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(Declaration of Heirship Self Adjudication of Estate of Deceased


Republic of the Philippines)

Province of ____________________)S.S.
City/Municipality of _____________)


I, _____________, Filipino, of legal age, (single / married / widow), and

a resident of _____________, Philippines, after being sworn in
accordance with law, depose and state:

1. That I am the only child and sole heir of _____________ who died
intestate on _____________ at _____________;

2. That said deceased left a certain parcel of land covered by Transfer

Certificate of Title No. _____________ and more particularly described as

(Technical Description of Property)

3.That said deceased left no debts, nor any Last Will and Testament;

4.That pursuant to Sec. 1 of Rule 74 of the Revised Rules of Court of the

Philippines, I hereby adjudicate unto myself the above-described
parcel of land, and the improvements found and standing thereon, and I
hereby request the Register of Deeds to issue a new Transfer
Certificate of Title in my name;
5.That the above-described parcel of land does not come under the
operation of the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this

_____________ in _____________, Philippines.



(Declaration of Heirship with SPA to Negotiate the

Voluntarily Offer to Sell (VOS) of the Landholding under CARP)



That we, _____________, _____________, and _____________,

all of legal age, Filipinos and residents of_____________, Philippines
hereby declare as follows:

1. That we are all legitimate children and the only compulsory heirs of the
late _____________ who died INTESTATE on _____________ at
_____________, Philippines.

2.That the late _____________ is the registered owner of a certain

parcel of land situated in _____________, Philippines, more particularly
described as follows:

(Technical Description of Property)

3. That pursuant to Sec. 1 of Rule 74 of the Revised Rules of Court of the
Philippines, we, _____________, _____________, and _____________
all surnamed _____________, hereby adjudicate unto ourselves, in equal
shares, OWNERSHIP, TITLE and INTERESTS over the above-described
parcel of land;

4.In addition, by these presents and for the reason that the above-
described parcel of land with an area of__________________________
(______) hectares has been offered for sale to the Government under its
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program, (otherwise known as Republic
Act No. 6657), we, _____________, _____________, and
_____________ all surnamed _____________, have named, constituted
and appointed and by these presents, do hereby name, constitute and
appoint __Attorney-in-Fact__ to be our own, true and lawful ATTORNEY-
IN-FACT, for us and in our name, place and stead to do and perform the
following acts and things:

a.To represent us and act in our behalf in the negotiation with the
Department of Agrarian Reform, the Land Bank of the Philippines and all
other government agencies, of the VOLUNTARY OFFER TO SELL (V.O.S.),
as contemplated in the said program and for him to execute, sign, seal
and deliver all pertinent documents or papers required or necessary for
the attainment of the purpose;

b.That she shall have full power and authority to act for and in our behalf,
and to bind us on any action or undertaking she may pursue, or
agreements she may conclude, and for her to consummate the transfer
and conveyance of the property, for and in our name, to include, but not
limited to, the process of determining what is just compensation and for
her to accept the valuation which she believes is beneficial and
advantageous to us;
c.HEREBY GIVING AND GRANTING unto said Attorney-in-Fact full power
and authority to do and perform whatsoever act or things which may be
required or necessary to be done in and about the premises as fully to all
intents and purposes as we might or could lawfully do if personally
present and hereby RATIFYING and CONFORMING all that our attorney-
in-fact shall lawfully do or cause to be done under and by virtue of these

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands this

_____________ at _____________, Philippines.



_________________ __________________


(Last Will and Testament)



I, _____________, of legal age, (single / married / widow), a

citizen of _____________ and currently a
residentof _____________, with sound and disposing mind and memory,
and without having been forced, intimidated or unduly influenced by
anybody, have hereby voluntarily executed and proclaimed this
instrument, as my Last Will and Testament, in English, a language I
speak and write with and of which I am well conversant:
1. That should I finally rest in eternal peace, it is my wish and desire that
internment, vigil and burial be made in accordance with the customs and
traditions of the _____________ Church;

2.That I am the owner of the following properties:

(List and Description of Real and Personal Properties)

3.That should the Lord Almighty finally summon this soul from its earthly
abode, it is my wish and desire tobequeath, grant and devise my
properties above-mentioned, as follows:

a)To my beloved (wife/husband) _____________, I hereby bequeath the

properties listed as nos. _______ above;

b)To my beloved children _____________, _____________, and

_____________, I hereby bequeath in equal shares, the properties listed
as nos. _______ above;

c)To _____________ who has been my constant companion and nurse in

my illness, I hereby devise the property listed as no. _______ above;

d)To my (brother/sister/friend/etc.) _____________ I give the property

listed as no. _______ above;

4.That should Divine Providence will it that I die ahead of my beloved

(wife/husband), I hereby proclaim as my wish and desire which my heirs,
devisees and legatees should respect, that the provisions of the foregoing
Paragraph 3, Sub-Paragraphs b, c, and d be rendered temporarily without
force and effect, and my surviving (wife/husband) shall have full use and
enjoyment of all the above-listed properties; and only upon (his/her)
demise shall the provisions of Paragraph 3, Sub-Paragraphs b, c, and d
come into effect;
5.That for the purpose of rendering this Last Will and Testament effective
thru the proper proceeding in Court, I hereby name and constitute
_____________ as Executor and Administrator of this Last Will and
Testament, and that in his incapacity, I hereby name _____________ as
his substitute;

6.That the Executor and Administrator I hereby nominate shall be

excused from posting any bond;

7.That I hereby revoke, set aside, and annul any other will or
testamentary disposition I have made, signed, or proclaimed.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my this ______ at _____,




WE, the undersigned witnesses, do hereby affirm that the foregoing is the
Last Will and 'Testament of_____________ and we hereby certify: That
(he/she) executed the same while of sound and disposing mind and
memory; That he signed the same in our presence, at the bottom of the
last page and on the left hand margin ofeach and every page, and we, at
his behest, have signed hereunder and on the left hand margin of each
and every page, in (his/her) presence, in the presence of the Notary
Public, and in the presence of each and every one of us this
_____________ at _____________, Philippines.


1. ____________________________________

2. ____________________________________
3. ____________________________________

Republic of the Philippines)

Province of ____________________)S.S.
City/Municipality of _____________)


BEFORE ME, a Notary Public for and in the

(Province/City/Municipality) of _____________, personally appeared the
following persons, with their respective Community Tax Certificates as

Name C.T.C. No.Date / Place Issued

1. TESTATOR _____________ _____________

2. WITNESS_____________ _____________

3. WITNESS_____________ _____________

4. WITNESS_____________ _____________

known to me and to me known to be the same person who executed the

foregoing Last Will and Testament, which he acknowledged to me to be
(his/her) own free and voluntary act and deed and which (he/she)
executed and signed in the presence of the three (3) above-named
attesting witnesses, who all signed their names as proof of their
attestation on this page before the Testator _____________ and in the
presence of each and everyone of them, and they acknowledged the
same to be their free and voluntary act and deed.
This Last Will and Testament consists of _____________.(______)
pages, including the page on which the ratification and acknowledgment
are written.

WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL this _____________ at _____________,



Doc. No. ______;

Page No. ______;

Book No. ______;

Series of ______;

(Declaration of Heirship with SPA to Sell the Property Adjudicated)




That we, _____________, widow; _____________ and _____________,

all of legal age, Filipinos, and residentsof _____________, Philippines,
hereby declare:

1. That _____________ (our father) and _____________ (our mother) were

legally married and begot by reasonof said union, _____________ and
_____________, both of whom are legitimate children;
2. That our father _____________ died on _____________ at
_____________, Philippines and that at the timeof his death, he was
survived by his wife _____________ and all the above named legitimate
children. He died INTESTATE and had no known creditors nor left any debts;

3. During his lifetime, the spouses, the late _____________ and our mother
_____________, acquired a certain parcel of land described as follows:

(Technical Description of Property)

4. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 1 of Rule 74 of the Revised

Rules of Court of the Philippines and by virtue of our laws on INTESTATE
SUCCESSION, we, the surviving spouse _____________, and the children,
namely, _____________ and _____________, do hereby adjudicate
unto ourselves OWNERSHIP, TITLE and INTERESTS over said parcels of land,
excluding any other person or persons not herein mentioned.

5. Further, we, _____________ and _____________ all surnamed

_____________, have named, constituted and appointed and by these
presents, do hereby name, constitute and appoint our mother,
_____________ as our own, true and lawful ATTORNEY-IN-FACT, for us and
in our name, place and stead to SELL, TRANSFER, and CONVEY, under such
terms and conditions and for such price as she may deem fit and which she
believes is beneficial and advantageous to us, to whomsoever may buy or
purchase the above-mentioned parcels of land ofwhich we are co-owners;

6. That she shall have full power and authority to act for and in our behalf,
and to bind us on any action or undertaking she may pursue, or agreements
she may conclude, and for her to consummate the transfer and
conveyance of the property and execute the requisite documents and/or
instruments conveying such property as may be required, for and in our
7. HEREBY GIVING AND GRANTING unto said Attorney-in-Fact full power and
authority to do and perform all and every act or things requisite or necessary
which may be required or necessary to be done in and about the
premises to carry into effect the foregoing authority to sell, as fully to all
intents and purposes as we might or could lawfully do if personally present
and hereby RATIFYING and CONFORMING all that our attorney-in-fact shall
lawfully do or cause to be done under and by virtue of these presents.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands this

_____________ at _____________, Philippines.



__________________ __________________


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