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Screw Conveyor Corporation

Catalog and Engineering Manual

This Screw Conveyor Catalog and Engineering

Manual consolidates all pertinent engineering data
with completely cataloged product descriptions of
components making up the Screw Conveyor Cor-
poration line of Horizontal Screw Conveyors, In-
clined Screw Conveyors, Vertical Screw-Lift and
Screw Conveyor Feeders.

These units are now used in virtually all industries

as well as providing Original Equipment Manu-
facturers with specialized components to fit their
design requirements.

It is sincerely hoped that you will find this manual

complete in detail, easy to use and extremely help-
ful in fulfilling your conveying needs

General Information ............................... Page 2-7
Engineering Information
Horizontal Screw Conveyors............... Page 8
Screw Feeders ..................................... Page 18
Inclined Screw Conveyors................... Page 20
Drives.................................................. Page 21
Screw-Lifts ......................................... Page 22
Safety Precautions .................................... Page 24
Screw Conveyor Components ................. Page 24-61
Supplementary Data ................................ Page 62-63

Page 1

Screw conveyors move materials either horizon-

tally, on an incline or vertically. They are used to
feed, distribute, collect or mix and can be equipped
to either heat or cool while performing this transfer.
With the proper cover and gasketing, they are easily
made dust or weather tight and rodent proof. Their
clean compact design saves valuable space since no
return run is required. Screw Conveyors fit in
cramped quarters, are simple to support and easy to
install . . . and they cost less than most other types
of conveyors.
Screw Conveyor Corporation's performance-proved
Screw Conveyors are ruggedly built and accurately
manufactured to assure complete dependability as
well as the versatility required to meet a wide
range of job assignments.
Screw Conveyors are performing their assigned
tasks in virtually all types of industries and, in
addition, special designs are being developed for
use as components in machinery and equipment.

Screw Conveyors are performing their assigned tasks in virtually all types of industries and, in addition, special designs are being developed for use
as components in machinery and equipment.

Page 2
Screw Conveyors

A Wide Choice of Standard Parts

You get the system you need to solve your problem yet keep cost at a
minimum. Select the type of component from our standard line that fits your
needs. For special flighting designs to solve a particular problem, please consult
with one of our four sales offices.


Conveyor Screw: Compact, manufactured Trough Ends: Several bearing and seal styles
straight and accurate in helicoid, sectional, are available to match your needs
ribbon and special designs to meet your
requirements. Troughs, Covers, Clamps and Shrouds:
Job-Rated Components: Selected to meet the Ruggedly contructed standard "U" and other
performance required. Precisely worked to styles of troughs including tubular. Covers,
insure a longer lasting, truer running unit. clamps and shrouds available for all
Jig-Drilled Couplings: Assures easy shaft
alignment and assembly. Available with Nu-Weld Flange: Continuously welded
"Redi-Change" clamping key for quick steel flange holds trough in alignment.
disassembly of conveyor screw.
Tem-U-Lac Self-Locking Coupling Bolts: Discharge Spouts: All types available located
Guards against system damage and costly where you need them...with hand, electric,
down-time caused by coupling bolts or nuts hydraulic or pneumatic powered gates.
working loose.
Hangers and Bearings: Various styles and Supporting Feet and Saddles: Align
bearing materials selected to meet your and fasten the trough to the floor or
needs. existing structure.
Page 3
Screw Conveyors

Typical installation of screw conveyors at a large grain storage


This Matmaker asphalt finisher uses a Screw Conveyor at the back of The Screw-Lift does an efficient elevating job as part
the tractor unit to move material outward in both directions and of a complete Screw Conveyor system. The Screw-Lift
spread it uniformly across the entire paving width. illustrates the compact arrangement possible when space is
a concern.

Screw Conveyor system and SCC

Bucket Elevators speed grain
handling for large facility. Two
screw conveyors, running over
two rows of tanks,. Has double
hanger in center so each half is
powered independently. Between
the two rows of tanks, a
collecting screw conveyor, also
with double hanger at center,.
System handles whole grains at
approximately 100 tons per hour.

Page 4
Screw Conveyors


Screw Conveyors can used to convey multiple materials

including wet and dry. This installation demonstrates how
liquid material can be conveyed up an incline for ease of
loading trucks. All parts of the system are enclosed yet readily
Special flighting provides fast, clean snow removal. This type of
flighting has been used since 1932.

This asphalt fabric filter type dust collector uses Screw Con-
veyor flighting in the hoppers which return collected fines to
the mix.

Rubber reclaiming operation uses high capacity, compact Screw-Lift

and screw conveyor system to transport rubber back and forth
between mills and screener.
Partial view of a large outdoor installation employing leveling
screws to spread material evenly across the storage area.

Page 5
Screw Conveyors Components of a
Screw Conveyor System

The Conveyor Screw imparts a

smooth positive motion to the ma-
terial as it rotates within the trough.

Couplings and Shafts connect and

transmit motion to subsequent
screw conveyors. Held in place by
self-locking Tem-U-Lac bolts.

Redi-Change Sections allow an in-

dividual conveyor section to be
lifted out without dismantling ad-
jacent parts or components. An op-
tional feature available at extra

Hangers provide support, main-

tain alignment and serve as bearing

Page 6
Screw Conveyors
Components of a
Screw Conveyor System
Trough Ends support the conveyor
drive and end shafts, maintain
trough alignment. May be furnished
with choice of bearings or thrust

Troughs and Covers completely en-

close the material being conveyed
and the rotating parts. Covers are
available in various types and are
secured to the trough by Spring,
Screw, Tite-Seal or quick-acting
Barron Clamps depending on the
trough cover combination used.

Inlet and Discharge Openings may

be located wherever needed, dis-
charge spouts may be without slides
or fitted with either flat or curved
slides. These slides may be op-
erated by hand, rack and pinion
gears, or by power.

The Complete Screw Conveyor Unit

is supported by the trough end and
by either Feet or Saddles at inter-
mediate locations.

The screw conveyor is one of the

most economical conveyor types
available for moving bulk materials.
It is completely enclosed to con-
tain the moving material and its at-
mosphere. The standard unit, with
variations in design, is suitable for
solving a variety of bulk material
handling problems.

Page 7
Screw Conveyors

Design Data
Engineering and Layout
This section contains all pertinent engineering data and
procedures for prescribing and specifying the important
features and details of most conveyor installations,
however, Screw Conveyor Corporation staff engineers
have considerable experience in the proper and
successful application of Screw Conveyor design.
Please feel free to contact our offices for case studies of
your particular problem.

Material Analysis

The initial step in engineering a Screw Conveyor is to

analyze the physical characteristics of the material and
the rate at which it is to be handled.
The capacity of a Screw Conveyor should be defined in
terms of cubic feet per hour. It is also important to deter-
mine the maximum capacity the conveyor will be required
to handle. This capacity is very often stated in terms of
tons or pounds per hour. However, the material to be
handled often varies in density. Therefore, the maximum
volume or capacity in cubic feet per hour is the maximum
pounds per hour of material divided by the minimum
possible density of the material. It is volume to be conveyed
which determines a conveyor's size and speed. Physical
properties of the material to be thoroughly understood are
the following:
1. Maximum lump size and the percentage of lumps to
the total volume along with the minimum particle
size and, if possible, a screen analysis.
2. Flowability characteristics. This is a term related to
the angle of repose. See Material Classification, table
No. 4, page 11.
3. The abrasive quality of a material can be defined by
knowing its hardness on a Moh's scale. If this is
not available, compare your material with another
known abrasive material
4. Additional factors which affect conveyor operation
and design are further discussed on page 10 and are
shown in the Material Classification table, page 11.
Please also note that moisture content, while not accounted
for in the material tables, will affect the flow character-
istics and density of a material. Some materials, when very
dry or very wet will tend to have favorable flowability
characteristics. Where the moisture content is between
these extremes such a material may be quite sluggish and
have a high angle of repose. Where this is a possibility,
the material should be re-classified. Conveyor design and
selection should proceed with the full knowledge of all
conditions that can prevail.

Page 8
Design Data Engineering

No machinery design is complete without considering its ESTABLISH THE "D" FACTOR
usage. A conveyor that will be used intermittently for two
hours a day does not have to be built as heavily as one that The "D" Factor is a constant applied to the particular
will operate twenty-four hours per day. Likewise, shock Component Group of a given conveyor. To establish the
loads will affect the consideration given on gauge of steel "D" Factor, locate your conveyor diameter and bearing
used as well as drive equipment. Treatment of these factors material in table No. 2. The figure appearing at this inter-
and their affect on conveyor design are not discussed here in section is to be used as "D" in the horsepower formula.
sufficient detail to prescribe. As mentioned previously, our Table No. 2 TABLE OF FACTORS "D"
engineers are available to assist you in every way possible to Size of TYPE OF HANGER BEARINGS
determine your best conveyor design. Conveyor, Ball or Wood, Self- White Iron or
Inches Roller Babbitt, Lubricating Manganese
Since the Screw Conveyor selected is based on a maximum 3 10 Nylon
15 or Bronze
24 Steel
volume control of material to be handled, surge loads, 4 12 Molded
21 33 50
overloads and choke feeding must be accounted for in the 6 18 Fabric
33 54 80
conveyor design. Screw feeders are popularly used for this 9 32 54 96 130
control and are discussed in other pages of this catalog. 10 38 66 114 160
12 55 98 171 250
14 78 135 255 350
CLASSIFY YOUR MATERIAL 16 106 186 336 480
18 140 240 414 600
Materials are classified in table No. 6 on pages 12, 13 and 14. If 20 165 285 510 700
your material is not listed, it can be classified by comparing it 24 230 390 690 950
with similar materials that do appear in the table. If necessary,
your material can be classified by referring to table No. 4 ESTABLISH THE REQUIRED HORSEPOWER
"Material Classifications", page 11. The formula stated below gives the horsepower (HP]
required at the conveyor drive shaft for a standard con-
Additional power will be required for starting under load,
Knowing your material classification and required capacity, overcoming choke loads or other unusual conditions. There
refer to the Capacity Chart, page 15. Your material classifica- is also a loss of power through the drive machinery of
tion indicates which trough loading applies. Select the size for from 10% to 15%. To compensate for these factors, the
your capacity using the smallest diameter conveyor that is formula for the required motor horsepower is divided
below the maximum recommended speed. After size is deter- by .90. Step No. 1
mined then exact conveyor speed is determined by dividing H= L (PS plus QF)
the required capacity in cubic feet per hour by cubic feet per 1,000,000
hour at 1 revolution per minute. Where
Note: If handling a material with hard lumps [lumps that will L = Overall length in feet
not break up in the Screw Conveyor] refer below to Table No. 1, D = Bearing Factor (see "D" Factor table) (Table No. 2)
"Size of Lumps to Diameter". If the required diameter (as found S = Speed in RPM (see Capacity Chart)
above] is smaller than the recommended size given in the Q Quantity of material being conveyed in lbs./hr.
Lump Chart, use the conveyor diameter from the chart Table F Horsepower factor "F" (see Material Tables)
#1 and then determine the RPM from Table #7. Step No. 2
Motor Horsepower = H x P
P = 2 when H is less than 1
Table No. 1 MAXIMUM SIZE OF LUMPS, INCHES P = 1.5 when H is between 1 and 2
Diameter of Conveyor, Inches P = 1.25 when H is between 2 and 4
Lumps to P = 1.1 when H is between 4 and 5
Total 4 6 9 10 12 14 16 18 20 24
P = 1 when H is greater than 5
Step No. 3
Lumps 10% HP = Minimum Recommended Horsepower
1.0 1.5 2.5 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 6.0
or less.
Lump 20%
0.5 .75 1.5 1.5 2.0 1.5 3.0 3.0 3.5 3.75 CONVEYOR HORSEPOWER RATINGS
to 25%
All One of the factors that must be considered now is to check
0.3 0.5 .75 .75 1.0 1.25 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.5
Lumps the required horsepower from the above formula against
the torque and horsepower capacity limitation for each
COMPONENT GROUP CLASSIFICATION conveyor pipe and shaft size.

As shown in the Material table No. 6, pages 12, 13, and 14 each Use table 3, page 10 which shows the maximum allowable
material is assigned to a Component Group. These groups take horsepower at various conveyor speeds.
into account the material's physical characteristics and then Example: a 9" conveyor mounted on 2" standard pipe, bushed
match these with the proper conveyor components. A descrip-
tion of these components in each group can be found on page 11, for 1 diameter couplings, is limited to a maximum of 5 HP at
table No. 5. 100 RPM. If, in a given application, a larger motor is required, it is
Please note that Babbitted bearings are considered standard then necessary to use a 9" conveyor mounted on 2 pipe,
where contamination from the required lubricants is not a bushed for 2" diameter couplings. You will see that this
factor. Oil impregnated wood or nylon bearings are often arrangement is rated at 12 HP at 100 RPM or 6 HP at 50
recommended where lubricant contamination is a factor. Ball RPM. These ratings are on the basis of two coupling bolts at each
bearings are not recommended for use in conveying gritty or end of the conveyor pipe. In some sizes three bolts can be used
very fine materials which might penetrate the oil seal. For to increase the drive limitation shown. Consult our Engineering
abrasive or applications involving high temperatures, hard
iron bearings are normally used. Other types of bearing Department for specific recommendations if in doubt.
materials furnished upon request.
Page 9

Design Data
Table No. 3 HORSEPOWER RATINGS Additional Screw Conveyor specifications for indoor oper-
ation will be:
Max, Max, Max, Max, Group Classification: 1A
Size of Pipe
Coupling HP HP HP HP Conveyor Size and Speed: 12" at 120 RPM
Conveyor, Size
Dia. @125 @100 @ 75 @ 50 Conveyor Screw: 12" Standard Helicoid
Inches Inches
RPM RPM RPM RPM Conveyor Trough: 12" No. 12 gauge steel, Double Flange
6, 9, and 10 2.0 1 1/2 6.25 5.0 3.75 2.5 Construction, Flanged Cover and Barron Clamps
9, 10, and 12 2.5 2.0 15.0 12.0 9.0 6.0 Type of hanger bearings: 12" x 2" bore, intermediate
hanger with babbitted bearings
12 and 14 3.0 2 7/16 18.75 15.0 11.25 7.5
Refer to page 17 for additional Layout Data and Details.
12,14,16 18
and 20
20 and 24 4.0 3 7/16 43.75 35.0 26.25 17.5 The selection procedure, outlined above, takes into account the
material's physical characteristics, provides for the proper
cross-section loading of a conveyor and specifies, through the
SAMPLE PROBLEM component tables, the type of conveyor components to be
Establish the conveyor size, speed, horsepower and other used. Some material's physical characteristics will require
specifications necessary for conveying 1,800 bushels of dry, clean additional special features.
wheat per hour for a distance of 50 feet.
SOLUTION Abrasive materials tend to cause excessive wear on Screw
Refer to the Material table No. 6, pages 12, 13 and 14. Note: Average Conveyor components and should be carried at low cross-
weight/cu. ft. of wheat is 45-48 Ibs. sectional loads and at relatively slow conveyor speeds. For
The material classification is 47C25N conveyors which will handle extremely abrasive materials or
The recommended types of conveyors are 1A, IB, 1C will be subjected to heavy or continuous service, heavy-duty
components should be specified. Heavier than standard,
The "F" Factor is .4 surface-hardened or abrasive resistant steels are available for
The material classification, C25N indicates the material is granular this application.
inch and under, very free flowing - angle of repose up to 30, non- There are also some materials that are normally considered
abrasive and contains explosive dust. The recommended types of abrasive which may easily become aerated, thus reflecting a
conveyors, lA, 1B, 1C indicate the group that is designed for normal minimum density and greater flowability. Here it is
service. (See table 5, page 11 and Capacity table 7, page 15.) possible to use higher speeds and in some cases, higher cross-
Convert the given capacity from bushels per hour to cubic feet per hour. sectional loads. Judgment and experience, however, will
Known: there are 1.25 cubic feet in a bushel of wheat. Therefore, 1,800 x dictate the conditions when this can occur.
l.25 equals 2,250 cubic feet per hour. Now, 2,250 cu. ft. per hour X 48 Ibs.
equals 108,000 lbs./hr. This will be assumed to be the maximum desired CONTAMINABLE MATERIALS
capacity. Turn to the Capacity Chart table No. 7, page 15 and establish When handling easily contaminable materials, such as food
the conveyor diameter and proper speed. As you will note C25 material products or some chemicals, it is possible to specify com-
class has a 45% recommended trough loading and 2,250 cu. ft./hr. ponents and other features of construction which were not
requires a 12" diameter screw conveyor operating at 116 RPM necessarily included and made a part of the conveyor
(EXAMPLE: 2,250/19.4 = 115.9 or 116 RPM.) Remember, do not exceed selection process. These features would include non-lubri-
the maximum recommended speed without first consulting with our staff cating type intermediate hanger bearings, seals under the
engineers. If hard lumps had been present, we would now consult table end bearings, easily removable trough covers and, possibly,
No. 1, page 9. drop bottom conveyor trough construction. Accessibility to
the internal parts of the conveyor through the use of some
We now know that: of these features means the conveyor can be easily inspected
L = 50 feet and cleaned out.
D 96 (see "D" Factor table, {table No. 2) 12" conveyor Conveyor Flighting may be continuously welded to the
with wood bearings) conveyor pipe on either/or both sides of the flight. Grinding
S = 116 RPM [see Capacity Chart) Q - and cleaning of the welds can remove scale and/or
roughness that could contribute to contamination.
108,000 lbs./hr.
F = .4 (see Material Tables) CORROSIVE MATERIALS
Now, inserting these figures in the formula: When handling bulk materials which are corrosive, conveyor
components manufactured from stainless steel, aluminum or
H = 50(96 x 116 + 108.000 X .4) other special alloys are available, also hot dipped
1,000,000 galvanized carbon steel components may be used in non-
abrasive applications.
Motor Horsepower equals H x P (see value of P under formula) Materials which tend to break or separate easily, affecting
Therefore: 2.8 x 1.25 = 3.5 quality, may be handled in larger diameter, slower turning
To be assured of having sufficient power, divide the HP by .90. Screw Conveyors to reduce agitation.
This gives you a minimum recommended horsepower of 3.9. Your EXTREME TEMPERATURES
minimum choice of motor size would, therefore, be 5 HP.
Materials may be heated or cooled while being conveyed in
Now, refer to the Torque Capacity table No. 3 and note the a jacketed conveyor. When handling materials in extreme
minimum pipe size for a 12" conveyor is 2 1/2". Maximum allowable temperatures, specify Screw Conveyor components of metal
horsepower for this conveyor's specifications is 15 HP. Since this alloys designed to meet these conditions.
figure is in excess of our requirements, we can use the computed 5
When agitated, some materials tend to "aerate" and react
similar to a liquid. When handling these materials, it is
Page 10

Design Data
important to know the aerated density so that conveyor size and speed Table No. 5 COMPONENT GROUP SPECIFICATIONS
will be based on the larger aerated volume. When a volumetric type
Feeder is used, the horsepower should he based on the design volume Screw Coupling
Screw Trough Cover
and maximum material density. Size Diameter
Number Thickness Thickness

Normal Service
If the materials are to be mixed or agitated while being conveyed,
ribbon flights, cut flights, cut and folded flight or one of the above in Component group 1A babbitted bearing hangers
combination with paddles, may be used. Component group 1B wood bearing hangers
Component group 1C ball bearing hangers
Some materials have very strong resistance lo digging which means regular flights
that it is difficult, and in some cases, impossible to shear a pile of the cold rolled steel couplings
material or to penetrate it with a sharp edge such as in a conveyor
flight. Offsetting the conveyor screw and placement of an angle inside 6 1 6H304 16 ga. 16 ga.
the trough on the carrying side will enable some of these materials to 1 9H306 14 ga. 14 ga.
9 2 9H406 14 ga. 14 ga.
be handled.
2 12H408 12 ga. 14 ga.
Occasionally, materials tend to pack under pressure and become hard 12 7
2 /16 12H508 12 ga. 14 ga.
in the clearance between the conveyor screw and trough. Some of these 14 7
2 /16 14H508 12 ga. 14 ga.
materials can then be conveyed satisfactory if the Screw Conveyor is
operated at low speeds and the edge of the flight is used as a cutting edge. 16 3 16H610 12 ga. 14 ga.
18 3 18H610 10 ga. 12 ga.
20 3 20H610 10 ga. 12 ga.
Materials which readily absorb moisture and hygroscopic. Such 24 37/16 24S712 10 ga. 14 ga.
materials become less free flowing as they absorb moisture. This factor
must be taken into account when determining conveyor size, HP and Heavy Service
speed. Some hygroscopic materials can, as they absorb moisture, babbitted bearing hangers
change in density and angle of repose and thus, effect the material Component group 2A
cold rolled steel couplings
classification number. wood bearing hangers
Component group 2B
TOXIC MATERIALS cold rolled steel couplings
ball bearing hangers
If harmful vapors or dust are released by agitation and conveying, the Component group 2C
cold rolled steel couplings
system should be of sealed construction. hard iron bearing hangers
Component group 2D
VISCOUS OR STICKY MATERIALS cold rolled steel couplings
Viscous materials can best be handled by Ribbon Conveyors because heavy trough
they usually have a tendency to stick and adhere to the joint of the heavy flights
conveyor pipe and flight on a standard conveyor. 6 1 6H308 14 ga. 16 ga.
Table No. 4 MATERIAL CLASSIFICATION 1 9H312 10 ga. 14 ga.
9 2 9H412 10 ga. 14 ga.
Class 2 12H408 /16 14 ga.
Material Characteristics
Designation 7 3
12 2 /16 12H508 /16 14 ga.
No. 200 Sieve (.0029") And Under A200 3 12H614 /16 14 ga.
Very Fine No. 100 Sieve (.0059") And Under A100 14S512 /16 14 ga.
No. 40 Sieve (.016") And Under A40 14 3 14H508
/16 14 ga.
Fine No. 6 Sieve (.132") And Under B6 3
And Under C 16 3 16H614 /16 14 ga.
Granular 3 And Under D3 18 3 18S616 3
/16 12 ga.
7 And Under D7 3
16 And Under D16 20 3 20S616 /16 12 ga.
*Lumpy Over 16 to Be Specified
24 37/16 24S712 3
/16 12 ga.
X Actual Maximum Size Dx
Irregular Stringy, Fibrous, Cylindrical, E Extra Heavy Service
Slabs, Etc
babbitted bearing hangers
Very Free Flowing - Flow Function 10 1 Component group 3A
Free Flowing - Flow Function 4 But 10 2 cold rolled steel couplings
Flowability Average Flowability - Flow Function 2 But 4 3 hard iron bearing hangers
Sluggish - Flow Function 2 4 Component group 3D
cold rolled steel couplings
Mildly Abrasive - Index 1-17 5 extra-heavy trough
Abrasiveness Moderately Abrasive - Index 18-67 6
Extremely Abrasive - Index 68-416 7 extra-heavy flights
Builds Up and Hardens F 6 1 6H312 10 ga. 16 ga.
Generates Static Electricity G 1 9H312
/16 14 ga.
Decomposes - Deteriorates in Storage H 9 2 9H414
/16 14 ga.
Flammability J
Becomes Plastic or Tends to Soften K 2 12H412 14 ga.
Very Dusty L 12 27/16 12H512 14 ga.
Aerates and Becomes fluid M 3 12H614 14 ga.
Explosiveness N 14
Miscellaneous Stickiness-Adhesion 14 3 14H614 ga.
Properties Or Contaminable. Affecting Use P 16 3 16H614 14 ga.
Hazards Degradable, Affecting Use Q 18 3 18S624 12 ga.
Gives Off Harmful or Toxic Gas or Fumes R 20 3 20S624 12 ga.
Highly Corrosive S 7
Mildly Corrosive T 24 3 /16 24S724 12 ga.
Hygroscopic U For use with non-abrasive materials.
Interlocks, Mats or Agglomerates V For use with nonabrasive irregular mat erial or lumpy
Oils Present W material containing lumps over
Packs Under Pressure X
Very Light and Fluffy - May Be Windswept Y
For use with mildly abrasive material.
Elevated Temperature Z For use with mildly corrosive materials.
For use with very abrasive materials.
Page 11
Material Table
Table No. 6
Adipic Acid 45 45A10035 2B 0.5 Bronze Chips 30-50 40B645 2D 2
Alfalfa Meal 14-22 18B645WY 2D 0.6 Buckwheat 37-42 40B625N 1A-1B-1C 0.4
Alfalfa Pellets 41-43 42C1/225 2D 0.5 Calcine, Flour 75-85 80A10035 1A-1B-1C 0.7
Alfalfa Seed 10-15 13B615N 1A-1B-1C 0.4 Calcium Carbide 70-90 80D325N 2D 2
Almonds, Broken 27-30 29C1/235Q 2D 0.9 Calcium Carbonate (See Limestone) -- -- -- --
Almonds, Whole Shelled 28-30 29C1/235Q 2D 0.9 Calcium Flouride (See Fluorspar) -- -- -- --
Calcium Hydrate (See Lime,
Alum, Fine 45-50 48B635U 1A-1B-1C 0.6 -- -- -- --
Calcium Hydroxide (See Lime,
Alum, Lumpy 50-60 55B625 2A-2B 1.4 -- -- -- --
Alumina 55-65 58B627MY 3D 1.8 Calcium Lactate 26-29 28D345QTR 2A-2B 0.6
Alumina Fines 35 35A10027YM 3D 1.6 Calcium Oxide (See Lime, unstaked) -- -- -- --
Alumina Sized or Briquette 65 65D337 3D 2 Calcium Phosphate 40-50 45A10045 1A-1B-1C 1.6
Aluminate Gel (Aluminate Hydroxide) 45 45B635 2D 1.7 Calcium Sulfate (See Gypsum) -- -- -- --
Aluminum Chips, Dry 7-15 11E45V 2D 1.2 Carbon, Activated, Dry, Fine* -- -- -- --
Aluminum Chips, Oily 7-15 11E45V 2D 0.8 Carbon, Black, Pelleted* -- -- -- --
Aluminum Hydrate 13-20 17C1/235 1A-1B-1C 1.4 Carbon, Black, Powder* -- -- -- --
Aluminum Ore (See Bauxite) -- -- -- -- Carborundum 100 100D327 3D 3
Aluminum Oxide 60-120 90A10017M 3D 1.8 Casein 36 36B635 2D 1.6
Aluminum Silicate (Andalusite) 49 49C1/235S 3A-3B 0.8 Cashew Nuts 32-37 35C1/245 2D 0.7
Aluminum Sulfate 45-58 52C1/225 1A-1B-1C 1 Cast Iron, Chips 130-200 165C1/245 2D 4
Ammonium Chloride, Crystalline 45-52 49A10045FRS 3A-3B 0.7 Caustic Soda 88 88B635RSU 3D 1.8
Ammonium Nitrate 45-62 54A4035NTU 3D 1.3 Caustic Soda, Flakes 47 47C1/245RSUX 3A-3B 1.5
Ammonium Sulfate 45-58 52C1/235FOTU 1A-1B-1C 1 Celite (See Diatomaceous Earth) -- -- -- --
Antimony Powder A10035 2D 1.6 Cement, Clinker 75-95 85D336 3D 1.8
Apple Pomace, Dry 15 15C1/245Y 2D 1 Cement, Mortar 133 133B635Q 3D 3
Arsenic of Lead (See Lead Arsenate) -- -- -- -- Cement, Portland 94 94A10026M 2D 1.4
Arsenic Oxide (Arsenolite)* 100-120 110A10035R Cement, Aerated (Portland) 60-75 68A10016M 2D 1.4
Arsenic Pulverized 30 30A10025R 2D 0.8 Cerrusite (See Lead Carbonate) -- -- -- --
Asbestos-Rock (Ore) 81 81D337R 3D 1.2 Chalk, Crushed 75-95 85D325 2D 1.9
Asbestos-Shredded 20-40 30E46XY 2D 1 Chalk, Pulverized 67-75 71A10025MXY 2D 1.4
Ash, Black Ground 105 105B635 1A-1B-1C 2 Charcoal, Ground 18-28 23A10045 2D 1.2
Ashes, Coal, Dry-1/2" 35-45 40C1/246TY 3D 3 Charcoal, Lumps 18-28 23D345Q 2D 1.4
Ashes, Coal, Dry-3" 35-40 38D346T 3D 2.5 Chocolate, Cake Pressed 40-45 43D325 2B 1.5
Ashes, Coal, Wet -1/2" 45-50 48C1/246T 3D 3 Chrome Ore 125-140 133D336 3D 2.5
Ashes, Coal, Wet -3" 45-50 48D346T 3D 4 Cinders, Blast Furnace 57 57D336T 3D 1.9
Ashes, Fly (See Fly Ash) -- -- -- -- Cinders, Coal 40 40D336T 3D 1.8
Clay (See Bentonite, Diatomaceous
Asphalt, Crushed -1/2" 45 45C1/245 1A-1B-1C 2 --
Earth, Fuller's Earth, Kaolin & Marl)
Bagasse 7-10 9E45RVXY 2A-2B-2C 1.5 Clay, Ceramic, Dry, Fines 60-80 70A10035P 1A-1B-1C 1.5
Bakelite, Fine 30-40 38B625 1A-1B-1C 1.4 Clay, Calcined 80-100 90B636 3D 2.4
Baking Powder 40-55 48A10035 1B 0.6 Clay, Brick, Dry, Fines 100-120 110C1/236 3D 2
Baking Soda (Sodium Bicarbonate) 40-55 48A10025 1B 0.6 Clay, Dry, Lumpy 60-75 68D335 2D 1.8
Clinker, Cement (See Cement
Barite (Barium Sulphate)+1/2"-3" 120-180 150D336 3D 2.6 -- -- -- --
Barite, Powder 120-180 150A10035X 2D 2 Clover Seed 45-58 47B625N 1A-1B-1C 0.4
Barium Carbonate 72 72A10045R 2D 1.6 Coal, Anthracite (River & Culm) 55-61 60B635TY 2A-2B 1
Bark, Wood, Refuse 10-20 15E45TVY 3D 2 Coal, Anthracite, Sized-1/2" 49-61 55C1/225 2A-2B 1
Barley, Fine, Ground 24-38 31B635 1A-1B-1C 0.4 Coal, Bituminous, Mined 40-60 50D335LNXY 1A-1B 0.9
Barley, Malted 31 31C1/235 1A-1B-1C 0.4 Coal, Bituminous, Mined, Sized 45-50 48D335QV 1A-1B 1
Barley, Meal 28 28C1/235 1A-1B-1C 0.4 Coal, Bituminous, Mined, Slack 43-50 47C1/245T 2A-2B 0.9
Barley, Whole 36-48 42B625N 1A-1B-1C 0.5 Coal, Lignite 37-45 41D335T 2D 1
Basalt 80-105 93B627 3D 1.8 Cocoa Beans 30-45 38C1/225Q 1A-1B 0.5
Bauxite, Dry, Ground 68 68B625 2D 1.8 Cocoa, Nibs 35 35C1/225 2D 0.5
Bauxite, Crushed - 3" 75-85 80D336 3D 2.5 Cocoa, Powdered 30-35 33A10045XY 1B 0.9
Beans, Castor, Meal 35-40 38B635W 1A-1B-1C 0.8 Coconut, Shredded 20-22 21E45 2B 1.5
Beans, Castor, Whole Shelled 36 36C1/215W 1A-1B-1C 0.5 Coffee, Chaff 20 20B625MY 1A-1B 1
Beans, Navy, Dry 48 48C1/215 1A-1B-1C 0.5 Coffee, Green Bean 25-32 29C1/225PQ 1A-1B 0.5
Beans, Navy, Steeped 60 60C1/225 1A-1B-1C 0.8 Coffee, Ground, Dry 25 25A4035P 1A-1B 0.6
Bentonite, Crude 34-40 37D345X 2D 1.2 Coffee, Ground, Wet 35-45 40A4045X 1A-1B 0.6
Bentonite-100 Mesh 50-60 55A10025MXY 2D 0.7 Coffee, Roasted Bean 20-30 25C1/225PQ 1B 0.4
Benzene Hexachloride 56 56A10045R 1A-1B-1C 0.6 Coffee, Soluble 19 19A4035PUY 1B 0.4
Bicarbonate of Soda (Baking Soda) -- -- 1B 0.6 Coke, Breeze 25-35 30C1/237 3D 1.2
Blood, Dried 35-45 40D345U 2D 2 Coke, Loose 23-35 30D737 3D 1.2
Blood, Ground, Dried 30 30A10035U 1A-1B 1 Coke, Petrol, Calcined 35-45 40D737 3D 1.3
Bone Ash (Tricalcium Phosphate) 40-50 45A10045 1A-1B 1.6 Compost 30-50 40D745TV 3A-3B 1
Boneblack 20-25 23A10025Y 1A-1B 1.5 Concrete, Pre-Mix, Dry 85-120 103C1/236U 3D 3
Bonechar 27-40 34B635 1A-1B 1.6 Copper Ore 120-150 135DX36 3D 4
Bonemeal 50-60 55B635 2D 1.7 Copper Ore, Crushed 100-150 125D336 3D 4
Bones, Whole 35-50 43E45V 2D 3 Copper Sulphate, (Bluestone) 75-95 85C1/235S 2A-2B-2C 1
Bones, Crushed 35-50 45D345 2D 2 Copperas (See Ferrous Sulphate) -- -- -- --
Bones, Ground 50 50B635 2D 1.7 Copra, Cake Ground 40-45 43B645HW 1A-1B-1C 0.7
Borate of Lime 60 60A10035 1A-1B-1C 0.6 Copra, Cake, Lumpy 25-30 28D335HW 2A-2B-2C 0.8
Borax, Fine 45-55 50B625T 3D 0.7 Copra, Lumpy 22 22E35HW 2A-2B-2C 1
Borax, Screening-1/2" 55-60 58C1/235 2D 1.5 Copra, Meal 40-45 42B635HW 2D 0.7
Borax, 1 1/2"-2" Lump 55-60 58D335 2D 1.8 Cork, Fine Ground 5-15 10B635JNY 1A-1B-1C 0.5
Borax, 2"-3" Lump 60-70 65D335 2D 2 Cork, Granulated 12-15 14C1/235JY 1A-1B-1C 0.5
Boric Acid, Fine 55 55B625T 3D 0.8 Corn, Cracked 40-50 45B625P 1A-1B-1C 0.7
Boron 75 75A10037 2D 1 Corn Cobs, Ground 17 17C1/225Y 1A-1B-1C 0.6
Bran, Rice-Rye-Wheat 16-20 18B635NY 1A-1B-1C 0.5 Corn Cobs, Whole* 12-15 14E35 2A-2B --
Braunite (Manganese Oxide) 120 120A10036 2D 2 Corn Ear* 56 56E35 2A-2B --
Bread Crumbs 20-25 23B635PQ 1A-1B-1C 0.6 Corn Germ 21 21B635PY 1A-1B-1C 0.4
Brewer's Grain, Spent, Dry 14-30 22C1/245 1A-1B-1C 0.5 Corn Grits 40-45 43B635P 1A-1B-1C 0.5
Brewer's Grain, Spent, Wet 55-60 58C1/245T 2A-2B 0.8 Corn Meal 32-40 36B635P 1A-1B 0.5
Brick, Ground-1/8" 100-120 110B637 3D 2.2 Bronze Chips 30-50 40B645 2D 2

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Material Table
Table No. 6
Corn Oil, Cake 25 25d745HW 1A-1B 0.6 Ice, Shell 33-35 34D3450 1B 0.4
Corn Seed 45 46C1/225PQ 1A-1B-1C 0.4 Ilmenite Ore 140-160 150D337 3D 2
Corn, Shelled 45 46C1/225PQ 1A-1B-1C 0.4 Iron Ore Concentrate 120-180 150A4037 3D 2.2
Corn Sugar 30-35 33B635PU 1B 1 Iron Oxide Pigment 25 25A10036LMP 1A-1B-1C 1
Cottonseed, Cake, Crushed 40-45 43C1/245HW 1A-1B 1 Iron Oxide, Millscale 75 75C1/236 2D 1.6
Cottonseed, Cake, Lumpy 40-45 43D745HW 2A-2B 1 Iron Pyrites (See Ferrous Sulfide) -- -- -- --
Cottonseed, Dry, Delinted 22-40 31C1/225X 1A-1B 0.6 Iron Sulphate (See Ferrous Sulfate) -- -- -- --
Cottonseed, Dry, Not Delinted 18-25 22C1/245XY 1A-1B 0.9 Iron Sulfide (See Ferrous Sulfide) -- -- -- --
Cottonseed, Flakes 20-25 23C1/235HWY 1A-1B 0.8 Iron Vitriol (See Ferrous Sulfate) -- -- -- --
Cottonseed, Hulls 12 12B635Y 1A-1B 0.9 Kafir (Corn) 40-45 43C1/225 3D 0.5
Cottonseed, Meal, Expeller 25-30 28B645HW 3A-3B 0.5 Kaolin Clay 63 63D325 2D 2
Cottonseed, Meal, Extracted 35-40 37B645HW 1A-1B 0.5 Kaolin Clay-Tale 42-56 49A4035LMP 2D 2
Cottonseed, Meats, Dry 40 40B635HW 1A-1B 0.6 Kryalith (See Cryolite) -- -- -- --
Cottonseed, Meats, Rolled 35-40 38C1/245HW 1A-1B 0.6 Lactose 32 32A4035PU 1B 0.6
Cracklings, Crushed 40-50 45D345HW 2A-2B-2C 1.3 Lamp Black (See Carbon Black) -- -- -- --
Cryolite, Dust 75-90 83A10036L 2D 2 Lead Arsenate 72 72A4035R 1A-1B-1C 1.4
Cryolite, Lumpy 90-110 100D1636 2D 2.1 Lead Arsenite 72 72A4035R 1A-1B-1C 1.4
Cullet, Fine 80-120 100C1/237 3D 2 Lead Carbonate 240-260 250A4035R 2D 1
Cullet, Lump 80-120 100D1637 3D 2.5 Lead Ore-1/8" 200-270 235B635 3D 1.4
Culm (See Coal, Anthracite) -- -- -- -- Lead Ore-1/2" 180-230 205C1/236 3D 1.4
Cupric Sulphate (Copper Sulfate) -- -- -- -- Lead Oxide (Red Lead)-100 Mesh 30-150 90A10035P 2D 1.2
Detergent (See Soap Detergent) -- -- -- -- Lead Oxide (Red Lead)-200 Mesh 30-180 105A20035LP 2D 1.2
Diatomaceous Earth 11-17 14A4036Y 3D 1.6 Lead Sulphide - 100 Mesh 240-260 250A10035R 2D --
Dicalcium Phosphate 40-50 45A4035 1A-1B-1C 1.6 Lignite (See Coal Lignite) -- -- -- --
Disodium Phosphate 25-31 28A4035 3D 0.5 Limanite, Ore, Brown 120 120C1/247 3D 1.7
Distiller's Grain-Spent Dry 30 30B635 2D 0.5 Lime, Ground, Unslaked 60-65 63B635U 1A-1B-1C 0.6
Distiller's Grain-Spent Wet 40-60 50C1/245V 3A-3B 0.8 Lime Hydrated 40 40B635LM 2D 0.8
Dolomite, Crushed 80-100 90C1/236 2D 2 Lime, Hydrated, Pulverized 32-40 36A4035LM 1A-1B 0.6
Dolomite, Lumpy 90-100 95DX36 2D 2 Lime, Pebble 53-56 55C1/225HU 2A-2B 2
Earth, Loam, Dry, Loose 76 76C1/236 2D 1.2 Limestone, Agricultural 68 68B635 2D 2
Ebonite, Crushed 63-70 67C1/235 1A-1B-1C 0.8 Limestone, Crushed 85-90 88DX36 2D 2
Egg Powder 16 16A4035MPY 1B 1 Limestone, Dust 55-95 75A4046MY 2D 1.6-2.0
Epsom Salts (Magnesium Sulfate) 40-50 45A4035U 1A-1B-1C 0.8 Lindane (Benzene Hexachloride) -- -- -- --
Feldspar, Ground 65-80 73A10037 2D 2 Linseed (See Flaxseed) -- -- -- --
Feldspar, Lumps 90-100 95D737 2D 2 Litharge (Lead Oxide) -- -- -- --
Feldspar, Powder 100 100A20036 2D 2 Lithopone 45-50 48A32535MR 1A-1B 1
Feldspar, Screenings 75-80 78C1/237 2D 2 Maize (See Milo) -- -- -- --
Ferrous Sulfide-1/2" 120-135 128C1/226 1A-1B-1C 2 Malt, Dry, Ground 20-30 25B635NP 1A-1B-1C 0.5
Ferrous Sulfide-100M 105-120 113A10036 1A-1B-1C 2 Malt, Dry, Whole 20-30 25C1/235N 1A-1B-1C 0.5
Ferrous Sulphate 50-75 63C1/235U 2D 1 Malt, Meal 36-40 38B625P 1A-1B-1C 0.4
Fish Meal 35-40 38C1/245HP 1A-1B-1C 1 Malt, Sprouts 13-15 14C1/235P 1A-1B-1C 0.4
Fish Scrap 40-50 45D745H 2A-2B-2C 1.5 Magnesium Chloride (Magnesite) 33 33C1/245 1A-1B 1
Flaxseed 43-45 44B635X 1A-1B-1C 0.4 Manganese Dioxide 70-85 78A10035NRT 2A-2B 1.5
Flaxseed Cake (Linseed Cake) 48-50 49D745W 2A-2B 0.7 Manganese Ore 125-140 133DX37 3D 2
Flaxseed Meal (Linseed Meal) 25-45 35B645W 1A-1B 0.4 Manganese Oxide 120 120A10036 2D 2
Flour Wheat 33-40 37A4045LP 1B 0.6 Manganese Sulfate 70 70C1/237 3D 2.4
Flue Dust, Basic Oxygen Furnace 45-60 53A4036LM 3D 3.5 Marble, Crushed 80-95 88B637 3D 2
Flue Dust, Blast Furnace 110-125 118A4036 3D 3.5 Marl, (Clay) 80 80DX36 2D 1.6
Flue Dust, Boiler H. Dry 30-45 38A4036LM 3D 2 Meat, Ground 50-55 53E45HQTX 2A-2B 1.5
Fluorspar, Fine (Calcium Fluoride) 80-100 90B636 2D 2 Meat, Scrap (with bone) 40 40E46H 2D 1.5
Fluorspar, Lumps 90-110 100D736 2D 2 Mica, Flakes 17-22 20B616MY 2D 1
Flyash 30-45 38A4036M 3D 2 Mica, Ground 13-15 14B636 2D 0.9
Foundry Sand, Dry (See Sand) -- -- -- -- Mica, Pulverized 13-15 14A10036M 2D 1
Fuller's Earth, Dry, Raw 30-40 35A4025 2D 2 Milk, Dried, Flake 5-6 6B635PUY 1B 0.4
Fuller's Earth, Oily, Spent 60-65 63C1/2450W 3D 2 Milk, Malted 27-30 29A4045PX 1B 0.9
Fuller's Earth, Calcined 40 40A10025 3D 2 Milk, Powdered 20-45 33B625PM 1B 0.5
Galena (See Lead Sulfide) -- -- -- -- Milk Sugar 32 32A10035PX 1B 0.6
Gelatine, Granulated 32 32B335PU 1B 0.8 Milk, Whole, Powdered 20-36 28B635PUX 1B 0.5
Gilsonite 37 37C1/235 3D 1.5 Mill Scale (Steel) 120-125 123E46T 3D 3
Glass, Batch 80-100 90C1/237 3D 2.5 Milo Ground 32-36 34B625 1A-1B-1C 0.5
Glue, Ground 40 40B645U 2D 1.7 Milo Maize (Kafir) 40-45 43B615N 1A-1B-1C 0.4
Glue, Pearl 40 40C1/235U 1A-1B-1C 0.5 Molybdenite Powder 107 107B626 2D 1.5
Glue, Veg. Powdered 40 40A4045U 1A-1B-1C 0.6 Monosodium Phosphate 50 50B636 2D 0.6
Gluten, Meal 40 40B635P 1B 0.6 Mortar, Wet 150 150E46T 3D 3
Granite, Fine 80-90 85C1/227 3D 2.5 Mustard Seed 45 45B615N 1A-1B-1C 0.4
Grape, Pomace 15-20 18D345U 2D 1.4 Naphthalene Flakes 45 45B635 1A-1B-1C 0.7
Graphite Flake 40 40B625LP 1A-1B-1C 0.5 Niacin (Nicotinic Acid) 35 35A4035P 2D 0.8
Graphite Flour 28 28A10035LMP 1A-1B-1C 0.5 Oat Hulls 8-12 10B635NY 1A-1B-1C 0.5
Graphite Ore 65-75 70DX35L 2D 1 Oats 26 26C1/225MN 1A-1B-1C 0.4
Guano, Dry 70 70C1/235 3A-3B 2 Oats, Crimped 19-26 23C1/235 1A-1B-1C 0.5
Gypsum, Calcined 55-60 58B635U 2D 1.6 Oats, Crushed 22 22B645NY 1A-1B-1C 0.6
Gypsum, Calcined, Powdered 60-80 70A10035U 2D 2 Oats, Flour 35 35A10035 1A-1B-1C 0.5
Gypsum, Raw - 1" 70-80 75D325 2D 2 Oats, Rolled 19-24 22C1/235NY 1A-1B-1C 0.6
Hay, Chopped* 8-12 10C1/235JY 2A-2B 1.6 Oleo Margarine (Margarine) 59 59E45HKPWX 2A-2B 0.4
Hexanedioic Acid (See Adipic Acid) -- -- -- -- Orange Peel, Dry 15 15E45 2A-2B 1.5
Oxalic Acid Crystals-Ethane Diacid
Hominy, Dry 35-50 43C1/225D 1A-1B-1C 0.4 Crystals 60 60B635QS 1A-1B 1
Hops, Spent, Dry 35 35D335 2A-2B-2C 1 Oyster Shells, Ground 50-60 55C1/236T 3D 1.6-2.0
Hops, Spent, Wet 50-55 53D345V 2A-2B 1.5 Oyster Shells, Whole 80 80D336TV 3D 2.1-2.5
Ice, Crushed 35-45 40D3350 2A-2B 0.4 Paper Pulp (4% or less) 62 62E45 2A-2B 1.5
Ice, Flaked 40-45 43C1/2350 1B 0.6 Paper Pulp (6% to 15%) 60-62 61E45 2A-2B 1.5
Ice Cubes 33-35 34D3350 1B 0.4 Ice, Shell 33-35 34D3450 1B 0.4

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Material Table
Table No. 6
Paraffin Cake - 1/2" 45-45 45c1/245K 1A-1B 0.6 Slate, Ground-1/8" 82-85 84B636 2D 1.6
Peanuts, Clean, In Shell 15-20 18D335Q 2A-2B 0.6 Sludge, Sewage, Dried 40-50 45E47TW 3D 0.8
Peanut Meal 30-30 30B635p 1B 0.6 Sludge, Sewage, Dry Ground 45-55 50B46S 2D 0.8
Peanuts, Raw, Uncleaned (Unshelled) 15-20 18D336Q 3D 0.7 Soap, Beads or Granules 15-35 25B635Q 1A-1B-1C 0.6
Peanuts, Shelled 35-45 40C1/235Q 1B 0.4 Soap, Chips 15-25 20C1/235Q 1A-1B-1C 0.6
Peas, Dried 45-50 48C1/215NQ 1A-1B-1C 0.5 Soap Detergent 15-50 33B635FQ 1A-1B-1C 0.8
Perlite-Expanded 8-12 10C1/236 2D 0.6 Soap, Flakes 5-15 10B635QXY 1A-1B-1C 0.6
Phosphate Acid Fertilizer 60 60B625T 2A-2B 1.4 Soap, Powder 20-25 23B625X 1A-1B-1C 0.9
Phosphate Disodium (See Sodium
-- -- -- Soapstone, Talc, Fine 40-50 45A10045XY 1A-1B-1C 2
Phosphate Rock, Broken 75-85 80Dx36 2D 2.1 Soda Ash, Heavy 55-65 60B636 2D 1
Phosphate Rock, Pulverized 60-60 60B636 2D 1.7 Soda Ash, Light 20-35 28A4036Y 2D 0.8
Phosphate Sand 90-100 95B637 3D 2 Sodium Aluminate, Ground 72 72B636 2D 1
Sodium Aluminum Flouride (See
Plaster of Paris (See Gypsum) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Plumbago (See Graphite) -- -- -- -- Sodium Aluminum Sulphate* 75 75A10036 2D 1
Polystyrene Beads 40 40B635PQ 1B 0.4 Sodium Bentonite (See Bentonite) -- -- -- --
Sodium Bicarbonate (See Baking
Polyvinyl, Chloride Powder 20-30 25A10045KT 2B 1 -- -- -- --
Polyvinyl, Chloride Pellets 20-30 25E45KPQT 1B 0.6 Sodium Chloride (See Salt) -- -- -- --
Polyethylene, Resin Pellets 30-35 33C1/245Q 1A-1B 0.4 Sodium Carbonate (See Soda Ash) -- -- -- --
Potash (Muriate) Dry 70 70B637 3D 2 Sodium Hydrate (See Caustic Soda) -- -- -- --
Sodium Hydroxide (See Caustic
Potash (Muriate) Mine Run 75 75Dx37 3D 2.2 -- -- -- --
Potassium Carbonate 51 51B636 2D 1 Sodium Borate (See Borax) -- -- -- --
Potassium Chloride Pellets 120-130 125C1/225TU 3D 1.6 Sodium Nitrate 70-80 75D325NS 2A-2B 1.2
Potassium Nitrate-1/2" 76 76C1/216NT 3D 1.2 Sodium Phosphate 50-60 55A35 1A-1B 0.9
Potassium Nitrate-1/8" 80 80B626NT 3D 1.2 Sodium Sulfate (See Salt Cake) -- -- -- --
Potassium Sulfate 42-48 45B646X 2D 1 Sodium Sulfite 96-96 96B646X 2D 1.5
Potato Flour 48 4BA20035MNP 1A-1B 0.5 Sorghum Seed (See Kalf or Milo) -- -- -- --
Pumice-1/8" 42-48 45B646 3D 1.6 Soybean Meal, Cold 40-40 40B635 1A-1B-1C 0.5
Pyrite, Pellets 120-130 125C1/226 3D 2 Soybean Meal, Hot 40-40 40B635T 2A-2B 0.5
Quartz-100 Mesh 70-80 75A10027 3D 1.7 Soybean, Cake 40-43 42D335W 2A-1B-1C 1
Quartz-1/2" 80-90 85C1/227 3D 2 Soybean, Cracked 30-40 35C1/236NW 2D 0.5
Rice, Bran 20 20B635NY 1A-1B-1C 0.4 Soybean, Flake, Raw 18-25 22C1/235Y 1A-1B-1C 0.8
Rice, Grits 42-45 44B635P 1A-1B-1C 0.4 Soybean, Flour 27-30 29A4035MN 1A-1B-1C 0.8
Rice, Polished 30 30C1/215P 1A-1B-1C 0.4 Soybeans Whole 45-50 48C1/226NW 1A-1B-1C 1
Rice, Hulled 45-49 47C1/225P 1A-1B-1C 0.4 Starch 25-50 38A4015M 1A-1B-1C 1
Rice, Hulls 20-21 21B635NY 1A-1B-1C 0.4 Steel Turnings, Crushed 100-150 125D346WV 3D 3
Rice, Rough 32-36 34C1/235N 1A-1B-1C 0.6 Sugar Beet, Pulp, Dry 12-15 14C1/226 2D 0.9
Rosin-1/2" 65-68 67C1/245Q 1A-1B-1C 1.5 Sugar Beet, Pulp, Wet 25-45 35C1/235X 1A-1B-1C 1.2
Rubber, Reclaimed Ground 23-50 37C1/245 1A-1B-1C 0.8 Sugar, Powdered 50-60 55A10035PX 1B 0.8
Rubber, Pelleted 50-55 53D345 2A-2B-2C 1.5 Sugar, Raw 55-65 60B635PX 1B 1.5
Rye 42-48 45B615N 1A-1B-1C 0.4 Sugar, Refined, Granulated Dry 50-55 53B635PU 1B 1.2
Rye Bran 15-20 18B635Y 1A-1B-1C 0.4 Sugar, Refined, Granulated Wet 55-65 60C1/235X 1B 2
Rye Feed 33 33B635N 1A-1B-1C 0.5 Sulpher, Crushed,-1/2" 50-60 55C1/235N 1A-1B 0.8
Rye Meal 35-40 38B635 1A-1B-1C 0.5 Sulphur, Lumpy,-3" 80-85 83D335N 2A-2B 0.8
Rye Middlings 42-42 42B635 1A-1B 0.5 Sulphur, Powdered 50-60 55A4035MN 1A-1B 0.6
Rye, Shorts 32-33 33C1/235 2A-2B 0.5 Sunflower Seed 19-38 29C1/215 1A-1B-1C 0.5
Safflower, Cake 50 50D326 2D 0.6 Talcum Powder 50-60 55A20036M 2D 0.8
Safflower, Meal 50 50B635 1A-1B-1C 0.6 Talcum,-1/2" 80-90 85C1/236 2D 0.9
Safflower Seed 45 45B615N 1A-1B-1C 0.4 Tanbark, Ground 55-55 55B645 1A-1B-1C 0.7
Saffron (See Safflower) -- -- -- -- Timothy Seed 36-36 36B635NY 1A-1B-1C 0.6
Sal Ammoniac (Ammonium Chloride) -- -- -- -- Titanium Dioxide (See llmenite Ore) -- -- -- --
Salt Cake, Dry Coarse 85 85B636TU 3D 2.1 Tobacco, Scraps 15-25 20D345Y 2A-2B 0.8
Salt Cake, Dry Pulverized 65-85 75B636TU 3D 1.7 Tobacco, Snuff 30-30 30B645MQ 1A-1B-1C 0.9
Salicylic Acid 29 29B637U 3D 0.6 Tricalcium Phosphate 40-50 45A4045 1A-1B 1.6
Salt, Dry Coarse 45-60 53C1/236TU 3D 1 Triple Super Phosphate 50-55 53B636RS 3D 2
Salt, Dry Fine 70-80 75B636TU 3D 1.7 Trisodium Phosphate 60-60 60C1/236 2D 1.7
Saltpeter - (See Potassium Nitrate) -- -- -- -- Trisodium Phosphate Granular 60-60 60B636 2D 1.7
Sand Dry Bank (Damp) 110-130 120B647 3D 2.8 Trisodium Phosphate, Pulverized 50-50 50A4036 2D 1.6
Sand Dry Bank (Dry) 90-110 100B637 3D 1.7 Tung Nut Meats, Crushed 28-28 28D325W 2A-2B 0.8
Sand Dry Silica 90-100 95B627 3D 2 Tung Nuts 25-30 28D315 2A-2B 0.7
Sand Foundry (Shake Out) 90-100 95D337Z 3D 2.6 Urea Prills, Coated 43-46 45B625 1A-1B-1C 1.2
Sand (Resin Coated) Silica 104 104B627 3D 2 Vermiculite, Expanded 16-16 16C1/235Y 1A-1B 0.5
Sand (Resin Coated) Zircon 115 115A10027 3D 2.3 Vermiculite, Ore 80-80 80D336 2D 1
Sawdust, Dry 10-13 12B645UX 1A-1B-1C 0.7 Vetch 48-48 48B616N 1A-1B-1C 0.4
Sea-Coal 65 65B636 2D 1 Walnut Shells, Crushed 35-45 40B636 2D 1
Sesame Seed 27-41 34B626 2D 0.6 Wheat 45-48 47C1/225N 1A-1B-1C 0.4
Shale, Crushed 85-90 88C1/236 2D 2 Wheat, Cracked 40-45 43B625N 1A-1B-1C 0.4
Shellac, Powdered or Granulated 31-31 31B635P 1B 0.6 Wheat, Germ 18-28 23B625 1A-1B-1C 0.4
Silicon Dioxide (See Quartz) -- -- -- -- White Lead, Dry 75-100 88A4036MR 2D 1
Silica, Flour 80 80A4046 2D 1.5 Wood Chips, Screened 10-30 20D345VY 2A-2B 0.6
Silica Gel + 1/2" -3" 45 45D337HKQU 3D 2 Wood Flour 16-36 26B635N 1A-1B 0.4
Slag, Blast Furnace Crushed 130-180 155D337Y 3D 2.4 Wood Shavings 8-16 12E45VY 2A-2B 1.5
Slag, Furnace Granular, Dry 60-85 63C1/237 3D 2.2 Zinc Oxide, Heavy 30-35 33A10045X 1A-1B 1
Slate, Crushed,-1/2" 80-90 85C1/236 2D 2 Zinc Oxide, Light 10-15 13A10045XY 1A-1B 1
*Consult Engineering Department.

Page 14

Capacity Charts
How to Use Capacity Charts Table 7 Horizontal Screw Conveyor Capacity
for Conveyor Size and Speed
Capacity, Cubic Feet
1. Find your material class from material Material Class Degree of
Screw Maximum Per Hour
table (First letter & last two numbers). Dia. RPM
Code Trough Loading At Max.
Inch. *
This determines trough loading. RPM
At One RPM
2. Determine size by being at or less A- 15 6 165 368 2.23
than maximum cubic feet per hour. 45%
A-25 9 155 1,270 8.20
3. Exact conveyor speed is deter
mined by dividing the required
B-25 12 145 2,820 19.40
capacity in cubic feet per hour by
cubic feet per hour at 1 revolution C-15 14 140 4,370 31.20
per minute. C-25
16 130 6,060 46.70
18 120 8,120 67.60
EXAMPLE: from Page #10. 20 110 10,300 93.70
24 100 16,400 164.00
2.25 = 115.9 or 116 RPM 6 120 180 1.49
A-35 E-35 Non-Abrasive 9 100 545 5.45
19.4 conveyor speed A-45 E-45 Materials
12 90 1,160 12.90
B-35 30%
116 RPM is below maximum RPM B-45 A 14 85 1,770 20.80
4. Refer to Table No. 1, Sizes of Lumps to C-35
Diameter, page 9. If the required D-15
diameter shown on the Capacity Chart is D-25
smaller than the recommended size D-45 16 80 2,500 31.20
given in table No. 1, both the diameter E-25 18 75 3,380 45.00
E-15 20 70 4,370 62.50
and speed must be refigured. 24 65 7,100 109.00
A-16 D-16 Abrasive 60 90 1.49
A-26 D-26 Materials 55 300 5.45
30% 12
A-36 D-36 50 645 12.90
A-46 D-46 B 14
50 1,040 20.80
B-16 E-16
B-26 E-26
B-36 E-36
B-46 E-46
C-16 45 1,400 31.20
C-26 16
45 2,025 45.00
C-36 18
40 2,500 62.50
C-46 20
40 4,360 109.00
60 45 0.75
A-17 D-17 6
55 150 2.72
A-27 D-27 15% 9
50 325 6.46
A-37 D-37 12
A-47 D-47 50 520 10.4
B-17 E-17
B-27 E-27
B-37 E-37
B-47 E-47
C-17 16
C-27 45 700 15.6
C-37 45 1,010 22.5
C-47 40 1,250 31.2
40 2,180 54.6
*Maximum recommended R.P.M.

Page 15

Design Data
When selecting components for your Screw Conveyor, COUPLINGS AND SHAFTS
please refer to the basic layout diagram and accompanying
table on page 17 for dimensional standards and recom- Coupling, Drive and End shafts connect and transmit the
mended arrangements. rotary motion to the following conveyor screws.
It is of prime importance that the shafts selected be of
SCREW CONVEYOR sufficient strength to handle the expected horsepower load.
Available as either right or left-hand. Right-hand con- See "Horsepower Rating", page 10.
veyor screws will be supplied unless otherwise specified. Most conveyor systems are made of standard components,
See "HAND" OF CONVEYOR, Table No. 8. Use standard and, in order to replace or renew an intermediate section
length conveyor screws wherever possible. The carrying of conveyor, it is necessary to dismantle the conveyor unit
side of the flighting surface that does the actual job of from one end. By incorporating the Redi-Change feature
conveying is free of lugs. The back or non-carrying side (see page 30) a section can be easily removed from the
of the flight is reinforced at the ends to guard against center of the conveyor without starting from one end and
the flight folding back. dismantling the entire unit. This saves both time and labor.
Table No. 8
Hangers are used as an intermediate support between two
sections of conveyor screw. They help maintain alignment
and provide a bearing surface for the coupling shaft.
Hangers should be placed clear of inlet openings. They
can be placed at trough joints and are designed with spacer
bars wide enough for this purpose. Hangers may be fitted
with a variety of bearing materials to suit many applica-
tion requirements.

Trough Ends support the conveyor screw and the trough
and should utilize a thrust bearing. This bearing will hold
the rotating conveyor screw in position. This provides for
smoother operation, less required power and less wear on
the hangers, bearings and other components. The standard
duty "Chevron" or the heavy-duty "Hammond" will absorb
thrust in either direction, although the preferred location
of the drive is on the discharge end.
Seals are used in the trough ends to prevent leakage into
or out of the trough. They also give added protection to
the end bearings and shafts if abrasive or corrosive ma-
terials are being handled.
The shelf-type trough end is very often used when handling
hot materials, so that the bearing and drive can be sepa-
rated by some distance from the heated trough. They are
also used for the handling of abrasive or very fine ma-
terials which require more effective seals than can be in-
stalled under flange bearings. The seal generally used is
the split type or for more extreme applications, the pump
type (page 45).


Troughs are available in several standard designs. Standard
lengths should be used wherever possible. Differing styles
are available for specific applications. When planning a
conveyor which will use either "Barren" or "Tite-Seal"
clamps, place the cover ends at points other than directly
over the hangers. This will allow the grease fittings to
be brought up through the cover without interfering with
the cover clamps. Gasketing between the trough and the
cover is available for dust-tight operation and is standard
with either Barren or Tite-Seal covers.


Page 16
Design Data Engineering

Material Input and Discharge Discharge spouts may also be built to fit special ma-
chinery and may be flared or longer than standard. The
Care should be exercised in controlling the loading of the flighting is usually eliminated beyond the midpoint of the
conveyor since it is designed to handle a specific maximum last discharge opening to affect complete discharge and
volume of material. Problems arise when the conveyor is reduce the possibility of material carryover. When
charged from storage without the benefit of input volume conveying materials which roll easily, such as soy beans
controls. If the rate of material flow is not inherently self- or easily aerated materials such as flour, it may be ad-
regulating or cannot be regulated by other controls, it is visable to install longer than standard discharge spouts.
advisable to incorporate a Screw Feeder into the system Intermediate trough discharge spouts may be fitted with a
for handling the surge loads and to deliver a smooth, variety of discharge control gates or slides. These slides
measured input to the Screw Conveyor. are very often manually operated, although they can also
be actuated by rack and pinion gates, hydraulic or pneu-
Input is normally through a square opening cut in the matic cylinders, or can be operated with a special electric
cover but may be through specially built flared spouts gear motor complete with limit switches. It is recom-
designed to fit the bottom of a bin or other machinery. mended that the discharge spout of units with only one
The opening should be kept well back from the nearest discharge, or the final discharge spout of units with mul-
hanger to eliminate any possible choking at that point. tiple discharges be furnished without slide of any kind.

Table No. 9
Conveyor Shaft and
Diameter Coupling A B C D E F G H J K L M N P
Inches Diameter

6 1 1/2 9-10 10-0 2 6 7 5 4 1/2 5 5/8 1 1/2 4 1/16 4 7/8 1 7/8 3/8
9 1 1/2 9-10 10-0 2 8 10 7 1/8 6 1/8 7 7/8 1 5/8 4 11/16 6 3/4 1 1/2 1 5/16 1/2
2 9-10 10-0 2 8 10 7 1/8 6 1/8 7 7/8 1 5/8 4 11/16 6 3/4 1 1/2 1 5/16 1/2
10 1 1/2 9-10 10-0 2 9 11 7 1/8 6 3/8 8 7/8 1 3/4 4 3/4 7 1/4 1 3/4 1 9/16 1/2
2 9-10 10-0 2 9 11 7 1/8 6 3/8 8 7/8 1 3/4 4 3/4 7 1/4 1 3/4 1 9/16 1/2
12 2 11-10 12-0 3 10 1/2 13 8 7/8 7 3/4 9 5/8 2 6 1/8 8 5/8 1 5/8 1 3/8 5/8
2 7/16 11-9 12-0 3 10 1/2 13 8 7/8 7 3/4 9 5/8 2 6 1/8 8 5/8 1 5/8 1 3/8 5/8
3 11-9 12-0 3 10 1/2 13 8 7/8 7 3/4 9 5/8 2 6 1/8 8 5/8 1 5/8 1 3/8 5/8
14 2 7/16 11-9 12-0 3 11 1/2 15 10 1/8 9 1/4 10 7/8 2 6 3/4 9 5/8 1 5/8 1 3/8 5/8
3 11-9 12-0 3 11 1/2 15 10 1/8 9 1/4 10 7/8 2 6 3/4 9 5/8 1 5/8 1 3/8 5/8
16 3 11-9 12-0 3 13 1/2 17 11 1/8 10 5/8 12 2 1/2 7 7/16 10 5/8 2 1 3/4 5/8
18 3 11-9 12-0 3 14 1/2 19 12 3/8 12 1/8 13 3/8 2 1/2 8 12 1/8 2 1 3/4 5/8
3 7/16 11-8 12-0 4 14 1/2 19 12 3/8 12 1/8 13 3/8 2 1/2 8 12 1/8 2 1 3/4 5/8
20 3 11-9 12-0 3 15 1/2 21 13 3/8 13 1/2 15 2 1/2 9 5/8 13 1/8 2 1/4 2 3/4
3 7/16 11-8 12-0 4 15 1/2 21 13 3/8 13 1/2 15 2 1/2 9 5/8 13 1/8 2 1/4 2 3/4
24 3 7/16 11-8 12-0 4 17 1/2 25 15 3/8 16 1/2 18 1/8 2 1/2 10 15 1/8 2 1/2 2 1/4 3/4

Conveyor Match Marking instances, the screws are shipped in their troughs, although it
is usually more practical to ship screws, troughs and
The term "Assemble, Fit and Match Mark" is commonly covers as individual components. Smaller parts, such as
used when specifying individual conveyor assembly. It hangers, conveyor trough assembly bolts and trough ends are
means that the subject conveyor will be assembled in our marked with the unit number and separately bundled or
shop with all parts match marked before disassembly, boxed.
painting and shipment. Assembly consists of putting together
all conveyor parts and components to make a complete
operable unit. The diagram below illustrates the method
used to match mark a standard horizontal conveyor unit.
Note that all major parts consisting of screws, troughs and
covers are marked with the unit number. The assembly part
numbers start at the feed or input end of the conveyor and
run consecutively to the discharge end. All part numbers are
placed at the joint connection of successive parts. Note also
that all intermediate hangers are located and bolted in
place. Otherwise this must be done in the field.
The conveyor unit is then disassembled and shipped with all
couplings and coupling bolts in place in the screw. In some

Page 17
Volumetric Screw Feeder

Normally short in length, Screw Feeders are designed to regulate

the volumetric rate of material flow from a hopper, bin or storage
The inlet must be flooded with material (100% load capacity)
by incorporating changes in the construction of the flighting
(diameter, pitch, etc.) and the- speed of the feeder screw, the
material discharge can be governed to the desired rate. Feeders
can be built with variable diameter or stepped pitch or both in
units composed of one, two or a multiple number of screws
(i.e., Live Bottom Bin) depending on the application. Long
conveyors may be designed with special flights at the feed
end for controlling the depth of the material to conform with
the recommendations made in the Material Tables, pages 12, 13
and 14.
Screw Feeders are normally equipped with a shroud for a
short distance beyond the inlet opening. This guards against
flooding of the conveyor with material. When handling very
free flowing materials, extended shroud covers, tubular
housing construction or short pitch flights are occasionally
required for positive control.
When under a choke load, screw feeders with uniform diameter
and pitch normally convey the material from the rear of the inlet
TWIN opening first. To draw off material evenly across the full length
TAPERED of the inlet, a tapered screw or stepped pitch conveyor screw
FEEDER is required.
(A) Inlet opening or spout While Screw Feeders are available in many designs to fit
for bolting to the bin or your particular requirements, several commonly used types are
hopper discharge.
described below.
(B) Shroud to guard
against material flood-
(C) Twin tapered screw
conveyor permits even
draw off of material for (D) Twin-tapered trough.
the length of the open- (E) Discharge spout.
(F) Solid shafting trans-
mits rotary motion to
driving gears.
(G) Driving gears syn-
Multiple Diameter Feeder
chronize the action of This is a combination feeder and conveyor and the physical
screw conveyors. dimensions are variable on each. The small diameter feed end
will operate at a full cross-sectional load. When the material
reaches the larger section, the cross-sectional load will reduce
to a safe level

Short Pitch Feeder

This is also a combination feeder and conveyor. The short pitch
end will handle full cross-sectional loads. The material is then
discharged into the standard section where the cross-sectional
load is reduced in proportion to the increase in screw pitch. A
section of double flight is pictured on the discharge end of this
feeder. This creates a more even discharge from the conveyor.

Page 18

Selecting a Screw Feeder

Variable Pitch Twin-Tapered Feeder Live Bottom Feeder

This feeder is popularly used to unload bins or Designed for use on straight sided bins, this feeder is com-
hoppers at a controlled rate. The feed opening under posed of a number of feeder screws in tandem which
the bin is designed large enough to prevent material serve as the bottom of the bin. Material is, therefore,
bridging and accepts materials uniformly across the drawn out equally from the full width. The Live Bottom
length and width of the opening. This eliminates dead Feeder is used to its best advantage on materials which
areas in the bin and reduces the chance of material tend to pack or bridge easily.
bridging or spoiling.
Table No. 10 Figures shown are theoretical capacities in cubic feet pet hour per R.P.M, for standard pitch screws.

Conveyor Standard Pipe Sizes

Diameter 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 3 1/2" 4" 5" 6
4 1.56 1.44 1.35
6" 5.30 4.97 4.41
9" 18.90 18.49 17.85 16.25
10 26.28 25.73 25.02 23.49
12 45.28 44.42 42.99 41.89
14 71.67 70.15 68.73 67.10
16" 106.35 104.72 102.86
18" 153.06 151.20 149.10 146.50
20" 209.50 204.00 201.00 197.50
24 366.40 363.60 356.40 348.60

The above figures are based on 100% of cross section of actual screw capacity and may be more or less depending upon the material. These figures must be
corrected for pitches other than standard.

Screw Feeder Capacity in table No. 10. For maximum efficiency, feeder screw
speeds should be slower than standard screw conveyor
The accompanying table No. 10 shows Screw Feeder ca- speeds and allowances must be made for slippage of the
pacities in cubic feet per hour per RPM. This table material in the screw.
relates to full pitch or standard conveyors only. Shorter Factors Affecting the Design of A Screw Feeder
pitch flighting will convey a capacity in direct ratio to
the capacity of the full pitch. For instance, a 9" conveyor 1. The material class
with standard pitch (9") flighting on a 2" standard pipe 2. The material physical characteristics, see page 11
will convey 17.85 cu. ft./hr./RPM. The same conveyor, but 3. The capacity required
with 3" pitch, will convey 1/3 this amount, or 5.95 cu. 4. Material Factor "F"
ft./hr./ RPM. The capacity figure is theoretical. Actual
capacity will often vary due to variation in material 5. Weight of material resting on the Feeder Screw
characteristics as well as variations in diameter and pitch 6. The dimensions of the feeder opening
resulting from manufacturing tolerances. In designing a Screw Feeder, virtually every situation is
unique in one respect or another. For this reason, we
Screw Feeder Speed recommend that you consult our staff engineers for proper
The speed of the feeder screw can be determined by recommendations concerning your particular needs.
dividing the desired capacity in cu. ft./hr. by the figure

Page 19
Tubular and Inclined Screw Conveyors

Screw Conveyors can be operated with the flow of ma-

terial inclined upward, When space allows, this is a very
economical method of elevating and conveying. It is im-
portant to understand, however, that as the angle of in-
clination increases, the allowable capacity of a given unit
rapidly decreases.
A standard Screw Conveyor inclined 15 upward may only
carry 75% of its rated horizontal capacity. At an inclina-
tion of 25, a standard conveyor may only handle 50% of
its horizontal capacity. These are estimated figures and
will vary with the characteristic of the material being
handled. Inclined Screw Conveyor capacities can be in-
creased over short distances if no intermediate hangers
are required.
Other aids in conveying on an incline are the use of
shorter than standard pitch and/or tubular housings or
shrouded conveyor trough covers. Very often it becomes
necessary to use high speed to overcome the tendency of
material to fall back.
The above aids are resorted to in order to overcome the
tendency of a screw conveyor to become less efficient as
the angle of incline increases. Vertical conveying by Screw
Conveyor, on the other hand, is quite successful and it
remains that a 45 incline or angles approaching this
figure are the most difficult on which to achieve successful
Tubular Trough End Plate
Inclined conveyors can seldom be used as metering feed-
ers. If an accurate flow is necessary, a separate horizontal
feeder conveyor is required.
Additional power is needed to convey on an incline. This
added power is a function of the power required to lift
the material. Judgment and experience in the art of con-
veying are required. Again we suggest you contact our
Engineering Department for specific recommendations.

Standard Discharge Spout.

Hanger Mount Well

Page 20

Typical Drive Assemblies

Screw conveyor drives are available in a wide variety for
use in transmitting the necessary rotary motion to the
screw. Integral or fractional horsepower motors can be
coupled with many different types of gear reducers which, in
turn, are directly connected to the screw through a
coupling, roller chain or V-belt. Most types of drives
provide a constant output speed but variable speed designs
may be utilized for particular applications. Both constant or
variable speed hydraulic drives are also available.
The typical drive arrangement pictured utilizes a modified
shaft mount reducer complete with V-belt drive and motor
mount. In this assembly, the reducer output shaft, conveyor
thrust bearing, end seal and trough end are combined into one
complete screw conveyor drive unit. Four different mounting
assemblies are available (see below) and variations on these
are available to fit virtually all possible requirements. The
reducer output shaft bearings, in this case, take the place of the
conveyor thrust bearing. A shaft seal adequate for most dust
applications between the conveyor and the reducer is also
provided. Other types of drives available are:
1. Electric gearmotor combination with roller chain drive.
2. Gear reducer connected through roller chain to the screw
conveyor. V-belts or couplings connect the reducer
input shaft and the motor.
3. Variable speed controlled D.C. motors with any of sev
eral types of reducers.
4. Hydraulic drives.
5. Variable pitch pulleys between motor and reducer in
cluding the flange mount type pictured.
We do not recommend a direct coupling connection motor to
reducer to conveyor. This allows no adjustment in conveyor
speed which may sometimes be necessary due to
manufacturing tolerances or changes in requirements.
Guards and Chain Casings
Chain casings and guards are fabricated of heavy gauge
steel and then are split and hinged for ease of access and
installation. All moving parts are totally enclosed to protect
both workmen and equipment. When drives are located out
of reach of personnel they can often be considered
"guarded by location" and complete enclosures may not be

Page 21
The Screw-Lift

The Screw-Lift is ideal for elevating, distributing

and reclaiming bulk materials efficiently in a mini-
mum of costly floor space. Generally speaking, if
your material can be conveyed in a Screw Con-
veyor, it can be elevated in a Screw-Lift . . . and
Motor Mount without the many problems inherent in other types
of elevating equipment.
High Capacity Thrust Bearing
The Screw-Lift is also extremely flexible in design
and arrangements. There are five basic models and
Discharge Head can be four different sizes available to maximum capacity
assembled at any angle of 6000 cu. ft. per hr. Besides being flexible to
work with your other processing equipment, the
Stabilizer Bearing Screw-Lift also offers the advantages of:
1. The minimum of stagnant material as often
High Speed Vertical Screw found in a bucket elevator boot.
Special Pitch Tapered Double 2. A highly efficient transfer of materials from
horizontal to vertical conveying.
3. The savings of valuable floor space and less
Expander Feeder Junction overall height required.
4. Practical conveying to heights of 70 ft. or even
Sychronized (horizontal-vertical)
more depending on weight of material being
Material Transfer conveyed and the resulting drive requirement. >
Horizontal Feeder Screw for 5. Positive material discharge in any desired di-
6. No material segregation or significant degrada-
Bottom Base tion throughout the continuing process.
The Screw-Lift can handle a wide variety of ma-
terials (from 4 Ibs./cu. ft. to 150 lbs./cu. ft.). If the
material can be handled in a standard Screw Con-
veyor it can probably be elevated in a Screw-Lift.
For complete dimension data and description, refer
to Catalog.

Page 22

The Screw-Lift Principle

The Screw-Lift is not just a Screw Conveyor turned on Table No. 11
end; it is a combination of standard design parts inte- Screw- Lift Nominal Hated Screw-Lift
grated into one machine for a particular application. This Diameter, Capacity Cu. Ft. Input Speed
Inches Per Hour RPM
machine operates as a completely closed system carrying
a relatively low cross-sectional load of material. It utilizes 6 300 300
the centrifugal force generated by the high speed of its 9" 1000 250
vertical screw to actually elevate the material. It does not 12" 2500 250
merely extrude the material upwards by jamming more 16 6000 190
material in behind. In fact, it is designed to insure against
jamming, choking and back-pressure. This provides highly ESTABLISH THE REQUIRED HORSEPOWER
efficient operation and minimizes crushing or degradation The formula listed below gives the basic horsepower [HP]
of friable materials. required for an operating Screw-Lift. Additional power
will be required for starting under load and for overcom-
STANDARD DESIGN ing any power loss in the drive assembly or in erection
Inside the expanded feeder junction, the material flow is misalignment.
changed from the horizontal to the vertical direction. The
lower portion of the vertical Screw is a special pitch HP = +C
tapered double flight which starts the material moving up- 1,000,000
wards away from the feeder. These features eliminate
Q = Pounds per hour at maximum capacity
back-pressure, choking and material degradation and are L = Screw-Lift height in feet
standard on all Screw-Lifts. F = Material H.P. factor from table, pages 12,13 and 14
C = 1.0 for Types "E", "G" and "H"
Also standard on all Screw-Lifts is the use of conveyor 1.3 for Types "C" and "J"
screw with precision internal collars fitted in each end.
Coupling bolt holes are jig-drilled to assure positive align- SAMPLE PROBLEM
ment. Split Stabilizer Bearings keep the conveyor and its
housing concentric at all times while offering a minimum Establish the Screw-Lift specifications for elevating 25,000
of resistance to material flow. This provides for a smooth, lbs. of soybean meal per hour. The required lift height is
quiet running uniteven when empty. The standard design 45' and the horizontal feeder length required is 10'.
of the stabilizer bearing incorporates high density poly-
ethylene. Special bushing material such as canvas base SOLUTION
phenolic, self-lubricating bronze with graphite inserts, Refer to the material table No. 6, pages 12 and 13. Note:
graphited cast iron, nylon or standard bronze is available. Soybean Meal average weight per cu. ft. = 40 lbs. Material
class = B26 = (Fine inch mesh and under, Free-flowing
The Screw-Lift housing is made in four to six foot lengths angle of repose 30 to 45 Non-abrasive). HP Factor .5
for ease of assembly and maintenance. It is then split and Now, dividing 25,000 lbs. per hour, by 40 lbs. per cu. ft.,
flanged vertically for accessibility as well as strength and we find the required capacity is 625 cu. ft. per hour. Re-
rigidity. The closely held tolerance of " clearance be- ferring to the Screw-Lift Capacity Chart, we find that a
tween the inside of the housing and the screw minimizes 9" diameter unit will handle this load. By using a hori-
material build-up and facilitates clean-out. zontal feeder screw under the bottom of the mixer, we
Although normally made of carbon steel, Screw-Lifts that will be able to exercise control and so limit the capacity to
handle corrosive materials may be made of stainless steels 625 cu. ft./hr. rather than the maximum that a 9" unit can
or other highly resistant metal, or may be hot dipped handle (1,000 cu. ft./hr.). The power requirements can now
galvanized. Surface-hardening (fusing an alloy to the be figured:
flighting surface for protection against abrasion) is also HP = 7.0 X 25,000 X 45 X .5 + 1.3 = 5.3
available. 1,000,000

Where sanitation or change of product requires frequent A 7 HP 900 RPM motor with Vee Belt reduction to 250
cleaning, the Quick-Opening type Screw-Lift is recom- RPM screw speed is suggested.
mended. Heavy-duty, quick-release clamps make opening Presuming the popular Type G unit (as pictured) is being
the casing fast and easy while gaskets seal the unit for used, the feeder is driven separately. The feeder drive is
commercially dust-tight operation. calculated as a normal horizontal Screw Conveyor from the
formula shown on page 9.
Under normal conditions, the Screw-Lift will handle the
capacities shown at the given speeds.

Page 23

Dimensional Data and

The component section which follows is designed to We will furnish screw conveyors for you, in com-
give you complete dimensional data as well as ponent parts or complete systems, with features such
individual product descriptions so that you may select as automatic lock nuts at conveyor screw con-
the exact components to fit your particular needs. nections, jig-drilling of component parts for easy
assembly, double flange troughs, latest designs in
In addition, this section augments the Engineering and
cover clamps, bearing materials most suitable to your
Layout sections of this catalog. It is recommended that
application and many more Screw Conveyor
the basic layout diagram and accompanying table be
referred to when selecting components for complete
units. See page 17. We can meet your application needs in helicoids and
sectional flight types with adaptations including
We have all the pieces to put together an answer to
ribbon, special pitches and taperedin various gauges
your bulk material conveying problem. Screw
of steel, stainless steel and other alloys, including
conveyors handle almost any bulk material efficient-ly
hardened flight surfaces.
and they do it economically compared to other
methods. Compact, they fit into tight places, with Whether your need is for components or a complete
moving parts enclosed. Theyre easy to install and system, you can rely on our years of experience as
simple to maintain. You can run them horizontally, or specialists in the engineering and manufacturing of
on an incline, and. With our Screw-Lift, straight up. screw conveyors. Consult our specialist engineers
without obligation.

Safety Precautions
Since in its usual application a screw (4) Open feed hoppers or spouts for
conveyor is enclosed, it is fun- shovel, front end loader or other
damentally a safe machine. manual or mechanical loading must
However, as with any power incorporate a grating. If the
operated equipment, certain precau- characteristics of the material being
tions should be exercised to insure handled is such that a grating can not
that the natural safety provisions of a be used, than the exposed portion of
conveyor assembly are utilized. A the conveyor must be guarded by a
conveyor assembly and drive is for fence and warning signs posted.
the most part custom designed to (5) Electrical controls, machinery
fulfill its application, therefore, the guards, walkways, machinery ar-
provisions to insure a safe installa- rangement, training of personnel,
tion will differ from transaction to etc., are all necessary considerations
transaction. in the creation of a safe, practical in-
(1) A conveyor must not be put stallation and are generally not a part
under power until the trough and of our services. It is the
cover is in place and secured and responsibility of the Contractor,
power transmission guards in place Installer, Owner, and User to
and closed. supplement the materials furnished
(2) If the conveyor cover or housing by Screw Conveyor Corporation to
is to be opened, the motor must first result in a safe conveyor installation
be locked out electrically in such a and to comply with the Williams-
way that it can not be restarted by Steiger Occupational Safety and
anyone either in the vicinity or Health Act, state or local laws and
remote from the conveyor. ordinances, and the American
(3) If, because of its application, the National Standard Institute Safety
conveyor must have open housing, Code.
then the entire conveyor must be
separated from personnel areas by a
fence and warning signs posted.

Page 24

Helicoid Conveyor Screws


Std. Length Mounted Conveyor Std. Length Flighting Only Thickness of Flight
Length of
Dia of Nominal Pipe Outside Dia. of Dia. of
Size Std.
Screw Part No. Part No. I.D. Pipe Coupling "A"
Code Section Part No. Weight Per Part No. Weight Per Next to Outer Edge
Right Right
Left Hand Section Left Hand Section Pipe "B" "C"
Hand Hand
4" 4H204 9' 10 1/2" 101-0214 111-0212 31 120-0146 125-0141 9.0 1/8 1/16 1 1/4 1 5/8 1
4" 4H206 9' 10 1/2" 101-0354 111-0352 38 120-0211 125-0216 16.0 3/16 3/32 1 1/4 1 5/8 1

6" 6H304 9' 10" 101-0420 111-0428 50 120-0286 125-0281 14.0 1/8 1/16 2 2 3/8 1 1/2
6" 6H308 9' 10" 101-0495 111-0493 64 120-0351 125-0356 28.0 1/4 1/8 2 2 3/8 1 1/2
6" 6H312 9' 10" 101-0560 111-0568 78 120-0427 125-0422 42.0 3/8 3/16 2 2 3/8 1 1/2

9" 9H306 9' 10" 101-0636 111-0634 70 120-0567 125-0497 31.0 3/16 3/32 2 2 3/8 1 1/2
9" 9H312 9' 10" 101-0701 111-0709 101 120-0633 125-0562 62.0 3/8 3/16 2 2 3/8 1 1/2
9" 9H406 9' 10" 101-0776 111-0774 91 120-0708 125-0638 30.0 3/16 3/32 2 1/2 2 7/8 2
9" 9H412 9' 10" 101-0842 111-0840 121 120-0773 125-0703 60.0 3/8 3/16 2 1/2 2 7/8 2
9" 9H414 9' 10" 101-0917 111-0915 131 120-0849 125-0778 70.0 7/16 7/32 2 1/2 2 7/8 2

10" 10H306 9' 10" 101-0982 111-0980 81 120-0914 125-0844 42.0 3/16 3/32 2 2 3/8 1 1/2
10" 10H412 9' 10" 101-1055 111-1053 130 120-0989 125-0919 69.0 3/8 3/16 2 1/2 2 7/8 2

12" 12H408 11' 10" 101-1121 111-1129 140 120-1052 125-0984 67.0 1/4 1/8 2 1/2 2 7/8 2
12" 12H412 11' 10" 101-1196 111-1194 175 120-1128 125-1057 102.0 3/8 3/16 2 1/2 2 7/8 2
12" 12H508 11' 9" 101-1261 111-1269 168 120-1193 125-1123 64.0 1/4 1/8 3 3 1/2 2 7/16
12" 12H512 11' 9" 101-1337 111-1335 200 120-1268 125-1198 96.0 3/8 3/16 3 3 1/2 2 7/16
12" 12H614 11' 9" 101-1402 111-1400 216 120-1334 125-1263 112.0 7/16 7/32 3 1/2 4 3

14" 14H508 11' 9" 101-1477 111-1475 170 120-1409 125-1339 84.0 1/4 1/8 3 3 1/2 2 7/16
14" 14H614 11' 9" 101-1543 111-1541 236 120-1474 125-1404 132.0 7/16 7/32 3 1/2 4 3

16" 16H610 11' 9" 101-1618 111-1616 228 120-1540 125-1479 120.0 5/16 5/32 3 1/2 4 3
16" 16H614 11' 9" 101-1758 111-1756 267 120-1680 125-1610 163.0 7/16 7/32 4 4 1/2 3

18" 18H610 11' 9" 101-1899 111-1897 292 120-1755 125-1685 144.0 5/16 5/32 4 4 1/2 3

20" 20H610 11' 9" 101-1949 111-1947 298 120-1854 125-1701 150.0 5/16 5/32 4 4 1/2 3

The pitch of flighting approximately equals Conveyor diameter

For convenience in specifying listed Helicoid Conveyor Screw, Size Codes have When ordering, specify whether right or left hand, also length desired.
Example: 9H306 RH 910" or 9H306 RH - 5'6".
been established to designate the type of Conveyor Screw and flighting, pipe and coupling
shaft specifications. The figure at the left of the letter indicates the diameter of the Consult SCC for Helicoid Conveyor Screws with heavy pipe or special
Conveyor Screw, the letter H (for Helicoid) designates the type; the first figure following coupling diameters.
the letter is twice the coupling diameter and the last two figures the nominal thickness of
the flighting at the outer edge in 1/64.

Cold rolling of special analysis strip steel into a

continuous helix produces a work-hardened, smoothly
finished flighting surface. Helicoid flighting is of
superior strength with its diameter, pitch and thickness
closely controlled, The flighting is then normally
fastened to the pipe by intermittent welds and welded
steel end lugs. They may be continuously welded on
either one or both sides. The pipe has seamless internal
collars inserted in both ends of the pipe to accommodate Redi-Change: See page 30.
the shafts. Helicoid and Sectional flighting of the same
diameter and shaft size are interchangeable. Refer to
pages 30 through 33 for special features available on
helicoid conveyor screws.

Page 25

Sectional Flight
Conveyor Screws

* Length of Part No. Diameter of Gauge or Pipe Size Length of
Diameter Part No. Left Weigh Per
Size Standard Right Coupling Thickness of Standard Hanger
of Hand Section
Code Section Hand "A" Flights "B" Weight Bearings

6 6S307 9'10" 104-0146 114-0144 1 1/2 12 2 61 2

6 6S309 9'10" 104-0211 114-0219 1 1/2 10 2 64 2
6 6S312 9'10" 104-0286 114-0284 1 1/2 3/16 2 73 2
6 6S316 9'10" 104-0351 114-0359 1 1/2 1/4 2 84 2
9 9S307 9'10" 104-0427 114-0425 1 1/2 12 2 69 2
9 9S309 9'10" 104-0492 114-0490 1 1/2 10 2 77 2
9 9S312 9'10" 104-0567 114-0565 1 1/2 3/16 2 89 2
9 9S316 9'10" 104-0633 114-0631 1 1/2 1/4 2 107 2
9 9S407 9'10" 104-0708 114-0706 2 12 2 1/2 89 2
9 9S409 9'10" 104-0773 114-0771 2 10 2 1/2 98 2
9 9S412 9'10" 104-0849 114-0847 2 3/16 2 1/2 109 2
9 9S416 9'10" 104-0914 114-0912 2 1/4 2 1/2 123 2
9 9S424 9'10" 104-0955 114-0953 2 3/8 2 1/2 151 2
10 10S309 9'10" 104-0989 114-0987 1 1/2 10 2 84 2
10 10S312 9'10" 104-1052 114-1050 1 1/2 3/16 2 100 2
10 10S412 9'10" 104-1128 114-1126 2 3/16 2 1/2 118 2
12 12S409 11' 10" 104-1193 114-1191 2 10 2 1/2 135 2
12 12S412 11' 10" 104-1268 114-1266 2 3/16 2 1/2 158 2
12 12S416 11' 10" 104-1334 114-1332 2 1/4 2 1/2 185 2
12 12S509 11' 9" 104-1409 114-1407 2 7/16 10 3 160 3
12 12S512 11' 9" 104-1474 114-1472 2 7/16 3/16 3 180 3
12 12S516 11' 9" 104-1540 114-1548 2 7/16 1/4 3 205 3
12 12S524 11' 9" 104-1615 114-1613 2 7/16 3/8 3 260 3
12 12S612 11' 9" 104-1680 114-1688 3 3/16 3 1/2 195 3
12 12S616 11' 9" 104-1755 114-1753 3 1/4 3 1/2 218 3
12 12S624 11' 9" 104-1821 114-1829 3 3/8 3 1/2 269 3
14 14S509 11' 9" 104-1896 114-1894 2 7/16 10 3 173 3
14 14S512 11' 9" 104-1961 114-1969 2 7/16 3/16 3 200 3
14 14S612 11' 9" 104-2035 114-2033 3 3/16 3 1/2 213 3
14 14S616 11' 9" 104-2100 114-2108 3 1/4 3 1/2 245 3
14 14S624 11' 9" 104-2175 114-2173 3 3/8 3 1/2 308 3
16 16S609 11' 9" 104-2241 114-2249 3 10 3 1/2 195 3
16 16S612 11' 9" 104-2316 114-2314 3 3/16 3 1/2 222 3
16 16S616 11' 9" 104-2381 114-2389 3 1/4 3 1/2 258 3
16 16S624 11' 9" 104-2456 114-2454 3 3/8 3 1/2 326 3
16 16S632 119 104-2522 114-2520 3 1/2 3 1/2 398 3
18 18S612 11' 9" 104-2597 114-2595 3 3/16 3 1/2 244 3
18 18S616 11' 9" 104-2662 114-2660 3 1/4 3 1/2 286 3
18 18S624 11' 9" 104-2738 114-2736 3 3/8 3 1/2 370 3
18 18S632 11' 9" 104-2803 114-2801 3 1/2 3 1/2 454 3
18 18S712 11' 8" 104-2878 114-2876 3 7/16 3/16 4 264 4
18 18S716 11' 8" 104-2944 114-2942 3 7/16 1/4 4 303 4
18 18S724 11' 8" 104-3017 114-3015 3 7/16 3/8 4 380 4
18 18S732 11' 8" 104-3082 114-3080 3 7/16 1/2 4 460 4
Continued next page

Page 26

Sectional Flight
Conveyor Screws

* Length of Part No. Diameter of Gauge or Pipe Size Length of
Diameter Part No. Weigh Per
Size Standard Right Coupling Thickness of Standard Hanger
of Left Hand Section
Code Section Hand "A" Flights "B" Weight Bearings
20 20S612 11' 9" 104-3157 114-3155 3 3/16 3 1/2 258 3
20 20S616 11' 9" 104-3223 114-3221 3 1/4 3 1/2 314 3
20 20S624 11' 9" 104-3298 114-3296 3 3/8 3 1/2 398 3
20 20S632 11' 9" 104-3363 114-3361 3 1/2 3 1/2 489 3
20 20S712 11 '8" 104-3439 114-3437 3 7/16 3/16 4 277 4
20 20S716 11*8" 104-3504 114-3502 3 7/16 1/4 4 323 4
20 20S724 11'8" 104-3579 114-3577 3 7/16 3/8 4 410 4
20 20S732 11' 8" 104-3645 114-3643 3 7/16 1/2 4 500 4
24 24S712 11'8" 104-3710 114-3718 3 7/16 3/16 4 325 4
24 24S716 11'8" 104-3785 114-3783 3 7/16 1/4 4 385 4
24 24S724 11' 8" 104-3850 114-3858 3 7/16 3/8 4 505 4
24 24S732 11' 8" 104-3926 114-3924 3 7/16 1/2 4 625 4

The pitch of flights is approximately equal to the conveyor diameter on all When ordering, specify whether right or left hand, also
listed specifications see page 32 for special pitch suggestions. length desired.
Example: 12S624 RH -11'8" or 12S624 RH -13'3'/"
*For convenience in specifying listed Sectional Flight conveyor screw, Size We suggest use of corresponding specifications in Helicoid Conveyor, which
Codes have been established to designate the type of conveyor screw, flights, can be supplied from stock. We can manufacture Sectional Flight conveyor
pipe and coupling shaft specifications. The figure to the left of the letter screws with any special feature desired, such as special diameter, pitch,
indicates the diameter of the conveyor screw, the letter "S" (for Sectional thickness of flight, pipe size, tubing, solid shaft, etc. Consult us.
Flight) designates the type; the first figure following the letter is twice the
coupling diameter and the last two figures the thickness of the flights.

Each flight is blanked from a steel
plate, formed into a helix and then
butt welded together. Sectional
flights are formed with a lead longer
than their pitch to assure a tight
gripping action along the pipe. The
flights are then normally fastened
to the pipe by intermittent welds
and welded steel end lugs. They
may be continuously welded on
either one or both sides. The pipe
has seamless internal collars in each
end to accommodate the shafts.
Sectional Flight conveyor screws
are available in special diameters,
thicknesses, pitches and pipe sizes.
They also can be obtained in stain-
less steel, Monel, brass, copper and
other metals. Redi-Change: See page 30

See pages 30 through 33 for special

features available on all conveyor

Page 27
Flights for Sectional Conveyors Screws
Dia. Pipe Gauge
O.D. Size* Part No. Part No. Size* Part No. Part No.
"A" Size "C" Pitch Wgt. Pitch Wgt.
"B" Code Right Hand Left Hand Code Right Hand Left Hand

6 2 2 3/8 12 6F307 130-0284 135-0289 6 1.0 6F307H 131-0218 136-0213 3 0.9

6 2 2 3/8 10 6F309 130-0359 135-0354 6 1.3 6F309H 131-0283 136-0288 3 1.1
6 2 2 3/8 3/16 6F312 130-0425 135-0420 6 1.8 6F312H 131-0358 136-0353 3 1.6
6 2 2 3/8 1/4 6F316 130-0490 135-0495 6 2.4 6F316H 131-0424 136-0429 3 2.1
9 2 2 3/8 12 9F307 130-0631 135-0636 9 2.5 9F307H 131-0564 136-0494 4 1/2 2.0
9 2 2 3/8 10 9F309 130-0706 135-0701 9 3.3 9F309H 131-0630 136-0569 4 1/2 2.7
9 2 2 3/8 3/16 9F312 130-0771 135-0776 9 4.4 9F312H 131-0705 136-0635 4 1/2 3.6
9 2 2 3/8 1/4 9F316 130-0847 135-0842 9 6.0 9F316H 131-0770 136-0700 4 1/2 5.0
9 21/2 2 7/8 12 9F407 130-1050 135-1055 9 2.4 9F407H 131-0986 136-0841 4 1/2 1.9
9 2 1/2 2 7/8 10 9F409 130-1126 135-1121 9 3.2 9F409H 131-1059 136-0916 4 1/2 2.6
9 2 1/2 2 7/8 3/16 9F412 130-1191 135-1196 9 4.2 9F412H 131-1125 136-0981 4 1/2 3.4
9 2 1/2 2 7/8 1/4 9F416 130-1266 135-1261 9 5.5 9F416H 131-1190 136-1054 4 1/2 4.5
9 2 1/2 2 7/8 3/8 9F424 130-1332 135-1295 9 8.4 9F424H 131-1232 136-1088 4 1/2 6.8
10 2 2 3/8 10 10F309 130-1472 135-1402 10 3.9 10F309H 131-1265 136-1120 5 3.3
10 2 2 3/8 3/16 10F312 130-1548 135-1477 10 5.3 10F312H 131-1331 136-1195 5 4.5
10 2 1/2 2 7/8 3/16 10F412 130-1613 135-1543 10 5.0 10F412H 131-1406 136-1260 5 4.2
12 2 1/2 2 7/8 10 12F409 130-1753 135-1618 12 5.6 12F409H 131-1547 136-1336 6 4.7
12 2 1/2 2 7/8 3/16 12F412 130-1829 135-1683 12 7.5 12F412H 131-1612 136-1401 6 6.4
12 2 1/2 2 7/8 1/4 12F416 130-1894 135-1758 12 10.0 12F416H 131-1687 136-1476 6 8.7
12 3 3 1/2 10 12F509 130-2033 135-1899 12 5.4 12F509H 131-1828 136-1542 6 4.6
12 3 3 1/2 3/16 12F512 130-2108 135-1964 12 7.2 12F512H 131-1893 136-1617 6 6.2
12 3 3 1/2 1/4 12F516 130-2173 135-2038 12 9.6 12F516H 131-1968 136-1682 6 8.5
12 3 3 1/2 3/8 12F524 130-2249 135-2103 12 14.4 12F524H 131-2032 136-1757 6 12.8
12 3 1/2 4 3/16 12F612 130-2314 135-2244 12 7.0 12F612H 131-2172 136-1823 6 6.0
12 3 1/2 4 1/4 12F616 130-2389 135-2319 12 9.1 12F616H 131-2248 136-1898 6 8.0
12 3 1/2 4 3/8 12F624 130-2454 135-2384 12 13.7 12F624H 131-2313 136-1963 6 12.1
14 3 3 1/2 10 14F509 130-2595 135-2525 14 7.3 14F509H 131-2453 136-2102 7 6.5
14 3 3 1/2 3/16 14F512 130-2660 135-2590 14 9.3 14F512H 131-2529 136-2177 7 8.5
14 3 1/2 4 3/16 14F612 130-2876 135-2806 14 9.5 14F612H 131-2594 136-2243 7 7.8
14 3 1/2 4 1/4 14F616 130-2942 135-2871 14 12.7 14F616H 131-2669 136-2318 7 10.5
14 3 1/2 4 3/8 14F624 130-3015 135-2947 14 19.0 14F624H 131-2735 136-2383 7 15.7
16 3 1/2 4 10 16F609 130-3296 135-3226 16 9.7 16F609H 131-2800 136-2458 8 8.3
16 3 1/2 4 3/16 16F612 130-3361 135-3291 16 13.0 16F612H 131-2875 136-2524 8 11.0
16 3 1/2 4 1/4 16F616 130-3437 135-3366 16 17.5 16F616H 131-2941 136-2599 8 15.0
16 3 1/2 4 3/8 16F624 130-3502 135-3432 16 26.0 16F624H 131-3014 136-2664 8 22.5
16 3 1/2 4 1/2 16F632 130-3577 135-3507 16 35.0 16F632H 131-3089 136-2730 8 30.0
18 3 1/2 4 3/16 18F612 130-3643 135-3572 18 18.0 18F612H 131-3220 136-2870 9 14.1
18 3 1/2 4 1/4 18F616 130-3718 135-3648 18 24.0 18F616H 131-3295 136-2946 9 18.8
18 3 1/2 4 3/8 18F624 130-3783 135-3713 18 36.0 18F624H 131-3360 136-3019 9 28.2
18 3 1/2 4 1/2 18F632 130-3858 135-3788 18 48.0 18F632H 131-3436 136-3084 9 37.6
18 4 4 1/2 3/16 18F712 130-3924 135-3853 18 17.0 18F712H 131-3501 136-3159 9 13.0
18 4 4 1/2 1/4 18F716 130-3999 135-3929 18 22.5 18F716H 131-3576 136-3225 9 17.5
18 4 4 1/2 3/8 18F724 130-4062 135-3994 18 33.5 18F724H 131-3642 136-3290 9 27.0
18 4 4 1/2 1/2 18F732 130-4138 135-4067 18 45.0 18F732H 131-3717 136-3365 9 38.0
20 3 1/2 4 3/16 20F612 130-4203 135-4133 20 20.0 20F612H 131-3782 136-3431 10 17.5
20 3 1/2 4 1/4 20F616 130-4278 135-4208 20 28.0 20F616H 131-3857 136-3506 10 23.0
20 3 1/2 4 3/8 20F624 130-4344 135-4273 20 40.0 20F624H 131-3923 136-3571 10 34.5
20 3 1/2 4 1/2 20F632 130-4419 135-4349 20 53.0 20F632H 131-3998 136-3647 10 46.0
20 4 4 1/2 3/16 20F712 130-4559 135-4489 20 19.0 20F712H 131-4061 136-3712 10 17.0
20 4 4 1/2 1/4 20F716 130-4625 135-4554 20 25.5 20F716H 131-4137 136-3787 10 20.5
20 4 4 1/2 3/8 20F724 130-4690 135-4620 20 38.0 20F724H 131-4202 136-3852 10 32.5
20 4 4 1/2 1/2 20F732 130-4765 135-4695 20 51.0 20F732H 131-4277 136-3928 10 44.0
24 4 4 1/2 3/16 24F712 130-4831 135-4760 24 30.0 24F712H 131-4343 136-3993 12 26.0
24 4 4 1/2 1/4 24F716 130-4906 135-4836 24 40.0 24F716H 131-4418 136-4066 12 34.0
24 4 4 1/2 3/8 24F724 130-4971 135-4901 24 60.0 24F724H 131-4483 136-4132 12 51.0
24 4 4 1/2 1/2 24F732 130-5044 135-4976 24 80.0 24F732H 131-4558 136-4207 12 68.0
Size code follow those indicated for Sectional Flight Screw Conveyor on pages 27 and 28 except the first letter F indicates Flight and the suffix letter H indicates
Half Pitch. Example: 12F62 RH or 12f624H RH. The RH indicates Right Hand Flights.

Sectional flights are formed from steel plate

with a lead slightly longer than their pitch.
This assures a tight gripping action when
mounted on your pipe. When ordering flights
from the table above please specify part
number and hand of screw. See page 16.
When ordering special flights, please specify
pipe or shaft size, pitch, diameter, hand and

Page 28

Ribbon Conveyor Screws

Length CONVEYOR Width Diameter
Thickness Pipe Size Outside
Dia. of Size of Part No. Weight Part No. Weight of of
Part No. Part No. of Flight Nominal Diameter
Screw Code Standard Right Per Right Per Flight Coupling
Left Hand Left Hand "C" Pipe I.D. of Pipe
Section Hand Section Hand Flight "D" "A"

6 6R312 9'10" 106-0144 116-0142 60 132-0142 137-0147 2.0 3/16 1 2 2 3/8 1 1/2
9 9R31S 9'10" 106-0219 116-0217 100 132-0217 137-0212 5.0 1/4 1 1/2 2 2 3/8 1 1/2
10 10R316 9'10" 106-0284 116-0282 110 132-0282 137-0287 6.0 1/4 1 1/2 2 2 3/8 1 1/2
12 12R416 11'10" 106-0359 116-0359 180 132-0357 132-0352 9.6 1/4 2 2 1/2 2 7/8 2
12 12R424 11'10" 106-0425 116-0423 204 132-0423 137-0423 12.0 3/8 2 1/2 2 1/2 2 7/8 2
12 12R524 11'9" 106-0490 116-0498 240 132-0498 137-0493 12.0 3/8 2 1/2 3 3 1/2 2 7/16
14 14R524 11'9" 106-565 116-0563 264 132-0563 137-0588 14.4 3/8 2 1//2 3 3 1/2 2 7/16
14 14R624 11'9" 106-0631 116-0639 288 132-0597 137-0592 14.4 3/8 2 1//2 3 1/2 4 3
16 16R616 11'9" 106-0706 116-0704 264 132-0639 137-0634 12.0 1/4 2 1/2 3 1/2 4 3
16 16r624 11'9" 106-0771 116-0779 324 132-0704 137-0709 18.0 3/8 2 1/2 3 1/2 4 3
18 18R624 11'-9" 106-0847 116-0845 360 132-0779 137-0774 24.6 3/8 3 3 1/2 4 3
20 20R724 11'8" 106-0912 116-0910 408 132-0845 137-0840 28.2 3/8 3 4 4 1/2 3 7/16
24 24R724 11'8" 106-0987 116-0985 468 132-0910 137-0915 37.2 3/8 3 4 4 1/2 3 7/16

For convenience in specifying, listed Ribbon Flight Conveyor Screw Part Numbers have When ordering Ribbon Conveyor Screw Flighting specify as above except add "Flighting
been established to designate the type of Conveyor Screw flights, pipe and gudgeon Only."
'Horsepower is directly proportional to speed predicated on specified coupling and bolts.
When ordering Ribbon Flight Conveyor Screw specify Part Number, whether right or left
hand and length desired. Esample: 16R6I6 RH-11'9" or 16R61G RH-3'4".

Ribbon conveyor screws are often

used in mixing applications, how-
ever, their prime application is han-
dling sticky or gummy materials
which normally collect where the
flights join the pipe. The open de-
sign of a ribbon conveyor screw
minimizes this problem. When han-
dling dry materials, mixing action
results if the cross-sectional load is
larger than the face of the flight (di-
mension D). The ribbon flights are
fastened to the pipe by "Nu-Weld"
lugs which eliminate the necessity
of drilling fastening holes in the
mounting pipe and, therefore, as-
sure you of a stronger unit. The Used to handle sticky materials, Double flight ribbon mixing con-
pipe has seamless internal collars the double flight ribbon conveyor veyor screws consist of an outer
in each end. Ribbon flight conveyor screw also provides a more even ribbon conveyor screw with a
screws are available in many sizes discharge. smaller diameter inner ribbon of
and specifications other than listed the opposite hand. The pitch of
in the table and are available in the inner and outer screws is the
various materials, stainless steel, same. This design moves the ma-
Monel, etc. See pages 30 through 33 terial back and forth imparting
for special features available on all a thorough mixing action while
conveyor screws. conveying.

Page 29
Special Designs Available
On All Conveyors Screws

Lift the conveyor section out and perform Replace the conveyor section, bolt the
necessary replacement or repairs. REDI-CHANGE clamping key in place and
Simply disconnect the REDI-CHANGE section you are back in production with minimum
clamping keys and hanger. downtime and expense!


Disconnect Conveyor Screws HELICOID CONVEYOR SCREW
Size Code
Part Number
Right Hand
Part Number Left
6CS307 105-0145 115-0143
The Redi-Change feature allows you to Size Code
Part Number
Right Hand
Part Number
Left Hand
perform conveyor screw changes and repairs 6CH304 103-0147 113-0145
without dismantling the entire conveyor. The 6CH308 103-0212 113-0210 9CS309
Redi-Change clamping key is bolted to one 6CH312 103-0287 113-0285 9CS316
9CH306 103-0352 113-0350
end of the conveyor pipe. By disconnecting 9CH312 103-0428 113-0426
9CS409 105-0772 115-0770
9CS412 105-0848 115-0846
the Redi-Change section unbolting the 9CH406 103-0493 113-0491
9CS416 105-0913 115-0911
9CS424 105-0954 115-0952
clamping keys and hanger a complete 9CH412 103-0568 113-0566 10CS309 105-0988 115-0986
10CS312 105-1051 115-1059
conveyor section can be lifted out without 9CH414 103-0634 113-0632 10CS412 105-1127 115-1125
10CH306 103-0774 113-0707 12CS409 105-1192 115-1190
disturbing any preceding sections. To 12CS412 105-1267 115-1265
10CH412 103-0774 113-0772 12CS416 105-1333 115-1331
replace the section, bolt the Redi-Change 12CH408 103-0840 113-0848
12CS509 105-1406 115-1406
12CS512 105-1473 115-1471
clamping keys and the hanger in place 12CH412 103-0915 113-0913 12CS516 105-1549 115-1547
12CS524 105-1614 115-1612
and you are back in production. 12CH508 103-0980 113-0988 12CS509 105-1406 115-1406
12CH512 103-1053 113-1051 12CS512 105-1473 115-1471
12CS516 105-1549 115-1547
12CH614 103-1129 113-1127 12CS524 105-1614 115-1612
The Redi-Change feature is available on 14CH508 103-1194 113-1192
all types of conveyor screws. Although 14CH614 103-1269 113-1267 12CS624 105-1820 115-1828
14CS509 105-1895 115-1893
normally supplied with the Redi-Change 16CH610 103-1335 113-1333 14CS512 105-1960 115-1968
14CS509 105-1895 115-1893
clamping key in only one end, conveyor 16CH614 103-1400 113-1408
14CS512 105-1960 115-1968
18CH610 103-1475 113-1473
sections with a clamping key in both ends 14CS612
20CH610 103-1533 113-1531
are available on request. When 14CS624 105-2174 115-2172
RIBBON CONVEYOR SCREW 16CS609 105-2240 115-2248
assembling the conveyor, place the end with 16CS612 105-2315 115-2313
Part Number Part Number 16CS616 105-2380 115-2388
the Redi-Change clamping key nearest the Size Code
Right Hand Left Hand 16CS624 105-2455 115-2453
drive end. This will eliminate any need to 6CR312 109-4275 111-8215
remove the drive unit for repairs. When 9CR316 109-4263 111-8223
ordering a screw conveyor with the Redi- 10CR316 109-4291 111-8231 18CS632 105-2802 115-2800
18CS712 105-2877 115-2875
Change quick disconnect coupling, specify 12CR416 109-4309 111-8249 18CS716 105-2943 115-2941
18CS724 105-3016 115-3014
Redi-Change part numbers. Part numbers 12CR424 109-4317 111-8256
18CS732 105-3081 115-3089
are for standard length conveyor screw with 12CR524 109-4325 111-8264 20CS612
clamping key on one end. 14CR524 109-4333 111-8272 20CS624 105-3297 115-3295
14CR624 109-4341 111-8280 20CS632 105-3362 115-3360
20CS712 105-3438 115-3436
16CR616 109-4358 111-8298 20CS716 105-3503 115-3501
20CS724 105-3578 115-3576
16CR624 109-4366 111-8306
20CS732 105-3644 115-3642
18CR624 109-4374 111-8314 24CS712 105-3719 115-3717
24CS716 105-3784 115-3782
20CR724 109-4382 111-8322 24CS724 105-3859 115-3857
24CR724 109-4390 111-8330 24CS732 105-3925 115-3923

Page 30

Special Designs Available

On All Conveyor Screws
Additional Types of Abrasion
Resistant Conveyor Screws and
If desired, conveyor screws may be protecting conveyor accessories.
furnished in abrasion resistant metals, Hardened couplings, outboard bear-
such as 40/50 carbon, T-I, nickel steel or ings, trough ends and hangers with
may be coated with Stellite, white iron or hardened surface
Postalloy, Airco, etc. bearings can be furnished. Troughs
When handling abrasive materials, of heavy abrasion resistant metals
consideration should be given to are also available.

Hammond Hard-Surfaced Conveyor Screws

Hammond Hard-Surfaced conveyor sectional load, see chart) of the
screws are designed to prolong the life flighting face. As shown in the
of flights while handling abrasive photo, the alloy is also applied
materials. An alloy is permanently along the ends of the flighting up
fused to the carrying side (of a to the pipe to reduce wear at the
width in relation to the cross- hanger joints where some material
build-up generally occurs.
Conveyor Width of Hard Applicable
Diameter Surface Conveyor Screw

Corrosion Resistant
6 1" 6H304, 6H308, 6H312 Conveyor Screws
6S307, 6S309, 6S312
9 1 9H3Q6, 9H312, 9H406, 9H412 Conveyor screws which must handle
9S307, 9S309, 9S312, 9S407, 9S409, corrosive materials may be made of
to 1 10H306, 10H412 special resistant metals such as stain-
108309, 10S312, 10S412 less steel, Monel, Inconel, Cor-Ten, etc.
12 2 " 12H408, 12H412, 12H508, 12H512 In addition, they may be hot dip gal-
12S409, 12S412, 128509, 12S512, 12S612 vanized for protection against mild
14 2 " 14H50S
14S5Q9, 14S512, 14S612
16 2 16H610
16S609, 16S612
18 2 188612, 18S712
20 3 " 20S612, 208712
24 3 " 24S712
For Heavier Flight Thickness We Recommend An Overlay Process Such As Stellite, Postalloy or Airco.

Stainless Steel Conveyor Screws

Stainless steel screw conveyors are flights can be welded continuously
ideal for use in the food, drug, to one or both sides of the pipe and
chemical and virtually all other in- the weld may then be ground to
dustries where either sanitation, your specifications. Any analysis of
corrosion or extreme temperatures stainless steel may be used in the
are a problem. Stainless steel con- construction of your screw convey-
veyor screws and parts are manu- or. Stainless accessories such as
factured to the same specifications hangers, troughs, etc., are also avail-
as are standard mild steel. The able.

Page 31

Special Conveyor
Screw Designs

In horizontal conveyors as half

pitch it is fitted under choke feed
hoppers to create a lowering of Tapered Diameter
cross section load beyond the feed
Double Flight area permitting the use of interme- Tapered diameter conveyor screws
diate hanger bearings and extended also create a draw off of material
A double flight conveyor screw in- conveyor lengths. A half pitch for the length of the opening. This
corporates two rows of flighting conveyor will have half the construction is often used in con-
of the same hand wrapped around capacity of a full pitch conveyor junction with half pitch to create
the conveyor pipe. It creates a more under the same cross section load greater flexibility in conveyor design.
even discharge from the conveyor and speed. When using tapered diameter the
minimizing surges which is trough should also be tapered to
desirable when feeding into a minimize the bed of material in the
scale hopper. Usually the double trough at the feed end.
flight is required for only the last
two or three pitches prior to a Conveyor assemblies incorporating
discharge to accomplish its the modifications above are pic-
purpose. tured on page 18 and 19.

Variable Pitch
Variable pitch conveyor screws are
used as feeder screws under a long
storage hopper. They permit a draw Cut Flights
off of material for the length of the By cutting deep notches in the flight a
opening. Otherwise material will very efficient mixing action of dry
Short Pitch flow from the extreme feed end of the materials is created particularly at
opening only and if the hopper is high speeds. The material is chopped
Short pitch, usually half pitch, but
never completely emptied material and agitated as it is conveyed. This
may be any pitch under standard
can stagnate. construction is also useful when
full pitch, is often used for the full
length of inclined conveyors to conveying materials which tend to
maintain efficient conveying action. ball or lump.

Solid Shaft Conveyor Screw

Solid shaft is generally used
only on short conveyors
operating under extreme loads
requiring extra torque capacity.
The diagram shows the data
required for ordering.

Page 32

Pipe Bushings
and Lugs
Pipe Bushings

Standard Pipe Size Shaft Diameter Part Number Weight Per 100
Cut and Folded
1 1/4" 1 141-0224 70
This construction creates an even 2 1 1/2 141-0331 220
greater agitation than cut flights 2 1/2 2 141-0448 240
alone. It is also useful in cooling or
3 2 7/16 141-0554 410
drying light materials in conjunc-
tion with dome type covers. 31/2 3 141-0661 430
4 3 141-0778 830
4 3 7/16 141-0885 730

Internal collars are normally used in all

types of conveyor screws to create a close
fit to the end or coupling shafts. When
purchased separately, they are not drilled
for the coupling bolts since they and the
pipe ends are drilled after assembly.
Mixing Paddles
Any standard conveyor screw of END LUGS
either cut flight or cut and folded
flight can be fitted with paddles Feed End Discharge End
for additional mixing action and to Size of Nominal Weight Per
Conveyor Pipe Size Right Hand Left Hand Right Hand Left Hand 100
further retard the flow of material. Part Part Part Part
Number Number Number Number
These paddles are usually welded
6" 2 145-0220 145-1434 145-0881 145-2093 6
in place at the hand opposite to the
hand of the screw flighting. They 9" 2-2 1/2 145-0337 145-1541 145-0098 145-2200 16
can also be adjustable in hand and 10" 2-2 1/2 145-0337 145-1541 145-0998 145-2200 16
pitch. 12" 2 1/2 145-0444 145-1657 145-1103 145-2317 35
12" 3 145-0444 145-1657 145-1103 145-2317 35
12" 3 1/2 145-0444 145-1657 145-1103 141-2317 35
14" 3 145-0550 145-1764 145-1210 145-2424 53
14" 3 1/2 145-0550 145-1764 145-1210 145-2424 53
16" 3 1/2 145-0550 145-1764 145-1210 145-2424 53
18" 3 1/2-4 145-0667 145-1871 145-0667 145-1871 150
20" 3 1/2-4 145-0667 145-1871 145-0667 145-1871 150
24" 4 145-0667 145-1871 145-0667 145-1871 150

Paddle Conveyor
End lugs are made of heavy gauge
For the greatest stirring action when steel and are designed to provide
conveying efficiency is not impor- the greatest amount of support to
tant, the flighting can be eliminated the conveyor flighting with the least
entirely resulting in a paddle con- obstruction to the flow of material.
veyor as pictured. When ordering, specify whether
The possible variations in conveyor lugs are required for the Feed or
screw, using the constructions de- the Discharge End and whether Formed Steel Lug
scribed on the opposite page and they are for a Right or Left Hand Steel Lug for Discharge
conveyor. for Feed End
above are almost limitless. If in End
question, consult our engineering
department for specific recommen-
Page 33

Bolts and Coupling Shafts

Tem-U-Lac Coupling Shafts

The Tem-U-Lac is a special bolt and nut

forged of high analysis steel to give the
DIMENSIONS IN INCHES AND AVERAGE WEIGHTS IN POUNDS required toughness for the severe service
Weight Dimensions
Pipe Size Bolt Size Part Number Per encountered. It has a hex head and the
Diameter A B
100 thread is cut to the proper length so that it
1" 1 1/4 3/8 x 2 1/8 155-6067 10 1/2 3/8
1 1/2" 2 1/2 x 3 155-6091 25 3/4 1/2
does not project into and cut or wear the
2" 2 1/2 5/8 x 3 5/8 155-6125 45 7/8 5/8 pipe walls. The self-locking hexagon nut
2 7/16" 3 5/8 x 4 3/8 155-6158 52 1 5/8
3" 3 1/2 3/4 x 5 155-6182 86 1 1/8 3/4
features a stainless steel pin which follows
3" 4 3/4 x 5 1/2 155-6257 88 1 1/8 3/4 the bolt thread while the nut is being
3 7/16" 4 7/8 x 5 1/2 155-6299 92 1 1/8 7/8 tightened down. This prevents the nut from
vibrating or working loose, causing damage
and downtime, yet it loosens easily when
Screw Conveyor Couplings pressure is applied by an ordinary wrench.

Shaft B C D E F G Wgt.
Size A Cold Rolled Hardened
Steel Couplings Steel Couplings
1 147-0228 147-1101 7 1/2 1/2 2 1/2 3/8 1 1/2 1.5
Made from selected cold rolled steel
1 1/2 147-0335 147-1218 11 1/2 7/8 3 7/8 1/2 2 5.6 shafting, coupling shafts are jig-drilled
2 147-0442 147-1325 11 1/2 7/8 3 7/8 5/8 2 9.6 to assure a match with the jig-drilled
2 7/16 147-0558 147-1432 12 3/4 15/16 3 15/16 5/8 3 16.2
3 147-0772 147-1549 13 1 3 1 3/4 3 24.7
conveyor pipe. When handling non-
3 7/16 147-0889 147-1655 17 1/2 1 1/2 4 1 1/4 7/8 4 44.5 abrasive materials, standard cold rolled
steel couplings are recommended.
Hardened steel couplings are
recommended when handling abrasives
and are case-hardened with a tough
ductile core.
High Torque Construction
The motor size limitations specified on
page 10, can often be increased
considerably through the use of three
coupling bolts in the end of the conveyor
Size Cold Rolled Hardened B C D E F G Wgt. pipe rather than the standard two bolts.
A Steel Couplings Steel Couplings The conveyor drive, tail and coupling
1 1/2 147-0343 147-0350 17 1/2 7/8 3 7/8 1/2 2 8.5
2 147-0459 147-0467 17 1/2 7/8 3 7/8 5/8 2 14.5
shafts are jig-drilled to match the three
2 7/16 147-0566 147-0574 18 3/4 15/16 3 15/16 5/8 3 23.8 holes in the conveyor pipe. Consult our
3 147-0780 147-1556 19 1 3 1 3/4 3 36 engineering department for maximum
3 7/16 147-0897 147-0905 25 1/2 1 1/2 4 1 1/4 7/8 4 65
drive sizes.

Page 34

Drive and End Shafts

Without End Seal With End Seat Without End Seal With End Seat
Diameter For #100, #101 For #102, #103 For #100, #101 For #102, #103 Trough For #100, For #102, For #100, For #102,
Trough End Trough End Trough End End #101 Trough #103 Trough #101 Trough #103 Trough
End End End End
1 152-0352 152-0212 -- -- 150-0354 150-0214 -- --
1 1/2 152-0709 152-0568 152-0774 152-0709 150-0701 150-0560 150-0842 150-0776
2 152-1053 152-0915 152-1129 152-1053 150-1196 150-1055 150-1337 150-1261
2 7/16 152-1475 152-1269 152-1541 152-1400 150-1758 150-1477 150-1824 150-1618
3 152-1897 152-1681 152-1962 152-1822 150-2178 150-1964 150-2244 150-2103
3 7/16 152-2176 152-2036 152-2242 152-2101 150-2459 150-2319 150-2525 150-2384


Shaft Part Part
B C D E F Key Seat Wgt. Size B C D E F
Size "A" Number Number
1" 152-0212 7 7/8 4 7/8 3 15/16 15/16 2 1/4 1/4 x 1/8 1.8 1" 150-0214 5 5/8 2 5/8 1 11/16 15/16 1.2
1" 152-0352 8 3/8 5 3/8 4 7/16 15/16 2 1/4 1/4 x 1/8 1.9 1" 150-0354 6 1/8 3 1/8 2 3/16 15/16 1.4

1 1/2" 152-0568 11 1/2 6 3/4 5 1/2 1 1/4 3 1/4 3/8 x 3/16 5.8 1 1/2" 150-0560 8 1/4 3 1/2 2 1/4 1 1/4 4.2
1 1/2" 152-0709 13 1/4 8 1/2 7 1/4 1 1/4 3 1/4 3/8 x 3/16 6.7 1 1/2" 150-0701 9 1/4 4 1/2 3 1/4 1 1/4 4.7
1 1/2" 152-0774 14 1/4 9 1/2 8 1/4 1 1/4 3 1/4 3/8 x 3/16 7.2 1 1/2" 150-0776 10 5 1/4 4 1 1/4 5,0
1 1/2" 150-0842 11 6 1/4 5 1 1/4 5.5
2" 152-0915 13 1/8 8 3/8 7 1/8 1 1/4 4 1/2 1/2 x 1/4 11.7
2" 152-1053 14 7/8 10 1/8 8 7/8 1 1/4 4 1/2 1/2 x 1/4 13.3 2" 150-1055 8 5/8 3 7/8 2 5/8 1 1/4 7.6
2" 152-1129 16 1/2 11 3/4 10 1/2 1 1/4 4 1/2 1/2 x 1/4 14.7 2" 150-1196 10 1/4 5 1/2 4 1/4 1 1/4 9.1
2" 150-1261 10 3/8 5 5/8 4 3/8 1 1/4 9.2
2 7/16" 152-1269 15 1/8 10 1/4 8 7/16 1 13/16 5 1/2 5/8 x 5/16 20 2" 150-1337 12 7 1/4 6 1 1/4 10.7
2 7/16" 152-1400 16 7/8 12 10 3/16 1 13/16 5 1/2 5/8 x 5/16 22
2 7/16" 152-1475 17 3/8 12 1/2 10 11/16 1 13/16 5 1/2 5/8 x 5/16 23 2 7/16" 150-1477 9 5/8 4 3/4 2 15/16 1 13.0
2 7/16" 152-1541 19 1/8 14 1/4 12 7/16 1 13/16 5 1/2 5/8 x 5/16 25.4 2 7/16" 150-1618 11 3/8 6 1/2 4 11/16 13/16
1 15.1
2 7/16" 150-1758 11 7/8 7 5 3/16 13/16
1 15.8
3" 152-1681 16 5/8 11 5/8 9 3/4 1 7/8 6 3/4 x 3/8 33.3 2 7/16" 150-1824 13 5/8 8 3/4 6 15/16 13/16
1 18.2
3" 152-1822 18 3/8 13 3/8 11 1/2 1 7/8 6 3/4 x 3/8 37 13/16
3" 152-1897 19 1/8 14 1/8 12 1/4 1 7/8 6 3/4 x 3/8 38.3 3" 150-1964 10 5/8 5 5/8 3 3/4 1 7/8 21.0
3" 152-1962 20 7/8 15 7/8 14 1 7/8 6 3/4 x 3/8 41.8 3" 150-2103 12 3/8 7 3/8 5 1/2 1 7/8 24.5
3" 150-2178 13 1/8 8 1/8 6 1/4 1 7/8 26.0
3 7/16" 152-2036 20 5/8 13 7/8 11 1/2 2 3/8 7 1/4 7/8 x 7/16 60 3" 150-2244 14 7/8 9 7/8 8 1 7/8 29.0
3 7/16" 152-2101 22 7/8 16 1/8 13 3/4 2 3/8 7 1/4 7/8 x 7/16 66
3 7/16" 152-2176 23 5/8 16 7/8 14 1/2 2 3/8 7 1/4 7/8 x 7/16 68 3 7/16" 150-2319 13 3/8 6 5/8 4 1/4 2 3/8 39.2
3 7/16" 152-2242 25 7/8 19 1/8 16 3/4 2 3/8 7 1/4 7/8 x 7/16 75 3 7/16" 150-2384 15 5/8 8 7/8 6 1/2 2 3/8 45.8
3 7/16" 150-2459 16 3/8 9 5/8 7 1/4 2 3/8 48.0
3 7/16" 150-2525 18 5/8 11 7/8 9 1/2 2 3/8 54.0
All shafts normally drilled and keyseated. Keys are not included. If shafts are required with other than
standard projection and keyway or with other special specifications details should accompany order.

The conveyor drive shaft transmits the rotary motion from the
drive unit to the conveyor screw. They are, therefore, of high-
quality, cold-rolled steel and are manufactured to closely
controlled tolerances to fit the bearing clearances. Drive
Shaft keyways are accurately cut to transmission
specifications and coupling bolts holes are jig-drilled to
assure perfect alignment with the jib-drilled conveyor pipe.
End Shafts support the conveyor screw and are of selected
steel and are manufactured to close tolerances for proper fit
with the end bearings. End Shafts are jig-drilled for perfect

Diameter of Bearing Bearing

Weight A B C D E F G H J K
Conveyor Bore Length

4 1 4 1 1/2 5 7 3/4 6 3/4 3 5/8 3 1/4 2 3/8 3/4 --

6 1 1/2 6 2 7 9 3/4 8 3/4 4 1/2 4 1/4 2 1/2 3/8 3/4 6
9 1 1/2 8 2 10 13 1/2 12 1/4 6 1/8 4 1/4 2 1/2 3/8 1 6
9 2 9 2 10 13 1/2 12 1/4 6 1/8 4 1/4 2 1/2 3/8 1 6
10 1 1/2 9 2 11 14 1/2 13 1/4 6 3/8 4 1/4 2 1/2 3/8 1 6
10 2 10 2 11 14 1/2 13 1/4 6 3/8 4 1/4 2 1/2 3/8 1 6
12 2 14 2 13 17 1/2 15 3/4 7 3/4 4 3/8 2 1/2 1/2 1 1/4 6 1/2
12 2 7/16 20 3 13 17 1/2 15 3/4 7 3/4 4 3/8 2 1/2 1/2 1 1/4 6 1/2
12 3 22 3 13 17 1/2 15 3/4 7 3/4 4 3/8 2 1/2 1/2 1 1/4 6 1/2
14 2 7/16 23 3 15 19 1/2 17 3/4 9 1/4 4 1/2 2 1/2 1/2 1 3/8 6 1/2
14 3 25 3 15 19 1/2 17 3/4 9 1/4 4 1/2 2 1/2 1/2 1 3/8 6 1/2
16 3 28 3 17 21 1/2 19 3/4 10 5/8 4 1/2 2 1/2 1/2 1 3/8 6 1/2
18 3 29 3 19 24 1/2 22 1/4 12 1/8 5 1/2 3 1/2 5/8 1 5/8 6 1/2
18 3 7/16 31 4 19 24 1/2 22 1/4 12 1/8 5 1/2 3 1/2 5/8 1 5/8 7
20 3 32 3 21 26 1/2 24 1/4 13 1/2 5 1/2 3 1/2 5/8 1 5/8 6 1/2
20 3 7/16 34 4 21 26 1/2 24 1/4 13 1/2 5 1/2 3 1/2 5/8 1 5/8 7
24 3 7/16 40 4 25 30 1/2 28 1/4 16 1/2 5 1/2 3 1/2 5/8 1 3/4 7

These hangers are the most

popular styles for the usual
conveyor application as they offer
the least possible obstruction to Style No. 220
the flow of material. The Style 226
is the most popular since it mounts
completely inside the trough and,
therefore, is more suitable for use
with dust-tight or weather-tight
covers. Both hangers have wide
top bars for greater stability and to
permit their mounting across
trough flange joints. The standard
bearings used are Babbitt, Hard
Iron, Arguto Wood, Bronze and
Nylon or Nylatron; also available Style No. 226
on special order is Bronze Oilite,
Gatke, Stellite, Teflon or practically
any conceivable bearing material.

Page 36
These are hangers designed for the
most severe abrasive service. The
Style 216 is the most popular since
it will mount on the inside of the
trough and therefore is most suit- Style No, 230
able for use with dust-tight or
weather-tight covers. Both hangers
have wide top bars for greater sta-
bility and to permit their mounting
across trough flange joints. Because
of the usual application of these
hangers hard iron bearings are stan-
dard, however, Arguto Wood bear-
ings are readily available.
Style No, 216

These hangers feature a self-align-

ing ball bearing. This results in
lower power requirements and qui-
eter operation. They are, therefore,
particularly desirable for use in ex- Style No, 260
tremely long conveyors or convey-
ors operating at higher speeds. The
Style 260 or 270 hangers are, how-
ever, not recommended for use in
handling "dirty", gritty or abrasive
materials. Alemite bearings are gen-
erally furnished although the bear-
ings can also be considered as
"Sealed for Life". The Style 270
hanger is the more popular as it
mounts completely inside the
trough and is, therefore, more suit-
able for use with dust-tight or
weather-tight covers. Both hangers Style No, 270
have wide top bars to permit their
mounting across trough joints and
to provide greater stability which is
particularly important when using
self-aligning bearings.

Style No. 326 hanger is designed for

use where hot materials are being
conveyed and the length requires
three or more sections of screw
conveyor. The hanger top bar is
free to slide on the angle guides to
compensate for any unequal ex-
pansion between the trough and the
screw conveyor. The 326 fits inside
the trough beneath the cover and is
suitable for use with a dust-tight or
weather-proof cover. Its design offers
a minimum of resistance to material Note: Dimensional Data shown on page 36.
flow and removable bearings made of Part Numbers shown on page 38.
special materials can be furnished to
meet specific requirements. Hard-iron
bearings, normally used with
hardened steel conveyor couplings,
are standard and will be furnished
unless otherwise specified.
Page 37

Diameter of Bearing
Conveyor Bore Style 216 Style 230 Style 220 Style 226 Style 326 Style 216 Part Style 230 Part Style 220 Style 226
Part Number Part Number Part Number Part Number Part Number Number Number Part Number Part Number

4 1" 162-0145 163-0144 162-2612 163-2660

6 1" 160-0147 161-0146 162-0210 163-0219 164-0143 160-2523 161-1219 162-2661 163-2736

1" 160-0212 161-0211 162-0285 163-0284 164-0218 160-2598 161-1326 162-2737 163-2801
2 160-0287 161-0286 162-0350 163-0359 164-0283 160-2663 161-1391 162-2802 163-2876

1" 160-0352 161-0351 162-0426 163-0425 164-0358 160-2739 161-1482 162-2877 163-2942
2 160-0428 161-0427 162-0491 163-0490 164-0424 160-2804 161-1557 162-2943 163-3015

2" 160-0493 161-0492 162-0566 163-0565 164-0499 160-2879 161-1649 162-3016

163-3080 163-
12 2 7/16 160-0568 161-0567 162-0632 163-0631 164-0564 160-2945 181-1706 162-3081
3155 163-3221
3" 160-0634 161-0633 162-0707 163-0706 164-0630 160-3018 161-1797 162-3156

2 7/16 160-0709 161-0708 162-0772 163-0771 164-0705 160-3083 161-1862 161- 162-3222 162- 163-3296 163-
3" 160-0774 161-0773 162-0848 163-0847 164-0770 160-3158 1938 3297 3361

16 3 160-0840 181-0849 162-0913 163-0912 164-0846 160-3224 161-2019 162-3362 163-3437

3" 160-0915 161-0914 162-0988 163-0987 164-0911 160-3299 161-2167 162-3438 163-3502
3 7/16 160-0980 161-0989 162-1051 163-1050 164-0986 160-3364 161-2209 162-3503 163-3577

3" 160-1053 161-1052 162-1127 163-1126 164-1059 160-3430 161-2316 162-3578 163-3643
3 7/16 160-1129 161-1128 162-1192 163-1191 164-1125 160-350S 161-2423 162-3644 163-3718

24 3 7/16 160-1194 161-1193 162-1267 163-1266 164-1190 160-3570 161-2506 162-3719 163-3783

3 15/16 160-1236 160-1236 162-1291 163-1357 164-1224

4 7/16 N/A N/A 162-1309 163-1365 164-1232

Bare Style 220 Style 226 Style 220 Style 226 Style 220 Style 226 Style 260 Style 270
Part Number Part Number Part Number Part Number Part Number Part Number Part Number Part Number
4 1" 162-1408 163-1407 162-5045 163-5044 -- -- -- --
8 1" 162-1473 163-1472 162-5110 163-5119 162-3859 163-3924 166-0141 167-0140
1" 162-1549 163-1548 162-5185 163-5184 162-3925 163-3990 166-0216 167-0215
2 162-1614 163-1613 162-5250 163-5259 162-3990 163-4062 166-0281 167-0280

1" 162-1689 163-1688 162-5326 163-5325 162-4063 163-4138 166-0356 167-0355

2 162-1754 163-1753 162-5391 163-5390 162-4139 163-4203 166-0422 167-0421

2" 162-1820 163-1829 162-5466 163-5465 162-4204 163-4278 166-0497 167-0496

12 2 7/16 162-1895 163-1894 162-5532 163-5531 162-4279 163-4344 166-0562 167-0561
3 162-1960 163-1969 162-5607 163-5606 162-4345 163-4419 166-0638 167-0637

2 7/16 162-2034 163-2033 162-5672 163-5671 162-4410 163-4484 166-0703 167-0702

3 162-2109 163-2108 162-5748 163-5747 162-4485 163-4559 166-0778 167-0777
16 3 162-2174 163-2173 162-5813 163-5812 162-4550 163-4625 166-0844 167-0843
3 162-2240 163-2249 162-5888 163-5887 162-4626 163-4690 166-0919 167-0918
3 7/16 162-2315 163-2314 162-5953 163-5952 162-4659 163-4732 166-0943 167-0942

3 162-2380 163-2389 162-6027 163-6029 162-4691 163-4765 166-0984 167-0983

3 7/16 162-2455 163-2454 162-6092 163-6091 162-4741 163-4799 166-1008 167-1007

24 3 7/16 162-2521 163-2520 162-6167 163-6166 162-4782 163-4815 166-1057 167-1056

Note: See pages 36 & 37 for dimensional data.

Page 38

Flared Trough Hanger
Hangers for use in flared troughs may
be furnished in any of the fabricated
hanger styles shown on pages 36 and
37. A Style 226 modified for a flared
trough is pictured. Special hanger
designs may be furnished to meet
your requirements. Please refer to
page 52 for additional information
concerning flared troughs. Although
normally supplied with babbitted,
bronze or hard-iron bearings, Arguto,
Nylon, Bronze Oilite or other types
of bearings are available.

Replacement Hanger Bearings

Bearing for Bearing for Bearing for

Style 220, 226, 326 Hangers Style 216, 230 Hangers Style 260, 270 Hangers

When ordering bearings for screw conveyor hangers, specify the bore diameter,
style of hanger and kind of bearing material.

Lower half only Bearing Part
. Dia. Number.
Highly efficient bearings
1 194-0501
and seals, providing long
2 194-0527
term solutions for
operations in tough 2 7/16 194-0543
abrasive environments. 3 194-0568
3 7/16 194-0584
3 15/16 194-0600
Note: Style 260 and 270 hangers and
bearings should be mounted as
shown by the "Flow of Material" arrow.
Page 39

Transmission Flange Bearings

Transmission Flange Bearings are
of fabricated steel with the backing
and end faces machine finished.
Additional clearance is provided at
the base of the bolt holes for ease
of assembly. The bearings are ac-
curately broached to "transmission"
tolerances and the bore is concen-
tric to the flange back. " Alemite
fittings (No. 1610 hydraulic type)
are furnished and the bearings are
grooved to distribute the lubricant


Babbitt Bronze
*Shaft Bearing Bearing
A B C D E F H J Weight
Size Part Part
Number Number
1 205-0284 205-1126 4 3 5/16 3/16 1 7/16 1 5/8 2 3/8 - 3.0

1 7/16 205-0359 205-1191 5 1/8 4 5/16 2 11/16 3 2 3/8 7/16 1 1/16 6.5
1 1/2" 205-0425 205-1266 5 1/8 4 5/16 2 11/16 3 2 3/8 7/16 1 1/16 6.5
1 15/16 205-0490 205-1332 6 3/8 5 1/8 3/8 3 5/8 4 2 7/8 9/16 1 7/8 13.0

2 205-0565 205-1407 6 3/8 5 1/8 3/8 3 5/8 4 2 7/8 9/16 1 7/8 13.0
2 7/16 205-0631 205-1472 6 7/8 5 5/8 3/8 4 5/8 5 3 1/2 9/16 2 3/8 20.0
2 11/16 205-0706 205-1548 7 3/4 6 1/2 5 5 1/2 4 3/4 2 3/4 28.0
2 15/16 205-0771 205-1613 7 3/4 6 1/2 5 1/2 6 4 3/4 3 32.0

3 205-0847 205-1688 7 3/4 6 1/2 5 1/2 6 4 3/4 3 32.0

3 7/16 205-0912 205-1753 8 7/16 6 3/4 1/2 6 6 1/2 4 1/2 3/4 3 7/16 39.0
*Bores not listed on application.
1" size not available as Babbitt bearing. 1 size available with 2-hole oil impregnated wood bearing only.

Page 40
Trough Ends Components

Styles No. 100 and 101

Style 100 Style 101 A B C D E F G H J K L M N
Diameter With Without With Without 101
Bearing Without With
of Bearing Bearing Bearing Bearing Weight
Bore Seal Seal With
Conveyor Part Part Part Part
XX XX Bearing
Number Number Number Number

4 1 210-1400 264-1405 210-0147 264-0142 8 1 13/16 -- 1 7/16 3 5/8 4 5/8 1 1 5/8 3/8 5 3/4 3/16 3 5/16 1 1/8 7/16 8
6 1 1/2 210-1475 264-1470 210-0212 264-0217 9 3/4 3 3/16 4 1 1/2 4 1/2 5 5/8 1 1 3/4 3/8 8 1/8 3/16 4 1 1/4 7/16 13
9 1 210-1541 264-1546 210-0287 264-0282 13 1/2 3 1/4 15/16
5 1 5/8 6 1/8 7 7/8 1 1/2 2 5/8 1/2 9 3/8 1/4 4 1 1/4 7/16 23
9 2 210-1616 264-1611 210-0352 264-0357 13 1/2 4 1/4 6 1 5/8 6 1/8 7 7/8 1 1/2 2 5/8 1/2 9 3/8 1/4 5 1/8 1 5/8 9/16 29
10 1 210-1681 264-1686 210-0428 264-0423 14 1/2 3 1/4 5 1 3/4 6 3/8 8 7/8 1 3/4 2 7/8 1/2 9 1/2 1/4 4 1 1/4 7/16 26
10 2 210-1756 264-1827 210-0493 264-0498 14 1/2 4 1/4 6 1 3/4 6 3/8 8 7/8 1 3/4 2 7/8 1/2 9 1/2 1/4 5 1/8 1 5/8 9/16 32
12 2 210-1822 264-1892 210-0568 264-0563 17 1/4 4 1/4 6 2 7 3/4 9 5/8 1 5/8 2 3/4 5/8 12 1/4 1/4 5 1/8 1 5/8 9/16 39
12 2 7/16 210-1897 264-1967 210-0634 264-0639 17 1/4 5 1/4 7 2 7 3/4 9 5/8 1 5/8 2 3/4 5/8 12 1/4 1/4 5 5/8 1 5/8 9/16 50
12 3 210-1962 264-2106 210-0709 264-0704 17 1/4 6 1/4 8 2 7 3/4 9 5/8 1 5/8 2 3/4 5/8 12 1/4 1/4 6 2 3/4 64
14 2 7/16 210-2036 264-2171 210-0774 264-0779 19 1/4 5 5/16 7 1/16 2 9 1/4 10 7/8 1 5/8 2 7/8 5/8 13 1/2 5/16 5 5/8 1 5/8 9/16 65
14 3 210-2101 264-2312 210-0840 264-0845 19 1/4 6 5/16 8 1/16 2 9 1/4 10 7/8 1 5/8 2 7/8 5/8 13 1/2 5/16 6 2 3/4 79
16 3 210-2176 264-2387 210-0915 264-0910 21 1/4 6 5/16 8 1/16 2 1/2 10 12 2 3 1/4 5/8 14 7/8 5/16 6 2 3/4 90
18 3 210-2242 264-2452 210-0980 264-0985 24 1/4 6 3/8 8 1/8 2 1/2 5/8
12 13 3/8 2 3 1/4 5/8 16 3/8 6 2 3/4 117
18 3 7/16 210-2317 264-2528 210-1053 264-1058 24 1/4 7 3/8 9 5/8 2 1/2 12
1/8 13 3/8 2 3 1/4 5/8 16 3/8 6 3/4 2 3/4 135
20 3 210-2382 264-2593 210-1129 264-1124 26 1/4 6 3/8 8 1/8 2 1/2 1/8
13 15 2 1/4 3 3/4 3/4 19 1/4 3/8 6 2 3/4 133
20 3 7/16 210-2457 264-2668 210-1194 264-1199 26 1/4 7 3/8 9 5/8 2 1/2 13
1/2 15 2 1/4 3 3/4 3/4 19 1/4 3/8 6 3/4 2 3/4 150
24 3 7/16 210-2523 264-2734 210-1269 264-1264 30 1/4 7 3/8 9 5/8 2 1/2 1/2
16 18 1/8 2 1/2 4 1/8 3/4 20 3/8 6 3/4 2 3/4 187
Babbitt bearings are standard and furnished unless otherwise specified, except 4" size is supplied with two bolt oil
impregnated self-aligning bearing only.
A Standard bolt holes centers will be furnished unless otherwise specified.
*Length for trough end without seals will be furnished unless otherwise specified.
Bearings are furnished with 1/8 (no. 1610 Hydraulic type) Alemite Fitting.
xx Standard seal is packing seal housing as shown on page 45.

These are steel plate trough ends generally Style No. 100 Style No. 101
fitted with Babbitted Transmission Flange
Bearings, although any bearing material
may be used such as Bronze, Bronze Oil-
ite, Arguto Wood, Nylon, etc. (for anti-
friction ball bearing trough ends, see page
42). Replacement Babbitt Bearings are
pictured on page 40. In each type the top
flange supports the cover of the conveyor.
The bottom flange of the Style 101 is for
support of the conveyor. When using the
style 100 the conveyor must be supported
either from above or from a foot on the
trough end flange.

Page 41

Trough Ends
Styles No. 102 and 103
Bore Part Part
Conveyor Weight Weight B C D
Number Number

4 1 212-2034 6 212-0772 7 1 5/8 3/16 3 3/8

6 1 1/2 212-2109 10 212-0848 12 2 1/4 3/16 4
9 1 1/2 212-2174 18 212-0913 23 2 5/16 1/4 4 1/16
9 2 212-2240 20 212-0988 25 2 9/16 1/4 4 5/16
10 1 1/2 212-2315 20 212-1051 26 2 5/16 1/4 4 1/16
10 2 212-2380 22 212-1127 28 2 9/16 1/4 4 5/16
12 2 212-2455 27 212-1192 34 2 9/16 1/4 4 5/16
12 2 7/16 212-2521 32 212-1267 39 2 15/16 1/4 4 11/16
12 3 212-2596 41 212-1333 48 3 3/4 1/4 5 1/2
14 2 7/16 212-2661 44 212-1408 54 3 5/16 4 3/4
14 3 212-2737 55 212-1473 63 3 13/16 5/16 5 9/16
16 3 212-2802 61 212-1549 74 3 13/16 5/16 5 9/16
18 3 212-2877 85 212-1614 100 3 7/8 3/8 5 5/8
18 3 7/16 212-2943 92 212-1689 107 4 3/8 3/8 6 5/8
20 3 212-3016 97 212-1754 117 3 7/8 3/8 5 5/8
20 3 7/16 212-3081 104 212-1820 124 4 3/8 3/8 6 5/8
24 3 7/16 212-3156 127 212-1895 160 4 3/8 3/8 6 5/8

Flange bearings are furnished with 1/8 (No. 1610 Hydraulic type) Alemite Fittings.
Part numbers and weights do not include seal.
Standard seal is packing seal shown on page 45.

Anti-Friction Style No. 102

pictured without seal

Anti-friction trough ends No. 102

and No. 103 are equipped with self-
aligning ball bearings which allow
for several degrees of end shaft
misalignment. Unless for very light
duty, these units are not
recommended for use with the drive
shaft. Chevron end thrusts or
another type of rigid bearing Anti-Friction Style No. 103
support is normally recommended pictured with packing seal
for use with the drive shaft. Refer to
page 41 for dimensional data on
these style trough ends.

Page 42
Trough Ends
Styles No. 104, 107, 114 and 115


Discharge Trough End
A B C D K Style No. 104 and Style No. 107
Bearing Style 104 Style 107
Diameter of Conveyor Style
Bore Part Number Part Number Style 104 Style 107 104
Discharge trough ends are designed for
use when the material is to flow out the
6 1 1/2 220-0145 220-1408 9 3/4 2 1/4 3 3/16 1 1/2 4 1/2 3/16 9
9 1 1/2 220-0210 220-1473 13 1/2 2 5/16 3 1/4 1 5/8 6 1/8 1/4 14 end of the trough and when the material
9 2 220-0285 220-1549 13 1/2 2 9/16 4 1/4 1 5/8 6 1/8 1/4 16 loading does not exceed 45%.
10 1 1/2 220-0350 220-1614 14 1/2 2 5/16 3 1/4 1 3/4 6 3/8 1/4 15
10 2 220-0426 220-1689 14 1/2 2 9/16 4 1/4 1 3/4 6 3/8 1/4 17 The Style 104 (pictured above) is fitted
12 2 220-0491 220-1754 17 1/4 2 9/16 4 1/4 2 7 3/4 1/4 22
with a self-aligning ball bearing. Also
12 2 7/16 220-0566 220-1820 17 1/4 2 15/16 5 1/4 2 7 3/4 1/4 27
12 3 220-0632 220-1895 17 1/4 3 3/4 6 1/4 2 7 3/4 1/4 36 available is Style 107 which is fitted with a
14 2 7/16 220-0707 220-1960 19 1/4 3 6 5/16 2 9 1/4 5/16 32 Babbitted Flange Bearing similar to
14 3 220-0772 220-2034 19 1/4 3 13/16 6 5/16 2 9 1/4 5/16 41 trough end 100-101 except with a two or
16 3 220-0848 220-2109 21 1/4 3 13/16 6 5/16 2 1/2 10 5/8 5/16 50
18 3 220-0913 220-2174 24 1/4 3 7/8 6 3/8 2 1/2 12 1/8 3/8 57
three bolt flange depending on bore size.
18 3 7/16 220-0988 220-2240 24 1/4 4 3/8 7 3/8 2 1/2 12 1/8 3/8 66 The style 104 of 1 1/2 or 2 bore is a two
20 3 220-1051 220-2315 26 1/4 3 7/8 6 3/8 2 1/2 13 1/2 3/8 63 bolt flange, other sizes are three bolt
20 3 7/16 220-1127 220-2380 26 1/4 4 38 7 3/8 2 1/2 13 1/2 3/8 70
24 3 7/16 220-1192 220-2455 30 1/4 4 3/8 7 3/8 2 1/2 16 1/2 3/8 100

Diameter Babbitt B
Bearing Ball Brg.
of Bearing A Style Style B C D E F G H J K Wgt.
Bore Part Number Part Number
Conveyor 114 115 Flared Trough End
6 1 1/2 230-1190 230-0143 16 5/8 3 3/16 2 1/4 2 3/16 1 1/2 7 5 5/8 1 1 3/4 3/8 8 1/8 3/16 30 Style No. 114 and Style No. 115
9 1 1/2 230-1265 230-0218 21 1/4 3 1/4 2 5/16 3 1/4 1 5/8 9 7 7/8 1 1/2 2 5/8 1/2 9 3/8 1/4 41
9 2 230-1331 230-0283 21 1/4 4 1/4 2 9/16 4 1/4 1 5/8 9 7 7/8 1 1/2 2 5/8 1/2 9 3/8 1/4 55 Flared trough Ends are formed with a
12 2 230-1406 230-0358 26 3/8 4 5/16 2 5/8 4 5/16 2 10 9 5/8 1 5/8 2 3/4 5/8 12 1/4 5/16 75 top flange to support the cover and a
12 2 7/16 230-1471 230-0424 26 3/8 5 5/16 3 5 5/16 2 10 9 5/8 1 5/8 2 3/4 5/8 12 1/4 5/16 86
12 3 230-1547 230-0499 26 3/8 6 5/16 3 13/16 6 5/16 2 10 9 5/8 1 5/8 2 3/4 5/8 12 1/4 5/16 100 bottom flange which serves as feet. Its
14 2 7/16 230-1612 230-0564 28 3/8 5 5/16 3 5 5/16 2 11 10 7/8 1 5/8 2 7/8 5/8 13 1/2 5/16 96 design fits the contour of the Flared
14 3 230-1687 230-0630 28 3/8 6 5/16 3 13/16 5 5/16 2 11 10 7/8 1 5/8 2 7/8 5/8 13 1/2 3/8 110 Trough (see page 52). A Flared trough
16 3 230-1752 230-0705 32 1/2 6 3/8 3 7/8 6 3/8 2 1/2 11 1/2 12 2 3 1/4 5/8 14 7/8 3/8 146
18 3 230-1828 230-0770 36 1/2 6 3/8 3 7/8 6 3/8 2 1/2 12 1/8 13 3/8 2 3 1/4 5/8 16 3/8 167
End can be fitted with a babbitted
18 3 7/16 230-1893 230-0846 36 1/2 7 3/8 4 3/8 7 3/8 2 1/2 12 1/8 13 3/8 2 3 1/4 5/8 16 3/8 185 transmission flange bearing (Style No.
20 3 230-1968 230-0911 39 1/2 6 3/8 3 7/8 6 3/8 2 1/2 13 1/2 15 2 1/4 3 3/4 3/4 19 1/4 3/8 179 114) or an anti-friction self-aligning ball
20 3 7/16 230-2032 230-0986 39 1/2 7 3/8 4 3/8 7 3/8 2 1/2 13 1/2 15 2 1/4 3 3/4 3/4 19 1/4 3/8 197 bearing (as shown above, Style No.
24 3 7/16 230-2107 230-1059 45 1/2 7 1/2 4 1/2 7 1/2 2 1/2 16 1/2 18 1/8 2 1/2 4 1/8 3/4 20 1/2 292
* Transmission quality Babbitt of our own specification is used and provides a bearing that has the ability go give excellent service with minimum up-keep.
115). Flange bearings of Bronze, Arguto
The bearings are accurately broached to transmission tolerances and the bore is concentric to the flange back. The Babbitt is grooved to distribute the Wood, Nylon, Bronze Oilite, etc., are
lubricant uniformly.
Flange bearings are furnished with 1/8 (No. 1610 Hydraulic type) Alemite Fittings also be fitted with a Chevron or
Hammond end thrust.

Page 43

Bolt On Shelf Trough Ends

Shaft Part Shaft Part
A B C D E F Wgt.
Size Number* Size Number*
1 1/2 260-1607 8 3/16 3 4 1/2 7 1/2 9 3/16 9 1 1/2 271-1406
2 260-1615 8 3/16 3 1/2 4 3/4 8 1/4 9 11/16 11 2 271-1414

2 7/16 260-1623 8 1/4 1/4 4 5 1/4 9 1/4 9 3/4 17 2 7/16 271-1422

3 260-1631 8 1/2 1/4 4 1/2 6 1/4 10 3/4 10 1/4 21 3 271-1430

3 7/16 260-1649 8 3/4 1/4 5 1/2 6 3/4 12 1/4 10 3/4 26 3 7/16 271-1448

3 15/16 260-1656 9 1/2 3/8 5 1/2 7 1/2 13 11 7/8 45 3 15/16 271-1455

4 7/16 260-1664 10 3/8 6 8 1/2 14 1/2 12 3/8 54 4 7/16 271-1463

4 15/16 260-1672 10 1/4 3/8 7 9 1/4 16 1/4 12 7/8 65 4 15/16 271-1471

*Part No. Does Not Include Trough End, Bearing, or Seal.

Screw Conveyor Corporation has

developed a universal bolt-on shelf
and bolt-on pump type seal to be
adaptable to existing trough ends.
This provides a cost effective
alternative for inventory stocking
The bolt-on shelf allows for the
outboard mounting of the bearing
making maintenance easy. The shelf
not only offers a solid mount for the
bearing but provides stability for
drives including chain, v-belt, direct
connect or use of a shaft
mounted reducer. The drive shaft
between the bearing and seal is
exposed, so the bearing runs cooler.
The bolt-on pump type seal is
available in eight standard bore sizes
and is also field adaptable on
existing trough ends. In order to
maintain maximum flexibility, this
shelf and trough end arrangement
will also accept the traditional split
end seal and waste pack seal.

Page 44

Trough End Dust Seals

WPS Packing Seals


Shaft Size A Weight B C D E
Number Part Number
1 1/2 270-0144 5.2 1 3/4 5 3/8 4 to 4 5/16 7/16 to 9/16 270-0151
2 270-0219 6.7 1 3/4 6 3/8 4 3/8 to 5 5/16 7/16 to 9/16 270-0227
2 7/16 270-0284 8.0 1 3/4 7 3/8 5 3/8 to 6 1/16 7/16 to 5/8 270-0292
3 270-0359 12.0 1 3/4 7 7/8 6 to 6 7/16 3/4 270-0367
3 7/16 270-0425 17.0 2 1/4 9 1/4 6 3/4 to 7 3/16 3/4 270-0433

The Packing Seal housing is de-

signed to protect the trough end
bearings from material leakage and
to protect the material being con-
veyed from the bearing lubricant.
They can be provided with either
lip-type or waste pack seals or com-
bination of both. Waste packing is
our standard and will be supplied
unless otherwise specified.
Split Seal Glands
Shaft Size A Part Number B C D E F Weight

1 1/2 271-0218 3 5/8 4 1/2 5/8 1 1/4 1/2 4

2 271-0283 4 3/8 5 1/4 5/8 1 1/4 1/2 5
2 7/16 271-0358 5 6 1/4 5/8 1 1/4 5/8 6
3 271-0424 5 3/4 7 1/4 5/8 1 1/4 5/8 8
3 7/16 271-0564 6 7/8 8 1/4 7/8 1 3/4 3/4 10

Split seal glands utilize twisted pack-

ing to prevent leakage of material being
conveyed and to protect the material
from bearing lubricant, moisture or
dirt contamination. Generally used
on shelf type trough ends, the seal
glands are split to facilitate assembly
and repacking.

The pump seal is intended for the

most severe service, particularly
when a positive or negative pressure
must be maintained. It may also be
fitted with lantern rings and air or
gas purge fittings. It can be used only
with an outboard shelf type trough

Page 45
Chevron Roller Bearing End
Thrust with Trough End
Styles No. 109 and 110
STYLE No. 109 STYLE No. 110
Diameter Shaft
Of Size
Part Number
Conveyor A Part Number Part Number Weight With Part Number Weight With
C K With Drive
With Drive Shaft With End Shaft Drive Shaft With End Shaft Drive Shaft
6 1 1/2 1 1/16 3/16 242-0149 242-1337 26 240-0141 240-1339 30
6 1 1/2 1 1/16 3/16 242-0149 242-1337 26 240-0141 240-1339 30
9 1 1/2 1 1/4 242-0214 242-1402 35 240-0216 240-1404 40
9 2 1 1/4 242-0289 242-1477 45 240-0281 240-1479 50
10 1 1/2 1 1/4 242-0354 242-1543 37 240-0356 240-1545 43
10 2 1 1/4 242-0420 242-1618 47 240-0422 240-1610 53
12 2 1 1/4 242-0495 242-1683 52 240-0497 240-1685 60
12 2 7/16 1 9/16 1/4 242-0560 242-1758 71 240-0562 240-1750 79
12 3 1 5/8 1/4 242-0636 242-1824 97 240-0638 240-1826 105
14 2 7/16 1 1/2 5/16 242-0701 242-1899 83 240-0703 240-1891 94
14 3 1 9/16 5/16 242-0776 242-1964 109 240-0778 240-1966 120
16 3 1 9/16 5/16 242-0842 242-2038 124 240-0844 240-2030 131
18 3 1 1/2 3/8 242-0917 242-2103 133 240-0919 240-2105 158
18 3 7/16 2 3/8 242-0982 242-2178 180 240-0984 240-2170 205
20 3 1 1/2 3/8 242-1055 242-2244 161 240-1057 240-2246 174
20 3 7/16 2 3/8 242-1121 242-2319 208 240-1123 240-2311 221

General dimensions of the trough end are shown on page 41.

Shaft Standard Keyseat

Size B D E F G H J
A Width Depth Length

1 1/2 5 3 7/8 7/8 5 1/4 6 1/2 3/8 3/16 4 3/4

2 5 3 7/8 7/8 5 3/8 6 5/8 1/2 1/4 4 3/4
2 7/16 5 3 15/16 15/16 5 15/16 6 11/16 5/8 5/8 5/16 4 3/4
3 6 3 1 1 6 7/16 6 7/8 3/4 3/4 3/8 5 3/4
3 7/16 7 4 1 1/4 1 1/2 7 1/2 9 1/8 7/8 7/8 7/16 6 5/8

Designed to handle medium to

heavy thrust loads, the Chevron
End Thrust has adequate radial and
thrust capacity for practically any
application and can absorb thrust
in either direction. When starting
a Screw Conveyor, thrust is created
in the direction opposite to the flow
of material. If this thrust is not con-
tained, the hanger bearings, trough
end and screw will wear at an in-
creased rate. The Chevron can be
furnished with either a drive or end
shaft and it is recommended that
the Screw Conveyor be driven
through this type of thrust unit
rather than a ball bearing (self- Style No. 110 shown.
aligning) type. See page 41 for Style No. 109 is
trough end dimensional data. identical except with-
out supporting feet.

Page 46
Hammond Roller Bearing End Components

Thrust with Trough End

Shaft Std. *Part Weight Part Weight B C D E F G H J K
A Proj. Number Number

1 1/2 4 255-0143 60 255-0465 52 7 1/4 5 3/4 1 1/4 3/4 6 3/4 1 3/8 1 7/16 4 7/8 1 7/16
2 4 1/2 255-0218 65 255-0499 56 7 1/4 5 3/4 1 1/4 3/4 6 3/4 1 3/8 1 15/16 4 7/8 1 7/8
2 7/16 5 1/2 255-0283 80 255-0564 66 8 6 1/4 1 1/4 7/8 6 1/4 1 3/8 2 7/16 5 5/8 1 15/16
3 6 255-0358 145 255-0630 119 10 8 1 3/8 1 8 1/4 1 1/2 2 15/16 6 1/8 2 5/16

3 7/16 7 255-0424 170 255-0705 140 10 8 1 3/8 1 8 1/4 1 1/2 3 7/16 6 1/8 2 3/8

* Includes Roller Bearing End Thrust with defeated drive shaft or standard end shall and " Alemite Fitting, No, 1610 Hydraulic type.
Weight does not include trough end. See page 41 for trough end only specifications.

This dual tapered roller bearing

end thrust is designed for extra-
heavy radial and thrust loads in
either direction. Although the
Hammond Roller Bearing
Thrust Bearing is normally
mounted on a steel plate trough
end, the trough end is not
furnished unless specified on
the order. See pages 41-43 for
trough end style and
dimension data.

Bronze Washer Type End Thrust

* The assembly consists of one bronze and two steel washers. For drive and end shaft dimensions see page 13.
This assembly consists of one machined bronze washer, one steel wisher, This dimension is from the face of trough end hub beating to the outside of thrust ring

Shaft STYLE No. BW-I STYLE No. BW-2 Washer

Size Part Weight Part Weight B C Thickness
A Number Per Set Number Per Set Each
1 275-0149 3/4 275-0560 1/2 0.75 0.549 1/4
1 1/2 275-0214 1 275-0636 3/4 0.75 0.560 1/4
2 275-0289 1 1/2 275-0701 1 0.75 0.572 1/4
2 7/16 275-0354 2 1/4 275-0776 1 1/2 0.75 0.591 1/4
3 275-0420 3 275-0842 2 0.75 0.608 1/4
3 7/16 275-0495 3 275-0917 2 0.75 0.608 1/4
the Tru-arc Ring and precision machined ring groove in shaft. groove on the end shaft.

Inside Style No. BW-1 Outside Style No. BW-2

Mounted inside the conveyor trough at the Mounted at the discharge end of
inlet end, this inexpensive assembly the conveyor, this assembly handles
handles light to moderate compression light tension thrust loads. The
thrust loads. It consists of a transmission transmission bronze washer is held in
bronze washer flanked on each side by a place, between the faced trough end
machined steel washer. bearing hub and a machined steel
washer, by a Tru-Arc Thrust Ring.

Page 47

Double Flanged Trough

Diameter Trough Size 5 ft. 10 ft.
A B C D Per
Of Conveyor Thickness Code Part Number Part Number
4 16 4DF16 301-0931 301-0998 5 1 9/16 8 1/8 3 5/8 4
4 14 4DF14 301-1053 301-1103 5 1 9/16 8 1/8 3 5/8 5
6 16 6DF16 301-0220 301-1210 7 1 7/16 9 7/8 4 1/2 5
6 14 6DF14 301-1319 301-1327 7 1 7/16 9 7/8 4 1/2 6
6 10 6DF10 301-1384 301-1434 7 1 7/16 9 7/8 4 1/2 11
9 14 9DF14 301-0337 301-1541 10 1 13/16 13 5/8 6 1/8 9
9 12 9DF12 301-1640 301-1657 10 1 13/16 13 5/8 6 1/8 12
9 10 9DF10 301-1756 301-1764 10 1 13/16 13 5/8 6 1/8 15
10 14 10DF14 301-1822 301-1871 11 1 13/16 14 5/8 6 3/8 9
10 12 10DF12 301-1939 301-1988 11 1 13/16 14 5/8 6 3/8 13
6 Ft. 12 Ft.
Part Number Part number
12 12 12DF12 301-0667 301-2861 13 2 1/4 17 1/2 7 3/4 15
12 10 12DF10 301-2960 301-2978 13 2 1/4 17 1/2 7 3/4 19
14 12 14DF12 301-0774 301-3083 15 2 1/4 19 1/2 9 1/4 18
14 10 14DF10 301-3117 301-3190 15 2 1/4 19 1/2 9 1/4 23
16 12 16DF12 301-0881 301-3307 17 2 1/4 21 1/2 10 5/8 20
16 10 16DF10 301-3406 301-3414 17 2 1/4 21 1/2 10 5/8 25
18 12 18DF12 301-3463 301-3497 19 2 3/4 24 1/2 12 1/8 23
18 10 18DF10 301-3513 301-3521 19 2 3/4 24 1/2 12 1/8 28
20 10 20DF10 301-3620 301-3638 21 2 3/4 26 1/2 13 1/2 31
24 10 24DF10 301-2655 301-3745 25 2 3/4 30 1/2 16 1/2 37

The unique design of the Double

Flanged Trough adds considerably
to its strength and structural rigid-
ity without adding to its weight.
In addition, this construction pro-
vides an effective dust-tight seal
when used with the "Barren"
Flanged Cover. Double Flanged
Troughs are available in sizes up
to 24" and in gauges up to 10.
They can be formed of stainless
steel or other alloys. Nu-Weld end
flanges are continuously jig-welded
on each end to assure alignment
and tight connecting joints. If sup-
porting feet are needed, they are
spaced at the flange joints. Trough
saddles are also available, see
page 56.

Page 48

Barren Flanged Covers

Size of "BARRON"
Gauge of 5 ft. 10 ft. Wgt.
Site Code A B Part Number
Steel Part Number Part Number Per ft.
4 16 4BC16 310-0286 310-3107 5 1 5/8 2 320-0227
6 16 6BC16 310-3033 310-3124 7 1 1/2 2.5 320-0334
9 14 9BC14 310-3181 310-3231 10 1 7/8 4 320-0441
10 14 10BC14 310-0617 3103348 11 1 7/8 4.2 320-0557
6 Ft. .12 Ft.
Part Numb. Part Number
12 14 12BC14 310-3355 310-3454 13 2 5/16 5 320-0664
14 14 14BC14 310-1185 310-3561 15 2 5/16 5.5 320-0771
16 14 16BC14 310-3686 310-3678 17 2 5/16 6 320-0888
18 12 18BC12 310-1409 310-3785 19 2 13/16 9.5 320-0995
20 12 20BC12 310-1508 310-3892 21 2 13/16 10.2 320-1217

The Barron Cover is designed for

use with a double flanged trough.
It is not weather-tight but the gas-
kets between the cover and trough
and under the Barren clamps do
provide a degree of weather pro-
tection. For greater protection bat-
tens can be mounted lapping the
cover joints. The cover should then
be bolted or screw clamped. Flanged
covers can also be used with angle
troughs in which case they should
be bolted or screw clamped.

Page 49

Angle Trough
Size B
Trough Size 5 Ft. 10 Ft. Wgt.
Of A Size of C
Thickness Code Part Number Part Number Per Ft.
Conveyor Angles
4 14 4AT14 305-1315 305-1323 7 5 1 1/4" x 1 1/4" x 3/16 3 5/8

6 14 6AT14 305-1521 305-1547 9 7 1 1/4" x 1 1/4" x 3/16 4 1/2

10 6AT10 305-1638 305-1653 12
3/16 6AT07 305-1695 305-1703 15

9 14 9AT14 305-1 745 305-1760 11 10 1 1/2" x 1 1/2" x 3/16 6 1/8

12 9AT12 305-1828 305-1877 14
10 9AT10 305-1901 305-1984 17
3/16 9AT07 305-2057 305-2099 22
1/4 9AT03 305-2149 305-2156 27

10 14 10AT14 305-2180 305-2206 12 11 1 1/2" x 1 1/2" x 3/16 6 3/8

12 10AT12 305-2289 305-2313 15
3/16 10AT07 305-2404 305-2420 23
4 14 4AT14 305-1315 305-1323 7 5 1 1/4" x 1 1/4" x 3/16 3 5/8
6 Ft. 12 Ft.
Part Number Part Number
12 12 12AT12 305-3972 305-3964 19 13 2 x 2 x 3/16 7 3/4
10 12AT10 305-4087 305-4079 22
3/16 12AT07 305-4137 305-4186 28
1/4 12AT03 305-4251 305-4293 36

14 12 14AT12 305-0994 305-4400 21 15 2 X 2 X 3/16 9 1/4

10 14AT10 305-4459 305-4517 25
3/16 14AT07 305-4608 305-4624 32
1/4 14AT03 305-4681 305-4731 41

16 12 16AT12 305-1109 305-4848 23 17 2 X 2 X 3/16 10 5/8

10 16AT10 305-4905 305-4954 28
3/16 16AT07 305-5027 305-5068 36
1/4 16AT03 305-5142 305-5175 46

18 12 18AT12 305-5241 305-5258 28 19 2 1/2 X 2 1/2 X 1/4 12 1/8

10 18AT10 305-5274 305-5282 34
3/16 18AT07 305-5381 305-5399 43
1/4 18AT03 305-5480 305-5506 54

20 10 20AT10 305-5589 305-5613 37 21 2 1/2 X 2 1/2 X 1/4 13 1/2

3/16 20AT07 305-5688 305-5720 47
1/4 20AT03 305-5803 305-5837 60

24 10 24AT10 305-5902 305-5944 42 25 2 1/2 X 2 1/2 X 1/4 16 1/2

3/16 24AT07 305-6009 305-6058 55
1/4 24AT03 305-6116 305-6165 70

Angle Trough is fitted with structural steel angles along

the top edge of the trough to provide excellent strength
and rigidity in all trough sizes and gauges. "Nu-Weld" end
flanges are continuously jig-welded to each end to
assure alignment and tight connecting joints. Angle
Trough can be formed of hot rolled steel, stainless steel or
other alloys in all sizes and gauges, and may be hot dip
galvanized. Trough modification such as a perforated
bottom, a drop bottom for sanitary installations,
jacketing for heating or cooling, etc., are available.
Although normally furnished with a Tite-Seal Cover
other types such as the Dome, Flanged, Hip Roof, etc.,
are available (see page 54). If supporting feet are
needed, they are mounted at the flange joints. Trough
saddles are also available, see page 56.
Page 50

Tite-Seal Covers

Gauge Size 5 ft. 10 ft. Wgt. Part Size Part
of Steel Code Part Number Part Number Per ft. Number Number Number
4 16 4TS16 312-0185 312-2017 7 3/4 1 1/4 1.6 322-0225 1 330-0142
6 16 6TS16 312-0300 312-2124 9 3/4 1 1/4 2.0 322-0332 1 330-0142
9 14 9TS14 312-2165 312-2231 13 1/4 1 1/2 3.4 322-0449 1 330-0142
10 14 10TS14 312-0508 312-2348 14 1/4 1 1/2 3.7 322-0555 1 330-0142

6 Ft. .12 Ft.

Part Numb. Part Number

12 14 12TS14 312-1027 312-2454 17 1/4 2 4.6 322-0662 1 330-0217

14 14 14TS14 312-1183 312-2561 19 1/4 2 5.2 322-0779 1 330-0217
16 14 16TS14 312-1274 312-2678 21 1/4 2 5.8 322-0886 1 330-0217
18 12 18TS12 312-1407 312-2785 24 1/4 2 1/2 8.7 322-0993 2 330-0357
20 12 20TS12 312-1506 312-2892 26 1/4 2 1/2 9.5 322-1108 2 330-0357
24 12 24TS12 312-1621 312-2900 30 1/4 2 1/2 11.1 322-1215 2 330-0357
* For trough thickness 16 Ga. through 10 Ga. For use with trough thickness of 3/16" through 1/4 increase 1/4.

Tite-Seal Covers are designed for - .

use with Angle Trough. They provide a
high degree of dust protection. The flat
cover is held securely in place by a.
continuous formed steel "U" edging
along both sides of the trough. This "U"
edging is fitted with sponge rubber and
seals the cover to the trough. Tite-Seal
quick-release cover clamps hold the
entire assembly in place and yet
allow quick access to the trough
interior. A gasket attached to the
underside of the cover clamp seals the
joint between lengths of cover

Page 51

Flared Trough
Trough Size Part Number Wgt.
Of A B C D E
Thickness Code 10 Ft. Per Foot
6 14 6FT14 308-0223 14 16 5/8 7 5 5/8 3 1/2 8
3/16 6FT07 308-0330 14 16 5/8 7 5 5/8 3 1/2 19

9 14 9FT14 308-0447 18 21 1/2 9 7 7/8 5 11

10 9FT10 308-0553 18 21 1/2 9 7 7/8 5 19
3/16 9FT07 308-0660 18 21 1/2 9 7 7/8 5 26
1/4 9FT03 308-0777 18 21 1/2 9 7 7/8 5 34

Part Number
12 Ft.
12 12 12FT12 308-0884 22 26 1/2 10 9 5/8 6 1/2 21
10 12FT10 308-0991 22 26 1/2 10 9 5/8 6 1/2 27
3/16 12FT07 308-1106 22 26 1/2 10 9 5/8 6 1/2 37
1/4 12FT03 308-1213 22 26 1/2 10 9 5/8 6 1/2 49

14 12 14FT12 308-1320 24 28 1/2 11 10 7/8 7 1/2 23

10 14FT10 308-1437 24 28 1/2 11 10 7/8 7 1/2 30
3/16 14FT07 308-1544 24 28 1/2 11 10 7/8 7 1/2 41
1/4 14FT03 308-1650 24 28 1/2 11 10 7/8 7 1/2 55

16 12 16FT12 308-1767 28 32 1/2 11 1/2 12 8 1/2 26

10 16FT10 308-1874 28 32 1/2 11 1/2 12 8 1/2 33
3/16 16FT07 308-1981 28 32 1/2 11 1/2 12 8 1/2 44
1/4 16FT03 308-2096 28 32 1/2 11 1/2 12 8 1/2 59

18 10 18FT10 308-2203 31 36 1/2 12 1/8 13 3/8 9 1/2 36

3/16 18FT07 308-2310 31 36 1/2 12 1/8 13 3/8 9 1/2 49
1/4 18FT03 308-2427 31 36 1/2 12 1/8 13 3/8 9 1/2 65

20 10 20FT10 308-2534 34 39 1/2 13 1/2 15 10 1/2 38

3/16 20FT07 308-2641 34 39 1/2 13 1/2 15 10 1/2 52
1/4 20FT03 308-2757 34 39 1/2 13 1/2 15 10 1/2 69
24 10 24FT10 308-2864 40 45 1/2 16 1/2 18 1/8 12 1/2 44
3/16 24FT07 308-2971 40 45 1/2 16 1/2 18 1/8 12 1/2 60
1/4 24FT03 308-3086 40 45 1/2 16 1/2 18 1/8 12 1/2 79

The Flared Trough is designed to allow

the standard 1/2" clearance between the
screw and the trough bottom. The
flared sides of the trough improve the
feeding and conveying action particularly
on materials that are not entirely free-
flowing or material in large slabs or
pieces. The top edges are flanged to
provide cover support and Nu-Weld steel
end flanges are continuously jig-welded
to each end to assure alignment and
tight joints. Where conditions require
special construction, Flared Troughs
may be furnished in stainless steel,
Monel or other alloys. Covers are usually
bolted on or furnished with screw or
spring clamps and may be flat for interior
or hip roof for exterior installations.

Page 52

Special Trough Designs

Channel Trough
Dust Seal Trough
Dust Seal Troughs are formed with
"Z" bars along the top sides and
channels across the top width. This
forms a continuous pocket into
which the flanged (all four sides)
cover fits. This pocket can then be
filled with sand, sponge rubber or
the material being conveyed, to
provide a dust-tight seal that will
allow quick access to the trough in-
Channel Trough is made with a terior.
separate rolled or formed steel bot-
tom for use where severe abrasion Tite-Seal Drop Bottom Trough
or corrosion factors require fre- The Tite-Seal Drop Bottom Trough is designed to facilitate quick access to
quent trough replacements. The the Screw Conveyor and trough interior where frequent cleaning is
bottom is bolted to the structural required to combat infestation and contamination or build-up of some
steel side channels making a very materials. The trough is equipped with a hinged bottom section that
rigid unit that can be used where swings open when the clamps are disengaged. The edges of the opening
trough supports are necessarily are gasketed to seal when closed. The Tite-Seal Drop Bottom Trough
widely spaced. may be of single or double flanged type construction and fitted with your
choice of cover.
Jacketed Trough Hinge side and latch side are adjustable to secure seal.
Product pressure points are reinforced to prevent leakage.
Drop bottom fits standard troughs of 10 Ga. and heavier thickness.

Jacketed troughs are not designed or

constructed to be pressure vessels.

The Jacketed Trough is used to carry

an agent for heating, cooling or drying
the material while it is being conveyed. A
former jacket is continuously welded to a
standard trough. This trough may be built
to various standards; therefore, please
consult our staff engineers before A = Dimensions for 6", 9", 10" and 12" units X = Dimensions for 6", 9", 10" and 12" units.
ordering. B = All larger sizes Y = Dimensions for 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, and 24 units.

Page 53
Components Additional
Trough Covers & Shrouds
10 Ft. Weigh Gauge 5 Ft. Weight Gaug A B C D
Conveyo 5 Ft. 10 Ft. Lengt Part
Part t Per of Part Per e of Weight
r Part Number Part Number h Number
Number Foot Steel Number Foot Steel
4 314-0167 314-0225 1.6 16 316-0173 316-0223 2 8 318-0254 12 3.8 5 3 5/8 8 5/8 8 1/4

6 314-0274 314-0332 2.0 16 316-0306 316-0330 2.5 12 318-0023 12 7.5 7 4 1/2 10 1/2 10

9 314-0381 314-0449 3.4 14 316-0579 316-0553 4 18 318-0049 10 20.5 10 6 1/8 14 1/2 13 3/4

10 314-0613 314-0662 3.7 14 316-0629 316-0660 4.2 20 318-0544 10 24.0 11 6 3/8 15 1/4 14 3/4

6 Ft. 12 Ft. 6 Ft. 12 Ft.

Part Part Part Part
Number Number Number Number
12 314-0688 314-0779 4.6 14 316-0751 316-1106 5 24 318-0080 10 35 13 7 3/4 18 1/8 17 5/8

14 314-0803 314-0886 5.2 14 316-0850 316-1213 5.5 28 318-0767 10 49 15 9 1/4 20 1/8 19 5/8

16 314-0936 314-0993 5.8 14 316-0959 316-1320 6 32 318-0841 10 65 17 10 5/8 22 1/8 21 5/8

18 314-1041 314-1108 8.7 12 316-1023 316-1437 9.5 36 318-0981 10 85 19 12 1/8 25 1/8 24 5/8

20 314-1157 314-1215 9.5 12 316-1502 316-1544 10.2 40 318-1096 10 105 21 13 1/2 27 1/8 26 5/8

24 314-1264 314-1322 11.1 12 316-1635 316-1650 11.2 48 318-1203 10 153 25 16 1/2 31 1/8 30 5/8


Semi-Flanged covers are flat covers with a Hip Roof covers are intended for Shrouds are incorporated in feeder
slight crimp on both sides for greater outdoor applications. The cover is conveyors to baffle the flow of
strength and rigidity. They can be flanged down on both sides and fitted material. Shrouds are also designed to
fastened by bolts, spring or screw clamps. with battens at the cover joints. fit inside a standard trough to create a
They are not considered weather-proof Rubber gaskets are usually furnished tubular effect for inclined operation.
but through the addition of gaskets and all around. Fastening is usually by Covers of any construction are then
battens at the cover joints a reasonably bolting but screw clamps can also be used over shrouds as required.
tight construction can be obtained.

Note: Standard designs are not intended to be weather, rain, air, or pressure tight.
For special design requirements, contact your nearest sales office

Page 54

Trough Cover Clamps

Spring Cover Clamp Screw Cover Clamp
Steel Spring Cover Clamps are commonly used to Screw Clamps may be used for flat or other
fasten flat or semi-flanged covers to the conveyor special trough covers and are usually
trough. For dust-tight applications, they may also be located on 30" centers or if gasketed, 15"
fitted over a gasketed cover. Spring Cover Clamps centers, or closer to suit. Screw Clamps are
are usually located on 2'6" centers, if gasketed, 15" also often used to clamp the bottom of drop
centers, or closer to suit. bottom troughs.

Part Weight
Number Per C

323-0711 25#

Size Part Wgt.

Code Number Per C

1SC 325-0669 7/8 15/16 2 7/8 1 3/16 1 1/4 9/32 5/32 3/16 34

2SC 325-1105 1 1/8 1 15/16 3 1/4 1 1/8 1 13/32 1/4 3/16 51

* Part Numbers shown are for clamps for riveting to side angle of trough, if to include bracket for welding to cover
as pictured add suffix B

Continuous Cover Clamps

Quick-Release Clamps
The Continuous Cover Clamp is a heavy-gauge
spring clamp furnished in 5' lengths. It is ideally See pages 49 and 51 for "Barron" and "Tite-Seal"
suited to fastening a flat cover to the conveyor cover clamps.
trough or for fastening a drop-bottom or quick-
opening trough or casing section. The Continuous
Clamp can be supplied in black iron or stainless
steel, with or without locking pins on the ends.

"BARRON" Cover Clamp

Size Part Weight

Code Number
323-0554 1 1/4 3/16 1/2 6
5'-0" Length

Page 55

Supporting Feet and Saddles

Diameter FOOT
of Part No. Part No. A B C D E F G H J L
Conveyor Part Part
Light Heavy Wgt. Wgt. Wgt. Size No.
Number Number
Trough Trough
4 332-0223 -- 1 1/2 335-0147 1 1/2 337-0145 1 1/2 5 1/4 8 3 5/8 3/16 4 5/8 3/16 5 3/4 7/8 1 1/2 3/8 3/8 6

6 332-0330 332-1757 2 335-0212 2 337-0210 2 7 1/4 9 3/4 4 1/2 3/16 5 5/8 3/16 8 1/8 7/8 1 1/2 3/8 3/8 6
9 332-0447 332-1874 3 335-0287 4 1/2 337-0285 4 1/2 10 1/4 13 1/2 6 1/8 3/16 77/8 3/16 9 3/8 15/16 2 1/2 1/2 3/8 8
10 332-0553 332-1981 4 335-0352 5 337-0350 5 11 1/4 14 1/2 6 3/8 3/16 8 7/8 3/16 9 1/2 19/16 2 11/16 1/2 3/8 8
12 332-0660 332-2096 5 335-0428 6 337-0426 6 13 1/4 17 1/4 7 3/4 1/4 9 5/8 3/16 12 1/4 1 3/8 2 1/2 5/8 1/2 8
14 332-0777 332-2203 6 1/2 335-0493 7 337-0491 7 15 1/4 19 1/4 9 1/4 1/4 10 7/8 1/4 131/2 1 3/8 2 1/2 5/8 1/2 8
16 332-0884 332-2310 7 1/2 335-0568 7 1/2 337-0566 8 17 1/4 21 1/4 10 5/8 1/4 12 1/4 14 7/8 1 3/4 3 5/8 5/8 8
18 332-1320 332-1320 10 1/2 335-0634 9 1/2 337-0632 10 19 1/4 24 1/4 12 1/8 1/4 13 3/8 1/4 16 1 3/4 3 5/8 5/8 10
20 332-1437 332-1437 11 1/2 335-0709 12 1/2 337-0707 13 21 1/4 26 1/4 13 1/2 1/4 15 1/4 19 1/4 2 3 1/2 3/4 5/8 10

24 332-1544 332-1544 13 1/2 335-0774 14 1/2 337-0772 15 25 1/4 30 1/4 16 1/2 1/4 18 1/8 1/4 20 2 1/4 4 3/4 5/8 12

When ordering for conveyor trough 3/16 thick or heavier, show part number and specify for heavy trough.

Supporting feet provide the means

of aligning and fastening the trough
to the floor or existing structure at
the trough joints. The trough end
height is accurately maintained and
the feet permit the removal of a SUPPORTING FOOT
trough end without disturbing the
entire unit.
Saddles are used to support the
trough between the trough sections
and fasten to the floor or existing
structures. The total height from
the floor is the same as for a
trough end with feet. SADDLE


Nu-Weld End Flanges are made of

heavy-gauge steel to assure a close
accurate fit with the conveyor
trough and the trough ends or the
following end flange. Bolt holes are
jig-punched to assure accurate

Page 56

Feed and Discharge Spouts

Without With
Diameter Gauge
of Of A B C G-H J K L M N P R
Conveyor Steel Part Part
Wgt. Wgt.
Number Number

4 14 342-0148 2 342-1823 6 5 4 1/2 3 3/4 7 1/2 11 1/8 3/8 2 1/4 2 1/4 1/4 1 1/8
6 14 342-0213 4 342-1898 10 7 6 5 10 14 1/8 2/3 2 3 3/8 1 3/8
9 14 342-0353 7 342-1963 16 10 8 7 1/8 13 18 3/4 1/2 13/16
4 4 3/8 2
10 342-0429 12 342-2037 21 10 8 7 1/8 13 18 384 1/2 4 4 3/8 2
10 14 342-0494 8 342-2102 19 11 9 7 7/8 14 1/4 20 1/8 5/8 4 4 3/8 3/8 2 1/4
10 342-0569 14 342-2177 25 11 9 7 7/8 14 1/4 20 1/8 5/8 4
15/16 4 3/8 3/8 2 1/4
12 12 342-0635 15 342-2243 33 13 10 1/2 8 7/8 17 1/4 24 1/2 7/8 15/16
5 1/8 5 1/4 3/8 2 1/4
3/16 342-0700 27 342-2318 45 13 10 1/2 8 7/8 17 1/4 24 1/2 7/8 5 1/8 5 1/4 3/8 2 1/4
14 12 342-0775 19 342-2383 41 15 11 1/2 10 1/8 19 1/4 27 5/8 7/8 3 1/2 3 1/2 3 1/2 3/8 2 1/2
3/16 342-0841 34 342-2458 56 15 11 1/2 10 1/8 19 1/4 27 5/8 7/8 3 1/2 3 1/2 3 1/2 3/8 2 1/2
16 12 342-0916 23 342-2524 49 17 13 1/2 11 1/8 21 1/4 30 3/4 7/8 3 3/4 4 4 3/8 2 1/2
3/16 342-0981 38 342-2599 64 17 13 1/2 11 1/8 21 1/4 30 3/4 7/8 3 3/4 4 4 3/8 2 1/2
18 12 342-1054 30 342-2664 64 19 14 1/2 12 3/8 24 1/4 33 3/4 1 1/8 47/16 4 3/8 4 3/8 1/2 2 3/4
3/16 342-1120 52 342-2730 86 19 14 1/2 12 3/8 24 1/4 33 3/4 1 1/8 47/16 4 3/8 4 3/8 1/2 2 3/4
20 12 342-1195 34 342-2805 84 21 15 1/2 13 3/8 26 1/4 36 3/4 1 1/8 4 7/8 4 3/4 4 3/4 1/2 2 3/4
3/16 342-1260 59 342-2870 109 21 15 1/2 13 3/8 26 1/4 36 3/4 1 1/8 4 7/8 4 3/4 4 3/4 1/2 2 3/4
24 12 342-1336 44 342-2946 108 25 17 1/2 15 3/8 30 1/4 42 7/8 1 1/8 5 5/8 5 5/8 5 1/2 1/2 3
3/16 342-1401 76 342-3019 140 25 17 1/2 15 3/8 30 1/4 42 7/8 1 1/8 5 5/8 5 5/8 5 1/2 1/2 3
Part Numbers shown apply to discharge spouts only.
For feed spout indicate size & gauge EXAMPLE: one 12, 3/16 thk. feed spout or 14 12 GA. feed spout.

Stub spouts with or without slide

gates are fitted to conveyor trough
or cover openings. The slide may
be mounted on either a feed or 1 3 4
discharge spout and may be oper-
ated parallel to the trough or at
1. Discharge without slide.
right angles, as required. Spouts of
2. Discharge with flat hand slide.
special dimensions, gauges and ma-
3. Plain discharge opening.
terials can be supplied to suit in-
stallation needs. 4. Feed spout without slide.
2 5. Plain feed opening. 5

Page 57

Rack and Pinion Gates

Diameter Gauge
of Of A B C D E F H J K L M
Part (Ga.)
Conveyor Steel Wgt.

6 14 350-0212 38 7 1/4 10 1/4 8 11 5/8 14 7 5/8 12 11 3/8 12 12 2 7/16 15 5/8

12 350-0287 40 7 1/4 10 1/4 8 11 5/8 12 7 5/8 12 11 3/8 12 12 2 7/16 15 5/8
9 12 350-0352 48 10 1/4 13 1/4 9 1/2 13 1/8 12 9 1/8 12 12 15/16 12 12 2 7/16 20 1/8
10 350-0428 53 10 1/4 13 1/4 9 1/2 13 1/8 10 9 1/8 12 12 15/16 12 12 2 7/16 20 1/8
10 12 350-0493 61 11 1/4 14 1/4 10 13 5/8 12 9 5/8 10 13 7/16 12 12 2 7/16 21 5/8
10 350-0568 66 11 1/4 14 1/4 10 13 5/8 10 9 5/8 10 13 7/16 12 12 2 7/16 21 5/8
12 10 350-0634 81 13 1/4 17 1/4 11 15 5/8 10 10 5/8 10 14 7/16 12 12 2 7/16 24 5/8
3/16 350-0709 94 13 1/4 17 1/4 11 15 5/8 3/16 10 5/8 10 14 7/16 12 12 2 7/16 24 5/8
*14 10 350-0774 99 15 1/4 19 1/4 10 13/16 17 5/8 10 11 5/8 10 15 7/16 12 12 2 5/8 27 5/8
3/16 350-0840 118 15 1/4 19 1/4 10 13/16 17 5/8 3/16 11 5/8 10 15 7/16 12 12 2 5/8 27 5/8
*16 10 350-0915 115 17 1/4 21 1/4 11 13/16 20 5/8 10 12 5/8 10 16 7/16 12 12 2 5/8 30 5/8
3/16 350-0980 138 17 1/4 21 1/4 11 13/16 20 5/8 3/16 12 5/8 10 16 7/16 12 12 2 5/8 30 5/8
*18 10 350-1053 150 19 1/4 24 1/4 12 13/16 22 5/8 10 13 5/8 10 17 7/16 12 12 2 5/8 33 5/8
3/16 350-1129 170 19 1/4 24 1/4 12 13/16 22 5/8 3/16 13 5/8 10 17 7/16 12 12 2 5/8 33 5/8
*20 10 350-1194 160 21 1/4 26 1/4 13 7/8 24 5/8 10 14 5/8 3/16 18 7/16 12 12 2 5/8 36 5/8
3/16 350-1269 183 21 1/4 26 1/4 13 7/8 24 5/8 3/16 14 5/8 3/16 18 7/16 12 12 2 5/8 36 5/8
*24 10 350-1335 202 25 1/4 30 1/4 15 7/8 29 5/8 10 16 5/8 3/16 20 7/16 12 12 2 5/8 42 5/8
3/16 350-1400 235 25 1/4 30 1/4 15 7/8 29 5/8 3/16 16 5/8 3/16 20 7/16 12 12 2 5/8 42 5/8

These sizes furnished with double rack and pinions.

Curved Slide
Rack and Pinion discharge gates with curved slides have
cut tooth racks welded to the curved slide plate. This
engages a cut tooth pinion mounted on a pinion
shaft. Operation of the gate is by means of a hand
wheel as illustrated. Chain wheels with chain can be
supplied if desired. Curved slides conform with the
contour of the trough and eliminate all pockets that
might trap the material in a spout above a flat slide.
These slides can also be power operated through electric
motors or air or hydraulic cylinders. Consult our
engineering department for details.

Page 58

Rack and Pinion Gates

Diameter GATE
of G
Of A B C D E F H J K L M
Conveyor Part (Ga.)
Steel Wgt.

4 14 350-1541 35 5 7 1/2 5 10 1/2 14 6 1/2 10 10 3/8 12 12 2 12 1/2

6 14 350-1681 41 7 10 5 11 1/2 14 7 1/2 10 11 3/8 12 12 2 15 1/2
9 14 350-1756 52 10 13 5 13 14 9 10 10 15/16 12 12 2 20
10 350-1822 64 10 13 5 13 10 9 10 10 15/16 12 12 2 20
10 14 350-1897 56 11 14 1/4 5 13 1/2 14 9 1/2 10 13 7/16 12 12 2 21 1/2
10 350-1962 70 11 14 1/4 5 13 1/2 10 9 1/2 10 13 7/16 12 12 2 21 1/2
12 12 350-2036 79 13 17 1/4 5 15 1/2 12 10 1/2 3/16 14 7/16 12 12 2 24 1/2
3/16 350-2101 105 13 17 1/4 5 15 1/2 3/16 10 1/2 3/16 14 7/16 12 12 2 24 1/2
*14 12 350-2176 94 15 19 1/4 5 17 1/2 12 11 1/2 3/16 15 7/16 12 12 2 27 1/2
3/16 350-2242 125 15 19 1/4 5 17 1/2 3/16 11 1/2 3/16 15 7/16 12 12 2 27 1/2
*16 12 350-2317 106 17 21 1/4 5 20 1/2 12 12 1/2 3/16 16 7/16 12 12 2 30 1/2
3/16 350-2382 150 17 21 1/4 5 20 1/2 3/16 12 1/2 3/16 16 7/16 12 12 2 30 1/2
*18 12 350-2457 131 19 24 1/4 5 22 1/2 12 13 1/2 3/16 17 7/16 12 12 2 33 1/2
3/16 350-2523 147 19 24 1/4 5 22 1/2 3/16 13 1/2 3/16 17 7/16 12 12 2 33 1/2
*20 12 350-2598 152 21 26 1/4 5 24 1/2 12 14 1/2 3/16 18 7/16 12 12 2 36 1/2
3/16 350-2663 202 21 26 1/4 5 24 1/2 3/16 14 1/2 3/16 18 7/16 12 12 2 36 1/2
*24 12 350-2739 176 25 30 1/4 5 29 1/2 12 16 1/2 3/16 20 7/16 12 12 2 42 1/2
3/16 350-2804 240 25 30 1/4 5 29 1/2 3/16 16 1/2 3/16 20 7/16 12 12 2 42 1/2
4 14 350-1541 35 5 7 1/2 5 10 1/2 14 6 1/2 10 10 3/8 12 12 2 12 1/2
6 14 350-1681 41 7 10 5 11 1/2 14 7 1/2 10 11 3/8 12 12 2 15 1/2
These sizes furnished with double rack and pinions.

Flat Slide
Rack and Pinion discharge gates with flat slides
have cut tooth racks welded to the slide plate.
This engages a cut tooth pinion which is mounted
on a pinion shaft. Operation of the gate is by
means of a hand wheel, as illustrated, but chain
wheels with chain can be supplied if desired. Flat
slides allow operation in any one of the four posi-
tions if clearance is adequate. These slides can
also be power operated through electric motors, air
or hydraulic cylinders, Consult our engineering de-
partment for details.

See page 57 for flange punching.

Page 59

Flush End Discharge

A discharge assembly as shown on page
Diameter Diameter
Of A B Of A B 57 can be undesirable, if material has a
Conveyor Conveyor tendency to build up between the
4 3 3/4 5 14 10 1/8 15 edge of the discharge opening and the
6 5 7 16 11 1/8 17 inside of the trough end plate at the
9 7 1/8 10 18 12 3/8 19
extreme end of the conveyor. To
10 7 7/8 11 20 13 3/8 21
overcome this, the spout can be
mounted flush with the end of the
12 8 7/8 13 24 15 3/8 25
trough and the trough end modified to
act as the fourth side of the discharge
spout. The trough end may be any of the
types shown on pages 41 through 44.

Standard Trough Ends

Hanger Mounting W ell
Tubular Conveyors

As mentioned on page 20, tubular

conveyors are usually used in in-
cline operations for the round
trough shape results in greater effi-
ciency on the incline. They are also
used when greater air tightness is the greatest possible economy and
desired as the cover joints are com- availability. The housing, just as a
pletely eliminated. The design pic- "U" trough, is available in a wide
tured utilizes standard conveyor range of steel thicknesses and can
screw, hangers, trough ends, and be made split for accessibility and
spouts as shown in this catalog for drop bottom or top for cleaning.

Page 60

Assembly Bolts
Coupling Bolts are normally "Tem-U-Lac"
as pictured on page 34.

Assembly Bolts for hangers, trough

flanges, trough ends, bolted covers and
supporting feet are normally hex head
machine bolts with lock washers and hex


CONVEYOR 4x1 6 x 1 1/2 9 x 1 1/2 9x2 10 x 1 1/2 10 x2 12 x 2 12 x 2 7/16

PART Bolt No Bolt No Bolt No Bolt No Bolt No Bolt No Bolt No Bolt No
Conveyor Coupling 3/8 x 2 1/8 4 1/2 x 3 4 1/2 x 3 4 5/8 x 3 5/8 4 1/2 x 3 4 5/8 x 3 5/8 4 5/8 x 3 5/8 4 5/8 x 4 3/8 4
326 Hanger 3/8 x 1 4 3/8 x 1 1/4 4 3/8 x 1 1/4 4 3/8 x 1 1/4 4 3/8 x 1 1/4 4 3/8 x 1 1/4 4 1/2 x 1 1/2 4 1/2 x 1 1/2 4
216 Hanger 3/8 x 1 4 3/8 x 1 1/4 4 3/8 x 1 1/4 4 3/8 x 1 1/4 4 3/8 x 1 1/4 4 3/8 x 1 1/4 4 1/2 x 1 1/2 4 1/2 x 1 1/2 4
220 Hanger 3/8 x 1 4 3/8 x 1 4 3/8 x 1 4 3/8 x 1 4 3/8 x 1 4 3/8 x 1 4 1/2 x 1 1/4 4 1/2 x 1 1/4 4
226 Hanger 3/8 x 1 4 3/8 x 1 1/4 4 3/8 x 1 1/4 4 3/8 x 1 1/4 4 3/8 x 1 1/4 4 3/8 x 1 1/4 4 1/2 x 1 1/2 4 1/2 x 1 1/2 4
230 Hanger 3/8 x 1 4 3/8 x 1 4 3/8 x 1 4 3/8 x 1 4 3/8 x 1 4 3/8 x 1 4 1/2 x 1 1/4 4 1/2 x 1 1/4 4
260 Hanger 3/8 x 1 4 3/8 x 1 4 3/8 x 1 4 3/8 x 1 4 3/8 x 1 4 1/2 x 1 1/4 4 1/2 x 1 1/4 4
270 Hanger 3/8 x 1 1/4 4 3/8 x 1 1/4 4 3/8 x 1 1/4 4 3/8 x 1 1/4 4 3/8 x 1 1/4 4 1/2 x 1 1/2 4 1/2 x 1 1/2 4
Trough Flange 3/8 x 1 6 3/8 x 1 6 3/8 x 1 8 3/8 x 1 8 3/8 x 1 8 3/8 x 1 8 1/2 x 1 1/4 8 1/2 x 1 1/4 8
Trough End 3/8 x 1 6 3/8 x 1 6 3/8 x 1 1/4 8 3/8 x 1 1/4 8 3/8 x 1 1/4 8 3/8 x 1 1/4 8 1/2 x 1 1/2 8 1/2 x 1 1/2 8
Bolted Cover 5/16 x 1 10 5/16 x 1 10 5/16 x 1 10 5/16 x 1 10 5/16 x 1 10 5/16 x 1 10 5/16 x 1 10 5/16 x 1 10

Supporting Foot 3/8 x 1 1/4 2 3/8 x 1 1/4 2 3/8 x 1 1/4 2 3/8 x 1 1/4 2 3/8 x 1 1/4 2 3/8 x 1 1/4 2 1/2 x 1 1/2 2 1/2 x 1 1/2 2


CONVEYOR 12 X 3 14 x 2 7/16 14 x 3 16 x 3 18 x 3 20 x 3 20 x 3 7/16 24 x 2 7/16

PART Bolt No Bolt No Bolt No Bolt No Bolt No Bolt No Bolt No Bolt No
Conveyor Coupling 3/4 x 5 4 5/8 x 4 3/8 4 3/4 x 5 4 3/4 x 5 4 3/4 x 5 4 3/4 x 5 4 7/8 x 5 1/2 4 7/8 x 5 1/2 4
326 Hanger 1/2 x 1 1/2 4 1/2 x 1 1/2 4 1/2 x 1 1/2 4 1/2 x 1 1/2 4 5/8 x 1 1/2 4 5/8 x 1 1/2 4 5/8 x 1 1/2 4 5/8 x 1 1/2 4
216 Hanger 1/2 x 1 1/2 4 1/2 x 1 3/4 4 1/2 x 1 3/4 4 1/2 x 1 3/4 4 5/8 x 1 3/4 4 5/8 x 1 3/4 4 5/8 x 1 3/4 4 5/8 x 1 3/4 4
220 Hanger 1/2 x 1 1/4 4 1/2 x 1 1/2 4 1/2 x 1 1/2 4 1/2 x 1 1/2 4 5/8 x 1 1/2 4 5/8 x 1 1/2 4 5/8 x 1 1/2 4 5/8 x 1 1/2 4
226 Hanger 1/2 x 1 1/2 4 1/2 x 1 3/4 4 1/2 x 1 3/4 4 1/2 x 1 3/4 4 5/8 x 1 3/4 4 5/8 x 1 3/4 4 5/x x 1 3/4 4 5/x x 1 3/4 4
230 Hanger 1/2 x 1 1/4 4 1/2 x 1 1/2 4 1/2 x 1 1/2 4 1/2 x 1 1/2 4 5/8 x 1 1/2 4 5/8 x 1 1/2 4 5/8 x 1 1/2 4 5/8 x 1 1/2 4
260 Hanger 1/2 x 1 1/4 4 1/2 x 1 1/2 4 1/2 x 1 1/2 4 1/2 x 1 1/2 4 5/8 x 1 1/2 4 5/8 x 1 1/2 4
270 Hanger 1/2 x 1 1/2 4 1/2 x 1 3/4 4 1/2 x 1 3/4 4 1/2 x 1 3/4 4 5/8 x 1 3/4 4 5/8 x 1 3/4 4
Trough Flange 1/2 x 1 1/4 8 1/2 x 1 1/4 8 1/2 x 1 1/4 8 5/8 x 1 3/4 8 5/8 x 1 3/4 10 5/8 x 1 3/4 10 5/8 x 1 3/4 10 5/8 x 1 3/4 12
Trough End 1/2 x 1 1/2 8 1/2 x 1 1/2 8 1/2 x 1 1/2 8 5/8 x 1 3/4 8 5/8 x 1 3/4 10 5/8 x 1 3/4 10 5/8 x 1 3/4 10 5/8 x 1 3/4 12
Bolted Cover 5/16 x 1 10 5/16 x 1 10 5/16 x 1 10 5/16 x 1 10 5/16 x 1 10 5/16 x 1 10 5/16 x 1 10 5/16 x 1 10

Supporting Foot 1/2 x 1 1/2 2 1/2 x 1 1/2 2 1/2 x 1 1/2 2 5/8 x 1 3/4 2 5/8 x 1 3/4 2 5/8 x 1 3/4 2 5/8 x1 3/4 2 5/8 x1 3/4 2

Page 61

Weights & Dimensions



ACTUAL SIZE Weight Nominal
Wall Wall
Pipe Per Pipe Per
Thickness Thickness
Size OD ID Foot Size OD ID Foot
1/8 .405 .269 .068 .244 5 5.563 5.047 .258 14.617
1/4 .540 .364 .088 .424 6 6.625 6.065 .280 18.974
3/8 .675 .493 .091 .567
1/2 .840 .622 .109 .850 *7 7.625 7.023 .301 23.544
8 8.625 8.071 .277 24.696
3/4 1.050 .824 .113 1.130 8 8.625 7.981 .322 28.554
1 1.315 1.049 .133 1.678 *9 9.625 8.941 .342 33.907
1 1/4 1.660 1.380 .140 2.272
1 1/2 1.900 1.610 ,145 2.717 10 10.750 10.192 .279 31.201
10 10.750 10.136 .307 34.24
2 2.375 2.067 .154 3.652 10 10.750 10.020 .365 40.483
2 1/2 2.875 2.469 .203 5.793 11 11.750 11.000 .375 45.557
3 3.500 3.068 .216 7.575
3 1/2 4.000 3.548 .226 9.109 12 12.754 12.090 .33 43.773
12 12.750 12.000 .375 49.562
4 4.500 4.026 .237 10.790
* 4 1/2 5.000 4.506 .247 12.538



ACTUAL SIZE Weight Nominal
Wall Wall
Pipe Per Pipe Per
Thickness Thickness
Size OD ID Foot Size OD ID Foot
1/8 .405 .215 .095 .314 5 5.563 4.813 0.375 20.778
1/4 .540 .302 .119 .535
3/8 .675 .423 .126 .738 6 6.625 5.761 0.432 28.573
1/2 .840 .546 .147 1.087
3/4 1.050 .742 .154 1.473 *7 7.625 6.625 .500 38.048
1 1.315 .957 .179 2.171 8 8.625 7.625 .500 43.388
1 1/4 1.660 1.278 .191 2.996
1 1/2 1.900 1.500 .200 3.631 *9 9.625 8.625 .500 48.728
2 2.375 1.939 .218 5.022 10 10.750 9.750 .500 54.735
2 1/2 2.875 2.323 .276 7.661
*11 11.750 10.750 .500 60.075
3 3.500 2.900 .300 10.252
3 1/2 4.000 3.364 .318 12.505 12 12.750 11.750 .500 65.415
4 4.500 3.826 .337 14.983
* 4 1/2 5.000 4.290 .355 17.611
* These sizes are listed but not commonly used.
Permissible variations in weight is plus or minus 5%.
Subject to standard mill tolerance variations.



ACTUAL SIZE Weight Nominal
Wall Wall
Pipe Per Pipe Per
Thickness Thickness
Size OD ID Foot Size OD ID Foot
1/2 .840 .252 .294 1.714 4 4.500 3.152 .674 27.541
3/4 1.050 .434 .308 2.440 *4 1/2 5.000 3.580 .710 32.530
1 1.315 .599 .358 3.659 5 5.563 4.063 .750 38.552
1 1/4 1.660 .896 .382 5.214
1 1/2 1.900 1.100 .400 6.408 6 6.625 4.897 .864 53.160
2 2.375 1.503 .436 9.029 *7 7.625 5.875 .875 63.079
2 1/2 2.875 1.771 .552 13.695
8 8.625 6.875 .875 72.424
3 3.500 2.300 .600 18.583
3 1/2 4 2.728 .636 22.850
* These sizes are listed but not commonly used.
Permissible variations in weight is plus or minus 5%.
Subject to standard mill tolerance variations.

Page 62

Weights & Dimensions Data



U.S. STD.-REVISED Galvanized OLD U.S. STD.
Fractional Decimal Weight Decimal Weight Decimal Chr. Iron Chr. Nickel

8 11/64 .1644 6.875 .165 6.7320

9 5/32 .1495 6.250 .148 6.0384
10 9/64 .1345 5.625 .134 5.4672 5.781 .1406 5.794 5.906
11 1/8 .1196 5.000 .120 4.8960 5.156 .1250 5150 5.250
12 7/64 .1046 4.375 .109 4.4472 4.531 .1094 4.506 4.594
13 3/32 .0897 3.750 .095 3.8760 3.906 .0938 3.863 3.938
14 5/64 .0747 3.125 .083 3.3864 3.281 .0781 3.219 3.281
15 9/128 .0673 2.812 .072 2.9376 2.969 .0703 2.897 2.953
16 1/16 .0598 2.500 .065 2.6510 2.656 .0625 2.575 2.625
17 9/160 .0538 2.250 .058 2.3664 2.406 .0563 2.318 2.363
18 1/20 .0478 2.000 .049 1.9992 2156 .0500 2.060 2.100
19 7/160 .0418 1.750 .042 1.7126 1.906 .0438 1.803 1.838
20 3/80 .0359 1.500 .035 1.4280 1.656 .0375 1.545 1575
21 11/320 .0329 1.375 .032 1.3056 1.531 .0344 1.416 1.444
22 1/32 .0299 1.250 .028 1.1424 1.406 .0313 1288 1.313
23 9/320 .0269 1.125 .025 1.0206 1.281 .0281 1.159 1.181
24 1/40 .0239 1.000 .022 .8970 1.156 .0250 1030 1.050
25 7/320 .0209 .875 .020 .8160 1.031 .0219 0.901 0.919
26 3/160 .0179 .750 .018 .7344 .906 .0188 0.773 0.788
27 11/640 .0164 .687 .016 .6528 .844 .0172 0.708 0.722
28 1/64 .0149 .625 .014 .5712 .781 .0156 0.644 0.656
29 9/640 .0135 .562 .013 .5304 .719 .0141 0.579 0.591
30 1/80 .0120 .500 .012 .4896 .656 .0125 0.515 0.525


Thickness Weight Thickness Weight Thickness Weight Thickness Weight
3/16 7.65 1.125 45.90 3/16 8.295 0.4375 18.810
1/4 10.20 1.25 51,00 13/64 8.984 0.46875 20.155
5/16 12.75 1.375 56.10 7/32 9.677 0.5 21.498
3/8 15.30 1.5 61.20 15/64 10.369 0.5625 24.185
7/16 17.85 1.625 66.30 1/4 10.956 0.625 26.614
1/2 20.40 1.75 71.40 17/64 11.641 0.6875 29.276
9/16 22.95 2 81.60 9/32 12.442 0.75 31.937
5/8 25.50 2.25 91.80 5/16 13.437 0.8125 34.599
3/4 30.60 2.5 102.00 11/32 14.779 0.875 37.260
7/8 35.70 2.75 112.20 3/8 16.123 0.9375 39.922
1 40.80 3 122.40 13/32 17.467 1 42.582


Round Square Round Square Round Square Circumference of circle ................................................... = 3.1416xdiameter
Size Size Size
Diameter of circle ........................................................... =0.3183xcircumference
in in in
Weight Weight Weight Weight Weight Weight Side of a square of
Inches Inches Inches
in Lbs. in Lbs. in Lbs. in Lbs. in Lbs. in Lbs.
equal area ................................................................. =0.8862xdiameter
3/16 .904 .120 1 1/8 3.380 4.303 3 24.03 30.60 Diameter of a circle of
7/32 .1277 .1620 1 3/16 3.766 4.795 3 1/4 28.21 35.91 equal area ................................................................. =1.1284xside of square
1/4 .167 .213 1 1/4 4.172 5.313 3 1/2 32.71 41.65 Area of a circle ............. , ............................................... =0.7854 x square of
9/32 .2133 .2676 1 5/16 4.600 5.857 3 3/4 37.55 47.81 the diameter
5/16 .261 .332 1 3/8 5.049 6.428 4 42.73 54.40 Diameter of a circle ....................................................... =1.1284 x square root of
11/32 .3137 .3992 1 7/16 5.518 7.026 4 1/4 48.23 61.41 the area
3/8 .376 .478 1 1/2 6.008 7.650 4 1/2 54.07 68.85 Surface area of a sphere ............................................... = 3.1416 x square of
13/32 .4377 .5562 1 9/16 6.519 8.301 4 3/4 60.25 76.71 the diameter
7/16 .511 .651 1 5/8 7.051 8.978 5 66.76 85.00
Volume of a sphere ....................................................... =0.5236 x cube of diameter
1/2 .668 .850 1 3/4 8.178 10.413 5 1/4 73.60 93.71
Volume of cylinder
9/16 .845 1.076 1 7/8 9.388 11.953 5 1/2 80.78 102.85
or prism ...................................................................... =area of base x height
5/8 1.043 1.328 2 10.681 13.600 5 3/4 88.29 112.41
Volume of cone
11/16 1.262 1.607 2 1/8 12.058 15.353 6 96.13 122.40
or pyramid ................................................................. =1/3xarea of base x height
3/4 1.502 1.913 2 1/4 13.519 17.213 6 1/2 112.82 143.65
Volume of the frustrum of
13/16 1.763 2.245 2 3/8 15.062 19.178 7 130.85 166.60
a cone or pyramid .................................................... = 1/3x height x (area of
7/8 2.044 2.603 2 1/2 16.690 21.250 7 1/2 150.21 191.25
upper base + area of lower base + area of upper base x area of lower base.)
15/16 2.347 2.988 2 5/8 18.400 23.428 8 170.90 217.60
Doubling the diameter of a pipe increases its volume four times; generalizing, increasing the
1 2.670 3.400 2 3/4 20.195 25.713 8 1/2 192.93 245.65
diameter "n" times increases the volume "n2" or "n x n" times.
1 1/16 3.015 3.838 2 7/8 22.072 28.103 9 216.30 275.40

Page 63

Components, Screw Conveyors .................... 24-61 Quick change Screws .................................... 30

Bearings ....................................... Redi change........................................ 30
Shelf, bolt-on, trough end .............................. 44
Hanger.................................................... 39
Transmission flange.................................. 40 Shrouds........................................................ 54
Bolts ........................................................ 34,61 Spouts, feed and discharge ...................... 57-60
Assembly ................................................ 61 Rack and Pinion gates........................ 58,59
Tem-U-Lac coupling 34 Curved slide ........................................... 58
Clamps, cover .................................... 49,51,55 Flat side ................................................. 59
Barren............................................... 49,55 Discharge with flat hard slide ................... 57
Continuous ............................................. 55 Discharge without slide ............................ 57
Quick release ..................................... 49,51 Feed spout without slide .......................... 57
Screw .................................................... 55 Plain discharge opening ........................... 57
Spring ..................................................... 55 Plain feed opening................... ............... 57
Tite-seal ........................................... 51, 55 Rush end ............................................... 60

Collars, internal, pipe bushings ....................... 33 Trough ends.............................................. 41-47

100 ........................................................ 41
Covers trough ..................................... 49, 51, 101......................................................... 41
54 102 ........................................................ 42
Flanged .................................................. 49 103 ........................................................ 42
Semi-Flanged .......................................... 54 104 ........................................................ 43
Hip Roof ................................................. 54 107 ........................................................ 43
Tite-seal .................................................. 51 109 ........................................................ 46
End thrusts ............................................. 46, 110 ........................................................ 46
47 114 ........................................................ 43
Chevron......................................................... 46 115 ........................................................ 43
Hammond ..................................................... 47 Flared ........................................................... 43
Bronze washer............................................... 47
Troughs ................................................... 48-53
Exacta-Flo ..................................................... 18 Angle ..................................................... 50
Feet, supporting............................................. 56 Double Flanged .......................................48
Flared..................................................... 52
Flanges, Nu-Weld trough ............................... 56 Channel...................................................53
Hangers ................................................... 36-38 Drop Bottom, Tite Seal ......................... 53
Dust Seal................................................ 53
Flared.................................................... ..39 Jacketed ................................................ 53
Guards and chain casings .............................. 21 Tubular ................................................... 60

Lugs, Screw Conveyor end ............................. 33 Engineering .................................................... 8-23

Rigid-Flo ....................................................... 20 Conversion Factors .................................. 62-64

Saddles, supporting ....................................... 56 Drive arrangements ....................................... 21

Safety precautions ......................................... 24 Mechanical weights and dimensions .......... 62,63

Conveyor Screws...................................... 25-33 Screw Conveyor, Design Data ..................... 8-17
Abrasion resistant .................................... 31 Material analysis ........................................ 9
Corrosion resistant................................... 31 Table No. 1 Maximum size of lumps ............ 9
Helicoid................................................... 25 Table No. 2 "D" factors .............................. 9
Redi-change ....................................... .....30 Table No. 3 Horsepower Ratings .............. 10
Ribbon .................................................... 29 Table No. 4 Material classification ............. 11
Sectional (butt welded) ............................. 26 Table No. 5 Group component
Sectional fighting...................................... 28 specifications ................................... 11
Special designs ....................................... 32 Table No. 6 Material tables ............ 12,13,14
Stainless steel.......................................... 31 Table No. 7 Capacity chart ....................... 15
Seals, trough end dust .................................... 45 Table No. 8 Determining the "Hand" .......... 16
Packing ................................................... 45 Table No. 9 Recommended arrangements .17
Split Gland............................................... 45 Screw Conveyor Inclined.......................... 20,60
Pump Type .............................................. 45
Bolt On .............................................. 44 Screw Conveyor, Tubular .......................... 20,60
Shafts.......... : ................................... .................... 34-35 Screw Feeder........................................... 18,19
Coupling .................................................. 34 Table No. 10 Capacity chart...................... 19
Drive ....................................................... 35
Screw-Lift ................................................ 23,23
End ......................................................... 35
Table No. 11 Screw-Lift Capacity chart ..... 23

Page 64

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