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John Perry 1/31/17


1. Of the three theoretical perspectives, which one would you prefer to use if you were
a sociologist and why?

In my opinion I think that they are all very important and they all help us to understand
the way in which we view society and how we correspond with each other. I would say
that I tend to look more at Functionalism and Symbolic Interactionism than I do to
Conflict. To me those two tend to show us more about why we do things than conflict
does. I understand the logic behind conflict and I think it is very important and expands
ideas and understandings. However, there are times where I feel like the events that take
place that have little involvement with power and maintaining it. Such as humanitarian
relief and why groups of people choose to participate in these events.

The reason that I specifically like functionalism is because I can see how everything
plays a role in society, and if it doesnt then it wont exist too long. This is how
functionalists view sociology. I understand how this will progress society and it will
continue to adapt as society needs it too.

However ahead one theory tends to be over the others, none of them seem to be the best
theory for every situation. There are times when I would agree more with Conflict theory
over Functionalism or Symbolic interactionism. For the most part I agree with
Functionalism though.

If I were a sociologist I would probably use Functionalism most. I feel that it is fairly
well rounded and can show how people interact in similar ways even if they are is
deferent factions.

2. What is the difference between good and bad sociological research? How can biases
be avoided?

Sociology is a science and so any good research in any field of science is going to fallow
the scientific method. This means to identify a problem or something that you want to
research. After doing that you try to find any research that has already been done on the
topic. If previous research proves inconclusive to the problem at hand, then you for an
educated hypothesis in relation to the problem. Then find a way to test your hypothesis.
Once done, analyze the data and see how it relates to your problem. If needs be, go back
and form a new hypothesis and test it again. Once you are done, report the data that you
have found so that others can benefit from your work too.

However, because this is sociology and you will be dealing with people you need to make
sure any tests, experiments, or observations are done in an ethical manor. If you are
having trouble deciding if it is unethical or not, think of how you would react if the
process was done to you or one of your loved ones. How would you react? If the answer
is at all negative you should look at a new procedure or make sure your subjects are
aware of all the procedure entails.

3. What two agents of socialization have influenced you the most? Can you pinpoint
their influences on your attitudes beliefs, values or other orientations to life?

My Parents

Throughout my life I have been influenced by so many people and things. There are two
people that have superseded anyone else when it comes to me being socialized. These
two people are my parents.

From the moment that I was bore they have been helping me to become the person I am
today and that includes all the norms that I fallow and adhere to today. I remember so
many times growing up that my parents would tell me what would be appropriate or not.

One thing that I remember doing that illustrates these teachings is something that I would
say while I was being potty-trained. I would tell my parents and everyone I ran into
where it was appropriate to relieve myself. For example, We dont poopoo on girls. We
dont poopoo on swings. I would say whatever came to my mind.

My Friends

After my parents, I would say the next biggest influence on my life is my friends. I had a
lot of friends that I learned a lot from. The majority of my friends were weird and so in
turn I ended up being a little weird as well.

There is one friend that I feel helped socialize me into the person that I am today. His
name is Josh and I knew him since third grade but we werent friends until sophomore
year of high school. At the time when we became friends, I wasnt the best at being social
or understanding social norms. He taught me all that and now when I look back at how I
acted I realize I did not know these norms and rules of society, especially for a high
4. Are you a member of any subcultures? Which one(s)? Why do you think that your
group is a subculture and not a counter culture?

I think that everyone is a member of tons of subcultures. Just living here in Utah puts you
into several Subcultures. If you are LDS then you are a part of that subculture. If you are
not LDS and you live in Utah, then you are putting yourself into a subculture that is a
minority as well.

There are several subcultures that I am a part of, for example I am an eagle scout. That
puts me in the subculture of scouting. I am also religious and fall into that subculture. I
am white and come from a middle-class family, that puts me into another subculture. I am
apart of so many subcultures that it would take a while to try and go over them all.

I believe the subcultures that I listed above would be considered a subculture and not a
counterculture because I believe they teach positivity and uplift the society we subscribe
to. However, I would assume that the difference between subculture and counterculture is
just a matter of perspective.

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