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Case 4:14-cr-00250-JM Document 148 Filed 12/08/16 Page 1 of 14





v. ) 18 U.S.C. 1349
) 18 u.s.c. 1343
JACQUELINE D. MILLS ) 18 U.S.C. 666(a)(2)
DORTHA M. HARPER ) 18 u.s.c. 1957
a/k/a DOROTHY HARPER ) 18 u.s.c. 982
ANTHONY LEON WAITS ) 18 u.s.c. 3237





At all times material herein:

1. The Food and Nutrition Service is an agency of the United States Department of

Agriculture (''USDA") which administers the ChildNutrition Programs. The Child Nutrition

Programs include the Child and Adult Care Food Program ("CACFP") and the Summer Feeding

Service Program ("SFSP").

2. The CACFP has an At-Risk Afterschool component which offers federal funding

to afterschool programs that serve a meal and/or snack to children in low-income areas.

3. The SFSP ensures that children in low-income areas continue to receive nutritious

meals during the summer when school is not in session. The At-Risk Afterschool component of

the CACFP and the SFSP are hereinafter referred to as the "Feeding Programs."

4. In Arkansas, the Feeding Programs are administered by the Arkansas Department

of Human Services ("DHS").

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5. Sponsors are organizations which participate in the Feeding Programs. Public and

private nonprofit and for-profit organizations can participate as Sponsors in the At-Risk

Afterschool component of the CACFP. However, only nonprofit organizations are eligible to

participate as Sponsors in the SFSP. Sponsors seeking to participate in the Feeding Programs

are required to submit an application to DHS for approval. Sponsors are required to obtain DHS

approval for each Site from which they intend to operate the Feeding Programs.

6. A Site is the location where meals are served under each of the Feeding Programs

during a supervised time period, an:d a Site can include locations such as schools, recreation

centers, playgrounds, parks, churches, community centers, and housing projects.

7. When Sponsors enter into an agreement with DHS, they acknowledge their

responsibility to oversee the administration of their Feeding Program(s) at their approved Site(s).

8. Based on guidance published by the USDA, DHS has requirements for persons

who are eligible to receive meals under the Feeding Programs ("Eligible Persons") and for meals

that are eligible to be served under the Feeding Programs ("Eligible Meals").

9. Based on guidance published by the USDA, Sponsors must keep and maintain

certain records, which include, but are not limited to, daily site records in order to document the

number of Eligible Meals served and documentation of the allowable operating and

administrative costs for the Feeding Programs.

10. In order to receive reimbursement, Sponsors access the DHS website using their

personalized login information and submit data for their Sites, which include the number of

eligible meals served to generate a reimbursement claim ("Claim"). The amount on each Claim

is based on a straight.,forward calculation ("Claim Amount"). The number of Eligible Meals

served to Eligible Persons is multiplied by a rate established by Congress. Additionally, the

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average daily attendance of each feeding site is calculated by dividing the number of Eligible

Meals served by the number of days in operation ("Average Daily Attendance").

11. Sponsors must provide a budget with the submission of an application to

participate in each Feeding Program. The budget is made up of Revenues (Claim Amounts),

Operating Expenses (food, food service labor, supplies, rent, maintenance, utilities) and

Administrative Expenses (administrative labor, office rent, office supplies, audit fees,

communication, insurance and legal fees). DHS generally prohibits Sponsors from making

capital expenditures; i.e. vehicles, buildings, and equipment. The Sponsors' budgets are

evaluated and approved by DHS employees.

12. GLADYS ELISE WAITS, f/k/a GLADYS ELISE KING, (hereinafter KING) and

TONIQUE D. HATTON (hereinafter HATTON) worked for DHS and their responsibilities

included processing applications from Sponsors applying to participate in the Feeding Programs

and determining the eligibility of Sponsors and their proposed Site(s).



14. JACQUELINE D. MILLS (hereinafter MILLS) was a Sponsor for the Feeding

Programs through R & J's After-School At-Risk Program (Agreement Number P45) and King

Solomon M.B. Church (Agreement Number TA620), which had approved Sites in cities

including, Blytheville, Cotton Plant, DeValls Bluff, Hazen, Helena, Jonesboro, Marianna,

Marvell, Osceola, West Helena, and West Memphis. MILLS was associated with Lamars Angel

Haven (Agreement Number P169) which had approved Sites in Marvell and Wynne, Arkansas.

15. All three programs as referenced in paragraph 14 above received over

$2,500,000.00 in federal funds from DHS.

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16. KATTIE LANNIE JORDAN (hereinafter JORDAN) participated as a Sponsor for

the Feeding Programs beginning in June 2012. Jordan was a Sponsor for the Feeding Programs

through Save Our Youth (Agreement Number TA273) and Save Our Community (Agreement

Number P136), which had approved Sites in cities including Dermott, Dumas, Eudora, and Lake

Village, Arkansas.

17. Both programs as referenced in paragraph 16 above received over $3,500,000.00

in federal funds from DHS.

18. DORTHA M. HARPER, a/k/a DOROTHY HARPER (hereinafter HARPER) was

a Sponsor for the Feeding Programs through Kingdom Land Youth Outreach Ministries

(Kingdom Land) (Agreement Numbers TA674 and P196), which had approved Sites in cities

including Allport, Altheimer, Coy, England, Humnoke, Keo, Lowell, Scott, Toltec, and Tucker,


19. Kingdom Land as referenced in paragraph 18 above received over $1,300,000.00

in federal funds from DHS.

20. KING and HATTON were responsible for approving MILLS' Feeding Programs,

JORDAN's Feeding Programs and HARPER's Feeding Programs at various times.


From in or about August 2011 to in or about August 2014, in the Eastern District of

Arkansas and elsewhere, the defendants,


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knowingly and intentionally conspired with GLADYS ELISE WAITS f/k/a GLADYS ELISE

KING, TONIQUE D. HATTON, KATTIE LANNIE JORDAN, each other, and others, known to

the Grand Jury, to devise and participate in a scheme to defraud and for obtaining USDA (

program funds by means of materially false and fraudulent pretenses, representations and

promises in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 1343.


As a part of the conspiracy, the following occurred:

1. MILLS participated as a Sponsor for the Feeding Programs during the school

years 2011-12, 2012-13, and 2013-14 and during the summer months in the years 2012 and


2. In MILLS' applications to participate as a Sponsor, she listed Sites where children

would be fed and the maximum number of children that would be fed at each Site.

3. MILLS made payments by checks to DHS employee HATTON, directly and

indirectly, beginning in or about January 2012, to DHS employee KING, directly and indirectly,

beginning in or about January 2013 and to ANTHONY WAITS directly beginning in or about

April 2013. The checks to ANTHONY WAITS totaled approximately $23,000. In exchange for

these bribe payments, HATTON and KING, knowing that inflated claims would be submitted,

approved the applications containing a specified number of Sites and a maximum number of

children who would be fed at each Site and helped MILLS avoid DHS's detection of the fraud.

4. During the time MILLS participated in the Feeding Programs, MILLS inflated the

number of Eligible Meals provided, thus claiming more children were fed at her Sites than were

actually fed.

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5. Because MILLS' applications were approved for a specified number of Sites and

a specified number of children, MILLS' inflated Claims were approved and paid by DHS

without further scrutiny. The Claims were approved because the number of Eligible Meals

submitted for reimbursement did not exceed the number which had been approved in the


6. The Claims by MILLS were submitted through the internet and most Claims,

including those set forth below in Counts 2 - 26, were paid through transfers from the State of

Arkansas which travelled interstate to MILLS' bank account.

7. Out of the money referenced in paragraph 15, Section A, that MILLS received

from the Feeding Programs, no less than $950,000.00, was transferred to MILLS' personal bank


8. JORDAN participated as a Sponsor for the Feeding Programs during the summer

months in the years 2012, 2013, and 2014 and during the school years 2012-13 and 2013-14.

9. In JORDAN's applications to participate as a Sponsor, JORDAN listed Sites

where children would be fed and listed the maximum number of children fed at each Site.

10. JORDAN made payments by check to DHS employee HATTON, both directly

and indirectly, beginning in or about February 2013, and to DHS employee KING directly

beginning in or about February 2013 and to ANTHONY WAITS directly beginning in or about

June 2013. JORDAN also made cash payments to HATTON and KING prior to making the

payments by check. In exchange for these bribe payments, HATTON and KING, knowing that

inflated claims would be submitted, approved the applications containing a specified number of

Sites and a maximum number of children who would be fed at each Site and helped Jordan avoid

DHS's detection of the fraud.

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11. On April 9, 2013, JORDAN made one such payment by check number 1093 in

the amount of$10,000 which was made payable to KING.

12. On August 31, 2013, JORDAN made one such payment by check number 1287 in

the amount of$8,519.63 which was made payable to HATTON.

13. On June 24, 2013, JORDAN made one such payment by check number 1283 in

the amount of $8,000 which was made payable to ANTHONY WAITS.

14. During the time JORDAN participated in the Feeding Programs, JORDAN

inflated the number of Eligible Meals served, thus claiming more children were fed at the Sites

than were actually fed.

15. Because JORDAN's applications were approved for a specified number of Sites

and a specified number of children, JORDAN's inflated Claims were approved and paid by DHS

without further scrutiny. The Claims were approved because the number of Eligible Meals

submitted for reimbursement did not exceed the number which had been approved in the


16. The Claims by JORDAN were submitted through the internet and most Claims

were paid through transfers from the State of Arkansas which travelled interstate to JORDAN's

bank account.

17. HARPER participated as a Sponsor for the Feeding Programs during the 2013

summer months and the 2013-2014 school year.

18. In HARPER's applications to participate as a Sponsor, she listed Sites where

children would be fed and the maximum number of children that would be fed at each Site.

19. HARPER made payments by cash to ANTHONY WAITS. In exchange for these

bribe payments, KING, knowing that inflated claims would be submitted, approved the

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applications containing a specified number of Sites and a maximum number of children who

would be fed at each Site and helped HARPER avoid DHS's detection of the fraud.

20. During the time HARPER participated in the Feeding Programs, HARPER caused

inflated numbers of Eligible Meals provided to be submitted to DHS, thus claiming more

children were fed at her Sites than were actually fed.

21. Because HARPER' s applications were approved for a specified number of Sites

and a specified number of children, HARPER's inflated Claims were approved and paid by DHS

without further scrutiny. The Claims were approved because the number of Eligible Meals

submitted for reimbursement did not exceed the number which had been approved in the


22. The Claims were submitted through the internet and most Claims, including those

set forth below in Counts 27-41, were paid through transfers from the State of Arkansas which

travelled interstate to HARPER's bank account.

23. Out of the money referenced in paragraph 19, Section A, which HARPER

received from the Feeding Programs, there were personal financial transactions totaling over

$850,000 which included cash withdrawals, transfers to personal accounts, checks written to

HARPER and HARPER's family members and purchases of cashier's checks.

24. ANTHONY WAITS recruited additional Sponsors to participate in the Feeding

Programs who received payments for inflated claims. These Sponsors provided a percentage of

the money received from the Feeding Programs to ANTHONY WAITS. Those Sponsors'

applications were approved by KING.

All in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Sections 1349 and 3237.

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Paragraphs 1 - 20 of Section A, Count 1, and Paragraphs 1 - 7 of Section C, Count 1, are

hereby realleged and incorporated as though set forth in full herein.

Between in or about August 2011 and in or about August 2014, in the Eastern District of

Arkansas, the defendant,


with intent to defraud, voluntarily and intentionally devised and participated in the above

described scheme to defraud and to obtain money by means of false and fraudulent pretenses and

representations, and for the purpose of executing the scheme, caused wire communications to be

transmitted in interstate commerce on or about the dates as set forth below, that is, transfers from

the State of Arkansas which travelled interstate to MILLS' bank accounts in the approximate

amounts as follows:

Count Date Amount of Deposit Amount of Claim(s) for

Feedine: Proe:rams
2 12/18/2011 $202,631.25 $202,631.25
3 05/06/2012 $46,919.08 $46,919.08
4 05/20/2012 $106,586.20 $106,586.20
5 06/03/2012 $114,385.65 $114,385.66
6 07/08/2012 $151,431.81 $151,431.83
7 10/21/2012 $17,597.13 $17,597.13
8 10/28/2012 $13,432.35 $13,432.35
9 11/04/2012 $93,051.99 $93,051.99
10 11/18/2012 $82,281.06 $82,281.07
11 12/09/2012 $78,120.41 $78,120.42
12 01/13/2013 $86,626.12 $86,626.12
13 02/17/2013 $121,185.97 $121,185.98
14 03/24/2013 $115,209.97 $115,209.97
15 05/12/2013 $147,618.48 $147,618.49
16 07/07/2013 $113,500.30 $113,500.31
17 08/04/2013 $113,515.29 $113,515.29
18 11/03/2013 $27,732.59 $27,732.59

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19 12/08/2013 $95,430.46 $84,796.95

20 01/05/2014 $208,268.34 $198,857.22
21 01/12/2014 $83,756.89 $83,756.89
22 03/16/2014 $129,679.08 $117,947.22
23 04/27/2014 $113,740.93 $103,325.76
24 05/04/2014 $9,340.83 $9,340.83
25 06/01/2014 $122,369.12 $113,890.72
26 06/22/2014 $99,964.15 $99,964.16

All in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 1343.

COUNTS 27 -41

Paragraphs 1-20 of Section A, Count 1, and Paragraphs 17-23 of Section C, Count 1, are

hereby realleged and incorporated as though set forth in full herein.

Between in or about the June 2013 and August 2014, in the Eastern District of Arkansas,

the defendant,


with intent to defraud, voluntarily and intentionally devised and participated in the above

described scheme to defraud and to obtain money by means of false and fraudulent pretenses and

representations, and for the purpose of executing the scheme, caused wire communications to be

transmitted in interstate commerce on or about the dates as set forth below, that is, transfers from

the State of Arkansas which travelled interstate to HARPER's bank account in the approximate

amounts as follows:

Count Date Amount of Deposit Amount of Claim(s) for

Feedin2 Pro2rams
27 07/07/2013 $46,968.79 $46,968.79
28 07/14/2013 $37,988.52 $37,988.52
29 07/21/2013 $47,970.04 $47,970.04
30 07/28/2013 $51,093.40 $51,093.40
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31 08/04/2013 $50,326.67 $50,326.67

32 08/11/2013 $58,212.87 $58,212.87
33 08/18/2013 $41,943.61 $41,943.61
34 08/25/2013 $35,287.19 $35,287.19
35 12/15/2013 $147,147.44 $147,147.45
36 01/05/2014 $68,032.16 $68,032.17
37 02/09/2014 $99,114.01 $99,114.01
38 03/09/2014 $128,583.13 $128,583.14
39 04/13/2014 $104,487.16 $104,487.17
40 05/11/2014 $135, 151.51 $135,151.51
41 08/03/2014 $126,055.05 $126,055.07

All in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 1343.


Paragraphs 1 - 20 of Section A, Count 1, and paragraphs 1 - 7 of Section C, Count 1, are

hereby realleged and incorporated as though set forth in full herein.

On or about the date set forth below, in the Eastern District of Arkansas, the defendant,


corruptly gave, offered, and agreed to give a thing of value to any person intending to influence

and reward GLADYS ELISE KING, a DHS employee, in connection with a transaction and

series of transactions of DHS, an agency of a state government that received federal assistance in

excess of $10,000 during the calendar year 2013, involving $5,000 or more as follows:

Count Date Check No. Amount(Approx.) Memo

42 03/13/2013 [BLANK] $7,000.00 Supplies

All in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 666(a)(2).

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COUNTS 43-51

Paragraphs 1 - 22 of Section A, Count 1, and paragraphs 1 - 7 of Section C, Count 1, are

hereby realleged and incorporated as though set forth in full herein.

On or about the dates set forth below, in the Eastern District of Arkansas, the defendant,


corruptly gave, offered, and agreed to give a thing of value to any person, both directly and

indirectly, to wit, checks made payable to TONIQUE D. HATTON and to a third party for her

benefit, intending to influence and reward TONIQUE D. HATTON, a DHS employee, in

connection with a transaction and series of transactions of DHS, an agency of a state government

that received federal assistance in excess of $10,000 during calendar years 2012 and 2013,

involving $5,000 or more as follows:

Count Date Check No. Amount(Approx.) Memo

43 01110/2012 2266 $9,890.00 Furniture

44 0111112012 2267 $9,980.00 [Blank]

45 02/11/2013 2393 $7,000.00 Dec

46 02/1112013 [BLANK] $5,000.00 Supplies-set-up Jan

47 02/1112013 [BLANK] $5,000.00 Jan Supplies/Food

48 03/13/2013 [BLANK] $8,500.00 At-Risk Materials for Building

49 05/25/2013 1059 $16,000.00 Furniture/Set-up

50 08/20/2013 3002 $5,000.00 Gutters/House Painting

51 08/30/2013 2448 $5,900.00 [BLANK]

All in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 666(a)(2).

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COUNTS 52-54

Paragraphs 1 - 20 of Section A, Count 1, and paragraphs 1 - 7 of Section C, Count 1, are

hereby realleged and incorporated as though set forth in full herein.

On or about the dates set forth below, in the Eastern District of Arkansas,


the defendant, knowingly engaged and attempted to engage in monetary transactions affecting

interstate commerce, that is, transfers by, through and to a financial institution, the deposits of

which were insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, of criminally derived property

of a value greater than $10,000.00, such property having been derived from the specified

unlawful activity of wire fraud as set forth in Count 2 as follows:


52 12/30/2011 $202,631.25 MILLS

53 02/17/2012 $70,820.00 MILLS

54 02/17/2012 $50,000.00 Purchase ofa Certificate of Deposit

All in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 1957.


Upon conviction of Counts 1 - 26 of this Third Superseding Indictment, the defendant,

JACQUELINE D. MILLS, shall forfeit to the United States, under 18 U.S.C. 982, all property,

real or personal, that represents or is traceable to the gross receipts obtained, directly or

indirectly, as a result of such violation to include but is not limited to the following:

1. The property and residence located at 648 Beechwood Drive, Helena, Arkansas;

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2. The property, residence and vacant lot located at 430 St. Jean Drive, West Helena,



Upon conviction of Counts 52 - 54 of this Third Superseding Indictment, the defendant,

JACQUELINE D. MILLS, shall forfeit to the United States, under 18 U.S.C. 982, all property,

real or personal, involved in such offense, or any property traceable to such property, as a result

of such violation.


Upon conviction of Counts 1, 27 - 41 of this Third Superseding Indictment, the

defendant, DORTHA M. HARPER a/k/a DOROTHY HARPER, shall forfeit to the United

States, under 18 U.S.C. 982, all property, real or personal, that represents or is traceable to the

gross receipts obtained, directly or indirectly, as a result of such violation.


Upon conviction of Count 1 of this Third Superseding Indictment, the defendant,

ANTHONY LEON WAITS, shall forfeit to the United States, under 18 U .S.C. 982, all

property, real or personal, that represents or is traceable to the gross receipts obtained, directly or

indirectly, as a result of such violation.

(End of text. Signature page to follow.)


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