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Math 5366 Some notes on

Fall 2015 rook polynomials

Rook Polynomials

A rook polynomial is the generating function for the number of ways to put non attacking
rooks on a generalized board. Here, board tends to be used very broadly. As an example,
suppose we have the board

We say we can put no rooks on a board in 1 way. In this case, one rook can be put
any where, and there are exactly two ways to place two rooks on the board. The rook
polynomial is 1 + 4x + 2x2 . We let r0 be the number of ways to place two rooks. This number
is always 1. We let rk be the number of ways to place k rooks. The rook polynomial is
r0 + xr1 + x2 r2 + . This looks like an infinite series but it only has finitely many terms,
making it a polynomial, since there cant be more rooks than rows or columns in the board.
We dont need a square board. For example, if the board looks like

r0 = 1, r1 = 10. For two rooks, use cases. If there is a rook in the bottom row, there are 6
ways to place the second rook, for 12 total. If there is no rook in the bottom row, there are
3 4 = 12 ways to place the two rooks, so r2 = 24. For three rooks we have r3 = 2 2 3 = 12
so our polynomial is 1 + 10x + 24x2 + 12x3 .

Boards can be more exotic, like

B: (1)

This still has 10 squares with rows of length 5, 3, 2. But now the rook polynomial is
1 + 10x2 + 29x2 + 23x3 . Here is how I got this: If there are two rooks, there are 2 8 + 3 5 = 31
ways to place them in different rows. Of these 31, two are not allowed because two rooks
would be in the same column. For three rooks, I counted based on the rook in the middle
row: 5 + 10 + 8 = 23, with, for example, 8 ways to place the upper and lower rooks if
the middle rook is in the right most square. In general, if B is a board we denote the rook
polynomial for B as R(x, B).

There are some recursive schemes for getting rook polynomials for a large board from
smaller boards. First, if the large board is the union of smaller boards which do not share
any rows or columns, then the rook polynomial for the large board is the product of the
smaller polynomials. Symbolically, R(x, B1 B2 ) = R(x, B1 )R(x, B2 ), when B1 and B2 do
not share a row or column. For example, with



the rook polynomial is R(x, B1 B2 ) = R(x, B1 )R(x, B2 ) = (1 + 4x + 3x2 )(1 + 8x + 13x2 ) =

1 + 12x + 48x2 + 76x3 + 39x4 .

Another trick is the following: given a board B, and some square s on that board, there
either is a rook on that square or there is not. If there is not, we need the rook polynomial
for the board with s deleted. If there is a rook on s, then there can not be another rook
on the same row or column as s. Let Bs be the board where s is deleted and Bs , the board
were ss row and column are removed from B. Then R(x, B) = R(x, Bs ) + xR(x, Bs ). The
x in front of R(x, Bs ) is because we have to count the rook in square s. For example, going
back to the board in (1), let s be the rightmost square in the second row:


Bs = Bs =

R(x, B) = R(x, Bs ) + xR(x, Bs ) = (1 + 5x)(1 + 4x + 3x2 ) + x(1 + 4x)(1 + 2x)
= 1 + 9x + 23x2 + 15x3 + x + 6x2 + 8x3
= 1 + 10x + 29x2 + 23x3 ,
as before.
Applications to permutations with forbidden positions
Suppose we want to know now many permutations of 1, 2, 3, 4 there are, subject to some
conditions: 1 is not in position 4, 2 is not in positions 3 or 4, 3 is not in positions 2 or 3,
and 4 is not in positions 1 or 2. Permutations are like non attacking rooks, so this is the
same as the number of ways to place 4 rooks on a 4 4 board, but with certain positions
not allowed. The board would look like this:

B: (2)

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We can find the rook polynomial of B by using squares s and t: By an abuse of notation
we have

R(x, B) = = + x

t t t

= +x +x + x2

= (1 + x)(1 + 6x + 7x2 + x3 ) + 2x(1 + 5x + 4x2 ) + x2 (1 + 4x + 2x2 )

= 1 + 9x + 24x2 + 20x3 + 3x4 .

The answer to the question is r4 = 3.

Rather than depicting the board as in (2), we usually shade in the squares a rook is not
allowed to go on, squares called forbidden positions. In this case, this would look like

Some comments on such problems: First, there is a lot of symmetry. The diagram can be
rotated 90, or 180, or the rows or columns put in different orders, and the rook polynomial
remains unchanged. Often this is done so as to get the nicest looking diagram to look at
and analyze. Second, we only want the largest coefficient of the rook polynomial in these
problems, and it turns out there is a second approach to getting this coefficient.

Theorem 1 The number of ways to place n non attacking rooks on an n n board with
forbidden positions is

n! r1 (n 1)! + r2 (n 2)! + + (1)n rn 0!,

where the numbers rk are the coefficients of the rook polynomial for the forbidden posi-

Proof: Let A1 be the number of ways to place a rook in a forbidden square in the first
row, A2 the number of ways to place a rook in a forbidden square in the second row, and
so on. Then we want |A1 A2 An | = |U | S1 + S2 + + (1)n Sn , where Sk is
the sum of the sizes of the k-fold intersections of the conditions Ai . Now |U | = n!, and for
Sk , we need the number of ways to place k rooks in forbidden positions, with no restrictions

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on the remaining n k rooks, except that they cant be in the same row or column as any
other rook. This means that Sk = rk (n k)!, where rk is the number of ways to put k non
attacking rooks on the forbidden squares.

I will give two examples. First, for the example in (2), rather than finding the rook
polynomial for the good squares as we originally did, we find the polynomial for the forbidden
squares, and use the theorem. We use

= +x


which gives R(x, B) = (1+3x+x2 )2 +x(1+2x)2 = 1+7x+15x2 +10x3 +x4 . By the theorem,
the number we want is 4! 7 3! + 15 2! 10 1! + 1 0! = 3. The theorem is advantageous
when the board of forbidden positions is small compared to the board of allowed positions.

For a second example, consider permutations of 6 where 1 is not in positions 2, 4; 2 is

not in position 1; 4 is not in positions 1 or 5, 5 is not in positions 2 or 4; and 6 is not
in position 6. The board for this is


Rearrange this to 1 , and by rearranging columns to


The rook polynomial for the forbidden squares is (1 + 4x + 2x2 )(1 + 3x + x2 )(1 + x) =
1 + 8x + 22x2 + 25x3 + 12x4 + 2x5 so the number of allowed permutations is

6! 8 5! + 22 4! 25 3! + 12 2! 2 1! + 0 0! = 160.

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