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Who are Taliban www.nazmay.

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Who are Taliban ?
(This article was published in an Islamic News Paper of Pakistan)

Table of Contents:
€ The Movement of Taliban
€ Interview with the Ameer ul M'umineen
€ Who are Taliban ? & their Goal

€ The dynamic address of Mulla Ameer Khan Muttaqi

€ What is the Shara'ee Status of the Taliban?
€ Taliban's Afghanistan
€ Taliban working to redevelop Afghanistan

€ The Lions Of Allah

€ Faith in the Taliban
€ Purdah, the law of Taliban or the law of Allah?
€ Why Women Should stay in Their Houses.

€ A letter from an Arab Muslim Woman

Who are Taliban Page 2 of 48

The Movement of Taliban.
Afghanistan occupies a very important geographical position in the Asian sub
continent from here Pakistan, India, China, Sri Lanka, the Gulf states and Arabi
Peninsula are at an accessible distance.
When Russia launched its programme of colonization and expansion, it
established its government over many small countries. The governing force
behind this move was the Russian ideology. The countries Russia Seized through
aggression and blood-shed, it implemented its beliefs over them at once. Thus
they forcibly converted innumerable millions into Communists.
Mean while, material and ideological links brought Russia and India closer to ea
other. Thus potentially, India became a headache for China and Pakistan. Russia
drew over to its side Afghanistan too, in order to gain direct advantages as wel
as to create problems for Pakistan.
History is a witness therefore, of Afghanistan's negative attitude towards
Pakistan. Afghanistan was always at the forefront in generating anti-Pakistan
propaganda too.
Another thing which deeply troubled Russia was the non-availability of hot water
in its region. It was constantly on the look-out for ways to reach the hot water
s of
the Arabian Sea, which would establish its supremacy over the entire world. For
this end it had its eyes upon Pakistan. For, its port of Gawader was best suited
its purpose. Karachi and its sea was of a considerable strategic advantage to it
Russian-controlled Thus in the initial stages of the programme, Russian agents
were created from Afghan schools and colleges. Next a movement was born.
During one of the Movement's rallies, Russia had one of its own secret agent,
Akbar Khyber, killed. President Dawood Shah was held responsible for the
murder, there was a military uprising against him, and Dawood Shah was killed.
Russia then gave the control of Afghanistan into the hands of one of its own
agents Noor Muhammad Taraki. After he had rendered the required services, he
was disposed off and HafeezulLah Ameen was given charge. When HafeezulLah
ceased to be useful he was killed too and now the leadership was given into the
hands of Babrak Karmal. Now when the stage had been set Russian troops
invaded Afghanistan. And then the atrocities perpetrated by Russia against the
Afghan people can hardly be put in words. Masajid and Madaris were laid waste,
`Ulema, Talabah and thee pious people were mercilessly killed or imprisoned.
Khanqahs' and reformatory centres were bulldozed. Houses were demolished,
burying people alive. Tanks wrecked havoc and destruction upon the defenceless
Afghan people. Islam was made fun of, the Holy Quraan desecrated and burned.
Women children were kidnapped and dishonoured.
On the border of Pakistan, the Russian troops gathered information from the
people on how best to reach Karachi and Gawadar. The Communists in Pakistan
were gleefully awaiting the Russian advance, prophesying that the Red Revolution
had become the destiny of the Pakistani people. I remember well that a Russian
Communist had said to me that we have reached the borders of Pakistan. In no
time now our braves will be landing in Karachi.
Nearly all the Muslims fled from Afghanistan. They had not the least inkling tha
the Red Revolution would totally fail and the Russian troops would withdraw from
Who are Taliban Page 3 of 48
Afghanistan. Near Meeranshah, from the mountains of Khost and Zawar where
the Russian troops had taken up positions, Bannu and other areas of Pakistan
could easily be targeted.
In short, when the system of Kufa and cruelty reached its peak, Allah Ta`ala
decided to annihilate it. To confront this Super Power He created a small band o
people. With just a few `Ulema and Talabah of Islamic Madaris declared Jihaad
against the Russian army.
The first 'Fatwa', concerning the Jihaad of Afghanistan was given by Sheikh-ul
Hadeeth, Pakistan, Maulana `Abdul Haq and Maulana Mufti Mahmood sahib
Raheema-hulLahu Ta`ala. On the basis of this 'Fatwa' the proud `Ulema of
Afghanistan, Talabah of Deeni Madaris, and pious people of different areas,
challenged the Russian forces and thus began the war for freedom.
Armed resistance against Karmal's troops started. Babrak Karmal used all the
force at his command, but failed to stop the wave of 'Jihaad'. Russia called upo
its allies. From every country contingents upon contingents expert of in guerill
warfare started arriving in Afghanistan. But Afghanistan became a grave-yard for
them. Allah Ta`ala's assistance was with the Mujahideen. Different countries
helped them in different ways. Filled with religious fervour, with 'Imaan', devo
Muslims from different countries arrived to sacrifice their lives; to help the
Mujahideen. Mujahideen from Egypt, Syria, Kuwait, Palestine, Sudan, Saudi
Arabia etc. took part in the Jihaad on the pure basis of 'Imaan'. Asian countrie
such as Bangladesh, Malaysia, Indonesia, Pakistan took part in the 'Jihaad'
against the Russians too. Momentous battles were fought; renowned pillars of
Kufr came razing to the ground. Leaders of Kufr were defeated on every front.
Meanwhile Brezhnev died with unfulfilled dreams. He was succeeded by
Andropov. Andropov died and Cherenkov took his place as leader of the soviet
Union. At his death Gorbachov took command. Gorbachov announced the
withdrawal of the Russian troops from Afghanistan. Russian economy had broken
down to such an extent that Russia found it difficult to exist as a United Sovie
Republic. Eventually Gorbachov announced independence and consequently the
end of the Soviet Union. Thus did 'Jihaad' succeed in breaking up a large
Communist block of the world.
Gorbachov established a puppet government in Afghanistan, giving its control to
NajeebulLah. Babrak Karmal was disposed off. Under instructions of the Russian
forces, Najeeb persecuted the Muslims mercilessly but found it impossible to
stand against the Mujahideen. He was sure that they would enter Kabul at any
Now began political machination. America saw that the Soviet Union had come to
and end so it imposed restrictions upon many facilities of the Mujahideen of The
created innumerable problems for them. At the merest sign from America some
Muslim countries too turned away. The pious Mujahideen of yesterday now
became 'fundamentalists', 'terrorists'. The countries in favour of the Mujahidee
suddenly became the well-wishers of NajeebulLah. But in spite of everything
Najeeb could not save his government The Mujahideen started their advance
towards Kabul.
The Mujahideen's first error: When the Communists realized that armed strength
would no longer work, they changed their strategy. They came running to the Who
are Taliban Page 4 of 48
Mujahideen assuring them of their fidelity. They invited the Mujahideen to enter
Kabul. Mazar-i-Shareef and Jalalabad were first handed over the Mujahideen.
Then they were allowed to enter Kabul triumphantly. And so instead of winning
Kabul through war, it was made over to them unconsciously, under a secret
conspiracy. A Condition off truce prevailed. The Mujahideen took over residentia
areas, and areas of military importance, While the cunning and crafty
Communists retained hold of all, fortresses, and military airports. The
Communists gained two immediate advantages. Firstly they acquired peace and
through the secret agreement many privileges too (Dostum's control over six
provinces around Mazar was a part of this conspiracy), and secondly they still
retained military control of Kabul.
Mistake of the Friendly Muslim States
All these machinations culminated in the fall of Kabul. When the time for formin
a government arrived, the efforts of all the anti-Islamic states such as America
Britain, France etc. were directed at preventing a purely Islamic government fro
being established in Afghanistan. For the achievement of this aim they used some
Islamic governments. The greatest enemy of the Muslims, the U.N.O and the
Security Council directly took part in this plan. At their instigation the Musli
countries proposed a plan for the formation of a government in Afghanistan. They
suggested that Professor Mujaddidi should be made President for two months.
After that the post should be given to Professor Burhanuddin Rabbani for six
months. Elections were scheduled after that. If this proposal would have been pu
before a child even he would have laughed at it, for, the formation of a
government is such an important and critical task that even a day's delay can
prove fatal. Specially so in an Islamic form of government, where precedence is
given to the formation of a new Khilafat over the burial of the Khalifah. This i
s so
because the entire worldly system and the Islamic system depends upon the new
Recalling history, the Khilafah of Siddique-e-Akbar RadhialLahu-`anhu , had been
given more priority than the burial of Hudhoor-e-Akram SallalLahu Alayhi
Wasallam. The Khilafah of Hadhrat `Umar Farooqi RadhialLahu `anhu had not
been revealed upon anyone. Instead, it was announced that the person whose
name was written in the sealed paper would be the next Khalifah of the Muslims.
There was unanimous agreement and thus Hadhrat `Umar Farooqi had already
been chosen as a Khalifah even before his name on the sealed paper was
revealed. Then when Hadhrat `Umar Farooqi was wounded he ordered a six
member Shura to deliberate behind closed doors, and not to come out before
deciding upon his successor, the next Khalifah. Hadhrat `Umar RadhialLahu
`anhu posted guards outside the room so that no one could come out before
selecting the next Khalifah. Thus the selection of a Khalifa, the formation of a
government was extremely sensitive and important in even those blessed days of
long ago, and here in the present times the Mujahideen were asked to form a
government in instalments! This was the biggest mistake, as it provided an
opportunity for creating disturbances to every enemy of Islam. Another greater
mistake was that Khalifah was not purposely mentioned anywhere, Faithfulness
to the shuhada's blood had demanded the use of terms Khalifa and Khilafat
instead of President and prime minister. A Khilafat should have been established
based upon the golden rules of Sharee`ah, but this was not so.
Beginning of the Taliban Islamic Movement in Afghanistan
This weakness in the government structure gave rise to conflicts and dissension.
Internally a powerful enemy armed to the teeth was already in possession of key
Who are Taliban Page 5 of 48
military posts and sensitive areas, so this newborn, weak government was left at
its mercy.
The Communists took advantage of this opportunity. When they realized that
they could create conflicts among the Mujahideen, they infiltrated different
groups to create dissension there. They acted upon their policy of accepting eve
kind of circumstances and turning them to their own advantage. Thus, very
cleverly, having joined different factions they put into effect their plan to de
Jihad and the Mujahideen. Countries which were the enemies of Islam, and
Muslim countries which were afraid of the establishment of purely Islamic
government and Khilafat took an active part in this conspiracy. All these countr
readily agreed to provide financial aid to the different factions, while interna
lly the
Communists redoubled their efforts of creating dissension and discord. For now
every conflict, robbery, obscenity, disturbance could be laid at the myalideen's
door. Internationally, the Mujahideen government was taunted with every infamy,
every conflict which took place in the country. The trouble was caused by the
troublemakers but the myabideen were blamed for it. The Communists took
advantage of this opportunity. When they realized that they could create conflic
among the Mujahideen, they infiltrated different groups to create dissension
there. They acted upon their policy of accepting every kind of circumstances and
turning them to their own advantage. Thus, very cleverly, having joined differen
factions they put into effect their plan to defame Jihad and the Mujahideen.
Countries which were the enemies of Islam, and Muslim countries which were
afraid of the establishment of purely Islamic government and Khilafat took an
active part in this conspiracy. All these countries readily agreed to provide
financial aid to the different factions, while internally the Communists redoubl
their efforts of creating dissension and discord. For now every conflict, robber
obscenity, disturbance could be laid at the myalideen's door. Internationally, t
Mujahideen government was taunted with every infamy, every conflict which took
place in the country. The trouble was caused by the troublemakers but the
myabideen were blamed for it.
Conditions deteriorated to such an extent that the people cried out in anguish.
They were now even for Russia or a power even much worse to take command of
their country. They only asked to be delivered from their sufferings. Their mise
know bounds. No one's wealth, life or honour was safe anymore.
Cities became deserted after Asr prayers, before the sun had even set. People di
not dare to venture outside their homes. Tired after the day's work, they had ye
to keep awake to quard their homes. Even then they were not safe. During the
daytime too no one dared to venture out with their wives, daughters or sisters,
out of fear for their honour and safety.
People had sent their handsome, teenage sons to Pakistan as it had become
extremely dangerous for them to venture out in the streets. Homosexuality,
adultery had become so common that it is said a boy married another boy in
Kandahar. Many people joyously celebrated the wedding, ringing the death-knell
of all decency, all that is good and honourable.
As far as the administration was concerned every large city was governed by a
different ruler, who was considered to be the sole authority of his areas. If an
y of
the Communists (who had turned a blind eye, because the crime had been
committed by their own party-member. Roadblocks had been set up by the
agents of the commanders. No car or vehicle could pass by without paying Who are
Taliban Page 6 of 48
exorbitant amounts demanded by the agents. Sometimes the travellers were
deprived of their watches, gold rings and other valuables too. If these agents s
a beautiful woman in a car they used to forcefully pull her out saying that she
was one of their own women who had run away. In many such ways did they play
with the lives and honour, wealth of the travellers. People's entreaties, wails
cries had no effect upon these tyrants at all. Instead, their cries only served
incite them further.
This incident has been related by reliable sources. At a picket on the Kandahar
road when these tyrants demanded money from a poor traveller he said, "Do
Allah Ta`ala and his Rasool SallalLahu Alayhi Wasallam allow you to extort money
from the people in this way?"
"Come let us ask Allah and His Rasool", the Satan at the gate said. He then took
the traveller inside a room wherein an ugly beardless man was sitting. Beside hi
was another person just like him. The picket-keeper addressed one of these
repulsive men and asked,
"O Allah, we are demanding so much money from this man. Do we have your
"Yes, you have our permission", was the reply.
The picket-keeper turned to the other wicked character and asked,
"O Rasool, do we have your permission too?" "Yes, you have my permission too",
he said.
The Satan in human form told the traveller, "see Allah and Rasool have both
given us their permission. Now hand over the money if you know what is good for
My respected Muslim brothers, these acts cannot be those of even a fasiq, fajir,
Muslim sinner. These words are those of a pure die-hard Communist. For it
depicts the Communists's attitude towards Allah Ta`ala and His Rasool SallalLahu
Alayhi Wasallam.
When conditions reached this extent, when the Communists and the irreligious
gained such power in Afghanistan, Allah Ta`ala's patience came to an end. The
time arrived for "Truly strong is the grisp and power of thy Lord", (85-12) the
stage was set for "Allah Almighty, Lord of Retribution", the blood of 16 lac
shuhada started having an effect. The prayers of the `Ulama, Sulha, the learned
and the pious were at last heard. From the city of Kandahar Allah Ta`ala raised
His army, the Taliban. Thus did Allah Ta`ala prove His words, "and if ye turn ba
from His path, He will substitute in your stead another people; then they would
not be like you!" (47-38).
Characteristics of the Taliban bold in speaking the truth, their justice grant
privileges to none; shy and modest are they in nature, brave and courageous
beyond imagining; every Muslim is a sword for Batil, everyone's history
resplendent with good deeds.
Who are the Taliban, where have they come from? Who are Taliban
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Allah Ta`ala blessed the Taliban with innumerable magnificent victories in a ver
short period of time. The world asked in amazement as to how could these fistful
of unarmed Taliban have done such deeds. This amazement gave birth to doubts
in their minds. People suspected that there must be some foreign power backing
them. They conjectured that the foreign power, using the Taliban would break the
strength of the former Mujahideen. Then it would destroy the Taliban too, thus
wiping out the advantages of Jihad from Afghanistan. People began questionning
too as to where were the Taliban weapons coming from. They raised the
question, where had the Taliban acquired military training. Another question
which troubled their minds was, who was bearing the exorbitant expenses of the
Taliban's war. I would like to give a short, concise answer to all these questio
Question 1: "Who are the Taliban? How did the Taliban Movement originate?
How did it gain such momentum?
Answer:- Taliban are the blessing of Allah Ta`ala which He in His graciousness
has bestowed upon the people of Afghanistan in lieu of the innumerable sacrifice
they have made. They are a source of honour and liberation to all the oppressed
Muslims of the world.
The Taliban are those trained people of Deeni Madaris, or Madaris-e-Islamiyyah
who studied pure Islam, Islamic juris prudence, laws of Shari`at under the exper
guidance of distinguished, learned Ulama-e-Kiraam. Some of these Talabah have
completed their education while some have yet to finish their studies. In other
words they hold the "Degree of Trust" of the Deeni Madaris, and it is an
undeniable fact that the Talabah and Ulama of Deeni Madaris are true leaders,
sincere devotees and hold fearless fighters.
For the assurance of the Muslims it is enough to say that these Talabah are
students who have completed their studies in Deeni Madaris and who have
acquired training there. The present governor of Jalalabad is a former student o
Jami`ah Haqqaniah, Akora Khattak Peshawar. His deputy too completed his
studies in the same Madarassah. The present judge of Jalalabad High Court and
its Qazi are scholars of another Madrasah in Peshawar. The Qazi of Khost is an
`Alim of a Deeni Madrasah but the governor is not. Taliban representative to the
U.N Maulana Abdul Hakim is a Fazil of Binnori Town, Karachi and is this writer's
companion of Daurah-e-Hadith too.
Taliban ambassador in Islamabad, Muhammad M`asoom Afghani is a Fazil of Dar
ul-`Uloom Karachi. He is also a Mufti, having studied the course of Fatwa from
Hazrat-e-Aqdas Mufti Rasheed Ahmad Damat-Barakatu-Hum.
The Afghan envoy in Karachi acquired religious education from Jami`ah
Thus the Taliban rulers all over Afghanistan are `Ulama-e-Deen.
The Taliban are not extra-terrestrial beings who suddenly descended from the sky
or emerged from the caves and mountains of Afghanistan. They are well-known
The Taliban are not extra-terrestrial beings who suddenly descended from the sky
or emerged from the caves and mountains of Afghanistan. They are well-known
people. Who comes from which area, which family, the old residents of Who are Ta
liban Page 8 of 48
Afghanistan the `Ulama, know them well. Their opponents are fully aware too
that the Taliban are in fact the `Ulama and Talabah of Deeni Madaris, but when
these Taliban defeated their great leaders, instead of admitting the fact that
these are none but Talabah, and with them is but the assistance of Allah, the
opponents started accusing them of being American agents, of belonging to the
Pakistan army and militia. The basic reason for this allegation was that the
opposition leaders were actually extremely proud of their power, of having
defeated the Russian forces. Firmly-rooted in their minds too was the belief tha
the `Ulama and Talabah are the weakest and most helpless of Allah's creatures.
Outwardly these leaders professed to respect and honour the Talabah and
`Ulama but their minds rejected their superiority. They in fact, considered them
to be far inferior to themselves. So when they were defeated by these very
Talabah and `Ulama, in order to hide their humiliation they started saying that
these poor and helpless people could never defeat us. We were not defeated by
them but it was the Americans and the Pakistani militia who defeated us.
Recalling history, in the Ghazwah-e-Badr, Abu Jahl said to Hazrat Ibn-e-Masoud
RadhialLahu-`anhu, "O shepherd, be proud for you are now in a position of
pride." Abu Jahl then, added "Would that I had been killed by someone else than
a farmer, a shepherd!"
See, Abu Jahl wished to attribute his defeat, his death to someone else, instead
of Ibne-Masoud RadhialLahu-`anhu so that people would so that in the face of
such a strong enemy he was truly helpless, instead of saying that he was
defeated by someone far weaker than himself. The same is the case of the
Afghan commanders.
Their attitude towards the Taliban is the same, but these vain leaders should no
forget Allah Ta`ala law. "And We wished to be gracious to those who were being
depressed on the land, to make them leaders in faith and make them heirs. To
establish a firm place for them in the land, and to show Firown, Haman and their
hosts, at their hands, the very things against which they were taking
precautions." (28-5: 6)
Allah Ta`ala says, We wanted to confer a favour upon those who were thought to
be weak. We wanted to make them leaders and custodians of the land, and to
make Firown and his army suffer the very calamities against which they were so
confidently taking precautions.
The people who were thought to be weak were not actually weak at all. It was the
Pharoalis of the world, the proud ones who considered them weak. In my opinion
it is an insult to the Afghan people to say that they were defeated by America o
a foreign power. The poor Taliban themselves are asking, "O Muslims can you see
nothing but America with whom you are associating us? Cannot you behold the
power of Allah? Allah who is the Lord and Master, the Creator of America too.
Justice demands that you should frankly admit that you were defeated by the
Taliban, the Taliban with whom is the Divine assistance of Allah. The nation whi
defeated the Russian savages, can it be defeated by mere white-skinned
I will go further and ask those who accuse the Taliban of being Americans or
Pakistanis, where did the long, flowing beards come from? Did the Americans
sprout these beards as soon as they set foot in the battle-field? Beards which
have never ever been shaven even once? I would also like to ask that if the Who
are Taliban Page 9 of 48
Taliban were Americans or Pakistanis where did they learn the books of Nahv,
Kafia Sharah-e-Jami? Books of Ilm-e-Ma`ani Mukhtasir-ul-Ma`ani, Daroos-ul
Balagha, Miftah-ul-`Uloom? Where did the Americans learn Arabic grammar? To
top it all how did these Americans manage to learn the Holy Qur'an by heart, its
Tafseer and explanation, details of the Ahadeeth, lengthy articles of the Hanafi
Fiqah? How did they learn all this and why? My dear people, the Taliban are
neither Pakistanis, nor Americans. They are the Talib-e-`ilm who acquired Islami
education in Madaris-e-Islamiyyah, from notable `Ulama-e-Keraam. To call them
Americans would mean that these religiously educated Talabah and `Ulama were
Na`oozu-BilLah Jews, Christians and Kufaar. As far as the question remains that
how did this movement gain such momentum in such a short time, the answer
should be asked of the opponents. The opposition should be asked why in spite of
using their full force against the Taliban, did they retreat so quickly?
My own opinion is that the Taliban movement spread so rapidly because Allah
Ta`ala's help and assistance is with them. Secondly it is the Afghan people
themselves, who are welcoming the Taliban with open arms.
Then there is the world communication media. They let no opportunity slip by
without slinging mud at the Taliban. The common people start believing them too.
Thus when the Taliban advance rapidly and gain victory, the entire world media
starts hinting that they have the support and backing of America or the Pakistan
militia. And when these very Taliban face defeat these people start saying that
these are but inexperienced people; Talabah who have just left their Madaris.
They have no experience of warfare.
I say it clearly that the majority among the Taliban are those Mujahideen who
took part in the 14-year Jihaad. They are veteran soldiers who successfully foug
against the Russian soldiers. After driving Russia out of Afghanistan these sinc
people had gone back to their studies, but selfish leaders of Afghanistan forced
then back into the battle-field, to fight for the implementation of Islam.
Question 2: How did the Taliban Movement begin? What is its structure?
Answer: The Taliban Movement was the result of the cries of the oppressed
Afghan people, the lamentations of the widows and the weak. Cries of help are
promptly heard by Allah Ta`ala. Thus from the historic city of Kandahar emerged
the present 33 year old Ameer-ul-M'umineen Mulla Muhammad `Umar Mujahid.
Along with him were fifteen to thirty Talabah too. As a first step they destroye
some of the tall-gates set up by the oppressors in Kandahar. Having thus gained
control over an area of a few miles the movement started spreading. A few more
sincere Talabah joined them. Boarding a truck all of them headed for Spain
Buldak which is an important border point near Chaman, between Afghanistan
and Pakistan. Hiding in the covered truck, these armed Taliban reached Buldak.
On the way they kept telling the border-guards that the truck was carrying live
stock and some other goods. Thus cleverly camoflaged they arrived at Buldak
where they launched an arrived attack. The Mulhideen there were put to rout.
Kandahar was laid a siege to. Slowly fighting with one commander after another
they gained full control of the city. The people of Kandahar leaved a deep sight
relief and offered heart felt thanks to Allah Ta`ala for having delivered them f
the oppressors. The Taliban putting into force all Islamic rules and laws, then
headed for the other provinces. And now Al-Alhamdulillah when these words are
being written in, Losaha, Zambia, the Taliban control 23 provinces, along with t
capital Kabul. The Islamic system is fully in force in all the provinces. Who ar
e Taliban Page 10 of 48
The basis structure of this organization rests on the system of Islamic Khilafah
Mulla Muhammad `Umar Mujahid is the leader or Ameer-ul-M'umineen. The
Muslims are performing Bait on his hand. There are governors in every province,
Talabah and `Ulama in every department. They are running the government
smoothly and efficiently. Every department, concerned with religious affairs or
worldly matters is functioning smoothly. Decisions are made in accordance with
the rules of Sharee`ah. Court decisions are made in the light of Islamic laws, a
justice is being provided to the people free of bribery or partiality. There are
courts, the city or the lower court and the provincial or the High Court which d
with all judicial cases. The decisions of these two courts are further on sent t
o the
Supreme Court for further investigation and verification. The final verdict is
therefore based upon extensive proof and is thus unalterable. If a lower court i
unable to decide a case, it is sent to the higher court where it is deliberated
by eminent, highly educated judges, `Ulama and Fuqaha. Alhamdulillah, cases of
the people are thus being solved promptly, without any delay.
A department of Amar-bil-Ma`roof Wa Nahi Anil-Munkar (enjoining good and
forbidding evil) has been established. The enforcement of Hudood and Qisaas by
this department has virtually wiped out all crimes from the provinces.
Taliban have made all the departments under their control operative. The press
has started working again; radio stations have started broad casting, but strict
in accordance with the laws of Sharee`ah. All television stations, being against
Shari`at, have been closed down. Factories have started production, though to a
limited extent; the agricultural department has been very successful; trade
incentives have been provided on the establishment of peace. Numerous mosques
have been built and are now thronged with people. Extensive Islamic Madaris
have been established, where thousands of children are acquiring education. To
establish peace, teams of Taliban police patrol the areas day and night. Every
new-comer to the city is respected and honoured; every local person or foreigner
is provided full justice. Public health facilities have been made available, man
hospitals have been constructed. All drugs and things harmful for health have
been banned. Women have been given the status ordained for them by
Sharee`ah; they have been stopped from indulging in activities not allowed by
Islam. Photography has been banned, songs and music have been wiped out. In
short, all Islamic injunctions, characteristics, modes of worship, codes of soci
behaviour are the order of the day. All things irreligious, all Munkarat, dissen
and strife have been wiped out clean. All the goods manufactured in the country
are extremely cheap, but those imported from Pakistan etc. are a bit expensive.
Due to the Taliban government the value of Afghan currency has increased.
Business and trade is brisk and is being carried out on the principles of what i
Halaal in Islam.
Question 3:- Taliban are simple students of Deeni Madaris, are they capable of
running a government? They do not even know English.
Answer: This question was asked too by an anxious man of his wife. "How will
these Taliban be able to run a governmentt when they do not even know
His wife sweetly answered, "My dear husband, first tell me which law will they
implementt in Afghanistan?" Who are Taliban Page 11 of 48
"They say they will implement the Islamic, Shara`ee laws all in accordance with
the Holy Quran"
"Then why should we worry? These Talaba and Ulama are tthe greatest experts of
Quran, Hadeeth and Sharaee laws. It will be extremely easy for them to run the
country on Sharaee principles. Butt yes, the difficulty would have risen had the
been tryning to enforce the English legal system, without any knowledge of
English. There is no need for you to worry at all, for these Taliban are experts
the laws according to which the country will be governed."
I am all praise for the woman who said this. I would further like to say that th
is no government in the entire world as exemplary, as ideal as the Taliban's. Th
Taliban government is engaged in war on many fronts and yet at the same time it
has successfully implemented the system of Sharee`ah over the entire area
under its control. As soon as the Taliban control over an area law and order is
strictly enforced, peace reigns supreme. All dissension and strife are put to ro
all evil practices banished. The war ravaged Afghanistan is being reconstructed
and set on the road to progress and prosperity. Not only that but the Taliban
government is effectively counter acting propaganda of the world media too. The
Taliban government is winning over the respect and love of the Afghan people
also. Handling all these problems simultaneously is, in my opinion, a miracle of
the Taliban government indeed. The world can boast of no parallel at all.
Question 4: When did the Taliban acquire such quantities of arms and
ammunition? How did the Taliban learn to use such sophisticated weapons?
Answer: As a matter of fact the Russians had supplied unimaginably vast
quantities of weapons to Afghanistan. During the Jihaad, different commanders
seized these weapons from the Soviet army. But instead of depositing them in the
Bait-ul-Maal, these commanders retained them, considering them to be their own
personal property. When the Taliban defeated these commanders, they took all
the imunition into their own custody. These were no ordinary weapons. I myself
am a witness to the fact that when Jalalabad fell to the Taliban, 250 tanks of
excellent Russiann make fell into the hands of the Islamic militia too. My stude
invited me to step into one of these tanks, and at a high speed he raced it for
couple of miles on the wide thorough-fare of Jalalabad. "No tank in the world ca
go beyond 40 miles an hour, but the speed of this tank is a 100 miles per hour,"
he told me. "Another unique quality is that other have ten jumpers while this on
has twenty."
This is only one instance I have related to you. Otherwise the fact is that the
weapons of all Afghan commanders are lying in the Bait -ul-Maal of the Taliban.
Another answer to the question where did such huge quantities of weapons come
from, is that it came from the same place from where it came to the other
As far as the question is concerned as to where the Taliban acquired training to
use these weapons, it does not deserve an answer. For, in Afghanistan it is a
Fardh upon every grown up man to undergo a two-year military training course.
The Taliban were no exceptions. Furthermore these Taliban are the same people
who waged Jihaad against the Russians for fourteen years. Would it be difficult
for such people to use the sophisticated weapons? Who are Taliban
m Page 12 of 48
As far as those Talabah are concerned who did not acquire military training nor
took part in the Jihaad, their expertise is self-acquired. They learn to use all
of weapons within a few days. In the grounds of a military post in Kandahar a
Talib-e-`Ilm a-top a tank told me that he had learnt to drive it in only seven
days. Then he drove off leaving us standing astonished. On the other hand the
pilots of war planes are decidedly those who were in service during the days of
Zahir Shah. But they were not Communists. Now in Islamic looks and dress they
are flying the Taliban planes.
Question 5: Who is funding the Taliban? In war-time every commodity becomes
extremely expansion. It seems there is some secret donor.
Answer: The Taliban have two types of expenses. Firstly war expenses or the
purchase of weapons. The answer has already been given. The weapons are
seized from the enemy and then used upon them. There is no great need of
purchasing it from outside. Secondly as far as the daily expenses of the
Mujahideen are concerned I myself asked them this question skeptically. Who
provided them with money for food etc.? The Mujahideen answered that we are
Talib-e-`Ilm, and it is a custom in Afghanistan that students ask Muslim house
holds for food, called Wazifah. the food collected is then shared by all. Our
governor does the same, as well as the common Talib--e-`Ilm. This statement
was verified when I met the governor of Logar Province, Maulvi Abdul Kabir.
"When we came here, last year", he said, "we had nothing to eat on Eid-ul-Azha.
We solicited for food and ate the day-old dry bread we got. But Al-hamdu-lilLah,
now that the Taliban have gained control of Herat we receive some money from
the Centre."
What the governor said was completely true, as was borne out by another
incident. Once in the form of a delegation we w2ent to Farah Province. The
honourable father of Maulana Mufti Nizamuddin and Mufti Abdur-Rahim was with
the delegation. The Province, as well as the airport of Sheendand, was under
Taliban control. At night we were served dry crusts of bread from a sack by the
Taliban. They were hard as stone and seemed to be at least eight or ten days old
We allowed them with great difficulty. The next day we had the same dry bread
with a xup of milkless tea, for lunch. Some Talaba do not even get these days-ol
pieces of bread. As our car was a new one they used to come and ask us for
some bread saying that they had not eaten for days. These starving and hungry
Taliban then began to get some money in the form of duties imposed trade
goods. Trade consignments for the Gulf states cross the border of Herat. Then
freight planes of Dubai started landing at Kandahar airport. The duties levied o
these trade goods were a god-send for the Taliban. Now al-hamdu-lilLah the
Taliban's condition is much better.
In short, the answer to the question is that the daily expenses of the Taliban
amount to this that if they get something, they eat it gratefully thanking Allah
Ta`ala and if they don't get anything they bear their hunger with patience.
Fighting, without any pay these Mujahideen are an example of Salf Sauliheen,
their virtuous ancestors.
In my personal opinion is the objection is just a flight of the imagination or a
of the psychological war against the Taliban. Who are Taliban Pa
ge 13 of 48
Question 6: Some ignorant people allege that there has been no war. The
Taliban are not capable of fighting. It was the commanders who surrendered to
them and gave up their territories without fighting.
Answer: It is quite true that the Taliban have everywhere been welcomed with
open arms. The people of Kabul, Jabl-us-Siraj and Panjsher were the only ones
who turned traitors. Except these cities, the people everywhere joyously greeted
the Taliban, showering flowers upon them. But this only happened when the
Taliban fought and defeated the rival local commanders. Except in a few cities,
the commanders of all other areas fought the Taliban till their last breath. All
Ta`ala defeated them.
In Kandahar, Hikmatyar and his commanders put up a great resistance, yet were
they defeated. Re-grouping, they attacked the Taliban once again but were made
to suffer another shameful defeat. The Taliban fought them bravely, many were
wounded, many attained Shahadah.
Commander `Abdul Qadeer fought with all his strength on the Hisarak front of
Jalalabad. Badly defeated he fled the country and took refuge in Islamabad,
Pakistan. From there, his fear made him escape to his masters in Germany.
Hikmatyar entrenched himself in Sarobi, Hizb-e-Wahdat fought the Taliban in its
own stronghold but they could not survive the Taliban onslaught. Hikmatyar
patched up once again with his old enemy Ahmad Shah Masoud, both launching a
combined attack upon the Taliban Islamic militia. Allah Ta`ala dishonoured them
both and Sarobi fell into the bands of the Taliban.
To save Kabul, Iran, India and Tajikistan used all the power at their command.
But Ahmad Shah Masoud, Sayyaf, Burhanuddin Rabbani, Hikmatyar all, could not
with stand the Islamic militia's invasion and Kabul came under Taliban control.
Their white banner waved over Kabul.
Now tell me, what would you call all this? Was it not war? If it was not, then w
did the enemies form an alliance and confront the Taliban? Having run away from
Kabul why are they attacking the city again? Why is the opposition coalition
begging their former enemy Dostum for help? Why is Rabbani airing his
grievances before Iran, Russia and India? Iran's foreign minister is trying to
muster international support against the Taliban, why? Why are thousands of
enemy troops being killed? Why are countless innocent Taliban embracing
Shahadah? Didn't such illustrious Taliban generals as Mulla Boer Jan, Mulla
Mashar and Mulla Muhammad Hassan attain Shahadah in the battle-field? Of a
certainty there have been momentous battles unforgettable wars. But Allah
Ta`ala blessed the Taliban Islamic militia with victory in all of them. General
Isma`eel Kahn escaped from Helmund to Dil Adam, from there to Farah and then
to Herat, and in the end took refuge in Iran. There he is busy in hatching
conspiracies against the Taliban. Was this not a confrontation? Of a surety the
Taliban fought with these enemies, defeated them and implemented Islam
everywhere. The entire Afghan They received full public support and co-operation
at every step.
Question 7: Why did Taliban waged war with the former Mujahideen
commanders? Is it right to fight like this with people who are Muslims? Who are
Taliban Page 14 of 48
Answer: The Taliban tried their best to save the outcome and advantages of the
holy Jihaad from going to waste in Afghanistan. The Mujahideen who had
sacrificed sixteen hundred thousand lives, had not done so to bring a certain
person or party to power. Nor had they sacrificed so many lives to make
Hikmatyar, Burhanuddin, Masoud or Mujaddidi their ruler. They had sacrificed
their lives to banish Kufr from their land, to implement the Islamic Sharee`ah
upon it.
When the Taliban saw that such monumental sacrifices were going to waste, that
Burhanuddin and Hikmatyar's wars with each other were breeding a hatred for
Jihaad in the hearts of the people, when they saw that Communism again gaining
ground, that the influence of India and Russia was again gaining ascendency over
Afghanistan they decided to take action. They started the movement with an
invitation to implement Islam, to establish peace and order.
Even now the Taliban follow the same practice. They first of all send a delegati
of `Ulama to the local commanders, who invite them to implement Islam, and
establish peace by handing over their arms and ammunition as it belonged to the
Bait-ul-Maal and it is necessary to deposit it back in the Bait-ul-Maal under th
rule of a single government. If the local commander agree, there is no fighting.
case they refuse the invitation of the `Ulama, the Taliban send a second
delegation to them comprising of the elderly pious people of the area and a
representative of their own. There is no fighting if the local commanders listen
these people but if they do not then the Taliban take up arms in the name of
Allah to implement Sharee`ah and overcome cruelty and oppression. As it often
happens the local commanders take the initiative and attack the Taliban first. T
Taliban thus fight a defensive war and of the battle is soon decided.
As far as the question is concerned that the opponents are Muslims and at that,
former Mujahideen, the answer is that it takes no time for a person to change. A
person in the morning is a Muslim, by evening he something else. In the evening
he is a Muslim, comes the morning he is a changed man. For worldly aims and
gains he sells his Deen, his religion. For, verily the greed for power is an evi
thing. It has destroyed many a man, led him astray. Thus, Ahmad Shah Masoud,
Hikmatyar, Burhanuddin are no doubt Muslims but they are Muslims the likes of
Yazeed, Hujjaj bin Yousuf, Abu Muslim Khurasani, and Khilafah Mansoor. The
disregarded the Sharee`ah and killed innocent Muslims, Qaris, `Ulama and
Huffaaz to gain their selfish ends. To save their rule they called the Kuffar fo
r help
to fight against the Muslims.
Is there still any intelligent person left in the whole world who does not know
these so-called leaders asked India to intercede on their behalf and fight again
the Taliban, destroy them completely? Not only India but they invited Russia,
Tajikistan, the irreligious troops of Turkey to put down the Taliban Islamic mil
This is not just a verbal allegation but there are undeniable proofs of it. Russ
arms-carrying plane which had been forced to land by the Taliban, was it not
proof that these leaders had invited Kufr to fight against Islam? And what about
Indian pilots, Indian troops and military equipment which the Taliban have taken
possession of in Kabul? Are the captured Iranian troops and missiles not a part
a deep conspiracy against Islam? Did the Russian president Yeltsin not proclaim
openly in Parliament that Rabbani's rule was in their national interest, that Ru
had provided Rabbani with moral support in the past and would do so in the
future too? Similarly India too has confessed to its fighter planes landing on K
abul Who are Taliban Page 15 of 48
airport. BBC has disclosed too that arms-laden Iranian jets land at Bagram air
port every day.
After all this evidence it is extremely difficult to call the government of thes
people, a correct, a true government of the Muslims.
Furthermore when the armed conflict of Hadhrat Husain RadhialLahu `Anhu, for
the implementation of Islam was a correct, justifiable one then why not the
Taliban's Jihaad against these Mufsideen? If the war Hadhrat `AbdulLah Bin
Zubair RadhialLahu `Anhu fought against Hujjaj Bin Yousuf was a 'Jaiz' a correct
one then why would the Taliban's war against a tyrant, be wrong? In the same
way when the war of Ibraheem Nafs Marziah and Muhammad Nafs Zakiyah
against the `Abbasi Khalifah Mansoor was a 'Jaiz' one then why isn't the Taliban
pure Islamic movement so? In fact a deep study would reveal the fact that
Imaam Abu Hanifah RahimahulLahu Ta`ala had openly sided with Muhammad
Nafs Zakiyah against Khalifah Mansoor. He had called it a Jihaad and had gone on
to say that a person killed by the troops of Mansoor in this war, would be a
greater Shaheed than the one attaining Shahadah on the borders of Rome. For
further details, Manazir Ahsan Gilani's book "Political Status of Imaam Abu
Hanifah", is recommended. A study of the book would be enough to open
everyone's eyes.
I would also like to ask notable `Ulama-e-Kiraam, international journalists,
politicians, intellectuals and jurists a question. I would like to put a case be
them. Mujaddidi became the president of Afghanistan for two months. When his
term ended, in accordance with the agreement and pre-planed programme of the
Muslim and non-Muslims governments. Burhanuddin Rabbani was made the
president for a period of six months. When this period ended wasn't it morally,
legally, religiously and categorically incumbent upon him to step down? Accordin
to which law, what reason did he continue to cling to power, rule the country?
This is the basic question whose rational answer can never be supplied by him ti
Moreover, with all respect I would like to say that when a ruler becomes so weak
that he is unable to enforce even a single law in his own capital, when he is so
powerless that he cannot do except make rhetorical speeches, when he does not
control even one fourth of the country, not even the capital, and when he is on
the run, seeking refuge in caves and mountains then does it behove such a man,
morally, ethically, legally, and honourably to call himself 'President' or 'Sadd
ar' of
a country? (This person during his rule was derogatorialy called 'saddary', and
later the public refused to call him even that). According to the rules of
Sharee`ah, the principles of 'Fiqh-e-Hanafiyah', such a person is a 'deposed'
ruler, a president no longer.
The order of Sharee`ah as regards the marriage between a man and woman is
that if a husband becomes impotent he is given a grace period of one year. It is
seen whether with the passing of summer, winter, spring and autumn be regains
his vitality or not. If he does the marriage will remain intact otherwise it wil
l stand
annulled and he will no linger retain his position as a husband.
When Islam has gone to such lengths to explain such minute details of personal
relationship then how can it tolerate such a useless powerless president, as
mentioned before to run an entire country, to lead its population along the righ
path? Who are Taliban Page 16 of 48
Thus, in short, Burhanuddin Rabbani by clinging to his chair has ignored princip
of Islam itself. It is he who is solely responsible for the resultant killings a
murder rampant in the country.
Question 8: The Taliban use force in the enforcement of Islamic laws. Their
haste in implementing Sharee`ah is discrediting Islam in the eyes of the world
shouldn't they have implemented it gradually, step by step?
Answer: As far as implementing Islam, gradually, degree by degree, is
concerned the Taliban say that we will give priority to all work done for Allah,
over everything else. We admit to no delay in enforcing His orders. They say tha
Islam came to the world 1400 years ago.
All its orders have been irrevocably established, fixed. So now a person who is
Muslim, who has no valid excuse will follow his religion to the letter. We canno
be guilty of asking a person to recite the Kalimah-e-Shahadah now and offer his
Salat 13 years later; to pay Zakaah, to keep Saum. 15 years from to-day, to
perform Hajj 22 years in the future, to shun usury; for that is the sequence in
which these orders were sent down upon the world. The Taliban also say that
when two different matters come up before us in our offices, one our own worldly
matter and other of religion, we do not and can not prefer our own interest over
that of religion. We postpone our own work in order to carry out that which
pertains to Allah Ta`ala's orders.
Furthermore the Taliban say that we have brought about an Islamic Revolution in
the country. No one can ask us why we were in such haste for a revolution is lik
a storm over which no one has any control. It wipes out the old order and brings
in the new.
As far as the criticism is concerned that the Taliban resort to force in the
implementation of Sharee`ah, I would like to point out that a person who
understands Islam, and agrees to its implementation, would never level this
criticism against the Taliban. In fact he would say that the Taliban have not do
anything as yet. For example the Taliban ask the local people to offer their Sal
Now, has the world forgotten the Revolution in Russia in France and revolutions
other countries?
Didn't those who brought about these revolutions make every effort to impose
their own Batil ideologies over their countries? Didn't Mustafa Kamal Ataturk to
quote one example, do so? The world justified their actions by saying that it wa
their right. The difference is only that those revolutions were revolutions of B
whereas the Taliban is an Islamic one. Offering Salat, for a Muslim, has been
ordained by Allah Ta`ala, it is a Fardh upon everyone. So the Taliban say that i
f a
person purposely refuses to offer his Salat we will put him in prison. People ca
this using "force". About Salat, it is saying of Hudhoor-e-Akram SallalLahu Alay
Wasallam: "A person who purposely gives up offering Salat has become a Kafir."
Furthermore it is a Fatwa of Imaam Ahmad Bin Hambal RahimahulLahu Ta`ala
that the punishment of a person who gives up offering his Salat is death, becaus
he has become a Murtadd by his act, and the punishment of a Murtadd is death.
According to Imaam Shafa`ee and Imaam Malik RahimahulLahu Ta`ala too, a
person who gives up offering Salat is to be put to death. This person remains a
Muslim but his punishment is still death. Imaam Abu Hanifah RahimahulLahu
Ta`ala says that such a person is to be kept in a prison till he repents his act
sincerely and starts offering his Salat again. Sultan Bahu RahimahulLahu Ta`ala
Who are Taliban Page 17 of 48
tells the people not to bury such a person in a graveyard for Muslims, and Baba
S`adi RahimahulLahu Ta`ala advises the people not to give loans to a person
who has given up offering Salat. A person who does not pay back Allah Ta`ala's
loan, he says, will never pay you back your loan.
My dear friends you see how severe is the punishment for him who refuses to
offer his Salat? Now decide for yourself. The treatment meted out to such a
person by the Taliban can it be termed as using force? Hudhoor-e-Akram
SallalLahu Alayhi Wasallam has himself said that if a child of ten does not offe
his Salat, beat him. He has also said that the person who does not offer his Sal
on the Day of Judgement he will be judged with people like Fir`oun, Hamaan, and
Abi Bin Khalf.
If the Taliban have made the people act upon these holy orders, these Fatawa
then are they really guilty of cruelty? To make people act upon an order of the
Sharee`ah is an Islamic country's duty, its responsibility. To call the enforcem
of this duty a cruelty, is in my opinion deviation from the right path. The laws
enforced by the Taliban are all orders of the Holy Qur'an and Hadeeth. For
example, they have implemented the Hudood laws and are making the people act
upon them. They have implemented the laws of Qisaas; they have bound the
Muslims into paying Zakaah; into keeping Saum in the holy month of Ramadhan;
the Taliban have implemented the rules of `Ushr; established the department of
Amr Bil M`arouf Wa Nahi `Anil Munkar; they have set up Islamic courts of
justice; and enforced the order of Hijaab as dictated by Sharee`ah; are all thes
not the clear orders of the Holy Qur'an and Hadeeth? Of a certainty they are. No
one who is a true Muslim can criticize their implementation. Only a pure Kafir o
r a
Munafiq would do so.
Now let us look at the other side of the picture too. The Taliban have put a ban
wine, on the immorality of TV, a complete restriction on songs, photography or
painting of living things. Shaving off the beard or trimming it less than a fist
ful is
prohibited as too is adopting an English hair style. Gambling, betting, pigeon
flying, dog-racing, sodomy are strictly forbidden. Are all these not forbidden i
Islam? When Islam has forbidden them and the Taliban have banned them, would
it be called cruelty, use of force? To call it so would be criticizing Islam, an
criticizing Islam leads to going astray.
It pains me to say that there is a Maudoodi Jama`ah by the name of Jama`at-e
Islami in Pakistan, which keeps announcing at the top of its voice that it has
brought Islam to Pakistan. When the Taliban implemented Islam, one of its
leaders, in an interview to the BBC said that the Taliban-implemented Islam was
not correct, that the Taliban had implemented their own interpretation of Islam.
This shows that these people are deceiving the people of Pakistan with their
claims of bringing Islam to the country, for when Islam was implemented they
denounced it for being wrong. Now who knows which kind of a modern Islam they
are advocating.
The modified version of Islam, presented by the Jama`at-e-Islami reminds me of
the man who asked a tattoo-maker to carve a lion on his back as he wanted to
scare people. When the engraver's needle pricked his skin the man cried out in
pain and asked him what he was doing. 'I am carving the lion's tail', the tattoo
maker replied. 'A lion can be without a tail', the man said, 'so let the tail be
.' The
artist again began his work. The man cried out, 'what are you making now?' 'The
lion's feet.' 'A lion can exist without his feet. The feet are too painful, leav
e them Who are Taliban Page 18 of 48
be', the man said. The artist started on something else. 'The pain is killing me
What are you making now?' 'The lion's face'. 'My dear friend, there is no need f
a head. A lion without a head will be just fine', the brave man replied. The tat
maker angrily threw his instrument at the man's head and cried, 'Go away. I can'
draw a lion which doesn't have a tail, feet or a head!'
By relating this tale I want to illustrate the fact that the Jama'at-e-Islami, o
r the
other people who criticize the Taliban-implemented Islam actually want a religio
which has no substance, which is Islam in name only.
I regret to say too that the country most opposed to the Taliban is Iran. The
government of Iran has been claiming for these last many years that it has
brought an Islamic revolution in the country; that it is the instigator, the
forerunner of the said revolution. It seems that these are all nothing but lies.
were it truly in favour of Islam it would never have opposed the Taliban regime.
The above-quoted tale fits them too. They also want a headless, baseless Islam.
But such a meaningless Islam is not acceptable to Allah Ta`ala. Allah Ta`ala
"Then do you believe in a part of the Book and reject the rest." (85 : 1)
"O Believers! Enter into Islam perfectly." (208 : 1)
After all these justifications can anyone still say that the Taliban are severe,
hard upon the people? If anyone says so then he is certainly not being fair.
Question 9: The UNO, America, Britain, in fact the entire western media accuse
the Taliban of violating the rights of women; of banning them from jobs, of
ordering them to observe 'Purdah'. The Taliban are also accused of depriving
women of their right to education.
Answer: The basic question here is what are the rights of women and who will
determine them.
If the women's rights have been determined and fixed by Allah Ta`ala, if these
rights have been given to the women by Allah Ta`ala Himself, then what the
Taliban are doing seems perfectly right. The rights granted by then are fully in
accordance with the orders of Allah Ta`ala. On the other hand if women have
been given their rights by the West, if the right to determine what these rights
are lies with America, Europe, Britain, the United Nations then admittedly the
Taliban are in the wrong.
Now we are Muslims. The Taliban are Muslims. The people of Afghanistan are
Muslims. All of us firmly believe that neither do we acknowledge the rights give
to women by the West, nor are we bound by them. People who agree to these
rights are welcome to respect them. But people who do not acknowledge the
western-bestowed rights at all, to force them into obeying them, to complain
against their attitude, to accuse them of not giving these rights to their women
seems to be entirely absurd and stupid. Either that or it would be coercion,
oppression in its basest form. It would be denial of their freedom denial of the
religious rights. And this is in itself against the principles of the West. Who
are Taliban Page 19 of 48
An explanation of the sum and substance of all these allegations is that Islam h
put all the responsibility of a woman's upkeep upon the man. If a man is not
capable of paying a woman's 'Mahr', (dower), of bearing her expenses then his
marriage is not valid. The course of his married life comes to an end. If the
husband dies, the women has a right to remarry so that the new husband may
bear her expenses, or she can go back to her parents who are responsible for her
livelihood. Along with it Islam has made a woman heir of her parent's wealth, as
well as heir to the estate of her husband. She is the heir to her children's
property too. This has been done so to make ample provisions for a woman.
Contrary to this the men in the West have made women an object of their lust
and desires. They have used them how soever they pleased. When these slaves
of their-desires had to go to work, to offices and factories they dragged the
women along with them too. Women were made to work in offices, restaurants,
shops and factories for the gratification of their desires. In this way did the
western man destroy the personality, position and identity of a woman.
In Thailand, Holland, Bangkok etc. women so unashamedly, with such pride solicit
made attention in markets, in open public places, like men in Pakistan and
Afghanistan sell their wares sitting by the roadside. Then the ignominy of it al
l is
that at night these women ask each other how much they have "earned" during
the day or night. The poor, wretched western house-wife is not sure whether her
husband will return home to her or spend the night in another woman's arms.
The women in the West are labouring under a double burden. One, she is torn by
anxiety as to who will look after her in case she remains unmarried, for her
culture has deprived her of her right of a share in the property and wealth of h
parents, nor is anyone else willing to take on her responsibility. She is thus f
to wander from door to door in search of security. Even in the matter of dress s
is exploited. Men wear trousers which cover their ankles too while the women are
forced to wear skirts with their legs bare in every kind of weather. In the
scantiest of dresses-merely a sleeveless blouse and mini-skirt the western woman
can be seen roaming in shops, air-ports, stations etc. She is an target for
unscrupulous men who satisfy their lust with them, wherever, whenever,
howsoever they please. She has become no less than a bitch, chased by a dozen
dogs in heat. If these are the rights of the western women then the West is
welcome to them.
What about the eastern or rather the Muslim woman? A Muslim woman is the
queen of her house, a princess of the society. Her role is that of a mother, sis
daughter, grandmother and aunt. A man with the sweat of his brow fulfils her
needs of food and shelter. He fiercely protects her honour, dignity and chastity
. A
Muslim man firmly believes that a husband and wife's relation is a one to one
relationship. One who interferes in it does so at the risk of his life, for he w
be challenging the man's honour.
I ask the western people, specially the UN why, when their women enjoy all kinds
of rights, every kind of freedom, do they stop them from going about in the nude
in shopping places etc.? Why have they made it necessary for them to cover the
upper and lower parts of their bodies with at least two pieces of cloth, as huma
dignity and civilization demand? This means that the West, the UN admit to code
of at least one percent decency for men and women. Now if a nation, as a nation,
as a Muslim nation believes in ninety-nine percent decency and honour of women
then what right does the West have to criticize it? After all it admits to one
percent decency too. Who are Taliban Page 20 of 48
In the end I would like to make an entreaty to Europe too. I would like to ask t
Europeans why they are bent upon making other people suffer from that which is
the cause of their own suffering? The thing which has destroyed them why are
they forcing it upon other people? Your Parliament passes a bill which makes it
legal for a man to marry another man, for a son-in-law to marry his wife's
mother, i.e. his mother-in-law. Why do you compel us to do the same?
As far as the question is concerned that the women in Kabul have been banned
from jobs with no one to look after them, so how will they survive, the answer i
that the Taliban have made provisions for them. They have told all women who
were working in offices etc. to stay at home and they will receive their entire
salary there. There is no need for them to work any longer. Their salaries will
continued. Now if in-spite of this someone creates an uproar that women's rights
are being violated, he is actually trying to spread immorality. He is not concer
with the rights of women but wants to propagate prostitution in fact.
Then, who really are these working women and where have they come from? One
must go and find out for, Afghani women do work in their own homes but not in
offices. And another thing, an Afghani woman may belong to any area, Purdah is
inherent in her nature. Purdah is a vital part of Afghan culture; it is its nati
identity. Now the woman who are demanding freedom from Purdah, right to
employment, the women for whose rights the UNO is making such demand, they
do not in fact belong to Afghanistan at all but have come from somewhere else.
They belong to Tajikistan, Russia and Iran. They have some to Afghanistan with
the specific purpose of destroying its environment. Under a well-thought out pla
they are working upon undermining the influence of Islamic values.
Then, who really are these working women and where have they come from?
One must go and find out for, Afghani women do work in their own homes but not
in offices. And another thing, an Afghani woman may belong to any area, Purdah
is inherent in her nature. Purdah is a vital part of Afghan culture; it is its
identity. Now the woman who are demanding freedom from Purdah, right to
employment, the women for whose rights the UNO is making such demand, they
do not in fact belong to Afghanistan at all but have come from somewhere else.
They belong to Tajikistan, Russia and Iran. They have some to Afghanistan with
the specific purpose of destroying its environment. Under a well-thought out pl
they are working upon undermining the influence of Islamic values.
Then among these women demanding rights of employment, are those too who
are linked with the Communists in Afghanistan. They went to Moscow, learned all
the vices there ad came back, bent upon destroying the Islamic environment of
Afghanistan. They were officially appointed for this work. If this is not so,
where are the widows of the 1.6 million Shuhada who died in the Jihaad against
Russia? Out of the 1.6 million there must still be at least 0.3 million, alive.
happened to these women? Who is looking after them? Why didn't the UN raise
its voice for their rights? Weren't they human beings? Or didn't they need foo
to stay alive?
The fact is that these widows were Muslims and Muslim men are taking care of
them. Either they were given in second marriages or their parents brothers or
relatives are looking after in accordance with the laws of Sharee`ah. Their liv
are safe and so is their honour. Who are Taliban Page 21 of 48
The women who were living in Kabul mostly belonged to Communists, Mulhideen,
and heretics, who enjoyed the patronage of the UN. The leaders sent their
husbands to the front, into the mouth of death. They then called these beautifu
women and appointed them as, sweepresses in their offices and satisfied their
lust with them. The fault thus lies with the UN itself. The rights it gave the
women were those of sweeping the offices of lecherous officials. Their
responsibility now totally lies with the UN whose charter it is to protect the r
of women in this degraded, shameful fashion.
As far as education is concerned, Islam has given women the right to acquire
education and we will certainly give them this right. At present the Taliban ar
busy in fighting a war, a war demanding all their energies and resources. As
soon as they war comes to an end they will make proper arrangements for the
education of women. But it must be kept in mind that the Muslim girl will be
educated in an Islamic Madrasah from which she will emerge as an epitome of
honour and decency, grace and dignity personified.
The UN does not have the right to prescribe a course of studies for our women.
The western world is welcome to provide its brand of education to its own women
which casts their modesty out of the window, which fosters sexual relationship
between men and women; an education in which are taught the etiquettes of
drinking and dancing, of merry-making; an education which causes young girls to
attain puberty well before their age, which bestows upon them the status of
unmarried mothers well before they have completed their college education.
The saddest fact is that those professing to be highly civilized have they never
pondered upon the meaning of "civilization"?
The British Parliament passes a law according to which 'gays' could marry each
other, i.e. a man was allowed to marry another man. Next, another law was
passed which allowed a man to marry his mother-in-law. He has in his marriage
the daughter and the mother both! Curses be on such animals, damned be such
swines. Whatever did happen to their humanity, to their sense of shame?
Copulation with dogs has become common in England. It is a usual custom to
make dogs heirs to a legacy. It is said that the Satan Pope John Paul II wedded
man to a frog. Such dirty evil people then criticize the experts, the true foll
of Islam-the Taliban!
"Ashamed of yourself, you aren't!" as the saying in Urdu goes.
Copulation with dogs has become common in England. It is a usual custom to
make dogs heirs to a legacy. It is said that the Satan Pope John Paul II wedded
man to a frog. Such dirty evil people then criticize the experts, the true foll
of Islam-the Taliban!
"Ashamed of yourself, you aren't!" as the saying in Urdu goes.
Question 10:- Burhanuddin Rabbani is loudly claiming that the world has not
recognized the Taliban as they are not the right people to govern Afghanistan.
Answer:- It is a fact which the entire world knows that international
governments are not according the Taliban formal recognition only because they W
ho are Taliban Page 22 of 48
are the true followers of Islam and are extremely sincere in implementing the
Islamic system. Had they been traitors like Burhanuddin Rabbani and Ahmad
Shah Masoud every government would have fallen over itself in its haste to
recognize them. America and UN would have been too. They would have
recognized them as they recognize the government of deposed president
Rabbani. What is so great about that? Burhanuddin is firstly recognized by a
Kafir country, Russia; secondly by India, another country of the Kuffar, thirdly
the Munafiq country Iran; fourthly by another irreligious country, Turkey.
For your information the Salang Highway passes a mere distance from Masoud's
stronghold. For fourteen years the Russian convoys used this highway to reach
Khost and Kandahar thousands of miles away and kill the Muslims there. Masoud
used to collect toll tax for use of this highway, from Russia. Whenever the tax
was not forthcoming Masoud put up the barriers and closed it for all Russian
military traffic. As soon as he was paid, he allowed the convoys through. You
would be surprised to know that the Panjsher valley is situated at a stone's thr
from Kabul, yet the Russian troops never tried to enter it. After all, there mu
have been some connivance between Masoud and Russian for this to be so. The
whole of Afghanistan was burning and Masoud was serenely playing the flute near
Then a few days ago the Russian president Boris Yeltsin himself announced that
Russian had links with Burhanuddin Rabbani and that these links would be
maintained and support supplied to his government. Who was this 'link' but
Masoud himself?
The people of Afghanistan know very well that Masoud belonged to the
Communists' Shola Party. When the Parcham Party came into power the Shola
Party began to oppose it.
Masoud belongs to the Shola Party, or in other words he is the leader of one of
the Communist factions.
In Abottabad, Maulana Nazeer once said to me that he was very keen on meeting
Masoud as he had heard so much about him. "So I started off from Jalalabad and
reached Panjsher via Kabul," he said. "I had with me a letter from one of
Masoud's special men. On my arrival when I showed him the letter, Masoud put
me up in his residence. For two three days I watched the army generals who
came to visit Masoud. All of them were Communists.
They were all heretics and ugly sort of people. They came to discuss war
strategies with Ahmad Shah Masoud."
So you see. This is what Masoud is! Allah Ta`ala wanted, in His divine Wisdom
to expose him before the world and so he took up arms against the Taliban. He
first called his father, Hikmatyar to his aid in fighting the Taliban. Next he
his grandfather Rasheed Dostum to join him. Then he begged his great
grandfathers, India, Iran and Tajikistan for help but no one could save him.
Dishonoured, disgraced and humiliated, he had to flee from Kabul. Under a
conspiracy the world had pushed him to the forefront, elevated him to the
position of an unelected minister of defence but where is his army, his wide
experience now?
Under a well-planned conspiracy he deceived the innocent villagers and citizens
Jabl-us-Siraj into rebelling against the Taliban and now he is sitting there wel
satisfied with himself. Who are Taliban Page 23 of 48
I think Masoud purposely let the Russian troops use the Salang Highway so that
they heat the Afghan Muslims into submission and make them so weak that no
one but Masoud would be left to take command. But nothing of the sort
happened. In the end Masoud was left, a mere commander among the other
commanders of Rasheed Dostum.
Question 11: What will be the law of Afghnistan according to the Maslak?
Answer: These are mere apprehensions, figments of the imagination. Nearly
ninety-eight per cent of the people in Afghanistan are followers of Imaam Abu
Hanifah i.e. they are Hanafis. So naturally the laws of the country will be mad
e in
accordance with the Maslak-e-Hanafi. This happens in every country of the
world. In Sa`udia Arabia itself the Islamic laws are interpreted in accordance
with the Maslak-e-Hambali. How can this be prejudice?
There were people living in Afghanistan who did not believe in following anyone,
and there were the Shias, now under the Taliban rule they are still living here
without any religious restraint whatsoever. In fact, if we were to look at it
impartially we will find that the rights of these people have become more firmly
established since the implementation of Islam. For Islam is the religion of pea
and brotherhood and teaches no to live in harmony with all fellow creatures. Yo
can visit Afghanistan and see the non-Muslims there. They will tell you that th
are extremely happy living under the rule of the Taliban government. In their
area Kunar, ask the Ghair Muqallideen, these unprejudiced people will sing
praises of the Taliban government to you. Thus the allegation in your question
completely baseless. It is mere propaganda against the Taliban.
There remains the claim that the Taliban are 'grave-lovers'. This is a blatant
and falsehood too. The Taliban leadership, Al hamdu-lilLah comprises of Saheeh
ul-Aqeedah Deobandi Muslims. They proclaim themselves that they belong to the
Maslak-e-Deoband which admits to no excesses but is firmly based upon
moderation. We ourselves are a witness to the fact that the common Taliban
leaders are former students of famous Doebandi Madaris of Pakistan. Jami`a
Haqqaniyyah, Akhora Khattak, Peshawar; Jami`at `Uloom-ul-Islamiyyah, Binnori
Town; Dar-ul-Uloom Karachi; Jamia Farooqiyyah; Jamia Hammadiyyah; Dar
ul-Ifta-e-Wal Irshad, Nazimabad and other Madaris of Pakistan and Afghanistan
have been their seats of learning. And yet if within the entire Islamic Taliban
movement there are some who are given to excesses and deficiencies (ifraat-o
tafreet) then their presence in the entire population of a country is an essenti
But these people are working shoulder to shoulder with the Taliban, following to
every letter Islamic laws upon which the country is founded.
Question 12: Whey did the Taliban execute (hang?) Dr. NajeebulLah? This has
deeply hurt the feelings of the Pakhtoons.
Answer: The Taliban movement is an Islamic movement and an Islamic
revolution. The responsible people in it are the very ones who, with sincerity
part in the 14-year Jihaad against the Russians. So these Mujahideen know
better than me or you who was Russia's pet and enemy of the Afghan people.
The whole world knows that Dr. Najeeb was head of the Russian secret service
KGB. He had turned the Afghan people into slaves of the Russians. He was
behind the countless bomb explosions in Pakistan which had killed hundreds of Wh
o are Taliban Page 24 of 48
innocent Muslims. And then he was responsible too for the arrest and murder of
eminent `Ulama and Talabah in Afghanistan.
Then, when he had become president after Babrak Karmel he had, with scud
missiles and severe bombardment, killed thousands of Mujahideen the world
over. There is a long list of his crimes which neither you nor I am aware of bu
t it
is known by those Mujahideen who had waged Jihaad against him. So, in view of
these atrocious crimes if the Taliban have executed him is there any need to she
crocodile tears?
Furthermore if Dr. Najeeb was a Pukhtoon, were not the thousands of people he
killed Pukhtoons too?
But here we are not concerned with the Pakhtoon and Non-Pukhtoon issue. This
was a fight between Haq and Batil, between 'Right' and 'Wrong'. There was no
place in it for racial prejudice. By executing Dr. Najeeb the Taliban made it c
upon the world that their movement was not a national movement nor a
movement of the Pakhtoons or Kandaharis. It is a clean and pure movement of
the Islamic system decreed for us by Allah Ta`ala and his Holy Prophet SallalLah
`Alayhi Wasallam.
The summary execution of Dr. Najeeb also proved that the Taliban were a force
and held unalterable opinions; that they had the power to implement rules of
Sharee`at without bias and prejudice. It proved without a shadow of doubt that
they give priority to the rules of Allah over every other consideration. Dr. Na
execution was evidence that they, the Taliban are only afraid of their Creator,
of His creation.
Take the case in hand that of Dr. Najeeb. For fours years he had been living in
Kabul. The puppet government of Burhanuddin Rabbani was in power then. But
Burhanuddin Rabbani did not charge him with a minor offence even. Even
Masoud, the self-acclaimed hero did not have the courage to ask Najeeb what
had happened and why and how it had happened. Hikmatyar and Sayyaf too were
silent bystanders. On the contrary the Taliban put Najeeb on trial in a summary
court, within hours, nay minutes the verdict was passed and put into effect. Thu
was an important work concluded. According to some people Burhanuddin
Rabbani, to seek favours from Russian and India used to ask Najeeb to intercede
on his behalf. Besides all this I would like to ask that when the UNO had taken
Najeeb under its protection why did it not taken him along when it fled the
country? Why was it so irresponsible as to leave him behind? The revolution, lik
a flood was fast gaining upon Kabul, what was the guarantee that the Taliban
would respect Najeeb in such circumstances? Then suppose, if Najeeb had
escaped been killed by one division, wouldn't he have been killed by another? An
then I would like to ask you why was Najeeb himself staying in Kabul? For what
reason was he there? He could see very well that the Islamic revolution,
advancing from Sarobi had reached Pul Charkhi. Why didn't he then escape? It is
obvious that he had a plan. Furthermore it must be remembered that the
Taliban's entry into Kabul was in the vanguard of a revolution. No one asks the
revolutionaries why they did such a thing and why they didn't. A revolution to i
after all a revolution. And yet the Taliban's revolution is an Islamic one, and
such they do not target the innocent. Otherwise there was the revolution of the
Irani Rafdhi Khumaini who had hundreds of generals killed. Not only hundreds but
thousands of people disappeared without any trace. The world kept silent. And
yet the innocent Taliban came under fire for hanging just one person. Who are Ta
liban Page 25 of 48
Question 13: The Taliban movement is a movement of the Pukhtoons and
Kandaharis. The leadership is in the hands of the Pushtoons. Non-Pushtoons are
not given any representation in the government?
Answer: As the other allegations against the Taliban are baseless, likewise this
accusation is completely false and misleading too. The Taliban movement is a
purely religious and spiritual movement, and national prejudice, racial of
discrimination, racial or linguistic hatred are all contrary to the spirit of Is
When Islam does not permit these things, how can the Taliban movement which
is purely Islamic one allow them? In Kandahar we ourselves witnessed that the
general control of the city was in the hands of young men who spoke Persian.
Even the security guard of the Governor House comprised of these men. Persian
speaking Talabah were posted at important military posts and they can be seen in
the front lines too. No one raised this objection in Afghanistan, but we on the
outside are levelling these imaginary hypothetical accusations. Not only that bu
this objection is being widely aired so that the evil which as yet had not enter
this pious movement may do so now. By drawing attention to a non-existent
problem, the problem will be created. I say that every sincere M'umin, every
Muslim is included in this Islamic movement, may he be a Pushtoon, Uzbek, Tajik
or Persian; may he belong to the North or the South. All belong to this
movement. Are you not aware that Maulana `Abdul Ghani, who has held the post
of governor in the Taliban government, is Persian speaking? Maulvi Ghiasuddin's
mother tongue is Persian and he is a member of the Taliban Shura. Maulvi `Abdur
Raqeeb too speaks Persian and is the minister of the affairs of Muhajireen. In t
same way, in every other department there are a large number of non-Pushtoon
There remains the claim that the leader of the Taliban is a Kandahari then this
not such a basic question. After all an emir of a people must belong to some are
It is senseless to say why he belongs to Kandahar and not to Gulbahar or Takhar.
It is so as Allah Ta`ala desired.
There remains the claim that the leader of the Taliban is a Kandahari then this
not such a basic question. After all an emir of a people must belong to some are
It is senseless to say why he belongs to Kandahar and not to Gulbahar or Takhar.
It is so as Allah Ta`ala desired. He raised the movement from Kandahar and
chose a Mujahid, Ameer-ul-M umineen Mulla Muhammad `Umar, to lead it. Had
He chosen someone else from some other city, the Muslims would have readily
followed him. It is not a question of caste or tribe but of right and truth, of
and courage, of honesty and sincerity. A person possessing all these qualities,
whoever he is, to whichever city he belongs, has been chosen by Islam as a
leader. Islam demands such a person to be followed.
Let me remind you of the Sahabah-e-Kiraam RadhialLahu Ta`ala `Anhum. How
holy and pious their leadership was! They conquered the world and unfurled the
banner of Islam over it. Did they, to put an end to racial differences, include
their governing body, a person from Persia, another from Rome, a third from the
East, and the fourth from the West? Oh no! For you see what matters there is
honesty and sincerity, right and truthfulness, not language or race, caste a
colour. So every sincere Muslim is a guard, a protector of the movement.
Question 14: Why did the Taliban seize power of Kunar when there was an
Islamic government already there? Who are Taliban Page 26 of 48
Answer: Kunar is a dominion and province like all other provinces and dominions
of Afghanistan. So Kunar will be meted out the same treatment as the other
provinces. When all other provinces came under the control of the Taliban Islami
Movement, Kunar came under their jurisdiction too. It is not possible in Islam f
two Khilafah to co-exist in one country. So the Khilafah of Kunar was merged wit
the others. Then, some people had, with undue haste set up a government in
Kabul even before the Russians had withdrawn from the country. This act of
theirs had caused displeasure amongst the common Mujahideen. Here they were
fighting a common enemy and one person had already established his rule over a
small part of the land. When the Taliban movement in the form of Allah s blessing
reached Jalalabad, the people of Kunar should have handed their Islamic
government over to the Islamic movement. They should have greeted the
movement with open arms, as required by Islam, logic and reason.
The influence of the Khilafat-e-Islamiyyah had already been spread far and wide
by the Taliban, even among tribes which had never been under any government
since the days of Nadir Shah and Zakir Shah. It was a great mistake of the Kunar
leadership to dream of establishing their own separate government within the
greater Taliban administration. Thus the outcome was but logical, and what
happened was but natural. As far as the claim is concerned that there was
complete peace and harmony in Kunar and that complete Sharee`ah had been
implemented there, these are merely empty words. They are far removed from
what the reality was.
Nevertheless the Taliban Islamic Khilafah, based on pure Islamic principles, is
now firmly established as a united force under one single emir . And
Alhamdulillah it is making progress day by day. Where the opposition forces of
the Ahl-e-Batil are, all the world can see. They are a coalition of communists,
Munafiqeen and the enemies of Islam who are far removed from Haq, from Right.
Moreover they are being backed by such governments who are bent upon
opposing Islam and the believers of Islam. May Allah Ta`ala keep under his divin
protection Islam, and its followers. May He grant perseverance to the Taliban.
I have had the opportunity of writing these few lines during my stay in Losaka,
the capital of Zambia, with my students Muhammad Ayub, Muhammad Idrees
and Muhammad Yousuf. As I had been travelling, some points may have been left
out or not explained comprehensively. Yet, I have tried my best to remove
people s doubts and misgivings about the Islamic movement of Taliban, in
Afghanistan. As far as is concerned the manner in which the Taliban have
enforced pure Sharee`ah, established unparalleled peace and order, that
demands a persond visit to the country. Every `Alim-e-Deen should take
advantage of the opportunity, whereas every Muslim should back and support this
Islamic revolution, because through it the foundation has been laid of an Islami
Khilafah or the face of this earth. It is a Fardh upon every Muslim to protect a
safeguard it.
May Allah Ta`ala make this blessed movement a means a guiding the entire
world to the path of righteousness. May He increase the Darajaat of the Shuhada,
help the wounded. May He protect this movement, Aameen.

Who are Taliban Page 27 of 48

Interview with the Ameerul M'umineen
By Nazeer Laghari and Mufti Jameel Khan

Question 1: What are the aims of the Taliban Movement?

Answer: The Taliban movement is that class of Afghan Mujahideen, whose
purpose right from the start has been to enforce the commands of the Sharee`ah
in the Country of Afghanistan and to banish evil and atheism from this Country.
This is a party of sincere Mujahideen from many different groups, who want the
World to derive benefit from the purpose and fruits of Afghanistan's Jihaad. The
are not a formal group, but upon the sincere Mujahideen's action of refuting the
mischievous forces, are a band and a troupe of reformists.
As you may well know, the purpose of Afghanistan's Jihaad was to end the
influence and occupation of Russia in Afghanistan and to aid and assist the
religion of the Muslims of Afghanistan. For fourteen years the Afghan Mujahideen
presented the gift of hundred thousands lives, hundreds of thousands of men,
women, children and elderly were forced to do Hijrat and at long last, after
fourteen years of striving, and Islamic Country was established in Afghanistan.
However it was unfortunate, that the interpretation of this dream was not fulfil
and the Afghan leaders in particular, Burhanuddin Rabbani, Hikmatyar and
Ahmad Shah Masoud, descended in civil war and Afghanistan became a symbol of
disgrace. It became difficult to save one's life, wealth, respect or honour. Thi
period of time had become one of lawlessness and mischief and all efforts to
correct this condition and bring about an end to hostilities were unsuccessful a
the paper upon which the agreements were signed was ripped to shreds.
Upon this state of affairs a few `Ulama-e-Kiraam gathered in Kandahar and took
and oath that they would in the same manner that they launched Jihaad with
sincerity and reliance in Allah against the Kuffar, against a super power such a
Russia, they would today, to end the mischief in the Country, to establish peace
and security, to protect life, wealth and honour and to enforce the Sharee`ah, d
Jihaad against the leaders who were devotees of power and endeavour to make
the land of Afghanistan an exemplary State. To this movement was prescribed
the name "Taliban", as only the Talabah and `Ulama of Deen can, with sincerity,
after freeing themselves from self interest accomplish the Islamic obligation of
Jihaad and Alhamdulillah, Allah Ta`ala accepted and honoured the beauty of their
intention and within a short period of time, Allah Ta`ala bestowed His victory a
Aid to the Taliban in fifteen provinces and the Afghan people were liberated fro
the oppressive commanders and rulers. Who are Taliban Page 28 of
You yourselves can tour these provinces and examine them, you will find people
living their lives in serenity and peace of mind and the roads and highways are
safe. For the last month there have been no thefts in the fifteen provinces, the
have been no incidents of robbery or crime whether large or small. The
mischievous forces have been subdued and with peace and security the Taliban
are running a system of government, based on being subordinate to the rule of
Sharee`ah, where the Taliban rulers and the public in subjection to a system of
Sharee`ah, are accountable in front of a court of Law. Whether the crime is
committed by a ruler or his subjects, both are subjected to the Islamic Penal
Code and both are deserving of it's punishment and it is for this reason that th
lives and wealth of people today, in this region will be seen to be safe and sec
The mischievous forces have fled from this region and the good commanders and
Mujahideen of all the groups have become participants in the Taliban journey.
The public are content and they at every place welcome the Taliban with warmth,
because the Taliban have not kept them in subjugation or enslavement, but
instead have protected their lives and wealth and given them the right to live.
This is why, not only from the provinces in which the Taliban have control, but
form all the provinces of this Country, requests are being made in abundance for
the Taliban to step forward in their region and they will be welcomed with open
Question 2: The most common impression in the World is that the Taliban have
the complete backing of the I. S. I. and the Pakistani army. This appears to
indicate that the fighting under the banner of Taliban is only a front in which
America is in complete control and providing the necessary aid. Is this true?
Answer: The both of the matter is that this is a very wicked plot to degrade the
purity of the Taliban and those Mujahideen who are doing Jihaad with sincerity
against the mischievous groups. The Taliban movement have no connection with
either the ISI or America and neither are we anybody's tool, the truth is that t
previous organisations upon observing the unity of the Taliban, upon observing
their victory and enforcement of Sharee`ah have left, manifesting this stench.
Examine our poverty and then take a look at the Western communication
agencies propaganda about us, you will yourself be able to ascertain the truth.
We do not allow such an individual to accompany us who we merely suspect of
having any external connections, I myself up to today, have not even been
acquainted with any of Pakistan's great individuals or American officers and
neither does anybody know me. If we were the tools of the ISI. or America or for
that matter any other Country, we would have with us the abundance of wealth,
and hoards of weaponry and our establishment would have been one of luxury
and gaiety. But we in accordance with the Sunnah of the Sahabah Kiraam
RadhialLahu `Anhum Ajmaeen, without any materialistic means and adorned only
with the weapon of Tawakkul in Allah's Sovereignty, are free from any self
interest and after ending the mischievous forces in the Country, we want to
enforce Islam's system of safety and security and AlhamdulilLah we have
enforced this, in fifteen provinces with the blessings and grace of Allah Ta`ala
, so
how can the ISI. or America support us? In any case this is a false allegation a
nothing more than slander.
Question 3: What is the Taliban's view with regards to Qazi Ahmad bringing about
a platform of unification between Burhanuddin and Hikmatyar? Who are Taliban ww Page 29 of 48
Answer: Burhanuddin Rabbani and Hikmatyar are most responsible for the
present state of affairs in Afghanistan. Their aims are for power, as after the
success of Afghanistan's Jihaad these two forces together instead of
implementing an Islamic system, launched a civil war in acquisition of power.
They spilled the blood of many an innocent Afghan, spread mischief in every
street, made the lives of the people unbearable and dishonoured the name of
Jihaad throughout the whole World, this being the reason why the Taliban were
forced to do Jihaad against mischief.
The whole of the Afghan nation has rejected them in such a manner that at this
moment in time, despite Burhanuddin being the ruler of Afghanistan, his rule onl
stretches to five provinces and Hikmatyar, despite being the Prime Minister, his
sway is restricted to only one province and then, in these provinces both
Burhanuddin and Hikmatyar cannot move around freely.
Burhanuddin whilst residing in his presidential palace at night remains stricken
with fer, as in Kabul and other areas his own commanders have their own rule.
Hikmatyar despite being the Prime Minister has for the past four years not been
able to enter despite Kabul, these people up to this present day have been
fighting in acquisition of power and in pursuit of their own personal interests
even now their alliance has not been made on any principle except that of
acquiring power and attaining personal interests.
Insha Allah their alliance will not cause any damage to the Taliban, but instead
will work to our advantage, as the Afghan nation will further ascertain the trut
about them, that they engaged in civil war in acquisition of power and they have
now united for the same purpose, which is power. Then Insha Allah, the Taliban
will with speed attain control in those areas where Burhanuddin and Hikmatyar
dominate and when in the whole of Afghanistan an exemplary Islamic rule will be
established, the Taliban Insha Allah, in accordance with the Sunnah of the
Prophet SallalLahu `Alayhi Wasallam will form a specimen of an exemplary rule
and present it to the whole world as an example.
As it is, even if they do form an alliance, when the interests of both sides cla
they will once again enjoin in fighting, as the agreement reached with Qazi
Husain Ahmad is not more honourable then the agreement reached in the
BaitulLah and neither is Qazi Husain Ahmad more efficacious, having more power
to produce the effect needed then the Khadim Al Haramain.
Question 4: Why is the Islamic World not giving you full support? Answer: The
Islamic World either has no knowledge of our methodology, are not happy with
our conduct, or they still do not have trust in us, but then the greatest point
I feel
is that we are still busy with the Jihaad in Afghanistan and as yet, have not
established communication with the outside World. When with Allah Ta`ala's
blessings and grace we do stop the mischievous forces and establish an Islamic
Rule in Afghanistan, we will establish contact with them and present our theory
and standing before them and when we put before them our practical system of
government, then Insha Allah the Islamic World and the World's other countries
will themselves give us full support. When they observe our system of simplicity
peace and security, the Islamic World will not only support us, but will also
introduce our methodology in their own countries. Of course how can those
countries who do not wish to implement a complete Islamic system of Sharee`ah
and have before them the pleasure of large powers, instead of the pleasure of th
Ruler of the Worlds and obedience to the Sunnah, how can they support our Who ar
e Taliban Page 30 of 48
methodology and implementation of Sharee`ah. We do not have any trust for
such Countries and neither will we have any trust for them in the future,
positively our pleasant relations will be established in light of Islamic Princi
Question 5: What has the conduct of Hizb-e-Wahdat and Iran been towards you?
Answer: Iran right from the start has adopted a hostile behaviour towards us and

in certain places fully aided our adversaries and even supplied a place of refug
for one of Burhanuddin's important commanders. However when they were also
acquainted with the truth from us, that this was an internal affair of Afghanist
and Iran's interference could initiate a series of frontier disputes between the
and us, they have adopted a neutral capacity and promised to keep a better and
appropriate conduct with us. As for our connection with the Hizb-e-Wahdat we
have no treaty with them and as such, fighting has broken out and they have
offered to give up their areas and weapons, which at present we are considering
and when the need is perceived, this will be acted upon, but in any case the Hiz
e-Wahdat will not put obstacles in our path.
Question 6: On what foundations can reconciliation be reached with Burhanuddin
and Hikmatyar?
Answer: We have frequently offered to have negotiations with Burhanuddin
Rabbani and Hikmatyar and many a time we have had agreements drawn
between us, but in every case power has been the greatest obstacle in our path
and they have always betrayed us, betrayed the nation, violated the agreements
and unjustly spilled the blood of the Muslims and now, we have no trust in them
and neither is the Afghan nation willing to trust them. How can the Afghan natio
forgive the unjust spilling of their own blood, this is the reason why we cannot
have trust in them, they have but one way and that is if they desire peace in
Afghanistan and if their aim, is the well-being of the Afghan people, then they
should surrender their regions to the Taliban. They should entrust their weaponr
to the Taliban, so that without any civil war the Taliban may establish the
implementation of Sharee`ah and form an Islamic government and not make the
Afghan nation and the whole World ashamed of this interpretation of the Muslim's
dream and they may observe the fruits of the Afghanistan's Jihaad in the Country
and give strength to all the World's forces of Jihaad.
At this moment, the biggest obstacles in the path of this endeavour for freedom
in Afghanistan, in particular is the conflicting forces of Burhanuddin Rabbani a
Hikmatyar, they should read and take heed to what the graffiti on the walls say
and abstain from bloodshed and mischief, this is the only way in which there is
security for them, otherwise the Taliban Insha Allah, will remain committed with
Jihaad to end mischief and with the assistance of Allah Ta`ala, acquaint the
nation with the good news of the victory of Kabul.
Question 7: What is the conduct of Pakistan's `Ulama-e-Kiraam towards the
Taliban movement?
Answer: As of yet the `Ulama-e-Kiraam of Pakistan have not given us open
support, however even though all of Pakistan's `Ulama-e-Kiraam's sympathy is
with us, they have before them the state of affairs of their own Country, upon
which they have to make decisions and so at this point in time, the greatest
moral support has been from `Ulama-e-Kiraam of Pakistan in particular
Balochistan, from those in charge of Balochistan's and Pakistan's Madaris; the
great Sheikhs and Mufti Kiraam. We are confident that the way in which the days
Who are Taliban Page 31 of 48
are progressing, our standing and conduct is slowly becoming apparent to the
people and our support is also being enhance.
Question 8: The common perception is that all the Taliban are Pushtu speaking
and they want the domination and prevalence of the Pushtu language in
Answer: There is no bearing to this truth, as the Taliban consists of Mujahideen
from the whole of Afghanistan, people form every region, and what ever the main
language is of an area the individuals in charge also speak the same language. I
is not incumbent upon the whole of the Taliban to speak pushtu just because I
do: this is one of the same propaganda being made against us of being America's
and ISI. Agents and us being terrorists.
Who are Taliban ?

The Taliban leadership poses a major question to the leaders of the world. The
majority of the Taliban leaders have suffered injuries in the Jihaad against Rus
Zarb-e-Mu`min takes an analytic look at the situation. The Taliban, who have in
very short time taken over most of Afghanistan and established Islamic law, are
facing criticism from all over the world. Some consider them to be a foreign
power while others class them as American agents. These poisonous allegations
are part of a conspiracy to discredit the Taliban and cause a rift between them
and other Muslims. Anticipating the dangers of this conspiracy our editor has Wh
o are Taliban Page 32 of 48
decided to write a special report in the light of which any honest person can
decide for themselves whether the Taliban are backed by some foreign power or
by innocent Mullas'. When our editor took a close look at the Taliban leadership
he found that out of the 20 members of the Supreme Council 14 had lost parts of
their body during the Jihaad against Russia. In fact some had lost two limbs.
Ameer-ul-Mu,mineen Mulla Muhammad Umar is one of these fortunate members
who sacrificed a part of their body in the Path of Allah. Others include the For
Minister, Interior Minister, Minister of Defence, Governors of Kandhar, Nimruz a
Khost and the military leaders of Kabul and Herat. Other members of the council
although not disabled still support many injuries which tell a story of a life s
in the Path of Allah. Our editor asks all those who accuse the Taliban of being
backed by foreign powers whether this rag tag council in which almost every
member has been injured fighting the Communists represents an image of those
flourishing on aid and help from foreign powers. Thus the Taliban Supreme
Council poses a serious question to all world leaders and a worrying thought to
those who think them to be backed by foreign powers. In light of this analysis b
Dha'rb-e-Mu,min the Islamic world can clearly see that the Taliban are indeed
true Muslims whose injuries are ample proof of their participation in Jihaad and
their opponents are nothing but trouble makers. Therefore it is not a case of th
Taliban against the Mujahideen but a case of Taliban against the trouble makers.

Who Are Taliban?

Answered by Maulana Fazhl Muhammad Sahib, Ustadh-e-Hadeeth, Allama Binnori

Q. Who are the Taliban, how did this group emerge, how did they Advance? A.
Taliban is the mercy which Allah Ta ala has sent to the people of Afghanistan in
exchange of their sacrifices. Insha-Allah they will become the source of honour
and dignity for all the oppressed Muslims of the world and a mercy for the relig
of Islam. They are the trained students of the Madaris (Islamic Universities) wh
have learnt pure Islam and Iman in these Madaris. They learnt the laws of
Sharee ah under the supervision of the 'Ulama-e-Kiraam. Some have finished
their course and some are yet studying. They have attained the certificate of
trustworthiness by the Islamic Madaris. Insha-Allah this too is a well known fac
that the trained students of Islamic Madaris (universities) and Ulama are the tru
guides towards Islam and the true soldiers of Islam. The fact that the Taliban a
the students of the Madresa is sufficient for the Muslims to place their trust i
them. The Governor of Jalalabad is a graduate of Darul-Uloom Haqqania, Akora
Katak. The judge of the high court is a graduate of another Madressa in
Peshawar. The judge of Khost is an Alim graduated from a Madressa. The
representative of the Taliban for the U.N. Maulana `Abdul Hakim is a graduate of
Binnori Town, Karachi and a class mate of mine. The Afghan Ambassador in
Islamabad Mufti Ma soom is a graduate of Darul `Uloom, Karachi and has
attained his course of Mufti by Mufti Rasheed Ahmad Saheb. The Ambassador in
Karachi is a graduate of Jamia Hammadiyah. All the leading figures of the Taliba
are Ulama (religious scholars). The second point is that the Taliban are not a
creation which descended from the skies or came out of caves and mountains
reaching the battlefields of Afghanistan. These are well known people. Their tri
background and their residence area is well known by the Ulama and people of
Afghanistan, in fact even their enemy know that the Taliban are religious studen
and the group of Ulama but when these commanders were defeated by the
Taliban, instead of admitting that these people are the Ulama and Allah s help is
with them, they started accusing them of being Americans and the militia of
Pakistan. The main reason for this accusation was that these commanders were Who
are Taliban Page 33 of 48
very proud that we have a lot of strength as we have defeated Russia. The fact
that the Ulama and Talaba (religious students) are the weakest group was also
set in their mind. Even though these people used to respect the Ulama in
appearance but in reality they classed them as an inferior group. This is why
when they were defeated by the hands of the Taliban they started saying after
being ashamed of themselves that, how can this poor and ill equipped Ulama
defeat us? We have been defeated by America and Pakistan . The example of this
is that in the battle of Badr, Abu Jahl said to Hadhrat Ibne Mas ood Radhiallahu
anhu that O shepherd be proud of yourself as you are in a position of
proudness . Then Abu Jahl exclaimed I wish that somebody other than this
shepherd would have killed me. Abu Jahl wanted to point his defeat and killing
towards someone other than Ibne Mas`ood Radhiallahu-anhu so that people
would say that he was defeated by someone of his own calibre and not by a weak
and poor person. The stand of the Afghan, commanders towards the Taliban is
the same. These boastful people should not forget that the law of Allah is that,
And we wished to favour those who were weak (and oppressed) in the land, and
to make them rulers and to make them inheritors. And to establish them in the
land, and we let Pharaoh and Hamman and their hosts receive from them that
which they feared. (28 - 6 Al Quraan.) In reality they were not weak, but the
pharaoh of the world thought weak of them. To say that America or Pakistan have
defeated the Afghans would be a humiliation for themselves. The Taliban have
announced themselves, O Muslims can you only see the power of America? This
is why you are allying us with them. Can you not see the power of Allah? He is
the creator of America. Justice is that you declare openly that the aid of Allah
with the Taliban. The nation which has defeated the barbaric Russians, how can
the Americans defeat them? . Then I would like to ask the accusers that if the
Taliban are Americans or the Pakistani militia then from where did these long
beards come from? Did these beards come from the Americans which have never
been shaven? Then I would like to question that where did these Americans or
Pakistanis study Kafia and Sharhe Jami (Arabic grammar books). Where did they
study the books of philosophy such as Mukhtassarul ma,ani Duroosul Balagah,
Miftah-ul- Uloom? Where did they study the books of Mantik (logic) such as
Sullam-ul- Uloom, Meerzahid Mulla Jalaal and Mulla Hasan Qutbi and Sharhe
Tahzeeb? Where did these Americans learn these long rules of Sarf (syntax). Most
of all where did these Americans learn the Quraan by heart and learn the
explanation of the verses of Quraan and the Ahadeeth. Where did they learn the
Laws of the Hanafi Fiqh? Why did they learn all this? O servants of Allah these
people are the Taliban who have attained the Islamic Knowledge from the Ulama.
To say that they are Americans is similar to saying that these Taliban and Ulama
are Jews, Christians, and Kuffar (we seek refuge from Allah). The question
remains that how did this movement advance so quickly? The answer to this
question is to ask the opposition of the Taliban that how were you defeated so
quickly by the Taliban? My answer is that the help of Allah is with the Taliban
which is advancing them forward. Then secondly the Afghan public which is
receiving them with a warm welcome. Let us look at the media which is using it s
propaganda machine and the general public is becoming a victim that when the
Taliban advance rapidly, the media points that the Americans and Pakistanis are
supporting them. When they are defeated then the media says they are the
students of Islamic Universities, they have no experience in warfare. I can say
openly that the majority of Taliban are those who have participated in the 14
year old Jihaad, who have fought against the Russians tactfully. After expelling
Russia from Afghanistan, these sincere people returned to their studies but the
selfish rulers of Afghanistan forced them once more to undergo the Jihaad.
Taliban's Goal!
Who are Taliban Page 34 of 48
Every human has a goal and objective in his life. The Taliban have chosen their
goal, the implementation of Sharee ah and the Afghan public have accepted Islam
as their religion. This was expressed by the Governor of Nangarhar Maulvi
`Abdul Kabeer on the occasion of Eid-ul-Adha, addressing a gathering. He further
said, When Russia tried to force its system upon the Afghan public, it failed. In
fact they had to face a humiliating defeat. The people chose the path of bravery
and made Jihaad their aim in life . He said, Our opposition should remember the
defeat of their elders but it seems that they haven't learned their lesson .
The dynamic address of Mulla Ameer Khan Muttaqi
(Recently in Quetta there was a magnificent public gathering. Among the
speakers was Afghan Minister of Information Mulla Ameer khan Muttaqi.)

Today the enemies of Islam are spreading the propagation against the Taliban,
that they are violating human rights. My assertion is that from Kabul is emanati
the scent of Sharee`ah, contrary to the days of yore when the foul smell of bloo
and gunpowder used to come from Kabul. The news from Kabul used to be that a
Muslim girl had jumped from the sixth floor to put an end to her miserable life.
Today from the same city news of the blessing of Islam, of the sanctity of human
life are being broadcast. Today can be heard the voice of unity and cooperation
from Kabul. I congratulate you on this magnificent success.
In the past the Afghan people were being murdered by the Russians, today
AlhumdulilLah Moscow is shaking with terror of the Taliban; in the past the
Afghan people were tyrannised, today the tyrants wherever they are, are scared
of the Afghan people. This is due to our strength, due to the blessings of the
blood of the Shuhada. This too is because of the blessings of the unity and
selflessness of the `Ulema-e-keram. It is the living history of the Afghan peopl
that they do not tolerate being ruled by the Kuffar. Therefore after the cruelty
savagery, ferocity of the Russian occupation Afghanistan is once again a land
dominated by Islam. Afghanistan is a land of distinction, the only land in the
world where Islam has been implemented in its purest form.
I would like to recount an incident of the past, of the days when Rabbani used t
call himself the president of the country. In Kabul, Pul Muhammad Khan the so
called Mujahideen stole a welfare organisation's car. The head of the organisati
requested Rabbani for the recovery of the car. Rabbani answered that I am not Wh
o are Taliban Page 35 of 48
responsible for it. The people of Pul Muhammad are guilty of the theft, you shou
go and ask them for your car! The one who does not have any power, any
jurisdiction over the people of Pul Muhammad Khan what kind of president is he?
Today AlhumdulilLah a tiny letter of the Ameer-ul-M`umineen, an inch long only,
if sent from Kandhar is respected and revered by every person form Turkham to
Ghowrband, from Ghowrband to Turghandi. Today people object that the Taliban
have admittedly restored peace and order but what about the economic condition
of the country? How will the problems of the Afghan people be solved? I will tel
you. In the past the fruits and dry fruits of Afghanistan used to rot on the tre
One province used to sell its fruit to the nearby province only. There was no in
trade between all the provinces. The price of the yield of a single orchard used
be fifty-thousand only, whereas the same orchard is four-hundred-thousand
today. Now decide for yourselves. Have the economic conditions become better or
not under the Taliban rule?
In the past the Afghan airline Ariana was only for the personal use of Rabbani.
Today AlhumdulilLah the airline is serving the people of the country. It is
transporting goods, it is being used for Hajj pilgrims. So who has served the
people, Rabbani or the Taliban? There are many well-organised governments in
the world, ask them whose Hajj pilgrims were the most happy and satisfied? Did
the Hajj pilgrims belonging to Afghanistan return home safe and sound or those
belonging to India? The Hajj pilgrims of the Taliban government arrive safely or
did those of Iran? Which steps for the betterment of the people have the Taliban
not taken? In the Rabbani era one single newspaper was published from Kabul in
fifteen or twenty and with difficulty at that. Rabbani used to extort millions o
rupees from the people on that pretext. Now the Taliban have started from
scratch work on the ministries of information and broadcasting. They have
restarted the seventy-year-old newspaper 'Tuloo-e-Afghanistan' from Kandhar.
Newspapers are now being published from Neemrowz and Ghazni; radio stations
have been set up in Ghazni, Neemrowz, Kandhar, Herat and farah. The main
radio station in Kabul was reconstructed and renovated on modern lines. Now its
services can be heard even in Delhi. So whose is the better government, the
Taliban's or that of Rabbani?
In the times of Rabbani and Mas`ood there was no communication system
between one province and another. Now all the provinces are in constant contact
with each other. I am asking you is the Taliban government better than the
Rabbani government or not? Under Taliban rule there is peace and security
everywhere whereas in the Rabbani era women and children were afraid to
venture out of their homes even in broad daylight. There was no education; not a
single university was open in any city whereas today AlhumdulilLah universities
are functioning in Kabul, Jalalabad, Kandhar and Herat. Even then the people say
that the Taliban are against education!!

Who are Taliban Page 36 of 48


Q. What do the Ulama of Deen & Sharee'ah say about the Islamic
Movement of Taliban which started in Qandhar, Afghanistan & quickly
spread over the whole country? It claims to be an Islamic Revolution.
What say the Ulama about joining this Movement & giving monetary aid?
If someone joins it & is killed in the battle will he be a Shaheed? Can a
person join it even without the permission of his parents? Some people
call the people behind the Movement as Rebels.
Please answer and oblige. Al-Mustafti, Sher Ali Participant, Dawrah
Hadeeth Jamia Islamia Imdadia Faisal Abad, Pakistan 7, Jamadi-Thaani,
1416 H.
With the name of the Inspirer of All Truth.
A. The Taliban Movement has come into existence to put an end to chaos,
cruelty, murder, destruction, plundering & robbing, adultery, wickedness,
all things evil & its aim is the implementation of the Laws of Islam. On
the hands of the Ameer of the Movement virtuous people from all the
Provinces of Afghanistan have offered a Shara ee Bai at. Some weeks
ago, in a special gathering, one thousand five hundred Ulama offered
Bai at on the hands of the Ameer-ul-Mu mineen. Thus the Ameer-ul
Mu mineen is the Shara ee Ameer (leader) & under his aegis the war
which is being waged for the eradication of tyranny, adultery,
wickedness & for the implementation of Sharee`ah is undoubtedly
Shara ee Jihaad. In fact it is more important and holy than all the other
Jihaad going on in the world today. For, as a result of this Jihaad, Islam
is being promptly implemented & the Kalima of Allah is being exalted. In
the areas under the Taliban Government every kind of wickedness and
immorality, cruelty, murder, robbery, songs & music, TV, VCR, satellite
dish, immodesty (be-purdagi), travelling without a mehrum, shaving-off
or trimming the beard, pictures & photographs, interest, have all been
totally banned. Islam reigns supreme. As Shara ee Bai at has been taken
on the hands of the Leader of the Movement & he holds absolute power
of implementation too, so anyone who opposes him will be called a rebel
according to Sharee'ah. It would then be a fardh to execute him. Who are Taliban Page 37 of 48
Whomsoever is called for Jihaad by the Ameer it would also be a fardh
upon him to obey. But if his parents are old and sick & there is no one
else to look after them, then it would be a fardh upon him to look after
them only. And Allah Ta ala knows best.

Written by: Muhammad Moosa Darul Ifta-e-Wal Irshad 7th Moharram 1417.
Certified by: Mufti-e-Azam Hazrat Mufti Rasheed Ahmad Ludhyanvi Sahib

The Translation of the thought provoking speech by DOCTOR MUFTI
NIZAMUDIN SHAMZAI at the seminar organized by the
Daily Jang Newspaper 0n 9 October, 1996
Dear and respected brothers.
The objective of this gathering organized by the Daily Jang newspaper is to
acknowledge the implications of the Taliban entering Kabul. As a result of this
entry the general public at large is enquirng about the Taliban's policies on,
education, economics, peace and security, and international diplomacy.
The very first point I would like to raise is that the Taliban are purely the
students, teachers and the scholars from Afghanistan's religious institutions wh
participated in the Jihad of Afghanistan from its beginning. However, at the tim
they were divided into different groups. Some belonged to Hikmatyar's group,
some belonged to Sayyaf's group. some belonged to Nabi Muhammadi's group.
some belonged to Younus Khalis' group and some belonged to Gilani's group. As
you very well know Afghanistan is a tribalistic state. where each tribe has a ve
strong relationship with its religious scholar. When the forces of the U.S.S.R
invaded Afghanistan the religious scholars gave a unanimous fatwa (religious
verdict) that it was obligator upon the scholars and the general public of
Afghanistan to fight against the invading enemy. As a result of this fatwa the
religious scholars. students and their religious companions participated in Jiha
(holy war) for 16 years. Consequently approximately 1.6 million people became
Shaheed (martyred in the cause of Allah Ta'ala) including women and children. As
a result of this great sacrifice by the Afghani nation the U.S.S.R realized its
mistake and rapidly retreated from Afghanistan. Irrespective of the fact whether
U.S.S.R leaders acknowledged their mistake publicly . however. in relative the
end of U.S.S.R was the evidence of their great mistake. Although at present it
exists as different countries the old super power by the name of U.S.S.R does no
exist on the face of the earth.
When the U.S.S.R forces retreated from Afghanistan the religious scholars.
students. and their religious companions who fought solely for the pleasure of
Allah Ta'ala believed their objective was fulfilled and returned to their religi
ous Who are Taliban Page 38 of 48
institutions. However. the political leaders: Burhanuddin Rabbani: Hikmatyar:
Yunus Khalis: and Sayyaf met for negotiations. but could not come to any
peaceful solution. As you may be aware Pakistan also made attempts for
reconciliation. but it was all to no avail. The political leaders themselves met
several occasions with positive results Unfortunately after the meetings their
thoughts suddenly changed as each individual leader envisaged the potential
power in possessing the control over Kabul. The situation deteriorated to such a
extent that the Saudi government intervened and gave a formal invitation to all
the political leaders in an attempt to create a reconciliation. The cantering of
sacred house of Allah within the blessed Ka aba. something ever Muslim desires
to achieve at least once in his life time was also provided for all the politica
leaders by the Saudi government. Unfortunately. the ink on the agreement
document had not dried when the political leaders recommenced the civil war in
Afghanistan. In the midst of this brutal warfare for the sole control over Kabul
thousands of Afghani Muslims became Shaheed. The fighting did not achieve
anything for the political leaders. Many Afghani Muslims gave their lives to gai
the sole pleasure of Allah Ta'ala. however their objective of implementing the
Islamic Justice system was not achieved. Peace and security was to be found
nowhere in the whole of Afghanistan. You will be surprised to hear that you can
personally visit Afghanistan and enquire from any stranger about the Conditions
of peace and security during this period. When one traveled from Jalalabad
towards Kabul. after Sairobi or near Sairobi you would Come across a few
Commandos belonging to Hikmatyar. One was named Zardad once was named
Kalam and once as named Chaman Each one of these had their own kingdom
They had check posts on the roads and routes All small vehicles were charged at
least one million Afghani rupees or at times too million and travelers were also
robbed of their valuables Once driver gave a sworn statement about an occasion
when he was traveling with a woman who was Scaring a golden ring The officers
at the check point wanted the ring However after facing difficulties removing th
ring from the finger the grants amputated the finger from the Roman s hand
Correspondingly if the followers of Ahmad Shah Masood known as Panjsheris
were to put their hands on any vehicle in Kabul then no one possessed the
courage to enquire about the return of the vehicle if they put their hands on an
property then that property became their belonging if they put their hands on
anyone's daughter then the parents were left helpless This as the state of
Afghanistan from the prospective of peace and security From an Islamic
prospective I can personally guarantee that the area governed by Burhanuddin
Rabbani did not implement one single command of Allah Ta'ala This also applies
to the area's governed by Hikmatyar and the remaining political factions Today
Europe is also acknowledging the fact that the Taliban are sincere about their
objectives After entering a locality their first announcement is that Allah Ta'a
Islamic justice system is now implemented The second stage is that all those
weapons normally used for terrorism murder theft robbery and other criminal acts
which ended peace and security were confiscated by the Taliban. My eyes can
personally bare witness to the consequences of these actions The governor
appointed by Taliban for each area personally spends all night patrolling and
keeping guard The significance of this act is that if any offence is committed t
he personally will have to forward the offender to the central Taliban authoriti
es if
for example he is unable to present the offender then the governor himself w ill
take the punishment for the offense committed. The state of peace and security
in Taliban controlled area is such that today neutral media bares Witness to the
fact that crime in those areas does not exist at all. The standard of peace and
scour it is at such a level that you will find it difficult to comprehend. Curre
accusations arc being propagated about the sources of Taliban's military
weapons. I would like to clarify that their military w capons came from the same
Who are Taliban Page 39 of 48
sources as those of Hikmatyar's. Burhanuddin Rabbani's. Younus Khalis s. Sayyaf
s and Nabi Muhammadi's. When these political leaders possessed the military
weapons the propagandist did not enquire about the sources. However when the
Islamic government possess military weapons in the form of war booty the
objections are excessively propagated.
In addition to this I would like to clarify about the questions raised about
Taliban's supporters and allies. I would like to recite verses from the Holy Qur
"O you who believe! Whoever from among you turns back from his
religion (Islam), Allah will bring a people whom He will love and they
}sill love Him; humble towards believers, stern towards the disbelieves,
Fighting in the Way of Allah, and never afraid of the blame of blamers.
That is the Grace of Allah which He bestows on whom He wills. And Allah
is All-Sufficient for His creatures' needs, All-Knower." (5:54)
"of Allah helps you, none can overcome you; and if He forsakes you, who
is there after Him that can help you? And in Allah (alone) let believers
put their trust" (3:160)
Their protector and helper is Allah Ta'ala they arc also supported by the Muslim
Ummah. Pakistani Muslims religious scholars and students. Some people claim
that America is facilitating the Taliban . I would like to ask if the same Ameri
that is harassing religious and pious Muslims around the world. by labeling them
as Islamic fundamentalists. would support a fundamentalist government in
Afghanistan that is adamant on following even single command oAllah Ta'ala'?
Would America facilitate such a government'? What American objectives are
being fulfilled there'! it has been said that the ISI (Pakistani secret service)
the internal affairs minister of Pakistan are assisting the Taliban. 1 would lik
e to
save that if indeed the Pakistani forces have become very pious and religious th
they are assisting their neighbors in implementing Islamic Shariah then who is
preventing the same Pakistani forces implementing Islamic Shariah in their own
country. Why are they living under a non Islamic and unjust system'? These
criticisms labeled against the Taliban arc such that if any human being was to u
their common sense the criticisms would clearly appear illogical.
In addition to this Taliban are also being criticized of suspending the women of
Afghanistan from duties, who represent approximately fifty to sixty per cent of
the population. These are completely false and fabricated accusations being
propagated against the Taliban. Until present day no Taliban representative has
hinted at this policy. However. they have certainly said that they would give th
women the nights that Allah Ta'ala and his messenger Muhammad Al-Mustafa
(peace be upon him) have given them. 1 would like to say that the rights that
Allah Ta'ala and his final Messenger have given to women the followers of
western culture can not contemplate. What nights can the west or western
systems offer'?
People have also expressed that the Taliban arc against the education for women.
This is completely false because they are not against education. However. you
must know that the Taliban are a revolutionary government u ho has brought
dear principles. As long as the! cannot provide an educational syllabus based on
their principles neither male's nor female s Bill receive any form of education.
When they have prepared their syllabus then both sexes will receive education Wh
o are Taliban Page 40 of 48
Whenever a revolution takes plane a person can perceive events according to his
personal viewpoints and from different angles. For example when the revolution
in Iran took place the educational establishments remained closed for many
years. They remained closed until the Iranian revolutionaries formally establish
an educational syllabus conforming to their own principles. May1 also say that
one of the many reasons of why we are facing difficulties and hardships in
Pakistan is that although we are Pakistani's and Muslims. we have not yet
established an educational system based on our own principles. Today we arc
witnessing its repercussions that our universities and colleges are providing us
with students who know little English and are not adequately educated. If there
are any learned people in this country it is because they have received their
education in the West. What benefits have you derived from this Pakistani
educational system'?
People have also enquired about the type of system the Taliban Bill implement.
The answer to this question is that they Bill implement a pure Islamic system. A
system that guarantees rights for all the Children. adults. elderly. and the
widows. As a matter of fact they have already announced that all those women
who in the past due to their circumstances acre required to work for their
livelihood. have been told on a temporarily basis to stay at home. However.
during this temporary period they will be provided with benefits from the Taliba
authorities. The Taliban arc well acquainted with the requirements of the societ
they live in. We may think that the Taliban are not well acquainted with the
modern ways of thinking in the light of modern education or the Current
requirements. When you meet the Taliban you will acknowledge that as Allah
Ta'ala facilitated them on the battle field. you may be surprised to know! the
Almighty has also facilitated them with immense wisdom and knowledge. You will
be pleasantly amazed after a conversation with the Taliban.
The point I want to get across is that the situation in Afghanistan was demandin
a revolution. The last government leaders did not the fulfill the objectives of
Jihad and did a great injustice to the blood of 1.6 million people who became
People have also enquired about the validity of the killing of NaJeeb-Ullah with
a trial. It could possibly be that you might disagree However. who was NaJeeb
Ullah? Najeeb-Ullah was the leader of Khaad (Afghani Communist secret service)
during the government of Noor Muhammad Tarakae. After this. he was also the
leader of Khaad during the governments of Hafeez-Ullah Ameen and Babrak
Karmal. Later. he personally led the government of Afghanistan. You may be
surprised to hear that approximately ten thousand eminent religious scholars of
Afghanistan completely disappeared. Today there is no sign about what happened
to them. This was the work of Khaad. Apart from the battlefield many people
were killed in Jails. This was also the doing of Khaad. NaJeeb-Ullah's crimes we
committed openly and as a result the religious scholars gave fatwa's (religious
verdicts) against Najeeb Ullah openly in public. Whether you accept it or not. t
Islamic law declares that if the crimes are committed openly and arc famous then
there is no need for a trial. I will provide some religious proof for this. For
example. it is stated in Sahih-Al-Bukhari that Ka'ab bin Ashraf. a Jew . who was
famous for committing crimes in open. He was also wall known for his poetry
against the honour of Muslim women. He also posed a great threat for the
Muslims and because his crimes were famous and committed in open. the holy
Prophet (peace be upon him) announced who will kill Ka'ab bin Ashraf '?". One
companion of the Prophet (may peace be upon him) asked for permission and
killed Ka'ab bin Ashraf. In addition to this at the time of the conquest of Makk
a Who are Taliban Page 41 of 48
every resident of Makkah was pardoned except one person by the name of Ibne
Khattal. Regarding him the holy Prophet (may peace be upon him) declared that
he should be instantly killed even if he has wrapped himself with the cover of t
holy Ka'aba. There was no requirement for any trial at these occasions because
the crimes were famous and committed in the open.
Do you not know about what happened to Ali Abbaas Hawaida and other great
leaders during the Iranian revolution. Did the Iranian revolutionaries provide f
trials in the darkness of the night'! Why is it that no-one enquired about the n
for fair trials during the Iranian revolution'? in reality the truth is that in
Afghanistan an Islamic government has been established. Those who oppose
Islam cannot directly attack Islam within a Muslim community. However, they use
other means, for example at times they use the occasions such an Najeeb-Ullah's
death without a trial to attack Islam. There is plenty more to say. however due
constraints on time I must finish. May Allah Ta'ala give us the ability to
Translator s note:- we have attempted this translation to the best of our abilit
However, we acknowledge that we has not done justice to Mufti Saheb's speech.
Taliban working to redevelop Afghanistan

The Taliban Government, where on one hand, is working for the implementation
of Islam, de-arming the people to restore peace and practically executing
Hudood-o-Qisas and Pa`zirat (Shara'ee punishment) to wipe out vice and evil
from the society, is also, on the other hand practising the golden principles of
Islam to give fillip to the country's economy and to place it on strong and soli
d Who are Taliban Page 42 of 48
foundations. Several steps have been taken to ensure the achievement of these
aims. Ministers are working Fi-Sabeelillah without pay; and are not using
government resources for private use; curtailing expenses, refraining from
indulgence in squandering and extravagance, are all steps taken in this directio
Likewise, from time to time, suitable measures are also announced to improve
agriculture, to reorganise and revive unproductive industrial units and to give
vast concessions to businessmen for the promotion of trade activities. Our speci
correspondent has prepared a special report based on news received from
Afghanistan about the measures taken by the government in this regard. Member
of the Supreme Shura, Maulvi Saif-ud-deen Farooqi, was paid a visit by a
delegation of Afghan businessmen last week. This meeting was prearranged and
its purpose was to boost trade and industry. At the end of the meeting, the
formation of a Shura was announced which would work for improving and
modernising agriculture, for the revival of industrial activities and enforcemen
t of
the measures taken to facilitate the businessmen for the promotion of trade
activities. On this occasion, a message from the Ameer-ul-Mu,mineen was read
out in which the Ameer had urged the Afghan Businessmen and traders to work
with the government in reconstructing the war-ravaged country. He said that
eighteen years of war had ruined the economy, therefore the world-businessmen,
in general, and the Afghan businessmen in particular, should invest in
Afghanistan. He further added that the first priority for Afghan businessmen
should be the regular supply of foodstuffs. In the meeting, Haji Shah Wali, the
president of the trade union told the Minister about the difficulties and hurdle
faced by the Afghan businessmen. Similarly, a group of businessmen from Herat,
met with the Finance Minister, Maulvi Ehsan-ullah Ehsan and told him about their
troubles. The Finance Minister, while assuring them of his full cooperation,
stressed on them to make full use of the cooperation of the government, because
strengthening of Taliban will be the strengthening of such a system will guarant
the betterment of people belonging to different walks of life. The report also
mentions the meeting of Afghan businessmen with the Interior Minister, Mulla
Khairullah Khairkhwah. The Minister stressed on the need of concrete measures
to overcome ill-plaguing the economy. Dha'rb-e-Mu,min also printed the
statement of the Afghan Ambassador, Mufti Ma`soom Afghani, in its Urdu issue,
in which the ambassador has urged the Pakistani businessmen and business
community to invest in Afghanistan instead of Central Asian Republics (CIRs) and
the opening of the Tarkhum border is also a step in this direction. According to
our correspondent, the steps taken by the Taliban Government for the economic
reform will have its beneficial effects on the people and trading communities of
Afghanistan and Pakistan. (Karachi).

The Lions Of Allah

Radio Sada-e-Sharee`ah The Lions of Allah countered the onslaught of tanks,

warplane, cannons, missiles and bombs with swords, axes, T.T pistols and
managed to annihilate an enemy which was many times stronger than them.
Allah Ta`ala bestowed victory upon them in accordance with his promise:
"O you who believe! If you help (in the cause of) Allah, He will help you,
and make your foothold firm." (Al-Quraan, 47:7) Who are Taliban
Page 43 of 48
Due to the blessings of Jihaad the states suffering from the tyrannies of Russia
breathed a sigh of freedom too. The whole Muslim Ummah in indebted to the
Taliban for having cleansed the pious land of Kabul, which was the host to many
a Sahabah-e-Keraam in the past, implemented a hundred percent pure Islam in
it. Kabul has been mentioned twice in 'Abu Dawood Sharif'. About Afghanistan
Hadhrat Hassan Basri Rahmattullahu-alayh said that within a period of 5 years I
met 500 Sahabah-e-Keraam in Afghanistan. Before the visit of Hadhrat Hassan
Basri Rahmattullahu-alayh no one knows how many Sahabah-e-Keraam came to
Afghanistan. The pious blood of the companions of the Holy Prophet Sallallahu
alayhi wasallam is running in the veins of the Afghan people, so how could they
tolerate the presence of the Kuffar on their holy land? Thus they banished the
Kuffar and their laws from their country forever. The Taliban by putting an end
civil war, nepotism and all kinds of Munkiraat, have created a state reminiscent
our forefathers. Due to Taliban, lives and property of the people are now safe.
Prior to their coming, banks were robbed in broad daylight. Under the rule of
Taliban no one can even dare to glance at a car loaded with gold, left abandoned
by the roadside for a whole month. Taliban are the guards and protectors of not
only Afghanistan but of Islam too. For their help Allah Ta`ala has opened the
mouths of hidden treasures for them. Among them are marble, petrol, copper and
iron, the mines of which have been lately discovered. It is Fardh upon every
Muslim to strengthen this movement. Taliban's justice, abstinence and self
restraint have earned praise from even their enemies, so if the Muslims of the
world do not render support for the Taliban now, it is feared that Allah Ta`ala'
wrath will descend upon them, the aftermath of which will last for centuries.
Donning the guise of a beautiful person Islam went to Hikmatyar and said to him,
"Protect me, save me." "I cannot protect my own-self, how can I possibly protect
you?" Answered Hikmatyar. Islam went to Rabbani and asked to be protected,
but he turned his face away. Islam then went to Taliban and sought their
protection. "The reason for our existence is to guard and protect you. We will
willingly lay down our lives for you." Answered Taliban. "Then because of me
Allah Ta`ala shall raise you to the stars." Islam said. The Taliban fulfilled th
promise they had made to Islam and as a result Allah Ta`ala raised them to
unparalleled heights. Allah Ta`ala blessed them with the wealth of stability and
perseverance. Kabul.

Faith in the Taliban

Sheikh-ul-Hadith Hadhrat Maulana Muhammad Moosa Rohani Bazi's declaration of

The present Taliban Movement is certainly an Islamic movement and its struggle
an auspicious Jihaad. This struggle, this war is in the category of Islamic
Ghazwaat (Expeditions of Jihaad). Thus, according to Sharee`ah the moral,
economic, material, financial aid and assistance of these Mujahideen is a religi
obligation, a Fardh upon every Muslim. It is compulsory upon all Islamic
countries, upon each and every Muslim to assist these Taliban by hand by feet, b
word by deed. Every Muslim should contribute as much as possible to this blessed
Jihaad. At the very least the Muslims can implore Allah Ta`ala fervently to gran
success to these Ghazwaat-e-Islam, to these Mujahideen-e-Islam. Every Muslim
should offer Du'a for them at auspicious times. The people who gave up their
lives in this Jihaad attained the glorious state of Shahadah; the people who too
k Who are Taliban Page 44 of 48
their lives thus became rebels and Mulhideen in the eyes of Islam. It is therefo
a Fardh to kill these enemies of the Shuhada. The Jihaad has revived the
memories of the glorious past of the Muslims. The Jihaad of the Taliban in
Afghanistan is an exemplary Jihaad in the history of Islam due to many reasons.
The First Reason: This Jihaad is being carried on for he implementation of the
holy system of Islam. Observation and experience, continuous reports and news
have proven without doubt that this Jihaad of the Taliban is only for the
enforcement of Islamic rites and customs, for execution of the Divine orders of
Allah Ta`ala, for the implementation of Hudood-e-Sharee`ah (Punishments of
Sharee`ah). This movement and Jihaad of the Taliban is completely free of all
desire for worldly power and fame, apparent pomp and glory, free of the greed
for rank and high positions.
The Second Reason: The Jihaad is an ideal Jihaad because thousands of
`Ulema-e-Kiraam have bestowed upon the Ameer of this Jihaad the exalted title
of Ameer-ul-M'umineen. This is an extremely auspicious title, one of the religio
relics of our holy ancestors. It is to be fully hoped that as an augury, and bec
of its being an emulation of the Salf-Sualiheen (pious predecessors) it will pro
to be extremely beneficial and blessed. The title's worldly and religious
advantages and blessings will become apparent. The choice and revival of this
title has restored to life our relation with the Holy Prophet. Walil-lahil-Hamd.
There is a Hadeeth: "The person who revives any of my Sunnah in times of
dissension and strife, he will be given the reward of a hundred Shuhada."
(Translation of Hadeeth) The word 'Sunnati' in this Hadeeth includes the Sunnah
of the Khulafa too. For, another Hadeeth says: "It is compulsory upon you to
follow my Sunnah and that of my Khulafa-e-Rashideen, the truly guided ones."
(Translation of Hadeeth) The title Ameer-ul-M'umineen is a Sunnah of the
Khulafa-e-Rashideen. For a very long time now the Muslims had been deprived of
the presence of an Ameer-ul-M'umineen. It is a blessing of the present Jihaad
that Allah Ta`ala has bestowed upon the Muslims an Ameer-ul-M'umineen. Walil
lahil-Hamd. The present Ameer-ul-M'umineen is the Shara`ee Ameer as
thousands of `Ulema have performed Shara`ee Bai`at upon his hand, and have
chosen him as their leader. Therefore it is a Fardh upon every Muslim to obey hi
order unhesitatingly. It is a heinous sin, a Gunah to refuse obeying any of his
legitimate commands.
The third reason: Due to the implementation of Islamic laws and Hudood in
Afghanistan, and due to the observation of their success and blessings all the
doubts and rumours pertaining to the infeasibility of implementing Islamic laws,
orders and Hudood have been squashed completely. It has now become as clear
as daylight that only the Islamic laws, Shara`ee Hudood and penalties can
guarantee in the world - peace, prosperity, safety, contentment, happiness and
progress. The establishment of peace in Afghanistan due to the blessing of the
implementation of Islam has astonished not only the Kuffar but those weak-in
faith Muslims too who were in doubt as to the advantages of enforcing Islamic
laws and Hudood.
The fourth reason: Due to the long-continued war Afghanistan had become a
breeding ground of evils, Munkiraat, wickedness and adultery, obscenity, cruelty
and oppression, murder and destruction, lawlessness and tyranny. All these evils
were wiped out by the Jihaad of the Talaba. Walil-lahil-Hamd. Who are Taliban w Page 45 of 48
The fifth reason: Due to the blessing of the Jihaad of the Mujahideen Talaba
women were ordered to observe Purdah according to Sharee`ah and the men
were bound to keep beards. Sharee`ah Courts were set up everywhere. These
things had become rare and extinct for centuries. And except in Afghanistan such
example cannot be seen anywhere in any country of the world. This
accomplishment of the Talaba is unique, one of its kind.
The sixth reason: The Movement was begun by just a handful of courageous,
religious Talaba of Deeni Madaaris (religious universities). Allah Ta`ala blesse
their pure intentions and sincerity by giving them the command of a major part o
Afghanistan. In this regard too this movement is unique in the world of Islam. I
the history of Islam we are not aware of such a movement which was begun by
the courage and sacrifices of a few Talaba and resulted in such exceptional
The seventh reason: Furthermore this Taliban movement is unique and
exceptional in this respect too that all its leaders are `Ulema-e-Islam and the
Talaba of Deeni Madaaris. After the Khualafa-e-Rashideen such an example
cannot be found in the entire history of Islam.
May Allah Ta`ala accept their efforts, and may He guide and protect them.

Purdah, the law of Taliban or the law of Allah?

Kandhar: Enemies of Islam through ... 'Rights of Women' want to incite women
students against Taliban. Thirty-thousand home-confined women being given
salaries by us, say Taliban. purdah not the injunction of Taliban but order of
Allah. Objection against it is point-blank Kufr (Minister of Finance). In Kabul
Taliban are giving monthly salaries to 30,000 job-free women sitting at home.
These are the women who were associated with the anti-Islam mixed system of
the Communist and Rabbani era. They had been appointed in offices, colleges and
other institutions by the so-called Islamic Government of Rabbani, and were
working side by side with men without the Sharee`ah-prescribed purdah (veil).
This was disclosed by Maulvi Ehsan-ullah Ehsan, Minister of Finance and Member
of Supreme Shura. He was giving an interview to the Correspondent of Zarb-e
Mu`min at his Headquarters in Kandhar. The representative of Taliban said that
the Taliban's act of giving monthly salaries to 30,000 job-free women, now sitti
comfortably at home, is a whiplash in the face of those who are defaming Taliban
with reference to the rights of women. These people through baseless
propaganda are trying to incite the women of Kabul against Taliban. The Minister
claimed that the largest and most developed country in the world has never
helped women in such a way; has never on humanitarian grounds only given Who are
Taliban Page 46 of 48
salaries to such a vast number of women who are not employed in any office or
department but are sitting at home. In answer to a question the Member of
Taliban Shura said that the question of women's rights in Kabul has exposed the
UNO, Amnesty International and other international organisations for what they
are. The world should now know that the UNO and all the other foreign welfare
organisations in the name of women's rights are but destroying the society, the
culture of the Muslims. Under the veil of 'rights' they want to take away their
purdah, their veil, and thus dishonour the Muslim women. Their intention is to
destroy completely all Islamic values. Maulvi Ehsan-ullah Ehsan warned the
women, and specially the female students of Kabul to beware of the evil and
dangerous intentions of the Christians and Jews. He sad that as a matter of fact
the enemies of Islam by planting the seed of hatred in the hearts of brothers an
sisters, i.e. the Talibaat and the Taliban wanted to alienate us from a pious, p
Muslims Ma`ashirah

In The Name Of Allah The Most Beneficent The Most Merciful

Why Women Should Stay in Their Houses
Below is the result of feedback form Abu Sulaymaan:
Bismillaahi-r-Rahmaani-r-Raheem, wa-s-Salaatu wa-s-Salaamu 'alaa Sayyidinaa
Muhammada-r-Rasoolullaahi wa alaa 'Aalihee wa Ashaabihee Ajma'een. Wa-s
Salaamu 'Alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuh.
Jazakumallahu Khayrun, brother Abu Mujahid and Dharb-e-Mu'min, for supplying
this source of truth and information about the heroes of the Muslims, the
Mujahideen. I have been reading your web page for nearly 10 months now, and
rely on the articles and news for inspiration and fortification. In this Daar-al
with our Deen and our brothers being assaulted and derided constantly, it is
important that we have authentic news from the lands of Jihad and Islam to
remind us and encourage us. May Allaah give victory to the Taliban, to the
Muslims and to the Mujahideen in every land, and may He keep them all steadfast
on Deen, and may He cause the Mujahideen of the Taliban and the Mujahideen of
Amir Usama bin Ladin and the Mujahideen of Harakat al-Ansar to liberate the
lands of the Muslims from the grip of the Kuffaar and Munafiqeen. Ameen, Ya
Also, I would like to mention to the people that the Taliban have not violated
Qur'an at all by confining women to the home. The Ayaat of Hijab state that the
Who are Taliban Page 47 of 48
women should "STAY IN YOUR HOUSES, and do not display yourselves like that of
the times of ignorance." (33:33), and to the believers, it is commanded "And
when you ask (his wives) for anything you want, ask them from behind a screen."
(33:53) Here is what the Mufasireen said about these ayat:
In regard to 33:33:
Mujahid and Qatadah say that the word Tabarruj in this verse means walking in a
lewd way. Muqatil states that Tabarruj is when a woman only covers her head
with her head with her scarf without covering her neck and chest. Mubarrad says
that Tabarruj is when a woman reveals her physical attractiveness which she is
required to hide. Lais states that Tabarruj is when a woman does not hide the
beauty of her face and her physical shape and considers it good to reveal it. Ab
Ubaidah (radiallahu anhu) says Tabarruj is when a woman exhibits her beauty
and her body in a way as to cause sexual excitement in men. Allamah Ibn Jauzi,
after quoting the above statements, writes: I believe that coming out of her
house and roaming about the streets in itself is sufficient to cause trouble, le
alone exhibiting her beauty and her body. (Ahkaamun-Nisa') This Verse provides
a clear argument that women are required to stay in their homes and it is
forbidden for them to leave their homes...And all the ettiquettes in this Verse
were taught to the Wives of the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) to safeguar
their chastity. All Muslim women are required to follow these Commandments.
(Imam Abu Bakr Jassaas, Jassaas, vol. 5,p. 230) These are the etiquettes Allah
taught the Wives of the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) and since all the
women of the Muslim Ummah are required to follow their example, these
commandments are applicable to all Muslim women. (Tafsir Ibne Kathir, Vol. 3, p.
In regard to 33:53:
Muslims were forbidden from entering the houses of the Prophet (sallallahu alayh
wasallam), as they used to enter each others houses without permission in the
days before Islam. Allah chose modesty and honour for this Ummah and
commanded them to observe Hijab. Undoubtedly, this commandment is in
respect and honour of this Ummah. (Tafsir Ibne Kathir) Although the three
Commandments in this Verse (33:53), i.e., entering the house of the Prophet
(sallallahu alayhi wasallam) after permission, not engaging in idle talk after t
meal, and observing Hijab between men and the wives of the Prophet, sallallahu
alayhi wasallam, were revealed specifically for the houses of the Prophet and hi
Wives, these are binding for all Muslims as we are required to follow the guidan
and tradition of the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wasallam). Unless, of course, if
Allah Himself specifies that a particular rule is meant only for the Prophet
(sallallahu alayhi wasallam) and the Ummah is not subjected to it, which is not
the case here. (Ibn 'Arabi, Ahkaam-ul-Qur'aan, vol. 5, p. 342) This Verse
provides the permission to ask, from behind a screen (Hijab), the Wives of the
Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) for any necessary thing, including any
matters of religion. And, all Muslim women would be bound by the same rule.
Beside this Verse, other principles of the Islamic doctrine also tell us that a
woman, for her honour) deserves to be hidden - her body as well as her voice.
(Tafsir-ul-Qurtubi, vol. 14 , p. 227)
These texts were taken from "Hijab" by Dr. Mohammed Ismail Memon Madani,
which is a very good English language book on the subject. Who are Taliban www. Page 48 of 48
After these Ayaat of Hijaab, women were carried on camels in a covered Haudaj.
They only went out if their faces and bodies were fully covered with a Jalbaab.
They were not required or encouraged to participate in Jihaad unless completely
necessary. They were forbidden to travel without a Mahram. A man who does not
apply these rules on his family is a Dayyouth, and a government that does not
enforce these regulations is throwing the Shari'ah behind its' back. That women
must be covered and protected are Islamic facts, and anyone who denies these
facts has left the Jama'ah of the Muslims.
Wa-s-Salaamu 'Alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakatuh.

In The Name Of Allah The Most Beneficent The Most Merciful

A letter from an Arab Muslim Woman
I pay homage from the core of my heart to those dauntless fighters of Islam: -
Who have taught me by their practice that to sacrifice their lives in the cause
Allah is much easier and even tastier than all the delicacies of the world, - Wh
have reminded me of the valour and longing for Paradise of Sahabah-e-Kiraam
RadhialLahu Ta`ala `Anhum (whose stories we read in history and forgot) by
their over whelming sacrifices, - Who scribed with their pure blood, their brave
and passion for raising high the name of Allah, - Upon hearing their martyrdom,
wish if my life were breathed into them and they would be alive once again; for
they are the true champions of Islam and their mothers and sisters, once they
are lost where from we would get like them?! Last Wish I am hopeful to Allah,
that my Last Wish will be fulfilled for which I pray daily, that May Allah Ta`ala
keep me with you in higher grades of Paradise for the martyrs and the pious!

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