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RC25489 (WAT1409-048) September 17, 2014

Computer Science

IBM Research Report

WatsonPaths: Scenario-based Question Answering and
Inference over Unstructured Information
Adam Lally, Sugato Bachi, Michael A. Barborak, David W. Buchanan,
Jennifer Chu-Carroll, David A. Ferrucci*, Michael R. Glass,
Aditya Kalyanpur, Erik T. Mueller, J. William Murdock,
Siddharth Patwardhan, John M. Prager, Christopher A. Welty
IBM Research Division
Thomas J. Watson Research Center
P.O. Box 218
Yorktown Heights, NY 10598

* This work was done while at the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center

Research Division
Almaden Austin Beijing Cambridge Dublin - Haifa India Melbourne - T.J. Watson Tokyo - Zurich
WatsonPaths: Scenario-based Question Answering and
Inference over Unstructured Information

Adam Lally1 , Sugato Bagchi1 , Michael A. Barborak1 , David W. Buchanan1 ,

Jennifer Chu-Carroll1 , David A. Ferrucci2 , Michael R. Glass1 , Aditya Kalyanpur1 ,
Erik T. Mueller1 , J. William Murdock1 , Siddharth Patwardhan1 , John M. Prager1
Christopher A. Welty1
IBM Research and IBM Watson Group
Thomas J. Watson Research Center
P.O. Box 218
Yorktown Heights, NY 10598
This work was done while at the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center

Abstract human cognition, and learn and improve from interac-

TM tion. To fulfill this vision, further advances are required.
We present WatsonPaths , a novel system that One such advance is the ability to answer more complex
can answer scenario-based questions, for ex- questions. Another is to allow the user to understand and
ample medical questions that present a patient participate in the question answering process.
summary and ask for the most likely diagno- Consider the following questions, one from medicine
sis or most appropriate treatment. WatsonPaths and one from taxation:
builds on the IBM Watson question answer-
ing system that takes natural language questions A 32-year-old woman with type 1 diabetes
as input and produces precise answers along mellitus has had progressive renal failure. Her
with accurate confidences as output. Watson- hemoglobin concentration is 9 g/dL. A blood
Paths breaks down the input scenario into indi- smear shows normochromic, normocytic cells.
vidual pieces of information, asks relevant sub- What is the problem?
questions of Watson to conclude new informa- I inherited real-estate from a relative who died
tion, and represents these results in a graphi- 5 years ago via a trust that was created before
cal model. Probabilistic inference is performed his death. The property was sold this year after
over the graph to conclude the answer. On a set dissolution of the trust, and the money was put
of medical test preparation questions, Watson- in a Roth-IRA. Which tax form(s) do I need to
Paths shows a significant improvement in accu- file?
racy over the base Watson QA system. We also
We asked domain experts to describe their approach to
describe how WatsonPaths can be used in a col-
solving such questions. An example from medical ex-
laborative application to help users reason about
perts is shown in Figure 1. Many drew a graph of initial
complex scenarios.
signs and symptoms leading to their most likely possible
causes and connecting them to a final conclusion. We no-
1 Introduction
ticed that their reasoning process often resembled proba-
IBM Watson is a question answering system that takes bilistic inference.
natural language questions as input and produces precise At the core of Watsons question answering is a suite
answers along with accurate confidences as output (Fer- of algorithms that match passages containing candidate
rucci et al., 2010). Watson defeated two of the best hu- answers to the original question. These algorithms have
man players on the quiz show Jeopardy! in 2011. been described in a series of articles (Chu-Carroll et al.,
Watson has been described (Kelly and Hamm, 2013) 2012; Ferrucci, 2012; Gondek et al., 2012; Lally et al.,
as an opening to the era of cognitive computing: com- 2012; McCord et al., 2012; Murdock et al., 2012a; Mur-
puters that interact in a natural way with humans, assist dock et al., 2012b). But, when questions involve complex
A 32-year-old woman with type 1 diabetes mellitus has had progressive renal failure user input at multiple points of question answering and
Her hemoglobin concentration is 9 g/dL... A blood smear shows normochromic,
normocytic cells. What is the problem?
decision making to clarify questions, to judge evidence,
Patients hemoglobin conc. Patients blood smear shows
and to ask new questions. A key advantage of this ap-
Patient has renal failure
Is 9 g/dL [low] normocytic cells proach is that user feedback can be used as training data
Evidence: Low to improve both Watson and WatsonPaths.
hemoglobin conc.
indicates anemia.

Evidence: Erythropoietin is
2 WatsonPaths Medical Use Case
Patient has anemia produced in the kidneys.
Although WatsonPaths enables general-purpose
Evidence: Normocytic anemia is
scenario-based question answering, we decided to
a type of anemia with normal start by focusing our attention on the medical domain.
red blood cells.
We focused on the problem of patient scenario analysis,
Patient is at risk for
Patient has normocytic anemia Erythropoietin deficiency where the goal is typically a diagnosis or a treatment
Erythropoietin To explore this kind of problem solving, we obtained
deficiency is a cause of
normocytic anemia.
a set of medical test preparation questions. These are
Most likely cause of low hemoglobin conc.
multiple choice medical questions based on an unstruc-
is Erythropoietin deficiency tured or semi-structured natural language description of
a patient. Although WatsonPaths is not restricted to mul-
tiple choice questions, we saw multiple choice questions
Figure 1: Simple Diagnosis Graph for a Patient with Erythro- as a good starting point for development. Many of these
poietin Deficiency
questions involve diagnosis, either as the entire question,
as in the previous medical example, or as an intermediate
step, as in the following example:
scenarios, as in the above examples, passage matching
by itself is often insufficient to locate the answer. This A 63-year old patient is sent to the neurologist
is because scenario-based question answering requires with a clinical picture of resting tremor that be-
integrating and reasoning over information from multi- gan 2 years ago. At first it was only on the left
ple sources. Furthermore, we must often apply general hand, but now it compromises the whole arm.
knowledge to a specific case, as in a medical scenario At physical exam, the patient has an unexpres-
about a patient. sive face and difficulty in walking, and a con-
In this paper, we present a new approach that builds on tinuous movement of the tip of the first digit
Watsons strengths and is in line with the human reason- over the tip of the second digit of the left hand
ing process we observed. We break down the input sce- is seen at rest. What part of his nervous system
nario into individual pieces of information, ask relevant is most likely affected?
subquestions to conclude new information, and combine
these results into an assertion graph. We then perform For this question, it is useful to diagnose that the patient
probabilistic inference over the graph to conclude the an- has Parkinsons disease before determining which part of
swer to the overall question. This process is repeated to his nervous system is most likely affected. These multi-
extend the graph until a stopping condition is met. Be- step inferences are a natural fit for the graphs that Wat-
cause we use Watson to answer the subquestions, and be- sonPaths constructs. In this example, the diagnosis is the
cause we attempt to construct paths of inference to a final missing link on the way to the final answer.
answer, we call our system WatsonPaths .
In the WatsonPaths graph, the evidence is drawn from
3 Scenario-based Question Answering
a variety of sources including general knowledge ency- In scenario-based question answering, the system re-
clopedias, domain-specific books, structured knowledge ceives a scenario description that ends with a punchline
bases, and semi-structured knowledge bases. We were question. For instance, the punchline question in the
motivated by the desire to design a solution that could Parkinsons example is What part of his nervous system
harness Watson, and we observed that each edge in this is most likely affected? Instead of treating the entire
graph could correspond to a question asked of Watson. scenario as one monolithic question as would Watson,
An added dimension to WatsonPaths is the ability to WatsonPaths explores multiple facts in the scenario in
interact with the user. The original Watson system that parallel and reasons with the results of its exploration as
won Jeopardy! was largely non-interactive. For many ap- a whole to arrive at the most likely conclusion regarding
plications, it is important to engage the user in the prob- the punchline question. The architecture of WatsonPaths
lem solving process. WatsonPaths has the ability to elicit is shown in Figure 2.
3.3 Relation Generation
Analysis The relation generation step, which is described in more
detail in Section 6, builds the assertion graph. We do
Input Scenario
this primarily by asking Watson questions about the fac-
Node Graph tors. In medicine we want to know the causes of the find-
ings and abnormal test results that are consistent with the
patients demographic information and normal test re-
Relation (Edge)
sults. Given the scenario in the Introduction, we could
(may ask questions Repeat until ask, What does type 1 diabetes mellitus cause? We
to Watson) completion use a medical ontology to guide the process of formu-
(which may be
defined in
lating subquestions to ask Watson. Relevant factors may
Confidences different ways) also be combined to form a single, more targeted ques-
In Nodes tion. Because in this step we want to emphasize recall,
(Belief Engine)
we take several of Watsons highly-ranked answers. The
exact number of answers taken, or the confidence thresh-
Identification old, are parameters that must be tuned. Given a set of
answers, we add them to the graph as nodes, with edges
from nodes that were used in questions to nodes that were
Hypothesis Final
Confidence Confidences in answers. The edge is labeled with the relation used to
Refinement Hypotheses formulate the question (like causes or indicates), and the
(learned model)
strength of the edge is initially set to Watsons confidence
in the answer. Although Watson is the primary way we
Figure 2: Scenario-based Question Answering Architecture add edges to the graph, WatsonPaths allows for any num-
ber of relation generator components to post edges to the
3.1 Scenario Analysis
3.4 Belief Computation
The first step in the pipeline is scenario analysis, where Once the assertion graph has been expanded in this way,
we identify factors in the input scenario that may be we recompute the confidences of nodes in the graph
of importance. In the medical domain, the factors based on new information. We do this using probabilis-
may include demographics (32-year old woman), pre- tic inference systems that are described in Section 7. The
existing conditions (type 1 diabetes mellitus), signs inference systems take a holistic view of the assertion
and symptoms (progressive renal failure), and test graph and try to reconcile the results of multiple paths of
results (hemoglobin concentration is 9 g/dL, nor- exploration.
mochromic cells, normocytic cells). The extracted
3.5 Hypothesis Identification
factors become nodes in a graph structure called the as-
sertion graph. The assertion graph structure is defined As Figure 2 shows, this process can go through multiple
in Section 4, while more details of the scenario analysis iterations, during which the nodes that were the answers
process are given in Section 5. to the previous round of questions can be used to ask the
next round of questions, producing more nodes and edges
in the graph. After each iteration we may do hypothesis
3.2 Node Prioritization identification, where some nodes in the graph are identi-
fied as potential final answers to the punchline question
The next step is node prioritization, where we decide (for example, the most likely diagnoses of a patients
which nodes in the graph are most important for solv- problem). In some situations hypotheses may be pro-
ing the problem. In a small scenario like this example, vided up fronta physician may have a list of competing
we may be able to explore everything, but in general this diagnoses and want to explore the evidence for each. But
will not be the case. Factors that affect the priority of a in general the system needs to identify these. Hypothesis
node may include the systems confidence in the node as- nodes may be treated differently in later iterations. For
sertion or the systems estimation of how fruitful it would instance, we may attempt to do backward chaining from
be to expand a node. For example, normal test results the hypotheses, asking Watson what things, if they were
and demographic information are generally less useful true of the patient, would support or refute a hypothesis.
for starting a diagnosis than symptoms and abnormal test The process may terminate after a fixed number of itera-
results. tions or based on some other criterion like confidence in
the hypotheses. A 63-year-old patient
While hypothesis identification is part of WatsonPaths, is sent to the
neurologist with ...
it is not described in detail in this paper. In the system resting tremor ...
that generates the results we present in Section 10, no hy- What part of his
nervous system is
pothesis identification is necessary because the multiple most likely affected?
choice answers are provided. That system always does
A node represents a
one iteration of expansion, both forward from the iden- states statement. Types of
tified factors and backward from the hypotheses, before statements are input
Input factors, inferred factors
stopping. Factor
and hypotheses or
resting answers. Border
3.6 Hypothesis Confidence Refinement tremor strength visually
represents belief the
As described so far, WatsonPaths confidence in each hy- factor is true in context.
Inferred indicates
pothesis depends on the strengths of the edges leading Factor
to it, and since our primary relation (edge) generator is
patient has An edge represents a
Watson, the hypothesis confidence depends heavily on Parkinsons relation between the
the confidence of Watsons answers. Having good an- Disease connected statements.
Relation Agents make assertions
swer confidence depends on having a representative set about the truth of these
of question/answer pairs with which to train Watson. The indicates relations with
confidences. Edge width
following question arises: What can we do if we do not represents that
have a representative set of question/answer pairs, but Substantia confidence. Gray level
Nigra is represents the amount
we do have training examples for entire scenarios (e.g., Hypothesis of belief flow.
correct diagnoses associated with patient scenarios)? To
leverage the available scenario-level ground truth, we
Assertion Graph
have built machine learning techniques to learn a refine-
ment of Watsons confidence estimation that produces
better results when applied to the entire scenario. This Figure 3: Visualization of an Assertion Graph. By convention,
learning process is discussed in Section 8. input factors are placed at the top and hypotheses at the bottom
with levels of inference factors in between.
3.7 Collaborating with the User
WatsonPaths can run in a completely automated way, as
the Watson question answering system did when playing truth value. For instance, the string patient cannot be
Jeopardy! (This is the case for the results presented in true or false; thus it does not fit into the semantics of an
Section 10.) But there are also many interesting possi- assertion graph. WatsonPaths is charitable in interpret-
bilities for user interaction at each step in the process. ing strings as if they had a truth value. For instance, the
In this way, WatsonPaths exemplifies cognitive comput- default semantics of the string low hemoglobin is the
ing. Our vision for cognitive computing is that the user same as patient has low hemoglobin.
and the computer work together to explore a scenario and A relation is a named association between statements.
reach conclusions faster and more accurately than either Technically, relations are themselves statements, and
could do alone. We discuss the collaborative learning as- have a truth value. Each relation has a predicate; for in-
pects of WatsonPaths in Section 9. stance in medicine we may say that Parkinsons causes
resting tremor or Parkinsons matches Parkinsonism.
4 Assertion Graphs Typically we are concerned with relations that may pro-
The core data structure used by WatsonPaths is the asser- vide evidence for the truth of one statement given an-
tion graph. Figure 3 explains this data structure, along other. Although some relations may have special mean-
with the visualization that we commonly use for it. As- ings in the probabilistic inference systems, a common se-
sertion graphs are defined as follows. mantics for a relation is indicative in the following way:
A statement is something that can be true or false A indicates B means that the truth of A provides an
(though its state may not be known). Often we deal with independent reason to believe that B is true. Section 7
unstructured statements, which are natural language ex- provides more detail on the inference systems.
pressions like A 63-year-old patient is sent to the neurol- An assertion is a claim that some agent makes about
ogist with a clinical picture of resting tremor that began 2 the truth of a statement (including a relation). The as-
years ago. WatsonPaths also allows for statements that sertion records the name of the agent and a confidence
are structured expressions, namely, a predicate and argu- value. Assertions may also record provenance informa-
ments. Not all natural language expressions can have a tion that explains how the agent came to its conclusion.
For the Watson question answering agent, this includes ural language. This creates a dependency tree of
natural language passages that provide evidence for the syntactically linked terms in a sentence and helps to
answer. When the system is collaborating with a user, it associate terms that are distant from each other in
is crucial to be able to display evidence to the user. the sentence.
In the assertion graph, each node represents exactly
one statement, and each edge represents exactly one re- 2. The terms are mapped to a dictionary to iden-
lation. Nodes and edges may have multiple assertions at- tify concepts and their semantic types. For the
tached to them, one for each agent that has asserted that medical domain, our dictionary is derived from
node or edge to be true. the UMLS Metathesaurus (National Library of
We often visualize assertion graphs by using a nodes Medicine, 2009), Wikipedia redirects, and medical
border width to represent the confidence of the node, an abbreviation resources. The concepts identified by
edges width to represent the confidence of the edge, and the dictionary are then typed using the UMLS Se-
an edges gray level as the amount of belief flow along mantic Network, which consists of a taxonomy of
that edge. Belief flow is described later, but essentially it biological and clinical semantic types like Anatomy,
is how much the value of the head influences the value of SignOrSymptom, DiseaseOrSyndrome, and Ther-
the tail. This depends mostly on the confidences of the apeuticOrPreventativeProcedure. In addition to
assertions on the edge. mapping the sequence of tokens in a sentence to
the dictionary, the dependency parse is also used
5 Scenario Analysis to map syntactically linked terms. For example
. . . stiffness and swelling in the arm and leg can
The goal of scenario analysis is to identify information be mapped to the four separate concepts contained
in the natural language narrative of the problem sce- in that phrase.
nario that is potentially relevant to solving the problem.
When human experts read the problem narrative, they are 3. The syntactic and semantic information identified
trained to extract concepts that match a set of seman- above are used by a set of predefined rules to iden-
tic types relevant for solving the problem. In the med- tify important relations. Negation is commonly
ical domain, doctors and nurses identify semantic types used in clinical narratives and needs to be accurately
like chief complaints, past medical history, demograph- identified. Rules based on parse features identify the
ics, family and social history, physical examination find- negation trigger term and its scope in a sentence.
ings, labs, and current medications (Bowen, 2006). Ex- Factors found within the negated scope can then be
perts also generalize from specific observations in a par- associated with a negated qualifier. Another exam-
ticular problem instance to more general terms used in ple of rule-based annotation is lab value analysis.
the domain corpus. An important aspect of this informa- This associates a quantitative measurement to the
tion extraction is to identify the semantic qualifiers asso- substance measured and then looks up reference lab
ciated with the clinical observations (Chang et al., 1998). value ranges to make a clinical assessment. For ex-
These qualifiers could be temporal (e.g.,pain started two ample hemoglobin concentration is 9 g/dL is pro-
days ago), spatial (pain in the epigastric region), or cessed by rules to extract the value, unit, and sub-
other associations (pain after eating fatty foods). Im- stance and then assessed to be low hemoglobin
plicit in this task is the humans ability to extract concepts by looking up a reference. Next, the clinical assess-
and their associated qualifiers from the natural language ment is mapped by the dictionary to the correspond-
narrative. For example, the above qualifiers might have ing clinical concept.
to be extracted from the sentence The patient reports
pain, which started two days ago, in the epigastric region At this point, we should have all the information to
especially after eating fatty foods. identify factors and their semantic qualifiers. We have
The computer system needs to perform a similar anal- to contend, however, with language ambiguities, errors
ysis of the narrative. We use the term factor to denote the in parsing, a noisy and non-comprehensive dictionary,
potentially relevant observations along with their associ- and a limited set of rules. If we were to rely solely on
ated semantic qualifiers. Reliably identifying and typing a rule-based system, then the resulting factor identifica-
these factors, however, is a difficult task, because medi- tion would suffer from a compounding of errors in these
cal terms are far more complex than the kind of named components. To address this issue, we employ machine
entities typically studied in natural language processing. learning methods to learn clinical factors and their se-
Our scenario analytics pipeline attempts to address this mantic qualifiers in the problem narrative. We obtained
problem with the following major processing steps: the ground truth by asking medical students to annotate
clinical factor spans and their semantic types. They also
1. The analysis starts with syntactic parsing of the nat- annotated semantic qualifier spans and linked them to
factors as attributive relations. 6.1 Expanding the Graph with Watson
The machine learning system is comprised of two se- In medical problem solving, experts reason with chief
quential steps: complaints, findings, medical history, demographic in-
1. A conditional random field (CRF) model (Lafferty formation, and so on, to identify the underlying causes
et al., 2001) learns the spans of text that should be for the patients problems. Depending on the situation,
marked as one of the following factor types: finding, they may then proceed to propose a test whose results
disease, test, treatment, demographics, negation, or will allow them to distinguish between multiple possi-
a semantic qualifier. Features used for training the ble problem causes, or identify the best treatment for the
CRF model are lexical (lemmas, morphological in- identified cause, and so on.
formation, part-of-speech tags), semantic (UMLS Motivated by the medical problem solving paradigm,
semantic types and groups, demographic and lab WatsonPaths first attempts to make a diagnosis based on
value annotations), and parse-based (features asso- factors extracted from the scenario. The graph is ex-
ciated with dependency links from a given token). panded to include new assertions about the patient by
A token window size of 5 (2 tokens before and af- asking questions of a version of the Watson question an-
ter) is used to associate features for a given token. A swering system adapted for the medical domain (Ferrucci
BIO tagging scheme is used by the CRF to identify et al., 2013). WatsonPaths takes a two-pronged approach
entities in terms of their token spans and types. to medical problem solving by expanding the graph for-
ward from the scenario in an attempt to make a diagnosis,
2. A maximum entropy model then learns the relations and then linking high confidence diagnoses with the hy-
between the entities identified by the CRF model. potheses. The latter step is typically done by identifying
For each pair of entities in a sentence, this model an important relation expressed in the punchline question
uses lexical features (within and between entities), (e.g., What is the most appropriate treatment for this pa-
entity type, and other semantic features associated tient or What body part is most likely affected?). This
with both entities, and parse features in the depen- approach is a logical extension of the open-domain work
dency path linking them. The relations learned by of Prager et al. (2004), where in order to build a profile
this model are negation and attributeOf relations of an entity, questions were asked of properties of the en-
linking negation triggers and semantic qualifiers (re- tity and constraints between the answers were enforced
spectively) to factors. to establish internal consistency.
The graph expansion process of WatsonPaths begins
The combined entity and relation identification models
with automatically formulating questions related to high
have a precision of 71% and recall of 65% on a blind
confidence assertions, which in our graphs represent
evaluation set of patient scenarios found in medical test
statements WatsonPaths believes to be true to a certain
preparation questions. We are currently exploring joint
degree of confidence about the patient. These statements
inference models and identification of relations that span
may be factors, as extracted and typed by the algorithm
multiple sentences using coreference resolution.
described in Section 5, or combinations of those factors.
To determine what kinds of questions to ask, Watson-
6 Relation Generation
Paths can use a domain model that tells us what relations
The scenario analysis component described in the previ- form paths between the semantic type of a high confi-
ous section extracts pertinent factors related to the patient dence node and the semantic type of a hypothesis like a
from the scenario description. At this stage, the assertion diagnosis or treatment. For the medical domain, we cre-
graph consists of the full scenario, individual scenario ated a model that we called the Emerald, which is shown
sentences, and the extracted factors. An indicates rela- in Figure 4. (Notice the resemblence to an emerald.) The
tion is posted from a source node (e.g., a scenario sen- Emerald is a small model of entity types and relations
tence node) to a target node whose assertion was derived that are crucial for diagnosis and for formulating next
from the assertion in the source node (e.g., a factor ex- steps.
tracted from that sentence). In addition, a set of hypothe- We select from the Emerald all relations that link the
ses, if given, are posted as goal nodes in the assertion semantic type of a high-confidence source node to a
graph. semantic type of interest. The relations and the high-
The task of the relation generation component is to (1) confidence nodes then form the basis of instantiating the
expand the graph by inferring new facts from known facts target nodes, thereby expanding the assertion graph. To
in the graph and (2) identify relationships between nodes instantiate the target nodes, we issue WatsonPaths sub-
in the graph (like matches and contraindicates) to help questions to Watson. All answers returned by Watson
with reasoning and confidence estimation. We begin by that score above a pre-determined threshold are posted
discussing how we infer new facts for graph expansion. as target nodes in the inference graph. A relation edge
the scenario sentences.
The graph expansion process identifies the most confi-
dent assertions in the graph, which include the four clin-
ical factor nodes extracted from the scenario. These four
nodes are all typed as findings, so they are aggregated
into a single finding node for the purpose of graph expan-
sion. For a finding node, the Emerald proposes a single
findingOf relation that links it to a disease. This results in
the formulation of the subquestion What disease causes
resting tremor that began 2 years ago, compromises the
whole arm, unexpressive face, and difficulty in walk-
ing? whose answers include Parkinson disease, Hunt-
ingtons disease, cerebellar disease, and so on. These
answer nodes are added to the graph and some of them
are shown in the third row of nodes in Figure 5.
Figure 4: The Emerald In the reverse direction, WatsonPaths explores rela-
tionships between hypotheses to nodes in the existing
graph based on the punchline question in the scenario,
A 63-year old patient is At physical exam, the
sent to the neurologist At first it was only the left patient has an which in this case is What part of his nervous system is
with a clinical picture of hand, but now it unexpressive face and
resting tremor that compromises the whole arm difficulty in walking,
mostly likely affected? Assuming each hypothesis to be
began 2 years ago and...
true, the system formulates subquestions to link it to the
assertion graph. Consider Substantia nigra. WatsonPaths
resting tremor that compromises unexpressive difficulty in can ask In what disease is substantia nigra most likely
began 2 years ago the whole arm face walking
affected? A subset of the answers to this question, in-
cluding Parkinsons disease and Diffuse Lewy body dis-
ease are shown in the fourth row of nodes in Figure 5.
Parkinson Cerebellar Huntingtons
disease diseases disease
palsy 6.2 Matching Graph Nodes
When a new node is added to the WatsonPaths asser-
Parkinsons Diffuse
disease lewy body tion graph, we compare the assertion in the new node
to those in existing nodes to ensure that equivalence rela-
tions between nodes are properly identified. This is done
Substantia Lenticular Caudate
Cerebellum Pons
Nigra Nuclei Nucleus by comparing the statements in those assertions: for un-
structured statements, whether the statements are lexi-
cally equivalent, and for structured statements, whether
Figure 5: WatsonPaths Graph Expansion Process
the predicates and their arguments are the same. A more
complex operation is to identify when nodes contain as-
is posted from the source node to each new target node sertions that may be equivalent to the new assertion.
where the confidence of the relation is Watsons confi- We employ an aggregate of term matchers (Murdock
dence in the answer in the target node. et al., 2012a) to match pairs of assertions. Each term
In addition to asking questions from scenario factors, matcher posts a confidence value on the degree of match
WatsonPaths may also expand backwards from hypothe- between two assertions based on its own resource for de-
ses. The premise for this approach is to explore how a termining equivalence. For example, a WordNet-based
hypothesis fits in with the rest of the inference graph. If term matcher considers terms in the same synset to be
one hypothesis is found to have a strong relationship with equivalent, and a Wikipedia-redirect-based term matcher
an existing node in the assertion graph, then the proba- considers terms with a redirect link between them in
bilistic inference mechanisms described in 7 allow belief Wikipedia to be a match. The dotted line between
to flow from known factors to that hypothesis, thus in- Parkinson disease and Parkinsons disease in Figure 5
creasing the systems confidence in that hypothesis. is posted by the UMLS-based term matcher, which con-
siders variants for the same concept to be equivalent.
Figure 5 illustrates the WatsonPaths graph expansion
process. The top two rows of nodes and the edges be-
7 Confidence and Belief
tween them show a subset of the WatsonPaths assertion
graph after scenario analysis, with the second row of Once the assertion graph is constructed, and some ques-
nodes representing some clinical factors extracted from tions and answers are posted, there remains the problem
of confidence estimation. We develop multiple models of In WatsonPaths, we face a different set of problems.
inference to address this step. The challenge is not to construct a model from training
data, but to use a very noisy, already constructed model to
7.1 Belief Engine do inference. Training data in the classical sense is absent
One approach to the problem of inferring the correct hy- or very sparse; all we have are correct answers to some
pothesis from the assertion graph is probabilistic infer- scenario-level questions. An advantage is that a graph
ence over a graphical model (Pearl, 1988). We refer to structure is given. A disadvantage is that the graph is
the component that does this as the belief engine. noisy. Furthermore, it is not known that the confidences
Although the primary goal of the belief engine is to in- on the edges necessarily correspond to the optimal edge
fer confidences in hypotheses, it also has two secondary strengths. (In the next section, we address the problem
goals. One is to infer belief in unknown nodes that are of learning edge strengths.) Thus we have the problem
not hypotheses. These intermediate nodes may be im- of selecting a semanticsa way to convert the assertion
portant intermediate steps toward an answer; by assign- graph into a graph over which we can do optimal proba-
ing high confidences to them in the main loop, we know bilistic inference to meet our goals.
to assign them high priority for subquestion asking. An- After much experimentation, the primary semantics
other secondary goal is to support the user interface (see used by the belief engine is the indicative semantics: If
Section 9). Among inference algorithms that perform there is a directed relation from node A to node B with
well in terms of accuracy and other metrics, we try to strength x, then A provides an independent reason to be-
make choices that will make the flow of belief intuitive lieve that B is true with probability x. Some edges are
for users. This facilitates the gathering of better oppor- classified as contraindicative; for these edges, A pro-
tunistic annotations, which improves future performance. vides an independent reason to believe that B is false
To execute the belief engine, we first make a work- with probability x. The independence means that multi-
ing copy of the assertion graph that we call the inference ple parents R can easily be combined using a noisy-OR:
graph. A separate graph is used so that we can make
changes without losing information that might be use- (1
(1 r)) =
ful in later steps of inference. For instance, we might rR rR
choose to merge nodes or reorient edges. Once the infer-
ence graph has been built, we run a probabilistic infer- The graph, so interpreted, forms a noisy-logical
ence engine over the graph to generate new confidences. Bayesian network (Yuille and Lu, 2007). The strength
Each node represents an assertion, so it can be in one of of each edge can be interpreted as an indicative power, a
two states: true or false (on or off). Thus a graph concept related to causal power (Cheng, 1997), with the
with k nodes can be in 2k possible states. The inference difference that we are semantically agnostic as to the true
graph specifies the likelihoods of each of these states. direction of the causal relation. Formally, the probability
The belief engine uses these likelihoods to calculate the of a node being on (true) is given by
marginal probability, for each node, of it being in the
true state. This marginal probability is treated as a confi- " #
dence. Finally, we read confidences and other data from
P (x|Rx , Qx ) = (sr pr ) 1 (sq pq )
the inference graph back into the assertion graph. rRx qQx
There are some challenges in applying probabilistic in-
ference to an assertion graph. Most tools in the infer- where P (x) is the probability of node x being on, Rx
ence literature were designed to solve a different prob- is the set of indicative parents of x, and Qx is the set of
lem, which we will call the classical inference problem. contraindicative parents. The parents state is represented
In this problem, we are given a training set and a test set by pr : 1 if the parent is on, and 0 otherwise. The value sr
that can be seen as samples from a common joint distri- represents the strength of the edge from the parent to x.
bution. The task is to construct a model that captures the In other words, the probability that a node x is on is the
training set (for instance, by maximizing the likelihood noisy-OR of its active indicative parent edge strengths
of the training set), and then apply the model to predict combined via a noisy-AND-NOT with the noisy-OR of
unknown values in the test set. Arguably the greatest its active contraindicative parent edge strengths.
problem in the classical inference task is that the struc- For instance, if the node resting tremor indicates
ture of the graphical model is underdetermined; a large Parkinson disease with strength 0.8, and the node diffi-
space of possible structures needs to be explored. Once culty in walking indicates Parkinson disease with power
a structure is found, adjusting the strengths is relatively 0.4, then the probability of Parkinson disease will be
easier, because we know that samples from the training (1 (1 0.8)(1 0.4)) = 0.88. If so, then the edge
set are sampled from a consistent joint distribution. with strength 0.9 to Parkinsons disease will fire with
probability 0.88 0.9 = 0.792. In this way, probabil- lation generator) and we express the confidence in each
ities can often multiply down simple chains. Inference hypothesis as a closed-form, parameterized expression
must be more sophisticated to handle the graphs we see over the feature values. We can then optimize the param-
in practice, but the intuition is the same. eters on a training set of scenarios and correct diagnoses
An example that adds sophistication to the inference is (see Section 8).
an exactly one constraint that can be optionally added To illustate the idea we describe in detail one such
to multiple-choice questions. This constraint assigns a model, the Noisy-OR Model, which is based on the same
higher likelihood to assignments in which exactly one intuition is the indicative semantics just described.
multiple choice answer is true. Because of these kinds We first convert the assertion graph to a directed
of constraints, and because of the fact that the graphs acyclic graph (DAG). The assertion graph is not, in gen-
contain directed and undirected cycles, we cannot sim- eral, free of cycles. Additionally, the assertion graph con-
ply calculate the probabilities in a feed-forward manner. tains matching relations, which are undirected. To form a
To perform inference we use Metropolis-Hastings sam- DAG, the nodes in the assertion graph are first clustered
pling over a factor graph representation of the inference by these matching relations, and then cycles are broken
graph. This has the advantage of being a very general by applying heuristics to re-orient edges to point from
approachthe inference engine can easily be adapted to factors to hypotheses.
a new semanticsand also allows an arbitrary level of The confidence in factors extracted by Scenario Anal-
precision given enough processing time. ysis is 1.0. For all other nodes the confidence is defined
Users and annotators report that they find the indica- recursively in terms of the confidences of the parents and
tive semantics intuitive, and it performs at least as well as the confidence of the edges produced by the QA system.
other semantics in experiments. One of the first seman- Let the set of parents in the DAG for a node n be given
tics we tried was undirected pairwise Markov random by a(n). The feature vector the QA system gives for
fields. These performed poorly in practice. We hypoth- one node, m, indicating another, n, is given by (m, n).
esize that this is because important information is con- Then the confidence for a non-factor node is given below.
tained in the direction of the edges that Watson returns: The learned weight vector for the QA features is ~q.
Asking about A and getting B as an answer is different
from asking about B and getting A as an answer. An M
undirected model loses this information. P (n) = (~q (ai , n)) P (ai )
The indicative semantics is a default, basic semantics. ai a(n)

The ability to reason over arbitrary relations makes the

where (x) denotes the sigmoid function.
indicative semantics robust, but it is easy to construct ex-
amples in which the indicative semantics is not strictly 1
correct. For instance, fever is a finding of Lyme disease (x) =
1 + ex
may be correctly true with high confidence, but this does
not mean that fever provides an independent reason to The noisy-OR combination is most sensible when the
believe that Lyme disease is present, with high probabil- sources of evidence are independent. When there are
ity. Fever is caused by many things, each of which could two edges leading from the same inference node (which
explain it. We are currently working on adding a causal may be the result of merging two or more assertion graph
semantics in which we use a noisy-logical Bayesian net- nodes) to the node under consideration, these edges are
work, but belief flows from causes to effects, rather than combined by max rather than noisy-OR.
from factors to hypotheses. Edges are oriented accord- In addition to the Noisy-OR model, we have also de-
ing to the types of the nodes: Diseases cause findings but veloped the following:
not vice-versa. Currently this does not lead to detectable
The Edge Type variant of the Noisy-OR model con-
improvement in accuracy and we expect that we need to
siders the type of the edge when propagating con-
improve the precision of the rest of the system before it
fidence from parents to children. The strength of
will show impact.
the edge according to the QA model is multiplied
7.2 Closed-Form Inference by a per-edge-type learned weight, then a sigmoid
function is applied. In this model, different types of
The inference method in Section 7.1 obtains the strengths sub-questions may have different influence on con-
of edges directly from the confidence values on Watsons fidences, even when the QA model produces similar
answers to subquestions, which depend on having a rep- features for them.
resentative training set of subquestion/answer pairs. We
have also developed inference methods where each edge The Matching Model estimates the confidence in
has a feature vector (produced by Watson or any other re- a hypothesis according to how well each factor in
the scenario, plus the answers to forward questions But we have found that this approach has limitations,
asked about it, match against either the hypothe- due in part to issues with our existing subquestion train-
sis or the answers to the backward questions asked ing data (described in Section 10). This approach also
from it. We estimate this degree of match using the suffers from the limitation that it only uses information
term matchers described Section 6.2. internal to the subquestion answering system. Some in-
ference methods have parameters that are not based on
The Feature Addition Model uses the same DAG as subquestions. For example, some approaches develop a
the Noisy-OR model, but confidence in the interme- model for the degree that two nodes match or the im-
diate nodes is computed by adding the feature val- portance of a given node. A simple baseline for node
ues for the questions that lead to it and then applying importance is to give all nodes either equal weight or a
the logistic model to the resulting vector. An effect weight based on a single simple statistic like IDF (inverse
is that the confidence for a node does not increase document frequency). A simple model for matching can
monotonically with the number of parents. Instead, take the confidence from a single term matcher thought
if features that are negatively associated with cor- to be generally effective. Graph-based features like these
rectness are present in one edge, it can lower the can be useful in combination with subquestion answering
confidence of the node below the confidence given features for inference model learning.
by another edge.
Therefore, we have added a final step to the process
The Causal Model attempts to capture causal se- that makes use of the scenario question training data. Us-
mantics by expressing the confidence for each can- ing the assertion graphs that WatsonPaths has built for
didate as the product over every clinical factor of the each scenario question, our goal is to learn a model that
probability that either the diagnosis could explain produces a probability distribution over answers with as
the factor (as estimated from Watson/QA features), much of the mass as possible concentrated on the correct
or the factor leaked - it is an unexplained obser- answer. This learning is challenging because each asser-
vation or is not actually relevant. tion graph contains very different nodes and edges from
the others, even different numbers of nodes and edges.
In the closed-form inference systems described, there Fortunately, the edges in these graphs do share a com-
is no constraint that the answer confidences sum to one. mon set of features, such as question answering features,
We implement a final stage where features based on the matching features, and node type features.
raw confidence from the inference model are transformed A complication is that Watson has a large quantity
into a proper probability distribution over the candidate of question answering features, and many of them have
answers. similar purposes; e.g., many features independently as-
sess whether the answer has the desired type (Murdock
8 Learning over Assertion Graphs et al., 2012b). There is a subtle and indirect connection
Inference methods like those described in the previous between the behavior of the subquestion answering sys-
section depend on the strengths of edges created from tem and the final answers to scenario question training
the answers to subquestions. WatsonPaths uses super- data; this makes it very hard for a learning system us-
vised machine learning to learn these edge strengths from ing only the scenario question training data to find an ef-
training data. There are two different kinds of training fective model over so many features. Consequently, we
data that we can employ: employ a hybrid approach. We partition features into a
small number of groups with similar purposes and we
Scenario question training data includes complete use subquestion training data to build a separate model
scenarios, questions about those scenarios, and an- for each group. The outputs of these models represent
swers to those questions (e.g., a detailed description a consolidated set of question answering features (with
of a patient, a question asking what is wrong with one score for each group). We then use this consolidated
the patient, and the correct diagnosis). set of question answering features as features for learning
inference models (along with the additional graph-based
Subquestion training data includes simpler, atomic features).
questions and answers to those questions (e.g.,
What diseases cause joint pain? and some an- 8.1 Direct Learning
swers to that question).
We have explored several methods for transforming an
The WatsonPaths process that we have described up to assertion graph a into a function mapping the values
this point assumes that we first train a subquestion an- of the weights to confidence in the correct hypothesis
swering model using subquestion training data and use a : Rn R. The methods in Section 7.2 provide
the outputs of that model as confidences for inference. fast, exact inference. These approaches permit express-
ing the confidence in the correct answer as a closed-form from a different intuition and formalizing it in a differ-
expression. Summing the log of the confidence in the ent way. To combine all these different approaches we
correct hypothesis across the training set T , we construct train an ensemble. This is a final, convex, confidence es-
a learning problem with log-likelihood in the correct final timation over the multiple choice answers using the pre-
answer as our objective function. The result is a function dictions of the inference models as features. The ensem-
that is non-convex, and in some cases (due to max) not ble learning uses the same training set that the individ-
differentiable in the parameters. ual closed-form inference models use. To avoid giving
To limit overfitting and encourage a sparse, inter- excess weight to inference models that have overfit the
pretable parameter weighting we use L1-regularization. training set, we use a common technique from stacking
The absolute value of all learned weights is subtracted ensembles (Breiman, 1996). The training set is split into
from the objective function. five folds, each leaving out 20% of the training data, as
though for cross validation. Each inference model from
X Section 7.2 is trained on each fold. When the ensemble
w~ = argmax kwk
~ 1+ log(t (w))
~ gathers an inference models confidence as a feature for
~ n
tT an instance, the inference model uses the learned parame-
To learn the parameters for the inference models ters from the fold that excludes that instance. In this way,
we apply a black-box optimization method: greedy- each inference models performance is test-like, and the
stochastic local search. This is a method of direct search ensemble model does not overly trust overfit models.
(Kolda et al., 2003) that considers a current point in The ensemble is a binary logistic regression per an-
p Rn and a neighborhood function mapping points to swer hypothesis using three features from each inference
subsets of Rn , N : Rn P(Rn ). Additionally the op- model. The features used are: the probability of the hy-
timization procedure maintains p , the best known point. pothesis, the logit of the probability, and the rank of the
From the current point a new point p0 is randomly se- answer among the multiple choice answers. Using the
lected from N (p). If the change improves the objective logit of the probability ensures that selecting a single
function, then it is kept; if the change worsens the objec- inference model is in the ensembles hypothesis space,
tive function, then it is accepted with some probability achieved by simply setting the weight for that models
. In this way, the learning explores the parameter space, logit feature to one and all other weights to zero.
tending to search in regions of high value while never Each closed-form inference model is also trained on
becoming stuck in a local maximum. the full training set. These versions are applied at test
We use a neighborhood function N related to compass time to generate the features for the ensemble.
search. A single parameter or a pair of parameters is se-
9 Collaborative Learning Application
lected to change by some . Additionally, due to the L1
regularization, the neighborhood permits setting any sin- Applying a question-answering tool like Watson to com-
gle parameter to zero, encouraging sparse solutions. plex, scenario-driven problems was a challenge that we
There is no straightforward stopping criterion for this didnt solve until we observed how humans do this.
search, so we limit by time. Empirically we found that As explained in the Introduction, an inspiration for our
optimization longer than two hours rarely improved the approach came from seeing medical students explain
objective function substantially. their reasoning about medical test preparation questions.
Not every t depends on every element of w. ~ Even Their process was one of identifying significant details,
in cases where a t depends on w ~ i , many pieces of the drawing inferences, and evaluating hypotheses. This way
function may not. To enable efficient recomputation, a of attacking a problem is recognizable in the Watson-
preprocessor constructs for each weight w ~ i a DAG indi- Paths execution flow. So when it came time to create an
cating which parts of functions will need to be recom- interactive application, it was the obvious conclusion that
puted, and in what order, if that weight is changed. Un- it should facilitate a certain way of reasoning about com-
changed function parts return their cached value if used plex scenarios. We call this the Collaborative Learning
in the computation of a part that does change. Application.
We also experimented with the Nelder-Mead simplex
method (Nelder and Mead, 1965) and the multidirec- 9.1 A Learning Application
tional search method of Torczon (1989) but found weaker The Collaborative Learning Application creates a work-
performance from these methods. flow in which the user and Watson work together to ana-
lyze a problem. We believe that this approach will result
8.2 Ensemble Learning in better solutions than if the user or Watson were work-
We have multiple inference methods, each approaching ing alone. It is also thought this will create opportunities
the problem of combining the subquestion confidences for the user and Watson to learn.
For the user, to learn is meant in the traditional users judgment.
sense. First, we propose that the application aids in Altering the process through judgment produces ex-
teaching critical thinking through its advocacy of a cer- plicit annotations by the user. Note that it is a more gen-
tain reasoning process. Second, we propose that explor- eral interaction than might be inferred from this context
ing Watsons analyses provides educational value by giv- since it is done at the assertion graph level and so is ap-
ing a unique and relevant index into the huge body of plicable to all of the WatsonPaths processes that operate
unstructured knowledge that was examined to produce on this data structure. A judgment is in fact the user ex-
these results. pressing an opinion about a statement for which the sys-
For Watson, learning is primarily in the sense of ma- tem has also expressed an opinion. Expressing a similar
chine learning. That is, learning involves deriving la- opinion is an example of positive feedback. Expressing
beled data from usage data and using that data to im- a dissimilar opinion is an example of negative feedback.
prove our statistical models. What we find interesting If we can associate the systems opinion with a particular
about the WatsonPaths application are the many oppor- WatsonPaths process, then we can use these judgments
tunities to gather such data through both implicit and ex- as feedback regarding that process. (Understanding the
plicit means. We call these opportunistic annotations, bias of this feedback mechanism is a concern for us.)
because they are gathered in the course of using the sys- By creating their own asserted statements, the user is
tem. There is a synergy between mimicking the way a generating their opinion of the ground truth for the Wat-
human thinks about a problem and the way the machine sonPaths process. Knowing the input the user was oper-
analyzes a problem in developing ways to gather useful ating on to produce this ground truth allows us to derive
data. labeled data for the process.
If the Collaborative Learning Application can success- In this step one might infer that there is a gated pro-
fully produce educational value for the user or Watson, cess in which the user vets and augments the machines
then we submit that the system (inclusive of the applica- results prior to moving on with the analysis. Our current
tion and the user) learns and improves. That is, we can focus on medical test preparation questions is amenable
expect the system to provide better results over time. Of to this approach but for very complex inputs (such as
course, we know that humans are capable of this property hundreds of pages of a patients medical record) prac-
and so along that dimension we wish to show that the ap- ticalities may necessitate a different, automatic mode of
plication is associated with a faster rate of learning than, operation. Such a mode might be to allow WatsonPaths
for instance, using a search engine over similar corpora. to work through the entire scenario alone and then invite
And along the dimension of the machines improvement, the human to judge or augment the results as they see fit.
we wish to show statistically significant results. As the In fact we are exploring both approaches as each has de-
ability to achieve this is a function of the amount and sirable characteristics (primarily understandability in the
quality of usage data gathered, it will be interesting to case of the gated process and decision facilitation in the
explore what requirements this implies. automatic case).
The next operation is to prioritize statements in the as-
9.2 A Collaborative Application sertion graph for further inquiry. That is, which state-
The interactions that the application supports are best ex- ments about the scenario have the most promise of pro-
plained at the logical level. At this level we find the ducing relevant inferences? Again, there is a Watson-
assertion graph and the WatsonPaths processes used to Paths process to do this, and the user may choose to ac-
populate it. cept the result of this process, alter it, or bypass it alto-
Our initial state is an empty assertion graph, and gether. Similarly to the previous case, annotations and
our first operation is to describe the problem scenario labeled data may be derived from these interactions.
through statements of fact and assertions of truth about Next in the WatsonPaths process is to apply a semantic
those statements. WatsonPaths does this through the sce- template to the prioritized statements to generate infer-
nario analysis process in which the input is natural lan- ences. This semantic template may include information
guage text and the output is a number of asserted state- like diseases cause findings from which we may de-
ments. Through the Collaborative Learning Application, rive a query to infer a disease from a finding or a finding
the user may choose to accept the result of this process, from a disease. When using Watsons question answer-
alter it through judgment, or bypass it altogether and cre- ing function to do this, the form of this query is a nat-
ate their own asserted statements. Each of these interac- ural language question. For example, imagine that the
tions produces data that we hope is valuable for improv- statement resting tremor (read as the patient has resting
ing the system. tremor) has been prioritized. Applying the described se-
By accepting the result of the process, there is an im- mantic template then would produce the question What
plicit annotation that the result has positive value in the disease causes resting tremor? The answers to this ques-
tion are new inferred factors. Evaluating the expanded assertion graph with respect
There are many opportunities for user feedback in this to determining belief in the statements is the role of the
process, but perhaps the most interesting one is to induce belief engine. Here, judgments by the user about the sig-
a semantic template from user interactions. We envision nificance or irrelevance of statements to the overall case
doing this by allowing users to ask questions of state- can aid in how that evaluation is done.
ments themselves and then extracting information from A final step in the overall WatsonPaths process is
them. For example, if the user asks of resting tremor, hypothesis identification. For medical test preparation
What causes this? then we might extract a semantic questions, hypotheses are provided, but for the Collab-
template instance of things cause resting tremor. The orative Learning Application they are not. For a partic-
value of this template might be improved by knowing the ular scenario, the list of hypotheses will change as the
type of instances, and so we may ask the user, What analysis progresses. What might have begun with gen-
type of things cause resting tremor? to which we re- eral disorders may end with specific diseases. And what
ceive an answer of disease or neurological disorder, might have begun with diagnosis might transition into
among other things. And through typing (a functionality treatment. By observing the patterns of usage, we hope
of WatsonPaths), we may suppose that resting tremor to automate this higher level of reasoning imposed on the
is a finding. This may lead us to ask of the user, Do system.
diseases cause findings? or Do neurological disor- The final assertion graph as confirmed by the user
ders cause findings? The users response may further can be stored in Watsons internal knowledge base. The
refine the semantic template. How far to refine the se- knowledge base can store assertions along with con-
mantic template and whether it should be done with re- fidence and provenance information (with appropriate
spect to a prior ontology are questions open to experi- merging and conflict resolution strategies), and grows
mentation. An added personalization aspect is that the as more users interact with the system. This growing
system could learn user-specific semantic templates, al- pool of background knowledge further improves Wat-
lowing each user to employ their own methodology for sons question answering capability.
problem solving. The annotations we expect to derive from the appli-
Executing the queries produced in the previous opera- cation are quite specific to the WatsonPaths processes.
tion results in new asserted statements. As mentioned be- This is a benefit of choosing processes that mimic hu-
fore, Watsons question answering function can be used man reasoning and so have some degree of familiarity
to answer these intermediate queries. Here too, user in- and intuitive performance for the user. This also leads to
put can help improve Watsons results. The user can ac- opportunistic annotations or specific questions posed to
cept Watsons results, alter them through judgment, or the user that might generate useful data. For example, if
produce their own. For example, the user can suggest al- the user were to dismiss a evidential passage that Wat-
ternative names and phrasings for entities and relations son had scored highly, an opportunity arises to ask why.
in the question for use in query expansion. And as be- Perhaps a particular question answering component had
fore, these interactions produce data that can be used generated a high score for the passage. Determining if
to improve the system. In this case, these results fit it should not have can be helpful to improving that com-
nicely into AdaptWatson (Ferrucci and Brown, 2012), a ponent. Other questions may provide axiomatic infor-
methodology for improving question answering perfor- mation (such as existence of a paraphrase) that may be
mance based on example question-answer pairs, data sci- useful in the specific context.
ence, and machine learning.
9.3 A Cognitive Computing Application
An advantage of using Watsons question answering
ability for inference is that results are supported by evi- The values we follow in the development of the Collab-
dential passages. These passages are typically a few sen- orative Learning Application are described in shorthand
tences extracted from a document that Watson used dur- as cognitive computing. That notion encompasses three
ing feature generation for a candidate answer to a ques- primary characteristics: facilitate human reasoning, com-
tion and so often entail the high confidence answers. As municate in a natural way, and learn and improve (Kelly
such, exposing this evidence to the user can be very ben- and Hamm, 2013). How we are addressing the first and
eficial as an explanatory tool and so is something we em- last of these characteristics should be clear at this point,
phasize in the Collaborative Learning Application. Al- but the second deserves further mention.
lowing the user to judge this evidence can provide data Being able to express the assertion graph to the user
that can be used to improve the search components of the in an intuitive way is a challenge we are working on,
question answering process as well as to train a justify- but which has generated positive feedback. Drawing on
ing passage modela model that classifies passages as the value of concept maps (Daley and Torre, 2010), our
justifying an answer to a question or not. graph-based visualization provides an approachable pre-
sentation that users understand quickly. scenario description of a patient case, optionally accom-
For example, Figure 6 shows the application during panied by a semi-structured tabular structure. The para-
analysis of a scenario in which a patients symptoms lead graph description typically ends with a punchline ques-
to a diagnosis of Parkinsons disease which in turn leads tion and a set of multiple choice answers (average 5.2
to the answer Substantia nigra. (The ultimate question answer choices per question). We excluded from consid-
being answered is, What part of the patients nervous eration questions that require image analysis or whose
system is most likely affected?) The graph representa- answers are not text segments.
tion allows the user to visually navigate the result from The punchline questions may simply be seeking the
asserted true statements (nodes arranged at the top of the most likely disease that caused the patients symptoms
screen), through inferences (white nodes in the middle (e.g., What is the most likely diagnosis in this pa-
of the screen), and to hypotheses (nodes arranged at the tient?), in which case the question is classified as a di-
bottom of the screen). Decorations on the graph like line agnosis question. The diagnosis question set reported in
width and opacity give the user a sense of how belief this evaluation was identified by independent annotators.
is flowing while significance indicators (dashed lines be- Non-diagnosis punchline questions may include appro-
low factors) show which factors the belief engine favored priate treatments, the organism causing the disease, and
in its choice of an answer. Something to note is that the so on (e.g., What is the most appropriate treatment?
complete result has 333 nodes and 444 edges and so edit- and Which organism is the most likely cause of his
ing of the graph is needed. meningitis? respectively).
We split our data set of 2190 questions into a training
9.4 Current Status set of 1000 questions, a development set of 690 ques-
The Collaborative Learning Application is a work in tions, and a blind test set of 500 questions. The develop-
progress and we are refining and exploring in the con- ment set was used to iteratively drive the development of
text of our collaboration with the Cleveland Clinic Lerner the scenario analysis, relation generation, and belief en-
College of Medicine. At that medical school, critical gine components, and for parameter tuning. The training
thinking is taught through a problem-based learning cur- set was used to build models by the learning component
riculum in which students work through medical scenar- described in Section 8.
ios as a group. The way in which the students do this has As noted earlier, our learning process requires sub-
similarities to the WatsonPaths process, and so we hope question training data to consolidate groups of question
that the application we are building on that functionality answering features into smaller, more manageable sets
will be able to facilitate their thinking while providing of features. We do not have robust and comprehensive
educational valuesomething we hope to measure in an ground truth for a sufficiently large set of our automat-
upcoming pilot. ically generated subquestions. Instead, we use a pre-
existing set of simple factoid medical questions as sub-
10 Evaluation question training data: the Doctors Dilemma (DD) ques-
tion set (American College of Physicians, 2014). DD is
As illustrated in the previous section, an interactive, col- an established benchmark used to assess performance in
laborative clinical decision support tool can benefit from factoid medical question answering. We use 1039 DD
the same components and technologies needed for an au- questions (with a known answer key) as our subquestion
tomatic scenario-based medical question answering sys- training data. Although the Doctors Dilemma questions
tem. Thus developing and testing the automatic system do have some basic similarity to the subquestions we ask
in the standard way on sets of medical questions has the in assertion graphs, there are some important differences:
benefits of (1) driving the development of the core tech-
nology, (2) providing an evaluation of the automatic sys- In an assertion graph subquestion, there is usually
tem, and (3) improving the components of the interactive one known entity and one relation that is being
system; such an evaluation is the subject of this section. asked about. For DD, the question may constrain
Note that an evaluation of the interactive system itself is the answer by multiple entities and relations.
a separate exercise and will be reported in a future paper.
An assertion graph subquestion like What causes
10.1 Data Sets hypertension? has many correct answers, whereas
DD questions have a single best answer.
For the automatic evaluation of WatsonPaths, we used
a set of medical test preparation questions from Exam There may be a mismatch between how confidence
Master and McGraw-Hill, which are analogous to the for DD is trained and how subquestion confidence
examples we have used throughout this paper. These is used in an inference method. The DD confidence
questions consist of a paragraph-sized natural language model is trained to maximize log-likelihood on a
Figure 6: WatsonPaths User Interface

correct/incorrect binary classification task. In con- proach to answering medical scenario questions contrasts
trast, many probabilistic inference methods use con- with the WatsonPaths approach of decomposing the sce-
fidence as something like strength of indication or nario, asking questions of atomic factors, and perform-
relevance. ing probabilistic inference over the resulting graphical
For all these reasons, DD data is poorly suited to train-
ing a complete model for judging edge-strength for sub-
We tuned various parameters in the WatsonPaths sys-
question edges in WatsonPaths. But we have found that
tem on the development set to balance speed and perfor-
DD data is useful as subquestion training data1 in the hy-
mance. The system performs one iteration each of for-
brid learning approach described in Section 8; we use
ward and backward relation generation. The minimum
1039 DD questions for consolidating question answering
confidence threshold for expanding a node is 0.25, and
features and then use the smaller, consolidated set of fea-
the maximum number of nodes expanded per iteration
tures as inputs to the inference models that are trained on
is 40. In the relation generation component, the Watson
the 1000 medical test preparation questions.
medical question answering system returns all answers
10.2 Experimental Setup with a confidence of above 0.01.
For comparison purposes, we used our Watson question
answering system adapted for the medical domain (Fer- We evaluate system performance both on the full test
rucci et al., 2013) as a baseline system. This system takes set as well as on the diagnosis subset only. The reason for
the entire scenario as input and evaluates each multiple evaluating the diagnosis subset separately is because, in
choice answer based on its likelihood of being the cor- the vast majority of these questions, either the punchline
rect answer to the punchline question. This one-shot ap- question seeks the diagnosis or depends on a correct di-
agnosis along the way. We use the full 1000 questions in
We are also investigating the use of actual subquestions the training set to learn the models for both the baseline
generated by WatsonPaths as training data. Building a compre- system and the WatsonPaths system. As noted earlier,
hensive answer key for such questions is very time consuming, Doctors Dilemma training data is used to consolidate
and an incomplete answer key can be less effective. Although
this approach has not yet succeeded, it may still succeed if we question answering features in the WatsonPaths system.
invest much more in building a bigger, better answer key for We did not use Doctors Dilemma training data for any
actual WatsonPaths subquestions. purpose in the baseline system.
Full Diagnosis comparable to experienced clinicians at the Leeds hos-
Accuracy Baseline 42.0% 53.8% pital where it was developed. But it did not adapt suc-
WatsonPaths 48.0% 64.1%
cessfully to other hospitals or regions, indicating the brit-
Confidence Baseline 59.8% 75.3%
Weighted Score WatsonPaths 67.5% 81.8%
tleness of some systems when they are separated from
their original developers. A recent systemic review of
Table 1: WatsonPaths Performance Results 162 CDSS implementations shows that success at clin-
ical trials is significantly associated with systems that
were evaluated by their own developers (Roshanov et al.,
10.3 Results and Discussion 2013). MYCIN (Shortliffe, 1976) was another early sys-
Table 1 shows the results of our evaluation on a set of 500 tem which used structured representation in the form of
blind questions of which a subset of 156 questions were production rules. Its scope was limited to the treatment
identified as diagnosis questions by annotators. of infectious diseases and, as with other systems with
We report results using two metrics. Accuracy sim- structured knowledge bases, required expert humans to
ply measures the percentage of questions for which a develop and maintain these production rules. This man-
system ranks the correct answer in top position. Con- ual process can prove to be infeasible in many medi-
fidence Weighted Score is a metric that takes into ac- cal specialties where active research produces new di-
count both the accuracy of the system and its confidence agnosis and treatment guidelines and phases out older
in producing the top answer (Voorhees, 2003). We sort ones. Many CDSS implementations mitigate this limi-
all <question, top answer> pairs in an evaluation set in tation by focusing their manual decision logic develop-
decreasing order of the systems confidence in the top ment effort on clinical guidelines for specific diseases
answer and compute the confidence weighted score as or treatments, e.g., hypertension management (Goldstein
et al., 2001). But such systems lack the ability to han-
1 X number correct in first i ranks dle patient comorbidities and concurrent treatment plans
n i=1 i (Sittig et al., 2008). Another notable system that used
structured knowledge was Internist-1. The knowledge
where n is the number of questions in the evaluation base contained disease-to-finding mappings represented
set. This metric rewards systems for more accurately as- as conditional probabilities (of disease given finding and
signing high confidences to correct answers, an impor- of finding given disease) mapped to a 15 scale. Despite
tant consideration for real-world question answering and initial success as a diagnostic tool, its design as an ex-
medical diagnosis systems. pert consultant was not considered to meet the informa-
Our results show statistically significant improvements tion needs of most physicians. Eventually, its underlying
at p<0.05 (results in bold in Table 1) on the full blind knowledge base helped its evolution into an electronic
set of 500 questions for both metrics. For the diagnosis reference that can provide physicians with customized
subset, the accuracy improvement is statistically signif- information (Miller et al., 1986). A similar system, DX-
icant but the confidence weighted score improvement is plain (Barnett et al., 1987) continues to be commercially
not, even with a 6+% score increase. This is likely due successful and extensively used. Rather than focus on a
to the small diagnosis subset, which contains only 156 definitive diagnosis, it provides the physician with a list
questions. of differential diagnoses along with descriptive informa-
tion and bibliographic references.
11 Related Work Other systems in commercial use have adopted the un-
Clinical decision support systems (CDSS) have had a structured medical text reference approach directly, us-
long history of development starting from the early days ing search technology to provide decision support. Isabel
of artificial intelligence. These systems use a variety of provides diagnostic support using natural language pro-
knowledge representations, reasoning processes, system cessing of medical textbooks and journals. Other com-
architectures, scope of medical domain, and types of de- mercial systems like UpToDate and ClinicalKey forgo
cision (Musen et al., 2014). Although several studies the diagnostic support and provide a search capability
have reported on the success of CDSS implementations to their medical textbooks and other unstructured refer-
in improving clinical outcomes (Kawamoto et al., 2005; ences. Although search over unstructured content makes
Roshanov et al., 2013), widespread adoption and routine it easier to incorporate new knowledge, it shifts the rea-
use is still lacking (Osheroff et al., 2007). soning load from the system back to the physician.
The pioneering Leeds abdominal pain system (De In comparison to the above systems, WatsonPaths uses
Dombal et al., 1972) used structured knowledge in the a hybrid approach. It uses question-answering technol-
form of conditional probabilities for diseases and their ogy over unstructured medical content to obtain answers
symptoms. Its success at using Bayesian reasoning was to specific subquestions generated by WatsonPaths. For
this task, it builds on the search functionality by extract- important for the early development of the system, we
ing answer entities from the search results and seeking have designed WatsonPaths to function well beyond it.
supporting evidence for them in order to estimate answer In future work, we plan to extend WatsonPaths in several
confidences. These answers are then treated as inferences ways.
by WatsonPaths over which it can perform probabilis- The present set of questions are all multiple choice
tic reasoning without requiring a probabilistic knowledge questions. This means that hypotheses have already been
base. identified, and it is also known that exactly one of the
Another major area of difference between CDSS im- hypotheses is the correct answer. Although they have
plementations is the extent of their integration to the made the early development of scenario-based ques-
health information system and workflow used by the tion answering more straightforward, the overall Wat-
physicians. Studies have shown that CDSS are most sonPaths architecture does not rely on these constraints.
effective when they are integrated within the workflow For instance, we can easily remove the confidence re-
(Kawamoto et al., 2005; Roshanov et al., 2013). Many estimation phase for the closed-form inference systems
of the guideline-based CDSS implementations are inte- and the exactly one constraint from the belief engine.
grated with the health information system and workflow, Also, it will be straightforward to add a simple hypoth-
having access to the data being entered and providing esis identification step to the main loop. One way to
timely decision support in the form of alerts. But this do this is to find nodes whose type corresponds to the
integration is limited to the structured data contained in type being asked about in the punchline question. We al-
a patients electronic medical record. When a CDSS re- ready find such correspondances in the base Watson sys-
quires information like findings, assessments, or plans in tem (Chu-Carroll et al., 2012). In the collaborative ap-
clinical notes written by a healthcare provider, existing plication, we are exploring ways of having the user help
systems are unable to extract them. As a result, search- identify hypotheses.
based CDSS remain a separate consultative tool. The We also plan to extend WatsonPaths beyond the med-
scenario analysis capability of WatsonPaths provides the ical domain. For medical applications, it might have
means to analyze these unstructured clinical notes and been easier to design Watson with certain medical as-
serves as a means for integration into the health informa- pects hardcoded into the flow of execution. Instead we
tion system. designed the overall flow as well as each component to
A major point of differentiation between the CDSS be general across domains. Note that the Emerald could
implementations described above and the design of Wat- be replaced by a structure from a different domain, and
sonPaths is its ability to serve as a collaborative problem the basic semantics we have explored: matching, indica-
solving tool as described in Section 9. When teamed with tive and causal, have no requirement that the graph struc-
a student, the role of WatsonPaths approaches that of in- ture come from medicine. Even the causal aspect of the
telligent tutoring systems (Woolf, 2009). Key differences belief engine could apply to any domain that involves di-
exist, however, in the representation of domain knowl- agnostic inference (e.g., automotive repair). Most impor-
edge and student knowledge. Most tutoring systems have tantly, the way that subquestions are answered is com-
a structured representation of the domain knowledge, pletely general. By asking the right subquestions and us-
carrying with it the same knowledge update and mainte- ing the right corpus, we can apply WatsonPaths to any
nance issues faced by CDSS implementations. Watson- scenario-based question answering problem. We hope to
Paths lacks a student model (or in general a model of the develop a toolbox of expansion strategies, relation gen-
collaborator), which is a key capability of intelligent tu- erators, and inference mechanisms that can be reused as
toring systems. As a result, it cannot guide or customize we apply WatsonPaths to new domains.
the tutoring according to student needs, relying instead The most important area for further work is on the col-
on an instructors choice of the problem scenario to be laborative user application. In the early development of
used. the system, it was necessary to focus on automatic per-
formance (as presented in Section 10) to create a viable
12 Conclusions and Further Work scenario-based question answering system. As this per-
WatsonPaths is a system for scenario-based question an- formance improves, we are focusing more on how Wat-
swering that has a graphical model at its core. It includes sonPaths can interact better with users. We plan to de-
a collaborative decision support tool that allows users to velop and more rigorously evaluate how WatsonPaths
understand and contribute to the reasoning process. We learns from users and how users learn from WatsonPaths.
have developed WatsonPaths on a set of multiple choice In a fully automatic system, the user receives an an-
questions from the medical domain. On this test set, swer using little or no time or cognitive effort. In a col-
WatsonPaths shows a significant improvement over Wat- laborative system, the user spends some time and effort,
son. Although the test preparation question set has been and potentially gets a better answer. We suspect that, in
many applications of scenario-based question answering, David Ferrucci, Eric Brown, Jennifer Chu-Carroll, James
this will be an attractive tradeoff for the user, because of Fan, David Gondek, Aditya A. Kalyanpur, Adam
the complexity of the scenario and the importance of the Lally, J. William Murdock, Eric Nyberg, John Prager,
answer. Our objective is to minimize the time and effort Nico Schlaefer, and Chris Welty. 2010. Building Wat-
required of users and maximize the benefit they receive. son: An overview of the DeepQA project. AI Maga-
zine, 31:5979.
The combination of the user and WatsonPaths should be
able to handle more difficult problems more quickly than David Ferrucci, Anthony Levas, Sugato Bagchi, David
either could alone. Gondek, and Erik T. Mueller. 2013. Watson: Beyond
Jeopardy! Artificial Intelligence, 199200:93105.

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