Test 2 - Practical

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Test #2 Intro to Bookkeeping

Name: __________________________________________
Part 2 Practical (80 marks) /80
Open a new document in Word and save it as Test #1 Part 2. You will be
taking screenshots of the following exercises and pasting them into your word
document for submission. Please label each question accordingly and provide
the screenshot(s) underneath the question label/ heading.
Open QuickBooks and open the Berrons Music Emporium.QBB file.

Payroll & Employee Centre

1. Add a new employee (20 marks)
i) Add the following employees to the Employee Centre.

Name Mr. John Smith Ms. Emma Watson

SIN 111 111 119 111 111 120
Gender Male Female
DOB 06/05/1985 03/23/1989
Address 1610 Champlain Ave. 2000 Simcoe St.
Vancouver, BC Surrey, BC
V5Z 1C5 V2R 5Y7

Phone 604 549-5285 604 428-5928

E-Mail [email protected] [email protected]
Pay Biweekly Biweekly
Payroll Biweekly Biweekly
Hourly Wage $20.50 $16.50
Hourly $41.00 $33.00
Time & a $30.75 $24.75
Hire Date 07/15/2015 07/17/2015
Occupation Assistant Manager Sales Clerk
Message Leave as is Leave as is

Winter 2017 Part 2

Test #2 Intro to Bookkeeping
2. Modify employees (5 marks)
i) Employee Mary Johnson
Hourly Wage $20.50
Hourly Overtime $41.00
Time & Half $30.75

ii) Employee Andrew Thompson

Salary $43,000 annual

3. Start a scheduled weekly payroll as of July 18, 2015 with cheque date of July
20, 2015 (10 marks).
Employee Hours Overtime Hours
Ronald Conton 37.5 2
Mary Johnson 24
Jack Lewis 30
Julie Ramirez 37.5
Paula Thompson 37.5 3

4. Prepare a PD7A Summary Report for July 16, 2015 to July 31st, 2015. Save as
PDF PD7A_Your Name (5 marks).

5. Prepare the Payroll Liability Balance Report for July 16, 2015 to July 31 st, 2015.
Save as PDF Payroll_Liability_Balance_Report_Your Name (5 marks).

Creating a New QuickBooks company

1. Enter the following new customers (15 marks: 5 marks each)
i) Ms. Samantha Jackson
Opening Balance: $525.00
Phone: 604 422-6457
As of August 24, 2015
Credit Limit: $2,000

Winter 2017 Part 2

Test #2 Intro to Bookkeeping

ii) Mr. Brent Rayner

Opening Balance: $745.00
Phone: 604 543-9876
As of August 18, 2015
Credit Limit: $2,500

iii) Mr. Robert Barry

Opening Balance: $390.00
Phone: 604 567-0967
As of August 28, 2015
Credit Limit: $2,500

2. Set up the following vendors (15 marks: 5 marks each)

i) Musiq Supplies Ltd.
Opening Balance: $625.00
Phone: 604 422-7564
As of August 5, 2015
Payment terms: 2% 10 net 30

ii) Porter Wholesalers

Opening Balance: $875.00
Phone: 604 543-0987
As of August 10, 2015
Payment terms: 1% 10 net 30

iii) Berg Housekeeping Ltd.

Opening Balance: $350.00
Phone: 604 567-1234
As of August 15, 2015
Payment terms: Net 30

3. Find the Register for the Accounts Payable Account do not make any
changes, print screen and paste into your word document as is (5 marks).

Upload your completed Word document and the two (2) PDF files to the
Assignments Folder on DC Connect Test#2 - Practical. Good Luck!

Winter 2017 Part 2

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