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The King of Medicine, Master of Lapis Lazuli Light

Medicine Buddha Short Sadhana

Namo Bhaisajyaguru!

Begin in Meditative posture; feel grounded, centered and relaxed.

About four inches above the crown of your head is a multicolored lotus. In its
center is a white moon disc and seated upon that is your root guru, the Dharmakaya
essence of all the Buddhas in the form of the Medicine Buddha. He is blue in color
and his body radiates lapis lazuli light. His right hand, in the mudra of granting
sublime realizations, rests on his right knee and holds a stem of the myrobalan
plant between the thumb and index finger. His left hand, in the mudra of
concentration, holds a lapis lazuli bowl filled with healing & life-giving nectar.
Seated in the vajra position, he wears the three saffron robes of a monastic monk.
He has all the signs and marks of a Buddha.

I take refuge until I am enlightened in the Buddha, the dharma, and the sangha.
Through the merit I create by practicing giving and the other perfections, May I
attain buddhahood for the sake of all sentient beings.

The Four Immeasurables

How wonderful it would be if all sentient beings were to abide in

equanimity, free of bias, attachment, and anger. May they all abide in this way.
With the utmost joy, I shall cause them to abide in this way. Guru Medicine
Buddha, by your perfect example, please inspire me to be able to do so.
How wonderful it would be if all sentient beings had happiness and its
causes. May they all have these. With the utmost joy, I shall cause them to have
compassion. Guru Medicine Buddha, by your perfect example, please inspire me to
be able to do so.
How wonderful it would be if all sentient beings were free from suffering
and its causes. May they all be free. With the utmost joy, I shall cause them to
have loving kindness and be liberated. Guru Medicine Buddha, by your perfect
example, please inspire me to be able to do so.
How wonderful it would be if all sentient beings were never parted from
upper rebirth and liberations excellent bliss. May they never be parted. With
zealous effort, I shall cause them never to be parted. Guru Medicine Buddha, by
your perfect example, please inspire me to be able to do so.

Cultivating Bodhicitta

Especially for the sake of all mother sentient beings, I must quickly and
more quickly, in this very life, attain the precious state of complete and perfect
Buddhahood. Therefore I shall practice the yoga method of Guru Medicine

Seven Limb Prayer to Purification and Merit

Reverently I prostrate with my body, speech and mind to Guru Medicine Buddha,
And present clouds of every type of offering, actual and mentally formed.
I confess all my negative actions accumulated since beginningless time,
And rejoice in the virtues of all holy and ordinary beings.
Please remain as my guide until cyclic existence ends,
And turn the wheel of Dharma for all sentient beings.
I dedicate all the virtues of myself and others to the ripening of the bodhicitta and
the attainment of Buddhahood for the benefit of all sentient beings

Mandala Offering

This ground, anointed with perfume, flowers strewn,

Mount Meru, four lands, sun and moon,
Imagined as a Buddha land and offered to you.
May all beings enjoy this pure land.

The objects of attachment, aversion and ignorance - friends, enemies and strangers,
my body, wealth and enjoymentsI offer these purely, without any sense of loss.
Please accept them with pleasure, and inspire me to be free from the three poisons.


Enlightened Request

I request you, Bhagavan Medicine Guru, whose sky colored holy body of
lapis lazuli signifies omniscient wisdom and compassion as vast as limitless space
please inspire my mind.
I request you, compassionate Medicine Guru, who holds in your right hand
the king of medicines symbolizing your vow to help all sentient beings plagued by
the 424 diseases, please inspire my mind.
I request you, compassionate Medicine Guru, who holds in your left hand a
lapis bowl of nectar symbolizing your vow to give the glorious undying nectar of

the Dharma which eliminates the degenerations of sickness, aging, and death,
please inspire my mind.
Visualization & Request to the Medicine Buddha

Above the crown of Guru Medicine Buddha is a wish-granting jewel, which in

essence is your guru.

To the fully realized destroyer of all defilements, completely perfected Buddha

having realized the ultimate nature of all phenomena, Medicine Buddha King of
Lapis Light, I prostrate, go for refuge, and make offerings. May your vow to
benefit all sentient beings now ripen for myself and others. (3x or 7x)

Medicine Buddha Generation & Blessing

One can Recite the mantra while doing these visualizations or perform separately

In response to your request, infinite white rays of light stream down from the
heart and body of Guru Medicine Buddha. Completely filling your body, they
purify all disease, spirit harm, and the negative karma and mental afflictions that
cause these. Your body becomes the nature of light, clean and clear like crystal.
The light pours into you a second time raising the vibrations of your energy and
then finally third time filling your body with great bliss.
The Medicine Buddha melts into brilliant blue light and absorbs into your heart.
Your mind becomes non-dual with the Dharmakaya, the essence of all Buddhas.
Within the state of emptiness, you appear as the Medicine Buddha. At your heart is
a lotus and moon disc. At the center of the moon stands the blue syllable OM
surrounded by the syllables of the Medicine Buddha mantra.

Medicine Buddha mantra (Sanskrit)
Tadyatha Om Bhaisajye Bhaisajye Maha Bhaisajye Raja Samudgate Svaha.
Approximate Translation of mantra :
Perfectly Enlightened Buddha, To the healing, to the healing, to the supreme
healing, hail!
As you recite the mantra, light rays radiate from the syllables at your heart.
Spreading in all directions, they completely fill and illuminate all sentient beings of
the six realms. Through your great love wishing them to be happy and your great
compassion wishing them to be free from suffering, they are purified of all disease
and spirit harm, as well as their causes, negative karma and mental afflictions and
obscurations. All sentient beings transform into the Medicine Buddha. Feel great
joy that you are able to lead them to the Medicine Buddhas enlightenment.
Due to the virtue accumulated by doing the Medicine Buddha practice, may I
complete the ocean-like deeds of the bodhisattvas.
May I become the protector, refuge, and guide of migratory beings, who have been
infinitely kind to me.
Just as Guru Medicine Buddha with compassion guides all sentient beings, infinite
as space, may I also become a compassionate guide of all sentient beings existing
in all directions of the universe.
Due to the positive potential accumulated by myself and others in the past, present,
and future, may anyone who merely sees, hears, remembers, touches or talks to me
be freed in that very instant from all sufferings and abide in happiness forever.
Due to this virtue, may I quickly achieve Guru Medicine Buddhas enlightenment
and lead all sentient beings to that enlightenment.
Those who have not received initiation in the Medicine Buddha
In response to your request, infinite white rays of light stream down from the heart
and body of Guru Medicine Buddha. Completely filling your body, they purify all
disease, spirit harm, and the negative karma and mental afflictions that cause these.
Your body becomes the nature of light, clean and clear like crystal. The light pours
into you a second and third time filling your body with great bliss. The light beams
then radiate out in all directions to heal the sicknesses and afflictions of all mother
sentient beings. (Recite the mantra while doing these visualizations. At the
conclusion of the mantra recitation, the Medicine Buddha melts into light and
absorbs between your eyebrows, blessing your body, speech, and mind.)

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