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Stephani Anugrahman Fraction

2 Weeks (35 Minutes/Day) Grade 3

Lesson: 9. Final Project

Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment
Students will understand how to operate fraction Fraction Table
and able to connect and modify each of the

Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

The student will . . .
1. What are the materials that we have 1. Identify all of the things they have learned in this
covered in this unit about fraction? unit about fraction.
2. How to explain what we have covered in 2. Create a table (summative assessment) based on
this unit about fraction? the criteria that has given by the teacher.
Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies
1. Final Project Materials
Beginning the Lesson
10 1. Review: Teacher will remind them all of the things they have learned in this unit.
mins 2. Grouping and Instruction: Teacher will split them into groups and explain the instruction.
3. Rubric and Expectation: Teacher will tell them all of the requirements for their table and
show it on a screen during their work.
Developing the Lesson
1. Work Time!: Teacher will give them all the materials and send them to work with their
groups. Teacher will keep monitoring them.
20 Closing the Lesson
mins 1. Wrap Up!: Ask students to clean up and submit their table to teacher. Those students who
5 mins have not finished will get some time to finish it up on the next math lesson.
Formative Assessment Differentiation

1. Fraction Table


Evaluation and Reflection

Stephani Anugrahman Fraction
2 Weeks (35 Minutes/Day) Grade 3


Term Definition Resources

Unit Overview Main Idea and Summative Assessment copied from the unit plan in
order to keep the goal in mind during the writing and implementation of
the lesson plan.
Guiding these questions guide the inquiry for the lesson, leading students toward
Questions a rich understanding of the objectives for the lesson and ultimately, the
Factual- knowledge or fact-based questions
Conceptual- questions that enable exploration of big ideas that connect
facts and topics
Debatable- questions that expose areas of ambiguity, disagreement, or
tension within the unit of study
Objectives The specific aims of the lesson. As a result of the instruction, this is
what the students are expected to know, understand, and be able to do.
These should align with and lead to the unit understandings, knowledge
and skills.
Time - Marks the amount of time needed for each stage of the lesson. Enables
effective time-management for the teacher.
Beginning the The opening or warm-up that will engage the learner, producing creative
Lesson tension. May include review and/or activation of prior knowledge.
Developing the The content learned and the strategies employed towards that end
Closing the A conclusion or review of what was learned, providing closure to the
Lesson lesson.
Formative Assessment throughout the lesson that provides feedback that can be
Assessment used to plan or alter instruction. Should prepare students for the
summative assessment.
Differentiation ways of modifying instruction to meet the needs of diverse learners
Resources any texts, materials, technology, people, places or other resources that
have informed the unit and learning experiences
Evaluation and Reflect on using the lesson and evaluate the lesson plan and ask the
Reflection following questions:
Did my students come to understand the main idea, essential
Do my students know what they are supposed to? Can they
perform the unit skills? Do they value what was intended?
What was most effective? least effective?
What changes will I make for next time?

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