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Manasagangotri, My$re-570 006. Karnataka, INOIA

DR. K. S. RANGAPPA Pbne:o(. +91-82!-2515149

Ph,O OS FRSC FNASC -821 - 292032
RBE. +91
VICE.CHANCELLOR Fax +91-421-2$0846
Email : vckeu@qmail,com
ebite :
No.KSOU/VCPS/130/2011-12 Date: 1 6-08-201 1

Ded Sir,

Sub : Regporoe to Show Cace Notice and Memorildu

Ref.1: Show Cauee Notice, F.NO. DEC/KSOU/KAR/1115880 dated 10.62011

This is in respoN to your above refffied Mmormdum and above refened Earlier
Show Caw Notice.

The Academic Council of the University, has in its meeting held on 11fr August
2011, resolved to shongly condem your above referred actiom(a copy of the
proceedings oI the meeting of the Academic Council dL 77t)8-2077 is enclosed

herewith for ready leference). We have on perusal md tlreadbae discussion of

your above refmed Show Cause md Memormdum, alongwith other doaments
which include mong othss, the KSOU Act, The IGNOU Ac! The UGC Act, The
AICTE Act, vdious Gzette Notificatioro, the Education Policies of the Goverment
duly adopted by the Partiment, Article 1a & Arricle 19(1Xg) of the Coretitution of
India, Vaious Guidelines issued by DEC and UGC pertaining to Distmce
Education, Memormdum of Understandings of IGNOU with vaious collaborators,
approvals of Ministuy of HRD grmted to various autonomous institutiore like
lretitution of Engineers, Kolkata, Imtitution of Electonics md Telsommication

Engineers, New Delhi lrutitution oi Mechmical Engineers, Mumbai, vaious replies
mder The Right to Inlomation Act, 2005 issued by vilious Statutory Bodies
pstaining to Distmce Education and other relevant d@uments urived at tlle
conclusion to repond to your above refered Show Caw and Memormdum as

Under :

Issue Raised in your above refened Show Cau* Our Respore

No. Notice
1 I(SOU is offering BEl B.Teh/ ME/ M.Tmh/ Refer Pages 1 to 193
Diplom in Engg and othq technical/
profosional progrmes thtough distance mode
2 KSOU is offering BE / B.Teh/ lrnE/ M.Tech/ ReferPages 1941o20E
Diploro in Engg md other which includes Opinion
technical/professional programes through Iace from the Additional
to face mode ttuough Irmchisee Solicitor Genqal of India

on pages 2Ol to 208.

KSOU is offering M.Phil. md Ph.D. progrmes Refer Pages m9 tcn2
4 KSOU has frmchised study centres Refer Pages 213 to 241

5 KIiOU is not obserying the policy of DEC on ReferPages 242!o286

territoriat juisdiction in true spirit wfuch includes Opinion
from the Additional
Solicitor General of India

o pages282to 6.
The Dtutrtd DEC in the notice 6 well tr in the memorandum has used certain
higtrly objetiomble, defmtory and deogatory statements agairot the University
indicating tlut the University has "cheated" md "duped" md "prejudiced the
cileer" of the student. Such statements made by the Diretor DEC are not only
denied by the university bui is shongly condmed.

The university is sue that the Dirtor DEC, on perusal of our reply, shall have
cldity as to the provisioro of law mder which the University is conducting all its
progrm in a legal md syste@tic ,]1amer as enunciated in I(SOll Act7992.

Therefore the Director, DEC is hereby called upon to withdraw the Show Cause
Notice, F.NO. DEC/KSOU/KAR/11I5880 dated 10.6.2011 and Memorandum,
F.NO. DEC/KSOU/KAR/11 dated 18.7.2011 within 7 days ot receipt of this
resporee, Iailing which we shall be coreEained to seek appropriate legal and
defmtion action agaimt the Distance Education Comcil as advised in law.

Distmce Education Council,
Indira Gmdhi National Open Unive$ity, Maidm Gahi,
NEW DEIJ{I- 110 068.
Copy to : -

1. Prof.V.N. Rairuekhdan Pillai, Chaimru DEC & Vice-Clnncellor, Indira

Gmdhi National Opm University, Maidm carhi NEW DELHI - 110 068.
2. SeGetary, Higher Education, MHRD, Shastri Bhawm, New Delhi
3. Secretary, University Grants Comissior; Bahadur Shah Zalar, New Delhi.
4. Member Secretary, All India Comcil for Technical EducatiorL Chandertok
Building, Jmpath, New Delhi.

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