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Huang v. Philippine Hoteliers Inc., Huangs condition.

Huang insisted that she was fine and that the

G.R. No. 180440, December 5, 2012 hirudoid cream was enough. Dr.Dalumpines requested Huang to
execute a handwritten certification regarding the incident that
Facts: occurred that night. An X-Ray test was also suggested to Huang
On June 1995, Delia Goldberg (Delia), a registered guest of Dusit but she replied that it was not necessary. She also refused further
Hotel, invited her friend, Dr. Genevieve L.Huang, for a swim at the medical attention.On Aug 1996, Huang filed a complaint for
hotels pool. damages against respondents. The trial court dismissed the
At around 7:00 p.m., the hotels pool attendant informed them that Complaint for lackof merit. On appeal, Huang belatedly raises the
the swimming pool area was about to be closed. The 2 went to the defense on breach of contract. She maintains that that an implied
shower room adjacent to the swimming contractexisted between them in view of the fact that the hotel
pool to take a shower anddress up. When they came out of the guest status extends to all those who avail of its
bathroom, the entire swimming pool area was already pitch black services its patrons and invitees. The CA
and there were theonly ones there. The doors were also locked. affirmed the TCs decision. MR denied. Hence, this Petition for
After some time, Huang saw a phone behind the lifeguards certiorari under Rule 45.She also avows that the doctrines ofres
counter.As she went inside, the wooden countertop fell onher head ipsa loquitur andrespondeat superior are applicable in this case. It
and knocked her down almost unconscious. Delia immediately was anaccident caused by the fact that the hotel staf was not
notified the hotel phone operator of the present to lift the heavy counter top for Huang as is
incident. Not long after, the hotel staf arrived at the main entrance normallyexpected of them because they negligently locked the
door of the swimming pool area and gave her an icepack.Huang main entrance door of the hotels swimming pool area.
demanded the services of the hotel physician. Hotel physician, Dr.
Dalumpines, instead of immediately providingthe needed medical Issue:
assistance, presented a Waiver and demanded that it be signed Whether respondents PHI and Dusit are liable to Dr. Huang.
by Huang, otherwise, the hotelmanagement will not render her any
assistance. Huang refused to do so and left the hotel.Thereupon, Held:
Huang consulted several doctors (7 neuro, 1 optha) because NO. Initially, Huang sued respondents mainly on account of their
she began experiencing on and of severeheadaches that negligence but not on any breach of contract.Presently, she claims
caused her three sleepless nights. They all said she had a serious that her cause of action can be based both on quasi-delict and
brain injury.In defense, PHI and Dusit denied all the material breach of contract. A perusal of thecomplaint evidently shows that
allegations. According to them, a sufficient notice on the glass door her cause of action was based solely on quasi-delict (negligence). It
ofthe hotel leading to the swimming pool area to apprise the is evident from thecomplaint and from her open court testimony
people, especially the hotel guests, that the swimming pool areais that the reliance was on the alleged tortious acts committed
open only from 7am to 7pm. Nevertheless, the lights thereon are against her byrespondents, through their management and staf. In
kept on until 10:00 p.m. for, (1) security reasons; (2)housekeeping quasi-delict, there is no presumption of negligence and it is
personnel to do the cleaning of the swimming pool surroundings; incumbent upon the injured party to prove the negligence ofthe
and (3) people doing their exercise routineat the Slimmers World defendant, otherwise, the formers complaint will be dismissed. In a
Gym, which was open until 10pm. Even granting that the lights in breach of contract, negligence is presumed solong as it can be
the hotels swimming pool areawere turned of, it would not render proved that there was breach of the contract and the burden is on
the area completely dark as the Slimmers World Gym near it was the defendant to prove that there was nonegligence in the carrying
well- illuminated.Around 7:40pm, Ms. Pearlie (hotel nurse) was out of the terms of the contract; the rule of respondeat superior is
informed that there was a guest requiring medical assistance. She followed. It is now too late toraise the said argument for the first
hurriedlywent to the pool area. Although Huang looked normal as time before the SC without causing injustice.As Huangs cause of
there was no indication of any blood or bruise on her head, action is based on quasi-delict, it is incumbent upon her to prove
Ms.Pearlie still asked her if she needed any medical attention to the presence of the followingrequisites before respondents PHI and
which she replied that she is a doctor, she was fine and shedid not Dusit can be held liable, to wit: (a) damages sufered by the
need any medical attention. Instead, requested for a hirudoid plaintif; (b)fault or negligence of the defendant, or some other
cream to which Ms. Pearlie acceded. Dr. Dalumpinescame to check person for whose acts he must respond; and (c) the connectionof

cause and efect between the fault or negligence of the defendant The doctrine finds no application if there is direct proof of absence
and the damages incurred by the plaintif. Further, since her case is or presence of negligence. In the case at bench, even granting that
for quasi-delict, the negligence or fault should be clearly respondentsstaf negligently turned of thelights and locked the
established as it is the basis of heraction. The burden of proof is door, the folding wooden counter top would still not fall on Huangs
upon her.Second element Absent: In this case, Huang utterly failed head had she not lifted the same.Records showed that she lifted
to prove the alleged negligence of respondents. Other than herself- the said folding wooden counter top that eventually fell and hit her
serving testimony that all the lights in the hotels swimming pool head.Doctrine ofrespondeat superior finds no application in the
area were shut of and the door was locked, whichallegedly absence of any showing that the employees of respondentswere
prompted her to find a way out and in doing so a folding wooden negligent. Since in this case, the trial court and the CA found no
counter top fell on her head causing her injury,no other evidence negligence on the part of the employees ofrespondents, thus, the
was presented to substantiate the same. Even her own companion latter cannot also be held liable for negligence. With the foregoing,
during the night of the accident insidethe hotels swimming pool the following were clearlyestablished, to wit: (1) petitioner stayed
area was never presented to corroborate her allegations.On the in the hotels swimming pool facility beyond its closing hours; (2)
other hand, the witnesses presented by the respondents positively she lifted the folding wooden counter top that eventually hit her
declared that it has been a normal practice of the hotel head;and (3) respondents extended medical assistance to her. As
management not to put ofthe lights until 10pm. to allow the such, no negligence can be attributed either to or to their staf
housekeepers to do the cleaning of the swimming pool and/or management.Third element:On the issue on
surroundings, including thetoilets and counters. There is a remote whetherHuangsdebilitating and permanent injuries were the result
possibility that the hotels swimming pool area was in complete of the accident she
darkness as theaforesaid gym was then open until 10pm, and the sufered at the hotels swimming pool area, theCourt holds that
lights radiate to the hotels swimming pool area.Ergo, she cannot there is no cogent reason to depart from thelower courts findings.
faultthe Hotel for the injury she allegedly sufered because she (1)Huang had a past medical history which might have been the
herself did not heed the warning at the pool to the efect that itwas cause of her recurring brain injury.(2)The findings of Dr. Perez
only open from 7:00 to 7:00 P.M. Thus, when the own negligence did not prove a causal relation between the 11 June 1995 accident
was the immediate and proximate cause of hisinjury, she then and the brain damagesufered by Huang. Dr. Perez himself testified
cannot recover damages.Even Huangs assertion of negligence on that the symptoms being experienced might have been due to
the part of respondents in not rendering medical assistance to her factors other than the head trauma she allegedly sufered.(3)Dr.
is preposterous.Her own Complaint affirmed that respondents Sanchezs testimony was hearsay. (4)Medical
aforded medical assistance to her after she met the unfortunate reports/evaluations/certifications issued by myriads of doctors
accidentinside the hotels swimming pool facility. Moreover, the whom petitioner sought for examinationor treatment were neither
Hotel shouldered the expenses for the MRI services at the identified nor testified to by those who issued them. Being deemed
MakatiMed.Res Ipsa Loquitur&RespondeatSuperior :With regard to as hearsay, theycannot be given probative value.All told, in the
Huangs contention that the principles absence of negligence on the part of respondents as well as their
ofresipsaloquitur andrespondeat superior are applicable in this management and staf, they cannot bemade liable to pay for the
case, this Court holds otherwise. Res ipsa loquitur is a Latin phrase millions of damages prayed for. Since respondents arc not liable, it
whichliterally means the thing or the transaction speaks for necessarily follows that FirstLepanto cannot also be made liable
itself. It relates to the fact of an injury that sets out an inference under the contract of Insurance.
tothe cause thereof or establishes the plaintifs prima facie case.

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