2015 YDS Sonbahar 2

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2015 SONBAHAR YDS SINAVI D) would be / had been
E) could be / is
1-9. sorularda cmlede bo braklan yere uygun
den szck veya ifadeyi bulunuz.
8. Complex human Ianguage ---- suddenly and
1. The total amount of military ---- by all the without progression; like other advanced
countries of the world in 2010 was $ 1.63 trillion, capabilities, it ---- in a series of stages.
which is equivalent to $ 236 for every person on
the planet. A) does not appear / can evolve
E) has not appeared / might evolve
A) diversity B) requirement C) did not appear / must have evolved
C) expenditure D) dimension D) will not appear / could have evolved
E) inuence E) had not appeared / I should have evolved

2. The speed of wind is measured by using the

Beaufort Scale, based on easily ------ factors 9. Many advanced nations ---- space exploration,
such as tree movement, saviour and damage and plans are under way --- human presence on
incurred. Mars.

A) hostile B) irrelevant A) begin / seeing

C) misleading D) additional B) have begun / to see
E) observable C) are beginning / to have seen
D) began / being seen
3. Today, contagious diseases rarely kill in E) had begun / having seen
developed countries, where improvements in
sanitation and nutrition have ---- reduced
premature deaths. 10- 16. sorularda cmlede bo braklan yere
uygun den szck veya ifadeyi bulunuz.
A) favourably B) separately
C) signicantly D) dangerously 10. Governments, organizations and businesses
E) cautiously are becoming increasingly concerned ---- social
responsibility and ethical issues surrounding
4. With mankind ---- by an energy crisis and the problem ---- maintaining economic growth.
climate change, nuclear power back on the
scene. A) with / of B) on / by
C) into / from D) for / beyond
A) confronted B) responded E) at / behind
C) surpassed D) initiated
E) allowed
11. Personality psychology focuses on the
5. People have always been fascinated by the consistency in people's behaviour ---- time and
stars and planets in the night sky, but they had the traits that differentiate one person ----
to ----just the naked eye to make them out until another.
the telescope was invented in 1609.
A) at / for B) over / from
A) rely on B) look up C) in / of D) within / by
C) put off D) take up E) around / to
E) bring back

6. Blood type has been linked with a variety of 12. Telecommunication companies install cell
mental disorders, but associations are weak; towers in places where the network will get
many other factors are more important in sufficient use, ---- sparsely populated areas do
determining who ---- a particular illness. not qualify, which means people there lack
access to reliable phone service.
A) runs out of B) ends up with
C) makes up for D) gets back to A) in case B) even if
E) cuts down on C) so D) although
E) just as
7. Costa Rica ---- the first country in Central
America to grow coffee, and for the last 100
years, this ---- its leading export. 13. ---- the 50-second silent film Train Pulling
lnto A Station was rst shown in 1895 people
A) is / was were so terrified by the locomotive racing
B) was / has been towards them that they hurried to the back of the
C) had been / used to be theatre.

A) incorporate B) rehearse
A) Before B) Although C) convert D) threaten
C) Since D) When E) review
E) As if
14. Much evidence point t a relationship
between stress and disease ---- claims that
stressful life
events and daily routines cause various 20.
diseases are still premature. A) what B) where C) how
D) why E) when
A) since B) if
C) once D) only when 21.
E) but A) in B) on C) off
D) with E) from

15. Scientists do research in natural forces ----

for the sake of new discoveries ---- to use the 22-26. Sorularda aadaki parada
findings for the advantage of mankind. numaralanm yerlere uygun den szck ya
da ifadeyi bulunuz.
A) not only / but also
B) so / that Not all psychologists are primarily interested in early
C) the more / the more development. But even researchers (22) ----- to
D) such / that understand complex adult behaviours often nd it
E) whether / or useful to examine those behaviours during periods
when they are not so complex. For example,
16. One way to reduce the negative impact humans are capable of sophisticated
people have on the environment is to make sure communication (23) ---- the fact that our languages
that as much garbage as possible is recycled follow systems of rules. But determining what these
---- being put in a landfill. are has proved very difficult (24) ----- researchers.
One approach to this problem is to study our
A) because of B) in terms of language system (25) --- it is being acquired. So, in
C) for the sake of D) instead of language development, as well as in many other
E) in case of areas, the growing child is a showcase of
developing skills and abilities, and researchers
interested in different aspects of human
17- 21. Sorularda aadaki parada development have (26) ---- this fact to help them
numaralanm yerlere uygun den szck ya understand adult behaviour.
da ifadeyi bulunuz.
Some aeroplanes waste valuable fuel. (17) ---, there A) attempting B) to have attempted
are attempts to redesign such planes for maximum C) to attempt D) attempted
efciency. Recently, two engineers (18) --- planes E) being attempted
from the very beginning combining fuel efciency
aerodynamics and the necessities of goods, 23.
passengers and fuel storage. Their final design A) instead of B) except for
seems to (19) ---- several elements found in birds. C) due to D) in spite of
They examined the three major parts that make a E) in contrast with
plane (20)-- it is: body, wings and tail. They
worked through all three (21) --- turn, only opting for 24.
the design that would lend their nal product the A) about B) for C) over
maximum flight efficiency. D) towards E) from

17. 25.
A) Therefore B) Otherwise A) unless B) even though
C) In short D) However C) in case D) while
E) Furthermore E) after

18. 26.
A) have redesigned A) weakened B) eliminated
B) will have redesigned C) expanded D) demanded
C) had redesigned E) utilized
D) would have redesigned
E) could have redesigned


D) it is a fact that modern humans require some 40
to 50 nutrients for proper health
E) diet and nutrition are central to an understanding
of the evolutionary journey of humankind

27- 36. Sorularda verilen cmleyi uygun ekilde

tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz. 31. While the study of fossils called
'paleontology', is a field of biology, ----.
27.----, which could reduce the number of
undernourished people by 15%. A) fossils have been the key to understanding
extinct life forms since ancient times
A) By 2150 food demand could rise by 60% with B) its development has been closely linked to efforts
the growing global population to understand the history of Earth itself
B) The UN Food and Agriculture Organization says C) there has been an ongoing search for finding
that women are just as good at farming as men even older fossils since the 1950s
C) Closing the gender gap in farming could increase D) each geological period has its own fossils that
yields in developing countries by up to 4% are characteristic of that particular time
D) Governments do not seem to take considerable E) some scientists nd the concept of evolution
steps to ght starvation in underdeveloped countries difcult to accept on religious grounds
E) As the global population grows, there is more and
more demand to have access to basic food 32. Particularly important to the marketer is
knowledge of the philosophies of all major
28. In order to analyse the light reflected from political parties within a country ----.
Earth, ---.
A) since any of them, when in power, might change
A) a team of astronomers used a very large the consumption patterns of the public
telescope in Chile B) as the historical direction each minor party is
B) some of the light reaches the Moon and is again likely to take is unpredictable
reflected, known as 'Earthshine' C) no matter how one tends to be more restrictive
C) it maybe a while before astronomers are able to regarding foreign trade than the others
do that D) so that one party sometimes changes its
D) a number of new planets have been discovered membership criteria
so far with the help of new space telescopes E) although the doctrines of opposing parties have
E) the light reflected from these distant worlds is too an influence on the direction of the policy
faint to be analysed by todays telescopes
33. Scientists are still not certain why people
29. When managers place workers under time need sleep, ----.
pressure to perform hazardous tasks, ----.
A) as it can be extremely difcult for most people to
A) employees adhering to the company rules are do their daily activities without sufcient sleep
often encouraged through incentives B) yet it influences almost every aspect of our lives,
B) violations of workers' rights cause global protests from our mood to the functions of our organs
and instability in the market C) though lots of people experience insomnia and
C) safety precautions become a lower priority, they do not know its causes
thereby increasing the chances of injury D) so neuroscientists and biologists are
D) unintentional injuries are the fourth leading cause investigating ways to improve the quality of sleep
of death in the US E) whereas people who travel long distances
E) the attitudes of both workers and managers are generally suffer from lack of sleep
important in creating a safe workplace
34. Galaxies come in many shapes and sizes;
30. Although the role of diet and nutrition in some are spirals like our own galaxy ----.
human evolution has generally come under the
scope of anthropology: ----. A) as our sun belongs to a giant galaxy called the
Milky Way
A) the subject has also been of great interest to B) but others are fuzzy balls or shapeless clouds
scholars in many other disciplines C) though our galaxy is unimaginably vast
B) 'nutriture' is the state resulting from the balance D) if the smallest galaxies have just a few million
between supply of nutrition and the expenditure of stars
the organism E) so the stars in a galaxy are held together by
C) it is the nutrients that are necessary for all of our gravity
bodily functions

35. ----, it is not the only incentive that drives B) iddeti nleme yntemleri; bireysel davrann.
people to take certain decisions. evrenin veya kanunun deitirilmesiyle fayda
A) Whereas most shoppers decline monetary salar.
rewards in fear of being ripped off C) Bireysel davran, evreyi veya kanunu
B) As men and women spend more and more time deitirmek. iddeti nleme yntemlerine katkda
for their appearance bulunabilir.
C) Although money plays an important part in D) Bireysel davrann evre veya kanun araclyla
economic activity deitirilmesi, iddeti nleme yntemlerini ise yarar
D) Unless people are encouraged to save and hale getirebilir.
invest more of their income E) iddeti nleme yntemleri. evre veya kanunun
E) As if it were possible to entice customers with etkisiyle bireysel davran deitirebilir.
special offers
36. In tropical grassland or savannah areas,
trees may be found frequently, ----. 39. People frequently think of science as a
relatively modern field; however in its broadest
A) but savannah grasslands are located between terms, it is as old as humankind itself.
humid tropical regions and dry deserts
B) whereas temperate or semi tropical grassland A) nsanlar, genel olarak en geni anlamyla
areas have very little tree growth insanln kendisi kadar eski bir tarihe sahip olan
C) since hot summers and limited precipitation allow bilimin nispeten yeni ortaya km bir alan olduunu
for very short growth periods of vegetation dnmektedir.
D) because temperate grasslands are an important B) nsanlar, genel olarak bilimin nispeten yeni bir
resource for plant-eating animals alan olduunu en geni anlamyla dnse de bilim
E) and therefore vast areas of this type of grassland insanln kendisi kadar eskidir.
are not covered by trees C) Genelde en geni anlamyla insanln kendisi
kadar eski olan bilimin, nispeten yeni bir alan olarak
yakn bir zamanda ortaya km olduunu dnen
37. - 42. Sorularda verilen ngilizce cmleye insanlar bulunmaktadr.
anlamca en yakn Trke cmleyi, Trke D) nsanlar, genelde bilimin nispeten yeni bir alan
cmleye anlamca en yakn ngilzice cmleyi olduunu dnr ancak en geni anlamyla bilim
bulunuz. insanln kendisi kadar eskidir.
E) nsanlar, genel olarak bilimin modern bir alan
37. It is noteworthy that new vision of an ideal olduunu dnmekten ziyade en geni anlamyla
world in Leonardos art was expressed at a insanln kendisi kadar eski olduuna inanmaktadr.
moment when the political situation in ItaIy was
considered as hopeless. 40. Birleik Devletlerde 2007 ylnda balayan
mali krizden bu yana salk ciddi bte
A) Leonardo'nun sanatndaki yeni ideal dnya kesintilerine urad.
grnn. talyada politik durumun mitsiz
grld bir anda ifade edilmi olmas dikkat A) Health institutions have suffered serious budget
ekicidir. cuts since the nancial crisis that began in the US in
B) Leonardo'nun ifade ettii yeni ideal dnya 2007.
grnn. talya'nn politik durumunun mitsiz B) The nancial crisis that began in the US in 2007
sanld bir zamanda ortaya konmu olmas dikkate has caused health institutions to suffer from serious
deer bulunmaktadr. budget cuts.
C) talyada politik durumdan Limit kesildiinin C) The reason why health institutions have been
dnld bir zamanda. Leonardo'nun sanatta suffering from serious budget cuts is the nancial
yeni ideal dnya grsn ortaya koymu olmas crisis that began in the US in 2007.
arpcdr. D) Serious budget cuts. which have been
D) Leonardo'nun sanatndaki yeni ideal dnya experienced by health institutions since the nancial
grs, talya'da politik durumun mitsiz olduunun crisis that began in the US in 2007. cause them to
dnld bir anda Leonardo tarafndan ortaya suffer.
atlmtr. E) Health institutions have been suffering from
E) talyada. politik durumun mitsiz olduu bir anda serious budget cuts caused by the nancial crisis
Leonardo tarafndan sanatta yeni ideal dnya that began in the US in 2007.
grnn ortaya atlmas hayli dikkat ekmektedir.

41. Kendimizi kabul etmek yerine yargladmz-

38. Violence prevention strategies can work da kendimizin en kt dman olabiliriz ve bu
through changing individual behaviour, the nedenle psikologlar kendi hakknda konuurken
environment or the law. nasl konutuumuzda dikkat etmemizi tavsiye
A) iddeti nleme yntemleri; bireysel davran.
evreyi veya kanunu deitirerek ise yarayabilir. A) We can be our worst enemy when we judge
rather than accept ourselves. and thus

psychologists recommend us to care about how we or pizza. Consumers make this choice because they
speak when we talk about ourselves. want to consume more when they are feeling low.
B) We can be our worst enemy unless we judge Accordingly, the researchers conclude that big
instead of accepting ourselves. and psychologists things may signal higher status, and thus powerless
encourage us to be careful about how we talk about people buy more food if it comes in physically larger
ourselves. packages.
C) We are at times our worst enemy when we judge
rather than accept ourselves for what we are. so 43. The research conducted by Rucker and
psychologists warn us about the way we talk about Galinsky revealed that ----.
ourselves. A) those with feelings of low status were not
D) If we judge instead of accepting ourselves as we satisfied with their investments
are, we are the worst enemy of ourselves and B) those who felt powerful gave a high amount of
therefore psychologists recommend that we should money for luxury products
be careful about how we talk about ourselves. C) manipulating people's feelings of status led them
E) Because we judge rather than accept ourselves. to pay reasonable amounts of money for certain
we become our worst enemy, so psychologists products
recommend us to care about how we speak when D) there is a connection between the feelings of low
we talk about ourselves. status and the tendency to pay more
E) having felt either powerful or powerless. subjects
were equally extravagant
42. Can sknts, esnemeye yol aar ve bu da
akcierleri cevreleyen kaslar gererek veya 44. It is clearly stated in the message that ----.
beyne daha fazla oksijen tayarak uyank
kalmamz salar. A) one's attempt to control feelings of low status
might result in nancial loss
A) When boredom causes us to yawn. the muscles B) buying bigger food products are considered
around the lungs stretch or more oxygen is brought unfavourable by those with high status
to the brain which makes us feel awake. C) being aware that your behaviour is under the
B) Yawning which may be caused by boredom. influence
makes us feel awake by stretching the muscles of feelings of low status you will pay less for a
surrounding the lungs or bringing more oxygen to product
the brain. D) if you view yourself as important. you may want
C) Boredom leads to yawning and this makes us the big size for reasons related with high status
feel awake by stretching the muscles surrounding E) people who feel powerful can pay more for a
the lungs or bringing more oxygen to the brain. product to show that he or she has feelings of high
D) Stretching the muscles around the lungs or status
bringing more oxygen to the brain yawning. If
caused by boredom makes us feel awake.
E) When bored. yawning makes us feel awake by 45. It can be understood from the passage that
stretching the muscles surrounding the lungs or ----.
bringing more oxygen to the brain. A) choosing minimal portions symbolizes high status
as the researchers propose
B) buying things in bigger size relieves the feelings
43.- 46. sorular aadaki, paraya gre of inferiority
yantlaynz. C) those who have high status gain weight more
easily than those with low status
Recently, psychologists Derek Rucker and Adam D) the association between power and portion size
Galinsky reported that manipulating people's is rather weak
feelings of status either at work or in social life in E) when people feel low they hesitate to eat or drink
various ways changes the amount that people will more. thinking that they are powerless
pay for products. The researchers told individuals to
write about a time they felt either powerful or
powerless and then asked them how much they 46. The passage mainly focuses on the ----.
would be willing to pay for different products.
Subjects who had written about feeling powerless A) reasons why high status is associated with
offered to pay more for luxury products such as a expensive goods
stylish pen or fur coat, yet the desire for a quick x B) contradiction between different studies on
for feelings of low status may put those who feelings of low status
regularly feel as if they lack influence at greater risk C) relation between people's status and their
of having enormous debt or at least of making investment strategies
some questionable investments. Aside from D) healthy size choices of people to combat feelings
lightening our wallets, feelings of inferiority can also of inferiority
lead us to gain weight. Marketing professor David E) effects of manipulating people's feelings of low
Dubois states that when people feel unimportant, status
they are more likely to opt for an extra-large coffee

A) the extinction of the orang-utans in Indonesia is
more likely due to the lack of government effort to
protect them
B) a combination off actors including dry climate and
increasing plantation_ contributes to the extinction
of rare species both in Malaysia and Indonesia
C) people living in urbanized areas are supposed to
experience less health problems than those who live
in remote areas
D) palm oil industry is trying to find a better way to
produce palm oil to prevent further forest loss
E) rare species in the Indonesian forests can
survive negative conditions caused by palm oil

47.- 50. sorular aadaki paraya gre

49. The passage is mainly about the ----.
In Indonesia, the rainforests are being destroyed
due to the expansion of the palm oil industry. Today, A) effects of palm oil plantation on the environment
palm oil is grown on an ever more huge scale, across the Indonesian islands
providing global commodity markets with vast B) expansion and the future of palm oil industry on
quantities of cheap vegetable fat. Across the the Indonesian islands
Indonesian islands of Sumatra and Borneo, palm oil C) reasons why the Indonesian islands are
plantations have so damaged the rainforest that convenient for palm oil plantation
experts expect the extinction of the orang-utan in D) risk of re due to palm oil plantation and how it
the wild by about 2020, if nothing is done. More than can be harmful to both Indonesia and Malaysia
90 per cent of the orang-utan's original habitat is E) government efforts in Indonesia to control the
gone, and the remainder is under serious pressure, palm oil plantation on the islands
with the palm oil industry being backed by the
Indonesian govern even in protected areas where 50. The author's attitude towards palm oil
the last orang-utans live, for example, in southwest plantation is -------.
Borneo. The forests on these islands are also the
home of countless other unique and rare species. A) disapproving B) supercial
Logging operations and plantation activities can C) impartial D) tolerant
increase the risk of serious res, especially when E) favouring
coupled with unusually dry conditions. A very large
fire may lead to further forest loss and increase
pressure on neighbouring virgin forests by
improving access to formerly remote areas.
They also cause major public health problems
across Indonesia and Malaysia, as the haze of
smoke drifts across urbanized areas. 51.- 54. sorular aadaki paraya gre
47. According to the passage --.

A) low costs of palm oil production has increased

the size of the industry, but risking the rain forests
B) the expansion of palm oil industry in Indonesia Critics have long argued that Japan's scientific
makes the country richer than others in the region research whaling was, in fact, commercial hunting.
C) the Indonesian government is trying to stop the In March, 2014, the United Nation's International
palm oil plantation on the islands since it destroys Court of Justice agreed, ordering Japan to stop its
the environment hunt off Antarctica. However, the ruling may be only
D) the Indonesian government has provided special
a temporary setback for Japan. The International
areas to protect the orang-utans threatened with
Whaling Commission imposed a ban on commercial
E) Indonesian islands provide global commodity whaling in 1936, but it allowed the killing of some
markets with palm oil cheaper than any other place whales for scientific research. Since then, Japanese
in the world whalers have caught 10,710 Antarctic Minke whales
in the Southern Ocean around Antarctica, where
whales encouraged to breed. Japan claimed the
48. It can be understood from the passage that kills were necessary to study recovering populations

but the court said they were excessive. B) UN's Efforts to Deter Japan from Hunting Whales
Nevertheless, Japan is likely to continue this C) Unacceptable Whale Hunting by Japan
D) Protection of Endangered Whale Species
E) Japan's Contribution to Research on Whales
practice. Japanese ofcials say they plan to
redesign their research program to align with the
commission's rules. ''I would bet that whaling will 55.- 58. sorular aadaki paraya gre
continue as usual, although with some trivial window cevaplaynz.
dressing to make it look like they are complying with
the ruling," says whale researcher Phillip Clapham. A vegetarian is a person who eats no flesh. There
If Japan, the only nation using the inconsistency in are subcategories, such as Iacto-vegetarians and
the regulations, submits an acceptable proposal to ova-vegetarians, who eat no flesh but who eat some
the commission, the country could resume the of the products of animals in these cases, milk
practice as soon as possible. and eggs respectively. A vegan, on the other hand,
not only refuses esh, but also abstains from eating
and sometimes wearing all animal products. Vegans
argue that animal products cannot be separated
51 According to the passage the decision made
from animal mistreatment. They point, for instance,
by the International Court of Justice ----.
to the connections between eating eggs and the
keeping of hens in battery cages, and between
A) seems to satisfy whale researcher Phillip
drinking milk and the breeding and slaughter of veal
Clapham's concerns
calves, which are necessary to keep dairy cows in
B) may lead Japan to hunt whales in places other
milk. For the same reason, many vegan also refuse
than Antarctica
to wear or use products based on animal material
C) will not be effective in the long-term
such as soap, wool and leather. They make the
D) contradicts the ban imposed by the International
point that it would be considered by a vegetarian
Whaling Commission
unsuitable to be entertained on a leather seat. Other
E) has caused great controversy among critics
variations are vegetarians who will eat free-range
eggs but refuse milk, and others who will eat sh but
refuse the esh of other animals. In spite of
problems of definition, there have been several
attempts to calculate the extent of vegetarianism in
a number of countries, but the data available for
countries such as the United Kingdom and
52. The International Whale commission's ban
the United States are few.
on commercial whaling in 1986 ---------.
55. According to the information at the end of
the passage, which of the questions can easily
A) has helped decrease dramatically the number of
be answered?
whales caught
B) stopped Japan from hunting whales in the
A) What do we mean by vegetarianism in broad
Southern Ocean around Antarctica
C) has made it possible for places where whales
B) Why do people become vegetarian?
breed to become much safer
C) Why is it difcult to calculate the extent of
D) has led to considerable progress in scientic
research on whale populations
D) Is there an increase in the number of vegetarians
E) excluded certain whales from the scope of the
across the world?
E) Which countries have the highest proportions of
53. Following the promise to redesign their
research program. Japanese officials ----.
56. According to the passage lacto-vegetarians
A) will minimize the use of conventional methods of
A) would rather drink milk than eat eggs
hunting Minke whales
B) view making animal products equal to
B) may continue to hunt whales commercially in
mistreatment of animals
C) refuse to purchase products containing milk
C) can gain substantial support from international
D) do not wear or use any animal products
organizations for their whaling policies
E) eat flesh of certain animals in some cases
D) will comply with the rules set by the International
Whaling Commission
E) could protect recovering whale populations
57. It is understood from the passage that
against commercial hunting
vegans ----.
54. What could be the best title for the passage?
A) are in strong opposition to the consumption of
animal products
A) International Competition for Hunting Whales

B) are the only kind of vegetarians who nd it 59. According to the passage Egypt's Old
difcult to eat flesh Kingdom ----.
C) are much healthier than Iacto-vegetarians and
ova-vegetarians A) was a wealthy state with centralized governance
D) have made great progress in controlling animal headed by pharaohs
mistreatment B) deemed that prosperity and strong centralization
E) can use certain animal products such as soap were more important than stability
and leather C) fell long before the era when the pyramids were
D) ruled during a period when people were free to
58. It can be inferred from the passage that ----. worship their own gods
E) effectively separated religious affairs from
A) different types of vegetarians have different political ones
approaches towards the concept of vegetarianism
B) animal mistreatment especially of hens and
calves is a crucial issue discussed by all 60. It is clearly stated in the passage that
vegetarians pharaohs ----.
C) sh is preferred as an alternative by all
vegetarians when they reuse to eat any other A) had to choose between being a political and
animal flesh religious leader
D) vegetarianism no longer draws attention in many B) were believed to be the representatives of
countries such as the United States heavenly gods
E) all vegetarians hardly eat any animal products C) were thought to come from another world to rule
except for egg whether free-range or not their kingdom
D) were far from making use of the fertile Nile valley
E) held their religious ceremonies along the banks
of the River Nile

61. The underlined word 'upholders' in the

passage is closest in meaning to ---------.

A) admirers B) speakers
C) keepers D) nders
E) punishers

58. - 61. sorular aadaki paraya gre

62. What can be inferred from the passage about
Egypt's Old Kingdom flourished on the flood- Egypt's Old Kingdom?
enriched banks of the River Nile. It was an era of
prosperity, relative stability, and strong centralized A) Stability was achieved through democratic rule
rule. During this period, the pyramids were built and despite the relative lack of prosperity.
Egyptian society worshipped their mighty kings, or B) Stability was negatively affected by the highly
pharaohs, as gods on Earth. Old Kingdom society powerful position of the pharaohs.
was tightly controlled by the powerful pharaoh. C) It was difficult for the rulers to combine social.
Central to life, politics, and religion, which were all Religious and political aspects of life in the Old
closely combined, was the idea that the pharaoh Kingdom.
was a semi-divine gure who acted as mediator D) The gure of pharaoh was central in designing
between the and his people. The pharaoh not only every aspect of life.
oversaw elaborate religious rituals but also headed E) To the pharaohs, religion was less significant
a vast, highly organized political and administrative than prosperity and centralization in the Old
bureaucracy . Pharaohs were believed to be earthly Kingdom.
representations of the gods and were the upholders
of a justice system that aimed to reflect the 63.- 67. sorularda karlkl konumann eksik
cosmic order. A pharaoh was also the gure who braklan ksmna gelebilecek ifadeyi bulunuz.
worked with the gods to ensure that the Nile brought
siltrich annual floods each year, maintaining the 63. Murat: Why is it easier to speak using
Nile valley fertile enough to support the country. gestures?
Though Egyptians did seem to realize he was a Taylan: Well, speaking without gesturing
flesh-and-blood human, they stood in awe of the requires more thought.
sacred power of the pharaoh. Murat: .
Taylan: Exactly. For instance, pointing to keys on
the table and saying The keys are there." is

much faster and simpler than saying, Your keys D) Both mother and father have the same
are right behind you on the table, next to the responsibilities while raising their children.
book." E) I don't think children usually make a preference
between their mother and father.
A) Do you mean a lot more words are needed to
convey your message?
B) So we need to read more on the neurological link 66. Harun: Have you ever heard about the
between speech and gesture. companies that use multisensory marketing?
C) But some people still insist on verbalising their Gizem: ...
thoughts even if they use body language Harun: Not exactly. They want to have not only
D) Do you think gesturing should be used only when the right look for their product also the right
one is short of words? sounds, smell, taste, and touch.
E) I believe one needs to think in depth before he or Gizem: Now, I see your point. Coffee shops are a
she speaks. good example, right? They have a particular
style of music that they play in their stores as
64. Hseyin: What do you think about going to well as certain aromas and avours.
Russia for the summer holiday?
Glsm: I've always wanted to visit St. A) Companies using multisensory marketing! Are
Petersburg. It's a beautiful city that has inspired they the ones that sell multifunctional products?
artists, writers, composers and thinkers for B) It's a complex issue which I only partially
hundreds of years. understand. I haven't read enough about it.
Hseyin : ------------------- C) Well, I visited one last week and it was really
Glsm: Yes, it's everything a culture lover could amazing. What do you know about them?
dream of. We could also visit dozens of palaces D) Really? I haven't heard about them yet. Can you
and over 200 museums. Please, let's go there. explain what you mean?
E) Of course. One of my friends has started up such
A) From May through the end of July, they have a a company.
celebration featuring opera. classical music and of
course the ballet. 67. Glsen: Do you think living in an extended
B) I dont know. I was actually planning to go on a family makes children more sociable and self-
camping holiday. Being in the countryside is what confident?
excites me. You know mountains, lakes, forests and Orhan: It may make them more sociable but I
plenty of fresh air. don't think it makes them more self-confident
C) The Trans-Siberian Railway is the longest railway but rather more dependent.
in the world and we can take it all the way from Glsen: ..
Moscow in the west to the seaport of Vladivostok in Orhan: Denitely! They might not be able to find
the east. someone to back them up all the time. They
have to make their own decisions.

A) Do you mean that children in nuclear families are

more independent?
D) Russia makes me think of deep snow and frigid B) It's always easy for these children to make
temperatures. but in the summer we could enjoy the friends, isn't it?
natural beauty of the countryside and the warm C) Do you believe that children brought up in
sunshine. extended families also have high self-esteem?
E) Russia spans eleven different time zones, so you D) Aren't there any positive results of growing up in
can easily see how big the country actually is and it an extended family?
has such a diverse mixture of different cultures. E) Is it really true that being social depends on the
number of the family members?

65. Cansu: In the article I've been reading, it says

we're closer to either our mother or our father. 68- 71. sorularda, seeneklerde soruda verilen
Which is true for you? bilgiyi anlatan cmleyi bulunuz.
Erkan: .
Cansu: What do you mean by that? 68. Experts admit that the Hagia Sophia has
Erkan: Well, until l was 13, I was closer to my survived earthquakes due to the supports built
mother, but as I got older, I felt more empathy by the Great Architect Sinan.
with my father.
A) lf the Great Architect Sinan had not built the
A) Well, the generation gap is a key factor that supports, it would have been impossible for the
illustrates it best. Hagia Sophia to survive earthquakes. as experts
B) As I'm getting older and older. My expectations acknowledge.
from both of them change. B) According to experts, it was because of the Great
C) l think it depends on what stage a person is at in Architect Sinan's supports that the Hagia Sophia
his or her life. has been able to survive different natural disasters

especially earthquakes. E) The authority of the nation states has been
C) The experts argue the fact that the Hagia Sophia weakened by the growth of the European Union,
would have collapsed as a result of earthquakes if which still takes policy decisions and implement
the Great Architect Sinan had not built the supports. European Union policies.
D) The experts believe that the supports built by the
Great Architect Sinan are the main reason why the 71. The most fuel-efficient way to transport
Hagia Sophia did not collapse during the time of people and goods is by sea, but journey times
earthquakes. are long.
E) According to experts. thanks to the Great
Architect Sinan's supports that were built onto the A) Sea transportation is widely preferred to carry
Hagia Sophia, no damage was caused even by goods from one place to another although it is both
earthquakes. time-consuming and expensive.
B) Transportation by sea is teh most efficient way for
69. Although we now accept drawings as works people and goods as it costs less than the other
of art in their own right, up until recently they means of transportation.
were thought to be preparatory processes - no C) Poeple goods are best transported by sea in
matter how intricate or complex might be. terms of fuel consumption, however, it is time-
A) Today. drawings are considered to be art; D) Other means of transportation can take less time
however, not so long ago, this was not the case and cost less, as they are much more efficient than
even though they could be both detailed and sea transportation.
complicated; they were only regarded as a E) Transporting people and goods by sea is mostly
preliminary stage of a work of art. preferred, as it is teh fastest and cheapest way of
B) Drawings have always been considered to be transportation.
rightful works of art, but only when they were very
intricate and complex, were they used in preparation 72-75. sorularnda bo braklan yere parada
for other works of art. anlam btnln salamak iin getirilebilecek
C) As part of the preparatory process in the cmleyi bulunuz.
production of a work of art, drawings were
considered by some to be works of art; however. 72. The most fundamental aspect of Piaget's
Today, this is no longer the case unless they are theory is the belief that intelligence is a process,
detailed and complex. not something that a child has, but something
D) The preparatory process of a work of art that a child does. Piagets child does not
generally includes an intricate or complex drawing. possess knowledge, but understands the world
which was the usual process in the past, yet this is by acting or operating in it. ---- These actions
no longer true. represent the cognitive structures of infancy
E) Even though people regard drawings as true and are called 'schemes'.
works of art. it was not until quite recently that
people appreciated their role in the preparatory A) Furthermore. as a student of biology and zoology,
process of a complex, detailed work of art. Piaget learned that survival requires adaptation.
B) One psychologist might concentrate on infants.
Like Piaget. while another might study the ways in
which children's social skills affect their success.
C) For example. Piaget would describe an infant's
knowledge of a ball in terms of what he or she
70. The growth of the European Union has performs with it- pushing. throwing or mouthing it.
weakened the nation states authority though it D) For Piaget. development referred to continual
is still nation states that take policy decisions recognition of knowledge into new and more
and implement European Union policies. complex structures.
E) The cognitive-developmental approach actually
A) In spite of the fact that the authority of the nation includes several related theories. and it is closely
states has been weakened by the growth of the associated with the work of Piaget.
European Union, they continue taking policy
decisions and carrying out European Union policies. 73. Nowadays, manual labour has largely been
B) Even if the authority of the nation states has replaced by machines; in some cases machines
been eliminated by the growth of the European are completely taking over certain processes.
Union, nation states are responsible for taking policy For example, some machines produce food and
decisions and carrying out European Union policies. energy, as well as transport passengers and
C) Nation states in the European Union have been goods by land, sea, air and even space ...... .
affected by its growth although they still hold the The global connection between humans and
authority to take policy decisions and implement machines made possible by computer networks
European Union policies. that allow for the merging of old and new ways
D) The expansion of the European Union has of communication. Computers can even be
devastated its authority to take policy decisions and programmed to simulate the intelligent
carry out European Union policies. performances of living organisms and transfer

this artificial intelligence into motion carried out denitions in music.
by robots. E) On the other hand, there are various reasons
why genre is more controlled in certain countries.
A) Machines are used to accomplish almost all
agricultural tasks from cultivating the soil to sowing
and harvesting. 76-80. sorularda cmleler srasyla
B) An increasing number of machines are equipped okunduunda parann anlam btnln
with sophisticated articial intelligence and can be bozan cmleyi bulunuz.
programmed to handle many types of work
C) There is, however, growing concern about the 76. (I) What conservationists do in order to protect
potential threat of machines becoming more endangered species should be supported by
intelligent than humans. governments to succeed. (II) Conservationists are
D) Others simplify administration, planning or using different methods to decide which species to
organizational tasks, for instance, computers save and not to save. (III) Each one favours certain
support ofce work education and research. priorities, such as an animal's role in preserving
E) This is reducing the number of jobs that are food chain or genetic diversity. (IV) Serving those
available for unskilled workers in these sectors. priorities ultimately deems species winners or
losers. (V) For example, Chinese river dolphins are
viewed as losers since they serve no meaningful
74. ---- It was all very well to have a steam role, while grey wolves are winners because
engine next to a factory to turn the generator, to of controlling animal population.
turn the motors, and light the bulbs. But the
energy lost along the wires was so great that it A) I B) II C) III D) Iv E) v
would require a steam engine and generator at
the end of every street to service a town. Indeed 77. (I) During the 19305, evidence began to emerge
early distribution networks had a limited range suggesting that people who receive social support
of about 2km. The challenge was to come up from friends, family members, and health care
with a system that could offer useful electricity providers tended to live longer and healthier lives
at the end of a very long wire. than people who lacked support. (II) A review done
by a group of scientists concluded that people who
A) Walking at night in the past meant walking have high levels of social support are more able
through a world illuminated via the burning of coal. than other people to cope with stress and chronic
B) Reliable electric lighting transformed cities in pain . (III) Although social support has been widely
Europe and America making streets safer and researched, no single denition of the concept has
helping to foster a 24-hour society. emerged. (IV) Indeed, lack of social support
C) By the end ofthe1Q" century electricity offered rivalled other well-established risk factors as a risk
huge potential to change the world, but it suffered for poor health. (V) Cigarette smoking, high blood
from one major limitation: distribution. pressure, obesity, and inactive lifestyle are among
D) The name electricity was coined by William the impacts with which social support is compared.
Gilbert, who had spent years studying magnetism.
E) While the major source of electricity was water A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
and coal in the past. Today it is nuclear radiation.

75. Genre is a term that refers to a type of

media product or work of art governed by
implicit rules that are shared by the makers of 78. (I) Nearly half of all college math majors are
the product and the audience for it. Examples women, and females now score as well as males on
are thrillers soap operas and talk shows. --- To standardized math tests. (II) Yet, only about 30 per
some extent, these rules are about the content cent of Ph.D.s in mathematics and fewer in
of the genre. Particular types of characters and computer science, physics and engineering are
events, for example, will routinely occur in awarded to women every year. (III) Researchers
particular genres and others will not. have long blamed sex discrimination and bias, but
research suggests that there may now be
A) Every genre has its own standards and a less sinister culprit: motherhood. (IV) Family
conventions that distinguish it from others. responsibilities can explain why men outnumber
B) Today, there are many people involved in the women in science- and math-related positions.
production of the lm rating system. (V) Undeniably, women in science have had to ght
C) Some agencies control whether the content of sex discrimination for decades.
these types of media are suitable to be broadcast.
D) Moreover, you can also come across similar A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

3. Strateji: Nasl/ne lde sorusu. Bugnk
79. (I) In Britain, biscuit consumption is higher than gelimi lkelerdeki salk nlemleri ve beslenme
in the rest of Europe. (II) When someone sits down sayesinde bebek lmleri nasl/ne lde
for a tea, coffee or biscuit, he or she might be azalmtr? Bunlar olumlu etmenler olduu iin
consuming a little bit of celebrity history. (III) Some nemli lde yani significantly azalmtr.
of the most common and popular foods are named 4. Strateji: Ne yapmak sorusu: nsanlk enerji krizi
after famous people of the past (IV) Grey tea, ve kresel snma ile ne yapmtr? Yz yze
Garibaldi biscuits and the classic Victoria sponge kalmtr. Beraber yaplan eylemler genellikle co-
cake are among the most favoured food and drinks neki ile balar. Confrontation gibi e anlamllar
linked with historical gures. (V) Rich, famous and olan contradiction, ve conflict, eylemleri de byledir.
talented historical celebrities have also lent their
names to seafood dishes, puddings and PHRASAL VERBS
5. Strateji: Ne yapmak sorusuna bal olarak
A) I B) II C) III D) Iv E) v eylemin yn kural. Teleskop icat edilinceye kadar
yldzlara bakmak iin insanlar sadece gzlerine ne
80. (I) Staring at the Sun without sunglasses hurts, yapmlardr? Gvenmilerdir. Gvenmek
which is reason enough to avoid doing it. (II) Too dayanmak demektir. Dayanma eylemi bir eyin
little sunshine leads to low vitamin D levels, which zerine yapld iin on eki alan rely on doru
put you at higher risk of certain cancers. (III) But cevap olmaktadr. Depend on ile beraber ok
direct exposure to the ultraviolet radiation intense sorulan bir deyim-fiildir bu.
sunlight can also damage the eye and increase the 6. Strateji: Ne yapmak sorusuna bal olarak
likelihood of cataract developing. (IV) Cataracts eylemin yn kural. Burada bir hastala
affect the part of the eye that focuses light the yakalanmaktan sz ediliyor. Bir hastala
lens gradually clouding vision and leading to yakalandnzda onun ile birlikte (with)
blindness. (V) Surgery to restore vision involves yayorsunuz. O nedenle end up with doru
making tiny cuts in the eye to remove the cataract olmaktadr. Ya da bir hastala kaltmsal olarak
and replace the lens. yatknsanz eninde sonunda (end up) ona
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

7. Strateji: Zaman zarflar. First bizi V2 ye, for the

last 100 years ise FIDORS anahtarna gre Have
V3e gtrr.
CEVAP ANAHTARI 8. Strateji: Sadece anlam. nsan dilinin ortaya
kmas gemite yaanan bir sre olduu iin ilk
01.C 02.E 03.C 04.A 05.A 06.B 07.B 08.C 09.A 10.A bolua didnt appear geliyor. nsan dili aniden
11.B 12.C 13.D 14.D 15.A 16.C 17.C 18.A 19.A 20.A ortaya kmamsa nasl ortaya km olabilecei
21.A 22.A 23.C 24.B 25.A 26.E 27.C konusunda yarg bildiren must have evolved ta
28.A 29.C 30.A 31.B 32.A 33.B 34.B 35.C 36.B ikinci bolua uymaktadr.
37.A 38.A 39.D 40.A 41.A 42.C 43.D 44.A 45.B 46.E 9. Gemite yapld anlalan ama kesin olarak ne
47.A 48.A 49.A 50.A 51.C 52.E 53.B 54.C 55.C 56.A zaman yapld belli olmayan eylemleri Have V3 ile
57.A 58.A 59.A 60.B 61.C 62.D 63.A 64.A 65.C 66.A anlatyoruz. Plan fiili gelecee ynelik olduu iin
67.A 68.A 69.A 70.A 71.C 72.C 73.D 74.C 75.A 76.A devamnda cmle varsa will geliyor. Yoksa
77.C 78.E 79.A 80.B yaanmam eylemleri anlatan to infinitive geliyor,
kuralna gre B kk doru oluyor.


10. Co- n eki ile balayan fiiller genellikle with alr.

Preposition boluu iki isimin ortasnda ise of gelir,
2105 Sonbahar YDS Ksa zmler kurallarna gre A kk doru olmaktadr.
11. Eylemin yn kuralna gre bir eyden farkl
KELME SORULARI olmak ngilizcede de from ile anlatlr. O nedenle B
kk dorudur.
1. Strateji: Ne sorusu. 1.63 trilyon dolarlk askeri Ne
olur. Harcama olur. Harcama dar doru yaplan
bir eylem olduu iin ex- n ekini alan expenditure
doru cevap olmaktadr. BALA SORULARI
2. Strateji: Nasl sorusu. Rzgarn hzn lmek iin
aalarn hareketi veya dumann yn kolaylkla ne 12. Virglden sonra but/which veya so gelir kuralna
yaplabilir? Gzlemlenebilir. O nedenle observable gre C kk doru oluyor. Nfusu az olan yerlerde
doru cevap olmaktadr. baz istasyonlar az olduu iin ekim gc der.

13. As if cmle banda kullanlmaz. ki cmleciin 28. Sorudaki in order to analyse eylemini sadece A
fiilleri gemi zaman yani ayn olduu iin although kkndaki zne yapabilir. Ayrca giri cmlesi esi
ve sincei de imdilik bir kenara brakalm. Geriye a li szckle balayan bir zne bu.
zaman balalar before ve when kalyor. Sorudaki 29. Sorudaki when zaman cmlesi olumsuz bilgi
first e bakarsak bir eyin ilk kez yapld veriyor. klarda olumsuz bilgi veren cmle C ve
zamandan sz edildii anlalyor. O nedenle when Dde var. Bunlardan giri cmlesi esi iereni C.
doru oluyor. 30. Soru ztlk balac although ile balyor. Nerde
14. Much szc nerde okluk orda ztlk, still okluk orda ztlk ilkesine gre A kkndaki many
szc de although-still ilikisini gsteriyor. Virgl doru cevabn bu olduunu gsteriyor.
yok ama yine de but doru cevap oluyor. 31. Sorunun fiili is ise klarda it aryorduk. Bdeki
15. Burada iki ismi balayan balalardan not its o nedenle biz doru cevaba gtryor.
onlybut also sorulmu. N1 ama bildiren for ile 32. Soruda siyasi partilerden sz edildiine gre
balam, N2 ise yine ama bildiren to ile balyor. klarda they arayacaz. O yok ama A kknda
16. Burada boluun bir tarafnda plerin geri them var. Buradaki might ta could gibi doru
dnmnden dier tarafnda ise p toplama cevaplarda sklkla karlatmz bir yardmc fiildir.
alanna atlmasndan sz ediliyor. Geri dnm Any ise giri cmlesi esidir.
dierine tercih edildii iin instead of anlaml 33. Virglden sonra but gelir, ilkesine bakarak Bdeki
oluyor. e onun anlamls yet ve burada sorudaki uyku iin
kullanlm ite bakarak doru cevaba ulayoruz.
CLOZE TEST 1 34. Some-others ikili yaps bizi doru cevap Bye
17. lk cmle olumsuz, ikincisi ise olumlu olduu iin 35. Virglden sonraki bolua but geliyorsa nceki
however doru cevap oluyor. bolua although gelir kuralna ve Money-it
18. Recently, FIDORS anahtarna gre bizi A kkna ilikisine gre C kk dorudur, diyoruz. An
gtryor. important.. ifadesindeki giri cmlesi esi an de
19. Kularn zelliklerini uak modeline uyguladklar doru cevabn bu olduunu gsteriyor.
iin ieri doru eylem sz konusu. O nedenle in n 36. Virglden sonra but gelir ilkesine gre A
eki alan incorporate doru olmaktadr. kkndaki bilgi anlam testini geemiyor ama Bdeki
20. Ua uak yapan ey demek iin burada what butn eanlamls whereas ile balayan cmle
a ihtiya vard. anlaml oluyor. ki blge yamur alma asndan
21. Srayla demek iin in turn deyimi kullanlr. karlatrlm.
nk srada olmak srann iinde olmay gerektirir.
37. Bu cmledeki zne bo zne (it) olduu iin
22. Who/which cmleleri sim+Ving eklinde fiilden yardm alacaz. Fiil dikkat ekicidir, sadece A
ksaltlabilmektedir. kknda bulunuyor.
23. The fact that kalb yznden anlamna gelen 38. zne iddeti nleme yntemleri kta var.
due to veya e anlamllar ile ok sklkla Fiil work ie yaramak ise sadece A kknda
kullanlmaktadr. bulunuyor.
24. Bu kurallarn ne olduunu belirlemek 39. nsanlar znesi 4 kta var ama ana fiil eskidir
aratrmaclar iin (for) zordur. B ve Dde bulunuyor. Soru although ile
25. It is being acquired cmlesi imdiki zaman bir balamad iin B yanl, D dorudur.
fiille ekilmi. Byle bir fiil devam eden bir eylemi 40. zne salk kurulular A ve E klarnda var.
anlatt iin -iken anlamna gelen while doru Bitmi bir eylemi anlatan uradnn karl ise
cevap olmaktadr. sadece Ada var.
26. Aratrmalar insan davrann anlamak iin bu 41. Kendimizin en kt dman olabiliriz ifadesi A
gerei ne yapmlardr, sorusuna en uygun cevap ve B klarnda var. When balac sadece A
kullanmlardr-utilized olur. Zayflatmak ve elimine kknda olduu iin o doru olmaktadr.
etmek olumsuz eylemler olduu iin zaten buraya 42. Can sknts-boredom znesi sadece A kknda
uymazlard. Dier fiiller genilemek ve istemek var.
anlamnda oluu iin uygun deiller.

43. Bu para insann kendisini gl veya gsz

CMLE TAMAMLAMA SORULARI hissetmesi ile alveri ve yeme alkanlklar
arasndaki ilikiyi anlatyor. zetle gsz
27. Sorudaki could ve %15 saysal bilgisi ile C hissedenler ok yemek yermi, gereksiz harcamalar
kkndaki could ve %4 saysal bilgisi arasnda yaparlarm. lk soruda aratrmann ortaya kard
yapsal ve anlamsal balant salanmaktadr. Could bu durum soruluyor. O nedenle D kk doru oluyor.
bizim snavlarmzda canin past deil, present 44. Ayn bilgiden A kkndaki bilgi karlabiliyor.
ihtimal belirten bir yardmc fiildir. O nedenle Kendini gsz hisseden kii gereksiz harcamalar
Couldlu cmleler ok sklkla doru k olur, diyoruz. yaparak finansal skntya girebilir.

45. Yine bir karm sorusu. Byk boy eyler almak rn tketmiyor, kullanmyor. Bdeki only Cdeki
aalk kompleksinin gstergesidir diyen B kk great ve Ede much healtier iddial ifadelerdir.
dorudur. Morelardan dolay C ve E, rather weak 58. Bu da karm sorusu. Bunun da cevab ok
olumsuz kavram olduu iin D elenir. kolay. A kk parann ksa bir zeti olmu. B, C ve
46. Parann konusunun sorulduu bu soruda doru Edeki all ile Ddeki no longer iddial ifadedir.
cevap E olmaktadr. nk parada genel olarak
kendini gsz hissedenlerin davran deiimleri
anlatlyor. METN 5

METN 2 59. Bu para da kolay anlalyordu. Eski Msrdan

ve firavunlarn gcnden sz ediyordu. Doru cevap
47. Bu para Endonezyadaki yamur ormanlarnda hemen bu bilgilerin zeti olan A kkna konmu.
palmiye ya retimi sonucu ortaya kan hasar Bdeki more , Cdeki long before iddial
anlatlyor. lk soruda bu nedenle doru cevap A ifadelerdir.
kk. 60. Bu soru firavunlarn konumunu soruyor. Bu B
48. Bu bir karm sorusu. Parada anlatlanlardan kknda anlatlyor. Parada da sylendii gibi
orangutanlarnn soyunun tehlikeye girmesinde firavunlar gkteki tanrlarn yeryzndeki temsilcileri
hkmetin rol olabilecei syleniyor. Hkmetin olarak grlyorlar. . Adaki had to ile Ddeki far
orangutanlar iin koruma alanlar amasna ramen from iddial ifadelerdir.
palmiye ya retimi iin ormanlarn yok edilmesine 61. Yine ball bir soru. Uphold, n eki ve fiil kkne
gz yummas bu kk doru yapyor. baklrsa bir eyi yukar doru tutmak anlamna gelir.
49. Burada parann genel konusu sorulmu. O eyin konumu ancak byle korunabilir. O nedenle
Hemen yine A kknda palmiye ya retiminin e anlaml szck keeper olmaktadr.
doaya verdii zarardan sz ediliyor. 62. Burada bir karm sorusu var. Parada
50. ok kolay bir soru. Batan aa olumsuz firavunlarn konumu hakknda verilen bilgilerden
bilgiler veren bu parann yazar tabii ki olanlar Firavun yaamn merkezindeydi diyen D kknn
onaylamyor. Adaki disapproaving o yzden doru olduu sonucuna varlyor. Adaki lack,
dorudur. Bdeki negatively, Cdeki difficult olumsuz
kavramlardr. deki less iddial ifadedir
51. Bu parada Japonyann, Birlemi Milletler
Uluslararas Yarg Mahkemesinin kararlarna 63. Diyalog sorular genellikle kolaydr. Mesela
ramen okyanuslarda balina avlamaya devam burada eksik cmlede bir yesy/no sorusu sorulduu
etmesi anlatlyor. lk soruda mahkemenin bu eksik cmleden sonraki ifadenin evet anlamndaki
konuda ald karar sorulmu. C kknda exactly ile balamasndan anlalyor. Yardmc fiile
Japonyann bu karara uymayaca sylendii iin sorulan soru A ve Dde var sadece. Adaki, anlaml
doru k budur. oluyor.
52. Bu soru ilgili mahkemenin 1986 da ald bir 64. Bu soruda adaylar A ve E klar arasnda
kararla ilgili. E kknda bu kararla baz balina kaldlar. Ben Petersburgta 200den fazla mze
trlerinin avlanmasna izin verildii syleniyor. olmaz diye Eyi iaretledim. Ama sonradan
53. Japonya balina avcln aratrma amal Wikipediadan rendiime gre orada aklnza ne
yaptn iddia ediyor. Bu konuda sz vermesine gelirse o konuda mze varm.
ramen bu ie illegal olarak devam edebileceini 65. Bu konuma anne veya babamza olan
syleyen B kk doru oluyor. bamllmzdan sz ediyor. Erkann ikinci
54. Yine ball bir soru. Yine batan aa olumsuz ifadesinde bu bamlln yaa gre deitii
bilgiler verildii iin yine olumsuz bir nekle anlatld iin C kk doru olmaktadr.
balayan znesi ile C kk doru oluyor. 66. Eksik cmleden sonra yine exactly var ama bu
defa no anlamnda. klardan sadece Ada
METN 4 yardmc fiille sorulan bir soru olduuna gre doru
cevap odur.
55. Bu para vejeteryanlarla ilgili. Deiik yeme 67. Bu soruda da exactly anlamna gelen definitely
alkanlklarna gre isimlendirilen vejeteryanlar var ama bu defa yardmc fiile sorulan soru 4 kta
anlatyor. lk soruda parann sonunda da var. Sonrasnda 3 satrlk bir aklama olduu iin
anlatlanlardan klardaki hangi sorunun kolaylkla Adaki Do you mean doru soru olmaktadr.
cevaplanabilecei soruluyor. Bu C kkndaki soru
oluyor. nk parann sonunda vejeteryanlarn NGLZCE E ANLAMLISINI BULMA SORULARI
saysnn neden kolaylkla hesaplanamayaca
anlatlyor. 68. ngilizce e anlamlsn bulma sorular genelde
56. Bu soruda lakto vejeteryanlar soruyor. Laktik kolaydr. Sorudaki bala, sfat veya zarfn e
asitten bunlarn st iebildii sonucuna anlamlsn klarda arasnz. Balacn e anlamls
varabiliyoruz. A kk o nedenle dorudur. aramak en kolaydr ama bu soruda due tonun e
57. Bu bir karm sorusu. A kkndaki bilgi aslnda anlamlsnn olduu B kk especiallyden dolay
parada dorudan veriliyor. Veganlar hibir hayvan yanl. E kk ise even dan dolay yanl. Sebep

balalar ile balanan cmleler if balac ile de standartlar ve ilkelerine sahiptir, diye balayan A
balanabilir. O nedenle A kk doru olmaktadr. kk bu nedenle doru oluyor. Rules buradaki
69. Bu soru ncekine gre ok daha kolay nk standarts ve conventions yerine kullanlyor.
sorudaki balacn e anlamls hemen A kknda
bulunuyor. Intricate and complex sfatlarnn ANLAM AKIINI BOZAN CMLE SORULARI
karlklar da burada var. Ayrca bu en uzun k.
Uzun klarn doru olma ihtimali yksektir. 76. Farkl cmleyi bulma sorularnda da benzer bir
70. Bu soruda da ztlk balalar iimizi yaklam kullanyoruz. rnein bu paragrafta ilk iki
kolaylatryor. A kk o nedenle doru. Bdeki cmlede giri cmlesi. yle olmasayd ikincisinin
eliminate fiili yetkiyi elden almak anlamna geliyor. they ile balamas gerekirdi. Bu durumda 3.
Halbuki yetkinin zayflamas sz konusu. Cmleye bakyoruz. nc cmle, ikincideki
71. Yine ztlk balac yardmyla kolayca zlen bir methodslardan her biri znesi ile balad iin
soru. nk herkes butn e anlamlsnn Cdeki farkl cmle ilki oluyor.
however olduunu bilir. 77. Bu paragrafn konusu insanlarn ald sosyal
destek. O nedenle bu konuda verilen bilgiler olumlu.
PARAGRAFTA EKSK CMLE SORULARI Ancak sadece C kknda hibir tanmnn
yaplmad sylenerek olumsuz bilgi veriliyor. Bu
72. Bu blm sorularnda eksik cmleden sonra yzden o cmle anlam akn bozuyor.
he/she/it/they veya this/these/such+(isim) yaps 78. Bu paragraf kadn matematikilerin erkekler
olup olmadna bakyordu. Orada yoksa bunlar kadar baarl olduu zerine ve olumlu bilgiler
klarda aryorduk. Balala balayan klar da bize veriyor ama son cmlede kadnlarn bilim
yardmc oluyordu. Burada these actions ifadesi dnyasnda cinsiyet ayrmcl iin mcadele
eksik cmlede bir takm aktivitelerden sz edildiini etmeleri gerektii sylenerek olumsuz bir bilgi
gsteriyor. Hem balala balayan hem de bu veriliyor. lk drt cmleye gre kadnlarn byle bir
etkinliklerden sz eden C kk bu nedenle eksik sknts yok.
cmle oluyor. 79. Burada ngilterede ay, kahve gibi hafif
73. Bu sorunun eksik cmlesinden sonra yukarda ieceklerle biskvi, kek gibi hafif yiyeceklerin nl
szn ettiimiz yapsal ipular yok. O zaman veya tarihi kiilerin isimleriyle anldndan sz eden
klara bakalm. Cde bala var, Ede ise This. bir para var. Bunu sadece A kk yapmyor.
nem srasna gre nce Eyi bolua koyup anlam 80. Burada dorudan gne na maruza
testi yapalm. Bu cmle bir these sectors ifadesiyle kalmann gze verecei zararlardan sz eden bir
bitiyor ve olumsuz bir bilgi ieriyor. Eksik cmleden paragraf var ama B kknda gzle ilgili bir ifade yok.
nce de bu eylerden sz edildii iin doru k
74. Bu soruda giri cmlesi karlm. lk cmle ile
son cmle ayn eyi syler ilkesine gre klarda
son cmle gibi elektrikle ilgili olarak olumsuz bilgi
veren bir cmle bulacaz. C dndaki klar olumlu
bilgi veriyor. Cdeki gzel bir giri cmlesi oluyor.
75. Bu soruda da eksik cmleden sonraki these
rules iimizi kolaylatryor. Her yaz tr kendi


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