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J Forensic Sci, July 2008, Vol. 53, No.

doi: 10.1111/j.1556-4029.2008.00765.x
CASE REPORT Available online at:

Derek R. Congram,1 M.Sc., M.A.

A Clandestine Burial in Costa Rica:

Prospection and Excavation

ABSTRACT: This case report describes the search for a clandestine grave in Costa Rica for which the police sought the assistance of an archae-
ologist. An anonymous informant suggested that the victim had been kidnapped and murdered, placed in a shallow grave in the woods, then covered
with lime and cement. A search of the area to detect conventional signs of burial (e.g., slumping, different plant growth) resulted in excavation of
unrelated features of past disturbance. Different aspects of the grave including the deposition of cement powder over the body prevented its initial
discovery. Improvisation of conventional archaeological excavation methods and use of police familiar with archaeological excavation resulted in the
location of the grave and exhumation of the victim without loss of important contextual evidence that supported testimony on the cause of death.
The taphonomic effects of high-lying ground water and lime in the tropical burial environment are briefly discussed. Recommendations such as the
construction of a temporary sump to lower the ground water level in the grave during excavation are made to assist in similar investigations in the

KEYWORDS: forensic science, forensic archaeology, grave detection, grave excavation, Costa Rica

victim, missing or destroying contextual and associated evidence

related to the death and burial. Despite the Costa Rican authorities
On Wednesday, November 17th, 2004, agents from the having only used archaeological expertise on a few occasions, they
Organismo de Investigaciones Judiciales (Judicial Investigation emphasized from the beginning that the archaeologist would lead the
Body) of Costa Rica contacted the National Museum of Costa Rica search and excavation in consultation with the crime-scene manager.
seeking assistance with the search for human remains reported to The use of police familiar with archaeological excavation also greatly
have been buried in a clandestine grave. assisted the investigation. The pathologist was invited to participate
According to an anonymous caller, the remains were buried in the exhumation once the body had been exposed and recorded.
about 15 m into the woods from a road in an area of coffee planta- Despite the complicated nature of the grave, which necessitated
tions, not far from the capital city, San Jos. On the journey to the improvised excavation methods, and unfriendly weather, important
suspected site, investigators explained that they believed the burial contextual evidence was recovered that supported witness
was of a kidnap victim from about two and a half years prior who, testimony.
according to the anonymous caller, had had his throat cut and was
placed in a freshly dug grave, covered with lime, and then cement.
Prior to excavation, the logistics of the operation were planned and
input taken from investigative team members including several zapa- Definition of Search Area
dores, northern border police who were trained in detection of land
The area of investigation was premontane humid forest (a geo-
mines (left over from the civil war in Nicaragua). These police had
graphic denomination) at c. 800 m above sea level. It was delimited
previously worked excavating with the National Museum of Costa
according to natural and artificial boundaries: a deep gorge and river;
Rica on cases of robbed archaeological sitesa different sort of
a paved, secondary road; and steep, heavily forested inclines. Based
forensic archaeology that has not been discussed in the literature.
on these boundaries, investigators defined the search area as c. 70 m
Costa Rica has historically been an exception to the state-led
by 40 m. Slightly beyond 25 m from the road, there was a natural
violence, inter-group conflict, human rights violations, and forced
upward slope. This was difficult to climb under normal circumstances
disappearances seen in other countries in the region during the
and it was concluded that it would have been very unlikely for the
1970s and 1980s. The overall crime rate is lower in Costa Rica
alleged offender(s) to take the victim upslope for burial (2,3). The site
than many more developed countries including the United States,
was heavily forested with some ferns, thick roots at or near surface
although the intentional homicide rates reported in 2001 and 2002
level as well as large rocks; these essentially eliminated the possibil-
were slightly higher (6.64 and 6.44 per 100,000) than those of the
ity of using geophysical prospection methods such as ground pene-
U.S. (5.62 and 5.62) (1).
trating radar or earth resistivity. Also, the heavy tree cover meant that
The experience of this author with buried body cases in Europe
aerial photographs, if they existed, would be of no assistance as the
and North America has shown that in many forensic cases there is a
ground surface would not be visible.
preoccupation with only recovering the remains of the presumed

Department of Archaeology, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Preliminary Search
Canada V5A 1S6.
Received 21 May 2007; and in revised form 7 Oct. 2007; accepted 22 Initial inspection of the area delimited 10 places of interest des-
Nov. 2007. ignated by the archaeologists with flags for further investigation.

 2008 American Academy of Forensic Sciences 793


Criteria for areas of interest included topographical depressions, and small pieces of plastic were found mixed into the soil. It was
areas with distinct vegetation, places free of larger trees (i.e., those believed that these artifacts were the result of relatively recent, tem-
that would be older than two and a half years), large roots, and porary occupation of the site by seasonal coffee bean harvesters. It
immovable rocks and boulders. A thin metal probe (4) was also was not possible to determine how long it took the two natural lay-
used cautiously to detect areas of lesser subsurface compaction, ers to form above these finds and thus if this domestic garbage
which could indicate that it had been disturbed, perhaps by digging. could have come before or after the alleged burial. The third natu-
The area was surveyed and mapped electronically with a total sta- ral layer of compact silty clay was reached through excavation and
tion (a theodolite with an electronic distance measuring device), it appeared to be undisturbed. The compaction and appearance of
prior to any intrusive search and excavation. At the same time as the soil indicated that there had been no prior disturbance at this
the mapping, a foot search was conducted across the area. depth in this area.

Feature Identification and Excavation Feature 2

A test pit was dug in a seemingly undisturbed area to examine the Early excavation defined a small, oblong feature c. 75 40 cm.
natural soil horizons. These would be compared to any excavated Removing only the fill from the feature revealed a large liquor bot-
areas which appeared to confirm past disturbance, as with the crea- tle, small fragments of painted and nonpainted ceramics, and small
tion of a grave. Such test pits appear not to be commonly undertaken pieces of rusted metal. Further excavation continued to the bottom
in forensic contexts. They have been proposed by Wright et al. (5) of the feature, marked by large, compact stones and clay. The base
and performed by the author working conventional archaeology and was cleared of loose soil and a photograph taken to help document
also with teams on mass grave excavations in the former Yugoslavia. that the feature was not a grave. As with the first feature excavated,
Feature 1, a depressed area with vegetation that differed from this was also likely a disposal area made and used by seasonal
that of the larger context and which when probed was less compact agricultural workers.
than the surrounding area, was deemed most promising. A
4 4 m quadrant string grid was laid across it. All soil excavated
Feature 3
from each quadrant was sieved by the zapadores and any items
deemed possibly relevant were collected and their provenience (i.e., Within c. 5 min of beginning the surface stripping with mat-
the section and depth from which they came) noted. tocks, one of the zapadores cut across and identified an area of dif-
Feature 2 was detected via the metal probe, where there was rel- ferent soil colors and compaction. Cleaning the loose soil from the
atively little subsurface resistance. Excavation of the humic layer test trench area with a trowel revealed a distinct change, and within
defined a small, oblong feature that was then excavated in horizon- the area of looser soil, a small hole began to form into which soil
tal, arbitrary stratigraphic layers of 10 cm each. Each layer was was falling (i.e., caving in). Through this hole, using a tiny camera
sieved and items recovered were recorded and retained. with a light, police showed what appeared to be a large, robust
When features 1 and 2 proved to be modern but unrelated distur- bone, suspected to be a human femur.
bances (see Results), it was determined that a more effective method Shortly after the definition of feature 3 began, something very
was required to identify all disturbances to the natural soil layers predictable happened: heavy rainfall. Costa Ricas rainy season,
from which we could then prioritize features for excavation. Feature which peaks in November, the month in which we were working,
3 was discovered via stripping with mattocks of the uppermost soil involves almost daily, intense afternoon rains. In the interest of
layer (about 10 cm depth and 15 cm width). Starting from a central maintaining the integrity of the grave, excavation stopped, a shelter
point on the site, three lengths were stripped radiating outward in a was created and strategies for mitigating the effects of further rain
spoke-like pattern across the site, keeping away from large boulders were discussed. The geographical and topographical nature of the
and trees. The objective of this method was merely to search for site (sloping hillside) in combination with the intensity of rain that
changes in the soil matrix that would indicate disturbances. fell each afternoon during this season led the investigators and
archaeologists to agree that a trench dug to divert descending water
from the grave area would probably not be effective.
The following morning, after removing 1015 cm of the upper-
During the foot search, prior to excavation, an investigator found most soil from the area, the grave was defined as being c. 1 m in
a long-handled, curved-tip shovel with a broken peak and with length. It was covered in cement, which was not uniformly laid
moss growing on it, lying on the forest floor in the center of the across the grave. We surmised that cement powder had simply
search area. It was collected as possible evidence. been spread across the top area of the grave; penetrating rainwater
The test pit dug into sterile soil revealed three natural layers that later caused it to harden unevenly. This resulted in the area where
could be compared to the fill of features detected and excavated: no cement had formed (i.e., the hole through which the human
remains were originally seen at time of discovery of the grave),
1. Uppermost, c. 5 cm of dark brown sandy silt humus;
and other parts where the cement was between 5 and 10 cm thick.
2. Approximately 9 cm of natural, red, small-grain volcanic
Mixed in with the cement were two bags: a light, white plastic bag
as one might find at a grocery store and a larger woven plastic
3. A subsoil layer (the bottom of which was not reached, but
fiber sack.
extending at least 10 cm deep) of brown-gray silty clay with
In a typical excavation of a grave, the ideal method is to remove
occasional sub-angular stones predominantly 510 cm in size.
stratigraphic layers in the opposite order in which they were depos-
ited (last in = first out), leaving the walls of the grave intact so
as better to analyze and interpret the creation of the burial and all
Feature 1
its contents. This method allows for the possible detection of tool
Beneath the two uppermost naturally formed layers of soil, marks or other trace evidence that would be destroyed if the walls
rusted nails, other pieces of oxidized metal, a rusting AA battery, were excavated to facilitate removal of the body (6). However, due

to the layer of possibly unstable cement, it was decided that one of more durable synthetic material or blend. A leather belt was around
the walls along the length of the grave should be removed so as to the pelvic bones and a fourth plastic bag, with strips of electrical
view the profile of the grave and the extent of the cement. This tape on it was lying over the torso. The belt strongly suggested that
would allow for a more informed decision as to how best exhume the body had been wearing pants at the time of burial and, as with
the remains and examine the grave and its contents. Removal of the button thread, they had subsequently degraded in the grave,
the upper half of the wall revealed lime, with a third plastic bag almost certainly having been made of natural fibers. Two of the
mixed into it. The lime sloped inward towards the base of the plastic bags had probably been used to carry lime, as they were
grave, and removal of more of the wall could have affected the sta- below the concrete and one appeared to have been reinforced with
bility of the lime and its ability to support the cement. Therefore, the electrical tape, presumably to prevent it from breaking. No
excavation of the side wall ceased. The presence of cement and weapon was found.
lime both confirmed the information given by the anonymous caller At the bottom of the grave, at the level of the water table, was a
to the police. large section of saponified flesh and skin, with pores still visible.
Removal of soil from the edge and outside of one of the two The state of preservation was probably a result of the flesh having
ends of the grave was deemed necessary. Doing so in horizontal been in water (7). The lime may also have been a factor, although
spits that were separated for sieving resulted in the discovery of it must be remembered that only at the lowest level of the grave
blowfly pupae cases and hair at the lowest levels excavated. There was soft tissue found, whereas lime was along both sides of the
was no lime at the end of the grave and a cranium was observed grave. Therefore the effect of lime or at least a specific type of
beneath the concrete. This led to the conclusion that the remains lime, on the decomposition of soft tissue must be explored in con-
were human, that the body was probably lying on its right side and sideration of all of the other variables at work in this environment.
that the cement layer appeared to be quite superficial. For this rea-
son, we began to remove the cement first, then the grave contents,
all in the reverse order in which they had been originally placed.
Attempting to lift the cement layer showed that it broke freely The complicated nature of the site (a very active biological envi-
into smaller pieces, which were then lifted without affecting the ronment with various modern events affecting the natural context),
contents of the grave below. Beneath the cement, small pieces of and of the grave (the uncertain relationship between the human
lime were observed above the body whereas the walls of the grave remains, possible other artifacts, lime, and cement), necessitated
were lined with lime. Within the grave were the skeletonized unconventional excavation methods. Excavation of a test pit into
remains of an adult. The natural ground water level was slightly sterile soil for comparison purposes and use of police familiar with
above the base of the grave. The water meant that the full contents archaeological excavation ensured a more controlled and efficient
of the grave could not be observed before removing some of the site investigation. Knowledge about the local area and the seasonal
remains, which then allowed for water to be drained. presence of coffee bean harvesters helped explain modern, nonfor-
The maximum length of the grave measured 99 cm and the ensic intrusions. All of these things saved search and excavation
mid-point was 43 cm in width. The depth was difficult to assess time that was critical given the heavy rainfall every afternoon dur-
due to the waterlogged base of the grave but was about 50 cm. ing this time of year which complicates fieldwork.
The body and legs were partly flexed and the arms tightly flexed. Surface indicators such as depressions and anomalous vegetation,
The skull had dark cloth wrapped around it, indicative of a possible while generally good signs of previous ground disturbance, were in
blindfold (Fig. 1). Slightly rusted handcuffs were locked at the this case the result of other modern nonforensic activity. Neither of
wrists. Other artifacts included a dark colored shirt and white but- these things was present in the area of the grave because the
tons. The buttons were not attached to the shirt and it was deduced cement above the burial prevented the ground surface from
that they must have been sewn onto the shirt with a natural fiber depressing following the decomposition of the bodys soft tissues.
that deteriorated after burial, the shirt more likely consisting of a The cement also prevented plants from taking root above the grave,
resulting in the opposite of what might normally be expected when
plants take advantage of greater aeration, moisture, and nutrients
created by the decomposing body. The lack of vegetation here,
however, was not unique to the area of the grave, as the heavy
rainfall down the slope, acidic soil, and tree cover allowed only for
limited, smaller vegetation (e.g., occasional ferns).
The anonymous call appeared to give accurate information
regarding the cause of death stating that the victims throat was
cut. It is possible that the insect pupae cases discovered only in the
area of the head were the result of eggs laid at the site of such a
wound. It was also recognized, however, that blowflies typically
lay their eggs at natural orifices such as the eyes, nose, and mouth
as was noted during a decomposition experiment in the same gen-
eral area of Costa Rica (8). These observations were documented
by this author and reference made to Smith (9), although it was
also asserted that an entomologist must be consulted with reference
to this type of evidence. During the trial, however, it was noted that
the cause of death had not been established and therefore the wit-
ness allegation that the throat of the victim had been cut remains
unproven (10).
As the base of the grave was slightly lower than the ground
FIG. 1Grave in plan view. water level, it is believed that the water in the grave could have

undetermined cause of death and other factors, only one suspect

was found guilty of kidnapping and aggravated extortion and sen-
tenced to 16 years in prison (10).

The author wishes to thank Ricardo Vazquez of the National
Museum of Costa Rica and members of the Fiscala and
Organismo de Investigaciones Judiciales of Costa Rica for their
collaboration and support with the case work. The author is also
indebted to Professor Mark Skinner and Maria Hillier of Simon
Fraser University for their kind and helpful comments in the
FIG. 2Creation of a sump near the grave can facilitate excavation and preparation of this report.
exhumation. By removing water from the sump, the ground water level can
be temporarily lowered, thus also lowering the water level in the grave.
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mended for future, similar cases with waterlogged graves. mal in Costa Rica. N Y Entomol Soc 1981;89(3):15865.
Although this case occurred in a very different context to that 9. Smith KGV. A manual of forensic entomology. London: British
Museum (Natural History) and Cornell University Press, 1986.
addressed by Hoshower (11), her primary message stands: flexibil- 10. Vizcano I. Deficiente investigacin dej libres a 3 por crimen de hom-
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are often practicable and known by those with site excavation strategies: a case study. J Forensic Sci 1998;43(1):536.
experience. Due to the methods employed and constant documenta-
Additional information and reprint requests:
tion via photography, video, electronic mapping, and written notes Derek Congram, M.Sc., M.A.
and sketches, the burial context and contents could be interpreted Department of Archaeology, EDB 9635
to a satisfactory degree and important associations such as the Simon Fraser University
empty pupae cases being recovered only towards the head, were 8888 University Drive
Burnaby, BC
established. Canada V5A 1S6
The identity of the victim was established via DNA analysis, E-mail: [email protected]
and four suspects were tried for kidnapping and murder. Due to an

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