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Firefree 88, a premium quality,

water based, nontoxic, intumescent
88 fire resistant coating


Firefree 88 (FF88) is a premium quality, water based, nontoxic, COMPLIES WITH BELOW AS OF 01/01/2014
non-conductive, thin film intumescent fire resistant product formulated to YES CalGreen YES
provide ratings required by the International Building Code (IBC) for wall
assemblies, floor/ceiling assemblies, roof/ceiling assemblies and individual v 2.2 EQc-4.2
structural members. Firefree 88 intumescent coating can be used as part MPI# YES VOC <36g/l
of a system to provide the fire ratings in accordance to ASTM E 119 Standard
Test Methods for Fire Tests of Building Construction Materials,
In addition, FF88 has been tested to FM 4880, FM 4975, ASTM E 662-97, Master Painters Institute MPI #64 Approved GPS 1, GPS-2
ASTM E 3675-98, ASTM E 162-98, ASTM E 1354-94, ASTM E 814, BS 476, (Using Firefree 88 may help you qualify for certification points in
green building programs)
EN13501-1, AS1530.4, UL1OC.
City of New York: MEA # 320-99 in accordance with code section
27-131 (ASTM E-84)
Use on properly prepared uncoated, primed or previously painted surfaces. UL Classified: File # R14654 in accordance with
FF88 fire resistant coating can be applied to numerous material, including ASTM E-84 (UL 723) on OSB and Douglas fir
gypsum board, wood, lathe and plaster, concrete, masonry, galvanized steel FM Approved, per Approval Standard FM 4975
and aluminum, pressed tin/metal ceiling, fiberglass, carbon fiber and other BS 476 Part 6 & &, Class O
composite panels, spray polyurethane foam (SPF) to meet the 15 minute barrier.
AS 1530.3 & 1530.4
As a result of its' superior fire resistant performance, Firefree 88 can pro-
EN (PN) 13501-1
vide significant material and labor cost reductions, resulting in significant
savings when compared to other construction options in many situations NZBC Verification Method, Group No. Class 1-S
such as retrofit and historical upgrades, defective construction situations or
in new construction. Recommended for multifamily, industrial, commercial, TECHNICAL SERVICES
schools, dormitories, assisted living, hospice care, hotels, retail stores, Many building assemblies require an hourly fire resistant rating that is tested
restaurants, transportation, solar energy industries. Firefree 88 is for interior and rated in accordance to ASTM E-119 standard. If your project requires a
use applications, for exterior applications a top coat is recommended. fire resistant rating, please contact our Technical Department for advice
before applying Firefree 88. A technical service representative can assist
you in determining the appropriate dry film thickness of the coating, call
ADVANTAGES 415-459-6488 (U.S.) or 1 415-459-6488 (outside U.S.).
Easy to use, easy to clean Building Codes: Installation must comply with the requirements of applicable
Nontoxic, low odor, meets all VOC requirements local, state and national building codes.
Smooth architectural grade finish
Provides fire resistant barrier on a variety of substrates TESTING LABORATORIES:
Fully tested Firefree coatings are tested to accredited IAS
third party fire testing laboratories


The dry film thickness applied will vary depending on the fire rating being
Type: Liquid Thinning: Not Recommended
required and the material/ substrate being coated. There is no set coverage
Color & Finish: White, Flat Viscosity (Krebs Unit): 115 @ 77F rate that applies to all assemblies. The Firefree 88 coating has a wet to dry
VOC: <36 (g/L) Packaging: 5 gallon pails (60 lbs) ratio of 1.5 to 1. For example, 15 mils wet/10 mils dry, 18 mils wet/12 mils
Flash Point: >250F or > 121C Volume Solids: 68% dry, 30 mils wet/20 mils dry etc.
Thinning: Not Recommended To measure the desired film thickness required, during the
Shelf-Life: 2 years (unopened) application process, use a wet film thickness gauge to monitor
Divisions: 078123 Intumescent fireproofing, 09967 Intumescent paint the wet film thickness being applied.

APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS properly applied in the required uniform thickness.
Method of Application: Use of airless sprayer is recommended (use of a If an independent testing agency is retained, it should ensure that
dedicated spray line is required), but FF88 may be applied by brush or preparation of substrate is in accordance with manufacturer's
roller. For brush application, a fully loaded brush should be used. A laying recommendations.
on technique will reduce the brush marking. A short nap roller can be used It should randomly obtain and test samples during application to verify that
but this may result in a slight textured finish wet/dry film thickness of the intumescent coating complies with manufac-
turer's requirements.
Drying time is when the surface is thoroughly dry to the touch. Drying times
are dependent upon a number of factors: Temperature - Air movement - RECOMMENDED EQUIPMENT
Humidity - Thickness of product - Method of application. During the Roller: Use standard industry rollers (please consult Firefree for roller
drying process, FIREFREE 88 will shrink due to evaporation of water. instructions)
If multiple coats of FF88 are required; FF88 must be thoroughly dry to Brush: Use a nylon/polyester brush
the touch. If unsure, please contact Firefree. Spray-Airless: Capable of a pressure range of 1500 to 3300 psi
Waste factor: Any consideration for quantity and waste or overspray is the Tip: .017 to .023 heavy duty 4 to 12 fan width recommended
sole responsibility of the end user. Waste factor will depend on the method (dependant on application)
of application (brush, roller, airless sprayer), or job site conditions and the Reduction: Do not thin
licensed painter contractor doing the work
FF88 cannot be exposed to freezing temperatures. It is important to main-
SURFACE PREPARATION tain storage temperatures above the freezing point. FF88 should be stored
Firefree 88 can be used as a primer on most surfaces. All surfaces to be
at recommended temperatures between 50F to 85F (10C to 29C).
coated must be clean, cured, firm, dry and free of dust, dirt, oil, wax,
grease, mildew, loose flaking paint, efflorescence or any other contamina- Expected shelf life is two (2) years from the date of manufacture (DOM).
tion or condition that would adversely affect the performance of the coating. Product must be kept at recommended storage conditions and in original
Etch or prime (with a latex primer or fast dry oil base primer/sealer) unopened containers.
glossy, glazed or dense surfaces. Always prime oil based finish coatings with
an oil based fast dry primer/sealer. Fill holes and surface irregularities with CLEANUP & MAINTENANCE
a suitable patching compound to match surface profile. Spot prime all Wash brushes, rollers, spray guns & pumps and other painting tools in
patched areas with appropriate primer. Metal and concrete surfaces must COLD clean water promptly after painting. Clean and remove any dried
be primed. product with the use of Goof Off. Use all products completely or dispose of
properly. Local disposal requirements vary; consult your sanitation depart-
For enamel, wall covering or glossy surfaces see following instructions: ment or state-designated agency for more information on disposal options.
Enamel finish coats: Apply one (1) coat of a latex primer or fast dry oil
base primer/sealer over FF88 before applying a latex enamel or oil base Surfaces which have been coated with FF88 should be protected from
enamel finish coat. abuse and abrasion. Damaged surfaces should be repaired and FF88
should be reapplied to the original specified dry film thickness to maintain
Glossy surfaces: All surfaces should be dulled with sandpaper.
specific rating.
Wall covering applications: Apply one (1) coat of wall primer over product
before applying wall covering. SAFETY
Use only with adequate ventilation. Do not breathe spray mist or sanding
CONDITIONS & PROCEDURES dust. Avoid contact with eyes and prolonged or repeated contact with skin.
Do not apply if temperature is below 50F (10C). All surfaces to which Wear eye protection and or gloves during application or sanding. A
FF88 have been applied should be inspected by a third party special dust/particulate respirator approved by NIOSH should be worn when sand-
inspection agency, or an ICC certified professional, or a Firefree Coatings ing or spraying. Close container after each use. First Aid: If you experience
QA/QC qualified inspector to verify that FF88 has been properly applied in difficulty breathing, leave the area to obtain fresh air. In Case of Spill:
the required dry thin film uniform thickness. Absorb with inert material and dispose of as specified under Clean up and
Do not thin or strain FF88. Coating wood surfaces; the moisture content must Maintenance.
be of 17% or less. Apply at can consistency. FF88 has a flat finish but may be
top coated with most paints to achieve the desired texture and finish. ABOUT THE COMPANY
For information on approved compatible primers and finish paints, please FIREFREE Coatings, Inc is a private company based in California. All
contact Firefree. Apply additional finish coats only after previously applied products have been tested at accredited third party IAS
coats are thoroughly dry. Precautions: Do not apply any materials that have fire testing laboratories and are approved by Factory Mutual
been frozen or have come into contact with contaminants prior to use. and classified by the Underwriters Laboratories,
listed by CA SFM Building Materials and accepted by NY Material and
THIRD PARTY INSPECTION Equipment Acceptance Division. Firefree Coatings, Inc. is a member of
All surfaces to which FF88 have been applied should be inspected by a NFPA, ICC and ASTM.
third party special inspection agency, or an ICC certified professional, or a
Firefree Coatings QA/QC qualified inspector, to verify that FF88 has been MAIN OFFICE: 580 Irwin St., Suite 1, San Rafael, CA 94901
Toll Free: 888-990-3388 415-459-6488 fax 415-459-6055
This information is provided as is by Firefree Coatings, Inc. and no representation or expressed or implied warranties or merchantability, fitness for a particular use or of any other nature
are made with respect to this information or to any product referred to in this written information. Adding color may increase the VOC limits. For SDS or to consult with a Firefree Certified
Coating Professional call 888-990-3388. To the best of our knowledge, the technical data contained herein is true and accurate on the date of publication and is subject to change without prior
notice. FIREFREE 88 and FF88 are registered trademarks of FIREFREE Coatings, Inc. 2017 Firefree

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