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Florida Representative Bob Rommel 04/12/2017

7633 Mulberry Ln,

Naples, FL 34114

Dear Representative Rommel,

My name is Valancia, and I am a resident of Collier County. I am writing this letter to inform you
about the issues employers face during the hiring process. Trying to identify and hire the best
candidates for the job and obtaining criminal history or other background information about the
applicant makes it impossible for an individual with a past record to receive a callback for an

According to HB 31, background screening will forbid an employer from excluding or disbarring
applicants from initial interviews for employment. The decision not to hire someone based on his
or her criminal record must be related to the job, meaning the criminal record indicated that the
person could be accountable for what happened in that position.

An employer certainly has an interest in collecting sufficient information on an applicant to be

certain that the company is making the best possible hiring decision when it comes to somebody
with a past record. However, criminals are humans who have rights, and who are working on
being better people for themselves or loved ones. Giving somebody a second chance is often the
right decision. These individuals made the wrong choice in the past, but they can also be
hardworking women and men. The economy has failed to reform the criminal justice system in a
manner that accommodates those who have served their sentences in jail instead of punishing
them farther. Legal barriers cause endless loss to our economy by keeping well-intentioned ex-
offenders out on the street or back in jail instead of back in society and in jobs.

As a resident of Collier County, I will advocate for these individuals who are desperately in need
of a second chance and a better future for themselves and their loved ones. Ex-offenders have the
opportunity to be successful business leaders and help others with employment.

Thank you for taking the time to read the letter and I hope to hear back from you soon.


Valancia Andre
[email protected]

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