Thesis Entitled Assessment of Members' Satisfaction of Diamond Farms Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Multi-Purpose Cooperative: A Basis To Improve Business Performance

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Thesis entitled Assessment of Members' Satisfaction of Diamond Farms Agrarian

Reform Beneficiaries Multi-Purpose Cooperative: A Basis To Improve Business



BERIDO, JOSIE ROSE BENIGNO, School of Government and Management, University of

Southeastern Philippines, Davao City, Philippines, October 2005, ASSESSMENT OF
Adviser: Danilo B. Pacoy, Ph.D.

The study was conducted to determine the level of members’ satisfaction in terms
of cooperative’s governance, reliability, performance efficiency and benefits to
improve the business performance of DARBMUPCO.

The descriptive-survey method of research was employed using a survey

questionnaire as data gathering instrument. Primary data were accomplished by 163
member-beneficiaries of DARBMUPCO while the secondary data were taken from the
office of the cooperative.

Findings revealed that DARBMUPCO members were generally “satisfied” pertaining to

governance, reliability on the delivery of services, performance efficiency, and
benefits of the cooperative.

The business performance of DARBMUPCO in terms of productivity, profitability, and

solvency apparently showed progressing ratios in 2003 as compared to 2002 except

for the liquidity ratios that remained constant from 2002 to 2003.

One-way ANOVA and t-test were used to test the significant difference between the
level of members’ satisfaction and profile such as age, sex, civil status,
education attainment, position and experience.

Findings revealed that young and old members of DARBMUPCO have the same level of
satisfaction which is identical with male and female; single, married, widow/er
and separated. Thus, the hypothesis which states that there is no significant
difference between the level of members’ satisfaction and age, sex and civil
status, is hereby accepted.

On the other hand, other variables of the members’ profile such as educational
attainment, position and experience differ significantly. This means that the
level of satisfaction of DARBMUPCO members’ differs significantly when grouped
according to their educational attainment, position and experience.

Therefore, the hypothesis which states that there is no significant difference

between the level of members’ satisfaction and educational attainment, position
and experience, was rejected.

for inquiries please feel free to email the author at [email protected]

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