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No-Load and Loaded Three-phase Transformer

John Carlo Tigue
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
University of San Carlos
Nasipit, Talamban, Cebu City
[email protected]

Abstract The purpose of the experiment is to investigate are then separately connected to each of the junction nodes in
the four standard ways of connecting a delta-delta, wye- the delta loop.
wye, wye-delta and delta-wye configurations for no-load
Before a three-phase transformer is put into service, the
and loaded three-phase transformer bank. Also, this
phase relationship must be verified. For a wye configuration,
experiment also aims to examine the phase voltages and
the line-to-line voltages at the secondary and primary
line-to-line voltage voltages of the primary and secondary
windings must all be 3 times greater than the corresponding
windings depending on the configuration. The students
phase voltages. To verify that the phase relationships are
were tasked to perform the four standard ways of
correct for a wye configuration, the voltage, V AB, between two
connecting a three-phase transformer bank, namely delta-
windings is measured to confirm that it is 3 times greater
delta, wye-wye, wye-delta and delta-wye configurations for
than the line-to-neutral voltage (phase voltage) across either
no-load and loaded three-phase transformer bank. They
winding. The voltages between the third winding, V BC and VAB,
were also tasked to measure the line-to-line voltage and
and the others are then measured to confirm that they are also
phase voltage, line and phase currents of the primary and
3 times greater than the phase voltage. To summarize the
secondary windings. In delta connection, it is expected
characteristics of a delta configuration, equations 1 and 2
thatthephasevoltageandlinevoltagemustbeequalor below represent the relationship of the phase and line-to-line
approximatelyequaltotheratedinputandoutputofthe voltage, and also the phase and line current for this
transformer.The line currents are 3 times greater than configuration
the phase current across either primary winding since it is
delta connected. In wye connection, it is expected that the V = 3 V Equation2
line-to-line voltages which is equal to the rated output and
input voltage side is 3 times greater than the line-to- I L =I
neutral voltage (phase voltage) across either winding. The
line currents are equal to the phase current across either
For a delta configuration, the line voltages at the
primary winding since it is wye connected. Therefore,
secondary windings and primary must all be equal. To verify
there are four common ways of connecting transformer
that phase relationships are correct for a delta configuration,
windings to form a three-phase transformer. Each
the voltage across two series-connected windings is measured
configuration has different functions depending on the
to confirm that it equals the voltage across either winding. The
third winding is then connected in series, and the voltage
Index Terms NoLoad ThreePhase Transformer Bank, Phase across the series combination of the three windings is
Voltage,LinetolineVoltage,PhaseCurrent,LineCurrent measured to confirm that it is zero before delta is closed. This
is extremely important for a delta configuration because a very
I. INTRODUCTION high short-circuits current will flow if the voltage within the
delta is not equal to zero when it is closed. To summarize the
Four common ways of connecting transformer windings to
characteristics of a delta configuration, equations 3 and 4
form a three-phase transformer are: delta-delta, wye-wye,
below represent the relationship of the phase and line-to-line
delta-wye and wye-delta as shown in Figures 5-8. In order to
voltage, and also the phase and line current for this
set up a wye connection, first connect the three components
(windings) together at a common point for interconnection Equation3
with the neutral wire, then connect the other end of each V =V
component in turn to the three line wires. To set up a delta Equation4
connection, connect the first component in series with the
second, the second in series with the third and the third in I L = 3 I
series with the first to close the delta loop. The three line wires
II. OBJECTIVES connected to the neutral of the source and the secondary
neutral connected to that coming from the load.
After completing this experiment, the students will be
able to:
1. To be able to connect three-phase transformers in delta- B. Delta-wye Configuration (Ratio 2:1)
delta, wye-wye, wye-delta and delta-wye configurations.
Since the given ratio for the three-phase transformer bank
2) To be able to measure the phase voltages and line-to-line is 2:1 so it is required to connect the transformers in parallel.
voltages of the primary and secondary windings. To connect three-phase transformer bank in parallel, terminals
A2 and A5 for the primary windings were connected. Terminals
A1 and A3 were also connected. For the secondary windings,
terminals a2 and a4, a1 and a3 were connected. The terminals of
The students were tasked to perform the four standard the other transformers were also connected in parallel the
ways of connecting a three-phase transformer bank, namely same connection for the first transformer.
delta-delta, wye-wye, wye-delta and delta-wye configurations
In delta-delta connection, three single-phase transformers
for no-load and loaded three-phase transformer bank. They
with their primaries and secondaries connected in series with
were also tasked to measure the line-to-line voltage and phase
each other to form a closed circuit. As shown in figure 7
voltage, line and phase currents of the primary and secondary
above, terminals A1 and B2 are connected as well as terminals
B1 and C2. Lastly, terminals A2 and C1 are connected in series
with each other to form a close circuit.
I. No-Load Three-phase Transformer Connections
The given no-load three-phase transformer has a ratio of C. Delta-delta Configuration (Ratio 1:1)
230:13 V. The primary windings or high side has rated input
Since the given ratio for the three-phase transformer bank
voltage of 230V and the secondary windings or low side has
is 1:1 so it is required to connect the transformers in parallel.
only rated output of 13V. The students were tasked to perform
To connect three-phase transformer bank in parallel, terminals
the four standard ways of connecting a three-phase
A2 and A5 for the primary windings were connected. For the
transformer bank, namely delta-delta, wye-wye, wye-delta and
secondary windings, terminals a 2 and a4, a1 and a3 were
delta-wye configuration.
connected. The terminals of the other transformers were also
In delta connection, three single-phase transformers with connected in series the same connection of the first
their primaries and secondaries connected in series with each transformer.
other to form a closed circuit. While in wye connection, the
In delta-wye connection, three single-phase transformers
primary neutral is shown connected to the neutral of the
with their primaries are connected in wye while the secondary
source and the secondary neutral connected. There is no load
windings are connected in delta as shown in figure 5. For the
connected in the secondary windings or low side. The different
primary windings, three single-phase transformers with their
connections are shown in figures 1 4.
primaries connected in series with each other to form a closed
circuit. And for the secondary windings, the primary neutral is
shown connected to the neutral of the source and the
II. Three-phase Transformer Connections Loaded with secondary neutral connected to that coming from the load.
Resistive Load (Lamp Bank)
D. Wye-Delta Configuration (Ratio 1:1)
Since the given ratio for the three-phase transformer bank
A. Wye-wye Configuration (Ratio 1:1) is 1:1 so it is required to connect the transformers in parallel.
Since the given ratio for the three-phase transformer bank To connect three-phase transformer bank in parallel, terminals
is 1:1 so it is required to connect the transformers in parallel. A2 and A5 for the primary windings were connected. Terminals
To connect three-phase transformer bank in parallel, terminals A1 and A3 were also connected. For the secondary windings,
A2 and A5 for the primary windings were connected. Terminals terminals a2 and a4, a1 and a3 were connected. The terminals of
A1 and A3 were also connected. For the secondary windings, the other transformers were also connected in parallel the
terminals a2 and a4, a1 and a3 were connected. The terminals of same connection for the first transformer.
the other transformers were also connected in parallel the In delta-wye connection, three single-phase transformers
same connection for the first transformer. with their primaries connected in delta while the secondary
In wye-wye connection, three single-phase transformers windings connected in wye as shwo. For the primary
with their primaries and secondaries both connected in wye windings, the primary neutral is shown connected to the
are shown in figure 6. Terminals A1, B1 and C1 of the three neutral of the source and the secondary neutral connected to
transformers are connected. The primary neutral is shown that coming from the load. And for the secondary windings,
.three single-phase transformers with their primaries VA3 126.2 V3 6.87
connected in series with each other to form a closed circuit.
Line Voltage V Line V
V. TABLES/GRAPHS VL12 231.1 VL12 12.56
VL23 227.3 VL23 12.42
Below are the measured values of the phase and line-to-
line voltages of the primary and secondary windings of no- VL31 230.2 VL31 12.6
load three-phase transformer for each configuration. For the
three-phase transformer with resistive load, measured values Table2 aboveshowsthemeasuredvaluesofthelinetoline
of phase and line-to-line voltages, and phase and line current voltageandphasevoltagesforbothhighsideandlowsideofa
were presented below. noloadwyewyeconnectedthreephasetransformerbank.It
I. No-Load Three-Phase Transformer Connections canbeseenthatthemeasuredlinetolinevoltagesareless
thanthemeasuredphasevoltagesorit is 3 times greater than
the phase voltages.Sincethehighsideiswyeconnected,itis
Table1.DeltaDeltaconfiguration(230:12V)measured expectedthatthelinetolinevoltageswhichisequaltothe
values ratedvoltageofthehighside(230V)is3 times greater than
Primary(Input) Secondary(Output) the line-to-neutral voltage (phase voltage) across either
Phase V Phase V winding. Forthesecondarywindingsorinthelowside,the
voltage voltage linetolinevoltagesarelessthanthemeasuredphasevoltages
V12 231.8 V12 12.33 or it is 3 times greater than the phase voltages.Theslight
V23 230.3 V23 12.68 areduetotheerrorinmeasurementwhileperformingthelab
V31 228.1 V31 11.97 experiment.
Line Voltage V Line V
Voltage Table3.DeltaWyeconfiguration(230:12V)measuredvalues
VL12 230.3 VL12 12.06 Primary(Input) Secondary(Output)
VL23 227.3 VL23 11.98 Phase V Phase V
voltage voltage
VL31 231 VL31 12.63
V12 230. V1 12.66
V23 230. V2 12.61
of a noload deltadelta connected threephase transformer
bank.Itcanbeseenthatthemeasuredlinetolineandphase V31 227. V3 12.42
voltages are approximately equal to each other in the high 5
side.Sincethehighsideisdeltaconnected,itisexpectedthat Line Voltage V Line V
the phase voltage and line voltage must be equal or Voltage
approximately equal to the rated input of the transformer VL12 230. VL12 22.07
whichisequalto230V.Forthesecondarywindingsorinthe 6
lowside,themeasuredphasevoltagesandlinevoltagesare VL23 226. VL23 21.7
alsoapproximatelyequaltoeachothersinceitisconnectedin 7
delta.Itisexpectedthatthephasevoltageandlinevoltage VL31 231. VL31 21.05
mustbeequalorapproximatelyequaltotheratedoutputofthe 5
measuredphasevoltagesandlinevoltagesareduetotheerror Table 3 above shows the measured values of the line-to-line
inmeasurementwhileperformingthelabexperiment. voltage and phase voltages for both high side and low side of a
no-load delta-wye connected three-phase transformer bank. It
Table2.WyeWyeconfiguration(230:12V)measuredvalues can be seen that the measured line-to-line and phase voltages
Primary(Input) Secondary(Output) are approximately equal to each other in the high side. Since
Phase V Phase V the high side is delta connected, it is expected that the phase
voltage voltage voltage and line voltage must be equal or approximately equal
to the rated input of the transformer which is equal to 230V.
VA1 125.7 V1 6.78
For the secondary windings or in the low side, the line-to-line
VA2 124.2 V2 6.38 voltages are less than the measured phase voltages or it is 3
times greater than the phase voltages. Since the low side is IB 1.3 IB 0.8
wye connected, it is expected that the line-to-line voltages IC 1.3 IC 0.3
which is equal to the rated voltage of the low side (230V) is Line-to-line V Line-to-line V
3 times greater than the line-to-neutral voltage (phase
voltage) across either winding. The slight difference of the
voltage voltage
measured phase voltages and line voltages are due to the error VAB 224 VAB 223.
in measurement while performing the lab experiment. 5
VBC 226. VBC 226.
Table4.WyeDeltaconfiguration(230:12V)measuredvalues 7 1
Primary(Input) Secondary(Output) VCA 227. VCA 226.
Phase V Phase V 3 6
voltage voltage Phase V Phase Voltage V
V1 124.8 V1 6.85 Voltage
V2 125.8 V2 6.86 VA 224. VA 223.
2 5
V3 124.9 V3 6.87
VB 226. VB 226.
Line V Line V 7 2
Voltage Voltage
VC 227. VC 226.
VL12 229.7 VL12 6.83 3 7
VL23 226.3 VL23 6.88
VL31 230.9 VL31 6.93 Table 5 above shows the measured values of the line-to-line
voltage and phase voltages for primary and secondary
Table 4 above shows the measured values of the line-to-line windings of a delta-delta connected three-phase transformer
voltage and phase voltages for both high side and low side of a bank with resistive load (lamp bank). It can be seen that the
no-load wye-delta connected three-phase transformer bank. It measured line-to-line and phase voltages are approximately
can be seen that the measured line-to-line voltages are less equal to each other in the primary side of the transformer.
than the measured phase voltages or it is 3 times greater than Since the primary winding is delta connected, it is expected
the phase voltages. Since the high side is wye connected, it is that the phase voltage and line voltage must be equal or
expected that the line-to-line voltages which is equal to the approximately equal to the rated input of the transformer
rated voltage of the high side (230V) is 3 times greater than which is equal to 230V. On the other hand, the line currents
the line-to-neutral voltage (phase voltage) across either are 3 times greater than the phase current across either
winding. For the secondary windings or in the low side, the primary winding since it is delta connected. For the secondary
measured phase voltages and line voltages are also windings, the measured phase voltages and line voltages are
approximately equal to each other since it is connected in also approximately equal to each other since it is connected in
delta. It is expected that the phase voltage and line voltage delta. It is expected that the phase voltage and line voltage
must be equal or approximately equal to the rated output of the must be equal or approximately equal to the rated output of the
transformer which is equal to 13V. The slight difference of the transformer which is equal to 230V. On the other hand, the
measured phase voltages and line voltages are due to the error line currents are 3 times greater than the phase current across
in measurement while performing the lab experiment. either primary winding since it is also connected in delta. The
slight difference of the measured phase voltages and line
voltages are due to the error in measurement while performing
II. ThreePhaseTransformerConnectionswithResistive the lab experiment.
Table5.DeltaDeltaconfiguration(1:1)measuredvalues Primary(Input) Secondary(Output)
Primary(Input) Secondary(Output) Line A Line Current A
Line A Line Current A Current
Current IA 1.1 IA 1.2
IA 2.6 IA 1.3
IB 1.3 IB 1.1
IB 2.6 IB 1.5
IC 2.3 IC 1.2 IC 1.3 IC 1.3
Phase A Phase Current A Phase A Phase Current A
Current Current
IA 1 IA 1.2 IA 0.5 IA 1.2
IB 0.6 IB 1.2 Phase A Phase Current A
IC 0.6 IC 1.3 Current
Line-to-line V Line-to-line V IA 0.7 IA 1
voltage voltage IB 0.7 IB 0.8
VAB 225. VAB 196. IC 0.7 IC 0.8
9 2 Line-to-line V Line-to-line V
VBC 228. VBC 196. voltage voltage
5 3 VAB 226 VAB 131.
VCA 228. VCA 198. 2
5 1 VBC 229. VBC 131.
Phase V Phase Voltage V 3 6
Voltage VCA 229. VCA 132.
VA 227. VA 113. 1 6
3 6 Phase V Phase Voltage V
VB 228. VB 112. Voltage
4 4 VA 131. VA 131.
VC 227. VC 113. 2 2
3 8 VB 131. VB 131.
1 6
Table 6 above shows the measured values of the line-to-line VC 133 VC 131.
voltage and phase voltages for both high side and low side of a 2
delta-wye connected three-phase transformer bank with
resistive load (lamp bank). It can be seen that the measured Table 7 above shows the measured values of the line-to-line
line-to-line and phase voltages are approximately equal to voltage and phase voltages for both high side and low side of a
each other in the high side. Since the high side is delta wye-delta connected three-phase transformer bank with
connected, it is expected that the phase voltage and line resistive load (lamp bank). It can be seen that the measured the
voltage must be equal or approximately equal to the rated line-to-line voltages are less than the measured phase voltages
input of the transformer which is equal to 230V. On the other or it is 3 times greater than the phase voltages. Since the
hand, the line currents are 3 times greater than the phase secondary winding is wye connected, it is expected that the
current across either primary winding since it is delta line-to-line voltages which is equal to the rated output voltage
connected. For the secondary windings, the line-to-line side (230V) is 3 times greater than the line-to-neutral voltage
voltages are less than the measured phase voltages or it is 3 (phase voltage) across either winding. On the other hand, the
times greater than the phase voltages. Since the secondary line current is equal to the phase current across either primary
winding is wye connected, it is expected that the line-to-line winding since it is wye connected. For the secondary
voltages which is equal to the rated output voltage side (230V) windings, the measured phase voltages and line voltages are
is 3 times greater than the line-to-neutral voltage (phase also approximately equal to each other since it is connected in
voltage) across either winding. The line currents and phase delta. It is expected that the phase voltage and line voltage
currents across either secondary windings are equal since it is must be equal or approximately equal to the rated output of the
wye connected.The slight difference of the measured phase transformer which is equal to 230V. On the other hand, the
voltages and line voltages are due to the error in measurement line currents are 3 times greater than the phase current across
while performing the lab experiment. either primary winding since it is also connected in delta. The
slight difference of the measured phase voltages and line
voltages are due to the error in measurement while performing
the lab experiment.

Table7.WyeDeltaconfiguration(1:1)measuredvalues Primary(Input) Secondary(Output)
Line Current A Line Current A
Primary(Input) Secondary(Output)
IA 1.6 IA 1.2
Line A Line Current A
Current IB 1.5 IB 1.3
IA 0.7 IA 1.4 IC 1.7 IC 1.4
IB 0.7 IB 1.3 Phase A Phase Current A
IC 0.7 IC 1.4
IA 1.6 IA 1.2 voltage. Theline currents are equal to the phase current across
IB 1.5 IB 1.3 either primary winding since it is wye connected.
IC 1.7 IC 1.4 For a delta configuration, the line voltages at the
Line-to-line V Line-to-line V secondary windings and primary must all be equal. To verify
voltage voltage that phase relationships are correct for a delta configuration,
VAB 228. VAB 227. the voltage across two series-connected windings is measured
2 1 to confirm that it equals the voltage across either winding. The
third winding is then connected in series, and the voltage
VBC 224. VBC 223. across the series combination of the three windings is
9 5 measured to confirm that it is zero before delta is closed. The
VCA 227. VCA 226. line currents are 3 times greater than the phase current across
8 7 either primary winding since it is delta connected.
Phase V Phase Voltage V
VA 123. VA 121.
VB 122. VB 121.
9 6
VC 118. VC 118. 2.transformers
8 6 ps_magnetics_chap6_12_03.html
3. Siskind, C. (1996). Electrical Machines . (Second ed.).
Table 8 above shows the measured values of the line-to-line McGraw-Hill Kogakusha: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.
voltage and phase voltages for both high side and low side of a
wye-delta connected three-phase transformer bank with
resistive load (lamp bank). It can be seen that the measured the
line-to-line voltages are less than the measured phase voltages
or it is 3 times greater than the phase voltages. Since the VIII. REFLECTION
secondary winding is wye connected, it is expected that the What I liked most about this laboratory experiment was I
line-to-line voltages which is equal to the rated output voltage could verify all the formulas and theories that I learned on the
side (230V) is 3 times greater than the line-to-neutral voltage class. This course did not just made me memorize the answers
(phase voltage) across either winding. On the other hand, the but made me understand the concepts and how the answers
line current is equal to the phase current across either primary were derived.
winding since it is wye connected. For the secondary
windings, the line-to-line voltages are less than the measured Although I had a hard time learning some theories about
phase voltages or it is 3 times greater than the phase this course but it didnt come to my mind that I will give up
voltages. Since the secondary winding is wye connected, it is because I really do believe that I have Lord God that will
expected that the line-to-line voltages which is equal to the guide me and give me strength through His Words, When
rated output voltage side (230V) is 3 times greater than the God lives in the flesh, no matter how difficult his work is or
line-to-neutral voltage (phase voltage) across either winding. how weak his flesh is, he will not do anything that frustrates
The line currents and phase currents across either secondary Gods own work, much less give up the will of God the Father
windings are equal since it is wye connected.The slight and disobey, and he would rather suffer in the flesh than act
difference of the measured phase voltages and line voltages against the will of God the Father.
are due to the error in measurement while performing the lab Indeed, I have learned more than what the experiments
experiment. aim to impart to its students. It is not just theories of three-
phase transformer configurations and all other questions that
V. CONCLUSION have boggled our minds. Attitude outweighs
intelligence/knowledge. Knowledge alone is futile. With the
For a wye configuration, the line-to-line voltages at the right attitude, anyone can be knowledgeable. When youre
secondary and primary windings must all be 3 times greater willing to do things and has developed the attitude of
than the corresponding phase voltages. To verify that the phase pursuing dreams, then, your challenge will be a little less
relationships are correct for a wye configuration, the voltage, hard.
VAB, between two windings is measured to confirm that it is
3 times greater than the line-to-neutral voltage (phase
voltage) across either winding. The voltages between the third
winding, VBC and VAB, and the others are then measured to
confirm that they are also 3 times greater than the phase CERTIFICATION:
This is to certify that this lab report is truly made by the author
aided by references stated in reference section.


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