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Case 1:17-cv-00575-PAB Document 5 Filed 03/03/17 USDC Colorado Page 1 of 10

1437 Bannock Street
Denver, Colorado 80202




Defendant.  COURT USE ONLY 

CYNTHIA H. COFFMAN, Attorney General
NIKOLAI N. FRANT, #38716* Case No. 17CV30376
Senior Assistant Attorney General
Ralph L. Carr Colorado Judicial Center
Courtroom 368
1300 Broadway, 6th Floor
Denver, Colorado 80203
Phone Number: 720-508-6111
FAX Number: 720-508-6033
Email: [email protected]
*Counsel of Record

Plaintiff Julie Ann Meade, Administrator, Uniform Consumer Credit Code

(the Administrator), by and through the undersigned counsel, for her amended
complaint against Marlette Funding LLC d/b/a Best Egg (Marlette), alleges as


1. The Administrator is the duly appointed Administrator of the Uniform

Consumer Credit Code (the UCCC). She is authorized to enforce compliance with
the UCCC, see C.R.S. 5-6-101, et seq., and may bring a civil action against those
who make or collect charges in excess of those permitted by the UCCC. In such
action, the Administrator may seek injunctive relief to restrain persons from
violating the UCCC, obtain consumer restitution, and collect civil penalties for
violations of the UCCC. See C.R.S. 5-6-111, 5-6-112, 5-6-113, and 5-6-114.
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2. Defendant Marlette does business as Best Egg and is a foreign company

organized under the laws of Delaware. Marlette identifies its principal place of
business as 1523 Concord Pike, Suite 201, Wilmington, Delaware 19803. Marlette
is licensed by the Administrator as a Colorado supervised lender, license number


A. Marlettes Supervised Lenders License

3. Marlette has been licensed by the Administrator as a Colorado supervised

lender from May 2014 through the present.

B. The Best Egg Loans

4. Per the About page of its website (Exhibit A), Marlette is a self-
described specialty finance company formed in 2013.

5. In 2014, Marlette launched its first product, which it refers to as Best

Egg personal loans (hereinafter Best Egg Loans).

6. The Best Egg Loans are loans that are made or arranged by a business
entity that is regularly engaged in the business of making loans.

7. Consumers can apply for and obtain Best Egg Loans via a website that is
owned and operated by Marlette. The website has the following internet address:

8. The Best Egg Loans are made to consumers who are persons, as opposed
to business entities.

9. By receiving Best Egg Loans, consumers incur debt, and the debt is
incurred primarily for personal, family, or household purposes.

10. The debt that consumers incur as a result of the Best Egg Loans is by
written agreement payable in installments and a finance charge is made.

11. The principal loaned to consumers who receive Best Egg Loans does not
exceed $75,000.

12. Best Egg Loans have been made to consumers who are residents of
Colorado (hereinafter the Colorado Best Egg Loans).

13. The residents of Colorado who have received the Colorado Best Egg

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Loans have received the loans from a creditor who has solicited or advertised the
Colorado Best Egg Loans in Colorado.

14. The means of advertising the Colorado Best Egg Loans have included,
without limitation, advertisements that were sent to Colorado residents by mail.

15. From approximately September 2014 through the present, Marlette has
acted as a creditor, as defined in C.R.S. 5-1-301(17), with respect to the Colorado
Best Egg Loans.

16. From approximately September 2014 through the present, Marlette has
made charges to Colorado consumers on the Colorado Best Egg Loans that are
owned by non-bank entities (Non-Bank Colorado Best Egg Loans).

17. From approximately September 2014 through the present, Marlette has
undertaken direct collection of payments from or enforcement of rights against
consumers arising from Non-Bank Colorado Best Egg Loans.

18. Marlette has made or collected charges from consumers on Non-Bank

Colorado Best Egg Loans which exceed the maximum finance charges that are
permitted for supervised loans under Colorado law.

19. The written agreements evidencing Non-Bank Colorado Best Egg Loans
state, [i]f your payment is not received by us within three days of the due date, we
may charge a late fee in the amount of $15.

20. Marlette has made or collected delinquency charges on Non-Bank

Colorado Best Egg Loans when consumers have not made a payment on Non-Bank
Colorado Best Egg Loans by the scheduled due date.

21. Marlette has made or collected delinquency charges on Non-Bank

Colorado Best Egg Loans without waiting at least ten days after the scheduled due
date before making or collecting the delinquency charges.

22. The written agreements evidencing Non-Bank Colorado Best Egg Loans
state, to the extent that state law applies [to this Agreement], the laws of the state
of New Jersey apply.

23. The written agreements evidencing Non-Bank Colorado Best Egg Loans
state, Extension Fees. You agree to pay a fee of $25 or such other amount as
provided by law for the processing of your request for an extension of this

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C. Marlettes Association with Cross River Bank

24. The Best Egg Loans are made to consumers pursuant to a lending
program established by written agreements between Marlette and Cross River
Bank, a New Jersey state-chartered bank (the Best Egg lending program). The
agreements were originally dated February 28, 2014 and have subsequently been

25. Cross River Bank is identified in the agreements as the entity that
makes the Best Egg Loans to consumers.

26. However, within two business days of when the loans are made, Cross
River Bank sells approximately 90% of the Best Egg Loans to Marlette or Marlettes
non-bank designees.

27. With respect to such Best Egg Loans that Cross River Bank sells to
Marlette or Marlettes non-bank designees, a primary purpose of Cross River Banks
involvement is to allow Marlette and other non-banks to circumvent state laws,
including Colorado laws, that limit the interest rates and other finance charges that
may be assessed on the Best Egg Loans.

28. Specifically, unlike Marlette, certain banks may, pursuant to federal law,
lawfully lend in Colorado and other states at rates that exceed the interest and
other finance charge limits imposed by state law. This right is sometimes referred
to as federal interest rate exportation.

29. Marlette and other non-banks cannot, however, enforce a banks federal
interest rate exportation rights when they purchase loans from banks because
banks cannot validly assign such rights to non-banks. E.g. Madden v. Midland
Funding, LLC, 786 F.3d 246, 250 (2d Cir. 2015) (distinguishing contrary precedent,
and holding that non-bank purchaser of national banks loan could not enforce
banks right to federal interest rate exportation).

30. Further, with respect to the Best Egg Loans that Cross River Bank sells
to Marlette or Marlettes non-bank designees, Cross River Bank is not the true
lender of the loans and, because the loans therefore are not made by a bank, federal
interest rate exportation does not apply for this additional reason. E.g. CashCall,
Inc. v. Morrisey, 2014 W. Va. LEXIS 587 (W. Va. May 30, 2014) (memorandum
decision) (national bank that sold loans to non-bank was not the true lender of the
loans because the non-bank purchaser bore the predominant economic interest in
the loans and non-bank purchaser therefore could not enforce banks right to federal
interest rate exportation).

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31. Cross River Bank is not the true lender of the Best Egg Loans that it
sells to Marlette or Marlettes non-bank designees because Cross River Bank does
not bear the predominant economic interest in the loans.

32. Among other reasons, Cross River Bank does not bear the predominant
economic interest in such loans because:

a. Marlette paid all of Cross River Banks costs associated with the
initiation of the Best Egg lending program.

b. Marlette pays Cross River Banks legal fees related to the Best Egg
lending program.

c. Marlette pays the costs associated with marketing the Best Egg Loans
to consumers.

d. Marlette pays all costs of determining which loan applicants will

receive Best Egg Loans, including employing staff to evaluate loan
applications and including the cost of purchasing credit reports.

e. Marlette decides which loan applicants will receive Best Egg Loans,
applying lending criteria agreed to by Marlette and Cross River Bank.

f. Marlette has established and maintains, at its own expense, an

accounting and loan tracking system to track Best Egg Loan
applications, Best Egg Loans, and Best Egg Loan repayment

g. Cross River Bank bears no risk that it will lose its principal in the
event that consumers default on the Best Egg Loans that it sells to
Marlette or Marlettes non-bank designees: (1) when Cross River Bank
makes Best Egg Loans that are to be sold, Cross River Bank knows in
advance that Marlette has sufficient funds to purchase the loans
because Marlette is required to maintain a bank account at Cross
River Bank (or another approved bank) with such funds; (2) Marlette
or its designee purchase the Best Egg Loans from Cross River Bank
within two business days of when the loans are made and the purchase
price includes the amount that Cross River Bank advanced to the
consumer, in addition to other amounts; (3) by contractual agreement,
Cross River Bank has no liability to Marlette for the repayment of the
Best Egg Loans, which are sold without recourse; and (4) Marlette is
obligated to indemnify Cross River Bank against any claim that any
aspect of the Best Egg lending program violates the law.

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h. Marlette raises capital to fund the origination of Best Egg Loans. On

July 17, 2015, Marlette announced that it raised $75 million in equity
funding to accelerate growth, further its partnership agenda, and
begin putting Best Egg Loans on its own balance sheet, as opposed to
selling them to third-party investors. As of July 17, 2015, Marlettes
2015 Best Egg Loan originations had already far exceeded its 2014
full-year total of $383 million. In August 2016, Marlette raised $205
million through the sale of securities to be used by Marlette to fund the
Best Egg Loans. Marlette is actively closing over $2 billion through
the sale of securities to be used by Marlette to fund the origination of
Best Egg Loans.

i. When a consumer pays off a Best Egg Loan in accord with the loan
agreement, both Cross River Bank and Marlette (or its designee) share
in the profit earned on the loan, but Cross River Banks share is only
approximately one percent (1%) of the total profit.

j. Cross River Bank cannot use, sell, or transfer information regarding

consumers who have applied for or obtained Best Egg Loans unless it
obtains Marlettes consent.

33. Accordingly, Marlette and its affiliated non-bank entities are the true
lender of the Best Egg Loans that Marlette purchases, or that are purchased by its

D. The Administrators Compliance Examination

34. In 2015, the Administrator conducted a compliance examination of

Marlette, pursuant to the statutory authority set forth in C.R.S. 5-2-305.

35. By a report of examination dated December 4, 2015, the Administrator

informed Marlette, amongst other things, that Marlette was charging finance
charges, late charges, and extension fees that violated Colorado law. The report of
examination further informed Marlette that the loan agreements for the Colorado
Best Egg Loans contracted for the application of New Jersey law, in violation of
Colorado law.

36. In the report of examination, the Administrator directed Marlette to

make refunds to consumers of certain excess charges and fees and to apply Colorado
law instead of New Jersey law with respect to loan agreements with Colorado

37. Marlette responded to the report of examination by stating that its

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association with Cross River Bank meant that Colorado law provisions regarding
finance charge limits and choice of law restrictions were preempted.

38. After reviewing additional information from Marlette and considering its
position, the Administrator informed Marlette that she rejected the position and
renewed her request that Marlette take the corrective actions identified in the
report of examination.

39. Marlette has refused to take the corrective actions directed by the
Administrator in her report of examination with respect to excess finance charges,
late charges, extension fees, and provisions in consumer agreements contracting for
the application of New Jersey law.



40. The Administrator repeats and realleges the paragraphs above, as if

alleged herein.

41. Marlette has charged, assessed, collected, or received finance charges and
delinquency charges in connection with Non-Bank Colorado Best Egg Loans that
exceed the finance charges authorized and allowable under C.R.S. 5-2-201 and the
delinquency charges authorized and allowable under C.R.S. 5-2-203.



42. The Administrator repeats and realleges the paragraphs above, as if

alleged herein.

43. The written agreements evidencing Non-Bank Colorado Best Egg Loans
include terms that purport to provide that the law of a state other than Colorado
applies, in violation of C.R.S. 5-1-201(8).



44. The Administrator repeats and realleges the paragraphs above, as if

alleged herein.

45. The written agreements evidencing Non-Bank Colorado Best Egg Loans
include terms that purport to permit the creditor to charge a fee of $25 for the
processing of a consumers request for the extension of the agreement, in violation of

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C.R.S. 5-2-201 and 5-2-204.

WHEREFORE, the Administrator requests judgment, as follows:

(i) preliminarily and permanently enjoining Marlette, and its officers,

directors, agents, servants, employees, attorneys, heirs, successors, and assigns,
from committing any of the practices, acts, conduct, transactions, or violations
described above, or otherwise violating the UCCC, together with all such other
relief as may be required to completely compensate or restore to their original
position all consumers injured or prevent unjust enrichment of any person, by
reason or through the use or employment of such practices, acts, conduct, or
violations, or as may otherwise be appropriate, including, without limitation,
requiring Marlette to disgorge to the Administrator or make restitution to
consumers of all amounts charged, assessed, collected, or received in violation of the

(ii) for every consumer credit transaction as may be determined at trial or

otherwise in which a consumer was charged an excess charge in violation of the
UCCC, ordering Marlette to refund to each such consumer the excess charge;

(iii) for every consumer credit transaction as may be determined at trial or

otherwise in which a consumer was charged an excess charge, ordering Marlette to
pay to each such consumer a civil penalty determined by the Court not in excess of
the greater of either the amount of the finance charge or ten times the amount of
the excess charge;

(iv) ordering Marlette to pay to the Administrator a civil penalty determined

by the Court within the limits set forth by statute;

(v) awarding pre- and post-judgment interest to the Administrator, as may be

allowed by contract, law, or otherwise; and

(vi) awarding the Administrator the costs and disbursements of this action,
including attorneys fees, together with all such further relief as the Court deems

DATED: February 15, 2017

Attorney General

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/s/ Nikolai N. Frant

Senior Assistant Attorney General
Consumer Credit Unit
Consumer Protection Section
Attorneys for Plaintiff
*Counsel of Record


This is to certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing AMENDED
COMPLAINT was duly served by E-Filing upon the following this 15th day of
February, 2017:

Geoffrey N. Blue, Esq.

Steven A. Klenda, Esq.
Scott E. Gessler Esq.
Klenda Gessler & Blue, LLC
1624 Market St., Suite 202
Denver, Colorado 80202
Attorneys for Defendant

/s/ Michele A. Kendall

Michele A. Kendall, Legal Assistant

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