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Republic of the Philippines

Baguio City


G.R. No. 184971 April 19, 2010


CONSUELO G. TAGLE, Respondents.



This case is about the evidence required to prove how much a borrower still owes the bank when he
has multiple loan accounts with it that had all fallen due.

The Facts and the Case

On June 25, 1981 petitioner Land Bank of the Philippines (Land Bank) and respondent Monets
Export and Manufacturing Corporation (Monet) executed an Export Packing Credit Line Agreement
(Agreement) under which the bank gave Monet a credit line of P250,000.00, secured by the
proceeds of its export letters of credit, promissory notes, a continuing guaranty executed by
respondent spouses Vicente V. Tagle, Sr. and Ma. Consuelo G. Tagle (the Tagles), and a third-party
mortgage executed by one Pepita C. Mendigoria. Land Bank renewed and amended this credit line
agreement several times until it reached a ceiling of P5 million.

Land Bank claims that by August 31, 1992 Monets obligation under the Agreement had swelled
to P11,464,246.19. Since Monet failed to pay despite demands, the bank filed a collection suit
against Monet and the Tagles before the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Manila.1 In their answer,
Monet and the Tagles claimed that Land Bank had refused to collect the US$33,434.00 receivables
on Monets export letter of credit against Wishbone Trading Company of Hong Kong while making an
unauthorized payment of US$38,768.40 on its import letter of credit to Beautilike (H.K.) Ltd. This
damaged Monets business interests since it ran short of funds to carry on with its usual business. In
other words, Land Bank mismanaged its clients affairs under the Agreement.

After trial or on July 15, 1997 the RTC rendered a decision 2 that, among other things, recognized
Monet and the Tagles obligations to Land Bank in the amount reflected in Exhibit 39, the banks
Schedule of Amortization from its Loans and Discount Department, but sans any penalty. The RTC
ordered petitioners to pay Land Bank the same.

On appeal to the Court of Appeals (CA),3 the latter rendered judgment on October 9, 2003, affirming
the RTC decision.4 Land Bank filed a petition for review with this Court5 and on March 10, 2005 the
Court rendered a Decision6 that, among other things, remanded the case to the RTC for the
reception of additional evidence. The pertinent portion reads:

Insofar as the amount of indebtedness of the respondents [Monet and the Tagles] to the
petitioner [Land Bank] is concerned, the October 9, 2003 decision and the January 20, 2004
resolution of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 57436, are SET ASIDE. The case is
hereby remanded to its court of origin, the Regional Trial Court of Manila, Branch 49, for the
reception of additional evidence as may be needed to determine the actual amount of
indebtedness of the respondents to the petitioner. x x x

In remanding the case, the Court noted that Exhibit 39, the Summary of Availment and Schedule of
Amortization, on which both the RTC and the CA relied, covered only Monets debt of P2.5 million
under Promissory Note P-981, a small amount compared to the P11,464,246.19 that Land Bank
sought to collect from it. The records showed, however, that Monet executed not only one but
several promissory notes in varying amounts in favor of the bank. Indeed, the bank submitted a
Consolidated Statement of Account dated August 31, 1992 in support of its claim of P11,464,246.19
but both the RTC and the CA merely glossed over it. Land Bank also submitted a Summary of
Availments and Payments from 1981 to 1989 that detailed the series of availments and payments
Monet made.

The Court explained its reason for remanding the case for reception of additional evidence, thus:

Unfortunately, despite the pieces of evidence submitted by the parties, our review of the
same is inconclusive in determining the total amount due to the petitioner. The petitioner had
failed to establish the effect of Monets Exhibit "39" to its own Consolidated Statement of Account as
of August 31, 1992, nor did the respondents categorically refute the said statement of account vis--
vis its Exhibit "39". The interest of justice will best be served if this case be remanded to the court of
origin for the purpose of determining the amount due to petitioner. The dearth in the records of
sufficient evidence with which we can utilize in making a categorical ruling on the amount of
indebtedness due to the petitioner constrains us to remand this case to the trial court with
instructions to receive additional evidence as needed in order to fully thresh out the issue and
establish the rights and obligations of the parties. From the amount ultimately determined by the trial
court as the outstanding obligation of the respondents to the petitioner, will be deducted the award of
opportunity losses granted to the respondents in the amount of US$15,000.00 payable in Philippine
pesos at the official exchange rate when payment is to be made.7

On remand, the RTC held one hearing on October 30, 2006, at which the lawyer of Land Bank told
the court that, apart from what the bank already adduced in evidence, it had no additional
documents to present. Based on this, the RTC issued an order on the same day,8 affirming its
original decision of July 15, 1997. The pertinent portion of the order reads:

At todays hearing of this case, the lawyer for Land Bank stated on record that he has no more
documents to present. Therefore, the obligation of the defendants would be those stated in the
schedule of amortization from the Loans & Discount Department of the Land Bank (Exhibit "39") as
well as the interest mentioned therein, as provided in the Decision of this Court. From the said
obligation shall be deducted in favor of the defendants the REDUCED amount of US$15,000.00
representing the award of opportunity losses, as determined by the Supreme Court, payable in
Philippine Pesos at the official exchange rate when payment is to be made. 9

In effect, the RTC stood by Exhibit 39 as the basis of its finding that Monet and the Tagles owed
Land Bank only P2.5 million as opposed to the latters claim of P11,464,246.19. Effectively, the RTC
reinstated the portion of its July 15, 1997 decision that the Court struck down with finality in G.R.
161865 as baseless for determining the amount due the bank. 1avvphi1

Land Bank filed a motion for reconsideration, actually a motion to reopen the hearing, to enable it to
adduce in evidence a Consolidated Billing Statement as of October 31, 2006 to show how much
Monet and the Tagles still owed the bank. But the trial court denied the motion. Land Bank appealed
the order to the CA10 but the latter rendered a decision on May 30, 2008,11 affirming the RTC
orders.12 Land Bank moved for reconsideration, but the CA denied it in its October 10, 2008
resolution,13 hence, the present petition by Land Bank.

Issue Presented

The sole issue presented in this case is whether or not the RTC and the CA acted correctly in
denying petitioner Land Banks motion to reopen the hearing to allow it to present the banks
updated Consolidated Billing Statement as of October 31, 2006 that reflects respondents Monet and
the Tagles remaining indebtedness to it.

The Courts Ruling

The CA conceded that the RTC needed to receive evidence that would enable it to establish Monets
actual indebtedness to Land Bank in compliance with the Courts decision in G.R. 161865. But since
Land Bank, which had the burden of proving the amount of that indebtedness, told the RTC, when it
set the matter for hearing, that it had no further documentary evidence to present, it was but right for
that court to issue its assailed order of October 30, 2006, which reiterated its original decision of July
15, 1997.

The CA also held that the RTC did right in denying Land Banks motion to reopen the hearing to
allow it to present its Consolidated Billing Statement as of October 31, 2006 involving Monets loans.
Such billing statement, said the CA, did not constitute sufficient evidence to prove Monets total
indebtedness for the simple reason that this Court in G.R. 161865 regarded a prior Consolidated
Statement of Account for 1992 insufficient for that purpose.

But what the RTC and the CA did not realize is that the original RTC decision of July 15, 1997 was
an incomplete decision since it failed to resolve the main issue that the collection suit presented:
how much Monet and the Tagles exactly owed Land Bank. As the Court noted in its decision in G.R.
161865, the evidence then on record showed that the credit line Land Bank extended to Monet
began at P250,000.00 but, after several amendments, eventually rose up to P5 million. Monet
availed itself of these credit lines by taking out various loans evidenced by individual promissory
notes that had diverse terms of payment.
As it happened, however, in its original decision, the RTC held that Monet still owed Land Bank
only P2.5 million as reported in the banks Schedule of Amortization (Exhibit 39). But that schedule
covered only one promissory note, Promissory Note P-981. Noting this, the Court rejected Exhibit 39
as basis for determining Monets total obligation, given that it undeniably took out more loans as
evidenced by the other promissory notes it executed in favor of Land Bank.

And, although the bank presented at the trial its Consolidated Statement of Account for 1992
covering Monets loans, the Court needed to know how the balance of P2.5 million in Exhibit 39,
dated April 29, 1991, which the RTC regarded as true and correct, impacted on that consolidated
statement that the bank prepared a year later. The Court thus remanded the case so the RTC can
receive evidence that would show, after reconciliation of all of Monets loan accounts, exactly how
much more it owed Land Bank.

The CA of course places no value on the Consolidated Billing Statement that Land Bank would have
adduced in evidence had the RTC granted its motion for reconsideration and reopened the hearing.
Apparently, both courts believe that Land Bank needed to present in evidence all original documents
evidencing every transaction between Land Bank and Monet to prove the current status of the
latters loan accounts. But a bank statement, properly authenticated by a competent bank officer, can
serve as evidence of the status of those accounts and what Monet and the Tagles still owe the bank.
Under Section 43, Rule 13014 of the Rules of Court, entries prepared in the regular course of
business are prima facie evidence of the truth of what they state. The billing statement reconciles the
transaction entries entered in the bank records in the regular course of business and shows the net
result of such transactions.

Entries in the course of business are accorded unusual reliability because their regularity and
continuity are calculated to discipline record keepers in the habit of precision. If the entries are
financial, the records are routinely balanced and audited. In actual experience, the whole of the
business world function in reliance of such kind of records.15

Parenthetically, consider a borrower who takes out a loan of P10,000.00 from a bank and executes a
promissory note providing for interests, charges, and penalties and an undertaking to pay the loan in
10 monthly installments of P1,000.00. If he pays the first five months installments but defaults in the
rest, how will the bank prove in court that the debtor still owes it P5,000.00 plus interest?

The bank will of course present the promissory note to establish the scope of the debtors primary
obligations and a computation of interests, charges, and penalties based on its terms. It must then
show by the entries in its record how much it had actually been paid. This will in turn establish how
much the borrower still owes it. The bank does not have to present all the receipts of payment it
issued to all its clients during the entire year, thousands of them, merely to establish the fact that
only five of them, rather than ten, pertains to the borrower. The original documents need not be
presented in evidence when it is numerous, cannot be examined in court without great loss of time,
and the fact sought to be established from them is only the general result. 16

Monet and the Tagles can of course dispute the banks billing statements by proof that the bank had
exaggerated what was owed it and that Monet had made more payments than were reflected in
those statements. They can do this by presenting evidence of those greater payments. Notably,
Monet and the Tagles have consistently avoided stating in their letters to the bank how much they
still owed it. But, ultimately, it is as much their obligation to prove this disputed point if they deny the
banks statements of their loan accounts.

In reverting back to Exhibit 39, which covers just one of many promissory notes that Monet and the
Tagles executed in favor of Land Bank, the RTC and the CA have shown an unjustified obstinacy
and a lack of understanding of what the Court wanted done to clear up the issue of how much Monet
and the Tagles still owed the bank. The bank lawyer who claimed that Land Bank had no further
evidence to present during the hearing was of course in error and it probably warranted a dismissal
of the banks claim for failure to prosecute. But the banks motion for reconsideration, asking for an
opportunity to present evidence of the status of the loans, opened up a chance for the RTC to abide
by what the Court required of it. It committed error, together with the CA, in ruling that a reopening of
the hearing would serve no useful purpose.

WHEREFORE, the Court GRANTS the petition, SETS ASIDE the Court of Appeals decision in CA-
G.R. CV 88782 dated May 30, 2008 and resolution dated October 10, 2008 and the Regional Trial
Court order in Civil Case 93-64350 dated October 30, 2006, REMANDS the case to the same
Regional Trial Court of Manila for the reception of such evidence as may be needed to determine the
actual amount of indebtedness of respondents Monets Export and Manufacturing Corp. and the
spouses Vicente V. Tagle, Sr. and Ma. Consuelo G. Tagle and adjudicate petitioner Land Bank of the
Philippines claims as such evidence may warrant.


Associate Justice

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