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Hip Strength in Females With and Without

Patellofemoral Pain
Mary Lloyd Ireland, MD 1
John D. Willson, MSPT 2
Bryon T. Ballantyne, PT, MA 2
Irene McClay Davis, PT, PhD 3
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Study Design: Cross-sectional. Current literature suggests that,

Objectives: To determine if females with anterior knee pain are more likely to demonstrate hip in the absence of direct trauma,
abduction or external rotation weakness than a similar, asymptomatic, age-matched control group. the etiology of PFP is multifacto-
Background: Diminished hip strength has been implicated as being contributory to lower-extremity rial. Factors related directly to the
malalignment and patellofemoral pain. The identification of reliable and consistent patterns of

patellofemoral joint, including
weakness in this population may assist health care professionals establish a more effective
vastus medialis obliquus insuffi-
treatment plan.
ciency, decreased hamstring,
Methods and Measures: Hip abduction and external rotation isometric strength measurements
were recorded for the injured side of 15 female subjects with patellofemoral joint pain (mean
quadriceps, or iliotibial band flex-
SD age, 15.7 2.7 years; age range, 12-21 years). These were compared with strength ibility, patella alta, and femoral
measurements from the corresponding hip of 15 age-matched female control subjects (mean SD anteversion, have received the
age, 15.7 2.7 years; age range, 12-21 years). All strength measurements were made using most attention. 7,10,18,26,29,31,37,38
hand-held dynamometers. Such factors may also contribute
Copyright 2003 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy. All rights reserved.

Results: Subjects with patellofemoral pain demonstrated 26% less hip abduction strength (P.001) to PFP through their role in caus-
and 36% less hip external rotation strength (P.001) than similar age-matched controls. ing patellofemoral malalignment,
Conclusions: The results indicate that young women with patellofemoral pain are more likely to which is a universally accepted
demonstrate weakness in hip abduction as well as external rotation than age-matched women contribution to PFP.12,31
who are not symptomatic. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2003;33:671-676. Factors distal to the knee have
Key Words: anterior knee pain, hip abduction, hip external rotation, knee, also been frequently suggested to
patella contribute to patellofemoral
malalignment and pain. Numerous
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy

authors have explored the rela-

tionship between excessive or pro-

atellofemoral joint pain (PFP) remains one of the most
common orthopaedic complaints among adolescents and longed foot pronation during
young adults, with reported incidence rates among athletes functional activities and lateral
greater than 25%.2,26,31,38 It has also been reported that patellar compression syn-
females, as compared with their male counterparts, are drome.28,30,36 Specifically, consider-
significantly more likely to experience PFP.9,35 Typically, patients com- ing the screw-home mechanism
plain of generalized retropatellar symptoms that present insidiously and of the tibiofemoral joint, these au-
tend to be exacerbated by prolonged sitting or repetitive weight-bearing thors report that the tibia must be
activities over a flexed knee. Unfortunately for these individuals, this externally rotated relative to the
pain often becomes a chronic condition that may fail to respond to femur so that knee extension can
conservative measures. be achieved during the midstance
and terminal stance phases of gait.
However, it is hypothesized that, in
Orthopedic Surgeon, Kentucky Sports Medicine Clinic, Lexington, KY.
Clinical Research Coordinator, Joyner Sportsmedicine Institute, Lexington, KY. the presence of excessive or pro-
Associate Professor, University of Delaware, Department of Physical Therapy, Newark, DE; Clinical longed foot pronation, the tibia
Research Coordinator, Joyner Sportsmedicine Institute, Lexington, KY. remains internally rotated as the
The protocol for this study was approved by Essex Institutional Review Board, Inc.
Send Correspondence to John D. Willson, Joyner Sportsmedicine Institute, 601 Perimeter Dr., Suite 110, knee begins to extend. To com-
Lexington, KY 40517. E-mail: [email protected] pensate for this excessive tibial

Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy 671

internal rotation, it is thought that the femur must Inclusion criteria for the PFP group were satisfied
internally rotate excessively, such that the tibia is in through a thorough evaluation at a local orthopaedic
relative external rotation.36 This compensation cre- practice. Each subject with PFP reported complaints
ates a larger quadriceps angle and may significantly of patellofemoral joint pain for at least 3 months
increase lateral retropatellar contact pressure.17,21,27 duration associated with activities including sports,
Proximal factors including hip muscle weakness climbing stairs, or prolonged sitting. Objective signs
have also been proposed to contribute to patel- were also consistent with PFP, including pain with
lofemoral malalignment and the development of compression of the patella into the femoral condyles
PFP.12,34 Recent kinetic analysis of running reveals or palpation of the posterior surface of the patella.
that, although the largest knee joint moments occur The subjects with PFP also underwent a physical
in the sagittal plane, the knee is also subject to examination by the same orthopaedic surgeon to
significant frontal and transverse plane moments.24 exclude the possibility of concurrent ligament insta-
Additional research has shown that women, as com- bility or meniscal pathology. Potential subjects from
pared to their male counterparts, exhibit significantly
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either group who reported a history of patellar

greater external knee valgus moments33 and associ- dislocation, knee surgery, or other significant trauma
ated movement into knee valgus23 and hip internal to either lower extremity were excluded from the
rotation.22 The ability of women to control these study.
motions may depend on the strength of proximal One limb was used for comparison between groups
muscle groups that are antagonistic to these move- for each subject. In cases of unilateral pain, measure-
ment tendencies. In the absence of sufficient proxi- ments were recorded for the injured limb and the
mal strength, the femur may adduct or internally corresponding limb of the age-matched control sub-
rotate, further increasing lateral patellar contact pres- ject. For subjects with bilateral symptoms, their domi-
sure.17,21,27 Repetitive activities with this malalign- nant limb (identified by asking which leg the patient
ment may eventually lead to the retropatellar would use to kick a ball as hard as possible) was used
articular cartilage damage generally associated with for comparison with the corresponding limb of the
this syndrome. age-matched control subject. Bilateral symptoms were
Although some authors have postulated that hip present in 8 subjects. Five subjects presented with
weakness may have a role in the etiology of patel- right-sided symptoms and 2 subjects had symptoms
lofemoral pain,12,14,34 no studies have documented on their left side.
this weakness in a symptomatic population. There-
Copyright 2003 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy. All rights reserved.

fore, the purpose of this investigation was to examine

hip strength in women with PFP. It is hypothesized Procedure
that women with PFP will demonstrate decreased hip
abduction and external rotation strength versus their Subjects underwent isometric muscle strength test-
nonsymptomatic, age-matched counterparts. ing for hip abduction and external rotation using
hand-held dynamometers and stabilization straps.
Testing for each subject took approximately 10 min-
METHODS utes and was randomly performed according to
muscle action. The test positions were selected based
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy

on their similarity to traditional manual muscle test-

ing procedures20 and have been reported to be
Fifteen female subjects with PFP were recruited for highly reliable for testing isometric strength with
this study (mean SD age, 15.7 2.7 years; age hand-held dynamometers.6,19
range, 12-21 years; mean SD weight, 63.1 16.5 kg; Hip abduction isometric strength testing was per-
weight range, 43.5-93.0 kg). Fifteen age-matched fe- formed with subjects positioned in sidelying on a
male control subjects who denied any history of treatment table (Figure 1). A pillow was placed
previous knee injury or pain were also recruited from between the subjects legs, using additional toweling
the community for the purpose of comparison (mean as needed, such that the hip of the leg to be tested
SD age, 15.7 2.7 years; age range, 12-21 years; was abducted approximately 10 as measured with
mean SD weight, 56.6 12.5 kg; weight range, respect to a line connecting the anterior superior
37.2-81.6 kg). All subjects reported routine participa- iliac spines. A strap placed just proximal to the iliac
tion in either recreational or organized sports such as crest and secured firmly around the underside of the
basketball, volleyball, track, equestrian, swimming, or table was used to stabilize the subjects trunk. The
cheerleading. Prior to participation in the study, center of the force pad of a Nicholas hand-held
informed consent was received from all participants dynamometer (Lafayette Instruments, Lafayette, IN)
and by the parents of those participants less than 18 was then placed directly over a mark located 5.08 cm
years of age. The study protocol was approved by proximal to the lateral knee joint line. This dyna-
Essex Institutional Review Board, Inc. mometer uses a load cell force-detecting system to

672 J Orthop Sports Phys Ther Volume 33 Number 11 November 2003

TABLE. Isometric hip strength comparison between female subjects with patellofemoral joint pain (PFP) and a control group. All values
are expressed as a percentage (mean SD [95% confidence interval]) of body weight (kg).
PFP Group* Control Group*
Hip abduction 23.3 6.9 (19.8-26.7) 31.4 6.2 (28.4-34.5)
Hip external rotation 10.8 4.0 (8.8-12.8) 16.8 5.5 (14.0-19.6)
n = 15.

Significant difference between groups (P.001).

measure static force ranging from 0 to 199.9 kg, with over a mark that was 5.08 cm proximal to the medial
accuracy to 0.1 kg 2%, and has been reported to malleolus. A strap around the leg and around the
have excellent interrater reliability for testing hip base of a stationary object held the dynamometer in
abduction isometric strength.11 The dynamometer place during contractions. After zeroing the dyna-
was secured between the leg and a second strap that mometer, the subject was instructed to push the leg
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was wrapped around the leg and the underside of the inward with maximal effort for 5 seconds. The force
table. The strap eliminated the effect of tester value displayed on the dynamometer was recorded
strength on this measure, which has been reported to and the device was rezeroed. One practice trial and 3
be a limitation of hand-held dynamometry.4 After experimental trials were performed with 15 seconds
zeroing the dynamometer, the subject was instructed of rest between trials. The peak value from the 3
to push the leg upward with maximal effort for 5 experimental trials was recorded.
seconds. The force value displayed on the dynamom-
eter was recorded and the device was rezeroed. One Data Analysis
practice trial and 3 experimental trials were per- We used a clinically significant strength difference

formed, with 15 seconds of rest between trials. The of 15% between groups and estimates of sample
peak value from the 3 experimental trials was re- variability from previous literature3,5 to perform an a
corded. priori power analysis. This analysis suggested that 25
Hip external rotation (ER) isometric strength test- to 30 subjects would provide adequate protection
ing was performed with subjects positioned on a from type I and II errors using = .05 and = .20.
padded chair with the hips and knees flexed to 90 However, during data collection, it became evident
(Figure 2). To prevent substitution by the hip adduc- that the true difference between groups was signifi-
tors, a strap was used to stabilize the thigh of the cantly larger than the difference used in the power
Copyright 2003 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy. All rights reserved.

tested leg and a towel roll was placed between the analysis. Therefore, data analysis was performed after
subjects knees. The dynamometer was then placed 15 subjects had been tested per group. Independent t
such that the center of the force pad was directly tests were used to compare hip abduction and exter-
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy

FIGURE 1. Isometric strength testing of hip abduction using straps and hand-held dynamometer.

J Orthop Sports Phys Ther Volume 33 Number 11 November 2003 673

in hip abduction and 36% weaker in hip external
rotation than the members of the control group
(Figure 3).

The role of hip strength in the etiology of knee
pain has received increased attention in recent years.
However, in the absence of objective evidence, this
relationship has been reported based on observation
and professional conjecture. The purpose of this
investigation was to compare hip strength between
females with and without PFP. While the strength test
results for the healthy control subjects in this study
are in line with established isometric norms,5,6 fe-
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males with PFP demonstrated significant weakness.

The apparent strength difference between groups
in this study supports the suggestions of other au-
thors who have associated PFP with hip muscle
weakness.6,32,34 Sommer34 visually observed a stereo-
typical motion pattern into knee valgus and femoral
internal rotation during the acceleration phase be-
fore take-off during jumping in healthy, fatigued,
male and female subjects. Similarly, more recent,
sophisticated kinematic analysis of subjects during
athletic movements has confirmed this movement
pattern, particularly in women.22,23,33 Our results
indicate that females with PFP may have insufficient
FIGURE 2. Isometric strength testing of hip external rotation using strength to resist these external valgus and internal
straps and hand-held dynamometer.
rotation moments. Consequently, the femur may ex-
cessively adduct and internally rotate during athletic
Copyright 2003 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy. All rights reserved.

movements, promoting lateral patellar tracking and

increasing lateral retropatellar contact pressure.17,21,27
Repetitive movements with this alignment may cause
injury to the retinaculum, retropatellar articular carti-
lage, or subchondral bone.12
These results in combination with previous empiri-
cal evidence suggest that proximal stabilization pro-
grams may be beneficial for the treatment of
PFP.8,11,34 Fredericson et al11 documented the ten-
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy

dency for distance runners who present with iliotibial

FIGURE 3. Isometric strength comparisons in percent body weight band syndrome to have weakness in hip abduction.
(% BW) between a control group and subjects with patellofemoral Following a 6-week rehabilitation protocol with a
joint pain (PFP) for hip abduction and external rotation. Error bars focus on gluteus medius strengthening, over 90% of
represent 1 standard deviation. (The PFP groups are significantly the patients were pain free and had returned to their
different [P.001]).
prior level of function. The authors felt that strength-
nal rotation strength between subjects with patel- ening of the gluteus medius fostered increased con-
lofemoral pain and their age-matched control sub- trol of thigh adduction and internal rotation
jects. Prior to data analysis, strength measurements, tendencies during running, thereby minimizing the
recorded in kg, were normalized to body weight for valgus vector at the knee. Our results indicate that
each subject. hip abduction and external rotation strengthening
may also benefit individuals with PFP by improving
RESULTS stability in the frontal and transverse planes of
motion during running and other sport-specific activi-
Subjects with patellofemoral pain syndrome exhib- ties.
ited significantly lower isometric strength values than Unfortunately, studies that investigate the relation-
their healthy, age-matched counterparts for both hip ship between lower-extremity frontal- or transverse-
abduction (P.001) and external rotation (P.001) plane stability and the prevention of knee injuries are
(Table). On average, these subjects were 26% weaker scarce. Hewett et al14 demonstrated a 50% reduction

674 J Orthop Sports Phys Ther Volume 33 Number 11 November 2003

in knee adduction/abduction moments during the addition to hip abduction and external rotation
landing phase of a vertical jump following a 6-week strength, these studies could include strength mea-
training program that included lower-extremity sures of other proximal muscle groups including the
plyometric drills as well as general strength and abdominals, quadratus lumborum, gluteals, and back
flexibility exercises. Although this intervention pro- extensors which further contribute to proximal stabil-
gram did not focus on hip muscles specifically, the ity.14,15,16,25 Reliable dynamometry techniques for
decrease in frontal plane knee moment was the only these muscles must first be described.
significant predictor of the athletes risk for knee Based on the results of this study, clinicians should
ligamentous injury. Subsequent prospective analysis be encouraged to perform a thorough musculo-
has shown that female athletes who participated in skeletal evaluation of the hip musculature when
this program over the course of the sport season had designing a treatment program for individuals with
a significantly lower incidence of serious knee liga- PFP. Exercises to address weakness in hip abduction
mentous injury than those who did not.13 Because or external rotation may foster a more effective and
lasting recovery with respect to each patients goals.
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only ligamentous injuries were included for analysis

in this study by Hewett et al,13 the value of a
prophylactic hip strengthening program for
nonsymptomatic athletes in the prevention of PFP CONCLUSION
remains purely speculative. Prospective studies are
needed to truly validate this relationship. The results of our investigation indicate that fe-
A limitation of the cross-sectional nature of this males presenting with PFP demonstrate significant
study lies in our ability to discern cause and effect. hip abduction and external rotation weakness com-
Symptomatic individuals in our study had at least a pared to age-matched, nonsymptomatic controls.
3-month history of PFP. Therefore, the strength

differences observed in this study may be the conse-
quence of disuse atrophy or altered motor recruit-
ment patterns.14 However, whether hip muscle REFERENCES
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