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| Mathematics Major [1]

Philippine Normal University

Refresher Course for Year 2015



Area: Mathematics


LET Competencies:
1. Simplifying expressions involving series of operations
2. Solve problems involving
a. GFC and LCMF
b. prime and composite
c. divisibility
d. inverse and partitive proportions
e. compound interest


The set of integers (also called the signed numbers) is the union of the set of counting numbers { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5},
the set of their opposites {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} and zero {0}. It is usually denoted by Z. Thus,
Z = {5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
The set of positive integers is {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}.
The set of negative integers is {5, 4, 3, 2, 1}.
The integer zero (0) is neither positive nor negative.


1. To add two integers with like signs, add their absolute values and affix
their common sign.
(+5) + (+9) = +5 + +9 (3) + (7) = 3 + 7
=5+9 =3+7
= +14 = 10
2. To add two integers with unlike signs, find the difference of their
absolute values and use the sign of the number with the larger
absolute value.
(+15) + (9) = +15 9 (21) + (+9) = 21 +9
= 15 9 = 21 9
= +6 = 12
To subtract two integers, change the sign of the subtrahend and then
proceed to the rules for addition.
(+15) (9) = +15 + +9 (28) (+23) = 28 + 23
= 15 + 9 = 28 + 23
= 34 = 51

| Mathematics Major [1]
Multiplication and Division
1. To multiply/divide two integers with like signs, multiply/divide the
absolute values of the given integers and affix positive sign.
(+5) x (+29) = +5 x +29 (28) x (21) = 28 x 21
= 5 x 29 = 28 x 21
= +145 = +588
( 125) ( 5) = 125 5 ( 861) (123) = 861 123
+ + + +

= 125 5 = 861 123

= +25 = +7
2. To multiply/divide two integers with unlike signs, multiply/divide the
absolute values of the given integers and affix the negative sign.
(32) x (+14) = 32 x +14 (+15) x (31) = +15 x 31
= 32 x 14 = 15 x 31

= 448 = 465
(2706) (+11) = 2706 +11 (+2184) (12) = /+2184/ /12/
= 2706 11 = 2184 12
= 246 = 182

Odd and Even Numbers

Any integer that ends with 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8 is called an even number, and any integer that ends with 1, 3, 5, 7 or 9
is called an odd number.
4, 20, 36, 772, 1958 are even numbers.
11, 223, 805, 907, 8009 are odd numbers.
Three important facts about even and odd numbers
a) If two integers are both even or both odd, their sum or difference is even.
b) If one integer is even and the other is odd, their sum or difference is odd.
c) The product of two integers is even unless both of them are odd.

+/ Even Odd x Even Odd

Even Even Odd Even Even Even
Odd Odd Even Odd Even Odd


Any positive integer with exactly two distinct positive factors in the set of integers is called a prime number. Any
positive integer that has more than two distinct positive factors in the set of integers is called composite number.

Which of the following numbers are prime, composite, or neither?
a) 53 prime
b) 421 prime
c) 24,638 composite
d) 43,101 composite
e) 1 neither

Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic

Every composite whole numbers can be expressed as the product of primes in exactly one way (the order of the
factors is disregarded).

Find the prime factorization of 300.

5 60

10 6

5 2 2 3

the prime factors of 300: 5 x 5 x 2 x 2 x 3 = 5 2 x 22 x 3

| Mathematics Major [1]
Factors and Multiples
If a and b are whole numbers and a 0, then a is a factor of b if and only if there is a whole number c such that ac = b.
If a is a factor of b, we can also say that a divides b (ab), or b is a multiple of a. Every number has a finite set of factors
(or divisors) and an infinite set of multiples.

Classify each of the following as true or false.
a) 3 is a factor of 12. true
b) 03 false
c) 30 true
d) 2 is a multiple of 8. false
e) for all integers a, 1a. true


Let a and b be natural numbers. The greatest natural number d that divides both a and b is called their greatest
common factor (divisor), and we write d = (a, b).
Find the greatest common factor.
(180, 220)
180 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 5
220 = 2 x 2 x 5 x 11

2x2 x5 So, (180, 220) = 2 x 2 x 5 = 20


Let a and b be natural numbers. The least natural number m that is a multiple of both a and b is called their
least common multiple and we write m = [a, b].
Find the least common multiple.
[28, 44]
28 = 2 x 2 x 7
44 = 2 x 2 x 11

2 x 2 x 7 x 11 So, [28, 44] = 2 x 2 x 7 x 11 = 308

For positive integers a and b,

[a, b] = and when (a, b) = 1, then [a, b] = a x b
(a, b)
Divisibility Properties
a) If a number divides each of two other numbers, then it divides their sum.
If ab and ac, then a(b + c).
b) If a number divides one of two numbers but not the other, then it will not divide their sum.
If ab and a c, then a (b + c).
c) If one number divides another number, then it will divide the product of that number with any other
whole number.
If ab, then abk.

A number is divisible by 2 if the number ends with an even number (0,2,4,6,8).
Example: 158 and 5792 are divisible by 2 since the numbers end with 8 and 2
respectively which are both even numbers.
A number is divisible by 3 if the sum of its digits is divisible by 3.
Example: 2301 is divisible by 3 since the sum of its digits 2+3+0+1 = 6 is
divisible by 3.
A number is divisible by 4 if the last two digits of the number form a number
which is divisible by 4.
Example: 2900, 3136, and 745084 are divisible by 4.
A number is divisible by 5 if the number ends with 0 or 5.
Example: 1015, 2890, and 802525 are divisible by 5.

| Mathematics Major [1]
A number is divisible by 6 if the number is divisible by both 2 and 3.
Example: 1350 and 201564 are divisible by 6 because they are both divisible by
2 and by 3.
A number is divisible by 7 if the difference between twice the unit digit and the
number formed by the remaining digits is divisible by 7.
Example: 2191 is divisible by 7, since
2191 219
2 (twice 1)

217 21
14 (twice 7)

7 divisible by 7

A number is divisible by 8 if the last three digits of the number form a number
which is divisible by 8.
Example: 413000, 6739048, and 9013816 are divisible by 8.

A number is divisible by 9 if the sum of its digits is divisible by 9.

Example: 19008 and 324594 are divisible by 9, since 1+9+0+0+8 = 18 and
3+2+4+5+9+4 = 27 are divisible by 9

A number is divisible by 10 if the number ends with 0.

Example: 47020 and 390580 are both divisible by 10.

A number is divisible by 11 if the difference between the sum of the digits in

the even position and the sum of the digits in the odd position is divisible
by 11.
Example: 7654235050 is divisible by 11 since,
(7+5+2+5+5) (6+4+3+0+0) = 24 13 = 11 is divisible by 11
even position odd position
A number is divisible by 12 if the number is divisible by both 3 and 4.
Example: 16178904 is divisible by 12 because it is divisible by 3 (since
1+6+1+7+8+9+0+4 = 36 is divisible by 3) and by 4 (since the last 2 digits
04 form a number which is divisible by 3).

A number is divisible by 13 if the sum of four times the unit digits and the number
formed by the remaining digits is divisible be 13.
Example: 195 is divisible by 13, since
195 19
+ 20 (four times 5)

39 is divisible by 13.


A ratio is a comparison of 2 numbers a and b, with b 0, and may be expressed in the form a to b, a : b or
Ratio compares two quantities with same units.
12 Math books to 15 English books is a ratio
10 kilometers per liter is a rate.
In 1993, for every woman arrested in the United States, 4 men were arrested.
1. What is the ratio of the number of men arrested to the number of women arrested?
Ans. or 4:1
2. What is the ratio of the number of women arrested to the number of men arrested?
Ans. or 1:4

For any two equal ratios a/b and c/d, a/b = c/d is called a proportion. This is also written as a:b = c:d. In this
form, a and d are called extremes and b and c are called the means, and the rule states that the product of the means
equals the product of the extremes. This can also be written as; if a : b = c : d, then ad = bc.

| Mathematics Major [1]
If the ratio of teachers to students in a school is 1 to 18 and there are 360
students, how many teachers are there?
Let x be the number of teachers,
1 x
or 1 : 18 = x : 360
18 360
18x = 360
x = 20 teachers

If a quantity q is to be partitioned into p1, p2, p3, . . . pn, so that the partitions are in the ratio a1 : a2 : a3 : . . . : an,
then the size of the kth partition may be computed as follows:
Pk = ak
a1 a 2 a3 ... a n
Joshua divides his day into leisure, sleep, and work. In the ratio 1 : 2 : 3. How many hours does he spend
P3 = 3 = 12 hours.
1 2 3

If the ratio of two quantities being compared is constant, then they are directly proportional.
y1 y y y
y1 = kx1 and y2 = kx2, then k and 2 k , therefore 1 2
x1 x2 x1 x 2
Junior paid 125php for 14 chocolate candies. How much would 25 of such chocolate candies cost?

125 x
14x = 125(25) = 223.21php
14 25

If the product of two quantities being compared is constant, then they are inversely proportional
x1 x 2
x1y1 = k and x2y2 = k, then x1y1 = x2y2 or
y 2 y1
It takes 20 men to build a house for 60 days. How many men will be needed to build it in 15 days?
20 x
15x = 20(60) = 1 200 x = 80 men
15 60

Simple Interest ( Simple Interest = Prt )
Simple interest is an interest computed on the original principal. The original amount deposited or borrowed is
called the principal. The percent used to determine the interest is called the interest rate. Interest rates are given for
specific periods of time such as years, months or days.
Christian opens a savings account that pays simple interest at the rate of 5% per year. If he deposits 2 000php
and makes no other deposits, find the interest and the final amount for 90 days.

I = (2 000php) (5%) (90/365) = (2 000php) 0.0525) (90/365) = 25.89php

Final Amount = Principal + I = P(1 + rt) = 2 000php + 25.89php = 2 025.89php
Compound Interest ( Final Amount = P[ 1 + r ]n )
Compound interest is different from simple interest because after the first interest calculation, the interest is
added to the principal, so interest is earned on previous interest in addition to the principal. Compound Interest rates
are usually given as annual (1 time a year), semiannual (2 times a year), quarterly (4 times a year), monthly (12 times a
year), and daily (365 times a year).
If 500php is invested at 8% compounded semiannually, what will the final amount be after three years?
Final Amount = P[ 1 + r ]n = 500[ 1 + (8% / 2)]3 * 2 = 500[ 1 + 0.04 ]6
= 500[1.27]
= 635

| Mathematics Major [2]

Philippine Normal University

Refresher Course for year 2015



I. Basic Ideas

The undefined terms, point, line, and plane are geometric ideas and they are visually represented by a tiny dot, a thin
wire, and a smooth flat surface, respectively. Points are labeled by means of capital letters, lines by naming any two of its
points, and planes by naming at least three of its points. The subsets of a line are ray, segment, and the line itself.

A.. B. A. B. A. B.
Line Ray Line

Space is the set of all points.

Some postulates on points, lines and planes:

An infinite number of lines may pass through a given point.
To every pair of different points there corresponds a unique positive number.
This number is called the distance between the two points.

For every two different points there is exactly one line that contains both points.
If two points of a line lie in a plane, then the line lies in the same plane.
Any three points lie in at least one plane, and any three non-collinear points lie in exactly one plane.
If two planes intersect, then their intersection is a line.
An infinite number of planes may pass through a given line.

Every segment has exactly one midpoint.
If a line intersects a plane not containing it, then the intersection is a point.
Given a line and a point not on the line, there is exactly one plane containing both.
Given two intersecting lines, there is exactly one plane containing both.

If two rays have a common endpoint, but do not lie on the same line, then their union is an angle. Their common end
point is called its vertex and the two rays are called its sides. The following are angles:

A point may be on the angle, in the interior or neither on the angle nor in its interior called the exterior.
P. P. P.

The unit of measure for an angle is called a degree. An angle is measured with a protractor.

Angle Measurement Postulate. To every angle there corresponds a real number between 0 and 180.

| Mathematics Major [2]
Kinds of Angles
1. Acute Angle. An acute is an angle whose measure is less than 90.
2. Right Angle. A right angle is one that measures 90. It is usually represented by a small square at
the vertex. Two lines that intersect and form right angles are called perpendicular ( ) lines.
3. Obtuse Angle. This is an angle whose measure is more than 90 but less than 180.

Remarks: In plane Geometry, an angle is simply a set of points. This should be distinguished from the angles
in trigonometry where we speak of directed angles. When we use directed angles, we allow zero angles and straight angles. In
the study of directed angles, we seldom use the degree as a unit measure. Instead, we use the radian.


1. Vertical Angles. Two angles are vertical angles if and only if their sides form two pairs of opposite rays. When two lines
intersect, they form two pairs of vertical angles.
2. Complementary Angles. Two angles whose measures total 90.
3. Supplementary Angles. Two angles whose measures total 180.
4. Linear Pair. Two angles that are formed by two
opposite rays and a third common ray. Two angles,
BAC and CAD, form a linear pair if only if B, A, and D
are collinear and C is not on BA . . .
A linear pair is a supplementary pair. B A D

An angle bisector is a ray in the interior of the angle dividing it into two congruent parts.


Equality between two numbers has the following properties
Reflexive Property: a a , for every a
Symmetric Property: If a b , then b a .
Transitive property: If a b and b c , then a c .


Congruence Properties between Angles (or between segments):
Reflexive Property: A A for every A .
Symmetric property: If A B , then B A .
Transitive Property: If A B and B C , then A C .
AB CD implies that AB CD and vice versa.
Similarly, A B implies that mA mB and vice versa.

Equality is used for measures while congruence is used for figures.

Some Theorems on Angles

If the angles in a linear pair are congruent, then each of them is a right angle.
If two angles are complementary, then they are both acute.
Any two right angles are congruent.
If two angles are both congruent and supplementary, then each is a right angle.
Supplements of congruent angles are congruent.
Complements of congruent angles are congruent.
Vertical angles are congruent.
Two perpendicular lines form four right angles.
The angles in a linear pair are supplementary.
The shortest segment from a point not on a line to the line is the perpendicular () segment.
1. Estimate the measure of an angle if it is three times the measure of its supplement.
Solution: x = 3(180 x)
4x = 3(180)
x = 135

2. On the edge of a half-plane, take points, M, K, A such that A is between M and K. Take ray AT so that m TAK = 35. In the

same half-plane take ray AV such that

m MAV = 85. What is the measure of TAV? ( Ans. 60)
3. If mA = 64, find the measures of the angles that are complementary and supplementary to A.
The measures of two complementary angles must add to 90, so the measure of the
complement of A is given by 90 - 64 = 26.
The measures of two supplementary angles must add to 180, so the measure of the
supplement of A is given by 180 - 64 = 116.
4. In the figure, 1 is complementary to 2, and m3 = 141. Find the measure of each numbered angle in the figure.

| Mathematics Major [2]

Since 3 and m6 are vertical angles, then these angles are congruent. Thus, if m3 = 141, therefore, m6 = 141 .

1 and 3 form linear pair and therefore they are supplementary.

Thus, m1 = 39.
1 and 5 are vertical angles and vertical angles are congruent.
Thus, m5 = 39.
Since 1 is complementary to 2, then m2 = 51.
Since 2 and 8 are vertical angles, then m8 = 51.
Now, m4 = m7 = 129. Why? ____________________________________

5. In the figure below, the measures of angles 1, 2, and 3 are in the ratio 1:2:3, respectively. Find the measure of each angle.

Adding the terms of the ratio 1,2, and 3 gives 6.

1/6 of 90 = 15; 2/6 of 90 = 30; and 3/6 of 90 = 45 12

Thus, the measures of the angles are 15, 30 and 45.

6. Find the measure of an angle whose measure is 40 more than the measure of its supplement.

Solution: A B
Let x = the measure of the supplement of the angle
x + 40 = the measure of the angle H C
x + (x + 40) = 140
2x = 140 F G
x = 70 and x + 40 = 100
Thus, the measure of the angle is 110.
Facts about parallel lines:
1. Parallel lines are coplanar lines that do not intersect
2. Skew lines are noncoplanar and nonintersecting lines.
a.) In the parallelepiped above, name all the lines that contain the edges parallel to AB .
b.) Name all the lines containing the edges that are skew to EF .
a.) The lines parallel to AB are FG , HC and ED
b.) The lines that are skew to EF are AB , HC , BG and CD .

3. A transversal is a line that intersects two coplanar lines at two different points.

Angles formed by Transversals

a.) Alternate Interior Angles b.) Alternate Exterior Angles

1 2 1 2
4 3
4 3
5 6
5 6 8 7
8 7

4 and 6; 3 and 5 are 1 and 7; 2 and 8

alternate interior angles are alternate exterior angles

c.) Same-side Interior angles d.) Corresponding angles


1 2 1 2
| Mathematics Major [2]

4 and 5; 3 and 6 are angles 1 and 5; 2 and 6; 4 and 8; 3

on the same side of the transversal and 7 are corresponding angles


Principle 1: Parallel lines postulates: Through a given point P, not on a line l, exactly one
line maybe drawn parallel to line l. .

Angles Relationships for Parallel Lines that are Cut by a Transversal

Principle 2: If parallel lines are cut by a transversal, then the alternate interior angles are

Principle 3: If parallel lines are cut buy a transversal, then the corresponding angles are

Principle 4: If parallel lines are cut by a transversal, then the alternate exterior angles are congruent.

Principle 5: If parallel lines are cut by a transversal, then the same-side interior angles are supplementary.

Principles on Proving Lines to be Parallel

Principle 6: If two lines are cut by a transversal so that a pair of alternate interior angles are congruent, then the lines are parallel.

Principle 7: If two lines are cut by a transversal so that a pair of corresponding angles are congruent, then the lines are parallel.

Principle 8: If two lines are cut by a transversal so that a pair of alternate exterior angles are congruent, then two lines are parallel.

Principle 9: If two lines are cut by a transversal so that a pair of same-side interior angles are supplementary then two lines are

Principle 10: Lines are parallel if they are parallel to the same line.

A. Use the given information to decide which lines are parallel. Justify your answers with a principle for parallel lines.

1. 6 9
1 2
2. 4 8 a
3. m3 + m8 = 180 4 3
4. m5 + m7 = 180
5. 10 11
9 8 6 7
6. 2 10 c
10 11
Solutions: d e

1. d e by Congruent Corresponding Angles (Principle 7)

2. a c by Alternate Interior Angles Postulate (Principle 6)

3. ac by Same-Side Interior Angles are Supplementary (Principle 9)

4. b c by Same-Side Interior Angles are Supplementary (Principle 9)

5. d e by Congruent Corresponding Angles (Principle 7)

6. a c by Congruent Alternate Exterior Angle (Principle 8)

B. In the figure at the right, find the value of x given st cut by a transversal l
| Mathematics Major [2]

1. m 2 = 2x, m3 = 4x l

2. m1 = 2x, m6 = 136 1 s
3. m1 = 3x, m5 = 60
3 5 t
4. m1 = 6x, m3 = 120 4 6

1. Since st, then 2 is supplementary to 3, (by Principle 5)

Thus, 2x + 4x = 180
6x = 180
x = 30

2. Since st, then 1 6 (Principle 4)

Thus, 2x = 136
x = 68

3. Since st, then 2 5 (Principle 2)

Thus, 2 = 60
But 1and 2 are supplementary (Def. of linear pair)
Therefore, from the given 1 = 3x and 2 = 60
Then 3x + 60 = 180
3x = 120
x = 40

10. Since st, then 1 3 (Principle 3)

Thus, 6x = 120
x = 20


A triangle is the union of the segments determined by three non-collinear points.

Triangles may be classified according to the congruence or noncongruence of their sides.

1. Scalene triangle. A scalene triangle is a triangle having no congruent sides.

2. Isosceles triangle. An isosceles triangle is a triangle having at least two congruent sides
3. Equilateral triangle. An equilateral triangle is a triangle having three congruent sides.

Scalene Isosceles Equilateral

Triangles may also be classified according to the kinds of angles they have.
1. Right triangle. A triangle having one right angle.
2. Obtuse triangle. A triangle having one obtuse angle.
3. Acute triangle. A triangle having three acute angles.

Right Acute
Some Theorems about Triangles

1. Isosceles Triangle Theorem. If two sides of a triangle are congruent, then the angles opposite these sides are congruent.
Conversely, if two angles of a triangle are congruent, then the sides opposite them are congruent
2. Every equilateral triangle is equiangular and conversely.
3. The sum of the measures of the angles of a triangle is 180.

Special Lines in a Triangle

| Mathematics Major [2]

1. Angle bisector of a triangle. An angle bisector of a triangle is a segment or ray that bisects an angle and extends to the opposite

2. Median of a triangle. A median of a triangle is a segment from a vertex to the midpoint of the opposite side.

3. Perpendicular bisector of a side. A perpendicular bisector of a side of a triangle is a line that bisects
and is perpendicular to a side.

4. Altitude to a side of a triangle. An altitude of a triangle is segment from a vertex

perpendicular to the opposite side.

5. Altitude of obtuse triangle. In an obtuse triangle, the two altitudes fall outside the triangle.
6. The altitudes to the congruent sides of an isosceles triangle are congruent.
7. The altitudes of an equilateral triangle are congruent.

Theorems on Right Triangles

1. In a 30-60-90 triangle,
a. the hypotenuse is twice as long as the shorter leg (the leg
opposite the 30 angle), and 60 2a
b. the longer leg is 3 times as long as the shorter leg.

a 3

2. In a 45-45-90 triangle, the hypotenuse is 2 times as long as either


a a 2

3. Pythagorean Theorem
In a right triangle, the square of the length of the hypotenuse is
equal to the sum of the squares of the lengths of the legs. a c

a2 + b2 = c2

4. Angles Outside the Triangle 2

The measure of an exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of
the remote interior angles.
1 3 4
m4 = m1 + m2
5. Exterior Angle Inequality Theorem
The measure of the exterior angle of a triangle is greater than the 2
measure of either remote interior angle.

1 3 4
m4 > m1
m4 > m2
6. Triangle Inequality Theorem

The sum of the lengths of any two sides of a triangle is greater than a c
the length of the third side.



| Mathematics Major [2]
1. Find the lengths of the unknown sides in the
adjoining figure
a c
a b c
a. 3 ____ ____
b. ____ ____ 6 2

By Theorem 1, a) b = 3 and c = 3 2 b) a = 6 and b = 6

2. Find the lengths of the unknown sides in the

adjoining figure 60 c
a b c
4 3 30
a. ____ ____
b. ____ ____ 10

By Theorem 2, a) a = 4 and c = 8 b) a = 5 and b = 5 3 .

3. A pole is braced up by wires tied to its top portion from pegs on the ground
each 6 ft from the foot of the pole. If a wire is 16 ft long, how tall is the pole?
c2 a 2 b2
162 6 2 b 2
b 2 162 6 2
b 2 256 36
b 2 220 14.83

4. Find the measures of the labeled angles in the marked figure at the right.
mx 60; my 120; mz 30; mw 30


Given two triangles. There are four ways to show that they are congruent using only three pairs of corresponding congruent

SAS Congruence Postulate. If two sides and the included angle of one triangle are congruent respectively to the
corresponding two sides and the included angle of another triangle, then the two triangles are congruent.

ASA Congruence Postulate. If two angles and the included side of one triangle are congruent respectively to the
corresponding two angles and the included side of another triangle, then the two triangles are congruent.

SSS Congruence Postulate. If the three sides of one triangle are congruent respectively to the corresponding three sides
of another triangle, then the two triangles are congruent.

SAA Congruence Theorem.. If a side and two angles adjacent angles of one triangle are congruent respectively to the
corresponding side and two adjacent angles of another triangle, then the two triangles are congruent.

Corresponding Parts Principle. If two triangles are congruent by SAS, ASA, SSS, or SAA, then their remaining corresponding parts are
also congruent


| Mathematics Major [2]
Each pair of marked triangles are congruent by the indicated congruence postulate.

60 60

32 32



Triangle Congruence for Right Triangles

From the triangle congruence postulates, any two right triangles may be congruent by any of the following principles:

LL Congruence. Two right triangles are congruent if the two legs of one are congruent, respectively, to the
corresponding two legs of the other. (By SAS)

LA Congruence. Two right triangles are congruent if a leg and an adjacent acute angle of one are congruent,
respectively, to the corresponding leg and an adjacent acute angle of the other. (By ASA; by SAA if the acute
angles are not adjacent)

HL Congruence. Two right triangles are congruent if the hypotenuse and a leg of one are congruent,
respectively, to the corresponding hypotenuse and a leg of the other. (By Transitivity)



First Minimum Theorem

The shortest segment joining a point to a line is the perpendicular segment.

Thus, the distance between a line and an external point is the length of the perpendicular segment from the point to the line.

Similar Triangles

Two triangles are said to be similar if

a. their corresponding angles are congruent, and
b. their corresponding sides are proportional.

Examples of similar triangles:

Similarity Postulates:
1. AA Similarity. If two angles of one triangle are congruent to two corresponding angles of another triangle, then the
triangles are similar.
2. SAS Similarity. If an angle of one triangle is congruent to a corresponding angle of another triangle and the sides that
include these angles are proportional, then the triangles are similar.
3. SSS Similarity. If all the three sides of one triangle are proportional to the lengths of the corresponding sides of another
triangle, then the triangles are similar.

| Mathematics Major [2]
4. Midsegment Theorem for Triangles. A

A segment whose endpoints are the midpoints of two sides

of a triangle is
a. parallel to the third side, and
b. half the length of the third side. B C
DE // BC and DE BC
5. Side-Splitting Theorem
If a line parallel to a side of a triangle intersects the other two sides in distinct
points, then it cuts off segments which are proportional to these sides.



6. Similarity in a right triangle. The altitude to the hypotenuse of a right triangle forms two triangles that are each
similar to the original triangle and to each other.
7. Given a right triangle and the altitude to the hypotenuse. (a) The altitude to the hypotenuse is the geometric
mean of the segments into which it separates the hypotenuse. (b) Each leg is the geometric mean of the
hypotenuse and the segment adjacent to the leg.

Thus, in the marked adjoining figure, C



Hence, CD2 AD BD Finally,

Moreover, .

Hence, AC2 AD DC . And BC2 BD BA


1. Two angles of ABC have measures, 45 and 15, while two angles of DEF have measures 120 and 45. Are the
triangles similar? By what Similarity theorem or definition?

Solution: YES, by the AAA Similarity Theorem_

2. One angle of PQR measures 40 and the sides that include the angle measures 5 each. Another triangle has an
angle that measures 70 and the sides that include these angle measures 8 each. Are the triangles similar?
Solution: YES, by the SAS Similarity Theorem
3. Given the figure as marked. Find PS.
Q 15 9

x 12 PS 12
15 9
PS (15)(12) 9 20
4. In the marked figure at the right, C
AD = 8 and DB = 18. Find CD.

(CD)2 8 18 A B
CD = 12 D

| Mathematics Major [2]

A quadrilateral is a four-sided figure.

If all four angles of a quadrilateral are right angles, then the quadrilateral is a rectangle.
If all four angles of a quadrilateral are right angles, and all four sides are congruent, then the quadrilateral is a
If both pairs of opposite sides are parallel, then the quadrilateral is a parallelogram.
If one and only one pair of opposite sides are parallel, then the quadrilateral is a trapezoid.


1. Each diagonal separates a parallelogram into two congruent triangles.

2. In a parallelogram, any two opposite sides are congruent.
Corollary: If two lines are parallel, then all points of each line are equidistant from the other line.

Recall: The distance between a line and an external point is the length of the perpendicular segment from the point to
the line.

The distance between any two parallel lines is the distance from any point of one to the other.
3. In a parallelogram, any two opposite angles are congruent.
4. In a parallelogram, any two consecutive angles are supplementary.
5. The diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other.

6. The segment joining the midpoints of two sides of a triangle is parallel to the third side and half as long.
7. A rhombus is a parallelogram all of whose sides are congruent.
8. A rectangle is a parallelogram all of whose angles are congruent.
9. A square is a rectangle all of whose sides are congruent.
10. If a parallelogram has one right angle, then it is a rectangle.
11. In a rhombus, the diagonals are perpendicular to each other.
12. If the diagonals of a quadrilateral bisect each other and are perpendicular, then the
quadrilateral is a rhombus.


Let P be a point in a given plane, and r be a positive number. The circle with center P and
radius is the set of all points of the plane whose distance from P is r.

Let P be a point, and let r be a positive number. The sphere
with center P and radius r is the set of all points of space whose
distance from P is r.

Basic Terms on Circles and Spheres

Two or more spheres or two or more circles with the same center are called concentric.
A chord of a circle is a segment whose endpoints lie on the circle.
A line which intersects a circle in two points is called a secant of the circle.
A chord of a sphere is a segment whose endpoints lie on the sphere.
A diameter of a circle or sphere is a chord containing the center.

A radius of a circle or a sphere is a segment from the center to a point of

the sphere.

| Mathematics Major [2]
The interior of a circle is the set of all points of the plane whose distance from the center is less than the
The exterior of a circle is the set of all points of the plane whose distance from the center is greater
than the radius.

A tangent to a circle is a line (in the same plane) which intersects the circle in one and only one point. This point
is called the point of tangency.

Theorems Circles and Spheres

1. The intersection of a sphere with a plane through its center is a circle with the same center and the same radius.
2. The intersection of a sphere with a plane through its center is called a great circle of the sphere.
3. A line perpendicular to a radius at its outer end is tangent to the circle.
4. Every tangent to a circle is perpendicular to the radius drawn to the point of tangency.
5. The perpendicular from the center of a circle to a chord bisects the chord.
6. The segment from the center of a circle to the midpoint of a chord which is not a diameter is perpendicular to
the chord.
7. In the plane of a circle, the perpendicular bisector of a chord passes through the center.
8. In the same circle or in congruent circles, chords equidistant from the center are congruent.
9. In the same circle or in congruent circles, any two congruent chords are equidistant from the center.
10. If the line and the circle are coplanar, and line intersects the interior of the circle, then it intersects the circle in
two and only two points.


Two circles are tangent if they are tangent to the same line at the same point. If two tangent circles are coplanar,
and their centers are on the same side of their common tangent, then their internally tangent. If two tangent circles
if two tangents are coplanar, and their canters are on opposite sides of their common
tangent, then their externally tangent


In the adjoining circle at the right, P is the center. The set of points (darkened) on the circle in the interior of
APB is the minor arc AB . The remaining set of points on the circle is the major arc AB . A and B are the endpoints
of the arcs.


A central angle of a circle is an angle whose vertex is the center of the circle.

In the figure, APB is a central angle.


Let C be a circle, and let A and B be the endpoints of a diameter. A semicircle

is the union of A, B, and the points of C that lie in a given half-plane with
AB as edge. The points A and B are the end points of the semicircle.

| Mathematics Major [2]

1. The degree measure of an arc is the measure of the corresponding central angle.
2. The degree measure of a semicircle is 180.



An angle is inscribed in an arc if

1. The sides of the angle contain the end points of the arc and
2. The vertex of the angle is a point, but not an end point, of the arc.


An angle intercepts an arc if

1. The end points of the arc lie on the angle,
2. All other points of the arc are in the interior of the angle, and
3. Each side of the angle contains an end point of the arc.

Theorems on Inscribed Angles and Intercepted Arcs

1. The measure of an inscribed angle is half the measure of the intercepted arc.
2. An angle inscribed in a semicircle is a right angle.
3. Every two angles inscribed in the same arc are congruent.

A triangle is inscribed in a circle if the vertices of the triangle lie on the circle. If each side of the triangle is
tangent to the circle, then the quadrilateral is circumscribed about the circle.


| Mathematics Major [2]


1. The volume of the prism is the product of the altitude and the area of the base.
2. The volume of a triangular pyramid is one-third the product of its altitude and its base area.
3. The volume of a pyramid is one-third the product of its altitude and its base area.
4. The volume of a circular cylinder is the product of its altitude
and the area of its base.
5. The volume of a circular cone is one-third the product
of its altitude and the area of its base.


Starting point

These triangles are congruent.

If you cut out DEF and place it onto ABC , they should have the same size and shape. The movement may be a slide, a flip,
or a turn.
Look at the kite at the right. If we fold the kite over BD , there is a one-
to-one correspondence between the points of the kite. A C, points along AB
and CB correspond, and points along AD and CD correspond.


A transformation is a one-to-one correspondence between points in the plane such that each point P is associated with a
unique point P , called the image of P .
Transformations that preserve the size and shape of geometric figures are called isometries (iso means same and metry
means measure) or rigid motions.
Types of isometries: translation, rotation and reflection.

Translation is a transformation that acts like a slide.


Describe a transformation that will move ABC to

' ' '
coincide with A B C

Slide the triangle so that A moves to A. Since B and C are
the same distance and direction from B and C, respectively, as A is from point A, point B is the image of B and point C is the image
of C. Thus, ABC moves to A 'B'C' . Trace ABC and slide it using the arrow from A to A.
To define translation, we need the concept of directed line segment. Informally, a line segment AB can be directed in two
ways: (1) pointing from A to B denoted as AB or (2) pointing from B to A denoted as BA .
Further, two line segments are said to be equivalent if they are parallel, have the same length and point in the same

| Mathematics Major [2]

Suppose that A and B are points in the plane. The translation associated with directed line segment AB , denoted TAB , is
' '
the transformation that maps each point P to the point P such that PP is equivalent to AB .

' ' '

Directed segment PP is equivalent to AB so that PP AB and P P = AB. Thus quadrilateral
P P BA is a parallelogram, since it has a pair of opposite sides that are parallel and congruent. We can imagine that P is slid
by the translation TAB in the direction from A to B for a distance equal to AB.


This is an isometry that corresponds to turning the plane around a fixed point.
Describe a transformation that will move ABC to coincide with A 'B'C' .

We can turn ABC 180 around point P, the midpoint of segment BB ' to coincide with A 'B'C' .

To define rotation, we need the concept of a directed angle. An angle ABC is said to be a directed angle if it satisfies
the following properties:

1. If mABC 0 , then the measure of the directed angle is 0.

2. If ABC is a straight angle, then the measure of the directed angle is 180.
3. In the adjoining figure,
a) Let BA be turned about B through the smallest possible angle so that the image of
ray BA coincides with BC .

b) If the direction of the turn is counterclockwise, the measure of the directed angle is the positive number
mABC . If the direction is clockwise, the measure is the negative number mABC . The directed angle
ABC is denoted by ABC .

For the directed angle by ABC , ray BA is called the initial side and ray BC is called the terminal side.

The rotation with center O and angle with measure a, denoted R O,a , is the
transformation that maps each point P other than O to the point P such that
1. The measure of directed angle POP' is a, and
2. OP OP

Point O is mapped to itself by R O,a .

| Mathematics Major [2]
This isometry corresponds to flipping the plane over a fixed line.

Describe a transformation that will move ABC to coincide with A 'B'C'

Flip ABC over the perpendicular bisector of AA ' .

' '
Then point A moves to point A , point B to B , and C to C ' . Hence, ABC moves to coincide with A 'B'C'


A transformation that flips the plane over a fixed line is called a reflection.


Suppose that a line l is a line in the plane. The reflection in line l, denoted by M t , is the
transformation that maps points as follows:
1. Each point P not on line l is mapped to the point P such that l is the
perpendicular bisector of segment PP .
2. Each point Q on line l is mapped to itself.

Examples of transformations

| Mathematics Major [3]
Philippine Normal University
Refresher Course for year 2015

FOCUS: Basic Algebra
1. Perform operations on Algebraic Expressions
2. Simplify a given algebraic expression with series of operations
3. Apply the Laws of Exponents in Multiplying and Dividing Algebraic Expressions
4. Factor polynomials
5. Use factoring in simplifying rational expressions
6. Perform operations on Rational Expressions
7. Perform operations on Radical Numbers
8. Identify the domain and/or the range of a given function
9. Identify/ describe the graph of a function
10. Solve problems on
a) Linear equations
b) Systems of linear equations
11. Compute the value of a function f(n), where n is a counting number


I. Algebraic Expressions
A mathematical phrase that contains a variable is an open phrase. A number phrase is an expression
that does not contain a variable. It is also referred to as a numerical expression. The English phrase a certain
number added to 5 may be translated to the open phrase n + 5 where n stands for a certain number. The
English phrase seven added to 5 may be translated to the number phrase 7 + 5.

Expressions like 8 + 2, 12 2, 5 x 2, and 20 2 are some number phrases for the number 10. Expressions like
, - 2a, 2n + 8, 2(l + w) are examples of open phrases. Another name for open phrase is algebraic expression.
An expression composed of constants, variables, grouping symbols, and operation symbols, is called an
algebraic expression. It is the result of adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing (except by 0), or taking roots
on any combination of constants and variables.
1 2 x3 1 1
Example a) 2 x 3x b. 2 x x
c) 4x2 2x 5 d) 2
3 x x

A. Polynomials
A term of a polynomial is a constant, a variable or the product of a constant and one or more variables
raised to whole number exponents. The constant preceding the variable in each term is called coefficient of
the variable. In 3x 3 15x 2 2 , the coefficient of x3 is 3, and the coefficient of x2 is 15. In algebra, a number is
frequently referred to as a constant, and so the last term 2 in 3x 3 15x 2 2 is called the constant term.
A polynomial is a term or a finite sum of terms, with only non-negative integer exponents permitted
on the variables. If the terms of a polynomial contain only the variable x, then the polynomial is called
polynomial in x.

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2 x3
a) 8r 2 s 3 b) x2 2xy 3y2 c) 4x2 2x 5

d) 8 x 3 y 3 e) 4r 2 s 3 2 1 f) x 4 8x 2 11x 5

B. Degree of a Polynomial
The degree of a polynomial in one variable is the highest exponent of the variable in the polynomial. A
term containing more than one variable has degree equal to the sum of all the exponents appearing on the
variables in the term. The degree of a polynomial in more than one variable is the highest degree of all the
terms appearing in the polynomial. If a monomial consists of a constant term then the expression is called
constant polynomial. The degree of a constant polynomial is zero.
1) The degree of the polynomial 6 x 3 y 2 3xy is 5.
2) The degree of the polynomial 4 x 2 5 x 3 is 2.
3) The degree of the polynomial 2 x 2 5 x 2 y 7 y is 3.
C. Like Terms
If two terms contain the same powers of the same variables, they are called like terms or similar
terms. For example, 3x 2 and 5x 2 are like terms, whereas 3x 2 and 2x 3 are not like terms. Other examples
are 4 xy and 5 yx , 3x 2 y and 5 yx 2 , and 4 x x y and 7 x x y .
D. Kinds of Polynomials
Certain polynomials have special names depending on the number of terms they have.
1. Monomial is a polynomial that has only one term.
5x 2 y 3
Examples: a) 8r 2 s 3 b)
2. Binomial is a polynomial that has two terms.
6x 2 y
Examples: a) 8 x 3 y 3 b) 3 xy
3. Trinomial is a polynomial that has three terms.
2x 2 3
Examples: a) 4 x 2 5 x 3 b) 5x 2 y
3 5
4. Multinomial is a polynomial that has four or more terms
2a 4 b 3 a 3 b 2
Examples: a) 4 x 3 5x 2 x 7 b) 2 a 2 b 5a
5 4
E. Evaluating Algebraic Expressions
In Algebra, we replace a variable with a number. This is called substituting the variable. To evaluate an
algebraic expression, substitute the variable by a number and then calculate. Evaluating an algebraic
expression means obtaining or computing the value of the expression where value/s of the variable/s is/are

Examples: Evaluate.
x y x y y x 3y
1) for x = 12 & y = 8 2) for x = 2 & y = 4
4 4 2 x

12 8 12 8 4 2 3(4)
= =
4 4 2 2

20 4 6 12
= =5+1 = =3+6
4 4 2 2

24 18
= =6 = =9
4 2
F. Operations on Algebraic Expressions
H. Simplifying Algebraic Expressions Involving Grouping Symbols
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II. Laws of Exponents

A. Product Law
If m and n are integers and a 0, then
a m a n a m n
1) x 2 x 3 x 5 2) 32 34 36

B. Power of a Power Law

If m and n are integers and a 0, then
m n
a mn
x x
1) x 3
2 4 6 4 24

2) 32

C. Power of a Product Law

If m is an integer and a 0 and b 0, then
abm a mb m

1) 2 x 3
22 x 6 4x 6
2) 32 x 4 y 2 3
3 3 2
x12 y 6
36 x 36 y18

D. Quotient Law
If m and n are integers and m > n, and a 0, then
If m and n are integers and m < n, and a 0, then
am 1
a a
If m and n are integers and m = n, and a 0, then
amn a0 1
29 x 4 1 1 1
1) 4 29 4 25 32 2) 2 2 ( 4 ) 2 4 2
2 x x x x

E. Power of a Quotient Law

If n, a, and b are integers, and b 0, then
b b
x3 2 24 16
1) 3 2) 4
y y 3 3 81

III. Special Products and Factoring

A. Special Products
A. Product of the Sum and Difference of Two Terms

The product of the sum and difference of two terms is obtained by subtracting the product of
the last terms from the product of the first terms, and is called the difference of two squares
a) a b a b a 2 b 2 b) 3a 5b 3a 5b 9a 2 25b 2

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Square of a Binomial

The square of a binomial is the sum of the square of the first term, twice the product of the two
terms, and the square of the last term.
a b2 a 2 2ab b 2 a 2 2ab b 2
a b2 a 2 2a b b 2 a 2 2ab b 2

Product of Two Binomials of the Form ax by and cx dy

The product of the binomials ax by and cx dy where a, b, c, & d are real numbers, is
equal to ax cx dy by cx dy .

Product of a Binomial and Trinomial of the Form a b and a 2 ab b 2

The product of a binomial a b and a trinomial a 2 ab b 2 where the first term of the trinomial is
the square of the first term of the binomial, the middle term of the trinomial is the negative of the product of
the two terms of the binomial, and the third term of the trinomial is the square of the second term of the
binomial, is equal to the product of the first terms plus or minus the product of the last terms of the
binomial and trinomial factors.

1) a ba 2 ab b 2 a 3 b 3 (Sum of Two Cubes)

2) a ba 2 ab b 2 a 3 b 3 (Difference of Two Cubes)

Cube of a Binomial
The cube of a binomial a b is equal to a b a b a b or a b .

a b3 = a b2 a b = a 2 ab b 2 a b = a 3 3a 2b 3ab2 b 3
B. Factoring

Factoring is the reverse of multiplying. To factor an expression means to write an equivalent expression
that is a product of two or more expressions.

1) Common Monomial Factoring

1 Get the GCF of the terms in the polynomial.
2 Divide the polynomial by the GCF of the terms in the polynomial.
3 Write as factors the GCF and the quotient.
a) 5 x 4 20x 3 = 5 x 3 x 4
b) 16x 4 y 2 24x 2 y 2 48x 2 y 4 = 8 x 2 y 2 2 x 2 3 6 y 2

2) Factoring the Difference of Two Squares (DTS)

For a binomial to be a difference of two squares, two conditions must hold.
1. The given binomial is a difference of two terms.
2. The two terms must be perfect squares.
a) 4 x 2 25, b) 36x 8 25 y 6
a b a b

a) 4 x 25 = (2 x) - (5) = (2 x + 5) (2 x - 5)
2 2 2

a2 b2

b) 36x 25 y = (6 x ) - (5 y ) = (6 x + 5 y ) (6 x - 5 y 3 )
8 6 4 2 3 2 4 3 4

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3) Factoring the Perfect Square Trinomial (PST)
The square of a binomial is often called the perfect square trinomial.
Use the following to help recognize a perfect square trinomial:
a) Two of the terms (1st & 3rd) must be squares, a 2 and b 2 , and are both positive.
b) If we multiply a and b and double the result, we get the middle term, 2ab, or its additive
inverse, - 2ab.
To factor perfect square trinomial, use the following relationships:
a) a 2ab b 2 a b a b a ba b a b a b
2 2 2

b) a 2 2ab b 2 a b a b a ba b a b a b
2 2

Remember to factor out a common factor first, if there is any.

4) Factoring the Quadratic Trinomial
In the polynomial x 2 bx c , recall that c is the constant term. If that c is not a perfect square, the
trinomial cannot be factored using perfect square trinomial type. It may, however, be possible to factor it as
the product of two different binomials.
Some points to consider in factoring x 2 bx c , where b and c are constants.
a) If the sign of the constant term is positive, look for its factors whose sum is the numerical
coefficient of the middle. The signs of these factors must be the same. The sign of the middle
term becomes the signs of the factors of the constant term.

Some points to consider in factoring ax 2 bx c , where a, b and c are constants.

To factor ax 2 bx c , we look for binomials in the form
__ x __ __ x __
where the products of constants in the blanks are as follows.
a) The constants in the first blanks of the binomials have product a.
b) The constants in the last blanks of the binomials have product c.
c) The product of the constants in the extremes and the product of the
constants in the means have a sum of b.
5) Factoring the Sum or Difference of Two Cubes
If we divide a 3 b 3 by a b , we get the quotient a 2 ab b 2 and no remainder. So a b
and a 2 ab b 2 are factors of a 3 b 3 . Similarly, if we divide a 3 b 3 by a b , we get the quotient
a 2 ab b 2 and no remainder. So a b and a 2 ab b 2 are factors of a 3 b 3 .

Factoring a Difference or a Sum of Two Cubes

a 3 b 3 = ( a b ) ( a 2 ab b 2 )
a 3 b 3 = ( a b ) ( a 2 ab b 2 )

6) Factoring by Grouping
When the given expression is a multinomial, it may be factored by grouping.
a) 6 x 3 9 x 2 4 x 6 b) x 2 2 xy y 2 b 2
a) 6 x 3 9 x 2 4 x 6
There is no factor common to all the terms other than 1. We can, however, group the terms as
(6 x 9 x 2 ) and (4 x 6) and factor these separately.

= (6 x 3 9 x 2 ) (4 x 6) Grouping the terms

= 3x (2 x 3) 2(2 x 3)
Factoring each binomial
= 2 x 33x 2
Factoring out the common factor (2x3)
b) x 2 xy y b
2 2 2

The terms do not have any common factor other than 1 but the terms can be grouped as
( x 2 xy y 2 ) and b 2 . Both groups can be expressed as squares. Thus, x y b
2 2 2

= x y b
2 2
Rewriting the expression as DTS.
= x y b x y b Factoring the DTS
= x y b x y b Simplifying each factor
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7) Factoring by Completing the Square
There are polynomials that cannot be factored by using any of the preceding methods. Completing the
square can factor some of these polynomials.

Examples: Factor
a) x 64
b) 4 x 4 37 x 2 y 2 49 y 4

a) x 4 64
If the given expression is a binomial whose terms are perfect squares and positive, these two terms can
be considered as the first and last terms of the perfect square trinomial. It means that in the binomial x 4 64 ,
the middle term is missing. The middle term (mt) can be found by using the formula:
mt = 2 ft lt
where ft is the first term and lt is the last term.
Using the formula,

mt = 2 x 4 64 = 2 x 2 8 16x 2
= x 4 64 0 Additive Identity Property
= x 4 16x 2 64 16x 2 16x 2 16x 2 0
= ( x 4 16x 2 64) (16x 2 ) Grouping the terms

= x 2 8 4 x
2 2
Rewriting the expression as DTS
= x 2 8 4 x
x 2 8 4 x Factoring the DTS

x 4 64 x 2 4 x 8 x 2 4 x 8 Simplifying and arranging the terms

b) 4 x 4 37 x 2 y 2 49 y 4
In the expression 4 x 4 37 x 2 y 2 49 y 4 , the first and last terms are squares . For the given to be a PST,
the middle term must be
mt = 2 4 x 4 49 y 4 = 22 x 2 7 y 2 28x 2 y 2
Thus, we rename 37 x 2 y 2 as 28x 2 y 2 9 x 2 y 2 , and we have
4 x 4 37 x 2 y 2 49 y 4 = 4 x 4 28x 2 y 2 49 y 4 9 x 2 y 2
= (4 x 4 28x 2 y 2 49 y 4 ) (9 x 2 y 2 ) Grouping the terms

= 2 x 2 7 y 2 3xy
2 3
Rewriting the expression as DTS
= 2 x 7 y 3xy
2 2
2x 7 y 3xy Factoring the DTS
2 2

4 x 4 37 x 2 y 2 49 y 4 = 2 x 2 3xy 7 y 2 2 x 2 3xy 7 y 2 Simplifying & arranging the terms

IV. Rational Expressions

A rational expression, or a fraction, is a quotient of algebraic expressions (remember that division by zero
is not defined).

A. Signs of Rational Expressions

a a (a) a (a) a
b b b (b) b (b)

a a (a) a a (a)
b b b (b) b (b)
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x x ( x) x
y x ( y x) ( y x) x y

y 3 x3 ( y 3 x3 ) ( x3 y 3 )
x y x y x y

B. Relations of Rational Expressions

1) Equivalent rational expressions

a c
These are rational expressions with equal values. Note that if and only if ad bc .
b d
1 4 1 2a 3b 2 1 x 2 xy y 2
a) b) 4 2 c)
2 8 a 2a b x y x3 y 3

2) Similar rational expressions

These are rational expressions with the same denominator.
3 7 9 2 x 1 y 2 2x x 1 x y
a) , , b) , , c) , ,
4 4 4 ab ab ab 2x y 2x y 2x y

3) Dissimilar rational expressions

These are rational expressions having different denominators.
5 3 1 3 x 3 x 2 1 2x 3y
a) , , b) 2 , , 2 c) , ,
9 8 6 a b ab ab x y x y x2 y 2

C. Reduction of Rational Expression to Simplest Form

A rational expression is said to be in lowest or simplest form if the numerator and denominator are
relatively prime. The process of reducing fractions to their simplest form is dividing both numerator and
denominator by their greatest common factor (GCF).

35a 4b 2
1) Reduce to lowest terms.
42a 3b 3
35a 4b 2 57aaaabb 5a

42a b
3 3
23 7 a a a b b b 6b
35a 4 b 2 7a 3b 2 5a

42a b 7a b
3 3 3 2
where the greatest common factor (GCF)between the numerator and the denominator is 7a 3b 2 .

x3 x 2 6 x
2) Reduce 3 to lowest term.
x 3x 2 2 x

We will first factor the members of the given fraction and then proceed as above.
x3 x 2 6 x x( x 2 x 6)
Common factoring by x
x3 3x 2 2 x x( x 2 3x 2)

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x( x 3)(x 2)
Factoring quadratic trinomials
x( x 1)(x 2)

= Canceling x and (x 2)
x 1

3x 2
3) Reduce to simplest form.
3x( x 1) 2( x 1)
3x 2
= Given
3x( x 1) 2( x 1)
3x 2
= Common factoring or by grouping
( x 1)(3 x 2)

= Canceling (3x 2)
x 1

D. Operations on Rational Expressions

1) Multiplication and Division of Rational Expressions

a c ac
a) Product of fractions:
b d bd
The product of two or more given rational expressions is a fraction whose numerator is the product of
the numerators of the given fractions and whose denominator is the product of the given denominators. The
product should be reduced to lowest terms.

9a 2b3 20c 6 d 4 4b3c 5 2
4b 6c 4 18a 3d 2 5c 7 d 3 ad

a 2 4b 2 8a 4b a 2 4ab 3b 2
2a 2 7ab 3b 2 2a 4b a 2 ab 2b 2

(a 2b)(a 2b) 4(2a b) (a b)(a 3b)

= Factoring
(2a b)(a 3b) 2(a 2b) (a 2b)(a b)

2( a b )
= Canceling common factors and get the product

a c a d ad
b) Quotient of fractions:
b d b c bc
To obtain the quotient of two rational expressions, we multiply the dividend by the reciprocal of the divisor.
100a 2b 4 60a 3b3
30bc3 42ac4
100a 2b 4 42ac4
= Getting the reciprocal of the divisor
30bc3 60a 3b3
then proceed to multiplication

(5b)(20a 2b3 ) 7c(a)(6c3 )

= Factoring the numerator and
(5b)(6c3 ) 3(a)(20a 2b3 )
the denominator
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= Canceling the common factors of the numerators and the
denominators and simplify the result.

x 2 3x 2 x2 x 2
2) Divide by 2
2 x 2 3x 1 2 x 3x 2
( x 2)(x 1) ( x 2)(2 x 1)
= Factoring and multiplying the dividend by the
(2 x 1)(x 1) ( x 1)(x 2)
reciprocal of the divisor

= Canceling common factors
x 1

c) Addition and Subtraction of Rational expressions

Sum or difference of rational expressions:

a c ac
d d d
a c ad bc
b d bd

2x 1 7x 5 9x 3
a) Find .
6x 1 6x 1 6x 1

2x 1 7x 5 9x 3
= Writing the rational expressions as a single
6x 1
fraction with a common denominator
(2 x 7 x 9 x) (1 5 3)
= Collecting like terms in the numerator
6x 1

= Performing the indicated operations in the
6x 1
2 3x 8y
b) Express 2 2 in simplest form.
3x 2 y 3x 2 xy 9 x 4 y 2

2 3x 8y
= Factoring the
(3x 2 y ) x(3x 2 y ) (3x 2 y )(3x 2 y )

Make the rational expressions similar by getting the LCD, divide the LCD by the
given denominator and multiply the quotient by the given numerator

2 x(3x 2 y ) 3x(3x 2 y ) 8 y ( x)
x(3x 2 y )(3x 2 y ) x(3x 2 y )(3x 2 y ) x(3x 2 y )(3x 2 y )

6 x 2 4 xy 9 x 2 6 xy 8 xy
= Getting the products in the
x(3x 2 y )(3x 2 y )

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3 x 2 2 xy
= Combining like terms in the
x(3 x 2 y )(3 x 2 y )

( x)(3x 2 y )
= Factoring the numerator
( x)(3x 2 y )(3x 2 y )

= Reducing the result to
(3x 2 y )
simplest form

E. Simplification of Complex Rational Expressions

Complex rational expression is a rational expression in which the numerator or denominator is a
rational expression.

1) Simplify the complex rational expression .
y 2 x2
y y 2 x2 y 2 x2
= 2
y x2 y x

y 2 x2 x x
= 2 Canceling common factors
y y x 2
and then multiplying
the dividend by the reciprocal
of the divisor.

V. Radical Expressions and Negative Exponents

Any expression involving an n th root can be written in radical form. The symbol is called the radical


If n is a positive integer and a is a real number for which a n is defined, then the expression
a is called a radical, and n
a =a .n

The number a is called the radicand. The number n is called the index of the radical. Remember that
a is the positive nth root of a when n is even and a is positive, whereas n a is the real nth root
a = a n . So n

of a when n is odd and a is any real number. The expressions 4 , 4 16 , and 6 2 are not real numbers
because there are no even roots of negative numbers in the real number system.
Whenever the exponent of a base is in rational form where n 0, the expression can always be
expressed in radical form.

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Example 1: Write each exponential expression using radical notation.
3 5 2
a) a 4
b) a 2
c) 8 3

3 5 2
4 3 5 3
a) a = 4
a b) a 2
= ( a) 2
c) 8 = 3

Example 2: Write each radical expression using exponential notation.

a) 36 b) 3
8 c) 3
1 1 6

a) 36 = 36 2
b) 3
8 = (8) 3
c) 3
a =a6 3

A. Simplifying Radical Expressions

Product Rule for Radicals

The n th root of a product is equal to the product of the n th roots of the factors. In symbols,
ab = n
a nb ,
provided that all of the expressions represent real numbers.

Examples: Simplify each of the following using the Product Rule for Radicals.
a) 4 32 b. 12x 6 c) 3
54x 5 y 9
a) 4
32 = 4 16 4
2 = 4
24 4
2 = 24 2
b) 12x 6 = 4x 6 3 = 22 ( x 3 ) 2 3 = 2 x 3 3
c) 3
54x 5 y 9 = 3 27 x3 y 9 3
2x 2 = 3
33 x 3 y 9 3
2x 2 = 3xy 3 3 2 x 2

Quotient Rule for Radicals

The n th root of a quotient is equal to the quotient of the n th roots of the numerator and
a a
denominator . In symbols n n
provided that all of the expressions are real numbers and b 0 .
b b

Examples: Simplify each of the following using the Quotient Rule for Radicals.
8x 3 y 5 24y 5
a) 3
b) 3
27 125

8 x3 y 5 3
8 x3 y 3 y 2 3
(2)3 x3 y 3 y 2 2 xy 3 y 2
a) 3
27 3
33 3 3

24 y 5 3 8 3 y 3 y 2 3
23 y 3 y 2 2 y 3 y 2
b) 3
125 3 3
5 5 5

Rationalizing the Denominator

Multiplying both the numerator and denominator by another radical that makes the denominator

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Examples: Rationalize the denominator of each of the following:
10 3
24x 2 y 4 2
a) b) c)
6 3
4 xy 1 3

10 10 6 60 22 15 2 15 15
6 6 6 62 6 6 3

24x 2 y 4 3
24x 2 y 4 3
2x2 y 2 3
48x 4 y 6 3
23 6 x 3 xy 6 2 xy 2 3 6 x
b) = y3 6 x
4 xy 3
4 xy 3
2x2 y 2 3
8 x3 y 3 3
23 x 3 y 3 2 xy

c) To rationalize letter c, use the conjugate of the two-term denominator as the multiplier of both numerator
and denominator of the given expression.
2 1 3 2(1 3 ) 2(1 3 ) 2(1 3 )
(1 3 ) 1 3
1 3 1 3 1 32 1 3 2

B. Operations on Radical Expressions

1) Addition and Subtraction

Like radicals are radicals that have the same index and the same radicand. To simplify the sum of
3 2 5 2 , we can use the fact that 3x + 5x = 8x is true for any value of x. So, 3 2 5 2 8 2 . The
expression 3 2 2 3 cannot be simplified because they are unlike radicals. There are radicals that need to
be simplified before adding or subtracting them.
1) 2x 3 - 4x 2 + 5 18x 3 2) 3 16 x 3 y 4 - 3
54x 3 y 4


1) 2x 3 - 4x 2 + 5 18x 3 Given
= 2 x 2 x - 2 2 x 2 + 5 32 2 x 2 x Product rule for radicals
= x 2 x - 2x + 15x 2 x Simplifying each radical
= 15x 2 x - 2x Adding like radicals

2) 3 16 x 3 y 4 - 3
54x 3 y 4 Given
= 3
23 2 x 3 y 3 y - 3
33 2 x 3 y 3 y Product rule for radicals
= 2 xy 3 2 y - 3xy 3 2 y Simplifying each radical
= xy 3 2 y Adding like radicals

2) Multiplication of Radicals
The product rule for radicals, n ab = n a n b , allows multiplication of radicals with the same index.
Examples: Find the product of the radicals in simplest form.
1) 2 6 4 3 2) 3
a (3 a 23 a 2 ) 3) (2 3 + 5 ) (2 3 - 5)

1) 2 6 4 3 = 8 18 8 2 32 (8)(3) 2 24 2

a (3 a 23 a 2 ) = a2 2 a3 = a 2 2a
3 3 3 3
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3) (2 3 + 5 ) (2 3 - 5 ) = 4 32 - 52 = 4(3) 5 = 12 5 = 7

C. Simplifying Expressions with Negative Exponents

For any rational number a except 0, and for all whole numbers m,

To simplify algebraic expressions with negative exponents, mean to express the given expression into
an equivalent quantity where the exponents become positive.

Examples: Simplify the following expressions:

92 a 4bc3 9 x 2 4 y 4
a) 4 3 2 3 b) 1
3 a b c 3x 2 y 2

92 a 4bc3 (32 ) 2 a 4bc3 34 a 4bc3 34 a 4b 2c3 b3

a) 4 3 2 3 4 3 2 3 4 3 2 3 4 4 2 3
3 a b c 3 a b c 3 a b c 3 abc a

9 x 2 4 y 4 x 2 y 4 9 y 4 4x2 (3 y 2 2 x)(3 y 2 2 x) 3 y 2 2 x
b) 1
3x 2 y 2 x 2 y 4 3xy 4 2 x 2 y 2 xy 2 (3 y 2 2 x) xy 2

VI. Relations, Functions, and their Zeros

A. Definition of Relation, Function, Domain and Range

A relation is a set of ordered pairs. The domain of a relation is the set of first coordinates.
The range is the set of second coordinates. Relations are often defined by equations with no domain
stated. If the domain is not stated, we agree that the domain consists of all real numbers that, when
substituted for the independent variable, produce real numbers for the dependent variable.

Example 1:
The table of values below shows the relation between the distance of the movie projector from the
screen and the size of a motion picture on the screen.
Distance 1 2 3 4
Screen Size 1 4 9 16
The numbers in the table above could be written as ordered pairs (x, y) where x is the
First member or first coordinate and y is the second member or second coordinate. We can express these
numbers as the set of ordered pairs.
1,1, 2. 4, 3, 9, 4,16

The set 1,1, 2. 4 , 3, 9 , 4,16 is a relation. The domain of the relation is 1, 2, 3, 4 , and the range

is 1, 4, 9, 16 .
Example 2:
The set of ordered pairs below shows a similar relation. Each person is paired with a
number representing his or her height.

Person Carl Dan Em Frank

Height (cm) 202 142 138 142

The relation is Carl , 202 , Dan , 142 , Em,138 , Frank ,142 . The domain is
Carl , Dan , Em, Frank and the range is 138, 142, 202 . Notice that for each person there is
exactly one height. This is a special kind of relation called a function.
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A function is a relation that assigns to each member of the domain exactly one member of
the range. It is a set of ordered pairs of real numbers x, y in which no two distinct ordered pairs
have the same first coordinate. The set of all permissible values of x is called the domain of the
function, and the set of all resulting values of y is called the range of the function.

Example 3:

Let f be the function defined by f x, y y x 2 3 . Find the domain and range of the function.
The domain is the set of all real numbers. Since the expression x 2 is nonnegative, the smallest value
that y can take is 3 (when x 0 ). Hence the range is is the set of all real numbers greater than or equal to 3 or
y y 3 .
Example 4:
Find the domain and range of the function defined by f x, y y .
x 1
The domain is the set of all real numbers except 1 , which is x R x 1. To determine the range,
express x in terms of y, that is x . From this result, y cannot be equal to 1 . Therefore the range of
y 1
function is the set of all real numbers except 1 , which is y R y 1

B. Values of Functions

The symbol f x (read " f of x" or " f at x" ) denotes the particular value of the function that
corresponds to the given value of x . The variable x is called the independent variable while the variable y is
called the dependent variable because y is usually expressed in terms of x when their relationship is given in
the form of an equation. If there is an equation that is a function, we may replace y in the equation with f x
, since f x represents y . For example, if the given function is y 3x 1 , we may write it as f x 3 x 1 .

To evaluate a function for a specific value of x , replace each x in the function with the given value, and
then perform the indicated operation/s.

Example 1: Find the value of f x 3x 2 5 x 2 when x 2 , denoted by f 2 .

f x 3x 2 5 x 2
f 2 32 52 2

f 2 34 10 2 f 2 12 8 f 2 4
In the example, the ordered pair 2, 4 belongs to the function f , in symbols 2, 4 f . We also say that 4 is
the image of 2 under f , and 2 is the pre-image of 4 under f .

Example 2: Given that f is the function defined by f x x 2 4 x 3 , find the following:

a) f 0 b) f 2 c) f 2h d) f 3h 2
e) f x h

VII. Equations
An equation is a mathematical sentence that uses an equal sign to state that two expressions
represent the same number or are equivalent.

a) 3 2 5 b) 3x 4 2 x 5 c) x 2 9 0

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An equation that contains at least one variable is called an open sentence. Equations b & c above are
examples of open sentences. In equation b, only -1 makes the sentence true or satisfies the equation.
However, more than one number might satisfy an equation. For example, +3 and -3 satisfy the equation
x 2 9 0 . Any number that satisfies an equation is called a solution or root to the equation. The set of
numbers from which you can select replacements for the variable is called the replacement set.

Solution set
The set of all solutions to an equation is called the solution set to the equation.

1) Solving Equations

To solve an equation means to find all of its solutions. The most basic method for solving equations
involves the properties of equality.

Properties of Equality
For any rational numbers a, b and c,
a) a a is always true Reflexive Property
b) If a b , then b a Symmetry Property
c) If a b , b c , then a c . Transitive Property
d) Adding the same number to both
sides of the equation does not
change the solution set of the
equation. In symbols, if a b ,
then a c b c . Addition Property
e) Multiplying both sides of the
equation by the same nonzero
number does not change the
solution set of the equation.
In symbols, if a b then
ac bc . Multiplication Property

Equations that have the same solution set are called equivalent equations. Using the properties of
equality, we can derive equations equivalent to the original equation. The equations 2 x 4 10 and
x 21 4 x are equivalent equations because 7 satisfies both equations.

2) Types of Equations

Identity is an equation that is satisfied by every number by which both sides of the
equation are defined. The number of solutions is infinite.

a) 23 x 1 6 x 2
Examples: b) x 1 x 1 c) 1

Both equations 23 x 1 6 x 2 and x 1 x 1 are considered identities because both sides of each
equation are identical. They can be satisfied by any real numbers. The equation 1 can be satisfied by all
real numbers except 0 because is undefined.

Conditional equation is an equation that is satisfied by at least one number but is

not an identity. The number of solutions is finite.
Examples: a) 3x 4 2 x 5 b) x 2 9 0

The only value that makes equation 3x 4 2 x 5 true is 1. While x 2 9 0 has the solution set 3, 3.

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Inconsistent equation is an equation whose solution set is the empty set.

Examples: a) x x 2 b) 5 3 x 6 4 x 9 7 x

Simplifying either of the two equations using only the properties of equality will yield an equation that is false.

A. Linear Equations

An equation is linear if the variables occur as first powers only, there are no products of
variables, and no variable is in a denominator. The graph of the linear equation is a straight line. A
linear equation is also called a first-degree equation.

2x x
a) y 4 x 2 c) 3x 2 5x 4 e. 5 1
3 2
b) 2x 5 9 d) 4 x 2 y 0

Linear Equations in One Variable

A linear equation in one variable x is one in the form ax b 0 where a and b are real
numbers, with a 0 .

Techniques in Solving Equations

1) Simplifying the equation first

Example: Solve the equation 2( x 4) 5x 34.

Before using the properties of equality, we simplify the expression on the left of the equation:
2( x 4) 5x 34. Given
2 x 8 5x 34 Distributive Property
7 x 8 34 Combining like terms
7 x 8 8 34 8 Addition property by 8
7 x 42 Simplify
7 x 42 Multiplication property
x=6 Solution set is {6}

2) Using the properties of equality

Example: Solve x 21 4 x .
We want to obtain an equivalent equation with only an x on the left side and a constant on the other.

x 21 4 x Given
x 21 4 x 21 4 x 4 x 21 Addition Property
3x 21 Combining like terms
3x 21 Multiplication Property by
3 3

Checking: Replacing x by 7 in the original equation gives us

- 7 21 = - 4(7)
- 28 = - 28
which is correct. So the solution set to the original equation is {7}.
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We may remove fractions by multiplying by the lowest common denominator (LCD).
3 5
Example: Solve the equation 4 3.
x 2x
Find the LCD first. The LCD is 2x.
3 5
4 3. Given
x 2x

3 5
2 x 4 3 Multiply the equation by 2x.
x 2x

6 8x 5 6 x Distributive property
6 8x (6) (6 x) 5 6 x (6) (6 x) Addition property
2 x 1 Combining like terms
2 x 1 Multiplication property
1 1
x= Solution set is { }.
2 2

Decimals may be removed from an equation before solving. Multiply by a power of 10 large enough to
make all decimal numbers whole numbers. If you multiply by 10, you move the decimal point in all terms one
place to the right. If you multiply by 100, you move the decimal point in all terms two places to the right.

Example: Solve the equation x 0.1x 0.75x 4.5

Solution: Because the highest number of decimal places is 2 in the term 0.75x, we multiply the equation by
100, thus

100( x 0.1x 0.75x 4.5) Multiply the equation by 100

100x 10x 75x 450 Distributive Property
100x 10x (75x) 75x 450 (75x) Addition property
15x 450 Combining like terms
15x 450 Multiplication property
x = 30 Solution set is {30}

Applications of Linear Equations in One Variable

1) Number-Related problems
There are two numbers whose sum is 50. Three times the first is 5 more than twice the second. What
are the numbers?

2) Time, Rate, and Distance or Motion-Related Problems

A passenger bus starts from Tuguegarao City and heads for Santiago City at 40 kph. Two hours later, a car
leaves the same station for Santiago City at 60 kph. How long will it be as the car overtakes the passenger bus?

3) Age- Related Problems

Mother is four times as old as Mary. Five years ago, she was seven times as old. How old will each be in
5 years?

4) Work-Related Problems

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Jerry can build a garage in 3 days, and Sam can build a similar garage in 5 days. How long would it take
them to build a garage working together?

5) Investment-Related Problems
Gary invested P50,000, part of it at 6% and the other part at 8%. The annual interest on the 6%
investment was P480 more than that from the 8% investment. How much was invested at each rate?

6) Digit-Related Problems
The tens digit of a certain number is 3 less than the units digit. The sum of the digits is 11. What is the

7) Geometry-Related Problems
The length of a rectangular piece of property is one meter longer than twice the width. If the perimeter
of the property is 302 meters, find the length and width.

8) Mixture-Related Problems
What amounts (in ounce) of 50% and 75% pure silver must be mixed to produce a solution of 15 ounces
with 70% pure silver?

B. Systems of Equations

Any collection of two or more equations taken as one is called a system of equations. If the
system involves two variables, then the set of ordered pairs that satisfy all of the equations is the
solution set of the system.

Types of Systems of Linear Equations

1) A system of equations that has one or more solutions is called consistent. The graphs of the
equations either intersect at a point or coincide. The set of coordinates of the intersection is
the solution set of the system.

a) Consistent Independent is a system of linear equations with only one point as its solution. The graphs of the
equations in the system intersect at one point only.

a) Find the solution set x y 6 and x y 2 by using the substitution method.
The second equation states that x and y 2 are equal, thus in the first equation, we can replace x
with y 2 .
x y 6 Equation 1
y2 y 6 Replace x in equation 1 with y 2

Since this equation now has only one variable, we can solve for y .
2y 4

Next, replace y with 2 in either equation to solve for x .

Equation 1 x y 6 Equation 2 x y2
x26 x 22
x4 x4
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Checking: Replace x with 4 and y with 2 in either equation.

Equation 1 x y 6 Equation 2 x y2
42 6 4 2 24 = 2 + 2
66 44

The solution set of the system is {4, 2}. The system is consistent because there is only one solution.

b) The sum of two numbers is 115. Their difference is 21. Find the numbers.
Procedure: (By Elimination Method)
Let x = 1st number (greater number) & y = 2nd number (smaller number)
Formulate the equations:
Equation 1: x y 115
Equation 2: x y 21
Here, the elimination method can be done by adding the equations or by subtracting one equation
from the other. Thus,

x y 115 Equation 1
x y 21 Equation 2
2 x 136
From the sum, compute for the value of the retained variable x .

x 68 MPE

To compute for the value of y , replace x with 68 in either equation.

Equation 1 x y 115
68 y 115
y 115 68
y 47

The numbers are 68 and 47. The system is consistent because there is only one solution.

b) A system of equations that has infinitely many solutions is called consistent dependent. The graphs of the
equations coincide. The equations in the system are equivalent.

a) 2 y 2 x Equation 1 b) 3 y 1 2( x 3)
x 2y 4 Equation 2 3 y 2 x 3

Expressing y as a function of x in each of the equations in each system gives equal expressions.
Graphing can also show dependence between the two equations in each system. The graphs of the equations
will coincide.

2) A system of equations that has no solution is called inconsistent. The graphs of the equations do not
intersect or are parallel. The solution set is an empty set.

a) 2 x 3 y 6 Equation 1 b) 4 y 5x 7
3 y 2x 3 Equation 2 4 y 5x 12

Solving the system by elimination or by substitution will result into the inequality of two constants
where both variables are dropped. The elimination of both variables implies that no solution can be obtained.

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Philippine Normal University

Refresher Course




Focus: Advanced Algebra

LET Competencies
Solve for the roots of a given quadratic equation
Solve problems on quadratic equations
Determine an equation given a set of roots which are imaginary/complex numbers
Perform operations involving exponential and logarithmic functions
Solve for the solution set of a given inequality
Determine the rth term of the expansion (a + b)n
Solve problems involving arithmetic and geometric progressions
Solve problems involving variations
Determine the number of positive and negative roots of a given polynomial


An equation of the form ax2 + bx + c = 0 where a 0, a ,b, and c are constants, is a quadratic equation.

The following are quadratic equations:
1. 3x2 + 4x + 5 = 0
2. 2x2 - 21x = 0
3. 5x2 - 25 = 0


To solve a quadratic equation in x means to find the value/s of x (unknown) that will satisfy the given equation.
The values of x that will make the equation true are called the roots or solutions of the quadratic equation.

Methods of Finding the Roots of a Quadratic Equation

1. Factoring (Use this method if ax2 + bx + c is factorable)
Example: Find the roots of x2 + 2x - 15 = 0

Factoring the left side of the equation,

(x + 5) (x 3) = 0

Equating each factor to zero,

(x + 5) = 0 (x 3) = 0
Solving the resulting linear equations,
x=-5 x=3
2. Quadratic Formula (Use this method if ax2 + bx + c is not factorable)
The quadratic formula is

b b 2 4ac

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Example: Solve 3x2 2x 7 = 0
Substitute a = 3 b = -2 c = -7 in the quadratic formula,

2 (2) 2 4(3)(7)

1 22

To obtain the terms of the binomial expansion (a + b)n, we use the binomial formula:
n 1 n (n 1)a n 2 b 2 n (n 1)(n 2)a n 3 b 3
(a + b) = a na
n n
b ... nabn 1 b n
2! 3!


n (n 1)(n 2)...(n r 2)a n r1 b r1
rth term =
(r 1)!

Find the fifth term of (2a 3b)8

n=8 r=5 nr+2=5
(8)(7)(6)(5)(2a) 4 (5b) 4
5th term =
5th term = 90, 720 a4b4


An exponential function with base b is defined by an equation of the form

f (x) = b x, where b and x are real numbers and b> 0,b 1.

Note: An exponential function has a constant base and a variable exponent.

The following are examples of exponential functions
1. f(x) = 2x
2. f(x) = 32x - 2
4 x 3
3. f(x) =


The exponential functions f (x) = bx and g(x) = by where x and y are real numbers, b> 0, b 1 , satisfy the
following properties
1. bxby = bx+y
2. bx = by , if and only if x = y
3. b-x =
4. If b>1, and x< y, then bx < by
5. If 0 < b < 1 and x < y, then bx > by

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The natural exponential function is defined by the equation

f(x) = ex where e = 2.71828
Notice that e is an irrational number.


An equation where the unknown quantity appears in an exponent is called an exponential equation.

The following are exponential equations:
1. 60 = 2x-3
2. 5x-3 = 23x-2
3. 62x 6x+3 = 24x+5


To solve an exponential equation is to find the value of the unknown quantity in the given equation.
Example 1: Solve for x in 64 = 8x-2
Rewriting the given equation, we have
82 = 8x-2

Since the bases are equal, the exponents must be equal. Thus,
Hence, x = 4

x 2 4 x 3
Example 2: Solve for x in the equation 2 2
Equating the exponents, we have
x2 + 4x= -3
x2 + 4x + 3 = 0
(x + 3) (x + 1) = 0
x = -3 x = -1.

Therefore x = -3 x = -1.


The equation f(x) = logb x, where b 1 , x> 0 and b> 0 is called a logarithmic function.
The following are logarithmic functions:
1. f(x) = log2 (3x -2)
2. f(x) = log2 x
3. f(x) = log8 (6x -3)

1. If the base of the logarithm is not indicated it is understood that the base is 10.
2. If the base of the logarithm is the number e, then it is called a natural logarithm and it is written as
f(x) = ln x.

A logarithmic equation is an equation that contains logarithm.
The following are logarithmic equations
1. log3 81 = 4
2. log2 8 = 3
3. log2 16 = 4
4. log 100 = 2

| Mathematics Major [4]

The logarithmic equation y = logb x can be written in exponential form as by = x and vice-versa.

Here are some examples:

Logarithmic Form Exponential Form
log2 8 = 3 23 = 8
log10 100 = 2 102 = 100
1 1
log4 = -2 4 2
16 16

Log3 81 = 4 34 = 81


1. logb x + logb y = logb (xy)

log2 (2x + 3) + log2 x = log2 [x(2x + 3)]

2. logb x logb y = logb

3x 5
log3 (3x -5) log3 5x = log3

3. logb xn = nlogb x


log2 x3 = 3 log2 x


To solve a logarithmic equation means to find the value of the unknown quantity in the given equation.

Example 1: Solve for x in log (x + 2) log x = log (x + 2)

Rewriting the given equation, we have

x 2
log log(x 2)

Since the logarithmic of both sides of the equation are equal, then we have

x 2
x 2
x(x + 2) = x + 2
x2 + x - 2 = 0
(x + 2) (x-1) = 0
x = -2 x = 1
Thus, x = 1

Example 2
Solve for x in log(x 4) + log(x 3) = log 30

Rewriting the given equation, we obtain
log(x 4)(x 3) = log 30
(x 4) (x 3) = 30
x2 - 7x + 12 = 30
x2 - 7x -18 = 0
| Mathematics Major [4]
(x 9) (x + 2) = 0
x = 9 x= -2
Thus, x = 9.


Any relation expressed using the symbols <, >, > or < is called an inequality.
An absolute inequality is an inequality which is always true. A conditional inequality is one which is true only for
certain values of the variable involved.
1. 4 > 3 is an absolute inequality
2. x > 3 is a conditional inequality


Let a, b, c, & d be real numbers. The following hold.

1. Trichotomy Property
a > b or a < b or a = b
2. a > b if a - b > 0
a < b if a b < 0
a. If a> 0 and b> 0, then a + b> 0 and ab>0.
b. If a < 0 and b < 0, then a+b< 0 and ab> 0

4. Transitivity

If a < b and b < c then a < c.

5. Addition Property

If a < b and c < d, then a + c < b+ d

6. Multiplication Property

If a < b and c > 0, then ac < bc

If a < b and c < 0, then ac > bc


To solve an inequality means to find the value of the unknown that will make the inequality true.

1. Solve the inequality 4x + 3 < x + 8
4x + 3 < x + 8
4x x < 8 3
3x < 5

2. Solve the inequality 2x - 3 < 5x + 7

2x 3 < 5x + 7
2x 5x < 7 + 3
-3x < 10
3. Solve the inequality 3x2 5 x + 7
3x2 - 5x < 0
x(3x 5) < 0

| Mathematics Major [4]
Case I
x > 0 and 3x 5 < 0
x > 0 and 3x < 5
x > 0 and x <

Thus, 0 < x <
Case II
x < 0 and 3x 5 . 0
x < 0 and 3x > 5
x < 0 and x >
Thus, the solution is a null set.
Therefore the general solution is 0 < x <
4. Solve the inequality 3x2 4 < 3x
x2 4 < 3 x
x2 + 3 x 4 < 0
(x + 4) ( x 1) < 0

Case I
x + 4 < 0 and x 1 > 0
x < 4 and x > 1

Thus, theres no solution.

Case II

x + 4 > 0 and x 1 < 0

x > -4 and x < 1

Thus, x = ( -4, 1)

Therefore, the general solution set is (-4, 1) or -4 < x < 1.


A sequence is an ordered list of numbers called terms.

For the sequence 1, 3, 5, 7, , the first term is 1, the second term is 3, and so on and so forth.

The sum of the terms of a sequence is called a series.

The sum of the sequence 1, 3, 5, 7, denoted by 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + is a series.


A sequence in which a constant d is added to the previous term to get the next is called an arithmetic sequence.
The constant d is called the common difference.


1. The sequence 2, 4, 6, 8, is an arithmetic sequence whose constant difference is 2.

2. The sequence 35, 30, 25, 20, is an arithmetic sequence whose constant difference is -5
The nth Term of an Arithmetic Sequence (tn )
The nth term of an arithmetic sequence can be found by using the formula,
| Mathematics Major [4]
tn = t1 + (n 1) d
tn = nth term of the arithmetic sequence
t1 = first term of the arithmetic sequence
n = number of terms
d = common difference

Example 1
Find the 20th term of the sequence 4, 14, 24, 34,

Here t1 = 4, n = 20, d = 10
t20 = t1 + (20 1) (10)
= 4 + (19) (10)
= 4 + (190)
t20 = 194
Example 2
Find the 50th term of the sequence 13, 10, 7, 4,

Here t1 = 13, n = 50, d = -3
t50 = t1 + (n 1) (d)
= 13 + (50 1) (-3)
= 13 + (49) (-3)
t50 = 134


The indicated sum of an arithmetic sequence is an Arithmetic Series.

The sum of the first n terms of an arithmetic sequence, denoted by Sn is given by the formula

Sn= ( t 1 t 2 ) or
Sn = [(2t1 + (n 1)d]

Example 1: Find the sum of the first 20 terms of the sequence 1, 8, 15 . . .

S20= [2(1) + (20 1) (7)]

=10 [2+ 133]

=10 (135)

Example 2:
How many multiples of 4 are there between 15 and 94?

Here t1 = 16, tn = 92, d=4

tn = t1 + (n 1)d
92 = 16 + (n 1) 4
92 = 16 + 4n 4
80 = 4n
20 = n
So, there are 20 numbers which are multiples of 4 between 15 and 94.

| Mathematics Major [4]

A sequence in which a constant r is multiplied by the previous term to get the next term is called a geometric
sequence. The constant r is called the common ratio.
1. The sequence 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, is a geometric sequence whose constant ratio is 2.
8 1
2. The sequence 24, 8, , is a geometric sequence whose constant ratio is .
3 3

The nth Term of a Geometric Sequence

The nth term of a geometric sequence is given by the formula,
tn = t, r n-1
where tn= n term of the geometric sequence
ti = first term of the geometric sequence
Find the 15th term of the sequence 1, 4, 16, 64,
Here t1 = 1, n = 15, r=4
t15 = t1 r n-1
= (1)(415-1)

The function defined by the equation
f(x) = a0xn +a1xn-1 + a2xn-2 + . . .+ an-2x2 + an-1x + an
where n is a nonnegative integer and a0, a1, . . ., an are constants, a0, 0 is a polynomial function in x of degree n.
The zeros or roots of f(x) are the numbers x such that f(x) = 0.

The Number of Positive and Negative Roots of a Polynomial Function

If f(x) is a polynomial function with real coefficients,
The number of positive real zeros of f(x) is either equal to the number of variations in sign in f(x), or to
that number diminished by a positive even integer.
The number of negative real zeros of f(x) is either equal to the number of variations in sign in f(-x), or to
that number diminished by a positive even integer.
Example: Determine the possible number of positive and negative zeros of f(x).
1. f(x) = 8x3 12x2 2x + 3
Because f(x) is of degree 3, there would be 3 zeros. f(x) has 2 variations in signs, while f(-x) = -8x3 12x2
+ 2x + 3 has 1 variation in sign.
Thus, f(x) may have the following possible roots
1. 2 positive zeros and 1 negative zero
2. no positive zero, 1 negative zero, and 2 imaginary zeros
2. f(x) = 4x6 3x5 + 7x3 3
Because f(x) is of degree 6, there would be 6 zeros. f(x) has 3 variations in signs, while f(-x) = -8x3 12x2
+ 2x + 3 has 1 variation in sign.
Thus, f(x) may have the following possible roots
1. 3 positive zeros, 1 negative zero, and 2 imaginary zeros
2. 1 positive zero, 1 negative zero, and 4 imaginary zeros
The term use to denote the effect of changes among two or more related quantities. There are different types of
Direct Variation
If y varies directly as x, then we write y kx where k is the constant of variation.
Inverse Variation
If y varies inversely as x, then we write y where k is the constant of variation.
Joint Variation
If y varies jointly as x and w, then we write y = kwx where k is the constant of variation.
Combined Variation
If y varies jointly as w and x and inversely as z, then we write y k where k is the
constant of variation.

| Mathematics Major [5]

Philippine Normal University

Refresher Course for year 2015

Focus: Trigonometry
LET Competencies:
1. Show mastery of the basic terms, concepts and operations in Trigonometry involving
Trigonometric ratios
Conversion (degree to radian and vice-versa)
Pythagorean Theorem
2. Solve, evaluate and manipulate symbolic and numerical problems in Trigonometry by applying
fundamental principles and processes.


1. Angles In General
An angle is formed by two rays with the same endpoint. The common endpoint is called the
vertex of the angle and the rays are called the sides of the angle.

Figure 1

In Figure 1, the vertex of the angle (read as theta) is labeled O. A and B are points on each
side of . Angle can also be denoted by AOB, where the letter associated with the vertex is written
between the letters associated with the points on each side.
We can think of as having been formed by rotating side OA about the vertex to side OB. In
this case, we shall call side OA the initial side of and side OB the terminal side of .
When the rotation from the initial side takes place in a counterclockwise direction, the angle
formed is considered a positive angle. If the rotation is in clockwise direction, the angle formed is a
negative angle.

2. Degree Measure
One way to measure the size of an angle is with degree measure. The angle formed by rotating
a ray through one complete rotation has a measure of 360 degrees, written as 360.

| Mathematics Major [8]
One degree (1), then, is of a full rotation. Likewise, 180 is one-half of a full rotation, and 90 is
half of that (or a quarter of a rotation). Angles that measure 90 are called right angles, while angles that
measure 180 are called straight angles. Angles that measure between 0 and 90 are called acute angles,
while angles that measure between 90 and 180 are called obtuse angles.

A central angle in a circle is an angle with its vertex at the center of the circle. In a circle, a central
angle that cuts off an arc equal in length to the radius of the circle has a measure of 1 radian (rad).


Figure 2

3. Conversions

To convert degrees to radians, we consider the fact that 1 rad

To convert radians to degrees, we consider the fact that 1 rad =

We note the following:
1. If the unit of measure of an angle is not indicated, then it is understood to be in radians.
2. 1 rad is approximately 57, thus, 1 rad is much larger than 1 degree.

Example 1.
1.1 Convert 60 to radians.

Solution: Note that 1 rad, so to convert from degrees to radians, we multiply by . Thus, we have
180 180

60 60 rad rad
180 3
When our answer is in terms of , we are writing an exact value. If we wanted an approximation, we
would replace with 3.1416.
Exact value 0.7854 Approximate value
4 4

1.2 Convert -270 to radians.

Solution: We multiply by the given by . Thus, we have
270 270 rad rad
180 2
Example 2.

2.1 Convert to degrees.
Solution: To convert from radians to degrees, we multiply by .

rad = 45
4 4
2.2 Convert to degrees.
Solution: We multiply the given by . Hence, we have.

| Mathematics Major [8]

7 7 180
rad = 210
6 6
4. Pythagorean Theorem
Right triangles are very important to the study of trigonometry. In every right triangle, the longest side
is called the hypotenuse, and it is always opposite the right angle. The two other sides are called the legs of
the right triangle.


Z y
Figure 3
Right triangle XZY (symbolized as right XZY) with right angle Z is drawn in Figure 3. Its hypotenuse is z
while its legs are x and y.
We now state the Pythagorean Theorem.
Pythagorean Theorem: In any right triangle, the square of the length of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum
of the squares of the lengths of the other two sides (called legs).

If C = 90, then
c c2 = a2 + b2

C b
Figure 4
Example 3. Solve for x in the right triangle in Figure 4.


Figure 4

Solution: Applying the Pythagorean Theorem, we have

x 2 9 2 122
x 9 2 122 = 15
Example 4. Solve for x in the right triangle in Figure 5.

x 13

Solution: By applying the Pythagorean Theorem, we have
Figure 5

( x 7) 2 x 2 132

| Mathematics Major [8]
x 2 14x 49 x 2 169
2 x 2 14x 120 0
x 2 7 x 60 0
( x 12)(x 5) 0
x + 12 = 0 or x - 5 = 0
x = -12 or x=5

Our only solution is x = 5. We do not accept x = -12 because x is the length of a side of triangle ACB and
therefore, its value cannot be negative.

5. Trigonometric Functions
If is an angle in standard position, and the point (x, y) is any point on the terminal side of other than
the origin, then the six trigonometric functions of are defined as follows:
The sine of : sin
The cosine of : cos
The tangent of : tan ; x 0
The cotangent of : cot ; y 0
The secant of : sec ; x 0
The cosecant of : csc ; y 0
where r2 = x2 + y2 or r x 2 y 2 . That is, r is the distance of the point (x, y) from the origin.
Example 5. Find the six trigonometric functions of if is in standard position and the point (2, -3) is on
the terminal side of .


Figure 6
Solution: Using the values x = -2 and y = 3, we solve for r.
r x 2 y 2 13
Applying the definition for the six trigonometric functions, we have
y 3
sin x
r 13 y 3
x 2
cos r
r 13 x 2
y 3 x 2
tan csc
x 2 y 3
6. Solving Right Triangles
To solve a right triangle is to know the measurement or to approximate the sizes of its acute angles
and sides when the measurements of at least one leg and an angle or of two of its sides are given.
We now define the six trigonometric ratios as follows:
side opposite hypotenuse
sin csc
hypotenuse side opposite

| Mathematics Major [8]
side adjacent to hypotenuse
cos sec
hypotenuse side adjacent to

side opposite side adjacent to

tan cot
side adjacent to side opposite

Example 6. Find the value of sin B


c = 6 cm
b = 3 cm

a = 3 3 cm
side opposite B
Solution: The sine ratio is . The length of the side opposite B
is 3 cm., and the hypotenuse is 6 cm. Therefore, we have
side opposite B 3
sin B 0 .5
hypotenuse 6

Example 7. In right XYZ with right angle Z, mX = 25 and y = 10 units. Solve the triangle.
Solutions: First, we draw the triangle.

y = 10 units


We now solve for the unknown parts of the triangle.

mY = 90 - 25 = 65.

x x
Now, tan X . By substitution, we have tan 250
y 10
x 10 tan 250
x 4.66
y 10
Similarly, sin Y . Thus, sin 650
z z
sin 650
z 11.04

| Mathematics Major [6]

Focus: Analytic Geometry
LET Competencies:

1. Determine the equation of a line given:

a. any two points on the line
b. a point and the slope of the line
c. a point and the slope of the line parallel to the desired line
d. a point and the slope of the line perpendicular to the desired line
e. the intercepts.
2. Solve problems involving
a. the midpoint of a line segment, distance between two points, slopes of lines, distance
between a point and a line, and segment division.
b. a circle, parabola, ellipse, and hyperbola.
3. Determine the equations and graphs of a circle, parabola, ellipse and hyperbola.


This material includes a brief review of the basic terms concerning lines, circles, parabolas, ellipses,
and hyperbolas.
A straight line is represented by an equation of the first degree in one or two variables, while the circle,
parabola, ellipse and hyperbola are represented by equations of the second degree in two variables.

A. The Straight Line

1. The distance between two points A(x1,y1) and B(x2,y2) is ( x1 x2 ) 2 ( y1 y2 ) 2 .

2. Slope of a line
y1 y2 y y1
a) The slope of the non-vertical line containing A(x1,y1) and B(x2,y2) is m or m 2 .
x1 x2 x2 x1
b) The slope of a line parallel to the x-axis is 0.
c) The slope of a line parallel to the y-axis is undefined.
d) The slope of a line that leans to the right is positive.
e) The slope of a line that leans to the left is negative.

3. The Equation of a line

In general, a line has an equation of the form ax + by + c = 0 where a, b, c are real numbers and
that a and b are not both zero.

4. Different forms of the equation of a line

a) General form: ax + by + c = 0.
b) Slope-intercept form: y = mx + b, where m is the slope and b the y-intercept.
c) Point slope form: y y1 m( x x1 ) where (x1, y1) is any point on the line.
y2 y1
d) Two point form: y y1 ( x x1 ) where (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) are any two points on the
x2 x1
x y
e) Intercept form: 1 where a is the x-intercept and b the y-intercept.
a b

5. Parallel and Perpendicular lines

Given two non-vertical lines p and q so that p has slope m 1 and q has slope m2.
a) If p and q are parallel, then m1 = m2.
b) If p and q are perpendicular to each other, then m 1m2 = -1.

6. Segment division
Given segment AB with A(x1,y1) and B(x2,y2).

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x1 x2 y1 y2
a) The midpoint M of segment AB is M ( , ).
2 2
r AP r1
b) If a point P divides AB in the ratio 1 so that , then the coordinates of P(x,y) can be
r2 PB r2
rx r x r y r y
obtained using the formula x 1 2 2 1 and y 1 2 2 1 .
r1 r2 r1 r2
7. Distance of a point from a line

The distance of a point A(x1,y1) from the line Ax + By + C = 0 is given by

Ax1 By1 C
d .
A2 B 2

B. The Circle
1. Definition. A circle is the set of all points on a plane that are equidistant from a fixed point on the plane.
The fixed point is called the center, and the distance from the center to any point of the circle is called
the radius.
2. Equation of a circle
a) general form: x2 + y2 + Dx + Ey + F = 0
b) center-radius form: (x h)2 + (y k)2 = r2 where the center is at (h,k) and the radius is equal to r.
3. Line tangent to a circle
A line tangent to a circle touches the circle at exactly one point called the point of tangency. The
tangent line is perpendicular to the radius of the circle, at the point of tangency.

C. Conic Section

A conic section or simply conic, is defined as the graph of a second-degree equation in x and y.

In terms of locus of points, a conic is defined as the path of a point, which moves so that its distance
from a fixed point is in constant ratio to its distance from a fixed line. The fixed point is called the focus of the
conic, the fixed line is called the directrix of the conic, and the constant ratio is called the eccentricity, usually
denoted by e.

If e < 1, the conic is an ellipse. (Note that a circle has e=0.)

If e = 1, the conic is a parabola.
If e > 1, the conic is hyperbola.

D. The Parabola
1. Definition. A parabola is the set of all points on a plane that are equidistant from a
fixed point and a fixed line of the plane. The fixed point is called the focus and the fixed line is the
2. Equation and Graph of a Parabola
a) The equation of a parabola with vertex at the origin and focus at (a,0) is y2 = 4ax. The parabola
opens to the right if a > 0 and opens to the left if a < 0.
b) The equation of a parabola with vertex at the origin and focus at (0,a) is x2 = 4ay. The parabola
opens upward if a > 0 and opens downward if a < 0.
c) The equation of a parabola with vertex at (h , k) and focus at (h + a, k) is (y k)2 = 4a(x h).
The parabola opens to the right if a > 0 and opens to the left if a < 0.
d) The equation of a parabola with vertex at (h , k) and focus at (h, k + a) is (x h)2 = 4a(y k).
e) The parabola opens upward if a > 0 and opens downward if a < 0.
f) Standard form: (y k)2 = 4a(x h) or (x h)2 = 4a(y k)
g) General form: y2 + Dx + Ey + F = 0, or x2 + Dx + Ey + F = 0
3. Parts of a Parabola
a) The vertex is the point, midway between the focus and the directrix.
b) The axis of the parabola is the line containing the focus and perpendicular to the directrix. The
parabola is symmetric with respect to its axis.
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c) The latus rectum is the chord drawn through the focus and parallel to the directrix (and therefore
perpendicular to the axis) of the parabola.
d) In the parabola y2=4ax, the length of latus rectum is 4a, and the endpoints of the latus rectum are
(a, -2a) and (a, 2a).


M P(x, y)
In the figure at the right, the vertex of the C
parabola is the origin, the focus is F(a,o),
the directrix is the line containing LL' ,
the axis is the x-axis, the latus rectum is
O F(a, 0) x
the line containing CC ' .


y y 4/3 = 0 L

x y2=0
P(x,y) V(3,2)
F(0,-4/3) F(5,2)

O x

The graph of x 2 y.
The graph of (y-2)2 = 8 (x-3).

E. Ellipse
1. Definition. An ellipse is the set of all points P on a plane such that the sum of the distances of P from two
fixed points F and F on the plane is constant. Each fixed point is called focus (plural: foci).
2. Equation of an Ellipse
a) If the center is at the origin, the vertices are at ( a, 0), the foci are at ( c,0), the endpoints of the
x2 y2
minor axis are at (0, b) and b 2 a 2 c 2 , then the equation is 1.
a 2 b2
b) If the center is at the origin, the vertices are at (0, a), the foci are at (0, c), the endpoints of the
x2 y2
minor axis are at ( b, 0) and b 2 a 2 c 2 , then the equation is 1.
b2 a 2
c) If the center is at (h, k), at (h a, k), the foci are at (h c,k), the endpoints of the minor axis are at

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(049)562-2239 | 0917-584-8106
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(h, k b) the distance between the vertices is 2a, the principal axis is horizontal and b 2 a 2 c 2 ,
( x h) 2 ( y k ) 2
then the equation is 1.
a2 b2

d) If the center is at (h, k), the distance between the vertices is 2a, (h, k a), the foci are at (h, k c),
the endpoints of the minor axis are at (h b, k),the principal axis is vertical and b 2 a 2 c 2 , then
( y k ) 2 ( x h) 2
the equation is 1.
a2 b2

3. Parts of an Ellipse.
For the terms described below, refer to the ellipse shown with center at O, vertices at V(-a,0) and
V(a,0), foci at F(-c,0) and F(c,0), endpoints of the minor axis at B(0,-b) and B(0,b), endpoints of one latus
b2 b2
rectum at G (-c, ) and G(-c, )
a a
b2 b2
and the other at H (c, ) and G(c, ).
a a

2 2
(c, ba ) (c, ba )

V(-a,0) F(-c,0) O F(c,0) V(a,0) x

(c, ba )
(c, ba )

a) The center of an ellipse is the midpoint of the segment joining the two foci. It is the intersection of
the axes of the ellipse. In the figure above, point O is the center.
b) The principal axis of the ellipse is the line containing the foci and intersecting the ellipse at its
vertices. The major axis is a segment of the principal axis whose endpoints are the vertices of the
ellipse. In the figure, V 'V is the major axis and has length of 2a units.
c) The minor axis is the perpendicular bisector of the major axis and whose endpoints are both on the
ellipse. In the figure, B' B is the minor axis and has length 2b units.
d) The latus rectum is the chord through a focus and perpendicular to the major axis. G' G and H ' H
2b 2
are the latus rectum, each with a length of .
y a

(0, 3)
(-4, 9 )
5 (4, 9 )
5 (8,5)
(-5,0) (-4,0) (4,0) (5,0)
O x (2,1)
(-8,1) (12,1)
(-4,- 9 ) (4,- 9 ) O x
5 5
(0, -3)

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x2 y2 ( x 2) 2 ( y 1) 2
The graph of 1. The graph of 1.
25 9 100 25

4. Kinds of Ellipses
a) Horizontal ellipse. An ellipse is horizontal if its principal axis is horizontal. The graphs above are both
horizontal ellipses.
b) Vertical ellipse. An ellipse is vertical if its principal axis is vertical.

F. The Hyperbola
1. Definition. A hyperbola is the set of points on a plane such that the difference of the distances of each point
on the set from two fixed points on the plane is constant. Each of the fixed points is called focus.
2. Equation of a hyperbola
a) If the center is at the origin, the vertices are at ( a, 0), the foci are at ( c,0), the endpoints of the minor
x2 y2
axis are at (0, b) and b 2 c 2 a 2 , then the equation is 1.
a 2 b2
b) If the center is at the origin, the vertices are at (0, a), the foci are at (0, c), the endpoints of the minor
y2 x2
axis are at ( b, 0) and b 2 c 2 a 2 , then the equation is 1.
a 2 b2
c) If the center is at (h, k), the distance between the vertices is 2a, the vertices are at (h a, k), the foci are
at (h c,k), the endpoints of the minor axis are at (h,k b),the principal axis is horizontal and
( x h) 2 ( y k ) 2
b c a , then the equation is
2 2 2
a2 b2
d) If the center is at (h, k), the distance between the vertices is 2a, the vertices are at (h, k a), the foci are
at (h,k c), the endpoints of the minor axis are at (h b, k),the principal axis is vertical and b 2 c 2 a 2 ,
( y k ) 2 ( x h) 2
then the equation is 1
a2 b2
2. Parts of a hyperbola.
For the terms described below, refer to the hyperbola shown which has its center at O, vertices at V(-
a,0) and V(a,0), foci at F(-c,0) and F(c,0) and endpoints of one latus rectum at G (-c, ) and G(-c,
b2 b2 b2
) and the other at H (c, ) and H(c, ).
a a a

2 2
(c, ba ) B(0,b) (c, ba )

F(-c,0) O V(a,0) F(c,0)

(c, ba )
(c, ba ) B(0,-b)

a) The hyperbola consists of two separate parts called branches.

b) The two fixed points are called foci. In the figure, the foci are at ( c,0).
c) The line containing the two foci is called the principal axis. In the figure, the principal axis is the x-

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d) The vertices of a hyperbola are the points of intersection of the hyperbola and the principal axis. In
the figure, the vertices are at ( a,0).
e) The segment whose endpoints are the vertices is called the transverse axis. In the figure V 'V is
the transverse axis.
f) The line segment with endpoints (0,b) and (0,-b) where b 2 c 2 a 2 is called the conjugate axis,
and is a perpendicular bisector of the transverse axis.
g) The intersection of the two axes is the center of the hyperbola .
h) The chord through a focus and perpendicular to the transverse axis is called a latus rectum. In the
b2 b2
figure, G' G is a latus rectum whose endpoints are G (-c, ) and G(-c, ) and has a
a a
2b 2
length of .

3. The Asymptotes of a Hyperbola

Shown in the figure below is a hyperbola with two lines as extended diagonals of the rectangle shown.

b b
y x y x
a a

(0,b) P

(-a,0) O (a,0)


These two diagonal lines are said to be the asymptotes of the curve, and are helpful in sketching the graph of a
x2 y2 b b
hyperbola. The equations of the asymptotes associated with 2
2 1 are y x and y x . Similarly,
a b a a
y2 x2 a a
the equations of the asymptotes associated with 2 2 1 are y x and y x .
a b b b

y y


(-9,6) F(0,6) (9,6)

3y x 0
F(-6,0) (-3,0) O (3,0) F(6,0) x

O x
3y x 0
(6,-9) F(0,-6)

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| Mathematics Major [6]
x2 y2 y2 x2
The graph of 1. The graph of 1.
9 27 9 27

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Refresher Course for 2015



Theorems on Limits of Functions

We use the following theorems to evaluate limits of functions:
1. Uniqueness Theorem: If the limit of a function exists, then it is unique. That is, if
lim f ( x) L1 and lim f ( x) L2 , then L1 L2 .
xa x a

2. If m, b R , then lim (mx b) ma b


3. If f ( x) c , a constant, then lim c c


4. lim x a

5. If lim f ( x) L1 and lim g ( x) L2 then

xa x a

5.1 lim[ f ( x) g ( x)] L1 L2


5.2 lim[ f ( x) g ( x)] L1 L2


f ( x) L1
5.3 lim
x a g ( x)
provided L2 0

6. If lim f ( x) L and n Z then


6.1 lim[ f ( x)]n Ln

x a

6.2 lim n f ( x) n L with the restriction that if n is even, L 0.

x a1

7. lim f ( x) L if and only if lim f ( x) lim f ( x) L

xa xa xa
8. If r is any positive integer, then
8.1 lim r
x 0 x

1 r , odd
8.2 lim r
x 0 x
r , even
8.3 lim r
x 0 x

9. Let a R, lim f ( x) 0 and lim g ( x) c where c R, c 0

xa xa

g ( x)
9.1 If c 0 and if f (x) approaches 0 through positive values of f (x) , then lim
x a f ( x)

g ( x)
9.2 If c 0 and if f (x) approaches 0 through negative values of f (x) , then lim
x a f ( x)

g ( x)
9.3 If c 0 and if f (x) approaches 0 through positive values of f (x) , then lim
x a f ( x)

g ( x)
9.4 If c 0 and if f (x) approaches 0 through negative values of f (x) , then lim
x a f ( x)

10. Let lim f ( x) , lim g ( x) and lim h( x) c where c is any
xa xa xa

constant, then
| Mathematics Major [7]
10.1 lim[ f ( x) h( x)]

10.2 lim[g ( x) h( x)]

x a

10.3 if c 0, lim[ f ( x) h( x)]

x a

10.4 if c 0, lim[ f ( x) h( x)]


10.5 if c 0, lim[g ( x) h( x)]


10.6 if c 0, lim[g ( x) h( x)]


c c
11. If p Z , c R then lim p
0 and lim p 0
x x x x

II. Theorems on Differentiation

In getting the derivative of a function, one or more of the following theorems may be applied:
1. If f ( x) c, where c is a constant, then f ' ( x) 0
2. If f ( x) x n , where n Z 0, then f ' ( x) nxn 1
3. If f ( x) g ( x) h( x), then f , ( x) g ' ( x) h' ( x)
4. If f ( x) g ( x) h( x), then f '( x) g ( x)h'( x) h( x) g '( x)
5. If f ( x) cg ( x), where c is a constant, then f ' ( x) cg ' ( x)
g ( x) h( x ) g ' ( x ) g ( x ) h' ( x )
6. If f ( x) , where h( x) 0 , then f , ( x)
h( x ) h( x)2
7. If r is any rational number, f ( x) [g ( x)]r , then f ' ( x) r[g ( x)]r 1 g ' ( x)
8. If f ( x) sin[g ( x)], then f '( x) g '( x) cos[ g ( x)]
9. If f ( x) cos[ g ( x)], then f ' ( x) g ' ( x) sin[g ( x)]
10. If f ( x) tan[g ( x)], then f ' ( x) g ' ( x) sec 2[g ( x)]
11. If f ( x) cot[ g ( x)], then f ' ( x) g ' ( x) csc 2[g ( x)]
12. If f ( x) sec[ g ( x)], then f ' ( x) g ' ( x) sec[ g ( x)] tan[g ( x)]
13. If f ( x) csc[ g ( x)], then f ' ( x) g ' ( x) csc[ g ( x)]cot[ g ( x)]
14. If f ( x) e g ( x ) then f '( x) e g ( x ) g '( x)
15. If f ( x) a g ( x ) where a is any constant not equal to 0, then f '( x) a g ( x ) ln(a) g '( x)
16. If f ( x) ln[g ( x)] then f '( x) g '( x)
g ( x)

III. Formulas for Antiderivatives

The following are known formulas for antiderivatives
1. dx x c
2. af ( x)dx a f ( x)dx where a is a constant.
3. [ f ( x) f ( x)]dx f ( x)dx f ( x)dx
1 2 1 2

x n 1
c, n 1
4. If n is a rational number , x n dx n 1
ln x c, n 1
5. sin udu cos u c
6. cos udu sin u c
7. sec udu tan u c

8. sec u tan udu sec u c

9. csc udu cot u c

10. csc u cot udu csc u c

11. tan udu ln sec u c
12. cot udu ln sin u c

| Mathematics Major [7]
13. sec udu ln sec u tan u c
14. csc udu ln csc u cot u c
u n 1
c, n 1
15. u du n 1

ln u c, n 1
16. eu du eu c
1 u
17. a u du a c
ln a

IV. Areas of Plane Regions

Below are some formulas for finding the areas of plane regions
1. Area (A) bounded by the curve y f ( x) , the x-axis and the lines x a
and x b

A f ( x )dx
2. Area (A) bounded by the two curves y f1( x) and y f2 ( x) for all
x [a , b]

A [ f2 ( x ) f2 ( x )]dx

V. Volumes of Solids of revolution

We use the following methods to find the volumes of solids of revolution
1. Disk Method
The region bounded by the curve y f ( x) , the x-axis and the lines
x a and x b , is revolved about the x-axis.

V [ f ( x )]2 dx
2. Ring Method
The region bounded by the two curves y f1( x) and y f2 ( x) ,
where f1(x) > f2(x) for all x [a , b], is revolved about the x-axis

V [f1( x )]2 [ f2 ( x )]2 dx
3. Shell Method
3.1 The region bounded by the curve y f ( x) , the x-axis and
the lines x a and x b , is revolved about the y-axis.

V 2 xf ( x )dx
3.2 The region bounded by the two curves y f1( x) and y f2 ( x) , where f1(x) > f2(x) for
all x [a , b], is revolved about the y-axis

V 2 x[ f1( x ) f2 ( x )]dx

Measurement Algebra

and Advanced
Mathematics Major Business

Licensure Examination for Teachers

Prepared by: Prof. Henry P. Contemplacion
Basic Trigonometry





What must be subtracted from b2 + 2ab)

Find the sum of (a2
3x3 x2 + 5x 2 to get and (a2 2ab + b2).
x3 + x2 2x + 1 ?

2x3 2x2 + 7x 3 2a2

ALGEBRA 1. What fraction

ELEM. of 3 1/4 is
1 1/3?
If x = -2, y = -1 and z = 2,
What is the value of 2. Find the smallest
2x2y3z2? positive integer that has
factors of 9,12 and 18.

3. Give the value: 33 1/3% of 12

ELEM. MATHEMATICS Find theNumber Theory
plus 66 2/3% of 18 minus 12 % of
16 between the largest and
4. Write 0.243243243243243.... in
smallest prime no. from 1
5. How much interest to 100.
would be paid on a bank
loan of P50,000 for 9
months at 12% annual 95

Number Theory Number Theory

How many factors of set X are
The simplest expression for factors of any members of set
340/920 is _____________. Y?
X = (2,3,4,5,6) Y=(3,4,8,9,10)

1 4
If x is Number
an odd number
Theory and y The green neon lights
NUMBER flash every 4
is an even number, which of seconds; the blue, every 5
the ff. is/are TRUE ? seconds; the red, every 6 seconds.
I. x - y is an even number If all the lights flash together at 8:00
II. x + y is an odd number PM, at what time will they flash
III. x y is an even number together again?
IV. x - y + 1 is an odd number

II & III 8:01 PM

Kevin has collection of match boxes. If

he countsNUMBER
the match THEORY
boxes by twos,
Arithmetic and Business Mathematics
threes, fours, fives, or sixes, there is
always one left over. If he counts the A 25-hectare farm land produces
match boxes by sevens, none remain. 350 cavans of palay. How many
What is the fewest number of match cavans can 60-hectare land
boxes Kevin could have? produce?

Answer: 840


Arithmetic and Business Mathematics Arithmetic and Business Mathematics

What is the smallest number that How much is 30% of 70% of

can be divided by all the numbers 500?
1 to 10?

Answer: 2520 Answer: 105

Arithmetic and Business Mathematics Arithmetic and Business Mathematics

A water pipe 10 feet long was

What is the difference between
cut into 2 with the shorter part
38 and 83 ?
measuring 2.5 ft. Find the ratio
of the smaller part to the
larger part.
Answer: 6049 Answer: 1:3
Arithmetic and Business Mathematics Arithmetic and Business Mathematics
A bond paper is folded in half, after A merchant sold an item for
which it is folded again in half,
P35,000, in the process
and again in half. If this folding is
done 5 times, how many
earning for himself 15% profit.
rectangles on the original sheet of How much is the profit?
paper will be?
Answer: P5,250
Answer: 32

Arithmetic and Business Mathematics Arithmetic and Business Mathematics

A graduating class of 160 boys How much would P180,000
and 180 girls held a seniors amount to in 20 years if it
ball. Approximately what earns 9% per annum?
percent attended if 40% of the
girls and 30% of the boys
were there?
Answer: 35.29% Answer: P504,000

Arithmetic and Business Mathematics Arithmetic and Business Mathematics

A large container contains 12 A book is 2 cm thick. How
liters when 30% full. How many copies of this book can
much does it contain when it be placed in a shelf one meter
is 90% full? long?

Answer: 36 liters Answer: 40

Arithmetic and Business Mathematics Arithmetic and Business Mathematics

If you are currently earning
P22,000 a month, how much Find the least common multiple
will your new salary be if you of the numbers 18, 24 and
are to receive a 4% increase 54?
next month?

Answer: P22,880 Answer: 216

Arithmetic and Business Mathematics Arithmetic and Business Mathematics

How many boys are there if 33

28 students passed while 20%
1/3% of 1500 first year high
failed in the midterm exam.
school students are girls?
How many students were

Answer: 35 Answer: 1000

Arithmetic and Business Mathematics Arithmetic and Business Mathematics

What is the number 2/3 of A housewife deposited

whose square root is 10? P150,000 at 6% compounded
annually for 5 years. What is
the amount in 5 years?

Answer: 225 Answer: P200,733.84

Arithmetic and Business Mathematics Arithmetic and Business Mathematics

A farmer has enough feeds for In how many years will P50,000
72 ducks for 14 days. If he grow to P60,000. If it is
sells 16 ducks, how long will invested at 6% compounded
the feeds last? monthly?

Answer: 18 Answer: 3.05

Arithmetic and Business Mathematics Arithmetic and Business Mathematics

A gas tank of Mr. Reyes car is Successive discounts of 20%

5/8 full. If he used 3/5 of this and 30% is equivalent to what
amount travelling from his single discount?
house to his province, what
part of the tank has gas?

Answer: 1/4 Answer: 44%

Arithmetic and Business Mathematics Arithmetic and Business Mathematics

A defective ruler was to be The average of 6 consecutive

found 11.5 in. long. Using this no. is 17.5. What is the
ruler a boy was found to be 4 average of 5 consecutive no.?
ft. tall. What is the actual
height of the boy?

Answer: 4ft. 2 in. Answer: 17

A water tank is 5/6 full. If 1/3 of
the water was used for cleaning
If 2/5 of x is 20, what is 1/2 of x? the car, what part of the tank
has water?

25 5/9

FRACTION In one class, 1/4 of the students

I used 2/5 of the money in first are honor students. Of these
store and 1/3 in a second store. honor students, 2/7 are varsity
If I had P56 left how much athletes. If there are 6 athletes
money did I have at first? in the class how many students
are there in the class?

210 84

A 10-meter log was cut

Divide P4340 among A, B and C
off at 75 dm. mark. What so that As share; Bs share; Cs
1 1 1
is the ratio of the smaller share is 2 : 3 : 5 , respectively.
piece to the larger piece? How much is the share of each?

1:3 2100, 1400, 840

Arithmetic and Business Mathematics Arithmetic and Business Mathematics
Half of the people in the room left.
One-fourth of the remaining What number when increased by
started to dance, there were then 90% of itself equals 133?
12 people who are not dancing.
Find the original number of the
people in the room.

Answer: 32 Answer: 70

An employee spends about The original price of a pair
P3,332 a month. This sum is of jogging pants was
70% of his monthly salary. P300. What was the rate
How much does he receive a of discount after paying
month? P195?

P4,760 35%

An agency with 3,200

A tank was 50% full of water.
employees plans to 600 liters of water are added
reduce its staff by 35%. making it full. How many liters
How many employees are does it hold when full?
to be retained?

2080 2400 L

There are 1400 pupils in Kaiba FRACTION/ PERCENT
Central School. Of these
students, 12.5% are in Grade VI If the length of the rectangle is
and 20% of the rest are in reduced by 1/5 and width is also
Grade V. How many pupils are reduced by 1/5, what percent of
there in Grade V? the original area is the new area
of the rectangle?
Plane and Solid Geometry
Arithmetic and Business Mathematics
In the Education Dept., 3/5 are
BSED students and the rest are A mile is about 1.609 km. How
BEED students. Of these BSED many meters is a mile longer
students, 1/3 are Math majors. If than a kilometer?
there are 20 Math majors, how
many BEED students are there?
Answer: 40 Answer: 609

Plane and Solid Geometry Plane and Solid Geometry

Measurement Measurement

How many hectares are in a The length and width of a

rectangular field that is 750 m rectangle are 3x 2 and 2x +
wide and 800 m long? 1, respectively. What is the
perimeter of the rectangle?

Answer: 60 ha Answer: 10x 2

Plane and Solid Geometry Plane and Solid Geometry

Measurement Measurement

The outer diameter of a metal If the perimeter of a rectangle is

pipe is 3 cm and the inner 72 cm and its length is 6 cm
diameter is 2 cm. Find the longer than its width. What is
thickness of the pipe. its length?

Answer: cm Answer: 21 cm

Plane and Solid Geometry Plane and Solid Geometry

Measurement Measurement

The supplement of an angle is Rico cuts out the largest circle

three times its measure. What possible from a square whose
is the supplement? side is 10 m. What is the area
of the circle?

Answer: 25 or
Answer: 135 78.54 sq.m.
Plane and Solid Geometry Plane and Solid Geometry
Measurement Measurement

If the width of a rectangle is Find the measure of an angle if

denoted by w and the length is the measure of its supplement
4 times the width, what is the is 50 more than twice the
perimeter of the rectangle? measure of its complement.

Answer: 10w Answer: 50

Plane and Solid Geometry Plane and Solid Geometry

Measurement Measurement

The length of an equilateral Each interior angle of a regular

triangle is 16 cm. Find its polygon measures 162. How
area. many sides does it have?

Answer: 64 Answer: 20

Plane and Solid Geometry Plane and Solid Geometry

Measurement Measurement

What do you call a regular If arc AB is 72, then the

polygon with 170 diagonals? measure of angle ?

Answer: Icosagon Answer: 36

Plane and Solid Geometry Plane and Solid Geometry

Measurement Measurement

If arc AB has a length of 36 If arc AB has a length of 40

and arc CD 72, then the and arc CD 140, then the
measure of angle AOB is measure of angle AOB is
____. (AB and CD intersect in the ____. (AB and CD intersect in the
interior of the circle) exterior of the circle)
Answer: 54 Answer: 50
Plane and Solid Geometry Plane and Solid Geometry
Measurement Measurement

If arc AC has a length of 228 A rectangular lot has a

and arc CA 132, then the perimeter of 120 m. If the
measure of angle ABC is length of the lot is 20 m. more
____. (Angles formed by two tangent than its width, what is its
lines) area?
Answer: 48 Answer: 800 sq. m.

Plane and Solid Geometry Plane and Solid Geometry

Measurement Measurement
A picture 10 cm x 8 cm is A room of 10 m by 7m. There is
mounted on a piece of hard 7.5 m by 5 m carpet in the
cardboard. If there is a margin middle. What percent of the
of 2 cm around the picture, room is uncovered?
what is the perimeter of the ?
cardboard used?
Answer: 57 cm Answer: 46.4%

Plane and Solid Geometry Plane and Solid Geometry

Measurement Measurement
How much larger is the If the length of the rectangle is
supplement of 54 angle than reduced by 1/5 and width is
the complement of a 65 also reduced by 1/5, what
angle? percent of the original area is
the new area of the rectangle?

Answer: 101 Answer: 64%

Plane and Solid Geometry Plane and Solid Geometry

Measurement Measurement
What is the sum of 43 dm and What is the edge of a cube that
2.5 m in centimeters? has the same volume as a
rectangular box with
dimensions 18 in by 8 in by
1.5 in?

Answer: 680 cm Answer: 6 inches

Algebra Algebra

What is the value of (16 ) If (3 100) (4 100)(5 100) = 2 2a 15 50b

(16 1/3)(16 1/16)? then a + b = ____.

Answer: 4 Answer: 12

Algebra Algebra

Find the numerical value of Given: f(x) = - 2x2 - 3x,

36 3/2? f(-5)= ______.

Answer: 216 Answer: - 35

Algebra Algebra

The product of two numbers If the sum of two numbers is

is 60 and their reciprocal is 5 and the difference of the
4/5, what are the two number is 5, what is
numbers? the product of the
Answer: 10 and 6 Answer: 0

Algebra Algebra
If Maria can address a box envelopes Mario sold five pigs and four goats for
in 5 hours and Jane can address P21,000. Selling the animals at the
the same box of envelopes in 10 same , Ben sold three pigs and 2
hours, how many minutes will it take goats for P12,000. What is the
Maria and Jane working together to selling price of each animal?
address all envelopes in the box?

Answer: 200 Answer: 3000 and 1500

Algebra Algebra
Find the sum of the first 50 multiples Simplify the expression
of 4,
log4 3 * log3 32
4, 8, 12, 16,, a50

Answer: 5100 Answer: 5/2

Algebra Algebra
In the expansion of (x + 3y)7 If f(x) = - 2x2 - 3x, then f(-5) =
the fourth term is: ____.

Answer: 945x4y3 Answer: - 35

Algebra Algebra
At an amusement park, Leo bought
If y = 3x and 2x + 3y = 22,
3 hamburgers and 4 sodas for a
then y = ____. total of P150. While paying the
same prices Kaye bought 2
hamburgers and 3 sodas for
P105. What is the total cost of 1
hamburger and 1 soda?
Answer: 6 Answer: P45

Algebra Algebra

If x > 0 and (22x - 1)(4x + 2) = If x > 0 and (22x - 1)(4x + 2) =

(8x + 3) , then x = _____. (8x + 3) , then x = _____.

Answer: 3 Answer: 3
Basic Trigonometry Trigonometry
What is the value of sin 75? Determine the length of the
arc cut by a central angle of
60 in a circle with radius of 2

Answer: Answer: 2/3

Trigonometry Trigonometry
An angle of one revolution is A ladder 18 feet long leans
equal to an angle whose against a building forming
measure in terms of radians angle 60 with the ground.
as: How high up the side of the

Answer: 2 Answer:

Trigonometry Trigonometry
From a point level with 1000 ft. away If in ABC, sin A = 3/5, then what is
from the base of a monument, the the value of sin B?
angle of elevation to the top of the
monument is 35. Determine the
height in the nearest feet.

Answer: 700 ft. Answer: 4/5

Trigonometry Trigonometry
In ABC, C s a right triangle and If the ratio of sec x to csc x is
tan A = 1. What is the value of sin A 1:4 then the ratio of tan x to
+ cos A?
cot x is

Answer: Answer: 1:16

Trigonometry Trigonometry
Find the exact value of tan Find the nearest feet the
- 5/3. height of the flagpole which
cast a shadow 44.8 ft. long
when the angle of elevation
of the sun is 36?

Answer: Answer: 32 ft.

Trigonometry Basic Analytic Geometry

A ladder 30 ft. long leans Find the distance between

against a wall, with its foot A(3,2) and B(-1,4).
8 ft. from the wall. Find the
nearest degree which the
ladder makes with the
Answer: 75 Answer:

Basic Analytic Geometry Basic Analytic Geometry

Find the midpoint of the The midpoint of a line

segment joining A(-4,5) segment M(1,2). One of
and B(2,-3). the endpoints is A(0,3).
Find the other endpoint
Answer: (-1,1) Answer: (2,-7)

Basic Analytic Geometry Basic Analytic Geometry

Find the slope of the line Find the equation of the

joining the points (3,2) line through point (1,-2)
and (-1,-2). of slope 2.

Answer: 1 Answer: 2x - y = -4
Basic Calculus Basic Calculus

Find the derivative of Differentiate

f(x) = 4x3 f(x) = 6x4 5x3 + x2 6x +7

Answer: 12x2 Answer: 24x3 15x2 + 2x 6

Basic Calculus Basic Calculus

Find the derivative of Differentiate y = (2x2 4x)2

f(x) = (6x2 + 2x)(3x 1)

Answer: 54x2 2 Answer: y = 16x3 48x2 +32x

Basic Calculus Basic Calculus

Find the derivative of Evaluate


Answer: Answer:

Basic Calculus Basic Calculus

Evaluate Evaluate

Answer: Answer:
| Mathematics Major [1]
Philippine Normal University
Refresher Course for Year 2015



Area: Mathematics


LET Competencies:
1. Simplifying expressions involving series of operations
2. Solve problems involving
a. GFC and LCMF
b. prime and composite
c. divisibility
d. inverse and partitive proportions
e. compound interest


The set of integers (also called the signed numbers) is the union of the set of counting numbers { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5},
the set of their opposites {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} and zero {0}. It is usually denoted by Z. Thus,
Z = {5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
The set of positive integers is {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}.
The set of negative integers is {5, 4, 3, 2, 1}.
The integer zero (0) is neither positive nor negative.


1. To add two integers with like signs, add their absolute values and affix
their common sign.
(+5) + (+9) = +5 + +9 (3) + (7) = 3 + 7
=5+9 =3+7
= +14 = 10
2. To add two integers with unlike signs, find the difference of their
absolute values and use the sign of the number with the larger
absolute value.
(+15) + (9) = +15 9 (21) + (+9) = 21 +9
= 15 9 = 21 9
= +6 = 12
To subtract two integers, change the sign of the subtrahend and then
proceed to the rules for addition.
(+15) (9) = +15 + +9 (28) (+23) = 28 + 23
= 15 + 9 = 28 + 23
= 34 = 51

| Mathematics Major [1]
Multiplication and Division
1. To multiply/divide two integers with like signs, multiply/divide the
absolute values of the given integers and affix positive sign.
(+5) x (+29) = +5 x +29 (28) x (21) = 28 x 21
= 5 x 29 = 28 x 21
= +145 = +588
( 125) ( 5) = 125 5 ( 861) (123) = 861 123
+ + + +

= 125 5 = 861 123

= +25 = +7
2. To multiply/divide two integers with unlike signs, multiply/divide the
absolute values of the given integers and affix the negative sign.
(32) x (+14) = 32 x +14 (+15) x (31) = +15 x 31
= 32 x 14 = 15 x 31

= 448 = 465
(2706) (+11) = 2706 +11 (+2184) (12) = /+2184/ /12/
= 2706 11 = 2184 12
= 246 = 182

Odd and Even Numbers

Any integer that ends with 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8 is called an even number, and any integer that ends with 1, 3, 5, 7 or 9
is called an odd number.
4, 20, 36, 772, 1958 are even numbers.
11, 223, 805, 907, 8009 are odd numbers.
Three important facts about even and odd numbers
a) If two integers are both even or both odd, their sum or difference is even.
b) If one integer is even and the other is odd, their sum or difference is odd.
c) The product of two integers is even unless both of them are odd.

+/ Even Odd x Even Odd

Even Even Odd Even Even Even
Odd Odd Even Odd Even Odd


Any positive integer with exactly two distinct positive factors in the set of integers is called a prime number. Any
positive integer that has more than two distinct positive factors in the set of integers is called composite number.

Which of the following numbers are prime, composite, or neither?
a) 53 prime
b) 421 prime
c) 24,638 composite
d) 43,101 composite
e) 1 neither

Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic

Every composite whole numbers can be expressed as the product of primes in exactly one way (the order of the
factors is disregarded).

Find the prime factorization of 300.

5 60

10 6

5 2 2 3

the prime factors of 300: 5 x 5 x 2 x 2 x 3 = 5 2 x 22 x 3

| Mathematics Major [1]
Factors and Multiples
If a and b are whole numbers and a 0, then a is a factor of b if and only if there is a whole number c such that ac = b.
If a is a factor of b, we can also say that a divides b (ab), or b is a multiple of a. Every number has a finite set of factors
(or divisors) and an infinite set of multiples.

Classify each of the following as true or false.
a) 3 is a factor of 12. true
b) 03 false
c) 30 true
d) 2 is a multiple of 8. false
e) for all integers a, 1a. true


Let a and b be natural numbers. The greatest natural number d that divides both a and b is called their greatest
common factor (divisor), and we write d = (a, b).
Find the greatest common factor.
(180, 220)
180 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 5
220 = 2 x 2 x 5 x 11

2x2 x5 So, (180, 220) = 2 x 2 x 5 = 20


Let a and b be natural numbers. The least natural number m that is a multiple of both a and b is called their
least common multiple and we write m = [a, b].
Find the least common multiple.
[28, 44]
28 = 2 x 2 x 7
44 = 2 x 2 x 11

2 x 2 x 7 x 11 So, [28, 44] = 2 x 2 x 7 x 11 = 308

For positive integers a and b,

[a, b] = and when (a, b) = 1, then [a, b] = a x b
(a, b)
Divisibility Properties
a) If a number divides each of two other numbers, then it divides their sum.
If ab and ac, then a(b + c).
b) If a number divides one of two numbers but not the other, then it will not divide their sum.
If ab and a c, then a (b + c).
c) If one number divides another number, then it will divide the product of that number with any other
whole number.
If ab, then abk.

A number is divisible by 2 if the number ends with an even number (0,2,4,6,8).
Example: 158 and 5792 are divisible by 2 since the numbers end with 8 and 2
respectively which are both even numbers.
A number is divisible by 3 if the sum of its digits is divisible by 3.
Example: 2301 is divisible by 3 since the sum of its digits 2+3+0+1 = 6 is
divisible by 3.
A number is divisible by 4 if the last two digits of the number form a number
which is divisible by 4.
Example: 2900, 3136, and 745084 are divisible by 4.
A number is divisible by 5 if the number ends with 0 or 5.
Example: 1015, 2890, and 802525 are divisible by 5.

| Mathematics Major [1]
A number is divisible by 6 if the number is divisible by both 2 and 3.
Example: 1350 and 201564 are divisible by 6 because they are both divisible by
2 and by 3.
A number is divisible by 7 if the difference between twice the unit digit and the
number formed by the remaining digits is divisible by 7.
Example: 2191 is divisible by 7, since
2191 219
2 (twice 1)

217 21
14 (twice 7)

7 divisible by 7

A number is divisible by 8 if the last three digits of the number form a number
which is divisible by 8.
Example: 413000, 6739048, and 9013816 are divisible by 8.

A number is divisible by 9 if the sum of its digits is divisible by 9.

Example: 19008 and 324594 are divisible by 9, since 1+9+0+0+8 = 18 and
3+2+4+5+9+4 = 27 are divisible by 9

A number is divisible by 10 if the number ends with 0.

Example: 47020 and 390580 are both divisible by 10.

A number is divisible by 11 if the difference between the sum of the digits in

the even position and the sum of the digits in the odd position is divisible
by 11.
Example: 7654235050 is divisible by 11 since,
(7+5+2+5+5) (6+4+3+0+0) = 24 13 = 11 is divisible by 11
even position odd position
A number is divisible by 12 if the number is divisible by both 3 and 4.
Example: 16178904 is divisible by 12 because it is divisible by 3 (since
1+6+1+7+8+9+0+4 = 36 is divisible by 3) and by 4 (since the last 2 digits
04 form a number which is divisible by 3).

A number is divisible by 13 if the sum of four times the unit digits and the number
formed by the remaining digits is divisible be 13.
Example: 195 is divisible by 13, since
195 19
+ 20 (four times 5)

39 is divisible by 13.


A ratio is a comparison of 2 numbers a and b, with b 0, and may be expressed in the form a to b, a : b or
Ratio compares two quantities with same units.
12 Math books to 15 English books is a ratio
10 kilometers per liter is a rate.
In 1993, for every woman arrested in the United States, 4 men were arrested.
1. What is the ratio of the number of men arrested to the number of women arrested?
Ans. or 4:1
2. What is the ratio of the number of women arrested to the number of men arrested?
Ans. or 1:4

For any two equal ratios a/b and c/d, a/b = c/d is called a proportion. This is also written as a:b = c:d. In this
form, a and d are called extremes and b and c are called the means, and the rule states that the product of the means
equals the product of the extremes. This can also be written as; if a : b = c : d, then ad = bc.

| Mathematics Major [1]
If the ratio of teachers to students in a school is 1 to 18 and there are 360
students, how many teachers are there?
Let x be the number of teachers,
1 x
or 1 : 18 = x : 360
18 360
18x = 360
x = 20 teachers

If a quantity q is to be partitioned into p1, p2, p3, . . . pn, so that the partitions are in the ratio a1 : a2 : a3 : . . . : an,
then the size of the kth partition may be computed as follows:
Pk = ak
a1 a 2 a3 ... a n
Joshua divides his day into leisure, sleep, and work. In the ratio 1 : 2 : 3. How many hours does he spend
P3 = 3 = 12 hours.
1 2 3

If the ratio of two quantities being compared is constant, then they are directly proportional.
y1 y y y
y1 = kx1 and y2 = kx2, then k and 2 k , therefore 1 2
x1 x2 x1 x 2
Junior paid 125php for 14 chocolate candies. How much would 25 of such chocolate candies cost?

125 x
14x = 125(25) = 223.21php
14 25

If the product of two quantities being compared is constant, then they are inversely proportional
x1 x 2
x1y1 = k and x2y2 = k, then x1y1 = x2y2 or
y 2 y1
It takes 20 men to build a house for 60 days. How many men will be needed to build it in 15 days?
20 x
15x = 20(60) = 1 200 x = 80 men
15 60

Simple Interest ( Simple Interest = Prt )
Simple interest is an interest computed on the original principal. The original amount deposited or borrowed is
called the principal. The percent used to determine the interest is called the interest rate. Interest rates are given for
specific periods of time such as years, months or days.
Christian opens a savings account that pays simple interest at the rate of 5% per year. If he deposits 2 000php
and makes no other deposits, find the interest and the final amount for 90 days.

I = (2 000php) (5%) (90/365) = (2 000php) 0.0525) (90/365) = 25.89php

Final Amount = Principal + I = P(1 + rt) = 2 000php + 25.89php = 2 025.89php
Compound Interest ( Final Amount = P[ 1 + r ]n )
Compound interest is different from simple interest because after the first interest calculation, the interest is
added to the principal, so interest is earned on previous interest in addition to the principal. Compound Interest rates
are usually given as annual (1 time a year), semiannual (2 times a year), quarterly (4 times a year), monthly (12 times a
year), and daily (365 times a year).
If 500php is invested at 8% compounded semiannually, what will the final amount be after three years?
Final Amount = P[ 1 + r ]n = 500[ 1 + (8% / 2)]3 * 2 = 500[ 1 + 0.04 ]6
= 500[1.27]
= 635

| Mathematics Major [2]

Philippine Normal University

Refresher Course for year 2015



I. Basic Ideas

The undefined terms, point, line, and plane are geometric ideas and they are visually represented by a tiny dot, a thin
wire, and a smooth flat surface, respectively. Points are labeled by means of capital letters, lines by naming any two of its
points, and planes by naming at least three of its points. The subsets of a line are ray, segment, and the line itself.

A.. B. A. B. A. B.
Line Ray Line

Space is the set of all points.

Some postulates on points, lines and planes:

An infinite number of lines may pass through a given point.
To every pair of different points there corresponds a unique positive number.
This number is called the distance between the two points.

For every two different points there is exactly one line that contains both points.
If two points of a line lie in a plane, then the line lies in the same plane.
Any three points lie in at least one plane, and any three non-collinear points lie in exactly one plane.
If two planes intersect, then their intersection is a line.
An infinite number of planes may pass through a given line.

Every segment has exactly one midpoint.
If a line intersects a plane not containing it, then the intersection is a point.
Given a line and a point not on the line, there is exactly one plane containing both.
Given two intersecting lines, there is exactly one plane containing both.

If two rays have a common endpoint, but do not lie on the same line, then their union is an angle. Their common end
point is called its vertex and the two rays are called its sides. The following are angles:

A point may be on the angle, in the interior or neither on the angle nor in its interior called the exterior.
P. P. P.

The unit of measure for an angle is called a degree. An angle is measured with a protractor.

Angle Measurement Postulate. To every angle there corresponds a real number between 0 and 180.

| Mathematics Major [2]
Kinds of Angles
1. Acute Angle. An acute is an angle whose measure is less than 90.
2. Right Angle. A right angle is one that measures 90. It is usually represented by a small square at
the vertex. Two lines that intersect and form right angles are called perpendicular ( ) lines.
3. Obtuse Angle. This is an angle whose measure is more than 90 but less than 180.

Remarks: In plane Geometry, an angle is simply a set of points. This should be distinguished from the angles
in trigonometry where we speak of directed angles. When we use directed angles, we allow zero angles and straight angles. In
the study of directed angles, we seldom use the degree as a unit measure. Instead, we use the radian.


1. Vertical Angles. Two angles are vertical angles if and only if their sides form two pairs of opposite rays. When two lines
intersect, they form two pairs of vertical angles.
2. Complementary Angles. Two angles whose measures total 90.
3. Supplementary Angles. Two angles whose measures total 180.
4. Linear Pair. Two angles that are formed by two
opposite rays and a third common ray. Two angles,
BAC and CAD, form a linear pair if only if B, A, and D
are collinear and C is not on BA . . .
A linear pair is a supplementary pair. B A D

An angle bisector is a ray in the interior of the angle dividing it into two congruent parts.


Equality between two numbers has the following properties
Reflexive Property: a a , for every a
Symmetric Property: If a b , then b a .
Transitive property: If a b and b c , then a c .


Congruence Properties between Angles (or between segments):
Reflexive Property: A A for every A .
Symmetric property: If A B , then B A .
Transitive Property: If A B and B C , then A C .
AB CD implies that AB CD and vice versa.
Similarly, A B implies that mA mB and vice versa.

Equality is used for measures while congruence is used for figures.

Some Theorems on Angles

If the angles in a linear pair are congruent, then each of them is a right angle.
If two angles are complementary, then they are both acute.
Any two right angles are congruent.
If two angles are both congruent and supplementary, then each is a right angle.
Supplements of congruent angles are congruent.
Complements of congruent angles are congruent.
Vertical angles are congruent.
Two perpendicular lines form four right angles.
The angles in a linear pair are supplementary.
The shortest segment from a point not on a line to the line is the perpendicular () segment.
1. Estimate the measure of an angle if it is three times the measure of its supplement.
Solution: x = 3(180 x)
4x = 3(180)
x = 135

2. On the edge of a half-plane, take points, M, K, A such that A is between M and K. Take ray AT so that m TAK = 35. In the

same half-plane take ray AV such that

m MAV = 85. What is the measure of TAV? ( Ans. 60)
3. If mA = 64, find the measures of the angles that are complementary and supplementary to A.
The measures of two complementary angles must add to 90, so the measure of the
complement of A is given by 90 - 64 = 26.
The measures of two supplementary angles must add to 180, so the measure of the
supplement of A is given by 180 - 64 = 116.
4. In the figure, 1 is complementary to 2, and m3 = 141. Find the measure of each numbered angle in the figure.

| Mathematics Major [2]

Since 3 and m6 are vertical angles, then these angles are congruent. Thus, if m3 = 141, therefore, m6 = 141 .

1 and 3 form linear pair and therefore they are supplementary.

Thus, m1 = 39.
1 and 5 are vertical angles and vertical angles are congruent.
Thus, m5 = 39.
Since 1 is complementary to 2, then m2 = 51.
Since 2 and 8 are vertical angles, then m8 = 51.
Now, m4 = m7 = 129. Why? ____________________________________

5. In the figure below, the measures of angles 1, 2, and 3 are in the ratio 1:2:3, respectively. Find the measure of each angle.

Adding the terms of the ratio 1,2, and 3 gives 6.

1/6 of 90 = 15; 2/6 of 90 = 30; and 3/6 of 90 = 45 12

Thus, the measures of the angles are 15, 30 and 45.

6. Find the measure of an angle whose measure is 40 more than the measure of its supplement.

Solution: A B
Let x = the measure of the supplement of the angle
x + 40 = the measure of the angle H C
x + (x + 40) = 140
2x = 140 F G
x = 70 and x + 40 = 100
Thus, the measure of the angle is 110.
Facts about parallel lines:
1. Parallel lines are coplanar lines that do not intersect
2. Skew lines are noncoplanar and nonintersecting lines.
a.) In the parallelepiped above, name all the lines that contain the edges parallel to AB .
b.) Name all the lines containing the edges that are skew to EF .
a.) The lines parallel to AB are FG , HC and ED
b.) The lines that are skew to EF are AB , HC , BG and CD .

3. A transversal is a line that intersects two coplanar lines at two different points.

Angles formed by Transversals

a.) Alternate Interior Angles b.) Alternate Exterior Angles

1 2 1 2
4 3
4 3
5 6
5 6 8 7
8 7

4 and 6; 3 and 5 are 1 and 7; 2 and 8

alternate interior angles are alternate exterior angles

c.) Same-side Interior angles d.) Corresponding angles


1 2 1 2
| Mathematics Major [2]

4 and 5; 3 and 6 are angles 1 and 5; 2 and 6; 4 and 8; 3

on the same side of the transversal and 7 are corresponding angles


Principle 1: Parallel lines postulates: Through a given point P, not on a line l, exactly one
line maybe drawn parallel to line l. .

Angles Relationships for Parallel Lines that are Cut by a Transversal

Principle 2: If parallel lines are cut by a transversal, then the alternate interior angles are

Principle 3: If parallel lines are cut buy a transversal, then the corresponding angles are

Principle 4: If parallel lines are cut by a transversal, then the alternate exterior angles are congruent.

Principle 5: If parallel lines are cut by a transversal, then the same-side interior angles are supplementary.

Principles on Proving Lines to be Parallel

Principle 6: If two lines are cut by a transversal so that a pair of alternate interior angles are congruent, then the lines are parallel.

Principle 7: If two lines are cut by a transversal so that a pair of corresponding angles are congruent, then the lines are parallel.

Principle 8: If two lines are cut by a transversal so that a pair of alternate exterior angles are congruent, then two lines are parallel.

Principle 9: If two lines are cut by a transversal so that a pair of same-side interior angles are supplementary then two lines are

Principle 10: Lines are parallel if they are parallel to the same line.

A. Use the given information to decide which lines are parallel. Justify your answers with a principle for parallel lines.

1. 6 9
1 2
2. 4 8 a
3. m3 + m8 = 180 4 3
4. m5 + m7 = 180
5. 10 11
9 8 6 7
6. 2 10 c
10 11
Solutions: d e

1. d e by Congruent Corresponding Angles (Principle 7)

2. a c by Alternate Interior Angles Postulate (Principle 6)

3. ac by Same-Side Interior Angles are Supplementary (Principle 9)

4. b c by Same-Side Interior Angles are Supplementary (Principle 9)

5. d e by Congruent Corresponding Angles (Principle 7)

6. a c by Congruent Alternate Exterior Angle (Principle 8)

B. In the figure at the right, find the value of x given st cut by a transversal l
| Mathematics Major [2]

1. m 2 = 2x, m3 = 4x l

2. m1 = 2x, m6 = 136 1 s
3. m1 = 3x, m5 = 60
3 5 t
4. m1 = 6x, m3 = 120 4 6

1. Since st, then 2 is supplementary to 3, (by Principle 5)

Thus, 2x + 4x = 180
6x = 180
x = 30

2. Since st, then 1 6 (Principle 4)

Thus, 2x = 136
x = 68

3. Since st, then 2 5 (Principle 2)

Thus, 2 = 60
But 1and 2 are supplementary (Def. of linear pair)
Therefore, from the given 1 = 3x and 2 = 60
Then 3x + 60 = 180
3x = 120
x = 40

10. Since st, then 1 3 (Principle 3)

Thus, 6x = 120
x = 20


A triangle is the union of the segments determined by three non-collinear points.

Triangles may be classified according to the congruence or noncongruence of their sides.

1. Scalene triangle. A scalene triangle is a triangle having no congruent sides.

2. Isosceles triangle. An isosceles triangle is a triangle having at least two congruent sides
3. Equilateral triangle. An equilateral triangle is a triangle having three congruent sides.

Scalene Isosceles Equilateral

Triangles may also be classified according to the kinds of angles they have.
1. Right triangle. A triangle having one right angle.
2. Obtuse triangle. A triangle having one obtuse angle.
3. Acute triangle. A triangle having three acute angles.

Right Acute
Some Theorems about Triangles

1. Isosceles Triangle Theorem. If two sides of a triangle are congruent, then the angles opposite these sides are congruent.
Conversely, if two angles of a triangle are congruent, then the sides opposite them are congruent
2. Every equilateral triangle is equiangular and conversely.
3. The sum of the measures of the angles of a triangle is 180.

Special Lines in a Triangle

| Mathematics Major [2]

1. Angle bisector of a triangle. An angle bisector of a triangle is a segment or ray that bisects an angle and extends to the opposite

2. Median of a triangle. A median of a triangle is a segment from a vertex to the midpoint of the opposite side.

3. Perpendicular bisector of a side. A perpendicular bisector of a side of a triangle is a line that bisects
and is perpendicular to a side.

4. Altitude to a side of a triangle. An altitude of a triangle is segment from a vertex

perpendicular to the opposite side.

5. Altitude of obtuse triangle. In an obtuse triangle, the two altitudes fall outside the triangle.
6. The altitudes to the congruent sides of an isosceles triangle are congruent.
7. The altitudes of an equilateral triangle are congruent.

Theorems on Right Triangles

1. In a 30-60-90 triangle,
a. the hypotenuse is twice as long as the shorter leg (the leg
opposite the 30 angle), and 60 2a
b. the longer leg is 3 times as long as the shorter leg.

a 3

2. In a 45-45-90 triangle, the hypotenuse is 2 times as long as either


a a 2

3. Pythagorean Theorem
In a right triangle, the square of the length of the hypotenuse is
equal to the sum of the squares of the lengths of the legs. a c

a2 + b2 = c2

4. Angles Outside the Triangle 2

The measure of an exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of
the remote interior angles.
1 3 4
m4 = m1 + m2
5. Exterior Angle Inequality Theorem
The measure of the exterior angle of a triangle is greater than the 2
measure of either remote interior angle.

1 3 4
m4 > m1
m4 > m2
6. Triangle Inequality Theorem

The sum of the lengths of any two sides of a triangle is greater than a c
the length of the third side.



| Mathematics Major [2]
1. Find the lengths of the unknown sides in the
adjoining figure
a c
a b c
a. 3 ____ ____
b. ____ ____ 6 2

By Theorem 1, a) b = 3 and c = 3 2 b) a = 6 and b = 6

2. Find the lengths of the unknown sides in the

adjoining figure 60 c
a b c
4 3 30
a. ____ ____
b. ____ ____ 10

By Theorem 2, a) a = 4 and c = 8 b) a = 5 and b = 5 3 .

3. A pole is braced up by wires tied to its top portion from pegs on the ground
each 6 ft from the foot of the pole. If a wire is 16 ft long, how tall is the pole?
c2 a 2 b2
162 6 2 b 2
b 2 162 6 2
b 2 256 36
b 2 220 14.83

4. Find the measures of the labeled angles in the marked figure at the right.
mx 60; my 120; mz 30; mw 30


Given two triangles. There are four ways to show that they are congruent using only three pairs of corresponding congruent

SAS Congruence Postulate. If two sides and the included angle of one triangle are congruent respectively to the
corresponding two sides and the included angle of another triangle, then the two triangles are congruent.

ASA Congruence Postulate. If two angles and the included side of one triangle are congruent respectively to the
corresponding two angles and the included side of another triangle, then the two triangles are congruent.

SSS Congruence Postulate. If the three sides of one triangle are congruent respectively to the corresponding three sides
of another triangle, then the two triangles are congruent.

SAA Congruence Theorem.. If a side and two angles adjacent angles of one triangle are congruent respectively to the
corresponding side and two adjacent angles of another triangle, then the two triangles are congruent.

Corresponding Parts Principle. If two triangles are congruent by SAS, ASA, SSS, or SAA, then their remaining corresponding parts are
also congruent


| Mathematics Major [2]
Each pair of marked triangles are congruent by the indicated congruence postulate.

60 60

32 32



Triangle Congruence for Right Triangles

From the triangle congruence postulates, any two right triangles may be congruent by any of the following principles:

LL Congruence. Two right triangles are congruent if the two legs of one are congruent, respectively, to the
corresponding two legs of the other. (By SAS)

LA Congruence. Two right triangles are congruent if a leg and an adjacent acute angle of one are congruent,
respectively, to the corresponding leg and an adjacent acute angle of the other. (By ASA; by SAA if the acute
angles are not adjacent)

HL Congruence. Two right triangles are congruent if the hypotenuse and a leg of one are congruent,
respectively, to the corresponding hypotenuse and a leg of the other. (By Transitivity)



First Minimum Theorem

The shortest segment joining a point to a line is the perpendicular segment.

Thus, the distance between a line and an external point is the length of the perpendicular segment from the point to the line.

Similar Triangles

Two triangles are said to be similar if

a. their corresponding angles are congruent, and
b. their corresponding sides are proportional.

Examples of similar triangles:

Similarity Postulates:
1. AA Similarity. If two angles of one triangle are congruent to two corresponding angles of another triangle, then the
triangles are similar.
2. SAS Similarity. If an angle of one triangle is congruent to a corresponding angle of another triangle and the sides that
include these angles are proportional, then the triangles are similar.
3. SSS Similarity. If all the three sides of one triangle are proportional to the lengths of the corresponding sides of another
triangle, then the triangles are similar.

| Mathematics Major [2]
4. Midsegment Theorem for Triangles. A

A segment whose endpoints are the midpoints of two sides

of a triangle is
a. parallel to the third side, and
b. half the length of the third side. B C
DE // BC and DE BC
5. Side-Splitting Theorem
If a line parallel to a side of a triangle intersects the other two sides in distinct
points, then it cuts off segments which are proportional to these sides.



6. Similarity in a right triangle. The altitude to the hypotenuse of a right triangle forms two triangles that are each
similar to the original triangle and to each other.
7. Given a right triangle and the altitude to the hypotenuse. (a) The altitude to the hypotenuse is the geometric
mean of the segments into which it separates the hypotenuse. (b) Each leg is the geometric mean of the
hypotenuse and the segment adjacent to the leg.

Thus, in the marked adjoining figure, C



Hence, CD2 AD BD Finally,

Moreover, .

Hence, AC2 AD DC . And BC2 BD BA


1. Two angles of ABC have measures, 45 and 15, while two angles of DEF have measures 120 and 45. Are the
triangles similar? By what Similarity theorem or definition?

Solution: YES, by the AAA Similarity Theorem_

2. One angle of PQR measures 40 and the sides that include the angle measures 5 each. Another triangle has an
angle that measures 70 and the sides that include these angle measures 8 each. Are the triangles similar?
Solution: YES, by the SAS Similarity Theorem
3. Given the figure as marked. Find PS.
Q 15 9

x 12 PS 12
15 9
PS (15)(12) 9 20
4. In the marked figure at the right, C
AD = 8 and DB = 18. Find CD.

(CD)2 8 18 A B
CD = 12 D

| Mathematics Major [2]

A quadrilateral is a four-sided figure.

If all four angles of a quadrilateral are right angles, then the quadrilateral is a rectangle.
If all four angles of a quadrilateral are right angles, and all four sides are congruent, then the quadrilateral is a
If both pairs of opposite sides are parallel, then the quadrilateral is a parallelogram.
If one and only one pair of opposite sides are parallel, then the quadrilateral is a trapezoid.


1. Each diagonal separates a parallelogram into two congruent triangles.

2. In a parallelogram, any two opposite sides are congruent.
Corollary: If two lines are parallel, then all points of each line are equidistant from the other line.

Recall: The distance between a line and an external point is the length of the perpendicular segment from the point to
the line.

The distance between any two parallel lines is the distance from any point of one to the other.
3. In a parallelogram, any two opposite angles are congruent.
4. In a parallelogram, any two consecutive angles are supplementary.
5. The diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other.

6. The segment joining the midpoints of two sides of a triangle is parallel to the third side and half as long.
7. A rhombus is a parallelogram all of whose sides are congruent.
8. A rectangle is a parallelogram all of whose angles are congruent.
9. A square is a rectangle all of whose sides are congruent.
10. If a parallelogram has one right angle, then it is a rectangle.
11. In a rhombus, the diagonals are perpendicular to each other.
12. If the diagonals of a quadrilateral bisect each other and are perpendicular, then the
quadrilateral is a rhombus.


Let P be a point in a given plane, and r be a positive number. The circle with center P and
radius is the set of all points of the plane whose distance from P is r.

Let P be a point, and let r be a positive number. The sphere
with center P and radius r is the set of all points of space whose
distance from P is r.

Basic Terms on Circles and Spheres

Two or more spheres or two or more circles with the same center are called concentric.
A chord of a circle is a segment whose endpoints lie on the circle.
A line which intersects a circle in two points is called a secant of the circle.
A chord of a sphere is a segment whose endpoints lie on the sphere.
A diameter of a circle or sphere is a chord containing the center.

A radius of a circle or a sphere is a segment from the center to a point of

the sphere.

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The interior of a circle is the set of all points of the plane whose distance from the center is less than the
The exterior of a circle is the set of all points of the plane whose distance from the center is greater
than the radius.

A tangent to a circle is a line (in the same plane) which intersects the circle in one and only one point. This point
is called the point of tangency.

Theorems Circles and Spheres

1. The intersection of a sphere with a plane through its center is a circle with the same center and the same radius.
2. The intersection of a sphere with a plane through its center is called a great circle of the sphere.
3. A line perpendicular to a radius at its outer end is tangent to the circle.
4. Every tangent to a circle is perpendicular to the radius drawn to the point of tangency.
5. The perpendicular from the center of a circle to a chord bisects the chord.
6. The segment from the center of a circle to the midpoint of a chord which is not a diameter is perpendicular to
the chord.
7. In the plane of a circle, the perpendicular bisector of a chord passes through the center.
8. In the same circle or in congruent circles, chords equidistant from the center are congruent.
9. In the same circle or in congruent circles, any two congruent chords are equidistant from the center.
10. If the line and the circle are coplanar, and line intersects the interior of the circle, then it intersects the circle in
two and only two points.


Two circles are tangent if they are tangent to the same line at the same point. If two tangent circles are coplanar,
and their centers are on the same side of their common tangent, then their internally tangent. If two tangent circles
if two tangents are coplanar, and their canters are on opposite sides of their common
tangent, then their externally tangent


In the adjoining circle at the right, P is the center. The set of points (darkened) on the circle in the interior of
APB is the minor arc AB . The remaining set of points on the circle is the major arc AB . A and B are the endpoints
of the arcs.


A central angle of a circle is an angle whose vertex is the center of the circle.

In the figure, APB is a central angle.


Let C be a circle, and let A and B be the endpoints of a diameter. A semicircle

is the union of A, B, and the points of C that lie in a given half-plane with
AB as edge. The points A and B are the end points of the semicircle.

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1. The degree measure of an arc is the measure of the corresponding central angle.
2. The degree measure of a semicircle is 180.



An angle is inscribed in an arc if

1. The sides of the angle contain the end points of the arc and
2. The vertex of the angle is a point, but not an end point, of the arc.


An angle intercepts an arc if

1. The end points of the arc lie on the angle,
2. All other points of the arc are in the interior of the angle, and
3. Each side of the angle contains an end point of the arc.

Theorems on Inscribed Angles and Intercepted Arcs

1. The measure of an inscribed angle is half the measure of the intercepted arc.
2. An angle inscribed in a semicircle is a right angle.
3. Every two angles inscribed in the same arc are congruent.

A triangle is inscribed in a circle if the vertices of the triangle lie on the circle. If each side of the triangle is
tangent to the circle, then the quadrilateral is circumscribed about the circle.


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1. The volume of the prism is the product of the altitude and the area of the base.
2. The volume of a triangular pyramid is one-third the product of its altitude and its base area.
3. The volume of a pyramid is one-third the product of its altitude and its base area.
4. The volume of a circular cylinder is the product of its altitude
and the area of its base.
5. The volume of a circular cone is one-third the product
of its altitude and the area of its base.


Starting point

These triangles are congruent.

If you cut out DEF and place it onto ABC , they should have the same size and shape. The movement may be a slide, a flip,
or a turn.
Look at the kite at the right. If we fold the kite over BD , there is a one-
to-one correspondence between the points of the kite. A C, points along AB
and CB correspond, and points along AD and CD correspond.


A transformation is a one-to-one correspondence between points in the plane such that each point P is associated with a
unique point P , called the image of P .
Transformations that preserve the size and shape of geometric figures are called isometries (iso means same and metry
means measure) or rigid motions.
Types of isometries: translation, rotation and reflection.

Translation is a transformation that acts like a slide.


Describe a transformation that will move ABC to

' ' '
coincide with A B C

Slide the triangle so that A moves to A. Since B and C are
the same distance and direction from B and C, respectively, as A is from point A, point B is the image of B and point C is the image
of C. Thus, ABC moves to A 'B'C' . Trace ABC and slide it using the arrow from A to A.
To define translation, we need the concept of directed line segment. Informally, a line segment AB can be directed in two
ways: (1) pointing from A to B denoted as AB or (2) pointing from B to A denoted as BA .
Further, two line segments are said to be equivalent if they are parallel, have the same length and point in the same

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Suppose that A and B are points in the plane. The translation associated with directed line segment AB , denoted TAB , is
' '
the transformation that maps each point P to the point P such that PP is equivalent to AB .

' ' '

Directed segment PP is equivalent to AB so that PP AB and P P = AB. Thus quadrilateral
P P BA is a parallelogram, since it has a pair of opposite sides that are parallel and congruent. We can imagine that P is slid
by the translation TAB in the direction from A to B for a distance equal to AB.


This is an isometry that corresponds to turning the plane around a fixed point.
Describe a transformation that will move ABC to coincide with A 'B'C' .

We can turn ABC 180 around point P, the midpoint of segment BB ' to coincide with A 'B'C' .

To define rotation, we need the concept of a directed angle. An angle ABC is said to be a directed angle if it satisfies
the following properties:

1. If mABC 0 , then the measure of the directed angle is 0.

2. If ABC is a straight angle, then the measure of the directed angle is 180.
3. In the adjoining figure,
a) Let BA be turned about B through the smallest possible angle so that the image of
ray BA coincides with BC .

b) If the direction of the turn is counterclockwise, the measure of the directed angle is the positive number
mABC . If the direction is clockwise, the measure is the negative number mABC . The directed angle
ABC is denoted by ABC .

For the directed angle by ABC , ray BA is called the initial side and ray BC is called the terminal side.

The rotation with center O and angle with measure a, denoted R O,a , is the
transformation that maps each point P other than O to the point P such that
1. The measure of directed angle POP' is a, and
2. OP OP

Point O is mapped to itself by R O,a .

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This isometry corresponds to flipping the plane over a fixed line.

Describe a transformation that will move ABC to coincide with A 'B'C'

Flip ABC over the perpendicular bisector of AA ' .

' '
Then point A moves to point A , point B to B , and C to C ' . Hence, ABC moves to coincide with A 'B'C'


A transformation that flips the plane over a fixed line is called a reflection.


Suppose that a line l is a line in the plane. The reflection in line l, denoted by M t , is the
transformation that maps points as follows:
1. Each point P not on line l is mapped to the point P such that l is the
perpendicular bisector of segment PP .
2. Each point Q on line l is mapped to itself.

Examples of transformations

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Philippine Normal University
Refresher Course for year 2015

FOCUS: Basic Algebra
1. Perform operations on Algebraic Expressions
2. Simplify a given algebraic expression with series of operations
3. Apply the Laws of Exponents in Multiplying and Dividing Algebraic Expressions
4. Factor polynomials
5. Use factoring in simplifying rational expressions
6. Perform operations on Rational Expressions
7. Perform operations on Radical Numbers
8. Identify the domain and/or the range of a given function
9. Identify/ describe the graph of a function
10. Solve problems on
a) Linear equations
b) Systems of linear equations
11. Compute the value of a function f(n), where n is a counting number


I. Algebraic Expressions
A mathematical phrase that contains a variable is an open phrase. A number phrase is an expression
that does not contain a variable. It is also referred to as a numerical expression. The English phrase a certain
number added to 5 may be translated to the open phrase n + 5 where n stands for a certain number. The
English phrase seven added to 5 may be translated to the number phrase 7 + 5.

Expressions like 8 + 2, 12 2, 5 x 2, and 20 2 are some number phrases for the number 10. Expressions like
, - 2a, 2n + 8, 2(l + w) are examples of open phrases. Another name for open phrase is algebraic expression.
An expression composed of constants, variables, grouping symbols, and operation symbols, is called an
algebraic expression. It is the result of adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing (except by 0), or taking roots
on any combination of constants and variables.
1 2 x3 1 1
Example a) 2 x 3x b. 2 x x
c) 4x2 2x 5 d) 2
3 x x

A. Polynomials
A term of a polynomial is a constant, a variable or the product of a constant and one or more variables
raised to whole number exponents. The constant preceding the variable in each term is called coefficient of
the variable. In 3x 3 15x 2 2 , the coefficient of x3 is 3, and the coefficient of x2 is 15. In algebra, a number is
frequently referred to as a constant, and so the last term 2 in 3x 3 15x 2 2 is called the constant term.
A polynomial is a term or a finite sum of terms, with only non-negative integer exponents permitted
on the variables. If the terms of a polynomial contain only the variable x, then the polynomial is called
polynomial in x.

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2 x3
a) 8r 2 s 3 b) x2 2xy 3y2 c) 4x2 2x 5

d) 8 x 3 y 3 e) 4r 2 s 3 2 1 f) x 4 8x 2 11x 5

B. Degree of a Polynomial
The degree of a polynomial in one variable is the highest exponent of the variable in the polynomial. A
term containing more than one variable has degree equal to the sum of all the exponents appearing on the
variables in the term. The degree of a polynomial in more than one variable is the highest degree of all the
terms appearing in the polynomial. If a monomial consists of a constant term then the expression is called
constant polynomial. The degree of a constant polynomial is zero.
1) The degree of the polynomial 6 x 3 y 2 3xy is 5.
2) The degree of the polynomial 4 x 2 5 x 3 is 2.
3) The degree of the polynomial 2 x 2 5 x 2 y 7 y is 3.
C. Like Terms
If two terms contain the same powers of the same variables, they are called like terms or similar
terms. For example, 3x 2 and 5x 2 are like terms, whereas 3x 2 and 2x 3 are not like terms. Other examples
are 4 xy and 5 yx , 3x 2 y and 5 yx 2 , and 4 x x y and 7 x x y .
D. Kinds of Polynomials
Certain polynomials have special names depending on the number of terms they have.
1. Monomial is a polynomial that has only one term.
5x 2 y 3
Examples: a) 8r 2 s 3 b)
2. Binomial is a polynomial that has two terms.
6x 2 y
Examples: a) 8 x 3 y 3 b) 3 xy
3. Trinomial is a polynomial that has three terms.
2x 2 3
Examples: a) 4 x 2 5 x 3 b) 5x 2 y
3 5
4. Multinomial is a polynomial that has four or more terms
2a 4 b 3 a 3 b 2
Examples: a) 4 x 3 5x 2 x 7 b) 2 a 2 b 5a
5 4
E. Evaluating Algebraic Expressions
In Algebra, we replace a variable with a number. This is called substituting the variable. To evaluate an
algebraic expression, substitute the variable by a number and then calculate. Evaluating an algebraic
expression means obtaining or computing the value of the expression where value/s of the variable/s is/are

Examples: Evaluate.
x y x y y x 3y
1) for x = 12 & y = 8 2) for x = 2 & y = 4
4 4 2 x

12 8 12 8 4 2 3(4)
= =
4 4 2 2

20 4 6 12
= =5+1 = =3+6
4 4 2 2

24 18
= =6 = =9
4 2
F. Operations on Algebraic Expressions
H. Simplifying Algebraic Expressions Involving Grouping Symbols
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II. Laws of Exponents

A. Product Law
If m and n are integers and a 0, then
a m a n a m n
1) x 2 x 3 x 5 2) 32 34 36

B. Power of a Power Law

If m and n are integers and a 0, then
m n
a mn
x x
1) x 3
2 4 6 4 24

2) 32

C. Power of a Product Law

If m is an integer and a 0 and b 0, then
abm a mb m

1) 2 x 3
22 x 6 4x 6
2) 32 x 4 y 2 3
3 3 2
x12 y 6
36 x 36 y18

D. Quotient Law
If m and n are integers and m > n, and a 0, then
If m and n are integers and m < n, and a 0, then
am 1
a a
If m and n are integers and m = n, and a 0, then
amn a0 1
29 x 4 1 1 1
1) 4 29 4 25 32 2) 2 2 ( 4 ) 2 4 2
2 x x x x

E. Power of a Quotient Law

If n, a, and b are integers, and b 0, then
b b
x3 2 24 16
1) 3 2) 4
y y 3 3 81

III. Special Products and Factoring

A. Special Products
A. Product of the Sum and Difference of Two Terms

The product of the sum and difference of two terms is obtained by subtracting the product of
the last terms from the product of the first terms, and is called the difference of two squares
a) a b a b a 2 b 2 b) 3a 5b 3a 5b 9a 2 25b 2

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Square of a Binomial

The square of a binomial is the sum of the square of the first term, twice the product of the two
terms, and the square of the last term.
a b2 a 2 2ab b 2 a 2 2ab b 2
a b2 a 2 2a b b 2 a 2 2ab b 2

Product of Two Binomials of the Form ax by and cx dy

The product of the binomials ax by and cx dy where a, b, c, & d are real numbers, is
equal to ax cx dy by cx dy .

Product of a Binomial and Trinomial of the Form a b and a 2 ab b 2

The product of a binomial a b and a trinomial a 2 ab b 2 where the first term of the trinomial is
the square of the first term of the binomial, the middle term of the trinomial is the negative of the product of
the two terms of the binomial, and the third term of the trinomial is the square of the second term of the
binomial, is equal to the product of the first terms plus or minus the product of the last terms of the
binomial and trinomial factors.

1) a ba 2 ab b 2 a 3 b 3 (Sum of Two Cubes)

2) a ba 2 ab b 2 a 3 b 3 (Difference of Two Cubes)

Cube of a Binomial
The cube of a binomial a b is equal to a b a b a b or a b .

a b3 = a b2 a b = a 2 ab b 2 a b = a 3 3a 2b 3ab2 b 3
B. Factoring

Factoring is the reverse of multiplying. To factor an expression means to write an equivalent expression
that is a product of two or more expressions.

1) Common Monomial Factoring

1 Get the GCF of the terms in the polynomial.
2 Divide the polynomial by the GCF of the terms in the polynomial.
3 Write as factors the GCF and the quotient.
a) 5 x 4 20x 3 = 5 x 3 x 4
b) 16x 4 y 2 24x 2 y 2 48x 2 y 4 = 8 x 2 y 2 2 x 2 3 6 y 2

2) Factoring the Difference of Two Squares (DTS)

For a binomial to be a difference of two squares, two conditions must hold.
1. The given binomial is a difference of two terms.
2. The two terms must be perfect squares.
a) 4 x 2 25, b) 36x 8 25 y 6
a b a b

a) 4 x 25 = (2 x) - (5) = (2 x + 5) (2 x - 5)
2 2 2

a2 b2

b) 36x 25 y = (6 x ) - (5 y ) = (6 x + 5 y ) (6 x - 5 y 3 )
8 6 4 2 3 2 4 3 4

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3) Factoring the Perfect Square Trinomial (PST)
The square of a binomial is often called the perfect square trinomial.
Use the following to help recognize a perfect square trinomial:
a) Two of the terms (1st & 3rd) must be squares, a 2 and b 2 , and are both positive.
b) If we multiply a and b and double the result, we get the middle term, 2ab, or its additive
inverse, - 2ab.
To factor perfect square trinomial, use the following relationships:
a) a 2ab b 2 a b a b a ba b a b a b
2 2 2

b) a 2 2ab b 2 a b a b a ba b a b a b
2 2

Remember to factor out a common factor first, if there is any.

4) Factoring the Quadratic Trinomial
In the polynomial x 2 bx c , recall that c is the constant term. If that c is not a perfect square, the
trinomial cannot be factored using perfect square trinomial type. It may, however, be possible to factor it as
the product of two different binomials.
Some points to consider in factoring x 2 bx c , where b and c are constants.
a) If the sign of the constant term is positive, look for its factors whose sum is the numerical
coefficient of the middle. The signs of these factors must be the same. The sign of the middle
term becomes the signs of the factors of the constant term.

Some points to consider in factoring ax 2 bx c , where a, b and c are constants.

To factor ax 2 bx c , we look for binomials in the form
__ x __ __ x __
where the products of constants in the blanks are as follows.
a) The constants in the first blanks of the binomials have product a.
b) The constants in the last blanks of the binomials have product c.
c) The product of the constants in the extremes and the product of the
constants in the means have a sum of b.
5) Factoring the Sum or Difference of Two Cubes
If we divide a 3 b 3 by a b , we get the quotient a 2 ab b 2 and no remainder. So a b
and a 2 ab b 2 are factors of a 3 b 3 . Similarly, if we divide a 3 b 3 by a b , we get the quotient
a 2 ab b 2 and no remainder. So a b and a 2 ab b 2 are factors of a 3 b 3 .

Factoring a Difference or a Sum of Two Cubes

a 3 b 3 = ( a b ) ( a 2 ab b 2 )
a 3 b 3 = ( a b ) ( a 2 ab b 2 )

6) Factoring by Grouping
When the given expression is a multinomial, it may be factored by grouping.
a) 6 x 3 9 x 2 4 x 6 b) x 2 2 xy y 2 b 2
a) 6 x 3 9 x 2 4 x 6
There is no factor common to all the terms other than 1. We can, however, group the terms as
(6 x 9 x 2 ) and (4 x 6) and factor these separately.

= (6 x 3 9 x 2 ) (4 x 6) Grouping the terms

= 3x (2 x 3) 2(2 x 3)
Factoring each binomial
= 2 x 33x 2
Factoring out the common factor (2x3)
b) x 2 xy y b
2 2 2

The terms do not have any common factor other than 1 but the terms can be grouped as
( x 2 xy y 2 ) and b 2 . Both groups can be expressed as squares. Thus, x y b
2 2 2

= x y b
2 2
Rewriting the expression as DTS.
= x y b x y b Factoring the DTS
= x y b x y b Simplifying each factor
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7) Factoring by Completing the Square
There are polynomials that cannot be factored by using any of the preceding methods. Completing the
square can factor some of these polynomials.

Examples: Factor
a) x 64
b) 4 x 4 37 x 2 y 2 49 y 4

a) x 4 64
If the given expression is a binomial whose terms are perfect squares and positive, these two terms can
be considered as the first and last terms of the perfect square trinomial. It means that in the binomial x 4 64 ,
the middle term is missing. The middle term (mt) can be found by using the formula:
mt = 2 ft lt
where ft is the first term and lt is the last term.
Using the formula,

mt = 2 x 4 64 = 2 x 2 8 16x 2
= x 4 64 0 Additive Identity Property
= x 4 16x 2 64 16x 2 16x 2 16x 2 0
= ( x 4 16x 2 64) (16x 2 ) Grouping the terms

= x 2 8 4 x
2 2
Rewriting the expression as DTS
= x 2 8 4 x
x 2 8 4 x Factoring the DTS

x 4 64 x 2 4 x 8 x 2 4 x 8 Simplifying and arranging the terms

b) 4 x 4 37 x 2 y 2 49 y 4
In the expression 4 x 4 37 x 2 y 2 49 y 4 , the first and last terms are squares . For the given to be a PST,
the middle term must be
mt = 2 4 x 4 49 y 4 = 22 x 2 7 y 2 28x 2 y 2
Thus, we rename 37 x 2 y 2 as 28x 2 y 2 9 x 2 y 2 , and we have
4 x 4 37 x 2 y 2 49 y 4 = 4 x 4 28x 2 y 2 49 y 4 9 x 2 y 2
= (4 x 4 28x 2 y 2 49 y 4 ) (9 x 2 y 2 ) Grouping the terms

= 2 x 2 7 y 2 3xy
2 3
Rewriting the expression as DTS
= 2 x 7 y 3xy
2 2
2x 7 y 3xy Factoring the DTS
2 2

4 x 4 37 x 2 y 2 49 y 4 = 2 x 2 3xy 7 y 2 2 x 2 3xy 7 y 2 Simplifying & arranging the terms

IV. Rational Expressions

A rational expression, or a fraction, is a quotient of algebraic expressions (remember that division by zero
is not defined).

A. Signs of Rational Expressions

a a (a) a (a) a
b b b (b) b (b)

a a (a) a a (a)
b b b (b) b (b)
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x x ( x) x
y x ( y x) ( y x) x y

y 3 x3 ( y 3 x3 ) ( x3 y 3 )
x y x y x y

B. Relations of Rational Expressions

1) Equivalent rational expressions

a c
These are rational expressions with equal values. Note that if and only if ad bc .
b d
1 4 1 2a 3b 2 1 x 2 xy y 2
a) b) 4 2 c)
2 8 a 2a b x y x3 y 3

2) Similar rational expressions

These are rational expressions with the same denominator.
3 7 9 2 x 1 y 2 2x x 1 x y
a) , , b) , , c) , ,
4 4 4 ab ab ab 2x y 2x y 2x y

3) Dissimilar rational expressions

These are rational expressions having different denominators.
5 3 1 3 x 3 x 2 1 2x 3y
a) , , b) 2 , , 2 c) , ,
9 8 6 a b ab ab x y x y x2 y 2

C. Reduction of Rational Expression to Simplest Form

A rational expression is said to be in lowest or simplest form if the numerator and denominator are
relatively prime. The process of reducing fractions to their simplest form is dividing both numerator and
denominator by their greatest common factor (GCF).

35a 4b 2
1) Reduce to lowest terms.
42a 3b 3
35a 4b 2 57aaaabb 5a

42a b
3 3
23 7 a a a b b b 6b
35a 4 b 2 7a 3b 2 5a

42a b 7a b
3 3 3 2
where the greatest common factor (GCF)between the numerator and the denominator is 7a 3b 2 .

x3 x 2 6 x
2) Reduce 3 to lowest term.
x 3x 2 2 x

We will first factor the members of the given fraction and then proceed as above.
x3 x 2 6 x x( x 2 x 6)
Common factoring by x
x3 3x 2 2 x x( x 2 3x 2)

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x( x 3)(x 2)
Factoring quadratic trinomials
x( x 1)(x 2)

= Canceling x and (x 2)
x 1

3x 2
3) Reduce to simplest form.
3x( x 1) 2( x 1)
3x 2
= Given
3x( x 1) 2( x 1)
3x 2
= Common factoring or by grouping
( x 1)(3 x 2)

= Canceling (3x 2)
x 1

D. Operations on Rational Expressions

1) Multiplication and Division of Rational Expressions

a c ac
a) Product of fractions:
b d bd
The product of two or more given rational expressions is a fraction whose numerator is the product of
the numerators of the given fractions and whose denominator is the product of the given denominators. The
product should be reduced to lowest terms.

9a 2b3 20c 6 d 4 4b3c 5 2
4b 6c 4 18a 3d 2 5c 7 d 3 ad

a 2 4b 2 8a 4b a 2 4ab 3b 2
2a 2 7ab 3b 2 2a 4b a 2 ab 2b 2

(a 2b)(a 2b) 4(2a b) (a b)(a 3b)

= Factoring
(2a b)(a 3b) 2(a 2b) (a 2b)(a b)

2( a b )
= Canceling common factors and get the product

a c a d ad
b) Quotient of fractions:
b d b c bc
To obtain the quotient of two rational expressions, we multiply the dividend by the reciprocal of the divisor.
100a 2b 4 60a 3b3
30bc3 42ac4
100a 2b 4 42ac4
= Getting the reciprocal of the divisor
30bc3 60a 3b3
then proceed to multiplication

(5b)(20a 2b3 ) 7c(a)(6c3 )

= Factoring the numerator and
(5b)(6c3 ) 3(a)(20a 2b3 )
the denominator
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= Canceling the common factors of the numerators and the
denominators and simplify the result.

x 2 3x 2 x2 x 2
2) Divide by 2
2 x 2 3x 1 2 x 3x 2
( x 2)(x 1) ( x 2)(2 x 1)
= Factoring and multiplying the dividend by the
(2 x 1)(x 1) ( x 1)(x 2)
reciprocal of the divisor

= Canceling common factors
x 1

c) Addition and Subtraction of Rational expressions

Sum or difference of rational expressions:

a c ac
d d d
a c ad bc
b d bd

2x 1 7x 5 9x 3
a) Find .
6x 1 6x 1 6x 1

2x 1 7x 5 9x 3
= Writing the rational expressions as a single
6x 1
fraction with a common denominator
(2 x 7 x 9 x) (1 5 3)
= Collecting like terms in the numerator
6x 1

= Performing the indicated operations in the
6x 1
2 3x 8y
b) Express 2 2 in simplest form.
3x 2 y 3x 2 xy 9 x 4 y 2

2 3x 8y
= Factoring the
(3x 2 y ) x(3x 2 y ) (3x 2 y )(3x 2 y )

Make the rational expressions similar by getting the LCD, divide the LCD by the
given denominator and multiply the quotient by the given numerator

2 x(3x 2 y ) 3x(3x 2 y ) 8 y ( x)
x(3x 2 y )(3x 2 y ) x(3x 2 y )(3x 2 y ) x(3x 2 y )(3x 2 y )

6 x 2 4 xy 9 x 2 6 xy 8 xy
= Getting the products in the
x(3x 2 y )(3x 2 y )

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3 x 2 2 xy
= Combining like terms in the
x(3 x 2 y )(3 x 2 y )

( x)(3x 2 y )
= Factoring the numerator
( x)(3x 2 y )(3x 2 y )

= Reducing the result to
(3x 2 y )
simplest form

E. Simplification of Complex Rational Expressions

Complex rational expression is a rational expression in which the numerator or denominator is a
rational expression.

1) Simplify the complex rational expression .
y 2 x2
y y 2 x2 y 2 x2
= 2
y x2 y x

y 2 x2 x x
= 2 Canceling common factors
y y x 2
and then multiplying
the dividend by the reciprocal
of the divisor.

V. Radical Expressions and Negative Exponents

Any expression involving an n th root can be written in radical form. The symbol is called the radical


If n is a positive integer and a is a real number for which a n is defined, then the expression
a is called a radical, and n
a =a .n

The number a is called the radicand. The number n is called the index of the radical. Remember that
a is the positive nth root of a when n is even and a is positive, whereas n a is the real nth root
a = a n . So n

of a when n is odd and a is any real number. The expressions 4 , 4 16 , and 6 2 are not real numbers
because there are no even roots of negative numbers in the real number system.
Whenever the exponent of a base is in rational form where n 0, the expression can always be
expressed in radical form.

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Example 1: Write each exponential expression using radical notation.
3 5 2
a) a 4
b) a 2
c) 8 3

3 5 2
4 3 5 3
a) a = 4
a b) a 2
= ( a) 2
c) 8 = 3

Example 2: Write each radical expression using exponential notation.

a) 36 b) 3
8 c) 3
1 1 6

a) 36 = 36 2
b) 3
8 = (8) 3
c) 3
a =a6 3

A. Simplifying Radical Expressions

Product Rule for Radicals

The n th root of a product is equal to the product of the n th roots of the factors. In symbols,
ab = n
a nb ,
provided that all of the expressions represent real numbers.

Examples: Simplify each of the following using the Product Rule for Radicals.
a) 4 32 b. 12x 6 c) 3
54x 5 y 9
a) 4
32 = 4 16 4
2 = 4
24 4
2 = 24 2
b) 12x 6 = 4x 6 3 = 22 ( x 3 ) 2 3 = 2 x 3 3
c) 3
54x 5 y 9 = 3 27 x3 y 9 3
2x 2 = 3
33 x 3 y 9 3
2x 2 = 3xy 3 3 2 x 2

Quotient Rule for Radicals

The n th root of a quotient is equal to the quotient of the n th roots of the numerator and
a a
denominator . In symbols n n
provided that all of the expressions are real numbers and b 0 .
b b

Examples: Simplify each of the following using the Quotient Rule for Radicals.
8x 3 y 5 24y 5
a) 3
b) 3
27 125

8 x3 y 5 3
8 x3 y 3 y 2 3
(2)3 x3 y 3 y 2 2 xy 3 y 2
a) 3
27 3
33 3 3

24 y 5 3 8 3 y 3 y 2 3
23 y 3 y 2 2 y 3 y 2
b) 3
125 3 3
5 5 5

Rationalizing the Denominator

Multiplying both the numerator and denominator by another radical that makes the denominator

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Examples: Rationalize the denominator of each of the following:
10 3
24x 2 y 4 2
a) b) c)
6 3
4 xy 1 3

10 10 6 60 22 15 2 15 15
6 6 6 62 6 6 3

24x 2 y 4 3
24x 2 y 4 3
2x2 y 2 3
48x 4 y 6 3
23 6 x 3 xy 6 2 xy 2 3 6 x
b) = y3 6 x
4 xy 3
4 xy 3
2x2 y 2 3
8 x3 y 3 3
23 x 3 y 3 2 xy

c) To rationalize letter c, use the conjugate of the two-term denominator as the multiplier of both numerator
and denominator of the given expression.
2 1 3 2(1 3 ) 2(1 3 ) 2(1 3 )
(1 3 ) 1 3
1 3 1 3 1 32 1 3 2

B. Operations on Radical Expressions

1) Addition and Subtraction

Like radicals are radicals that have the same index and the same radicand. To simplify the sum of
3 2 5 2 , we can use the fact that 3x + 5x = 8x is true for any value of x. So, 3 2 5 2 8 2 . The
expression 3 2 2 3 cannot be simplified because they are unlike radicals. There are radicals that need to
be simplified before adding or subtracting them.
1) 2x 3 - 4x 2 + 5 18x 3 2) 3 16 x 3 y 4 - 3
54x 3 y 4


1) 2x 3 - 4x 2 + 5 18x 3 Given
= 2 x 2 x - 2 2 x 2 + 5 32 2 x 2 x Product rule for radicals
= x 2 x - 2x + 15x 2 x Simplifying each radical
= 15x 2 x - 2x Adding like radicals

2) 3 16 x 3 y 4 - 3
54x 3 y 4 Given
= 3
23 2 x 3 y 3 y - 3
33 2 x 3 y 3 y Product rule for radicals
= 2 xy 3 2 y - 3xy 3 2 y Simplifying each radical
= xy 3 2 y Adding like radicals

2) Multiplication of Radicals
The product rule for radicals, n ab = n a n b , allows multiplication of radicals with the same index.
Examples: Find the product of the radicals in simplest form.
1) 2 6 4 3 2) 3
a (3 a 23 a 2 ) 3) (2 3 + 5 ) (2 3 - 5)

1) 2 6 4 3 = 8 18 8 2 32 (8)(3) 2 24 2

a (3 a 23 a 2 ) = a2 2 a3 = a 2 2a
3 3 3 3
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3) (2 3 + 5 ) (2 3 - 5 ) = 4 32 - 52 = 4(3) 5 = 12 5 = 7

C. Simplifying Expressions with Negative Exponents

For any rational number a except 0, and for all whole numbers m,

To simplify algebraic expressions with negative exponents, mean to express the given expression into
an equivalent quantity where the exponents become positive.

Examples: Simplify the following expressions:

92 a 4bc3 9 x 2 4 y 4
a) 4 3 2 3 b) 1
3 a b c 3x 2 y 2

92 a 4bc3 (32 ) 2 a 4bc3 34 a 4bc3 34 a 4b 2c3 b3

a) 4 3 2 3 4 3 2 3 4 3 2 3 4 4 2 3
3 a b c 3 a b c 3 a b c 3 abc a

9 x 2 4 y 4 x 2 y 4 9 y 4 4x2 (3 y 2 2 x)(3 y 2 2 x) 3 y 2 2 x
b) 1
3x 2 y 2 x 2 y 4 3xy 4 2 x 2 y 2 xy 2 (3 y 2 2 x) xy 2

VI. Relations, Functions, and their Zeros

A. Definition of Relation, Function, Domain and Range

A relation is a set of ordered pairs. The domain of a relation is the set of first coordinates.
The range is the set of second coordinates. Relations are often defined by equations with no domain
stated. If the domain is not stated, we agree that the domain consists of all real numbers that, when
substituted for the independent variable, produce real numbers for the dependent variable.

Example 1:
The table of values below shows the relation between the distance of the movie projector from the
screen and the size of a motion picture on the screen.
Distance 1 2 3 4
Screen Size 1 4 9 16
The numbers in the table above could be written as ordered pairs (x, y) where x is the
First member or first coordinate and y is the second member or second coordinate. We can express these
numbers as the set of ordered pairs.
1,1, 2. 4, 3, 9, 4,16

The set 1,1, 2. 4 , 3, 9 , 4,16 is a relation. The domain of the relation is 1, 2, 3, 4 , and the range

is 1, 4, 9, 16 .
Example 2:
The set of ordered pairs below shows a similar relation. Each person is paired with a
number representing his or her height.

Person Carl Dan Em Frank

Height (cm) 202 142 138 142

The relation is Carl , 202 , Dan , 142 , Em,138 , Frank ,142 . The domain is
Carl , Dan , Em, Frank and the range is 138, 142, 202 . Notice that for each person there is
exactly one height. This is a special kind of relation called a function.
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A function is a relation that assigns to each member of the domain exactly one member of
the range. It is a set of ordered pairs of real numbers x, y in which no two distinct ordered pairs
have the same first coordinate. The set of all permissible values of x is called the domain of the
function, and the set of all resulting values of y is called the range of the function.

Example 3:

Let f be the function defined by f x, y y x 2 3 . Find the domain and range of the function.
The domain is the set of all real numbers. Since the expression x 2 is nonnegative, the smallest value
that y can take is 3 (when x 0 ). Hence the range is is the set of all real numbers greater than or equal to 3 or
y y 3 .
Example 4:
Find the domain and range of the function defined by f x, y y .
x 1
The domain is the set of all real numbers except 1 , which is x R x 1. To determine the range,
express x in terms of y, that is x . From this result, y cannot be equal to 1 . Therefore the range of
y 1
function is the set of all real numbers except 1 , which is y R y 1

B. Values of Functions

The symbol f x (read " f of x" or " f at x" ) denotes the particular value of the function that
corresponds to the given value of x . The variable x is called the independent variable while the variable y is
called the dependent variable because y is usually expressed in terms of x when their relationship is given in
the form of an equation. If there is an equation that is a function, we may replace y in the equation with f x
, since f x represents y . For example, if the given function is y 3x 1 , we may write it as f x 3 x 1 .

To evaluate a function for a specific value of x , replace each x in the function with the given value, and
then perform the indicated operation/s.

Example 1: Find the value of f x 3x 2 5 x 2 when x 2 , denoted by f 2 .

f x 3x 2 5 x 2
f 2 32 52 2

f 2 34 10 2 f 2 12 8 f 2 4
In the example, the ordered pair 2, 4 belongs to the function f , in symbols 2, 4 f . We also say that 4 is
the image of 2 under f , and 2 is the pre-image of 4 under f .

Example 2: Given that f is the function defined by f x x 2 4 x 3 , find the following:

a) f 0 b) f 2 c) f 2h d) f 3h 2
e) f x h

VII. Equations
An equation is a mathematical sentence that uses an equal sign to state that two expressions
represent the same number or are equivalent.

a) 3 2 5 b) 3x 4 2 x 5 c) x 2 9 0

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An equation that contains at least one variable is called an open sentence. Equations b & c above are
examples of open sentences. In equation b, only -1 makes the sentence true or satisfies the equation.
However, more than one number might satisfy an equation. For example, +3 and -3 satisfy the equation
x 2 9 0 . Any number that satisfies an equation is called a solution or root to the equation. The set of
numbers from which you can select replacements for the variable is called the replacement set.

Solution set
The set of all solutions to an equation is called the solution set to the equation.

1) Solving Equations

To solve an equation means to find all of its solutions. The most basic method for solving equations
involves the properties of equality.

Properties of Equality
For any rational numbers a, b and c,
a) a a is always true Reflexive Property
b) If a b , then b a Symmetry Property
c) If a b , b c , then a c . Transitive Property
d) Adding the same number to both
sides of the equation does not
change the solution set of the
equation. In symbols, if a b ,
then a c b c . Addition Property
e) Multiplying both sides of the
equation by the same nonzero
number does not change the
solution set of the equation.
In symbols, if a b then
ac bc . Multiplication Property

Equations that have the same solution set are called equivalent equations. Using the properties of
equality, we can derive equations equivalent to the original equation. The equations 2 x 4 10 and
x 21 4 x are equivalent equations because 7 satisfies both equations.

2) Types of Equations

Identity is an equation that is satisfied by every number by which both sides of the
equation are defined. The number of solutions is infinite.

a) 23 x 1 6 x 2
Examples: b) x 1 x 1 c) 1

Both equations 23 x 1 6 x 2 and x 1 x 1 are considered identities because both sides of each
equation are identical. They can be satisfied by any real numbers. The equation 1 can be satisfied by all
real numbers except 0 because is undefined.

Conditional equation is an equation that is satisfied by at least one number but is

not an identity. The number of solutions is finite.
Examples: a) 3x 4 2 x 5 b) x 2 9 0

The only value that makes equation 3x 4 2 x 5 true is 1. While x 2 9 0 has the solution set 3, 3.

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Inconsistent equation is an equation whose solution set is the empty set.

Examples: a) x x 2 b) 5 3 x 6 4 x 9 7 x

Simplifying either of the two equations using only the properties of equality will yield an equation that is false.

A. Linear Equations

An equation is linear if the variables occur as first powers only, there are no products of
variables, and no variable is in a denominator. The graph of the linear equation is a straight line. A
linear equation is also called a first-degree equation.

2x x
a) y 4 x 2 c) 3x 2 5x 4 e. 5 1
3 2
b) 2x 5 9 d) 4 x 2 y 0

Linear Equations in One Variable

A linear equation in one variable x is one in the form ax b 0 where a and b are real
numbers, with a 0 .

Techniques in Solving Equations

1) Simplifying the equation first

Example: Solve the equation 2( x 4) 5x 34.

Before using the properties of equality, we simplify the expression on the left of the equation:
2( x 4) 5x 34. Given
2 x 8 5x 34 Distributive Property
7 x 8 34 Combining like terms
7 x 8 8 34 8 Addition property by 8
7 x 42 Simplify
7 x 42 Multiplication property
x=6 Solution set is {6}

2) Using the properties of equality

Example: Solve x 21 4 x .
We want to obtain an equivalent equation with only an x on the left side and a constant on the other.

x 21 4 x Given
x 21 4 x 21 4 x 4 x 21 Addition Property
3x 21 Combining like terms
3x 21 Multiplication Property by
3 3

Checking: Replacing x by 7 in the original equation gives us

- 7 21 = - 4(7)
- 28 = - 28
which is correct. So the solution set to the original equation is {7}.
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We may remove fractions by multiplying by the lowest common denominator (LCD).
3 5
Example: Solve the equation 4 3.
x 2x
Find the LCD first. The LCD is 2x.
3 5
4 3. Given
x 2x

3 5
2 x 4 3 Multiply the equation by 2x.
x 2x

6 8x 5 6 x Distributive property
6 8x (6) (6 x) 5 6 x (6) (6 x) Addition property
2 x 1 Combining like terms
2 x 1 Multiplication property
1 1
x= Solution set is { }.
2 2

Decimals may be removed from an equation before solving. Multiply by a power of 10 large enough to
make all decimal numbers whole numbers. If you multiply by 10, you move the decimal point in all terms one
place to the right. If you multiply by 100, you move the decimal point in all terms two places to the right.

Example: Solve the equation x 0.1x 0.75x 4.5

Solution: Because the highest number of decimal places is 2 in the term 0.75x, we multiply the equation by
100, thus

100( x 0.1x 0.75x 4.5) Multiply the equation by 100

100x 10x 75x 450 Distributive Property
100x 10x (75x) 75x 450 (75x) Addition property
15x 450 Combining like terms
15x 450 Multiplication property
x = 30 Solution set is {30}

Applications of Linear Equations in One Variable

1) Number-Related problems
There are two numbers whose sum is 50. Three times the first is 5 more than twice the second. What
are the numbers?

2) Time, Rate, and Distance or Motion-Related Problems

A passenger bus starts from Tuguegarao City and heads for Santiago City at 40 kph. Two hours later, a car
leaves the same station for Santiago City at 60 kph. How long will it be as the car overtakes the passenger bus?

3) Age- Related Problems

Mother is four times as old as Mary. Five years ago, she was seven times as old. How old will each be in
5 years?

4) Work-Related Problems

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Jerry can build a garage in 3 days, and Sam can build a similar garage in 5 days. How long would it take
them to build a garage working together?

5) Investment-Related Problems
Gary invested P50,000, part of it at 6% and the other part at 8%. The annual interest on the 6%
investment was P480 more than that from the 8% investment. How much was invested at each rate?

6) Digit-Related Problems
The tens digit of a certain number is 3 less than the units digit. The sum of the digits is 11. What is the

7) Geometry-Related Problems
The length of a rectangular piece of property is one meter longer than twice the width. If the perimeter
of the property is 302 meters, find the length and width.

8) Mixture-Related Problems
What amounts (in ounce) of 50% and 75% pure silver must be mixed to produce a solution of 15 ounces
with 70% pure silver?

B. Systems of Equations

Any collection of two or more equations taken as one is called a system of equations. If the
system involves two variables, then the set of ordered pairs that satisfy all of the equations is the
solution set of the system.

Types of Systems of Linear Equations

1) A system of equations that has one or more solutions is called consistent. The graphs of the
equations either intersect at a point or coincide. The set of coordinates of the intersection is
the solution set of the system.

a) Consistent Independent is a system of linear equations with only one point as its solution. The graphs of the
equations in the system intersect at one point only.

a) Find the solution set x y 6 and x y 2 by using the substitution method.
The second equation states that x and y 2 are equal, thus in the first equation, we can replace x
with y 2 .
x y 6 Equation 1
y2 y 6 Replace x in equation 1 with y 2

Since this equation now has only one variable, we can solve for y .
2y 4

Next, replace y with 2 in either equation to solve for x .

Equation 1 x y 6 Equation 2 x y2
x26 x 22
x4 x4
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Checking: Replace x with 4 and y with 2 in either equation.

Equation 1 x y 6 Equation 2 x y2
42 6 4 2 24 = 2 + 2
66 44

The solution set of the system is {4, 2}. The system is consistent because there is only one solution.

b) The sum of two numbers is 115. Their difference is 21. Find the numbers.
Procedure: (By Elimination Method)
Let x = 1st number (greater number) & y = 2nd number (smaller number)
Formulate the equations:
Equation 1: x y 115
Equation 2: x y 21
Here, the elimination method can be done by adding the equations or by subtracting one equation
from the other. Thus,

x y 115 Equation 1
x y 21 Equation 2
2 x 136
From the sum, compute for the value of the retained variable x .

x 68 MPE

To compute for the value of y , replace x with 68 in either equation.

Equation 1 x y 115
68 y 115
y 115 68
y 47

The numbers are 68 and 47. The system is consistent because there is only one solution.

b) A system of equations that has infinitely many solutions is called consistent dependent. The graphs of the
equations coincide. The equations in the system are equivalent.

a) 2 y 2 x Equation 1 b) 3 y 1 2( x 3)
x 2y 4 Equation 2 3 y 2 x 3

Expressing y as a function of x in each of the equations in each system gives equal expressions.
Graphing can also show dependence between the two equations in each system. The graphs of the equations
will coincide.

2) A system of equations that has no solution is called inconsistent. The graphs of the equations do not
intersect or are parallel. The solution set is an empty set.

a) 2 x 3 y 6 Equation 1 b) 4 y 5x 7
3 y 2x 3 Equation 2 4 y 5x 12

Solving the system by elimination or by substitution will result into the inequality of two constants
where both variables are dropped. The elimination of both variables implies that no solution can be obtained.

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Philippine Normal University

Refresher Course




Focus: Advanced Algebra

LET Competencies
Solve for the roots of a given quadratic equation
Solve problems on quadratic equations
Determine an equation given a set of roots which are imaginary/complex numbers
Perform operations involving exponential and logarithmic functions
Solve for the solution set of a given inequality
Determine the rth term of the expansion (a + b)n
Solve problems involving arithmetic and geometric progressions
Solve problems involving variations
Determine the number of positive and negative roots of a given polynomial


An equation of the form ax2 + bx + c = 0 where a 0, a ,b, and c are constants, is a quadratic equation.

The following are quadratic equations:
1. 3x2 + 4x + 5 = 0
2. 2x2 - 21x = 0
3. 5x2 - 25 = 0


To solve a quadratic equation in x means to find the value/s of x (unknown) that will satisfy the given equation.
The values of x that will make the equation true are called the roots or solutions of the quadratic equation.

Methods of Finding the Roots of a Quadratic Equation

1. Factoring (Use this method if ax2 + bx + c is factorable)
Example: Find the roots of x2 + 2x - 15 = 0

Factoring the left side of the equation,

(x + 5) (x 3) = 0

Equating each factor to zero,

(x + 5) = 0 (x 3) = 0
Solving the resulting linear equations,
x=-5 x=3
2. Quadratic Formula (Use this method if ax2 + bx + c is not factorable)
The quadratic formula is

b b 2 4ac

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Example: Solve 3x2 2x 7 = 0
Substitute a = 3 b = -2 c = -7 in the quadratic formula,

2 (2) 2 4(3)(7)

1 22

To obtain the terms of the binomial expansion (a + b)n, we use the binomial formula:
n 1 n (n 1)a n 2 b 2 n (n 1)(n 2)a n 3 b 3
(a + b) = a na
n n
b ... nabn 1 b n
2! 3!


n (n 1)(n 2)...(n r 2)a n r1 b r1
rth term =
(r 1)!

Find the fifth term of (2a 3b)8

n=8 r=5 nr+2=5
(8)(7)(6)(5)(2a) 4 (5b) 4
5th term =
5th term = 90, 720 a4b4


An exponential function with base b is defined by an equation of the form

f (x) = b x, where b and x are real numbers and b> 0,b 1.

Note: An exponential function has a constant base and a variable exponent.

The following are examples of exponential functions
1. f(x) = 2x
2. f(x) = 32x - 2
4 x 3
3. f(x) =


The exponential functions f (x) = bx and g(x) = by where x and y are real numbers, b> 0, b 1 , satisfy the
following properties
1. bxby = bx+y
2. bx = by , if and only if x = y
3. b-x =
4. If b>1, and x< y, then bx < by
5. If 0 < b < 1 and x < y, then bx > by

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The natural exponential function is defined by the equation

f(x) = ex where e = 2.71828
Notice that e is an irrational number.


An equation where the unknown quantity appears in an exponent is called an exponential equation.

The following are exponential equations:
1. 60 = 2x-3
2. 5x-3 = 23x-2
3. 62x 6x+3 = 24x+5


To solve an exponential equation is to find the value of the unknown quantity in the given equation.
Example 1: Solve for x in 64 = 8x-2
Rewriting the given equation, we have
82 = 8x-2

Since the bases are equal, the exponents must be equal. Thus,
Hence, x = 4

x 2 4 x 3
Example 2: Solve for x in the equation 2 2
Equating the exponents, we have
x2 + 4x= -3
x2 + 4x + 3 = 0
(x + 3) (x + 1) = 0
x = -3 x = -1.

Therefore x = -3 x = -1.


The equation f(x) = logb x, where b 1 , x> 0 and b> 0 is called a logarithmic function.
The following are logarithmic functions:
1. f(x) = log2 (3x -2)
2. f(x) = log2 x
3. f(x) = log8 (6x -3)

1. If the base of the logarithm is not indicated it is understood that the base is 10.
2. If the base of the logarithm is the number e, then it is called a natural logarithm and it is written as
f(x) = ln x.

A logarithmic equation is an equation that contains logarithm.
The following are logarithmic equations
1. log3 81 = 4
2. log2 8 = 3
3. log2 16 = 4
4. log 100 = 2

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The logarithmic equation y = logb x can be written in exponential form as by = x and vice-versa.

Here are some examples:

Logarithmic Form Exponential Form
log2 8 = 3 23 = 8
log10 100 = 2 102 = 100
1 1
log4 = -2 4 2
16 16

Log3 81 = 4 34 = 81


1. logb x + logb y = logb (xy)

log2 (2x + 3) + log2 x = log2 [x(2x + 3)]

2. logb x logb y = logb

3x 5
log3 (3x -5) log3 5x = log3

3. logb xn = nlogb x


log2 x3 = 3 log2 x


To solve a logarithmic equation means to find the value of the unknown quantity in the given equation.

Example 1: Solve for x in log (x + 2) log x = log (x + 2)

Rewriting the given equation, we have

x 2
log log(x 2)

Since the logarithmic of both sides of the equation are equal, then we have

x 2
x 2
x(x + 2) = x + 2
x2 + x - 2 = 0
(x + 2) (x-1) = 0
x = -2 x = 1
Thus, x = 1

Example 2
Solve for x in log(x 4) + log(x 3) = log 30

Rewriting the given equation, we obtain
log(x 4)(x 3) = log 30
(x 4) (x 3) = 30
x2 - 7x + 12 = 30
x2 - 7x -18 = 0
| Mathematics Major [4]
(x 9) (x + 2) = 0
x = 9 x= -2
Thus, x = 9.


Any relation expressed using the symbols <, >, > or < is called an inequality.
An absolute inequality is an inequality which is always true. A conditional inequality is one which is true only for
certain values of the variable involved.
1. 4 > 3 is an absolute inequality
2. x > 3 is a conditional inequality


Let a, b, c, & d be real numbers. The following hold.

1. Trichotomy Property
a > b or a < b or a = b
2. a > b if a - b > 0
a < b if a b < 0
a. If a> 0 and b> 0, then a + b> 0 and ab>0.
b. If a < 0 and b < 0, then a+b< 0 and ab> 0

4. Transitivity

If a < b and b < c then a < c.

5. Addition Property

If a < b and c < d, then a + c < b+ d

6. Multiplication Property

If a < b and c > 0, then ac < bc

If a < b and c < 0, then ac > bc


To solve an inequality means to find the value of the unknown that will make the inequality true.

1. Solve the inequality 4x + 3 < x + 8
4x + 3 < x + 8
4x x < 8 3
3x < 5

2. Solve the inequality 2x - 3 < 5x + 7

2x 3 < 5x + 7
2x 5x < 7 + 3
-3x < 10
3. Solve the inequality 3x2 5 x + 7
3x2 - 5x < 0
x(3x 5) < 0

| Mathematics Major [4]
Case I
x > 0 and 3x 5 < 0
x > 0 and 3x < 5
x > 0 and x <

Thus, 0 < x <
Case II
x < 0 and 3x 5 . 0
x < 0 and 3x > 5
x < 0 and x >
Thus, the solution is a null set.
Therefore the general solution is 0 < x <
4. Solve the inequality 3x2 4 < 3x
x2 4 < 3 x
x2 + 3 x 4 < 0
(x + 4) ( x 1) < 0

Case I
x + 4 < 0 and x 1 > 0
x < 4 and x > 1

Thus, theres no solution.

Case II

x + 4 > 0 and x 1 < 0

x > -4 and x < 1

Thus, x = ( -4, 1)

Therefore, the general solution set is (-4, 1) or -4 < x < 1.


A sequence is an ordered list of numbers called terms.

For the sequence 1, 3, 5, 7, , the first term is 1, the second term is 3, and so on and so forth.

The sum of the terms of a sequence is called a series.

The sum of the sequence 1, 3, 5, 7, denoted by 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + is a series.


A sequence in which a constant d is added to the previous term to get the next is called an arithmetic sequence.
The constant d is called the common difference.


1. The sequence 2, 4, 6, 8, is an arithmetic sequence whose constant difference is 2.

2. The sequence 35, 30, 25, 20, is an arithmetic sequence whose constant difference is -5
The nth Term of an Arithmetic Sequence (tn )
The nth term of an arithmetic sequence can be found by using the formula,
| Mathematics Major [4]
tn = t1 + (n 1) d
tn = nth term of the arithmetic sequence
t1 = first term of the arithmetic sequence
n = number of terms
d = common difference

Example 1
Find the 20th term of the sequence 4, 14, 24, 34,

Here t1 = 4, n = 20, d = 10
t20 = t1 + (20 1) (10)
= 4 + (19) (10)
= 4 + (190)
t20 = 194
Example 2
Find the 50th term of the sequence 13, 10, 7, 4,

Here t1 = 13, n = 50, d = -3
t50 = t1 + (n 1) (d)
= 13 + (50 1) (-3)
= 13 + (49) (-3)
t50 = 134


The indicated sum of an arithmetic sequence is an Arithmetic Series.

The sum of the first n terms of an arithmetic sequence, denoted by Sn is given by the formula

Sn= ( t 1 t 2 ) or
Sn = [(2t1 + (n 1)d]

Example 1: Find the sum of the first 20 terms of the sequence 1, 8, 15 . . .

S20= [2(1) + (20 1) (7)]

=10 [2+ 133]

=10 (135)

Example 2:
How many multiples of 4 are there between 15 and 94?

Here t1 = 16, tn = 92, d=4

tn = t1 + (n 1)d
92 = 16 + (n 1) 4
92 = 16 + 4n 4
80 = 4n
20 = n
So, there are 20 numbers which are multiples of 4 between 15 and 94.

| Mathematics Major [4]

A sequence in which a constant r is multiplied by the previous term to get the next term is called a geometric
sequence. The constant r is called the common ratio.
1. The sequence 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, is a geometric sequence whose constant ratio is 2.
8 1
2. The sequence 24, 8, , is a geometric sequence whose constant ratio is .
3 3

The nth Term of a Geometric Sequence

The nth term of a geometric sequence is given by the formula,
tn = t, r n-1
where tn= n term of the geometric sequence
ti = first term of the geometric sequence
Find the 15th term of the sequence 1, 4, 16, 64,
Here t1 = 1, n = 15, r=4
t15 = t1 r n-1
= (1)(415-1)

The function defined by the equation
f(x) = a0xn +a1xn-1 + a2xn-2 + . . .+ an-2x2 + an-1x + an
where n is a nonnegative integer and a0, a1, . . ., an are constants, a0, 0 is a polynomial function in x of degree n.
The zeros or roots of f(x) are the numbers x such that f(x) = 0.

The Number of Positive and Negative Roots of a Polynomial Function

If f(x) is a polynomial function with real coefficients,
The number of positive real zeros of f(x) is either equal to the number of variations in sign in f(x), or to
that number diminished by a positive even integer.
The number of negative real zeros of f(x) is either equal to the number of variations in sign in f(-x), or to
that number diminished by a positive even integer.
Example: Determine the possible number of positive and negative zeros of f(x).
1. f(x) = 8x3 12x2 2x + 3
Because f(x) is of degree 3, there would be 3 zeros. f(x) has 2 variations in signs, while f(-x) = -8x3 12x2
+ 2x + 3 has 1 variation in sign.
Thus, f(x) may have the following possible roots
1. 2 positive zeros and 1 negative zero
2. no positive zero, 1 negative zero, and 2 imaginary zeros
2. f(x) = 4x6 3x5 + 7x3 3
Because f(x) is of degree 6, there would be 6 zeros. f(x) has 3 variations in signs, while f(-x) = -8x3 12x2
+ 2x + 3 has 1 variation in sign.
Thus, f(x) may have the following possible roots
1. 3 positive zeros, 1 negative zero, and 2 imaginary zeros
2. 1 positive zero, 1 negative zero, and 4 imaginary zeros
The term use to denote the effect of changes among two or more related quantities. There are different types of
Direct Variation
If y varies directly as x, then we write y kx where k is the constant of variation.
Inverse Variation
If y varies inversely as x, then we write y where k is the constant of variation.
Joint Variation
If y varies jointly as x and w, then we write y = kwx where k is the constant of variation.
Combined Variation
If y varies jointly as w and x and inversely as z, then we write y k where k is the
constant of variation.

| Mathematics Major [5]

Philippine Normal University

Refresher Course for year 2015

Focus: Trigonometry
LET Competencies:
1. Show mastery of the basic terms, concepts and operations in Trigonometry involving
Trigonometric ratios
Conversion (degree to radian and vice-versa)
Pythagorean Theorem
2. Solve, evaluate and manipulate symbolic and numerical problems in Trigonometry by applying
fundamental principles and processes.


1. Angles In General
An angle is formed by two rays with the same endpoint. The common endpoint is called the
vertex of the angle and the rays are called the sides of the angle.

Figure 1

In Figure 1, the vertex of the angle (read as theta) is labeled O. A and B are points on each
side of . Angle can also be denoted by AOB, where the letter associated with the vertex is written
between the letters associated with the points on each side.
We can think of as having been formed by rotating side OA about the vertex to side OB. In
this case, we shall call side OA the initial side of and side OB the terminal side of .
When the rotation from the initial side takes place in a counterclockwise direction, the angle
formed is considered a positive angle. If the rotation is in clockwise direction, the angle formed is a
negative angle.

2. Degree Measure
One way to measure the size of an angle is with degree measure. The angle formed by rotating
a ray through one complete rotation has a measure of 360 degrees, written as 360.

| Mathematics Major [8]
One degree (1), then, is of a full rotation. Likewise, 180 is one-half of a full rotation, and 90 is
half of that (or a quarter of a rotation). Angles that measure 90 are called right angles, while angles that
measure 180 are called straight angles. Angles that measure between 0 and 90 are called acute angles,
while angles that measure between 90 and 180 are called obtuse angles.

A central angle in a circle is an angle with its vertex at the center of the circle. In a circle, a central
angle that cuts off an arc equal in length to the radius of the circle has a measure of 1 radian (rad).


Figure 2

3. Conversions

To convert degrees to radians, we consider the fact that 1 rad

To convert radians to degrees, we consider the fact that 1 rad =

We note the following:
1. If the unit of measure of an angle is not indicated, then it is understood to be in radians.
2. 1 rad is approximately 57, thus, 1 rad is much larger than 1 degree.

Example 1.
1.1 Convert 60 to radians.

Solution: Note that 1 rad, so to convert from degrees to radians, we multiply by . Thus, we have
180 180

60 60 rad rad
180 3
When our answer is in terms of , we are writing an exact value. If we wanted an approximation, we
would replace with 3.1416.
Exact value 0.7854 Approximate value
4 4

1.2 Convert -270 to radians.

Solution: We multiply by the given by . Thus, we have
270 270 rad rad
180 2
Example 2.

2.1 Convert to degrees.
Solution: To convert from radians to degrees, we multiply by .

rad = 45
4 4
2.2 Convert to degrees.
Solution: We multiply the given by . Hence, we have.

| Mathematics Major [8]

7 7 180
rad = 210
6 6
4. Pythagorean Theorem
Right triangles are very important to the study of trigonometry. In every right triangle, the longest side
is called the hypotenuse, and it is always opposite the right angle. The two other sides are called the legs of
the right triangle.


Z y
Figure 3
Right triangle XZY (symbolized as right XZY) with right angle Z is drawn in Figure 3. Its hypotenuse is z
while its legs are x and y.
We now state the Pythagorean Theorem.
Pythagorean Theorem: In any right triangle, the square of the length of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum
of the squares of the lengths of the other two sides (called legs).

If C = 90, then
c c2 = a2 + b2

C b
Figure 4
Example 3. Solve for x in the right triangle in Figure 4.


Figure 4

Solution: Applying the Pythagorean Theorem, we have

x 2 9 2 122
x 9 2 122 = 15
Example 4. Solve for x in the right triangle in Figure 5.

x 13

Solution: By applying the Pythagorean Theorem, we have
Figure 5

( x 7) 2 x 2 132

| Mathematics Major [8]
x 2 14x 49 x 2 169
2 x 2 14x 120 0
x 2 7 x 60 0
( x 12)(x 5) 0
x + 12 = 0 or x - 5 = 0
x = -12 or x=5

Our only solution is x = 5. We do not accept x = -12 because x is the length of a side of triangle ACB and
therefore, its value cannot be negative.

5. Trigonometric Functions
If is an angle in standard position, and the point (x, y) is any point on the terminal side of other than
the origin, then the six trigonometric functions of are defined as follows:
The sine of : sin
The cosine of : cos
The tangent of : tan ; x 0
The cotangent of : cot ; y 0
The secant of : sec ; x 0
The cosecant of : csc ; y 0
where r2 = x2 + y2 or r x 2 y 2 . That is, r is the distance of the point (x, y) from the origin.
Example 5. Find the six trigonometric functions of if is in standard position and the point (2, -3) is on
the terminal side of .


Figure 6
Solution: Using the values x = -2 and y = 3, we solve for r.
r x 2 y 2 13
Applying the definition for the six trigonometric functions, we have
y 3
sin x
r 13 y 3
x 2
cos r
r 13 x 2
y 3 x 2
tan csc
x 2 y 3
6. Solving Right Triangles
To solve a right triangle is to know the measurement or to approximate the sizes of its acute angles
and sides when the measurements of at least one leg and an angle or of two of its sides are given.
We now define the six trigonometric ratios as follows:
side opposite hypotenuse
sin csc
hypotenuse side opposite

| Mathematics Major [8]
side adjacent to hypotenuse
cos sec
hypotenuse side adjacent to

side opposite side adjacent to

tan cot
side adjacent to side opposite

Example 6. Find the value of sin B


c = 6 cm
b = 3 cm

a = 3 3 cm
side opposite B
Solution: The sine ratio is . The length of the side opposite B
is 3 cm., and the hypotenuse is 6 cm. Therefore, we have
side opposite B 3
sin B 0 .5
hypotenuse 6

Example 7. In right XYZ with right angle Z, mX = 25 and y = 10 units. Solve the triangle.
Solutions: First, we draw the triangle.

y = 10 units


We now solve for the unknown parts of the triangle.

mY = 90 - 25 = 65.

x x
Now, tan X . By substitution, we have tan 250
y 10
x 10 tan 250
x 4.66
y 10
Similarly, sin Y . Thus, sin 650
z z
sin 650
z 11.04

| Mathematics Major [6]

Focus: Analytic Geometry
LET Competencies:

1. Determine the equation of a line given:

a. any two points on the line
b. a point and the slope of the line
c. a point and the slope of the line parallel to the desired line
d. a point and the slope of the line perpendicular to the desired line
e. the intercepts.
2. Solve problems involving
a. the midpoint of a line segment, distance between two points, slopes of lines, distance
between a point and a line, and segment division.
b. a circle, parabola, ellipse, and hyperbola.
3. Determine the equations and graphs of a circle, parabola, ellipse and hyperbola.


This material includes a brief review of the basic terms concerning lines, circles, parabolas, ellipses,
and hyperbolas.
A straight line is represented by an equation of the first degree in one or two variables, while the circle,
parabola, ellipse and hyperbola are represented by equations of the second degree in two variables.

A. The Straight Line

1. The distance between two points A(x1,y1) and B(x2,y2) is ( x1 x2 ) 2 ( y1 y2 ) 2 .

2. Slope of a line
y1 y2 y y1
a) The slope of the non-vertical line containing A(x1,y1) and B(x2,y2) is m or m 2 .
x1 x2 x2 x1
b) The slope of a line parallel to the x-axis is 0.
c) The slope of a line parallel to the y-axis is undefined.
d) The slope of a line that leans to the right is positive.
e) The slope of a line that leans to the left is negative.

3. The Equation of a line

In general, a line has an equation of the form ax + by + c = 0 where a, b, c are real numbers and
that a and b are not both zero.

4. Different forms of the equation of a line

a) General form: ax + by + c = 0.
b) Slope-intercept form: y = mx + b, where m is the slope and b the y-intercept.
c) Point slope form: y y1 m( x x1 ) where (x1, y1) is any point on the line.
y2 y1
d) Two point form: y y1 ( x x1 ) where (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) are any two points on the
x2 x1
x y
e) Intercept form: 1 where a is the x-intercept and b the y-intercept.
a b

5. Parallel and Perpendicular lines

Given two non-vertical lines p and q so that p has slope m 1 and q has slope m2.
a) If p and q are parallel, then m1 = m2.
b) If p and q are perpendicular to each other, then m 1m2 = -1.

6. Segment division
Given segment AB with A(x1,y1) and B(x2,y2).

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x1 x2 y1 y2
a) The midpoint M of segment AB is M ( , ).
2 2
r AP r1
b) If a point P divides AB in the ratio 1 so that , then the coordinates of P(x,y) can be
r2 PB r2
rx r x r y r y
obtained using the formula x 1 2 2 1 and y 1 2 2 1 .
r1 r2 r1 r2
7. Distance of a point from a line

The distance of a point A(x1,y1) from the line Ax + By + C = 0 is given by

Ax1 By1 C
d .
A2 B 2

B. The Circle
1. Definition. A circle is the set of all points on a plane that are equidistant from a fixed point on the plane.
The fixed point is called the center, and the distance from the center to any point of the circle is called
the radius.
2. Equation of a circle
a) general form: x2 + y2 + Dx + Ey + F = 0
b) center-radius form: (x h)2 + (y k)2 = r2 where the center is at (h,k) and the radius is equal to r.
3. Line tangent to a circle
A line tangent to a circle touches the circle at exactly one point called the point of tangency. The
tangent line is perpendicular to the radius of the circle, at the point of tangency.

C. Conic Section

A conic section or simply conic, is defined as the graph of a second-degree equation in x and y.

In terms of locus of points, a conic is defined as the path of a point, which moves so that its distance
from a fixed point is in constant ratio to its distance from a fixed line. The fixed point is called the focus of the
conic, the fixed line is called the directrix of the conic, and the constant ratio is called the eccentricity, usually
denoted by e.

If e < 1, the conic is an ellipse. (Note that a circle has e=0.)

If e = 1, the conic is a parabola.
If e > 1, the conic is hyperbola.

D. The Parabola
1. Definition. A parabola is the set of all points on a plane that are equidistant from a
fixed point and a fixed line of the plane. The fixed point is called the focus and the fixed line is the
2. Equation and Graph of a Parabola
a) The equation of a parabola with vertex at the origin and focus at (a,0) is y2 = 4ax. The parabola
opens to the right if a > 0 and opens to the left if a < 0.
b) The equation of a parabola with vertex at the origin and focus at (0,a) is x2 = 4ay. The parabola
opens upward if a > 0 and opens downward if a < 0.
c) The equation of a parabola with vertex at (h , k) and focus at (h + a, k) is (y k)2 = 4a(x h).
The parabola opens to the right if a > 0 and opens to the left if a < 0.
d) The equation of a parabola with vertex at (h , k) and focus at (h, k + a) is (x h)2 = 4a(y k).
e) The parabola opens upward if a > 0 and opens downward if a < 0.
f) Standard form: (y k)2 = 4a(x h) or (x h)2 = 4a(y k)
g) General form: y2 + Dx + Ey + F = 0, or x2 + Dx + Ey + F = 0
3. Parts of a Parabola
a) The vertex is the point, midway between the focus and the directrix.
b) The axis of the parabola is the line containing the focus and perpendicular to the directrix. The
parabola is symmetric with respect to its axis.
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c) The latus rectum is the chord drawn through the focus and parallel to the directrix (and therefore
perpendicular to the axis) of the parabola.
d) In the parabola y2=4ax, the length of latus rectum is 4a, and the endpoints of the latus rectum are
(a, -2a) and (a, 2a).


M P(x, y)
In the figure at the right, the vertex of the C
parabola is the origin, the focus is F(a,o),
the directrix is the line containing LL' ,
the axis is the x-axis, the latus rectum is
O F(a, 0) x
the line containing CC ' .


y y 4/3 = 0 L

x y2=0
P(x,y) V(3,2)
F(0,-4/3) F(5,2)

O x

The graph of x 2 y.
The graph of (y-2)2 = 8 (x-3).

E. Ellipse
1. Definition. An ellipse is the set of all points P on a plane such that the sum of the distances of P from two
fixed points F and F on the plane is constant. Each fixed point is called focus (plural: foci).
2. Equation of an Ellipse
a) If the center is at the origin, the vertices are at ( a, 0), the foci are at ( c,0), the endpoints of the
x2 y2
minor axis are at (0, b) and b 2 a 2 c 2 , then the equation is 1.
a 2 b2
b) If the center is at the origin, the vertices are at (0, a), the foci are at (0, c), the endpoints of the
x2 y2
minor axis are at ( b, 0) and b 2 a 2 c 2 , then the equation is 1.
b2 a 2
c) If the center is at (h, k), at (h a, k), the foci are at (h c,k), the endpoints of the minor axis are at

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(h, k b) the distance between the vertices is 2a, the principal axis is horizontal and b 2 a 2 c 2 ,
( x h) 2 ( y k ) 2
then the equation is 1.
a2 b2

d) If the center is at (h, k), the distance between the vertices is 2a, (h, k a), the foci are at (h, k c),
the endpoints of the minor axis are at (h b, k),the principal axis is vertical and b 2 a 2 c 2 , then
( y k ) 2 ( x h) 2
the equation is 1.
a2 b2

3. Parts of an Ellipse.
For the terms described below, refer to the ellipse shown with center at O, vertices at V(-a,0) and
V(a,0), foci at F(-c,0) and F(c,0), endpoints of the minor axis at B(0,-b) and B(0,b), endpoints of one latus
b2 b2
rectum at G (-c, ) and G(-c, )
a a
b2 b2
and the other at H (c, ) and G(c, ).
a a

2 2
(c, ba ) (c, ba )

V(-a,0) F(-c,0) O F(c,0) V(a,0) x

(c, ba )
(c, ba )

a) The center of an ellipse is the midpoint of the segment joining the two foci. It is the intersection of
the axes of the ellipse. In the figure above, point O is the center.
b) The principal axis of the ellipse is the line containing the foci and intersecting the ellipse at its
vertices. The major axis is a segment of the principal axis whose endpoints are the vertices of the
ellipse. In the figure, V 'V is the major axis and has length of 2a units.
c) The minor axis is the perpendicular bisector of the major axis and whose endpoints are both on the
ellipse. In the figure, B' B is the minor axis and has length 2b units.
d) The latus rectum is the chord through a focus and perpendicular to the major axis. G' G and H ' H
2b 2
are the latus rectum, each with a length of .
y a

(0, 3)
(-4, 9 )
5 (4, 9 )
5 (8,5)
(-5,0) (-4,0) (4,0) (5,0)
O x (2,1)
(-8,1) (12,1)
(-4,- 9 ) (4,- 9 ) O x
5 5
(0, -3)

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x2 y2 ( x 2) 2 ( y 1) 2
The graph of 1. The graph of 1.
25 9 100 25

4. Kinds of Ellipses
a) Horizontal ellipse. An ellipse is horizontal if its principal axis is horizontal. The graphs above are both
horizontal ellipses.
b) Vertical ellipse. An ellipse is vertical if its principal axis is vertical.

F. The Hyperbola
1. Definition. A hyperbola is the set of points on a plane such that the difference of the distances of each point
on the set from two fixed points on the plane is constant. Each of the fixed points is called focus.
2. Equation of a hyperbola
a) If the center is at the origin, the vertices are at ( a, 0), the foci are at ( c,0), the endpoints of the minor
x2 y2
axis are at (0, b) and b 2 c 2 a 2 , then the equation is 1.
a 2 b2
b) If the center is at the origin, the vertices are at (0, a), the foci are at (0, c), the endpoints of the minor
y2 x2
axis are at ( b, 0) and b 2 c 2 a 2 , then the equation is 1.
a 2 b2
c) If the center is at (h, k), the distance between the vertices is 2a, the vertices are at (h a, k), the foci are
at (h c,k), the endpoints of the minor axis are at (h,k b),the principal axis is horizontal and
( x h) 2 ( y k ) 2
b c a , then the equation is
2 2 2
a2 b2
d) If the center is at (h, k), the distance between the vertices is 2a, the vertices are at (h, k a), the foci are
at (h,k c), the endpoints of the minor axis are at (h b, k),the principal axis is vertical and b 2 c 2 a 2 ,
( y k ) 2 ( x h) 2
then the equation is 1
a2 b2
2. Parts of a hyperbola.
For the terms described below, refer to the hyperbola shown which has its center at O, vertices at V(-
a,0) and V(a,0), foci at F(-c,0) and F(c,0) and endpoints of one latus rectum at G (-c, ) and G(-c,
b2 b2 b2
) and the other at H (c, ) and H(c, ).
a a a

2 2
(c, ba ) B(0,b) (c, ba )

F(-c,0) O V(a,0) F(c,0)

(c, ba )
(c, ba ) B(0,-b)

a) The hyperbola consists of two separate parts called branches.

b) The two fixed points are called foci. In the figure, the foci are at ( c,0).
c) The line containing the two foci is called the principal axis. In the figure, the principal axis is the x-

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d) The vertices of a hyperbola are the points of intersection of the hyperbola and the principal axis. In
the figure, the vertices are at ( a,0).
e) The segment whose endpoints are the vertices is called the transverse axis. In the figure V 'V is
the transverse axis.
f) The line segment with endpoints (0,b) and (0,-b) where b 2 c 2 a 2 is called the conjugate axis,
and is a perpendicular bisector of the transverse axis.
g) The intersection of the two axes is the center of the hyperbola .
h) The chord through a focus and perpendicular to the transverse axis is called a latus rectum. In the
b2 b2
figure, G' G is a latus rectum whose endpoints are G (-c, ) and G(-c, ) and has a
a a
2b 2
length of .

3. The Asymptotes of a Hyperbola

Shown in the figure below is a hyperbola with two lines as extended diagonals of the rectangle shown.

b b
y x y x
a a

(0,b) P

(-a,0) O (a,0)


These two diagonal lines are said to be the asymptotes of the curve, and are helpful in sketching the graph of a
x2 y2 b b
hyperbola. The equations of the asymptotes associated with 2
2 1 are y x and y x . Similarly,
a b a a
y2 x2 a a
the equations of the asymptotes associated with 2 2 1 are y x and y x .
a b b b

y y


(-9,6) F(0,6) (9,6)

3y x 0
F(-6,0) (-3,0) O (3,0) F(6,0) x

O x
3y x 0
(6,-9) F(0,-6)

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x2 y2 y2 x2
The graph of 1. The graph of 1.
9 27 9 27

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Refresher Course for 2015



Theorems on Limits of Functions

We use the following theorems to evaluate limits of functions:
1. Uniqueness Theorem: If the limit of a function exists, then it is unique. That is, if
lim f ( x) L1 and lim f ( x) L2 , then L1 L2 .
xa x a

2. If m, b R , then lim (mx b) ma b


3. If f ( x) c , a constant, then lim c c


4. lim x a

5. If lim f ( x) L1 and lim g ( x) L2 then

xa x a

5.1 lim[ f ( x) g ( x)] L1 L2


5.2 lim[ f ( x) g ( x)] L1 L2


f ( x) L1
5.3 lim
x a g ( x)
provided L2 0

6. If lim f ( x) L and n Z then


6.1 lim[ f ( x)]n Ln

x a

6.2 lim n f ( x) n L with the restriction that if n is even, L 0.

x a1

7. lim f ( x) L if and only if lim f ( x) lim f ( x) L

xa xa xa
8. If r is any positive integer, then
8.1 lim r
x 0 x

1 r , odd
8.2 lim r
x 0 x
r , even
8.3 lim r
x 0 x

9. Let a R, lim f ( x) 0 and lim g ( x) c where c R, c 0

xa xa

g ( x)
9.1 If c 0 and if f (x) approaches 0 through positive values of f (x) , then lim
x a f ( x)

g ( x)
9.2 If c 0 and if f (x) approaches 0 through negative values of f (x) , then lim
x a f ( x)

g ( x)
9.3 If c 0 and if f (x) approaches 0 through positive values of f (x) , then lim
x a f ( x)

g ( x)
9.4 If c 0 and if f (x) approaches 0 through negative values of f (x) , then lim
x a f ( x)

10. Let lim f ( x) , lim g ( x) and lim h( x) c where c is any
xa xa xa

constant, then
| Mathematics Major [7]
10.1 lim[ f ( x) h( x)]

10.2 lim[g ( x) h( x)]

x a

10.3 if c 0, lim[ f ( x) h( x)]

x a

10.4 if c 0, lim[ f ( x) h( x)]


10.5 if c 0, lim[g ( x) h( x)]


10.6 if c 0, lim[g ( x) h( x)]


c c
11. If p Z , c R then lim p
0 and lim p 0
x x x x

II. Theorems on Differentiation

In getting the derivative of a function, one or more of the following theorems may be applied:
1. If f ( x) c, where c is a constant, then f ' ( x) 0
2. If f ( x) x n , where n Z 0, then f ' ( x) nxn 1
3. If f ( x) g ( x) h( x), then f , ( x) g ' ( x) h' ( x)
4. If f ( x) g ( x) h( x), then f '( x) g ( x)h'( x) h( x) g '( x)
5. If f ( x) cg ( x), where c is a constant, then f ' ( x) cg ' ( x)
g ( x) h( x ) g ' ( x ) g ( x ) h' ( x )
6. If f ( x) , where h( x) 0 , then f , ( x)
h( x ) h( x)2
7. If r is any rational number, f ( x) [g ( x)]r , then f ' ( x) r[g ( x)]r 1 g ' ( x)
8. If f ( x) sin[g ( x)], then f '( x) g '( x) cos[ g ( x)]
9. If f ( x) cos[ g ( x)], then f ' ( x) g ' ( x) sin[g ( x)]
10. If f ( x) tan[g ( x)], then f ' ( x) g ' ( x) sec 2[g ( x)]
11. If f ( x) cot[ g ( x)], then f ' ( x) g ' ( x) csc 2[g ( x)]
12. If f ( x) sec[ g ( x)], then f ' ( x) g ' ( x) sec[ g ( x)] tan[g ( x)]
13. If f ( x) csc[ g ( x)], then f ' ( x) g ' ( x) csc[ g ( x)]cot[ g ( x)]
14. If f ( x) e g ( x ) then f '( x) e g ( x ) g '( x)
15. If f ( x) a g ( x ) where a is any constant not equal to 0, then f '( x) a g ( x ) ln(a) g '( x)
16. If f ( x) ln[g ( x)] then f '( x) g '( x)
g ( x)

III. Formulas for Antiderivatives

The following are known formulas for antiderivatives
1. dx x c
2. af ( x)dx a f ( x)dx where a is a constant.
3. [ f ( x) f ( x)]dx f ( x)dx f ( x)dx
1 2 1 2

x n 1
c, n 1
4. If n is a rational number , x n dx n 1
ln x c, n 1
5. sin udu cos u c
6. cos udu sin u c
7. sec udu tan u c

8. sec u tan udu sec u c

9. csc udu cot u c

10. csc u cot udu csc u c

11. tan udu ln sec u c
12. cot udu ln sin u c

| Mathematics Major [7]
13. sec udu ln sec u tan u c
14. csc udu ln csc u cot u c
u n 1
c, n 1
15. u du n 1

ln u c, n 1
16. eu du eu c
1 u
17. a u du a c
ln a

IV. Areas of Plane Regions

Below are some formulas for finding the areas of plane regions
1. Area (A) bounded by the curve y f ( x) , the x-axis and the lines x a
and x b

A f ( x )dx
2. Area (A) bounded by the two curves y f1( x) and y f2 ( x) for all
x [a , b]

A [ f2 ( x ) f2 ( x )]dx

V. Volumes of Solids of revolution

We use the following methods to find the volumes of solids of revolution
1. Disk Method
The region bounded by the curve y f ( x) , the x-axis and the lines
x a and x b , is revolved about the x-axis.

V [ f ( x )]2 dx
2. Ring Method
The region bounded by the two curves y f1( x) and y f2 ( x) ,
where f1(x) > f2(x) for all x [a , b], is revolved about the x-axis

V [f1( x )]2 [ f2 ( x )]2 dx
3. Shell Method
3.1 The region bounded by the curve y f ( x) , the x-axis and
the lines x a and x b , is revolved about the y-axis.

V 2 xf ( x )dx
3.2 The region bounded by the two curves y f1( x) and y f2 ( x) , where f1(x) > f2(x) for
all x [a , b], is revolved about the y-axis

V 2 x[ f1( x ) f2 ( x )]dx

Measurement Algebra

and Advanced
Mathematics Major Business

Licensure Examination for Teachers

Prepared by: Prof. Henry P. Contemplacion
Basic Trigonometry





What must be subtracted from b2 + 2ab)

Find the sum of (a2
3x3 x2 + 5x 2 to get and (a2 2ab + b2).
x3 + x2 2x + 1 ?

2x3 2x2 + 7x 3 2a2

ALGEBRA 1. What fraction

ELEM. of 3 1/4 is
1 1/3?
If x = -2, y = -1 and z = 2,
What is the value of 2. Find the smallest
2x2y3z2? positive integer that has
factors of 9,12 and 18.

3. Give the value: 33 1/3% of 12

ELEM. MATHEMATICS Find theNumber Theory
plus 66 2/3% of 18 minus 12 % of
16 between the largest and
4. Write 0.243243243243243.... in
smallest prime no. from 1
5. How much interest to 100.
would be paid on a bank
loan of P50,000 for 9
months at 12% annual 95

Number Theory Number Theory

How many factors of set X are
The simplest expression for factors of any members of set
340/920 is _____________. Y?
X = (2,3,4,5,6) Y=(3,4,8,9,10)

1 4
If x is Number
an odd number
Theory and y The green neon lights
NUMBER flash every 4
is an even number, which of seconds; the blue, every 5
the ff. is/are TRUE ? seconds; the red, every 6 seconds.
I. x - y is an even number If all the lights flash together at 8:00
II. x + y is an odd number PM, at what time will they flash
III. x y is an even number together again?
IV. x - y + 1 is an odd number

II & III 8:01 PM

Kevin has collection of match boxes. If

he countsNUMBER
the match THEORY
boxes by twos,
Arithmetic and Business Mathematics
threes, fours, fives, or sixes, there is
always one left over. If he counts the A 25-hectare farm land produces
match boxes by sevens, none remain. 350 cavans of palay. How many
What is the fewest number of match cavans can 60-hectare land
boxes Kevin could have? produce?

Answer: 840


Arithmetic and Business Mathematics Arithmetic and Business Mathematics

What is the smallest number that How much is 30% of 70% of

can be divided by all the numbers 500?
1 to 10?

Answer: 2520 Answer: 105

Arithmetic and Business Mathematics Arithmetic and Business Mathematics

A water pipe 10 feet long was

What is the difference between
cut into 2 with the shorter part
38 and 83 ?
measuring 2.5 ft. Find the ratio
of the smaller part to the
larger part.
Answer: 6049 Answer: 1:3
Arithmetic and Business Mathematics Arithmetic and Business Mathematics
A bond paper is folded in half, after A merchant sold an item for
which it is folded again in half,
P35,000, in the process
and again in half. If this folding is
done 5 times, how many
earning for himself 15% profit.
rectangles on the original sheet of How much is the profit?
paper will be?
Answer: P5,250
Answer: 32

Arithmetic and Business Mathematics Arithmetic and Business Mathematics

A graduating class of 160 boys How much would P180,000
and 180 girls held a seniors amount to in 20 years if it
ball. Approximately what earns 9% per annum?
percent attended if 40% of the
girls and 30% of the boys
were there?
Answer: 35.29% Answer: P504,000

Arithmetic and Business Mathematics Arithmetic and Business Mathematics

A large container contains 12 A book is 2 cm thick. How
liters when 30% full. How many copies of this book can
much does it contain when it be placed in a shelf one meter
is 90% full? long?

Answer: 36 liters Answer: 40

Arithmetic and Business Mathematics Arithmetic and Business Mathematics

If you are currently earning
P22,000 a month, how much Find the least common multiple
will your new salary be if you of the numbers 18, 24 and
are to receive a 4% increase 54?
next month?

Answer: P22,880 Answer: 216

Arithmetic and Business Mathematics Arithmetic and Business Mathematics

How many boys are there if 33

28 students passed while 20%
1/3% of 1500 first year high
failed in the midterm exam.
school students are girls?
How many students were

Answer: 35 Answer: 1000

Arithmetic and Business Mathematics Arithmetic and Business Mathematics

What is the number 2/3 of A housewife deposited

whose square root is 10? P150,000 at 6% compounded
annually for 5 years. What is
the amount in 5 years?

Answer: 225 Answer: P200,733.84

Arithmetic and Business Mathematics Arithmetic and Business Mathematics

A farmer has enough feeds for In how many years will P50,000
72 ducks for 14 days. If he grow to P60,000. If it is
sells 16 ducks, how long will invested at 6% compounded
the feeds last? monthly?

Answer: 18 Answer: 3.05

Arithmetic and Business Mathematics Arithmetic and Business Mathematics

A gas tank of Mr. Reyes car is Successive discounts of 20%

5/8 full. If he used 3/5 of this and 30% is equivalent to what
amount travelling from his single discount?
house to his province, what
part of the tank has gas?

Answer: 1/4 Answer: 44%

Arithmetic and Business Mathematics Arithmetic and Business Mathematics

A defective ruler was to be The average of 6 consecutive

found 11.5 in. long. Using this no. is 17.5. What is the
ruler a boy was found to be 4 average of 5 consecutive no.?
ft. tall. What is the actual
height of the boy?

Answer: 4ft. 2 in. Answer: 17

A water tank is 5/6 full. If 1/3 of
the water was used for cleaning
If 2/5 of x is 20, what is 1/2 of x? the car, what part of the tank
has water?

25 5/9

FRACTION In one class, 1/4 of the students

I used 2/5 of the money in first are honor students. Of these
store and 1/3 in a second store. honor students, 2/7 are varsity
If I had P56 left how much athletes. If there are 6 athletes
money did I have at first? in the class how many students
are there in the class?

210 84

A 10-meter log was cut

Divide P4340 among A, B and C
off at 75 dm. mark. What so that As share; Bs share; Cs
1 1 1
is the ratio of the smaller share is 2 : 3 : 5 , respectively.
piece to the larger piece? How much is the share of each?

1:3 2100, 1400, 840

Arithmetic and Business Mathematics Arithmetic and Business Mathematics
Half of the people in the room left.
One-fourth of the remaining What number when increased by
started to dance, there were then 90% of itself equals 133?
12 people who are not dancing.
Find the original number of the
people in the room.

Answer: 32 Answer: 70

An employee spends about The original price of a pair
P3,332 a month. This sum is of jogging pants was
70% of his monthly salary. P300. What was the rate
How much does he receive a of discount after paying
month? P195?

P4,760 35%

An agency with 3,200

A tank was 50% full of water.
employees plans to 600 liters of water are added
reduce its staff by 35%. making it full. How many liters
How many employees are does it hold when full?
to be retained?

2080 2400 L

There are 1400 pupils in Kaiba FRACTION/ PERCENT
Central School. Of these
students, 12.5% are in Grade VI If the length of the rectangle is
and 20% of the rest are in reduced by 1/5 and width is also
Grade V. How many pupils are reduced by 1/5, what percent of
there in Grade V? the original area is the new area
of the rectangle?
Plane and Solid Geometry
Arithmetic and Business Mathematics
In the Education Dept., 3/5 are
BSED students and the rest are A mile is about 1.609 km. How
BEED students. Of these BSED many meters is a mile longer
students, 1/3 are Math majors. If than a kilometer?
there are 20 Math majors, how
many BEED students are there?
Answer: 40 Answer: 609

Plane and Solid Geometry Plane and Solid Geometry

Measurement Measurement

How many hectares are in a The length and width of a

rectangular field that is 750 m rectangle are 3x 2 and 2x +
wide and 800 m long? 1, respectively. What is the
perimeter of the rectangle?

Answer: 60 ha Answer: 10x 2

Plane and Solid Geometry Plane and Solid Geometry

Measurement Measurement

The outer diameter of a metal If the perimeter of a rectangle is

pipe is 3 cm and the inner 72 cm and its length is 6 cm
diameter is 2 cm. Find the longer than its width. What is
thickness of the pipe. its length?

Answer: cm Answer: 21 cm

Plane and Solid Geometry Plane and Solid Geometry

Measurement Measurement

The supplement of an angle is Rico cuts out the largest circle

three times its measure. What possible from a square whose
is the supplement? side is 10 m. What is the area
of the circle?

Answer: 25 or
Answer: 135 78.54 sq.m.
Plane and Solid Geometry Plane and Solid Geometry
Measurement Measurement

If the width of a rectangle is Find the measure of an angle if

denoted by w and the length is the measure of its supplement
4 times the width, what is the is 50 more than twice the
perimeter of the rectangle? measure of its complement.

Answer: 10w Answer: 50

Plane and Solid Geometry Plane and Solid Geometry

Measurement Measurement

The length of an equilateral Each interior angle of a regular

triangle is 16 cm. Find its polygon measures 162. How
area. many sides does it have?

Answer: 64 Answer: 20

Plane and Solid Geometry Plane and Solid Geometry

Measurement Measurement

What do you call a regular If arc AB is 72, then the

polygon with 170 diagonals? measure of angle ?

Answer: Icosagon Answer: 36

Plane and Solid Geometry Plane and Solid Geometry

Measurement Measurement

If arc AB has a length of 36 If arc AB has a length of 40

and arc CD 72, then the and arc CD 140, then the
measure of angle AOB is measure of angle AOB is
____. (AB and CD intersect in the ____. (AB and CD intersect in the
interior of the circle) exterior of the circle)
Answer: 54 Answer: 50
Plane and Solid Geometry Plane and Solid Geometry
Measurement Measurement

If arc AC has a length of 228 A rectangular lot has a

and arc CA 132, then the perimeter of 120 m. If the
measure of angle ABC is length of the lot is 20 m. more
____. (Angles formed by two tangent than its width, what is its
lines) area?
Answer: 48 Answer: 800 sq. m.

Plane and Solid Geometry Plane and Solid Geometry

Measurement Measurement
A picture 10 cm x 8 cm is A room of 10 m by 7m. There is
mounted on a piece of hard 7.5 m by 5 m carpet in the
cardboard. If there is a margin middle. What percent of the
of 2 cm around the picture, room is uncovered?
what is the perimeter of the ?
cardboard used?
Answer: 57 cm Answer: 46.4%

Plane and Solid Geometry Plane and Solid Geometry

Measurement Measurement
How much larger is the If the length of the rectangle is
supplement of 54 angle than reduced by 1/5 and width is
the complement of a 65 also reduced by 1/5, what
angle? percent of the original area is
the new area of the rectangle?

Answer: 101 Answer: 64%

Plane and Solid Geometry Plane and Solid Geometry

Measurement Measurement
What is the sum of 43 dm and What is the edge of a cube that
2.5 m in centimeters? has the same volume as a
rectangular box with
dimensions 18 in by 8 in by
1.5 in?

Answer: 680 cm Answer: 6 inches

Algebra Algebra

What is the value of (16 ) If (3 100) (4 100)(5 100) = 2 2a 15 50b

(16 1/3)(16 1/16)? then a + b = ____.

Answer: 4 Answer: 12

Algebra Algebra

Find the numerical value of Given: f(x) = - 2x2 - 3x,

36 3/2? f(-5)= ______.

Answer: 216 Answer: - 35

Algebra Algebra

The product of two numbers If the sum of two numbers is

is 60 and their reciprocal is 5 and the difference of the
4/5, what are the two number is 5, what is
numbers? the product of the
Answer: 10 and 6 Answer: 0

Algebra Algebra
If Maria can address a box envelopes Mario sold five pigs and four goats for
in 5 hours and Jane can address P21,000. Selling the animals at the
the same box of envelopes in 10 same , Ben sold three pigs and 2
hours, how many minutes will it take goats for P12,000. What is the
Maria and Jane working together to selling price of each animal?
address all envelopes in the box?

Answer: 200 Answer: 3000 and 1500

Algebra Algebra
Find the sum of the first 50 multiples Simplify the expression
of 4,
log4 3 * log3 32
4, 8, 12, 16,, a50

Answer: 5100 Answer: 5/2

Algebra Algebra
In the expansion of (x + 3y)7 If f(x) = - 2x2 - 3x, then f(-5) =
the fourth term is: ____.

Answer: 945x4y3 Answer: - 35

Algebra Algebra
At an amusement park, Leo bought
If y = 3x and 2x + 3y = 22,
3 hamburgers and 4 sodas for a
then y = ____. total of P150. While paying the
same prices Kaye bought 2
hamburgers and 3 sodas for
P105. What is the total cost of 1
hamburger and 1 soda?
Answer: 6 Answer: P45

Algebra Algebra

If x > 0 and (22x - 1)(4x + 2) = If x > 0 and (22x - 1)(4x + 2) =

(8x + 3) , then x = _____. (8x + 3) , then x = _____.

Answer: 3 Answer: 3
Basic Trigonometry Trigonometry
What is the value of sin 75? Determine the length of the
arc cut by a central angle of
60 in a circle with radius of 2

Answer: Answer: 2/3

Trigonometry Trigonometry
An angle of one revolution is A ladder 18 feet long leans
equal to an angle whose against a building forming
measure in terms of radians angle 60 with the ground.
as: How high up the side of the

Answer: 2 Answer:

Trigonometry Trigonometry
From a point level with 1000 ft. away If in ABC, sin A = 3/5, then what is
from the base of a monument, the the value of sin B?
angle of elevation to the top of the
monument is 35. Determine the
height in the nearest feet.

Answer: 700 ft. Answer: 4/5

Trigonometry Trigonometry
In ABC, C s a right triangle and If the ratio of sec x to csc x is
tan A = 1. What is the value of sin A 1:4 then the ratio of tan x to
+ cos A?
cot x is

Answer: Answer: 1:16

Trigonometry Trigonometry
Find the exact value of tan Find the nearest feet the
- 5/3. height of the flagpole which
cast a shadow 44.8 ft. long
when the angle of elevation
of the sun is 36?

Answer: Answer: 32 ft.

Trigonometry Basic Analytic Geometry

A ladder 30 ft. long leans Find the distance between

against a wall, with its foot A(3,2) and B(-1,4).
8 ft. from the wall. Find the
nearest degree which the
ladder makes with the
Answer: 75 Answer:

Basic Analytic Geometry Basic Analytic Geometry

Find the midpoint of the The midpoint of a line

segment joining A(-4,5) segment M(1,2). One of
and B(2,-3). the endpoints is A(0,3).
Find the other endpoint
Answer: (-1,1) Answer: (2,-7)

Basic Analytic Geometry Basic Analytic Geometry

Find the slope of the line Find the equation of the

joining the points (3,2) line through point (1,-2)
and (-1,-2). of slope 2.

Answer: 1 Answer: 2x - y = -4
Basic Calculus Basic Calculus

Find the derivative of Differentiate

f(x) = 4x3 f(x) = 6x4 5x3 + x2 6x +7

Answer: 12x2 Answer: 24x3 15x2 + 2x 6

Basic Calculus Basic Calculus

Find the derivative of Differentiate y = (2x2 4x)2

f(x) = (6x2 + 2x)(3x 1)

Answer: 54x2 2 Answer: y = 16x3 48x2 +32x

Basic Calculus Basic Calculus

Find the derivative of Evaluate


Answer: Answer:

Basic Calculus Basic Calculus

Evaluate Evaluate

Answer: Answer:
Mathematics | Prof. R. Diaz
Refresher Course for Year 2012
Area: Mathematics


1. How many 1/8s are there in 2 5/8?
A. 21 C. 23
B. 22 D. 24
Solution A: Using diagrams and visualization

There are twenty-one 1 s in 5 ? 2

8 8
Solution B: Divide: 2 5/8 by 1/8 2 5/8 1/8 = 21

2. A blue neon light blinks every 4 seconds. A red one blinks every 5 seconds while a
green one blinks every 6 seconds. How many times will they blink together in one
A. once C. 20 times
B. 10 times D. 60 times
To find the number of seconds it takes for the neon lights to blink together, look for the least common multiple of 4, 5 and
6. Find the LCM using the prime factorization method.
LCM 4: 2 x 2 = 22 4: 22
5: 5 = 5 5: 5
6: 2x3=2x3 6: 2 x 3
22 x 3 x 5 = 60
Multiply all the prime factors in each column with the highest exponent.
22 x 5 x 3 = 60
The LCM is 60. It means that the three neon lights blink together every 60 seconds or every minute. Since there are 60 minutes in
one hour, the neon lights will blink together 60 times in one hour (Option D).

3. Which of the following is divisible by 3, but not by 9?

A. 11, 070 C. 45, 072
B. 20, 103 D. 19, 386
Find a number whose digital root, or the sum of all its digits, is multiple of 3 but not of 9.
A. 11, 070 1 +1+0+7+0=9
B. 20, 103 2+0+1+0+3=6
C. 45, 072 4 + 5 + 0 + 7 + 2 = 18 1+8=9
D. 19, 386 1 + 9 + 3 + 8 + 6 = 27 2+7=9

Options A, C and D are multiples of 3 and 9. Options B is a multiple of 3 but not of 9. The answer is B.

4. The distance between two towns on a given map is 2 cm. If cm in the map is
equal to 6km, find the actual distance between the two towns.
A. 18 km C. 36 km
B. 33 km D. 42 km

Solution A: cm: 6 km = 2 cm : N
Product of means = Product of extremes
2 cm x 6 km = cm x N
11 cm x 6 km = cm x N
33 cm km = cm x N
33 2km = N
33 km = N
St. Louis Review Center, Inc San Pablo City Branch 1
(049)562-2239 | 0905-914-6145
Mathematics | Prof. R. Diaz
Solution B:
2 cm = cm + cm + cm + cm
cm = cm + cm

There are five cm. 5 x 6 km = 30 km (since cm = 6 km)

There is one cm + 3 km = 3 km (since cm = 4 km)
33 km
The answer is option B.

5. Margo paid P400 for a blouse. If the blouse was sold at 20% discount, what was its
original price?
A. P80 C. P500
B. P480 D. P540
Sale price = Original price (N) discount
P400 = N 0.20 N
P400 = 0.80 N
P500 = N The answer is option C.
6. The area of a rectangle is 117 cm . Find its perimeter if its length is 13 cm.
A. 9 cm C. 44 cm
B. 30 cm D. 54 cm
Area of a rectangle = length x width.
Since the length is 13 cm and the area is 117 sq. cm.

W = A = 117 = 9 cm
L 13
Now, we solve for the perimeter.
P = 21 + 2w
= 2 (13cm) + 2 (9cm)
= 26 cm + 18 cm
= 44 cm
The answer is option C.

7. What is the sum of the first five prime numbers?

A. 11 C. 26
B. 18 D. 28
The first five prime numbers are 2, 3, 5, 7, and 11. Their sum is 28.
Remember that 1 is neither a prime nor a composite number.
The answer is option D.

8. In a sequence of starts and stops, an elevator travels from the first floor to the fifth
floor and then to the second floor. From there, the elevator travels to the fourth floor
and then to the third floor. If the floors are 3 meters apart, how far has the elevator
A. 18 m C. 30 m
B. 27 m D. 45 m

9. 14.3 is equal to
A. 0.143 x 100 C. 143 100
B. 14.3 x 100 D. 0.143 x 1000
10. Which of the following has the greatest value?
A. 0.351 C. 3/10
B. 35/100 D. 3/9
11. Which of the following numbers is greater than -3/2?
A. -4/3 C. -7/4
B. -3 D. -2
12. Simplify 1/3 + 2/5 2/6.
A. 1/14 C. 2/3
B. 1/5 D. 2/5
13. Find the product: (2 ) (5/7) (2/5)
A. 0 C. 1
B. 5/14 D. 5/7
14. Simplify: 2(-3)2 (-4) (5) - 2
A. -4 C. 28
B. 14 D. 10
St. Louis Review Center, Inc San Pablo City Branch 2
(049)562-2239 | 0905-914-6145
Mathematics | Prof. R. Diaz
15. Dante is working on a hill 78 meters above the sea level, while directly underneath.
Mark is working in a tunnel 38 meters below the sea level. What is the distance
between Dante and Mark?
A. 116 cm C. -42 m
B. 42m D. -116m
16. How much would 215 boxes of paper clips cost if each box costs P6.75?
A. P1,250.75 C. P1,451.25
B. P1,355,25 D. P1,455.75
17. What is the least common multiple of 9.8 and 18?
A. 36 C. 72
B. 54 D. 144
18. A group of young people from four countries gathered together for an international
workshop: 60 from Manila, 48 from Jakarta, 54 from Kuala Lumpur and 42 from
Bangkok. The participants will form discussion groups with equal number of
members from each country in each group. What is the greatest number of discussion
groups that can be formed?
A. 6 C. 18
B. 12 D. 24
19. What are the two digits which when inserted in the blank spaces will make 934__ __
divisible by 8?
A. 3 and 4 C. 5 and 0
B. 3 and 0 D. 0 and 0
20. Which of the following is NOT true about the sum of two consecutive odd integers?
A. it is even C. it is only divisible by 12
B. it is divisible by 4 D. it is always divisible by 1
21. The ratio of the number of boys to the number of girls in a class is 2:3. If there 40
students in the class, how many boys are there?
A. 8 C. 18
B. 16 D. 24
22. Mrs. Jimenez paid P94.50 for 3 dozens of eggs. How much would 2 dozens of
such eggs cost?
A. 50.50 C. 55.00
B. 54.00 D. 56.00
23. Arthur divides his day into leisure, sleep and work in the ratio 1:2:3. How many
hours does he spend working?
A. 4 hr C. 10 hr
B. 8 hr D. 12 hr
24. It takes 20 men to build a house for 60 days. How many men will needed to build it
in 15 days?
A. 5 C. 100
B. 80 D. 120
25. Which of these is a correct proportion?
A. 3: 5 = 5: 10 C. 11/2 : 2 = 5:7
B. 7:10 = 15:18 D. 4:9 = 2: 4
26. Express 24% in fraction form.
A. C. 12/51
B. 5/8 D. 6/25
27. How much larger than 20% of 950 is 40% of 600?
A. 50 C. 60
B. 54 D. 68
28. Which of the following is true?
A. 12% < 0.8 C. 40% > 0.4
B. 30% = 0.03 D. 25% = 0.5
29. In a class of 40 students, 40% are boys. How many are girls?
A. 16 C. 22
B. 18 D. 24
30. John took two hours to construct a model boat. He spend 75% of that time reading
the instructions. How much time did he actually spend on the construction of the
A. 25 min C. 60 min
B. 30 min D. 75 min
31. In a examination, 24% of the students failed in math and 33% in Science. If 9% of
the students failed in both subjects, find the percent of students who passed in both
A. 43% C. 52%
B. 48% D. 81%

St. Louis Review Center, Inc San Pablo City Branch 3
(049)562-2239 | 0905-914-6145
Mathematics | Prof. R. Diaz
32. On board an inter-island ship, 25% of the passengers travel 1st class, 30% travel 2nd
class, and 729 travel 3 class. How many passengers are there?
A. 1,254 C. 1,560
B. 1,480 D. 1,620

33. The introductory price of a certain item was P12. What is the percent increase in the
price of the item if two years later its price is P42?
A. 150% C. 250%
B. 200% D. 300%

34. The outer diameter of a metal pipe is 3 cm and the inner diameter is 2 cm. Find
the thickness of the pipe.
A. cm C. 1/8 cm
B. cm D. cm

35. How many pieces of ribbon, each 75 cm long, could be cut from a roll containing 18
meters of ribbon?
A. 12 C. 18
B. 16 D. 24

36. Laura jogs at least 1500 meters everyday on a circular track. If the track has a
diameter of 80 meters, about how many rounds does Laura jog everyday?
A. 15 C. 9
B. 12 D. 6

37. If a peso coin weighs 15 grams, about how much money will you have if you have a
kilogram of 1-peso coins?
A. P6 C. P660
B. P66 D. P6, 600

38. A right cylindrical can is to hold exactly 3 liters of water. What should the height of
the can be if the radius is 10cm?
A. 3.25 cm C. 9.55 cm
B. 6.4 cm D. 12.35 cm

39. Which of the following gives the prime factorization of 54?

A. 22 32 C. 23 33
B. 2 3 D. 23 3

40. Apo weighs one third as much as her mother Angela. If Apo weights 43.5 lbs., how
much does Angela weight?
A. 62.5 lbs. C. 130.5 lbs.
B. 95.7 lbs. D. 150 lbs.

41. If the perimeter of a rectangle is 72 cm and its length is 6cm longer than its width.
What is its length?
A. 14 cm C. 19 cm
B. 17 cm D. 21 cm

42. Two numbers are in the ratio 4:3. What are the numbers if their sum is 84?
A. 36 and 48 C. 24 and 63
B. 36 and 24 D. 12 and 36

43. A boat travels 8 kph in still water. If it can travel a given distance upstream in 5
hours and the same distance downstream in 3 hours, what is the rate of the current?
A. 2 kph C. 6 kph
B. 5 kph D. 9 kph

44. What is the value of x 6 if 2(x 3) + 5 = 19?

A. -1 C. 16
B. 4 D. 20

45. Lucille is 4 times as old as Nicole. Six years from now, she will be twice as old as
Nicole. How old are they now?
A.. Lucille 12; Nicole -3 C. Lucille 3, Nicole 12
B. Lucille 16; Nicole 4 D. Lucille -4l Nicole 16

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(049)562-2239 | 0905-914-6145
Mathematics | Prof. R. Diaz


1. CNN Reports the following temperature for 4 cities:

Beijing London Chicago Moscow
0 0 0
1. C -5 C 0 C -8 0C
What city is coldest?
A. Beijing C. Chicago
B. London D. Moscow
2. In a series of card games. Raul starts out with P100 and wins a total of P400. If he
later loses P300, wins P50 and loses P250, how much cash does Raul have?
A. 0 C. P100
B. P50 D. P150
3. Your score in a game is -12. How many points must you earn to get a score of 18?
A. -6 C. 20
B. 6 D. 30
4. If the sum of a certain number and 8 is divided by 5, the quotient is 5. What is the
A. 5 C. 15
B. 6 D. 17
5. 0.4 x 0.04 x 0.004 equals
A. 0.64 C. 0.0064
B. 0.064 D. 0.000064
6. Jeepney fares are computed as follows: P5.50 for the four kilometers plus P0.50 for
every additional kilometer thereof. How much should Isagani pay for a ride that
covers 11 kilometers?
A. P8.00 C. P9.50
B. P9.00 D. P10.00
7. Which of these is greater than 1?
A. 1/3 = C. 1/3 x
B. 1/3 + D. 1/3
8. Which is a set of equivalent fractions?
A. 2/3, 4/6, 8/12 C. 4/5, , 7/10
B. 2/3, 4/6,7/10 D. , 7/10, 4/5
9. Robert ate pan of a cake on the table. Karen ate 2/3 of what is left. What fraction of
the cake was left?
A. 1/12 C. 1/3
B. D.
10. The distance from C to D is 24 km. The distance from B to C is 2/3 of the distance
from C to D. The distance from A to B is 3/8 of the distance from B to C. What is
the distance from A to B?
A. 4 km C. 6 km
B. 5 km B D. 8 km


11. Bebot buys a refrigerator for P7 920. She pays 1/3 of the price in cash and the
balance in 12 equal monthly installments. How much will she pay each month?
A. P300 C. P400
B. P350 D. P440
12. Mang Oskar delivers 210 kg of vegetables to two distributors. If 2/5 of the vegetables goes to Manang Linda, how many
kilograms of vegetables does the other distributor receive?
A. 84 C. 126
B. 116 D. 132
13. A 210-cm stick is cut so that one part is of the other. How long is the shorter segment?
A. 120 C. 80
B. 90 D. 70
14. For the rest of the day, Bus A passes by Station 3 every 45 minutes, while Bus B passes by Station 3 every 1 hour and 15 minutes.
What time will both bells ring at the same time again?
A. 9.15 C. 10:45
B. 10:30 D. 11:45
15. Find the GCF of 12, 32 and 56.
A. 2 C. 6
B. 4 D. 56
St. Louis Review Center, Inc San Pablo City Branch 5
(049)562-2239 | 0905-914-6145
Mathematics | Prof. R. Diaz
16. Two bells ring at 8 A.M. For the rest of the day, one bell rings every half hour
whereas the other rings every 45 minutes. What time will both bells ring at the same
time again?
A. 9:00 AM C. 9:30 AM
B. 9:45 AM D. 10:00 AM
17. Which of the following numbers give a remainder of 2 when divided by 5 and a remainder of 1 when divided by 4?
A. 7 C. 17
B. 12 D. 31
18. What number can be inserted in the blank space so that 59___172 is divisible by 6?
A. 1 C. 3
B. 2 D. 7
19. Jeff had fewer than 100 blocks. When he made four equal rows, he had three left over, and with nine equal rows, he had none
left over. How many blocks did Jeff have?
A. 54 C. 72
B. 63 D. 91
20. How many prime numbers are less than 31?
A. 9 C. 12
B. 10 D. 13
21. If one prime factor of 42 is 3, what are the other prime factors?
A. 2 and 3 C. 2 and 7
B. 3 and 5 D. 3 and 7
22. A kilogram of dried squid costs P240. Jigs wants to buy 400 grams only. How much will it cost?
A. P96 C. P120
B. P105 D. P130
23. If there are 18 mangoes and 45 bananas in a fruit basket, what is the ratio of the mangoes to the bananas?
A. 2:5 C. 2:3
B. 4:7 D. 3:7
24. A 3 meter ribbon is cut into four pieces in the ratio 1:2:3:4. Find the length of the longest piece.
A. 35 cm C. 100 cm
B. 70 cm D. 140 cm
25. What one number can replace x in 1: x = x:64?
A. 2 C. 6
B. 4 D. 8
26. In a certain municipality the real estate tax is P5.00 for every P1,000 of the assessed valuation of the property. Find the assessed
valuation on property if a tax of P1250 is levied on it.
A. P62.50 C. P250.000
B. P6,250 D. P500,000
27. A tank of water supplies the needs of 5 children for 6 days. How long will the water last if there were only 3 children?
A. 3.6 days C. 8 days
B. 5 days D. 10 days
28. A man gives 10% of his monthly earnings to the church. Another 70% is spent on food, electricity, water and other bills. After
paying all these, he still ahs P2,000. How much does he earn in a month?
A. P5,000 C. P10,000
B. P8,000 D. P12,000
29. Jake deposited P10,000 at 5% annual interest. How much will it gain in 2 years?
A. P1,250 C. P1,500
B. P1,350 D. P1,750
30. In a candy jar, there are 15 lemons, 12 chocolates, and 3 mints. What percent of the candies are mints?
A. 10% C. 12.5%
B. 12% D. 15%
31. The cellphone model 5110 sold for P4,000 in 2001. Two years later, the same
cellphone model sold for P2,800. What was the percent decrease of the price?
A. 15% C. 30%
B. 20% D. 35%
32. Based on the graph, how much of the P12,500 monthly income of the Margate family goes to food?
A. P3,125 C. P5,025
B. P5,625 D. P6,225 rent 25% bills 30%

food 45%

33. The perimeter of a rectangular lawn is 37 meters. If it is 8 meters wide, how long is the lawn?
A. 9 m C. 10 m
B. 10 m D. 11 m
34. The area of a square is 225 cm What is its perimeter in centimeters?
A. 15 C. 56
St. Louis Review Center, Inc San Pablo City Branch 6
(049)562-2239 | 0905-914-6145
Mathematics | Prof. R. Diaz
B. 44 D. 60
35. A pail contains 5 liters of water. If this will be placed in bottles that should contain 450 milliliters each, how many bottles are
A. 10 C. 12
B. 11 D. 13
36. If the volume of a cube with side 6 is equal to the volume of a rectangular solid with length 12 and width 9, then the height of
the rectangular solid is
A. 2 C. 6
B. 4 D. 8
37. The volume of a cylinder is given by the formula V = r2h. The approximate volume of a cylinder with radius 5 cm and
perpendicular height 8 cm is:
A. 62.8 cm3 C. 628 cm3
B. 125.6 cm D. 714 cm3
38. Dave cuts out the largest circle possible from a square whose edge is 10cm. What is
the area of the circle?
A. 15.7 cm2 C. 78 cm2
B. 31.4 cm2 D. 94.2 cm2
39. At the beginning of the month, the school tank was 8/9 full. After 1 week, it was 2/9
full. If the tanks capacity is 27 cubic meters, how much water was used in 1 week?
A. 24 cu.M C. 20 cu.M
B. 22cu.M D. 18 cu.M
40. When a certain number is subtracted from 176, the result is the same as when 21 is
added to 4 times the number. What is the number?
A. 11 C. 31
B. 22 D. 52
41. Suppose we write fractions as ordered pairs. Then 3/5 would be written as (3,5), and
5/7 as (5,7). Following the same rule, what then would be the sum of (6,11) and
A. (4,11) C. (4,22)
B. (8,11) D. (8,22)
42. If the width of a rectangle is denoted by y and the length is 4 times the width, what is
the perimeter of the rectangle?
A. 5y C. 15y
B. 10y D. 20y
43. If x = y2, how would x change if y is doubled?
A. treble C. quadrupled
B. double D. get squared
44. Arman is 5 years older than An. Three years ago, he was twice as old as An.
How old is An now?
A. 6 C. 13
B. 8 D. 15
45. If Justine can run 3 km in an hour, how far can she run in 45 mins?
A. 1.75 km C. 2.5 km.
B. 2.15 km D. 2.25 km.

46. Which property of real numbers does the statement (a + b) + c = a + (b + c)

A. Associative C. Commutative
B. Closure D. Distributive
47. If 2a + 2b + 3c = 16 and c = 2, what is the value of (a+b)2?
A. 5 C. 25
B. 10 D. 625
48. Which of the following is a function?
A. {(1,2), (2,3), (3,4)} C. {(x, y) / x = 4}
B. {(1,3), (1,4), (1,5)} D. {(x, y)/ x2 + y2 = 1}
49. Andrea can encode a 100-page thesis in 24 hours, while Ani can do the same task in
16 hours. How many hours will it take them to finish the job if they work together?
A. 10 C. 12
B. 11 D. 13
50. If Justine can run 3 km in an hour, how far can she run in 45 mins?
A. 1.75 km C. 2.5 km.
B. 2.15 km D. 2.25 km.

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(049)562-2239 | 0905-914-6145
Refresher Course for Year 2012
Area: Mathematics


Directions: Choose the best answer from the choices given. Write the corresponding letter of your choice.
1. Which of the following has a definite length?
A. ray B. line C. point D. line segment
2. Which of these triangles cannot be isosceles?
A. Acute B. scalene C. obtuse D. right
3. A diameter of a circle is also a ________.
A. Radius B. secant C. chord D. tangent
4. In angle TOY, what is the vertex?
A. T B. O C. Y D. cannot be
5. Refer to the figure. Given: m 2 = 55 and m 3 = 80. Find m 4.

4 1 2 5

A. 95 B. 105 C. 115 D. 135

6. MAZE is a parallelogram. If m A = 67, then m Z = _____.
A. 113 B. 90 C. 67 D. 23
7. Which two properties of the rhombus do not hold true for other parallelograms?
A. Diagonals are perpendicular and congruent.
B. Diagonals are congruent and bisect each other.
C. Diagonals are perpendicular and bisect each other.
D. Diagonals are perpendicular and each bisects the angles of the parallelogram.
For item 8, refer to this figure:
r s

t 1 4 5 8
2 3 6 7

8. If lines r and s are parallel, which of the following pairs of angles are congruent?
A. 4 and 5 B. 4 and 3 C. 1 and 8 D. 3 and 5
9. Three different triangles are placed side by side as shown. What is the sum of the angles of the polygon formed?
A. 300 B. 360 C. 540 D. 720

10. The supplement of an angle is three times its measure. What is the supplement?
A. 22.5 B. 45 C. 67.5 D. 135
11. What is the measure of each interior angle of a regular pentagon?
A. 108 B140 C. 180 D. 540
12. The angles of a triangle are in the ratio 2: 3: 5. What is the largest angle?
A. 36 B. 54 C. 90 D. 99
13. The graph shows the number of socks, belts, handkerchiefs, and neckties sold by a store in one week.

Number of items



Items Sold by Store

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(049)562-2239 | 0905-914-6145
The names of the items are missing from the graph. Socks were the item most often sold, and fewer neckties than any other item
were sold. More belts than handkerchiefs were sold. How many belts were sold?
A. 80 B. 90 C. 120 D. 140
14. A pair of dice is thrown. What is the probability of throwing a double number (e.g. 3, 3)?
A. 1/3 B. 1/6 C. 1/12 D. 1/36
15. In how many ways can the first, second, and third place winners be chosen from a group of 10 contestants?
A. 6 B. 72 C. 720 D. 10!
16. In how many ways can 5 people be seated around a circular table ?
A. 600 B. 120 C. 60 D. 24
17. In how many ways can two swimmers be chosen from a group of six swimmers?
A. 15 B. 30 C. 45 D. 90
18. A coffee shop offers 4 flavors of coffee: mocha, cappuccino, vanilla, and latte. Coffee may be served hot or cold and it
comes in tall, regular and short sizes. In how many ways can the costumer order his/her coffee?
A. 3 ways B. 8 ways C. 24 ways D. 36 ways
19. Find the number of distinct permutations of the letters in the word ANNUAL?
A. 180 B. 270 C. 360 D. 720

20. Mario had three test scores of 78, 76, and 74, while Kristyn had scores of 72, 82, and 74. How did Marios average (mean)
score compared with Kristyns average score.
A. Marios was 1 point higher. C. Both averages were the same.
B. Marios was 1 point lower. D. Marios was 2 points lower.
For items 21-23
Mr. Macho gave a mathematics test to a group of students. The distribution of the scores is as follows:
21-25 2
16 - 20 5
11 - 15 12
6 - 10 4
1- 5 1
21. How many pupils took the test?
A. 25 B. 24 C. 22 D. 12
22. What is the size of the interval of the frequency distribution?
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5
23. What is the computed mean value?
A. 13.6 B. 14.1 C. 12 D. 15.4
24. Which of the following classes performed best and with the least variability in the test?
Classes Mean Standard Deviation
I-Hope 35.7 3.16
I - Sincerity 36.4 3.53
I - Love 35.7 3.87
I - Charity 36.4 3.72

A. I-Hope B. I-Sincerity C. I-Love D. I-Charity

25. What is the standard deviation of the scores 6, 7, 9, 11, 13 and 14?
A. 2.94 B.3.15 C. 3.26 D. 3.48

St. Louis Review Center, Inc San Pablo City Branch 2
(049)562-2239 | 0905-914-6145

Directions: Choose the best answer from the choices given. Write the corresponding letter of your choice.
1. Which of these angles is closest to 45?

A. B. C. D.

2. An angle is 65.5. What is its complement?

A. 24.5 B. 25. 5 C. 114.5 D. 124.5
3. Given: RS = 3, RT = 11, and ST = 8. Which of these points is between the other two?
A. R B. S C. T D. any point
4. What is the altitude of this figure?

A. B. C. C.
5. Which refers to a pair of lines that meet at a right angle?
A. Parallel B. perpendicular C. intersecting D. concentric
6. Which of the following is a convex polygon?
A. B. C. D.

7. Which of the following quadrilaterals best describes a square?

A. Its diagonals are perpendicular to each other.
B. It is an equiangular rhombus.
C. Its diagonals are congruent.
D. It has four right angles.
For item 8-9, refer to this figure:
r s

t 1 4 5 8
2 3 6 7

8. If lines r and s are parallel, which of the following pairs of angles are supplementary?
A. 1 and 5 B. 5 and 7 C . 3 and 6 D. 3 and 7
9. If lines r and s are parallel and m 2 = 38, what is the measure of 6?
A. 38 B. 52 C. 68 D. 142
10. If ABC is an isosceles triangle with a right angle at B, then
A. is the hypotenuse. C. AC = BC
B. BCA = 45. D. AB = AC
11. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. Every square is a rectangle.
B. Every square is a rhombus.
C. Every rhombus is a square.
D. Every rhombus is a parallelogram.
12. What is the sum of the measures of the interior angles of a regular heptagon?
A. 1260 B. 1080 C. 900 D. 112.5

13. The figure below shows a spinner with 12 sectors. When someone spins the arrow, it is equally likely to stop on any sector.

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(049)562-2239 | 0905-914-6145
1/2 of the number of sectors are blue, 1/12 are green, are orange, and 1/6 are red. If a person spins the arrow, on which
color sector does the spinner have the least probability to stop?
A. Blue B. green C. orange D. red
14. What is the probability of getting a multiple of 3 when a die is tossed?
A. 1/6 B. C. 1/3 D.
15. In a candy jar, there are 15 lemons, 12 chocolates and 3 mints. If a candy is picked at random, what is the probability of
getting a mint?
A. B. 1/3 C. 1/6 D. 1/10
16. The mean score of a set of 40 tests is 81. Find the sum of the 40 test scores.
A. 2 250 B. 2 280 C. 2 820 D. 3 240
17. A show manufacturer conducted a survey of the average shoe size among women to help him decide what shoe size to put
on display. What measure of central tendency would be most appropriate for his purpose?
A. Mean B. median C. mode D. any of the three
18. In how many ways can 5 basketball players be chosen from a group of 9 players?
A. 126 B. 212 C. 15 120 D. 362 880
19. How many 4-digit numbers can you write using the digits 1, 2, 3 and 4 if the digits may appear more than once in each
A. 22 B. 24 C. 64 D. 256

20. In how many ways can 5 people be seated in a row of 5 vacant chairs if they can sit anywhere?
A. 120 B. 90 C. 64 D. 25
21. The following polygon shows a shops monthly sales of umbrellas for the year.

How many more umbrellas were sold in June than in November?

A. 45 B. 35 C. 30 D. 20
For items 22-24: The scores of 10 students who took the qualifying exam for a major mathematics competition are as follows:
Student A B C D E F G H I J
Score 18 32 10 15 27 18 23 28 29 30
22. What is the median score?
A. 18 B. 20 C. 23 D. 25
23. What is the mode of the scores?
A. 18 B. 20 C. 23 D. 25
24. What is the range of scores?
A. 18 B. 22 C. 23 D. 25
25. Joey aims to get an average of 90 in 5 unit tests. The results of the first four unit tests are
as follows: 89, 92, 86, and 91. What should his grade in the fifth unit be for his average to
be at least 90?
A. 91 B. 92 C. 93 D. 94

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(049)562-2239 | 0905-914-6145
1. Which of the following number is divisible by 45?
A. 300,000,000,450 C. 600,000,000,045
B. 100,200,600,090 D. 400,450,000,000
2. On its anniversary, the canteen offers a free sandwich for every 4th customer and a free softdrink for every 6th customer. After
75 customers, how many had received both free sandwich and softdrink?
A. 30 B. 18 C. 12 D. 6
3. What is the difference in the elevation between the top of a mountain 51 meters above sea level and a location 28 meters
below sea level.
A. 23 m B. 33 m C. 79 m D. 89 m
4. A pack of P50-bills is numbered from RV628 to RV663. What is the total value of the pack of bills, in pesos?
A. 35 B. 36 C. 1750 D. 1800
5. Simplify: [ 5 81 32 5 3 + 2] (42 23)
A. 15 B. 4 C. 6 D. 15
6. If a student works on his assignment 3 hours a day, what part of the day does he spend doing his assignment?
A. 1/8 B. 1/7 C. 5/36 D. 15/28
7. Teodoro spent his monthly salary as follows: 3/5 for food and allowances, 1/3 for his childs education and house rental. If his
monthly salary is P15, 000, how much would he left at the end of the month?
A. P 1,000 B. P2,000 C. P5,000 D. P 14,000
8. Isko and Jose run for President for their organization. Isko got 1/3 of the votes. If Jose got 300 votes, how many students voted
for Isko?
A. 900 B. 200 C. 150 D. 100
9. Gregorio has obtained the following grades: 1.4, 1.7, 1.8 and 2.5. What must be his fifth grade so that his average is 1.7?
A. 2.1 B. 1.9 C. 1.5 D. 1.1
10. Out of the 20 numbers, 6 were 2.5s, 4 were 3.25s and the rest were 2.2s. Find the arithmetic mean of the numbers.
A. 2.5 B. 2.65 C. 10 D. 22
11. Diego bought X number of notebooks at P23.00 each, Y pad papers at 18.45 each, and Z ballpens at P8.25 each. If he gave an
amount of P1000 to the cashier, how much change did he receive?
A. P 434.25 C. 1000 [(23.00)(X) + (18.45) (Y) + (8.25) (Z)]
B. P 334.25 D. none of these
12. Marcelo sells a real estate. He receives a monthly salary of P10,000 plus a commission of 1/5 % of his net sales for that month.
Find his gross pay for a month during which his net sale is one million pesos.
A. P 2,000 B. P 12,000 C. P 200,000 D. P 210,000
13. There are 20 million Filipinos who are qualified voters. If 25% of the population are qualified voters, how many are not
qualified voters?
A. 80 million B. 60 million C. 15 million D. 5 million
14. A pair of shoes originally priced at P600 is being sold at a discount of 30%. How much would you pay if you buy that shoes?
A. P 30 B. P180 C. P 420 D. P 570
15. A book with a selling price of P120 is sold at 40% discount. What is its original price?
A. P 48 B. P72 C. P 200 D. P 300
16. A store owner advertises a polo-shirt originally sold for P200 for P170 only. What rate of discount is he giving?
A. P 30 B. P15 C. 30% D. 15%
17. Rhoda bought an article for P400 and sold it for P500. What rate of profit did she enjoy in that deal?
A. P100 B. 100% C. 25 % D. 20%
18. The price of an item is increased by 70% and then offered at 40% discount. What happened
to the original price?
A. There is an increase of 30%. C. There is an increase of 2 %.
B. There is an increase of 28%. D. There is a decrease of 32%.
19. An item is offered at 20% discount. Later, it is offered at 30% discount. If the new selling
price is P112, what is the first original price?
A. P162 B. P200 C. P224 D. P1866.67
20. To have a 25% profit, the vendor should sell the item at P80.00. How much is his profit?
A. P20.00 B. P60.00 C. P16.00 D. P64.00
21. Celia deposited P50,000 in a bank that pays a simple annual interest of 14 %. How much
money will she have in the bank after five years.
A. P 85,500 B. P35,500 C. P36,250 D. P86,250
22. How much should Antonio invest so that his money earns P2,250 deposited at 6% for 9
A. P 50,000 B. 37,500 C. P 135 D. P 101.25
23. A photographer wishes to enlarge a picture 18 cm long and 12 cm wide so that it will be
36 cm wide. How long will the enlarged picture be?
A. 54 cm B. 72 cm C. 24 cm D. 6 cm
24. If 8 secretaries can type 800 pages in 5 hours, how long would it take for 12 secretaries to
type 800 pages at the same rate?
A. 7 1/2 hours B. 3 1/3 hours C. 10 hours D. 2 1/2 hours
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(049)562-2239 | 0905-914-6145
25. The ratio of cows and carabaos in the field is 4:9. If there are 468 cows and carabaos in the field, how many are carabaos?
A. 52 B. 117 C. 144 D. 324
26. A defective meter stick actually measures 95 cm. If a cloth is measured to 5 m long using this meter stick, what is the actual
length of the cloth?
A. 500 cm B. 495 cm C. 4 m and 85 cm D. 4 m and 75 cm
27. If in a map, 2 cm represents 7 km, then how far are two towns from each other if they were 18 cm apart in the map?
A. 14 km B. 27 km C. 63 km D. 126 km
28. Which of the following is the longest?
A. 6540 mm B. 934 cm C. 9.25 m D. 0.009 km
29. Which of the following sets of numbers can be sides of a right triangle?
A. 4, 5, 6 B. 6, 6,2 3 C. 3, 6, 3 2 D. 2, 2, 3
30. The length and width of a rectangle are (3x 2) and (2x + 1). What is its perimeter?
A. 5x-1 B. 10 x - 2 C. 6x2 x -2 D. 6x2 x +2
31. The area of a square is 32x. Which of the following could be the value of x?
A. 2 B. 6 C. 3 D. 4
32. If the area of one circle is twice of another circle, what is the ratio of the area in percent of the smaller to larger circle?
A. 70% B. 25% C. 75% D. 50%
33. One hectare is equivalent to 10,000 square meters. How many hectares are in a rectangular field which is 750 m wide and 800 m
A. 120 B. 56 C. 60 D. 40
34. An aquarium is 40 cm high. Its length is twice its height, while its width is half its height. How much water is needed to fill in the
aquarium in cu. cm.?
A. 64,000 B. 32,000 C. 16,000 D. 8,000
35. What is the volume of a cube if one face has a perimeter of 36 cm?
A. 729 cu. cm. B. 216 cu. cm. C. 46,656 cu. cm D. 5,832 cu. cm
36. How much water can be filled with a cone whose diameter is 24 cm and whose height exceeds 2/3 of the radius by 2 cm?
A. 480 cu. cm. B. 540 cu. cm. C. 660 cu. cm. D. 900 cu. cm.
37. Which of the following is a factor of quadratic equation x 2-2x-24=0
A. x-4 B. x + 2 C. x+6 D. x+4
38. Michael is 15 years older than his brother Rafael. However, y years ago Michael was twice as old as Rafael. If Rafael is now x
years old and x > y, find the value of x - y.
A. 13 B. 14 C. 15 D. 16
39. If x + 6 = 9, then 3x + 1 = __________.
A. 3 B. 10 C. 9 D. 34
40. Monet (X) is taller than Rizza (Y) but shorter than Joy (Z). Which is TRUE?
A. Z < X < Y B. X < Z < Y C. Y < X < Z D. Y < Z < X
41. Refer to the figure. Given: m 2 = 50 and m 3 = 80 . Find m 4.

4 1 2 5

A. 30 B. 50 C. 80 D. 130
42. RODA is a parallelogram. If m O = 68, then m D = _____.
A. 68 B. 12 C. 112 D. 22
43. The supplement of an angle is three times its measure. What is the supplement?
A. 22.5 B. 45 C. 67.5 D. 135
44. Jose is 5 years older than Tess. Three years ago, he was twice as old as Tess. How old is Tess now?
A. 15 B. 13 C. 8 D. 6
45. If x + y = 2a and x y = 2b, what is the value of xy?
A. ab B. a2 + b2 C. (a b)2 D. a2 b2
46. In a political science survey, voters are classified into six income categories and five education categories. In how many different
ways can a voter be classified?
A. 11 B. 25 C. 30 D. 45
47. The number of permutations of the word probabilities is
A. 13 B. 2!3! C. 13! D. 13!/(2!3!)
48. The number of ways seven visitors can be seated on a round table is
A. 6! B. 7! C. 6!7! D. 6!/2
49. In a certain town, 40% of the people have brown hair, 25% have brown eyes, and 15% have both brown hair and brown eyes. A
person is selected at random from the town. If he has brown eyes, what is the probability that he does not have brown hair?
A. 3/8 B. 2/5 C. D. none of these
50. A die is tossed. If the number is odd, what is the probability that it is prime?
2 3 2 1
A. B. C. D.
3 4 5 3

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(049)562-2239 | 0905-914-6145

1. A student finishes the first half of the exam in 2/3 of the times it takes him to finish
the second half. If the entire exam takes him an hour, how many minutes does he
spend on the first half of the exam?
A. 20 B. 24 C. 30 D. 36

2. If a is an odd integer and b is an even integer, which of the following is an odd

A. b3a B. a 1 C. 2a b D. a2 + 3b

3. Steve, Karen and John want to buy a Php 1 350 stereo. If Karen agrees to pay twice
as much as John, and Steve agrees to pay three times as much as Karen, how
much must Karen pay?
A. Php 300 B. Php 400 C. Php 500 D. Php 600

4. If a and b are integers and the sum of ab and b is odd, which of the following could
be true?
I. a and b are both odd
II. a is even and b is odd
III. a is odd and b is even
A. I only B. II only C. III only D. I and II

5. Simplify : { 7 + [ 5 x ( 8 + 4 22 ) 3 ] 5 }
A. 6 B. 12 C. 17 D. 21

6. When x is divided by 7, the remainder is 6. When x is divided by 6, the remainder is

0. Which of the following is the possible value for x?
A. 42 B. 46 C. 79 D. 90

7. If x/y = 4/3 and x/k = , then k/y = ?

A. 1/6 B. 3/8 C. 8/3 D. 3/2

8. If e : f : g = 1 : 5 : 6 and g = 18, then f e = ?

A. 5 B. 6 C. 9 D. 12

9. It takes 27 women to clean the building in 15 days. At this rate, how many women
will be needed to clean the same buildings in 9 days?
A. 32 B. 45 C. 55 D. 60

10. Henry divides his 5 hours to study Math, English, and Science in the ratio 5 : 2 : 3.
How many minutes does he spend studying Math?
A. 1 hour B. 1.5 hour C. 2 hour D. 2.5 hour

11. Which of the following is an inconsistent equation?

A. 2x = 2x B. 2(x-3) = -2(1+x) C. 3 2x = -2x 1 D. 2/3x + 3 = - 7/2x

12. Which of the following is equal to ?

A. B. C. D. -

13. Which of the following sets of ordered pairs defines relation as a function?
A. {(2,4), (3,4), (4,5)} C. {(-2, 4), (-2, 6), (3,6)}
B. {(2, -5), (2, 5), (3, 10)} D. {(, -1), ( , 1) (-1, 1)}

14. The domain of the function f(x) = is

A. {xx 0} B. {xx 5} C. {xx 5/2} D. {xx - 5/2}

15. The system of the equations x + y = 2 and 2x +2y = 8 is an example of

A. Independent sytem C. Inconsistent system
B. Dependent sytem D. Consistent system

16. If n is a perfect square number, what is the next larger perfect square number?
A. n2 + 2n + 1 B. n2 + n + 1 C. n2 + 1 D. n + 2

17. A man, 32 years old, has a son 8 years of age. In how many years so that the man
will be twice as old as his son?
A. 16 years B. 24 years C. 32 years D. 48 years

18. How many gallons of milk with 5% butterfat must be mixed with 90 gallons of milk
with 1% butterfat to obtain the mixture of milk 2% butterfat?
A. 10 gallons B. 20 gallons C. 30 gallons D. 40 gallons

19. The length of a rectangle is two times its width. If the length is decreased by 5 cm
and the width is increased by 5 cm, the area is increased by 75 sq. cm. Find the
dimensions of the original rectangle.
A. 28 cm & 56 cm B. 25 cm & 50 cm C. 22 cm & 44 cm D. 20 cm & 40 cm

20. If x + y = 7 and x y = 3, what is 2x + y?

A. 18 B. 8 C. 10 D. 12

21. What is the value of x, if log x = 1?

A. 0 B. 10 C. 1 D. 1

22. One of the diagonal of the rectangle is 10 cm long. The rectangles length is 8 cm.
What is the area of the rectangle?
A. 24 cm2 B. 36 cm2 C. 48 cm2 D. 80 cm2

23. What is the value of x if 16x + 2 = 642x 1 ?

A. 7/4 B. 2 C. D. 2

24. What are the roots of x2 = 8x 15?

A. {3, 5} B. {-3, 5} C. {-3, -5} D. {3, -5}

25. If 2y 6 varies directly as x + 2 and inversely as z 3, and if y = 1 when x = 2 and

z = 11, What is y when x = 4 and z = 9?
A. 1 B. 0 C. 1 D. 2

26. The 7th term of the geometric sequence is 405 and 10th term is 10935. What is the
common ratio of the sequence?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

27. What is the value of k so that x 1 is a factor of 7x4 8x3 - 9x2 + 6x + k?

A. 9 B. 5 C. 4 D. 4

28. Find the measure of an angle if the measure of its supplement is 39 more than twice
the measure of its complemnent .
A. 38 B. 39 C. 60 D. 120

29. Which of the following statements is true about parallel lines?

A. They form a right angle C. They are skew
B. They do not intersect D. None of these

30. In an Isosceles triangle, the vertex angle is half the measure of base angle. What is
the measure of the angle?
A. 72 B. 60 C. 36 D. 30

31. A 10 m long steel pipe shrank 0.05% when exposed to below freezing temperature.
By how many centimeters did the pipe shrank?
A. 5 B. 0.005 C. 0.5 D. 0.05

32. What is 30% of ?

A. B. C. D.

33. Which of the following times gives approximately 90 angle between the two hands
of a clock?
A. 11:40 B. 9:00 C. 7:20 D. 6:15

34. One thousand two hundred(1200) boys enrolled in a school year this year. Four
years ago 1500 boys enrolled. What is the percent of decrease in enrolment?
A. 10% B. 8% C. 25% D. 20%

35. It takes a teacher 20 minutes to check 25 papers and take a rest of 5 minutes after
25 papers before starting another set. At this rate, how many minutes will it takes the
teacher to correct 75 test papers?
A. 75 B. 60 C. 70 D. 80

36. Simplify the expression

A. B. C. D. -4

37. The equation y = x4 5x2 + 4 has

A. three (3) real roots and one imaginary root
B. one (1) real root and three imaginary roots
C. two (2) real roots and two imaginary roots
D. four (4) real roots

38. If 16 is 4 more than 3x, then what is the value of 2x 5?

A. 4 B. 5 C. 2 D. 3

39. If 2x + 13 represents an odd number, what must be the next consecutive odd
A. 3x + 15 B. 2x + 15 C. 2x + 14 D. 3x + 13

40. Let G(x) = 1 x2. What is G( )?

A. -6 B. 8 C. 48 D. 50

41. What term will make 36x2 25y4 a perfect square trinomial?
A. 5 + y2 B. 12xy C. 60xy2 D. 30xy

42. What is the 20th term of the arithmetic series 7, 10, 13....?
A. 46 B. 23 C. 64 D. 32

43. Which of the following is the remainder when 3x3 6x2 + 5x + 7 is divided by
x 2?
A. 12 B. 21 C. 3 D. 17

44. In the standard plane (x,y), coordinate plane, the y-coordinate of every point on the
line is the same as its corresponding x-coordinate. What is the slope of the line?
A. -2 B. 1 C. 3 D. 2

45. On a circle with center C, CDAB = 24 and CD = 5. Find the radius of the circle
A. 19 C. 17 A D B
B. 7 D. 13

46. The measure of each interior angle of a regular polygon is 160 deg. How many sides
does it have?
A. 29 B. 24 C. 12 D. 15

47. If two points of a line lie in a plane, then

I. all points of the line lie in the plane
II. the line pierces the plane exactly two points
III. the plane contains all the points of the line
IV. the intersection contains only two points
A. I only B. II and IV C. II only D. I and III

48. The sum of the measures of the 3 angles of a triangle is 180 degree. If the angles
are in the ratio 1:2:3, what is the measure of the largest angle?
A. 90 B. 60 C. 30 D. 45

49. Determine the foci of the ellipse whose equation is 16x 2 + 9y2 144 = 0.
A. (4,3) B. (0,0) C. (0, + ) D. (+ ,0)

50. Find the equation of a line with slope 2 that passes through the midpoint
(3,-2) and (4,7).
A. 4x + 2y - 9 = 0 B. 4x 2y 9 = 0 C. 4x 2y + 9 = 0 D. 4x + 2y + 9 = 0

51. Which of the following has a graph which is a circle with center at (0,0) and having a
radius of 4?
A. x2 + y2 = 4 B. y+ x2 = 4 C. x2/2 + y2/2 = 4 D. (x+ y)2 = 16

52. There are 4 different designs of wrapping paper and 4 colors of ribbon. In how many
different ways can a gift be wrapped?
A. 14 B. 12 C. 8 D. 16

53. Suppose tan is in third quadrant. What is the numerical value of cos ?
A. -3/5 B. -4/5 C. 4/5 D. 5/4

54. Which of the following is the asymptote in the graph of y=tan x?

A. x = B. x = 2 C. x = 3 D. x = /2

55. What are the roots of the equation (x2 4) (x 1) = 0?

A. -4,+1,-1 B. -1,+1,-2 C. +2,-2,+1 D. +1,-1,+2

56. If log3 x =2 and log2 y=3, what is xy?

A. 72 B. 9 C. 81 D. 27

57. Evaluate
A. +C B. +C C. 2 +C D. +C

58. What is the range of the scores 73, 89, 81, 95 and 87?
A. 23 B. 4.4 C. 12 D. 22

59. John borrowed P25,000 from Robert at an interest rate of 12%. How much interest
should John pay after 2 years?
A. P7,000 B. P6,400 C. P2,400 D. P6,000

60. A collection agency was able to collect 7/8 of P20800 account from a client and
charged 10% for the services which includes expenses. How much commission did
the agency receive?
A. P2080 B. P182 C. P18,200 D. P1820

61. If ABC is equilateral, then it is

A. Scalene B. Right C. Isosceles D. Equiangular

62. In the adjoining figure, if a = 40 and b = 38, then d = ___________. b

A. 40 B. 38 C. 78 D. 102 a c d
(5x -32)
63. In the adjoining figure, the quadrilateral is a parallelogram.
What is the value of x? (2x + 118)
A. 86 B. 75 C. 60 D. 50
64. What is m C in the figure at the right? 65
A. 45 B. 50 C. 65 D. 70

65. Find the value of x to make the two lines cut by a l

transversal parallel. (8x 4)
A. 7.33 B. 13.6 C. 11 D. 10
m (2x + 48)

66. Which of the following statement is true about a circle?

i. The radii are congruent
ii. A diameter is twice the radius
iii. A secant line intersect the circle in one point
iv. A tangent line intersects the circles in two points
A. i and ii B. iii and iv C. i, ii and iii D. i, ii and iv

67. In a circle, a central angle measures 70. What is the measure of the intercepted
A. 140 B. 70 C. 90 D. 35

68. If P is inscribed in a semi circle, then m P is

A. 30 B. 45 C. 60 D. 90

69. The base of a cylinder is a circular region of diameter 8. If the altitude is 8, what is its
A. 128 B. 64 C. 16 D. None of these

70. A drainage tile is a cylindrical shell 21 cm long. The inside and outside diameters are
4.5 and 5.1 cm. Find the volume of clay needed to make tile. ( Use for )
3 3 3
A. 95 cm B. 72.1 cm C. 31 cm D. 22.95 cm3

71. What is the value of cos 120?

A. B. C. D.

72. What is the value of sin2 30 cos2 30?

A. B. 1 C. -1 D.

73. Solve for the equation sin = 0.5 for 0 2?

A. , B. C. , D.

74. What is the expansion of cos (60 - )?

A. cos + sin B. cos + sin C. cos sin D. cos + sin

75. The expression cos 3 cos sin3 sin is equivalent to

A. cos 4 B. cos 2 C. sin 2 D. sin 4

76. Which of the following statements are true?

i. tan 225 =1
ii. csc(-390) = -2
iii. sec 510 =
A. i and iii only B. ii and iii only C. i, ii and iii D. I and ii only

77. For which of these values of x would sin x = ?

A. 510 B. 840 C. 870 D. 660

78. In the right triangle ABC, what is the value of sin A? C 6 B

A. C.
B. D.


79. In XYZ, m X = 90 and cot Z = 1. What is the measure of angle Z?

A. 30 B. 50 C. 45 D. 60

80. Refer to the given in problem 79. What is the value of 1 + sec 2 Z?
A. B. 2 C. 4 D. 3

For questions 81 82, refer to ABC. B

81. What is the measure of ?
A. 19.5 C. 48.6 12 cm
B. 19.5 or 160.5 D. 48.6 or 131.4 c
82. What is the length of c? C
A. 2.03 m C. 18.2 cm 30
A 8 cm
B. 15.7 cm D. 27.4 cm

For questions 83 84, refer to XYZ. Y

83. What is the length of XZ? 25

A. 40.5 cm C. 14.7 cm 13 cm
B. 27.3 cm D. 6.4 cm 15 cm
84. What is m X?
A. 31.5 C. 59.1 Z
B. 82.1 D. 78.4 X
85. Which trigonometric function has a graph which neither intersects neither the y-axis
nor the x-axis?
A. sec x B. csc x C. tan x D. cot x

86. Find the conic section represented by equation 100x2 = 4 + 81y2

A. Ellipse B. Hyperbola C. Parabola D. Circle

87. The directrix y2 = -12x is

A. x = 3 B. y = 3 C. x = -3 D. y = -3

88. Find the equation of a parabola with focus at (-1, 4) and directrix x = 7.
A. (x 4)2 = -16(y 3) C. (y 3)2 = -16(x 4)
B. (y 4)2 = -16(x 3) D. (x 3)2 = -16(y 4)

89. Which of the following is true?

A. C.
B. D. 55 + 55 + 55 + 55 + 55 = 56

90. Solve for x: x =

A. B. C. 4 D.

91. Find the value of x that will satisfy the following expression:
A. x = 3/2 B. 18/6 C. 9/4 D. 4/9

92. Simplify: (a-2 b3)2

a2 b-1
2 7
A. a / b B. a2/b5 C. a6/b7 D. a6/b5

93. Simplify the following:

A. B. C. D.

94. If the ratio of sec x to csc x is 1:4, then the ratio of tan x to cot x is ___________
A. 1 : 4 B. 1 : 1 C. 4 : 1 D. 1 : 16

95. Mario sold five pigs and four goats for 21,000 pesos. Selling the animals at the same
price, Ben sold three pigs and two goats for 12, 000 pesos. What is e selling price of
each animal?
A. Pig = P 4,000; goat = P1,000 C. Pig = P 3,500; goat = P2,500
B. Pig = P 3,000; goat = P1,500 D. Pig = P 2,500; goat = P2,000

96. The product of two numbers is 60. If the sum of their reciprocals is 4/15, what are
the numbers?
A. 12 and 5 B. 10 and 6 C. 15 and 4 D. 20 and 3

97. Find the equation of the line whose slope is 4 and passing through the point (2, -3).
A. 4x y 11 = 0 B. 4x y + 11 = 0 C. 4x + y 11 = 0 D. 4x + y + 11 = 0

98. What is the equation of the line passing through the points (3,1) and (-5, 4)?
A. 3x + 8y + 17 = 0 B. 3x 8y + 17 = 0 C. 3x 8y 17 = 0 D. 3x + 8y 17 = 0

99. Let sin A = 3/5 and sin B = -4/5 where A and B have terminal sides in QII and QIII,
respectively. What is sin (A-B) equal to?
A. 7/25 B. 1 C. 1 D. 7/25

100. A rectangular lot is 5 meters wide and 12 meters long. How long is a path that
cuts diagonally across the lot?
A. 5 m B. 13 m C. 15 m D. 17 m

101. Jose sold five pigs and four goats for Php 21,000. Selling the animals at the
same price, Pedro sold three pigs and two goats for Php 12, 000. What is e selling
price of each animal?
A. P = 4000 & G = 1000 C. P = 2500 & G = 2000
B. P = 3000 & G = 1500 D. P = 2000 & G = 2500

102. A dog trainer sets 5 bones 2 meters apart in a straight line starting from where he
stands. He trains the dog to pick up the 1st bone and bring it back to him, then go for
the 2nd bone and bring it back to him, and so on till he gets back all the 5 bones. By
the time the dog returns the 5th bone to the trainer, how many meters will the dog
have walked?
A. 30 m B. 40 m C. 60 m D. 80 m

103. If x < o and (3x-2)2 = 25, then 2x2 + 1 is _____.

A. 1 B. 2 C. 7/3 D. 3

104. What must be the value of x in the ratio (2x3): (x+1) is equal to 4:7?
A. 1.5 B. 2.5 C. 4 D. 7

105. Evaluate 6m [5n + (2m-5)].

A. 3m 5 B. 3m n 1 C. 2m 3n + 5 D. 4m 5n + 5

106. If log3 x = 2 and log2y = 3, what is xy?

A. 81 B. 72 C. 27 D.9

107. Multiply (xn +2) (x2n 2xn + 4)

A. X3n + 8xn + 8 B. X3n 8xn 8 C. X3n + 8 D. X3n 8

108. Factor completely the expression 4p2q (x + y) + 16pq2(x + y).

A. 4p (qx + y ) (4q + p) C. 4pq (x+y) (p+4q)
B. B.4p q (x + y) (1 + q) D. pq (x+y) (4p + 16q)

109. The difference of two polynomials is 6m + 5n 5p, if second polynomial is 2m

3n + 3p, what is the first polynomial?
A. 4m + 8n -7p B. 8m + 2n -3p C. m 8n + 7p D. 8m 8n 3p

110. In a farm of cows and chickens, the head count is 25, but the leg count is 70.How
many chickens are there in the farm?
A. 10 B. 11 C. 12 D. 15

111. What is log2 8 + log4 16 log5 25?

A. 6 B. 3 C. 4 D. 2

112. If the first derivative of f(x) is 3x2 + 2x, what is f(x)?

A. 3x3 + 2x B. x3 + x2 C. 6x3 + 2x2 D. 3x3 + x2

113. Which of the following statements id TRUE?

A. All squares are rectangles C. All rectangles are squares
B. All rhombuses are rectangles D. All parallelograms are trapezoids

114. What is midpoint of the segment joining (3, 8) and (-5, 4)?
A. (8,4) B. (2, 4) C. (2, 12) D. ( -1, 6)

115. Which of the following is the slope of a line whose equation is 5x 4y = 3?

A. B. 4/5 C. 3/5 D. 5/4

116. Find an equation of the line through (2, 3) and the point common to x + y = 1 and
2x + y = 5 ?
A. 3x + y 9 = 0 B. 3x + y+ 9 = 0 C. x + y 1 = 0 D. x y+1 = 0

117. Which function DOES NOT intersect the x-axis?

A. y = tan x B. y = cot x C. y = sec x D. y = csc x

118. What is the reference angle of 120 degrees?

A. 90 B. 60 C. 45 D. 30

119. Find the value of x in log2X = 5

A. 10 B. 25 C. 32 D. 125

120. If is an angle of a right triangle and cos = 3/5 sin is ____.

A. 2/5 B. 4/5 C. 1 D. 4/5


1. Find the distance between (-2, -1) and (4, 3).

A. 2 2 B. 2 3 C. 2 11 D. 2 13
2. If (1, -2) is equidistant with (4,4) and (x, 4), find x.
A. (2,4) B. (-2,4) C. (2, -4) D. (-2,-4)
3. Find the midpoint of the line segment with endpoint (4,3) and (-2,1).
A. (-1,-2) B. (-1, 2) C. (1, -2) D. (1,2)
4. The midpoint of a line segment is (2, -1) and one endpoint of the segment is (-1, -3). Find the
coordinates of the other segment.
A. (1, 5) B. (-1, -5) C. (5,1) D. (-5, -1)
5. The point (0,1) is the midpoint of the line segment joining (x,4) and (-3, y), find x and y.
A. (1,3) B. (1,-3) C. (3,1) D. (3,-1)
6. Find the slope of the line that passes through (1,2) and (3,4)
A. 0 B. 1 C. -1 D.
7. Find the slope of the line y = 1.
A. 0 B. 1 C. -1 D.
8. Find the slope of the line x = - 2.
A. 0 B. 1 C. -1 D.
9. Find the equation of a line passing through the points (-2,1) and (3,4).
A. 5x + 3y = -11 C. 5x - 3y = -11
B. 5x - 3y = 11 D. 5x + 3y = 11
10. Find the equation of the line joining the point (2, -1) and midpoint of the line segment from
(5, 3) to (1, -1).
A. 2x + y + 5 = 0 C. 2x + y - 5 = 0
B. 2x - y + 5 = 0 D. 2x - y - 5 = 0
11. Find the equation of the line passing through point (3/2 , -3) and having slope .
A. 2x + 8y 21 = 0 C. 2x 3y 21 = 0
B. 8x + 2y + 21 = 0 D. 8x 2y + 21 = 0
12. What is the equation of the line whose x-intercept is 5 and y intercept is 3?
A. 5x + 3y 15 = 0 C. 5x 3y + 15 = 0
B. 3x + 5y 15 = 0 D. 3x 5y + 15 = 0
13. Find the equation of a line passing through the point (0,1) and parallel to the line 2x 3y = 6.
A. 2x + 3y - 3 = 0 C. 2x - 3y - 3 = 0
B. 2x + 3y + 3 = 0 D. 2x - 3y + 3 = 0
14. Find the equation of the line passing through (-2, 2) and perpendicular to the line x/2 y/2 = 1.
A. x + y = 1 C. x + y = 0
B. x y = 1 D. x y = 0
15. What is the distance from point ( 1, 3) to the line 3x 4y = 10?
A. 5 C. 5
B. 25 D. 25
16. Find the equation of the circle whose center is at the origin and which passes through the point
(2, 1).
A. x2 + y2 = 5 C. x2 + y2 = 25
B. x2 + y2 = 5 D x2 + y2 = 5
17. The equation of the circle is 4x2 + 4y2 16 = 0, find its radius.
A. 4 C. 12
B. 8 D. 16
18. Determine the equation of a circle with center at (1, 2) and passes through the point (5, 5).
A. (x 1)2 + (y 2)2 = 25 C. (x 1)2 + (y 2)2 = 5
B. (x 1)2 + (y + 2)2 = 25 D. (x 1)2 + (y + 2)2 = 5
19. Find the equation of the circle with center at the origin and tangent to the line 4x + 3y = 10.
A. x2 + y2 = 4 C. x2 y2 = 4
B. x2 + y2 = 8 D. x2 y2 = 8
20. Express the equation x2 + y2 2x 4y + 1 = 0 in standard form of a circle.
A. (x 1)2 + (y 2)2 = 2 C. (x 1)2 + (y + 2)2 = 4
B. (x + 1)2 + (y 2)2 = 2 D. (x 1)2 + (y 2)2 = 4
21. What is the general form of the equation of a circle with center at (3, 1) and tangent to the line
4x + 3y + 5 = 0?
A. x2 + y2 6x + 2y 6 = 0 C. x2 + y2 + 6x + 2y 6 = 0
B. x2 + y2 + 6x 2y 6 = 0 D. x2 + y2 + 6x 2y 6 = 0
22. Find the equation of the parabola having its focus at (2,0) and directrix x = 2.
A. x2 = 8y C. y2 = -8x
B. x2 = -8y D. y2 = 8x
23. What is the length of the latus rectum of the parabola having its vertex at the origin and focus
at ( , 0)?
A. 1 C. 4
B. 2 D. 8
24. Find the equation of the parabola with directrix y = 4 and focus at (0,4).
A. x2 = 16y C. y2 = 16x
B. x2 = -16y D. y2 = 16x
25. Given the equation of the parabola x2 + 4y + 8x = 4, find the vertex and focus.
A. V( 4, 3) and F( 4, 2) C. V(4, 3) and F(4, 2)
B. V(4, 3) and F(4, 2) D. V( 4, 3) and ( 4, 2)
2 2
26. Determine the foci of the ellipse in the equation + = 1.
4 16
A. (+ 2, 0) B. (+ 4, 0) C. (0, + 12) D. (+ 12, 0)
(+2)2 (1)2
27. Given the equation of the ellipse + = 1, find the coordinates of the center.
9 4
A. ( 2,1) B. (1, 2) C. (2, 1) D. (1,2)
28. Find the equation of the ellipse with vertices at ( 2, 1) and (4, 1) with eccentricity 2/3.
A. 9x2 + 5y2 10x 18y 31 = 0 C. 9x2 + 5y2 + 10x 18y 31 = 0
B. 5x2 + 9y2 10x 18y 31 = 0 D. 5x2 + 9y2 + 10x 18y 31 = 0
29. Find the center of the ellipse in the equation x2 + 4y2 2x + 16y + 13 = 0
A. ( 2,1) B. (1, 2) C. (2, 1) D. (1,2)
30. What do you call the segment passing through the center and perpendicular to the transverse
A. Asymptote C. Major axis
B. Minor axis D. Conjugate axis
2 2
31. Given the equation of the hyperbola 16 9 = 1, find the coordinates of the foci.

A. (+ 4, 0) B. (+ 5, 0) C. (0, + 3) D. (+ 3, 0)
32. Determine the vertices of the hyperbola in the equation 9x2 4y2 = 36.
A. (+ 4, 0) B. (+ 5, 0) C. (0, + 3) D. (+ 3, 0)
2 2
33. Find the center of the hyperbola in the equation x 4y + 4x + 24y = 28.
A. ( 2, 3) B. ( 2, 3) C. (2, 3) D. (2, 3)
34. Which of the following represents a parabola?
2 2
A. 5x + y = 10 C. 3y + 8y = 5x + 2
2 2 2
B. x 2xy = y + y + 3 D. y xy = 4x + 9
35. Determine which of these equations represents a circle?
2 2 2
A. x 4y = 10 C. 2x + 4x + 4 = 10 6y 2y
2 2 2 2
B. 3x = 8 4y + 4y D. 4x = 4 + 4y
36. Which of these set notations represents the half-open interval notation?
A. { xI a < x < b } C. { xI a < x < b }
B. { xI a < x < b } D. { xI x > a or x > b }
37. In the following set of ordered pairs, identify which set is a function.
A. { (x,y), (x,z), (y,z)} C. { (1,2), (2,3), (3,4)}
B. {(3,1), (3,2), (3,3)} D. {(0,-1), (-1,3), (-1,4)
38. If f(x) = x 2 and g(x) = x + 1, find (f o g)(x)
2 2 2 2
A. x + 1 B. x 1 C. x 2x + 1 D. x + 2x 1
39. Given the function f(x) = x2 5x + 4, find f(-2/3).

A. B. C. D.

( 2 4)
40. Evaluate lim 2 .
A. 4 B. -4 C. 2 D. 0

41. Given the function y = 1 , the domain is defined by

A. {x/x R, x > 1} C. {x/x R, x > 1}
B. {x/x R, x > 1} D. {x/x R, x > 1}
42. What is the first derivative of = ?

3 4 12 12
A. 12x B. 12x C. 3 D. 4

43. Find the first derivative of y = 2 .
1 1 2 2
A. B. C. D.
2 2 2 2 2
44. Determine the first derivative of f(x) = (5x + 6)(2x).
2 2 2 2
A. 10x + 12 B. 20x + 12 C. 30x + 12 D. 12x + 10
45. What is the first derivative of f(x) = ?
12 12 14 14
A. B. C. D. 2
(24)2 (24)2 (24)2 (24)
46. Evaluate the integral of .
4 4 3
A. +C B. 8x + C C. +C D. 4x

47. What is the integral of (2 2 + 3 4) ?
3 2 2
A. 2x + 3x 4x + C C. 4x + 3 + C
2 3 3 2 3 3 2 2
B. x + x 4x + C D. x + x 4x + C
3 2 2 3
48. Evaluate .
1 1 1
A. +C B. 2 + C C. + C D. 2x + C
49. Find the integrals of 3 9 2 .

A. 12 B. 15 C. 18 D. 21
50. Evaluate the integrals of 1 ( 2 + 1).

A. 1/6 B. 5/6 C. 1 5/6 D. 2



1. Rationalize and simplify .
4 2
A. 2x B. a 12 C. 4a D.
2. Half the product of 16 and a number is increased by 3 is 27. Find the number.
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 8
3. What is the value of x in the equation (7 5i) + x = 4i 6?
A. 1/8 B. 1 + 9i C. 3 I D. 13 + 19i
4. Lito can mow the lawn in 5 hours, while Ronie can mow same lawn in 4 hours. Working
together, how long will it take them to mow the lawn?
A. 4 hrs. B. 5 hrs. C. 2 2/9 hrs. D. 4 hrs.
5. A chemist needs to mix 20 liters of 40% salt solution with some 70% solution to get a mixture
that is 50% salt. How many liters of the 70% solution should be used?
A. 10 B. 15 C. 20 D. 25
6. Ken is 2 years older than Ben, In 8 years, Ben will be 4/3 as old as Ken is now. Find the age of
A. 15 B. 16 C. 18 D. 20
7. If y varies directly as x, and y = 15 when x = 30. Find y when x = 8.
A. B. 2 C. 4 D. 8
8. The ratio of 4 less than a number to 26 more than that of a number is 1 is to 3. What is the
A. 15 B. 19 C. 21 D. 24
9. Which trigonometric function has a graph which intersects neither the y-axis nor the x-axis?
A. sec x B. csc x C. tan x D. cot x
10. Solve for x in log (x 4) + log (x 3) = log 30
A. 9 B. 9 C. 7 D. 12
11. A quadrantal angle is an angle in standard position whose terminal side coincides with either x-
axis or the y-axis. Which of these is a quadrantal angle?
A. 8/3 B. 2 /5 C. 225 D. 630
7! 6!
12. How much is ?
5! 5!
A. 7 B. 14 C. 35 D. 42
13. The inverse function of y = is
3+2 2+4 34 43
A. y = B. y = C. y = D. y =
4 3 2 2
14. Which of the following is the asymptote in the graph of y = tan x?
A. x = B. x = 2 C. x = 3 D. x = /2
15. A circle has a radius of 18 cm. Find the arc length cut by a central angle equal to 3/8 radians.
A. 6.75 cm B. 21.20 cm C. 54 cm. D. 56.55 cm
16. Determine the length of an arc cut by a central angle of 60 in a circle with a radius of 2 cm.
A. /2 B. 2/3 C. 3/2 D. 2
17. A wheel of radius 80 cm rolls along the ground without slipping and rotates through an angle of
45. How far does the wheel move?
A. 20 cm B. 18 cm C. 15 cm D. 12 cm
18. Which of the following is equal to sin 60 deg?
A. sin ( 420) B. sin /6 C. sin 780 D. sin ( 30)
19. An angle of one revolution is equal to an angle whose measure in terms of radians as:
A. /2 B. C. 2 D. 3
20. In what quadrant do secant and cosecant of an angle have the same algebraic sign?
A. III and IV B. II and IV C. I and III D. I and II

21. What is the exact value of sin 75?

2 6 3 6 3 2 6+ 2
A. B. C. D.
4 4 4 4
22. Solve for x: 2 5 = 5
A. 25 B. 40 C. 50 D. 65
23. What will be the solutions for the quadratic equations 2x + 3x + 3 = 0?

A. Two distinct rational roots C. Two distinct irrational roots

B. One repeated rational solution D. Two distinct imaginary solutions
24. How many solutions does 3x 4y = 8 and 2x + 8y = 9 have?
A. One unique solution, consistent and independent
B. No solution, inconsistent
C. Infinite solutions, consistent and dependent
D. One imaginary solution, indeterminate
25. Find the area of a triangle with vertices (2, 3), ( 1, 2 ) and (5, 3).
A. 10 B. 10. 5 C. 11.25 D. 12
26. Find the area of a sector with radius 5 m and central angle of 85 degrees.
A. 15.8 m B. 16.25 m C. 18.5 m D. 20.75 m
27. In a circle of radius 8 cm, find the length of the arc intercepted by a central angle with measure
of 3/4.
A. 6 B. 8 C. 9 D. 10
3 2
28. Determine the remainder when f(x) = 2x 5x + x + 7 is divided by x 2.
A. 0 B. 2 C. 5 D. 12
25 7
29. Find the remainder when y y + 5 is divided by y + 1.
A. 1 B. 5 C. 5 D. 10
30. In the function y = 3/2 cos 2x, what is the amplitude?
A. 3 B. 2 C. D. 3/2
31. What is the period of the function y = 3/2 sin x/2?
A. 3 B. 2 C. D. 3/2
15 21
32. Simplify: i + 3i
A. 2i B. 2i C. 4i D. 4i

33. What is the sum of (5 3i) and ( 6 + 5i) ?

A. 1 + 2i B. 1 2i C. 2 + 2i D. 2 2i

34. Find the conjugate of (3 + 5i).

A. (5 + 3i) B. (5 3i) C. (3 5i) D. (9 25i )

35. What is the absolute value of 2 3i ?

A. 5 B. 13 C. 1 D. 3
36. A ladder 18 feet long leans against a building, forming of 60 with the ground. How high up the
side of the building?
A. 9 2 B. 3 C. 3 3 D. 9 3
37. From a point level with 1000 ft. away from the base of a monument, the angle of elevation to
the top of the monument is 35. Determine the height of the monument in the nearest feet.
A. 350 ft. B. 500 ft. C. 700 ft D. 750 ft.
38. In a restaurant, a person can choose from 7 viands, plain, garlic or java rice, 2 kinds of
beverages and 3 kinds of dessert. In how many ways can this person choose what to have if
he is to order one from each group?
A. 52 B. 126 C. 104 D. 252
39. In how many ways can you arrange the letters of the word Statistics?
A. 2100 B. 4200 C. 8400 D. 16800
40. Find the number of license plates possible in a city using only 3 letters, if none of the letters
can be repeated.
A. 512 B. 729 C. 15600 D. 17576
41. In how many ways can 7 children be seated in around in a circular table?
A. 5040 B. 720 C. 360 D. 120
42. Find the odds in favor of and against rolling a sum of 6 with a pair of dice.
A. 5/36 B. 31/36 C. 31/5 D. 5/31
43. A marble is chosen at random from a bag containing 6 white marbles, 4 black marbles and 12
red marbles. What is the probability that it will be red marble or white marble?
A. 9/11 B. 6/11 C. 11/9 D. 3/11
44. The muddy river has a current of 3 kph. A motorboat takes as long to go 12 kilometers
downstream as to go 8 kilometers upstream. Find the speed of boat in still waters.
A. 12 B. 15 C. 18 D. 21
45. If the same number is added to both the numerator and denominator of a fraction , the result
is 5/6. Find the number.
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5
46. Find the 15th term of an arithmetic sequence with a1 = 7 and a9 = 19.
A. 3 B. 5 C. 32 D. 37
47. A university had an enrolment of 8500 students in the year 2008. Each year the enrolment
increased by 350 students. What was the enrolment in the year 2013?
A. 10600 B. 10350 C. 10000 D. 6350
48. What is r for the geometric sequence with a2 = 24 and a5 = 64?
A. 3 B. 1/3 C. 2 D.
49. A certain substance decomposes and loses 20% of its weight each hour, If the original quantity
of the substance is 500 grams, how much remains after 8 hours?
A. 17.12 g B. 20 g C. 80 g D. 83.37 g
50. Find the 3rd term of (5a 2b) .
2 2 3 3 2 2
A. 600a b B. 1000a b C. 600a b D. 100a b
12. Simplify the expression 5! 4!
A. 2/3 C. 7
1. If 16 feet equals 1 rod, how many inches are B. 2/15 D. 4
there in 4 rods? 13. A detective ruler was found to be 11.5 inches
a. 2376 c. 198 long. Using this ruler, Lourdes was found to be 4 ft.
b. 792 d. 66 tall. What is the actual height of Lourdes?
2. A 10 cm long steel pipe shrank 0.05% when A. 4 ft. 12 in C. 4 ft. 11.5 in
exposed to below freezing temperature. By how B. 3 ft. 4 in D. 3 ft. 10 in.
many centimeters did the pipe shrink? 14. The equation y = x4 5x2 + 4 has
A. 5 C. 0.5 A. Three (3) real roots and one imaginary
B. 0.005 D. 0.05 root
3. Which of these numbers is greater than ? B. one (1) real root and three imaginary
A. 1 C. 1/8 roots.
B. .04 D. 1/ 0.04 C. two (2) real roots and two imaginary
4. What is 30% of 25/18? roots
A. 5/108 C. 25/54 D. four (4) real roots
B. 5/12 D. 25/6 15. If x > 1, which of the following decreases as x
5. A meter stick was cut into 2 at the 25 cm. mark. I. x + x2 II. 2 x2 - x III __1___
What is the ratio of the smaller piece to be larger x+1
piece? A. III only C. II only
A. 3:4 C. 1:3 B. I only D. I and II only
B. 2:5 D. 4:5 16. If 16 is 4 more than 3x, then what is the value of
6. Which of the following times gives approximately 2x 5?
a 900 angle between the two hands of a clock? A. 4 C. 2
A. 11:40 C. 7:20 B. 5 D. 3
B. 9:00 D. 6:15 17. If m and n are integers and mn - 10, which of
7. A package of food can feed 3 children of 2 adults. the following CANNOT be a value of m + n?
If in a home there are 5 packages of this food, and A. 25 C. 50
there are 12 children to feed, how many adults can B. 29 D. 52
be fed? 18. If 2x + 13 represents an odd number, what must
A. 8% C. 10% be the next consecutive odd number?
B. 12% D. 6% A. 3X + 15 C. 2X + 14
8. One thousand two hundred (1200) boys enrolled B. 2X + 15 D. 3X + 13
in a school this year. Four years ago there were 1, 19. Let G (x) = 1 - x . What is G (- 7 )?
500 boys enrolled. What is the percent decrease in A. 6 C. 48
enrollment? B. 8 D. 50
A. 10% C. 8% 20. How much is 7!/ 5! Divided by 6!/5!
B. 20% D. 25% A. 35 C. 42
9. What is the ratio of 3/10 to 5/8? B. 7 D. 14
A. 37/40 C. 25/12 21. What term will make 36 x2 + 25 y4 a perfect
B. 3/16 D. 12/25 square trinomial?
A. 5 + y2 C. 60xy2
10. It takes a teacher 20 minutes to check 25 papers
B. 12xy D. 30xy
and to take a rest of 5 minutes after 25 papers
before starting another set. At this rates, how many
22. What must be multiplied to 32 2 to
minutes will it take the teacher to correct 75 test
make it rational?
A. C.
A. 75 C. 70
2 2 3+2 2
B. 60 D. 80
11. An arithmetic teacher is putting together her
final examination of the 50 problems 46% are on
fractions, 20% are on decimals, 18% are on B. 2 2 D. 3 + 2 2
percent, and 16% are on basic computation.
Totally, how many problems are on fractions and 23. What is the 20th term of the arithmetic series 7,
percent? 10, 13.?
A. 18 C. 32 A. 46 C. 64
B. 45 D. 64 B. 23 D. 32
24. Which of the following is the remainder when
3x3 6x2 + 5x + 7 is divided by x 2?
A. 12 C. 3
B. 21 D. 17
25. Let matrix A = 3 5 and matrix B = 2 - 1 30. On a circle with center C, CD AB, AB= 24 and
-4 7 6 8 CD= 5. Find the radius of the circle
A. 19 C. 17
Which of the following matrices shows A + B? B. 7 D. 13 A D B

A. 5 6 C. -5 9
-2 1 48 -29 C

B. 5 4 D. 1 6
2 15 -10 -1 31. The measure of each interior angle of a regular
polygon is 165 deg. How many sides does it have?
26. Two numbers have a sum of 53. Three times the A. 29 C. 12
smaller number is equal to 19 more than the large B. 24 D. 15
number. What are the numbers? 32. If two points of a line in a plane, then
A. 19 and 34
I. all points of the line in the plane.
C. 18 and 35
II. The line pierces the plane in exactly two
B. 17 and 36
D. 16 and 37
III. The plane contains all the points of the
27. In the standard (x, y), coordinate plane, the y line
coordinate of every point on a line is the same as its IV. The intersection contains only two
corresponding x coordinate. What is the slope of points.
the line? a. I only c. II only
A. -2 B. 1 C. 3 D. 2 b. II and IV d. I and II
28. In ACB shown below, sin A= and BC 33. In circle O , xy is a diameter
= 20 meters O X = 8.5, and YZ = 15. What is the area of
Which of the following are the measures of B, XYZ in square unit?
AB and AC
___ ___ A. 127.5 C. 120
A. m angle B = 30 , AB = 40, AC = 34.6 B. 60 D. 40
B __ ___ 34. What is the measure of angle x if is formed by a
B. m angle B = 60 , AB = 40, AC = 34.6 chords and a tangent and a major arc intercepted is
___ ___ 280 deg?
C. m angle B = 45 , AB = 50, AC = 24.8 A. 140 degrees C. 100 degrees
___ ___ B. 20 degrees D. 40 degrees
D. m angle B = 60 , AB = 30, AC = 36.6

29. Given the marked figure at the right DB = EC. 35. The surface area of a cube is 72 how
We can prove that ABC = AED by many times as much is the volume whose surface
______________. area is 144
A. 12 C. 8
A. SAA C. ASA B. 9 D. 4
36. An equilateral triangle 8 cm. on each side is
divided into smaller equilateral triangle 2 cm. on
each side. What is the maximum number of such
triangles that can be formed?
A. 16 C. 24
B. 20 D. 36

45. Which of the following has a graph which is a
37. ABD and CBD are right angles, AB = circle with center at (0,0) and having a radius of 4?
2 2

9, CD = 5 and AD = 15, what is the length of BC? A. x2 + y2 = 4 C. x + y =4

A. 7 C. 13 2 2
B. 15 D.12
B. y + x2 = 16 D. (x + y)2 = 16
A 46. Determine the center of the ellipse whose
equation is 4x2 + 9y2 + 48x 72y + 144 = 0
A. (4, -6) C. (-8, 12)
C B. (-6, 4) D. (6, -4)
47. What are the coordinate of the center of a circle
C whose equation is 4x2 + 4y2 20 + 4y 55 = 0?
38. The sum of the measures of the 3 angles of a a. 1, 5 c. 5, - 1
triangle is 180 degree. If the angles are in the ratio 2 2 2 2s
1:2:3, what is the measure of the largest angle?
A. 300 C. 900 b. -5, 1 d. -1, - 5
B. 600 D. 450 2 2 2 2
39. Determine the foci of the ellipse whose equation
48. Determine the center of the circle whose
is 4x2 + 9y 48x + 72y + 144 = 0.
equation is x2 + y2 + 8x 12y + 34 = 0.
A. (10, -4) C. (12, -4)
a. (4, - 6) c. (-8, 12)
B. (6, 0) D. (6 + 20, -4)
b. (-4, 6) d. (8, -12)
40. At what point is the function 3x + 2____ 49. If f(x) = x(x+1)(x+2), then f (n) f (n 1) is
discontinuous? X2 6X + 9 equal to ____________?
A. X = - 2 C. X = 9 A. n (n + 1) C. n (n + 1) (n 3)
3 3 3
B. X = -3 D. X = 3 B. 3n(n + 1) D. n (n + 1)
41. Find an equation of the line with slope 2 that 50. A parabolic arch has a height of 25 ft. and a
passes through the midpoint of the line segment span of 40 ft. How high is the arch 8 ft. from each
connecting (3, -2) and (4, 7). side of the center?
A. 4x + 2y 9 = 0 C. 4x 2y + 9 = 0 A. 19 ft C. 21 ft.
B. 4x 2y 9 = 0 D. 4x + 2y + 9 = 0 B. 22 ft. D. 20 ft
42. The graph of the function y = x2 2x + 1 meets 51. Which of the following equations has a slope
the x axis at: equal to ?
A. y = 0 C. y = 1
A. 4x + 3y = 12 C. y = 2x + 7
B y=2 D. y = -1
B. x 2y = 4 D. 3y + 6x = 5
43. What is the area bounded by y = x2, x = 1, and x
= 3 in the x axis? 52. What is the equation of the parabola whose
A. 28 C. 7 focus is at (2, -3) and the equation of the directrix is
3 x = 6?
B. 26 D. 22 A. (y + 3)2 = -2 (x 4) C. (y + 3)2 = -8 (x 4)
3 3 B. (x 4)2 = 2 (y + 3) D. (y + 3)2 = 8(x 2)
53. There are 4 different designs of wrapping paper
44. The inverse function of y = 2x + 3 is and 4 colors of ribbon. In how many different ways
4 can a gift be wrapped?
A. 14 C. 8
A. y = 3x + 2 C.y = 3x -4 B. 12 D. 16
4 54. If 2/11 is the probability that an event will
B. happen, what is the probability that it will not
y = 2x + 4 D. y = 4x - 3 occur?
A. 9/13 3 C. 7/11 2
B. 2/13 D. 9/11
55. In a single throw of a pair of dice, what is the
probability that a double (2 of the same number)
will appear?
A. 1/72 C. 1/16
B. 1/36 D. 1/6
56. In how many ways can a 5-member committee 69. The sum of the interior angles of a polygon is
of 3 women and 2 men be chosen from a group 2160 deg. How many sides does the polygon have?
consisting of 5 women and 4 men? A. 16 B. 14 C. 22 D. 20
A. 20 B. 30 C. 120 D. 60
70. The value of tan 21 is __________?
57. A snack is made up of a sandwich and softdrink.
In how many ways can you choose your snack from
ham, bacon and egg sandwiches and four types of
A. 1 B. -1 C. 2+1 D. - 21
A. 15 B. 12 C. 10 D. 6
58. A box contains 7 blue ball pens, and 3 red ball 71. What is true about the graph of y = sin2 x + cos2
pens. Three ball pens are drawn from the box one x?
after the other. Find the probability that the first I. It is a line parallel to the x axis.
two are blue and the third is red. II. Its y intercept is 1.
A. 1/360 B. 7/40 III. It is curve.
C. 3/40 D. 1/24 A. II and III only B. III only
59. A student is to answer 8 out of 10 questions in C. I and II only D. II only
an examination. How many ways can he do it if he
must answer the first three questions? 72. Find the length of the circular arc which
A. 10 B. 45 C. 21 D. 35 substends an angle of 450 at the center of a circle
60. Suppose it is known that 65% of the scores in a with a radius of 8.
distribution I greater than 90, this means A .3 B. C. D. 2
______________. 2 2
A. 10 is at the 65th percentile 73. Which of the following is an asymptote in the
B. 90 is at the 65th percentile graph of y=tan x?
C. 90 is at the 35th percentile A. x = B. x = 2
D. 35 is at the 90th percentile C. x = 3 D. x =
61. If 0 deg 900 and 4 cos2 - 3 = 0, then 2
=? 74. What are the roots of the equation (x2-4) (x-1) =
A. 45 degrees B. 60 degrees 0?
C. 30 degrees D. 0 degrees A. -4, +1, -1 B. -1, +1, -2
C. +2, -2 + 1 D. +1, -1, +2
62. Suppose tan is in the third quadrant. What is
the numerical value of cos ? 75. A railroad toy is laid out in circulation form.
A. 3/5 B. -4/5 C. 4/5 D. 5/4 What diameter should be used if the track is to
change direction by 32 degrees in a distance of 50
63. Starting at 12 noon of Monday up to Tuesday cm?
3:00 pm, how many degrees does the hour hand of a A. 179.2 cm B. 179.32 cm
wall clock travel? C. 179.62 cm. D. 179.14 cm
A. 810 degrees B. 450 degrees
C. 210 degrees D. 90 degrees 76. If log3 x=2 and log2 y = 3, what is xy?
A. 27 B. 9 C. 81 D. 72
64. Evaluate tan 3
4 77. A circle has a radius of 18 cm. find the arc length cut
A. 2 B. 1 C. -1 D. 3 by a central angle equal to 3 radians

65. What kind of triangle is determined by the 8

points M(0,1),R(4,0) and Q(3,4)? A. 21.20 cm B. 54 cm
A. Scalene B. Isosceles C. 56.55 cm D. 6.75 cm
C. Right D. Equilateral
78. Which of the following is equal to sin 60 deg?
66. Which of the following is equal to sin cos ?
A. sin (- 4200) B. sin
8 8
A. 2 sin C. sin
C. sin 7800 D. sin (-300)
4 8
79. An angle of one revolution is equal to an angle
B. sin D. sin (- ) whose measure in terms of radians as:
4 4 A. B. C. 2 D. 3
67. If Cos is divided by Cot , what will be the 2
resulting function? 80. If each base angle of an isosceles triangle is
A. Csc B. Sin four times the vertex angle, what is the measure of
C. Tan D. Sec the vertex angles?
68. If y =Arc sin which of the following is a value A. 900 B. 200 C. 400 D. 360
of y?
A. B. C. D.
2 6 4 3
81. If tan = 5/3 and is in Quadrant II, what is 92. Write this equation of an ellipse in standard
sec ? form:
A. 5 34 C. -3 34 9x2 + 4y2 = 36
34 34
A. x2 + y2 = 1 B. x2 + y2 = 1
16 9 4 9
B. 34/9 D. .
3 C. x2 + y2 = 1 D. x2 + y2 = 1
82. In what quadrants do the secant and co-secant 25 4 9 1
of an angle have the same algebraic sign
A. III and IV B. II and IV 93. A stone is dropped into a still pond. Concentric
C. I and III D. I and II circular ripples spread out and the radius of the
83. What is the exact value of sin 75 degrees? disturbed region increases at the rate of 16 cm/sec.
A. at what rate does the area of the disturbed region
2 - 6 C. 3- 3 increase when the radius is 4 cm?
4 4 A. 16 cm2/sec B. 256 cm2/sec
C. 128 cm2/sec D. 64 cm2/sec
B. 3 6 D. 6+ 2 94. Evaluate sin 3xdx
4 4 A. 1/3 cos2 x + c C. 1/3 cos2 x + c
B. 1/2x + c D. cos3 x + sin x + c
84. What is tan 2A if sin A = ? 3
95. What is the slope of y = 3x 2x at (2,8)?
A. 1/3 B. 3 C. 3 D. 3 A. 0 B. 4 C. 2/3 D. 10
4 2 96. Find the points where the tangent is parallel to
85. Evaluate dx the a axis
x A. (3, -7) B. (-3, 7)
C. (-1, -3) D. (-1, 3)
A. x + C C. 2 x + C
97. If y=x3 2x, what is y?
B. x + C D. 1 +C A. 3x2 + 2x B. x2 x
2 x C. 3x2- 2 D. 3x4 x2
86. The velocity at time t, of a moving body is given
by v=at, where c is a constant. If the bodys 98. Evaluate: lim sin _
coordinates is S. at time t=0, what is the distance s tan
as a function of t? 4
A. S = at2 + So B. S = at2 A. B. 3 C. 2 D. 2
C. S = at2 + So D. S = at + C 2 3 2
87. What is the maximum area of a rectangle which 99. Evaluate: f(x) = cos (2x + 5)
can be enclosed by a wire 48 m long? A. -6x2 sin (2x3 + 5) C. sin (2x3 + 5)
A. 320 sq.m B. 576 sq.m B. sin (6x ) D. cos (6x2)
C. 560 sq.m D. 144 sq.m 100. What is the value of the first derivative of the
function y = x2 + 3x + 5 at x = -1?
88. Find the curve whose slope at the point (x,y) is
A. 3 B. 1 C. 5 D. 1
3x2 if the curve is also required to pass through the
101. Evaluate: lim(3x3 4x + 1)
point (1,1)
x 2
A. x3 B. y=3x2 + 1
A. 209 B. 15 C. 17 D. 33
C. y = x3 2 D. x1 1
102. Evaluate (2x + 3)dx
89. Find dy in x2 x2 + x -1
dx 3 2 A. 2x2 + C B. x2 + 3x + C
A. 1/3 x2 + x + 1 B. 3x2 = 2x2 1
C. 2(2x + 3) + C D. x2 + 3x + C
C. x2 + 2x D. x2 x =1
4 2
90. Which of the following quadratic functions will 103. Find the first derivative of y = x3 -12x + 11
have a graph which opens downward? A. 3x2 12 B. x2 -12
A. y = 1 (3x x2) C. y = 5x (x -1) + 3 C. 3x-12 D. 2x3 + 12
B. y = -4 (2 x2) + 5x D. y = 7x (5x2 + 1) 104. A spherical balloon is being inflated so that its
91. Evaluate (x2 5)3 dx volume is increased at the rate of 5 cu. m/min. At
what rate in (m/min) is the diameter increasing
A. (x2 5)2 + C B. (x2 5)2 + C when the diameter is 6 m?
8 2 A .5 B. 36 C. 5 D. 864
72 8 3
C. (x2 5)4 + C D. (x2 5)4 + C 105. What is the range of these scores: 73, 89,81,
2 8 95 and 87?
A. 23 B. 4.4 C. 12 D. 22
106. This mean of a given distribution is 70. if each 117. Which will earn more interest, P6,000 invested
score in this distribution is increased by 5, when the at 8% for 100 days, P6000 invested at 5% for 270
mean of the new distribution will be: days, P5,000 invested at 12% for 120 days or
A. 80 B. 75 C. 90 D. 65 P5000 invested at 10% for 150 days?
107. Which of the following is LEAST influenced by A. P6000 invested at 8%
extremely large or extremely small values? B. P5000 invested at 12%
A. Range C. Standard deviation C. P6000 invested at 5%
B. Quartile deviation D. Average deviation D. P5000 invested at 10%
108. If we add the same constant C to each item in a 118. Lucia borrowed P8000 form the bank
set of data what will happen to the standard February 5, 2006 and paid it back on July 15, 2006
deviation of the new set of data? at 6% interest. How much exact amount did Lucia
A. The standard deviation of the original data is pay on the agreed date?
multiplier c times A. P8, 610.41 B. P8, 210.41
B. The standard deviation of the original data C. P8, 510.41 D. P8, 410.41
plus a constant c 119. A collection agency was able to collect 7/8 of
C. The standard deviation remains unchanged. P20, 800 account from a client and charged 10%
D. The standard deviation of the original data is for services which includes expenses. How much
doubled commission did the agency receive?
109. Susan got the following MATH scores: 78, 80, A. P2080 B. P182
77, 85, 90 What is her mean Score? C. P18, 200 D. 1820
A. 76 B. 82 C. 80 D. 78 120. The proceeds of a P20, 000 investment
110. The scores of a student in three test 19, 17 and discounted for 2 years were P15,000. What was the
th discount rate?
15. what must be his/her 4 score to make an
A. 16.7% B. 25%
average of 17?
C. 12.5% D. 33%
A. 18 B. 16 C. 15 D. 17
111. What is the value of 2x, if x1 = 2, x2 = 3, x3
= 4, x4 = 5?
A. 14 B. 26 C. 54 D. 28
112. The lower boundary of a class interval is 29.5
and the interval width is 5. The upper boundary is
A. 30 B. 35 C. 34.5 D. 35.5
113. John borrowed P25, 000 form Robert at an
interest rate of 12%. How much interest should
John pay after 2 years?
A. P 7000 B. P6, 400
C. P2,400 D. P6,000
114. A loan of P10, 000 was repaid at the end of 14
moths. What amount was repaid if 12% annual rate
of interest was charged?
A. P12, 500 B. P12, 000
C. P11, 100 D. P11, 400
115. Melissa wants to invest her P50, 000. Three-
fourth was invested at 6% simple interest and at
5% interest for 2 years and 3 months.
What is the final amount at 2 years and 3
A. P56, 468.75 B. P58, 468.75
C. P57,468.75 D. P59, 468.75
116. Mr. Santos is employed on a salary plus
commission basis. His total earning last month
amounted to P18, 500 for which P16, 000
represented his basic monthly salary. If his total
sales from that moth amounted to P125, 000, what
percent of commission did he receive?
A. 5% B. 10% C. 20% D. 2%
MATHEMATICS 2 14. A tank that holds 400 gallons of water can be
filled by one pipe in 15 minutes and emptied by
1. Find the GCF of 120, 80 and 140. another in 40 minutes. How long would it take to fill
a. 4 b. 12 c. 10 d. 20 the tank if both pipes are functioning?
2. When Joseph sorts his collection of marbles into a. 28 min b. 21 min
groups of 2, 3, 4 or 8, there is always one marble left. c. 24 min d. 23 min
What is the smallest number of marbles Joseph have? 15. Linda paid P 360.00 for 12 notebooks but she was
a. 35 b. 28 c. 25 d. 21 given 3 additional notebooks for free. In effect, what
3. Two brothers and their young sister are to divide rate of discount did she enjoy?
an inheritance worth P300,000 in the ratio of 5:6:4, a. 50 % b. 40%
with the girl getting the least share. How much is the c. 18% d. 20%
share of the sister? 16. A clock is 4 minutes ahead every 8 hours. If the
a. P20,000 b. P80,000 clock is set correctly at 8:00 a.m. Monday, what time
c. P100,000 d. P40,000 will be shown in this clock at 8:00 p.m. Friday?
4. Which of the following statements is FALSE? a. 8:48 am b. 8:54 am
a. If a number is a multiple of 9, then it is c. 9:08 am d. 8:56 am
also a multiple of 3 17. What is the LEAST positive integer that has 6.8
b. If a number is divided by 9, then it is and 10 as factors?
divisible by 3 a. 240 b. 80
c. If 9 is a divisor of a number, then 3 is also a c. 120 d. 300
divisor of the number 18. Jose walks M miles in H hours. At the same rate
d. If a number is divisible by 3, then it is how many miles will he walks in J hours?
divided by 9. a. J b. M c. MJ d. MH
5. Find 1 2/5 x (1 7/16) MH H-J H J
a. 1/5 b. c. 4 d. 4/5 19. What numbers is NOT exactly divisible by 8?
6. Which of the following numbers is the difference of a. 7304 b. 5000
two consecutive prime numbers less than 41? c. 3584 d. 5218
a. 8 b. 2 c. 9 d. 6 20. The bus stops are equally spaced along a bus
7. Employees in a firm are entitled to 1 day leave route. The distance from the first to the third stops is
for every 20 working days. If in 2007, this firm had 600 meters. How far is the distance from the first stop
280 working days, how many days of vacation leave to the last stop?
are the employees entitled to? a. 2100 meters b. 2400 meters
a. 20 days b. 15 days c. 900 meters d. 2700 meters
c. 24 days d. 14 days 21. Three out of every 24 flashlights turned out by a
8. What is the perimeter of a square whose area is particular factory are found to be effective. If the
256 m2? factory turns out 1248 flashlights in a week, how
a. 1024 m b. 64 m many are defective?
c. 32 m d. 16 m a. 72 b. 18
9. How much bigger is 36 than 63 ? c. 416 d. 156
a. 27 b. 235 c. 513 d. 729 22. If ab + cd = 12ad, and ad = O, then b + c =
10. Three brothers inherited a cash amount of P __________ d a
120,000 and they divided it among themselves in the a. ab + cd b. 12
ratio of 5:2:1. How much more is the largest share c. 12a + 12d d. 12 ac
than the smallest share? 23. What must be the value of x in the arithmetic
a. P15,000 b. P30,000 progression x 7, x 2, x + 3 so that its 10th term
c. P60,000 d. P75,000 will be 40?
11. The simplest expression 240 is ____________. a. 3 b. 2
420 c. 1 d. 4
a. 4 b. 1 20 24. The roots of the equation (x 5)(x 3) = 0 are
2 __________
c. 1 d. 2 a. 3 or -5 b. 3 or 5
12. 40% of 35 is what percent of 140? c. -3 or 5 d. -3 or -5
a. 29% b. 28% 25. The average of m and n is 9, and p 12. What is
c. 10% d. 14% the average of m, n, and p?
13. The initial temperature of an object was 27C. a. 7 b. 21
After exposing the object to different surrounding c. 10 d. 18
media, its temperature decreased by 7C, then 26. An angle of 7 radians is equal to ___________
increased by 10C and then finally decreased by a. 115 b. 225
25C. What was the final temperature of the objects? c. 105 d. 89
a. 15C b. 20C 27. What is the value of x in + 2/3 1/x 1/6?
c. 5C d. 5C a. 2 b. 3
c. 1 d. 4
28. M varies inversely as N. If M = 25 when N = 2, 40. Which statement is TRUE?
what is M when N = 5? I. 1 m is longer than 1 km
a. 16 b. 10 II. I mm is longer than I in
c. 5 d. 2 III. 1 gallon is heavier than 1 lb
29. Which of the following expressions always gives IV. 1 gallon is more than 1 liter
an odd number? a. I only b. I and IV
a. (N 1) (N 5) b. 5N 1 c. I and III d. III and IV
c. (2N + 1) d. N2 -1 x y
41. If 3 = 81 and 4 = 64. What is (x-y)?
30. Three circles are tangent to each other extremely. a. 17 b. 1
What is the perimeter of the triangle formed by c. 0 d. -1
connecting the centers if the areas of the circles are 42. Two buses leave the same station at 9:00 pm one
9, 16 and 25 respectively? bus travels north at the rate of 30kph and the other
a. 24cm b. 12cm travels east at 40 kph. How many kilometers apart
c. 50cm d. 25cm are the buses at 10 pm?
31. A falling body strikes to the ground with a a. 100 km b. 70 km
velocity V, which varies directly as the square root of c. 50km d. 140km
the distance d it falls. If the body that falls 100 feet 43. Which of the following is a factor of x 4 4x3 6x2
strikes the ground with a velocity of 80ft./sec.. with + 3x + 10?
what velocity will a ball dropped from a height of 550 a. (x 2) b. (x + 5)
ft. strike the ground? c. (x + 1) d. (x 5)
a. 150ft/sec b. 190ft/sec. 44. If X is an even number and Y is odd number,
c. 170ft/sec d. 188ft/sec which of these expressions will always give an even
32. Which of the following is true identity? number?
a. sin2 = cos2 b. cos2 + 1 = sin2 a. X+Y b. XY
c. tan2 = sec2 1 d. cos2 1 = sin2 c. X Y d. X Y
33. The same number is subtracted from the 45. Which of these is NOT factorable?
numerator and denominator of the fraction 8/11. If a. 6x2 5x 6 b. 6x2 13x + 6
the resulting fraction is equivalent to 2/3, what is the c. 6x 7x 6 d. 6x2 35x 6
number subtracted? 46. What is the value of x in this equation?
a. 5 b. 2 1 + 2 - 1 = 1
c. 3 d. 4 2 3 x 6
34. What is 4 256? a. 4 b. 2
a. 5.4 b. 4 c. 1 d. 3
c. 16 d. 6 47. If 16 is 4 more than 3x, then what is the value of
35. Given this table of numbers relating x to y, what 2x 5?
is x when y is 45? a. 2 b. 4
c. 5 d. 3
X 0 4 8 12 16 48. What is the area of the shaded portion as shown
y 3 9 15 21 27 in the figure?
36. Madel spent one sixth of her money in one 4
store. In the next store she spent three times as much
as she spent in the first store, and had P80.00 left.
How much money did she have at the start? 2
a. P240.00 b. P360.00
c. P252.00 d. P380.00
37. Which gives the quantity the time it takes to red a. 8 b. c. 8 - 4
a book that is x page long at a rate of y ages per d. 8 - 2
hour? 49. Which of these could be the measures of the
a. y/x hours b. xy hours angles of an isosceles triangle?
c. x/y hours d. (x+ y) hours a. 60, 60, 80 b. 32, 32, 116
38. If x/y = 4/z, then 16y equals c. 51, 98, 51 d. 45, 45, 100
a. x2 z2 b. x2 c. x3 z d. x2z2 50. A box is 12 in. in width, 16 in. in length, and 6 in.
16 16 in height. How many square inches of paper would be
39. Marlyn copied x + y2 instead of (x + y) 2. required to cover it on all sides?
Compute the amount of her error if x = 8 and y = 3. a. 900 b. 192
a. 12 b. 0 c. 720 d. 360
c. 104 d. 96 51. What is the total length of fencing needed to
enclose a rectangular area 46 feet by 34 feet?
a. 48 yd b. 26 yd.1 ft
c. 53 1/3 yd d. 52 yd 2ft
52. If the area of a square is 81x2, what will represent 64. P is 7 less than the square of the sum of the
the perimeter of the square? quotient of x and y and the product of x and y. Which
a. 18x2 b. 81x equation expresses this relationship?
c. 9x2 d. 36yd 2ft a. P = (7 x/y + xy)2 c. P = 7 (x/y + xy)2
53. The vertices of a triangle are (2.1), (2.5), and b. P = (x/y + xy 7) d. P= (x/y + xy)2 - 7
(5.1). What is the area of a triangle? 65. What is 135 in radians?
a. 10 b. 8 a. 3/4 b. 5 /8
c. 5 d. 6 c. 2 d. 3
54. Four small squares are put together to form a 3 4
bigger square. If the perimeter of the big square is 66. A square is inscribed in a circle with radius r.
256, what is the side of each of the smaller squares? Find the area of the shaded region.
a. 24 b. 16
c. 32 d. 8 r
55. These segments have lengths a, b and c, with a *
b c. Under what conditions could these segments
be used to form a triangle?
a. a + b > b b. b + c > a a. (2 )r2 b. ( 2) r2
c. a + c < b d. a + b > c c. 2 r d. r2 2
56. The measure of each interior angle of a regular 67. If the first derivative of f (x) is 3x 2 + 2x, what is
polygon is 165 degrees. How many sides does it f(x)?
have? a. 3 x3 + 2x b. x3 + x2
a. 12 b. 15 c. 6 x3 + 2 x2 d. 3 x3 + x
c. 24 d. 29 68. What are the endpoints of the major axis of 9 (x
57. What happens to the circumstance of a circle if 3)2 + 25 (y 2)2 225?
the length of the radius is doubled? a. (1, - 2) and ( - 7, -2) c. (-1, 2) and
a. It becomes 3 times longer (7,2)
b. It becomes 4 times longer b. (0, 2) and (6,2) d. (-2, 2) and (8, 2)
c. It is doubled 69. What is the equation of a straight line with a
d. It is halved gradient 1 and y intercept 4?
58. Which of the following equations is parallel to a. 2y = x + 4 b. 4y = x + 1
3x 2 = 4 and has a y intercept of -3? c. y = 2x + 5 d. y = -x + 4
3 2
a. y = 2x 3 b. 2x 3y = 6 70. If f(x) = 5x x + 3, find the second derivative
c. 2x 3y = 4 d. 3x 2y = 6 of f(x)
59. Which line in the figure has an underlined slope? a. 45x2 2x b. 30x 2
c. 3x2 2x d. 15x3 2xy
71. Evaluate: lim 3x2 4 is ___________
x 2
a. 4 b. 4
1 3 4 c. 2 d. 10
a. 3 b. 4 72. What is the second derivative of y = (x3 + 2)2?
c. 2 d. 1 a. 2x2 (x3 2) b. 6x (x3 + 2)
60. All of the quadrilaterals have two pairs of c. 6 (x5 + 3x2) d. 6x2 ( 5x2 + 8)
opposite sides parallel EXCEPT 73. The cost C (x) in the thousand of pesos of
a. Rectangle b. Trapezoid producing x thousand math textbooks is given by C
c. Square d. Rhombus (x) = 30 + 20x 0.5x2. What is the marginal cost of
61. The area of a circle is 49. What is its producing 12,000 textbooks?
circumstances in terms of ? a. P 12,000 b. P16,000
a. 49 b. 14 c. P10,000 d. P8,000
c. 28 d. 98 74. Determine the equation of the line parallel to 3x
62. What is the slope of the line that passes through 8y + 11 0 and passing through (8,10)
the points (-1,2) and (3, - 4)? a. 8x 3y 34 = 0 b. 3x 8y + 56 = 0
a. 3/2 b. 3 c. 3x 8y 104 = 0 d. 3x + 8y + 56 = 0
c. 2 d. -3/2 75. What is the equation of the line with an x
63. A rectangular bin 4 feet long, 3 feet wide and 2 intercept of 5 and y intercept of 2?
feet high is solidly packed with bricks whose a. 5y + 2x = 4 b. 2y + 5x = 25
dimensions are 8 inches, 4 inches and 2 inches. How c. 2y + 5x = 10 d. 5y + 2x = 10
many bricks are there in the bin? 76. A particular car run 100 km on x liters of
a. 54 b. 848 gasoline. If the car travels a fixed route of 20km per
c. 648 d. 320 day, how many liters of gasoline will the car consume
in 365 days?
a. 73x b. x/73
c. 36x d.x/36
77. One end of a line segment is P(1,2). If the 91. Thirty people were asked a question answerable
midpoint of the segment is (4, 3), find the coordinate by yes or no and maybe, their responses were
of the other endpoint of the segment. recorded. Which measure of central tendency is
a. (6,9) b. (6,7) MOST appropriate for the recorded data?
c. (5,8) d. (7,8) a. Range b. Mode
78. What is the equation of the line through (4,1) and c. Mean d. Median
parallel to the line through (7,3) and (5,-1)? 92. Determine the length of the latus rectum of the
a. x 4y = 0 b. 3x + y = 13 parabola. 5y2 + 20y 6x + 20 = 0
c. 2x y = 7 d. 5x 6y = 14 a. 6 b. 3/5
79. What is the equation of a circle with center (- 5, c. 3/10 d. 6.5
7) and a diameter that is 20 cm? 93. Francisco received the following scores on tests
a. (x +5)2 + ( y 7)2 in Calculus: 73,89,81,95, and 87. What is his mean
b. (x 5)2 + (x + 7)2 = 100 score?
c. (x 5)2 + (y + 7)2 a. 84 b. 85
d. (x+ 5)2 + (x 7)2 100 c. 89 d. 87
80. Find the first derivative of (x2 + 2x) (x3) 94. How many ways can 3 books be selected from a
a. x4 + 6x3 b. 2x4 + 2x3 group of 7 books?
c. 5x4 + 8x3 d. 3x4 + 6x3 a. 42 b. 35
81. What is the equation of the line with slope 6/11 c. 210 d. 21
and passing through C(4,9)? 95. The president of the senior class is authorized to
a. 6x + 11y 75 = 0 b. 11x + 6y + 10 = 0 appoint a committee of 5 from 4 elected males and 8
c. 6x 11y + 123 = 0 d. 6x + 11y 123 = 0 elected females. How many different committees are
82. How long is the diameter of x2 y2 10x + 14y = possible if 3 elected males are to be members?
-10? a. 32 b. 112
a. 128 units b. 16 units c. 120 d. 220
c. 8 units d. 64 units 96. How many different signals, each consisting of 7
83. In the graph of y = 2 2x2 4x, what is the flags hung in a vertical line, can be formed from 4
highest point? identical red flags and 3 identical green flags?
a. (1, - 4) b.(4, - 1) a. 7!/(4!3!) b. (7 4)!
c. (- 4, 1)) d. ( - 1, 4) c. 7! d. 4!3!
84. What are the coordinates of the point of 97. How many distinct permutations can be made
intersection of the tangent with slope equal to 2 the from the letters of the word INFINITY if all letters
curve y = - x2 4x + 7? are be taken?
a. ( - 3, 13) b. (- 3, 28) a. 3540 b. 4512
c. (-3, 10) d. (3,4) c. 3360 d. 3124
85. The derivative of y = 2x3 5x2 + 3x + 2 is 98. Four married couples have reserved eight seats in
_______ a row for a basketball game. In hw many ways can
a. y1 = 6x2 10x 3 c. y1 = - 6x2 + 10x 3 they be seated if each couple is sit together?
1 2
b. y = 6x 6x + 3 d. y1 = 6x2 10x + 3 a. 350 b. 384
86. Which of the following quadratic functions will c. 320 d. 300
have a graph which opens downward? 99. A family has 3 children. What is the probability
a. y = 1 (3x x2) b. y = 5x (x 1) + 3 that all children are boy?
c. y = 7x (5x2 + 1) d. y = -4 (2 x2) + 5x a. 3/8 b.
87. What is the median of the following set of c. 1/8 d. 1/6
numbers: 11,8,3,2,3,2,14,13,8,7,8,6? 100. A card is selected at random from a box of 20
a. 8.5 b. 7 cards numbered 1 to 20. What is the probability that
c. 7.8 d. 5 the number is multiple of 3?
88. The scores of eight boys in an IQ Test are as a. 7/20 b. 3/20
follows: 100,120,101.107.116, and 101. What is the c. 5/20 d. 3/10
75 percentile? 101. How much interest would be collected on a loan
a. 120 b. 118 of P25,000 borrowed for 7 months at 10% per year?
c. 116 d. 117 a. P 1,485.33 b. P 1,548.33
89. A pair of dice is thrown. If the sum of the dots on c. P1,458.33 d. P 1,584.33
the two dice is 6, what is the probability that one of 102. A store is giving a 15% discount off marked
the dice is 2? price of electrical items, what is the discounted price
a. 1/18 b. 2/5 of a water dispenser marked at P3,000?
c. 1/6 d. 11/36 a. P3,150 b. P2, 550
90. If majority of the students in Statistics class was c. P 2,850 d. P 3,450
able to answer most of the questions given during the 103. If sin A = , what is tan 2A?
examination, the score is expected to be a. 3 /4 b. 3
____________ c. 3/2 d. 1/3
a. bimodal b. normally distributed
c. negatively skewed d. positively skewed
104. In a sale, Janice paid P 270.00 for a skirt 116. The interest of a loan of P6, 350.00 is P158.75.
originally marked P450.00. What was the discount If the loan is to be paid after 150 days, what is the
rate given? rate of interest charged?
a. 20% b. 60% a. 5% b. 7%
c. 50% d. 40% c. 6% d. 4%
105. In sin x + y = m, and cos2 x+ y = n, find y.
117. Which of these is equal to 1 + tan2 x?
a. m + n + 1 b. m n 1 a. sec2 x b. cos2 x
2 2 c. cot x d. sin2 x
c. m n + 1 d. m + n 1 118. What is the second derivative of y = (x3 + 2)2?
2 2 a. 6 (x5 + 3x2) b. 2x2 (x3 + 2)
106. Atty. Bravo collected P 10,750 from Mrs. Rivera c. 6x2 (x3 + 2) d. 6x (x3 + 2)
after deducting commission, the principal received P 119. Transform an angle of 190 deg to radian
8, 492.35. What was the attorneys rate of measure
commission? a. 20 /18 radians b. / 18radians
a. 27% b. 12% c. 3.39 radians d. 19 radians
c. 21% d. 79% 18
107. In one Sophomore class, 1/3 of the students are 120. If sin A = 2, what is sin 2A?
honor students, 2/7 are varsity athletes. If there are 2
four athletes in the class, how many students are a. b. 2
there in the class? c. 22 d. 1
a. 42 b. 54
c. 73 d. 62
108. How much money was borrowed at 15% simple
interest for 8 months if the interest paid was P3,500?
a. P36,500 b. P36,000
c. P35,000 d. P37,200
109. Which of these numbers CANNOT be the
hypotenuse of a right triangle whose sides are whole
a. 10 b. 13
c. 26 d. 4
110. A man sold his car for P180,000. This means
losing 10% of the price he paid for it. What was the
cost of the car when he bought it?
a. P195,000 b. P190,000
c. P200,000 d. P210,000
111. What is the area of a square lot whose diagonal
is 62 m?
a. 28 sq.m b. 72 sq.m
c. 12 sq.m d. 36 sq.m
112. Find the value of tan if sin = - 5/13 and
tan > 0
a. 5/13 b. 5/12
c. 1 d. 12/13
113. A businessman borrowed P50,000 from a rural
bank at 14% compound interest compounded semi-
annually, how much did he pay at the end of two
a. P61,252.15 b. P57,245
c. P53,407.15 d. P65,539.80
114. An equilateral triangle is drawn with one vertex
at the origin and the two other vertices on the circle
x2 + y2 = 25. Find the area of the triangle
a. 122 b. 253
c. 53 d. 25
115. Jocelyn has P7,200 in the time deposit in a bank
which she receives 12% interest each year. How
much interest will she receive in five years?
a. P7,200 b. P4,320
c. P4,800 d. P5,200

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