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Stanhope: Public Health Nursing, 9th Edition

Resource Tools

Resource Tool 21A: Factors Influencing the Success of Collaboration

Category of Factor Factors Having a Positive Effect

Factors related to the environment History of collaboration or cooperation in the
Collaborative group seen as a leader in the
Favorable political and social climate
Factors related to membership Mutual respect, understanding, and trust
characteristics Appropriate cross section of members
Collaboration seen as being in members self-
Ability to compromise
Factors related to process and structure Members share a stake in both processes and
Multiple layers of decision making
Development of clear roles and policy
Factors related to communication Open and frequent communication
Established informal and formal
communication links
Factors related to purpose Concrete, attainable goals and objectives
Shared vision
Unique purpose
Factors related to resources Sufficient funds

Copyright 2016 by Elsevier Inc.

Resource Tools 21A-2

Skilled convener
From Mattessich P, Monsey B: Collaboration: What Makes it Work, ed 4. St. Paul, Minn, 2001,
Amherst H. Wilder Foundation.

Copyright 2016 by Elsevier Inc.

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