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A quarterly newsletter linking development workers around the world

A quarterly
newsletter linking
development worker
around the world


Feeding young Spoon sizes

Spoon sizes may be different.
In this issue:

children 1 teaspoon is equal to 5ml or 8g and is

similar in size to a soda bottle top.
1 tablespoon is equal to 15ml or 25gm
and is similar in size to half of an empty
by Ann Ashworth
plastic film canister (1 film canister is
similar in size to 2 tablespoons).
Good food is important for good health. Children who are well fed
during the first two years of life are more likely to stay healthy for
the rest of their childhood. During the first six months of a child’s made from mixtures of family foods
life, breast milk alone is the ideal food. It contains all the nutrients which are modified to make them easy
to eat and high in nutrients. They should
needed for healthy growth as well as immune factors that protect be given in small amounts three times a
against common childhood infections. day at first, increasing to five times daily
by 12 months. Start with a few teaspoons
Breast milk continues to be an important immune system will become less and gradually increase the amount and
source of nutrients until a child is at least effective. Common infections like variety. It is important to actively
two years old. However, after six months diarrhoea last longer and are more
of age, all babies need increasing severe in malnourished children. Once a
amounts of additional foods, before child is sick, poor appetite can lead to a
eventually changing to family foods cycle of ever-worsening malnutrition
alone. These additional foods are called and repeated infections that often ends

Photo: Isabel Carter

complementary foods. As a baby grows and in death (see diagram, page 3). Nearly
becomes more active, complementary two-thirds of all deaths in children
foods fill the gap between the total aged 0–4 years are associated with
nutritional needs of the child and the malnutrition in countries in the south
amounts provided by breast milk. – so good feeding practices are of vital
Without adequate amounts and a good importance to child survival.
mixture of these additional foods, babies
will fail to grow properly and their Complementary foods
Complementary foods should be:
■ rich in energy and nutrients
IN THIS ISSUE ■ clean and safe
• Letters ■ easy to prepare
• Bible study ■ locally available and
• Weaning practices in Nepal affordable
• Feeding young children ■ easy and enjoyable for the
child to eat
• Gardening for better nutrition
■ not too peppery or salty.
• HIV and breast-feeding
• Encouraging young children Complementary foods may be
to eat specially prepared foods, or be

• Resources
Children who are well fed during the
• Asking questions first two years of life are likely to stay
healthy for the rest of their childhood.

Nutrition for Developing Countries 1992

Iron and zinc
Footsteps Foods high in iron and zinc include red
meats, liver, kidneys, blood and other
ISSN 0962 2861
kinds of offal. Egg yolks, dark green leaves
Footsteps is a quarterly paper, linking health and
development workers worldwide. Tearfund, and pulses are also high in iron, but this
publisher of Footsteps, hopes that it will provide iron is not so easily absorbed in the body.
the stimulus of new ideas and enthusiasm. It is a However, eating fruit rich in vitamin C
way of encouraging Christians of all nations as
(eg: oranges, papaya), at the same meal
they work together towards creating wholeness in
our communities. will improve the absorption of iron.
Footsteps is free of charge to individuals working
to promote health and development. It is available
in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish.
Donations are welcomed.
encourage a child to eat. A child left
Readers are invited to contribute views, articles,
letters and photos.
alone may not eat enough.
Editor: Isabel Carter When preparing these foods, make sure
PO Box 200, Bridgnorth, Shropshire, all utensils are clean. Spoon-feed Monitoring growth is a useful way to know if a
WV16 4WQ, UK
complementary foods from a cup or child is eating enough and is healthy.
Tel: +44 1746 768750
Fax: +44 1746 764594
bowl and do not use a feeding bottle.
Foods should be used within two hours potato), or starchy fruits (such as
E-mail: [email protected]
of preparation if they are not kept in a plantain and breadfruit). In rural areas,
Sub Editor: Rachel Blackman
refrigerator. families often spend much of their time
Language Editor: Sheila Melot
growing, harvesting, storing and pro-
Administrators: Judy Mondon, Sarah Carter
Keep a chart of a young child’s weight. cessing the staple food. In urban areas
Editorial Committee: Ann Ashworth, Simon
Monitoring growth is a useful way to the staple is often bought, and the choice
Batchelor, Mike Carter, Paul Dean, Richard
Franceys, Martin Jennings, Ted Lankester, Simon know if a child is eating enough and is depends on cost. For use as comple-
Larkin, Sandra Michie, Veena O’Sullivan, Nigel healthy. mentary foods, cooked staples can
Poole, Alan Robinson, Rose Robinson, José
Smith, Ian Wallace Complementary foods need to contain usually be mashed (for example, rice,
sufficient energy, protein, minerals and noodles, cassava, potato), or softened in
Illustrator: Rod Mill
vitamins to meet the nutritional needs of a small amount of liquid (for example,
Design: Wingfinger Graphics, Leeds
the growing child. The most difficult bread and chapati).
Translation: S Boyd, L Bustamante, Dr J Cruz,
S Dale-Pimentil, N Edwards, N Gemmell, R Head, nutritional needs to fill are usually for Porridges prepared from the staple are
M Machado, O Martin, N Mauriange, M Pereira, energy, iron, zinc and vitamin A.
J Perry
often used as early complementary
Mailing List: Write, giving brief details of your
foods. However, these are usually
work and stating preferred language, to: Using staple foods watery and contain little energy and few
Footsteps Mailing List, PO Box 200, Bridgnorth, Every community has a staple food which nutrients. Soups are also commonly used
Shropshire, WV16 4WQ, UK. and are watery, so have the same
E-mail: [email protected]
is the main food eaten. This may be a
cereal (such as rice, wheat, maize, millet), problems.
Change of address: Please give us the reference
number from your address label when informing or a root crop (such as cassava, yam,
us of a change of address.
Articles and illustrations from Footsteps may be
adapted for use in training materials encouraging
health and development provided the materials
are distributed free of charge and that credit is
given to Footsteps, Tearfund. Permission should
be obtained before reprinting Footsteps material.
Opinions and views expressed in the letters and
articles do not necessarily reflect the views of the
Editor or Tearfund. Technical information supplied
in Footsteps is checked as thoroughly as
possible, but we cannot accept responsibility
should any problems occur.
Tearfund is an evangelical Christian relief and
development agency working through local
partners to bring help and hope to communities
in need around the world. Tearfund, 100 Church
Road, Teddington, Middlesex, TW11 8QE, UK.
Tel: +44 20 8977 9144
Photo: Tearfund

Published by Tearfund. A company limited by

guarantee. Regd in England No 994339. Regd
Charity No 265464.
Vitamin A can be stored in a child’s body for a few months, so encourage families to feed foods high
in vitamin A as much as possible when available.

2 F O O T S T E P S 52

Staple foods provide energy. Cereals also To improve porridges and soups
contain protein, but most other staple
foods have very little protein. However, ■ Cook with less water and make a thicker porridge.
staple foods are poor sources of iron,
■ Replace some (or all) of the water with milk.
zinc, calcium and some vitamins, which
are all needed to meet the nutritional ■ Add extra energy and nutrients. For example, add milk
need of the growing child. powder, sugar, margarine or ghee to porridge. Add
groundnut or sesame seed paste to soups.
Useful complementary ■ Toast cereal grains before grinding them for flour. Toasted
foods flour does not thicken much, and uses less water to make
Other foods must be eaten with the
staple food in order to fill the energy and ■ Take out a mixture of the solid pieces in soups such as
nutritional needs. The types of foods that beans, meat, vegetables and mash to a thick puree with the
fill these needs best are: staple food. Soften with a little margarine or oil for extra Porridges are often watery with
energy. The best part of the soup is the solid foods in it. little energy and few nutrients.
■ pulses (such as peas, beans, and
groundnuts) and oil seeds (such as
sesame seeds). These are good sources
of protein. Some, such as groundnuts,
bambarra, soybeans and oil seeds, are Mixing complementary foods is the best with iodine. Margarine usually has
rich in fat so are also high in energy. way to make certain that children get vitamins A and D added to it by the
enough energy, protein and micro- manufacturer.
■ foods from animals and fish These are
nutrients for healthy growth and develop-
rich sources of many nutrients but are Professor Ann Ashworth is a nutritionist at
ment. During a day, a good mixture is:
often expensive. Also, some people do the London School of Hygiene and Tropical
not eat meat because of their religious ■ a staple + a pulse + an animal food + green Medicine with many years of experience in
or personal beliefs. Meat and organs leaves or an orange-coloured vegetable young child feeding.
(such as liver, heart, and kidneys), as or fruit.
well as milk, yoghurt, cheese and eggs E-mail is [email protected]
Families can use all these foods to make a
are good sources of protein. Foods Public Health Nutrition Unit
meal, or they can use, as examples:
made from milk and any food con- London School of Hygiene
taining bones that are eaten (eg: small ■ staple + pulse + green leaves and Tropical Medicine
fish, canned fish, or pounded dried at one meal 49–51 Bedford Square, London
fish) are good sources of calcium, ■ staple + animal food + fruit UK
needed to build strong bones. at another meal. WC1B 3DP
■ dark green leaves and orange-coloured
fruits and vegetables are all rich sources Add a small amount of fat or oil to give
of vitamins A and C. extra energy if none of the other foods in Discussion questions
the meal is energy-rich.
■ oils, fats (such as margarine, butter,
■ Discuss the age at which most children
ghee) and sugars are concentrated
sources of energy. Adding one
Anaemia start complementary foods in your area.
Children need iron to produce new blood Is this too early or too late? If so,
teaspoon of oil or fat to a meal gives
particularly during their first year when discuss why.
extra energy. Red palm oil is also very
rich in vitamin A. growth is fastest. Breast milk contains ■ Are foods from animals eaten in your
very little iron, but full-term babies are area? What are they?
born with enough iron for their needs in ■ Which of these are regularly given to
The malnutrition/infection cycle. Good feeding
breaks this cycle and saves lives.
the first six months. After that, if their young children?
need for iron is not met, the child will
■ Can you think of ways to make more
infection become anaemic. Premature and low
animal foods available for eating at home,
birth-weight babies are at higher risk of
for example, by building a fishpond, or
anaemia because they are born with
raising rabbits, guinea pigs or poultry?
poor disease smaller body stores of iron. Give them
iron drops from two months, if available. ■ Dark green leaves and orange-coloured
resistance vegetables and fruits are all rich sources
Fortified foods of vitamins A and C. Make a list of those
available in your area. What could some
Fortified foods have special nutritional
malnutrition families do if there are some months
ingredients added by the manufacturers.
when none are available? Can you help
For example, cereal products may be
families overcome this lack?
fortified with iron. Salt may be fortified
F O O T S T E P S 52 3

CAHD tries to lessen the exclusion of, participants for training in medicinal
and negative attitudes towards, people plants and group dynamics. Please write
with disabilities and to break the for details if you are interested in
negative cycle which links poverty and attending these seminars.
disability. CAHD is being piloted in Asia
Hervé de Lauture
THE EDITOR by Handicap International and
FOOTSTEPS CADI (Centre d’Application au
Christoffel Blinden Mission in
PO BOX 200 Développement Intégré)
partnership with local organisations.
SHROPSHIRE Jane Schofield Gurung Senegal
WV16 4WQ Community Based Rehabilitation
Service (CBRS) The Deborah Movement
Naya Bazaar, PO Box 293 A group of women had a vision to gather
Pokhara all the women from evangelical churches
Nepal in Burkina Faso together for intercession,
E-mail: [email protected] evangelism and to train them using Bible
Community approaches studies.
For more information, contact:
to disability [email protected] They launched the Deborah Movement.
Thank you for the excellent Footsteps Website: With support from various church
issue on people with disabilities. Readers groups they have organised Prayer
may be interested to hear of a new Training about Days to pray for the country. Half the
approach which bridges community- day is used for teaching and the other
medicinal plants
based rehabilitation and general half for praying for the various needs in
I was very interested to read the Footsteps the country.
community development work. We
issue on medicinal plants. Our group has
call this Community Approaches to A second day of prayer for AIDS was
been interested in medicinal plants for
Handicap and Disability (CAHD). It held in 2002 with a particular concern for
about 25 years. We have gradually set up
helps existing community development the 200,000 orphans in the country. These
a training centre and created a botanical
organisations to gain awareness, days have been a huge encouragement
garden. The garden holds 182 local
knowledge and skills to include people and we are now planning an inter-
varieties of medicinal plants. We hold
with disabilities in their existing work. national conference in November.
seminars in French for groups of 15–60
Joanna Ilboudo
Contact Editions, 04 BP 8463
Ouagadougou 04
EDITORIAL Burkina Faso

Nutrition is a huge topic and in this issue we have chosen to concentrate on one of the most Water for health
important stages of nutrition – the early years of life when a child learns to share in the family diet. People often do not drink enough
This is a dangerous time for many young children. Two thirds of the deaths of young children aged water. This results in people having
0–4 years in Third World countries are associated with malnutrition. The types of food given and the health problems such as stomach
way in which babies are encouraged to eat are so important. Healthy and well-nourished babies grow problems, dizziness and dry skin. To
into strong children better able to fight off disease. encourage people to drink more water
A recent report by UNICEF called We the Children found that in India, for example, nearly half of all
we have tried the following
children under three years of age suffered from malnutrition.

Ann Ashworth is a world expert in nutrition and provides many good and practical ideas. Breast- ■ Cut the bottom off a plastic soda
feeding always used to be the very best way to feed a baby. However, with the knowledge that the HIV bottle with a narrow neck. Half fill the
virus can be passed from mother to baby through breast-feeding, many people are unsure how to bottle with a mix of gravel, sand and
advise mothers. We provide an update on the real risks to help people make an informed judgement. earth. Line up eight full glasses of
Home gardens can be used nearly everywhere, including urban areas water.
and can really help improve the intake of vitamins and minerals. ■ Explain to people that drinking water
is important for the body to get rid of
We hope this issue provides a variety of ideas to help improve
wastes. Start pouring the water from
nutrition in your community. Future issues will look at holistic
the glasses slowly into the bottle. The
development, urban agriculture and pressures on the family.
water looks dirty at first. If you don’t
drink enough, the body’s leftover dirt
will cause problems.

4 F O O T S T E P S 52


Traditions and customs

concerning our food
Read Acts 10:9-16
All cultures develop a variety of traditional beliefs and customs • Why did Peter refuse to kill and eat the animals and birds shown to him?
concerning food. Sometimes there are foods that people eat at • What was God’s answer to Peter?
special festivals. Some foods may be avoided on particular days.
The Jewish tradition considered certain foods unclean and for Paul
Foods which are avoided in one culture may be valued in an-
these taboos were part of his life. But then God challenged him on
other. Most of these beliefs have little impact on nutrition but
this. God is able to make all things clean and to change people’s
there are some that have a considerable impact. For example, in
way of thinking.
many cultures pregnant or nursing women are not supposed to
eat eggs – which are a very nutritious food. Children likewise • What customs, traditions and taboos do you have in your own culture
may be prevented from eating foods which would be of real nutrit- concerning food?
ional benefit. • Are any of them unhelpful and damaging to good nutrition?
Read I Samuel 21:1-6 • Should some of the taboos be challenged and if so, how could this be
• Why did the priest give David the consecrated bread? done sensitively?
David knew that according to religious custom he should not have God is our father and we are his children, to whom he gives good
eaten this bread. But without it, he and his men would not have gifts. As we read in Luke 11:11-13, God freely gives his Holy Spirit
had the strength to continue their mission. and his gifts to us. He encourages us to provide good nutritious
food to our children.

■ Continue pouring the glasses into the They use striga, a common weed of HIV positive try to avoid passing on the
bottle. Gradually the water will maize and sorghum, and find this virus to others until they die. This helps
become clear. Each person should treatment as effective as the vaccine. reduce transmission of the disease.
drink at least eight glasses of water a
They soak the whole striga plant in Life-saving medicines such as
day. This will keep their body healthy
water for 10–20 minutes. Leaving the Nevirapine help reduce HIV/AIDS
as wastes will be washed away.
plant in the water, they give the water to being passed from mother to child.
Louise Fong the chickens to drink. The mixture However, improving child survival
Project Grace should be kept topped up with water. without doing anything to prolong the
Yunnan Continue treatment for one week. life of the mother will produce orphans
China with an uncertain future.
Akaa Ijir, PO Box 491
Makurdi 970001, Benue State Children who become orphans because
Nigeria of AIDS must be helped in a sustainable
way, with education and training that
Reflections on HIV/AIDS will eventually make them self-
Statistics show clearly that unless drastic sufficient. There is a danger of pouring
measures are taken immediately, the money into institutions for orphans, as
HIV/AIDS epidemic will claim half of extended families will hand over their
Africa’s population within the next few traditional responsibility of looking after
years. It is estimated that over 7,000 orphans. It is vital to strengthen and
Africans are dying and about 11,000 are support African extended families to
Helpful weeds take care of orphans.
being infected with the virus every
I read the article about helpful weeds in
single day! Dr Eben Mwasha
Footsteps 48 with a keen interest. In
Nigeria, the Tiv people of Benue State If HIV testing facilities and life-saving PHC Ambassadors Foundation
have many local chickens. Newcastle medicines were readily available and PO Box 9618, Moshi
disease constantly plagues these affordable, more people would be Tanzania
chickens. Tiv people use a cheap means encouraged to go for an HIV test. Over E-mail: [email protected]
of controlling this dangerous disease. 90% of people who discover they are

F O O T S T E P S 52 5

Weaning Ingredients for

super-flour porridge
The flour is made from:

practices ■ Two parts pulse – soybeans are best,

but other small beans, grams and peas
can also be used

in Nepal ■ One part whole grain cereal such as

maize or rice
■ One part another whole grain cereal
such as wheat, millet or buckwheat.
by Sanjay Kumar Nidhi
The pulses and grains need to be cleaned,
roasted well (separately) and ground into
In Nepal, weaning traditionally begins with the Rice Feeding fine flour (separately or together). The
flour can then be stored in an airtight
Ceremony (Pasne) where children receive their first meal. The container for one to three months. The
ceremony is performed at five months of age for a girl and six flour is stirred into boiling water and
months for a boy. cooked for a short time. The proper
amount and consistency of the porridge
will depend on the age and condition of
Common traditional weaning foods
jaulo, so adding pulses, green leafy the child. Salt should not be added,
vegetables or fruit to these foods is especially if the child is malnourished.
■ porridge (lito), made from roasted rice encouraged.
flour (occasionally maize or millet),
ghee (clarified butter) and sugar Another traditional food which has been
shown by scientists to be very nutritious,
■ jaulo, made from rice and turmeric or is a porridge made from the finely
rice and salt ground flour of roasted cereal grains and
■ dhiro, made from maize flour (or pulses. In Nepal this is known as super- Super-flour porridge
millet or wheat) flour porridge or sarbottam pitho ko lito. The recipe developed out of experience
and research by Miriam Krantz, working
■ maar, made in lowland areas by
with Nepalese mothers and with the
cooking rice, cracked maize and
foods they grow. The Nutrition
soybeans together
Programme of the United Mission to
■ khichari, a mix of rice, pulses and Nepal fully supports the use of super-
vegetables. flour porridge and it is now promoted
Some of these traditional foods are high throughout the country by the govern-
in energy and nutrients and should be ment as the ideal weaning food.
encouraged. These include maar and The flour makes full use of whatever
khichari. Others are poor weaning foods local foods are most readily available.
with little protein or nutrients, such as Any pulse can be used instead of
soybeans, and combinations of any two
cereal grains can be substituted for the
wheat and maize.
For babies of six months of age or more,
porridge made with one or two
teaspoons of super-flour given two or
three times a day is enough with breast-
feeding. As the child grows, the amount
of porridge used will gradually increase
until about 100gm (four tablespoons) of
Photo: Sanjay Kumar Nidhi

super-flour is used each day – enough to

prepare three feeds of porridge. This
amount will provide most of a one to
three year old’s requirements of protein,
calcium, iron and various vitamins. If a

6 F O O T S T E P S 52

young child is also breast-fed and eats Sanjay Kumar Nidhi has worked as
two small portions of their family’s meal a nutrition assessment and support
of dhal-bhat (pulses and rice), all their officer in the Nutrition Programme,
needs for energy and protein will be met. United Mission to Nepal. His
address is Nutrition Programme,
The nutritional content of super-flour
UMN, PO Box 126, Kathmandu,
varies according to the ingredients used,
but analysis shows that 100gm of flour
will contain 13.5–25gm of protein and E-mail: [email protected]
345–370 calories. Super-flour porridge
does not supply enough vitamin A for a
child’s daily need. Health workers
therefore teach mothers to add ground

Photo: Sanjay Kumar Nidhi

leafy greens or other family vegetables to
the porridge. A selection of some common
and traditional weaning
The nutritional value of the porridge foods, including porridge,
is also improved by adding ghee dhal and half an orange
(clarified butter) or other fat or vegetable
oil. A recipe that meets the WHO
recommendation for severely mal-
nourished children uses 30gm (one
On the road to recovery
heaped tablespoon) of super-flour
Kamali brought her two year old
cooked with 15ml (three teaspoons) of oil
son, Arjun, to the District Health
and made up to 150ml with water. This
Office with tears in her eyes. She
is being used for malnourished children
brought him there as a last resort
in UMN Hospitals.
after he had received treatment
from local traditional healers. Arjun
Advantages of super-flour had diarrhoea all the time, had lost his
■ Super-flour is a convenient and appetite and had been constantly losing weight.
adaptable food that stores well. For Arjun was immediately referred to the Nutrition
older children the flour can be eaten Programme of UMN. He had severe weight loss and
dry (as sattu) or added to fresh boiled looked just ‘skin and bones’. He was irritable, very slow,
milk or any other liquid without dehydrated and was crying all the time. It was a clear case
further cooking, since all the of severe protein energy malnutrition. Arjun’s mother,
ingredients are pre-roasted. The flour Kamali, was advised about his situation and given
can also be used for baking breads suggestions for feeding him.
and biscuits.
Three days later, UMN staff visited his home and talked with his mother about the family
■ Infants like the roasted flavour. situation. They discovered that she was not aware of the importance of good child feeding and
■ Mashed vegetables and fruits can be hygiene practices.
added to the porridge to improve the The nutrition programme staff taught the mother how to prepare super-flour porridge. She was
nutritional value and vary the flavour. encouraged to feed Arjun this porridge four to five times a day (fortified with ghee or oil) along
■ Super-flour porridge is highly with other food, fruits and vegetables. During later home visits, Kamali was given practical
recommended for use with severely suggestions regarding weaning foods, feeding sick children, personal hygiene, balanced diet and
malnourished children. nutritious local foods. The nutrition field staff also
monitored Arjun’s weight during regular home visits.
Arjun gained weight slowly but steadily. When he
returned to the nutrition unit for a check-up visit he was
a different child – happy and full of energy. He had
gained weight, could walk easily, his appearance had
improved and he wanted to feed himself. The clear joy in
his mother’s eyes said it all.
We hope that our experience in Nepal with home
processed weaning foods can be duplicated in other
countries. Sound, home-based approaches to child
feeding should be recognised and encouraged by policy
makers, community leaders and public health workers.

F O O T S T E P S 52 7

young children These recipes are examples
from around the world of meals that
have a good balance of all three food
Based on information from Ann Ashworth, World Neighbours, types. Each meal meets at least one third of
Sarah Carter, Rachel Blackman and Diane Reed a small child’s daily requirements of energy,
protein, iron and vitamins. Adapt these ideas using
your own local foods.

Building Dhal, carrot and amaranthus (Asia)

foods Cook dhal (lentils) until soft. Add a few spices to give flavour.
Add half a small carrot when the lentils are nearly cooked. Add
some amaranthus leaves and steam, or cook separately. For the
foods child’s meal, mash 1 rounded tablespoon of cooked lentils with the
carrot, 1 teaspoon of ghee (or oil) and a tablespoon of cooked leaves.
Serve with half a chapati and 1/4 cup milk.

Millet and bean porridge (Africa)

Gather cowpea leaves (or sweet potato/pumpkin/cassava/kale leaves)
and steam or boil. Make a thick porridge from millet and bean flours
(3 parts millet to 1 part bean). Mix 5 tablespoons of porridge with
1 tablespoon cooked leaves and add 1 teaspoon oil, margarine or ground-
Energy nut paste. Alternatively, serve the cooked leaves separately and fry with
foods onions and tomato for flavour.

Rice, beans and liver (Latin America)

The three food groups Cook rice. Boil beans with chopped onions and a few spices until soft.
A child’s diet should include food from the three food groups: Add some potato and continue cooking. Steam a chicken’s liver with
■ Energy foods help children play and work. These are staple foods the rice or cook it with the beans. For the child, mash 3 tablespoons
such as maize, rice and plantain, and oils such as vegetable oil and rice, 1 tablespoon of beans and potato, 1/2 tablespoon liver and 1
animal fat, and sugar. teaspoon margarine.

■ Building foods or protein help children to grow and repair the body Rice, lentils and yoghurt (Middle East)
after illness. Examples are peanuts, soybeans, pigeon peas, milk,
Cook rice. Boil lentils until soft. Fry some onion until brown
eggs, fish and meat.
and add spices for flavour. Add to lentils. For the child’s
■ Protective foods contain vitamins and minerals, which help the body meal, mix 3 rounded tablespoons cooked rice with 11/2
to run smoothly and protect against illness. Most fruit and vegetables tablespoons lentil and onion mixture and 1 teaspoon
are protective foods. oil. Serve with 3 tablespoons yoghurt. Serve with
half an orange to improve iron

Mealtimes should be fun

Mealtimes should be relaxed and enjoyable and an opportunity for
the whole family to spend time together. Don’t force children to eat
in a hurry.
Use mealtimes to improve children’s development. For example:
■ Children can learn new words and concepts, foods and
colours. Talk about how the food tastes, name the utensils,
foods and colours.
■ Let children touch and pick up food themselves. This
helps to develop their co-ordination.
■ Help children feel good about themselves by giving
them praise and smiling at them.

8 F O O T S T E P S 52
Biscuits can make nutritious
snacks. Here is a very easy recipe that
will work in an oven or on top of a fire or stove.
Vegetable oil
Vegetable oil, as well as being a
1/2 cup sugar 1/2 cup fat Pinch of salt
useful source of energy, helps make
2 cups wheat flour (or a mix of 1 cup wheat and 1 cup food soft and tasty. Children aged
other flours such as soy or millet) 6–12 months should eat two
2 small spoons of a sweet spice such as nutmeg, ginger or teaspoons each day mixed into their
mixed spice if available food. Children aged 1–2 years
1/2 cup finely chopped nuts (pound to a paste if for small babies) should eat three teaspoons per day.

Mix all these ingredients together to make a very stiff dough with either
milk, an egg or water.
Either roll out thinly and cut into squares about 5cm in size, or take small
spoon-sized pieces of dough and work into a round (like a chapati), again
to about 5cm in size. If using an oven, cook on a tray for 15 minutes at
180°. If cooking over a stove or fire, use a thick metal frying pan or sheet of
metal. Cook very slowly over a cool heat, again for about 15 minutes, turning
over once.
These biscuits may be kept in an airtight container for a few days.

Good snacks
Snacks are foods eaten between meals. Nutritious snacks
may be useful to help fill the energy gap and are an easy
way to give a young child extra food. Snacks should be
easy to prepare.
Good snacks provide both energy and nutrients.
Examples are: ■ Encourage children to hold their own
spoon by twelve months old. This
■ mashed ripe banana, paw-paw, avocado, mango and
can be messy, and they will need
other fruits
help, but it makes their mealtimes
■ yoghurt, milk, puddings made with milk more interesting.
■ bread or chapati with butter, margarine, groundnut ■ Cut up food into small pieces so that
paste (peanut butter) or honey it is easier to eat.
■ biscuits, crackers ■ Give children their own plate or
■ cooked potatoes. bowl.
Poor snacks are high in sugar (which rots teeth)
and low in nutrients. Examples are:
■ fizzy drinks (sodas)
Food hygiene
Good hygiene when preparing food is always essential but especially when food is being
■ ice lollies/lollipops
prepared for young children. Always wash hands with soap and water before handling
■ sweets.
food. Cooking utensils should be clean. Dry them on a drying rack.
Never cough, sneeze or smoke over food that is being prepared for eating. If you are ill,
particularly with vomiting or diarrhoea, do not prepare food as you are likely to pass on
your infection. Cover cuts and sores on your hands and wear clean clothing.
Flies carry disease so food should always be covered. Some food such as milk, eggs,
cooked meat, cooked rice and other cereals will spoil more quickly than other kinds of
food. Once cooked, food should not be left at normal temperatures for more than two
Raw meat and fish, and uncooked vegetables with soil on them, should never
come into contact with cooked foods. After handling these foods, wash hands
well before handling cooked foods.

F O O T S T E P S 52 9

Gardening for and young children are more likely to

suffer from malnutrition. Women also
usually prepare, process and store family

better nutrition food supplies.

Before planning such work, take time to
assess local nutritional problems and
consider how these might be solved.
by Ian Horne Where lack of protein is a serious
problem, home garden projects may
include the growing of high-protein
Small food gardens near the family home have traditionally made an crops, such as beans of all kinds, as well
important contribution to family nutrition. Home gardens can help as the raising of fish, poultry and small
provide variety in the diet and supply vital vitamins and minerals, animals. In situations where deficiencies
of iron (anaemia) and calcium are
carbohydrates and proteins. Good nutrition helps the body to resist common, promote vegetables with high
disease, so home gardens help improve family health. iron and calcium content. Where vitamin
A deficiency causes ill health and night
In recent years, many people’s trends, the diets of many poor people blindness among the poor, promote leafy
traditional diets have changed. More have lost their original variety of green vegetables and other crops, such
processed foods are now eaten. Rural traditional foods and they lack enough as sweet peppers and carrots, which are
farmers may now grow crops to sell income to buy a varied and adequate rich in vitamin A.
rather than for family use. This means diet. Home gardens can help improve In urban areas there may be a small area
they may grow fewer crop varieties, family nutrition, encourage traditional of land outside the home or by the
particularly of vegetables. Wild leaves, varieties, improve health, produce roadside which could be cultivated.
roots and berries traditionally harvested medicinal plants and save money. Otherwise herbs, tomatoes and leafy
as food may no longer be available as a crops can be grown in tubs made from
Working with women is usually the key
result of deforestation and lack of access old tyres or plastic buckets by windows
to improving nutrition through home
to communal land. Because of these or doors and watered with waste water.
gardens. Pregnant and nursing mothers

Setting up a home
San Lucas Association garden project
The San Lucas Association (SLA) in Peru works with poor farming We can learn a lot about how to set up a
communities in the jungle area of Moyabamba. Here the main crops are home garden from the experience of the
rice, coffee, banana, maize and manioc (cassava). Through community San Lucas Association (SLA) in Peru.
meetings and a needs assessment with local people, high rates of infant Here are some key points for success.
malnutrition and low consumption of fruits and vegetables were revealed. ■ Assess local nutritional needs
SLA began a gardening project in the schools of four communities,
What are the main nutritional problems
involving the teachers, pupils and parents’ associations. Many families then
in the community and how are they
established vegetable plots on their own land. Recently, SLA has started a community and family
linked to eating habits?
gardens project, working mainly with existing grass roots organisations.
• What crops are grown? Are they used
The mothers chose their own leaders to coordinate groups of 15–20 women in each village. Each
for income or family consumption?
woman cultivates a small home garden near her house, ideally 10 square metres in size. SLA
provides training and support with two visits each month, as well as seeds and some hand tools. • How do families budget for buying
The training includes technical information on how to grow vegetables, how to maintain soil food?
fertility, basic nutrition and how to prepare nutritionally balanced dishes with the vegetables. • What are the main problems in
The crops which have proved most successful are coriander, radish, carrot, small marrows, producing food (for example, lack of
cabbage and tomato. SLA begin with three or four popular and nutritious vegetables. Later, as land or labour, pest damage, lack of
producers improve their gardening skills, there may be surplus production for sale. skills, poor storage)?
Major problems have been a lack of water in the dry season and crop losses (from pests, • What are the main problems in
diseases, thieves and livestock). To help resolve the water problem, communities have used pipes cooking and preparing food?
to take water from nearby streams and adapted plastic drinking bottles to serve as sprinklers.
SLA helps producers identify pests and trains them in using natural pesticides. Losses due to ■ Organisation
thieves and roaming livestock have been largely solved through community agreements and Consider carefully how to organise
fencing the gardens. production – in either individual or
communal plots and how to co-ordinate

10 F O O T S T E P S 52

producers prepare organic pesticides.

Practical tips
Distribute leaflets with clear diagrams.
■ Provide nutrition training and enjoyable
■ Protect and feed the soil
participatory workshops where
Consider using techniques such as cover balanced meals are prepared.
crops to cover the soil and contour
■ Introduce new crops slowly and only
barriers which prevent soil from being
when they have special nutritional
washed away. SLA encourages compost-
making to improve soil fertility.
■ Include leafy dark green vegetables as
good sources of vitamin A. Older leaves
A few final comments
tend to have higher levels of vitamin A.
Warmikunam Cristianas Trabajaykan
■ Encourage crops rich in vitamin C, such
(WCT) works with indigenous groups in
as citrus fruits, sweet peppers and
northern Peru. They have found home
garden projects useful for empowering
women and developing more effective ■ Promote beans, peas and lentils. For
Photo: Tearfund

local organisations. This work may lead maximum protein levels, encourage
to commercial production and the pro- people to grow and eat a mixture of
cessing of garden produce to raise extra beans, peas or lentils and starchy
Small home gardens can be made in almost any
income. Such projects contribute to vegetables and at each mealtime.
broader community development and ■ Consider promoting fish farming and
■ Choose crops well solidarity. the production of chickens, rabbits or
Crops should be: other small animals.
PRODAD, in Nicaragua, encourages
• easy to grow, with short growing producers to share part of their garden ■ The leaves and fruits of many trees can
cycle or long cropping season produce with widows, child feeding make a vital contribution to family
centres and other people in need, nutrition. Plant them in corners of the
• adapted to the local climate and soil
demonstrating care and concern within garden where they do not shade
• locally grown the community. vegetable crops. They often have
• popular, with a good flavour greater drought resistance because of
In rural areas, landless people are often their extensive root systems.
• pest and disease resistant. the most vulnerable to malnutrition. For
■ Plan planting carefully so crops provide
When choosing suitable vegetables, home gardens to benefit such people, we
food all year round, particularly during
study the diet of poor families with good will need to help them to have secure
the ‘lean seasons’ when vegetables and
health. Also study the diet of older access to land.
fruits are in short supply.
people with more traditional food
Special thanks are due to Tearfund partners
San Lucas Association and Warmikunam
■ Link production to good nutrition Cristianas Trabajaykan (Peru), CORCRIDE
Enjoyable training on nutrition and (Honduras), and PRODAD (Nicaragua),
preparing balanced meals is vital. Local who provided information for this article.
prejudices against certain foods may Ian Horne is a nutritionist with an interest
need challenging. in rural development and currently works
Photo: Ian Horne, Tearfund

Enjoyable training on
■ Water availability
with Tearfund as Desk Officer for the nutrition and preparing
Andean Region. He formerly worked on a balanced meals is vital.
When water is scarce, other domestic home gardens project in Mexico.
needs are likely to take priority. Improve
the water available to plants by:
• covering soil around plants with a
mulch of leaves or grass
• shading young plants
• removing weeds (they compete for
• add manure and compost to improve
water retention.
■ Pests and diseases
Provide technical help on identifying
and treating pests and diseases. Help

F O O T S T E P S 52 11

HIV and The risks of HIV

through breast-feeding

breast-feeding One in every 20 babies will

become infected if breast-fed
for six months.

by Ann Ashworth

The HIV virus can be passed from an HIV-infected mother to her baby.
Three in every 20 will become
This is called mother-to-child transmission (MTCT). It can occur during infected if breast-feeding
pregnancy, labour and delivery, and through breast-feeding. continues for two years.
Antiretroviral drugs such as Nevirapine reduce the risk of MTCT.

Risk through ■ breast health The risk is higher if

breast-feeding nipples are cracked or bleed, or if the
breast is sore or inflamed (mastitis,
The risk of passing the virus through breast abscess).
breast-feeding depends on:
■ timing of the mother’s HIV infection The
■ breast-feeding duration The longer risk of MCTC is higher if the mother
breast-feeding continues, the greater becomes infected during pregnancy or
the risk of MTCT. The risk is thought while breast-feeding.
to be about 5% in the first six months, options will be to breast-feed or to give
■ mother’s immune status The risk is replacement feeding (such as powdered
10% over the first 12 months, and
15–20% if the baby is breast-fed for 24 greater if the mother’s immunity is milk). In some cities in Brazil, mothers
months. low, for example, due to malnutrition with HIV may express their breast milk
or because she is in the advanced and have it made safe by heat treatment
■ pattern of breast-feeding The risk is stages of HIV disease. at a breast milk bank.
lower if the baby is fed only breast
milk. Feeding options Breast-feeding
Mothers with HIV have a difficult Babies benefit from the immune factors
choice, especially if they live in poor in breast milk and its high nutritional
conditions. Choosing not to breast-feed value. They are less likely to die from
may prevent some infants becoming diarrhoea and pneumonia but they risk
infected with HIV but can greatly getting the HIV virus. This risk is small if
increase the risk of death from other the mother:
causes. UNICEF estimates that for every
child dying from HIV through breast- ■ breast-feeds exclusively – this means
feeding, many more die because they are the mother and others in the house-
not breast-fed. hold must not give the baby water or
other fluids or food
It is important to discuss with HIV-
positive mothers the feeding options ■ maintains healthy breasts through
available to them so they can make an good breast-feeding practices, such as
informed choice. In most situations the breast-feeding on demand and having
the baby correctly attached on the
■ seeks help promptly for nipple or
breast problems, and for thrush in the
child’s mouth or on her nipples
■ avoids becoming infected, or
re-infected, with HIV while breast-
Photo: Tearfund

■ starts complementary feeding at six

months (see pages 1–3 ) and stops
breast-feeding as soon as is practical.

12 F O O T S T E P S 52

Replacement feeding example, they may want to breast-feed at Professor Ann Ashworth is a nutritionist at
There is no risk of transmitting the virus night when it is inconvenient to prepare the London School of Hygiene and Tropical
but there is a risk of death by losing a feed. Mixing breast-feeding with other Medicine with many years of experience in
breast milk’s protective immunity and ways of feeding is more risky in young child feeding.
from unhygienic or incorrectly prepared transmitting the virus than exclusive
E-mail: [email protected].
feeds. This risk is high if a mother cannot breast-feeding.
Public Health Nutrition Unit
afford sufficient milk, has an untreated Replacement feeding should only be
London School of Hygiene
water supply, poor sanitation, scarce chosen if it is acceptable, affordable,
and Tropical Medicine
fuel, no fridge, feeds by bottle or is sustainable and safe. Mothers must be
49–51 Bedford Square
poorly educated. In communities where told the danger of mixing artificial and
breast-feeding is the usual practice, breast-feeding. Breast-feeeding is the
mothers who choose replacement best choice for HIV-negative women and
feeding will ‘stand out’ and may be for women whose HIV status is
alienated. Mothers may find it difficult to unknown.
give only replacement feeding. For

Encouraging young children to eat

by Ann Burgess more time at meals gently encouraging
the child to eat.

The amount children eat depends on the food they are offered, their Below are some suggestions on how to
do this. It is very important to supervise
appetite and how their mothers or other carers feed them. feeding from the time children start
complementary foods until they are two
If parents complain that their child the child tired when fed? Is the food too to three years old, or if a child is ill.
‘refuses to eat’, spend time discussing spicy or difficult to eat? Does the child
what they can do. have enough time to eat? Is the child Based on information from Child Health
given sweets, sodas or other snacks so Dialogue Issue 9 1997, Complementary
First, identify why the child is not eating. Feeding: family foods for breast-fed
they are not hungry at mealtimes?
For example, is the child sick or children (WHO 2000) and Nutrition for
unhappy? Is the child jealous of a new Then decide how to deal with the
Developing Countries (Oxford University
baby and trying to get more attention? Is problem. Often this means spending
Press 1992). Ann Burgess is a nutrition
consultant with many years experience in
East Africa.
Encouraging healthy children to eat E-mail: [email protected]
■ Make mealtimes happy times. Encourage children by talking to them, telling them how good the
food is and how well they are eating.
■ Play games to persuade children to eat. For example, pretend to feed a doll or pet.
Encouraging sick
children to eat
■ Do not hurry children. They may eat a bit, play a bit, and then eat again. Offer a few more spoonfuls
at the end of a meal. ■ Make children clean and comfortable

■ Feed with the rest of the family but give children their own plates so they get their share of the food. before feeding. For example, clean their
mouth and nose.
■ Cut food into pieces that children can hold, and provide spoons for soft foods. Young children like to
feed themselves but are messy eaters. Carers must make sure the food eventually reaches the mouth. ■ Give small meals that are easy to eat and
that children like.
■ Give a variety of good foods that children like. Avoid salty or spicy foods.
■ Feed more frequently – perhaps every
■ Mix foods together if a child picks out their favourite foods.
two hours.
■ Make sure children are not thirsty. Thirsty children eat less. But do not fill up their stomachs with
■ Give plenty to drink, especially if a child
too much drink before or during the meal.
has diarrhoea or fever.
■ Feed children when they are hungry. Do not wait until children are too tired to eat.
■ Feed them on the lap of their favourite
■ Never force-feed. This increases stress and decreases appetite. If children refuse food, take it away carer and gently encourage them to eat.
and offer it later. A child may really dislike a particular food. Provided they are eating a variety of
When children recover, they continue to
other foods do not force them to eat.
need loving supervision to make sure they
■ Give special love and attention if children are unhappy. eat extra food and regain lost weight.

F O O T S T E P S 52 13

Books in extension work, vaccination cam-

paigns and control programmes. The
Improving Nutrition Through
Home Gardening
Newsletters book has 112 pages, costs 25 Australian
This book is
dollars ( 14.15) and is available from:
Training materials ACIAR
designed for
GPO Box 1571 development and
Canberra, ACT 2601 extension workers
Nutritious Food for Young Children Australia in Africa. It
A well-illustrated contains inform-
E-mail: [email protected]
and simply ation sheets and
written booklet The book can also be downloaded from: illustrations which
full of ideas and can be used in
information on training sessions
feeding young Complementary Feeding with people who want
children. The book Family foods for breastfed children to start a personal or communal garden.
has 42 pages and The book also outlines how to improve
A comprehensive
costs US $4. It is the quality of food production in home
guide to family
available from: gardens. It shows how, when and where
foods for breast-
World Neighbours fed children. This to grow nutritious plants and gives
4127 Northwest 122nd Street booklet is full of recipes for useful dishes for weaning and
Oklahoma City, OK 73120-8869 information on young children. The book has 282 pages,
USA the use of comp- costs US $22 ( 24.55) and is available
lementary foods, from:
Controlling Newcastle the nutritional FAO Sales and Marketing Group
Disease in Village Chickens: value of a variety Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
of foods and 00100 Rome
a field manual gives detailed guidance on all aspects of Italy
by R Alders and P Spradbrow complementary feeding. The opening
article of this issue of Footsteps was based E-mail: [email protected]
Newcastle disease is a killer disease
among poultry, and there is still no on material from this book. The booklet
has 52 pages and is produced by WHO. How to Diagnose and
effective cure available. This book has
been produced by the Australian Centre It costs US $10 ( 10) and can be ordered Treat Leprosy
for International Agricultural Research from: This well illustrated
for veterinary workers and extensionists. WHO Marketing and Dissemination learning guide is
It describes how to diagnose Newcastle Avenue Appia, CH01211 Geneva 27 aimed at health
disease and how to vaccinate against it. Switzerland professionals who
The final chapter gives ideas on how to need to recognise,
include knowledge on Newcastle disease E-mail: [email protected] care for and
provide treatment
for people with
Advocacy Toolkit leprosy. It is
available in
This is the first publication in Tearfund’s new ROOTS series, aimed at English and will shortly be available in
supporting partners and other organisations working in development. French. It is available free of charge.
The Advocacy Toolkit is for anyone interested in advocacy work. It is
ILEP also have a catalogue with details
available as a set of two booklets, to be worked through by groups in a
of other useful resources about leprosy.
workshop setting, or during short sessions over a longer period. The
first booklet, Understanding advocacy, explores what advocacy is and ILEP
why it is important. It includes group exercises and case studies from 234 Blythe Road
Tearfund partners. It also looks in depth at the Christian approach to London
advocacy. The second booklet, Practical action in advocacy, explores how to W14 0HJ
develop an advocacy strategy. It is well illustrated with plenty of practical ideas. UK
The Advocacy Toolkit costs £10 (US/ 15) for organisations able to pay. Please make cheques E-mail: [email protected]
payable to Tearfund. One copy is available free of charge to Footsteps readers unable to pay who
could make good use of it. Please write with details to: Books can also be ordered
on line:
Resources Development, PO Box 200, Bridgnorth, Shropshire, WV15 4WQ, UK
E-mail: [email protected]

14 F O O T S T E P S 52

Health and Nutrition Footsteps If you would like

Biblical, preventative and in Hindi and Bengali to receive copies
practical views in Hindi, please contact:
Footsteps is now available in
by Ruth Renvoize Bengali and Hindi. If you Raj Kumar
would like to receive copies Rainbow Christian Academy
A practical teaching course developed in
in Bengali, please contact: Plot No 12
Nigeria for use in Bible schools and
Gorewada Basti
covering all aspects of health and HEED Nagpur – 440013
nutrition with a biblical basis. Available PO Box 5052 India
only from: Newmarket
ACTS Dhaka 1205
TCNN, PMB 2020 Bangladesh
Bukuru, Plateau State

PILLARS The guides are on the subjects of:

■ Building the capacity of local groups (English, French, Spanish,
PILLARS (Partnership In Local LAnguage ■ Improving food security (English, French)
ResourceS) is a new way of sharing ■ Credit and loans for small businesses (English, French, Spanish,
information through discussion within small Portuguese)
groups that has been developed by Tearfund. ■ Agroforestry (English, French)
PILLARS guides are designed for use within community groups,
■ Preparing for disaster (English) NEW!
broken down into 20 or so topics and with illustrations for non-
literate members. These guides are easy to use and a trained leader Each guide costs £3.50 (US $5 or 5) or the set of five is £15
is not required. Each guide contains Bible studies, again designed for (US $20 or 20) including surface postage and packing.
use in small groups. Five guides are now available in English, with The workbook and the CD-ROM are £5 (US $8 or 8) each. The
translations of some available in French, Spanish and Portuguese. workbook is available in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese.

PILLARS guides can also be used for translation into local
A complete package – which is all that is
languages, either by organisations or during a series of three SPECIAL
needed to run the workshop series with five
workshops with about 20 participants who initially work on OFFER
copies of each of two guides, plus workbook and
translating and adapting their chosen guides and then begin writing CD-ROM costs £35 (US $50 or 50). Please
and printing their own materials. There is a workbook to guide specify which guides are required. Participants use the guides for
people through the workshop process and a CD-ROM with design translation and adaption, working in small groups during the workshop.
layout etc to make the design and printing process as easy as
Payment is by credit card or cheque in either sterling, euros or
possible. The PILLARS process has been used in Uganda in the
dollars made out to Tearfund. For further details or to place an order,
Lusoga language, southern Sudan with the Zande language, Nigeria
please contact:
with the Yoruba language, Burkina Faso in the Mooré language and in
Myanmar using Burmese. Tearfund Resource Development, PO Box 200, Bridgnorth, Shropshire,
WV16 4WQ, UK.
E-mail: [email protected]

A number of groups around the world have been piloting the PILLARS
process. They have produced guides in various local languages which are
available for others to buy. Here are details of the languages and relevant
addresses if you would like to contact these groups and ask for details:

Lusoga Patrick Kaluba, Cultural Research Centre, PO Box 673, Jinja,

Zande PILLARS Committee, c/o ECS Yambio Diocese, PO Box 7576,
Kampala, Uganda
Burmese CSSDD – PILLARS, MBC, P O Box 506, Yangon, Myanmar
Yoruba Francis Ademola, CRUDAN, P O Box 1784, Ibadan, Oyo State,
Hard at work on the Burmese translation in Myanmar. Mooré Contact Editions, 04BP 8462, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
E-mail: [email protected]

F O O T S T E P S 52 15

All of us use questions in our daily lives. Frequently the

Photo: Isabel Carter

kind of questions we ask may make important differences
to the information we can gather. Asking the wrong kind
of questions will limit the information discovered.

There are several important types of There is no one correct way of asking Common mistakes
question: questions. It depends on the purpose of ■ not listening carefully (but preparing
the interview. However, open, probing the next question)
■ closed questions which allow
questions are usually needed to discover
someone to say only yes or no ■ asking too many closed or leading
useful information. These often begin
■ leading questions which tend to make with one of the six ‘helpers’: questions
the person replying answer in a ■ helping the informant (often by
certain way – usually yes or no – and What? When? Where? Who? Why? How?
answering your own questions)
which may limit the information ■ asking vague or ambiguous questions
received An interviewing exercise
■ failing to explore people’s answers
■ ambiguous questions which are vague Divide people into groups of three and
ask them to choose one to act as inter- ■ being unaware you have already
and confusing so the person can’t
really understand what is being asked viewer, one as informant and the other as made your own conclusions
an observer. Suggest some topics on ■ keeping the informant too long.
■ open-ended questions which allow the
which to ask questions. Here are some
person replying to give more Participants may like to repeat the group
information exercise with a different topic to see if
■ probing questions which seek to ■ healthcare for older people in the area their interviewing skills have improved.
discover more about what lies behind ■ different uses for trees
the initial replies. ■ good practice in storing household Adapted from ‘Improving listening and
water supplies observation skills’ in A Trainer’s Guide for
Participatory Learning and Action, 1995,
■ where to obtain information on family
Practical exercise by International Institute for Environment
spacing methods
and Development (IIED).
Use this exercise to discover the differences ■ employment opportunities in the area
between various questions. First, decide E-mail: [email protected]
■ child vaccination.
what type of question each one below is. Website:
Discuss situations where this might be Allow each group ten minutes to try to
appropriate and when it might be discover as much as possible about their
inappropriate. Then suggest alternative topic. Explain that good questioning is
ways of asking the same question. like peeling away the layers of an onion
■ How do you get your medicine? until the central core or reason is reached.
Before starting, ask the group to suggest a Published by: Tearfund, 100 Church Road,
■ Isn’t the new health post wonderful? Teddington, TW11 8QE, UK
few good probing questions. If they lack
■ How do you find the school?
ideas, suggest a few such as ‘But why?’ Editor: Dr Isabel Carter, PO Box 200, Bridgnorth,
■ Shouldn’t you cover your water storage Shropshire, WV16 4WQ, UK
‘Please tell me more about that?’ or
pot? ‘Anything else?’ Tearfund staff spend considerable time dealing
with many thousands of funding requests that we
■ What do you do most of the time as a
Allow each group to feed back their are unable to support. This is taking them away
local health visitor? findings. Were leading questions used? from their work of bringing good news to the poor
through current partnerships. Please note that all
■ Do you take your children to be What observations did each participant funding proposals will be rejected unless they are
vaccinated? make? If two groups have taken the same from current Tearfund partners.
■ Wouldn’t you prefer to grow improved topic, let one feed back after the other and
potato varieties? compare their findings.
■ Is it true that it is difficult to find How easy did they find the interviewing?
information on family spacing? How well did they keep the interview
going? What mistakes did people make?
16 F O O T S T E P S 52

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