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TMS Software

Using FlexCel with

Table of Contents

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................................................. I

INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................... 1
THE DOCUMENT SANDBOX ................................................................................................................................. 2
A LOOK AT SOME OF THE AVAILABLE FOLDERS FOR YOUR APPLICATION ............................................................................. 3
IMPORTING FILES FROM OTHER APPS ............................................................................................................................... 3
Registering your app with iOS ...................................................................................................................... 3
Answering to an Open in event ............................................................................................................... 6
EXPORTING FILES TO OTHER APPS .................................................................................................................................... 7
PRINTING FROM IOS ............................................................................................................................................. 7
BACKING UP FILES ................................................................................................................................................ 8
OTHER WAYS TO SHARE FILES .............................................................................................................................. 9
ITUNES FILE SHARING ...................................................................................................................................................... 9
DELPHIS PROJECT -> DEPLOYMENT ............................................................................................................................. 10

The FlexCel code you have to write for iOS itself is very similar to Windows or OSX code.
Weve reused most of the code from FlexCel for Windows in our implementation, and you
can still use APIMate, the Demos, everything that you could in Windows when coding iOS.
Of course in iOS you have Automated Reference Counting (ARC), which means that you
dont need to call Free, but you could call free anyway and the program would still work.

This is the code needed to create a file in Windows:

uses FMX.FlexCel.Core, FlexCel.XlsAdapter;

procedure TForm9.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);

xls: TXlsFile;
xls := TXlsFile.Create(1, true);
xls.SetCellValue(1, 1, 'FlexCel says Hello');

And the same exact code is what you would use to create a file in iOS(even if you can
now omit the line xls.Free)

So why are we covering iOS in a separate document? What else can we say that is not
covered in the other documents?

Well, while most FlexCel code will be the same, there is a fundamental difference between
iOS and windows: Files in iOS are in a sandbox. You cant just open a file in My
Documents and save it in another place in the disk. Actually, you cant access *any* file
outside the folder where your application is installed. How to deal with the file sandbox is
what we are going to cover on the rest of this file.

The document Sandbox
When working in Windows, applications can access almost any file in the hard drive. Which
is a nice thing from a usability point of view, but a complete nightmare from a security
point of view. Imagine you download an exe file from internet, how do you prevent it from
encrypting all the documents in your hard drive and then asking for some ransom money in
order to decrypt them again?

For this reason, in iOS and in almost every mobile platform, your application can only read
and write to the folder where it is installed or its subfolders. This gives you the added
advantage that when you uninstall the app it is gone completely, as it cant leave
garbage all over your hard disk. But on the other side, how do you work with a restriction
like this? How do you create a file in Excel, open it with FlexCel, modify its values and give it
back to Excel, if FlexCel and Excel cant see each other at all?

The first way to share things is for special files: Apps can access certain other files such as
address book data and photos, but only through APIs specifically designed for that
purpose. But this isnt a general solution, and while it might work for images, it wont work
for xls/x or pdf files.

In order to do anything useful with the xls/x, pdf, or html files FlexCel can generate, you
need to Export them to other apps.

To be able to read files from other apps like dropbox or the email, you need to Import the
files from the other apps.

With this Import/Export system, your application cant open any file that wasnt given to it.
In order to open a file, the user needs to export it to your app.

A look at some of the available folders for your application

Before we continue, and having established that you cant write to any folder in the
device, lets look at the folders where you can read or write:

<Application_Home>/Documents/ This is where you normally will put your files.

Backed up by iTunes.
<Application_Home>/Documents/Inbox This is where other apps will put the files
they want to share when exporting to your app. Read only. Backed up by iTunes.

<Application_Home>/Library/ This is for the files that ship with your

app, but not user files. You could for example put xls/x templates here.
<Application_Home>/tmp/ The files you write here might be deleted
when your app is not running. Not backed up by iTunes.

Those are at a glance the most important folders you need to know about. You can get a
more complete description of the available folders by pasting the following url in Safari

Importing files from other apps

Registering your app with iOS

In order to be able to interact with files from other applications, you need to register your
application as a program that can handle the required file extensions. To do so, you need
to modify the file Info.plist in your app bundle.

For handling xls or xlsx files, you would need to add the following to your Info.plist:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN"
<plist version="1.0">
<string>Excel document</string>



<string>Excel xlsx document</string>

The good news is that Delphi allows you to modify individual keys of Info.plist in the Version
info section of the project preferences:

But the bad news is that it only allows you to add string keys, and we need to add
dictionaries. So we cant use the built-in system.

We want to keep the Info.plist generated by Delphi (it contains stuff like the version or the
application name), but we also want to add our own keys. For that purpose, FlexCel
comes with a handy little tool: infoplist.exe

Infoplist.exe is a simple program that will take two xml files as input, and output a file that
contains the keys from both input files. You can execute it as a post build event so it
merges your info.plist with the one generated by Delphi every time. After youve
generated the correct Info.plist, you just need to go to Project->Deployment and
change the options so the other Info.plist are not deployed, and yours is. You can find step-
by-step information on how to register your app in the FlexViewTutorial.pdf file that is
included with the FlexCel distribution. When you configure everything, your app will appear
in the Open in dialog from othe applications llike mail or dropbox:

Answering to an Open in event

Once youve registered your application as an app that can handle xls/x files, it will
appear in the other applications Open in dialogs. When the user clicks in your app icon,
iOS will copy the file to <Your app folder>/Documents/Inbox (See A look at some of the
available folders for your application above).

After that iOS will start your app, and send it an application:OpenUrl: message so you can
actually open the file. So in order to do something useful, you will need to listen to
application:OpenUrl: event.

In Delphi, you would listen to this event with the following commands:

Initialization code: (Put it in your form create event, or in the initialization of the project)


And then handle the event:

function TFormFlexView.AppHandler(AAppEvent: TApplicationEvent;

AContext: TObject): Boolean;
Result := true;

case AAppEvent of
Result := OpenURL((AContext as TiOSOpenApplicationContext).URL);

Note that OpenURL would get the URL of the file (something like file://localhost/folder...)
instead of a filename. The FlxView demo shows how to convert the URL into a path.

But sadly at the time of this writing (XE4), there is a bug in Delphi and the aeOpenURL will
never be called (other events will, but aeOpenURL wont):

So again, we need to search for a workaround. In this case, the fix isnt trivial, but weve
encapsulated it inside a unit: UPatchMissingOpenURLEvent.pas, which is available in the
FlexView demo. Just add this unit to your application and it will take care of the patching
for you. There is no need to call anything, just add the unit to your app.
Exporting files to other apps

Exporting files to other apps is the reverse of what weve seen in the previous section: Now
we want to show a dialog where we show the user all the applications that can open the
file we generated.

FlexCel comes with a component: FlexCelDocExport, which does all the work. To show the
dialog, just call:


And the dialog will appear showing the corresponding applications.

Printing from iOS

To print an xls or xlsx file created by FlexCel, you need to export it to pdf first (using
FlexCelPdfExport). Once the file is in pdf format and saved in your hard drive, just call:

FlexCelDocExport1.ExportFile(button, pdf_filename);

And the Print button will appear among the other options:

Backing up files
A note about the files you use with FlexCel. Not all of them might need to be backed up,
and Apple considers it a reason for App Store rejection if your application is backing up
static files (as this will increase backup times and sizes for all users).

If you are using xls or xlsx files as templates for your app, but they arent actual data and
shouldnt be backed up, you should use the NSURLIsExcludedFromBackupKey or
kCFURLIsExcludedFromBackupKey properties to exclude them from backup.

You can find more information about this topic at:

Other ways to share files
Besides exporting and importing files, there are two other ways in how you can get files
from and to your application:

iTunes file sharing

Your application can offer Share in iTunes functionality. To allow it, you need to add the


To your Info.plist file. Again as in the case of registering the application to consume some
file types, the Delphi IDE doesnt allow you to do it directly. You need to add a Boolean
key, and Delphi will only add string keys. So, again you will have to create a different
Info.plist and merge it, as we did in Registering your app with iOS. If you are already
doing so to registering files to import, then you can use that same file to add this entry.

Once you add this entry, your app will appear in iTunes and the user will be able to read
and write documents from the Documents folder of it. The interface is kind of primitive,
but it gets the work done.

Note: If you decide to enable iTunes sharing for your app, make sure that the documents in
the Documents folder are actual documents the user cares about, and put the others
somewhere else, like in Library. Failing to do so can result in a rejection from the App
store. (as you can see here:
uifilesharingenabled-key-set-to-true )

Delphis Project -> Deployment

The last way to put files in your app is to use the Menu->Project->Deployment option in

Note that Project->Deployment can only put files inside your app bundle.

If your application is called MyApp and the folders look something like this:



Documents MoreDocuments


Then by default Project->Deployment will copy the files to the folder. But you
cant access Documents or Library from there, you can copy files only to the green
folders in the diagram. This is because is what will be distributed to the App
store, and what your users will download when they download your app.

So, how do we copy files to /Documents using Project->Deployment? The usual

technique is iOS is to copy them to some folder inside, and on startup of your
application, copy those files to /Documents or /Library

But Delphi has this functionality built it, so you dont need to worry about writing the code
to copy the files on startup. If you look at your project source (Right click your app in
Delphis project explorer, then choose View source), you will see that the code is as

program IOSTest;


Where the first unit your project uses is named System.StartUpCopy. If you put the cursor
on the line and press ctrl-enter to open it, you will see that this unit just looks for a folder in
YourApp.App/StartUp and copies all files and folders to root.

So, if you want to deploy to /Documents, you should deploy to StartUp/Documents

instead. To deploy to /Library, deploy to StartUp/Library, and so on. Those files will be
copied inside your app bundle, and when your app starts, they will be copied to the root.

Important Note: On the device, filenames are Case Sensitive. So you must deploy exactly
to StartUp/Documents. If you deploy for example to Startup/Documents Then those
files will be copied to YourApp.App/Startup/Documents, but Delphi wont copy them to
/Documents when your app starts.


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