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Service Manual

Group 17
Release 07
Preventive maintenance
Annual service

20 044871
The descriptions and service procedures contained in this manual are based on designs
and methods studies carried out up to October 05.

The products are under continuous development. Vehicles and components produced
after the above date may therefore have different specifications and repair methods.
When this is judged to have a significant bearing on this manual, supplementary service
bulletins will be issued to cover the changes.

The new edition of this manual will update the changes.

In service procedures where the title incorporates an operation number, this is a

reference to V.S.T. (Volvo Standard Times).

Service procedures which do not include an operation number in the title are for general
information and no reference is made to V.S.T.

The following levels of observations, cautions and warnings are used in this Service

Note: Indicates a procedure, practice, or condition that must be followed in order to have
the vehicle or component function in the manner intended.

Caution: Indicates an unsafe practice where damage to the product could occur.

Warning: Indicates an unsafe practice where personal injury or severe damage to the
product could occur.

Danger: Indicates an unsafe practice where serious personal injury or death could occur.

Volvo Truck Corporation

Gteborg, Sweden

Order number: 20 044871

05 Volvo Truck Corporation, Gteborg, Sweden

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in

retrieval system, or transmitted in any forms by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written
permission of Volvo Truck Corporation.
Annual service ....................................................................................... 2
General, preventive maintenance ............................................................ 2
Drivers service, optional .......................................................................... 3
Drivers service, optional ........................................................................ 3
Annual service ......................................................................................... 4
Annual service ....................................................................................... 7


Group 17 Annual service Annual service

Annual service

General, preventive maintenance

Volvos preventive maintenance consists of:

Driver service Done by the driver every day and during refuelling, please refer to the service manual in the
vehicle binder.
Basic service To be carried out at every engine oil and filter change or every 6th month, whichever occurs first.
Annual service Done at least once a year.
Optional Additions to the basic service and annual service that consist of simple checks the owner can
do himself, but which can be ordered in conjunction with basic or annual service.
Additional These are best done at the same time as basic service or annual service The procedures are
procedures summarised in the service manual Additional procedures group 17.
Lubrication service Lubrication service as per lubrication diagram for respective vehicle, group 175, conducted in
conjunction with basic and full service, and also when intermediate lubrication is necessary.

There are report sheets for basic service, annual service and options.

Note: Lubrication intervals for chassis and cab, and change intervals for oil, filters and
fluids, see Service Information group 175, Lubrication service and oil changes.

Since operating conditions can vary depending on how the vehicle is used, it is
important that the service workshop and the customer agree about the service needed
for the vehicle.

Superstructure and trailer maintenance should be adapted to suit other service work in
order to keep the number of service occasions to a minimum.

Vehicles driven on wet road surfaces with salt and sand as well as vehicles washed
with high-pressure jets require more lubricating service.

We recommend washing the chassis in conjunction with annual service when the entire
vehicle is inspected in order to facilitate inspection and repair during the servicing.

The illustrations in this service information show components in one truck variant.
However, it is not possible to show all components.

Put chocks under a wheel, so that the truck cannot
start moving during service work.

Group 17 Annual service Drivers service, optional

Drivers service, optional

Drivers service, optional
Preventive maintenance

Options schedule- FM, FH, NH VERSION2

Date Name

Mileage Address Telephone no.

Job order no. Postal address Delivery date

Executed by (signature) Chassis type/no. Engine type/no.

Gearbox Customer no.

Final drive

X Rectified without comment 1 Action recommended 2 Rectify immediately - Not applicable

Check all indication lamps in switches

Check ignition switch function and fixing
Check starter motor function and assess speed and sound
Check function of all instruments
Check function of all controls and switches
Check seat adjustment
Check seat belt condition and function
Check condition of seats and bunks
Check fire extinguisher condition and fixing
Check window condition
Check function of window lifts
Check condition of floors, matting and steps
Check function and sealing of roof hatch and engine casing
Check function of storage bin locks and closing devices
Check the sun shade and interior sun visor
Test and check all internal lamps and horn
Check registration plate condition and attachment
Check condition and fixing of mudguards and mud flaps
Check tyre tread depth
Check tyre pressure and valve caps
Check paint and panels for damage
Check rear-view mirrors
Check function of wipers and washers


Group 17 Annual service Annual service

Annual service
Annual service including lubrication and oil 17746-2 Report for annual service FM, FH, NH VER-

Date Name

Mileage Address Telephone no.

Job order no. Postal address Delivery date

Executed by (signature) Chassis type/no. Engine type/no.

Gearbox Customer no.

Final drive

X Rectified without comment 1 Action recommended 2 Rectify immediately - Not applicable

Lubrication, oil and fluid level checks [ ] 34 Replace A/C air filter and check roof mounted
A/C page 32
[ ] 1 Chassis lubrication page 7 [ ] 35 Check reservoir for air drier, condenser, pipes
[ ] 2 Cab lubrication page 8 and hoses page 33
[ ] 3 Change engine oil and filter page 8 [ ] 36 Check air intake and air deflector page 33
[ ] 4 Check oil level in manual gearbox page 9 [ ] 37 Check of cab anchoring, hydraulic system,
[ ] 5 Check oil level in automatic transmission page 10 locking devices, grille and cab tilting page 34
[ ] 6 Check oil level in power take-off (flywheel [ ] 38 Check batteries dirt, leakage, attachment,
mounted) page 11 fluid level, connections and battery box page 35
[ ] 7 Check oil level in retarder page 11 [ ] 39 Check fuel tank, hoses, air vent pipe and
[ ] 8 Check oil level in transfer gearbox page 12 mountings page 36
[ ] 9 Check oil level in driven front axle page 13 [ ] 40 Check fuel tank ventilation filter page 37
[ ] 10 Check oil level in rear axle page 14 [ ] 41 Draining of fuel tank page 37
[ ] 11 Oil change in hydraulic bogie lift page 14 [ ] 42 Check tyre wear page 37
[ ] 12 Filter change in power steering page 15
[ ] 13 Check oil level in cab tilt pump page 16 Engine bay
[ ] 14 Check fluid level in clutch fluid reservoir page 17
[ ] 15 Check coolant frost protection and fluid level [ ] 43 Check alternator mounting page 38
page 18 [ ] 44 Check electrical connections and cables for
[ ] 16 Check fluid levels in windscreen and headlamp alternator, starter motor, preheating unit and cab
washer reservoirs page 19 ground. page 38
[ ] 17 Check air drier page 20 [ ] 45 Check drive belts and belt tensioners page 39
[ ] 46 Check A/C - compressor for A/C unit page 39
Checks in cab [ ] 47 Check engine mountings page 40
[ ] 48 Check radiator fan, bearing tolerance, screw
[ ] 18 Check warning and control lamps page 22 unions, fan shroud and fan ring with rubber seal page
[ ] 19 Check fault codes in the vehicle control units 40
page 23 [ ] 49 Check radiator, hoses, pipes and air
[ ] 20 Function check of parking heater page 23 through-flow page 41
[ ] 21 Check retarder control page 24 [ ] 50 Check intercooler, hoses, pipes and air
[ ] 22 Start of engine and check of starter element through-flow page 41
page 24 [ ] 51 Check engine, engine powered power take-off
[ ] 23 Check pressure regulator cut-out and cut-in and compressor for leakage page 42
pressure page 25 [ ] 52 Check fuel piping and lines page 42
[ ] 24 Check compressor function and condition page [ ] 53 Check for exhaust leakage page 42
25 [ ] 54 Check air pipe between air intake and turbo
[ ] 25 Check pressure drop in compressed air system page 43
page 26 [ ] 55 Check turbocharger and EP regulator page 43
[ ] 26 Check parking brake and blocking valve page 26 [ ] 56 Check engine sound baffles page 43
[ ] 27 Check gear shift linkage and clutch pedal page
27 Front suspension, steering gear
[ ] 28 Check bogie lift page 28
[ ] 29 Check brake pedal and foot brake valve page 28 [ ] 57 Check sealing on servo pump, oil connections,
[ ] 30 Check hinges, door stops, locks and sealing oil hoses and steering gear page 44
strips page 28 [ ] 58 Check steering link system page 45
[ ] 59 Check front shock absorbers page 48
External checks [ ] 60 Check king pin bearings page 48
[ ] 61 Check front wheel bearings page 50
[ ] 31 Check lighting and reflectors page 29 [ ] 62 Check front wheels page 50
[ ] 32 Function check of wipers and washers page 30
[ ] 33 Check headlamps page 30 Check underneath the vehicle

Group 17 Annual service Annual service

[ ] 63 Check sealing, bearing clearance and ventilation [ ] 84 Check bogie lift page 65
on driven front axle page 51 [ ] 85 Check air bellows and level sensors for air
[ ] 64 Check slack in mechanical linkage for clutch suspension page 65
page 51 [ ] 86 Check height regulation for air suspension page
[ ] 65 Check clutch hydraulic and pneumatic control 66
system page 52 [ ] 87 Check chassis frame and crossmembers page
[ ] 66 Check clutch wear page 52 67
[ ] 67 Check splitter control system page 54 [ ] 88 Check lubrication system (central lubrication)
[ ] 68 Check sealing on the speedometer page 54 page 67
[ ] 69 Check sealing on the gearbox, transfer gearbox [ ] 89 Check compressed air lines and hoses page 68
and power take-off, and check cables page 55 [ ] 90 Check rear wheel bearings page 68
[ ] 70 Check sealing of oil cooler for automatic [ ] 91 Check rear wheels page 69
transmission page 55 [ ] 92 Check brake linings page 70
[ ] 71 Check ventilation for gearbox, transfer gearbox [ ] 93 Check brake cylinders, levers and forks page 72
and PTO page 56 [ ] 94 Check brake calipers and brake discs page 73
[ ] 72 Check retarder sealing and check cables page [ ] 95 Check brake lever travel page 75
57 [ ] 96 Check load sensing valve and axle load sensor
[ ] 73 Check sound baffle for gearbox page 57 page 76
[ ] 74 Check transfer gearbox mounting page 57
[ ] 75 Check propeller shafts universal joints, sliding Road test
joints and support bearings page 58
[ ] 97 Check after start page 77
[ ] 76 Check sealing of rear axle and hub reduction
[ ] 98 Check during road test page 78
gear page 58
[ ] 99 Check after road test page 79
[ ] 77 Check bearing clearance in the pinion and rear
[ ] 100 Finish page 79
axle input shaft page 59
[ ] 78 Check rear axle ventilation page 60
Battery status
[ ] 79 Check exhaust pipe and silencer or particulate
filter page 60 Battery Test code
[ ] 80 Check springs and U-bolts page 60
[ ] 81 Check anti-roll bar page 61 Front/internal battery
[ ] 82 Check rear shock absorbers page 62 Rear/external battery
[ ] 83 Check front and rear axle suspension page 63

Note the values starting from the cab and moving rearward in the boxes below
Brake linings - Right
measured thickness
in mm
Brake levers - Right
measured travel in
Comments on tyre wear Right

Group 17 Annual service Annual service

Additional procedures [ ] 23414-3 Filter for fuel tank ventilation, replace

[ ] 25426-2 Particulate filter insert, cleaning
[ ] 17504-2 Lubrication of lubrication points [ ] 25453-2 EGR-pipe, clean
[ ] 17523-3 Gearbox oil and filter, change [ ] 25627-3 Filter insert in air cleaner, replace
[ ] 17527-3 Rear axle, oil change [ ] 26010-2 Coolant, replace
[ ] 17528-3 Retarder, oil change [ ] 26123-3 Coolant filter, replace
[ ] 17530-3 Transfer gearbox, oil change [ ] 26307-3 Drive belts fan, replace
[ ] 17561-3 Rear axle with hub reduction, oil change [ ] 32204-3 Charging regulator, replace
[ ] 17577-3 Power take-off, oil and filter, change [ ] 32123-3 Alternator drive belt, replace
[ ] 17582-3 Driven front axle, oil change [ ] 43705-3 Ventilation filter, replace
[ ] 17706-2 Cab heater, maintenance service according [ ] 56166-3 Air drier insert, replace
to service manual [ ] 77145-3 Wheel nuts, check tightening, all
[ ] 21413-2 Valves and unit injectors, adjustment [ ] 874252 Radiator, roof-mounted A/C, replace
[ ] 23306-3 Fuel filter, replace (one)
[ ] 23311-3 Water separator, filter replace

Adjustments and repairs to be conducted immediately to a maximum amount of ______. If this limit is exceeded,
the customer must be contacted.
The following has been pointed out by the customer. The drivers report must be attached.

No. Action - description

Group 17 Annual service Annual service

Annual service
Annual serice including lubrication, oil and filter change in engine, oil
change in bogie lift, filter change in power steering, oil and fluid level
During oil changes, it is of the greatest importance
to ensure that as much oil as possible is drained and
changed. For this reason, remember that oil changes are
best done after driving, i.e. when the oil is warm.

When changing the oil, the oil filters should also be

changed. The old oil filters should always be scrapped.
Always check the oil level after topping up.

Hot oil can cause burns. Use protective gloves.

For information about oil change volumes, oil and grease

grades, viscosity and oil change intervals, please refer
to the service information Lubrication service and
oil changes group 175.
Fr protokoll se Annual service page 4.

1 Chassis lubrication
Lubricate in accordance with each vehicles
lubrication chart. Please refer to the service
information, group 175.
1 Grease nipple locations are given in the
lubrication chart. Always ensure that each
lubrication point is properly lubricated. Apply
grease until new grease is forced out and
becomes visible. If no grease is forced out,
there is a fault somewhere, and action must
be taken at once.

2 The parking brake on vehicles with drum brakes

must be released when lubricating so that grease
can enter freely to the brake cams.

Vehicles with central lubrication:

Check if grease needs to be topped up in the grease

reservoir, and top up as necessary.
T8008270 To top up with lubricant, remove the lid on the pump.
Then remove the protective cap from the filling valve and
pump lubricant in, using female union 9808639, until
the level reaches the max marking.

Note: It is of extreme importance that the correct

equipment and the correct quality of grease are used
when filling so that dirt does not contaminate the grease

For information about lubricant quality, see service

information Lubrication service and oil changes
group 175.

Group 17 Annual service Annual service

2 Cab lubrication
Lubricate in accordance with each vehicles lubrication
chart. Please refer to the service information, group 175.

3 Change engine oil and filter

The drain plug (A) is located at the bottom of the oil pan.
Drain off the oil after driving when it is still fluid. Replace
the full-flow filter (B) and the bypass filter (C) at the same
time as the oil is changed.

Hot oil can cause burns. Take care to avoid spilling oil
when topping up. Oil spilt on the engine can affect
cooling performance.

Remove any sound baffles underneath the engine.

Clean around the drain plug.

Remove the drain plug. Use torque wrench to turn

the drain plug, see service information group 21
for more information.

Drain the oil.

T1007362 Clean the filters and filter brackets externally to prevent

dirt form entering when the new filters are fitted.

Undo the existing oil filters with tool 9998487 and

dispose of them. The oil filters are of the disposable
type and shall always be thrown away after use.

Note: The filters must not be cleaned, replacement is

the only measure that may be taken. Always replace
the filters when the oil is changed.

Clean the sealing surface (2) for the oil filter seal
and the surrounding surfaces on the filter bracket

If the oil filter brackets have a protective lip (1) for

the oil filter, the inside of the protective lip must also
be cleaned thoroughly.

Apply a thin film of oil to the rubber seals on the

new oil filters.

Screw on the oil filters by hand until the rubber seals

just touch the sealing surfaces.

Then turn an additional 3/4 to one complete turn (or as

specified by the marking on the filter).

Check the oil filling system and oil stick.

Put back the drain plug with a new gasket and fill up
with new oil. Use the side filler on the engine to
fill with oil.

Group 17 Annual service Annual service

Put back the sound baffles underneath the engine if

previously removed.

For information about oil grades, oil change volume and oil
change intervals, please refer to the service information
Lubrication service and oil changes group 175.

Oil level check

Note: Under no circumstances may the level fall
below the lower marking. Neither should the level be
above the upper mark on the dipstick.

Check that the oil level reaches the upper half of the
distance between max and min on the dipstick.

Start the engine and make sure that there is no

oil leakage.

Stop the engine and check the oil level after a few
minutes. Top up as necessary.

4 Check oil level in manual gearbox

Note: If, depending on the gearboxs service interval, the
oil and filters on the gearbox are to be changed, see
Additional procedures, op no. 17523-3.

Remove the sound baffle underneath the gearbox if


Check that the oil level is between the centre and

the maximum level on the transparent level plug in
the gearbox (A) (maximum and minimum oil level,
see picture)
Note: Do not unscrew the transparent level plug.

Top up with oil as necessary, but first clean round

the filler plug (B).

Remove the air vent hose from the filler plug (B)
and unscrew the plug.

Fill the gearbox with oil until the level is between the
middle and maximum level on the transparent level
plug (A). (Maximum and minimum oil level, see picture)

T1006732 For information about restoring the oil level in the

gearbox, please refer to the service information
Lubrication service and oil changes group 175.

Apply a layer of thread sealant to the threads of the

filler plug (B) and screw the plug on. The tube on
the plug must have the same position diagonally
upwards, as before removal.

Install the air vent hose.

Refit any sound baffles under the gearbox.

For information about oil grades, please refer to the

T1007661 service information Lubrication service and oil changes
group 175.

Group 17 Annual service Annual service

ZF gearbox
Unscrew the filler plug (2) and check that the oil level
reaches up to the edge of the filler hole.

Top up with oil if necessary.

For information about oil grades, oil change volume and oil
change intervals, please refer to the service information
Lubrication service and oil changes group 175.

1 Drain plugs

2 Filler plug

5 Check oil level in automatic

Note: If, depending on the gearboxs service interval, the
oil and filters on the gearbox are to be changed, see
Additional procedures, op no. 17523-3.
Check the oil level when the gearbox is at operating
temperature, 70-90C, to ensure that the oil level
is correct.

VT1705PT, VT1706PT, VT1906PT, VT2206PT

Clean round the oil filler cap and dipstick.

Apply the parking brake and start the engine.

Move the gear selector between forward and reverse,

and stop for a few seconds in each gear position.

Put the gear selector in neutral with the engine

running at about 1000 rpm.

Wipe the dipstick on a clean lint-free paper.

Check the oil level with the dipstick and top up with the
correct grade of oil as necessary.

For information about oil grades, please refer to the

service information Lubrication service and oil changes
group 175.

Group 17 Annual service Annual service

6 Check oil level in power take-off

(flywheel mounted)
Note: If, depending on the PTOs service interval, the oil
and filter is to be changed on the PTO, see Additional
procedures, op no. 17577-3.

Clean round the level/filler plug (A).

Remove the level/filler plug (A) and check that the oil
level reaches up to the edge of the filling hole.

Top up with oil if necessary.

If the level/filler plugs sealing ring is damaged it

should be replaced.

For information about oil grades, please refer to the

service information Lubrication service and oil changes
group 175.


7 Check oil level in retarder


The oil level in the retarder normally only needs to be

checked when there is a problem with the retarder, such
as low braking torque, oil leakage or in certain cases
when an oil change has been done on the retarder.

Note: If, depending on retarders service interval, the

oil is to be changed in the retarder, see Additional
procedures, op no. 17528-3.

Check the level of oil in the retarder when it is at

operating temperature to ensure that the oil level in
the retarder is correct.

The vehicle must be standing horizontally.


Note: It is important for retarder function that the oil

level is correct.

The pneumatic system must be charged. An alternative

to filling the system by starting the engine can be to use a
pressure booster 9810621

If the pneumatic system is charged from an external

source of compressed air, it should be done through the
air drier charging nipple to prevent moisture entering
the pneumatic system.

Put the starter key in the drive position. Engage the

retarder fully for at least 3 seconds. Disengage the
retarder. Repeat this procedure two more times. Put
the starter key in the 0 position. Wait 5 minutes before
checking the oil level.

Group 17 Annual service Annual service

The retarder must be disengaged when you check the
oil level. Otherwise, hot oil can be forced out of the
retarder and cause burns. Use protective gloves.

Clean round the oil level plug (B).

Remove oil level plug (B) and check that the oil level
reaches up to the edge of the filling hole.

If the retarder needs to be topped up with oil, clean

round the oil filler plug (A) and ventilation plug (C).
Unscrew the plugs.

Fill oil carefully through the oil filling hole (A), so

that the retarder has time to ventilate through the
ventilation duct (C). Fill up with oil until the level
reaches the edge of the oil level hole (B).

Install the oil filler plug (B) and ventilation plug (C).
Tighten the plugs to 20 Nm. If any of the plugs sealing
rings are damaged they should be replaced.

Install filler plug (A). Tighten the plug to 70 Nm. If the

sealing ring is damaged it must be replaced.

For information about oil grades, please refer to the

service information Lubrication service and oil changes
group 175.

8 Check oil level in transfer gearbox

Note: If an oil change is to be done on a transfer box,
depending on the transfer box service interval, please
refer to Additional procedures, op no. 17530-3.

Check that the oil level is between the middle and

maximum level on the transparent level plug of the
transfer gearbox (A). (maximum and minimum oil
level, see picture.)

Note: Do not undo the transparent level plug.

Top up with oil as necessary, but first clean round

the filler plug (B).


Group 17 Annual service Annual service

Unscrew the filler plug (B) and top up with oil until
the oil level is between the middle and the maximum
level on the transparent level plug (A). (maximum and
minimum oil level, see picture.)

For information about restoring the oil level in the

gearbox, please refer to the service information
Lubrication service and oil changes group 175.

Refit the filler plug (B). If the seal ring on the plug is
damaged, change the seal ring.

For information about oil grades, please refer to the

service information Lubrication service and oil changes
group 175.

9 Check oil level in driven front axle

Note: If an oil and filter change needs to be done on
the driven front axle, depending on the driven front axle
service interval, please refer to Additional procedures,
op no. 17582-3.
Front axle wheel gears

The front axle should be raised.

Clean around the level/filler plugs (A) for the wheel


Turn the wheel so that the level mark by the level/filling

T1007657 hole is horizontal.

Remove the level/filler plug and check that the oil level
reaches up to the edge of the filling hole.

Top up with oil if necessary.

Install the level/filler plugs for the wheel gears. If a

seal ring on any of the plugs is damaged, the seal
ring must be changed.

Front axle differential carrier

Clean round the level/filler plug (A).

Remove the level/filler plug (A) and check that the oil
level reaches up to the edge of the filling hole.

Top up with oil if necessary.

For information about topping up the oil level in the
driven front axle, please refer to the service information
Lubrication service and oil changes group 175.

Fit the level/filler plug (A).

T1007658 If the filler plug has a seal washer, the seal washer
must be changed.

For information about oil grades, please refer to the

service information Lubrication service and oil changes
group 175.

Group 17 Annual service Annual service

10 Check oil level in rear axle

Note: If the oil in the rear axle needs to be changed,
depending on the rear axle service interval, please refer
to Additional procedures, op no. 17527-3 or 17561-3.

If there is any oil leakage from the rear axle and/or hub
reduction hubs, or if there is any doubt about the rear axle
oil level, check as follows:
The bogie must be lowered.

Clean round the level/filler plug (A).

Remove the level/filler plug (A) and check that the oil
level reaches up to the edge of the filling hole.

Top up with oil if necessary.

For information about topping up the oil level in the rear
axle, please refer to the service information Lubrication
service and oil changes group 175.

T1007418 Fit the level/filler plug (A).

If the filler plug has a seal washer, the seal washer

must be changed.

For information about oil grades, please refer to the

service information Lubrication service and oil changes
group 175.

11 Oil change in hydraulic bogie lift

The bogie wheels must be lowered and the bogie lift
moved to the end position.

Remove the drain plug (A) and drain the oil. Remove
the filler plug (B) to facilitate draining.

Fit the drain plug and fill up with oil. The oil level must
be between the markings on the oil reservoir.

Fit the filler plug.

For information on oil quality and oil change volume,

see service information Lubrication service and oil
changes group 175.

Group 17 Annual service Annual service

12 Filter change in power steering

Clean round the cap and the dipstick before the
cap is removed.

Press down and unscrew the locking device for

the filter.

Lift up the old filter and keep one finger under the
filters centre hole, so that impurities from inside the
filter do not enter the oil reservoir.

Transfer the locking device to the new filter and insert it

into the oil reservoir.

Check that the filter is positioned correctly and is

locked in place securely.

Check the oil level and top up with oil to the MAX


Oil dipstick in oil reservoir on vehicles with hydraulically

steered pusher and trailing wheel axles:

Unplug the connector on the electrical cable to the

dipstick. Check the oil level. With the engine stationary,
the level should be on the MAX marking on the dipstick.

Fit the cover.

Some vehicles with 2circuit steering systems have twin

oil reservoirs for the power steering.

For information about oil grades, please refer to the

service information Lubrication service and oil changes
group 175.


Group 17 Annual service Annual service

13 Check oil level in cab tilt pump

Check the oil level with the cab in the drive position.

In order to check the oil level in the cab tilting pump,

the panel in front of the foot step must be unscrewed.

Unscrew the filler plug (A), put the pump piston

in the lower position.

Check that the oil level for the cab tilting pump is in
the centre of the level glass (B).

Top up the oil when necessary and screw in the filler

plug (A).

Note: Do not top up when cab is tilting up.

For information about oil grades, please refer to the

service information Lubrication service and oil changes
group 175.

Group 17 Annual service Annual service

14 Check fluid level in clutch fluid

Check that the level in the clutch fluid reservoir is in
the centre of the reservoir, or between the MIN and
MAX markings, if found.

Top up with brake fluid in the reservoir as necessary.

Take care when topping up the fluid and check that the
reservoir cap is securely tightened to prevent the fluid
from running out and damaging the paintwork.

Note: For South American market, the reservoir has to

be sealed, see pictures.



FM, FH, South American market

Note: It is important that the fluid has the correct grade,
please refer to the service information Lubrication
service and oil changes group 175.
Cleanliness is important when topping up the clutch
fluid. The filling vessels must be absolutely clean
and must not contain any traces of dirt or any type of
mineral based grease or oil.


NH, South American market

Group 17 Annual service Annual service

15 Check coolant frost protection

and fluid level
Note: If, depending on change interval for the coolant, the
coolant is to be replaced, see Additional procedures,
op no. 260102.

Check coolant frost protection (= corrosion protection)

with a hydrometer, 9985011. The frost protection must
be between -25 C and -45 C.

Top up with water and 50% concentrated coolant as

necessary, mix before topping up. The fluid level must
be between the MIN and MAX markings on the
expansion tank when the engine is cold.

For information about water and coolant quality, please

refer to the service information group 26.

Note: If the quality of the water does not fulfil the

specifications, the ready-mixed coolant from Volvo
should be used.

Use only Volvo approved concentrated coolant, which

contains special corrosion inhibitors and is adapted to
Volvo engines. Mixing with other types of concentrated
coolant will result in inferior anti-corrosive properties and
damage to the engine.

Check that the filling and pressure caps are securely
tightened by hand.
For information about coolant, please refer to the service
information Lubrication service and oil changes
group 175.


Group 17 Annual service Annual service

16 Check fluid levels in windscreen

and headlamp washer reservoirs

T1007366 Top up with washer fluid as necessary.


Group 17 Annual service Annual service

17 Check air drier

Note: If the drying agent has to be changed, depending
on the air drier service interval, please refer to Additional

For information about the service interval for the air drier,
please refer to the service information Lubrication
service and oil changes Group 175

Follow the instructions carefully to avoid personal injury
or damage to products or equipment.

Note: Check that the parking brake is applied.

Drain off any condensation from the compressed

air tanks.
On vehicles with air driers there should be no water in
the compressed air tanks.

If there is no water in the compressed air tanks this

means that the air drier is functioning correctly.

Empty the compressed air tanks to make sure the

pressure regulator cuts in. Start the engine and make
sure no air leaks out from the silencer on the air drier
when the compressor is charging.

If there is an air leak from the silencer on the air

drier, use Service Information group 56 as a guide for
rectifying the air drier.

Let the engine run until the pressure regulator

disengages the compressor. Switch off the engine.
After the regeneration tank has emptied, about 30
seconds, check that no air leaks out from the silencer
on the air drier.

If there is an air leak from the silencer on the air

drier, use Service Information group 56 as a guide for
rectifying the air drier.

Clean round the drying agent reservoir.

Empty the air from the pneumatic system, use nipple


1 Remove the four screws which hold the reservoir
together with the drying agent reservoir.

2 Lift off the reservoir together with the drier insert.

Group 17 Annual service Annual service


1 Unscrew the drying agent reservoir with a filter
wrench 9998313 or 9999179.

Check the air drier housing for carbon deposits.

Note: Note on the report if carbon deposits are present

in the air drier housing.
If it is considered that carbon deposits could cause
problems before the next service, see service information
group 56 for checks and procedures.

In connection with these checks and procedures, the

compressed air pressure drop should also be checked as
in point 26 in Full Service, service information group 17.


T5012025 1 Change the O ring, spread a thin layer of grease

on the new O ring and put it in the housing.

2 Refit the existing reservoir with drying agent

cartridge. Screw in the four fixing screws and
tighten them crosswise. Tightening torque
452 Nm.


T5012024 1 Spread a thin layer of grease on the drying agent

reservoir sealing ring and on the threaded pin.

2 Screw on the reservoir by hand until the seal

is against the air drier housing, then turn it
approximately one more turn (approx. 15 Nm)
by hand, or as the marking on the drying agent
reservoir indicates.

Start the engine, fill the compressed air system, check

that there are no air leaks from the air drier.

For information about the service interval for the air drier,
please refer to the service information Lubrication
service and oil changes group 175.


Group 17 Annual service Annual service

Checks in cab
18 Check warning and control lamps
Use the vehicle binder as a guide.

Instrument with large display.

The engine must be switched off with the starter key
in drive position.

Warning and control lamps are tested with the lever

on the right-hand side of the steering wheel and the
instrument display.



TEST/CONTROL LAMP TEST on the display.

Press SELECT (2) when the marker on the display

shows CONTROL LAMP TEST. The warning and
control lamps on the display are turned on and off
in 5 second intervals.
The test can be cancelled by pressing Esc

Instrument with small display.

In order to test warning and control lamps on this type

of instrument, the motor must be switched off with the
starter key in drive position. All warning and control
lamps should then be illuminated.


Group 17 Annual service Annual service

19 Check fault codes in the vehicle

control units
When testing, the engine should be switched off and the
starter key should be in the driving position.

The lever on the right-hand side of the steering wheel is

used for communication and checking any fault codes on
the driver information display.

Test with the help of control lever and display whether

fault codes are stored in one of the control units
of the vehicle.

Make a note of the fault codes first and then rectify


Zero the fault codes after action.

T1006725 Fault codes can also be read with a PC through the
diagnostics socket located under the dashboard on the
drivers side of the vehicle.

Use service information group 03 as an aid.

20 Function check of parking heater

Use the Parking Heater User Manual as a guide.

Start and run the parking heater for 15 minutes in

order to check its function.

Check the heater for blocked or leaking exhaust pipe.

Note: Do not stop the parking heater until it has been

running for at least 15 minutes.

If the heater malfunctions in any way, it should be

checked and the fault rectified.

Note: Annual maintenance must be conducted in good

time before the start of the heater season.
Use Service Literature, Group 87, as a guide.

Quick start/manual stop of parking heater

Quick start Press once on the switch to start the

parking heater

Manual stop Press the switch once to turn off the

parking heater.

Group 17 Annual service Annual service

21 Check retarder control

Check that the control steps are distinct and that the
control remains in the set position.

Check that the control springs back to bottom position.


22 Start of engine and check of

starter element
Use the vehicle binder as a guide.

Apply the parking brake.

Check that the gear lever is in neutral.

Turn the starter key to the preheating position.

Check that the control lamp for the preheating lights up
and the preheating starts.
Automatic preheating will take place for a certain time
on cold engines depending on the temperature of the
coolant. The lamp will then go out. If the engine is warm,
this only lasts a few seconds.

Start the engine when the control lamp for the

preheating goes out.

Group 17 Annual service Annual service

23 Check pressure regulator cut-out

and cut-in pressure
To avoid read errors on the vehicles compressed air
gauge when checking the pressure regulator cut-out
and cut-in pressure for the compressor, manometer
9996926 and hose 9996461 and nipple 9992976 should
be connected to the primary tank (wet tank) test outlet.
If there is no primary tank, connect the manometer to
one of the circuit tanks.

The pressure regulator is integrated into the braking

system air drier.

The parking brake must be applied.

Let the engine run at high idling speed to build up the

pressure more quickly, until the pressure regulator
disengages the compressor.


Lower the pressure in the compressed air tanks by

applying the foot brake repeatedly until the pressure
regulator engages the compressor again and starts to
build up the pressure.

When checking the pressure regulator cut-out and

cut-in pressure, note the pressure readings on the
manometer and the vehicle instrument, while listening
to the compressor during the cut-out and cut-in of
the pressure regulator.

If in doubt of the pressure regulator cut-in and cut-out

pressure, see service information group 56.


24 Check compressor function and

Apply the parking brake.

Run the engine at approx. 1000 rpm so that the

compressor can build up the pressure in the
compressed air system.

Brake repeatedly so that the pressure in the brake

circuit tanks drops below 2 bar.

Check that the warning lamps for the main brake

circuits light up at low service brake pressure. A signal
is also heard when the engine is running.

Check that the brake system charges up as normal.

For information on charging times for compressors, see

service information group 56.


Group 17 Annual service Annual service

25 Check pressure drop in

compressed air system
The check is best done with a standard trailer connected.

Charge the pneumatic system.

1 Vehicles with rear leaf suspension, at least
750 kPa (7.5 bar)
2 Vehicles with rear air suspension or EBS, at least
1100 kPa (11.0 bar) (Japan, 9.8 bar)

Stop the engine.

The ignition key should be in the driving position.

The parking brake should be released during the


Apply the foot brake with full pressure. Use a

pedal jack.

Pusher or trailing wheel axles should be lowered.

The gear lever should be in neutral, the range gear

should be in low gear and the splitter gear in high gear.
Note: Before checking a drop in pressure, let the vehicle
stand for a few minutes so that the pressure can stabilise.

On the manometer, check that the drop in pressure of

the compressed air system does not exceed 20 kPa
(0.2 bar) for a period of 5 minutes.

Listen for possible air leakage.

Disconnect the manometer with hose and nipple from

the compressed air tank.


26 Check parking brake and

blocking valve
The compressed air system must be charged.

Apply the parking brake.

Check that the parking brake control has a noticeable

locking position when applied.

Check the parking brake by trying to pull away in

high gear.

Release the parking brake.

The blocking valve should be depressed. Make sure

the brake is released by pulling away with the vehicle.

Lower the pressure in the brake system by applying

and releasing the foot brake and the parking brake a
number of times.

Check that the button for the blocking valve pops out
by itself and remains out.

Check that the warning lamp for applied parking

brake is working.
Note: The control button must not drop to depressed
position by itself. This indicates a leaking valve.

Group 17 Annual service Annual service

27 Check gear shift linkage and

clutch pedal
Use the User Manual for each vehicle as a guide.

Check of gear shift linkage with the engine running.

Powertronic gearbox:
check that the engine can only be started when the gear
selector is in neutral (N).

Check that the gear selector inhibitor must be pushed in

to change gear:
1 From position N to R
2 From position N to a forward driving position

I-shift gearbox:


Check that the engine can only be started when the gear
selector is in neutral (N) or is depressed.

Check that the gear selector inhibitor must be pushed in

to change gear:
1 From position N to R

2 From position N to a forward driving position

3 From position M to L

Geartronic gearbox:

T1008207 Check that the engine can only be started when the
gear selector is in neutral.

Check that the gear selector does not have too

much slack.


Group 17 Annual service Annual service

28 Check bogie lift

Operate the bogie lift by pressing in the top and
bottom of the switch.

When operating the hydraulic bogie lift it should always

be moved to one of its end positions.


29 Check brake pedal and foot

brake valve

Check that the foot brake pedal is easy to depress

without it binding. The pedal should return quickly
and fully.

Check that the pedal clearance is approx. 510 mm.

Check for any wear in the pedal bearing.

Check that the pedal rubber is intact and that the

wear tread is still visible.

Check that the brake valve is secure.

30 Check hinges, door stops, locks

and sealing strips
Check that the hinges do not bind.

Check that the door stops are in good condition.

Check the position of the door stop and adjust if


Check that the locks work in two positions.

Check that the sealing strips are in good condition and



Group 17 Annual service Annual service

External checks

31 Check lighting and reflectors

Check all external lamps.

Check that all lamp lenses are intact.

Check that the reflectors are intact and no reflectors

are missing.


a 0 position

b Parking lights

c Headlights (main and

dipped beams)
d Main beam and auxiliary
lights (spotlights)

1 Light switch

Front fog lamp: Press

the light switch

Rear fog lamp: Pull out

the light switch

2 Indicator for front fog lamp

3 Indicator for rear fog lamp

4 Dash illumination

5 Headlamp adjustment
(extra equipment)

6 Warning flashers

Group 17 Annual service Annual service

32 Function check of wipers and

Check condition of all wiper blade arms, wiper blade
rubbers, washer hoses and washer nozzles.


33 Check headlamps
Ensure that the bogie is lowered.

Vehicle with air springs: Check that there is air in the

bellows and that the vehicle is in drive position.

Vehicle with automatic headlamp adjustment: Check
that the light switch control for the headlamp
adjustment is set to position 0.

Check the condition of the glass and reflector.

Use a headlamp alignment instrument to check that

the main and dipped beams are adjusted correctly.

Check the adjustment of fog and/or spotlights if fitted.

Check the luminance.

Adjust the lights if necessary.


Group 17 Annual service Annual service

Light adjustment FM, FH

In order to reach the adjustment screws, the panel in front
of the foot step must first be unscrewed.

The upper adjustment screw adjusts the horizontal

position of the main beam and dipped beam.

The middle adjusting screw adjusts the vertical

position of the main beam and dipped beam.

The lower adjusting screw adjusts the vertical position

of the fog lights and spotlights.


Light adjustment NH
The upper adjustment screw (A) adjusts the horizontal
position of the main beam and dipped beam.

The bottom adjusting screw (B) adjusts the vertical

position of the main beam and dipped beam.


Group 17 Annual service Annual service

34 Replace A/C air filter and check

roof mounted A/C
The air intake with filter is located behind the service

Unscrew the filter retainer for the air conditioning air


Check O-ring sealing.

Dismantle the filter retainer and scrap the old filter.

Clean the filter retainer.

Fit the new filter and assemble the filter retainer.

Fit and screw tight the filter retainer.


Check roof-mounted A/C

The air intake with filter is located on the roof of the cab.

Remove the outer casing (1), radiator (2) and

strainer (3).

Note: If, depending on change interval for the radiator,

the radiator is to be replaced, see Additional
procedures, op no. 874252.

Wash the radiator.

Do not use high-pressure jets


Wash the strainer until all the remnants are gone.

Remove the strainer (3), radiator (2) and outer

casing (1).
Remove the filter (A).

Pour water onto the back of the filter until all the
remnants are gone.

Install the filter.

Fill the container with distilled water.


Group 17 Annual service Annual service

35 Check reservoir for air drier,

condenser, pipes and hoses
Check the attachments for the condenser and
refrigerant tank.

Check that the condenser cooling ribs are not

damaged or blocked by insects and dirt that can
obstruct the air flow. Use a mild degreasing agent and
water when cleaning.

Check that hoses, pipes and wiring are not damaged

and that pipe and hose clamps are intact.

Check that the radiator and intercooler attachments,
side plates and rubber pads are secure and in good

Visually check that bolt unions are tight.


36 Check air intake and air deflector

Check visually that the induction pipe is in good
condition and that the rubber bellows seal against the
pipe to the air cleaner housing.

Check the attachment of brackets, rubber pads and

screw unions for the air intake and wind deflector.

Check that there are no cracks on the wind deflector or

its attachments.


Group 17 Annual service Annual service

37 Check of cab anchoring,

hydraulic system, locking devices,
grille and cab tilting
The parking brake must be applied.

Check the condition and attachment of the service

panel and grilles.

Check that the springs for the service panel are secure
and hold up the panel properly.

Check that the air bellows for the cab tilting are not
leaking and are positioned correctly.

Check the sealing and attachment of the level valves,

levers and air pipes for the cab level regulation.

Turn the starter key to drive position.

Raise the cab so that the locking devices are exposed.


Check that the symbol on the display or the control

lamp for locking the cab comes on.

Tilt up the cab and check that the cab tilting works

Check that the hydraulic system pump, pipes, hoses

and hydraulic cylinder are not leaking and are secured.

Check that the shock absorbers are secure and

not leaking.

Check that the springs are in good condition and


Check the cab anchors to make sure they are good


Check that locking devices for the cab anchors,

rubber stops, screws, pins, connectors and electrical
connections for sensors to the cab lock are correct.

Turn the starter key to 0 position.

Group 17 Annual service Annual service

38 Check batteries dirt, leakage,

attachment, fluid level, connections
and battery box

Batteries contain corrosive sulphuric acid.
Protective glasses should be worn when working
with batteries.

Check that the batteries are not dirty.

Check that the batteries do not leak.

Check that the batteries are fastened down.

Note: Fasteners which are too tight can damage the


Check the batteries with battery analyser 9812515 or

Ensure that the the level in the cells is approx 18-28

mm above the cell plates (South America) and 5-10
mm above the cell plates (Europe).

Top up with distilled water as required, max 28 mm

above the plates (South America) and 10 mm above
the plates (Europe).

Check that the battery poles are not corroded or


Group 17 Annual service Annual service

If necessary, clean the battery cable terminals and

lubricate them.

Check that the cable insulation is intact and that the

cables are correctly located.

Check all the earth cable connections to see that they

are complete and undamaged.

Check the earth cables from the batterys negative

pole to the engine mounting, to see that it is complete
and undamaged.

Note comments from the customer concerning any

possible starting difficulties. Starting difficulties can
be caused by damaged cabling.

Check the condition and attachment of the battery box.

Safety advice for battery charging

1 Always wear protective goggles.

2 Remove all cell plugs and put them back loosely in

their holes.
3 Switch off the main switch if there is one.
4 Remove at least one pole shoe from the battery.
(Some control units take their current supply directly
from the battery.) Rapid charging can generate very
high voltage, which can damage electronic equipment.
5 Charging should be conducted in a well ventilated area.
6 Smoking is not permitted. Avoid fire and sparks since
oxyhydrogen gas develops during charging.
7 Turn the battery charger off before installing/removing
the battery charging clamps.

Be especially careful to follow the instructions to avoid
personal injury and product or equipment damage.

For more information about batteries and battery

charging, please refer to the Service information Group
31, Batteries.

39 Check fuel tank, hoses, air vent

pipe and mountings
Check that the fuel tank venting hose is not blocked.

Check that the pipes and hoses connected to the

combined tank unit are clamped, do not leak and
are not chafed.

Check that no cracks or leakage occurs in the tank.

Check that the tank suspension straps are not loose

or cracked.

Check that fuel tank mounting brackets are not

loose or cracked.


Group 17 Annual service Annual service

40 Check fuel tank ventilation filter

This filter is installed on certain markets.

Note: If the fuel tank ventilation filter has to be changed,

depending on the filter service interval, please refer to
Additional measures, op no. 234143.

Check that the filter air inlet is not blocked by dust

or dirt.

Check that the filter and ventilation pipe are intact

and securely fastened.

For information about filter service intervals, please refer

to the service information Lubrication service and
oil changes group 175.

41 Draining of fuel tank

Place a container under the fuel tank bottom plug.

Unscrew the plug a few turns until the bottom sediment

with sludge and condensation begins to run out
through the plug drain hole.

Note: Do not unscrew the plug completely or you will

empty the fuel tank.

Screw tight the bottom plug when clean fuel runs out.


42 Check tyre wear

Check that the tyres have a normal wear pattern.

Note: Note any observations on the report!

Front tyres

Check the front tyres for depression wear, which

indicates a balance problem, extreme play in wheel
bearings, spindle bearing or absence of inertia point in
the centre of the steering gear.

Check the front tyres with respect to wear directed

sideways (raw edge) which indicates

Check the front tyres for abnormal wear on one side of

the tyre, which indicates a camber problem.


Group 17 Annual service Annual service

Rear tyres

Check the rear tyre treads for abnormal heel-and-toe

wear, which can be caused by adverse twin mounting.

Check visible tendencies to wear marks between

tyres in twin installation. If any wear marks are
found, note them.

Check tendencies to toe-in-wear, which indicates a

wrongly set axle.

Spare tyre

Check the condition of the spare tyre.

Engine bay
Remove the sound baffles from the frame members by
the engine and any sound baffles under the engine to
make the following operations easier.

43 Check alternator mounting


Check that the alternator mounting is securely


Check that no screws or mountings are loose.

44 Check electrical connections and

cables for alternator, starter motor,
preheating unit and cab ground.
Note: If, depending on charge regulator service
interval, the regulator is to be changed, see Additional
measures, op no. 322043.

Disconnect the power in the vehicle using the main

switch. If there is no main switch, undo a battery
cable shoe.

Check that the cable connections on the starter motor

and alternator are secure.

Check that the cable connections for the engine

preheater are securely fastened.

Check that all cable connections are complete and free

from corrosion.

Check that protective caps for electrical connections

are in good condition and secure.

Check that no cables are damaged.

T1007555 Check that the earth cable between the cab and the
engine block is undamaged.

Reconnect the power with the main switch or replace

the battery cable shoe.

For information about the charge regulator service

interval, please refer to the service information
Lubrication service and oil changes group 175.

Group 17 Annual service Annual service

45 Check drive belts and belt

Note: If the drive belt has to be changed, depending
on the multi-V belt service interval, please refer to
Additional measures, op no. 263073 and 321233.

Check that none of the drive belt ribbing has fallen off.

Check that the drive belts do not have any cracks. The
belt must be changed if there is any cracking.

There must not be any dirt or grease on the drive

belts or belt pulley contact surfaces.

Check the automatic belt tensioner.

T1007554 1 Check belt tensioner operation.

2 Release the tension on the belt tensioner with a
draw handle and check the bearings in the belt
tensioner rollers and in any support rollers.

For information about service intervals for multi-V belts,

please refer to the service information Lubrication
service and oil changes group 175.


46 Check A/C - compressor for A/C

Check the compressor mounting, that the compressor
is secure and that the clamps for the hoses or pipes
have not come loose.

Check that the compressor is not leaking oil.


Group 17 Annual service Annual service

47 Check engine mountings

Check that front and rear rubber pads are intact.

Check that the brackets are in good condition and



48 Check radiator fan, bearing

tolerance, screw unions, fan shroud
and fan ring with rubber seal
Check that the fan blades are undamaged and that
there are no cracks.

Check that the fan coupling does not have an

abnormal amount of play (too much bearing clearance)
or leak oil.

Check the fan bolt unions with a spanner.

Check that the fan rotates.

Check that the fan cowling does not have any cracks.

Check the screws on the fan cowling and fan ring

Check that the rubber seal on the fan ring is in contact

with the fan cowling.


Group 17 Annual service Annual service

49 Check radiator, hoses, pipes and

air through-flow
If there is a complaint about high coolant temperature,
or if the radiator is dirty, see service information
group 26.

Check that the radiator is not damaged, does not leak

and is securely fastened.

Check that the coolant hoses or pipes are not chafed.

Check ageing (hardness), cracks and delaminating

(blisters) on the coolant hoses.

Check that the hoses or pipes do not leak.

Check from the outside that the core is not blocked by

insects or other objects that can obstruct the air flow.

If the vehicle is fitted with an insect net, check that the

net is not blocked or damaged.

50 Check intercooler, hoses, pipes

and air through-flow
If a complaint has been made about high coolant
temperature or if the intercooler is dirty, see service
information group 26.

Check that the intercooler is in good condition.

Check that the hoses and pipes between the engine

and intercooler are undamaged and are not chafed.

Check clamps and screws for the hoses and pipes

between the engine and intercooler.

Check from the outside that the core is not blocked by

insects or other objects that can obstruct the air flow.


Group 17 Annual service Annual service

51 Check engine, engine powered

power take-off and compressor for
Check that the engine does not leak oil or coolant.

Check that the pipe unions, flanges and hose unions

seal correctly.

Check that the hoses or pipes are not chafed or


Check that the engine-driven power take-off and

pipes do not leak oil.

Check that the compressor does not leak oil or coolant.


52 Check fuel piping and lines

Check that the hose and pipe nipples on the fuel
lines do not leak

Check that the fuel pipes do not leak and are not


53 Check for exhaust leakage

Exhaust leakage is visible as soot.

Check if exhaust leakage is found around the exhaust

ports on the cylinder heads, on the manifold joints
and flanges.

Check if exhaust leakage occurs by the exhaust

pressure governor, exhaust brake or by the joint
clamps for the front exhaust pipe.


Group 17 Annual service Annual service

54 Check air pipe between air intake

and turbo
Check that hoses and pipes between the air intake on
the air cleaner housing and turbo are not cracked,
chafed or have loose clamps.

Check that the air filter housing is secure and

not cracked.

Check that the rubber valves are in good condition
and not leaking.

Pinch the rubber valves so that dust and dirt falls out.

Check that all clamps are tightened.

Check that hoses, pipes and clamps for the air

compressor intake are in good condition and that
no clamps are loose.

55 Check turbocharger and EP

Remove the intake hose from the compressor housing.

Check that the compressor wheel is not damaged and

that it rotates easily.

Check visually that the compressor does not have

any visible damages.

Check that the compressor section is clean, i.e. that

no oil leakage occurs.

Check that the EP regulator hose and pipe connections

are tight and do not chafe.

Check AT regulator regarding tightness and leakage.


56 Check engine sound baffles


Check that the sound baffles are in good condition and

not damaged.

Check that attachments for the sound baffles are in

good condition and hold the sound baffles in place.

Fit where appropriate loose sound baffles on the frame

members at the engine and where appropriate the
sound baffle under the engine.

Group 17 Annual service Annual service

Front suspension, steering gear

57 Check sealing on servo pump, oil
connections, oil hoses and steering
The engine must be running (approx. 1000 rpm).

Check the pressure side of the servo system with

regard to oil leakage from the steering servo pump
(two for dual servo steering systems, one steering
servo pump on the engine and one on the gearbox),
oil reservoir, hoses and pipes, steering gear and
hydraulic cylinder.

Stop the engine.

Check for any air leaks on the suction side. Check for
air bubbles in the power steering fluid.

Check that the hoses and pipes for power steering are
undamaged and are not chafed.

Check that the clamps for pipes and hoses have

not come loose.

Control system for hydraulically steered pusher axle
or trailing wheel axle:

Check that there is no oil leaking from the master

cylinder, hoses, pipes, unions, nipples, flow indicator
and solenoid valve in the control system.

Check that there is no oil leaking from the pressure
accumulator and the centring cylinder or at hoses,
pipes, unions and nipples.

Check that pipes and hoses for the pusher axle or

trailing wheel axle are intact and not chafed.

Check that the clamps for pipes and hoses have

not come loose.

When any work is done on the steering system, use

service information group 6 as an aid.

The pusher axle and trailing wheel axle control
system is constantly under pressure (15 bar), even
when the engine is stationary. For this reason, be
particularly careful in observing the instructions
to avoid personal injury and damage to product
or equipment. Negligence can lead to minor or
moderate personal injury or product damage.

Group 17 Annual service Annual service

58 Check steering link system

A good way of checking condition and play is to have
the vehicle standing on the floor with two mechanics
working together.

Two mechanics work together.

The cab must be in lowered position.

Put the wheels in the straight ahead position.

Mechanic 1 sits in the cab and turns the steering

wheel back and forth while mechanic 2 grips the lower
part of the steering column. This check must be done
at both ends of the lengthways adjustment range
of the steering wheel.

Check the steering wheel raising and lowering


Note! There must be no play evident when checking.

No abnormal noise/feel may occur when the steering
wheel is raised or lowered within its range of adjustment.
If any abnormal noise/feel occurs, please refer to the
service information, group 6.
This is done by one of the mechanics:

Pull the steering wheel to and fro and check steering

wheel clearance, fixing and condition and the fixing
of the steering shaft tube (with or without power

The second mechanic does the following:

Check that the ball joints on the track rods, link rods,
steering rods and extra hydraulic cylinder are not
loose. Use dial indicator 9808092 and magnetic holder
T1006492 9812528. Maximum permitted axial play is 2mm.
Check that the rubber boots on ball joints on the
track rods, link rods, steering rods, extra hydraulic
cylinder and the master and centring cylinder for the
hydraulically steered pusher axle or trailing wheel
axle are intact and seal correctly.

If any of the rubber boots are cracked or damaged, the

ball joint must be changed.

Note: A cracked or damaged rubber boot means that

the ball joint wears out quickly.


Group 17 Annual service Annual service

Put the wheels in the straight ahead position. A worn

ball joint has its greatest play in this position.

Press the ball joint together with to its inner end

position using Polygrip pliers. Set the dial indicator to
Separate the ball joint as much as possible using
lever 1158289.

T6009383 Maximum permitted axial play is 2 mm.

If the play exceeds 2 mm, the ball joint must be changed.

If you are not sure about the play in ball joints, use
service information group 6 as an aid.

Check that there is no play in the intermediate steering

arm and the attachments for the hydraulic cylinder
for double front axles.

Check the anchorage of the track rod, steering rod

and link rod, and ensure that the clamps are not
damaged and are tightened.

Check that the Pitman arm on the steering gear is

firmly fixed, that the nut is tightened and that the
nut is correctly locked.

Check the steering gear attachment in the bracket

and frame member, i.e. that there are no cracks
or loose bolted joints.

Check the attachments of the intermediate steering

arm and the hydraulic cylinders, to ensure there are no
cracks, play or loose bolted joints.

Check the steering column joints and steering shaft.

The joints must not have any play and the locking
bolts must be tightened.
In order to avoid corrosion on the input shaft to the
steering gear and steering shaft joint, the following
must be done:
1 Clean the lower part of the steering wheel shaft
universal joint.
2 Turn the steering wheel so that the slit in the
steering shaft universal joint points backwards.
3 Spray the slit and around the bottom of the
steering shaft joint with anti-corrosion agent, part
no. 1381063 or equivalent.

The steering shaft joint must not be loosened from the

steering gear during rust prevention treatment

46 T1006795
Group 17 Annual service Annual service

Check the fixing of the master cylinder and the centring

cylinder on vehicles with hydraulically steered pusher
axle or trailing wheel axle: to ensure that there are no
cracks or loose fasteners and that the clamps are not
damaged and are tight.

Check that the rubber boot on the centring cylinder
is not damaged or cracked, and that the boot is
securely fixed.



Group 17 Annual service Annual service

59 Check front shock absorbers

Check the rubber bushings.

Check that the shock absorber attachments are


Check that the shock absorber brackets are in good

condition and that they are secure.

Check if there is any oil leakage from the shock

absorbers and make a note if there is.


60 Check king pin bearings

Check axial clearance between the axle shaft and axle
member (A) on both sides.

The vehicle should be standing on the floor during

measurement of axial clearance so that the kingpin
bearing is under load.

Measure the clearance between the axle shaft and

axle member with a feeler gauge.

for information on permitted value (A) for axial clearance,

T1008221 depending on type of axle, see Service Information
group 6.

Check radial clearance in the king pin bushing on

both sides.
1 Block up the vehicle under the axle.
2 Apply the foot brake with a pedal jack or an assistant,
so that the play in the wheel bearings does not
influence the measurement.

3 Check the clearance in the kingpin bushing by using a

bar as a lever to lift in the wheel hole.

For information on the permitted radial clearance in the

kingpin bushing, depending on the type of axle, see
service information group 6.

If in doubt of the amount of radial clearance in the kingpin

bushing, use one of the following methods to determine
the present amount of radial clearance.

Group 17 Annual service Annual service

Measurement of radial clearance of kingpin bushings

with a dial gauge
Place a dial gauge with magnetic stand on the front
axle against the lower part of the axle shaft by the
kingpin bushing.

Use a bar as a lever to lift and check the bushing radial

clearance on the dial gauge.

For information on the permitted radial clearance in the

kingpin bushing, depending on the type of axle, see
service information group 6.

W6000845 Measurement of kingpin bushing radial clearance

to the tyre side

Lift up using a bar as a lever in the wheel hole.

Place a support, e.g. set square, against the side

of the tyre.

Prise the lever downwards. At the same time, measure
accurately the distance between the support and the
tyre. The measured radial clearance at the measuring
point will be much greater than the maximum permitted
radial clearance in the bushing, which is dependent on
the distance between the bushing and side of the tyre.

Check the radial clearance on the kingpin bushings

by using the measured distance and respective
table, depending on the type of axle, in service
information group 6.

If there is play, carry out the tightening procedure as is

service information 6.

T6007728 Vehicle with driven front axle

The steering knuckle attachments for driven front axle

have tapered roller bearings, which are under tension and
should not have any play.


Group 17 Annual service Annual service

61 Check front wheel bearings

Note: On a vehicle with a driven front axle the front wheel
bearings must not be checked with a wheel spinner in
view of the risk of damaging the component.

The front of the vehicle should be supported on pallets

and the parking brake must not be applied.

Check the front wheel bearings with a wheel spinner

and listen to the bearings during the rotation.
Note: Note in the report any noise from the front wheel
bearings that does not sound right.

Abnormal noise in the bearings is a sign of bearing wear.

Hubs with bearings should therefore be replaced to avoid
damage to the bearings.

Check front wheel bearing play by lifting with a lever

in the wheel hole. The bearing should normally be
preloaded so there should not be any noticeable play
in the bearings. Do not confuse play in the wheel
bearings with play in the kingpin bearings.

Nevertheless, in certain cases a bearing play of up to

0.1 mm can be allowed.
If there is play in the bearings, bearing clearance should
be measured with a dial gauge.
Note: Note the bearing clearance!

If the bearing play is 0.2 mm or greater, the hub and

bearing must be changed immediately to avoid future
bearing breakdown.
Note: The bearing clearance cannot be adjusted.

The wheel bearings for the driven front axle are

under tension and should not have any play.

For work procedures on hubs, use service information

group 7, as a guide.


62 Check front wheels

Disc wheel

Check the wheels for cracks and rust that can indicate
loose nuts or broken wheel bolts.
Spoke wheel

Check that all wheel nuts and retainers are in position.

Check that the fitting is correct and that the wheel

is centred.


Group 17 Annual service Annual service

Check underneath the vehicle

Remove gearbox sound baffles to simplify the work
round the gearbox.

63 Check sealing, bearing clearance

and ventilation on driven front axle
Check that the front axle and hub reduction gear
do not leak oil.

Check that there is no play in the pinion bearing by

lifting the front axle gear follower up and down. Any
movement indicates a loose nut or a loose bearing.

Check that the driven front axle breather is not blocked.

Check that the breather hose is securely fixed to

the nipple.

If the breather hose is drawn up into the chassis,

check that the hose is intact, not pinched and that
the mounting clamps are intact.

64 Check slack in mechanical

linkage for clutch
Remove any sound baffles under the gearbox.

Check that there is no slack in the release lever.

Check that the gaiters for the clutch servo and on the
release lever ball-joint are intact.


Group 17 Annual service Annual service

65 Check clutch hydraulic and

pneumatic control system
Check that the hydraulic cylinder does not leak and
that the piston returns properly.

Check that the clutch servo, connections and hoses
are not leaking and that the hoses are in their correct


66 Check clutch wear

Use Service Information group 03 and 4 as aids when
checking clutch wear.

Measurement involves following the movement of the

clutch servo

Group 17 Annual service Annual service

Use measuring tool 9998579 for measuring.

When measuring on vehicles with air suspension use
measuring tool 9998698.

Use a ruler or similar to measure wear.




Group 17 Annual service Annual service

1 Write down the recorded value on the label at X2.
2 Check the remaining wear surface on the clutch.

To check the remaining amount of wear on the clutch, and

for information on the values for maximum amount of
wear on the clutch, see Service Information group 41.

Clutch wear can also be checked with PC tool via
the data link connector on vehicles with Geartronic
and I-shift gear systems.Use Service Information
group 03 and 4 as aids


67 Check splitter control system

Check that there are no air leaks from the splitter gear
inhibitor valve or compressed air lines.

Check that the inhibitor valve is correctly adjusted.

Note: Any adjustment of the inhibitor valve should not be

carried out until the clutch setting has been checked.

To check and adjust the inhibitor valve, use service

information group 4 as a guide.


68 Check sealing on the

Check that the seal on the speedometer sensor on
the gearbox is intact.


Group 17 Annual service Annual service

69 Check sealing on the gearbox,

transfer gearbox and power take-off,
and check cables
Check that the gearbox, manual or automatic, does
not leak oil or coolant.

Check that pipes and hoses for oil cooler are secure
and not leaking.

Check that the power take-off or transfer gearbox

does not leak oil.

If leakage, check the oil level.

Check that there is no air leakage from components or

compressed air pipes.

Check that electrical connections, electric cables and

compressed air connections on the gearbox are
secure and not chafing.

Check that the wire controls between the gear lever

and the gearbox are not damaged and are secure

70 Check sealing of oil cooler for

automatic transmission
Check that no oil or water leakage occurs in the
oil cooler.

Check that there is no leakage of oil or coolant from

the connecting pipes or hoses on the oil cooler
and gearbox, and check that the pipe connections
and hoses are secure.

If leakage, check the oil level.


Group 17 Annual service Annual service

71 Check ventilation for gearbox,

transfer gearbox and PTO

Check that the ventilation for the gearbox and clutch

servo is not blocked.

Check that the ventilation for the PTO or the transfer
gearbox is not blocked.

For information on service intervals for ventilation filter
on automatic gearboxes, see Service Information
group 175.

Note: If the ventilation filter is to be replaced, clean

round ventilation filter first before removing to prevent
dirt getting into the gearbox. Please refer to Additional
measures op. no. 437053.


Group 17 Annual service Annual service

72 Check retarder sealing and check

Check that no oil leakage or coolant leakage occurs
from the retarder.

Check that there is no leakage of coolant from hoses or

pipe connections between the engine and the retarder,
and that the hoses and pipe connections are secure.

If leakage, check the oil level.

Check that there is no air leakage from the retarder

compressed air system.

Check that electrical connections, electric cables and

compressed air connections on the retarder are
secure and not chafing.


73 Check sound baffle for gearbox


Check that the sound baffle is in good condition and

not damaged.

Check that the attachments for the sound baffle

are complete.

Where appropriate fit loose sound baffle under the


74 Check transfer gearbox mounting

Check that the transfer gearbox mounting brackets
are intact.

Visually check that bolt unions are not loose.

Check that the mountings rubber bushings and rubber

pads are tensioned.


Group 17 Annual service Annual service

75 Check propeller shafts

universal joints, sliding joints and
support bearings
With the transmission in neutral, check the propeller
shafts for straightness and damage.

Feel each universal joint and check for wear. The

joints should not have any slack.

Make a visual check that the screws for the bearings

and flanges are tight and that all circlips are in place.

If the propeller shaft is to be lubricated, lubricate all

points according to the lubricating chart.

Turn and lift the spline joints and check for wear.
Side and top wear in the booms might cause movement
in the sliding joints, which would cause vibration and
unbalance. There is no hard and fast measurement for
this play, but it should be considered and noted, so that
the situation is pointed out to the customer.

Check the support bearing anchorage attachment and

the condition of the rubber blocks. There should be no
play between the rubber and the holder.

76 Check sealing of rear axle and

hub reduction gear
Check that the rear axle does not leak oil.

The outlet from the rear axle ventilation hose may give off
a certain amount of oil mist, which is normal.

Check that the hub reduction gear does not leak oil.

Check that the air vent hose is not plugged.

If leakage, check the oil level.


Group 17 Annual service Annual service

77 Check bearing clearance in the

pinion and rear axle input shaft
42, 62 and 82 rear axle and trailing rear axle
for 64, 66 and 84 Check that there is no play in
the pinion gear by lifting the final drive flange. The
pinion bearing should have a certain pre-load. Any
movement indicates a loose nut or a loose bearing.

44, rear axle RS1365HV

T4012341 1 The rear axle has an end float on the input shaft
for the final drive (A).

2 Check the end float on the input shaft for the

final drive (A).
3 The end float on the input shaft for the final drive
must be adjusted if it exceeds 0.2 mm.

Forward rear axle for 64, 66 and 84

Note: 64, 66 and 84 have end float on the input shaft
(A) for the transfer differential, i.e. the forward final drive.

Because of the end float, a 64, 66 or 84 vehicle

can display radial play without necessarily having any
T4015836 adverse effect on the transfer gear. During rotation, the
shaft is balanced, so the play is not so noticeable.

CTEV87, CTN372, and CTN472

1 Check the end float on the input shaft (A) for the
transfer differential.

2 The end float on the input shaft must be adjusted

if it exceeds 0.3 mm.

RT2610HV, RTH2610B, RT3210HV and RTS2370A

1 Check the end float on the input shaft for the forward
rear axle (A).

T4015530 2 The end float on the input shaft for the final drive must
be adjusted if it exceeds 0.2 mm.

During any inspection or adjustment of input shaft end

float, use service information group 46 as an aid.


Group 17 Annual service Annual service

78 Check rear axle ventilation

Check that the rear axle breather is not blocked.

Check that the breather hose is securely fixed to

the nipple.

If the breather hose is drawn up into the chassis,

check that the hose is intact, not pinched and that
the mounting clamps are intact.


79 Check exhaust pipe and silencer

or particulate filter
Note: Vehicle equipped with particulate filter: If,
depending on the service interval of the particulate filter,
the filter is to be cleaned, see Additional measures,
op. no. 25426-2.

Check the condition of the sheet metal in the exhaust

pipe and silencer or particulate filter, if the vehicle
has one.

Check the flexible hoses and clamps.

Check the mountings of the exhaust pipe and silencer

or particulate filter for cracks, loose screws, clamps,
brackets and protective plates.

For information about the particulate filter service interval,

please refer to the service information Lubrication
service and oil changes group 175.

80 Check springs and U-bolts

Check the springs for broken or spread leaves, which
could indicate that the centre bolt is broken.

Check the u-bolts. Loose u-bolts are indicated when

the spring package is not completely pressed together
and/or the spring package has moved on the axle by
the anchorage.


Group 17 Annual service Annual service

81 Check anti-roll bar

Check the antiroll bar bushes. Rubber bushes must
not have any play and plastic bushes must not have
radial play greater than 2 mm.

The front end anti-roll bar is mounted on plastic bushes

whereas the rear end can have either plastic or rubber

Check that attachments for the anti-roll bars are not

loose or cracked. Rust can indicate loose bolts
or loose attachments.

Check that the rubber bellows on ball joints on the
shackle between the chassis anchorage and anti-roll
bar are not damaged or split.

Note: The ball joints wear down rapidly if the bellows

are damaged or cracked.


Group 17 Annual service Annual service

82 Check rear shock absorbers

Check the rubber bushings.

Check that the shock absorber attachments are


Check that the shock absorber brackets are in good

condition and that they are secure.

Check if there is any oil leakage from the shock

absorbers and make a note if there is.


Group 17 Annual service Annual service

83 Check front and rear axle

Check the play in the spring bolts with a bar. Max.
permitted radial clearance in spring bolt/bushing
is 5 mm.

Rubber housed spring boltsNo axial or radial play. The

rubber housing gives somewhat when checked, which
must not be confused with play.

Check wear between the spring and bracket for

progressive spring, that the bracket is not worn.

Check that the spring attachments are secure and that

there are no cracks. The spring bolt should not have
any play in the spring attachment.

Check the roller in the connection of the balance arm

to the spring, that there is no play in the roller bearing
and that the roller does not bind.

Check that the rubber hole springs are in good

condition and secure.

Check that the rubber springs in the ends of the

rear springs are intact and secure (vehicles 64,
66 and 84).

Check that the attachments for cross stay, reaction rod

and V-stay are secure and that there are no cracks in
the attachment devices or rods. Check that there is no
play in ball joints and bushings.


Group 17 Annual service Annual service

Check for play at the V-stay.

Note: The parking brake shall not be applied. The

vehicle shall be in driving position. Chock a wheel so
that the vehicle cannot start to roll.

T1008464 Mark the V-stay, or measure to the lug if there is one; see
fig. Use a crow bar and check that the axial movement
does not exceed 1.5 millimetres.

T7009913 Note: Use the crow bar as in the figure, and not in any
other position because of the risk of damaging the
rubber seals on the V-stay.
If the axial movement exceeds 1.5 mm, the V-stay must
be overhauled or replaced.

On vehicles where it is possible, measure using a dial

indicator 9808092 and magnetic stand 9812528.

Make a visual inspection of the V-stays rubber bellows

for damage or splits. If the bellows are damaged or split,
the V-stay must be replaced.

Check that clamps and attachments for the axle

T7009912 attachments and air spring members are not loose.

Check that the attachments for the air springs are

secure and that there are no cracks.

Check that there is no play in the balance arm bearings

(6x2, 8x2), neither radially nor axially.
Check if the spring cradle (64, 66 and 84) shows
any sign of wear in the bearing.

Check for wear in the attachments and clamp unions

for the mountings and stays. Rust can indicate that
unions or attachments are loose.

9808092, 9812528


Group 17 Annual service Annual service

84 Check bogie lift

Check that there is no oil leakage from the hydraulic
cylinder, pump section, pipe fittings or hydraulic hoses.

Check the condition of the mechanical section, i.e. that

there are no loose bolts, locks or cracks.

Check attachments for the hydraulic cylinder.

Check that the rollers on the levers are not stuck.

Check air bellows and attachments for bogie lift on

vehicles with air suspension, that there is no damage,
cracks, loose screws or air leaks.


85 Check air bellows and level

sensors for air suspension
Check that the air bellows do not leak.

Check that the air bellows are undamaged.

Check that the level sensors are not damaged and that
the electrical connections are secure.

Check that levers and control rods for the level sensor
are secure and there is no play or damage.


Group 17 Annual service Annual service

86 Check height regulation for air

Use the vehicles instruction book as a guide.

The compressed air system must be charged. As an

alternative to filling the system by starting the engine,
pressure booster 9810621 can be used.

T7006749 If the pneumatic system is charged from an external

source of compressed air, it should be done through the
air drier charging nipple to prevent moisture entering
the pneumatic system.

Turn the starter key to drive position.


Group 17 Annual service Annual service

Check with the control box that the vehicle can be

raised and lowered manually. Check the front end and
rear end separately, and then the whole vehicle in
stages. Check that the vehicle stops in the set position
in between each time it is raised and lowered.


Control unit for vehicle with air suspension rear only.

Check that no damage is visible on the bellows during
raising and lowering.

Raise the vehicle to the highest point and check

that the reaction rod does not make contact with
any members.

Set the switch on the control box to drive position

and note that the vehicle goes into drive position
and stops there.
T7007942 Turn the starter key to 0 position.
Control unit for vehicle with air suspension front
and rear. Use service information group 7 as a guide if the air
suspension system needs adjusting or repairing.

87 Check chassis frame and


Check frame members and cross members visually for

cracks and distortion.

Visually check that there are no loose bolts or rivets.

88 Check lubrication system (central

Check that the pump unit, hoses, nipples and
distribution valves for the central lubrication system
seal correctly, are intact and firmly mounted. Also
check that no clamps are loose.

Check that no nipple or hose has come loose or has

been damaged at any lubrication point.

Check that no hoses have been chafed or have come

undone at the front axle (because of large movements
in the steering gear).

Check that no lubrication point connected to the

central lubrication system is un-lubricated (dry). If
any lubrication point is not lubricated, action must
be taken immediately.


Group 17 Annual service Annual service

89 Check compressed air lines and

The compressed air system must be charged.

Check compressed air lines and hoses for air leaks,

chafing, cracks and any external damage.

Check that hoses near wheels and axles do not chafe

during spring travel and steering.

90 Check rear wheel bearings

The rear of the vehicle must be raised and supported and
the parking brake must be released during the check.

Check rear wheel bearing play by lifting with a lever

in the wheel hole. The bearing should normally be
preloaded so there should not be any noticeable play
in the wheel bearings.

Nevertheless, in certain cases a bearing play of up to

0.1 mm can be allowed.
If there is play in the bearings, the bearing play should
be checked with a dial gauge.
Note: Note the bearing clearance!
1 If the bearing clearance is less than 0.1 mm: spin
the wheel with a wheel spinner. The half shaft
must be removed on drive wheel hubs. Listen for
abnormal noise in the bearings during rotation.

Trailing wheel bearings or pusher wheel bearings should

always be checked with a wheel spinner.
Note: Note on the sheet any noise from the rear
wheel bearings.

Abnormal noise in the bearings is a sign of bearing wear.

Hubs with bearings should therefore be replaced to avoid
damage to the bearings.

2 If the bearing play is 0.2 mm or more, the hub with

bearings must be replaced immediately to avoid
future damage to the bearings.

Note: The bearing clearance cannot be adjusted.

For work procedures on hubs, use service information
group 7, as a guide.

Group 17 Annual service Annual service

91 Check rear wheels

Disc wheel

Check the wheels for cracks and rust that can indicate
loose nuts or broken wheel bolts.

Spoke wheel

Check that all the wheel nuts and retainers are in place.

Check that the fitting is correct and that the wheel

is centred.


Group 17 Annual service Annual service

92 Check brake linings

Drum brakes

Check the brake lining thickness through the
inspection holes in the backing plates.
Minimum permissible brake lining thickness is 5 mm.

Check that there is no grease leaking from the hubs

onto the brake linings.

Note: Note the brake lining thickness in the report!

Use service information group 5 as an aid during any
service work on the brake system.

Disc brakes

The brake calipers for disc brakes are equipped with two
wear sensors, one mechanical and one electric.
The electric wear sensor shows the average lining wear
on the pair of brake pads.

The PC tool can be used to read the stored value of

remaining brake pads as a percentage for each wheel.
The mechanical wear sensor shows the lining wear on
the outer brake pads.
Check brake lining wear, mechanical wear sensor.
A. New brake pads, lining thickness 20 mm.

B. Change limit, lining thickness 4 mm.

Check the thickness of the brake pads by means of the

mechanical wear sensor located on the brake callipers.
The mechanical wear sensor gives a rough indication
of the brake pad thickness; it works on the assumption
that the inner and outer pads wear equally.


The figure shows the mechanical wear sensors position

with new brake pads and with pads 20 mm thick.


Group 17 Annual service Annual service

Check that the wear sensor is not stuck and can

move freely.

Measure the projecting portion of the mechanical wear

sensor to get an estimate of the brake pad thickness.
Minimum permissible brake pad thickness is 4 mm.
Note: Note the brake lining thickness in the report!
The illustration shows the position of the wear sensor
for worn brake linings, approx. 4 mm left on the
brake lining.

Use service information group 5 as an aid when doing

any work on the disc brakes.

T1007723 Check brake lining wear with the PC tool

The PC tool can be used to read the stored average
value of each pair of brake pads as a percentage for
each wheel.

Connect the PC tool to the data link connector on

the vehicle, which is located on the drivers side
underneath the instrument panel.

Use the PC tool to read the stored average value for
remaining brake lining thickness on each wheel. With
a value of 20% the brake lining is approx. 4 mm, which
is the minimum permitted thickness.

Note: Note the brake lining thickness in the report!

If the lining wear on one wheel differs from the average,
the reason must be investigated.

Use service information group 03 and group 5 as an

aid when checking brake lining wear and during any
work on the disc brakes.


Group 17 Annual service Annual service

93 Check brake cylinders, levers

and forks
The compressed air system must be charged. An
alternative to filling the system by starting the engine is
to use pressure booster 9810621.

T7006749 If the compressed air system is filled from an external

source, it should always be filled through the air drier filler
nipple to avoid moisture entering into the compressed
air system.

The wheels must be blocked so that the vehicle cannot

start to move.

Undo the handbrake and apply the foot brake, using a

pedal jack or an assistant.

Check that the brake cylinder seals correctly.



Group 17 Annual service Annual service

Check that the brake cylinders and brake anchorages

are firmly fastened and that there are no cracks.

Check that the brake levers and brake forks are



94 Check brake calipers and brake

Check brake caliper condition for damage, corrosion,
and make sure the calipers are securely attached.


Group 17 Annual service Annual service

Check brake disc condition with respect to wear,

cracks and scoring.

On axles where the protecting plate covers the

brake discs:
1 Check the edges of the brake discs to see that
there are no cracks

2 Also check the condition of the brake discs

through the ventilation gaps in the protecting

3 On axles with single wheels, check the condition

of the brake discs through the holes in the
wheel rims.

Check that the electric cables for the sensor in the

brake calipers and brake anchorages are clamped
and undamaged.

T5011102 Check that the protective caps for brake adjustment are
undamaged and correctly located.

Check that there is no grease leakage from the hubs,

this can affect the brake discs and brake pads.

If there is any doubt about brake component condition

or function, and brake disc wear, cracks and minimum
dimensions, please refer to the service information
group 5.


Group 17 Annual service Annual service

95 Check brake lever travel

The function of the automatic adjustment mechanism is
checked by measuring the brake lever travel C.

This check is carried out with a brake pressure of 6 bar.

The wheels should be blocked, so that the vehicle
cannot start to move.

Release the parking brake and apply the foot brake

using a pedal jack or an assistant.

T1006451 Measure distance b.

Release the foot brake and measure distance a.

Calculate the travel C (C=b-a).

Note: Note the values in the report!

The brake lever travel C must not exceed 51 mm at 6 bar

and automatic adjustment. Minimum permitted travel at 6
bar is 17 mm. The difference in travel on the same axle
must not exceed 5 mm.

Nominal values for travel with automatic


16 125 30
20 125 30
24 155 40
24 170 45
27 170 45
30 155 45

A = brake cylinder size in square inches.

B = brake lever length in mm.

C = nominal value of lever travel in mm (with cold brakes).

Note. Slightly greater travel can occur without there being

anything wrong with the automatic adjuster.

Correct travel indicates that the automatic adjuster is

working correctly.

Check brake lever travel without automatic

On vehicles without automatic adjustment, the following
values apply during adjustment at 6 bar:
Lever length (B) Travel (C)
125/155 mm 25 -30 mm
170 mm 35 -40 mm

Group 17 Annual service Annual service

96 Check load sensing valve and

axle load sensor
Check the screw connections on the valve.

Check the condition of the link system spring, wire
and valve brace.

Check that the valve is not sticking by operating

the lever.

Check that the adjustment of the load sensing valve
corresponds with the adjustment diagram.

Axle load sensor on rear axle of vehicle with leaf

suspension and disc brakes:

Check that the axle load sensor is not damaged and

that the electrical connections are secure.

Check that the lever and control rod for the axle load
sensor are secure and there is no play or damage.

For checking and adjustment of load sensing valves,

see service information group 56.


Group 17 Annual service Annual service

Road test
Refers to a short distance and only to verify certain
noted assessments.
Note: Use the User Manual for each vehicle as a guide.

97 Check after start


Check that the position of the steering wheel can be

adjusted in height and in length. Check that the
steering wheel is locked in the set position.

Check that the warning lamps, indication lamps and

instruments function.

The oil pressure and charge warning lamps should go

out as soon as the engine is started. Check that the
engine oil pressure gauge shows oil pressure.

The symbol or warning lamp for low coolant should

be extinguished.

The symbol or warning lamp for cab locking should go

out, which indicates that the cab is properly locked.

The warning lamp for the pusher axle and trailing

wheel axle hydraulic steering system should go out.

Warning lamps for service brakes should be

extinguished when the compressed air system is

The parking brake warning lamp should go on when

the parking brake is applied.

The check lamp for anti-lock brakes (ABS) should

light up.

Check the centring function of the hydraulically steered

pusher axle or hydraulically steered trailing wheel axle:
1 Turn the wheels to one side (front axle, pusher
axle or trailing wheel axle wheels).
2 Switch off the engine.
3 Turn the ignition key to the start position, and
check at the same time that the pusher axle
or trailing wheel axle wheels do a centring

When the front axle wheels are turned to the straight

ahead position, the pusher axle or trailing wheel axle
wheels will start to turn in the opposite direction. When
the front axle wheels approach the straight ahead
position, the pusher axle or trailing wheel axle wheels will
centre. After this, the steering lock of the two axles will
track each other.
Note: The centring function is a safety function and
should always be checked. If you are not sure about the
centring function of the pusher axle or the trailing wheel
axle, see Service Information group 6.
Note: The information lamp and the symbol which
warns of low air pressure in the air suspension system
T3014466 should be on when driving.
Note: Never start driving as long as the warning lamps
for the brake system or the warning lamp for the
T3014402 parking brakes are lit.
Group 17 Annual service Annual service

98 Check during road test


Ensure that the speedometer/tachograph, odometer

and other instruments are in working order.

The brake system air pressure gauges should be

within the limits for normal values.

Check that the vehicle can be steered satisfactorily

and without imbalance.

Check that the brakes function correctly and do not

pull to one side or grab.

Check that the exhaust brake is working correctly.

Note: On the D12 engine, the engine must be warmed up

before the VEB (Volvo Engine Brake) will work.

Check that the retarder functions correctly. Apply

the retarder cautiously.
If the oil has been changed in the compact retarder,
drive at an approximate speed of 50 km/h. Apply the
retarder 5 times at position 2 for about 5 seconds
each time.

Listen and attempt to assess whether there is any

exhaust leakage during loading.

Check that the control lamp for anti-lock brakes (ABS)

goes out. If the lamp does not go out, or goes out and
then lights up again, there is a fault in the system.

Check that the symbol or the warning light for the

blocked air cleaner does not light up when driving.

Check that the clutch and gearbox, manual or

automatic, function correctly.

Check that the differential locks and engagement of

front wheel drive, plus the appropriate indication
lamps function correctly.

Check that the instrument display does not show any

error codes for Powertronic/Geartronic/I-shift gearbox.
If there is a fault, note the error codes!

Check that the engine has the correct working

temperature (at least 75 C).

Check that the heating system and climate unit


Check when driving that the windscreen wiper

functions and that the swept area is correct.

Check when driving that the windscreen washer

functions and that the jets are correctly aimed.

Group 17 Annual service Annual service

99 Check after road test


Check parking brake application by attempting

to let the truck pull away gently with the parking
brake applied.

Check that the power take-off re-engagement interlock

functions. If the engine is shut off with the power
take-off engaged, the power take-off is disengaged.
When the engine is restarted, the power take-off is
disengaged although the switch is in the on position.

Listen for abnormal sounds from the engine bay.

Check that the exhaust pipe and silencer joints

seal correctly.

If the vehicle is fitted with an automatic gearbox a

final check of the oil level should be made when the
gearbox is warm after the test drive.

Apply the parking brake.

Put the gear selector in neutral with the engine

running at about 1000 rpm.

Wipe the dipstick on a clean lint-free paper.

Check the oil level on the dipstick.

Drain off or top up with new oil if necessary. Be

especially careful with the cleanliness of the oil.
Dirt in the oil can damage the gearbox.

Check the display to see that there are no error

codes stored in the vehicles control units. Use the
appropriate service information to help rectify any
error codes.

Check that there is no oil or fluid leakage.

100 Finish

Wipe off handles, steering wheel and controls.

Wipe off the floor matting.


One of our objectives is that workshop personnel should have access to correct and
appropriate service manuals where it concerns fault tracing, repairs and maintenance
of Volvo vehicles.
In order to maintain the high standards of our literature, your opinions and experience
when using this manual would be greatly appreciated.
If you have any comments or suggestions, make a copy of this page, write down your
comments and send them to us, either via telefax or mailing directly to the address
listed below.

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Concerns Service Manual: ...........................................................................................................................

Volvo Truck Corporation
Gteborg, Sweden

20 044871 English 0000.2005.12

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