valves provide proven tech-
nology of the highest quality. Tried and tested details ensure reliable quality and
high economic efficiency. With nominal widths between DN 1600 and DN 3600
and pressure ratings from PN 10 to PN 40, the cover a wide field of application.
As a matter of course, further customer-specific variants are also possible with
the ERHARD EAK Butterfly Valve.

Proven bearing and sealing section

Drive shaft and journal are mounted in maintenance-free, self-lubricating plain
bearings [3] . They are highly resistant, robustly designed and designed for
toughest operating conditions. The lining of the DU sleeve bearings with PFE
ensures very low friction values and a correspondingly high service life. The
double shaft sealing [4] is equipped with robust O-rings and support rings and
blow-out proofed enclosed.

ERHARD EAK Butterfly Valves are suitable for

a wide range of tasks: whether in the turbine 1 2 3
feed of the coal-fired power plant of EnBW in
Karlsruhe [1], where a butterfly valve DN 3600
[2] is used, or with the comprehensive refur-
bishment of the water supply in Leipzig which
is partly almost 100 years old [3] and where 15
ERHARD Butterfly Valves were installed in sizes
of DNV 500 to DN 1000
partly with integrated bypass for optimal
pressure balance during start-up.

24 ERHARD double-eccentric butterfly valve

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1 5


4 6 7

8 12


Robust wedge connection Bearing (by the example of EAK DN 800

For the important connection between drive shaft [7] and tilting disc [8], ERHARD PN 10)
1 Drive side
with nominal widths beyond DN 600 relies on the proven and robust wedge con-
2 Bearing/blind side
nection [6], which also at highest dynamic loads ensures clearance-free power
3 Sleeve bearing
transmission and thus a sufficiently high torque at highest safety. 4 Maintenance-free shaft seal

The wedge connection, as a force-locking connection element, is exactly Wedge connection

tight-fitted in every valve, connecting shaft and tilting disc as if cast from one 5 Wedge securing device
6 Wedge
mould [9]. Furthermore, a special feather key securing device [5] is standard.
7 Shaft drive
8 Tilting disc
Safe sealing 9 Force-locking connection and
ERHARD Butterfly Valves are sealing softly. The main seal in the form of a pro- power transmission
file ring [11] is clamped to the tilting disc and fixed by means of a clamping
ring [10] . By means of fastening screws, it is easily adjustable and replaceable Seat section
10 Clamping ring
without problems. Securing and fixing takes place by means of counter pins.
11 Profile ring
An equal and controlled preload is achieved by means of the profile ring with a
12 Enamelled seat
one-piece clamping ring. The profile ring is easily interchangeable in the open 13 Rolled-in, solid stainless steel seat ring
position. On request, the main seal is also available in Viton, PU or other special

ERHARD Butterfly Valves, too, are optionally available as standard with an inter-
nal EKB coating or in enamel, with the design of the seat ring varying:
With the epoxy coating (EKB, blue) according to the requirements of DIN
30677, Part 2, a rolled-in, solid seat ring made of stainless steel is used.
With enamelling in the interior (ERHARD Enamel, blue), the seat takes place
directly on the enamel.
Alternatively, there are further high-quality coatings available such as epoxy

ERHARD double-eccentric butterfly valve 25

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ERHARD EAK Butterfly Valve

Profile of materials and equipment

Housing: cast iron with spherical graphite EN-JS 1030
Housing seat: austenitic Cr-Ni steel
Disc: mounted in a soft-sealing and double-eccentric way, made of cast iron
with spherical graphite EN-JS 1030
Valve shaft: ferritic Cr-steel
Shaft bearing: P1 (PTFE) acc. to DIN 1494-4, maintenance-free
1 Shaft sealing: elastomer
Profile seal ring: elastomer, chambered with clamping ring, EPDM or NBR,
Viton optionally
Bolts: inside and outside A2
Gearbox with slider-crank mechanism (SKG/SK): protection class IP68 / IP67
Gear housing: cast iron with spheroidal graphite EN-JL 1040 / EKB
Geared crank: steel/bronzed
Spindle nut: special brass
Spindle: ferritic Cr-steel
2 Hand wheel: steel / epoxy
Gearbox arrangement: standard acc. to image 1 (page 23)
Tilting discs made of stainless steel casting Corrosion protection of housing parts: heavy-duty corrosion protection
are the special feature of the butterfly according to quality assurance DIN 30 677-2 (at least 250 m), epoxy-plas-
valves used for the Cannington Link Project
tic-coating EKB, optionally inside with ERHARD enamel coating, each in the
in Perth [1]. In Belgrade, ERHARD EAK
colour shade of blue). Further coating variants are possible. We would be
Butterfly Valves DN 3000 with electric actu-
ators ensure the water supply [2]. pleased to advise you on that (please also refer to Page 20).

Application areas
PN 10 16 25 40
DN 1600-3600 1600-3600 1600-3600 1600-3600
Water up to max. 60 C
Test pressure in bar acc. to
DIN EN 12266-1
Housing 17.0 25.0 37.5 60.0
Ending 11.0 17.6 27.5 44.0
Maximum allowable working pressure
10.0 16.0 25.0 40.0
in bar
Gas up to a maximum of 60 C
Application area and tests
for use in ...
Gas pipes acc. to DIN 2470, Part 1
> Pressure tests acc. to
DIN 3230, Part 5, PG 1
Facilities of gas supply acc. to
DIN 30 6902, Part 1 > Pressure tests
acc. to DIN 3230, Part 5, PG 3

26 ERHARD double-eccentric butterfly valve

46291EN_ROCO_wave.indd 26 28.04.2014 08:11:02

ERHARD EAK Butterfly Valve
dimension table

h1 h1 h1 h2 b e1 e2 e3 e3 e3 e4 e5 e6 e6 e6 d1 d2 G G G u
1800 10 870 2115 708 749 945 1065 1000 1179 1295 1482 1470 1542 41 241 448 416 495 22 350 5403 5400 5425 284
1800 16 870 2130 826 866 1081 1065 1000 1184 1335 1525 1585 1620 324 60 725 310 389 30 500 6405 6400 6451 409
2000 10 950 2325 826 866 1081 1165 1100 1304 1455 1645 1705 1740 324 60 725 310 389 30 500 7105 7100 7151 409

Further nominal widths, pressure ratings and drive variants on request.

e1 e2 e1 e2 e1 e2
d1 d2

h1 h1 h1

h2 h2 h2

b e3 b e3 b e3

e4 e6 Used dimensions
e6 e6 L [mm] overall length
D [mm] flange
G [kg] weight
u hand wheel rotations (open/close)
RZ with round pivot
HR with hand wheel
EA with electric rotary drive (dimensions
e5 e5 e5
may vary depending on the
manufacturer of the drive)

ERHARD double-eccentric butterfly valve 27

46291EN_ROCO_wave.indd 27 28.04.2014 08:11:02

Notes on design
and installation

Gearbox arrangement
ERHARD Butterfly Valves are basically factory-adjusted for both pressure direc-
tions. For actuation, gearboxes are by default designed for p=PN. In the event
of an order, the gearbox arrangement has to be defined by means of the over-
view graphics. Delivery of the valve takes place as standard according to figure
1. In case of pressurisation in one direction, the pressure shall be present from
side A (preferred pressure direction).

ERHARD Butterfly Valves can be installed in all positions so that the stated
arrangements can also be used for vertical pipelines. The tilting disc closes by
clockwise rotation of the hand wheel.

With hand wheel (analogue arrangement with electric drive is also possible)

Indirect inflow [B] Direct inflow and preferred direction of pressure [A]


1 2 3 4

Direct inflow and preferred direction of pressure [A] Indirect inflow [B]


5 6 7 8

28 ERHARD double-eccentric butterfly valve

46291EN_ROCO_wave.indd 28 28.04.2014 08:11:07

Optimal drives
for every application

Depending on the mounting location and area of application, there are a lot
of drive options available which thanks to standardised connections can be
replaced easily at any time.

To both the classic spindle gear and the innovative gearbox with slider-crank
mechanism, the following drives can be directly connected:
1. Interface with coupling sleeve for installation equipment according to DVGW
Worksheet GW 336
2. Square caps
3. Hand wheel
4. Chain wheel
5. Column stand with hand wheel and spindle extension
6. Column stand with electric rotary drive and spindle extension
7. Spindle extension with hand wheel
8. adjustable underground installation equipment with street cap or
9. adjustable underground installation equipment with street cap and gear
wheeled position indicator

For use of electric rotary drives [10], in combination with spur-type transmis-
sion gears [11], if necessary, the spindle gear is supplemented by a drive flange
[12] . Further options are hydraulic or pneumatic rotary actuators [13] as well
as break-and-lift units [14] .

1 2
3 4 6 7
8 9

10 10


12 13


ERHARD double-eccentric butterfly valve 29

46291EN_ROCO_wave.indd 29 28.04.2014 08:11:08

Safety first

Break-and-lift drive
Both ERHARD ROCO wave and ERHARD EAK Butterfly Valves are optionally
available with a hydraulically controlled break-and-lift drive in compact design.
Among others, applications include:
Pipe burst control
automatically operated pump return safety device
Turbine inflow safety device
Quick-opening valve

All devices which are required for hydraulic control of the closed hydraulic sys-
tem, such as pumps and valves, are fastened directly to the cylinder so that
few piping is necessary. In order to reduce the flow rate within a pipeline, the
first braking range (approx. 70 % of the closing angle) is passed quickly, with
Brake-and-lift units are available for nom- the remaining 30 % flow rate being strongly throttled in order to keep dynamic
inal widths from DN 200 to DN 3000. They pressure peaks low (closing time characteristic in 2 steps).
can be combined both with ERHARD ROCO
wave and ERHARD EAK Butterfly valves.
The opening process of the butterfly valve takes place by raising the weight
lever by means of hydraulic cylinders using an electric hydraulic pump or a
manual oil pump. The tilting disc is hydraulically kept in opening position.

Piston actuator and emergency hand wheel

With the version with piston actuator and emergency wheel it is ensured that
the valve can be closed in a safe way also when the hydraulic system or the
pressure-air supply fails.

Non-return protection
For special applications like manifolds with parallel pumps or ascending lines,
butterfly valves from DN 150 can also be combined with a suitable non-return

ERHARD Check Valves are manufactured in accordance with the same high
standards. With stable housings, a streamlined tilting disc, shafts brought out
to both sides and mounted maintenance-free, as well as a robust wedge con-
nection between shaft and disc, the butterfly valves represent the perfect sup-
plement to the ERHARD ROCO wave and ERHARD EAK Butterfly Valves.

Also with international large-scale projects,

professionals rely on ERHARD when it
comes to the topic of butterfly valves. So
in the power plant in Taishan, China, for
instance, 26 ERHARD EAK Butterfly Valves
DN 2400 with hydraulic brake-and-lift units
are used [1]. The 18-ton heavy brake-and-
lift valves in the Austrialian Warragamba
dyke are designed for emergency shuts
with a maximum flow velocity of 30 m/s [2]. 1 2

30 ERHARD double-eccentric butterfly valve

46291EN_ROCO_wave.indd 30 28.04.2014 08:11:09

Installation proposal for ERHARD Check Valves - ERHARD Butterfly Valves

DN L L1 a b c
Direction of flow
150 210
200 230 150 20
250 250 150 45
300 270 150 70 9
400 310 225 118 41
500 350 300 165 63
600 390 400 215 95
700 430 500 260 10 120
800 470 600 315 15 150
900 510 650 360 30 180
1000 550 750 410 40 210
1100 590 800 455 55 225
1200 630 900 515 50 270
1300 670 1000 560 60 295
1400 710 1100 615 70 320
1500 750 1200 660 80 360
1600 790 1300 705 90 385
1800 870 1400 815 110 445
ERHARD Intermediate ERHARD 2000 950 1600 915 130 505

Check Valve pieces Butterfly valve

ERHARD three-point locking

Accidental opening of the butterfly valve in case of revisions of the pipeline
system is safely and reliably prevented due to the ERHARD three-point locking
system. This guarantees that the butterfly functions as a locked and drip-tight
closed safety valve. Inspection of the pipeline can take place without danger
even in case of an operating error on the drive.

The locking device consists of two fixed and one movable end stop. At the mov-
able end stop, a pin operated by a hand wheel drives into the housing, blocking
reliable the closed tilting disc. In this position, the valve is closed drip-tight in
both pressure directions. An additional mechanical locking of the pin in the end
positions serves as another safety feature. Unintentional opening and closing of The pin positions of the ERHARD Three-

the locking is thus effectively prevented. Point Locking are requested optionally via
limit switches. Corresponding signals can
be further processed for visualisation and
Furthermore, the locking is dimensioned in such a way that it withstands the
drive control.
maximum occurring actuating moment from drive and valve at any time. Even
if the drive shafts fail, the valve keeps being safely closed and thus provides the
highest degree of safety.

Further blocking versions are available on request.

ERHARD double-eccentric butterfly valve 31

46291EN_ROCO_wave.indd 31 28.04.2014 08:11:11

Tested safety
with drinking water and gas

ERHARD Butterfly Valves are used worldwide and have proved in thousands
of applications. Especially in the use of drinking water and gas pipelines, the
requirements are particularly high. Accordingly, the components and coating
systems have been carefully developed for these applications.

For use in the drinking water area, the requirements of the KTW recommen-
dations, a guideline for hygienic assessment of organic materials which are
in contact with drinking water (KTW = Plastic and Drinking water), have been
considered throughout during construction. The same is applicable to the
requirements of the DVGW Worksheet W270 The growth of micro-organisms
on materials intended for use in drinking water systems - examination and
assessment, in which the DVGW pointed to the necessity of protection of drink-
ing water against micro-organisms on non-metallic materials.

Furthermore, for ERHARD ROCO wave Butterfly Valves, we have a DIN-DVGW

Type Examination Certificate which internally and externally confirms that
these valves comply with the high requirements in the drinking water area. As a
matter of course, however, all other drinking water valves also comply with the
requirements according to the KTW and DVGW Regulations W270.

For the use with gas, the DIN-DVGW Type Examination Certificate applies
accordingly. Apart from these two national certificates, ERHARD Butterfly
Valves have numerous further international approvals. We would be pleased to
inform you about them.

With a transport network which is more than 500 km long , the Harzwasserwerke provides more
than 1.5 million people with drinking water of best quality. Among other things, the natural soft
water is taken from the Grane Dam in the western Harz mountains. From this drinking water
reservoir holding 46 million m of water, up to 180,000 m of high-quality drinking water is extracted
every day.
Since the Harzwasserwerke started operation in 1928, the long service life of the equipment is par-
amount to engineering planning. The waterworks at the Grane Dam was built in 1972 and in recent
years equipped with ERHARD ROCO Butterfly Valves.

32 ERHARD double-eccentric butterfly valve

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Always by your side
the service from ERHARD

Especially with complex technical installations, product supplies are not enough.
So we from ERHARD will offer you assistance and advice in all life-cycle phases.
Highly qualified teams in our head office in Heidenheim and in representations
throughout Germany as well as on five continents will develop first-class solu-
tions together with you.

Planning and conception

Individual consultation through our experienced engineers and technicians
already begins in the project phase. That way, in a dialog with the customers,
optimal solutions are developed, no matter whether is with serial products or
through particular special designs. Especially these tailor-made packages
are the reason why ERHARD products are used particularly frequent in difficult
applications and mounting situations.

For material tests, project-specific investigations as well as for checking and

analysing materials and components, there is our own test centre available in

Installation and commissioning

ERHARD employees install the valves in your plants on request, and they take
over commissioning together with your employees. As a matter of course, this
includes training and instruction of qualified personnel by means of detailed
operating instructions and training material.

Maintenance and repair

Also during the long service life of the valves, ERHARD is available for you to
provide services. Regular inspection and maintenance ensure that the valves
fulfil their functions in a safe way. In case you encounter any problems, repairs
can be carried out timely on site. Spare parts required for this will also be avail-
able years after commissioning.

For larger repairs, our technicians in the Heidenheim plant will be available in
addition. We offer these services also for third-party products.

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Expertise through tradition

It was 1871 as the brass caster Johannes Erhard started his business in the
small Swabian town of Heidenheim an der Brenz. Since this time, with our
valves, we at ERHARD have been helping to ensure that water is available whe-
rever it is needed: in private households, in public facilities, in agriculture or in
industrial plant.

Proverbial Swabian inventiveness, the most recent technical findings and expe-
rience acquired over 140 years ensure that, with innovative solutions and our
wide range of products, we can provide suitable systems for every task. Modern
machinery, state of the art and environmentally friendly production methods
and high-quality materials enable ERHARD to supply technically advanced, fully
developed products with worldwide reputation:

ERHARD customers also benefit from ERHARD being part of the internatio-
nal TALIS Group. With its brands that have been established for generations
WAFREGA in the Netherlands as well as its global agencies, the Group proba-
bly offers the most comprehensive range in the industry. Whether its small ven-
tilation valves or gigantic butterfly valves youre looking for, whether its fittings
for pipes or wastewater lifting systems TALIS has the right solution.

TALIS covers numerous areas of application: from water collection and treat-
ment through cisterns, pipe networks, pumping plants, industrial applications
and irrigation systems to wastewater and sewage treatment plant technology.
Other important fields include valves for dams, power stations and for energy
recuperation as well as for gas transport.

Task-specific solutions with top economic viability, low maintenance costs and
a long service life thanks to high product quality and perfect surface protection
are a matter of course at TALIS. This is achieved through highly qualified emplo-
yees, the use of modern development and production methods as well as high-
quality materials. In addition, TALIS experts are available to support customers
during all life cycle phases, from project planning through assembly and initial
use to regular servicing and maintenance.

34 ERHARD double-eccentric butterfly valve

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ERHARD valves
for every application

Isolation Valve

Premium Gate Valve Knife Gate Valve Butterfly Valve Valve

Control valves S


Needle Valve Pressure Reducing Valve Air Valve Non Slam Nozzle Check Check Valve

Hydrants House connection


Hydrant 150 CITY Hydrant Post Fire Hydrant Underground Tapping System

Couplings and fittings Penstocks

ERHARD Dismantling Joint ERHARD WAGU

ERHARD double-eccentric butterfly valve 35

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ERHARD is a company of

Your Choice in Waterflow Control

TALIS is the undisputed Number One for water transport and water flow
control. TALIS has the best solutions available in the fields of water and
energy management as well as for industrial and communal applications.
We have numerous products for comprehensive solutions for the whole
water cycle from hydrants, butterfly valves and knife gate valves
through to needle valves. Our experience, innovative technology, glo-
bal expertise and individual consultation processes form the basis for
developing long-term solutions for the efficient treatment of the vitally
important resource water.


Postfach 1280
D-89502 Heidenheim
Meeboldstrae 22
D-89522 Heidenheim
Phone: +49 7321 320-0
Fax: +49 7321 320-491
E-mail: [email protected]

Note: Specifications may be changed without notification

at any time. Copyright: No copying without express written
permission of ERHARD. ERHARD is a Registered Trade-
mark. 46291 DE (04/14)

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