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Buddha comes from the Sanskrit language, meaning

awakened. Simply put, the basic teachings of Buddhism Core beliefs
are:first, to do no harm to any living being; second, to do good;
Buddhism proclaims the dignity and worth of each living being,
and third, to purify the mind from impurity. Buddhist religious
respect and compassion for all life and the need for all people to
practice is the formal discipline of sitting meditation and
find their own path to enlightenment and to an understanding of
mindfulness in everyday life. Today .7 percent of Americans
the nature of life. Buddhism incorporates many different
claim to be Buddhist, though the faith seems to be ever-growing.
traditions, but some fundamental beliefs are shared across
That growth is bringing awareness, influence and some
groups. Reincarnation, or the idea that the consciousness is
contentious issues.
reborn when one dies, is a central tenet encompassing the
concept that life is cyclical, and most people will experience
Background many cycles of life, death and rebirth. Reincarnation differs from
Buddhism, now a worldwide religion with an estimated rebirth in the eyes of many Buddhists, however, in that
480 million adherents, began about 2,500 years ago in Northern reincarnation represents the soul or spirit coming back to life in a
India, in an area now called Nepal, and has spread in a variety of newborn body. Rebirth, on the other hand, can take many
forms and incarnations around the world. The type of Buddhism different forms, and it is not assumed that the deceased will
practiced varies from country to country, shaped by the culture return to earth in the same entity. After many cycles, a person
of each place. While teachings and rituals differ by time and who has released their attachment to desire and self can achieve
place, the concept of following the dharma the Buddhas nirvana, a state of ultimate peace,that is the goal of all beings.
fundamental teachings and doctrines holds constant. Nirvana represents freedom from suffering, desire and the cycle
of rebirth. The Four Noble Truths refer to the fundamental
One of the five largest religions of the world, Buddhism realizations that the historical Buddha came to in meditation and
is based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, who lived in then taught to his followers: Life is suffering; the cause of
India in the fifth and sixth centuries B.C. He gave up a life of suffering is craving; suffering can be eliminated by the
royalty to seek truth, eventually attained enlightenment extinguishing of craving; there is a way to achieve this goal (by
(nirvana), and was proclaimed the Buddha, The Awakened One. following the eight principles of conduct known as the Eightfold
Buddhists do not consider Gautama a god, but a great teacher, so Path). The Eightfold Path refers to the eight practical steps taught
some people call Buddhism a philosophy, not a religion. After by the Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama, to end craving and thus
reaching enlightenment, Gautama spent the remainder of his life eliminate suffering. The steps are right understanding, right
traveling Northern India and sharing his message. Buddha taught intent, right speech, right conduct, right livelihood, right
personal enlightenment through the Four Noble Truths: Life effort,right mindfulness and right concentration. Together with
includes suffering, which is caused by attachment and can be the Four Noble Truths, the Eightfold Path constitutes the
stopped by following the middle way or Eightfold Path (right foundation of Buddhist thought.
view, intention, speech, action, livelihood, effort, mindfulness
and concentration). He believed in karma (actions have The Buddhas Eightfold Path consists of:
consequences) and cycles of death and rebirth.
Panna, wisdom:
Buddhism has several main branches: Right understanding of the Four Noble Truths
Theravada BuddhismThe oldest form of Buddhism, Right intention; following the right path in life
Theravada Buddhism emphasizes the difference between monks
authority and practice and lay peoples. The Old School
Sila, virtue, morality, ethical conduct:
conserves the traditions and emphasizes meditation and the goal
of enlightenment. It is the predominate school of Buddhism in Right speech; no criticism, lying or harsh language
Southeast Asian countries such as Myanmar, Cambodia, Sri Right conduct by following the Five Precepts
Lanka, Laos and Thailand. Those who attain enlightenment are Right livelihood; supporting yourself without harming
equal to the Buddha, who is not regarded as a god. others

Mahayana BuddhismThe second-oldest form of Samadhi, concentration, meditation:

Buddhism (called The Great Vehicle), it offers gradations of Right effort towards privileging good thoughts over evil
Buddhahood in bodhisattvasto more people instead of thoughts
concentrating authority among monks. It emphasizes compassion Right mindfulness and being aware of your body and
and the belief that all beings have the potential to become a mind
Buddha. It is the predominate school in China, Japan, Korea and Right concentration and meditation.
Tibetan BuddhismThe Dalai Lama is the leader of
The Five Precepts:
Tibetan Buddhists, who were forced into exile in India when the
1. To undertake the training to avoid taking the life of beings.
Chinese occupied Tibet in 1959. Tibetan Buddhism is based on
2. To undertake the training to avoid taking things not given.
Mahayana teachings, and its followers still campaign to return to
3. To undertake the training to avoid sensual misconduct
4. To undertake the training to refrain from false speech.
Zen BuddhismA combination of Mahayana 5. To undertake the training to abstain from substances which
Buddhism and Taoism, it has roots in China, moved into Korea cause intoxication and heedlessness.
and Japan and became popular in the West. Zen teaches that
everyone is a Buddha, and each person can discover that through
Zen practice.

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